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Fat Titties Edition

>Past Thread


>Upcoming Shows

6.16-7.5 - New Japan Soul
7.13 - Fantastica Mania Lucha Libre USA
7.20-8.18 - G1 Climax 34
8.31 - Capital Collision
11.17 - Historic X-Over II
1.4.25 - Wrestle Kingdom 19


! New Japan Pro-Wrestling does not feature a weekly TV show like WWE, AEW, and TNA, instead relying on the streaming service of NJPW World for their shows.
! NJPW's major shows all feature a clear schedule, and feature in the same buildings—Wrestle Kingdom occurs on January 4th at the Tokyo Dome, Sakura Genesis generally occurs in early April at the Ryōgoku Kokugikan, Wrestling Dontaku is mainly around May 1st - 4th at the Fukuoka Kokusai Center, etc.
! NJPW Strong is the brand name for New Japan's American events. They carry their own belts, but the main NJPW belts can be defended in these shows as well.

>NJPW World Links

In-Browser: https://watch.njpwworld.com/
App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/njpw-world/id6451441843
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tvasahi.njpwworld
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cant believe mina shirakawa got the loudest pop when compared to naito / ishii / tanahashi
Huge tits are a draw brother, as this thread will demonstrate
He can't compete with Togo in the titty department
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The FAQ should note that House of Torture is the best faction
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>have the best name
>have the best theme songs
>have the best merch
>create the most buzz
>get the most heat
>fuck the baddest bitches
It's true, I'm afraid
You forgot
>have the worst matches in a workrate promotion which gives them a comedy jobber ceiling
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Seethe, tranny
yeah bro if you don't like HoT you're definitely an AEW fan
haha good one, you got me
>Okada pinning Tanahashi in a 6 man with comedy tag teams
It truly is a filler arc this year
And AEW fans are saying it's the BEST FORBIDDEN DOOR EVER WOWIE

The card fucking sucks aside from Shingo vs. Danielson
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Ignore the antis & schizos
FD season is always hype
They really put Tana in a tag match against Okada lol. At least they are adding NJPW talent to the show i guess!
It is a good metaphor for the type of content american audiences want in their pro wrestling. Sloppa only.
wtf why are them thangs lookin so juicy??
tony doesn't even know that ELP's been a face for a year
shota umino fucking sucks
Tony has never watched New Japan in his life. He just saw Kenny twitter gifs in 2017.

>Shota Umino got his ass beat by Gabe Kidd in the steamy summer of '24
Wait, bros… if at minimum, Shota did fuck Gabe’s bitch… does that mean that Shota’s into queens as well?
>New Japan
>Workrate promotion
BAKA my head at this newb, New Japan’s a fujo promotion
You don't get to be on top in NJPW unless you can go in the ring. Your performance between the ropes matters a lot.
You don't like ZSJ vs pockets?
None of the musketeers on the FD card is weird. But I guess them not being on Tony's radar is a good thing because they might not get poached too soon.
I was listening to the VoW flagship podcast (I enjoy their copes about AEW) and they were saying how Gabe Kidd is trash and Wardogs were the worst faction in wrestling. AEW diehards really bemuse me
I feel like Shota would’ve been guaranteed a spot at Forbidden Door had Rocky not fucked him up, but it is odd that Tsuji isn’t there—maybe he declined the offer?
Could see him maybe being X against Cobb if Tony doesn't mark book him against Miro/Wardlow/Keithly
Cobb is Jericho/Bill's 3rd man against Joe/Shibata/Hook
Vow has always had a irrational hatred of Bullet club. It is beyond me.
3 days (and a bit) until we are free
Nah, it's Jericho vs Suzuki as per Trannymite
>a workrate promotion
Name a single NJPW top guy in the past 15 years that wasn't also top worker
Did you watch the segment?
Shota Umino
No I have my balls intact I just went to read the results of KOR vs ZSJ on f4w and saw that reported.

Renowned NJPW top guy and definitely over with the fujos guy Manabu nakanishi
sure thing buddy
Suzuki pretaped promo played where he said "I'm not going to team with you also I want a singles match against Jericho for the FTW title"
Captain New Japan/Bone Soldier.
EVIL who's a "comedy jobber" according to you got 2 IWGP title shots in the last year, so him.
>top worker
Thought that was Dragon Gate.
You niggers are being so pedantic.

I didn't mean it was solely a workrate promotion but you're also an idiot if you're going to say in-ring wrestling doesn't strongly figure into who gets a main event push in NJPW. Tanahashi, Nakamura, Okada, Ibushi, Omega, Jay White, Naito, AJ Styles.
It's not a coincidence that they're all great workers.
I al...-also hype brrrr............
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Teejbros how we feelin'?
what does tokyo joshi pro wrestling has to do with this match
I agree with you but HoT is gigabased regardless
I still (foolishly) believe that Taichi is getting the ultimate underdog and making it through both groups
>great workers
Kanemaru still feels weird. I am pretty sure he requested the switch because he likes working as a heel, but he's just so naturally likable. Narita also feels a little weird, but I'll be real, I haven't watched much NJPW since Mox took the title, so I only saw the first like four or five months of this run. I don't know if it's gotten any better.
The rest are giga based. SHO is my favorite guy in the entire promotion.
I got bad news, fellow Taichi bro. Hey, remember like three years ago when it felt conceivable he would pin Okada in his (Taichi's) hometown? The good times.
How the fuck is New Japan making so much money right now? Are they charging more for tickets like everyone else? It makes no sense.
TJP will be down and be forced do commentary with Chris Charlton on the July 5 show
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Yellow - NJPW
Red - Trading Cards (thank you ace for drawing the house)
Pink - Video Games (KWAB)
Blue - Live concerts, stage shows etc.
Green - Bushiroad Merch
Orange - Advertising
>Are they charging more for tickets like everyone else?
Ticket prizes are luxurious right now
Taichi absolutely deserves to atleast be a credible challenger for the hebby q. The guy gets wins over Will and Shingo but is stuck in limbo.
Was Cobb defending the TV title at Tranny Door ever announced or did he just go into business for himself?
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fuck rocky
What am I looking at here
BUSHI's yummy feet
If you want a picture of a revitalized New Japan Pro Wrestling, imagine BUSHI's foot stamping on Rocky's face – for ever.
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[Sad News] /our guy/ Tsuji must walk through the tranny door
Lucha Libre match, so aceptable

He betrayed us. There is no hope left for New Jacuck Pro Wrestling.
lmao what the fuck is tony cooking
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Let's see how our 5ch BROTHERS are doing
Tranny Door
He’s cooking up a contract for Tsuji
Narita desperately needed something other than “I’m Shibata” but I don’t know if going to HOT and hitting people with a bird feeder was the way to go. And I like HOT.
Would you like to see Dijak in NJPW, bros?
He wasn't gonna be able to do anything better than that
Everyone else mogged him
At least he has a home with mediocrity now
I'll be honest. I don't know anything about him.
He any good?
It's pretty embarrassing that Gabe isn't booked for Forbidden Door, after all the "notice me senpi Tonikan" stuff he's been doing on Twitter
He might be cringe as fuck in social media, same level as MJF, but he’s tall, has a good gimmick, and is a competent wrestler. He would be a welcome addition to NJPW, but it’s more likely he just goes the Matt Cardona route of touring the Indies.
Best way to describe Dijak is that he is an insecure 5'6" indie shitter trapped in the body of a mega star. The guy has every tool possible to be main event in any promotion in the world, but trips over himself by working like a PWG shitter and embarrassing himself on social media.

He failed on the WWE main roster through a combination of Vince booking and his preferred style of working. When he got sent down to NXT, Shawn put the shackles on him. NXT Dijak's character spoke little, so when he did speak it was menacing and meaningful. NXT Dijak's work was stiff and power based so that when he did spots like a moonsault off of the top of a cage it was impressive and dangerous.

Dijak's biggest enemy is himself. If someone can rein in his worst habits they will have a mint stamping endless dimes. I don't know how that would work in NJPW to be honest. One the one hand the language barrier will prevent him from exposing his character so he can maintain that aura of tough as nails hardass. On the other hand he probably still sees NJPW as the work rate promotion which would lead him to indulging in his worst habits in ring, and cause all his matches to be very samey as he tries to get all his shit in at the expense of match structure, pacing, and in-ring storytelling.

I really hope that he learned 'less is more,' from his most recent run in NXT, it is the most over he has been in his entire life. With his age and potential I would like to see one memorable run that isn't in a wrestling school.
But, she has been on the show more then the others and as a storyline goin*. simple as
Tsujischizo must be on suicide watch lmfao
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>Hiromu misses out on teaming with Sting the first year due to illness
>gets relegated to the pre-show for the next two years
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he is marking out>>15059890
Shorty after this photo was taken, Tanahashi was removed from the premises for trying to take down the funeral portrait
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>CMLL passive agressive tweet
Love those niggas
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>How come Tony don't want me man?
Tsuji getting an easy check for a nothing match I ain't gonna hate.
Tall guy trying to be a skinny flippy shitter is NOT over with me. Pass.
That's a good question, I'd have thought Tonikan would be all over Despe, like a tramp on chips
Their stock is up 24% from last month as well
Despy vs Darby for the Junior Heavyweight Title would've been a good match. Shame that lil nigga keeps getting hurt every time he leaves his house
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Tranny Door isn't gonna last much longer
In a couple of years we'll be free
kek what a rapist chud geek
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I liked him enough in ROH that I wouldn't mind seeing what he could do in NJPW. (Reminder that he challenged for the IWGP Intercontinental Championship before.) I always wished they had given him the ROH TV title when he challenged Bobby Fish for it on that PPV in late 2016. It seemed like the right time to give him a run with the title. He had won ROH's Top Prospect Tournament in 2015, but they most they did ultimately ever did with him was make him Jay Lethal's heavy.

Speaking of, does anyone else miss ROH (real ROH, not zombie ROH)? I was actually an ROH fan first and then got into NJPW through their partnership. It was cool actually having an American workrate promotion. They were much better partners for NJPW than Impact, AEW, or whatever considering they actually had a similar style.
This is the dance before he does before he tries to blackmail you.
Good morning sir
Rumor is that Shota either tried to blackmail some chick or get with Gabe's girl. Reality is that Gabe and Shota probably got into a backstage fight for some unknown reason.
And that's assuming that Haste, Charlton, or whoever is the Super J Casts source isn't just working them to get heat on a future Kidd Umino match.
Shota tried to rape Gabe's girl but Gabe shoot heemed him
>even fucking Tsuji is going to join the child rape
I'm fucking done with New Japan. I'll give NOAH a shot at least they don't promote pedophilia
I hope the heat between them is legitimate. It makes the situation more exciting.
>needing to bump the thread
It's over, the trannies killed this company. We should just move on, it's clear they value child molesters and trannies over actual fans
>Speaking of, does anyone else miss ROH
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Wait, what the fuck? This story keeps evolving every time I hear of it. Since when is Gabe involved?
Massive keks to be had with these Super J Cast trannies, they just deleted any reference to this story in their secret "deli" discord channel. They were REALLY mad that it got to Reddit too.
Are they going to clarify the story or are the rumors just gonna continue to run wild with this escalating game of telephone?
Get out
Haste is our guy. He'll tell us.
[Good News] https://x.com/gabekidd0115/status/1806389992878752148
They're no selling it. They just deleted it from their 'deli' channel (the one where they post the news, though in the related discussion channel they're still discussing it.

Looks like they're pretending they didn't start this rumor for now.

I don't get it but all the pretend lucha fans thinking this is AAA and CMLL working together is hilarious
Loyal naito
How does anyone listen to them? Beyond the terrible takes the one guy on the show has the most nails on a chalk board voice I’ve ever heard.
Is this true?
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Kek Naito sounds excited
I hope he wrestles in a t-shirt again and rolls up Moxley in 15 minutes (
I guess they want to be able to spread this shit now without being pointed to as the ones spreading it.
*15 seconds
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My two favorite wrestlers in the world taking a picture together :)
care to extrapolate?
So how are we coping with the WWE Ryogoku sellout?
kek based
NJPW is definitely still more popular than WWE judging by the Abema numbers, so it's just novelty
Not cope, don't say I'm coping
Not that anon, but they are deliberately not naming the Luchabros.
Also dot dot dot
It's great. New Japan needs to know us fans are not going to support this chomo partnership
They've selled out in Japan during Nooj's prime years as well. It's a nothing thing.
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sad to say but true. i even wonder where are "aew fans that supposed to know who's who". those fans even chanted naito's name when he appeared during sting darby promo. additionally LIJ with Tsuji is in zero hour just sad man.
not really but maybe im at denial stage right now. i want to fucking slap tony in his fucking spermless balls.
nah doubt it. dynamite showed him removing his gear and LIJ bros respect the IGWP or any other belt too.
wouldn't that make Shota heel then? correct me if im wrong but kidd is more over so that makes sense if they gonna flip them.
How does Naito cope with being proud to be a NJPW wrestler while frequently continuing to disrespect the belts he wins?
I guess Shota is suppose to be a face, but he blindsided his mentor Jeong before his title match like a heel. I think Gabe would get mega over if they turn him face.
There's the danger of turning him face too soon and running out of steam. Him being so volatile is a big part of his appeal but he still hasn't won much of anything and it's barely been a year since his BC heel turn.
do you want to see a match between starlight kid and el desperado?
No. I don't want intergender wrestling at all. I don't want DDT style nonsense. Hence why I skipped despy's bullshit. But we are gonna get it regardless and I'll just pretend it doesn't exist because it won't be treated as canon anyway.
Do you guys think that Stardom is slowly going to be transitioned into New Japan's Divas division?
I was disappointed that that's how Desperado chose to book his show. Since he's a psychology guy who doesn't rely on move-spam and flips, I thought he was going to book a proper show. I'm ultimately just a smart mark, but it's interesting how many wrestlers are really good when they're made to wrestle a certain way, but happily do gay comedy shit when given the choice.

Desperado opened his show encouraging all the fans who only watch NJPW to watch other promotions too. Shoving his face in Danshoku Dino's ass doesn't seem like a great way to convince people of that.
I don't think I'd say they're being "made" to wrestle a certain way. There's just a time and a place for psychological wrestling and a time and a place to stop taking yourself seriously and be a total fucking retard. Self-produced shows are usually just about having fun
Dino has massive go away heat with me
Whatever happened to Old Japan? Is that still around?
He stopped doing the toss the belt around bit years ago.
It's called Noah
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and now okada is the young bucks sidekick lmaooo
Despy's show actually made me want to check out other Japanese promotions much less. keep that gay shit in DDT
I agree mostly but it's a shame because DDT has some top talent

Higuchi should be a forever NEVER champ in NJPW and rotate into the top of the card
We should trade Desperado to DDT for Higuchi
hey retard, you don't need to spam this every thread. you've run the joke into the ground
He threw the belt in the air after his title defense against Tsuji.
Zhang Mock Xi Li
Rampage is on bros
>In just one day, Dijak outed himself as a snitch and a loser
Seeing as Tony hates snitches, he probably just barred himself a paycheck from AEW. Would getting Dijak be worth it even if it meant more leaks from Super J Cast?
He probably would have been cockblocked by Kenny anyways. Kenny hates the guy and was the one that coined the "Donovan Dickhead," nickname.
>ans who only watch NJPW to watch other promotions too. Shoving his face in Danshoku Dino's ass doesn't seem like a great way to convince people of that.
He's always been shiindy brained no matter how good he is. But I have no clue why you thought he was gonna have a normal-ish show when he went out in front of the people to give Dieno his invitation
>Super J Cast
Can you stop pushing your gay podcast already, Tsujischizo?

Ain't nobody listen to that shit but you
Get laid, podcast nigga
You got the wrong guy—I mentioned them since they were the ones that learned early that Okada was leaving NJPW
Is Ziggler still international champ? I legit forgot
No finlay won it back
It's because Tsuji said in the buildup that Naito's first title win and belt toss made him wanna be a wrestler
oh yeah, him and Riddle happened.
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>AEW title main event
>shitty womeme match for a NJPW Strong Title semi-main event (lol)
>the actual top NJPW title, the IWGP World Title, is on the third tier main event of the show
This seems so fucking disrespectful
Vaquer should main event
Swerve and Monkeh are winning so they get to go above Moxshit losing, sweetie
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i thought those japs were just making shit up but holy fuck lmfao
i thought tony was a big wrestling fan? why didn't he know this?
Tony is a poser just like his fans
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pic related and this was UG today

kek what a politician
>*Gets disrespected*
>*Turns the other cheek*
My respect for this "boss" has plummeted desu senpai
Its a non-canon show, who cares
How did Naito canonically get the belt back, then?
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This is the match.
He found it in a subway trash can
Why does he make that strained face, it's one thing if you want to look fiery or like a delinquent or something but he genuinely looks like he's constipated or in slight pain
Also I've always found that shot of Finlay with his lips all pouty weird
why is elp teaming up with jack perry? is tony really unaware that he turned face?
Tony doesn't even understand wha t junior heavyweight is
I’m assuming that it’s an Ultimo Guerrero situation where Tony liked ELP as a BTE Young Bucks reddit humor heel so he just is in AEW. Also he’s an idiot.
Say Naito does win tomorrow, what the hell was the point of Moxley's title reign?
For some reason they think that collabing with AEW will make the redditors that still love “Murder Grandpa” stick around.
To sell 3000 tickets to resurgence I guess? Windy City would have sold what it did with Naito as champ so obviously that doesn't count.
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rate Naito's lunch
If that is a Hotshot Italiano on Italian herbs & cheese, toasted, 2x provolone, gabagool, 2x meats, onions, banana peppers, MVP parm vinaigrette, with black pepper and parmesan cheese it's a 9/10. Loses a point for diet coke instead of White Monster.

Anything else is 1-3/10
In theory there's merit to it but all kinds of things could have gone wrong, especially since it's dealing with AEW and requiring some good faith. If Mox ~actually~ just committed to a short run, whether heel or face, it really could have been a great way to elevate younger guys with a credible champion and get some eyes on the product without an aging Naito having to do everything.

Unfortunately the entire thing is completely fucking muddled with Mox being played completely straight as a face with even a backing from the dads against HoT despite this entire AEW saga with every fucking NJPW guy from gaijin to Japanese airing their grievances as Mox continuously doesn't appear, brings the belt on AEW shows and doesn't enter the G1.

I can understand if plans were being made last year and things seemingly lined up and then oopsy daisy AEW changed the game plan.
Naito's knees probably did benefit from having a short break thanks to Moxley.
Naito’s love of Subway always pops me.
Imagine popping into a Subway and Naito is just sitting there taking pictures of his food and Carp merch
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>the point of the reign was to make redditors stick around
>2 title defenses against house of torture
nah i don't think so
This guy says you killed yourself >>15080697
Nigger what the FUCK are you talking about
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Let's see how our 5ch BROTHERS are doing
Tranny Door
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>Drag out Toni-kan and give him a vasectomy.
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>most of them are super hyped about Lucha Bros teaming with Mistico
>like one or two seething hateposts about Tony
It's like the bizarro world version of this thread

Here, it's nothing but seething hateposts and like one or two hype posts.
>Tsuji seems to be a favorite of Tonican.
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holy based
They're all worried about Bakan poaching more people too, thoughbeit
It's just most of them are not as aggressive about it desu senpai
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That's a lady.
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what the fuck are those teams
War Dog bros...
She's cute
I hate GayEW so much
That one conversation in the image has a point—Takagi probably won’t get a whiff of the IWGP any time soon, and there’s money to be made in AEW. Maybe NJPW is already preparing in the scenario that he leaves; he already lost the NEVER to HENARE.
Ishii/O'Reilly is a based team.
which fat spic WON subscriber are you?
oriley cant work a match
Today dozens of children are going to be molested by Bakan and NJPW is going to support them.
>is tony really unaware that he turned face?
Not only that but Tony is completely unaware that House of Torture tried to break ELP's former tag team partner and close friends knee WHILE JACK PERRY WAS THERE.
>Moxley doesn't tour Japan with the belt
>Naito has to still show up to lots of Japan shows for multimans as a result
You're a fucking liar. Naito got SOME time off because of BoSJ, that would have been the case even if he held the belt. Moxley is an absentee champion, having "title eliminator" matches on Dynamite isn't being present in NJPW.
these fat spic WON subscribers have been pushing a narrative that Naito has been swadusted since 2018, despite the fact that he's been one of the best in the world every year since then
>he's never seen pre-NXT reDRagon
They were last decade's best tag team.
>enter thread
>scroll to bottom
>deranged seething about AEW and TK
every single time
you people are obsessed
if you care about tag team wrestling you have a micropenis
This is tonikan's room
you may be a retarded fat fuck but you're absolutely right here

kys tranny
There's no preparation kek
Takagi is just an anti-draw
Then it’s not like it’ll be a problem if he leaves like Okada and Ospreay, right?
for who?
me or njpw?
Absolutely. It’s so fucking annoying. All I ever see from him are good matches but they would make you think he’s a shambling corpse that’s gonna retire any day now.
>Forbidden Door 3 sucks and even the AEWtists are calling it underwhelming
>They've started blaming NJPW to protect AEW and Tony
>Tony will notice this because he books via Twitter posts
>There will not be a Forbidden Door 4
The partnership is near the end lads, I can feel it
I dont watch joshi, someone tell me who she looks like
Khan does have like half their titles and signs any of their workers that's willing to be flown to the US every 3 weeks. Not really obsession, they probably just wish he'd leave them alone.
I can feel it too, bro
The tranny door will close forever
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Red Shoes Unno's wife's son is a shoot faggot and utterly dimeless.
we don't imply that here
>Naito beating AEW's Ace
>Moné winning a NJPW belt (so NJPW shows in America will have a draw on them)
>The Bucks and Okada laying down for Old Man Tana
>OC getting eyes on ZSJ to help him get more popularity
>Shingo gets another banger on his resume
>Tsuji and Hiromu in a dream trios match
Tony is being pretty generous to NJPW this year and you guys are just complaining
nice bait tranny but beating moxley means absolutely nothing
Osgay corrupted him
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>Shingo gets another banger on his resume
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The sad thing is that most of these points were taken from VOW Flagship's preview of Forbidden Door
Hey wait.....
Thought so
This is a partnership at gunpoint. Let Tony play with your toys, and maybe he'll throw you a bone. If not he just pillages and you get nothing in return.
Naito coming out with Subway and making Moxley wait while he finishes his lunch the way he used to take forever to take off his suit
Jon Moxley and Tetsuya Naito for the hebby Q has to go below fucking Mone and Vacquer for women's belts, that really says it all
>yota tsuji will lose to a team that has the lucha brothers on it
Can't wait to laugh at the tsujischizo when it happens

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