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Next shows:
6/30 Miyako (VOD)
>MIRAI & Mai Sakurai vs. Utami Hayashishita & CHIAKI
>Nanae Takahashi & Nao Ishikawa vs. Bozilla & Myla Grace
>Kouki Amarei & Chika Goto vs. Nagisa Nozaki & Zayda Steel
>Miku Aono vs. Victoria Yuzuki
>Natsumi Showzuki vs. Komomo Minami

>7/6 Osaka 176BOX (VOD)
>7/7 Niigata (VOD)
>7/13 "Marigold Summer Destiny 2024", Ryogoku Kokugikan, Tokyo (PPV @ 2:30 PM JST

Watch on Wrestle Universe (¥1,298 per month)


Previous >>15080884
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is the posting 50 times in one hour thing just a droidspic tactic to fill up the thread so he can go to bed
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Is this the body of a pro wrestler, a supposed athlete, or melted ice cream? You decide.
Nice yellow shirt, or green.
That's a pig
Oh boy, I can't wait for the Tsujischizo lolcow reject to spam, samefag, PC/phonepost, doompost, and fish for engagement for the entirety of the thread!
Hogtami, kek
most of the posts will be yours again
Must be a day ending in a y!
You've already started flooding, reject.
Oinktami Hogashishita
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Kek, that's a gem
I dare you to go to an Utami autograph session, call her fat, and then have her leave the session crying.

[Translator's note: buta means pig]
I don't like visiting pig farms
Utami isn't weak-minded, she wouldn't care
Liceman has defected to /Stardom/. Even he knows this company is a sinking ship
Utami got Assman banned for taking a picture of her with no makeup
liceman gets a wee tingle in his cock when he thinks about the halcyon days of the first 3 marigroom generals
Utami won't let people talk to her at all in public. She's sheltered.
He will go where he can get attention
you fellas are making it real hard to crank it to MIRAI and her bosom with all this bickering
not anymore after she has been fucked out
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did they?
What is so morally wrong about laughing at Upiggy Oinkshishita?
Utami seduces another of your favorite joshi players every time you post about her, doesn't matter if it's positive or negative
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I acknowledge my peachy chief
Its that pop singer, Giulia's fan?
factchecked this and it's true
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MIRAI homecoming show was a flop
There are approximately 50 chairs behind Mirai. To fit 676 people they would need to have 14 of those setups around the ring. The math doesn't work.
there wasn't just the chairs
Posting anything relating to pigs on this board should be rewarded with a permanent ban and a hammer to the teeth
venue is wider on other sides
I agree, no more midrai posts
which has to do with the promotion failing already
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found cookie shopping
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we're in trouble now misabros
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smashing in bozilla backdoors
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squeezing bozilla butt pimples
Can I get a recap on the Rossy Ogawa grooming allegations?
gotta love the tribal peach
when is this ugly cunt fucking off?
>only time Rossy gets up is to take pics of MIRAI
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Komomo bikini shoot when?
big baced boobies
the absolute state
670 or whatever it was btw
if kouki was ugly more people would be making fun of how bad of a wrestler she is
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Too pretty, and apparently too smart for wrestling.
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cool to see the most beautiful woman in Marigold hanging out with Nao
Man, get a fucking life.
maybe calico should keep the cat mask
looks like liceman is back from his nap
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I was assured that Utami had not lost weight
People have lives, man.
You should get one some time.
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women weight fluctuate on a constant basis
While you're fat all year round.
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what a female draws
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most of us have followed misa matsui for years
hope she gets those restraining orders through soon
You haven't. You're a bandwagon fraud and newfag who shat on the entire AWG roster, man.
We remember your meltdowns lol.
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take meds
Yeah, schizo. You're the same spaz who shat on Bozilla as well.
Just because you were proven wrong and Misa makes your little cock swell now doesn't change what you did.
matsui misa was my 6th favourite actwres girl back when the promotion wasn't garbage years ago
As someone who quit drinking 19 times this is the classic i haven't drank in a week and pissed out all the carbs weight loss.
i was one of the two posters to say that misa matsui was the best wrestler that rossy poached, then i was one of the few posters who knew that io shirai would come in for a date, and i was also the only poster to say that rea muramori would join the promotion
You started watching in 2022.
When someone asked about "what AWG matches to check out" you laughed, spammed and mocked the poor cunt for asking.
You never suggested any Misa matches.
>then i was one of the few posters who knew that io shirai would come in for a date
And no, you scoffed at the idea of a WWE partnership. Stop lying, you autistic, friendless loser.
what's your BMI
the only people that like misa are people that watched AWG and people who watched that faggot shit are disgusting fat trannies with violent mood swings and ADHD
i have indeed also said that there is no wwe partnership, simply wwe wrestlers being allowed to work indy dates like they have been allowed to for 30 years
I could have sworn this was an anonymous message board
Yeah, again, you give yourself away every time you type, Tsujischizo. No idea why this doesn't sink into your fat skull.
You're no Misa fan, you're a fraud.
i would not listen to the ramblings of a mai sakurai fanboy
Oinktami Hayapigpigga
Hey, I've been a fan of Mai for ages. She's charismatic as fuck. I'm not some shameless bandwagon goof who suddenly gets a hard on and pretends to have always been a fan.
Das u mane.
as i said i will not listen to the ramblings of a mai sakurai fanboy
Words on a screen do not emit sound.
Schizo confirmed.
the /tjpw/ gm said that he will trade batowl for liceman, the webm spammer and the rea muramori spammer
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same faggot
somebody recommended those matches
there was very little of Misa but she stood out with smooth work and squished out boobs, and i loving her more and more since then
Stop simping for your failed gimmicks.
Leave the general, nobody wants you here.
The webm and Rea posters actually contribute to the thread. You do nothing but seethe and fish.
So you're a disgusting fat tranny with violent mood swings and ADHD. OK.
no, i meant that you making all those posts, faggot
very few information about who are this ''we'' and ''us'' that the liceman keeps mentionning
as the webm spammer I invoke my no-trade clause
>and i loving her more and more since then
But I thought you'd been a fan of hers for 6 years?
sorry it was a joke
Stop replying to yourself, schizo.
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your 15 minute break at the store is over tranny, back to work
liceman doesn't know about the classic tae honma vs misa matui awg contender match
Did you just Google it?
Stop pretending to be a fan now. You spent ages shitting on the AWG girls. Misa included.
What do you think Io-San's reaction was when she found out the obese piglet they were going to make her wrestler? I don't believe she's ever gonna return after that
batowl and misa matsui have many fans
io shirai is not wrestling nao ishikawa
>two posts at roughly the same time again
PC/phoneposting. Many such cases!
you are not funny or schizo-cool
As if Iyo Sky isn't equally fat??
Brother, I know you think you are, but you're lame as fuck. There's a reason you're terminally online and have no friends. There's a reason you samefag and astroturf your own comments.
Do you believe you could lift Utami up in a hug?
you think utami could beat liceman in a push ups contest?
Absolutely not, she would shatter my spine with her weight
See how the Tsujischizo desperately farms for engagement.
>defending awg when their shitters have been making marigold shows awful
liking joshi shindies isnt a personality
I highly suspect liceman has never engaged in physical fitness a day in his life so yes
I can't casually lift 300lbs, no
Trained in BJJ for a little while.
I seriously doubt you've ever achieved anything. Period.
Sad, terminally online fat man you are.
She's like 5'5 she can't be that heavy
have you ever seen a mexican american??
you were training for your BJs?
Be sure to check out Forbidden Door tonight if you want to see real Joshi wrestling.
I get that you can't count to 28, but at least learn to read.
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I could do it but I would probably injure myself
I can carry fuck her for 5 minutes.
Then what the hell are you doing on this board, go join the olympic lifting team
I like the players.
Why are you now acting like Utami is fat? Is this the level your doomposting has sank to?
Of course, because I'm not a spaghetti armed weakling
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let him cook
i was watching baseball
That's not fat, you virgin, that's peak woman.
Would love to pinch her love handles and stick my tongue in her belly button.
Holy fucking pukeola
The Tsujischizo has been samefagging and spamming all day because his life is meaningless.
Yeah, if you're working with sows and need a big pig for Christmas she would be perfect
built for side hugging during a chilly night in Sapporo
i wonder how many times utami's 1 fan is going to reply to this post pretending that multiple people want to fuck his ugly waifu.
I wonder how many days of your life you've spent on this board rage posting instead of doing something productive with your short amount of time on this Earth
I would make love with fat Utami.
North of 2 years.
I shit you not.
And thin Utami too.
liceman idea of physical exertion is rubbing up on another man, very illuminating
BJJ is good shit. Met lots of great people doing it.
What have you ever done? Stretching to open the microwave door is the only exercise you get.
if you say so fruitman
Liceman is gonna end up like chrischan with how much about his life he gives away to try and own the "tsujischizo"
>hehe gae jokez
Give Up The Slop And Watch AEW tonight.
Why can't you answer questions, Tsujischizo? Why do you always autistically deflect?
Is it because you're embarrassed that you've achieved nothing?
Spending so much time talking about a woman's body means you are attracted to her
is the liceman moniker because he came from /ddm/ and they had consistent lice problems?
Yeah, you seem to think that everyone on here has a gimmick and nickname because your terminally online brain is rotten.
Never posted in DDM and your shit nickname is as lame as your life.
ok misaschizo go fap to some more sub 40 attendance shows on your hard drive
A nickname I gave you because you suddenly became obsessed with Misa.
Try again.
Ok misaschizo. Go look up a random awg match on cagematch so you can sound smart to the other voices in your head
take a break liceman go roll with some sweaty men or something
Isn't that what you do?
We literally exposed you for doing that
And that's after the /njpw/ guys exposed you too
But here you are still being a schizo
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archive says term "liceman" first time appeared in /marigold/
Misa Matsui vs Strawberry Matsumoto back in 2019 was an underrated sprint
You didn't expose shit, you dangerously autistic pork.
The NJPW guys showed that you're the Tsujischizo and a social reject who's been online for over two years shitting the board up.
Isn't that what you do?
Please do remember that this is a general about discussing pro wrestling, not arguing with your imaginary adversaries, despite what you might think
Considering that you were brutally exposed as the schizo a while back, no.
That was you though. The NJPW guys made sure of it
i created the term liceman but i also believe that he is not from ddm
i know, you acting like you have a hate boner for ddm and koguma pretty often
i have been a koguma fan since her rookie year
Nope. Again, that was you. I don't post in the NJPW general.
nevermind >>15088740, i misread
/ddm/ was less schizo than /marigold/ and by the end it was one guy posting the same images and necrobumping over and over every general
>less schizo
Man, you're the ONE schizo here. The quality of these threads would skyrocket if you fucked off.
It was at least two guys, i have that on good authority. And non of them were schizo.
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And images were new and different.
>copying my shit again
Man, you just can't be original.
you did not invent Family Guy
The Tsujischizo is samefagging again.
That was a joke. A bad one.
if chouki was ugly she wouldn't be pushed
she'd be jobbing like nao
if CHIAKI wasn't scissoring mirai and utami she'd be nao too
nao is the only one who likes dick on the roster and she's being punished for it.
you would know about liking dick
i wish i think i'm asexual
or depressed
neither motivates me
should've bared her teeth
her face is borimg without them
but you still find the power to bitch about it. thank you for your service
both you and tranny op are ironic misa antis who suck off preshowzuki
nah that's abid
it's a tranny op invention
chiaki is actually a good wrestler unlike chouki
nao was literally introduced to the rossy universe as a comedy jobber
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>isn't it too late for you, Preshowzuki?
Rough day for Saya Kamitani itbh
>makes the schizo seethe in your path
We sure do love Misa Matsui here don't we folks!
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Misa finna inaugurate dat Midget Belt ong all my niggas hate natsumid
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Drossy the kinda booker that puts his homecoming Ace in a tag match
I still haven't gotten past the entrances of the first match
the kids there wouldn't be able to appreciate MIRAI vs Miku part IV
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do you have the rest kind sir?
676 lmao does shingles make you see double
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there are more stands on the other side
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In other news, Yamada Naho has left AWG
she's visual so I approve of her joining the Golden Fields
we got another!! she looked too nice to be in Mari's schizo company that doesn't even know what it is anymore
now that's a visual unit
>she's visual
You people will just say anyone is visual kek
I have Yellow Fever, please understand
cute face, good booba, nice hair

yep she's visual
the pathetic nature of virgin marigooners
she's perfectly fine looking and has decent tits. Not sure what your problem is.
the state of this dude's ugliness
there posting a lot of different anons with different opinions and preferences
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Looking very korean
Sareee <3
Will this further the Nao poster angle?
Gochikabros... why didn't we make the poster?
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to the chuckster
this is the one
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At 4PM JST we will have the official press conference for Marigold Summer Destiny 2024!

>I also did a lingerie shoot!
>No way. I never thought that "Nakayama Yasuka would do a lingerie shoot".
>I've never done anything like this for branding purposes.
>I hate my body.
>So I didn't do it.
>But one day,
>someone complimented me on the instep of my foot.
>The shape of my foot.
>I thought, "Wow, what a weird person to compliment something like that." I realized that I'd never looked at the instep of my foot from that perspective, and from then on, I started to pay a little more attention to my body, including the instep of my foot.
>I still don't like everything about it, though.
On all levels but physical, CatMask Calico is a Marigold player.
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kek utami, giulia, nanae, mirai, mai, and yuzuki all fucked up. they could have been apart of this. oh well!
A rebranded day 2 of WK? Yikes
can't wait for Mercedes player to win the World of Stardom title
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It's okay they'll be a part of WrestleMania instead
>14 matches spread across 2 days
>thinking Paul would waste one on a cold Marigold showcase
WWE adjacent Kandori
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I'm glad Forbidden Door was such a great show that you are here on /Marigold/ to seethe about Giulia again. It must suck being you, imagine being such a bum ass bitch who can't help but seethe about WWE, Rossy, and Giulia 24/7. You wake up thinking about them and you go to bed thinking about them. At this point, you might as well end your life, it's over for you. You're a 25-year-old neet who has nothing going for yourself but your weird obsession over Giulia, Rossy, and WWE.
Imagine being this gotten to kek
i sending this poster to 2023's /stardom/
No Tokyo Dome? No beneficial partnership?
Nobody cares about a token match brother
The same guy who leaked the Japan tour back in December also leaked a WWE Tokyo Dome show, Marigold players will be on that
The delusions of /marigold/ posters are unmatched
He was correct about the Japan tour lil sis
Nao made the poster. I hope the helps settle her worried little mind.
Oinktami Hayapigpigga has eaten at least three times today already
this is a bozillians thread
that means she's shit three times already
imagine the smell
kizuna tanaka showing up tonight
Any of y'all watch fishtank?
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Letty would nuclear heat as a heel manager
will there be any poaches announced?
I want a threesome with these two
Three minutes.
It's up
Komomo vs Rea
Komomo half-asleep
She did the pose sovl
mystery player
Gochika/Kouki vs Yuzuki/X
Who's Yuzuki's mystery partner?
Rossy teasing another poach
Yuzuki doing plane pose near twin towers.
CHIAKI/Nagisa vs Myla/Zayda
this is the piss break part of the show
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dimes player
The Actwres girl'Z really are good at the promos, they sound like anime characters
Myla and Zayda are retarded
holy shit these girls are bad on the mic too
Did the potato just say nigga?
why didn't Nagisa show up?
I see the schizo went on a samefagging rampage. Dimeless astroturfed thread died quick, too.
You sad, autistic waste of space.
Natsumi vs Misa for the Super Fly Championship, which we already knew
imagine watching this shit
Mic looks beaten.
Showzuki better not try to seduce me!
almost every match has someone missing from the press conference
why even call it today?
did they really need to zoom in on her feet?
Misa didn't show up either
Matsui Misa didn't show up for work today
i've seen inoue's naked body
Nanae Takahashi, Mai Sakurai and Nao Ishikawa vs Shinobi Kandori, Takako Inoue and NORI
mai sick of those commoners
NORI would be a great addition.
I remember when she was Nori Date in Ice Ribbon.
that was almost funny if she botched it
where was the lie
I'm not going to pretend who NORI is, but she's pretty
Everywhere. Why are you even here, man? Are you this assblasted because Sonny blocked your autistic crybaby ass on Twitter?
bob backlund looking good
>MIRAI Dead-Center
Aonotitle Mikuck
What's a NORI?
the seaweed that goes around sushi
they'll beat them for not cleaning the dojo
Noriega the real Noriega
MIRAI vs Miku in the United National Champion 1st Round (4th round)
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An MMA fighter/pro-wrestler. Solid talent. Very pretty.
NORI is fine as fuck
soulful promo
new thread when
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>(4th round)
after the press conference
promo's good
Bozilla needs a terminator gimmick
promo's good
>One that looks like a parrot, one that looks like an old widow
Bozilla crazy lmao
the fact that 90% of bozilla's promo involves dressing down mirai and the other 10% is "oh miku exists too" is a bad sign for miku's chances to be the champ
bozilla likes to attend host clubs on her spare time.
Miku is seething at the old widow line lmao
you made up that fact
kek what a beautiful boy
utami stop dressing like a guy!!!
but enough about Rossy
why do players use juubun instead of watashi
sareee didn't show up for work today
iyo and sareee carrying this show hard and they're not even here
I'm still laughing at that Bozilla line
i'll watch Maru vs AJ on the same day instead
You should just leave the general.
damn giu spittin fax
make new
her ears are way too big
again, why do the press conference if this many people can't show up for it?
a nigga like me would sniff the chairs
imagine the smell of the room
The majority are there you fucking spazoid. Why do you seethe over the most trivial things?
Sareee wasn't there and she's in the main event. That's kinda dumb. At least IYO has a valid excuse.
1 big name wasn't there so cancel the whole presser.
Seek help, schizo. It's not healthy to do what you do.
sareee and iyo are not signed to marigold
Misa wasn't there and she has a title match
new >>15096421

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