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It’s obvious that there is a discord trying to turn board opinion against Dijak

Sorry trannies, this has always been a Dijak board
I’ve been noticing a trend on blaming discord for the board not liking certain wrestlers.
Don’t like Iyo? Discord
Don’t like Dijak? Gotta be discord.
Very peculiar.
I am going to miss Dijak. He was so entertaining on NXT.
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'fraid so
>trying to turn board opinion against Dijak
I promise you not one person alive has ever felt strongly enough about this guy to be able to have their feelings on him turned one way or the other
Why do zoomers blame everything on Discords and Reddit? Anytime the zoomers on this board see an opinion they don't like they immediately start crying about some conspiracy.
discord agents already out in force I see
it's to discredit the people who legitimately call out the actual groups spamming fetish shit on a wrestling board. if everybody is discord then nobody is discord, you know?
Because it's easier for them to create some imaginary boogieman and protect their echo chamber than it is to actually considering differing opinions and have to reflect on their own thinking
The funniest part about it is you know every single one of them uses Discord and Reddit despite crying about it 24/7. It's a fucking chat program, you get out of it what you want to get out of it.

I don't understand why it lives rent free in so many people's heads.
>this has always been a Dijak board
The love he got on the NXT gamethreads was ironic. The hard justice gimmick was funny cause of the gay undertones.
>NXT thread full of NXT fans are a fan of a guy on NXT
>This somehow means the entire board likes him
Are people this retarded? Surely I'd never go into an AEW gamethread and assume the overwhelming consensus of this board has changed just because there are people who enjoy AEW in there
You sound beyond insane and worked.

It's insane to me how seriously some of you take this board. It's a fucking 4chan board, how about have some fun and stop pearl clutching?
Will Dijak, Manny, Dio, and Von Wagner CONTROL THEIR NARRATIVE?
nice failed get!
What the fuck are you talking about?
you are a fag
Don't care, still gonna post Nash threads LOL
wait a second, you don't know about the most popular /aspw/ meme ever? what about the waves, mainstream acceptance, and board wide coverage it had?
I'm convinced out of the 10 people who still post here, only 3 or 4 of them posted on /asp/.
Nigga was stooging, I'm sorry but he dig his own grave.
well, you and your three faggot friends ruin the board
Dijak has been a lolcow for years
Whipping a tree to piss off a native in nxt was based but lets not forget this guy is the tbar stands for tranny and black lives matter guy
Aspies aren't the problem. (You) are.
quads of truth. he was good in nxt because he was being tard wrangled
Any "chat program" or website that openly allows hardcore pornography, but not "hate speech"/images, will necessarily devolve into a leftist pedophile shithole, and that's exactly what Discord is known for. If you ban both, fair game. If you ban porn but not "hate speech", you have Gab. If you ban neither, you have 4chan.

That Anon isn't wrong though, it's a concerted strategy that happens. Rovert does it by calling everyone "bitchtits" even when it's clearly 3-4-5 different people roasting him all at the same time, with completely different posting styles, images/no images, wording, post structure, everything completely different. There's also the people who spam racial slurs, pedophile/rape comments, etc into threads to poison the well and to toxify threads they want to die quicker.

None of this is insane or a conspiracy theory or pearl clutching - these are real behaviors that unhinged people to do try to gatekeep their favorite wrestling discussion forum and to punish those with differing opinions to the extent they are able.
You're on 4chan, if you take this board seriously or expect actual discussion you're in the wrong place. It certainly takes place but 4chan has always been a place to shitpost. There are tons of websites where you can have super serious discussions about wrestling and you'd probably be better off hanging out there if that's what you want.

Coming into 4chan and expecting it to be anything other than a mixture of schizophrenia and comedy is just setting yourself up for failure.
It's schizos who literally post here every single day, they have no life beyond trying to control the board
like this guy
Please brush your teeth
That t-bone guy from retribution? lmao
I don't care what you post, do your thing. Just don't get mad at me when I call you a fucking faggot, rip apart your argument, then dare you to do something about it.
I participated in /b/ raids before you were even alive zoomie
Sure you did, friend. Sure you did.
Literally don't know who Dijak is. Don't know why people talk about him. I'm convinced talking about him is some sort of meme. No one can name a Dijak match. No one can name a Dijak feud. No one knows who he is. There is no way anyone knows who he is. This has to be some joke.
I've been online for decades dude, I know the difference between shitposting and being a fucking dickhead who does nothing but seethe and derail threads.

"shitposting" doesn't happen 75 posts deep into a thread like this, where people are putting in a modicum of effort and typing complete sentences.

>This is basically the worst title run of all time right? swerve.jpg
>Whats so great about him? brianlast.png

Shitposts, rage bait, enjoy yourself. But don't go into a thread that specifically asks "What would you do to fix AEW?" and act like a prick faggot telling everyone to get their GED and your other low-effort trash just because you're mad AEW is getting dunked on.

Turnabout is fair play.........too many so-called shitposters have no concept of what this means. Zero sense of humor, zero impulse control, it's all about going unglued turbofaggot on anyone who offends them. I don't have that problem.
Glad you agree, always appreciate when someone can admit they're wrong.
Get your GED.
You talk like a fag, and you clearly haven't been here for more than 6 months.
If you turn your monitor on it will stop showing your reflection, I think that's where you're getting confused.
watch Frye/Takayama
>This is what he thinks a deep pull is
You have to go back. You don't belong here.
no u
you know those posts aren't about nash posting you disingenuous faggot
you have no clue what you are talking about tourist
You seem upset
It's all well and good to want to talk about something but the other posters have to want to discuss it too. This is impossible here at certain times of the day or days of the week, honestly the game threads are the only place to get good focused discussion that wont be derailed by bored highschool kids on summer vacation or unemployed mentally ill third worlders
The biggest problem with this board is that people make their own threads instead of posting in existing ones so good topics get pushed off the board before everyone can see them while shitposting spam is constantly churned out 24/7 whether anyone else participates or not. When you compare how many threads are made here to how many posts get made the ratio is way off compared to other boards. Very few threads hit the bump limit that aren't associated with some kind of event
Dijak is still a fag who thinks lots of flips equals good wrestling and who posts gay obese smark pandering shit on twitter and I have zero expectations for him outside of NXT where he had HBK holding his hand and leading him to dimes. Also 100% he's a rat who talks to dirt sheet writers
enough about you
Nah that's me
/pw/ attracts a certain kind of autistic loser that would be better off on any other wrestling forum but idk bro they must love the coomer threads or something
like genuinely why does the weekend webm dude do it other than pure unfiltered autism
>>15065048 <---

Do you even enjoy your time coming on here? It can't be good for your ego to know you have absolutely zero effect on anyone with an IQ over 95. Too low-effort, zero originality, too much of a coward and a bitch, you run from every argument about wrestling and just insult people instead. Why even show up, what's the point?
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I've never liked Wojak and I never will.
I'd rather have sex with people who shant be named
>Also 100% he's a rat who talks to dirt sheet writers
SRS of all people...
Peedub didn't have any real problem with Dijak until he exposed himself as a completely retarded whining mark bitch with an indie shitter mindset. Now he isn't welcome here I'm afraid.
You seem upset, try to relax. You're never going to get your GED with that kind of attitude.
Great points in here, too many posters mark each thread as Pro-Side or Anti-Side, depending on which side of the console war they are on. Any thread they mark as Anti-Side, they make it as toxic as possible, insult everyone, post about BBC and pedophiles and rape fantasies, anything to make people go away. They'll only put in effort on 1) their own threads, or 2) threads they've pegged as Pro-Side, they'll happily go check out URLs, watch videos, cite their sources, all of the above.

It's the being disingenuous part that gets to me. We're all Anonymous, if you accidentally start an argument, just leave. If you're getting roasted, just leave. Don't stick around just to fuck it up for everyone else because you're so butthurt.

Some people like a challenge. I've seen some monster-sized dudes at the cheapest gyms with the worst equipment, but that's where they're comfortable. Commercial gyms don't have the right stank, nobody other than landwhales are sweating, everyone is constantly preening and strutting around instead of getting work done

"Get in where you fit in" is the saying, but nobody fits in on 4chan, that's the whole appeal.
Guys should I keep making close to a million dollars at my job I've been with for almost a decade or should I roll the dice and leak gossip to gossip columnists online and possibly get fired instead?
>Sorry trannies, this has always been a Dijak board
wasnt his old name literally a reference to trans rights
Yeap Tbag.
>T = Trans
>B = Bi
>A = Alernative Anal
>G = Gay
Discard can be just a chat program, and does have a lot more wiggle room than reddit, but both have communities that foster all the bullshit that comes with having a community that's not anonymous. It's why being "reddit" is considered an insult. The problem isn't if you quite literally use it, it has to do with the culture and attitudes there. And it's pretty obvious sometimes when someone's a crossposter.
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>Sorry trannies, this has always been a Dijak board
This just isn't true.
The consensus on /NXT/ was that he was a generally good talent with a high ceiling who got in his own way for being an indie shitter at heart. That's the group on /pw/ who liked him the most, with the rest of /pw/ not giving a shit or maybe knowing him from the T-Bar days. It's not like he was a main start in WWE or AEW with several headlines written about him each month. If there's been any astorturfing at all, it's likely been in his defense, considering how Manny was referencing shit on stream that had been posted on /pw/ earlier that day. And that's going to inspire a reaction, as it always does. You see a bunch of threads putting him over, well then you're gonna get threads burying him. The truth is that no one outside of NXTitans really gave a shit until he got released, and even they probably wouldn't be too surprised.
he acts like a fag online but he’s a great wrestler. the only person here pushing hate are people who never saw his work in NXT or that dirtsheet schizo who thinks leaking to SRS or Meltzer is a fireable offense like Gaytch didn’t personally call SRS and grovel like a bitch after shitting on Fightful
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>the only person here pushing hate are people who never saw his work in NXT
Nah, I saw him on NXT, and would even consider myself a mark, but everything he's said in just the past few days have really soured me on him. Ultimately, I do actually still like him and hope he gets a clue, but he's demonstrated that he really doesn't get it.
fucking botch
meant for >>15091183
yeah like I said he’s a fag but he has good matches and segments so whatever. the people freaking out about him talking to sheets must be zoomers because everyone has done that for decades
>has a match
>vince gives advice on how to make it better
>fucking spazzes out, shuts down and decides he's done
Vince was right
Why wouldn't you take notes from the fucking boss?
He failed a shit test horribly, if he's not going to listen then he can't be trusted with a big angle, he'll shut down and quit the first time it doesn't go his way
And I like Dijak, but fuck dude, be humble, take your licks, own your criticism
Mick Foley had the right idea by trying to lean in to Vince's ideas with a spin of his own - The Mutilator became Mankind The Mutilator, and Mick was able to take things further from there.
Could Mick have said "that's retarded" and left for WCW? Yes. Would he be right? Probably. But he was able to work with his boss and be creative instead of shutting down and being a whiny primadonna without a pedigree to back it up, and that makes a legend instead of one more movez guy who can't break out
I hope Tony signs him. Even though he is a dork he knows how to put together a great match.
Not many if any of the people who "dreamed" of being wrestlers can take criticism because we're living in an age where that means you're not listening to them or you're shitting on their ideas. No collaborates anymore. It's a bunch of creatively narrow people swearing they're all "artists". You're not an artist. You're a fucking wrestler. Nothing shameful or less about that. Ironically the people who listen best are the people who used to be in sports and had that dream hit a wall or reach its conclusion. They work harder at the next challenge and dream, and have no issue taking direction because they trust the people giving it to them. Dijak I hope you have fun on the indies and gain perspective. You need it
He was cool on tv but on his own he's the new Ryback
I liked Dijak and thought it was a shame he got released but he was always a whiny bitch on the socials and he turbo exposed himself as being as much instantly
He should've kept it to a short, sweet, "they didn't use me right, fuck them, I'll do my shit from hereon out", instead of the spastic weeklong melty
Hello there Discord fag trying to incite discord
Does your father know a chat program lives rent free in his son's head?
My father is the lord and you can't hide nothing from him, faithless fool.
And the there are the deranged lunatic posters who will write an essay to show how above it all they are
It's not my fault you're a coward who won't discuss wrestling so you have to take faggy pot shots instead. Grow a spine, learn to take criticism.
you're tilting at windmills here fag, I'm not even one of the people you were sperging out about, and I'm glad you self-identified as a deranged lunatic.
It's like those media-types who see a gross, evil, vulgar, disgusting creature in a fantasy movie and immediately write stories about how that creature is obviously a veiled racist reference to him and his people and his culture.
It's funny but a little weird.
He's backstage with Dio and Manny
>won't discuss wrestling
>faggy pot shots
I'm proud of you for typing a few complete sentences but you're still objectively a faggot. Either you're here to discuss wrestling and give people the benefit of the doubt - or you're here to act like a stupid cocksucker and get yourself over.

If I had to choose between getting myself over sucking dick, or getting myself over discussing wrestling, I know which side I'm on.
imma be real wit u senpai i didn't read any of that fr but you need to get your GED fr blud no fuckin cap
You're not talking wrestling you're sperging out and writing essays about board culture and bogeymen that likely don't even exist.
You come off like a worked smark. You want to talk wrestling let's talk wrestling if you can without mentioning the things you're seemingly obsessed over.
wash your tits KEK
Is he taking a dump?
I look like that and I do that
Me too. I do great promos on the crapper.
---> >>15080922

I will anxiously await your response but you and I both know who you are and what you're about. You won't link any of your own in-depth posts discussing wrestling because you don't have any.
I don't write several paragraph long essays about nonsense that people won't even read. I create lasting board memes and culture with nothing more than a sentence or two.
Stop being a gay weird freakazoid.
>won't discuss wrestling
>faggy pot shots
>you and I both know who you are and what you're about

I do exactly what you ask for
>You want to talk wrestling let's talk wrestling if you can without mentioning the things you're seemingly obsessed over
And you turn into the same bitch I've been predicting since your first response. Light work.
This guy is talking like spamming planet retard and gay rape threads is something to be proud of.
i hate the dorksheets
sorry dijak but you can't be trusted
I'd never heard of Dijak pre-release, he's astroturfing himself with pajeet bots and I won't hear any different.
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You really remind me of this guy.
4chan is a tranny board so that it would make sense that you faggots are fans of Dijak
Reminder for all the seething zoomers in the thread:

Council owns this board. We're the tastemakers of /pw/. Nothing gets posted here without our say so and anything we don't want on the board is quickly mopped up by our janny.

Just a friendly suggestion but some of you need to be very careful what you type because we are watching and our retribution will be swift and unforgiving. If you doubt our power I offer you a simple invitation: try us.
Where is the KF article on "Lundy"?
quit samefagging
It's being worked on. KF requires a high standard for threads and we're currently compiling his movement outside of the board.
You said the same thing months ago. You're a gay liar.
dronies gonna drone
its not exclusive to WWE but just loyalty to a company and not the wrestler
I like Dijak and hope everything goes well for him
is that you?
If I were you I'd choose my next words wisely unless you want problems with the Council.

I don't think you understand the forces you're playing with here. I'm gonna give you a pass, this time, but if it happens again I can't promise you won't face consequences.
do you do that?
No. I could never be that delusional
I don't make threads or spam memes
>quickly mopped up by our janny.
I don't think you want to pose as a moderator or say you have control of 4chan staff.

The last time you did that, it didn't go very well...
Is this real? For someone who spends so much time here that must have been embarrassing.
Not us. The Council runs this board and if you keep being a smartass you're gonna find out first hand.

This is your one and only warning. Be careful what you post next.
Fuck you and the five original carters.
Alright, don't say I didn't warn you. The only person responsible for what happens next is you.

Shame, I tried to give you a pass but I can see you'll only learn via the hard way.

So be it.
Oh no, more nash threads to filter
A filter isn't going to help you with what happens next.
You're basically pretending to be 4chan staff. That's against the rules.
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You're finished.

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