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Countdown To Toronto Edition

(Iyo is in the MITB ladder match this Saturday in Toronto, and then facing Utami at Summer Destiny in Tokyo the week after, kek what a primary player! Plus Damage CTRL seems to be involved in a 3 faction rivalry in the Tag division, will they want Tag Team gold to go with the briefcase?)

previous: >>15076363

Social Media:

IYO photobooks:
Iyo Sky is the greatest woman on Earth and also cute!
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She looked good on RAW
Is Iyo a future hall of famer currently?
I'm sure that in the 4th thread you won't get btfo op, good luck
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>get the privilege of being an early poster in the new Iyo thread
Based GOAT
Say what now? What supposedly happened in the last 4 threads?
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I think he means this
She's one of the most decorated womens wrestlers in WWE and will continue to scout for Joshi talent for WWE long after shes done so probably yeah
Kek based. The antis have been getting KWAB'd lately.
Yes, it's currently between her and Asuka for Greatest japanese wrestler in WWE history.
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カイリ: IYO、あなたの天才性が発揮されています。

IYO: どこ?!
I like this post.
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You see all this? It was the same guy
I would like to cum on Iyo's feet. There I said it
Rare Iyo cleavage
Sorry to burst your bubble little xro, this is the only thread I've made today, kek what delusional schizo
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I don't think Iyo's in to that, but Koguma wouldn't mind you doing that.
He took a massive L in his anti thread. Posting on /pw/ is all he has in life pls understand
>File: kuma.jpg (8 KB, 235x235)
post comparing io to asuka. Antithread
He do live a GRIM existence
Mmmm.... Bear titties....
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I’m attracted to Iyo but I’m in love with Masami
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I’m attracted to Iyo but I’m in love with Masami but I’m in love with Iyo and I’m attracted to Masami.
Iyo is beyond perfection
Damn that's brutal
Iyo made a call to the Marlins front office and got Tim Anderson DFAed because he had a negative WAR in her OOTP 25 save
>Masami Odate meets a local rice farmer
I heard Poi recommended she "geto riddu Jackie Robinsonu"
this could have been shinsuke if they didn't sabotage his career
shinsuke bros we are sad about this
It's easier for a asian female to get over in America than an asian male. Even if you don't speak english well you can still be cute. Shinsuke did better than I thought he would though even if he is an entrance merchant. He is still better off than Okada
Nakamura also doesn't really care about his booking. He did everything there was to do in New Japan, sawdusted his body and wanted to just coast in WWE while getting more money for it. And he still got over.
I miss Nak with Boogs as his hypeman
>Rick Boogs
oh yeah, that guy. He threw a fit when he got fired for being a shitter and I haven't heard anything about him since.
I think he still does work out shit on YT. He was a Vince guy who Declan loved. Haitch gave him the boot as soon as could though for getting injured during Mania.
>who Declan loved
who the fuck is Declan?
On a scale from 1 to 10, I love IYO a 10.

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