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Choose your G1 winner edition

7.20-8.18 - G1 Climax 34
8.31 - Capital Collision
9.6-23 - Road to Destruction
9.29 - Destruction in Kobe
11.17 - Historic X-Over II
1.4.25 - Wrestle Kingdom 19
1.5 25 - Trannydoor Japan

! New Japan Pro-Wrestling does not feature a weekly TV show like WWE, AEW, and TNA, instead relying on the streaming service of NJPW World for their shows.
! NJPW's major shows all feature a clear schedule, and feature in the same buildings—Wrestle Kingdom occurs on January 4th at the Tokyo Dome, Sakura Genesis generally occurs in early April at the Ryōgoku Kokugikan, Wrestling Dontaku is mainly around May 1st - 4th at the Fukuoka Kokusai Center, etc.
! NJPW Strong is the brand name for New Japan's American events. They carry their own belts, but the main NJPW belts can be defended in these shows as well.

>NJPW World Links
In-Browser: https://watch.njpwworld.com/
App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/njpw-world/id6451441843
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tvasahi.njpwworld
Fire TV: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CCS28SGS
Roku TV: https://channelstore.roku.com/details/2683188c1fe3c439b3e1109a0981febd/njpw-world

>Previous thread
ice cold
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HEATs up your cold promotion
Yappari he is the true shin ace
He's D'Artagnan, the fourth musketeer and most based one
I make that face when I have to hold in a poop.
Cobb Takeshita was fucking awesome lads
For me, it's "Smart Bastard" Jake Lee.
Takeshita is just too fucking good man
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*Ahem* Kill yourselves, AEW trannies
>Great Old Cuck
>Not Great-O-KWAB
One job
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I don't care how banged up Naito is, he's based and /our guy/
>but muh 5 star matcherinos bangerinos
Fuck you
He just needs to use the destino less often
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>*Starts doing the Stardust Press and paralyzes himself in you're path*
He's my GOAT simple as
It's time for him to use the money clip. Save Destino for kwabbing Shotageek at WK
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based sawdust genius
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Top 9 G1 matches so far according to cagematch
Why is everyone sucking the cock of Kidd vs Shota?
yummy mad man vs shooterino
only trannies give ratings on cagematch
Shota would be there three times if his first opponent wasn't Will Cospreay baka
It was based just cause Gabe KWABbed Geeketty
Maybe cagematch just hate Geeketty
>not liking gabe kidd, who best represents fighting spirit in nooj right now
why do you keep watching new japan
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>ctrl f gabe vs evil
>0 results
Tsuji Finlay > Tsuji Takeshita
The Uemura redemption WILL be televised!
[Disappointing news] After 2 weeks of hovering towards 400 yen following an upward turnaround, Bushiroad stock is currently sitting at 383
you're not fooling anyone, xwittertranny
Yuya haters looking crazy rn fr fr
Crazy how much better than Umino Uemura is
Crazy how obsessed you weirdos are with Umino
Shota Geek sucks, still is better than Uemura who is just Sanada 2.0.
kek y u seethin?
He's impressing. I actually have hope for the Uemura/Tsuji match now.
Who will be the new ace will it be
>Diet Naito
>Sanada Jr.
>The Mime
>The Mime's Jannetty
The real generational battle is Yuya/Narita
>uemura is the new sanada
new shitty tsujischizo opinion just dropped
Uh oh, the retarded obsessed schizo is here
Shotageek is back and he is defending Uemura now that Shota is a lost cause.
Who the fuck are you refering to here?
Don't give him a name like "Shotageek". That will only keep him obsessing about muh "Tsujischizo"
He already thinks the two of us are a samefagging "schizo" as is
It's obviously Tsuji, Uemura, Shota and Narita. Come on.
I don't get it, why is Shottetty Geeketty a mime?
He's miming Moxley, Tanahashi, Naito, Okada and Chono among many others.
Do you mean ‘mimic’
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the truth is that besides Gabe and Boltin no one in the new generation got a fucking clue, maybe O-Khan, he's more unique than the other guys but Gedo only sees a comedy jobber in him
Tsuji and Uemura both have a clue
Oiwa has a clue
Fujita has a clue
Whatever, Shotageek.
mime as a noun: one that practices mime
mime as a verb: to act a part with mimic gesture and action usually without words
Jericho and Suzuki just had a better match than anything in the G1 so far
Jericho is an old washed up alcoholic bitch. Suzuki is a fake tough guy who just got knocked out by some indy shitters.
Why are AEW trannies turning on Take A Shitta?
This is the worst bait I've seen on this board.
Is this the mature Nipponese housewife general?
Listen pajeets, I know English isn’t your first language, but when a man pretends to be another man, we call that mimicking, not mimeing (which isn’t even a word)
Where's the dumbass that kept saying Tsujischizo likes Sanada
For all the chads who believed that Uemura and Tsuji would be the 1A and 1B of their gen, it feels good to be right
Can't wait for Oiwa to powerbomb Umino out of his boots at NYD
Umino talks all the time. He won't stfu about being the ace and causing a "paradigm shifto"
Shota does all the typical top babyface things well but can't connect with the people for shit. People realloy wanted this guy to beat Ospreay lol
Yota is in the CMLL Grand Prix right after the G1
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My new japan amigos better lock in
He is going to job to Mansor.
It's CMLL guys vs the world you fucking doofus
Don't care its still going to happen.
Based Tsuji trying to speedrun saw dusting himself.
g1 season is peak comfy. last year's i watched it while playing re4 (og)
I can see him winning
Who else is in it?
>tfw drunk right now, want to watch g1 in under 4 hours
I am fighting a mental battle as to whether I just try to fall asleep before 230 and wake up or just stay up and keep drinking
Leons death sounds stay with me to this day.
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Is Gabe Kidd the latest foreigner the reddit smarks pretend he's over with the Japanese people?
Gabe is %100 over
don't know how you can watch the Shota and Evil match and not think hes over
Might be even worse than the time they pretended Rocky Romero, Tama Tonga, the Young Bucks, Michael Elgin, Juice Robinson, Jay White, Chase Owens, Aaron Henare, Jeff Cobb, El Phantasmo, and Hikuleo were over with the nips. It feels like a cult.
Day 4 gamethread

I never stopped believing in the HEAT STORM
>he did it again
Best Bout Machine
You forgot ZSJ
I'm in HEAT (storm) !
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>Yuya "The Tranny Trampler" Uemura
I can't take Jake Lee seriously anymore after ELP said the stardom people made his gear
He definitely isn't the only one, they all go to the same few gear makers
I’ve been extremely busy with life, have I missed the Uemura vs Takeshita match or is it still to come?
it was today
pretty good match too
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I still believe in Naito and think his match against EVIL will be kino cause it'll be the first time Naito will fight heel ebiru in front of a cheering crowd.
This guy is the best of the Reiwa grads and he's doing it by being the simplest wrestler
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From bald bitch to future Ace.
>cause it'll be the first time Naito will fight heel ebiru in front of a cheering crowd.
kek really?
they had that match 50 times already and this is somehow the first time out of coof?
The last time it happened was 2 years ago in the G1
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So what final 3 do you see for each block ?
I think it will be something like:

A block:
1 - Naito
2 - Zack
3 - Shota (unfortunately)

B block:
1 - Finlay
2 - Tsuji
3 - Yuya

with Shota beating Finlay in the final, which would be grim.
>with Shota beating Finlay in the final
That would be a very flaccid end to an otherwise enjoyable G1
>Shota beating Finlay in the final
i would like it and it would make all of you seethe so it's perfect for me
I can't forsee a single B block guy besides Finlay that would get the crowd behind Shota at this stage. Maybe Takeshita because he can bully the flabby geek around but he's too exotic and exciting to not get behind. If it's Yuya then he'd just get mogged.
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>stinks up the joint on purpose
ya just gotta
I just know Tsuji and Takeshita are making it
I just wanna knew who exactly suggested the Reiwa Musketeers tagline. Like the exact person who came up with that dumbass idea so early on in the game? Ohbari? Gedo? Kidani?
So how do we feel about the WWE largely outdrawing the first day of the G1?
>no elevated seating in Edion Osaka
Probably not. The numbers are probably close though
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>out carnies everyone
the smart bastard ya just gotta
Indifferent, WWE tours in Japan once every 8 years
They're no threat and they have more shit on their plate than caring about Japan
NJPW and Noah completely mog them on Abema, too
he wears women's pants
nah that's you
I take back everything. Uemura rules.
>all these people finally getting a clue about how good Yuya is
Based, gotta love the heat storm baby
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This is the game
Umino is cooked.
>looks miserable constantly
>getting punished for trying to rib Gabe
>has terrible hair
>has a bum back and hip in his mid 20s
>zero crowd connection

Selling all my Umino stock and investing in Uemura coin.
His style is on point. He can dominate or fight on even ground with his simple offense but also use it to build up a solid comeback when he's playing the underdog. The way he broke down Takeshita in that match leading to the finish was near perfection.
Yeah that much was fantastic. Such a carefully laid out perfomance from the Yuyaster.
NJPW is stubborn
They won't give up
don't be stupid everyone is better than umino.
Shotabrosh, we will fight back and we will shtill become the ashe
So I guess Naito vs Shingo Bangerino takes place at the burger show and Zack gets the Ryogoku title shot, or they let Naitetty rest cause he's too banged up so he only gets a tag at the burger show and he defends against Shingo Bangerino at Power Struggle.
There's also a possibility of another Royal Quest show that the Zack match could be at (or they might do something like Gabe vs Shota for the briefcase there)
>Is completely shit
>Still gonna hold the Japanese Grand Slam
How the fuck does he do it?
He's a tall man, plz understand
This. Japanese have the little kokku complex so when they see a tall guy they want to give him the most accomplishments. That's why Okada got pushed so hard for years despite never being the most over guy in the roster.
But he's Korean
How does that not cancel it?
No, they're that desperate because puroresu is full of manlets. Like even among the younger guys the tallest guy is probably Ren who's 6'0, and he's dimeless. For some reason NJPW is worse than the other big puroresu promotion at getting tall men.
AJPW cornered the market
The secondary title main events Power Struggle.
It wasn't always like this though and they couldn't even sell out the Edion Arena for the first day of the G1 so maybe they'll need to put more efforts into the cards to draw a dime.
so your suggestion is a world title match with a guy that everyone's been shitting on and also main evented the show you mentioned
I'm saying this now, if Shota knocks Yuya out in the next round, I'll be shoot mad and hold it against Shota indefinitely
Zack said in his backstage comments that he doesn't want to get a title shot from pinning Naito, only from winning the G1
Honestly sounds like Zack trying to force Gedo to give him a big meaningful win like the G1 or hebby Q. If he doesn't get it, I'm afraid he'll have enough and cut his cock off.
just caught up on yesterday’s show. bald bitch has transformed into based bitch
another idiot looking for patterns that don’t exist
>I'm afraid he'll have enough and cut his cock off.
Seeing clips of him glazing Tony at the Forbidden Door media scrum, is basically confirmation that he's going to AEW when his contract is over
well looks like shota is safe because they're in different blocks you retard
For some reason, I thought the blocks started crossing over in the next round. I guess Shota is safe from my ire for now...
Wild rumors are spreading about some of the Shin Nihon Puroresu players right now. Some of you might think that everything is fine and everyone is friends but this is not true.

Yota Tsuji senshu is rumored to have the habit of swallowing his own cum in front of the locker room, which tends to disgust others senshus but he keeps doing it as he feels no one can punish him for that.

As for Shota Umino senshu, some sources are saying that he tried to start a fight with AEW and DDT player Konosuke Takeshita. Umino senshu was apparently angry at Takeshita senshu for wrestling on a DDT show during the G1. He viewed that as a lack of respect for the Shin Nihon schedule, he then tried to throw a punch but hurt his back so he just left the room angrily instead which made other players in the room laugh.

There is an increasing worry about Ren Narita senshu among his friends as he often looks at a strange collection of cards which would supposedly feature little girls in an anime style. Narita senshu seems to be in a poor mental state right now.

Foreign players are also rumored to be hard to deal with sometimes as Gabe Kidd senshu recently made harsh comments towards the career of YOSHI-HASHI senshu who took it personally. A fight broke out and Gabe Kidd senshu apparently easily won and then proceeded to rape YOSHI-HASHI senshu in the arsehole. This is something quite dark and a lot of players are currently scared of Gabe Kidd senshu.

Lastly, there is a rumor saying Zack Sabre Jr. went to Tanahashi-san's office asking for more money and a bigger push. Shin Nihon's current president supposedly told him that he can't give him more money right now and that a bigger push is something he would have to think about. Zack Sabre Jr. senshu then procceded to bite Tanahashi-san's leg and left the office while crying very angrily and threatening to join All Elite Wrestling.

These are rumors so maybe a few informations aren't quite right but there could also be some truth to it.
Very interesting indeed.
why the fuck would you think that?
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>SANADA vs. Jake Lee 1.25
>EVIL vs. Jake Lee 1
>Jake Lee vs. Naito 0.5
based Lee and EVIL filtering the bangerino jewrnalist
Is Dave pretending to watch NJPW again?
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>Dave gave that AEW Blood and Guts match a 4.75, which is higher than anything in the G1 so far (highest is 4.5). Even though he claimed he personally disliked that match
Hilarious really
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I'll shoot be happy the day Meltzer dies cause people will finally pretend his opinion is worth anything. This old retard did so much damage to the minds of current wrestlers. Hopefully we'll be free from the bangerino mentality.
so that's why he's hated so much, because of meltzer stars
finally stop pretending *
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Shingo rules and Jake Lee is just a PEEPEEPOOPOO wrestler !!!!
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Let's see how our 5ch BROTHERS are doing
Third and fourth night summary
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AEW would literally do a show dedicated to him to try pop a rating. Despite the fact he never wrestled or booked a match or ran a promotion.
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>Naito!!! Your hairline...
Everyone believes in Yuya now
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>Yuya is over with 4chan and 5chan
Gedo (and the booking committee) need to go all in on the HEAT STORM
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Oof, they even dislike how Shota loses
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5ch is also obsessed with Shota Umino
I remember people here shitting on Uemura when he explained his wrestling philosophy a few months back. Then again, it was probably just one guy samefagging
As time goes on, I'm convinced that Ospreay kick was the beginning of the end for naito. Hasn't been the same since
Yuya living up to the ace potential that some saw when he was a YL. It's a shame that he can't use sanada as a stepping stone to okada. Kid can sell his ass off, and okada would've made him look like a million bucks
he had one of the best matches of the year with okada literally the next day but maybe it did have an effect
I agree. But even that match had a couple timing issues. And if you watch after the roll call, he super struggles to walk to the back. Although that was probably cuz of his knees
He's so lucky he doesn't bald from the top like his hero Mutoh
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is he really balding or does he just have a terrible hairline ? this pic is from 2010 or something
Raping children usually fucks your hairline
Both. This is why only those with healthy hairlines get to lose hair matches
Dave and most Cagematch dorks who rate matches only care about MOVEZ 99% of the time. A match that requires someone to think about what they are trying to accomplish is far beyond their tiny brains. YUYA is a Auteur.
speaking from experience?
He has had a lot of hair plugs since
>No one cares about Tsuji anymore
[Good News] Umino will get over. [Bad News] in his 40s.
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I got the naito hairline
yappari he is the yoshi-hashi of his generation
nah hes turning heel and gonna be gigadimes
I would be on board but only if he is a non cheating heel.
>There is an increasing worry about Ren Narita senshu among his friends as he often looks at a strange collection of cards which would supposedly feature little girls in an anime style. Narita senshu seems to be in a poor mental state right now.
kek based bushiroad shill
I've solved the code
>O Kwab = Yano
>Umino = Yoshihashi
>Uemura = Okada
>Tsuji = Naito
>Kidd = White Shibata
>Narita = Evil
>Wato = Kushida
>Fujita = Hiromu
O Kwab = Yano
Umino = Naito
Uemura = Tanahashi
Tsuji = Also Naito kek
Narita = Evil
Oiwa = Okada
Cause he had a match with El Fagtasmo
His cup match with EmoLP was good. This one sucked though.
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I miss the time when I could post this everytime to make fun of SANADA being Okada's bitch.
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Alright noojies, I need new toys so I'm going to take Zack, Gabe and this Yuya guy who just had a ****3/4 stars banger with my Takeshita toy. Very interesting. I won't take Finlay for now but I'm watching very closely as he seems to get more and more **** stars matches. Please thank me for helping you and saving pro wrestling.
Ya cause he wasn't EmoLP then
kek he really do be like that
where webmbro at?
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>it's an A(ss) block day
Shota is not very good
Shota is very good
At sucking dick
I'm seeing Zack beat Shota then Shota getting his win back in the semi finals
>Nobu at ringside
>bullshit is afoot
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>*Is dogshit*
>*Is still getting the Japanese grand slam*
You gotta be indifferent to Jake Lee, baby, you just gotta
Sasaki fucking sucked and he got it
Its not his fault that Naito is a washed up cripple.

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