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WBD sues the NBA. WBD admits TNT will collapse without the NBA.
two more weeks
>build a network reliant on something that can leave at some point
>let it slip through your fingers
>sue them to try and get them back
yeah i'm sure that working relationship will be fantastic and will continue for years to come
>build a network reliant on something
TNT and TBS existed long before the NBA deal.
This court case could drag on for months or years. There's no way AEW will get a big money renewal offer while the NBA lawsuit is ongoing. Best case AEW gets extended at basically the same level.
e-drones really need to get a real job so they don't have to contextualize every piece of news they consume with their own personal fantasies
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Based Zaslav is gonna rob the NBA blind and hand that money over to TK
At this point they are just trying to get step aside money.
You should look into a better gig than being a 50 year old grocery bagger kek. Don’t crush my bread or I’ll get you fired
>working relationship
By the time NBA rights are available again, TNT and TBS won't exist.
So are they gonna stop making HBO shows too? Stop DC comics? No new Mortal Kombat games?
yeah and they only aired braves games, WCW and saved by the bell reruns until they got the NBA
>TNT and TBS existed long before the NBA deal.
When they were broadcasting Braves games? You're a euro cuck you didn't know TNT or TBS existed before AEW.
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HBO, DC and games are under a different business unit, YOU FUCKING RETARD
Given WBD's excellent legal team, this suit will be settled very quickly, with NBA paying WBD in cash. This should be great for AEW as it guarantees a bigger contract.
Same with AEW and NBA. They're not part of Sports.
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It actually keeps getting worse for the troons, they kept saying that WBD is just looking for a settlement to pay for AEW but the more that is coming out it looks like they won't even get that KWABBBBBBB
>So are they gonna stop making HBO shows too? Stop DC comics? No new Mortal Kombat games?
This post is unironically funny.
>HBO shows too
They literally cancelled a slew of upcoming HBO shows due to budget cuts. In fact "Penguin" almost got axed as well and only made it because Matt Reeves pushed for it and said it was vital to his new Batman universe.
>Stop DC comics
Has been re-organized several times including trying to merge it with the TV and film divisions. They had Geoff Johns trying to be their Kevin Feige. Guess how that went.
>Mortal Kombat games
MK1 has under performed to the extent that WB went back and told Netherrealms they would have to re-evaluate DLC past this year. WB has a shit ton of issues friend.
They're under the Networks business unit, YOU FUCKING RETARD.
WBD losing NBA means they throw everything at AEW to fill content.
>there is only one TV channel
your mind on slop. If TNT/TBS/Warner was ever to close shop (it won't any time soon) there are plenty of other stations that would take AEW.

But hey, keep praying for the demise of a TV show you don't even watch. Keep talking about a TV show you don't even watch, let it ruin your life, every minute of every day where it lives rent free in your tiny brain. Vote for Kamala while you're at it.
That's not how it works
Nobody is going to take aew lmfao. I love that you’ve already given up though hahaha
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Don’t forget the Suicide Squad game bombed because everyone just wanted more Arkham games but WB and Sweet Baby Inc shat all over Batman
>there are plenty of other stations that would take AEW
Name the ones you think then.
>That's not how it works
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E Drones really desperate for any possible way out of this huh
Oh jesus I fucking forgot that. And they pushed it's release back 6 months too. The site that was providing updates on seasons and DLC closed after the Joker DLC dropped KWAB.
Dude, who do you think is going to take AEW for 2025 this late in the year? Stations already have their 2025 plans lined up and/or finalized
Nta, but Vice would take them. Maybe IFC.
Hey filename tranny! Where’s the new aew deal? Didn’t your cult leader Tony just admit they don’t have one? But you said they got renewed?
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AEW really is cancelled huh kek sad!
What the fuck are you even talking about? Every day we inch closer to AEW not being on tv in 2025 unless Tony decides to take what he’s been offered
This Vice?
>How did a Brooklyn media giant valued at $5.7 billion just a few years ago wind up going bankrupt and folding its newsroom?
Everything they say comes back on them. Why?
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you're going to have a fucking anxiety attack lmao
I didn't say they'd get a good deal, but there's channels that would take them.
>Stations already have their 2025 plans lined up and/or finalized
Well plans can change dumbass. Other stations would absolutely be chomping at the to have programming as good as AEW.
So WBD is fucked without NBA, but you agree with this statement about them not needing them? We are reaching schizo levels I had not thought possible
0/10 see me after class
hi bitchtits, still trying hard to convince yourself that AEW is dying? It's only been 12 "6 more months" already.

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>I didn't say they'd get a good deal
OK but bro one of your offers was a bankrupt company. Just saying.
It's just an example. There's lower tier channels that would be happy with the ratings AEW gets if the price is right.
Yea man. Fox is going to not have WWE wrestling but instead invest in WWE lite instead. Fox's plan is regional sports. It's going to invest in that shit the way ESPN invested in pushing the WNBA.
Where’s the new deal, trannies? Reminder Tony just said yesterday they don’t have one.
Except AEW ad rates are only 30-50% of other shows with the same demo viewership. Put another, way, multiply AEW's viewers by 0.3 to compare them to other TV shows.
I know you're diabetic so you struggle reading, but show me where I agreed with the statement not needing them. Come on tubby you can do this.
And the only ads they can get are ED pills and life insurance kek
>It's just an example.
Yea one you chose that is bankrupt. That's all I was pointing out.
>There's lower tier channels that would be happy with the ratings AEW gets if the price is right.
Like the CW? What are they doing?
That would require Tony to take a massive paycut, which is out of the question. He is dead set on a massive rights increase on all 3 shows, he’s said this dozens of times
The pigcord isn't going to like this
Does Dave's number of homes that cut cable count the homes that now have YouTube or Sling? And it doesn't work to just say "Well fewer people have cable now" because that still means the networks are bringing in less money. It's a smaller business now.
They finna bouta shoot end their lives after this week
>Reminder Tony just said yesterday they don’t have one.
Tony is just lying to bait WWE into releasing more fake news about AEW. A genius move IMO.
>where's this
>where's that
you know for a fact that the past year of spamming these always ends with you being wrong. you wasted years complaining that the shitty game would never be made, then it came out, now you're wasting your life crying about a TV deal which will also happen.
Kek, soon they'll have NXT, which has ratings that are going up, somehow even while people are cutting cable.
He also said you implying otherwise means you’re pushing WWE PR lies. You’re looking rather sus rn
Do these people actually truly believe that WBD is sueing the NBA to give that money to AEW? There's no way AEWist are that dumb
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So why you asking where it is then if you know they don't have one yet you dumbass
They also claimed Rampage would never air and that WarnerMedia cancelled it. They're addicted to being wrong.
Tony said he didn't sign one yet. None of us said he did.
So no deal then? Grim. Only 4 more months
Smackdown was expensive and I think it made like 10 million dollars in profit, while FOX paid over a billion for it. Invest a billion to make 10 million? Terrible deal, only WWE made good out of that. AEW is way cheaper.
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>There's no way AEWist are that dumb
YT and Sling are included in the number we get
When and how did WB get in so much shit?
Every time you lie and get BTFO, you move the goalposts and start lying about something else instead.
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>Invest a billion to make 10 million?
>You rang?
>he's ragespamming his dg fap folder again
I did not expect the network dying to be the reason aew dies but I’m all for it.
I know they're included in the ratings, but I mean when Dave says "homes have dropped 23.1 percent" is that number including people who unsubscribed from cable and then subscribed to a streaming service and still have access to TNT and TBS?
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>Invest a billion to make 10 million?
>Tony! NO!
Tony could claim 2+2=4 and E-drones would spam the board with cope about how he's wrong
This is Jews trying to outjew each other. TNT will get a huge pay off from the NBA to go away
What part of it was a lie
They're not, it's all coming from Nielson. Digital cable is considered the same as linear and tracked.
It actually sickens me that people want AEW to die. After all the good that it has done for the wrestling industry. I guess you people don't want real wrestling after all, you just want that overchoreographed WWE bullshit.
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>My son, bring me Kevin R, Nash.
Where you said AEW is only worth 30% of every other show on cable.
>After all the good that it has done for the wrestling industry.
Legit can't think of anything. Other than the fact that Punk probably never would've gone back to WWE if not for AEW.
>After all the good that it has done for the wrestling industry
They love their yummy flippy wwe matches with based nxt nigras and aew threatens that
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you don't have never known what the fuck you're talking about
Good morning sir
That would be great if the NBA (and possibly Amazon if they have to get dragged into this) don't also have excellent jews...I mean legal teams working them as well.
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imagine this being your life
>you don't have never known what the fuck you're talking about
Isn't that you?
Legendary thread. E-drones have never lived it down.
The thinking is NBA wants to avoid discovery and a messy public trail so they'll just settle. WWE has been in that position many times.
Discovery? for what? what is the NBA trying to hide here?
>the OJ trial of /pw/
Any entity that big got shit to hide
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Bitchtits, as our resident stock expert, can you explain why it's going up?
i'm aware, and the current form was built around the NBA, thanks for confirming my statement as correct.

sorry, my phrasing was off - i meant to infer that if the lawsuit was to revert the rights to WBD

yeah, regardless it looks WBD look bitchmade
Based Chuck naming the jews
Well... uh... y'see..
*unleashes gay porn folder*
Holy shit that's actually an impressive rise. If that keeps up for a few more months (which seems highly possible), WBD will be absolutely swimming in money, and then they can offer AEW that huge deal that Tony was wanting.
I love laughing at the aew discord embarrass themselves kek
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>everybody loves Inside the NBA
>the jews try to break it up because they're afraid if they piss off Amazon now, they'll get less when they renew their deal in the future
>they plan to inflate the value of everything so much that they're basically admitting to the giant tech companies being the only ones who can ever pay in the future
Fucking Jews, man. I love when the mask slips and you can easily see the shameless profiteering and greed.
HBO shows, dc comics, mortal Kombat games....holy shit literally all of these things are fucked... it's no wonder why these clowns signed AEW in the first place because they're a bunch of incompetent morons.
I liked watching TNA on Destination America. Maybe Project 2025 can fix AEW's wokeness and we can get a wholesome product for once
Where's the proof TNT only expected 500k right off the back? Doesn't this come from the guy who was responsible for AEW getting on TNT who was shortly after fired from TNT? Does Metzler actually believe TNT or TBS still want 500k?
AEW has undoubtedly made whatever old wrestling fans who were clinging onto for dear life right before it's launch to give up all hope and finally leave wrestling in the past once and for all. They probably thought "Damn even if a new wrestling company emerges, things are still fake and gay" ... AEW has done nothing but share the same audience WWE already has which are low life smarks
What did you expect them to get?
They should keep Barkley and Shaq for "Inside AEW" where they both shit on terrible wrestling.
Watching Barkley and Shaq shit on WWE would be pretty based
So they shit on AEW after the show. Might get me to watch
>get shittier ratings than other networks they could work with
>"but muh funny meme panel that don't watch the games and shit on the product!"
>NBA itself wants to distance themselves from that and get more money

you're retarded there's no "mask slips" it's a business making easy business decisions it's just capitalism you fucking idiot
lol. Dave tactically ignores that Dynamite had direct competition when its ratings were higher.
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Take me back bros.
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KEK. Pigwheels is oinking, seething, and shitting all over the place because his sloppy AEW slop is either getting lowballed or cancelled and it sure looks like it's getting canceled. GG NO RE
This is what AEW was always designed to do. Tina's backstory as a wrestling fan is completely fake. The indies were red hot before AEW existed and now the business has never been shittier. The only thing that AEW improved was WWE's profitability.
It's actually not baseless. Vice only has video content anymore. They did give AEW an offer contingent upon its fate with WBD.
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>after all the good that it has done for the wrestling industry
>yeah tbs was a much better network before nogball
I agree.
>Other stations would absolutely be chomping at the to have programming as good as AEW.
Truth. Logo TV is salivating at the thought of having AEW in it's LGBT programming lineup.
A Vice TV deal just flew over my house
Two more weeks, mousedrone.
>nothing to do with AEW
slopdown got cancelled
lose weight bitchtits
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>TNT will collapse without the NBA.
Collision and Rampage will be forced to move to TBS (a channel with more subs currently and also simulcast on Max), it's literally over
TNT got a Deal with NASCAR with Amazon's Help
There could be something here. There was a story about WBD bringing Amazon into the fray in the exclusive window.
The whole lawsuit could be a meme just so WBD saves face the the Inside the NBA guys get transferred while WBD gets a payday.
The TNT-NBA deal runs through next season, genius. NBA will still air on TNT in 2025. AEW won't air on TBS or TNT in 2025, I'm afraid
So what are the 99.7% of the TV demo who aren't watching AEW doing instead
how much does wbd spend per year?
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Im sure the poop dick wrestling show will save it.
lol, this is probably worse than just a clean break between WBD and the NBA.
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>hey Shaq, that looks like what Dwight Howard used to do to you!
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it's over for this troon company
dc comics is actively shopping comic creation around the industry because they cant figure out how to make shit people want to buy, anon. rumor is image.
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nigga take the beam out of your eye
Wasn't August 4th 2022 the day AEW's multiyear renewal was announced? Oh wait

jesus, all of you are mentally ill
Bad week for the troons.
this a cm punk fan?
are gae e w trannies really this deluded?
>you don't have never known me
Yes, yes they are

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