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Sorry piggies, but AEW doesn't need WBD anymore
>cancelled so hard he has to use daddy's money to buy his own channel
So Tony who you think has more money and power us or the nsa

Protip I obliterated their budget ask for a loan
stop spamming bullshit threads for yous
What's wrong Tony? No Fuel TV deal? KWAB
>has to paypig his way out of getting canceled
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>it’s real
How in the holy fuck is Rovert PigHouse going to tell anybody else to stop spamming threads lol? Bro is the most crippled un-self-aware Irish faggot of all time LMFAO
Grim even
Will this make Tony KWABOTY?
>ends up on gofitelive
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this will surely put butts in seats
Tubi or Pluto will be the new home for AEW
I'd probably check it out every now and then if it was
normally this site is bullshit, but this is a Subhojeet joint so that means reliable, hard hitting journalism
Don't you dare sully the great name of Subhojeet
Nah it's Boogie2988 for sure
>Got caught up in a crypto scam, then like lightning got called out for faking his cancer diagnosis.
>Has to sell his shares of his podcast with Keemstar and WingsofRedemption
>Gets called out again for lying about being molested by his parents
>Gets a (probably fake) face tattoo that says Liar.
I bet Tony wishes Spike TV was still around
Is this real?
That was him?

Repentant boogie

Good name for a rockabilly christian band
Fuck yeah, bring back Manswers!
>Sorry piggies, but AEW doesn't need WBD anymore
Wow. fucking called it.
>>Zaslav tells them they have until the end of the fiscal year then it is over. This allows Tony to look for a new network or fucking create his own if he wants to go nuts. There is no increase and Tony and Meltz use the cope that WB suffered greatly from the NBA deal and it would have been all good for AEW otherwise.
the next move is he's going to buy everyone a TV that gets only this channel lmao. Holy fucking GRIM
you can't trust most fat people for anything. they're greedy, disgusting, low rent people with no self-respect.
So still no milly?
>daddy buy me a tv station so I can play with my toys in front of people
>No viewers
>No audience
>Just Tony in a luxury suite watching MJF break his arm falling from a steel cage
>It echoes
It really can't be overstated how much AEW is really Tony making "homages" to Chikara, PWG, Japan, and ROH because that was the "Wrestling" he watched in his 20s and 30s
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>>It echoes
Based Tony doing the ultimate homage to WCW and failing miserably!
That's the worst kind of smark, the ones who at every show were making "This is wrestling" chants
This gets funnier and funnier with each passing day. I thought AEW got renewed two years ago at $200 mm / yr for 10 years?
>that was the "Wrestling" he watched in his 20s and 30s
If you pay attention to his shitty "booking" he took all the wrong inspirations, moron should've just watched some OG ECW and learn from that
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what about the girl he's fucking atm? i think hes not fucking her, she's way too cute for him, i mean she's not like the 9th wonder of the world neither uber great looking but she's average, and hes fucking disgusting old dude, unless shes fucking crazy they i guess i understand
And just like WCW, without AEW's TV deals, the company is worthless.
reminds me, we haven't seen an OOMPA LOOMPA thread out of Ratso (Pigvert) for a day or two, that's one of his favorites
He's busy waging war against the Iyobros
So you're saying AEW is getting cancelled?
Oh dear, oh my, oh no no no!
why in the world would the same company that picked up Tits N Ass Wrestling pick up All Effete Waffling?
I dont wish ill on tony but this would be funny as fuck in a sicko way that i think even tony would enjoy.
Doubt boogie will live much longer with how obese he is, she will be in her mid 20's and inherit his house and whatever else that she can pawn for cash
Please God let this happen it would be so funny
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>she's average
sweet. It will be nice to have a channel just for the sickos
go post your eceleb shit on /v/ bitch

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