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The level of derangement that AEW causes in some people just cannot be sustainable. When AEW gets renewed, what are the odds that AEW haters just…for once…chill out?

Realistically, at that point AEW will be guaranteed to exist for 5-10 more years (maybe even longer, if the contract is very large). It’s clear that despite all their hatred and obsession, AEW will be here to stay.

Genuinely curious if they will see it as futile at that point, or if the opposite occurs and they become even more deranged.
No milly?
That's another anti-AEW thread added to the queue. Told you, reap what you sow.
Another thinly veiled
>why don't you like us?

AEW fans are stuck in high school wishing they were cool
AEW is run by a shetroon with unprecedented levels of unwarranted self importance. It's the most plentiful lolcow in wrestling history and I hope it never ends.
All sides have their console warriors. Always have. Always will.
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>AEW will be here to stay.
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this is all they got, fren
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no mirry
theyll continue to follow this path:

year 1: dismissal and disbelief
year 2: conflict/battle (wednesday night wars)
year 3 disbelief, anger, shock
year 4: obsession and derangement
year 5: rage and mockery

year 6: real life altercations (will see e drones attack aew fans IRL)
year 7: /pw/ shutdown due to spam on wednesdays/saturdays
year 8: desperation (AEW on pace to match raw’s ratings by this point if wwe continues -8% YoY)
year 9: acceptance.
the renewal will be the trigger for real life altercations. they wont be able to contain themselves. hell, we almost saw major fights break out at last years wembley show, lots of reports of scuffles outside the venue.

i bet we will see an e drone shoot HEEM a aew fan out of pure rage. maybe even see one hop the gaurd rail at wembley.
I know for one I won't be going outside on Renewal Day. The drone rage is already palpably bubbling under the surface. Wouldn't be surprising if some of the larger US cities experience isolated rioting.
on renewal day im definitely staying inside. i have tickets to an upcoming dynamite but if the announcement happens the same day, i probably wont go.

NOT worth the risk of e drone violence
>ealistically, at that point AEW will be guaranteed to exist for 5-10 more years (maybe even longer, if the contract is very large)

Whoever ends up with AEW (still think it'll be WBD for Dynamite, couldn't say about Collision /Rampage; Battle of the Belts is nixed for sure) they'll have an opt-out after 2 years.
>on renewal day im definitely staying inside
lol like you don't already every day
I'm actually going to avoid this place when the new deal is inked because the pig cord are planning on fludding the board with CP and there's like one mod here. It's going to be a shit show.
Getting renewed was never the goal. Either they get the huge rights renewal that has been Tony Khan's justification since day one, or they don't.

Continuing to fund a hobby is a different scenario than he has sold for five years. That is fine by the way, maybe then he can stop larping as a successful businessman and focus on putting on even better shows.
I think it's going to accelerate

Edrones will literally pull another January 6th to get AEW cancelled
You say this like people having been bitching about "The Fed" for over 30 years at this point.
You've been making these threads for over two years now, has perception of AEW got better or worse thanks to your efforts?
And if it's worse, why bother? Why not go do something else with your time than futiley trying to proselytize people who mock and despise you?
>another bob strawman
example in real time of an e-drone that will break into psychotic violence on Renewal Day
good example here of a e drone who is likely to break out into physical violence when dynamite is renewed.
>year 6: real life altercations (will see e drones attack aew fans IRL)
Holy based!
totally organic btw
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>When AEW gets renewed
It's very, very likely that AEW is getting canceled. But on the off chance it does get renewed, it'll get renewed for NXT numbers because NXT on CW set the market price. Either way, Tina Khanetty is more fucked than Will Ospreay's face I'm afraid.
>Getting arrested for peeing on people in public
I don't think that's as based as you think it is.
>what are the odds that AEW haters just…for once…chill out?
They'll double down if anything. They're not interested in logic or facts or context or anything. The people who hate on it the way you're describing just want to do that and exactly that regardless of anything else
Joe Hendry is the universal face of no milly. Correct
Remember when drones called the police on MJF for saying he killed a girl in a car crash kek
---> >>15338950
>AEW needs grassroots supporters to make video clips, to mass-engage on social media, to hype up moves and quotes and promos. AEW needs 100 more DrainBamagers who spend time on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok with real humans with impulse control -- not retarded fuck-ups who compulsively spam out when things don't go their way.

>You can't even go 5 minutes without saying "but WWE". You are emblematic of why AEW continues to slide. The two companies have completely different needs but as long as you INSIST their needs are identical, then your shitty behavior becomes justified in your eyes.
There's no fucking way this happened. Please tell me there's no fucking way this actually happened
Afraid so
That's a special level of schizo kek
yes that actually happened. e drones are becoming SERIOUSLY unhinged.
The funniest part about AEW is that its fans do more PR for the company than AEW does. Now THAT"s a fuckin cult
You literally spend your entire unemployed day defending WWE
me and my family will be spending Renewal Day in the storm shelter behind my house
Uh...no, I don't? What a weird thing to say, especially coming from you.
Im spending renewal day with my family in an undisclosed location. we planned a RV trip and will leave when it gets announced.

only safe way, im afraid.
Stay armed and stay safe anon
stay safe. never know what the drones will do when the announcement hits.

im planning in staying home and shitposting, but im gonna be behind 2 proxies and a VPN
I'm going to kill you bitch ass faggots
I've got about five days' worth of water and an assortment of non-perishables in my basement along with a sound-proofed room in my attic. I don't think I live in a populated enough area to worry about too much extended violence after Renewal Day but with what we're already seeing it's hard to say.
>never know what the drones will do when the announcement hits.
It's reasonably predictable what the reaction will be to any AEW renewal:
>Speculation over whether the money is enough to make AEW profitable - we can't know since their books aren't public
>Discussion of added (or removed) content included in the deal
>Speculation over the deal's impact on WWE / Netflix / USA / Peacock future deals
>Posting of dirtsheet hot takes ranging from "Tony did great" to ""Tony got embarrassed"

Seems reasonably predictable .
guess you just haven't been paying attention the last few years, huh?
You're not wrong. Originally AEW fans were really obnoxious which turned a lot of people off, but now the people who hate it have become deranged even though it's barely relevant now.
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I just hope AEW fans have tempered their expectations for what any renewal looks like, and are prepared to accept that AEW may not be on WBD anymore. There's been quite a few warning signs.
- AEW is in its option year w/ WBD. The expectation was for a renewal in 2023 to avoid that. It didn't happen
- Often time when a contract enters its option year, it is the end of the relationship. This is why extensions are typically agreed to before it gets to that point - to take the uncertainty out of the future, allowing for long-term planning.
- WBD actually had not even exercised its option on AEW as of November 2023. It finally did sometime in December, just weeks before the deal would have ended.
- NXT is heading to broadcast (not cable) TV for around $22.5 million per year soon, and its recent ratings are not too far off from Dynamite, and far better than Collision. This more than likely has devalued substantially AEW's per-annum value.
- Coupled with that is the loss in viewership from a 0.68 down to a 0.26. That is likely not a performance commanding a rights increase.
- Keep in mind also that Dynamite was moved from TNT to TBS - not a good sign.

I doubt AEW will ever disappear completely as Tony Khan has a huge war chest and is deeply committed.
You tell me
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>AEW gets renewed
>AEW fans think they won
>Instead, they get five more years of No Milly posting
How many times a day did you have to write this into your Nia Jax-branded diary before you began to believe it?
>The expectation was for a renewal in 2023 to avoid that
source: my headcanon
>WBD actually had not even exercised its option on AEW as of November 2023. It finally did sometime in December, just weeks before the deal would have ended.
source: my headcanon
>and its recent ratings are not too far off from Dynamite, and far better than Collision.
source: my headcanon and also not understanding how timeslots work
>That is likely not a performance commanding a rights increase.
source: my headcanon
>Dynamite was moved from TNT to TBS - not a good sign.
source: my headcanon

remember these are the people that will become feral animals on Renewal Day. prepare yourselves now.
>>The expectation was for a renewal in 2023 to avoid that
>source: my headcanon
So the new cope is that AEW always intended to enter its option year with WBD? Come on.
>>WBD actually had not even exercised its option on AEW as of November 2023. It finally did sometime in December, just weeks before the deal would have ended.
>source: my headcanon
Actually, it is a fact that AEW's 2024 option year was not picked up until December 2023. We've had this conversation numerous times. I'm not going to go through it again on your account. You're not worth it.
>>and its recent ratings are not too far off from Dynamite, and far better than Collision.
>source: my headcanon and also not understanding how timeslots work
How is Dynamite going from a 0.68 to a 0.26 headcanon? All of AEW's programming has declined in the key demo, regardless of timeslot. Bad job by you.
>>That is likely not a performance commanding a rights increase.
>source: my headcanon
No shit, that's what "likely' means. Now I know you're boiling, tranny.
>>Dynamite was moved from TNT to TBS - not a good sign.
>source: my headcanon
Explain how that was a good thing. This ought to be good.
don't waste your time anon aew is legit the only good thing some of these people have in their lives.
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Please feel free to point out any flaws in my logic. But we both know you can't because I'm right, which is why you're unable to form any kind of argument.

You can't change reality no matter how hard you cope and seethe about it. AEW's fate is hanging by a thread and getting renewed for similar numbers to NXT is the most optimistic scenario for it.
>So the new cope is that AEW always intended to enter its option year with WBD? Come on.
who said that ya goalpost shiftin' piggE, get your argument straight
>We've had this conversation numerous times.
ah you're a fuckin schizo lmao
>How is Dynamite going from a 0.68 to a 0.26 headcanon? All of AEW's programming has declined in the key demo, regardless of timeslot. Bad job by you.
changing your argument and also lemme know what RAW used to do in key demo btw
>No shit, that's what "likely' means. Now I know you're boiling, tranny.
okay so just your headcanon, concession accepted
>Explain how that was a good thing. This ought to be good.
do your own homework piggE

again, this fucker and many like him are gonna come absolutely unglued on Renewal Day. please make sure you and your family are prepared and safe.
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>who said that ya goalpost shiftin' piggE, get your argument straight
The anon who replied to me.
>ah you're a fuckin schizo lmao
Whatever makes you feel better, I guess
>changing your argument and also lemme know what RAW used to do in key demo btw
Same argument. Key demo decline = Key demo decline. Bringing up RAW is a whataboutism, as RAW's rights renewal is already locked in with Netflix.
>okay so just your headcanon, concession accepted
Yes, this is now the fourth time this has been said. Your initial failure at reading comprehension notwithstanding, I still think a decline in ratings from 0.68 to 0.26 doesn't bode well for renewal talks. You're free to assert otherwise, of course.
>do your own homework piggE
So it wasn't a good thing, got it.
>gonna come absolutely unglued on Renewal Day.
When is that going to be?
LOL this one really broke the AEW crowd. It's indefensible
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i thought there was already violence
>tranquilo club doesnt exist
>p.. pp.please stop laughing at us...
there was violence at the wembley show and also outside of forbidden door. lots of e drone hecklers camping out to cause trouble

anyone have the twitter caps of the fights that happened? i remember an e drone attacking some guy for wearing a bryan danielson shirt and saying “thats not his name” or something
E-drones are biologically unstable and fucked up mentally, nothing can ever cure them from that state of permanent debasement and wretched copemongering
i see 3 paths that happen

1) aew gets a massive deal, 6+ years, >200 mil, streaming rights on Maxx
>massive rage boardwide
>board becomes unusable for WEEKS
>e drones shoot attack aew fans IRL (probably will be major IWC news)
>/pw/ steps up moderation in response to extreme amounts of spam and BBC posting
>drones start targeting aew fans specifically, discord users targeted in specific

2) aew gets a moderate deal (3-5 years, somewhere near 150m)
>e drones rage but pretend to claim victory since it wasnt a record breaking deal
>people larping as sad aew fans
>concern trolling over aew getting opted out early

3) aew fails to get renewed, or the deal is a lowball like 2 years 70 mil
>aew fans leave /pw/, board activity decreases further
>e drones never let it go
>tony gets voted KWABOTY

Dear Trannies,

The reason we make fun of AEW is because it's a company whose owner and wrestlers use the nationwide platform theyve been afforded to act on their worst creative instincts in blatant niche stupidity --that never goes anywhere or leads to anything-- that has cost them half their audience in 5 years. worse, all parties continue to make the same mistakes, week in and week out, even going so far as to brag about them, call their fans sickos and excuse very obvious realities of failure as 'constant attacks' of unfair bullying. It's a childish company, ran by a child, who is using his father's money to feature children to smaller and smaller crowds.

We make fun of YOU because you cant read any of the above without seething some defensive bullshit about wwe 1) as if there's room for discourse or debate over the superior promotion, and 2) as if most of us dont think wwe sucks for completely different reasons.

You are actively attempting to exist in an impossible reality where numbers, results and performance dont matter, while --simultaneously-- attempting to justify a huge rights increase with logic and reason.

it. is. fucking. hilarious.

So, just as a reminder: there is no deal. in the event that there is, tony wont be talking about numbers because they'll be nxt tier. all you'll hear is how 'great' the deal is for aew and its fans.

there isn't an ever extending exclusivity window for negotiation, either. tv deals are made at least a year in advance, aew hasnt been announced for any wbd platform for 2025 and no other networks are looking to pay 90 million dollars a year for 20 million worth of performance.

if you dont like being made fun of, stop pretending this bullshit is in demand.

you see the fucking tarps just like we do.


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>E-drones are biologically unstable
I don't have anything planned for Renewal Day, but seeing some of these shoot feral schizo replies ITT makes me think I should at least get some pepper spray or something.
>biologically unstable and fucked up mentally,
See this post.... you know is bait from a WWE fan... because it's well known that transvestites are both biologically and mentally unstable, and transvestites prefer AEW
So your headcanon, got it.
It's the same fifteen or so WWE fans who troll here, so I think you're being a bit dramatic.
That said, the most likely scenario is somewhere in-between nos. 2 & 3 - AEW gets a partial renewal for Dynamite, but its other properties go elsewhere. The renewal for only Dynamite will be about $35mm/ yr
This anon gets it
I didn't read your post, but the reason you're obsessed with AEW is because you're deranged and have no life or friends. You need help. When Renewal Day rolls around, please, don't hurt anyone.
To hate you first have to care. If anyone's hating AEW it's definitely their own fans. Everyone else is far too busy enjoying their brand's product. You may need to log off if the trolls are getting to you, OP. They tangibly cannot tell you how you should feel.
my only advice for Renewal Day (if you thought that was made up look no farther than this thread) is to invest in tasers and other non-lethal forms of self defense. E-drones come from historically poor families and if you put them down when they become violent you'll eventually be bogged down in lawsuits as their families look to score a quick payday to supplement their welfare income.
I love how the tranny discord capitalizes
Renewal Day
like it's some kind of fucking holiday they're all waiting on with bated breath
It's little details like that, that make me appreciate just how fucked up you all really are
ill be taking precautions on Renewal Day myself. already posting behind 2 proxies to be safe ahead of time
>it. is. fucking. hilarious.
You desperately need to get a life kid. You wouldn't tell anyone in real life you find this 'hilarious' because they'd think you were a faggot and probably cave your gay head in. Go outside, watch a dog chase a ball, watch a child smile, do literally anything that forces you to stop thinking about this stuff for a few hours.
>You wouldn't tell anyone in real life you find this 'hilarious' because they'd think you were a faggot and probably cave your gay head in.
Nah son I tell people IRL all the time AEW is hilarious to watch and they should, too.
If it's too much for you just go to reddit instead of here. They fucking worship aew there, you'll get your safe space
I have two kids and a third on the way, obviously as embarrassed as I am to say I don't have the means that several other anons here clearly do. Not really sure what options I have on Renewal Day other than keep the doors locked and the shutters drawn and hope for the best.
What do you mean by "some people"?
I was going to rage at you but near the end you remembered to capitalize Renewal Day, so you get a pass.
Kek trannies are paranoid about the E-Bulls
Guessing you haven't used reddit for years. It's full of drones now and they turned on AEW a long time ago and negative threads about WWE are often deleted or locked.
When you've been a target for ridicule your entire life, it follows that you'd prepare for the WWE boogeyman coming after you. Such is the life of the AEW fan.
You should go back, sounds fun over there.
will be praying for you, anon. Renewal Day should have been a celebration, a commemoration of the achievements of AEW, but instead it has turned into a day of rage and uncertainty due to some bad actors.

stay safe out there.
Thanks for the update tomatotranny
Even Dave knows the seethe finna be off the charts kek
Nice fake tweet tranny
He knows when Renewal Day rolls around the drones are gonna get biblically rattled

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