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>Wonder of Stardom Championship Match: Saori Anou (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Natsupoi (COSMIC ANGELS)
>Future of Stardom Championship Match: Rina (Oedo Tai) vs Ranna Yagami (God's Eye)
>5*STAR GP RED STARS-A Qualifier Finals: Yuna Mizumori (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Waka Tsukiyama (E neXus V)
>Maika & Mina Shirakawa (E neXus V) & Saya Kamitani (Queen's Quest) & Syuri (God's Eye) vs Momo Watanabe, Thekla, Konami & Ruaka (Oedo Tai)
>HANAKO's US Tour Send-off Match: Mayu Iwatani (STARS) vs HANAKO (E neXus V)
>Starlight Kid, AZM, Suzu Suzuki, Mei Seira & Miyu Amasaki (-) vs Hazuki, Koguma, Hanan, Saya Iida & Momo Kohgo (STARS)
>Tam Nakano (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS)
>Saki Kashima (God's Eye) vs Aya Sakura (COSMIC ANGELS)
>Match 0: Lady C & Hina (God's Eye) vs Xena (E neXus V) & Rian (-)

>World of Stardom Championship Match: Maika (E neXus V) vs Natsuko Tora (Oedo Tai)
>High Speed Championship Match: Saya Kamitani (Queen's Quest) vs Mei Seira (-)
>5*STAR GP BLUE STARS-A Qualifier Finals: Lady C (God's Eye) vs Miyu Amasaki (-)
>Mayu Iwatani & Hanan (STARS/Eye Contact) vs Tam Nakano & Natsupoi (COSMIC ANGELS/meltear)
>Syuri (God's Eye) vs Konami (Oedo Tai)
>HANAKO's US Tour Send-off Match: HANAKO (E neXus V) vs Aya Sakura (COSMIC ANGELS)
>Trio Gauntlet Match: Mina Shirakawa, Xena & Waka Tsukiyama (E neXus V) vs Starlight Kid, AZM & Suzu Suzuki (-) vs Hazuki, Koguma & Saya Iida (STARS) vs Saki Kashima, Hina & Ranna Yagami (God's Eye) vs Momo Watanabe, Thekla & Rina (Oedo Tai)
>Match 0: Yuna Mizumori (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Momo Kohgo (STARS) vs Ruaka (Oedo Tai) vs Rian (-)

Previous >>15334649
damn, they ugly
Rossy is having a Marigold fan club BBQ in a couple of weeks. Hope it goes better than the sleepover.
This is the Stardom thread
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rate Rian's squid
Maika must have the least amount of aura for a red belt champion
when is maika kissing a player
She has a breeadable aura
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anyway post visuals
Rian father said tonight will be the first time that his sister in law gets to see Rian wrestle
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love plum
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The high octane visuals of SAKI
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if i saw someone wearing a miran shirt in public i would give them a fistbump
she looks like she fucks younger white guys
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personally i'm not into fat and ugly players like her
Dream threesome
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Replace the girl on the left with Hina and you nailed it
Low test hands typed this
That's great anon but we didn't ask for the status of your testosterone levels
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you can have it all, my empire of dirt
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>then he posted ''the supernova miyu amasaki is hopeless''
Got this email from NJPW. Hanako is wrestling like five minutes from my house.
we know, 4 dates have been announced already
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I'll take all three
Everybody today is rubbing day
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I wanted to stay up after ROH and watch the PPV live but the card is really mid. There's nothing interesting outside of the main event. Even the venue sucks.
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Nah you do
It's like a mini Korakuen Hall. Apparently tickets aren't even selling well. I don't know what they were thinking with this schedule.
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imagine having too deal with the baked tranny mods instead of supporting the product.
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just need some rich people to buy the expensive seats
Tora pretending she's taking off today is some gimmick so they can attack Maika during the match today and injure her before tomorrow.
ok how you know
i wish i was there so i could buy an expensive seat and enjoy the players
Fuck Bushiroad and fuck fatmike
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kiss her on the butt for me jacob
if an american indy guy manage to go on a date with HANAKO congratudamnlations
>imagine having too deal
good morning sir
I'd rather pay the $6 than deal with those fags
seething faggot baked trannies
I have heard that Hanako has been sent to America on excursion as a cover as none of the venues they have booked in the coming weeks can accomodate Hanako’s great height. I hope the ticket-buying fans of Hanako player will accept this.
they were thinking dabaru chaaji, dabaru manni
Faggots at baked have got me free viewing of like 15 PPVs, faggots here have got me a bunch of pictures of Rina, works out about even I guess
Saori vs Poi is the only match worth watching tonight.
yuna vs waka will be good
don't even try to bullshit me, brother
yuna should put her glasses on waka butt
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i'm not their both based
I'm looking forward to the new unit's name reveal and reaction
can't be any worse than the dead silence that EXV got
I purchased the combo PPV like a true STARDOM chad. Sucks for you pirating low beta poorfags. When I go to Japan in October, I'll purchase 15 Saya pictures during the meet and greet and conversate her just to make her smile.
if they were selling something worth buying I would be right there with you
I could understand buying the big PPVs, but these shows has two matches worth watching combined and the rest is trash
i would not brag about buying a show with ranna yagami on the top of the card
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nice i'll be doing the same. i also went too japan last year for the 5 star. it's amazing
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Itsuki Hoshino had a memorable career
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here for waka too. keen to see how her steel bunions are hardening
i hope you have fun with sayasaya.
how much talking time does each signature give you?

man, i wanna go back
Bold of you to assume I'm gonna watch it at all
I've heard its only a minute or two for the popular girls, but for example, Sakura Aya, said that she wanted to talk to people for a long time who would abruptly leave, because she didn't have many customers. So if you want some chatting time with the girls, then some of the low-level players would be a good choice.
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i’m finna hook up with momo or the bear it seems
Preshow starts an hour from now
main storyline should be stars and the venus empire feuding over the rights to rian
It'll be about how Tam figures in the Saori vs Poi fallout
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What bushbucks does to a MF.
Suzu went from a hardcore psycho bitch to kawaii bimbo really quick.
From drunk outlaw mudshow mox to 2012 dean ambrose
I love Cinnamon Butt
What the fuck she talking bout
can you blame her? that shit must really fuck up your body. she's still great in the ring anyway.
tony should pay for maika and suzu ozempic
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assuming the highlighted are unsold
641/797 tickets sold for saturday
you mother should buy you a batch
Mina and Maika holding the ropes for Rian, what a star
Xena is springy tonight
big screen looks cool
what a perfect plex from rian. curt would be proud. rip.
I guess I'd have some time to chat with Gori-chan then.
hina's love handles
Xena should take Rian to the gym
I wouldn’t watch this trash if you paid me
Lucky for you, you're already used to not getting payed
announcers so loud relative to the ring
ive been to local indy shows with bigger crowds
The dulcet tones of Mina Shirakawa
mina being a bitch about hanako going to the USA on the mic. is she jealous
How is that lucky for me
U finna know it
hanako will be snatched by wwe before tardokada gets a chance to push her
mayu didn't get all of that moonsault
hanako might have pissed herself
Mayu put over Hanako strong, she will be a big deal when she comes back from mini excursion.
anna jay and risa sera x and xx
golf clap for anna jay
mild pop for risa sera
The Japanese coomer salarymen are gonna lose it for Anna Jay
assbros we won
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nah thats you
anna jay for mina is a fair trade desu
the chorus of aya sakura theme reminds me of peak yunomi and nicamoq
no sell a kick to head and pin in 15 seconds. classic kashima
Poor Aya lmao

Needed Skye Blue for that tho
saki kashima has been a total waste of time this year
Need Zoomie and Anna to press their asses together
needed the time to let waka/yuna go an hour
Aya looking cute and lovely while she's all confused and shocked
and Suzu
big fight feel in sapporo
new gear for yuna? must be going over
yuna mizumori has been watching bron breakker
more like cyber kong
so 0 wins for yuna in her block?
i wanted to enjoy that match and there was a lot to like about it
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the match that will decide the future trajectory of stardom
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Couldn't get anybody with a minimum talent instead of another fucking diva?
people like tam nakano are getting hunted down the streets of paris at this moment
someone please link her theme
kurara is the best seller in the history of wrestling
no idea how she does it
kurara cough selling is the most erotic spot in wrestling today
where did mma tam come from
imagine her finna gagging on a fat hog
guys, I don't think we're getting her...
tan would be better in that regard with her nice lips
we already have maika
that tiger suplex was the craziest bump kurara took so far
fling her almost out of the ring with a tiger suplex and then kiss her. tam cooking.
The Main Event is next.
yeah but that's thin Maika
tam almost started making out with kurara on in the ring
kurara got like eight kisses in that post match
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neo genesys?
would you take a tiger duplex from tam if she gave you eight kisses after
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what about i dump tam nakano on her head then i make out with kurara
no surprise the new unit with AZM is called NEOn GENESIS evangelion.
all of the weight went too suzu's ass yum
miyu amasaki new hair match starlight kid wig
miyu looking super slutty. can't believe rossy didn't exploit this for 3 years
SLK = Asuka
Miyu = Rei
AZM= Shinji
Mei = ???
Suzu = Misato (best girl)
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not a fan of miyu's hair
slk is mari and mei is asuka
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>that AI slop logo
how lazy can Bushiroad get?
Sorry, I haven't watched this fan fiction
Mei is Pen Pen.
it's not fan fiction when it's by the creator
Mei is Pen Pen
someone big "typhoon" fans from dragon gate
seething artist.
where is mei tattoo
not a bad thing. early dg was kino before they started doing fag shit. and pandering too fujos
Bushiroad doesn't use AI for official trademarked logos. It's just ugly
well done miyu looks like shit
kek what a cute dancing group
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coomercambros, are we out of commission for today’s game?

would still fuck her out with that mermaid slop
Slutty Miyu a revelation
Japanese fans are calling to a gyaru unit
Cosmic Angels only they're not winning anything important ever
lol lmao
nice kittos kitto
I can see azm's sidetits
merch already? took exv 3 months to get t shirts
the dwarves humiliated hanan continuing the recent trend of tall talent being buried by the political goblins
hanan eating so many pins recently you'd think she was the one who went on a podcast and said the only reason she stayed in stardom was because of mayu. and it wasn't gorilla saya.
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here comes scam (old whore) to cry during the main event and make it all about her
she's the leader of their group and friends with both retard
Ya seethe?
Needs more leopard print
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Based Pudding always working the marks
she already is. said she's been talking to poi about the match and now she wants a shot at the white belt too.
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konami couldn’t look more yellow if she was tagging with peak hogan
get worked.
dimes konami gear
they must have gotten good pay from the last ppv. everyone got new gear tonight.
a blonde chick with a fat box walks into a bar
she also has a black box in her hands
shame there won't be a coombook
hopefully konami gets a run like nwo hogan
ruaka dominatrix gear got me feeling something weird
lol the retard irish whipped them into the fans instead of the empty chairs
Get a hold of yourself
why is Ruaka wearing a fucking poppy what the hell
Why is there back to back PPV in a New Blood looking venue?
based heel work
also the worst time to go to this area. it's a popular summer tourist place and hotels are overpriced
I thought the schedule was supposed to be easier under the new leader?
dat Sapporo hotel be paying bank
mina working the hard cam
i can't wait until she's gone
I hate Mina, just fucking leave already
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lol they are really making a charismalet like konami the new leader
that sounds better then yokohama after the 5 star final. there was nothing too do there so i went back too tokyo
This is dire
Not a fan of Miyu's Rydia look, but this new unit is dimes
walking by the waterfront there is pretty cool
cmon rigga
amazing jumping push by soya
Oh no, she's losing tomorrow
nah, Natsuko is winning. Where the fuck is she going to go if she loses?
I was told Oedo Tai was managements favorite faction
Dimes Tora please Win
Contrarian gimmick dimeless
maika has no aura
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i've liked her for years
I’m actually surprised that Mina has kept wearing the coomer gear so consistently
even her promos are boring. i'm going to be in the main event, will crush oedo tai tomorrow, see everyone there, thank you.

most generic stuff every time.
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why does rossy hate her? she's dimes
they gave rina the slutty black outfit too
everybody except turkla lol
What is Tam saying about this match, 2 niggas I would never recruit into Kozuen
nobody wants Natsuko to win, but Tardo has booked himself into a corner where if she doesn't win it makes no sense for the long term story of Saya's redemption
seen a couple honkies in the crowd tonight.
Saya isn't winning the 5Star
checked, but Saya will simply defeat Tam, as had been planned for last year pre-artery injury
there is no saya story of redemption, watch the product, she is happy being maika friend now
She's auraless and looks terrified everytime she walks to the ring
yeah, waterfront is nice. sad the gundam robot got pulled down.
mildly impressive considering how far out of town this venue is
because dimes is internet wank and a business relies on YEN
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damn, really? It was (barely) visible when I was there earlier this year
she was supposed to win it last year, wasn't she? Just do it this year. Nobody else makes sense.
Tam isn't winning back the title
that's on Tardo then
Maika beats Natsuko
Maika and Saya beats Momo and Thekla
Hina beats Rina
Oedo Tai go into hibernation until it is time for a faction match next year
retarded ranna should of gone over. great match though
>that's on Tardo then
kind of but fans shouldn't headcanon angles that were never on the cards in the first place
I think there is a big difference between last year and this year
Tam saying sugoi was kinda nice
last year we had mina's depressing white belt reign. just so rossy could get mirai the belt. yea this year has been far better
Ranna is confident on the mic
Hina out there challenging Maika for dullest on the mic
Drossy really saw nothing in Ranna
What a fucking retard
yeah, just came down within the last few months. last i heard it was getting moved to another place for a comic con type deal, but it would likely be not running.
she is unvisual and wouldn't sell a single photobook
she's better in the ring then anyone in maricold
It's time. Are we getting Kino? Or are we getting cringe?
no retarded gimmick is a good start
coomer business
i have heard that mirai spammer and ranna spammer are one and the same
can anyone confirm because i can not
I'm here to watch the story being finished
huh, not like it’s the whole reason I walked by the bay, but that still subtracts from the general ambiance. Thanks
The story never ends
crowd fell asleep
Yes, Ranna does in fact extract my coom
It's a Saori title match, so 15 minutes of nothing followed by a kino 10 minutes until the finish
she debuted only a few months before he left. How the fuck was he supposed to book her?
Also, you're very much overrating her
and saori has CTE already
wrapping poi in toilet paper and sending her to the ring like an egyptian mummy
shut the fuck up scam you pathetic old cunt
Samoa Anou
anon is probably referring to the infamous story of him steadfastly refusing to feature her, even in the limited timeframe you espy
I want to know Aya's, Kurara's, and Yuna's thoughts about this match
arms crossed bald uncles awkwardly giggling, it is a kozuen main event for sure
This, according to Ranna herself he basically acted like she doesn't exist.
>featuring a rookie
listen to yourself
>debut the Christmas new blood
>Rossy is fired beginning of February

It was a month you retard. Rossy derangement syndrome.
far too much discussion in here about some ugly rookie midget
A rookie wasn’t super pushed in a month? Fucking Hatman! Surely all the rookies are winning titles without him now
Damn, the Tamster works the marks like no one else
Tam going from crying to laughing in the same sentence. Primo menhera
when does the match get good?
think it's more the ranna tweet about how rossy wouldn't let her post pictures of her debut to twitter, the stardom account didn't post about her debut even though they posted about everyone else, and how she wasn't allowed to look anyone in the eye during the final test but others could.
i mean it makes sense. rossy doesn't care about the wrestling aspect of wrestling. he's just here to sell merch and ranna got the indie wrestler vibe.
feels like fatsuko needs to win tomorrow just to have something to talk about coming out of these shows
shut up tam
watch the show retard
teasing countout finishes in main event title matches is fucking retarded and it needs to stop, nobody believes it
if I want to see shitwres girls playing salty games in silence I could also watch marigroom
It is just stalling because the match has go to longer because it is le epic title fight
isn't this how chris benoit went crazy
crowd is in polite golf clap mode
Are you supposed to take that many neck/head bumps in a row?
Only 15 minutes in, already feels like the match has peaked
didn't get all of it!
flatu finishu
a fucking high speed finish lol
saori as a champion is bad tbqh
even worse than mina
top zoz
Yes, the high speed wrestler won using a high speed move
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That finish
Great match and well deserved for poi.
Fairytale ending
insert Tam coming in to make the moment about her
what member of neo mega drive is coming out to challenge?
>even worse than mina
Absolutely not
we must suspend everything involving the white belt until we determined what just happened
least obvious maricold shitposter
she was in the ring as soon as daichi hit the third count
this win means less because Tarpo played hot potato with the white belt for no reason
None because the 5Star is starting next
can’t understand those upset at the finish, it’s two friends. one had luck on the day. either the losing friend gets over it or it becomes a further wedge between them. only way you avoid it is not to book it in the first place
We've now got the shortest white belt reign in history following the second shortest white belt reign in history
No, that's not true. Anou wasn't on some Tribal Chief/God Okada title reign for the hot potato to change anything
Harada's fault
CosAn moment can’t happen without the producer of lore, shut your arrogant mouth
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everyone forgot this fun run?
This is unironically good, we don't need every title reign to be some epic year long reign
NEED the dark hair back
yup, let okada cook
Seven months is not a year
>we don't need every title reign to be some epic year long reign
nobody said that, though
She had a several months long reign....
please let this happen
>She had a several months long reign
why are you talking about year long reigns then
Tamster working you into a seethe
Explain what you don't like in a nice paragraph so I can respond then
Not enough le epic year long title reign for ya, pinhead?
thinskin shitskin tamfags crying again
Does Anou even remember what just happened
you're getting mad at something that was never said. Saori losing to Poi here made perfect sense.
explain how it makes sense to hot potato the belt when you had a months long story between Saori and Poi then there's some meaningless side quest with Iwata winning. Poi ending Saori's longer reign makes it mean more.
Poi gonna hold this shit for 18 months minimum
The months long story wasn't affected by the Iwata win, if anything it added more heat to it.
>Poi ending Saori's longer reign makes it mean more.
Go to bed Thom
You're seething and you have no reason why
New >>15343577
>The months long story wasn't affected by the Iwata win, if anything it added more heat to it.
it added nothing, you're just being a slurper
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