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July 28th, "STARDOM SAPPORO WORLD RENDEZVOUS", 1:00PM JST (12:30 preshow) (PPV)
>World of Stardom Championship Match: Maika (E neXus V) vs Natsuko Tora (Oedo Tai)
>High Speed Championship Match: Saya Kamitani (Queen's Quest) vs Mei Seira (NEO GENESIS)
>5*STAR GP BLUE STARS-A Qualifier Finals: Lady C (God's Eye) vs Miyu Amasaki (NEO GENESIS)
>Mayu Iwatani & Hanan (STARS/Eye Contact) vs Tam Nakano & Natsupoi (COSMIC ANGELS/meltear)
>Syuri (God's Eye) vs Konami (Oedo Tai)
>HANAKO's US Tour Send-off Match: HANAKO (E neXus V) vs Aya Sakura (COSMIC ANGELS)
>Trio Gauntlet Match: Mina Shirakawa, Xena & Waka Tsukiyama (E neXus V) vs Starlight Kid, AZM & Suzu Suzuki (NEO GENESIS) vs Hazuki, Koguma & Saya Iida (STARS) vs Saki Kashima, Hina & Ranna Yagami (God's Eye) vs Momo Watanabe, Thekla & Rina (Oedo Tai)
>Match 0: Yuna Mizumori (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Momo Kohgo (STARS) vs Ruaka (Oedo Tai) vs Rian

July 29th, [Sareee-ISM] "Sareee-ISM Chapter Ⅳ", Shinjuku FACE, Tokyo, 7:00PM JST
>Natsupoi (STARDOM/COSMIC ANGELS) & Sareee vs Takumi Iroha (Marvelous) & AZM (STARDOM)

August 2nd, [JUST TAP OUT] "Milk Dipper ~rhythm debut 5th anniversary~", Tower Hall Funabori, Tokyo, 6:00PM JST
>Nanase (Prism Star) vs Lady C (STARDOM/God's Eye)
>rest of card https://prowrestlingjto.com/8-2-milk-dipper

August 8th, "STARDOM in HAMAMATSU 2024 Aug.", Act City Hamamatsu Hall, Shizuoka, 1:00PM JST
>Artist of Stardom Championship Match: Maika & Mina Shirakawa & Xena (E neXus V) vs Saori Anou & Tam Nakano & Natsupoi (COSMIC ANGELS)
>rest of card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20240804_hamamatsu/?mc_id=1037

Previous >>15340334
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poi pet
Imagine the smell
>The months long story wasn't affected by the Iwata win
This is a lie. Switching the belts this quickly definitely hurt the impact of this because we just saw Saori lose to an outsider. Then they bumrushed the rematch story in a matter of weeks and this match right after that. The goofiest hotshotting I've seen in a long while.
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Kitto has stopped going to Starbucks it seems
AI slop filters from this dork amateur photographer
Good pic of the neo gear for the Neo players
This Samurai TV ending song ain't bad
>Switching the belts this quickly definitely hurt the impact of this because we just saw Saori lose to an outsider.
Anou wasn't some dominant champion for this to affect her. You're just repeating what you heard before without knowing why it was said in the first place
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Red Belt Natsuko
spuds quest
Not even an SLK fan but that's dimes gear
got them with the happy title change so now you can do the sad title change the next show
miyu abandoned hina
you mean the sad continuation of maika dull interim reign
Oh Fuck
Maika bros, not like this
today was a sad title change though
so poi is Sendai Girls champion now too or what
>Anou wasn't some dominant champion for this to affect her.
nobody said she was a dominant champion, but it did make her look weaker losing to a random outsider. It was pointless for her to lose to Iwata. It interrupted the story between Saori and Poi.
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>Ying Yang era of stardom possibly
>It interrupted the story between Saori and Poi.
It didn't though. It was literally part if their story
First off, 6 months as champion after bringing the previous champ to a draw prior is pretty strong.
But second, it has nothing to do with Saori being a world beater you fucking retard. It COULD have been good booking when you look at the idea of it on paper, but naturally a guy who cant book has no sense of pacing and hotshotted all of it in a month when he didnt have to. When you rush all of that out together in such a short span of time, why even fucking bother doing the 3 title switches instead of just going to the Natsupoi match?
But you can't even comprehend the arguments so why do you even bother being this defensive about the shit booking?
What can I tell you, sometimes you can just do shit to do it.
This idea that every piece of booking has to be done in favor of some masterplan is so fucking boring.
>tfw you're only player without a unit
built for neo geo genesis
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>tfw you get Saki'd
Aya lost because she didn't play enough pachinko
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Tardo is redeeming himself!!!
I like Anna Jay player
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Starlight Kamifuku
I don't watch AEW
Is this the one with the butt
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>This idea that every piece of booking has to be done in favor of some masterplan is so fucking boring.
Please stop making up arguments that haven't been made. I at least hope they're paying you to be this stupid.
im hard
kitto and suzu look better
azm looks the same
miyu and mei look worse
love this slut even with the dimeless hair dye
momo looked great in this all black version of her gear although it doesn't help the accusations that odetty is just a poor version of seikigun
I'm going to classify this as a miss.

Their aesthetics aren't congruent enough.
Miyu's green hair isn't working.
Yuuri's (Yuurin's?) denim isn't working.
Suzu's doesn't match the other's sleek neon vibes.
Azumi's is the only one that matches the name.
They ripped off a meaningful anime.
And then made the logo childish.
And to top it off the group's theme is "We're zoomers :)"
I think a more appropriate track for the unit entrance would be Decisive Battle
>the accusations that odetty is just a poor version of seikigun
lmao what
>Please stop making up arguments that haven't been made.
This is literally your argument
they're both inappropriate and crappy songs
Any baked tranny post which deliberately uses wrong names for the wrestlers to sound smarkier can safely be thrown in the trash
none of the zoomer midget squad have seen your boomer tranime
The toddler logo is especially bad
Mei Hoshidzuki
Youkubari Girl
I was told that AZM was a shogoki based player
Neo Genesis is fairly transparently a result of booking by committee where the girls tried to jointly decide what it would be like, but some had conflicting ideas and others no ideas at all, so they settled on something uncontroversial which turned out to be lukewarm, flavorless, and unimpactful.

Starlight Kid just proved why these units actually need passionate *singular* leaders and founders who dictate the exact terms of the group.

Io, Giulia, Tamu, Syuri, Mina---lots of proven success for the model where it was pretty evidently one girl's brainchild and just convinced the right people to mold themselves in.
>proven success
I think Club Venus, especially if you consider it still operating, has been successful as a unit. It has, if anything, had its momentum stifled by being welded to Maika.
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bubble bobble ass faction
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Finally, a confidence inspiring champion.

Haven't had this for like a year.
If you just pretend the defunct unit actually isn't defunct it's doing great
The "faction coherence" schizo is at it again
EmpressXVenus has no cohesion as a faction apart from the Club Venus portion.
kitto will be fat again by September

bookmark this
she'll look good for the inevitable white belt match to make you think she's winning then get chunky after losing
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she really does look like Rydia
Fly me to the Moonstar
Miyu's green hair is horrible. The fuck was she thinking?
Wrestle like you want to win.
wrestle like you just found out you're booked to lose and are mad about it
>There are actually two terms of venery for tigers, depending on the makeup of the group. The first is a streak of tigers and this refers to a female tiger and her cubs. The second is an ambush of tigers, this refers to groupings of adults who will, very occasionally, come together to either allocate or hunt for resources.
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*mogs the NeoJanetties*
slurp slurp
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THE visual unit
it's inevitable, Starlight Brat broke her in
32X player
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pathetic old whore
>Let peoples serve you, and nations bow down to you. Be lord over your brothers, and may your mother’s sons bow down to you. Cursed be everyone who curses you, and blessed be everyone who blesses you!”
>- Genesis 27:29
Tampurin and purin
this is workplace harassment
is Kurara balding ?
Pure blooded jap girls are born with bald uncle hairlines
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Time for the belt to get releathered
embarrassing when every shindy promotion takes better care of its belts than Stardom does. They all look like they've been sitting in a dumpster for a month.
Is AZM personally managing Kitto's diet and exercise routine?
Sondre Bjorn rapes children
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wash your belly button miyu
Miyu was doing everything right since linking up with Kitto. Then the hair
God forbid someone try something new
That being said, I still support the Zoomer sluts
miyu looks like a phantasy star character
corruption fetish engaged
So who’s gonna win the matches for them?
mei and suzu were the #1 and #2 winrates last year
They had a lot of tag matches with a big white woman
>new gear
Could be dimes. Better show off Mei's great ass though.
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>Better show off Mei's great ass though
Mei and Suzu having better asses than AZM wan an unexpected but welcome surprise
The hair is a poor choice and her C-cups are more hidden away

Bad look, still highly visual
>people will say this is an improvement
Anna Jay should beat Syuri purely for the meltdown
Seeing how utterly cucked Bushiroad are, I'd put money on it.
Finna gene blast sisters
the reddit seethe would be incredible
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poi i love u
Huge crowd
It's by far their best ever number of Sapporo. If you want to critique something, it would be why they're doing a PPV in Sapporo in the first place.
It would have made more sense to have Poi beat Iwata and then have a match with Anou (which she wins)
Another peach in the World Wonder Ring
Why are you coping so hard?
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One of the ones
>tickel academy for whitto which is now a hot potato title
>fat mid reddo
>aew shitterd in 5STAR
Stardom is absolutely in the gutter
kevin stop being a cunt mate
If you say so
Most Stardom fans don't care about Iwata enough to be bothered about it "being part of their story" though...
1) I want thicc big boobed Miyu back :(
2) Not feeling the snot green hair :(
3) The gear is nice though :)
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Anna Jay player is too old for Neo Genisis
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She could take Natsuko spot once she loses to Maika
fat and ugly mike's 1 fans is spamming again
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Thekla to Anna Jay:

>they put you in the wrong block...
>welcome to Japan

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happy to be only watching the gaijin shitter free red stars blocks
anal sex with amasaki miyu
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Can Stardom create a crowd like this?
they put the white belt on poi? holy kek
>momo looked great in this all black version of her gear although it doesn't help the accusations that odetty is just a poor version of seikigun
Yeah because they originated the idea that heels should wear black kek
Did you really come into a sausage rating general to post a picture of a show you didn’t go to to try and make yourself feel good about watching a children’s show on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.
Sort your life out anon
Is Neo Genesis the slut faction?
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>sausage rating general
I'm guessing they can't and that made you make this seethe post kwab
where do you guys rank neon genesis in terms of greatest units in stardom history? for me it's 2nd
This post doesn’t make much sense. Are you perhaps fukigen death?
neo genesis does what starsdon't
no oedo tai written all over momo's gear maybe, it was a dumb move to do that with the purple and yellow one, every member of that shitty faction should be trying to get out of it all the time
Momo in skin showing gear = yum
#1, they are undefeated
miyu needs to go back to black hair first
many people are saying this
Makes the bush stand out more
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heterochromia kitto
Rina and Maika are the strongest champions in STARDOM
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Poi has secretly influenced Miyu's political leanings.
>i posted a dumb thing in a dumb place and now people are responding to me so that must make them dumb and me = smart
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0 2 L I N E

You bet. You just know they share everything.
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For me it's kurara's "oh shit" micro reaction when she thought tam was going for the lips.

It seems tam really likes kurara.
I told you all she’s not a fat little sausage anymore
>meme eyebrows
>theatrekid antics
>salty gameplay
>annoying american accent
i can wait
yuria tauchi is teaching sayaka kurara everything she needs to know to become a joshi femcel in her late 30s
Kurara is going to quit due to sexual harassment
if mina hasn’t been a success then it’s not been for lack of trying on her end. blame hatman and bussyload.
>the story is Maika looking ahead to future opponents
yeah, she's losing. Her and Saya got too cocky ahead of their matches against Oedetty Tai and it will cost them both.
In Israel it is common to greet with kisses
Promos good
How socially ackward you have to be, to dodge human contact during greetings

Now to japan for the results
tam needs fresh challengers.
they should bring someone in from palestine.
softground wrestling is palestine yeah?
i mean, all of their ground has been soft since the j00s started bombing it
Everyone is talking about Miyu’s shitty new hair and they haven’t noticed Kitto’s shitty new hair
>tam san are you sure being naked and getting in the bed is the best way to train catch hold wrestling
>Tam san you're not supposed to bring foreign objects if we are practicing submissions
>That's a funny looking pipe tam san looks like two big mushroom connected.
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It can't end like this
you're in love, tam nakano
enough about turkla
Nakano Tam is a leech
Tam leeched the cum out my dick
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/gtmv/ died again
They’ll have sex
rossy won
Damn I didn’t know suruga mei had milk like that
>Extremely hot Blonde
Rossy would absolutely want Anna
Anna Jay is better than Bozzarella or whatever her name is
No I just don’t watch the chocolate hole stuff
you and the rest of the world
Rossy is probably seething into nuclear fusion because he couldn't get a taste of Anna jay.
He loves his white bitches and Anna is one of the good ones.
genesis are awesome
phil collins was unstoppable in the 80s
Eh she’s average at best. But this experience should help her improve
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Tam nakano is not the type of woman who would harass an innocent girl, right...?
Tam is the rapiest in-ring wrestler I’ve ever seen (of course, many have her beat when it comes to offscreen rape)
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My brother in Christ really thought anon >>15345231 was talking about wrestling and workrate.
Go back to twitter my dear newfag
Okay then I don’t know what “one of the good ones” means since they’re all interchangeably blonde and pretty, so maybe let that anon answer for himself unless you’re his attorney
gotta say despite covid and clap crowds, i enjoyed stardom a tonne more when it was mostly japanese girls
tam ''where's my kiss'' nakano
I feel threatened when there are non-Japanese women around the precious and delicate Asian princesses
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not many people know that koguma is a third generation wrestler
I think they are they shit and ugly and cringe and just don't want to see them wrestling
i feel sorry for you then bruv. i just liked an alternative. if an army of frontrolling theatrekids in flesh-coloured tights pushes it’s way into the scene and turns it into north america wrestling lite i’ll be pretty disappointed personally
>Terrible Ted used to lick dripping popsicle off of Bret Hart’s toes
>Koguma loves cum on her toes
It all makes sense now
Anna Jay and britt baker just have one of the worst matches of all time

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