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Show starts at 3am EDT / 8am BST. 50 MINUTES TILL SHOWTIME
Opening VTR - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7MNijjO5zk

>G1 CLIMAX 34 A Block Match
Tetsuya Naito (1–2) vs EVIL (3–0)
>G1 CLIMAX 34 A Block Match
Zack Sabre Jr. (3–0) vs Jake Lee (1–2)
>G1 CLIMAX 34 A Block Match
Shota Umino (1–2) vs Great-O-Khan (0–3)
>G1 CLIMAX 34 A Block Match
SANADA (1–2) vs Gabe Kidd (2–1)
>G1 CLIMAX 34 A Block Match
Shingo Takagi (2–1) vs Callum Newman (1–2)
>Tag Team Match
Tomoaki Honma & Hirooki Goto vs Los Ingobernables De Japon (Yota Tsuji & BUSHI)
>Tag Team Match
BULLET CLUB War Dogs (David Finlay & Gedo) vs HOUSE OF TORTURE (Ren Narita & Yoshinobu Kanemaru)
>Tag Team Match
Just Five Guys (Yuya Uemura & TAKA Michinoku) vs United Empire (Jeff Cobb & Francesco Akira)
>Tag Team Match
Guerrillas of Destiny (El Phantasmo & Jado) vs Boltin Oleg & Toru Yano
>Tag Team Match
Shoma Kato & Katsuya Murashima vs HENARE & Konosuke Takeshita
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This time we'll be getting 3 straight shows. Today in Nagasaki and tomorrow/Monday in Fukuoka.
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good morning lads, going to be a good show today
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What a grim card. You guys shoot watching this at this very early hour on Saturday?
We are watching for Gabe
Sorry I replied to the wrong thread >>15342328
Linda crazy that Gabe and Yuya are who I'm banking on enjoying for each show now. But I guess that's a good sign
I wanna see how Zack carries Jake
this is the one time you're actually kinda right
I shoot would rather watch that than today's G1.
Need a webm of that montage with Naito's 3 G1 wins
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>disrespecting your president
You are hereby sentenced to watching ROH
Fuck the haters the song isnt as good as others but I like it.
THe last part is good but the rest sucks
are these lions already bulking?
Tana's committed to getting them through the system faster
wonder if this will be good or bad for injuries /longevity later
Either be sexy or buff. Tana's rules
I like this dynamic
how we feelin tonight lads?
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the uj'
card looks good to me desu
Think I could rub one out before the tourney matches start?
>ELP is back to being a clown already
Shame. I was looking forward to that story
threads dead
not really paying attention to the tag matches
What match we on? I wanna go take a bath
Why the fuck did they change the J5G. intro?
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we are watching stardom
last tag i believe
Its time for our true Ace
i misread i think we have one after this so maybe a quick bath
no the last tag is Goto and Honma against Tsuji and Bushi
Once Yuya gets rid of that nervous look from his he's a made man
>bright lights for a G1 show
Eww wtf is this
Looking like another kino match from HEAT STORM tomorrow
Something that happens every single G1 and every other tour.
Looks like a full crowd to watch us EVILchads
I love how uncoordinated and ugly Yya's plancha is
Pretty drunk just got home from deadpool 3 2 hours ago had sex twice today watched smackdown and did a bunch of other shit.
You should live life instead of wasting it here calling things grim
Fuck I just realized takas eating that pin and there it goes it happened. Shit man
Look at the main event
how was dp3?
yuya would make a great tv champion if that's his current direction
Theres this match that has to do entrances match and post match plus another set of entrances a match and post match.
Unless you are a woman, fucking gay and or drunk/high/tired it shouldnt take that long.
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the whole point of a bath is to soak and relax
Ren's nose is so fucking big
I dont watch the marvel shit.
I liked deadpool 1.
I liked deadpool 2.
I liked this one as well.
I would say not that its bad by any means its first arc takes its time.
You want gore and some fight scenes its there. Some enjoyable scenes that are scattered throughout.
I feel if you are going into the movie open to liking it and you want to see ryan reynolds as deadpool and hugh jackman as wolverine I would say this is the movie that has been built up to.
So is it amazing maybe to some Im not gonna say it is.
Is it bad. My opinion no.
It was enjoyable didnt check my phone for the time at all. Stay until the very end though marvel does that gay credit after credit mid credit post credit.
Credits are probably 5ish mins with most of it being backstage clips of the past 2 decades of movies and the last scene which is really good.
Some cringe humor here or there that may or may not land but there was at least 4 times I laughed loud and hard.
If you need to soak and relax more than fucking 30 mins unless its a jacuzzi than you are gay or woman I dont know what else to say
based nobu with the w
One of the smartest sneakiest and dirtiest player in the game.
Smart Bastard shouldve been drunk uncles gimmick
The first time BUSHI has had gold on him in like 8 years
He had the Never 6 man belt last month
Shut up, faggot
yeah njpw threads are Bushi territory now
tsuji's gut got bigger since the last show wtf
the match we all came to see, honma vs bushi
.....has public opinion of rocky romero turned that sour over the past year or so with the AEW shit?
Has the momentum shifted and that BUSHI is in the right and in actuality always has and rocky is the bad guy?
Even though i rarely post this anymore is it time to stop?
yeah people are sore about the relationship with AEW
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Yes. Rocky is now public enemy number 1.
BUSHI was right all along.
Get ready for all the Ospreay callbacks
Goto's being Tsuji surely
new japan pls fix your shitty website this shit stutters every 5 minutes
Osgaylite is the worst person in this tournament by far
Takagi should squash this fag in less than a minute
who's the co commentator? had to go for a moment
its your mother. say hi.
Just peeked into it. I think it's HENARE
Callum Newman fucking sucks
kek he shoot kicked him
No, those are two different people
that's me
That moonsault looked like death for Shingo
Newman isn't hopeless he just needs to start being Temu Ospreay(and put on some muscle)
If you are not trying to be ospreay stop using the oscutter
Callum kicking out of that at 1 is fag shit
This match sucks
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>1 count shoot again
It's Callum fucking Newman. Stop it.
Why is Takagi so obsessed with having these shit matches with these flippy shitters?
well Shingo is making it out of the block
>Newman won
That's been his environment since day 1
I despise how overused that spot is. Every wrestler should not be fucking doing that.
Im not a fan of newman i dont know if thats decades of being conditioned by seinfeld but nah
I'm gonna kill Gedo
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what the fuck was that
SANADAbros, feeling good about this one
Match was great

Thread is worked as usual talking about how a guy who is only 21 and already in the G1 is a waste
I'll crash out if EVIL jobs to this shitter
Match sucked Lol
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You’ll find that you will dislike every match you’re convinced will be shit before it starts
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Be real with me lads: Is Gabe Kidd Reddit?
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Translator's note: The sign says "Geibu"
No but you are for asking such a question
I hate SANADA so much
No because that’s just some fag shit you made up to get mad about
>"shut the fuck up"
>Gabe made backstage comments about MJF
He's cutting his cock off, bros...
There's no way your bicep ends up like that from being partially torn and properly healed. What the fuck is wrong with this dude?
He needs to hold up NJPW by itself from all the dimeless rookies until his protege Yuya is ready, please understand
What the fuck?
Tsujischizo not talking about gayew in our gamethreads challenge level:impossible
Gabe there are kids there bro
Nice vault, Geibu.
Kyaaaa Gabe senshu is vile
why do you think he put the thing down
i cant wait to rewatch this match on AXS in a few weeks!
How the fuck is this dude not in constant pain? What a machine.
Sanada needs surgery
How much does recovery for those kinds of surgeries last?
He's KWABbing himself right now hard thoughbeit
They’re wrestling at dynasty

Which means Gabe ain’t winning the g1
It doesn't seem to be hurting him. And working this long without surgery I doubt it can be fixed. Drilla also worked with a torn bicep and it at least looks better than SANADA's since Drilla is a gym freak.
great botch
Told you, Sanabros
Loved that finish.
Gabe is such a complete wrestler
Geibubros... We're losing to Takagi too ;_;

nah u are
hope he gets far
I wanna see Gabe vs Yuya after all these shows
Come on GOK
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>Naito vs SANADA again
>Fukuoka crowd
The crickets will be generational
he's so cool
Shota arriving for his match after a quick trip to 7-11
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>there'll be crickets for the most over guy in the company.
Imagine the botched destinos

Sanada aint lifting shit with that arm
Shooters entrances are becoming blunt and pissbreaks
fucking nice, post these every show please i like it
Okhanbros how are we feeling?
Shota just screams midcarder now especially after seeing what Yuya is capable of without the crowd pandering
Hyped for ZSJ vs. Jake Lee
Geeketty's odds looking good
>Henare calls okhan Guan Yu
Holy based
Terrible but hopeful
Shotacons I don't think this is our match
Why is Shota not doing his backward corners thing?
He doesn't respect Great-O-KWAB?
i think i might be an okhan fan
It's because
A. Fukuoka can be very quiet
B. Won't be even close to full
C. Naito is washed and will blow the last 3 minutes like he's done every match so far except Zack
He's been gigabased this G1 despite losing like the Great-O-KWAB he is
New to njpw?
what's that mean?
yeah first g1
He’s losing but he’s proving to me that he’s taken a step up in the ring
Welcome, bro
Chose a good G1 to start
Past 4 have been dimeless but we're back now
whats shooter and okhan lacking that you want improved bros?
Greatest general in chink history
Kind of looks like him
Word i genuinely hope you enjoy it dont let his current record fool you or anyones record in the g1. O-Khan is Great
>better hair
>better body
>better gear
>shorter entrance
>logical match layout

>more wins
>less otaku shit
>tama beating okada
>the bearded lady from the greateat showman upsetting okada
Not being a fucking GEEK
Strong booking
he can keep the otaku shit, he just needs more wins
Shota needs to drop the pg bullshit and be himself and develop an edge

Okhan needs to continue to develop in the ring and be less goofy
Great-O-Khan just needs to win more
Yeah, dimeless, like I said.
>One of the highlights this dude could think of was fucking Tama Tonga
lmao at least bring up Ospreay Naito or something
>bro mention the matches everyone knows and expects to be good.
Okhan needs to hit the gym

People saying Umino needs to work on his physique but giving khan a pass is insane
You guys think Gabe Kidd masturbates? Or is he too cool for that?
What is wrong with you?
O-Khan's mongolian he can carry the weight. Shota's trying and failing to look pretty.
>he never saw Gabe's twitter likes
Fuck Elon
Shota carries the most muscle of any of the young guys

Do y’all niggas even lift? Hes yoked up
Is that a hickey on Shota's neck?
if inoki was in charge okhan would be pushed hella hard
>i am now reminded that GOK and Naito are in the same block and Naito will rip the shit out of GOKS hair
No cause he's too much a weeb
Thank goodness he isn’t
Thank you O-Khan for making this beaten up geek look good
He's doing Gedo favors to avoid jobbing
O-Khan is not trying to be the fujoshi ace, ya pinhead
Why is Shota's finish a normal double arm DDT and not the actual Death Rider?
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Will we ever stop getting KWABBED?
Will Gedo ever get a clue?
Finisher rankings
Deadbolt suplex > Gene Blaster > Abandon Hope >>>>> Dirty Deeds >>>>>>>>>> Bella Buster
Shota is more jacked and carries more muscle than naito or other okada

You’re just a hater lol
Say what you will, you gotta admire the fighting spirit Umino showed. He was cornered, but managed to fight his way out.
Jake Lee fucking sucks, I'm afraid
Not even funny bad anymore
Just boring
GOK vs Jake Lee is THE match just for curiosity's sake
Gene blaster is just another spear
Everybody does spears

Lame as hell
Love this smart bastard
This and GOK might be the good matches Jake Lee manages to get the tournament
He's usually ok with tekkers instead of just boring mid
jake lee has norm macdonald eyebrows
0.5 star general Jake Lee
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This is actually kind of good holy shit
jake's gay
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zesty ah
>Jake is a vegan
No wonder it took him a decade to get some decent shoulders
Jakebros, feeling good about this one
this jake lee guy has charisma. he should work an orton-esque style.
>le villainous laugh reddit gentleman
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Isn't that what he's already doing? Cause they both put me to sleep.
Zack and Taichi sure do love clutching the left side of their ribcage to sell in every singles match
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They both had so much in common. I miss them together...
Zack finally found a good opponent for him.
huh what u mean?
he has like 6 of them in this block alone
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I mean Jake, not Zack. yeah Im retarded for that
He's laughing. This is all a joke to him.
Smartbastardbros we totally got this
Zack seems more like Smartass than Smart Bastard
oh then ur right kek
not so smart now
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lmao what did Gedo mean by this?
FUCK noah
The desperation on Jake Lees face from around 6 to 10 seconds befoee he tapped made me knew he was about to lose and I love that.
Ok I am really drunk. I want to give Naito and Evil my full attention and their entrances will put me to sleep or leave me in a sleepy daze for their 20 minute match.
Hope its good and you all enjoy your weekend
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Here we go
On parting thing this faggot or two faggots keep besmirching Jake Lees name.
Fuck you you fucking jobber goombas
you too anon!
Bro got jumped in the back

oh nvm he napped
God I hate Niato so much get in the fucking ring faggot.
>Tamafag gets behind another boring bitch
Respect the dedication to the gimmick, brother
>they didn't repeat it like they did 2 years ago
I like this EVIL guy
EVIL is such a fun heel even if he doesnt care about having good matches
Fuck you Red Shoes
What did EVIL mean by this?
Ive noticed Naito doesn't do the over the rope dropkick in the corner. He's at least self aware about that
the noises he makes when he nuts in io
I can see why IYO SKY lets this man creampie her asshole and mating press cum inside her pussy every night, based EVIL what a fun guy
kek bushi
Based pipe cut is BACK
that nutshot was kino
kek based
This is awesome
that match was great
BASED finish, now watch plebbit/twitter/youtube complain about this because "OH MY GOD ANOTHER BORING HOUSE OF TORTURE MATCH."
good match
doesnt naito losing constantly cheapens the belt? whats the end game? him losing to someone after losing to 20 people in a row? can someone explain the logic to me? why make the champ look weak
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Don't be dense.
Well, he is washed, so maybe they have turned that into the story
I don't like it, though
he's losing to potential challengers, he'll no doubtly get more wins. He looked better here than in the last two matches.
>Crowd completely died the second EVIL won
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EVIL is so kino in this role. I would swear he was having more fun than when he was actually champion
this nigga yappin
No one liked being a coof champion
why he shmokin a blunt
Smocking that Naito pack
I love EVIL and the match was based but I dont wanna fucking see him get another title shot this year.
At this point Zack has a million title shots lined up kek
Do the board a favor, and wash your mouth out with buckshot

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