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Joshi Week Edition

(It's been a big week for Joshi in WWE, from debuts, to contract news, it seems every Joshi is being ALLURED!
Iyo won the 1st ever women's speed match, and is excited for the tournament.... Iyo and Kairi had a No.1 contenders match, unfortunately Kairi got busted open, but luckily it seems she's ok! And they seem to be on course for a tag team showdown with Kween Jade and Bianca.... Plus, Iyo and Kairi continue their feud with the Pure Dyke Collective, and the Lesbian Witches... But will they try to recruit some new friends while Asuka and Dakota recover? .... In other news, Lyra and Zelina have been more friendly with Iyo and Kairi recently, while they feud with the PDC....)

>We hope Kairi is ok
>We hope Asuka and Dakota can come back healthy soon too!

previous: >>15716890

>The longest running daily wrestler general on /pw/

Social Media:

IYO photobooks:
Players whose tummy's I dream about cooming on.
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Naomi won her Speed match so Iyos next Speed tourney match is against her.
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Putting Giulia in the OP is going to confuse me. I'm not going to know which is /iyo/, /kabuki/ or /giu/ on first glance.
what are the chances kweenz interfere to byild up a sky pirates vs bianca& jade rivalry?
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They're so based bros...
I want to sit in the driver's seat of my car and have Iyo press her bare ass on the outside of the wind shield and lay a perfectly tapered double twister right on the glass.
Hairless from the neck down players
Speed isn't canon so 0%
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It looks like the morons are out, posting their usual garbage more so than usual and sliding the board. So stay vigilant Iyo bros and keep this ship afloat the weather the storm.
>Hogwheels spamming and squealing over AEW being cancelled
Must be a day ending in Y and Iyo being the GOAT.
I miss photobookCHAD
Is the OP the only image of these two together?
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Giulias collage showed a pic of the two off them with Rossy mania week but the actual pic has never been posted
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>takes a picture with the white alligator
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I’m attracted to Sneed Champ Iyo but I’m love with albino alligator fan Masami
Genius of the Pie
I actually kind of love that she shaves her arms
This will make a spectacular OP
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I'm not the biggest fan of gators and will leave some very respectful distance between me and them, but if Iyo wanted to go on one of those fanboat tours to see them in the swamp, then I'd do it for her.
Me on the right
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Iyo loves BWC (Big White Crocodilians)
There's an alligator farm/zoo in St. Augustine, FL that has albino alligators. I've been there often as I only live 30 hours away. I could have been the one taking this picture for her if I has gone that day ;_;
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>I've been there often as I only live 30 hours away
That doesn't sound very close to you anon
Meant 30 minutes, my bad
>getting her back blown out by hung black athletes
Is this true?
Iyo is brat
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That dude is wearing a Lyra Valkyria shirt anon.....
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>see you later alligator
>learning idioms
She's close to English mastery.
Do zoo keepers need to apply lotion or sunscreen to albino gators?
No, but they need shade more than regular gators. Can't be out in the sun too long
You tell me
Do WWE ™ need ME to apply lotion or sunscreen to IYO'S NAKED BODY?
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Kairi's already got that position covered.
Do WWE ™ need ME to apply lotion or sunscreen to KAIRI'S NAKED BODY?
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Asuka's already got that position covered.
Do WWE ™ need ME to apply lotion or sunscreen to ASUKA'S NAKED BODY?
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Her secret husband's already got that position covered.
Iyo is starting to develop Asuka fingers.
Does ASUKA™ need ME to apply lotion or sunscreen to HER SECRET HUSBAND'S NAKED BODY?
you just worked yourself into shoot working at a soapland, dummy
Danggit, I'm running out of ideas here...
Antis have gone insane.
Did that guy delete his own post out of embarrassment, or did it get nuked?
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Iyojanny did his work.
Seriously what a retarded anti lmao
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IYO webms from Speed
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An Iyo anti has just been deleted.

Thank you.
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Tremendous news
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Thank you webmchad!

Iyo has a solo match on monday
Iyo's pits are my happy place
this dick
She almost botched that. It's ok Iyo you still made it work and got a pop so it's ok.
She has a solo match against your dick?
Naomi is beating Iyo, sadly.
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no u should have said Iyo's already got that position covered.
To bring it back around full circle.
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Reminder Kairi and Iyo have friendship bracelets.
Who went with Iyo?
Maybe she's showing all the tourist traps she likes to Giulia now that she's living in Orlando. That's who took the picture.
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I mean it was obviously Sumie.
I took the pics
What pics?
Based LSUanon.

The alligator pic above.
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The Iyo Sky Thread deserves to be stickied
Iyo deserves her own board.
Sumie had to get some face time with Iyo because she was spending too much time with Giulia
M̸̚a̶§Åm̶⟟ ⧲ÐḀ̶͗TË

An Iyo anti has just been deleted.

Thank you.
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I wish.
Now I want Iyo to meet our cat.
Pretty kitty.
Based Janny CHAD
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ǝʇɐpO !wɐsɐW
Iyos asshole
Iyos vaginahole
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I pop everytime I see these silly Iyo fanart images
Kairi and Iyo cuddling (they don't know what sex is).
>they don't know what sex is
Nah that's you
Iyo Sky deserves to get sticky from me if ya get my meaning.
The antichads carried this general. Its slow without them.
The antiSPACKS GAYED UP this general. Its COMFY without them.
>a dead thread is comfy
Iyo decided she didn't want any body hair today. Did a full body hair removal this morning
[Great News]
yes, I did it with my tongue
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pouring my sticky syrup all over Iyo's luscious pancakes
what dis mean
HAPPENING, IYO has no match for tomorrow
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My Odate
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At least we have a thread. Where is the birb thread?
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Iyo is definitely going to show up after the Kweens vs Witches match tomorrow on RAW. I hope she isn't the mystery person to help Birb and Zelina.
is it officially ogre if its the latter?
Maybe but I doubt it happens since it gives Kairi not much to do at all. Most likely it's Natalya.
What if it's Lexi or Mella off of maternity leave?
why is that bald fraud burying /ourgirl/
Is there an old boomer podcaster seething about Iyo again?
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I just thought, if Kairi needs to take time off because of her eye injury then Iyo will probably join team birb. I hope Kairi is cleared there isn't any reports saying she will miss time so that probably isn't the case....
im talking about hunter
Paul milks stories way too long. Bloodline has been going on for years. Liv and Rhea will be going on for nearly a year straight. Blame the WWE fans for having the attention span of goldfish.
I want Iyo to retire and start a family,
I've already talked about that with her, but she has a few career goals left that she wants to achieve before doing so.
shes 34...she wont be able to have kids soon.
>t. kairi
i want Kairi to retire and kids too, these are damn fine women with good genetics not contributing to the advancement of our species, and thats a depressing thing.
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good night moon
Natalya is on the PDC team, the mystery partner is Tatum
Iyo, iyo, IYO!!!
Cryopreservation has come a long way, so her eggs will be frozen and a surrogate will be used if necessary.
I'm going to an upcoming RAW. Should I wear my Iyo Sky shirt? Or should I just play it safe?
Yes wear it
Support iyo chan always
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>Or should I just play it safe?
What does this even mean?
you're going to a wrestling show, just wear the IYO shirt

So it's true...
Damn. Your cord has zero creativity.
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do you guys think they'd allow IYO to hold both the women's tag title and the speed title at once
i understand wanting to give IYO the inaugural speed title to kick off its lineage with prestige and integrity. but the speed thing is so obviously not gonna last, it's such a gimmicky meme title and format. and i would hate to see that get in the way of her advancing elsewhere in the name of KKK trying to push this dumb shit. how awful it would be to be deprived of a sky pirates run for this. but maybe she can do both.
Iyo two belts would be dimes. I hope it happens.
It wouldn't be the 1st time Iyo has held multiple titles, or been the inaugural winner of a defunct title, she was the 1st ever SWA champion, and just because it's gone now doesn't make that any less prestigious, so if she wins the Speed championship it's another notch on the record, another bonus pay check, and another indicator that HHH views her as someone who is valuable for marketing to a wider audience, who he wants to attract over to the TV show
Nah that's you
So, are the rumors true that Iyo got BLACKED?
I hope the Spped tournament is over before Halloween because if she wins that title she can use the bonus check to treat herself and Kairi to a girls nigh out at Halloween Horror Nights at Universal.
Nah that's your asshole
Antis buttholes do be getting plundered.
Several times. The babydick whiteoids itt are in a shambles over it.
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iyo has ascended above the need for nipples
Soft and smooth
i love iyos autism eyes
Hairless as well
One of the hottest "nude, but not showing the goods" pictures ever
Daily reminder that Iyo lost lmao
Now that Iyo is buried, is Giulia /ourgirl/?
Iyo lost to Lita. She ain't buried brother.
>“I’ve said it a lot in these calls, I’ve said it a lot in press, not because I’m trying to hype the brand, but because I truly believe it. I believe Io Shirai... you could make the argument that she’s the best female performer on the face of the planet"

>HHH (head of WWE creative)
I haven't seen anything about IYO having a match tonight
She's either the mystery opponent or attacking the Kweens after their win.
>mystery opponent
it could be Nattie because they're in Calgary
kairi tweeted she's at raw. so they'll definitely have a segment
Kairi is alive? BASED
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stitched up and seemingly well. possibly will wear an eyepatch which would be very based
/iyo/ won
Iyo and Kairi should wear matching eye patches.
Iyo and Kairi should wear matching merkins.
>another indicator that HHH views her as someone who is valuable for marketing to a wider audience
i would hope that if the title does fail that he doesn't stop believing this and realizes that it was the format that did itself in, not the champion
Iyo and Kairi should wear matching panties (none)
Why is /iyo/ the only general to call themselves a "THREAD" and not a "general"?
Dream threesome
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dream quadsome
They already have matching pubic hair (none)
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Best case scenario
I think they should wear panties with each others names on them.
Iyo Sky will never have success on RAW unless she starts kissing Dom on camera.
Oh RAW is going to be two hours now so less time for Iyo to have segments when that could be used for Judgement Day.
Damn Iyo really got demoted to the Speed division forreal
Backstage segment, Iyo and Kairi told Bianca and Jade to watch out for them. Also, Kairi and Iyo looked like pure sex
Will the Sky Pirates be on Smackdown I wonder.
>RAW is going to be two hours now
is that confirmed?
WWE confirmed it. I hope Iyo can still be on every week. Paul loves having 50 Judgement Day segments a week.

>no proper eye patch on Kairi

Holy shit hunter really is a hack
WWE confirmed it.
Kairi might get too over.
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Iyo spoke in full English. I thought she did ok even though her accent is so thick.
Iyos voice is funny
Iyo, Kairi, Jade and Bianca are all beautiful.
Bianca and Jade are roid monkeys
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>back to feuding with Bianca
Haitch loves Iyo he'll always find a way for her.
Yeah her accent is weird. Cute, but weird.
IYO has a good voice for femdom JOI
>wiping the belts with her greasy dirty ass hair extenstion.
Oh brother... lol
Promos good
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iyo has asian grandmother voice
Iyo is buried, you have to be able to cut good promos to be over
She has a smoker voice. But even speaking engrish is better than just standing there
very alluring
Raw being 2 hours is just temporary for the short USA extension deal, back to 3 hours on Netflix
Iyo can speak better full English sentences than every other Joshi in WWE probably.
I don't think I've ever heard Kairi speak english
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Nah Asuka and Giulia are much better than this obese chain smoking jobber.
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Sexy back
I would. They can both get it
No $30?
Surely iyo won't miss bad blood
Iyo sky
Correct, they have a tag title match
Genius Of The VAGINA
Genius Of The NEO VAGINA
Nah that's you
Daily reminder that Iyo lost lmao
Nah that's the average AEWtist
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Iyo's low gravelly smoker voice is dimes.
She should do ASMR videos. Naked.
i kinda miss 2020 performance center kabuki kino. but the complete lack of crowd noise is definitely weird
When iyo eats it goes all to her face and thighs.
lick IYO soles
dick IYO holes
bro she spoke English in a promo like 2 weeks ago.
And it sounded very lewd.
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Why does Damage CTRL always get bloody?
Why do you have no life and samefag this trash thread?
They're hardcore
Did you make a birb general thread that died or something? Why the seethe?
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Iyo shows up for just a couple seconds and RAW ratings plummet drastically. The show needs more Iyo.
based iyochads having lives and not spending 24/7 on /pw/
how much of this is scripted and how much of this is off the dome?
this is more english than i've ever heard iyo or asuka speak and everyone always says kairi is the worst at english
In terms of English

Tozawa > Iyo > Kairi > Asuka >>>> Shinsuke
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Iyo has done well in interviews during Mania week and in the live with Kairi.
Tozawa doesn't soeak a lick, brother. Watch his CVV interview.
Describe the hair around her anus.
it's actually
shinsuke > tozawa > kairi > iyo > asuka
and that's a shoot brother
as i currently watch NXT, i would like to amend this
shinsuke > tozawa > kairi > iyo > asuka > giulia
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We support winners here.
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Why doesn't Shinsuke ever cut promos in English? Or I felt like he never has.
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tonight I will astrally project myself and gently kiss Iyo's epicanthic folds in my dreams
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I would lick her salty b/hole clean after a shit!
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Damn now I’m extremely hornee but I refuse to jack off
same, i am retaining semen
Idk this meme but it look funny so I ladff at it
I think if u do it long enough it will start oozing out of your ears
>anon doesn't remember the kino 'I know about your back' promo in his feud with Seth.
Boxers do it all the time. It will unironically have you feeling good and energetic a few weeks in.

I won't lie. I'd drink their body fluids.
The language of Iyostani
You post this but autistically insist on making "the real" joshi threads.
Pot meet retarded kettle.
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Daily reminder that Iyo lost lmao
Utami is fat
Why was Taylor Swift copying Iyos crazy cat lady gimmick?
Don't forget she's ugly too
There's something about that wrinkle popping on her left buttcheek that is doing something to me.
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I want to eat Iyos asshole after she just took a messy shit so fucking bad.
.............. For why?
Why not?
IYO needs to reproduce
what is it with japanese bitches and not having babies????

like, I thought they were highly nationalistic.
hard working curture no time for babies
Because that's where poo poo comes from
I'd still let her sit on my face.
The perfect sandwich
On this 9/11 anniversary we will be going for a TWIN Masami Odate Tower
Powerful tribute, Masami Odate

>haha look at us guys, were so hard working that our race is going extinct isnt that honorable

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