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See You Later Alligator Edition

(Iyo and Kairi had a stare down with with Kween Jade and Bianca, and seem set for a tag title showdown.... Plus Iyo won the 1st ever women's speed match, and is excited for the tournament.... Plus, Iyo and Kairi continue their feud with the Pure Dyke Collective, and the Lesbian Witches... But will they try to recruit some new friends while Asuka and Dakota recover? .... In other news, Lyra and Zelina have been more friendly with Iyo and Kairi recently....)

>We hope Kairi is ok
>We hope Asuka and Dakota can come back healthy soon too!

previous: >>15751791

>The longest running daily wrestler general on /pw/

Social Media:

IYO photobooks:
I fucking love Iyo
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made for BWC
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Why would Iyo let this picture be taken?
im afraid in her younger days iyo was what you would call a... 'slut'
She knows what you gotta do to sell photobooks.
Post any and all high quality images of Iyo's pits
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damn right she does
Iyo is smart and knows sexuality draws. She once said if you have huge tits you should show them off as it would draw fans.
Where's the body hair?
The what?
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The body hair. Does Iyo really NOT have any hair below the scalp?
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I’m attracted to Iyo but I’m in love with Masami
Asuka's too busy building herself a she-shed.
>Iyo is smart and knows sexuality draws
Is that why she hid her body for nearly a decade after leaving Japan.
If you watching Discovery Channel you would notice females getting in position for the male, I think it's a mating call and she does the same here for my young 15 inch Greek BWC

Also a fitting song for this thread
I have no fapped to Iyo's feet in days. Can someone post their favorite photo of her feet and toes?
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Her wikifeet page needs to be taken down for using the name we don't say here.

Do not sexualize Iyo-san.

Thank you.
Smelliest article on the interweb
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What will Iyo be doing at wrestlemania
I'll cum on her face
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After performing extensive hours of research examining hundreds of gigabytes of images and videos of Iyo Sky (A.K.A. Masami Odate), the conclusion:


body hair.
do there is and are stream towards watch?
why is dean moxlbrose acting like a Karl?
Tremendous News!!!
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I think you mean to be in the AEW gamethread? This is the Iyo general, brother.
WHO and WHO?
Why doesn't the mega link contain the photobook these pics come from?
you just summoned a fresh Masami tower
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>when he says the M name
Based Giulia is taking up the mantle that Iyo once had where she outdrew gAyEW on NXT.
Look it's an ugly and stupid lizard, the crocodiles look good though specially the albino
Imagine giving Masami a creampie
She's not like that.
My new favorite Iyo
I would like to eat a pie with Iyo
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I want to eat Iyo's pie.
Looks so cozy...
>has an insatiable need to troll Iyo, and other joshi threads
>shows his ignorance by not knowing how to tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile
Imagine the disappointment his parents had when he brought his report card home.
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Antis do be low IQ retards lol
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good night moon

An Iyo anti has just been deleted.

Thank you.
Don't we all
Stop pretending to be a janny, bitch
[Tremendous LEWDS]
extremely based
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I peed shooting my pee right up at the ceiling and it hit my ceiling fan and rained back down on my face and I camed real hard
She is doing the 4 lyfe sign with her hand poor muta I don’t think ever joined the nwo
I would like if Iyo Sky beat me up really bad and bruised my face, hopefully fracturing my orbital sockets and then she would call me dirty names and pee directly on my face where the am bleeding
I wish Iyo Sky would pee on my wounds so badly :( I get very sad knowing it wont happen
I think her peepee tinkles probably taste salty naturally, but I think hers has a sweetness to it that other peoples urine doesnt
That means she has diabetes
Imagine if you didn’t have to pay water bills anymore because Iyo Sky is in your sink peeing so you can wash your hands that way and then she is in your shower perky on you so you can wash? I wish Iyo Sky peeing replaced all water fixtures in my home!
That’s just TOO SWEET!
i wish she pee on me
GIRLS ARE ALL TALK they will say they will pee on you but then when they are squatting over your face they freeze up and cant go. So I usually have slapped the shit out of women doing this and then held them down and pissed directly in their hair and ears and shit
>The crippled blind troon is talking to himself again
I recently gooned to Iyo for the first time, it was quite enjoyable!
Please stop sexualizing my girlfriend anons
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Sorry Kairi.
Wish she would bring this gear back
genius of the thighs
This is wishful thinking head cannonon my part, but wouldn't it be nice if Iyo was part, or had a solo, coombook made while she was in Japan? Hunter let Toni, Piper and Xia Brookside do photos when they were there in early spring 2019 when he was trying to buy Stardom. Maybe that's why we got those bikini photos while she was there.
If only we were so lucky, brother....
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Is Iyo Aryan?
her eyes are brown wtf?
Damn! That's a fat pussy!
Japs are Honorary
nah u are
M̸̚a̶̋§Åm̶⟟ ⧲ÐḀ̶͗TË
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You just know there's a couple more bikini images she has hidden somewhere.
Iyo is brat
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You will never be a woman.
The fuck are you crying about cracker?
Nice post and self screenshot bro
Holy cope.
kek iyotranny do be a fucking faggot
>wanting to be a cute and sexy transwoman now makes you a faggot
This explains a lot
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Be honest fellas, you all think the same.
....what's going on here
Not likely
We don't sign our posts here.
>wanting to be a cute and sexy transwoman now makes you a faggot
what level of irony is this
Some anti had a meltdown
Sup Oinkotranny.
Is this the boy who's been making all these Iyo threads ?
'fraid so.
This has to be the gayest falseflag in history, he posted some troon porn just to falseflag, GAAAAAAY
This. Whatever Iyocord tranny did this is beyond deranged.
Be quiet troon lover, you saved fag porn just to falseflag, what a fucking gaylord
I don't know much about iyo does she have a lot of trannie fans ?
No, your kind isn't welcome here
Gaylord? Your the one that wasn't to be a woman.
I always a suspected that these Iyo fans were a little light in the loafers
>that wasn't to be a woman
Says the trannie
Nah, that's (Xou)
I've checked around, and everyone agrees that it's actually you.
She does. We are all trans here.
>The blind crippled tranny is still talking to ximself
>Xe is talking about xirself in third person now
Many are saying this.
Iyotrannie will never be a woman, because mommy lexi said so! jej
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presented without comment
How is sex between a man and a woman gay? You Iyo antis are so fucking retarded...
presented without $30
you literally paid $50 for an ai "artist" to do this shitty edit. the "real" pic has clear ai upscaling
It's a screenshot from the PPV retard
kek I own your mind ya faggy tranny BITCH!
It was sex between a man and his tranny, no woman was involved.
>posts a troon
so you got worked into skimming through a 5 hours ppv to find the "real pic"? whichever is true, you are undeniable pathetic.
Transgirls are women, chuddie.
Post pics
I assume he just watched the iyo promo segment.
Why do transphobes hate Iyo and her fans?
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Oh no no no no no no no
I heard Oinko Sty's fans are all trannies. Is that true?
' o
Sad but true.
sup pajeet
That's what I heard.
many people are saying this
No lies detected.
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So I guess the cord got tired of spamming BBC and are now spamming about trannies after the BBC spam didn't work?
nah, i think it's because one of you iyopedos made a post saying you wish you were a transexual
Yeah I'm sure that was a real Iyochad.
you gotta admit, it's a bit suspect to be avatarfagging as a little japanese woman
so you got worked into PAYING $30 AND skimming through a 5 hours ppv to find BOTCHES AND FOUND ZERO, SO YOU INSTEAD EDITED the "PIG pic"? whichever is true, you are undeniable pathetic.
I don't doubt it' for one minute' you're all weirdos!
sounds based tbqh
Who was in the wrong here?
The red hair is played out, she needs to go all black
>The red hair is played out
talking like a woman?
>she needs to go all black
another bbc coded post?
yep, iyopedos are never beating the bbc tranny allegations
She should go blonde a little like Gyaru Io.
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Iyo with no makeup
Bump for Iyo trannies
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>masters the beasts of the earth
>ywn browse the aisles at Buc-ee's with makeup free Iyo.
What a woman! Iyo is a hot little mama! Awooooga!
Everyone's saying this!
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>actual photo with no makeup
I bet I could fit Iyos entire foot in my mouth
truly a perfect specimen
M. Odate
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is this the official blacked wrestler thread?
shouldn't have messed with our Birb threads cunt, reap what you sow bitch
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They don't call her Iyo "No White Man's" Sky for nothing.

KWABB(Kek What A Blacked Bitch)
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no bump
Will Sky Pirates appear on SD tonight? They're feuding with SD wrestlers right now.
Maybe, even the Bloodline showed up on NXT this week, and they're pushing the whole "WWE week" on USA
The people WANT Iyo
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QUESTION IYOBROS: Who's the female Japanese singer she's hung around with in the states? Photo attached...
How did she become such a celebrity in such a short time?
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Kumi Koda
Cute toes
Komi Koda, Iyo Sky and Kairi Sane have cute feet
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Iyobros.....now she's fucking random brown neckbeards....why does she hate white peepee so much ;_;
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>not touching
>no boobs on arm
Yeah, I'm thinking whites win.
LSU TITAN finished the story
/iyo/ is brat
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The story isn't over until I take her on a Buc-ee's date.
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Disney world. Probably with the hag.
Giulia just got in town so it must be time for her standard Disney trip
God, she's incredible. Everything about her is prefect in every way.
>whites win
The 4 inch category.
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Her pale skin is incredible
Rumors say Iyo is the best
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Kairi is on Smackdown she beat Elektra. But I'm guessing Iyo is still in Orlando because of the IG story she posted.
Those 8k cameras gonna give us some HD IYO BOOTY
8k cameras capturing Iyos hairless vagina
The human eye can't see 8k.
I'm, hopefully, going to Orlando/Kissimmee at the end of next month. Where would I have a better chance of bumping in to Iyo: Buc-ee's, Gatorland, Disney World and the associated parks, Universal Studios and the associated parks, or WaWa?
I need to go to Animal Kingdom and ride Expedition Everest with Iyo.
I'm hoping we get documentation of Giulia, Iyo and Kairi going to Universal for Halloween Horror Nights together. Sumie will probably tag along, but that's the price to pay to see them having fun together.
That's Animal Kingdom, a Disney property, but a whole different park.
Buccees 100%
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thanks, I'll rename the file
wait was it on tv or a dark match?
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>go in instagram
>keeps recommending me atarashii gakko and Katsura Sunshine because IYO follows them
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Iyo Sky permanently altered my taste in women
wait, kairi wasn't on slopdown, she was filming her sneed episode, that was a sneed match.

Kairi won that much. Meaning we need two more wins before a dimes Iyo vs Kairi.
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HAPPENING, I am booking this escort and asking her to dress as Iyo.

Anyone know where I can get her in-ring clothes?
Escorts aren't Christian. This is a Christian general.
>blacked is one of the fastest growing JAV categories
>no white category
Uh....microdickbros? This isn't a good look...
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Damn Straight
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Please post some high quality photos or webms of Iyo's soft thighs. Preferably jiggling or being compressed by her thigh straps.
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Iyo looked best with the title.
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Iyo looked best with no clothes
The 10 inch bbc is just out of frame.
We're not talking about your asshole
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Kek got xer
You have to go back.
You have to dilate in the cord, not here.
Iyo bros
Shes still pure
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I'm afraid Lyra is having sexual intercourse with a man, and they will soon be married, but we should be celebrating their love anon
>instantly starts thinking about trannies
You have to go back faggot.
>P-pls don't assume my gender
We don't care about your gaping gash trannimore, try bleeding out somewhere else
Iyo doesn't know what sex is.
>Iyoschizo fighting imaginary enemies again
lol you sad fat faggot you live on this site simping while Iyo is getting her cervix slammed by thick black cock.
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[Great News] Iyo got her belt in BJ.
>Lol it's not the same anon in here who fantasizes about black men and acts like a tranny 24/7
>It's your imagination
Kek xe is falling apart again
Actually it's evil cock
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These gals are yen incarnate, and kairi
This general literally gets more bumps and posts because of you. You have to be the biggest dumb ass on the site. Antis are perpetual losers and don't even know it.
and the source is your gaping asshole.
remember, blacked.com was literally invented by a jew because he got bullied in high school and makes all their money off of a grant from the israeli government
A microdick like you would know all about blacked.com
nah, I'm not jewish.
I'm Jewish and I hate Iyo Sky
Based Irish cuck Liam with the confession of his mock tendencies
idk why kairi hid backstage that whole show
She’s retarded now
Autocorrect is protecting his kind
What's this queer crying about today?
*more retarded now
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Antis always have a stick their craw, just another day ending in y
The perfect image
>everyone laughing at me is the same person
>it's hogwheels
>it's agua
>it's lexifag
>it's sashaschizo
>it's hennimore
>it's shankism
>it's liam
Did it ever cross your mind that you're just a laughable easily trolled faggot?
>still no source
>still believes the black dick work
Nobody has ever mentioned Agua or Shankism. Sashaschizo was real and got KWAB'd by Iyochads like the rest of those names.
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They're the same person. They're you and the only constant is xe talking about dicks and pointing out how he's totally not the same person, except xe posts the same way. For years. So yeah, you're easily spotted
>Iyo-chan! You forgot to wear your clothes! And somehow you ended up in my bed...
Antis got murked KWAB
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I could be doing anything else with my life but Instead I'm posting on an Iyo Sky coomer thread. What went wrong?
Sounds like everything went right.
Prayed to my Iyo shrine again
>stop posting Mirai in the Iyo thread
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>has an emotional support plushie
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why is she so puffy bros
She's cuddling with Kairi right now.
Would still fuck her like this
Citation needed
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That's mean >:(
kek accurate
It's only stupid and gay if you're here to get attention from other men like you're doing.
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Her boyfriend EVIL took this picture
there are also no-gaijin areas in japan in regards to their hookers. theyre afraid the women will leave with them. same with wmaf in jav, its rare because the yakuza fears BWC. they know asian women see BBC as freak show tier movies so they do them and never look back. with white men theyd leave the country for them. this is a fact, white men are a threat not a fetish.
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fraid so. not one white male allowed in JAV due to the fears of Japanese women actually seeing a superior mate in front of them.
you guys think she will suffer a career ending pregnancy one day? or is she a lesbian or cat lady?
Shes not a lesbian. Shes only dated guys and wants to be the bride

But at the same time shes at the peak of her career, working an EXTREMELY physical job. Her next 5 years will the biggest in her wrestling career so I don't see any career ending pregnancies in her immediate future
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I thought so too.
they aren't dating and evil's dick don't work
how you know? been sucking it?
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Wrong on both accounts
>said person is impotent
>h-have you tried sucking it?
is this the power of Liamcuck's mind?
She shoot dumped him via text because he cheated on her with a waitress
he shoot injured it in a match with billy ray, this is common knowledge you dick obsessed homo
correct on both accounts. she said in an interview she was single and that his dick don't work so she never had sex with him
I think Iyo and EVIL make a cute and fitting couple as they are both wrestling savvy. Iyo works the west for big bucks while EVIL makes fun of the japanese scene
This is just your headcanon, he's still dicking her.
many people are saying this
Post a link to the interview
Making new soon
>EVIL was at wrestlemania
>we only got a single fan picture of him
>people still think he wasn't there for Iyo
Come the fuck on they are together, why is it so hard to accept that Iyo has a boyfriend
nope, evil's dick don't work so he became a gay. hundreds of chinaman have fucked his ass
It's nothing to do with accepting it, they were engaged 6 years ago, they broke up, Iyo confirmed she was single again, deal with it
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they hooked up at least. she likes ugly looking juggalos, I thought you knew
>yeah, I'm totally single. keep buying my merch.
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kairi and asuka are married and sell merch. iyo is just sampling everything she can before settling down after the wwe years

>wasn't in family seats
>was in the mark seats
All other E joshis aren't hiding it. It doesn't matter in America.

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