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Trailer Park Pirate Edition

(With Kairi still recovering from her gnarly spill from the previous week, /arrrrgirls/ did not have a match this week. They did have a face off with the Kookout Kween Konnection backstage who seem to be next up to walk the plank. Kairi will still be facing Electra Lopez next week on Speed so an all Sky Pirate final is still on the table! Kairi is still hot as fuck which is always splendid news!)

Previous: >>15733942

Kairi sings the anti-blues:

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Kairi sees you Canadian SignGOD
>Kairi sings the anti-blues:
Thank you, I needed my dose of dopamine.
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Animu Pirates
more like anime pirate and anime pig lmao
Only if you were in the picture, Liam. Put down the tendies and wash your rotting wound for once
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bros i think i might be turning into a boomer with how hard my neurons activate over the sight of a woman in a crop tank and denim skirt leaning against a vintage car
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Another edition of /arrrr/ BASED
i am in the picture, i am the red haired pig
which joe dirt movie is this?
The Japanese remake
Kairi was so naive back then. She didn't know that you're not supposed to touch a black woman's hair. Good thing Mark Henry wasn't paying attention to the product back then.
Sorry Liam, but YNBAW.
Why did Kairi stiff Lita? Did Matt put her up to it?
After this happened Lacey, Charlotte and Nia all stiffed Kairi badly. Lita might've put out the call.
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Someone please make an MV of Kairi's various antics & hijinks, set to 80s bubblegum girly pop music. She'd probably love it.
Kairi's just wanna have fun
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If Kairi was my ringside coach, I would be so motivated to do my best and win for her!
Any more pics from this? Jean shorts/skirts are my weakness.
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this one got the nigerus SEETHING kek
based americana pirate
Top tier pitties
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we need more kairi stomp webms
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Lucy looks like THAT now?
Smokes... let's go!
does kairi keep her phone on a leash?
This was the best kairi ever looked. Go back and watch her entrance at the rumble 2018. Looks like a million bucks.
you made me google womens royal rumble 2018 and before i knew it im sitting down with a beer watching the whole thing now kek. youre right though, kairi looked absolutely stunning here. cant believe they had fucking dana brooke eliminate her
Gotta keep it safe. She never knows when she'll have to take a hot pic for the gram or a selfie with cheese
watch it right to the end
Currently touching my penis while watching this picture, feel free to ask questions
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Everyday is Christmas in /arrrr/
did the kweens even care or was it just mark henry seething on their behalf?
Nice trips
she is really going all out to get a white man now.
Yo ho ho and I'm gonna finna coom
she's been listening to too much lana
I wish she pulled a Shannon Sharp when she's sending stuff to Batman.
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So were all like Mick Foley?
Well Mark found Bianca and Jade introduced them to the business. So it's not outside of the realm of possibility one or both of them bitched to him about that and he aired their grievance as his own.
Is that elf running to fuck that deer?
What did unc do?
Somehow his IG had a stream of him banging some skank. Then he claimed he was hacked.
Did it make Ocho cry?
This one always pisses the trannies off
Gaww dayum
Kairi is a total babe
They both outta breath now
me and kairi in bed
I'd be rock hard if i walked by her like that
I'd be rock hard if i walked by her.
I'm kinda disappointed we haven't seen any of the Japanese lads hanging out with Damage CTRL since they've been on Raw.
Hojo's Bizzare Adventure
the only thing flatter than Kairi's cute pancake booty is the bed of that El Camino
> Sweaty consensual sex in the missionary position with Kairi for the purpose of procreation in the bed of the El Camino.
She loves her fans
It would be pretty funny if they had Nakamura be Kairi's sleezy boyfriend.
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the american dream
shinsuke is still technically on smackdown but he's also just straight up absent from television, they need to bring him back immediately to save the utterly dimeless shitshow that smackdown is currently
i agree they should put tozawa with the joshis more, boost his profile outside of alpha academy a bit. he speaks english better than them too so with dakota out he could translate or be a mouthpiece.
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We will never experience it
reality is crushing
Tonawanda is a fucking goof
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Looks like the sucky sucky hooker from Full Metal Jacket.
Kairi has to be going over right?
idk who the one on the right is
wont this be elektra's first televised match since nxt? kairi has to go over
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hey, she didn't do that!
she did to the haters!
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A song for our Queen Cap'n
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Yohoho and I'm gonna finna coom
Based you got it to sound like actual pirates
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I don't think Shinsuke is the guy they need to bring the magic back to smackdown. That's up to the final boss...and maybe the Hardy boyz.

I wish HHH would just put all the Japanese wrestlers into a single faction. A kino gimmick faction. Shinsuke could be a samurai. Asuka could be a yokai witch. There would be a ninja, a shrine maiden etc. And backstage they are always eating sushi and watching anime or godzilla.
Dorkamura needs to stay away from Kairi and Iyo
Imagine the Giant tittied Amazon/Miniature Joshi vagina sex
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Post Kairi
7 years ago today Kairi defeated Butch to win the Mae Young classic!
It was a good match. Cute how they had a sporting hug at the end. I wonder if Kairi and Shayna are friends IRL. They always work well together.
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>I cannot find my sungrassu. *hiccups* Has anybody see my sungrassu?
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2020 royal rumble when kairi bumps the camera with her parasol
kek what did she mean with such a suggestive wink?
Very sexy player
If Kairi hit me with an offensive gesture like this, I would shrivel up on the spot and plead for mercy.
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/our/ 30+ y/o autist
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>dressing like white trash
god damn she is turning me on hard right here
Insane BUMP
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Kairi is hat
cute lil drunk
Poi has been inspired by Kairi's SPIRIT
Poi is Pirate Princess approved!
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based poi
Kairi knows Skelly is Smelly
Poi is KK. Trannies seethe once more as another joshi turns their back on them.
>She didn't know that you're not supposed to touch a black woman's hair.
You mean weave?
nobody here knows nor cares what that means
supporting her REstart sister
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congratulations Poi!
we don't post unflattering images of Kairi here
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Kairi supports Poi in her quest to end the Nigeru menace and save the white race
Kai Ri
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Kairi so aquatic
Why is she wearing as shirt in the pool. At least give us a nice one-piece to look at.
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Seiko Hojo
Page 10 bump to make the tranny world order seethe
Page eight bump just because
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page 1 bump
she is perfect bros...
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Way to go fellow Krew
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Mae Young Classic meant a lot to her
It was a great day
Lads, a bit of bad news. The East Carolina University football team lost to Appalachian State 21 to 19. We should petition the university to bring in Kairi for a pregame ceremony that will hopefully being the good karma just like Grimace did foe the NY Mets earlier in the year.
this was before H decided iyo was going to be his go-to joshi instead
happier times...
She's so beautiful
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ah a delicious Sunday pancake breakfast
Magnificent camera work of a compelling thigh gap.
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Kairi is a virtuous hat princess
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Is Kairi demure?
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very much so
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you tell me
Kairi is demure, sexo, kawaii, tough, skanky and beautiful. She does it all.
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I dig the gloryhole cut out in her costume
I wish IP counts were back because I bet 80% of this thread is by a single obsessed virgin

Kairi fucking sucks shes just a jobber and not even that good looking
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nah u are
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Imagine getting worked by a cute Japanese woman
>IP count comes back
>Liam samefags himself to a slow death on the inside
>IP count never goes up when the anti arrives
yeah, imagine how cool that would be
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back when she took wc
Nah I'm just telling facts

I can understand Iyo general because shes an S-tier worker by womens standards. Asuka too is pretty damn good A-tier. Kairi however just sucks. Watch her do another wild spot just to get her eye bloodied or head concussed because shes a shitter

It would actually be funny to see the entire damage CTRL injured expect Iyo because shes the only one who can work without fucking herself up
why does this dumb fag always cry about image generals on an image board?
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wtf is her problem
Because he's a lonely virgin goof who needs attention.
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did Kairi know what she was doing here?
this is her signature autism spot
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100%. Damage CTRL are all footsluts.
This was a rare occurrence for Kairi, not wearing stockings with her gear. Maybe it was because this was during the pandemic and getting certain goods was hard to come by.
Cuter and more sensual than Rick Rude could ever be.
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/arrrrteam/ lost by 2 to the degenerate Appalachian State University. It was a valiant effort but they really missed Coach Kairi being on the sideline. We're still finna win the natty bros. I can feel it in my bones.
I need more Kairi. She needs her own show, with Cheese.
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It has me worried that Raw is going to have only a 2 hour run-time. They'll be drip-feeding us tiny morsels of Kairi just to keep us hooked.
Bro's... I thought Kairi antis were a myth just for scaring young Kairi-chads. But to see some shitter comment like this on /arrrr/... what is the world coming to? Is nothing sacred anymore?
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Trannies be seething over their shitty ratings
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It's Iyo vs Naomi and Kairi vs Candice LeRae in the wwe speed. The possibility of a Sky Pirates Bowl is very real. My body is ready.
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holy shit I was out for a week and didn't expect this general to still be going. My respects to the dedicated guys staying.
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The day may come when I have to crawl back to /Kabuki/ for the bulk of my Kairi content. But not this day. I'll go down with this ship. Because I love my captain.
/arrrr/ never dies
We're on this ship together. Perhaps one day, we'll stopping at a dock for the last time, but today is not the day.
They need to do what the Mets did with Grimace and instead of doing the first pitch, have her do the coin flip. Then the ECU Pirates can go on a hot streak like the NY Mets did after the Grimace appearance.
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That day may come, but today is not the day.
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Kairi WILL win the world title in the next year
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1 more day until Raw. Can you feel it? Ho-chan is very close now.
I can feel it brothers! Kairi is coming in hot. Hojomania is rising. Running wild even. It's going to be beautiful. You'll love it.
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just 3 more months until netflix and back to 3 hours...
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she cheated on Evil
She never dated broke dick mountain in the first place retard
or wait, that's Iyo who is with Evil. I'll leave the pic up though.
hey calm down pal
I like how Kairi has inserted her foot into the sand. I do that at the beach sometimes. Also hummina hummina hummina
kairi is poggers
based retard
wrong jap, yep
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I wonder how much it would take for them to sell me that Kairi plushie.
I want one too. They made one for Iyo as well
I wanna fuck southern truck stop Kairi so bad
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Me too brother she's fucking hot
I know there are tiers to this, but any form of Kairi is fuckable.
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Kairi is very sweet
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Buy the fucking shirt marks
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Kairi enjoyed Poi vs Hazuki
it was a good match. Didn't care for the finish, though. I hate it when in long matches where they kick the shit out of each other it ends on some shitty out of nowhere pin.
kairi is one of us kek
Sliding BUMP
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Kairi's hair looks dimes
More Kairi soon..
Kairi needs to get Hazuki into the PC. Even if she stays being a midcarder she'll at least get more exposure and a bigger payday out of it.
Kairi v Bianca tonight
well shit
>Iyo stealing Kairi's opportunity
Scratch that, it's Iyo v Bianca now lol
Nah, they're just covering the eye in kayfabe, Kairi will face Jade next, they work well together
I just want a dosis of Kairi tonight, however fleeting.
she really stole Kairi's victory
Are we supporting Poi more or less now?
i really do enjoy looking at kairi's pancake butt
no idea why
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Maybe the Sky Pirates will appear on smackdown for Kairi to fight Jade.
duuuude - chick's a PILF !
Iyo Hogan playing politics.
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>Triipah H Kun
That finish no work for Iyo chan
>That ain't gonna work for me onee-san
sweet jesus. dem boobas so reflective she needs sunglasses.
Yeah could be, now RAW and SD are both on USA for a few months, I can see a bit more crossover
I like that shirt with big hair Kairi. But I like the coloring on the new Damage CTRL shirt more. But I also like the thought of getting the long sleeve solo Kairi shirt to keep me snug. Maybe I'll wait for a sale and get them all. It's what Kairi would want.
I hope Asuka comes back soon for Kairi
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Kairi is a real life anime girl.
Kairi would want you to spend your money frivolously like she does with designer hats and handbags.
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Me too. I don't think the Sky Pirates will beat Bianca & Jade in this feud they are building up. It will be up to the Kabuki's to defeat them -hopefully in a rematch at mania.
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A natural wonder of the world
Jade and Bianca will be broken up and feuding with each other with the blow off at Mania. The Kabuki's taking the title off of them may be the catalyst for that break up.
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No slidey
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I'd slather syrup on that ass and lick it clean
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omg Ho-chan!!!
Kairi putting over a cute fan's cosplay of her
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At this point, I'm quite sure I could send Kairi a tribute aftermath pic and she'd like, comment and retweet the fuckin thing.
This was a pleasant surprise at lunch today.
This is the H⦺J⦷ D⦻J⧂
Kairi should
Amazing! Too cute!
She really does resemble her a lot
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>tfw no Kairi gf

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