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Seeing Double Edition

(Iyo and Kairi had a stare down with with Kween Jade and Bianca, and seem set for a tag title showdown.... Also, they both won their 1st speed matches, and have advanced in the inaugural title tournament.... Plus, Iyo and Kairi continue their feud with the Pure Dyke Collective, and the Lesbian Witches... But will they try to recruit some new friends while Asuka and Dakota recover? .... In other news, Lyra and Zelina have been more friendly with Iyo and Kairi recently....)

>Kairi is now ok, and just had a successful match on Friday
>We hope Asuka and Dakota can come back healthy soon too!

previous: >>15795321

>The longest running daily wrestler general on /pw/

Social Media:

IYO photobooks:
Iyo is cute
Iyo rocks lmao
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Iyo HATES Bianca and Jade for their cat eating habits. Fraid so.
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Beautiful Japanese Woman.
very cute OP image
Iyo should have a kimono match.
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[Great News] Iyo just saved a cat from a Haitian.
>Asuka has a husband and children
>Kairi has a husband
>even Dakota got a boyfriend after playing dyke for years
Why are Iyobros so against her having a boyfriend and seeking happiness? EVIL and Iyo were engaged and EVIL was at wrestlemania this year, they are probably still together and thats a good thing
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yes, but naked
People on the main roster have been very outspoken about how they can see their SOs very rarely. Even with both in America. How is Iyo supposed to have a successful relationship with someone across the entire planet? This is what I never understood.
this is true
evil's dick don't work, they aren't together and he has hiv from being anally fucked by chinamen
Bayree is Haitian?
It works, he just used it on a waitress when Io was in the US and that's why they're not together anymore
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Iyo "Hate Crimes" Sky
Seems like an anti is trying to run a new play here. Or at least a play from someone else's playbook and trying to get it over.
it doesn't and it was a waiter not a waitress
Well how do Asuka and Kairi do it? I'm sure they have things figured out with their japanese husbands

I think Iyo being with EVIL is both cute and funny because EVIL seems to be the wrestling equivalent of a shitposter
Nobody is against Iyo getting married retard, we're just saying it's not happening with the guy she dumped over 5 years ago for cheating on her with another woman
Iyo is married to Kairi
We cant let the haters win
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Fantasy booking: Who should Iyo face in a kimono match?
I think it should be Tiff. A blonde bimbo humiliated one of their own two decades ago (Torrie/Hiroko), I think it's time they get their revenge.
his dick don't work and he is shoot gay
Asuka and Kairi moved their hubands to America. Kairi even moved to Japan back in the day to be with him because she knew it wouldn't work.
I'm thinking Iyo is the GOAT
Why is her face so round?
why are her bobs so round
Daily reminder that Iyo lost lmao
We need an Iyo vs Tiff rematch
I'm attracted to Iyo but I'm in love with Masami
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Iyotrannie will never be a Woman!" Iyo fans will never get laid!" why? because Mama Lexi said so!"
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>lexi said s-ACK
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The Jew fears the Samurai
Finally, a new Monday dawns upon /iyo/. Another week with new /iyo/ content. I hope it's not another 10 second backstage segment.
eato pie
I want to eat Iyo's pie.
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CUTE https://files.catbox.moe/8a8czh.mp4
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Why does she always wait so long to post more content from her trips?
Kek at the thumbnail
>eating Iyo’s ass
>with no survivors
Iyo is addicted to (pea)COCK
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You finna to know it!
Iyo squatting for the cock

An Iyo anti has just been deleted.

Thank you.
Iyo should hire Dalton's Boys to be her man-servants and do every spot they did with him for Iyo.
This is the bright light in need in my life after this weekend where the Orioles and Ravens shit the bed.
>two weeks in a row without a match
>misses 4 PLEs in a row

That would be pretty based
Iyoooo Skyyy
That's the highest I've heard her voice go in ages lol
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Paul has been too busy booking Liv vs Rhea and putting the belts on the cat eaters.
Iyo farted yesterday
>BMAF interracial JAV porn
>2 hours and 32 minutes
jej what a dead general on a dead board!
Go back to sleep No(r)Way Jose
J*nnies never delete bl*cked on most boards because they goon to it.
I would kill for Iyo Sky.
Would you take bbc for iyo?
Please kill eachother for Iyo
Each photo/Video has to be meticulously scanned to be absolutely sure that there are no nip slips, lip slips or bf slips and that only the approved and sponsored brand names are visible.
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Remember Iyo is getting dicked on a regular basis by Evil, but she has to keep the relationship secret, because iyocels are tards and would have a meltdown.
>Iyo can only be home in Orlando two days a week and in Japan way less
Look kiddo, nobody gives a fuck who Iyo has fucked, chicks fuck people all the time, it's not unusual, get over it, stop acting like a fucking child,

They used to fuck 6 years ago, but he cheated, so she broke up with him, and one day she'll marry someone else who's not a retard, nobody gives a shit, only unfuckable virgins like you care about that crap
And here is a perfect example of the meltdown I mentioned.
>Telling you to grow up, because adult women have relationships, and it's not a big deal
>= meltdown???
Your virginity is showing kiddo
Liam is a genuine faggot, ignore him and post Iyo. He needs our attention because he is jealous of Iyo getting it.
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No bro. Some guy across the entire planet is totally banging her every day.
Iyo doesn't support Israel
It would be well worth the $185 to go to Animal Kingdom if I was able to see Iyo there, especially if she was wearing those shorts.
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Iyo in jeans
8k Iyo's incoming
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Their love for eachother is so pure.
M̸̚a̶§Åm̶⟟ ⧲ÐḀ̶͗TË
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Iyo is _______
I hope the Sky Pirates will be on RAW tonight.
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No need to worry about that
Pure Sex
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Sky Pirates 2.0
I love that Iyo loves showing off her thighs. She knows how to cater to her fans.
RAW rundown is listing the jogger vs IYO SKY tonight for the show. Hopefully Gaytch lets Iyo go over clean, because no one gives a fuck about super bianca anymore
Iyo finna job again....
It's kairi v Bianca!
Punished Kairi
Daily reminder that Iyo lost lmao
IYO will never yell at you an call you a Coward why even live? Please Iyo beat Ghetto Child
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>calls niggeru godzilla
>refuses to elborate
>monster poo
Just GOAT things.
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>黙れ! 50年前なら、お尻にフォークを突き立てられて、逆さまにされていただろう
Is Io vs Bianca tonight? I'm watching on mute
Bianca was shocked Iyo wasn't passive and not scared to get in the ring with her. I still think Hunter won't be able to help himself and have Bianca go over, but I hope he makes sure Iyo is strong in defeat.
What does it say about me that I don't speak/read a lick of Japanese and yet know exactly what this says?
Yeah, they switched it up, so Kairi will probably face Jade next
booking kairi vs jade is like intentionally booking a botch
Iyo can't lose right? Iyo just took a pin and is supposed to be the next challenger.
can't wait for jogger twitter to blame KAIRI for every little botch Jadeberg does
Ok, so they won't get much time if it's sandwiched between the tag match and dom/priest, unless there's an overrun
It'd make sense for Iyo to win here to set up for a tag championship match.
I actually think Kairi and Jade work well together, and Jade sells Kairi's offense like she's been hit with a nuke, so I appreciate that lol
Nah, Ghetto Child will win, otherwise she'll chimp out like she always does whenever she loses. Or if she does lose, she'll make Iyo look as shitty as possible afterwards.
I wonder if they'll take a page from Fall Brawl '98 and do a War Games match with multiple teams with the faction stuff going on in the women's divisions on both shows. Pure Fusion Collective, The Witches w/ Blair Davenport, Nattie w/Zelina and Lyra, Jade, Bianca and Naomi, some variation of Damage CTRL and possibly Chelsea and Piper if they can get a third lady. Because Liv and Rhea will probably do their own thing for Survivor Series, as will Nia, Tiff, and more than likely Bayley. Everyone else not in a singles title program is muddled in the tag division/faction warfare. So taking some of those groups to factor in to a War Games match may be the route to go.
Match might be now
i think she will be more likely to win but if she does lose it won't be clean
I wouldn't be shocked if Iyo loses, since they are teasing Jade and Bianca vs Battle Cow and Tiffany on Smackdown for the women's tag titles as well.
It would be nice, but if Iyo does go over I expect some sort of interference from another group to factor in to the decision. And my bet for that to happen would be with the Lesbian Witches.
Fuck me, I thought Raw was moving to two hours tonight and I thought Io was next before the main
well, at least if that happens, i will be rooting for big dimes nia+big dimes tiff even harder than i already would have been
Yeah, 2 hours starts in October I think
Wargames is usually exclusive to one brand or has been and I feel like they'd love to use Rhea vs Liv in that type of match.
Thanks brother I couldn't catch it live.
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Now that's a sandwich
But that would be a singles match. And that's why I think they may mix up the formula like they did with the '98 War Games. They have too many team and factions in the women's tag team title mix, so this could be a way to sort things out and give better direction and booking to those titles.
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New gear
She needs to not hide her tummy and this new look is dimes
Ok, this is fun so far
for all of bianca's flaws i actually think she's pretty decent in the ring. not as good as IYO but, to be honest, might be the best non-joshi woman in main roster WWE in terms of ring work. so this match is gonna be good overall
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This match is making me like Bianca. She has great chemistry with Iyo-chan.
WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iyos best in the world status confirmed. Her and Bianca usually do good together
Bianca getting the Super Cena pushed out of the gate on the main roster unironically made her a worse wrestler. She was having good-great matches when she was going 50-50 as a fresh NXT talent.
Daily reminder that Iyo WON
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The cord is gonna be uppity after this win. Iyo is back. She needed this win.
HOLY FUCKING BASED! Haitch really does love Iyo
Everytime Iyo has the chance to compete against semi-competent talent (not Sonya) and is allowed to win she proves she's the best in the world.
Now that was a fucking great match, Iyo was over bigly, and Bianca looked the best she's been in years, was a random PPV quality match, they really are 2 of the best in WWE
is /iyo/ siding with drew or punk
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>gives Iyo good time and a win
People still think she's not a top star btw
And he hates Asuka and Kairi. We know the drill.

Enjoy that undeserved WM win next year, Asuka is never going to get one.
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The Asukaschizo anti is seething. The cuckcord is silent. Good night bros....
>“I’ve said it a lot in these calls, I’ve said it a lot in press, not because I’m trying to hype the brand, but because I truly believe it. I believe Io Shirai... you could make the argument that she’s the best female performer on the face of the planet"

>HHH (head of WWE creative)

Dropped Asuka like a hot potato. Fucking cunt.
four Iyos
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fuck me i pasted the wrong thing - KWAB
>In 2016, Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter referred to Odate and her fellow compatriots Kairi Sane and Mayu Iwatani as "three of the best wrestlers in the world".[342]
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Chicago Sky Pirates
I popped
iyo and kairi got the clap from taking this picture
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good night moon
This is cute AF! When Iyo's in ring career winds down, a long time from now, she's either going to be a trainer at the PC or work at one of the amusement parks or zoos taking care of big cat cubs. There is no in-between.
Wrong, she will go back home to be with Evil.
Nobody cares that she fucked Evil kiddo, she's just not fucking him now
I cannot wait for webmGOD to do his thing. It was a good night Iyobros
You got proof ? are is this just more of your headcanon.
He cheated on her over 5 years ago with a waitress, they broke up, she even confirmed she was still single in a Japanese interview about a year ago, people fuck, nobody cares, we still post about Asuka, Kairi, Wendy, and Giulia, etc, and they're all married, nobody, cares
>Evil cheated on KWABSAMI for a random waitress.
IYO’s getting Oba’d and there’s nothing you can do about it
There is no such interview.
These joshi girls always lie and say they're single because they don't want to lose simps like you that buy their shit.
She can bang who ever she wants, doesn't bother me, I'm already married
IYO and evil never had sex. his dick don't work. he shoot injured it in a match with that guy who looks like alex jones who puts people through tables
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This guy always calls people kiddo and you know he's probably some obese pimple face teen.
Pure Iyocel Headcanon
see for yourself, tranny
Dude this is beyond pathetic cope
Sexy iyo
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it didn't occur to me that IYO and bianca are on different brands until right now
why did they have a singles match if they are on different brands?
Uhh. Did iyo just beat bianca clean in a classic match or did i have a wet dream?
It was a pretty good match and yeah she did go over clean. She's a certified baby face now. Hopefully this leads Bianca into a downward spiral where she turns heel. She is really stale.
Words can’t describe how happy this makes me. Im a hardcore IYO stan
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It's true iyotranny got outted!' LMAO
Fraid so.
There is. She even said she was single a couple months ago in a livestream with Kairi on Instagram.
I had a dream Iyo got exposed as having a lesbian relationship with Hazuki from Stardom for some reason.
>why did they have a singles match if they are on different brands?
Bianca is tag champ and they are allowed to go to all brands. That means if Sky Pirates win we will see them running into Giulia 100%.
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The cord didn't like this TRVTH NVKE
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She was happy to wrestle Bianca after weeks with the dykes
This. She always looks happy wrestling someone semi-competent.
Exactly, and Bianca was back to prime form in this match too, feels like they both wanted to make a statement
jesus christ
Bianca being stuck babysitting that shitter Jade has to be eating away at her.
IYO pics from Raw
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Wtf Bianca didn't leave the ring during Iyo's entrance? Can someone call Mark Henry and make him aware of this complete disrespect???
last pic
kino dive very good match
apologize to bianca now. she's iyo wrestling soulmate
>apologize to bianca now.
There's nothing wrong with it when the shoe is on the other foot. Well at least when something like this happens in the US that is.
I will only like Bianca when she jobs to Iyo.
Bianca hasn’t beaten Iyo in a while. She won at Backlash but since then Iyo cashed in, won at Crown Jewel, and on RAW against her
Kek based Bianca do be Iyos personal jobber.
I've always liked Bianca since NXT, I also like Jade, I also have combination Yellow and Chocolate Fever, Chocolasian Fever if you will
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Genius Of The MOON CAKE
Iyo isnt with EVIL because shes still on the cock carousel. Different guy in every town
Does anyone know if Iyo has ever had lesbian sex ?
Moon cake > Cheeto pie.
Why does this schizo retard get away with spamming off-topic shit in every thread?
Ask kairi
Over The Moon BUMP
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Based anon. Thank you for your service.
how are her boobs so perfect
Iyo is currently in her prime.
this means that they are going to have a series and go back and forth and IYO will lose to her a few times
the melo-andrade of our generation, some would say
Hennimore won.
is Kairi bogged yes or no
Probably but I still would.
the word has lost all of its meaning hasnt it
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good set
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Kairi answered the call
Afraid so
omg Kairi really did answer the call, why did she do it bros
hey dont talk about my wife like that
Gonna need a quick rundown bro?
Triple H is saving Iyo vs Jade.
I'm thinking the answer is yes.
Seconding. Iyo does have a good, nay even great, set of breasts.
Guys I love Iyo
ǝʇɐp⦷ !wɐsɐw
Very interesting indeed
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Based or cringe?
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What did she mean by this?
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It means that she can fly and the sky has no limit
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The laws of gravity do not apply to Iyo
hey yall is it okay that i have a massive crush on iyo or nah
Of course, it's kind of a job requirement around here
Punk was on NXT and gassing up Roxanne and brought up this match and said Roxy may be better than that. No I really want Drew to bloody him up and leaving him a damaged heap of humanity at the Hell in a Cell match.
>and brought up this match and said Roxy may be better than that
Kek did he really?
NTA, but yeah he said Roxy "could be better than Iyo and Bianca, but it won't matter when Giulia beats her ass" or something to that effect
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during that segment i felt so reassured in my early investment in being a drewGOD
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One of my fellow Iyochads was asking for this a while back. It took me a minute to get around to making it but here ya go dude.
Based autism
Dangerously based
Sky Pirates >>> Damage CTRL
We’re Iyos soldiers
They’re way too fucking adorable for this world
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good night moon
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love iyo but kairi looks like michael jackson in south park
Mega pop for the bird beatdown
Birb still is demoted kek

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