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>WWE’s SmackDown on USA Network outdrew Big 10 Football on FOX in the key demo.

>Smackdown beat all broadcast networks in the demo last night.
kek this got the 'cord BOILIN' n' BUBBLIN'
BASED I love being an e-god!!!
>beat fox
Lachlan got MOGGED
WWE is red hot right now.
>down to .39 from .45
>ratings so bad they don't release total viewer numbers
Smackdown beating Fox? based lachlan!!!! based lachlan!!!
These are fast nationals: we'll wait until the REAL ratings come out.
Uhhhh cucklan morecock bros???
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>gigaplummet despite no competition
>beat all broadcast networks
holy shit lmao poor aewtists
>It's a GIGA PLUMMET and the viewership is even worse
>Legentil sends out the marching orders
Why is WWE SO FUCKING EMBARRASSING? This is the 5th straight PLUMMET week over week.
Too bad the ad rates are dogshit and Fox still makes way more on CFB ads
>#1 on cable last week
>#1 on all tv this week
Kek this got the hog on wheels in tears he will be crying to the pedomod now
Key demo bros we are back
>no competition
>beat football on fox and espn
AEWtroons being disingenuous as usual
absolutely hilarious that they beat fox. wasn't it a major college football game too? great for smackdown
Yeah, I want to see actual numbers and actual programming besides a key demo that apparently doesn't watch TV anymore before I call this a win of any sort.
This seems to have upset a certain contingent of gender challenged Discord dwellers
disingenuous would be bragging about a .39
that's lower than almost every Raw in recent history
Insane that they beat all broadcast networks while being on USA.
The fact that Miami vs Virginia tech drew way more is hilarious.
#1 on ALL TV bitch. Seethe about it
Post all ratings for all TV, then I'll believe a show that lost viewers compared to last week did better than anyone else.
I'm laughing at the massive plummet lil bro
Overall Viewers # ?
The 'cord is melting down over this. Congrats OP!
Demos don't matter anymore?
Oh so demos matter now, eh, edrones?
Another backfire for the 'cord right on schedule
>they beat Washington vs Rutgers
lmao who cares
Of course they do! But uh, didn't they drop from last week?
It's hilarious how AEWtists try to downplay demos when it's good for WWE. Dishonest as usual.
So being highly ranked despite a plummet in viewership is a good thing? Gotta keep this in mind for Thursday.
Key demo dropped from last week, retard.
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Holy mega fucking based as all hell!
Wrestling fig status?
>#1 is bad
kek aewxirs are dishonest fr
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Foxslop got cancelled. WWE owns Friday night!
poor lil 'lac
Another backfire for the 'cord? 'Fraid so!
>this caused them to make another cope thread
the pigcord is in shambles and ya love to see it
kek it do be like DAT
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We literally can’t stop winning. What an amazing day!
Number one on literally all of tv, no wonder the 2 aew fans left had to make their own cope thread kek
they ran away as usual lmao
Really good number
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many are saying this
That’s actually fucking insane. Beating football is massive
You know it's great for WWE when the 'cord is spamming cope threads
so THIS is why hogwheels is spamming the board
NO 1.5 MILLY??????
poor lil pigbro can't catch a break
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Of course he is. Reverse Midas struck again. And Rampage got cancelled LMAO!
Who cares about college football?
This was my takeaway too. And I'm a WWE fan. For a second I thought it was 534k and had to do a double take because surely not. But yeah where's the actual number? That being the only thing not reported raises an eyebrow
>no mention of beating cable
so they lost to ESPN kek
aw sweet new cope just dropped
1.2m kek
Kek their double standards and HHHypocrisy knows no bounds
kek aewtists are so cooked
it really do be like that
This might have been the saddest attempt at pre cope I've ever seen. And Meltzer once used a shooting as the reason Dynamite's numbers wouldn't be good
You're the ones who said for years that they didn't matter, Bitchtits. Keep that same energy up now that it's WWE who's hinging on them for good news despite being down another 300k viewers from last week. One more drop of that size and no milly for Smackdown
No deal?
What pre cope? Everything in the OP is a fact. WWE murdered Fox. Get dabbed on.
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Wait, they are actually saying the demo doesn’t matter now? Hahaha, they are fucking mind broken.
>Demo god
Reminder that Smackdown is a weekend cable show so you should be comparing its ratings to Collision not Raw or Dynamite
How many Collisions would it take to hit the ratings of one Smackdown? 6? 7?
Rushing this out to make this week seem like a positive despite being down another 300k viewers kek. If they lose that many again it's no more milly for Smackdown. That pre cope
Tony status?
300k fans away from a milly. Just like Smackdown is
He's seething like a bitch. Just like this faggot right here - - - > >>15931364
>n-no u
Fox also pays more for CFB games, you dumb retard
>aewtists think everything else on tv goes off the air when wrestling is on
WNBA gave them a rude awakening I bet
And I guarantee the margins are still better.
Also sports FNs are highly unreliable because of local markets being far higher than national average. FNs use just a small sample.
Good chance Fox actually won.
fraid so
>Smackdown is smoking college football
>meanwhile AEW struggles against divas apehoop
Those are retarded poor fans.
This has been established already.
This thread made the 'cord have one mother of a melty. Not a good day for them sadly.
damn. lachlanbros what's our response?
Maybe Fox just has a really shitty ad sales team. USA Network and Netflix seem to be having no trouble.

Of course Comcast is worth 10 times more than Fox, and Netflix is worth 20 times more than Fox. No fucking wonder Fox got outbid LMFAO
Up $44 year to date!
Or in other words, $37 more per share in profit more than the entire WBD stock LMFAO!!!!! FUCK YOU CRIPPLE!
Spittin' facts
Legintil activity
just checked they're still seething
b1g is the janettey of college football
>that gigaplummet
If this makes you seethe you're a corn starch munchin nigga
a real smoke detector chirpin ass nigga
oh they slidin'
the 'cord won't like this bump
Kek the absolute cope of piggalos
>below Raw key demo ratings
>portrayed as a good thing
based lachlan really got the piggiEs seething burying slopdown on twitter last week didnt he kek
the 'cord woke up cranky lmao mornin' ya dickless geeks
They are shitting the board extra hard today
all true sadly
I saw this before, stop this crap about demos and draw viewers again. It's now or never h, you'll be on life support like the trannies before Christmas if you stand still
they didn't have a very good week
Yikes, the cope is fucking embarrassing
so you're saying fox's viewerbase is poor and retarded? i thought that was wwe's viewerbase.
Afraid so!
So this is why they're so uppity
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Well, well, well...
the pigcord lost again
ya love to see it!
so hot they got kicked off network tv kek
>they actually beat fox
holy shit
That's what happens to broke and outbid people!
holy moly this drove 'em nuts
Hes paying 500m a year for CFB because they can actually sell ads
Doubtful since they couldn't make money on TNF.
CFB doesn't even run the whole year, just a few months in the Fall/Winter
Lachlan really is financially incompetent then!
fraid so!
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The dimes game of the night was on ESPN
It wasn't even a ranked game either. Plus we had the meme shitfest with Miami v VTech.
Great to be an e-chad
many are saying this
the hennicord lost
Still funny
good shit
It's one backfire after another for them. Legit starting to feel bad for our lil cordbros
>kek this got the 'cord BOILIN' n' BUBBLIN'
still are
They seethin'
smackdown cancelled? Smackdown RENEWED AND SUPERDIMEOLAS
as usual
Lachlan? More like Lackin'!
rampage was cancelled
no wonder they're uppity
that's a based from me
Is it a good thing
Yet another backfire!
Shouldn't have slopdownposted, trannies!
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>>WWE’s SmackDown on USA Network outdrew Big 10 Football on FOX in the key demo.
>>Smackdown beat all broadcast networks in the demo last night.
looks like you're still seething over it so slopdownposting clearly worked
slopdown got cancelled btw
rampage was in fact cancelled, thoughever
rampage was upgraded to SHOCKWAVE and will be taking the place of slopdown on fox, which was cancelled and is now back on cable bleeding viewership
rampage was cancelled and is going off the air forever, sadly
but enjoy SHARTWAVE on fs1 lil bro
the unfortunate reality
great news
Everyone is saying this
fatso still replying to himself and necrobumping his thread, YES DEALY
kek it do be like that
AEW got renewed, slopdown got cancelled.
Based Zaslav cancelled Rampage, sadly.
Meanwhile, Smackdown's new deal is worth more than AEW.
Thank You Based Zaslav
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it keeps happening
kek the 'cord do keep losing
It's only gotten funnier
This can only mean one thing and we all know what it means.

Smackdown didn't break a milly and they're afraid of the memes.
wow they're still uppity about this

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