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Last week: 1.494 million, 0.45
This week: 1.237 million, 0.39

This is the 5th consecutive week that Smackdown ratings have been down from the prior week: This show is bleeding viewership and it's starting to get very ugly. No amount of coping sent out by Chris Legentil & WWE P.R will change this.
Based fucking Lachlan
The road to no milly stretches on.
dear oh dear oh dear.........
Will we ever see 2 milly again, E-dronebros?
PigVert's imagination runs the board
Why is no one watching the show?
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>This week: 1.237 million, 0.39
no milly soon
because nothing has been happening on it and WWE themselves are treating it like its not important
They brought it on themselves, it's very funny really.
Rovert samefagging to himself thread. This is what happens when you shove wrestling figs up your ass all day and let based Vince live rent-free in your head 24/7
n-no 1.7 milly?

Has anyone copped the edrone response???? Waiting for the non-dickhead intelligent reason for why WWE is doing so badly, the losEr drones here said we were in a ‘boom’ period???
they are coasting until January when Cena and Rock come back
>beat all the network channels
holy fuck! e-god’s keep winning!
>beat all the network channels
no, they didn't
>b-but... but muh demos...!
cope cope cope lmao
>trev’s having another melty again while projecting it onto his boogeyman and samefagging
Bro really needs to be sent to a mental hospital this crippled faggot be seethin hard
>trev’s having another melty again while projecting it onto his boogeyman
the irony of this statement is completely lost on your schizophrenic, obese ass lol
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So they still dropped huge with shit competition?
>more Trevor projection
Bitchtits only exists when you look in the mirror Trev
the ratings are ranked by demo as it’s the only number that matters. or so I am lead to believe after 5 years of Dave and aewtists talking about them.
My name's not Trevor, you fat, retarded faggot. Stop seething on this board 24/7 and get a life.
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>takes a massive shit on Fox
lol Fox has been cancelled.
The demo that dropped from .45 to .39 this week? That demo?
>i-it matters now that it's my cope...
Yes, the demo that beat everything else on tv, including football on fox
Stop pretending you aren’t Rovert
doesn't matter
it still plummeted from last week
that's all that matters
the same way you brought rampage's cancellation on yourselves. that was hilarious
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Yeah the demo that was number 1 on all of tv
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Wait seriously, why is the rating so bad? That’s crazy.
Number one on all of television. That’s all that matters
>2.4X increase for less shows
Do you have a chart to prove it?
Insiders already confirmed it, but wait for it on Monday. You can cry about it until then
yeah there is a road to no milly here lol
not really
the only thing that decides a sky rocket or not is the demo and total viewership compared with the previous week
lurk more edrone
I don't care what they beat, they're not competition. You on the other hand should be worried that Smackdown's doing worse with every passing week.
yeah the demo that dropped like hogtits' sagging breasts, that demo
>they’re not competition
Anything else on tv is competition, and Smackdown beat all of them. Cry about it
Stop pretending that everyone is your boogeyman, fatso.


Do we actually have a source for this number before I start posting my memes
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>we wuz #1 and sheet by the demo
u sound very upset fren :)
there are like 3 people itt
90 percent of the posts are rovert.
we really need a janny on /pw/
>90 percent of the posts are rovert.
Not everyone is your boogeyman, you obese, retarded schizo.
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>e-drones rn
Why exactly has the fed be so ice cold lately?
i think hes the only actual AEW fan left on this board. feel bad looking at the AEW gamethreads nowadays, its just him spamming and they still only get about 300 posts per dynamite nowadays
dunno where they all went
bitchtits seething and furiously bumping all his threads lmao
>Cunter signs shitters from no milly fed
>No milly comes to WWE
Poetic irony lel, get fucked smarks, Vince always wins
>from the schizophrenic mind of bitchtits (fatso)
>hog wars episode 4: a new cope
lose weight fatso
Very interesting numbers can you post your sources? Because I'm seeing treads that post something far different
You’ve made like 4 threads about it and gotten blown out in each one lol.
If smackdown no millys this board will go insane
this is the only true takeaway
even in WWE smarkbait cant draw
its no millied a few times before and nobody even cared for some reason. i remember it no nineyd like a year ago
>You’ve made like 4 threads
I've made 0 threads today, you fat, retarded schizo. Go wash your ass for once.
Muh demo threads? I've seen this all before, the fed that had the demos now draws TNA numbers, demos =/= dimes brother, Cawdy can't draw shit and i'll enjoy watching him sinking the wrestling business because this is what it deserves
>for some reason
Only E-drones care about ratings
So you have no real source and pulling numbers out of your ass because of your hate boner for the WWE. Thank you for confirming.
It would be so funny if at the end wrestling really dies after Vince stepping away kek.
People complained about his schizo booking but at least you had a semblence of a reason to tune in for the potential surprises or to laugh at the shitshow.
vince was the last man in wrestling who knew what made money. he was wrestling.
now its lost to the meltzer drones
It won't die-die, but it's speedrunning its return to an irrelevant carnival scam fight for the dumbest of crowds.
>my fake source is better than your fake source
get a load of this smarktranny, you literally just said that your source is the threads on /pw/, SD is in the shitter just like the previous show Codytranny was running, the fucking stardust will never not be a ratings poison, cope
>Books black shitter vs mexican shitter for 6th week in a row
>World champion went from an attraction to "happy to be here" babyface squabbling with his friends
>Mumble rap, ghetto, spearker farting (((music))) for an intro.
>Would have been better off with a playback Meghan Thee Stallion farting in the mic over and over. At least that'll get the braaaaapppp fags hyped up. It'll sound better overall too.
>Dimeless shitter Solo is unironically in the main event scene
>Women are somehow doing less interesting shit than in 2011
>People don't tune back in next week after witnessing the state of current Smackdown

Color me surprised.
Vince giveth, Vince taketh, now it will go back to the territories (dimeless bingo hall feds) that the smarks miss so much
its gonna become cirque du soleil or whatever, and that shit makes 0 dimes
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Smackdown has lost HALF its audience in one year. HALF. No wonder Lachlan cancelled them.
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Basically the 2 milly they were doing on Fox was simply people forgetting to change the channel after whatever show was on beforehand, or it was just on for background noise in the living room with no one watching.

The wrestling business is deader than I thought
Nearly another 300k gone? Goddamn. This might actually hit no milly before the end of the year. Once it goes to three hours it's over
>Basically the 2 milly they were doing on Fox was simply people forgetting to change the channel
Yup. For all the Sheldon jokes, Fox was doing the heaviest lifting out of anything for the ratings. Without TBBT on before Dynamite they've stayed around 600-700k. Without Fox Smackdown has been down an entire milly already
I’ve never understood why the Smarks worship the territories so much when all Smarks are leftists and the territories were ran by southerner “chuds” who make David Duke look like Lindsay Graham
AEW lost 15% viewership in 1 year. WWE lost 50%? Bone chilling.
Wrestling fig status? Also nice scripted get by the way.
we have a couple weird right wing AEW watchers here. dunno how they can stand that tranny fed yet post stuff like this >>15930756
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Yeah turns out there actually isn't a wrestling boom and retarded subhuman smarks fucked themselves over by going along with WWE's current marketing about wrestling being "back" ...the average wrestler in WWE today was hired simply because of a dei checkmark yet these fucking clowns are actually going around saying "it's good again" ....all of their "success" recently has come from buisness decisions solely
>scripted get
So that's what you do to get consistent gets huh? Interesting confession.
kek dronies cant afford cable
Even if that happens they still have TV/streaming deals unlike the indie outlaw mud show larping as legit.
They only post it to get a reaction. In reality they don’t even believe the shit they post
Smackdown's down over 40% of its audience just from the last few months. In a year who knows how much it'll be
You realize those deals can get canceled right? If Raw doesn't perform well for Netflix they can pull the plug as early as 50% of the way through of the deal WWE is hinging everything on
Yeah they can cancel it only after paying $2.5 billion.
Yes and as we've seen all these record profits over the last year are really doing a world of good for WWE's product quality kek
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Number 1 on all of TV? That’s based af no cap.
They lost to ESPN
Nope, they lost to ESPN
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>number 1 on tv and demo don't matter this week
It has its ups and downs in storylines. Just coming off the biggest storyline of the decade with a streak of sold out arenas isn't easy to maintain.
The fact is though that WWE is set to be around for a long time. That can't be said about TNA, AEW etc.
nope. WWE won. Fox lost. Sorry that hurts your feelings.
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>th-this time they might fail!!
>The fact is though that WWE is set to be around for a long time
Who's even saying anything remotely close to the contrary of this? You're shifting the point to something completely unrelated
>That can't be said about TNA, AEW etc.
TNA has been around for 20 years. By the grace of god. But 20 years all the same. AEW has already been around for 5 years. Pretty sure both of them have already been around for a long time
>this time
Kek. How'd Smackdown on Fox go?
>number 1 on tv and demo don't matter this week
This is what dronies say every time about AEW. Funny how quickly you've all done a 180 now that you're down another 300k
Massive deal and then outbid by USA at renewal time? I can see why a company having multiple channels interested in it's product would be confusing to you.
They lost to ESPN
5 years isn't a long time, Smokey Mountain was on for 5 years, also I'm not the guy you spent time arguing with before.
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The retarded drones don't have the habitual instinct carved into their psyche yet to change the channel at 8pm on Friday to the USA Network. Once they miss like 3 Smackdowns in a row, that's enough for them to move on to the next show or fandom.

Smackdown is going below 1 million soon, perhaps it already did by the way they are trying to damage control today with putting emphasis on the demo. Seems very desperate.
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Smackdown has the same ratings as TNA in 2010. Nothing to brag about.
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According to renowned IWC sack of shit Rovert, all the momentum is with WWE and AEW is deep in the dirt. Really makes you think.
Um Bitchtitsbros, Rovert was an edrone all along. How does this effect Rovert's boogeyman status?
OOOOOOOOOOOOOUCH. So that's why Triple Gay & his little piggies were coping with the demo.
Ratings don't matter
>bad mumblerap theme
>too much time on womeme
>30 minute workrate bangerinos between two dimeless shitters
>show is basically the same 15 men and women every week despite having a deeper roster than that
Smack is grim right now. I feel like I'm watching an Efed with like 10 guys repeating the same thing every show. It's gonna join AEW under a milly before the year is out.
Stay mentally ill. Also no deal?
Damn dynamite is a piece of shit compared to TNA 2010
Isn't it funny how WWE's business started going down as soon as they signed CM Punk. It's almost like there's a dark cloud that follows him
More CM Punk derangement syndrome.
As much as I like making fun of Phil, he hasn't been that relevant in screentime or actions to warrant attributing either failure of success to.
she bubblin'
>This week: 1.237 million, 0.39
Holy Kek
The 'vert was a low IQ retard before this revelation and is still a low IQ retard after it. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
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Will e-drones use Meltzer's babbling as cope? Disturbing.
OP is a drone posting shit so when the real rating comes out he can say a seething tranny posted this thread. No way the real number is this bad.
Only if he says that the ratings are good when you consider that there was a WNBA game on, or it was Cinco de Mayo, or there was weather in Texas.
piggiEs in the mud
>mogs fox on cable
Kek based
ya hate to see it
>No way the real number is this bad.
'fraid so
>This is the 5th consecutive week that Smackdown ratings have been down from the prior week: This show is bleeding viewership and it's starting to get very ugly. No amount of coping sent out by Chris Legentil & WWE P.R will change this.
E-drones finally getting what they fucking deserve.
>Smackdown ratings on Saturday

look at you fags
Smackdown was getting over 1.7 million on fox even with dogshit shows. Fox was dragging their carcass up.
Bumpy wumpy
I'm sure this fake ratings thread won't backfire at all
didn't read your wall of seethe but thanks for bumping the thread
He's going to lash out at his imaginary "bitchtits" and say nothing about the topic. Get him to comment on the ratings and all he does is spam muh slowdown or random nothings about bitchtits and then leaves crying
Going to be cancelled soon by the looks of it.........
According to Meltzer they're actually in talks to add a 3rd hour for more money. At least you tried Trevor
very grim
many folks saying this.
Rumours running amok
but enough about your life
Why would it? Sure, every bit of AEWtist cope for the last four years has blown up in their bloated faces, but I think THIS time will be different.
Cody Rhodes is a Jobber also Roman both are failures
jay uso and his fat fuck fake nigger fathers fault
Sometimes big business does bad decisions.

cody came in during vince era no?
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'fraid mother 'effin so
No 2 milly?
not even 1.5 I'm afraid
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>This week: 1.237 million, 0.39
So what you're saying is Smackdown completely massacred AEW again?
A lot of Dynamites beat this show desu
WWE Smackdown has hemorrhaged one million viewers since August. Let me say that again, ONE FUCKING MILLION. Nearly half the audience is gone now. There's no way to spin that into a positive.
well damn, when you put it like that it sounds like based Lachlan made the right call to cancel it
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Really? When was the last time Dynamite drew over 1.2 milly?

>WWE Smackdown has hemorrhaged one million viewers since August. Let me say that again, ONE FUCKING MILLION.
And yet Smackdown is still mogging AEW to death. Imagine your competition is beating you so badly that they lose 1 million viewers but they still have over a milly viewers left over so they just keep beating you to a pulp while laughing. That's pretty grim for Tony Khan. He doesn't even have 1 milly.
No slidey, edrone pedos!
Jej based
Why are they losing so much viewership? Cody? Coconuts? Cable? Cancellation?
Holy fucking grimola
trevor necrobumping as usual while whining about his bitchtits boogeyman.
This is very bad.........
seethe harder fatso lol
The entire south east had no power due to the hurricane.
AH AH AH! Nooooo sliding, dronies! Live with your pathetic failure!
no Roman, no Seth, 0 chance of a title dropping due to the "long reign" meme.
it can't be true...
E bros we can't keep letting the ratings fall like this. Make sure you watch and spread the word that smackdown is on.
But enough about you Trev
Poor widdle BeeTee
"B-b-but the weather-"
I see fatso (Rovert) is still talking to himself in this thread.
All Hogwheels.
So, when's someone going to post the ratings?
Funny how the AEW cult is doing a 180 by saying the demo is not important now
Because Paul can't book two shows at once. He needs to focus on Raw and call up Shawn.
Get laid faggot
And the other one
everything is being invested in making 2025 a mega boom year with rock/roman and cody/cena finale to cena's last time is now tour
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OPetty forever ethered and in the fucking mud
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>1.4 milly
>1.2 milly ----> WE ARE HERE
>1.0 milly

Based tard no-selling the real ratings
cancelled status?
People are cutting cable more than ever before.
Fox was free to view, USA costs money.
That's one reason.
The second reason is that marks have worked themselves into a shoot about how hot the business really is.
WWE is profiting from post-covid spending habits. People couldn't go anywhere for 2 years or so, so now that they can go places again, they sure as fucking shit will before that right is taken away from them again. Happened in the 1950s and 1960s too (UK and Europe had intense postwar recovery and austerity so it took a while longer).
That means more people are paying to see it live, but not necessarily paying to see it on TV.
They'll pay double, triple the money for a bleacher seat while they still can.
Take that effect away, look at the lack of story development across the board, and what you see is a show where the highlights are the only bits worth watching and those get put on social media for free the moment they happen.
Punk's return drew a couple hundred thousand viewers on TV the night after Survivor Series. It drew 70 million views on Twitter or more.

This is also why netflix will be introducing viewership figures.
For the usual shows that not important. For the WWE and other future publicly traded media corporations, it's critical.
>make Cawdy a secondary
>focus on Randy Orton instead
>ratings rise
Griminy Cricket
They've been living in their own reality for months, why let observable facts change it?
this cant be happening
oh SHIT they're fucked if they get aew-esque ratings!
Lachlan WON
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he's coming...
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I'm sad
We know bitchtits
Cooling off period. See you all next road to WrestleMania
I pointed this stuff out months ago, and was told by /pw/ that "most of the network viewership is via satellite and cable packages" when I said poor people STILL don't have cable/streaming. No one believed me when I told them that poors were propping up the number. Even Dave has said as much. Internally, I think WWE knows this and is going to try and push RAW (on streaming) as a premium product since only rich people can afford WWE tickets anyway, and run CW as their ratings/ads vehicle since CW's audience is too poor to go to shows and NXT doesn't run arenas for TV. I am convinced Smackdown only continues to exist because USA was dumb enough to buy it.
Smackdownola is cancelledola
I’d say it’s a mix of people not having USA network but being able to watch fox (you can literally watch it for free with a $15 antenna from Walmart), people not caring enough to switch over to USA network because haitch is phoning it in booking the same matches every week and this faggot nu-bloodline angle which obviously isn’t a draw except for Jacob fatu and they’re dragging Roman and Cody down with them
E-drones can't even afford cable
No milly is coming
not a good week for those of the large breasted variety
all time melty from the pigcord this week kek
BAGGERwheels is talking to himself in his safe space after no billy was announced LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
It's a quiet period and there really isn't shit happening on Smackdown. Cody desperately needs to fuck off from the Bloodline story because it's just slowing his reign down. Hopefully after Bad Blood we can have Roman doing that shit and his eventual WrestleMania match with The Rock while Rhodes goes and faces someone else.
This. Paul can book Raw. Shawn books smackdown. And CM Punk books nxt. We will have so much kino with this
Many say this
>hotwheels bumping his shit dead thread

Imagine simping for a fat ugly pig like Iyo
gonna spam nakamuras again?
bro look for a job. Move out of your parent's house. The console wars are not that big of a deal.
what did bitchtits post? can't believe he's still havin' a melty kek
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She's cute chud
really tough week for the drones.
Gaytch and CAWdy Wewddit's Meltzerslop is not a draw.
Kek what a worked bitch he was, soft skinned bitch shouldn’t come here if he gets upset like that

My word
So, when RAW moves to Netflix the battle for #1 in TV ratings will be Smackdown vs NXT? Kek that's kinda based.
why do AEW ratings threads always hit bump limit in hours while these stay up for days?
Mental illness, I'm afraid
not true at all. you retards bump aew threads for DAYS. only fair we drag it out too
wow cool, anyway here's the lastest dynamite ratings thread, which hit bump limit in less than 6 hours
Cody Rhodes and Roman are Jobbers boring garbage Main Eventers
kek it’s just one autistic faggot that’s butthurt about no milly

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