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Sky Pirates Edition:

Giulia lost to Roxanne thanks to interference from a returning Cora Jade. Giulia will want her revenge.
Kairi and IYO have challenged the joggers to a tag team title match.
Kairi and IYO are in the women's Speed tournament.
Sareee wants a rematch with Bozilla after losing to her.
Meiko is on her retirement tour, which will end in April 2025 to coincide with her 30th anniversary in professional wrestling.

Asuka is recovering at home and continues to expand her gaming collection.
Kairi is looking sexo.
IYO is winning.
Giulia is now in NXT.
Sareee is the Marigold World Champion and the SEAdLINNNG Beyond the Sea Single Champion, carrying multiple promotions.
Meiko is running SENJO shows and her retirement tour is ongoing.
Xia and Wendy posting is allowed, they're just not officially part of the Klub.

>Sareee & Miku Aono vs Bozilla & Nagisa Nozaki. Marigold, October 7th.
>Meiko Satomura & DASH Chisako vs Mio Momono & Yurika Oka. Sendai Girls, October 14th.
>Meiko Satomura vs Takumi Iroha. Marvelous, October 27th.
>Sareee vs Nagisa Nozaki for the SEAdLINNNG Single Championship, December 27th.



KanaChan's groundbreaking ceremony:

Previous: >>15914458
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Day 299 of gooning everyday for Asuka
You are my empress
You are my clown that makes me coom
You are my Lickable Lobe Lass
You are my milky MILF
You are my kute Kana
You are my fine footed fox
You are my bountiful bosomed beauty
You are my mommy body babe
You are my grand slam goddess
You are my big titted tag team champ
You are my pit princess
You are my ageless angel
You are my anal addicted auntie
You are my waxed wench
You are my strapon seductress
You are my hopefully healthy hottie
You are my longest undefeated streak sweetheart
You are my overly attractive Osakan
You are my lovely lewd lady
You are my naughty natured nymph
You are my pale porcelain goddess
You are my cock craving cougar
You are my hopefully-healed-soon honey
You are my sword wielding woman
You are my cream-pied concubine
You are my face painted pleasure
You are my gorgeous GOAT
You are my swimsuit succubus
You are my 20 year titty titan
You are my enchanting ecchi enchantress
You are my oppai cutiepie
You are my triumphant titty treasure
You are my cute toe temptress
You are my alluring auntie
You are my glamorous goonspiration
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>"I had big expectations for this match as I have heard many great things about giulia, I haven't seen any of her matches up until tonight and same with roxanne and the match wasn't the best introduction to these wrestlers. The match was OK at best and the match lacked the flow a great match should have. I felt un-satisfied at the end of the match and expected more. The cora jade return was solid but I was not shocked. Giulia lost alot of her debut momentum and it will be interesting to see how the crowd react to her from now on. The match lacked in many ways and left me quite disappointed."

>"Way too clunky for the hype that had been built over the past few weeks. I saw some comments try and spin it while the match was going on, talking about stuff like the weight of expectations being a factor on the performance, but it really just didnt work out all that well. At least the crowd was good. Thats sort of depressing to say, that the crowd was good but the match stunk."

> "Very poor match. Giulia seemed clunky all the way through the bout and the screwy finish made it even worse. Its like theyve brought in Giulia straight from the indies and plonked her right into a title match (which they have to be fair) without at least learning how to adapt to the in house style."

>"They didn't display a lot of chemistry here as their timing was off on several sequences, most egregiously when Giulia threw herself out of the ring what seemed like an age after Perez hit a head scissors; it looked abysmal. Giulia hit a couple of nice suplex's but their transitions were slow & clunky.

>"I had high hopes for this as I am a Giulia fan from her japan run and they keep telling us Roxanne is the next great women's wrestler, yet this sucked!

>"I expected more from Gulias first big title match under the WWE banner.

Looks like Giulia will be back to Marigold in time for Summer's Destiny 2!
why didn't my negative review make the cut? :(
ESL retard
Alvarez said it was a great match, so all the WOR sheep will soon follow
I'm a big Giulia mark and that match was not good. It kind of felt like they were finally starting to get their shit together in the last couple of minutes then the Cora interference happens.
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>I'm a big Giulia mark
hard to believe that Fatsuko used to not be so disgusting. She's Momo sized here.
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Shawn and HHH are putting Giulia through a trial by fire.

>put her immediately in front of 18,000 people
>put her on TV in front of 900,000 people
>send her unprepared vs Roxanne
>put her English to the test for callouts
>take a bump on concrete
>use her just to bring back Cora Jade as the big story
>bring back childhood trauma with angle where Roxanne and Cora bully her
>have Funaki cuss her out after the match
Giulia webms from NXT
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anyone have the webm of Bianca blowing the kiss and Kairi catching it and pitching it to Iyo who home-runs it?
Mama Mia!
what would Giulia think of Asuka's mochi pizza?
me when the show opened and it was yet another WWE negro theme song
You tell me
It's fine, but not as good as her father's.
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Ghoulia sucks.
good save by giu after roxxy botched it
Tough spot for Giulia. No-selling this piss poor effort from Roxie would have been dimes but Shawn would have punished her for it.
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Keeping coping. Ghoulia sucks and she's going to get bullied and run back to the mud shows with Sarray.
>she's going to get bullied
Anyone who steps to Giulia is a fool who will be gifted potatoes that'll keep them off-air for weeks.
Ghouls is such a no dime botching shitters her homo simps have to fantasize about Ghouls beating up the other girls for real! KEK!
Let's talk about this anon. We're in a safe space here. Why does Giulia bother you so? She's just a cute girl who wants to entertain you with her wrestling. But you seem upset... almost like she has personally offended you enough to become the object of a vendetta. I think your contempt for Giulia could not be more misplaced and you should consider giving her another chance.
There's an entire Giulia general thread where this trolling would be far more effective. This thread is mainly for gooning over Asuka's big mom tits
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Forget Guilia or whoever post more IYO
Yikes! Iyo needs to start brushing.
Why do you invent multiple different headcanon every day? It was rovert, the Hennimore, then the janny now you're blaming a waifufag.
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kek this is the state of incel waiufags and she's only had 2 terrible matches so far. It's only going to get worse from here.
Hey how about those Kabuki girls eh fellas ?
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>is esl retard
>has to have esl funaki cut her promos
>botched and hurt chelsea green
>botched and hurt roxanne
>about to be pushed down the card and eclipsed by Delta and BBC Stacy Stephanie Vaquer
It's so over for sloppy giulia. I hope she's getting ready to job to MIRAI at Summer Destiny 2.
Giulia is undeniably beautiful. Iyo and Kairi are hideous next to her.
Iyo is hideous full stop.
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>That general actually has a few posters
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Kairi is a goddess. Take your blasphemy elsewhere.
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>calls himself a faggot
i like all the kabukis even the Chinese one
The fit one or the phat one?
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>Kairi is a goddess
Of botched plastic surgery.
I like em both 2bh.
Would be a fun 3some
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>sleepy psycho rump
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Melting Kairi's plastic cheeks.
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a Trickster Goddess
>Tag Team Name?
>Thicc ‘N Fit
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What happened to Asuka's collaboration with Jobber C?
not even Asuka could help her get better at this point
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I like her back desu.
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To the guy in the last thread who said young Kana was an uggo, I just wanna say;
1. u ghey
2. fuck u
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Trips confirm.
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How does she look like Kairi here?
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>dat shimmy
absolute sexo
I bet Giulia has small, pink nipples, i.e. the best nipples
Damn, Iyo's gotta be using a filter, her face is always chubby.
Was her nose broken before? Looks weird.
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Giulia should join The Family. Stacks will kneecap her opponents like Nancy Kerrigan.
she has an Italian nose
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It seems inevitable. I can picture Big Tony D schmoozing Giulia with a fancy Italian dinner but Giu just demolishes all the food herself while the family stare on in fear and hunger.
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This one is better. Possibly the sexiest thing she's done imo.
Not flat or toned enough.
TNA uploaded Xia’s debut

no one cares faggot
I really appreciate that Kanako has the talent to act completely different depending on the way she's made up. She really gets into the seperate personas.
Giulia needs to be booked into a mukbang deathmatch versus Nia Jax or Piper Niven.
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Day 300 of gooning everyday for Asuka
You are my empress
You are my clown that makes me coom
You are my Lickable Lobe Lass
You are my milky MILF
You are my kute Kana
You are my fine footed fox
You are my bountiful bosomed beauty
You are my mommy body babe
You are my grand slam goddess
You are my big titted tag team champ
You are my pit princess
You are my ageless angel
You are my anal addicted auntie
You are my waxed wench
You are my strapon seductress
You are my hopefully healthy hottie
You are my longest undefeated streak sweetheart
You are my overly attractive Osakan
You are my lovely lewd lady
You are my naughty natured nymph
You are my pale porcelain goddess
You are my cock craving cougar
You are my hopefully-healed-soon honey
You are my sword wielding woman
You are my cream-pied concubine
You are my face painted pleasure
You are my gorgeous GOAT
You are my swimsuit succubus
You are my 20 year titty titan
You are my enchanting ecchi enchantress
You are my oppai cutiepie
You are my triumphant titty treasure
You are my cute toe temptress
You are my alluring auntie
You are my glamorous goonspiration

Almost there goon king!
I care.
Kairi pancake butt with Asuka milk for breakfast
A hearty Kabuki breakfast to start the day right.
If Kairi beats Candice, will Sky Pirates explode because of WWE speed?
Speed isn't canon. Andrade being the Speed champion at best gets a passing mention and isn't part of any story. I like that it's its own thing.

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