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Next shows
October 5th, "STARDOM NAGOYA GOLDEN FIGHT 2024", Aichi Dolphins Arena, 4:00PM JST (preshow 3:30) (PPV)
>World of Stardom Championship Match: Tam Nakano (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Suzu Suzuki (NEO GENESIS)
>IWGP Women's Championship Match: Mayu Iwatani (STARS) vs "Timeless" Toni Storm (AEW)
>Wonder of Stardom Championship Match: Natsupoi (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Thekla (H.A.T.E.)
>Future of Stardom Championship Match: Rina (H.A.T.E.) vs Miyu Amasaki (NEO GENESIS)
>Maika, Mina Shirakawa, Xena, Waka Tsukiyama, HANAKO & Rian (E neXus V) vs Dump Matsumoto & ZAP (The Evil Alliance) & Natsuko Tora, Momo Watanabe, Konami & Ruaka (H.A.T.E.)
>Hazuki (STARS) vs Starlight Kid (NEO GENESIS)
>Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Saya Kamitani (H.A.T.E.)
>Mei Seira & AZM (NEO GENESIS) vs Syuri & Lady C (God's Eye) vs Saori Anou & Aya Sakura (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Hanan & Saya Iida (STARS)
>Match 0: Battle royale for the next challenger of the High Speed Championship:
>Koguma (STARS) vs Yuna Mizumori (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Hina (God's Eye) vs Momo Kohgo (STARS) vs Ranna Yagami (God's Eye)

October 11th, "STARDOM in OSAKA 2024 Oct.", Edion Arena Osaka 2nd Stadium, 6:30PM JST (VOD)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20241011_osaka/?mc_id=1104

October 12th, "STARDOM in KOMATSU 2024", Ishikawa Suehiro Gymnasium, 5:30PM JST (VOD)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20241012_komatsu/?mc_id=1105

October 14th, "STARDOM in TOYAMA 2024 Oct.", Bolfert Toyama, 12:30PM JST (VOD)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20241014_toyama/?mc_id=1095

Previous >>15974850
Going with this one
this is the thread
I love Miyu’s husky harlot voice
Rina is too much
Toni & Mayu as the semi main event is the right choice since the Wonder title match is probably going to have so much bullshit in it.
VERY visual matchup
Well, I guess we're here
Which thread do I use
What is the card order?
Watch the product
Miyu is just a look. I like her but it’s been nearly three years with no progress
It's a good look though.
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You’re not wrong.
She clearly improved
The other one has a cursed doll in it.
Rina doing her level best. She’s going to be really good when they let her work with the main eventers.
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This. Usually I respect firsts but this OP is clearly better
Is there a place where I can hear English commentary?
shota umino is a lucky man
What a sell on that DDT
What do you have against magic? What is this, the Inquisition?
Based cameraman/production truck guy
Please tell me beautiful anon
Nobody expects the Violet Inquisition!
If you’re a gooner this is like Mania 17
I was hoping to not pay but thanks anyway
>English commentary
Jesus that spike
>literally doing Shota's DDT
the end of an era
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oh shit
Congrats Miyu chan
Perks of being the girlfriend of future njpw ace
amasaki miyu is the future of stardam
This could be a top 3 MOTN uronically, I really enjoyed it
But I thought she was getting punished for leaking her relationship
The best Miyu match by about a thousand
Rina should be moved up the card now.
It's cute they use the exact same move to set up their actual finishers
I hope there will be 3 better but it was damn good (thanks to Rina)
>Miyu's sweaty tum
*unironically, I'm too excited
Now the hag hunt begins in earnest
Wonder how long miyu will hold the title.
Probably not as long as Rina
She can only hold it for five or six months at this point before she's inelegable
Those gals are dimes incarnate
Kiddo really helped out miyu. What a good leader
Grand Queendom in April against HANAKO
ineligible. too early in the morning to spell properly
Special shingle matchy
The way every QQ member improved after leaving, questions must be asked about what Utami was doing with them
This should be a hair vs hair match
Main event time
this, Miyu barnburners every week now
yea, give her a shot at Tam, even for an exhibition
Hina and Chie still suck. Even Syuri can’t do anything with them
Chie is an eternal shitter but Hina clearly improved
Kamitani Saya is my favorite comedy wrestler
Saya could get nuclear uncle heat if she busts open Kuara here or something
I would let Dark Phenex Saya ruin my life and I would be happy about it
I suddenly get why that one anon accused Clara of having an opioid addiction
I’d rather watch story matches like this than all Ospreay vs Ricochet in the world
Kek Kurara jumped into the chairs
One thing about stardom I never need to see again
She’s so god damn lanky it’s fucking hilarious
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>Miyu actually won
ah, the first Tardo booking of the night, I'm sure there will be much more to come. She's a shitter with no personality. Why put the belt on her?
>Service by Saya-sama and Kurara
>(Kurara's sweat stains the chair)
I’d rather watch then all the Cm Punk vs Drew Macintyre any day
Hopefully to move her up the card.
*Rina I mean.
Two of the longest gapes in wwr
I hate that Kurara
I lost again
How is she still not dead
Darkurara incoming
2chan bros…
How many YouTube matches are fheee wow
Dump in her old age will get more heat tonight then Saya did
This the last one
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That was ok. Kurara was fine. Saya...it is what it is.
Go away Mina
ok keem
The Mina Co-leader thing is hilarious. It feels like trying to make an annoying child feel better
Rigga a CUTE
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smol & big
Momo getting a well deserved night off. She’s just so damn busy all the time
I’m marking out DUMPUUUUUU
Konami is now the second fattest after Tora
fucking based
The two Watanabes are in the ring
Lil Rian is gonna pin Dump
Rian is definitely not taking the fall from Dump here
>Konami is now the second fattest after Tora
still Momo
New gear is making Xena's Xenas look great
fat and ugly players
Turn your monitor on
kek based
Oh boy more chair brawling! That’s a new one
you first
But enough about what you look like in the mirror
Dump has the easiest job in the world
Kek I love Rian bros. She has no ego
It’s a fucking tragedy that Mina’s butthole gear is wasted on such a flat ass
Welp, this is somehow worse than I thought it was going to be.
It’s not getting over very much with the bald uncles
>getting heat on Mina
This is so fucking boring Jesus
slurpers will pretend this is anything other than terrible
End this
Why didn’t they book Yuriyan and the crush gals from the show instead of this? Would of been cool
>the future
>does 15 ddts in a row
>does 15 more ddts
i need hanako to slam me irl
Hey whatever wins you the match
Maika took less bumps than Dump
it's the only move she knows. DDT, different version of a DDT, yet another version of a DDT. Still better than Yuzuki but she's been doing this for much longer. Absolute shitter.
They protected Rian
Okataro is a secret genius
It's going to take Dump half an hour to get to the back.
Tomoka can still go. Her vs maika would be quite good
If you have to awkwardly stand in the corner during a tag match because it's too much physically for you to go through the ropes. You should probably retire.
Not sure if this business is for you
Pointless match
Netflix tax please understand
Ya gotta love goddess tag league season ya just gotta
Goddess of stardom while Death is injured sucks. I wanted Koguma x Fukigen
Can’t wait for one player to be on Wrestle Dynasty and job to Julie Hart or whoever
it do be like that
SLK and Despy teaming up again wow
more kitto and despe selfies
Maika / ZSJ vs SLK/ Despy
Man nooj promos are so kino. YOOOOOOOOOOO
maika finally gets her white boy
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I have to laugh at ZSJ and Maika, the two most homosexual members of each roster, getting paired up
How can it be historic if it happens more than once?
first time a crossover between NJPW and Stardom has happened for the second time
Okhan missed his shot with Eel, sad!
the first x-over show was shit so I shan't be watching the second
Very kino
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Based o Khan pinned Naito faithless fool
GOK vs a member of Stardom would be hilarious
What if O'Khan helps Poi in the title match.
That was just a plug for KOPW wasn’t it. Don’t like
Poor Goto lost his partner because she won the world title
weapons are not only encouraged they're allowed
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o khan should do this again
kino incoming
>Natsuko Tora: "Are you guys watching "Queen of Villains"? It would be a waste if Dump-san and ZAP-san were only here for Nagoya, right?

>On October 27th at Korakuen Hall, this Evil Alliance will wreak havoc once again. Until then, shiver and sleep."
A plug for the KOPW match at Historic Xover
>Great-O-Khan challenges any STARDOM Wrestler for the KOPW Championship at Historic X Over II

fat sausage cat
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NICE boobs Kitto
*Rian's music hits*
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this niggas gonna be prancing around saying KUMA KUMA KUMA
Who would be the most believable opponent for GOK? Has to be Syuri, right?
Saki Kashima
Starlight Kid is MEAN
Tora becomes Intergender Monster
when is the show?
It isn’t the height or the sausagelike digits. SLK is just too flappy to be a main eventer
This isn’t as good as I’d hoped.
Actually it flat out sucks
SLK wants her Despy moment
Finally getting somewhere. Let’s see that nose
not another swerve and heel turn
I shouldn’t have doubted them.
yea MOTN for sure so far
happy hazuki
Those Kittos are really out now
Nagoya sucks desu
yea terrible fucking crowd. Shinjuku face with far less people was better
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I was expecting another sequence or two but good match.
Poi vs SLK at DQ then.
it always does. No matter what company runs there the crowd is shit.
Hazuki is PISSED NOW
Absolute Fucking KINO
nice tittos
Kino feud saving this ppv
True Stardom fans have already seen her chubby face anyway
whats the story?
y'all niggas like five minutes behind the ppv stream
Mask vs hair let’s goooooo
that wasn't her
The way Miyu took her shirt off to cover SLK's face was pretty hot
I’ll have to watch this back on World frame by frame to see if she showed nose
literal stalker shit jesus
Iida is pure sex
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>that wasn't her
Sure Jan.
You’re next
there will probably be webms about this in the next few days KEK
lose weight Sonny you fat fuck completely different facial structure
Nice hair Syuri
What happened to the person in that webm then? Is she a wrestler?
the powerful and meaty thighs of sakura aya
kino sequence
I would smell each and every one of their buttholes
kek what a talented and cute roster
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why ar all the team names so autistic
she fat
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Kino, especially for her
will be tributing later
How cute
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Thank you Okataro for giving us a heated feud without a belt on the line
Sakura should leave the CAnon cult and join gods eye
Another filler defense for Momo & Thekla then.
And a heel that’s not in HATE
Oh that was for a tag title match? Kek
Kitto said that she's going after the white belt
Hazuki said that she's satisfied and staying in stars
not officially but they should book it for one of the Korakuen during the Tag League
It's 800 people in a 7000 seat arena. What makes them suck, the fact that Stardom couldnt draw more?
Based Clark
Kinda crazy how much better the feuds are now that old balls isn’t booking it
why is poi fighting an austrian? i thought she loved the aryan race
gigadimes attire
there's a chance tonight that thekla will wipe her shitty asshole with the belt
I’m pretty depraved but that post might have been a bridge too far for me
pussy that's what thekla literally implied
Watch the product
Yeah I meant her post not yours
Ready for cringe kino of the highest order
Like I love tekura more than most but I don’t need scat buildup in my matches
Giulia is probably watching and seething
Maika a CUTE
The most retarded thing to do is to have Clark spear Poi for the heat, and then beat her. So that’s probably what will happen
if Clark interferes taichi will run in and help
Poi should lose for bringing the ratty hair extensions back
fake fan i would help thekla wipe any day
Thekla contract is up in January and then she’s going to Orlando
I know some sick fuck is enjoying this
Clark and Taichi are in Saitama right now and their match hasn't even started yet
damn is the ref blind
Strictly for the buttholes
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BASED SHE DID IT. someone web m that
There is no fucking way I’d take a spill like that to the floor for this dead crowd
LMAO okay I’ve been owned again. Thekla is hilarious
>the prestigious wonder of stardom title has been rubbed all over thekla's ass and pussy
shameful display.
10 minutes that felt like a 100
Nah to the contrary the feeling is back
She more than likely isn’t
Poi is great for gooning but I just cant buy her at this level
midgets shouldn't be top champions, simple as
lucky belt
Thekla has never been good
I wouldn’t say that’s always the case. Suzu has a badass aura. Natsupoi is a retarded gay fairy
I would very much like to see Poi's vagina.
This but her brownish butthole
>Suzu has a badass aura.
maybe a year ago she did. Now? Not even close.
Yes, that too.
Thekla taking these Germans right on her fucking shoulder I thought she was smart
it's not the 80s anymore Grandpa
I didn't even see the finish because of baked
Even worse than I dreaded. Put the belt on kitto please
ok I just saw it, pretty cool move
No more Thekla push please
pay for the show fgts stop being poor
Meltear should go to marigold and do their cringe idol act over there, I’m sure Rossy would be happy to keep artificially boosting their merch numbers
based nooj commentary guy translating
This crowd is fucking horrendous.
>Natsupoi retains the Wonder of Stardom Championship in a really boring and bad match against Thekla that we all should just forget that it existed

Thank you peps glad you're enjoying the show
another garbage twitter tranny opinion
even the slurpers couldn't defend that garbage
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>paying for current era Stardom
I thought I was harsh. It was just mediocre
It wasn’t good there’s no need to pretend to “own” some weirdos by saying it was. Thekla shits up everything
love poi, simple as
literally the only good thing going in Stardom right now is Hazuki vs Kitto. None of the belt feuds mean anything and nobody else is doing anything.
When will you guys understand that the "slurpers" are doing the "slurping" for Marigold now
It's funny because when you browse #STARDOM most english comments liked it
Next >>15981775
Her career peaked when tam was beating the tar out of her
Bald uncles tweet in English now?
They do both. You are being a retarded console warrior
Lol no they don't. The match wasn't good but there's no need to pretend they are being objective or anything
nobody said they were being objective
So what's your point then?
I'm here live in the second row. I've had to run for my life, when SLK. And then again when Hazuki threw Barb. He collided into a poor lady. This is the best live show I've ever been to.

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