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Next shows
October 5th, "STARDOM NAGOYA GOLDEN FIGHT 2024", Aichi Dolphins Arena, 4:00PM JST (preshow 3:30) (PPV)
>World of Stardom Championship Match: Tam Nakano (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Suzu Suzuki (NEO GENESIS)
>IWGP Women's Championship Match: Mayu Iwatani (STARS) vs "Timeless" Toni Storm (AEW)
>Wonder of Stardom Championship Match: Natsupoi (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Thekla (H.A.T.E.)
>Future of Stardom Championship Match: Rina (H.A.T.E.) vs Miyu Amasaki (NEO GENESIS)
>Maika, Mina Shirakawa, Xena, Waka Tsukiyama, HANAKO & Rian (E neXus V) vs Dump Matsumoto & ZAP (The Evil Alliance) & Natsuko Tora, Momo Watanabe, Konami & Ruaka (H.A.T.E.)
>Hazuki (STARS) vs Starlight Kid (NEO GENESIS)
>Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Saya Kamitani (H.A.T.E.)
>Mei Seira & AZM (NEO GENESIS) vs Syuri & Lady C (God's Eye) vs Saori Anou & Aya Sakura (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Hanan & Saya Iida (STARS)
>Match 0: Battle royale for the next challenger of the High Speed Championship:
>Koguma (STARS) vs Yuna Mizumori (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Hina (God's Eye) vs Momo Kohgo (STARS) vs Ranna Yagami (God's Eye)

October 11th, "STARDOM in OSAKA 2024 Oct.", Edion Arena Osaka 2nd Stadium, 6:30PM JST (VOD)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20241011_osaka/?mc_id=1104

October 12th, "STARDOM in KOMATSU 2024", Ishikawa Suehiro Gymnasium, 5:30PM JST (VOD)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20241012_komatsu/?mc_id=1105

October 14th, "STARDOM in TOYAMA 2024 Oct.", Bolfert Toyama, 12:30PM JST (VOD)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20241014_toyama/?mc_id=1095

Previous >>15981110
First for the Mayu
peps thinks naenae vs saree was the match of the year kek
time for toni to win
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My feeling were hurt because a shitty match was called a shitty match
Azumi Matsumoto is the most beautiful girl in the whole world
Azm on commentary now.
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Before this next match starts because I know that Mayu is doing the job I just want to say:
>Fuck Toni Storm
>Fuck her dimeless cringe gimmick
>Fuck Tiny Con
>Fuck GayEW
>Fuck WBD for keeping them on the air
edrones really wanting toni too win huh? not enough dating angles in stardom for you? keep punk away from japan please
Toni is winning
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I will always rabu
nigga I want to go to sleep let's keep this show rolling
why would they have any stake in a Stardom vs AEW match? Are you okay?
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>unirionic pepe poster
hi pig
Arguably the sexiest she’s ever looked
The title belongs on AZM
Mature player
No, I posted it ironically.
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759463 is the motherless code of the evening
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Mayu and Toni look much better now then before
Don't try to use logic when dealing with the console warriors
based coofer into the mic
baked faggots are charging for access to the channel, anybody got a link?
they had soul back then
The IWGP matches have unironically been the only good things about Stardom in 2024.
Fuck this "partnership" and whatever Stardom has become
legally buy the show fgts stop being poor
Kitto will save the white belt
Kek you dumb refresher
toni actually has a character now and is not just a generic bimbo. mayu is also better
they're the only matches Mayu cares about, that's why. Lord knows what she's going to be like when she loses tonight.
Marigold bound, probably.
>toni actually has a character now and is not just a generic bimbo
her character is reddit garbage that's worn out its welcome
this is why baked is shit. pirates charging money is ridiculous. it's because the mods all live in third world shitholes
I would if they had an app, I’m not paying to jerryrig some shit
nah, I was on PSP-TV when it died I went to baked and baked was already closed. I never refresh.
I doubt she ever leaves Stardom at this point
>toni actually has a character now

It's cringe prelim jobber shit.
maybe if you keep saying it. it will come true.
Sure Jan
yea i'm sure her taking a pie too the face in the fed was better. are you retarded?
Mayu is taking a long time for her farts to explode before the match
>I am... le insane!
yeah, such a good character. No wonder only trannies enjoy it
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>Mayufags in 2024
wow cool lore god damn
idk who Jan is, but I always use PSP first since Baked is transgender faggot homos
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It's time for the main event Stardom fans. Do we think Mercedes Moné will challenge Toni for the title?
Simple idiot
>the fed
it's 23 years since they were last "the fed", move on retard
>I'm retiring from the 5Star
I'm literally watching it on an Android tablet right now.
And how’d that work out for you?
yeah on whatever the FUCK stage crowd is
It's a Sony subsidiary and the website is in full English.
go to sleep already. it's 5am
I’m watching it on a 50 inch tv, for free
if Stardom was still a plucky indie promotion I would say buy the shows. They're backed by a billion dollar corporation, they'll be fine without your gaijin bucks.
pretty good, I saw Poi so otherwise I don't really care.
>ohno I missed the AEW match!!
Now that’s some real cope
sorry Tony, nobody wants your AEW bullshit in their company. CMLL fans hate you. NJPW fans hate you. Stardom fans hate you. TJPW fans are happy you forgot them.
God I love big match Mayu music
based. watched for poi too. definitely skipping this match, might watch tam too
speak for yourself bitchtits
Mayu looking checked out
Have you ever heard of the strawman fallacy anon
Tony wants to steal another belt and he's throwing some extra money New Japan's way, sorry Mayu.
It's Strowman retard, Braun Strowman.
>who wants those grapes anyway I bet they're sour
Like Kevin Owens, she's definitely going to AEW
mayu just smiled retard
We are listening to Mrs green apple
Hope Toni wins because that's the funniest outcome
oh god AEW fans ask mommy if they could stay up late to watch Toni.
Mayu looking checked out is her default setting
6am crew checkin.
More like the most pathetic outcome.
gonna expect a lazy mayu match
yeah real wrestlers don't smile, she's checked out.
Juice is lucky that he gets to smell that butthole
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>billion dollar corporation
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very visual match
Oh boy I hope somebody got fired for this blunder
send link literally only want to see Toni, not paying for this shit
Toni isn’t wrestling tonight that clearly says Thekla
Wish Mayu was wrestling in a one piece swimsuit as well
go away, tranny
Toni must feel right at home in front of this crappy empty crowd
Are the trannies in the room with us right now
Foreshadowing IWGP Thekla
you could watch it in the joshi discord
How do they fix the crowd problem? Just run Korakuen every weekend?
Why hanan with bottle of piss?
Mayu looks pissed
avoid Nagoya
also put on better shows
Fukuoka deserves a PPV
I watched during Covid so nothing phases me
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Stardom wants to pretend this isn’t a lewd midget. We saw the pics!
She’s literally wearing pussy ears how much more of a green light do you need
Rina lost
Thankfully Momoka Hanazono is still pure.
Just hope the NJPW crossovers add normal fans instead of the bald uncle
Forgot all about that. Now I hate this show
I did not see the pics...
They could start by having a good product that would attract a crowd
mayu took that bomb with her head
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Oh no…
the edrones are in the house
This is the most average thing I’ve ever seen
same. I only pay attention to Stardom during big shows, someone post the pics
Mayu is getting too much offense, I'm worried
toni storm is a dimeless shitter, what do you expect?
If she was a shitter it wouldn’t be average now would it
It’s Toni Storm and the bell rang
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Mayu brains are scrambled again :(
Kek wtf is this
Kino finisher
Maricold bros our headcanon
Rent free
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Nice finish, I was wondering if Toni would take it. How many people have taken this finisher now? Momo, Toni and who else?
Guys look how cool I am I thought that match sucked
Lazy Mayu match
Really good match. Toni wrestled completely serious with no shtick
seethe more
that was certainly a match
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Didn’t post for it as well as Momo does
Based Mayu burying her finish
Utami and I think Syuri
Thought there might be a couple more minutes left, got a little worried for a moment there
Mayu finally beat Toni.
Guys look how cool I am I thought that much ruled
It was competently wrestled but didn’t have much energy
based waka on comms
Utami and Syuri
I'm here live in the second row. I've had to run for my life, when SLK threw Hazuki. And then again when Hazuki threw Barb. He collided into a poor lady. This is the best live show I've ever been to.
Oh no.
Utami, of course, I completely forgot. So 4 people.
based, same
Anyway mayu voice is best than anyone for me
Kek, did it again
I'm just glad there won't be an annoying discourse about AEW stealing another NJPW belt
Lmao the trophy accidentally breaking gets the biggest pop of the night. Can’t make this shit up
you just know the horse wants that win back over Mayu
Will fat suzu deliver
It wasn’t a great match and the crowd was shit but I’m tired of this thread dogging on Toni when all she tries to do is give back
AZM should suck me off with her anus
she's literally too fat to have good matches anymore. And with the Tam melodrama this is going to be some 30 minute forced epic.
probably not. ever since she signed with stardom, she stopped trying just like Ami and Anou
Can the Tam theatre end before Liverpool vs Crystal Palace?
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>too fat to have good matches
Are you brand fucking new to wrestling? Based fat wrestlers are the lifeline of this business
Future Miyu
High Speed Mei
White Kitto
Red Suzu
holy shit she looks like she's gained 20 pounds since tuesday
I think this could be great strictly because some of the brawls leading up to it looked snug as hell
suzu should come out in a mobility scooter
just call her a nigger if you mean nigger
there's a difference between fat wrestlers wrestling a fat style and fat wrestlers trying to wrestle a normal style. Suzu's old matches were not a fat style.
Suzu not really giving me “winning the top belt” vibes here facially
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Queen of Spam
How the fuck is she getting so fat so quickly
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why did she do this
lots of food and a failed stint in rehab for alcoholism
You know all tam sees is Giulia when she looks at her
it's unironically Bushiroad's fault
No she doesn't
Depression + alcohol x cake
>weight 52kg
wait this is Suzu now?? I came in to see if Toni lost and thought this was one of the Odeo Tai fatties at a quick glance.
She went too far skinny here. She must fluctuate a lot which is dangerous
Hi Maika
She was gonna be the champion instead of Maika. After her loss, she probably drank alcohol and ate a lot due to stress
>gain a shit load of weight
>still have small, sad tits
Stardom lying about the players weight like they do about their attendance
Well I just think you’re wrong here
Start moving girls, you're not Hogan and Dwayne
That’s the saddest part, it all went to her gut like a middle aged man
Already better than the last two games
She didn’t get her title win, then Woppy left her again
Suzu is built for performance
why is the fatso trying to run
Not for fidelity
her tits are impressively worthless
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Mental instability, after all she was in Prominence
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>This is the first time a man and a woman have a title match

>If possible, I want to play with an opponent and rules that will be remembered in the records and memories!!

>For now, I'll embarrass you and expose your private parts, so all you unpopular men who chase women's butts should worship me #STARDOM
I like when they beat the trash out of each other.
Tam owes me sex.
Mental Illness: The Match
It’s real
Didn’t doubt it for a second
Tam's biological clock is ticking. Will she drop this silly wrestling crap and find herself a man or is she destined to become one of those childless joshi still wrestling into her 50s?
Oh tam
>Suzu is fat so it's impossible

>Red is the symbol of the group and looks are important, so Suzu needs to lose weight.
Yeah, me.
Tam with her patented unwanted grope hold
That looked like shit.
holy fuck
RIP Tamu chan
Kurara got cut by the flying table piece and had to go to the back.
It was already in questionable shape, but Tam Nakanos brain is jelly
what the fuck
that sucks.
CTE much?
CTE isn't real.
Someone please webm that, fucking hell
I thought we were safe from stupid head shots after the wop left
Less effective if you can’t hear the THUNK
The fact that she's taking these bumps for this shit crowd is just depressing.
Tam is going to die.
Tam is really willing to die for this company, bless her
This is good shit.
Hopefully the safety police aren’t watching this show
Nice neck you had there Tam
all the bald uncles bullying her for sucking her way to the belt gave her a(nother) complex
they kind of remind me of inoki and vader
Chubbier than ever.
suzu too heavy
This Menhera derby is kino. Only the most unstable should be in the main event scene
Death to all heads and necks
That's my champion.
kino match, all hail the twilight chief
Literally our guy
I can't help but think it would have been even better last year when Suzu was less fat
Nah you are
Good match but they overdid the near falls and 1 count kickouts
Sweaty Suzu is peak sex your all faggots
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>Tam Nakano
Checked based Tam Trips
I don’t know how either of them are okay after that
Time to unplug the headphones
Well, it was a good show. My MOTN is split between red and HZK/SLK. Miyu/Rina is in my top 3.
Rina lost
Suzu is still dimes despite her fat gut
I can save her
thats not even trips newfag
Now there’s a meme
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celebratory post show threesome with Tam and Poi
Tam vs Naito, title vs title
did Rian win?
The Ultimate Challenge
Nuke that building and never go back there.
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>Tam Nakano: "Please say, 'Do your best...'"
>Crowd: "Do your best!"
>Tam Nakano:
only matches really worth watching were Hazuki vs Kitto and Tam vs Suzu. There was the obligatory retarded booking with Miyu beating Rina.
There was the obligatory based booking with Miyu beating Rina
Tam moving around like me after I’ve slept the wrong way
I wish Tam would be a violent ass kicker all the time, I hate her character
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Next month is tag league and X-Over, so I guess the next title matches will be in Sumo Hall.
Lmao there it is
anybody got the webm of the trophy breaking?
kinographic show desu
sex with suzu would be insanely amazing
Secondary titles (Goddess, Artist, Future) will be defended at least once before DQ, I think. Mayu will probably defend against an outsider at X-Over.
>trophy breaking got a bigger reaction than anything else that happened
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I hate you
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Kek Mayu has the best comedic timing in wrestling
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Chef Taro is cooking
My semen belongs on and in AZM
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>Why don't I ever get pushed?
That thing was already broke before she touched it. Cheap crap!
It looks like she did it on purpose, weird
It’s possible, she was selling the knee after. Way overthinking it if it was
she overshoots by a fucking mile for some reason
Maybe she forgot she was jumping from the bottom rope and not the apron?
did they unmask SLK or am I getting worked?
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They did it like any luchador getting unmasked and immediately covered her. Maybe an intrepid anon can turn up some evidence going by frame
Dream Queendom card

Syuri vs Konami UWF rules
SLK vs Hazuki mask vs hair
Mayu vs AZM IWGP
Tam vs Saya I just have a gut feeling
Maika vs someone
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Maybe the best pic of Meis butt yet
>Maika vs someone
Wow anon, you're incredible at this
I think they will save IWGP for 1.3 or 1.5. They can't run a house show card on 1.3 against Marigold.
>SLK vs Hazuki mask vs hair
The evil Bushiroad about to send Hazuki to Marigold as a bald
There are worse
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my lips brown from suzu's butthole
1.5 is going to be Stardom vs outsiders if they’re on the card at all
1.3 I really doubt they’re sweating marigold much
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Next OP
310 for Psycho Zook
Tamu really is the red belt champ Stardom have needed since the beginning of the year. Puts in the most effort and cuts years off her life to produce kino. Hate Kozuen theatre, but her dedication to the business is admirable
Next >>15982476

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