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Next shows
October 11th, "STARDOM in OSAKA 2024 Oct.", Edion Arena Osaka 2nd Stadium, 6:30PM JST (VOD)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20241011_osaka/?mc_id=1104

October 12th, "STARDOM in KOMATSU 2024", Ishikawa Suehiro Gymnasium, 5:30PM JST (VOD)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20241012_komatsu/?mc_id=1105

October 14th, "STARDOM in TOYAMA 2024 Oct.", Bolfert Toyama, 12:30PM JST (VOD)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20241014_toyama/?mc_id=1095

Previous >>15981775
Miyu beat Rina lol
>Psycho Zook
I thought her just deciding she was fine last week didn’t seem right
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She's too fine now
She still doesn’t have breasts
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Tam vs Toni would've been theatrical overload
>1.5 is going to be Stardom vs outsiders if they’re on the card at all
Stardom is literally advertised for the show, they'll be on it
>1.3 I really doubt they’re sweating marigold much
It's not just about Marigold. It's a big building and you need to sell tickets for it. Last year there was no Marigold and they booked Mayu vs Syuri for the 1.4 show.
Right now I'm assuming Red Belt for 29.12 and IWGP for 3.1
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Is that the best ever Nagoya number?
Dirty stache
small boobs are the best boobs
Yes. The top 5 is now:
>1526 (today)
>1353 (Aug. 2022)
>1315 (Oct. 2023)
>1306 (Jan. 2022)
>952 (Dec. 2023)
>>1353 (Aug. 2022)
I don't remember this show at all
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Me neither. Nanae was in the main event.
>Captain's Fall
Such a weird gimmick
I remember Saya taking a top rope powerbomb on her head and Miyu botching for like 30 seconds straight
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>This was the build to Historic X-Over
>Suzu Suzuki: "I lost... I admit it. But your slap ruptured my eardrums and I couldn't hear a word you said! I'm looking forward to Tam Road Chapter 2."
Welp, she's probably gonna be out for a while. It's a good thing NG has 5 members and any pairing would work for the tag league.
I remember that show, mostly because I remember turning it off after Saya/Himeka lmao
This moment would mean far more if Kitto hadn't made it abundantly clear she fucking hates wearing the mask
>This was when Rossy was actually doing his job well
Fuckin hell, it's good to remember how much of a shitter he actually was
nah, as soon as nanae started getting involved was when everything started going down hill
Why would anyone care what Marigold is booking for 1/3, they're not on the same level. It's like choco pro saying they're running an event on the same day. Good for them but has no effect.
What are you talking about?
It's the "the booker wants to do an elimination match but the workers won't do jobs" stip. Naturally, almost all of the captain's fall tags come from joshi promotions
I'm not sure what your problem with that post is, but Stardom is going to put on a good card even of Marigold didn't exist
If the Stardom show was on World, it wouldn't be in issue, but it will be on PPV, like Marigold, and the joshi fanbase isn't that big. Rossy called it a "war" because some people will have to decide how to spend their money that day.
Rossy also calls his coombook company a "Showa fed"
How is it a war when you have a promotion that regularly draws 200 and has no stars? No need to book caring about them.
Catching up on the show, I like Komomo's previous theme much better
Also, impressed by Yuna's kip-up
The last "show war" vs. the Dream Star finals vs. a generic Korakuen house show and they got outdrawn by 600. Marigold isn't relevant in the Joshi world. They're probably the 5th or 6th biggest promotion.
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>Some of the most fun I’ve had calling pro wrestling before! A career highlight. Thank you, #STARDOM fans for welcoming me with open arms and I can’t wait to work toward further platforming the women on our roster! Exposing @we_are_stardom to the world one event at a time!
Nobody said that wars need to be competitive
Can you fuck off with the console war/anti-Rossy shit, schizo?
It's every day with this. Move the fuck on.
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Meditations on Violence.
By Reo Hazuki.
Their first PPV did great numbers and it will be the first time both companies are going head-to-head so we don't know how much Marigold will hurt Stardom and vice versa.
The fact that Marigold doesn't run big venues very often could be a plus for them. The less often you use a venue, the more special it is the next time.
I'm really bored of talking about Marigold
Was that the PPV everyone came for Iyo Sky and left after her match? And then they haven't drawn since?
Hoping to see the old ferocious Hazuki from now on. Her QQ/early Oedo days were dimes.
Marigold is a small startup. Stardom is the biggest name in women's wrestling. This isn't a competition.
It's like wondering why WWE can fill stadiums while AEW gets half-full arenas. One is bigger than the other.
Stardom will "win" this competition because Marigold hasn't found their footing yet. People forget that Stardom has 14 years of promotion and exposure, and it took 7 years for them to get big. Marigold is only a few months old.
Don't pay any attention to the console war outrage faggot who doomposts and spams shit all day.
Yes, and who knows who they're getting this time. A Giulia appearance could help them.
>left after her match
Pretty sure you spent weeks/months talking about how "Io was never a draw" and now you're posting this nonsense.
Stay in the general you ruined. Get the fuck out of here with your console war shit.
>You can't always win when it matters.

>He was sunk by the unsinkable ship of Kumamoto and rolled up by Yagami in his first year since his debut.

>No matter what I do, I can't get results.
>I feel like I'm going to cry tears of blood.

>Still, all we can do is look forward and do our best.
Sorry liceman, you have me confused with someone else. This is a Stardom thread, please talk about the players and wrestling instead of your bait to get banned. We are all still trying to process how bad Thekla is.
First non-NJPW show to crack 1500 in Nagoya this year
Nope, you're a lame wannabe troll who spends all ay every day online farming for engagement and mass reporting anyone who exposes your autistic ass.
Stay in your pedo containment thread.
Crowd was good too which is odd because all the joshi influencers say Nagoya crowds are bad when other promotions run there. Maybe if you put on an entertaining product the fans respond.
I would really appreciate a Komomo struggle story but she needs to stop being a party pooper if she's not going to get one
Dimes player.
Looking forward to how the joshi twitter trannys twist themselves to hate Okada's booking and explain how it's actually bad
kill yourself twittershit
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any shots of kitto without the mask?
Please tone down the violent rhetoric. We were just exposed to Hazuki's violence and still not over it.
1. The bootlicking and fanboyism is embarrassing.
2. Stop giving literal whos on Twitter any attention. They're just as new and clueless as you.
3. Stop samefagging. You don't need to artificially create a conversation. If people want to talk about something, they will. Enough with the astroturfing.
1 2 3 4
I declare a console war
This Okada guy, the new booker of Stardom, is clearly a lot like Tony Khan and is modeling Stardom after AEW in a lot of ways. I will miss many of the wrestlers in Stardom, I really will, so many are awesome, but I'm going over to Marigold. I hope it's what Stardom once was, even if I have to learn about many wrestlers that I don't know. Here's hoping Iwatani comes over the Marigold, and maybe even wrestlers like Hazuki and AZM, but I am not holding my breath.
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Stardom president Okada should be ashamed of what he's doing to Stardom. Having a NJPW wrestler show up and spear Natsupoi was an embarrassing moment for Stardom. Stardom is becoming garbage. Every wrestler should leave when their contracts are up they deserve better.
Why choose?
Watch both. Support all the players. Enough with the console war shit.
they're going to be backtracking so hard on their podcasts that 2 people listen to
They won't backtrack, they will double and triple down
Hazuki is going to burn down SLK's favorite Starbucks like Hangman Page.
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I watch NJPW, NOAH, Stardom, Marigold, Senjo, Marvelous, and damn near anything else that isn't US or UK based.
There's no need for console wars in 2024.
This NOAH fan spent the whole PPV complaining
If I ever would ask to define the difference in booking philosophy in Stardom after the exodus: Okada books feuds. Rossy booked belts
She's going to burn Despy's home
she's going to be a busy woman
there are like 500 starbucks in tokyo
I think Rossy is the better booker right now. Okada is still young and new and resorts to swerves and Russobooking. Ogawa knew how to make stars.
I have no doubt that Okada will improve with time, but right now, the veteran is the better head.
The real difference is that Rossy is a carny, Okada is a suit.
I have something resembling a life I don't have time to watch 20 different feds and shitpost about them all
Then why are you on here?
Watch what you can, not just the big mainstream brands.
>Then why are you on here?
To do the "and shitpost about them all" part
As a person who doesn't have autism engaging with other fans is a significant part of my enjoyment
you're here, you have autism like everyone else
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>as a person who doesn't have autism
whos gonna tell him?
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Rossy booked a 30-minute draw in the main event today, that's all you need to know.
At least the Stardom house shows are unpredictable now, everybody can get pinned and it doesn't hurt them.
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Fucking traitors
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Draws make both names look strong. Look at the Aono and Mirai matches. It shows that they're an equal match.
Stop the console war shit. Seething so much when all of them are friends is retarded and not healthy.
>>"Marigold is a small startup. Stardom is the biggest name in women's wrestling. This isn't a competition.
It's like wondering why WWE can fill stadiums while AEW gets half-full arenas. One is bigger than the other."
Some day this will make sense to you.
KEK i love laughing at maricold
AEW was filling arenas, then their booking went to shit and now they can't
>trans flag haori
Agreed Stardom has been stale this year, but Marigold really isn't much better, from someone who watches it just for Sareee and Miku.
An inferior roster, RNG booking, and bad production. It's worst sin is that it has none of the charm or fun that old Stardom had when it was a low budget fed. It just exists
>Agreed Stardom has been stale this year
What are they actually doing with Kamitani after her turn
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why is he so funny
>Stardom has been stale
People are still talking about it.
>An inferior roster
It's a new company. Most are green.
RNG booking
Rossy's booking has never changed.
>bad production.
Again, it's a new company. Don't expect Wrestlemania tier production on small house shows.
It's worst sin is that it has none of the charm or fun that old Stardom had when it was a low budget fed. It just exists
Not true in the slightest.
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>Will you become a Reiwa era tiger hunter? Lol

>Even though we are STARS, we were booed, it was so awesome
leather clad bomb hazuki pls.
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You need validation from your twitter daddies. Do you youself actually like stuff?
love jumbo
Rina lost
it's time to move forward to bigger and better things
A pre-show picture vs. a picture of the wrestlers having a match in the ring. You really got him!!
the supernova miyu amasaki is only getting started
Trust the process
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we know its just you who spams attendance shit dude
>pre show
You can clearly see AZM getting set up at commentary. This is the intermission before Toni/Mayu
It was the intermission
People also leave their seats during intermission

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