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If you are rooting for AEW to fail. Why are you cheering their demise
because I hate Tony Khan and I hate aewtists and I want to see them crushed
It's cringe indy shit that makes wrestling look retarded. Spooky shit is way better than watching two 150lbs guys do flip piledrivers over and over
Because its funny
i dont mind aew as a brand, i just hate tony khan and like to watch him fail
Tony and the fans needed to be knocked down a few pegs. They started as underdogs and slowly became unbearable. Shame all the wrestlers have to suffer for it
Realistically, people are just sick of Tony and his constant embarassments. It's a much more visceral reaction, while it may be justified, it'd be more damaging to wrestling if AEW died. As the past dictates, WWE turns into a shitshow eventually when it's the only one left. It's not like people don't inherently want AEW not to get better; they're just not expecting much. Personally, I'd like it if they got better, but I really don't like TK. He'd either have to get his shit together (which isn't likely) or he gets someone else as booker.
Tony Khan is an insufferable nepobaby retard who hasn't earned fuck all in his life and it's funny to watch him fail
I'm pro-AEW so I only cheer for E-drone suicide
AEW literally killed any hope of a good wrestling alternative to WWE's soulless corporate machine
The company turned shitty wrestlers into arrogant overpaid marks who think they're the future when they do spotfests in front of 300k viewers, the fan base is quite literally deluded and insufferable
The product is soulless and has no identity, it has nothing to say to anyone, it can't even draw a group mindset outside of a bunch of repulsive fat fucks and inclusive nerds who repel everybody around them with their paradoxically milquetoast extremism.
Wrestling can't ever get big again as long as Vince and AEW were in the picture, one down, one to go
Holy reddit response!
Because Tony Con just buys up people, so they can't go to other promotions and does jack shit with them, just like Vince was doing years ago
why don't you try to do it yourself instead of praying for suicide, ya fuckin pussy?
You're a fucking retard
AEW broke into my house and murdered my whole family and I will have my fucking revenge.
justice for jimmy havoc
I don't actually want AEW to fail I just like laughing at Tony and calling a spade a spade
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Because any show where this happens has no right to exist.
For me it's Dave. AEW represents Dave's vision of wrestling, from the wrestlers, to the style, to the philosophy. I think Dave always been full of shit, even as a historian, as he disrespects legit difference makers who were good and contribute positively and overrated shitters because they fit in his niche box that he likes. AEW failure proves how much of a fraud Meltzer is
what the actual fuck was that supposed to be
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Go woke, go broke. Fuck them and their entire tranny fan base.
Because Tony killed both American independent wrestling and the entirety of the Japanese wrestling business and deserves to be punished.
On a serious answer, most people were totally fine with there being a new promotion, we already watch multiple, but AEW decided to make it their entire identity to personally attack anyone who likes WWE, so it's simply called Karma
its more i wanna see smarks suffer
nothing worse than some know it all smark ruin everyones fun by chiming in with their dogshit takes just cause they champion some shitter that works stiff
>just cause they champion some shitter that works stiff
Yeah, I hate Gunther matches too
GAYEW is not a small company or an underdog
its being held by a nepo baby that pretend to fight a shifty imaginary war in his head
Thus is funny how this nepo dude keep failing HARD in everything he does
>Mexican jumping beans
>Only crowd reaction: What the fuck is this gay shit?
Imagine his hatred for the E when even a legend like Kurt Angle doesn't get a single 5 star match
>If you are rooting for AEW to fail.
I am.
>Why are you cheering their demise
Because their fanbase is terrible and choreographed midget flips isn't wrestling.
I wonder what the AEWtist will move onto next when AEW finally folds.
they'll crawl back to WWE unfortunately. fat faggots will start to show back up demanding that fuckin Chad gable wins the Royal rumble and squashes Brock Lesnar or smth
i want it to fail because I have found that i LOVE laughing at AEW and Tony R. Khan haha!
meltzer is an angle mark too, that's the thing
hopefully if angle can finagle a match with big match john on his retirement tour, things can be set right with a ***** rating
>t. still assmad meltzy rightfully gave rockhogan 3 stars
I want a better second place promotion. best to just let the guys go back to NJPW
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Because I expected better but got nothing but drizzling shits, but mostly it’s because it turned into a fucking liberal circle jerk with shoot trannies beating little jap girls while the entire time the insufferable unbathed ham planet fans are so fucking fragile they can’t handle a single iota of constructive criticism without having a full mental meltdown. I WANT ALL YOU PEOPLE FUCKING DEAD.
Because of fucking retards like this >>16027184

This dumb shithead knows he's wrong yet he's still going to continue posting retarded nonsense, insulting everyone, calling people e-drones and saying WWE is slop/for children/for retards......it's tiring. It's not just cheerleading for a program you believe it's better, it's outright being a FUCKING FAGGOT for the sake of being a fucking faggot because YOUR program is failing, so you want to make other people feel miserable because THEIR program isn't.

It's impossible to root for AEW when posts like >>16027184 are emblematic of the bitter, dickhead, vindictive majority of AEW fans, not the small minority
I'm rooting for AEW to survive as another indy option, but I am rooting for it to fail against NXT because it's funny and you can't call yourself elite, it doesn't work like that.
Wild that Rock-Hogan is still on your conscious 22 years later. How many of the twenty 5star matches can you remember from this year? How about the 27 from last year. 95% of them meant shit two weeks later
Poetic Justice and revenge. There is a subsect of the wrestling smarks and their stans who act like the shitposters on this board except unironically and they wanted so hard for Vince to fail as revenge for mistreating their indy darlings. Their leader is an idiot who can't book, promote or manage his company and talent for shit.

Now Tony Clown has become everything the smarks, stans and why many ex-WWE fans went to him back in 2019-2020 in the first place: Vince McMahon except for indie midgets. Now the ball has reversed and the damage control and sperging the AEWtards have been doing has been hilarious to watch unfold.

I used to like AEW, but I had my faith shaken when they did dumb things over and over and eventually they did unredeemable garbage while the hypocritical stans played apologist to all of it.
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Because watching AEW die from self-inflicted wounds is really, really funny
They fucked over CM Punk
They fucked over Kenny Omega
They fucked over Jay White
They fucked over Takeshita
They fucked over Malakai Black
etc I could go on. Tony Khan is a dumb fucking retard and I hope he fucking kills himself one day from all the bullying he endures
>For me it's Dave. AEW represents Dave's vision of wrestling
AEW was created almost entirely to spite Dave Meltzer
Well at first, given the first show was ultimately a challenge Cody accepted from him. Then it started catering to him and his readership and that played a hand as to why the overall quality of the show went down.
>it started catering to him

lol you e-drones have no fucking consistency, you were bitching about AEW as "Meltzerwrestling" before it even ran a show.
Tony Khan and HogWheels are giant faggots, and they have a tranny champion.
Rhea isn't in AEW
>Then it started catering to him
Legitimately how? The people involved from the start were ROH and NJPW guys. What other style did you think was going to come from it? It was still a promotion birthed out of spiting Meltzer. Never mind the Bucks making fun of him with their move name for god knows how long. Sure they all became buddies overtime like grown ups do but they never set out solely to cater to him. There's only actual evidence of the opposite. Meltzer's behavior itself towards AEW is its own thing
>no fucking consistency, you were bitching about AEW as "Meltzerwrestling" before it even
This sentence is fucking hilarious
What the fuck is wrong with AEW troons
Because my favorite promotion is NJPW and tony royally fucked them over
>do everything to please Dave
>please Dave, he hands out stars faster Tony Khan hands out money
>n-no it's j-just a chance byproduct
please lmao
Everybody knows the main AEW players are feeding Dave 90% of his "insider" content and built up their entire careers and reputations on placating him to get his stars
Whether or not they're sincere friends only matters to the absolute trannies who give a shit about these AEW friendship storylines, to everyone else, the result is crystal fucking clear lol
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>get called out
>rants about his fetish

I accept your concession.
Just read some of the posts AEW fans have made ITT. They have it coming.
Didn't WWE's biggest storyline this year revolve around friendship bracelets?

>muh stars

dronies forever seething over their slop being rated average will never stop being hysterical.
Hell nah. I want them to keep existing. It's always hilarious as fuck when they said 'x will happen to the other company!' or 'y will happen to ours!' and then it backfired next week or so. It's like a gift that keeps on giving.
I'm sorry lad, but you're nobody's fetish
Yeah I'm cis, we know dronies aren't into that
>dronies forever seething over their slop being rated average will never stop being hysterical.
You know what's even more hysterical?
AEW troons having conversations with themselves and bringing up the results of their schizo inner dialogue in real life, where such points aren't being made
get help asap
incredible projection here
I'm sure that makes sense in your head lmao
Fucking hell
Projection of fucking what lmao
You're literally talking to somebody that isn't in the room right now
This, to be honest.
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i dont watch because it and its fanbase are the cancer of wrestling aka workrate smarks.

i dont want it to die, i want it to become TNA levels of limping along in a 'please kill me' situation. its a good containment for smarks and it lets meltzer and his army of drones know that they were wrong and heatless bangers arent how you make money, and wrestling has gone the wrong way for over 15 years now as shown by the ratings.
its named after the young bucks stable who have a move named after meltzer and are his biggest mark
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I like the way that Aubrey's tits jiggle when they hit the mat
I love AEW but I refuse to watch it until Tony resignes as head booker and hires a writing team
>I love AEW but I refuse to watch it
Most sane tranny
Shane is totally going to debut at Wrestledream
I love Rybitch now
I have literally never seen AEW fans start shit, it's ALWAYS 'E drone pigs being toxic
Even if this shit was remotely true, that would only mean that your very existence is offensive to everybody else
Maybe start with a shower?
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>I have literally never seen AEW fans start shit
It goes, goes from the top itself.
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How is this toxic?
If you need an explanation for why this passive-agressive delusional fat fuck's existence is offensive, it's time to get a clue
Tremendous projection there, PigCripple. You spam shit nonstop.
As opposed to you calling AEW fans trannies and making up retarded headcanon for 5 years? Seems pretty mild to me
Yeah, she wouldn’t be in that pissant company with the Tranny Champion and that nerd Tony Kwaboty. By the way you can’t make fun of a woman by calling them a tranny, when you watch literal Troon Slop and enjoy it.
You see that's your problem right there
I did none of this shit but you think everyone did, so that's why you troons pretend you're never starting shit
That's why everyone thinks you're a bunch of moronic schizos
>I did none of this shit
>you troons
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Because I gave it a fair chance and realized that it's never gonna get better because it's run down by the idiot who owns and books it.

Talking AEW in WCW about it in the same context is an insult to WCW - the general wrestling fandom looks at those two and think it's the same because the money used is compatible but it's not even close. WCW in comparison kicked ass in the ratings for that 83 weeks because they had a incredibly strong star studded roster of draws.

Meanwhile at the beginning of AEW's ratings decline Tony tried to shove Yuta, Orange Cassidy, Garcia, Jay White... etc down peoples throats, letting Jericho hog more screen time than the talent he was supposedly giving a rub to, the same style matches of Bucks, stories not going anywhere..

I don't need to get into whats wrong with the talent individually but just point at the booking, or what can charitably called booking.
That's what broke the camels back for me, at one point it was just "Oh I'm not watching this shit again / anymore" and never came back because I knew it's not gonna improve before Tony dies choking on a dog knot and even then it's populated by idiots who think they were doing everything right because they never got fired for mistakes in production that would have gotten them off the show in Vince WWE on the same night.
The way AEW fans conducted themselves in the beginning and to this day has made me hate them.

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