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why did you reply to your own thread
Holy yuckola
Niggas really be simping for this
why did you
God damn. And she spent over 100k on plastic surgery.
ape playa
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why are you doing this?
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Cord is on life support now. They can’t get anything merked anymore. Guess the iyo janny got fired.
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>anon has never seen a girl without makeup
get off social media and go outside
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At least she isn't a bog ape like Kairi.
>samefags the same thread for months
>w-we're totally winning!
antis always look so pathetic in their attempts. had to be an irish nigger making these threads
WTF? Is that Iyo?
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fraid so
i wish 4chan kept the ip counter
Holy shit. And this is before all the plastic surgery? She is one ugly KWAB.
kek true
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you complain about generals but this is the worst type of thread, the one where you jerk each other off and pretend youre running things. surely you know that's how other anons see this?
Kek, this got the 'cord boiling!
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>lol I beat you were
lol youre seething. fucking retarded anti
Kek gottem
Kek gottem!
Keep your racism out of here.
kek the iyocord sure didnt like this one!!!
liam, irish isnt a race. its a subhuman spin off of inbred bong faggots who happened to produce you by accident
kek what an antidraw
>Monday Night Raw reduced to two hours
>INSTANTLY doesn't appear on TV the first week
>jobs and gets pinned the week after
>proceeds to get demoted to NXT afterwards
What the fuck. Kairi is fucking bogged beyond belief and that photo of Iyo is fucking nightmarish
She's cute
Why do weebs simp over the ugliest of creatures?

youre mentally unwell
I'm not a weeb or a simp though
Meant for
Yeah girls look different without make up, But you wouldn't know that would ya
did you just fucking quote yourself HAHAHAHAAHAH
bro just exposed himself kek
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>Iyo relegated to NXT now
It's over.
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I see this is a containment thread for all the antiIyo microdick cucks.
I'm not the retard for seeing women through their facades and thinking they're ugly
they're are incel microdick losers who think getting an ugly asian wife will be just like their incel animes.
your waifu is an ugly ass BITCH who got exposed

you lost, cry about it
Why is Iyo wrestling on NXT this week?
She's an irrelevant jobber. fraid so. fraid so.
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The Iyo hate on this board HAS to stop.
Anti board
Good golly!
So she's permanently back to NXT now?
holy yuck
The face of NXT.
The best thing CM Punk has done since coming to WWE was take this god awful pic of IYO, exposing her as another fugly woman that ain't shit without make up
It's based, but I have to wonder why. He always makes sure to post great photos with Cora and Roxy but here he just full sent it
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Iyo lost. Not just to Lyra but also to the Kweenz and Gargano's wife. (idk what her name is)
No slidey
Hennimore won.
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erm no
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Made for NXT.
She certainly did
also she has no title
why is a 34 year old woman with over ten years of wrestling experience on a minor league developmental brand
Once Trips saw that Iyo couldn't sell out a bingo hall for that Marigold event in Japan he gave up on her
Afraid so
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Kek can't even win the jobber title
Why'd Phil do it?
Terrible feet.
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Iyocels simp for THIS?????
Yowie wowie!
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No wonder Triple H sent her back to developmental!
oh dear oh dear
>iyocord trying to slide
Oh they mad
Many are saying this
They were seething about the last thread like this for well over a week
Yep, we're just discussing the downfall of Iyo here
what happened?
Can someone give me a qrd on the marijuana scandal?
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Iyo has these weird moments where her mask slips and it's terrifying
holy fucking yuckola
The cashier at my local Chinese food store is prettier than this.
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Oh me oh my!
Yeah I can see why the Iyocord don't like this one LOL
the last one sent them into an hour long seethe
>hour long
Understatement of the year tbdesu
Wow what a disgusting bitch
We're just discussing pro wrestler Iyo Sky here
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nah, Iyo a cute.
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>nah, Iyo a cute.
I was personally discussing how she has no title
I look like this and I talk like this
rough day for the iyocels
I thought that was Road Dogg from a distance
Is this the loser tranny faggot general?
nah thats the iyo general
nah thats >>16075520
KEK gottem
the hog getting so burned on the board that he has to run to his anti joshi threads for cover
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I once thought he had a discord for this, instead it reads like one retard quoting himself for hundreds of replies
>durr its like the general!
except this is more retarded because its in response to a general, and it only exists because youre seething about it
>Thinking it's acceptable/normal for women to go outside without makeup
I think we know who the real incel is here.
Iyocord bubblin
I insist on unique poster counts
it's rare for them not to be
A truly desperate thread full of deranged and psychotic Anons replying to themselves
is an accurate description of the Iyo General
Antis won
Why'd Triple H send Iyo away to Japan in Summer? Why wasn't she able to sell out the bingo hall her Marigold event took place in? Why is she being demoted to NXT again?
So we all agree Iyo wins the 2024 UAMFBNOTY?
Without a doubt
The terminally online social reject keeps bumping his garbage threads.
kek bitchtits do be like dat doe
That’s a man
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Poi and Giulia clear this easily
thats about the only thing shes going to win lol (no title)
facts = stated
This bitch really is ugly. All that plastic surgery really fucked her up.
Imagine jobbing to bitchtits
Oinko jobs to everyone.
You must be insane putting Poi on the same level as Giulia.
They both have their unique charms tbdesu.
Don't forget her years of cannabis and alcohol addiction
Of course. I think the tens of thousands she spent on botched surgery has made her drinking worse. She's going to age like dirt. GO look up pics of old Japanese women. It's a horror show.
I mean Bull Nakano still looks good
You think colostomy bags are hot?
She aged well.
Have you gotten outside this is how people look outside of games and movies
Maybe you should go outside because there's tons of hot girls whenever I go to the gym, shopping, go literally ANYWHERE
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