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If KO doesn't win WWE is gay.
Post underboob
Paul isn't letting the main belt change hands on a show like this
Did they hire AEW's sound guy? So many botches, i dont want to hear michael cole's broadcaster speak
i got a pic with zack ryder and chelsea green at a indie show. zack carnied me HARD and charged 25 dollars for the pic….i was with my gf and he knew if i said know my girl would have thought i was a brokie

fuck you zack. only part that was worth it was chelsea (maybe or maybe not in gimmick) laughed at me and said “haha, pathetic little man paid so much!”

shamefully, i had to hide my erection after .
Greg looks okay but damn Koko got fat
>He knows Kevin Nash
Did I hear those lyrics right
>Greg Valentine is alive
Another female more successful than her husband. Based Chelsea.
>he knew if i said know my girl
>if i said know
she probably thinks youre a retard
If the eagle belt isn’t back tonight, I’m not watching til the rumble, outside of seeing how much a train wreck Jan 6th will be




Ventura should’ve jumped off the twin towers.
>I killed Damien

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