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>Calendar for schedules:
https://x.com/puwota (every day at 8am JST)

>DDT Ultimate Party
December 28th @ 2pm JST
>GLEAT Ver. 14
December 30th @ 6pm JST
>AJPW Zennichi New Years Eve
December 31st @ 2pm JST
>NOAH The New Year 2025
January 1st @ 4pm JST

>Where to watch:
AJPW: https://www.ajpw.tv/
NOAH/DDT/Michi Pro/Zero1: https://www.wrestle-universe.com/en
Dragongate: https://dragongate.live/
GLEAT: https://www.youtube.com/@LIDET_ENT
BJW: https://bjwcore.com/
FREEDOMS: https://www.youtube.com/@freedoms6464
Osaka Pro: https://www.youtube.com/@user-bm6he4ct3f
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2025 vibe status?
Previous >>16443038
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Looking forward to Pom successfully defending her title!
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GLEAT now has a monthly subscription service through their YouTube
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>DDT Ultimate Party
>December 28th @ 2pm JST
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CAN /puro/ stay up through all the New Years shows
we will find out
Yamato holding the Brave Gate hostage is such a bad booking decision that the fans were actively booing the promotion's top face.
>Fluorescent Lights to Be Banned by End of 2027: Government Revises Ordinance to Regulate Mercury
>On December 24, the Japanese government approved a cabinet decision to revise regulations, banning the production, export, and import of all general-purpose fluorescent lights by the end of 2027. This measure aligns with agreements made at the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury, which aims to comprehensively regulate mercury, the cause of Minamata disease. The ban will be implemented in phases, targeting different types of fluorescent lights, and will also include mercury-containing button batteries. The revised ordinance will come into effect progressively starting January 2026.
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It's really not a big deal imo
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This is a stick up
that sucks
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I'm not crying
the bright smile of Kaito "New Sunshine" Kiyomiya
Nah puro enjoyers actually have good relations with their family so this will probably get bumped off the catalog tomorrow
Cute. Should be a unit
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Imagine supporting a smoker. Good luck with the emphysema, fraud.
what are the cards for all the new years shows
>AJPW Zennichi New Years Eve
December 31st @ 2pm JST
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>NOAH The New Year 2025
January 1st @ 4pm JST
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>GLEAT Ver. 14
December 30th @ 6pm JST
It sucks, but I think we all knew it was coming eventually.
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current NOAH relationship chart
what the FUCK are they thinking with team 2k
Josh Briggs talking about the N1 and introducing Inamura to the NXT audience.
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card looks good
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No it does not
4 matches i'd like to watch. i'll watch the VOD
afraid not
Outside of SHO at home in the main event this looks alright
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Enjoy retirement legend
Probably an understanding between both parties that the kid was not fit to continue wrestling.
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merry christmas to all /puro/chads
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>Dying at Hechicero vs ZSJ happening everywhere except Japan

They are afraid, because Hechicero is a much better wrestler
Nice headcanon
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he is a complete shitter but i'm happy for him because he's a massive weeb
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reiwa bob sapp
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>blud carries a purse and has the temerity to call other guys faggots
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omos and kaito
This channel just popped up on my feed. Some interpromotional gems in there.
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>dessert's ready

Morris’ partner?
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Jesus, Kenta looks terrible.
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merikuri to all my yellow fever chads and puroheads
kwaboty 2024 next to ibushi
his neck's a little skinny but that's about the best he's looked in a decade.
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we need big dimes jesus to visit nipland
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NJPW Concurso photos are live
As a reminder while you review them - Dragon Kid is older than Tanahashi
he already did an excursion there
love the Gorilla
48-year-old man btw
I hope some day they can make it like CMLL
Great-O-Khan has injured his lower back and side. To avoid injury, he will miss the DDT Pro-Wrestling event at Ryogoku Kokugikan on Saturday, December 28th.
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Sounds raycis
that shoulderbag is more expensive than Jack Perry’s existence
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My personal New Year Dream is to have sex with the entire roster.
Pussy. Retires a belt, can’t defend his company. Bald fraud.
>noah the new year
>marigold first dream
>stardom new year dream
why are japs so uncreative
There’s also NJPW New Beginning
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>zennichi oomisoka's in ur path
NOAH New Year press conference tonight. Not sure if X reveal is tonight or on game day.
another x reveal? or did you miss omos reveal >>16559534

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They're doing two press conferences. Today's press conference is for the double main events and tomorrow will be the official X reveal
What’s the point of this show? Checked the card and it’s all random garbage
counter programming Maligold
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fat bitch
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drippy ahh nigga
end of the year and kwabsuhiko didn't accomplish shit
Dragon Kid doesn't swallow Tonikan's cum so he doesn't have Trannyhashi's belly
Don't do this jamal
Who is X?
seems like Omos >>16559534
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NJPW had a personal trainer who gives comments on the contestant’s physiques https://www.njpw.co.jp/546217/
>I can feel the muscle that Tanahashi has built up over his long training life, and the shape when he faces forward and the thickness of his body when he faces sideways are emphasized by the overlapping rings of muscle. He himself knows his favorite poses and is able to show them off well. Tanahashi is probably the type of person who does not gain body fat easily on his arms and back, but on the other hand, it is easy for it to accumulate on his stomach.
>I supported him with his physical transformation for several months this year. Since then, I think he has continued to do aerobic exercise, walks, and dietary restrictions to a certain extent despite his busy schedule, so I would say that he is not as good as I thought he would be. There are no gaps in his poses when he faces his back or sideways. I hope that he will improve these areas and use these four photos as a starting point to aim for the next Concurso in 2025.

Dragon Kid
>Dragon Kid is the same age as Tanahashi, but this is what he's got. It's pretty amazing. At first glance, you can see the muscles around his chest and the thickness of his back. Weight training is said to be a 'sport of rings'. Every year, you build up muscle by training over and over again, layer by layer. You can really feel those 'rings of muscle'.
>Young, firm muscles are good, but you can also see the 'maturity' of older, more experienced fighters in a good way. His muscles are deep and don't show his age, and there's almost no excess fat in any part of his body. I think he's got the physique he's looking for, able to jump and move, and has a lot of stamina."
that's our ace
Seems like zero1 will restart
Ryu Fuda & Daiki Yanagiuchi came to Masaaki Mochizuki's aid and asked him to form a new Mochizuki Dojo unit.

Also, the Young Dragons Cup tournament is back, with 8 rookies competing to decide the best.
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effay view
>1. Drilla Moloney
>2. Saya Iida
>3. Dragon Kid
>5. Hiroshi Tanahashi
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Heavyweight Drilla coming January 6th
Strong Machine J is also the next young talent to lose to Yamato, because the endgame of that reign is…?
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Heel Daiki hitting guys with brooms will take Dragongate to the promise land
they should have officially revealed Omos earlier, how are they gonna sneak a 7ft black man from the airport to the presser in Japan unless he shows up later
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they look so happy
Ulka was excited to face his hero until he got this poor man’s version of Nakamura
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Bitchnigger is fucking smoking what the holy hell is that shit he doesn't deserve to be ace of anything
This dude about to job to another deserter this weekend
Gaara looking player
"Day 1", "Wrestlemania Backlash"
X presser now live
this nigga big yo
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pov you're an Asian female alone on mass transit in any major American city at night
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Galeno vs Omos
width vs height
this is the match
nosawa, hire this man
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>When asked about the fact that Shinsuke Nakamura had revealed that he likes anime, he replied, "I watch it every week on the Shonen Jump app."
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AJPW press conference about to start but doesn't seem like they're streaming it anywhere
DDT Ultimate Party starting
>brookes vs sasaki
ddt belt in kwab tier
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Pro Wrestling ZERO1 change parent companies, forms ZERO1 HARD CORE. Tochigi Pro become their own promotion.

In 2024, ZERO1 was split between REAL ZERO1 and Tochigi Pro Wrestling and they were no ZERO1 show since the Tanaka Anniversary show.
In 2025, they will leave their current parent company (Daiko Holdings) and restart under a new parent (Studio Backdrop). The parent company does professional sports photos.
The company now has new colors (Blue), and their slogan is "Destruction, Creation and (Re?) Birth".
They chose Blue because it represents the challengers, and they feel like they are challengers so here it is (Pic. 1).

Masato Tanaka, who has an history with FMW/ECW and Hardcore wrestling, wanted to challenge himself : he would like to create a new brand called ZERO1 HARD CORE (Pic. 2).
This Brand will focus on Hardcore wrestling (including Deathmatches) in ZERO1.
People would have to come forward themselves, whether it is current Hardcore wrestlers or overseas legends. He knows there's still active former ECW Wrestlers and formally invites them to wrestle in his brand.
He would also like to produce a ZERO1 HARD CORE show at the legendary Kawasaki Stadium in 2025.

The confirmed wrestlers for ZERO1 are Takuya Sugawara, Yoshikazu Yokoyama, Chris Vice, Hide Kubota & Yasu Kubota.
these two matches are gonna be a slog so i'll tune in after
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Everyone I know...
goes away...
in the end...
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Reporters had questions about the lack of ZERO1 shows in 2024 :
Tanaka answered :
I guess I ran out of energy to hold the show. I think it's understandable that people would think that way, but the frustration that has been building up ever since has been building up, and I'm hoping that I can release it in the new place starting in February. I hope that people will look forward to that.

Will ZERO1 HARD CORE be at all shows?
Tanaka :
Not at all shows. Even in a show called ZERO1 HARD CORE, not all matches are hardcore. Of course, there will be times when I have a hardcore match, and Yokoyama, who hadn't had anything like it before, might take part in a hardcore match, and Chris was covered in scars from a death match somewhere, so Chris might also take part in that kind of fight. Nowadays, social media and things like that are developing, so it's not like there are strong opponents that we haven't seen yet, but I don't think that kind of opponent will be born yet. This year, I went overseas quite a bit and saw a lot of different wrestlers, and there were some that I hadn't seen yet, and there were some that I thought were amazing, so I hope that those wrestlers will come and join.

What will happen to your relationship with Tochigi Pro Wrestling?
Megumi Kudo :
First of all, I'd like to thank Representative Usui (Shintaro) for his support of Tochigi Pro Wrestling. I don't think there has been an opportunity to talk in detail to fans about the relationship between ZERO1 and Tochigi Pro Wrestling until now, so I think there were some parts that the fans were confused or didn't understand, but this time, by launching the new ZERO1, I think Tochigi Pro Wrestling will be established in local activities and you will really see their hard work, so we will be competing with each other in a good way as our own new ZERO1. To put it clearly, we will be in the form of a separate organization.
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Will there be any interactions other wrestlers in the future?
Kudo :
Right now, we have to establish a new ZERO1 with new members, so we are thinking of concentrating on that first. This may be a misleading way of putting it, but we will establish our own organization in the form of another organization, spread the new ZERO1 to many people, establish it, and have everyone see the new ZERO1.

Korakuen Hall is not on the announced dates, are there any plans to hold one in the future?
Kudo :
Korakuen Hall is the holy ground of professional wrestling, so I think it is necessary for wrestlers to wrestle there. However, first of all, one thing at a time... Since Tanaka's show, we have not been active, but this time we have received support from Studio Backdrop Co., Ltd., and we are very happy to be able to set a schedule for this year, which is a new step. As we are challengers, we will steadily move forward towards our goals one by one, so we will do Korakuen Hall. However, for now we will do our best towards the tournaments we are participating in.

What is your relationship with Daiko ZERO1?
Kudo :
The contract has been completed, so everything will really start from scratch as ZERO1 will be a new start.

There will also be a Women's division in Zero1.
are there currently two Zero1s? What's the "Real Zero1" that is on WU vs the Zero1 that rebooted today?
It'll be the blue one probably.
is this a rib?
This card sucks ass
just tuned it what is this
oh its a debut. another fujo magnet for DDT
k i n o
this big ass jap shoulda been in ajpw or noah
too much no selling but it's good to see Akiyama doing well
Kinoh up next i think
3 minutes into listening to the english commentators and absolutely none of them know when to just shut the fuck up. It feels like there's 10 of them.
that was a cool ass match
i think it should have been like 5 mins longer though
Akki is dreadful and incredibly unprofessional.
Are we going to watch Dino ass rape this invisible man in the middle of the ring
when youre invisible no one knows you always got your cock and balls out
SANADA has really let himself go
oh my GOD shut the FUCK up Akki
who was the one who blacklisted ibushi in ddt again? gotta be Chris Brookes
kek what an english comms listening bitch
mao/ ueno & brookes
nobody. he got worked into a shoot by a backstage promo and decided to pull out of his bookings and stop working with them
>kek what an english comms listening bitch
I couldn't take it anymore
cyberfight pre fight video is truly the best
zesty lil nigga
Is Junjie the only Chinese OWE nigga to have surfaced in GLEAT?
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>Welcome to Japan! Omos <3
>We're looking forward to seeing you at Nippon Budokan on 1/1!!
>I'm a big-ass fetishist!!!!
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Omos at the pokemon center
The state of it all. Have things ever been grimmer than this? How can Japanese wrestling be salvaged?
AJPW Press Conference uploaded
Dragongate's first show of 2025 will be a show putting East vs. West, so some mixed teams
>(East) Yasushi Kanda (Chiba) & Ben-K (Chiba) vs. (West) Ryoya Tanaka (Hyogo) & Akihiro Sahara (Hyogo)
>(East) Kagetora (Tokyo), Punch Tominaga (Tokyo), Ryu Fuda (Miyagi) & Daiki Yanagiuchi (Tokyo) vs. (West) Genki Horiguchi (Kumamoto), Shachihoko BOY (Okayama), Problem Dragon (Gifu) & JACKY KAMEI (Tottori)
>(East) Masaaki Mochizuki(Tokyo), Mochizuki Jr. (Tokyo) & ISHIN(Tokyo) vs. (West) Don Fujii (Osaka), Naruki Doi (Nara) & Takashi Yoshida (Osaka)
>(East) Homare (Shizuoka) vs. (West) Madoka Kikuta (Ishikawa)
>(East) Susumu Yokosuka (Kanagawa), Strong Machine J (Kanagawa) & KAI (Kanagawa) vs. (West) Luis Mante (Mexico), Jason Lee (Hong Kong) & Ho Ho Lun (Hong Kong)
>(East) Dragon Dia (Nagano) & Riiita (Yamanashi) vs. (West) U-T (Aichi) & Hyo (Aichi)
>(East) YAMATO (Iwate), BxB Hulk (Hokkaido) & Kzy (Hokkaido) vs. (West) Shun Skywalker (Gifu), Kota Minoura (Gifu) & Yoshiki Kato (Gifu)
>On the 28th, All Japan Pro Wrestling held a press conference in Tokyo for "Zennichi New Year's Eve 2024" (31st, Yoyogi Second Gymnasium), which was open to fans.

>Champion Davey Boy Smith Jr. and challenger Jun Saito, who will be fighting in the main event for the Triple Crown Heavyweight Championship, took to the stage.

>Jun announced that he would "make the royal road mat even more exciting," and vowed, "To do that, I'll take the belt away from the strong champion and lead All Japan Pro Wrestling," sending a message to fans to "follow me," and provoking the champion by saying, "Davey Boy Smith Jr. DOOM!"

>Jun stated that this will be his second attempt at the Triple Crown since challenging Katsuhiko Nakajima in February of this year, and said, "I'm more confident now. That will help me and lead to results." He has defended the World Tag Team Championship six times with his brother Ray, but said, "Neither my brother nor I have had any success as singles. If we can become the Triple Crown, we can go even higher in the best possible way."

>Smith revealed that becoming a Triple Crown champion "gives me even more of a sense of responsibility and a stronger fire to fight." And ahead of his first defense, he said, "I studied Dory Funk Jr.'s old matches," revealing that he has mastered the elbow pat that was the legendary champion's specialty. He vowed to "finish it off with 'I Love All Japan Pro Wrestling,' not 'DOOM!'"

>I'm a big-ass fetishist!!!!
is mutoh a black kween enjoyer or is he queer, faggot maybe
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How is Dragon Gate as a streaming service? Been thinking about checking them out for a while.
Two immediate thoughts:
Z-Brats Gifu trio is based
I understand it’s more East than West but no one in Japan calls Hokkaido anything but the North
Who cares?Why would anyone still watch that fed without CIMA,tozawa,shingo and yoshino?
why would anyone want to watch those traitors
sending Kiyomiya to Nigeria would be funnier then sending Omos to Japan
Pretty meh desu, the fact that its run by GAORA means that it will likely never be up to the quality of other puro streaming services.
For checking out Dragongate I recommend

>The Network's youtube channel. Where they livestream the first match of each of their shows

>GAORA's youtube channel, usually uploads some DG matches (might be clipped for tv)
A lot of people wanted considering how their attendances went to shit after they left
>Believed DG's early attendance records
>They've vastly cut back on lying about attendance since CIMA left
Still #2 in attendance motherfucker
I'm looking forward to Omos in NOAH unironically
i hope he stays for a while, he's gotta fight Fujita
Thanks anon

Fukuda: As we were walking a tightrope with our finances, we received an offer from a certain organization through the mastermind to work together. Unfortunately, we cannot reveal the name of the organization or the details of the negotiations due to a non-disclosure agreement. As we were on the verge of bankruptcy, we thought this was a godsend and continued negotiating, and we almost reached an agreement. However, when it came time to announce the deal on a certain date, the owner of the company suddenly decided to sell his shares, and the talks came to a halt.
Vince was going to buy All Japan?
It's confirmed that the mastermind is Simon Inoki though it's kinda weird for Vince to want ajpw since it was not his idea to do the nxt japan.
isn't he unironically a shitter?
An Inoki buying Baba’s promotion would be weird
>On September 18, 2022, a '50th Anniversary Commemorative Event' was held at the Nippon Budokan, drawing an audience of 4,780 people (as announced by the organizers).
>Fukuda: Even the seemingly successful 50th Anniversary Commemorative Event ended up in the red. Employees told me, 'We’d like a bonus,' but we didn’t have the means to provide one. Recently, there was talk about unpaid wages in a certain organization. It’s something that shouldn’t happen, but it’s a story you often hear in this industry. All Japan Pro Wrestling was on the verge of that as well, so it’s not just someone else’s problem.
Interesting. If not even a relatively good number like that was enough to be profitable then it's no surprise that barely anyone runs the Budokan now
Who wasn’t paying their talent? A joshi promotion?
Might be Ice Ribbon since that was a recent issue
Man, that period of All Japan was rough to get through. The aftermath of this show was a good thing. Not because the show was good, but the overhaul they went through.

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