AI wrestler thread 6Previous thread >>16548759
>>16552409HOLY FUCK
>>16552553neathow about Liv wearing Link's green tunic and doing something cute in a forest
>>16552568I'm not afraid to admit I love Dacutie Pie!
Link Liv is fucking adorable bros.
Last one of these
>>16552409>>16552511God damn!
>>16552607actually cute
>>16552657>>16552660I wanna shop at this Wawa. It's probably in Florida.
>>16552615>>16552619>Dolph in the backgroundI popped
Ran out of credits - someone else is going to have to do “Roxanne Perez working at Wawa”
Becky is the type of girl English Kings would massacre Irish villages in search for. Fathers and brothers would die brutal deaths as Knights of England ravaged Irish farmlands in search for a beauty as pure as her.
>>16552741hell yeah dude
>>16552806Pig Morgan
>>16552409>>16552430>>16552463>>16552511These gave me ideas, thank you. How long until the lawsuits start?
This is probably my favorite one yet. Still genning
>>16552409>>16552430>>16552463>>16552511>>16552744>>16552876>>16552877SEXO ANAL
>>16552901Well said, my friend.
>>16552919aw yeahhhh
>>16552919This woman is pure sex
>>16552919more like I'ma Snax on that ass
can someone generate nash, his wife, and a skeleton around a Christmas tree?
>>16552409Prompt please
>>16553105need more divas sitting on a toilet desu
piece of shit censors 3 out of 4 gens
Wish I could get the boobs bigger without triggering the filter.
>>16553823This is the pose.
it amuses me greatly how much this thread exposes that majority of the posters on this board are low impulse control retard subhumans that cant think past booba and bbc faggotry. jesus I literally post on a board where majority have a sub 90 IQ and your posts scream virgin who never held a girls hand in life. hilarity.
>>16553925Make your own grok if you’re so great.
>>16552511can she be farting?
>>16553175I have to eat on the toilet because as soon as I eat food i need to poop
>>16553940kek another boring photo of a female. how subhuman. im sure all those waifu pics you make will comfort you while you cry yourself to sleep alone at night. is making mid females all you can do anon or is there some sort of creative spark in your brain that isnt just make pretty gorl thoughts.
>>16553985Grok is free.
>>16553997I know its free anon I used it to make some art of a few things. its quite powerful. thats why its a shame these threads are 99% subhuman virgins spamming bbc and mid looking females over and over nonstop. they act like they cant think of anything but gorls and black cocks. shows how much brain rot and low IQ this board is overrun with.either way very awesome roman anon. cool to see you dont just gen waifu over and over.
>>16553985>>16554034You're mad as fuck
What prompts are you using for the ass ones thoughLet us help
>>16552876>How long until the lawsuits start?It's gonna be interesting to follow, because say what you want about Elon, he's a free speech absolutist and VERY pro AI. I feel like it's gonna be a massive shitshow once they reach the mainstream.
>>16554118I use Hindi language prompts and it automatically makes them coomer images
>>16554124he's not a free speech guy, he bows to "them" like everyonehe'll get sued and win KWABOTY 2025
>>16552398Will this ai also censor celebrities, I remember the bing one losing soul because of that bs
This look is over with my dick
>>16554147>lmao selling PayPal, is he retarded? KWABOTY!!>A space company other than NASA? KWABOTY!!>LMAO ELECTRIC FUCKING CARS!!! KWABOTY!!!>Buying Twitter? What a fucking retard! KWABOTY!!>HE JOINED TRUMP WHAT A RETARD LOL! KWABOTY!any day now, anon...
>>16554176Alright Elon.
Not quite what I was meaning for a butt plug.
>>16553399>>16553419I like where your head is at
>>16554143Also, can confirm this kinda works. I got Liv with the hint of nipple. It didn't work the same in English.
>>16553895Zoolander lookkin ahh nigga
>>16552521Tony losing his virginity at last... but not the way he wanted...
Christmas is over
>>16554317>>16554370Supremely based
>>16554124I expect there to be lawsuits or controversy like when Dall-E got it's censorship overhaul. The thing is, photoshopping and deepfakes are completely legal so I don't get how this wouldn't be.
>>16554176Dumb goy.
If I do this with Bianca they literally give her a male chest.
>>16554176elon won't give you money, faggoy.
>>16554782Getting close
I wish we could generate some joshi coomer kino content
>>16554176kek this got the troons boilin'
>>16553985the words of a "man" with a non-functioning penis. Nobody with a dick that works would get this mad about dudes killing time generating AI folder fodder
>>16554945>this is what happens when you ditch Adam Cole.
>mfw it's black history month
>>16553149I’m just glad one person got this - I tried to make “CM Punk talks to Steely Dan” and it just made two Donald Fagens lol
>>16555022Holy shit. How did you remove the underwear?
>I'm done with this shit, gimme my milly right now.
>>16555159That’s what she looks like! That Jew girl from ncis
>terminating iyo simps with extreme prejudice
>>16554749oh hello
face is a tad scuffed but you get the picture.
Someone ask it to do Meltzer doing his weird tongue thing
>>16555305it doesnt recognize meltz
>>16555312Just ask it to do an german antisemitic version of a jew and it will be pretty close.
>>16555327Needs to look more like a skeksis from the dark Crystal but pretty good
>>16552694OK actual dimes are falling out my pocket.
>>16555519What a Phil Believes kek
>>16555406What the heck.
This is the one.
ay uce, want some bathwater?
Got the legs.
Damn it.
I admire the dedication of the degenerate Rhea coomer.
>>16555232Needs a highleg thong, but otherwise perfect.
>>16555923I’m losing faith.
>>16555677Good Lord almighty.
>>16555677This one wins.
>>16552587That bitch is ugly
Limited already.
>>16556100HNNG PROMPT?
>>16556096>>16556129The AI always gives Liv wonky eyes.
:/ most of them are blocked.
>>16556241Yeah, for me either 3/4 are errors or it straight up says it cant make the image.
>>16556475Post em
>>16556478I can’t.
>>16556487Post it here >>>/r/19577494
>>16553925this isn’t squaredcircleyou’ve posted in the wrong window ya ninny