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Literally and unironically who the FUCK is this guy and why should I care?

t. 46 year old white male
>>17173023 (OP)
He has AURA and that's all you need to know
just some dindu america worships
What's he even "famous" for?
>>17173023 (OP)
if you are actually 46 and still post here, you need to kill yourself. you failed at life.
>>17173023 (OP)
Travis Scott is just washed enough that zoomers don't care for him anymore. They should've had Playboy Carti instead.
Cool, thanks for the feedback.
being black
Being black in the era of DEI
travis scott is nothing but a low down, dirty we don't say that word here
>>17173023 (OP)
>t. 46 year old white male
absolutely grim
>>17173023 (OP)
He was the first McDonald's celebrity meal deal. I think the only one you didn't need the app for so it was the only one I got.
Sometimes he dips his french fries in da barbecue sauce.
I'm 36 and I can't wait to be 46 and still be shitposting with your bitch ass.
>>17173023 (OP)
That's velveteen dream
>>17173023 (OP)
Unironically better than Logan
That was Stormzy ya dope
>>17173023 (OP)
Nice to see one of the street profits with the hardcore championship belt.
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>they actually believe they won't be posting here in their 40s
Boomers gloating about not knowing Gen Z celebrities is peak cringe
It means it isn't an athlete or an actor.
He is the guy who has sex with top tier white women while you masturbate to porn.
I removed my penis during SRS.
>>17173023 (OP)
>white male
Why would being a certain age stop you going to a website?
>it's better for young men to waste their lives here
>t. Sameer, Pruhindar, and Arjun
I guess at your age this won't make sense either but he's like Kid Cudi for Gen Z.
I'm probably closer to your age that the guy you're mocking fun of his it's good thing that you will never age or be 46 you absolute fucking braindead piece of shit fuck your whore mother for not aborting you and fuck your retard of a father for fucking your obese whore mother
>>17173023 (OP)
He's the Wwe hardcore champion. It's not like he's just a random person carrying a children's championship around
What was he talking about that led you to that?
promo's good
older men with their lives in order should be shitposting and wasting their free time. younger men should be trying to accomplish something with their time. when you finish high school you should be done wasting time trolling LMFAO you loser what are you doing
>>17173023 (OP)
Sure pal.
not even meme-ing, he """designed""" some nikes by hitting the 'flip horizontal' button on the swoosh
motherfucker this board is full of fucking boomers, WWE is NOTHING but muh nostalgia shit, no one watches for the wrestling
>>17173023 (OP)
>who the FUCK is this guy and why should I care?
This: >>17169743 → , >>17173538 →
the crimson nochin
But Carti is also starting to fall off. Zoomers are getting tired of his "mysterious" persona, rage is dying out and Carti's new flow and voice are literally just Cash Carti all over again and not unique at all.
a lot of modern music fades out quickly because new music isnt relevant outside of their echo chambers. every new genre since 2010 has become trash because they never grow and there isnt a big movement in the real world for them
Are you trans?
You know you've reached a level of power and wealth. When you have a little minion following you around.
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>if you are actually 46 and still post here
meltzer and all the other wrestling journalists are elderly as fuck. this is a random website. why do some people act like this site is only for teens?
>>17173023 (OP)
he is a rapper
even as someone that likes hip-hop i think he sucks
How many times did this one go to jail?
Post tits.
>why do some people act like this site is only for teens?
I think their "logic" breaks down like this:
>they post here
>they're a teen
>therefore the website is for teens
You give these little shits way too much credit if you think they've put any more thought into it than that.
ive seen people say the same thing on other boards on here many times before. they act surprised anytime they learn a poster is over the age of 25. they flip out. i dont get it
They have to bully older people because they're losers among their age group.
Did you really?
good morning saar bloody benchud basterd bitch mother
>>17173023 (OP)
No sliding.
>>17173023 (OP)
It's the guy from Fortnite
I spent all week thinking this was Tyga. Because it turns out Kylie Jenner has been with not one but two ugly black rappers whose names start with "T". What a disgusting piece of trash.
>>17173023 (OP)
a black drug addict
>>17173023 (OP)
Some satanic nigger
Adults under thirty have a weird need for a "safe space" from older people like they're still in grade school. Like they shouldn't be interacting with the other fully developed brains for some reason. Some women also act this way while being adults.
>>17173023 (OP)
>>17173023 (OP)
Bluegum that let 10 people get killed at his oooga booga show

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