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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting belong on >>>/trash/.

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happening: nigger
What an idiot.
yay flags and ids
what's happenin' forum
Samefagging already? Fortunately for us that doesn't work when you have IDs.
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my name is Derick not Sue
great, anything is better than /trash/
Flags and IDs break the spirit of 4chan THOUGH
yeah, i agree
>poster count didn't go up
Better than constantly having to deal with samefagging avatarfags now that we don't have an IP counter anymore.

Poster count is dead, anon.
Poster counter was removed a few days ago, idiot.
Leave the samefag alone!
>Same ID
LMAO this is too easy with IDs. I LOVE IT!
Sticky >>>/vt/71449083
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reddit vs /lgbt/ meme I found on twitter
bully the samefag
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>mfw /hap/ will never ever recover
what flag is OP anyways?
glass house
Brazil, one of the ABC powers.
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I'm responsible for my posts.
I assume you're more familiar with acting like a sperg and thinking people won't notice it's the same person (they do).
i don't like it because it paints /lgbt/ users as normal
Happening: a new beginning
I only samefagged as a joke. I'll admit it's pretty fun even though it's thread cancer.
either way, goodnight.
Good night and sleep well, trippy.
I actually like this thread a lot more than /trash/ honestly
did anything happen yet
I actually hate this thread a lot more than /trash/ to be honestly
>the duality of man
Let me guess, you are either a avatarfag or porn poster?
Tranime enjoyer
I agree as well
what's the fappening forum
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whats the point of a happening thread if nothings happening
it's about sending a message to the mods or something
blah blah blah /qa/ tradition
I guess nothing happened
whats the message?
idk bring back /qa/?
I have a dream that one day, we will be able to discuss something more interesting than sticky's.
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Happening: we are winning
>/trash/ below /s4s/
>/bant/ won
It's truly happening.
It was rigged though.
No, /bant/ is just the best option.
I don't understand why anyone would vote for s4s just look at the state of the thread, personally I'd like trash or here the most with the biggest downside here of not being able to talk about the pastel horse board
also flags kinda suck and moving boards feels bad, I know some will be turned off by their country being known and won't want to post here. IDs are nice though
funny thread on /g/
I believe we can still cross board link stuff from /mlp/, we just can't post images.
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What if it was all a dream?
go ahead, try it.
/qa/ will never come back
>Nothing happened
Well I guess that proves it, can we all agree that it's safe now?
not quite sure yet. if it stays up for 24 hours then it is safe
Mods don't take 24 hours to remove global rule violations, there would be no point because the thread would be dead by then. It's safe, anon. You can crossboard link to happenings, just not directly post mlp content here.
/hap/ will die after today.
I support the /bant/ happenings thread.
I'm afraid to post now, since everyone knows which posts are mine.
South America and these threads?
Not yet, still on page 8
This IS the thread.
This is NOT the thread.
This is THE thread.
by the propaganda you fags made on the TRUE thread I thought this one would have been way more active huh
/bant/ just sucks admit it. It's better to go to /r9k/
also why is it full of fellow latinx
>It's better to go to /r9k/
/r9k/ doesn't have IDs, you can't filter by IDs there. It would stop avatarfags due to the rules, but not the samefags.
oh well, seems like /bant/hap lost anyway lol
all that shilling and spamming in the other thread, saying this one was the frfr thread, and people left as soon as the /hap/ in /trash/ was up.
Depressing honestly.
I like the flags, usually I just asssume everyone is american
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unlock /qa/
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Interesting application over here, however, I don't see it getting much traction. The shitposters and avatarfags have no power over here, so they will simply not post, allowing the happening threads to actually be about happenings. While this is good for the actual spirit of the general, doesn't mean so much for the longevity of it in this new place.

If you want to keep it, you'll have to maintain it, and probably have to go to war with the one over on /trash/ since the ones on /r9k/ and [s4s] are fail to launch ones. If you want to keep /hap/ clean by staying on /bant/ you'll probably have to fight for it.
This. I'm holding on and staying here personally.
They will never do this.
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Fuck you qa rapefugee and Fuck your deleted board your website and your entire bloodline
gun id
flag checks out
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/bant/frog, protector of /bant/... I kneel.

God Bless America
Attention whores won't move to a board where it's easy to filter them, specially if that board shows their flag (which can be used to mock them).
Personally I like the /r9k/ thread more. It's the most peaceful one of the bunch.
what do you people usually discuss in the happenings threads
Ideally, just a thread to showcase interesting stuff on a board you visit. But it's mostly about the 4chan meta.
Stuff like this:
This. As the OP says, this is a thread for interesting things happening across the site.

The sharty has an official kill count!

Ryan Palmeter, the 2023 Florida Dollar General Shooter had a manifesto released a little while ago that referenced Basedjak party, however, the shooter's steam was discovered, and shows the full extent of his posting on the sharty, he was a hardcore sharteen.


this thread sucks
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And they call me autistic lol
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what's happening, happas?
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the glegle sticky on /trash/ was the last actually good happening on this website
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is the steam account still up? whats the username
>/trash/ was co-opted by lockedboarders
and just like that everyone who uses that site got put on some shitty govt. watch list
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Trash won
mid to low taste in games
all the good games he owns he hasn't even launched once
Glegle and other edit memes need to be banned from 4chan
>check out the /trash/ general
>instantly just see a bunch of porn
Ok, sure bud.
furries are condemned to /trash/ where they belong
what do you want to happen?
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From the obsolete thread:
Last 111 4chan self-serve ads: https://litter.catbox.moe/porvse.png
how much has shitcoin ads earned hiro I wonder
>finally, a reason to come to /bant/
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From the obsolete thread:
4chan appearance in film soon.
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One more:
What does /hap/ think of the 4chan-x fork?

They've done it for various technical reasons, but have also implemented some new features...
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I have all the 'ppening 'reads open and I post in all of them
Donald Trump, please save /qa/. Amen.
what are the technical reasons? just to make it easier to work with?
what happened to the IP counter and why
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>what happened to the IP counter
Removed last week.
Pic rel.
of course....
Yeah, looks like the purpose was to migrate 4chan-X to TypeScript, and then they started adding new features.
did anything happen yet
yeah. You gotta believe.
I don't think I've seen one of these posts here where the music isn't garbage, this is a milestone.
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Local /bant/ eternal lolcow gets desperate and makes a romantic overture at a well known gay pedophile furry namefag, gets rejected
why do so many people gravitate towards this guy? he doesn't even actually say anything. don't answer that i don't actually want to talk about namefags or /bant/
i dont think anyone gravitates towards him, they just laugh at him.
I laugh at DT too without ever entering his threads, its funny to know he exists
no i meant bulgogi
Who the fuck cares?
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they should add the OG 2012 memeflags on /bant/
he pretends to be a Korean woman and that’s enough to have orbiters here
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What's happening?
he does not pretend to be a woman
Still happenin’
Anon... it's over. It's time to call it quits.
new bant happening
Happening: Yesterday was the one week anniversary of the IP counter being removed.
We're so back.
>Happening: Yesterday was the one week anniversary of the IP counter being removed.
It felt shorter.
Mods on /pol/ are getting uppityy

They are pushing an anti-India racist agenda and openly encouraging racism.

That's much even for 4chan

So godfather (bant) I come to you for justice
what, you think we're like the nobility of this website or something?
wtf based /pol/ mods
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we are so back on /trash/
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Trash won
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I don't get it
>the avatarfaggots were so annoying that a mod send them to a board where they can be filtered and brought the avatarfag-less thread here
/r9k/'s thread was the better one tho
There were two threads?
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hello gassy latinx's and sars
Strange things are happening, but I guess we're back
Holy shit. It's almost like the mods care about this site, instead of being losers who lost control and try to cover it up by pretending not to care.
>t. mod
Bring back the IP counter and then I'll believe you
why do you want it back
Are you a mod or a janny
>mod forcibly moving /hap/ to trash
holy kino
/trash/ won
Is this a first? I've heard of threads being moved, but swapped?
It enabled a minimum of self-moderation. Really minuscule, but better than nothing.
Post quality has somehow managed to further drop down a cliff. The level of astroturfed samefagging discussion is insane and " all me " spam is just relentless
Yes. A mod is having fun. At our expense. He must die.
File deleted.
Uh... is this my fault?
sometimes you simply need to ask...
You wish you were as important.
move the thread to /r9k/ you coward, it was the best one
mods are a bunch of cheeky cunts
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Now swap this thread and the one on /qa/
now thats funny
that would be pretty funny

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