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Description: dark, difficult RPG

Brooklyn, January 1st, 2024. Ms. Rodriguez is sitting across from you, a glass of wine in hand. She’s a middle-aged Hispanic woman, worn from two years of not knowing what happened to her daughter, Jeanette.

"I’ve given up hope of finding her alive. But I need to know what happened. I’ll pay you whatever it takes," she says, her voice tinged with resignation.

Judging by her well-furnished Brooklyn home, she can back up that promise. The place exudes wealth, with plush furniture, art pieces from around the world, and a subtle scent of lavender lingering in the air.

You’re a private investigator, specializing in missing persons cases that often intersect with the occult. Your success rate is an impressive 95%, even on cases the police have long abandoned. This isn’t luck. You and your team have unique abilities and powers, making you the best at what you do.

After a moment of thought, you respond, "We’ll take the case. I have to ask, though. Most missing persons cases involve a close relative. Where’s her father?"

Veronica’s eyes darken as she takes a sip of her wine. "He passed away several years ago. Cancer."

Brooklyn, home of foreign cultures and ancient secrets, is a notorious hotspot for the occult. It’s also, regrettably, known for its many missing persons cases.

You begin the investigation with a post on /r/brooklyn, knowing Reddit is useless for conversation, but can sometimes yield useful local tips. An hour later, you get a private message from someone calling themselves "Famouss Richard."

"i have information about the victim. let’s meet at Gold Star Beer Counter 4 pm."
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File 1:

It was reported to the police that Jeanette Rodriguez was last seen on Thursday, December 02, 2021.
She is described as a 12-year-old female, Hispanic, approximately 5’3” tall, 130 lbs, with a thin build, light complexion, dark brown hair and eyes.
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File 2:

Famouss Richard, a 24-year-old local rapper, was arrested for first-degree attempted robbery just a week ago but was immediately released without bail. He runs a YouTube channel where he frequently posts videos pranking the NYPD. Given his unusual behavior, he could either provide very interesting information, or be setting you up for a prank.
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File 3:

Gold Star Beer Counter is an upscale, hipster bar situated at 176 Underhill Avenue, Brooklyn. It's not the type of place you'd expect a self-proclaimed street gangster to frequent.
Now, let’s create the main character. There will be three other characters in the party, however the main character will have slightly better skills.

1) Choose a name, gender, and ethnicity

2) Choose a class
>Fighter: you are skilled in both ranged and close combat, specializing in hunting special enemies.
>Thief: you are proficient in various skills for infiltration and robbery.
>Priest: you have the power of healing derived from faith.
>Sorcerer: you are capable of casting a few spells from various occult traditions.

You can also vote on how you will interact with Famouss Richard. Troll votes will be rejected.
>Name: Naomi.
>Gender: Female.
>Ethnicity: Half-Japanese, Half-Chinese.
>Sorcerer: you are capable of casting a few spells from various occult traditions.
We go along with Richie’s meeting and hope for the best. Worst case scenario, we get epically pranked and posted on YouTube. Big deal. Best case scenario, we get a lead.
>Name: Naomi Rosenberg
>Gender: Female.
>Ethnicity: Half-Japanese, Half-Jewish
>Sorcerer: you are capable of casting a few spells from various occult traditions.

Wear our merch so even if we get pranked, we get free PR out of it for our business. Win-win.
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Changing my vote to this.
>Otto Serrano
>Half-German, Half-Spanish, of Chilean Descent
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>>Ethnicity: Half-Jewish
How exactly would this work? Jews can't investigate other Jews, that would be a violation of mesirah.

>Mesirah is the action in which one Jew reports the conduct of another Jew to a non-rabbinic authority.
>A person who violates this law by informing on his fellow Jews is considered subject to din moser, which prescribe death for the offender.
>Mesirah is the main reasons for the gross underreporting of sexual abuse cases in Brooklyn's Haredi community.
Perhaps Naomi’s only ethnically half Jewish and doesn’t follow the religion. If that’s not possible, then I switch back to my original vote.
You can't stop being a Jew
We could be Jewish through our father's side. That would make us Zera Yisrael and thus ethnically rather than religiously Jewish, not sure if mesirah applies then.
Alternatively, we could just break mesirah. The Jews will be attempting to silence us regardless, it doesn't matter whether we're a moser breaking mesirah or a goy who has seen too much.

However, I think Otto is a cooler name so...

>>Otto Serrano
>>Half-German, Half-Spanish, of Argentinean Descent
>Tyrone Epstein
>True Israelite

Press him for info threateningly
My vote goes to any character that isn't jewish. Otto Serrano seems cool.
I'm enjoying how this qst is educational already; as for the character I'm referencing Miguel & Skorzeny naturally.
The party leader and protagonist is...

>Otto Serrano
>Half-German, Half-Spanish, of Chilean and Argentinean Descent

Naomi Rosenberg and Tyrone Epstein will be kept as party members. The entire team will be introduced in a later update.
Honestly an interesting party. BHIs are absolutely hilarious & despite their illusions fairly redpilled.
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Character background:

You grew up in Patagonia, spanning both Argentinean and Chilean territories. Your great-grandfather on your mother’s side was a SS officer, leaving you a legacy of ancient occult tomes. After painstakingly learning German to decipher these texts, you mastered powerful spells. Your initial fascination led you to form an investigation team, primarily to uncover more arcane knowledge. However, as you matured, your purpose evolved. Now, you use your sorcerous abilities to protect and save people from malevolent sorcerers and dark forces.
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You arrive at Gold Star Beer Counter an hour early. This is a sleek, modern bar with a minimalist design. Warm light filters through the arched windows, and the scent of craft beer and charcuterie fills the air. You order an overpriced beer and, while waiting, check out your informant’s YouTube videos. His latest upload, "Famouss Richard Gets Kicked Out Jewish Tunnel Chabad-Lubavitch," shows him in a black Jewish outfit, interviewing reluctant Jews in this very neighborhood. Despite his reputation as a troll, the video is surprisingly intriguing. Richard's fast-talking skills earn him some valuable insight, including a kid’s story of being forced to sleep in secret tunnels (see File 4 below.)

At 4 PM sharp, the door swings open and in walks Famouss Richard, an African-American man you recognize instantly from his videos. Just as you think, "Right on time," he suddenly collapses to his knees. Blood pours from a neck stab wound, spreading across the worn wooden floor. The bar, lively with the murmur of conversations and clinking glasses, falls into stunned silence. A woman at a nearby table screams, her chair scraping loudly against the floor as she jumps up. People scramble away, eyes wide with shock and horror. The killer, unseen in the confusion, slips out unnoticed. You rush to Richard's side, but it's too late. The life has already drained from his eyes.

To your surprise, the video you had just watched is now gone, replaced by a message, "This video has been deleted for violating YouTube Community Guidelines." A chill runs down your spine. Someone is trying to erase all traces of Famouss Richard.

>Wait for NYPD to arrive, intending to testify.
>Quickly search the body for clues (1 minute), and flee.
>Search the body (3 minutes), and flee.
>Take this time to read his recent Reddit activity, before it gets deleted
>Write-in [nothing trollish or humorous]
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File 4:

Video transcript, 04:57

Richard: On King David! Y’all see, I’m here with two young Jewish brothers. How do y’all feel about Chabad-Lubavitch, the hidden tunnels?
Kid: I love it, crazy.
Richard: Have you been there before?
Kid: Yeah, yeah, yeah, 100%.
Richard: Can you guys take me there?
Kid: Huh, no.
Richard: Why?
Kid: Why? Cause it’s dangerous. But... (he frowns) we slept there.
Richard: You slept there?
Kid (pointing to another kid:) Yeah, me and him.
Richard: Who brought you to that tunnel?
Kid: Ah... (hesitates) I don’t know.
Richard: Does your mom and dad bring you to the tunnel?
Kid (categorically): No!

Video transcript, 07:23
Richard is seen entering a crowded Jewish building. He’s handed a card about a figure called "Rebbe Messiah".

Video transcript, 08:20
As Richard is pressing people with questions about "secret tunnels", he’s getting kicked out of the building.
Jewish man: You are trespassing. You are not a member or a student.

Video transcript, 09:10
50 seconds later, a muscular police officer is shown pushing Richard out of the building.
Richard: Why are you pushing me? On King David! What did I do?

Comment section, user tiannajemison3227:
"Them kids was low key bout to expose some shit"

Comment section, user sheezy3962:
"Only thing they didn't say was who brought them there. Every answer was immediate except that question lol."

Comment section, user RichiePaidso:
"You see how quickly the Police responded?! The power of that group!"

Comment section, user hughrnungus1:
"they have their own police departments, not kidding, look it up. Sh1t should be illegal."
This is an investigation quest, so the files might provide important clues.
>Take this time to read his recent Reddit activity, before it gets deleted
And if we can pick more than one
>Search the body (3 minutes), and flee.
Do we have our party with us?
If so, Naomi checks his recent posts, Tyrone tries to spot & chase the assassin, while we search the corpse quickly for clues. Then we gtfo after shouting for someone to call an ambulance.

If we can only pick one:
>Quickly search the body for clues (1 minute), and flee.
>>Quickly search the body for clues (1 minute), and flee.
>Take this time to read his recent Reddit activity, before it gets deleted
>And if we can pick more than one
Yes, you can pick more than one. But keep in mind that this is a time sensitive event.

>Do we have our party with us?
No, you are alone.
Rolled 4, 5 = 9 (2d5)

>Several actions [4 votes]
>Action 1: Quickly search the body for clues (1 minute). [3 votes]
>Action 2: Take this time to read his recent Reddit activity, before it gets deleted. [2 votes]
>Action 3: Flee, after shouting for someone to call an ambulance. [2 votes]

I'm rolling two dice.
>Die 1: how many minutes until NYPD arrives.
>Die 2: how many minutes until Richard's Reddit activity is deleted.

As seen in File 4, NYPD is based at [unknown Jewish building], which is 5 minutes from the bar. Hence, it takes maximum 5 minutes for them to arrive.
The time for his Reddit activity to be deleted is more arbitrary, but I'm using the same die for the sake of simplicity.
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You quickly search his body for any clues about why he was murdered. In his wallet and pockets, you find:

>Rebbe Messiah card: the same card you saw in the video, a white and green plastic card with brief information about the Messiah and contact details.
>Key: probably to his apartment.
>Smartphone: locked.
>Small bag of white powder: unlabeled, it may be either meth or fentanyl.

A woman asks you what you are doing, her eyes wide with concern. You tell her, "Quick, call an ambulance," before leaving with the items. You don’t want to be there when the police arrive: explaining why you took things from the body would be too complicated and could get you arrested. RIP, Richard.

You make your way to the Brooklyn Hotel, just a 20 minute walk northeast. You've booked two adjacent rooms for you and your team. The rooms look modern, featuring a mural of the Brooklyn Bridge, one of New York's most iconic landmarks.

The team members are:
>Naomi Rosenberg: Adopted by Jewish parents from an early age, Naomi delved deep into the teachings of Jewish Kaballah. Despite her Asian appearance, her true ethnicity remains a mystery.
>Tyrone Epstein: African-American street fighter who claims to be a true Israelite, tracing his lineage back to Biblical times. His rugged face, accentuated by a shaved head, exudes an aura of raw power.
Kim Eun-Ae: a skilled Korean thief specializing in the retrieval of cultural assets stolen abroad. Despite her petite frame, she moves with the fluid grace of a feline predator.
Father Darragh Corrigan: Once a respected Irish priest, Father Darragh now walks a solitary path after being excommunicated from the Church. Specializing in exorcism, he navigates the delicate balance between faith and doubt.

Choose one action:
>Eun-Ae: break in and search Famouss Richard’s apartment for clues
>Eun-Ae: stealthily observe the murder scene, monitoring the police investigation
>Eun-Ae: gather information from locals about Rabbi Schneerson

Choose one action:
>Tyrone: use local connections to find someone who can unlock Famouss Richard’s phone
>Tyrone: use local connections to find someone who can analyze the bag’s content
>Tyrone: interview Famouss Richard’s closest friends

Only one action each, so that the update is not too big.
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File 5:

>Rebbe Messiah card
The card explains that Rabbi Schneerson, the Rebbe, will return to Earth as the messiah very soon, when the community acts with more goodness and kindness.
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File 6:

Richard's last Reddit post, concerning his video, was locked by u/Maxwellhill, a super moderator account suspected to belong to Ghislaine Maxwell, the notorious Jewish criminal. The situation is strange, given that Maxwell has been sentenced to twenty years in prison since June 2022, and the account has remained inactive for years. Within one minute of the thread being locked, it was quickly deleted, along with all of Richard's posting history.
>Eun-Ae: break in and search Famouss Richard’s apartment for clues
I’d love to have her watch the cops for anything suspicious but I feel like this is a more time sensitive matter. Maybe she could watch the cops when they inevitably inspect his apartment afterwards.
>Tyrone: use local connections to find someone who can unlock Famouss Richard’s phone
>Eun-Ae: break in and search Famouss Richard’s apartment for clues
>Tyrone: use local connections to find someone who can unlock Famouss Richard’s phone
Start with the guy we KNOW was silenced for knowing too much. Schneerson and the other leads will still be there in the morning; Richard's evidence may not be, if the cops are dirty.
No point in analyzing the powder, it was likely either for personal use or planted evidence reverse-pickpocketed onto him.
>Otto: Flush the Powder
>Naomi: Look for Cohencidences surrounding Famouss Richard via Gematria
>Eun-Ae: Break-in & search for Clues
>Tyrone: Find someone who can unlock the Phone
>Father Corrigan: Pray for Richard's Soul
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>Naomi: Look for Cohencidences surrounding Famouss Richard via Gematria

Naomi ties up her hair and slips into a trance-like state, fervently reciting the letters of the Hebrew alphabet while intermittently murmuring sentences in Yiddish. "652... Brooklyn... Tartarus... Necromancy... The sacred Gematria is clear. I believe they are taking his body to Tartarus, Sheol, the secret tunnels."
Holy shit, this qst kicks ass and seems eerily real. Based /x/ /pol/ /qst/ enjoyer QM (he's just like me)
>Eun-Ae: break in and search Famouss Richard’s apartment for clues
>Tyrone: use local connections to find someone who can unlock Famouss Richard’s phone
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I am unable to update the quest today. In the meantime, let's build up the characters' inventories.
Each anon can buy up to 10 items for one character (only one), with a maximum total price of $1000. Please use eBay prices or so as reference.
Any character who doesn't receive items through this method will be given generic items.

Weapon proficiencies:
>Otto: none
>Naomi: none
>Eun-Ae: handguns, knives
>Tyrone: handguns, street weapons
>Father Corrigan: blunt weapons
>Otto: Walther P38 (Family Heirloom), Maglite, Hilter Youth Knife (Family Heirloom), "Helm of Awe" Rune Amulet
>Naomi: Taser, "Star of David" Shuriken/Necklace
>Eun-Ae: Ceramic Knife (Anti-Xray/Metal Detector), Lockpicking Kit
>Tyrone: Saturday Night Special (Pistol), Roll of Quarters in a Sock, Bottle of Hot Sauce
>Father Corrigan: Large Solid-Silver Cross, Walking Shillelagh, Holy Water
This and add onto it a notebook, pen, portable camera, & a portable voice recorder.
Very compelling quest, I haven't read all of it yet but it seems interesting.

I'll support this too.
>Eun-Ae: break in and search Famouss Richard’s apartment for clues
>Tyrone: use local connections to find someone who can unlock Famouss Richard’s phone
And since this >>6017900 seems important, I would like to
>Father Corrigan: Tail whoever comes to move the body, see if it goes to a hospital or somewhere else like these secret tunnels.
Solid point about the body, +1
Oh yeah the body is important too. I'll support this too.
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>Eun-Ae: break in and search Famouss Richard’s apartment for clues [4 votes]
>Tyrone: use local connections to find someone who can unlock Famouss Richard’s phone [4 votes]

>Father Corrigan: Tail whoever comes to move the body, see if it goes to a hospital or somewhere else like these secret tunnels. [3 votes]
>Father Corrigan: Pray for Richard's Soul [1 vote]
>Otto: Flush the Powder [1 vote]

>Naomi: Look for Cohencidences surrounding Famouss Richard via Gematria [1 vote]
For the record, I provided this one ahead to help voting.

>Otto: Walther P38 (Family Heirloom), Maglite, Hilter Youth Knife (Family Heirloom), "Helm of Awe" Rune Amulet, notebook, pen, portable camera, & a portable voice recorder
>Naomi: Taser, "Star of David" Shuriken/Necklace
>Eun-Ae: Ceramic Knife (Anti-Xray/Metal Detector), Lockpicking Kit
>Tyrone: Saturday Night Special (Pistol), Roll of Quarters in a Sock, Bottle of Hot Sauce
>Father Corrigan: Large Solid-Silver Cross, Walking Shillelagh, Holy Water
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As Naomi finishes, her eyes flutter open, and she looks at the team with urgency. You break the silence with a determined tone. "Alright, if they’re moving the body, we need to act fast. Eun-Ae, you’re our best bet for getting into Richard’s place without raising alarms. Think you can handle it?"

Eun-Ae nods confidently. "I’ll find whatever they’re trying to hide. You focus on the phone, T. That thing might have the key to everything."

Tyrone says, "I know a guy who’s good with phones. If anyone can crack the password, it’s him. I’ll head out now and get this sorted."

Eun-Ae slips on her leather jacket, checks her equipment, and immediately heads outside.


Tyrone makes his way to a phone shop tucked away in a dimly lit alley of Brownsville, Brooklyn. Inside, the air is thick with the scent of cannabis and the low hum of electronic equipment. He approaches the counter, where an African-American man with tattooed knuckles greets him with a nod. Tyrone hands over Richard's locked smartphone, explaining the situation. The thug examines the phone briefly and says, "It'll be ready tomorrow, but it'll cost you extra. Cops are sniffing around this one."
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Eun-Ae ascends the decrepit stairs leading to Richard’s apartment, the once-grand marble now cracked and stained. She takes the key and unlocks the door. Taking a deep breath, she steps inside, moving with deliberate, silent precision. The room exudes an atmosphere of poverty, with peeling wallpaper, a sagging couch, and scattered trash. Rap lyrics cover the walls, reflecting Richard's lifestyle. As she approaches the center of the room, a sudden movement catches her eye. A Black man with worn clothes and a wary expression emerges from an adjacent room. It takes him a moment to notice Eun-Ae's stealthy presence, but when he does, his eyes widen in panic. Without a word, he slips out the window and quickly descends a rusted fire escape. Clearly, an intruder up to no good.

>Ignore the intruder and search the apartment for clues.
>Follow him discreetly, keeping a safe distance.
>Dash forward and attack him with the ceramic knife. [Roll 1d100]
Tough choice here; I say follow him, he could just be a robber, or he could have been paid to steal any evidence.
>Dash forward and attack him with the ceramic knife. [Roll 1d100]
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Roll 1d100 for the attack. Type dice+1d100 in post options.
Rolled 19 (1d100)

>Dash forward and attack him with the ceramic knife. [Roll 1d100]
>>Follow him discreetly, keeping a safe distance.
Rolled 80 (1d100)

Rolled 29 (1d100)

>Dash forward and attack him with the ceramic knife. [Roll 1d100]
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>Dash forward and attack him with the ceramic knife. [Roll 1d100] [3 votes]
>DC: 50 [Average Difficulty]
>Rolls: 19, 29, 80 [Success]

How do we roll in this quest?

The DC (Difficulty Class) is either specified in the voting options or disclosed after the rolls. To succeed, you must roll equal to or higher than the DC.

>Critical Success: 3 anons succeed on the check.
>Critical Failure: the check fails and at least one anon rolls a 5 or lower.
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The man descends the fire escape and dashes toward a waiting black sedan, which promptly speeds away as he reaches it. There’s nothing else Eun-Ae can do. The cops will arrive any minute, as they will certainly search the victim’s house. So, time presses.

Despite the mess, Eun-Ae works with efficiency. Music production tools, including a TR-808 drum machine autographed by DJ Frankie Knuckles, are scattered about. There isn’t much else of value: no TV, no laptop. It seems Famouss Richard wasn’t too interested in technology or physical belongings.

After searching for a few minutes, she finds a plain business card in a drawer of the bedside cabinet. Alongside it, there’s a book titled "Jewish Cults of English" by Gabriel Debré, which delves into Jewish and Masonic cults in rural England, with a focus on witchcraft rituals. She makes her way back to the Brooklyn Hotel, the book and business card securely tucked away in her backpack.

You look up as she enters. "What did you find?” You examine the book, turning it over in your hands, flipping through the pages. "I've never seen this book before," you admit, puzzled. "Why would Famouss Richard be interested in something like this?"

Eun-Ae shrugs. "I don't know, but it must be important. There was also a business card, plain and unremarkable, but it might have a clue."

Choose two actions:

>Research information about the author Gabriel Debré
>Speak with the police (1d100, DC 85)
>Visit the Jewish community address given on the Rebbe Messiah card >>6017786
>Read and summarize "Jewish Cults of English" by Gabriel Debré
>Get a tarot reading on Rebbe Messiah

>Research information about DJ Frankie Knuckles
>Visit Akwasie Kwofie of West African Imp. Co.
>Loiter around Richard’s place to observe if the police arrive
>Interview hobos in Richard’s neighborhood
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File 7:

>Plain business card
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Character Sheets, for information only

Otto Serrano (Party Leader)
>Gender: M
>Ethnicity: 50% Spanish, 50% German
>Religion: Roman and German paganism
>Class: Sorcerer (Esoteric Hitlerism)
>Strength: Average
>Agility: Low
>Reflex: Average
>IQ: High
>Intuition: Average
>Willpower: Average
>Toughness: Average
>Spirit: Average
>Languages: English (ESL), Spanish, German, Latin (Classical), Greek (Classical)
>Skills: Research, Knowledge (Politics), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Philosophy)

Inventory: Walther P38 (Family Heirloom), Maglite, Hilter Youth Knife (Family Heirloom), "Helm of Awe" Rune Amulet, notebook, pen, portable camera, & a portable voice recorder

You grew up in Patagonia, spanning both Argentinean and Chilean territories. Your great-grandfather on your mother’s side was a SS officer, leaving you a legacy of ancient occult tomes. After painstakingly learning German to decipher these texts, you mastered powerful spells. Your initial fascination led you to form an investigation team, primarily to uncover more arcane knowledge. However, as you matured, your purpose evolved. Now, you use your sorcerous abilities to protect and save people from malevolent sorcerers and dark forces.

>To be determined
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Naomi Rosenberg
>Gender: F
>Ethnicity: Either 50% Chinese, 50% Japanese, or 50% Jewish, 50% Japanese
>Religion: Judaism (Orthodox)
>Class: Sorceress (Kaballah)
>Strength: Low
>Agility: Average
>Reflex: Average
>IQ: High
>Intuition: High
>Willpower: Low
>Toughness: Low
>Spirit: Average
>Languages: English (Singapore), Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew, Yiddish
>Skills: Divination, Knowledge (Demonology), Knowledge (Law), Knowldege (Economics)

Inventory: Taser, "Star of David" Shuriken/Necklace

Adopted by Jewish parents from an early age, Naomi delved deep into the teachings of Jewish Kaballah. Despite her Asian appearance, her true ethnicity remains a mystery.

Spells (1/day)
>Herem Death Curse: The target, if of Jewish faith, faces excommunication leading to death.
>Brainwashing: Enslaves targets under the spellcaster’s influence for a duration of 30 seconds.
>Solomon’s Shamir: Conjures a worm capable of cutting through or disintegrating stone, iron, and diamond.
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Tyrone Epstein
>Gender: M
>Ethnicity: Either 25% European, 75% African, or 25% Jewish, 75% African
>Religion: Judaism (Ethiopian), with influence from Nation of Islam
>Class: Fighter
>Strength: Above Average
>Agility: Average
>Reflex: Above Average
>IQ: Below Average
>Intuition: Low
>Willpower: Low
>Toughness: Above Average
>Strength (Krav Maga): bonus against Jewish opponents
>Languages: English (AAVE), Yoruba, Amharic
>Skills: Fast-Talk, Street Smarts, Handguns (High), Street Weapons (High), Explosives

Inventory: Saturday Night Special (Pistol), Roll of Quarters in a Sock, Bottle of Hot Sauce

African-American street fighter who claims to be a true Israelite, tracing his lineage back to Biblical times. His rugged face, accentuated by a shaved head, exudes an aura of raw power.
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Kim Eun-Ae
>Gender: F
>Ethnicity: 100% Korean
>Religion: Shamanism, Buddhism (Korean)
>Class: Thief
>Strength: Low
>Agility: High
>Reflex: Above Average
>IQ: Average
>Intuition: High
>Willpower: Low
>Toughness: Low
>Languages: English (ESL), Korean, Chinese
>Skills: Stealth, Lockpicking, Traps, Search, Shadowing, Handguns, Knives

Inventory: Ceramic Knife (Anti-Xray/Metal Detector), Lockpicking Kit

A skilled Korean thief specializing in the retrieval of cultural assets stolen abroad. Despite her petite frame, she moves with the fluid grace of a feline predator.
Father Darragh Corrigan
>Gender: M
>Ethnicity: 100% Irish
>Religion: Christianism (Catholic)
>Class: Priest
>Strength: Average
>Agility: Average
>Reflex: Average
>IQ: Average
>Intuition: Average
>Willpower: Average
>Toughness: Average
>Spirit: Average
>Weakness (Excommunicated): All spells and holy abilities have a 10% chance of failure
>Languages: English (Irish), Gaelic, Latin (Ecclesiastical)
>Skills: Exorcism, Religious Ritual, Knowledge (Theology), Blunt Weapons

Inventory: Large Solid-Silver Cross, Walking Shillelagh, Holy Water

Once a respected Irish priest, Father Darragh now walks a solitary path after being excommunicated from the Church. Specializing in exorcism, he navigates the delicate balance between faith and doubt.

Spells (2/day)
>Heal: Heal wounds, restores limbs and organs that are at least 50% intact, excluding the heart.
>Purify: Cleanses food and water of impurities and toxins.
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Jannali Baiswar
>Gender: F
>Ethnicity: 50% Indian, 50% Australian Aborigine
>Religion: Hinduism (Thuggism)
>Class: Beggar, Porter
>Strength: Low
>Agility: Above Average
>Reflex: Average
>IQ: Below Average
>Intuition: Low
>Willpower: Low
>Toughness: Very High
>Languages: English (Australian), Hindi, Dharug
>Strength (Survivalist): Immunity to poison and disease
>Skills: Begging, Pickpocket, Survival, Tracking, Fishing, Cooking, Dancing

Despite her father's Kshatriya caste, her aboriginal ancestry often leads to her being mistaken for a Dalit (untouchable). This alienation from society has led her to join the Cult of Kali, a group known for its association with robbery and murder.

Additional party member

She’s not a full-fledged party member. She doesn’t receive a share of the loot and must beg in the streets to earn her own money. During jungle expeditions, she handles the luggage and sets up camp. In city investigations, she keeps watch in the hotel lobby and runs errands for the team.
Interesting party, where did you derive those spells from?

>Otto: Read & Summarize
>Naomi: Tarot on Rebbe "Messiah"
>Tyrone: Visit Akwasie
>Kim: Loiter
>Father Darragh: Visit Jewish Community, ostensibly to talk about interfaith dialogue & neighborhood harmony
>Jannali: Interview Hobos
>Read and summarize "Jewish Cults of English" by Gabriel Debré
>Loiter around Richard’s place to observe if the police arrive
Didn't we send Darrah to tail the body?
Yeah, belay my prior Father Darragh option until next turn in light of that (phoneposter)
>Didn't we send Darrah to tail the body?
No, this action didn't win the vote. However, you can still send him this turn or the next. We don't have to keep strict chronological order because I had limited the number of actions.
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>Interesting party, where did you derive those spells from?
Herem Death Curse and Solomon’s Shamir are derived from the Talmud. However, I am unable to find the exact passages anymore.
In that case, I change my Priest action to tail the corpse.
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>Read & Summarize [2 votes]
>Loiter [2 votes]
>Tail the corpse [2 votes] counting this question as a vote >>6020779

>Tarot on Rebbe "Messiah" [1 vote]
>Visit Akwasie [1 vote]
>Interview Hobos [1 vote]
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In the hotel room, Naomi quickly reads through "Jewish Cults of England." Once finished, she gathers the team for a debriefing.

"This book is quite crude, offering little valuable information. It touches on witchcraft practices, but only superficially, and some details are clearly fabricated. However, one intriguing part claims a Jewish community is living in Subterranean London. The author describes it as a vast network, spanning almost the entirety of London, made from abandoned sections of the London Underground, sewers, and military tunnels. He further asserts that these tunnels have multiple layers, with an unexplored system of tunnels, mines, and caverns beneath Subterranean London proper, reaching depths of a mile or more."

"And where did he get this information?" you ask.

"From an anonymous Jewish man who converted to Christianity," Naomi replies.

"So, he’s talking about a... Sub-Subterranean London? His book doesn’t sound very reliable. Yet, the thought of such a place is quite terrifying. Anything could happen down there."
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Eun-Ae goes to loiter near Richard’s home, with Tyrone tagging along. They watch the area, noting the demographics. Most people around are African American or Caribbean, with a few Jewish or Mexican people. The streets of Crown Heights are well kept and clean, and at this time of day, there are few people outside. As they walk past a group of Mexicans on Dean Street, the men whistle and wave at Eun-Ae. If she was alone, they might have harassed her.

"This is boring, we should beat them up," Tyrone mutters.

"We're not here for fun," she replies. "If you’re bored, focus on your breathing, still your mind, and the boredom will fade."

After an hour, the police still hasn't shown up. It’s not too surprising. When it comes to the murder of a working-class civilian, the case might be closed without much investigation.
Father Darragh is standing outside the Gold Star Beer Counter, just past the yellow ribbon set by the investigators. When he arrived, they were nearly finished interviewing the witnesses. Richard’s body is loaded into an ambulance labeled “Hatzalah, CH-902,” and the priest jogs to follow it. The police car and ambulance head to 770 Eastern Parkway, the same address written on the Rebbe Messiah card. This is odd, considering the police precinct is located five blocks south. What are they doing here? The street is busy, and many of the people are bearded men in black attire, likely members of the local Jewish community. The overall feel of the area is one of organized chaos. The body is taken inside a large building, after which the officers exit and leave.

>Choose two actions from the previous posts, or choose new actions based on the new information.
>Dash forward and attack him with the ceramic knife.
I just realized I messed up. Eun-Ae was supposed to attack the burglar, but instead she let him escape. I will let her attack him next turn while loitering.
>>Father Darragh: open interfaith dialogue with locals to probe general feeling about Rebbe Messiah
>Jannali Baiswar: Fetch old city subway and sewer plans from city hall or the library, and any references to major overhauls of that system around this area hat might have been done for any reason
>Father Darragh: open interfaith dialogue with locals to probe general feeling about Rebbe Messiah
>Have Tyrone find out more about DJ Frankie Knuckles, and have him contact the guy that could unlock Famouss Richard's phone if he hasn't done that already
>Eun-Ae: attempt to do sneaky recon of the building where the corpse was taken
>Jannali Baiswar: Fetch old city subway and sewer plans from city hall or the library, and any references to major overhauls of that system around this area hat might have been done for any reason
>Naomi: gather more information about Rabbi Schneerson
>Otto: check up our spells
>>Naomi Rosenberg: Fetch old city subway and sewer plans from city hall or the library, and any references to major overhauls of that system around this area hat might have been done for any reason
I'd rather send the high IQ, high intuition Jew/Asian to collect records from city hall than the petrol-sniffing panhandler
>>Eun-Ae: attempt to do sneaky recon of the building where the corpse was taken

QM asked for two actions my dude.
Damn, I think I might be retarded.

In that case I'll just vote for the Tyrone and Eun-Ae actions in this vote if I can't vote for more.
Oh and prioritize having Tyrone contact the phone guy.
Are all abos deros, or are all deros abos?

>Otto: Remote View the Underground Tunnels of the City/Below 770 Eastern Parkway
>Naomi: Subway/Sewer Plans
>Tyrone: Visit Akwasie, Get Cracked Phone Back
>Kim: Recon Building
>Father Darragh: Interfaith Dialogue
>Jannali: Interview Hobos
>Naomi Rosenberg: Fetch old city subway and sewer plans from city hall or the library, and any references to major overhauls of that system around this area hat might have been done for any reason
>Eun-Ae: attempt to do sneaky recon of the building where the corpse was taken
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Winning votes:
>Eun-Ae: Attack the burglar with the ceramic knife. [previous vote that I forgot about]
>Eun-Ae: attempt to do sneaky recon of the building where the corpse was taken [4 vote]
>Naomi Rosenberg: Fetch old city subway and sewer plans from city hall or the library [3 vote]

Losing votes:
>Father Darragh: open interfaith dialogue with locals to probe general feeling about Rebbe Messiah [2 vote]
>Jannali Baiswar: Fetch old city subway and sewer plans from city hall or the library [2 vote]
>Have Tyrone find out more about DJ Frankie Knuckles [1 vote]
>Tyrone: Visit Akwasie [1 vote]

>QM asked for two actions my dude.
I have allowed extra votes this time since we are just starting the quest and things are a bit complicated. Next time, players who cast too many votes will be ignored.

>Otto: Remote View the Underground Tunnels of the City/Below 770 Eastern Parkway
Otto doesn't have remote viewing abilities. We are going to vote for his spells, but they will be different from divination magic, which is Naomi's specialty.
Rolled 56 (1d100)

Rolling for Tyrone's ability to communicate with the burglar, who speaks a language close to Yoruba. The DC is 65, higher than normal due to his below average IQ.
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>Yoruba roll: 56 [Failure]

It is now early evening, and the sun is setting. The temperature has dropped to a chilly 45°F, making loitering outside uncomfortable. Just as they are beginning to think the police might not come at all, the burglar from Richard’s apartment suddenly appears at the building’s entrance. He glances over his shoulder, not spotting Eun-Ae, and slips inside.

"I have to catch him," Eun-Ae tells Tyrone.

She sprints toward the entrance, planning to ambush him discreetly. She grabs her ceramic knife and follows him up the stairs. Just as he reaches the first landing, she moves silently behind him and stabs him in the leg. He cries out in pain and collapses, Tyrone close behind.

As the man calms down, Eun-Ae questions him, "Who are you? What do you want from Famouss Richard?"

"I don’t speak English, I don’t speak English," he says fearfully, with a thick African accent.

"Se o le so ede Yoruba?" Tyrone asks in Yoruba, one of the African languages he knows. Over the years, he has studied Yoruba and Amharic to connect more deeply with the African continent. Yoruba is a major language of Nigeria, while Amharic is spoken by Ethiopian Jews, who trace their ancestry back to King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, an identity with which Tyrone feels a connection.

Unfortunately, the man shakes his head and responds in a language Tyrone doesn't recognize. He makes several attempts to communicate, but they remain unable to understand each other.

"I know he's from Ghana, but I can't tell you anything else," Tyrone informs Eun-Ae. "I have no clue what he wants from Famouss Richard. Maybe it's gang related? He doesn’t look like a gangster though, more like a hungry migrant."

"Okay, well, Otto sent me a text message, and I have to leave. You handle the rest," Eun-Ae says, heading off to her next task.

She heads to 770 Eastern Parkway, her mouth mask covering her mouth and nose. Dozens of Jews are gathered outside the building. She descends the inclined surface and enters a large room filled with bearded Jewish men, many wearing black hats and suits. Rows of books line the walls, and tables are cluttered with open texts and papers as students engage in animated discussions. The place is far too crowded for her to infiltrate unnoticed, especially since she sticks out as a female and Asian in this environment. The security is tight, with two police cars parked outside. This building is the Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters, and they maintain their own private security force, just as Famouss Richard mentioned in his video before it was taken down. In this environment, any covert operation would be nearly impossible.
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In the hotel room, Naomi spreads out maps on the bed. "You won’t believe this, but the most obvious discovery is that Kingston Avenue Station is right in front of the Chabad Lubavitch Headquarters. The building sits directly on top of the metro station. From there, it connects to all of New York’s metro and sewer systems."

"What’s Chabad Lubavitch?" you ask.

"It’s an Orthodox Jewish sect that venerates Rabbi Schneersohn, also known as Rebbe Messiah, as their king and savior. Almost every Jew in Brooklyn is connected to that sect."

"And they have their own police force and a metro station?"

"Apparently so. But that’s not all. If you look at the map of New York’s sewer system, you’ll see an interceptor sewer line just two blocks south of their building. An interceptor line is essentially a walkable tunnel of metal. Additionally, if you walk 15 minutes east, you’ll find the Cobble Hill Tunnel, a railway tunnel abandoned since 1861 and only rediscovered in 1981 by an urban explorer. New York’s history is so old that there are many abandoned tunnels no one knows about, and they haven’t been recorded in city records despite being major construction projects. It seems as if all information was intentionally erased, and only the most obvious information is available to the public. How do you lose every record of a railway tunnel? The only certain thing is that underground New York is much larger than on the surface, which eerily mirrors the stories in Jewish Cults of England."

"Amazing research, Naomi," you say. "It’s incredible you found so much information in so little time."

"My pleasure. When it comes to anything Jewish, I get really focused and engrossed in it."

Choose your last actions for the day. Note: the locked phone will only be available on the next day (>>6019691).

>Kill the burglar and leave
>Search around the block for a black sedan, and point a gun at them

>Leave, let Father Darragh open interfaith dialogue [roll 1d100, varying degrees of success]
>Disguise as a Jewish student and infiltrate the building [roll 1d100, Disguise (untrained), DC 90]
>Wait for night time, enter the building from a window [roll 1d100, Stealth, DC 75]
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Congratulations! You've uncovered real-life information about the Chabad-Lubavitch tunnels. As a reward, Naomi has leveled up. You can either increase two of her skills to Above Average, increase one skill to High, or gain one random new spell. (Sheet: >>6020555)
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>We are going to vote for his spells
Pick 3 spells for Otto.

>Ancestor's Guidance
Draws upon ancestral wisdom for insight and guidance. (Provides minor insight)

>Vril Surge
Harnesses Vril's mysterious power into a destructive energy ball.

>Fenrir's Howl
Unleashes Fenrir's primal rage, inducing fear in enemies, 1 minute

>Apollo's Light
Emits a radiant light that dispels darkness and fear, 1 hour

>Thulean Frost
Summons icy cold from Thule, chilling the air to 32°F, 1 hour

>Elemental Magic (Fire)
Summons a small flame

>Elemental Magic (Water)
Summons a 8 inch ball water, not drinkable

>Elemental Magic (Earth)
Summons a 8 inch ball of earth

>Chaos Unleashed
Unleashes energy from primordial chaos, with unpredictable effects
LMAO what kind of option is the black sedan one?

Loving this Qst btw, I knew this shit seemed eerily real.

>Tyrone: Search the intruder
>Kim: Disguise
>Naomi: Random Spell or Remote Viewing
>Otto: Ancestor's Guidance, Fenrir's Howl, Apollo's Light
>Jannali: Interview Hobos
>Father Darragh: Open Interfaith Dialogue (should serve as a distraction at least for Kim)

We still need to interview Richard's friends
>Naomi: gain one random spell.

>Leave, let Father Darragh open interfaith dialogue [roll 1d100, varying degrees of success]
Doing the black sedan vote sounds wild though.
Does Tyrone have any homies from Ghana that could help him question the burglar?
I'm not convinced he's working for the Jews and killing him might mean losing a valuable lead.
>Tyrone: If possible, phone up some Ghanaian homies and ask them to translate. If not, search the nigger and ask him if he knows Akwasie Kwofie.
>Eun-Ae: Leave, let Father Darragh open interfaith dialogue [roll 1d100, varying degrees of success]

Increase skill with divination to high

>>Ancestor's Guidance
Good for investigations and whenever we are at a loss.
>>Vril Surge
Good for direct combat or opening doors/shackles
>>Apollo's Light
Good for convincing scared witnesses/children to talk and trust us, and fending off dark spirits.
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>Does Tyrone have any homies from Ghana that could help him question the burglar?
Ghanaian immigrants are very rare, but we can make a Contacts Check. Roll 1d100, DC 85.
Fingers crossed.
Rolled 16 (1d100)

Rolled 69 (1d100)

Rolled 66 (1d100)

Let's gooooo, Kek be with this roll
Rolled 1 (1d100)

I am supporting these, rolling for Tyrones Ghanaian contacts check:
>Tyrone: If possible, phone up some Ghanaian homies and ask them to translate. If not, search the nigger and ask him if he knows Akwasie Kwofie.

Increase skill with divination to high

>Ancestor's Guidance
>Vril Surge
>Apollo's Light
>Eun-Ae: Leave, let Father Darragh open interfaith dialogue [roll 1d100, varying degrees of success]

>Naomi: gain one random spell.
>Ancestor's Guidance
>Vril Surge
>Apollo's Light
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Rolled 1 (1d100)

No one has rolled for the interfaith dialogue, so I’m rolling 1d100 for it, table attached. The difficulty is high since Jews are hostile to Christians.

Winning votes
>Tyrone: If possible, phone up some Ghanaian homies and ask them to translate. If not, search the nigger and ask him if he knows Akwasie Kwofie. [5 votes] I’m counting the people who rolled as supporting the vote.
>Eun-Ae: Leave, let Father Darragh open interfaith dialogue [roll 1d100, varying degrees of success] [4 votes]
>Jannali: Interview Hobos I didn’t limit the number of votes this time, so one vote was enough to win.

Losing votes
>Tyrone: Search the intruder [1 vote]
>Eun-Ae: Disguise [1 vote]

Naomi >>6020555
>gain one random spell. [2 votes] [won]
>Random Spell or Remote Viewing [1 vote] [lost]
>Increase skill with divination to high [1 vote] [lost]

Otto >>6020553
>Ancestor's Guidance [3 votes] [won]
>Apollo's Light [3 votes] [won]
>Vril Surge [2 votes] [won]
>Fenrir's Howl [1 vote] [lost]
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>>6022767 >>6022769 >>6022866 >>6022870
>phone up some Ghanaian homies
>DC: 85
Rolls: 16, 69, 66, 1 [critical failure, see rules >>6020475]

>Open Interfaith Dialogue
>DC: [variable, table]
>Roll: 1 [They call the cops]

Tyrone calls up a contact, Mr. Okyere-Darko, a Ghanaian lawyer who owns a boxing gym in Queens.

"Yo, Sir, it’s me, Tyrone Epstein, the fighter."

"Yo, what’s good, Tyrone? How you livin?"

"Brother, I got a situation. Some dude tried to rob a friend of mine. I don't wanna hurt him, but I need to know who he’s rollin with."

"I got you. Sounds rough. Alright, bring him over. You’ll owe me one, though. I’ll send one of my boys to pick you up."

Tyrone texts you the address: 41-25 58th St. After that, he goes radio silent when you try to call him. That's worrisome. Has he been ambushed, you wonder?


Father Darragh briefly meets up with Eun-Ae, exchanging a few quick words, before entering the main room of the Chabad-Lubavitch HQ. He feels a chill, sensing an absence of the Holy Spirit, which should be impossible given its omnipresence.

"Hello, everyone. I’m Father Darragh, a Catholic priest from Ireland. I’m here to get to know you all and discuss."

A student approaches and scoffs, "You’re in the wrong place. Yeshu sought to harm Israel, but we won’t let you harm our community."

"That’s not true," the priest retorts. "Jesus said, ‘I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.’ He came to fulfill Messianic prophecies from your Torah, preaching good news about God’s plan of salvation, not to harm anyone."

"That is completely false," the student replies angrily. "The only man who ever accomplished the Messianic prophecy is Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, the Rebbe. Yeshu is only an imposter. He is boiling in excrement, and anyone who mocks the words of the Sages will be sentenced to boiling excrement."

Other students nod and tell him to leave. Seeing the hostility, the priest prepares to go, but a police officer blocks his path. "Sir, you’re under arrest. Do not resist." The conversation lasted only a minute, but with the police permanently stationed outside, they intervened quickly.

This was written in the style of Yiddish Catacombs quest >>6010808
Everyone has been gathered in the hotel room for a special meeting. Exceptionally, even Jannali is present. She is usually not here because you view her as unclean or untouchable, but because she generally has nothing to contribute to debates.

"Things are starting to get serious," you say. "Father Darragh has been arrested for trespassing and will spend 24 hours in jail. But this is not the worst part. Tyrone called one of his Ghanaian contacts to translate and talk to the burglar, but instead they kidnapped him. They will exchange him for Famouss Richard’s phone."

"Which we don’t have," Naomi adds.

"Exactly. So, it seems Tyrone didn’t give them too much information about us, and I would guess he’s expecting us to come rescue him."

"Then, Richard made enemies with a lot of people. Not just the Jews, but the Ghanaians too."

"Yes. The Jews took his body, and the Ghanaians are after his cell phone. The situation is quite complicated. Anyway, before we make a plan, tell us what you’ve discovered, Jannali"

Jannali, with her thick Australian accent, says, "Right, so I’ve been chatting with the hobos, but they didn’t have much to say. The neighborhood’s been pretty quiet, except for this unknown black car that was driving around slowly all afternoon."

"Thanks, Jannali. Good job."

"My pleasure. But I hope you save Tyrone. He’s a good bloke."

You chuckle. Everyone knows Jannali and Tyrone sleep together, so it’s understandable she’s worried for him. Only Father Darragh disapproves of their relationship, but he can’t quite express that from his jail cell.

What’s your plan?
>Surprise attack on the Ghanaians at night.
>Meet with the Ghanaians and reveal the location of the cell phone.
>>Surprise attack on the Ghanaians at night.
>Jannali: Keep a lookout to see if they try to move Father Darragh in the night, & follow if they do
>Naomi: Use Divination to scout out the Ghanaian hideout: numbers, exits, weapons, etc.
>Surprise attack at night
>Naomi: Use divination to determine the Ghanaians disposition and motivation
>Jannali: Keep a lookout on the police station to see if they try to move Father Darragh in the night, & follow if they do
>Eun-Ae: Scout ahead and observe the Ghanaians building on preparation for a night attack if Naomi's divination doesn't reveal a reason to hold off.
>Surprise attack on the Ghanaians at night.
>>Jannali: Keep a lookout to see if they try to move Father Darragh in the night, & follow if they do
>>Naomi: Use divination to determine the Ghanaians disposition and motivation
Planning stage, then we strike.
Main Action
>Surprise attack on the Ghanaians at night. [3 votes]

>Naomi: Use divination to determine the Ghanaians disposition and motivation [3 votes]
>Eun-Ae: Scout ahead and observe the Ghanaians building [2 votes]

Side Action (will not be described this turn)
>Jannali: Keep a lookout to see if they try to move Father Darragh [4 votes]

Losing Vote
>Naomi: Use Divination to scout out the Ghanaian hideout: numbers, exits, weapons, etc. [1 vote]
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Naomi lights up ritual candles and spreads her tarot cards on the bed. She flips the first card, revealing a man sitting up in bed, his face contorted in pain.

"This is the Nine of Swords, a very negative card representing pain and fear. The swords symbolize that his fears may pierce through him."

She flips another card and gasps. The card shows a hideous devil with goat-like features, holding a torch, and two people chained at his altar. "The Devil card's symbolism is often associated with Judaism, and also featuring traits of Baphomet. The hand gesture is the priestly blessing performed in Judaism. This could represent a powerful rabbi, possibly Rebbe Messiah himself. The chains symbolize the Ghanaians' fear and bondage under his influence. I don’t feel comfortable looking at this card." She flips it over, her face pale with fear. "I felt as if he was looking at me through the card, and I couldn’t stand its gaze. One thing is certain: this Devil figure, whoever he is, is a powerful man."

"Does it mean we should hold off?" Eun-Ae asks. "The Ghanaians sound like victims of the Devil."

"I don’t know," you reply. "They can’t use the Devil as an excuse for betraying Tyrone."
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At 2 AM, the team is ready for the operation. Eun-Ae heads out first to scout alone, her movements as silent as a shadow. Only the most trained and alert sentinel might detect her presence. The boxing gym is nestled between a childcare center and a grocery store. On the street side, it has two regular doors and one large garage door. There's also a smaller, wooden door in the back alley. The roof is made of iron sheets, like those found in a slum. Light filters through a window, and she takes a cautious peek inside. There are weights, treadmills, an elliptical, a stationary bike, various punching bags, and a central boxing ring illuminated by dim overhead lights. Tyrone is tied to a chair, and there are two African men sitting in the ring, apparently unarmed. One is tall and muscular, dressed in a black tank top and sweatpants, his biceps covered in tribal tattoos. The other is shorter but equally muscular, wearing a sleeveless hoodie.

Tactical Mode

We are now entering tactical mode. In this mode, all player actions will be executed in order, with quicker updates, until the battle is over.

>You can control only one character per post.
>You can post only one action at a time.

If you want to hold off, this is your last chance.
Alright, after that revelation I'm down for holding off the attack.
Unless any other anons have better ideas.
Nah, we can take them, don't want Tyrone getting butchered.

I'm thinking Otto casts Apollo's Light, Naomi tosses the Star of David at one of their legs, & Kim runs in to stab the other non-lethally as well. Not going to commit to an action just yet, but what do the rest of you anons think?
>Otto: cast Apollo's light
>Otto: cast Apollo's light
We ball.
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Rolled 79, 28 = 107 (2d100)

Rolling for Apollo's Light. The default DC for casting spells is 50.

Action not committed, other characters are not acting.
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>Apollo's Light [Success]

"The door is probably locked. Should I pick the lock?" Eun-Ae asks.

"No, you don’t need to do anything," Otto answers. "Let me handle this."

He takes his Maglite and smashes both windows with it. Then, he chants a hymn dedicated to Apollo, "Salve Apollo Medica quod bonum faustum." Brilliant beams of golden light emanate from his palms, flooding the gym with a radiant glow.

Naomi grabs one of her shuriken, ready to attack, but hesitates for a momen in the face of Apollo's pure, divine light. For indeed, the light's purity contrasts with the darker nature of her own faith.

Otto has exhausted his magic for today and cannot cast any more spells until he has had a night's rest.

Both targets are blinded and confused for one turn.

Tactical Mode

We are still in tactical mode. All player actions will be executed in order until the battle is over.
Eun-Ae and Jannali grab Tyrone, Corrigan covers them, Naomi stays close to Otto. That's what I'm thinkng. So...

>Eun-Ae enters, scouts for Tyrone
>Jannali enters with Eun-Ae, helping to grab Tyrone
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Jannali is not present, she's keeping a lookout on the police station >>6023953
Ah shit, you're right, we are down our only other people with decent strength scores. And Jannali, but that's less important. Naomi can still hypnotize people, though. We get in, get out, and hypnotize in a pinch.
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>Eun-Ae enters, scouts for Tyrone
>Cast Brainwashing
We are going with those actions. Everyone can roll for Brainwashing, the DC is 50.
Rolled 6 (1d100)

Kabbalah-tizing beam!
The spellcasting has failed. I'm writing the update before I go to bed.
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Eun-Ae slips through the door with effortless grace, while Naomi, more clumsily, follows and cuts herself superficially on the broken glass. The thief sprints toward Tyrone and, with one swift slice of her sharp knife, cuts the rope binding him. Tyrone stirs and speaks groggily, "Hey, sis. Where am I? I'm mad thirsty."

“We have no time for that, T,” she replies.

“But I'm real thirsty, though.”

The two Ghanaians are sitting just behind them on the boxing ring, still dazed but gradually regaining their senses. Naomi attempts to cast a Brainwashing spell, but in the process, her consciousness becomes entangled in the Sefirot, the Kabbalistic emanations from higher realms. Brainwashing is a complex spell, harnessing energy from the Ein Sof, channeled through the Sefirot, and combined with modern techniques from Project MKUltra, developed by Jewish scientist Sidney Gottlieb. It is powerful and potentially dangerous magic, both for the spellcaster and the target. Naomi struggles but manages to free herself from the mental labyrinth. The spell fails, but she remains unharmed.

Tactical Mode

We are still in tactical mode. All player actions will be executed in order until the battle is over.

>You can control only one character per post.
>You can post only one action at a time.
Nice lore drop, Otto draws his Luger & trains it on the Ghanaians, ready to shoot if they make any sudden moves while everyone backs out of the gym
All right, I'm updating
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You draw your Walther P38 and point it at the Ghanaians. "If I’m not mistaken, you guys are unarmed."

They both raise their hands. The taller one speaks. "You’re gonna regret crossing us. Mr. Okyere-Darko works for people more powerful than you can imagine."

"Do you mean the Chabad-Lubavitch Jews?"

He looks extremely surprised. "Yeah, how do you know?"

As your companions escape, you talk with the two men. They follow the boss's orders but don't like it. They’re migrants from Ghana who came to the USA with their families. As soon as they arrive, most migrants are taken to the tunnels, while some have to work on the surface, their families held as hostages in the tunnels. They follow orders to protect their loved ones. Mr. Okyere-Darko, however, is different. He's an educated lawyer who works willingly for the rabbis for power and money, making him a highly efficient mobster. You listen with horror, realizing these people are essentially modern-day slaves. Chabad-Lubavitch operates entirely outside the law, with no regard for ethics.

Everyone returns to the hotel. On the way, you tell Tyrone to assume that all his NYC contacts are compromised.

End of tactical mode

Keeper: For this battle victory, I’ve made a song on my own TR-808 drum machine, inspired by tribal Ghanaian music:

You spend a restless night in the hotel room, haunted by visions of what could be happening in the tunnels. As dawn breaks on January 2nd, 2024, you feel a clearer understanding of the situation in Brooklyn. Father Darragh remains in his cell, and Jannali has not reported any suspicious movement.

Pick one option:
>Prepare an immediate raid on the tunnels
> Send someone else to visit the Chabad-Lubavitch HQ
>Shop for more equipment
>Write-in [this can include options from previous turns that didn’t win a vote]
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Rolled 6 (1d6)

>gain one random spell.
Naomi has gained a new spell. I’m rolling for it on table attached. From Call of Cthulhu
>Prepare an immediate raid on the tunnels
>Tyrone: Reach out to BHIs, NoIs, & Muslims in general who would be willing to sell us serious hardware & are trustworthy enough to join us in a raid or at the least not tell anyone about what we're up to; frame it in light of the enslaved Ghanaians especially
>Naomi: Scout the tunnels through Divination to find out where people are being held captive, what security they have in place, etc.
>Eun-Ae: Scout out entry & exit points from the tunnels based on the map Naomi discovered
>Otto: Seek out other esoteric Aryanists & similar sorts who are trustworthy, just as Tyrone is doing
>Jannali: Keep watching for Father Darragh to be released or transferred
>>Shop for more equipment
>Tyrone: Reach out to BHIs, NoIs, & Muslims in general who would be willing to sell us serious hardware & are trustworthy enough to join us in a raid or at the least not tell anyone about what we're up to; frame it in light of the enslaved Ghanaians especially
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Rolled 6 (1d100)

>Planning [2 votes] [winning]
>Immediate raid [1 vote] [losing]

>Tyrone: Reach out to BHIs, NoIs, & Muslims [2 votes] [winning]

I'm rolling 1d100 on table for the organization's attitude.
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Tyrone travels to Harlem, to the Muhammad Mosque No. 7, the headquarters of the Nation of Islam, and meets up with Student Minister Daniel Muhammad, who’s elegantly dressed in a suit with a blue bow tie. They make small talk until Tyrone asks for help with the Chabad-Lubavitch tunnels.

"We can’t help with that," the Minister responds. "We are already overwhelmed with other missions. As long as we don’t have our own nation, there will be such tunnels. With their banks, Jews control the flow of money, so they control everything."

"But this is bad. They have kidnapped migrants and children."

"All right, since you seem to be acting in good faith, I’ll give you a tip. Go to Malcolm Shabazz Harlem Market. You can buy what you need there."

Malcolm Shabazz Harlem Market is an open-air souq in Harlem where vendors sell crafts and textiles from Africa, with the music of drums and belly dancers. It’s as if a piece of Arabic and African land from another era had been transported by magic into the middle of the modern, dystopian city of New York. He approaches a vendor who sells woven baskets.

"As-salamu alaykum, brother. I’m here for the special goods."

The vendor looks at him suspiciously. "I’ve never seen you here before."

"Yes. Minister Muhammad sent me here."

The vendor’s face immediately warms. "Ah, yes, yes. Let me know what you need. Do you see those dancers? They are beautiful, right? You can take a look at them, they are mine."

The dancers are slim Middle Eastern and African women, dressed in Arabian style, wearing face veils. They move gracefully, their beauty captivating anyone who watches. In the Harlem souq, you can buy any type of contraband. Stolen cellphone, medication, weapons, prostitutes, even slaves. This isn’t exactly what the Nation of Islam would endorse, but here, it’s not their territory.
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For your purchases, we'll play a dice game:

>For each purchase, roll the dice and refer to the DC in the attached table.
>Each player can purchase as many items as they want, but once they fail a roll, they can't buy anything else.
>List the items you want to buy in one post, and roll for everything at once. Purchases will be considered in order.
>Failure is individual. If one player fails a purchase roll, the other players can still make their purchases.

Items and Services
>Brass knuckles: extremely cheap
>Scimitar: below average
>Taser: below average
>Jambiya dagger: below average
>Unregistered handgun: average
>Explosives: average
>Stolen cellphone: cheap
>Meth, 1g: cheap
>Fentanyl, 1g: cheap
>Healing drugs: cheap
>Cyanide capsule: cheap
>Vial of blood: cheap
>Amnestics: average
>Fake passport: below average
>Designer handbag: below average
>High-end laptop: above average
>Luxury watch: above average
>CD with computer virus: above average
>Hat owned by the messiah, Elijah Muhammad: expensive
>Rhinoceros horn, 1 ounce: expensive
>High-end stolen car: expensive
>Luxury car: 20000 USD very expensive
>Street surgery: 500 USD average
>Street thug, one day (max 10), average roll once for each one you purchase
>Mercenary, one day (max 10): above average
>Street thug, one week (max 10), above average
>Mercenary, one week (max 10): expensive
>Trained pitbull: above average
>Slave, female dancer: expensive
>Smuggled panther (animal): very expensive
Rolled 12, 6, 37, 8, 25, 1, 92, 65 = 246 (8d100)

>Trained Pitbull
>Body Armor/Plate Carrier
>Kevlar Vest
>Gasmask + Filters
>Another Pitbull
>Smuggled Panther
Rolled 95, 33, 89, 50 = 267 (4d100)

>Unregistered handgun
>Healing drugs

I have no idea if I am doing this right
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Yes, you’ve done it right. First anon has failed the roll, second anon succeeded on buying a scimitar.

The prices are outrageously high, all double or triple the market rates. Disliking being scammed, Tyrone decides to purchase only one scimitar, so that he has a melee weapon and to save up his ammo in the tunnels. The trader claps his hands, and one of the female slaves brings the weapon, bowing her head humbly to her master. Tyrone examines it closely. He’s no expert in traditional weapons, but he can tell it’s finely forged, sharp, and solid, with a sturdy hilt.

"Wrap it up. I’ll take it."


I’m going with the informational votes here >>6025961 to flesh up the update.

At noon, before lunch, the team gathers for another meeting.

"I’ve found several entry points to the tunnels," Eun-Ae reports. "The most straightforward way in is through the metro station. I’ve identified several maintenance doors that likely lead into the Chabad-Lubavitch tunnels. The second entry point is through the sewers. Most street manholes open to smaller pipes, but I’ve identified two that lead to the interceptor lines, on New York Avenue and Nostrand Avenue. Obviously, we’d need to wait until night time for that option."

"Thank you, Eun-Ae," you say, pondering the information. You’re unsure if the sewers are the Chabad-Lubavitch tunnels proper, or if they are another system you’ll have to navigate to reach the tunnels. So far, all you have is speculative information, and fieldwork will be necessary to understand the underground situation better.

"Naomi, can you use the tarot cards to get more information about the tunnels?"

The sorceress’s face turns pale again. The last time she read the cards, she felt a dark presence watching her. Divination goes both ways: opening a channel to a target likewise allows the target to enter your own mind. Despite her hesitation, she agrees. It’s crucial to gather more information, and it would be foolish to enter a dangerous place unprepared. She begins her ritual and flips the first card.

“Eight of Wands, reversed. Don’t go for it: there are too many obstacles. In my last reading, the swords represented overwhelming fears [>>6024071]. Here, the wands represent countless obstacles and dangers. There are so many obstacles that divination cannot identify them individually. This is as bad of a presage as it gets."
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She flips the second card, and her tone darkens. "Yet, it gets worse. Tower, reversed. The Tower card is associated with the Devil, showing Him beating his drums before the Mouth of Hell. The Tower itself is the Tower of Babel, reaching for Heaven and defying God. There are 22 flames, representing the 12 signs of the Zodiac and the 10 Sefirot. In Kabbalah, the Sefirot can be reversed, yielding the Qlippoth, evil impure spiritual forces. Reversed, the 22 flames become the Dark Zodiac and the 10 Qlippoth. If upward, the Tower reaches for Heaven, reversed, the Tower becomes an underground dungeon reaching for the depths of Hell."

A shiver courses through your body as you grasp the implications of Naomi’s divination. Beneath your feet lies an incomprehensibly vast and deep system of tunnels, full of obstacles and dangers, entirely under your enemies' control. Are they actually trying to unleash Hell on Earth? The case is much bigger than you thought, involving forces you can’t mentally conceive, and you understand that your chances of finding out what happened to Jeanette Rodriguez are minuscule.

>Wait for night time, and enter the tunnels through a manwhole
>Wait for night time, and enter the tunnels through the metro station
>Seek out other esoteric Aryanists, just as Tyrone is doing with Muslims
>Write-in [this can include options from previous turns that didn’t win a vote]

Errata: In post >>6022266, I said the interceptor line is two blocks south of the Chabad-Lubavitch HQ, but it’s in fact one block south.
>Seek out other esoteric Aryanists, just as Tyrone is doing with Muslims
>Does Naomi know any non-affiliated Jews like herself, who can scout and provide insight?
>Otto: Seek out other esoteric Aryanists
>Jannali: Swap out with Naomi to keep an eye on Father Darragh
>Tyrone: Recover Richard's cellphone
Risky proposal, but quite possibly a solid idea.
>Does Naomi know any non-affiliated Jews like herself, who can scout and provide insight?
No. Naomi is from Singapore and doesn't have local contacts.
Crap. No chance of calling up her parents either?
>Crap. No chance of calling up her parents either?
You can do that.
Then we should..they may have insights intowhat these particular Jews are up to, or know an 'in' or someone local we can trust.
>Seek out other esoteric Aryanists, just as Tyrone is doing with Muslims
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>Seek out other esoteric Aryanists, just as Tyrone is doing with Muslims

The Esoteric Aryanism circles are sparse, mostly gathering in a few exclusive online communities, such as 4chan’s paranormal board and AboveTopSecret.com. You manage to locate a sorcerer named Monsieur Berthelot, who resides in Jericho, NY, and agrees to meet with you. His home is an opulent mansion adorned with turreted towers, set amidst lush greenery. A butler greets you and escorts you to the tea room, where Monsieur Berthelot, an elderly man clad in the black robes of a sorcerer, awaits your arrival.

"Greetings, señor. Would you care for a glass of Grands Echezeaux?"

"With pleasure, monsieur. I must say, your home is truly beautiful."

Aryan sorcerers are distinguished by their unwavering politeness and honor. Vril powers awaken only in those with the purest bloodlines, whose ancestors in the Iron Age were priests and druids. They are the golden souls, representing the true nobility of Europe, now merely a vestige of its former glory. The butler pours you a glass, and you take a sip. The taste resembles a Pinot Noir from Argentina or Chile but with a more fully-rounded flavor.

"I have read your email and found your investigation fascinating. Have you ever heard of Rabbi Gershon Kranczer?" he asks, his voice tinged with disgust.

"No, I haven't."

"He is a rabbi and school principal from Brooklyn who molested many children. After being caught in 2010, he fled to Israel. Worse than molestation, rabbis harvest the blood and organs of children because they require powerful magical components. This is why the most powerful rabbinical practice is the ritual of metzitzah b'peh, circumcision with the mouth and teeth. It’s an act of rape, torture, and organ harvesting, all combined in one, and their most heinous ritual. I cannot tolerate any of those acts. If you ask me, you have stumbled upon the largest rat nest in the world. It is my duty to provide you with all the help I can. "

"You are well-versed in Jewish practices."

"Unfortunately, yes. You must know what vermin you’re hunting before you can exterminate it. In my youth, just like you, I hunted down rabbinic pedophiles and burned several of their nests. All of their golden trinkets and stolen artworks, I sold and donated the money to orphanages of good reputation. Rabbi Kranczer fled abroad not because he feared American authorities, but because he knew the Esoteric Aryans would hunt him down."

"Wonderful, monsieur. You are a true inspiration to me."

"Now, follow me to the basement. I will sell you useful items for a fair price."

The basement is a heavily fortified vault, with thick metal bars and reinforced concrete walls. No burglar would ever dare to break in, and if they did, they wouldn't make it out alive.
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>For each purchase, roll the dice and refer to the DC in the table from previous turn [>>6026807].
>Each player can purchase as many items as they want, but once they fail a roll, they can't buy anything else.
>List the items you want to buy in one post, and roll for everything at once. Purchases will be considered in order.
>Failure is individual. If one player fails a purchase roll, the other players can still make their purchases.

Items (he has several of everything, except the book and the car)
>flintlock pistol: cheap
>WW1 trench knife: very cheap
>WW1 mace-club: very cheap
>WW2 gas mask: cheap
>WW2 incendiary grenade: cheap
>Mauser M712: below average
>flare gun: extremely cheap
>night vision goggles: average
>foldable shovel: extremely cheap
>fire extinguisher: extremely cheap
>spike strip: extremely cheap
>tactical vest: below average
>flask of holy water: extremely cheap
>flask of acid: cheap
>antidote potion: cheap
>healing potion: cheap
>scroll of detect evil, 30 ft radius: cheap
>scroll of fireball: average
>ouija board: very cheap
>geiger counter: cheap
>hazmat suit: very cheap
>Mein Kampf, signed: above average
>Citroën C6 car: above average
Rolled 18, 84, 55, 97, 27, 55, 73, 7, 36, 18, 91, 25, 29, 9 = 624 (14d100)

Interesting character

>Flare Gun
>Gas Mask
>Tactical Vest
>Scroll of Fireball
>Healing Potion
>Antidote Potion
>Flask of Acid
>Flask of Holy Water
>Another Healing Potion
>Another NVG
>Another Tactical Vest
>Another Incendiary
Nice, got the first four items
Rolled 94, 12, 90, 42, 88, 57, 17, 86, 54, 16, 99, 79 = 734 (12d100)

>tactical vest: below average
>foldable shovel: extremely cheap
>antidote potion: cheap
>healing potion: cheap
>scroll of detect evil, 30 ft radius: cheap
>hazmat suit: very cheap
>Mein Kampf, signed: above average
>spike strip: extremely cheap
>Mauser M712: below average
>WW2 gas mask: cheap
>scroll of fireball: average
>WW2 incendiary grenade: cheap
Looks like I only got one item lmao.
Well Otto will at least be kitted out for the raid. If Father Darragh gets out anytime soon we can have him reach out to Fenians for gear too (IRA/Irish Mob).
Rolled 8, 11, 78, 69, 32, 54, 8, 34 = 294 (8d100)

>flask of holy water: extremely cheap
>WW1 trench knife: very cheap
>WW2 incendiary grenade: cheap
>WW2 gas mask: cheap
>WW2 gas mask: cheap
>tactical vest: below average
>healing potion: cheap
>Mein Kampf, signed: above average
Less than 300 total on 8d100. First roll is an 8 on the cheapest shit he has. Fuuuuck. Is there a table I missed for the DC for each "price".
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>Is there a table I missed for the DC for each "price".
Yes, the table was combined with the street view of the Malcolm Shabazz Harlem Market. >>6026807. I had combined them to save space.
Rolled 40, 64, 28, 94, 34, 67, 13, 95, 87, 7 = 529 (10d100)

>>healing potion: cheap
>>scroll of detect evil, 30 ft radius: cheap
>night vision goggles: average
>>scroll of fireball: average
>>healing potion: cheap
>>antidote potion: cheap
>Mauser M712: below average
>WW2 gas mask: cheap
>flask of acid: cheap
>WW2 incendiary grenade: cheap
Damn, I was really hoping for the first four.
>Flare Gun
>Gas Mask

>Tactical Vest

>Healing Potion
>Scroll of Detect Evil

Good shit lads, not a bad haul.
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Rolled 41, 3, 69 = 113 (3d100)

>Jannali: Swap out with Naomi to keep an eye on Father Darragh
>Tyrone: Recover Richard's cellphone
>Naomi: Call up her parents
The update is coming, and I'm going with the previous votes for a bigger update.
Die 1: Naomi's action triggers a Sanity Check, DC is 50.
Dice 2, 3: Rolling on "Plot Twists" table to see if there's anything weird on the cellphone.

The DC for "extremely cheap" was missing, and the value is 5. So anons got significantly more items.

>Flare Gun
>Incendiary Grenade
>Gas Mask
>Night Vision Goggles

>flask of holy water

>tactical vest: below average
>foldable shovel: extremely cheap
>antidote potion: cheap
>healing potion: cheap
>scroll of detect evil, 30 ft radius: cheap
>hazmat suit: very cheap

>Healing Potion
>Scroll of Detect Evil
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After visiting the vault, you and your host return to the tea room, enjoying a peaceful conversation.

"Would you be interested in a séance?" he asks. "It's a hobby of mine, and I think I’m quite competent."

"Most certainly."

He reaches for an old leather bag and retrieves a handful of stones. With his eyes closed, he begins to recite, "Adolf Hitler, mon seigneur, please guide my steps to the divine light of the three Black Suns."

You smile. Whereas Chabadists view Rabbi Schneerson as their messiah and Nation of Islam holds similar views toward Elijah Muhammad, Aryan Esoterists consider Adolf Hitler the true messiah. Each group champions its own racial messiah. However, since childhood, you’ve realized that all mythical figures stem from the same few archetypes. Schneerson, Muhammad, and Hitler are merely facets of a higher deity.

Three stones rest on the table. The sorcerer flips them over, one by one, revealing surfaces etched with ancient runes. As each rune is revealed, his eyes glaze over, and he speaks as if taken by a shamanic trance.

"Rune of Naudiz ᚾ: trouble, oppression. Rune of Ehwaz ᛖ, reversed: betrayal, ambush. Isaz ᛁ, in opposition: a slippery floor, betrayal. A plot is about to be revealed. You will be betrayed by one of your closest friends when the situation is most dangerous. One of your friends is not who you think they are."

His voice grows darker. "I have a vision of Ephialtes of Trachis, the hunchback traitor."

You feel stunned. Years ago, a clairvoyant also predicted betrayal by a close friend, but not as accurately. A hunchback traitor probably refers to the prehistoric ugliness of the Semites. You have always suspected there’s a Jew in your party. Certainly, Kim Eun-Ae is your most trustworthy ally. First, she is of pure race. Second, she has a pristine reputation in Korea for risking her life many times to recover cultural artifacts stolen during the Japanese occupation and sold to wealthy Jews worldwide in black market auctions. But as for Naomi Rosenberg and Tyrone Epstein, the situation is different. Both are hiding parts of their background, and both claim to be Jews. One of them is lying about being a Jew, and the other is a true Jew, waiting to ambush you, probably once you are deep in the Chabad-Lubavitch tunnels.

"You seem lost in thought, young man. Did my divination resonate?"

"Very much. I think one of my friends is a secret Jew."

"Everyone gets betrayed at least once in their lifetime. It’s part of the human experience. Once you purify your friend group, you will reach new levels of power." He quotes the runic poem of Naudiz, "Trouble is oppressive to the heart; yet often it proves a source of help and salvation."
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You return to the hotel by taxi, carrying the many items you purchased. As you enter, you see Father Darragh and nod to him. Eun-Ae steps forward to report on the events during your absence.

"Our friend, Father Darragh, was released from jail. Thankfully, he was not harmed or taken to the tunnels. This was our greatest fear, but he’s safe."

"Thank God."

"Moreover, Naomi has called her adoptive parents for help. They are flying in from Singapore and will arrive in two days. The call has left her deeply shaken." Eun-Ae hesitates before continuing. "As you know, they psychologically tortured her in her childhood. Despite a more polite relationship now, I cannot fathom why she would summon those monsters. It must be because she felt the case was too difficult and had no other choice. She has regressed to the psychological state of a terrorized child and is resting in her bed."

"Oh, no! Is there anything I can do?"

"No, just let her be for now. I think she will recover soon, as long as we pretend like nothing happened."

Naomi was adopted by her parents' friends, who saw it as an opportunity to abuse her, breaking her as a person. She embraced their culture, studying Hebrew, Yiddish, and Kabbalah, but spent her adult life rescuing missing children from predators. These contradictory aspects of her personality cause her to regress psychologically when exposed, overwhelmed with terror. This is why no one criticizes her use of Kabbalah.

Keeper: A good Keeper might have informed anon about the abusive part, because it was not indicated on Naomi’s character sheet. Apologies for any confusion.

>Rolled: Bad Power [Plot Twists Table]

Tyrone clears his throat. "Yo, I got some bad news about Richard’s phone."

"What is it?"

"While trying to hack it, my contact messed up the battery and some other stuff. Now, it won’t even turn on. It will take more time to fix."

"How long will that take?"

"He said like 4 to 5 days."

>Consult with Dr. Meir Spinner, a local psychiatrist
>Drink one of Monsieur Berthelot’s healing potions
>Take a nap to recover your sanity [roll 1d100, DC 50]

>Wait for night time, and enter the tunnels through a manhole
>Wait for night time, and enter the tunnels through the metro station
>Wait for Naomi’s parents to arrive, so they can scout and provide inside
>Write-in [this can include options from previous turns that didn’t win a vote]

>Take a nap to recover your sanity [roll 1d100, DC 50]
I live to roll the dice.

>Wait for Naomi’s parents to arrive, so they can scout and provide inside
I admit this could be a monkey's paw deal.

I to love the dice though they hate me.

So who is the secret Jew? Eun-Ae would make sense as we think she is above reproach.
Rolled 73 (1d100)

>Otto: Ask Father Darragh what transpired after he was taken into custody.
Could be the Irishman for all we know.

>Father Darragh: Reach out to Fenian types that he knows of for support: IRA, Irish Mob, etc.

>Eun-Ae: Make sure everyone's gadgets are untrackable & not sending out data to anyone surrepticiously.

>Jannali: Rest up to enter the tunnels with us.

>Naomi: Sleep to Recover (1d100)

>Tyrone: Rest up to recover from being jumped.
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>I live to roll the dice.
>I to love the dice though they hate me.
Kek. You forgot to roll, though.
Rolled 87 (1d100)

>leave Naomi to take a nap, rest of the team enters the tunnels through a manhole at night
>Take a nap to recover your sanity [4 votes]
>DC: 50
>Rolls: 73, 87 [Success]

>Wait for Naomi’s parents to arrive [2 votes] [win]
>Multiple preparations [1 vote] [lose]
>enters the tunnels through a manhole at night [1 vote] [lose]

>Eun-Ae: Make sure everyone's gadgets are untrackable
>Jannali: Rest up to enter the tunnels with us
>Tyrone: Rest up to recover from being jumped
I will also accept those actions because they are minor and not controversial.

File 8:

A document found by Otto, revealing that the Chabad-Lubavitch mikvah (bath) is used for ritual rape.
Thought it was going to be asked for, not roll then.
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I have mixed up the documents. The previous document is File 9:

The story of Judah ha-Nasi speaks of a rabbi who would kill anyone who found about his secret tunnels.

Here is File 8.
January 4th, 2024

Two days of torment have passed, and Naomi has recovered from the emotional shock of speaking to her parents. She now waits in the lobby of John F. Kennedy International Airport for their arrival, nervously reading the newspaper. An old man, dressed in a long black coat and hat, approaches her with his wife, who is wearing a modest black dress and holding his arm. He hands his luggage to Naomi.

"Father, Mother," she says in Yiddish. "It’s been a long time."

"Is what you said on the phone true? You are investigating the community of Chabad-Lubavitch?"

"Yes. I’m investigating a case that involves a missing child and the murder of a reporter. I need your help and guidance."

"And on which rabbi’s authority are you acting?"

A question she did not expect. "I-I haven’t consulted with any rabbi."

The man slaps her across the face. "Your behavior is not kosher. Only a rabbi can investigate a Jewish community, and no one else. I can’t believe I have spent so much money on your education, only for you to turn into a stupid little cunt."

They walk outside, where a limousine is waiting for them. "Step in. We are going to the synagogue to make up for this mess."

After a silent drive, they arrive in Crown Heights and enter the synagogue located at 770 Eastern Parkway. Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky stands near a carved ark, his back turned to them. The air is thick with solemnity, and Naomi feels terrified.

"Rabbi, we are here," her father says.

"Explain to me."

"My daughter, Naomi, has brought shame to our family. She has been investigating the synagogue without permission."

"A reporter has been making noise about us lately. I thought his untimely death would have put an end to this foolishness, but I suppose others have been replacing him."

"We are sorry about this. We seek teshuva."

Teshuva is the process of repentance and returning to righteous behavior in Judaism. The rabbi turns around and looks at Naomi from head to toe. "It is your responsibility to punish her. Your family must resolve its internal issues before you can seek teshuva. I can't punish her for you, because a rabbi cannot have sexual intercourse with a girl who is more than three years old. Is her orifice still obstructed by a hymen, at least?"

"Yes, rabbi. It is the case."

"You have caused great trouble. You are causing me to worry about the synagogue, and I’m ready to seal off the entrance to the tunnels so that the goyim can't cause trouble. If I do that, the synagogue will be cut off from its roots and perish. I suppose, if she spends a night underground, the problem will be solved. Whatever happens or does not happen to her, this will be the judgment of Molech, and I will not go against it."
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The rabbi grabs a flashlight and opens a door, leading to a narrow staircase made of decaying wood, descending into the darkness. The walls are covered with peeling paint, giving the place a sinister feel.
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They arrive in the basement, a chaotic mess of broken furniture, dirty clothes, and scattered debris.

“From here on, be quiet,” he says.

A jagged hole in the stone wall reveals a narrow, dark passageway, its edges crumbling and uneven, hinting at hurried excavation.
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The faint light barely penetrates the passageway, suggesting a hidden network extending into shadowy depths. A child-sized mattress lies on the ground, soiled with blood and excrements.

"Your daughter may sleep here for the night. If she’s still here tomorrow morning, I will bring her back to the surface."

"Thank you, rabbi," her father says. "We are taking our leave now."

>Spend the night on the mattress
>Overcome your fear, and flee [Willpower, roll 1d100, DC 75]
>Overcome your fear, and attack the rabbi [Willpower, roll 1d100, DC 85]

You can roll with the vote.
>Spend the night on the mattress
Gather intel.
Rolled 3 (1d100)

>Overcome your fear, and attack the rabbi [Willpower, roll 1d100, DC 85]
I can't help myself.
Rolled 52 (1d100)

>Flee (1d100)

I doubt she'll be able to fight him off, & waiting around is asking for trouble.

Are these the same pics that got posted on twitter from Nyc?
Rolled 92 (1d100)

>Overcome your fear, and flee [Willpower, roll 1d100, DC 75]
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>Overcome your fear, and flee [2 votes] [winning]
>DC: 75
>Rolls: 52, 92 [Success]

>Are these the same pics that got posted on twitter from Nyc?
OOC spoiler: Yes, they are. In fact, all characters and locations in the quest so far were real, except Monsieur Berthelot, which I have made up.
After Naomi’s parents leave, the rabbi returns with a plastic bag in his claw-like hand, and a cold shiver of terror runs through her at the thought of what it could be for.

"Put all your clothes and belongings in here."

"But if I’m naked, I’ll be cold," Naomi protests.

"Comply!" the rabbi shouts, his voice amplified by a magical echo.

Naomi reluctantly removes her coat and sweatshirt as the rabbi explains, "The normal practice in the mikvah is to be naked. Here, we are on sacred grounds beneath the mikvah, the energetic source of the mikvah. Your nakedness will inform Those Who Dwell Underground that you are a sacrifice, allowing them to take you and do as they please."

Naomi freezes. She had been following the rabbi's instructions without thinking, guided by his hypnotic words. But now, she recognizes the rabbinic technique of brainwashing being used on her. Realizing the danger, she grabs her taser from her purse and points it at the old man.

"Don’t touch me! I will defend myself!"

She bolts into the darkness, heading for the surface, stumbling over a baby carriage, and not daring to look behind. The rabbi curses and chants behind her, but she’s fast enough to escape his reach. Half-dressed in only her bra, she runs through the cold streets until she reaches Lincoln Terrace Park, a deserted park not far from the synagogue. An hour later, Jannali, who was coming to camp for the night, finds her half-frozen. She gently wraps her own coat around Naomi’s shoulders and brings her back to the hotel. After taking care of Naomi, the team gathers for a special debriefing.

"You should have cracked that motherfucker’s head open,” Tyrone interjects.

"Hold your horses," you say. "We’re not here to say what should or shouldn’t have been done. Besides, that rabbi cast a voice spell effortlessly, so we can conclude he can cast several spells per day and is much more powerful than us."

"What do you think Those Who Dwell Underground refers to?" Father Darragh asks. "I’ve never heard of demons being referred to in such a manner."

"It seems to be a form of censored expression, like how they avoid using the name of God. This could refer to DUMBs, extraterrestrials, or something else. We don’t know what lies in those tunnels, only that they are very deep. It should have been obvious they have residents, too."

Knowledge (politics): DUMBs, or Deep Underground Military Bases, are covert facilities used by the US government for top-secret operations and research.

"May the Lord help us," the priest says, crossing himself. "The rabbi sorcerer spoke of Molech. This is an ancient Semitic deity associated with child sacrifice. Whatever lies below is definitely demonic in nature."
Pick one (only one) option:
>Team: Enter the tunnels through a manhole
>Team: Enter the tunnels through the metro station
>Father Darragh: Reach out to the Irish mob or similar
>Father Darragh: Research the Cult of Molech
>Write-in [this can include options from previous turns that didn’t win a vote]
>>Team: Enter the tunnels through the metro station
>Father Darragh: Reach out to the Irish mob or similar
Gotta' finish gearing up
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Rolled 91 (1d100)

>Father Darragh: Reach out to the Irish mob or similar
I'm setting the DC for meeting the Irish mob as 50. On a fail, I'm going with >>6032391. It's an opportunity to play a Christian dice game.
Should we roll as well?
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Father Darragh meets with Father Brennan, the Irish bishop of the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph in Crown Heights, amid the cathedral’s grand, vaulted arches and stained glass windows, where the architectural beauty makes the spirit of God palpable. After a brief chat, the bishop arranges a meeting for him with John Bokun, the leader of the Westies, an Irish gang based in Hell’s Kitchen.

The meeting takes place in Rumours Bar & Grille, a cozy, old-school Irish pub that stays open late. John Bokun, a solidly built man with the physique of a boxer, specializes in loans and the marijuana trade. He sits confidently in a booth, accompanied by a beautiful blonde woman, elegantly dressed in a black evening dress, with a noticeable scar running across her face.

"Order what you want, Father. It’s on me."

"Excellent. I’ll have Irish pork sausages with gravy, and a few Guinness."

The food is delicious, making for a pleasant meal. Their conversation drifts through their shared Irish ancestry and the ongoing feud between the Kinahan and Hutch families back in Ireland.

"You’re nice and all, Father, but tell me, how can I trust you?"

"Jesus said, ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also.’ But have you ever seen anyone who actually has the gift of healing?"

"Of course not," the mobster responds. "That kind of thing only happens in movies."

"The young lady here, if I heal her scar, will you trust me?"

The mobster scoffs. "Father, I think you’ve had too many Guinness. But sure, if you can do that, I’ll definitely believe you."

Father Darragh stands and moves beside the lady. "Ma’am, if I may."

He lays his hands near her face, reciting the Pater Noster several times, his voice filled with conviction. After a few moments, a light blue energy begins to emanate from his palms, slowly enveloping the woman's face. As the energy flows, the scar starts to fade, the skin knitting itself back together. When he finally removes his hands, it is clear that her skin has healed and the scar is completely gone. The mobster, unable to contain his shock, spits out his beer, eyes wide with disbelief.

"I was excommunicated from the church for heresy because I rejected the Old Testament as false Jewish Scriptures. On the very day I fully rejected those Scriptures, without any doubt in my heart, I suddenly felt closer to Jesus. That’s when the Spirit bestowed the gift of healing upon me. This is a true miracle, performed only by the true followers of Jesus Christ. It came at the cost of my status and reputation."

The woman checks herself in her pocket mirror and exclaims, "John, it’s true. My face! What the hell!"

"This is not the work of hell, but of heaven," the priest responds. "Now, as for what I wanted from you. It is not much. Only to buy weaponry at a fair price, to help in my crusade against the Jewish devils"
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>Should we roll as well?
Yes. For the purchases, we will play the same dice game as before [rules here >>6028637, table here >>6029093].

There is a new rule, however. If you can provide a relevant quote from the New Testament for the item, the Cost DC will decrease by two ranks. Moreover, if you can provide a New Testament quote showing Jesus himself using the item, or an equivalent from his time period, the item will be automatically won.

>chalk: extremely cheap
>empty vial: extremely cheap
>pocket mirror: extremely cheap
>sledgehammer and nails: extremely cheap
>Baressential soap: extremely cheap
>bag of flour: extremely cheap
>beewax, 1 pound: extremely cheap
>bag of marbles: extremely cheap
>Irish flag bandana: extremely cheap
>candles, x20: extremely cheap
>waterskin: extremely cheap
>10 foot pole: very cheap
>climbing rope, 60 ft: very cheap
>Irish wool blanket: very cheap
>whiskey flask: very cheap
>tin whistle: extremely cheap
>bodhrán (drum): cheap
>hurling stick: very cheap
>golf club: cheap
>pepper spray: extremely cheap
>switchblade: very cheap
>brass knuckles: very cheap
>Glock 19: below average
>kevlar vest: average
>C4 explosive: average
>marijuana, 1 ounce: cheap
>police scanner: cheap
>bug detector: very cheap
>tactical flashlight: very cheap
>crowbar: extremely cheap
>lockpick tools: cheap
>night vision goggles: above average
>stolen smartphone: below average
>Irish Terrier, 2 years old: above average
>stolen car: above average
Rolled 27, 30, 31, 68, 87, 65, 34, 89, 60, 99, 54, 93 = 737 (12d100)

>climbing rope, 60 ft: very cheap
“You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule. - Matthew 5:3
>waterskin: extremely cheap
"And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.” - Mark 2:22
Waterskins and wineskins are basically the same thing from what I remember.
>tactical flashlight: very cheap
"There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light." - Matthew 17:2
>whiskey flask: very cheap
“Now draw some out,” He said, “and take it to the master of the banquet.” They did so, 9and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not know where it was from, but the servants who had drawn the water knew. Then he called the bridegroom aside 10and said, “Everyone serves the fine wine first, and then the cheap wine after the guests are drunk. But you have saved the fine wine until now!” - John 2:8-10
>bag of flour: extremely cheap
"Again He asked, “To what can I compare the kingdom of God? It is like leaven that a woman took and mixed into three measures of flour, until all of it was leavened." - Luke 13:20-21
>Irish Terrier, 2 years old: above average
"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" - Matthew 6:26

>pepper spray: extremely cheap
>Glock 19: below average
>kevlar vest: average
>police scanner: cheap
>night vision goggles: above average
>stolen car: above average

Man that took a while.
I think you got everything short of the NVG & the car, holy shit, bless up
>Bug Detector
>Lockpick Tools
>10 Foot Pole
>Tin Whistle
>Pocket Mirror
>Glock 19
>Kevlar Vest
Rolled 89, 40, 35, 84, 1, 69, 22, 28, 38, 52 = 458 (10d100)

Forgot to roll
Rolled 27, 53, 15, 5, 95, 37, 37 = 269 (7d100)

>crowbar: extremely cheap
>sledgehammer and nails: extremely cheap
>tactical flashlight: very cheap
>climbing rope, 60 ft: very cheap
>Glock 19: below average
>chalk: extremely cheap
>kevlar vest: average
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Rolled 55, 23 = 78 (2d100)

Rolling on the Dungeon table for information about the tunnels.

>climbing rope, 60 ft
>tactical flashlight
>whiskey flask
>bag of flour
>Irish Terrier, 2 years old
>pepper spray
>Glock 19
>kevlar vest
>police scanner

>Bug Detector
>Lockpick Tools
>10 Foot Pole

>sledgehammer and nails
>tactical flashlight
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>Rolls: Magnificent Desolate
>Interpretation: magnificent doors, desolate tunnels

January 5th, 2024, D-3 until the entrance tunnels are cemented off.

The team is driven by a sense of urgency, as Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky has mentioned sealing off the tunnel entrance to prevent any investigation. Despite this, you have waited one day before entering so that Father Darragh could restore his mana. Jannali has bought basic supplies for survival, mainly water and food, and is carrying your packages. It’s 2 AM, and you’re heading toward the metro station, with the priest’s newly purchased Irish Terrier tagging along, well-behaved and alert. Eun-Ae guides you to a door that opens into a seemingly abandoned maintenance room. The room is cluttered with old, rusting tools, and cobwebs hanging from the ceiling. Another door inside this room leads to a narrow passageway. The passageway is lined with three metal pipes running along the left side, and the floor is crawling with cockroaches. The walls are damp, with mold creeping along the edges, and the air smells of decay.

You follow it south until you arrive in a crudely excavated passage."This looks like the tunnel I was brought into," Naomi says.

You are now in enemy territory, and anything could happen. You proceed cautiously until you arrive where the soiled child-sized mattress lies. "Past that wall is the synagogue’s basement," Naomi says, pointing to the hole in the stone wall.

"That matches up with the map," Eun-Ae confirms. "If we continue walking south, we should hit the interceptor sewer line."

"So, what, it’s just a tunnel and a mattress?" Tyrone asks.

"Let’s keep going," you say. "So far, we know absolutely nothing about what’s going on down here. After all, all the information we have comes from a few tarot readings."

You continue following the tunnel until you arrive at a pair of magnificent double doors. They are carved with a depiction of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, their beauty contrasting with the desolate surroundings of the tunnels.

>Explore all the sewers under Crown Heights
>Enter the synagogue from the basement
>Eun-Ae: pick the doors’ lock [Lockpicking, roll 1d100, DC 50]

(Optional: give a name to the dog)
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Quest Information

Up until now, I've focused on describing all locations accurately. From this point onward, we'll be venturing into unknown territory, and the environment will be generated using random tables. The system I’m using is much like divination.

Spoiler: IRL, Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky died on June 4, 2024. Consequently, his spirit is free to haunt and interfere with the quest.

For boss battles, we'll switch to tactical mode, where it takes two hits to die unless there's a critical hit, in which case death is instant.

All other battles will be abstracted with a single die roll. If you fail the roll, the character will die. This is brutal but will ensure a faster-paced story.
>Explore all the sewers under Crown Heights

>Irish Terrier's Name: Goldi
A not so subtle reference to uncle Adolf's dog.
Rolled 62 (1d100)

>Eun-Ae: pick the doors’ lock [Lockpicking, roll 1d100, DC 50]

Support Goldi
+1 to the choice, although as solid of a name/ref that is, I would prefer St. Patrick since he drove the "snakes" from Ireland.
Goldi St. Patrick? He's a good boy, he can have 2 names like a person.
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Rolled 52, 69, 71, 51, 64, 89, 66 = 462 (7d100)

>Eun-Ae: pick the doors’ lock [2 votes]

Is the door trapped?
>Die 1: DC 50, unknown

In case the door is trapped, rolling:
>Die 2: Eun-Ae's Search, DC 50
>Die 3: Father Darragh's Knowledge (Theology), DC 25 [bonus for insight about snakes >>6034617]
>Dice 4, 5: Table Dungeon Traps

For the environment, rolling:
>Dice 6, 7: Table Dungeon >>6034366
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"So, what are you going to name the doggie?" Tyrone asks.

"He should be named Goldi," you answer, "in honor of Adolf Hitler."

"I was thinking more about St. Patrick," Father Darragh says. "St. Patrick banished snakes from Ireland, and it would bring us good fortune."

Eun-Ae looks at them, annoyed. "Guys, can you stop the useless banter? I’m trying to concentrate on my work."

Father Darragh moves closer to the door and examines the engraving. "Hold on, Eun-Ae. Don’t touch anything yet. By St. Patrick! There’s a snake in this depiction. Is this meant to represent Jews?"

He runs his hand across the wooden surface.

Eun-Ae says, "Perhaps it is meant to be pressed? I have seen a similar device in a mansion once."

The priest ponders, "Maybe. Regardless, I don’t think Jews perceive themselves as snakes. It’s how we perceive them. Likewise, they wouldn’t associate with the forbidden fruit, because they think of themselves as good followers of God." He pauses. "We have to think like a Jew to understand the symbolism. The logical culmination of their religion is Frankism, the reversal of all moral norms. It’s based on Frankism that Jews created the sexual revolution and the pornographic industry. When seeing the scene of the Garden of Eden, a Frankist’s attention would be on Eve’s sexual parts, and he would think about defiling her. This is how the serpent is thinking."

Knowledge (theology): Frankism is a Jewish movement from the 18th century, led by Jacob Frank, promoting the inversion of religious and moral norms.

He presses on Eve’s pubic hair, and the part sinks into the wood as a mechanism activates.

"Fuck! Everyone step back," Eun-Ae yells.

Slowly, the door opens. She examines it carefully for several minutes. "If I had picked the lock, or if Father Darragh had pressed the wrong part of the scene, it would have activated a fireball trap. And we would have all been burned to ash. Good job, Father, but next time, let me examine the device before you press anything."
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Inside is a small room, not wide enough for everyone to stand in comfortably, with damp, concrete walls and a musty smell. In the center of the floor, there’s a circular metal grate, and directly below it is a vertical tube descending into the darkness. The tube has an old, narrow ladder bolted to its side. The walls of the tube are smooth and slightly moist, and the ladder's rungs are cold and slippery to the touch. Even with the light of your Maglite, you can barely see the bottom.

"Let me try something," Father Darragh says. He wraps his rope around the torchlight and slowly lowers it down the tunnel. After approximately 30 feet, it hits the bottom.

"So, how are we going down this? It’s probably trapped too."

>Send Eun-Ae down to search for traps [roll 1d100, DC unknown]
>Send Jannali down, relying on her endurance to survive any potential danger [roll 1d100, DC unknown]
>Tie a rope around Goldie and send him down, like the torchlight [roll 1d100, DC unknown]


Regarding traps: By default, Eun-Ae examines traps using her standard Search skill. If you want her to be more vigilant or use specific items, spells, or techniques to detect traps, please describe your approach in a write-in. This holds for the rest of the quest.

Dice results:
>Die 1: the door is trapped [52]
>Die 2: Search check successful [69]
>Die 3: Knowledge (Theology) check successful [71]
>Dice 4, 5: Fire, Magic trap
>Dice 6, 7: Small, Mysterious
Rolled 4 (1d100)

>Approach Cautiously
Rolled 39 (1d100)

>>Send Eun-Ae down to search for traps [roll 1d100, DC unknown]
Rolled 57 (1d100)

>Send Eun-Ae down to search for traps [roll 1d100, DC unknown]
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>Send Eun-Ae down to search for traps

Is the tube trapped?
>Die 1: DC 75, unlikely, because there was an expensive trap at the doors

Is there a child prison?
>Die 2: DC 50, unknown

For the environment, rolling:
>Dice 3, 4: Table Terrain
>Dice 5, 6: Table Dungeon >>6034366

For a possible tube trap, rolling:
>Dice 7, 8: Table Dungeon Traps >>6035072
Rolled 99, 63, 92, 13, 19, 26, 56, 86 = 454 (8d100)

fucking dice
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>Eun-Ae’s reflex save
>DC 50: Above Average Reflex vs Above Average Trap
>Rolls: 4, 39, 57 [success]

Eun-Ae descends the ladder, cautiously testing each rung with her foot before putting her weight on it. She places her hands on the sides of the ladder to steady herself, pausing briefly on each step to listen for any unusual sounds or movements. Her careful technique ensures she can react quickly to any potential danger.

"How is it going down there?" you ask.

"Do you remember India? When Jannali made rat curry and you had diarrhea for an entire week? It smells worse than that down here."

"I take it you’re fine."

She continues her descent. Halfway down, a loud "click" echoes through the tunnel. Instinctively, she leaps off the ladder, avoiding a fine powder that begins to spray from a hidden hole. As she hits the floor, she rolls to the side, quickly entering the tunnel below to avoid the powder cloud.

"It looks like a contaminant," you say. "Everyone remain calm. I have a hazmat suit from Monsieur Berthelot, so we’ll all go down one by one wearing it. That means someone will have to stay up here. Jannali, you will stand watch with Goldi."

She nods. The team descends one by one, finding Eun-Ae safe at the bottom. The tunnels below are quite different from above. The walls, made of dry, lime-rich dirt, crumble at the slightest touch. Crude paintings of Kama Sutra scenes, depicting obscene practices involving vampirism and cannibalism, line the right walls, encrusted with valuable gems. Above them is a line of Hebrew letters.

Naomi examines the text. "These are not standard Hebrew letters. It’s a variant I’ve never seen, differing slightly from the standard alphabet in the number of strokes. These are incantations, summoning power from various demons, starting with Alukah and Ashmedai."

The tunnel leads south, and the team follows it. After a minute of walking, you arrive at a small room serving as a cross junction, with tunnels extending in four directions. In the center stands a crude golden statue of a rabbi, his face asymmetrical, eyes wild, and forehead enlarged, resembling symptoms of Tay-Sachs disease. His twisted spine and abnormally enlarged stomach, on the other hand, evoke Gaucher’s disease.

Knowledge (politics): Those diseases predominantly affects Ashkenazi Jewish populations, and cause neurological damage and fat accumulation in cells.

"That’s one ugly motherfucker!" Tyrone exclaims.

"It’s an abomination. A person with those deformities should not be able to live, let alone reach adulthood," you observe.
Following the western tunnel, you reach a small cell carved into the wall. It’s a cramped space, enclosed by golden bars, devoid of furniture or objects. Inside are five children, malnourished and living in their own filth, the smell of rot overwhelming. Father Darragh tries to speak to them, but they do not respond, their gazes vacant.

"Their minds are likely severely fractured," Naomi explains. "MK-Ultra techniques, involving trauma-based behavior modification and Multiple Personality Disorder, are commonly used by human traffickers. Jeffrey Epstein notably used these techniques on his island prison. Such methods can turn a person into anything, from an obedient prostitute to a trustworthy assassin. It’s very similar to the rabbinic technique of creating golems, using the human body as an empty vessel."

"Good lord," Father Darragh says. "What impious abomination have we uncovered. How much must those children have suffered."

Now, you must make an important decision. If you rescue the children, the jailers will notice their absence and establish defenses. However, if you keep going, it’s likely you will be killed by traps or in battle, and no child will be saved.

>Escort the children safely to the surface
>Keep exploring the maze, make the children follow you
>Keep exploring the maze, leave them in their cell


Dice results

Is the tube trapped?
>Yes, Critical [99] [Above Average trap]

Is there a child prison?
>Yes [63]

>Terrain: Valuable, Chaotic [chaotic interpreted as mazelike]
>Dungeon: Creepy, Dry [dry interpreted as architecturally dry]
>paintings of Kama Sutra
OP, are you foreshadowing the connection between jews and the kalani cult in india?
Errata: I have messed up the trap. It was 56, 86, Heavy Strangle, but I read 56, 89, Heavy Toxin.
>OP, are you foreshadowing the connection between jews and the kalani cult in india?
No. What's the kalani cult?
I don't have the deatils but I have some pastas from /pol/

It's finally sorted out.
There are two independent traditions at play (among many more in the world).
1) Mesopotamian/Canaanite metallurgy cult; this is a death cult, a sex cult, a bacchanalia cult. Pan, human sacrifice, etc. Ammon. Seeks to burn the world in fire, Tikkun Olam. Shiva (Kali). Brahmins. Chaldeans. Rabbis.
Focus on ritual purification and hedonism.
2) Solar cult; Monad, Logos, universal truth. Embracing life. Self-sacrifice, virtue. Abstinence. Focus on living righteously and restitution.

Long story short, the Arians under the Magi spread the solar religion and it was the primary layer in IE and early Vedic.
The Brahmins (aBrahamins) spread their cult. The two competed and/or co-existed. Bronze Age Collapse reset things.
The Brahmins moved to Kashmir and started shaping the late Vedic period (just before Zoroastrian and Buddhist religions). They inserted their fire/death god into Vedic religion when this was still a center for I-E peoples.
They displaced/murdered/covered up the Magi religion.
They are called Kalash/Kalani/Kaldu/Chaldeans. People of Kali.
When Cyrus defeated them, the Chaldean Brahmins changed their identity to Jew.
Later, Iturean Arians (lit. Medes) converted to Judaism restored the Arian Solar God to the Jewish context. This was Nazorean Christianity.
For 200 years Jews fought back against this sparking rebirth.
The Arians somewhat succeeded in winning (Gnosticism was Jewish). However, then the Jews won through political means and "Arian" Christianity was given a mythological symbolic heretical leader called "Arius".
Gothic tribes kept the true-ish religion alive for a bit but the church won.

Late Christian Enlightenment in Britain started to restore the old faith.

EVERYTHING political today is a continuation of this ancient conflict of spiritual alignment.
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Source image for the short version
>>Escort the children safely to the surface
Well, that makes sense. Anything bad that happened in history, I assume that Jews are behind it, or took inspiration from it.

>In the 19th century, Haug pioneered the idea that the term Asura is linguistically related to the Ahuras of pre-Zoroastrianism era.
>In both religions, Ahura of pre-Zoroastrianism (Asura of Indian religions), Vouruna (Varuna) and Daeva (Deva) are found, but their roles are on opposite sides.
>This contrasting roles have led some scholars to deduce that there may have been wars in proto-Indo-European communities, and their gods and demons evolved to reflect their differences.
>Escort the children safely to the surface
Ultimately the primary goal is also to assist any victims of these talmudic practices. We'll have to think about identifying them soon so they can be returned (if they have anywhere to go back) home. Maybe we could use this ensure that more people (maybe their parents) become aware of whats going on in these tunnels and build a wider network of noticers.
>Father Darragh rescues the children with St. Goldi
>Everyone else presses forward
We're on a limited timeframe here before the tunnels are collapsed, & there could be more victims held deeper in. The Father will surely know someone who can take in the children & provide for their safety.
Seconding this motion
This is a good idea, I'll support it if allowed to.
Sure. I hate splitting the party, especially when he is a spell caster and healer, but it seems the best use of our resources.
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Will Father Darragh leave some of his items behind with the team?

List: >>6034366
>Leave all gear with the party that isn't needed to get them out
>Will Father Darragh leave some of his items behind with the team?
He will leave the party with everything except the Glock, the pepper spray and the police scanner. He may need the first two to get the kids to safety and the police scanner to monitor for any pursuit by the NYPD or the Shomrim. Once he's got the kids to safety he can monitor for any response to our actions underground, potentially helping him effect a rescue if we make it back to the surface.
This but also give him a potion of healing just in case things go south.
>>6036988 (checked and heiled)
He's got healing magic of his own, I think we're more likely to need the potion t b h
Let's keep the potion for the mission
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Rolled 15, 61 = 76 (2d100)

>Father Darragh rescues the children with St. Goldi
>Everyone else presses forward
Rolling 2d100 on Sounds Table.
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>Sounds: Celebrate [15], Mysterious [61]

"Very well, I will bring the kids to the Church. It’s the safest option."

"Father! You can’t do that!" you exclaim. "If you bring them to the Church, the authorities will be called, and the kids will be murdered or taken to another prison. The authorities always work against the people. Remember, you were arrested just four days ago for no reason!"

"That’s a fair point. The Church is pure, but the State serves Satan. I should be warier."

"Contact Monsieur Berthelot, the Westies, or the Nation of Islam. Whoever is available. We need a safe house for the kids. And monitor the police scanner."

The children are mostly unresponsive, so he ties his rope around their waists to make them walk in line behind him.

"This won’t be easy with traumatized kids. I’ll use my mana reserve to cast a Purify spell on the ladder, so you should be safe on the way out."

He puts his hand on your shoulder and leaves.
You continue through the passage for 100 feet until you reach a T-section. You turn left and find another cell. Inside, there are five children. One of them, a Jewish albino mutant, glares at you with eyes filled with pure malice, growling like a rabid animal. He shows the genetic abnormalities of Tay-Sachs and Gaucher’s, with gangrenous, deformed genitalia, and a patchwork of discolored skin grafts on his lower abdomen. The sight is an abomination, a nightmarish violation of the natural order. The other four children, though physically normal, are unresponsive, their bodies covered in bruises, scratches, and bite wounds in various stages of infection. The mutant lunges at the bars, his jaws snapping in a frenzied attempt to reach you, forcing you to step back.

Knowledge (politics): During his 2020 trial, it was revealed Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein suffered from Fournier's gangrene, a bacterial infection that gave his genitalia a monstrous appearance. It appears the mutant child suffers from a similar disease.

As you discuss your plan, strange sounds drift from the south. It sounds like a large group chanting or growling, accompanied by the dissonant music of a pipe, perhaps Middle Eastern. The sound is faint, even for Eun-Ae. You estimate there are at least a dozen people on this floor and expect many more children to be jailed in cells, possibly between fifty and several hundred.

Regarding the mutant child:
>Treat him like the other children
>Leave him in the cell
>Kill him

Regarding the other children:
>Make them follow you
>Leave them behind

>Cast Sense Life >>6025874 in the direction of the sounds [roll 1d100, DC 50]
>Keep her mana reserve

General actions:
>Return to the surface
>Head south, toward the source of the sound
>Head east, away from the sound
Rolled 58 (1d100)

Regarding the mutant child:
>Kill him quietly
If you've heard of the "black eyed children" you'd know what exactly this is. Why palrness coupled with long limbs triggers that primal response in the brain. There's nothing more that can be done than setting free that wretched soul.

Regarding the other children:
>Leave them for now, but unlock the door first
We might be able to come for them later

>Cast Sense Life in the direction of the sounds (1d100, DC 50)

General Actions:
>Head south, towards the sound, but make sure to remain covert. Do not act for now, any attack should come as an ambush.
>Leave him in the cell
>Keep her mana reserve
>Head south, toward the source of the sound
>Leave them for now, especially the mutant
>Save her Mana
>Head away from the sounds
We should maintain stealth for as long as possible, & when we do strike, ensure there are no survivors to flee & call reinforcements. We should keep scoping out the other tunnels, while keeping in mind the need to return to this point to rescue more captives & deal with the zealots.
>>Leave him in the cell
>>Keep her mana reserve
>>Head east, away from the source of the sound
Could you give a QRD on black-eyed children & long-limbed humanoids?
Rolled 19 (1d100)


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Sorry for the lateness, but I have a sperg to deal with at home. This picture should explain it.
I've seen this posted before, but I highly doubt the US is sending marines into underground tunnels outside of Afghanistan. The average infantryman, marine or not, is going to let things slip, hence this image, but there should be plenty of other evidence. Other than that, most of it seems plausible.
I doubt they'd ever get taken seriously, and in the event a leak is anticipated intelligence agencies could simply seed some false leads or even make a story about it so when someone tries to disclose it a publicly sourced counter can be obtained in the form of "That's a movie/novel"
>intelligence agencies could simply seed some false leads or even make a story about it
Or maybe the schizo ramblings about armies of heroic marines fighting underground battles against the forces of darkness are the false leads being released by intelligence agencies to poison the well and distract from the very real issues with Jews having undue influence over all branches of the US government which, as a result of their strong in-group preference and lack of regard for non-Jews, they use to secure further power for themselves while hiding the abuses committed by their community.
>Or maybe the schizo ramblings about armies of heroic marines fighting underground battles against the forces of darkness are the false leads being released by intelligence agencies
And frankly even that seems less likely to me than them being the result of anons fantasising about what might be because heroes engaging in a secret underground war against generations of bestial subhumans is a lot more exciting than the banal evil that is a group of old men getting away with abducting and raping young goyim they had a social influence, a facade of respectability and frankly no one who was in a position to put them cared to look too hard.
I doubt these were heroes. Basically grunts that, by chance came upon something that they weren't supposed to and went stark raving mad as a result.
Rolled 3 (1d100)

>Mutant: leave him
3/5 votes

>Kids: leave them
3/3 votes [not everyone voted]

>Extra: Keep the door unlocked
2/3 votes [from the "leave" vote above]

>Naomi: Keep her mana reserve
3/5 votes

>Action: Head south
3/5 votes

Will a sentinel catch the group?
Rolling 1d100, DC 85, very low odds because of the "celebration"

>underground hell.png
That was a creepy read, and strangely similar to the quest. It makes me think the information was channeled, because that's kind of what I'm doing.
>Will a sentinel catch the group?
>Answer: Critical No [3]
>Critical: they are highly inebriated

"First, I will kill that wretched creature," you say, as you stand before the cell containing the mutant child.

Tyrone steps in front of you, his hands held out in opposition. "No fucking way. We ain’t killing this kid."

For you, it was a no-brainer. The ancient Pagan perspective holds that a life not worth living should be ended. The Spartans cast their deformed infants from cliffs to spare them a life of misery and purify the gene pool, but other cultures might see such monsters as holy. When a two-headed monster is born in an Indian village, it’s often perceived as a "gift from God."

The more you ponder this, the more nauseated you feel. You look around and realize you're no longer in front of the cell. Instead, you're further down the dark tunnel. Panic grips you as Eun-Ae’s voice pulls you back to the present.

“Are you okay?” she asks. “You seemed absent and didn’t say anything.”

You struggle to regain your senses. A lapse in time, of which you have no memory, leaves you feeling as if you're holding onto your sanity by a thin thread. Eun-Ae informs you that they left the cell door open, allowing the children to flee if they can.

There's no time to dwell on it. You’re closer to the enemy’s room, now. It's clear they are celebrating something: there’s chatter, laughter, and the unsettling sound of a pipe.

"I’m going to scout ahead," Eun-Ae says.

Nerves frayed, you wait in the absolute darkness. The ten minutes she is gone stretch endlessly. When Eun-Ae returns, she explains the situation.

"It’s a twenty-square-foot room with a shallow mikvah in the center. There are three adult Jews and an albino child, all dressed in black clothes. Everyone else in the room is naked. Women of various ethnicities mingle with the Jews, drinking and eating with disturbing fervor. A normal-looking child, frozen in terror, stands in the mikvah. Two African eunuchs, armed with spears, stand guard nearby. An Indian piper, also naked but wearing a bright red turban, is playing his unsettling tune. They are having a feast...”

The nakedness probably indicates their status as slaves, as opposed to the male Jews, whose religion forbids nakedness.

“The entire scene is an impious, cannibal feast. A gathering of malice and dread. They are feasting on an African man, who has been sliced into pieces, but I could still recognize the shape of what he once was. An apple had been shoved into his mouth. They were eating the slices with their fingers and laughing, even the women were laughing. I saw an oven with a fire, so a chimney must connect to a Chabad-Lubavitch building above ground. The Jewish men looked highly inebriated, barely able to stand. The room is filthy, with straw scattered on the floor, but their drinking cups were made of jewel-encrusted gold.”
>Throw an incendiary grenade inside the room
>Attack! [roll 1d100, DC 50]
>Avoid the room and keep walking

Also roll 1d100 for Otto’s Sanity check, DC 50.
Rolled 73, 93 = 166 (2d100)

>Attack! [roll 1d100, DC 50]
Dice for sanity and attack.
Rolled 14, 16 = 30 (2d100)

Tyrone is the secret JEW! Worse, he is a black jew!

Rolled 43, 8 = 51 (2d100)

You're RVing the tunnels for this qst?
So the mutant was kept in his cell right?
I would say use the incendiary, but there is a child caught in the middle of the room. Therefore,
No survivors besides the child.
Just remembered we have a camcorder, so,
>Then Attack
>You're RVing the tunnels for this qst?
A little bit. I'm not very powerful or accurate.

>So the mutant was kept in his cell right?
Yes... with the door unlocked.
This may be the ballsiest qst I've ever read.
Either the mutant hypnotized us, or Tyrone indeed is really a jew. Then again, maybe his confrontation simply distracted us from someone else casting a spell upon us...
Does RV allow you to see the same point in different times, or just the present?
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>Attack! [Action cancelled by unforeseen event]

You walk toward the sabbath room, your portable camera in hand. You aim to expose the Jewish Sabbath for all to see, to force the goyim who defend Jews to witness the horrors they’ve enabled. Yet, something troubles you. Why did you leave the mutant alive? Why did you leave the cell door open? Did the mutant somehow brainwash you? The other kids had bite marks; it was obvious the mutant was biting and hurting them. And it got so angry when it saw you. It didn’t make sense to leave them together.

Seeing the sabbath with your own eyes is far worse than hearing Eun-Ae’s description. The stench of roasting human meat fills your nostrils, and you see grease glistening on the fingers of those feasting. You approach and recognize the black man they are eating. It strikes you: it’s Famous Richard, the man who had been investigating Chabad-Lubavitch, and died for it. They didn’t take his body for a necromancy ritual. No. They only took it to satisfy their need of human flesh.

The sabbath is a grotesque display of human degradation. Bodies contort in a sacrilegious dance, their movements twisted and unnatural. The girl in the mikvah is crying, her sobs drowned out by the noise. Your camera slips from your hands and clatters to the floor. You knew from your investigation [File 8 >>6031613] that the mikvah is used for ritual rape. But you are now witnessing it as the culmination of their celebrations. A Jewish man, completely inebriated, stands behind the child.

Suddenly, you feel the cold barrel of a gun against your head. The traitor has made his move.

"Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like what they’re doing here. But you’re not killing any Jew on my watch," Tyrone says.

You had suspected Tyrone was the secret Jew, but in your rage, you only thought of storming the room.

"There are two choices for you, Otto. Either you surrender nicely, and I’ll give you a clean death. Or you put up a fight, get defeated, and then you’ll spend the rest of your life wishing you’d never pissed them off."

>Beg for your life, offering to trade intel on other Aryans.
>Surrender, but only if they allow the child to leave safely with Naomi or Eun-Ae.
Attempt to stall for time, hoping Naomi can cast a spell on him [Roll 2d100, DC 50 for stalling, DC 65 for casting discreetly]


>Does RV allow you to see the same point in different times
In a Stargate Project documentary I saw, the glowies would use RV to predict the future and make money from gambling. So I don't think this is bound by time.
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Attached is a an artistic representation of a Jewish sorcerer in Singapore, from a quest I ran two years ago. We can use it as a picture of Naomi's adoptive father.
You were the QM of the Blue Goblin? Never thought I'd see you again. I also think Trench Crusade began as a quest here (can't remember the name but it mentioned meta-christs).
Rolled 57, 82 = 139 (2d100)

>Ask Jannali if she agrees with his actions
>Distract/Stall; mention how they're eating Famouss Richard, who's one of Tyrone's people

Goebbels mitt uns!
Rolled 60, 26 = 86 (2d100)

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Rolled 26, 70 = 96 (2d100)

>Attempt to stall for time, hoping Naomi can cast a spell on him [Roll 2d100, DC 50 for stalling, DC 65 for casting discreetly]

Huh, guess I got that right. Damn backstabbing jigger.

Time channel my hatred to the rolls.
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>Attempt to stall for time, hoping Naomi can cast a spell on him
>Attack! (from previous turn)
>No survivors besides the child
>Rolls 1 (stall): 57, 60, 26; DC 50 [Success]
>Rolls 2 (cast): 82, 25, 70; DC 65 [Success]
>Rolls 3 (Attack!): 93, 16, 8; DC 50 [Success]

"Tyrone, they are eating Famous Richard, and he’s one of your people," you say, trying to stall for time.

"He’s not one of my people," he snaps back. "I’ve been working against him this whole time. Who do you think took his cell phone? I did. I took it, wiped all the evidence, and destroyed it."

"So, are you biologically related to Jeffrey Epstein?"

"That’s right. In fact, he’s my uncle. My grandfather, Arnold Epstein, was the brother of Seymour Epstein. And Seymour Epstein was Jeffrey Epstein’s father. My great-grandfather, Julius Epstein, was born in Poland in the 19th century, and came to Brooklyn to exploit the immense financial opportunities. We were here long before Rabbi Schneerson, and those tunnels? My great-grandfather already knew about them. There’s much of my family’s genetic material crawling around and below us."

"Is that why you’re defending the mutants? Because they are your family?"

"They are not mutants!" Tyrone shouts, his voice rising with anger. "Tay-Sachs is a common gene variant in Jews, so when you breed pure bloods, of course, it may become a dominant phenotype. And that’s a good thing. There’s nothing mutant about that. It’s the opposite. They are chosen. Did you know Tay-Sachs gave protection from tuberculosis? You have no idea how powerful they are!"

While he continues his tirade about the supremacy of Jewish genes and the true Israelites, Naomi begins casting her spell behind him, whispering the incantation softly so he can’t hear it.

Suddenly, Tyrone rubs his eyes, yelling, "My connection to God! My connection to God! I can’t see! What’s happening!" He collapses to the ground, smoke billowing from his eye sockets.

"What the hell happened?" you ask.

"That was a Herem Death Curse. While he was ranting about his ethnicity, I decided to take a shot. The spell only works on Jews."

It was a daring move. If Tyrone wasn’t a Jew, she would have wasted her only chance to kill him. One of the inebriated Jews looks at his dead body and makes a joke in Yiddish, causing the others to laugh.
"Now, let’s take care of this trash."

You draw your Hitler Youth Knife from its sheath and approach the first Jew. Grabbing his greasy hair, you yank his head back, exposing his throat. With a swift, precise slash, you sever the carotid artery, and blood sprays across the floor.

The eunuch soldiers, dazed and disoriented, seem to fight with no will. Their attacks are sluggish, easily deflected. You block a spear thrust and counter with a brutal stab to the gut, twisting the blade to ensure the kill. The eunuch crumples, clutching his wound, and you step over his body to engage the next foe.

The battle is fierce, but in the end, you leave no survivors. The floor is strewn with the bodies of the fallen Jews and their slaves. The only one left alive is the terrified child in the mikvah. Naomi rushes to her side, wrapping her in a protective embrace, whispering words of comfort as the child sobs into her shoulder.

>Focus: explore the maze
>Focus: rescue as many children as possible
>Focus: rescue as many children as possible
Tyrone almost got us in the first half, but really fumbled it by the end.
When they say the perfect couple doesn't exist.

>Focus: Rescue

We should record our findings in the tunnels, & as distasteful as it is, we should probably off the mutants as well. What was Jannali's input on all this?
>>Focus: rescue as many children as possible
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When you return to the cell, you find that the children are missing. You begin walking through the tunnels, aimlessly.

After ten minutes, Naomi says, "I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s something about this place that reminds me of the Talmud. Anyone who opens and reads the Talmud finds that it has no clear beginning or end, and your thoughts get lost in it, like a mind trap."

"Interesting," you answer, "but let’s focus on saving the kids."

The tunnels twist and turn, the maze seemingly infinite, causing you to lose all sense of direction. You blindly follow Eun-Ae, who acts as your guide. In the eastern section, you find another cell with five children. You open the door, free them, and the next events are like a fever dream, hazy and unclear. This must be the Talmudic effect Naomi referenced.

You vaguely remember the mutant child chasing you, yelling orders in Yiddish, leading and followed by eunuch guardians. You used one of your spells to blind and dazzle them, allowing you to climb the ladder and escape.
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In Eastern Parkway, outside, a Jew comes out of a grate, and then flees. The vision is surreal, like from a cartoon, but you have video footage to prove it happened. [Video attached.] Monsieur Berthelot had a limousine waiting for you, and you drive off with the children, before Jews or NYPD can catch you.
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On January 8th, Chabad-Lubavitch made headlines when NYPD allegedly discovered their secret tunnels. Jewish students reportedly fought off the authorities. The Jewish-owned Eagle Concrete Pumping company quickly sealed off the tunnels with cement, preventing any further investigation.

You publish your recordings, but they are deleted within minutes: two minutes from YouTube and seventeen minutes from BitChute. The Washington Post publishes an article claiming that independent fact-checkers determined the footage was fake and created using Unreal Engine 5. A WebM file circulates on 4chan’s boards, but most dismiss it as a hoax, likening it to Bigfoot sightings. Only one poster, proudly bearing the National Socialist flag, believes in its authenticity and continues to repost it.
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January 12th. You return to Ms. Rodriguez's home and sip the roasted coffee she serves you, letting the bitterness fill your mouth. The thought of lying to her crosses your mind, but Aryans always tell the truth.

"We didn’t find your daughter. The tunnels were too deep and extensive."

"So, what do you think happened to her?"

"If she’s lucky, she was shipped to Israel. According to police officer Ouri Davidovich, in Israel, sexual slaves sell for 5,000 to 10,000k and earn their owners from 50 to 100k per year."

"And if she wasn’t lucky?"

"Then, she’s deep in the tunnels. Either a mutant took her as a bride, or she became the subject of horrendous experiments."

Ms. Rodriguez falls silent, absorbing the grim possibilities. "You said you rescued ten kids and found the parents for nine of them. What happened to the last one?"

"She’s a Hispanic child, and we never found her parents. They probably never reported her missing because they’re illegal immigrants."

"And who’s taking care of her?"

"For now, she’s staying with a priest until we can find a good orphanage for her."

"Bring her here," she says with unwavering conviction.

"Are you sure? It won’t be easy to take care of a traumatized child."

"It won’t be easy, but if I don’t help, my life would be meaningless."

The end
So Famouss Richard was a real dude? Solid quest, satisfactory ending, although the mother's reaction could use some work. Thanks for running this, it definitely took guts. HMU whenever I post on /x/ from time to time as Pontifex Maximus.
Well done QM, this was extremely fun.
The sewers were pretty interesting, it felt like a dungeon crawler.
Great /qst/, thanks for running it. End felt a bit rushed but still enjoyable, educational too.
I might adapt this for my IRL RPG group.
Don't forget to archive this qst on suptg.

Captcha: GGGG
KEK is pleased
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>So Famouss Richard was a real dude?
Yes. IRL, he's the only person who's investigated Chabad-Lubavitch.


>KEK is pleased
Heil Kek, my lord and savior.
Is this thread archived on /suptg/?

JIDF downvoting it as expected

The truth will be revealed in time, brother. \o

My only issues with the quest were that the ending felt a bit rushed, and I didn't think the twist with Naomi or Tyrone were handled fairly. The rest was fun enough.Thank you for seeing it through, /x/ anon.
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>JIDF downvoting it as expected
I thought the score was great. All my quests used to be at -20 votes.


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