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ITQ you will buy and sell goods, find a place to live, basic Jobs, and things to do to live through a zombie apocalypse. Zombies are slow. Plenty of things can maim or kill you. Zombie bites can be treated, but there are side effects, or you may screw it up and die. So let's avoid that, ok?
You stand in line among several other people, anonymous faces, you didn't count them. You've not seen them before. Some in shoes, some barefoot, one with a blood stained spear, and all of you hot and dirty from the June heat. You're on the outskirts of Houston in the shell of what was an old big box store, and the proprietor has a fan blowing across the line of you, and he has been good enough to put up a pop-up tent ourside the entrance to shield everyone from the sunlight, but it must be 94 degrees with all of you crowded together and waiting. On either side of the Line, are cages full of dead eyed ghouls, locked in for now, but watching you.
The Merchant calls out Next and you step up with your goods. You walk up to a bullet proof Plexiglass window with a pass through container, and big sign over the glass stating:
>Jews created the outbreak on borrowed money, No Credit
You are yourself, just yourself. Your actions are your own choice, but the outcome is determined by post ID roll.
Roll for your saleable goods layout by final digit.
Subsequent rerolls to determine simple value, 2nd to last digit = quantity, final digit of simple pass fail 1-5 poor, 6-0 good
1-backpack of junk, can be sorted for valuables
2-live wild animal, must be examined to determine value
3-Clothing, must be checked for damage
4-Food, may be packaged or raw
5-Contraban: cigarettes, alchohol, pornography, drugs
6-Weapons: may be functional, broken parts
7-Ammunition: may be boxed or loose, good or bad
8-Medicine: may be prescription or over the counter
9-Chemicals: wet or dry, labled packaged or not
0-information: he may or may not care
Doubles= special item
poor items are worth 1/2 head, good items are worth 1 head
Your ID characters, in order, determine the quality of your starting gear
Number=common variety, used condition
Symbol=Superior variety and New Condition
So clearly from the ID, I the merchant am sweating my balls off. You can't see it, but I'm not wearing pants or shoes, just a baseball T-shirt and a hat that read "Finch Alternator repair".

How did you come here with just a backpack, and no cloths? You know what, nevermind.

What have you got there some weapons, huh? let's see em.
>opens pass through box.
Dried out paint cans and cardboard rubnish lay in heaps in the parkinglot. Some homeless anon, in long trousers and sandle refuses to do work and babbles on about a ghosts, sometimes loud enough to be heard above the gnashing and growling of the cages ghouls.
Some of the ghouls are clothed, and others wear signs about their necks
>scalped goods in line
>stole crowbar
>didn't pay at the bar
Things like that. Maybe the merchant really did things like that.
Behind the redanon with his bag of weapons other people grumble and a man smokes, someone else begging the fag end from him before being told for the 4th time to fuck off.
Pipe handrails have been set into the concrete ground, painted, at one time, and now run smooth and bare gunmetal by thousands of hands, and people leaning to the side.
The rain misses the store, but the noise can be heard even inside as the merchant speaks to a hotel guest through yet another plexiglass window.

Outside the store walls, surrounding the parkinglot a wall of shipping containers have been stacked 2 high. The wall forms a bubble around the rear, flanks and front of the store. And within this bubble, the cars, trucks and heavy equipment of the merchant sits unlocked, and unguarded. In fact, save for the merchant himself, no living thing that enters the bubble leaves.

Near a thousand ghouls roam about, in a a herd, sometimes breaking off in groups and reforming, some idling and gazing at the stars now. One of these, it's shoes worn through on the soles, wears the official logo of a three letter agency on it's plate carrier. The merchant was never sure if the man had been a real agent or just a larping faggot, but he acted the part so well, trying to threaten him for theft and illegal appropriation of government property, that even years later the merchant was fond of the creature, among his favorite trophies.

It had been early in the outbreak, and the store had been well located. Near a network of suburbs and freeway junctions, it had been quiet when the Merchant moved in, and started organizing the wall.

The three letter man showed up within a week of the work starting, and meddled so comicaly that it was assumed he'd gone mad. He screamed about papers and a draft of civilians; martial law and patriotic duty. At one point the man pulled a gun and swore something by the 'holy knesset' whatever that meant, before the merchant had enough and gassed him with chlorine.

There were others roaming around the perimeter, some he could be recall, while others were simple criminals who attacked him, or tried to break through the sea of corpes. He couldn't figure why they'd not just knock at his perfectly safe and unmistakeably well illuminated front door if they wanted something. He'd given out many a free cot and plate of potatos to people, provided they asked. Times being what they were, he didn't expect everyone to pay upfront. People needed a bit of help, and a chance to survive, he wasn't made of stone.
He had no perminent residents in his hotel. As near as he figured it, the folks that rented from him were passing through, and none of them were likely to survive more than a year. One of themnhad made it three years, and done well enough bringing in food, and bullets, but then he'd gone off to the zoo one day, and the merchant didn't see him again.
It seemed, thus far, that about once a year, some big deal would come through, whether a single traveller, or a team of them, and there'd be lots of business to sort out, crates of bullets to check, or cars to fix up. He did a fine business repairing diesels.
Along the roofline, he'd reinforced it with steel girders, he had a fine garden patch, and spent much of his spare time tending to the potatos, carats, and the tomatoes.
The interior, he'd divided it into three parts, held the storage, fittingly in the back, the guest quarters, steel containers lining the front, along with their common hallway and mess, and in the middle of everything, his own quarters. His bedroom his kitchen, personal supplies and workshop.
He separated the whole place so that, save for his quarters, everything fed into the entrance, or the ghoul yard. He'd no desire to have anymore gunfights with raiders, and he didn't mind adding theives to his unpaid guard.
The guests, such as they were could sell among themselves, provided they were paying guests, and recieved a nights stay per ghoul head. He'd also accept bullets, goods, or work of certain kinds in exchange for lodging.
A couple of travellers, mother and so she said daughter, had been in their room for a few days. The steel doors shut, and the lights on for three days now, but they'd not made any noise or come out, and the bill was coming in the morning. He'd check to see if they'd both turn feral, of if one had completely eaten the other then. For now nothing had been reported by the other guests, and the doors opened in such a way as to keep a mindless beast from exiting.
The thunder was cracking somewhere, more distantly, and this man with the spear was still asking about the rates on charcoal and autoparts.
>charcoal i pay by the kilogram. Auto parts, it depends. They're all different, and they don't interchange. How could I tell you the price of a part if you didn't bring it to me first?
>but I didn't bring you an autopart
There was just no explaining it to this man.
Two different things determined by the final digit, huh? Interesting.
Only on the second roll, the reroll.
>assumes character
Chemicals, is it? Please tell me you've stored them properly. I don't need another vinyl chloride spill, and you don't need a first.

A sunburnt middle-aged man with taped up glasses and acne shuffles in line with the jugs of chemicals strung along a piece of rebar wrapped up with plastic bags balanced across this shoulders. He reaches down and adjusts his loose fitting, filthy khaki cargo pants held up by suspenders made from some thick twine, his backside peeking through the holes where the back pockets had been at some point but were long worn away, haphazardly covered by a torn piece of plastic flapping in the wind. He mumbles something to himself while he waits, "I appreciate your time and think you'll..."
"I.. uh.. cannot speak to the exact storage conditions, sadly. I found them inside but truth be told they were liked exposed to prolonged heat but otherwise I'd have no reason to believe they were exposed to anything radical, though I can make no guaranteees..."
Are those cardboard shoes? Jee, my guy, lets look through this stuff of yours.
Rolled (6) bottles, high side of poor (rolled 5)
Um, yeah, I think I can make these out, oh yeah, this is Defblue. Works as fertilizer well enough, yeah, Ill take it.
Usually id give half a head on these, but lets call it 4 heads total.
What do you say?
The man cracks a suprised smile and nods eagerly, "I appreciate it, sir. Yeah, I made em myself. Not much arch support but it'll do, that being said, do you have anything in 12 Wide in stock?"
Over the merchants shoulder a posted list of prices can be seen for various items and services
>Room - 1 head per night
>tool rental -1 head per day
>tool purchase - 10 heads
>hot meal with drink - 2 heads
>clothing - 1 head per article
SALE ask about our bargain bin 1/2 per article
bullets - 1 head per round

To the left, smudged by dirt and grease are posted jobs
>Wood cutting - 2 heads per tonne (tool rental extra)
>outside tool retrieval - 4 heads per article
>warehouse work - 1/2 head per hour
>skilled labour - requires aptitude check
>car stripping - variable, but fair
>checks a spiral notebook, squinting and knodding
Sure thing friend. Close toe will run you 1 head, but being June, are you sure you would't rather some sandles? Not the best toe protection, but they'll stop broken glass and they are 1/2 off. You might like a shirt too, it's pretty hot out there, something long slieved will keep the sun off you, cut down on your sweating. It's your business of course, but
>points to the sign again
Half off.
>Room - 1 head per night
>hot meal with drink - 2 heads
>clothing - footwear - 1 head per article

"I know the line isn't getting any shorter so I'll keep it brief." the man nods again eagerly pursing his lips, "Some sneakers would be fantastic, sir. I'd like to avail myself of your room and board for the night and a meal as well. I notice you're looking for some tools by your board there...What's in highest demand right now would you say?"
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Crowbars, Socket sets, Hacksaw blades, Specialty tools like Mac or Snapon are a plus. Anything American is generally preferred. I'll take Chinese, of course, but it pays about half. that import stuff never lasts.
>brings out shoes
They've got fresh laces, and the tread should last you a long time. Careful for nails though, they aren't puncture proof.
If you're ready for bed now I can unlock the door, or would you prefer to finish some business outside first?
"I'm bushed, to be honest. Been up for a couple days. Feeling my age, heh." the man sways slightly only now betraying his weakness in the knowledge that safety is imminent, wiping his hand on the cleanest portion of his pants and extending his hand in that ancient ritual of greeting and dealmaking, "Oh, and, my name is Mike Tapper."
>the security door opens and you enter, looking back as it shuts behind you. a crudely drawn warning scrawled next to the exit.
>the Merchant greets you
Welcome, Mr Tapper. Through here you'll meet some other guests. the mess is straight in to your left. Let me get you your key.
>checks his list.
Ten, yes. Your room is just down the hall, here at the end.
>you walk to number ten, but the room is locked when you get there.
>irritated, you return and tap on the merchants door again. explaining, but civil.
Um, Mr tapper, I apologize, it seems we have some unpaid guest still in your room. Let me take care of it.
>the merchant shuffles through some keys as he approaches the room from a second story walkway, overlooking the commons area
>You see him bend down and undo a latch in the ceiling. he closes it and returns.
Mr Tapper. The previous guests are, well, they're dead. reaminated in fact. I could clear them out into the court yard, but they have some articles you might find useful. So I'll make you a deal.
You go over to open the door and draw them in, and I'll lance them through the head from the upper walkway. And I'll split whatever they've got with you 50/50
What do you say?
Mike takes a beat to consider it and nods, "Deal. Lemme just get limbered up first." He starts this goofy but practical routine of stretches starting with his neck and moving down his body, observing the area and visualizing his task and anything that might go wrong, his eyes dart around taking in his surroundings. Eventually, he takes his position when the feeling of people waiting on him weights a little too heavy, knocking any bugs out of his new shoes and lacing them up and gripping his wrapped rebar with a one handed grip, "Ready when you are."
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now careful about opening the door, there should be a brace on it, do not take the brace off until I say. there's a chain behind you, go ahead a lace it through, and
where's that Padlock? here.
>a safe lock tumbles and clatters to the ground, bouncing off your shoe. you have closed toe, or it would have done more than smart.
It looks like one of them is still under the blanket on the far bed, the other is putting around.
Once you've got the lock in place, pull the brace pin to your left, and open the door. But stand back, they might lunge.
>the merchant readies his spear

[the final 3 digits of your next roll indicate success on the door lock, the brace and keeping distance] Pass/Fail 1-5/6-0
Mike huffs a couple deep breaths, glancing back at the Merchant and fumbling with the chain and lock and the rebar in his hands, "Okay, here goes."
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(6) The chain was easy to wrap and padlock. Tapper was no fool.
(6)The brace slid out. and the door opened easily.
Inside Mike could see the figure of a young girl standing by the bed. he cracked his rebar on the door and called to her, but the figure on the bed and the girl next to it didn't move.
he called again, to no effect, and leaning in, saw that the girl had Airpods in.
>They're listening to music or something
Tapper called up.
>They can't hear me.
>hold on
the merchant replied, and threw some thing from his pocket into the room, little bolts and screws until he hit the girl who turned, and started for Tapper at the door.
a spear hit her through the temple before it got within reach, and Mike relaxed.
(3) too soon however. It was the merchant's fault, really. the bundle on the bed was just their packs, a blanket thrown over them in the final hours.
Something grabbed hard at Tapper's ankle, pulling him off balance, and backward to the floor.
there wasn't much time to react. Mike strained to pull his leg away, as the figure came within striking distance to his cudgel.
from above you, you hear sputtering profanity as the Merchant tries to free the spearhead from the zombie head
>hold on
[the final 2 digits of your next roll indicate successful extrication of your foot, and the efficacy of your strike] Harder Pass/Fail 1-7/8-0
"Sweet buttery Jesus!" Mike yelped, his swings sweeping wildly with the rebar at the thing gripped onto his foot. "Sheeeit!"
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(8) mike pulls his foot back from inside the room, just in time to keep all his toes. the arm held fast to his ankle though, and he can't get away.
(6) he wings town hard, but in the commotion, the bar catches the chain, blunting the force.
The ghoul has Mike, and pulls closer, biting down onto the end of his sneaker just the same. Mike could feel the teech crushing at the toes, before a dark figure blocks his view and strikes his arm into the doorway. something tugs at the shoe laces, before the shoe falls away
>Pull your foot back
Mike's foot is freed, but a bit bloody, but he can wiggle his toes.
from above, the merchant calls, climbing down from the gang plank
>check your foot for a wound. You're lucky this fellow happened along. What would have become of you if he hadn't speared that ghoul?
>but I did spear the ghoul
>Yes, but I'm asking mr Tapper here to use his abstract thinking to imagine what would have happened if you hadn't helped him
>I don't understand. Cause I DID help him
>Uh, nevermind

{the final digit of your next roll indicate whether the bite broke your skin] Pass/Fail 1-5/6-0
"You saved my bacon there, sir. You have my thanks and I daresay that entitles you to half of my half of what's in that room." Mike says as he backs off of the door into a corner and begins onlacing his shoe...
OOC: Will return tomorrow in roughly 20ish hours or so most likely barring unforseen events.
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>But you didn't have any bacon. I don't see any bacon at all. and you can't cut it in half, it done been cut in half already. that ain't nothin'. sheeit you an ignant mukuku

your benefactor turns to walk off.
The Merchant, meanwhile, has seen and heard everything, and watches the man leave, in seeming disbelief, squinting and cocking his head, almost saying something else, and then saying nothing.
(7) you examine your toes to look for broken skin, but don't see anything. Your five piggies are tinder but intact.
>Your toes look alright.
the Merchant re-checks the dead ghouls, before drawing a pistol and unlocking the door.
you can hardly believe it, the cheapskate.
>this shoe looks alright, mostly
the merchant says to you through the fresh bloody spear shaped hole in your new sneaker.
>not to worry, some duct tape and appoxy and this will patch just fine. Let me check the place. you've been through enough.
You catch your breath a minute, still slightly scared to death. The merchant comes back, with two duffels.
>Take your pick, left or right. And you're welcome to check these ladies pockets. I'll take my bag and fetch a wheel barrow.

[pick a bag for seven random loot items. divide roll in half to determine categories]
[final two digits indicate pocket contents from each female ghouls] Empty/Full 1-5/6-0
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You awaken to strange memories and cleaned teeth.
A scruffy, nearly deranged looking man with wild hair, unkempt beard and wide eyes seemingly in a permanent state of shock looks up to the window briefly, before patting himself down to confirm he hadn't lost anything he was carrying.
completely nude, he clutches a battered cardboard box of food, hoping whatever he can trade it in for will be worth more than the satisfaction of simply eating it.
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The merchant sits up from his half slumber behind the window and presses the microphone button.
>hey there buddy. It's like 2 in the morning. Are you alright? Only it from here it looks like you've gone streaking in the dark. What happened to all your clothes? And, while we're at it, what's in that garbage sack you're carrying?
>Oh, it's food. Ok. Well pass it through, it looks alright. Nine canes of
He squints in the dark and shines a light at the label
>SMEAT?!? What in the world?
He turns a can over, and checks the package nutrition.
>90% real horse flesh, product of Brazil. Huh. Ok, ill give you 9 for it, can you read the sale board alright?
UHhhh... OH! Oh yeah.... I uhhh.... You got any jackets? I need a jacket something fierce, biggest you got.... Yeah something that goes to my knees... And then boots! You gotta have boots with a jacket ya know? Yeah what have you got man? I don't want nothing with blood on it now, so don't try and shift some sodden shit on me.
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Visibly taken back, the Merchant recognizes the voice, the lowing patter of this man, his strange obsession with "cleanliness," even as he has obviously squandered whatever he owned to buy still More whippits. He wondered why he stopped hearing the voice screaming about ghosts >>6046414.
The merchant shines his flashlight at the man, and to his eternal shame and disappointment is proven right again.
>damnit all Lawrence. Did you go to that whip Cream Factory again? One of these days you're going to fall onto the shop floor, and break your scrawny neck! Come on in before you wake the spooks, and keep it down for once in your life. Ill get you some clothes.
Heheheheeee.... It's a free world now, my man!! Jus' you and me and all them others who don't need no man tellin us where we can't shit! I found some office of ah.. S-some uhhh... Musta been some importer I figger. Dang fool had all kindsa shelves n boxes, soiled to shit and big ol' locked door. Didn't wanna get no germ from messin with the muck, but this box was just settin there all pretty, jus fer me. Now come on, open up for ol' Lawrence!
A young man of slavic appearance with a shaved head is waiting in line. He checks to see if anything has been stolen from him
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Lawrence fell asleep in a broom closet. Insisting he had great news, fantastic news! In the morning, Lawrence is gone, along with some cans of spray paint
A voice over a speaker says. For a supposed 'business,' this guy sure takes his time.
>ill be right there, after I finish killing this toilet. Hey is that EMT bag for real, or did you just find it? Ill buy the contents, but you can make plenty money as a doctor.

Will you take the Medical test?
[Final digit can roll an Aptitude Medical check] Pass requires 5-0
>No, I carry this thing for myself, in case of trouble, which is everywhere in this damn world...
>But it's good to practice. No one will be offended if my hand slips, right?
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(3) The slavic guy swings a scalple around like a ninja. The Merchant can imagine him commanding nurses while speaking in Anime cliche's about the 'spirit of friendship' while cutting into a hatchet wound victim. That's no way to treat a woman.
>practicing is fine. If you get more experience at treating injuries later on, maybe I can find some work for you.
>so do you want to sell anything, or buy anything?
The Merchant points to the sale and Job board >>6046578
>If you're looking for some basic work, Ive got a few things to get you started right away. No money down.
>otherwise, if you want to sell the bag, i'd give 5 heads worth for the lot. And we could do some trading.
>Hmmm... Ill go for car stripping. As we say, "Break its not like build"
>Also, if I go to the workshop, can I use tools and scrap? I want to make something close to a weapon, or even armour...
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>For stripping cars, you can rent tools or use your bare hands. Tools will cost a head per day, but if you lose them, you'll owe me the balance on a purchase from your loot, or you can go retrieve what you lost.
>If you're going scrapping, you probably don't want to go in just pants and no clothes.

[Your ID: aTpj3ijo, unless you are a different initial ID, indicates that you are only wearing pants, and nothing else. You responded to another dialogue, and I assumed you were the "Slavic guy" from earlier, ID:py277pfe] see >>6047018

[My ID has also been reset since starting the thread, so Im not sure which. Just frame your irl response with the square barackets, to clarify, if if I make a mistake]

>there are miles of roads around here, and most of the houses are still standing. Plenty to loot if you can bring it back alive.
What will you do?
[that would be alright?]
>Can I borrow the tools? If everything goes well, I'll return the tools and the fee for them, and bring you scrap.
[I have one question - if my character dies, will I no longer be able to participate in the quest?]
The Merchant points to his "no credit" sign.
>your got four bucks to spend on clothes and rentals. Everything has to be paid ij advance.

[If you die, id be suprised. But, yes, ill figure something out so you can participate.]
The guy takes a closer look at the whole shop, and then mumbles "Boт жe тopгaши. Кaк дeньги cдиpaть, тaк пepвыe. A кaк чeлoвeкy пoмoчь..."
>Okay, I get it... Give me ummm... Those jeans, shoes, black jacket and a backpack. I hope you didn't take them off from those naked mens who hang around here all the time...
>well, um, i don't keep a record, exactly. Naked? No I don't think so. At least, they weren't naked when I took the clothes. They're probably naked now, somewhere. Look, it's beside the point. The clothes are cleeeaa, they're not caked in blood, they're fine. You look great.
The Merchant is less than convincing.
>looks like it all fits. You heading out?

[ you already have pants on, and asked for jeans, so bracket what other article you want, and we'll just play it that way]

>oh, and if you should find any ghouls, Ill accept their heads as money, they're worth double if they're alive.
[Oh, I just lost in IDs and their gear. I take weapon. If I cant, then rent a tools]
>Like the whole live ghoul? Which I need to carry here? Dont know for what they are, but you need to pay more than 2 heads...
>All right, I'm on my way
[you could rent a wrench. That doubles as a melee weapon, and can help disassemble bolted on pieces]
>how you get the heads is up to you. You cut them off the neck with an ax or a saw, or however else you can think.

[Imagine you really were in this situation, and do what you want, however you would want to. There is a world full of stuff, and nothing I describe is off limits]

The Merchant wishes you safe travels. And you turn to the street outside his wall. Mostly picked over and full of garbage,l the streets are bare. A block away you find two wrecked burned cars, piles of junk, paper everywhere and leaves. Bugs chirp.
You turn left at the intersection, and see what the Merchant was saying about cars, there must be a thousand in an overgrown parking lot, and beyond these cars you see some residential buildings.

These cars might have something useful linside, or scavengable parts, you'd have to check them one at a time.

You step closer, and see something small move in the underbrush, a snake, or rabbit, you can't be sure.

What do you do?
[Ye, I often play DnD, so I understand what RP is]
I clutch my weapon, and with my free hand throw a rock into the bushes
(6)Whatever it was is gone. The cars sit idle. Some have doors open, some open hoods, very few nearby have tires.

In the distance, you hear a crash of metal, and nothing else.

You are sweating in the ambient heat, though the sun is setting now, and flies are buzzing everywhere. The more you wade into the brush, the more flies land on you, biting at your neck and forearms.

Ou're approaching a car with intact windows when something scaled crawls over your leg and under a car.

Approaching, you find a corpse moving inside the car interior. The windows are unbroken, the trunk is closed, and the door locks are down.

What do you do?
I open the bonnet, and take it off.
>A flat piece of metal like this would be perfect for a bulletproof vest...
Now, I can look the inside of the car and keep an eye on the body. I'm looking for serviceable parts, checking the battery for charge.
How body behave in there?
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(0) The car bonnet unbolts easily, but it is cumbersome, and takes both hands to carry.

Inside the car, the ghoul is restless, and reaching towards you, but not striking the glass. It has been baking in there for some time now, judging by the overgrowth.
The ghoul is in survivor's attire, with a treated wound on it's arm. A small pack sits opened in the passenger seat with some soiled bandages and other containers strewn around the floorboards.
Other assorted junk sit in the back seat.

Something rustles in the brush several meters behind you.
Guy crossed the ghoul, saying, "May your soul rest in peace..."

When he heard the rustling, he put the bonnet out as a shield and prepared for the attack
>Not a second peace in this place...
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(8) the ghoul only looked back, unhearing, uncomprehending, swiping feably at the glass.

Turning and looking over the bonnet, you see nothing, but the rustling continues. It's a ghoul, when it finally appears, it's leg missing below the knee.

It has both arms. It's mouth bites towards you, and it crawls, slowly. hindered by the brush, and unable to stand or climb, it only pushes towards you, pulling and lunging.
It should be simple - go around so he doesn't touch with his hands, step on his back so he doesn't move, and hit him as hard as his head needs...
What could go wrong?
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(8) what could go wrong indeed? Nothing. The creature looks over it's shoulder, or tries to, as you flank and briefly ride it, before finishing it off.
I check to make sure it's dead, then go back to the car. The heat is getting to me, so I just take the battery in the backpack and put the wrench in my pocket. I'll hold the bonnet over me like an umbrella, and head back.

I think I need to either find a crew or another job...
Rolled 677289 (1d1000000)

After quite a long time, Mike says "Left." but when the Merchant goes to hand him a duffel, he interjects, "Oh, er, the other left. My bad. Guess I'm still shook up. Wierd that guy didn't want half of half but I won't offer twice if he said no, ya'know." and reached for the unoffered duffel.
After the Merchant takes his leave, Mike checks the room over himself to avoid any "surprises" and goes to check the zombie corpses for any loot, "Did he leave those airbuds or the mp3 player?" After that, he finally checks the duffel and empties it out, "Free bag too, score!" Looking over the items carefully.
Yawning he removes the bodies carefully, and goes to clean up using the room's facilities to scrub himself up. "Hafta remember to wash my clothes in the morning before I leave. He wearily moans, thinking of the sleeping time he'll end up sacrificing, and stands over his new treasures one more time as he considers heading to the mess hall.
Reroll for quality of items
[Your post id x 1/2 = 3023628.5, rounded down to an 8.]
In the Left, or "other Left" bag, and after checking the women's pockets you find
>(3)a Police duty belt, with holster
>(0)a map of a House with address
>(2)a pregnant rat in a gerbal ball
>(3)a motorcycle helmet
>(6)a Taurus 856 in 38 special, half loaded
>(2)a male rat, an angry looking gray one, also in a gerbal ball
>(8)a scavenged first aid kit, with just a few bandages missing, you can see them on the women
>the young girl has empty pockets but airpods
>(7) the mother has a full box of Federal Hydrashok in her pocket

Those dead women had some nice things as it turns out. Nearly brand new. Too bad they barely enjoyed them.

The box of hydrashoks is in a ziplock bag with a number scribbled on the face of it.
(3) It twitches a few times as you decapitate it. What really counts as dead with these things anyway? As the sun sets, you find your way out of the nest of old cars and return to the store.

>you look alright. That car really took a beating, eh? Did you bring my wrench?

[Second digit checks if you dropped wrench] Pass with 3-0
[Final digit checks if Battery functions] Pass with 6-0
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The Merchant returns in a long black robe and gloves with a mask on, pushing the wheelbarrow, and readies the bodies.

>shame about those two. They sounded very happy when they checked in. Bought some wine and cigarettes, and were asking about perminent quarters. Never got to iron out the details, of course. But looking in their other bag I'm sorry they didn't make it. Sorry for myself a bit, but for them too. They seemed nice. It's always a shame when nice people take the hard way out like that. But they really were nice to one another they really cared. Neither would kill the other one, even after the first one got sick. That's some rare trust.
The Merchant startz undressing the bodies. Examining their arms. Now their legs.
>you may want to look away, if you're squeemish.
He waits a second before disrobing them entirely. He makes his 'huh and hmm' noises.
>there it is on her.
And checking the daughter
>and here's her bite. If they'd told me i ld have gotten them some medicine. Something to help them limp along. Ill never understand the things people do.

The Merchant, now undertaker, loads the women, slumped together now in their underpants, into the wheel barrow and looks at Tanner.
>Did you find anything in your half?

What do you say?
"They were apparently really into rats. Not much for pets, myself. That, and an address. I wonder if they had family nearby? You have meds for the plague? Oh, uuh, for my meal, is there anything special I need to do when going to the mess hall, or am I expected?"

After the Merchant leaves, Mike empties the revolver and dry fires it a dozen times, checking for malfunctions and practicing with its mechanions, before loading it up, minus one so the first trigger pull lands on an empty chamber. He then rummages through the backpack of junk to see what he finds.
(((Is this you OP? Did I get my jacket and boots? I would have another 7 heads to spend wouldn't I?)))
I'm phoneposting at the moment.
appears out of nowhere, as usual, and his eyes are so bloodshot they look like they might bleed or explode.

>bwaah, damn it Lawrence! Where have you gone off to? Why is you face white? Why did you Layer paint on your face? Is that my spraypaint? Did you even sleep?
The Merchant drops the load he was pushing, a heavy wheelbarrow, and two corpses spill onto the floor.
>don't even think about it.
But Lawrqlence is talking over him again. Talking to the walls, pocking at the women's arms and reading their palms
>Boots and Jacket, boots and jacket,
>yes, you have your shoes and coat. Look at yourself! YOU'RE WEARING THEM NOW!!!
and the Merchant screams in Lawrence's ears, to the indifference of the ghostly clad fiend
Freezing in place in response to the Merchant's outburst, Lawrence slowly lifts his face to meet the gaze of the exasperated man. Slowly he opens his mouth, almost as if to start screaming, before blinking, shrugging and stamping his feet to confirm he does indeed have boots and jacket.
"Hwell shit in mah mouth and call me your sister, y'are correct! Listen here now, I'm glad ah found ya agin, I'm needin about a half dozen baked taters and a gallon jug of the freshest water ya got, I'm gonna be goin back ta the danger zone fer a day er so, I got a good feelin that theres proper scrap back down by the bay, but try as ah might, I can't eet concreet.
>rats, yes. They muat have been breeding them or preparing to. That's not a bad start you know. If you keep them from cannibalism, and feed them properly, rats are good eating, and they breed quick.

>let me see the address? 612 Reagan ave. That's near main and highway 45, almost downtown. Like 16 miles south of here, maybe more.

>Meds? Oh, well, you know. Anti virals, anti biotics, anti-paracitics, and tons of vitamins. I keep forgetting the internet doesn't work anymore. If you ever figure out how to breech and start up the main server hun downtown and of course power it, there's tons people could leqrn again. Well i'm getting ahead of myself. Yes, there is a cure. Well, a "theraputic regimen". You ever watch alex jones or those guys? Well, they were not so far off with all that supplement shilling. But you've got to take a ton of it every day, and get plenty of red meat. Like a pound a day. That's not easy to do, and most people don't have ivermectin or quinine laying around. So if you find any of those two, Ill buy it and if you find any z-packs or anything pescription strength bring it here, please. We have a market.

>your meal, yeah it's portioned to your key, in the mess hall.

>Tonight i'm running army survival videos for two hours and then nursing videos after that. If you have any requests feom the library, the guests can vote. Ive only got one working tv at present, so if you find one, just make sure it takes AV cables for the VCR.
>Yes, of course, taters again. And my finest water. I don't suppose you'd like some ketchup this time.
Not even waiting, he answers for his perminently uninvited guest.
>nah it gives you the runs, and you're runnin enough already. Ok, give me a few minutes to heat the oven, and don't worry i'll double wrap the potatos in aluminum foil.
Turning he almost leaves.
>scratch that. I forgot these corpses from Room 10. Mr. Tapper, our new resident, just had the benefit of their acquaintance.
The Merchant indicates the man down the hall, and resignedly turns with his wheelbarrow to do whatever it is a man who lives alone does with dead bodies of women. Who knows?
But you see their imprints, standing there for a moment, before they dissipate in the hall light.
[That's cool. IRL q&a just use square brackets like this]
Mike straps on his new belt and holsters his pistol before wearily heading to the mess hall, duffel in hand containing his repacked stuff. He's quick to smile but his eyelids are drooping as he gets his meal and sets down for some tv.

[Heading to bed]
>Shit... Did I?..
Looking around
>(0) the wrench is in your pocket, right where you left it.
You pass through the battery. It looks a bit crusty, but the Merchant touches some voltage leads to it, and nods.
>(6)it could use some extra sulpheric acid, but yeah, this battery works. You did just fine. What's with the car bonnet? You making an umbrella?
> Battery is worth ten Roubles.

You selling?
>You can have the battery. I need the bonnet for something better. So can you give me some metalworking tools? For rent
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> one day rental in the shop with scrap, or 2 roubles.
The Merchant looks at the bonnet, greedily, but appraisingly.
>You have enough to work with in that, you could try a couple of extra pieces, if you want to pay for extra scrap, 1 rouble per try.
>the battery brought you 10, so with tools and 1 portion of scrap, you have 8 roubles left.
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>Deal. Bring it here

As guy get tools, he goes a little further away from the merchant, so that the different ones don't throw their glances around. He's sawing the bonnet into different parts - body armour, sole armour, and weapon.
When the pieces are cut out, he tries to fasten the armour, attach the sole so as not to damage the shoes, and sharpen the weapon
You cut the peices out, and in the safety of the workshop, manage to build your armour and weapon without much difficulty. Affixing them should be simple enough.

[Four final digits check assembly using proper tools in safe, well lit workshop conditions] Pass = 3-0

>looks like you got your pieces finished.

[For now the Merchant is tired, and asks you to turn out the light before leaving the shop. He will return in the morning.]
roll, and...
"Keep applying pressure to the wound until the bleeding stops. Add additional gauze over the old gauze, do not remove the old gauze..."

"Got caught too, huh? Welcome to scav crew. Don't do anything stupid and get the rest of us killed. As least they feed us and keep us kind of clothed. Just do the minimum. Get by. Keep your head down."


"Its going to be okay buddy. We're going to be okay."

"no man, you gotta leave me. i know i'm no good like this. i hear shit all the time now. only thing that helped was weed. now these guys have us chained up and are using us to scav these buildings. i can't get away with my bum leg, but you can.'

"I'm not going anywhere you good-hearted motherfucker. You were there for me in my darkest hour. I cut a deal with these animals. You don't clear shit anymore. you just gaurd the stash and carry shit. I just have to supervise and keep everybody else "motivated." They probably will stop chaining me up to the others at some point too."


"You done good work Mike. You had this coming longass time. All of you muthafuckas." >slap< "That's right, good little bitch. You know you're place. On the bottom of my boot, BOY. We've left you unchained for months and you is still too scurred to run, heh, but you know how to keep the others workin'. i guess its those massa genes, huh? You think you better than me?" >slap<


"We caught him smokin' our herb. Muthafucka musta been suicidal or sumfin. Well he brough that shit on himself. Wasn't good for shit anyways. Fukkin retard."




Mike awakes with a start at the cafeteria table. He frantically looks around and luckily his stuff is still there, his now numb leg draped over the duffel. He looks down at a partially face-shaped print in the food he was eating. He just stares, taking deep breaths, his teeth and fists clenched.

"It is important to change out the gauze packed in the would daily. We'll go over wound cleaning next."
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The lights cut out. You stand in pitch darkness, alone now.

The air vents have stopped blowing. The distant sound of the generator is gone. You hear metalic crashes from somewhere further off in the compound, the sound of something large collapsing, a mechanical grinding sound, and nothing.

Outside you can hear the wailing and moaning of the horde of ghouls in the yard, reaching over the silence.

You call out, recieving no answer.

Fumbling around, you trip over something and fall on your back. Your head and eyes hurt when you open your eyes again in the dark. You don't know suddenly, how long you've been laying there on the ground. Maybe minutes or maybe longer. You can feel the cool concrete floor, and you sit yourself up.

Slowly standing, and balanced, you check your pockets front and back for a penlight or even a match.

[Final digits determine your luck in finding a light source] Pass = 8-0
[fumbles gently]
Mike breathes as quietly as he can, reaching into his duffel and donning his motorcycle helmet. He can't see shit, he feels the table and orients himself, remembering the rough layout of the mess hall. He hurriedly shoves some food into his mouth with his hand and wipes it off. Might be all he gets for a while. Then he very slowly makes his way to a wall, sweeping thoroughly and gently with his rebar, so as to not hurt anybody he touches, planning to back off and move widely around them, picking up speed if he does. His ultimate goal is to get back to his room.
[Just let me know if I'm moving too fast or should be waiting for choices, QM.]
[retiring for the night]
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[Was finishing something]

Down the hallway, you hear the first screaming. Muffled behind doors, and interspersed with clattering and confused mutterings.

You find your way to the wall, slowly stepping your way along.

A PA speaker whines sharply,
>please remain . . . WHOA *GUNSHOTS*
The speaker cuts out, and you hear more gunshots, muffled and obscured from somewhere else within the building.

Now doors open, handles rattle, and hands pound on security doors.
>who's out there?
>who do you think?
>doesn't anybody have a light?
>the lights are on, you're just blind.
You calm yourself, and announce your presence in the hall, hoping not to get shot.
>did you hear the explosion?
>that wasn't an explosion ive heard explosions, that was a crash.
The Gunfire commences again, distantly, a magazine being emptied in a practiced cadence and then a series of small muffled shots.
The PA crackles again.
>ok, folks, um we've had a rather large accident, and it's ok, well, it's er, uh, you're not in, well you're pretty safe. Just stay there, and I'll be in in a second. But if I see anyone with a gun out, or if I suspect any of you of anything at all, ill kill you, so be cool. Please. Uh, thank you.

The lights stay off, a minute longer, and you and the others, calmly introduce yourselves.
"Hey, I'm Mike, uh. Do some basic healthcare stuff. Craft a few little things. I get by. The Merchant seems like he's got.. well whatever is going on out there, handled." Mike introduces, trying not to oversell himself. He groans slightly at forgetting to use a fake name and feels his way back to his food. Might as well finish eating.
Another anonymous voice introduces himself. Something about selling insurance, and the family he lost. You can't make out if he is implying their death, or that they got separated, and don't bother asking. If this were fiction, you'd swear the author was busy with work, and phoning it in until he got home.
A couple more voices, nervous voices, explain themselves, their own work in elder care and as a factory worker.
A voice speaks in an accent.

The PA
>hey guys, gals. So the facility generator has been struck by a helicopter. Hold on.
The PA disengages, and more shots are fired, distantly.
>right, so the generator is um . . . oh yeah! The helicopter. It has a helicopter sticking out of it, and so we need a new one. The fire is out now, and the fuel tanks are safe, i think. And so we need to leave. Without a generator we can't keep the ghouls out anyway, once they figure out that the electeic fences are down.
>Another problem, and I'm going to let you know, if you don't already,we're not supposed to be alive. Ok, so, I'm not saying 'oh, let's be thankful, aren't we all lucky.' We are being targetted by the people who rolled out the plague. I've seen search drones recently, mostly disjointed patrols, but they're there. The helicopter was probably hit by one of them, because it burst into flames before it crashed, and it was looking at the facility, so, barring friendly fire, there are one or possibly two groups looking to kill us for violating Net Zero and having electricity.
So i am going to shutter the entrance, and let the ghouls out while we're gone to guard everything. Any follow up mission will find an overrun fortress, and that should be the end of it. In the meantime, we have a chance to go across town and get a new generator before the security sweeps think to look for vehicles. If we are quick and very lucky, we can make it to the ship channel import yard and back in a couple weeks. Hopefully everything will have blown over by then.

The Merchant comes over the PA again
>so, now that we're all intoduced, come out to the loading bay and we'll get going. We've got to get going.

A voice among you cuts in, interrupting the PA
>i did not introduce myself
The Merchant seems to hear the man
>well what would you have told them if you had?
>i don't understand. Because i didn't introduce myself.

[Any anons that want to join the game from this point, please make up your backstory, such as it is, and ill put you in here, or further on in the story. Basic intro rules will apply to introductory identity rolls. Feel free to name fag, it helps me keep track of who Im interacting with and writing the story for]

>[Nb4 yes i have an idea of where im going with this story arc. It rhymes with Shmuicide Shmission Shminto Shma Shmoxic Shmasteland]
"Well shit, at least I got a nap in. Wait, we aren't supposed to have electicity? I mean, I dont regret stopping watching the news after 2020 but maybe I missed out on a couple important things like where the ghouls came from and this electricity ban stuff." Mike waxes poetically while falling in with the crowd.
Some of the others start muttering about the Depop terrorists, and bickering over who was
>wait, the XRA is still active?
>i always thought they were just fagtevists with trustfunds.
>exactly they're the elite. Just like the anti-oil protesters that British Petrolium funded.
A flashlight sweeps the hallway, and the Merchant enters, sweeping the halls with an AK.
>before we disembark. I need you all to check that you have your belongings. You're not coming back for a while.
He sweeps his muzzle mounted flashlight across everyone's faces, panning the main entrance, deliberately slowly. His voice is calm, and he asks
>is everyone here? Yes? Ok. One at a time. Bring your things here and strip. Ive got to check for bites before we go. Some of you will remember the troible we had earlier this evening. I don't want a repeat.
A tall african steps forward, and sets down his spear and bags, and then kicks off his shoes, his coat, shirt pants, and spreads his fingers and toes, turning slowly, and showing himself free of bites and infection blooms. After the Merchant gives the Ok, he gathers his clothes and bag, and steps into the hallway, dressing himself.
A bookish looking man comes next, and repeats the prison-like ritual, spreading fingers and toes, opening his mouth, folding forward his ears and lifting his loins to either side.
Two others disrobe pre emptively, putting their clothes atopntheir bags, wanting to extracate the process. You watch them and figure they must have been hip, the man, has esoteric tattoos along his arms, and the girl has the kind of neck tattoos that you associate with swinger parties. They otherwise look thin, like vegitarian types. Clean enough skin, and the girl even wears underwear.
But before examining them completely, before checking further for bites, the Merchant points his flashlight at the mans arm, and you can see him leaning forward, as though he is squinting his eyes. The woman is turned facing you, an aire of mockery in her eyes, as she catches you looking at her figure.
The Merchant orders. The two of them, a moment earlier non-chalant look at him, straightening their posture and facing him before her fires a single round into each of them.
The aftermath of the close range shots is, predictably, horrific.
The Merchant, as if nothing has happened then turns to you and says
>Mr. Tapper. Are you ready?

What do you do?
>"Sure am."
Mike replies cooly showing no fear and feigning relaxation while waiting for any tell from the Merchant, kicking off his rinsed off shoes and dropping his too loose cargoes held up by makeshift suspenders and showing off his body shamelessly.
>"Would you mind checking those rats for infection before we go? I'm a little paranoid, to be honest."
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>your pet rats? Oh, they're fine. You can keep your pants up now, Mike, I saw you the other day. I was looking them over for tattoos. You remember you mentioned earlier about not remembering anything on the news about electricity bans?
It's depopulation faggots like them that did it. Look
The Merchant grabs what's left of the womans skull, and rolls her torso over on it's front. He points at the mark on her neck.
See that? You ever seen that before? They were mostly overseas before covid, but when the time forngrid down came, it was these creeps that did it. They're a doomsday cult. The guy has one on his forearm. They were spotters, infiltrators. They go through looking for anyone still using electricty, and do this. If you see this mark tagged anywhere, it's their mark.
He starts pilferring the bags. Some food, some drugs, sanitary goods for the woman
>here tracking device. Fucking death cult. Ok. Can't be helped. Everyone, lets go.
He turns and leads you down some hallways, and through the facility, releasing levers and sealing doors behind your group. Leaving the two cultists to rot in the dark.
You pass dead bodies in the coridors, and not of ghouls, but armed men, men with machine pistols, hand grenades and satchel charges.
>you may want to strip their gear, and ammo. We have plenty already, but there isn't enough.
You find an FEG p63 in Makarov, with extra loaded magazine, a couple of grenades that look questionable, a fighting knife, an extra backpack, and a toolshop converted mp5 clone with doubled magazine. The dead bodies resemble militia, with red and black thems and spear wheel tags on a bag bag, and an insignia on a shoulder. It's all put together, cobbled from other outfits. You grab a conspicuously themed coat off of one of them, a long hemmed thing so ostentatiously marked that no one could miss it's affiliation.
You see the others grabbing what they can, and the Merchant keeps walking ahead, and checking with his flashlight, down corridors, and sealing doors leading back, before recrossing so as to lead the group from a distance.
until you exit into an auto garage.
The garage, once used for oil changes and, light maintenance is now empty but for a large diesel truck, fitted with a container trailer and a small car intow behind it.

The truck is surrounded by supplies stacked in neat plastic bins.
>start packing these into the trailer, all the bins. Ill get the fuel reserves prepped.
He indicates the pump stand, and barrels.

To the side you see a 40 foot storage container, with the doors open. Inside, as far back as you can see are chest high stacks of 50BMG ammunition cans, wall to wall. You lift the bins and pass them fireman style into the truck cargo.
Then the Merchant tells you to bring the first row of cans, and load them next.
You watch the truck springs compress after the first thirty cans are put in, and you still have half the row left. The cans are stuck in the floorboards, and wedged in between the men on the seats. You hope the air works, and thankfully it does, as the Merchant seals the storage container, makes another pass around the garage, and sits in the driver's seat starting the ignition.
As the roller door opens from a battery bank the ghouls stream into the garage bay, knocking over tables and trampling eachother as they crowd in on the truck doors and hood. The Merchant waits for them to clear out from in front before driving forward into the yard. Still, listening, you can hear the crunching and popping of limbs and torsos. The truck navigates the yard, swinging wide around the perimeter, and rolling slow to let the ghouls consilidate behind it, and then cuts for the opposite side to the exit, which the merchant opens and closes remotely.
>this process is much smoother when ive got electric fencing to keep them subdued. They'll tear everything up now.
The moon is secluded in cloud cover as the gates close around the yard, and the ghouls overrun the entrance, swarming over the turn styles and, encompassing the facility in your wake.
Satisfied in at least being able to show off his dick, Mike redressed and replies,
>"Ah, idealists trying to save the world who think their ends justify any means. Greeeeat. Its always some bullshit like that, eh?"
The ride is bumpy, and Mike quickly stows his gear, slinging the Mp5 across his body, attaching his new knife to his belt, shoving a grenades in his front pocket, the other front pocket holding the airbus and that map, and repacking everything from the duffel into the backpack except a couple bandages from the medical kit which he stuffs into a cargo pocket, the box of bullets goes into the other cargo pocket, then throws on the backpack. He gently secures the duffel bag into the Merchant's pile of stuff.
He looks himself over with a raise of the eyebrows and a hint of a smile before donning the the helmet and holding his rebar across his lap, awaiting whatever fate may bring.
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You sit in the back seat, cramped and thankfully not pouring sweat. The sunlight is coming through the windshield, and the Merchant turns out onto the main street.
>anyone from around here?
He pulls out a scrawled, marked over map of the city. It's edges have frayed, and he asks everyone to be careful if they look through it, but tells the man sitting next to him to hold it up so everyone can see.
>These are the main thoroughfares, and freeways. we're here, in the North side of town. I know for sure there are generators around, there have to be. So we'll be going to find a replacement. we need the kind of thing they use for Hospital backups, and emergency facility power. Preferably, something that can be altered to run natural gas.
A bookish man interrupts
>can't we just cut straight through town to the industrial sector?
>I'm trying to avoid going through downtown, if possible.
>What's there?
The Merchant drives slowly, perhaps 15 miles an hour, swerving around wrecks, and cutting side streets. Ghouls noticing the vehicle have begun to exit from houses and buildings, lifting themselves from ditches and exiting overgrown tree lines, as you look from the moving window, and see them massing and meandering towards the road, as the truck and trailers creep along.
>Does anyone know of a mobile generator around here? has anyone seen anything like that?

[Roll final digits to confirm knowledge of useful information.] Pass requires 7

[if you pass, the second to last digit of the same roll determines the difficulty of reaching the location, higher numbers are higher difficulty]

[side note, I've been a bit busy, hope the game is fun. I'll be logging on in the evenings, and I'm writing scenario copy in free moments, so, proved you are enjoying the game, yes I intend to play it long term.]
[vignette/ random encounter}
half a block ahead, a woman hobbles on a crutch into the street, left her leg splinted and the other wrapped on the foot with bandages. she is screaming and waving with her spare hand. you can't hear it, but she is begging for help. asking for protection.
The Merchant doesn't slow down, and continues at 5 and 10 mph approaching her.
>we stopping?
someone asks. but the Merchant is silent. you look over the seat towards her again. someone has pulled out binoculars.
>how does she look
the Merchant asks.
>is she dolled up, or homely?
>Mid. she's wearing clothes, I can't tell.
>is she wearing thick clothes, or tight?
>can you see her hands? is she holding anything?
>just the crutch. The other hand is empty.
>is she wearing a pack? any sort of bags on her shoulder?
As the questions rattle off, you think of the man and woman, the mocking face of the infiltrator. you think about the wiles of women, about the impossible convolution of their minds, and the schemes which they've played upon you, and that you've seen them play on others. How many thefts have come of mock damsels frisking at men, their wits dulled by lust and drink and the intoxication of false hope.
>what color is her hair? can you tell if she is wearing makeup?
He is trying to make up his mind. You know he is on the fence as much as can be, and that in a minute you'll be close enough to choose. he asks you to find him a scoped rifle from the head rack, and you find it and pull it out, handing it towards him.
>not for me, climb out the window and look at her up close. the rest of you guys clear a path. Mike, it's even money, really. If she's for real we could use the help. I'm going to slow down, and you can help her if you want. We'll take her along, whether she's sick or not, it's just the right thing, but be careful.

[pic rel is what you fear, but may not be the truth of the woman. In your answer, you should decide whether to help her or not. Your final roll decides whether she is a friend, foe or neutral] 1-4 Friend, 5-7 Neutral, 8-0 Foe.

>[choosing right or wrong will have it's consequences later in the game]
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{vignette/ backstory}
Above, you hear the sound of helicopter blades and see a transport chopper moving a container tethered underneath by cables.

You've not seen a helicopter in at least a year, and this one is heavy duty.

[Second to final digit rolls to determine the direction of the chopper and final digit indicates useful information gathered from witnessing the event.] 1-5 pass 6-0 Fail

Mike squints at the map, taking it in,
>"So, we were around the Humble area? I imagine the airpirt is both picked over and a death trap. Hmm. Maybe. I remember Menards usually had a big generator under a heavy duty cover. Uhhh. Lemme think on this. I'm in not really a local... though I guess I have been around for a bit."

He screws around a little too long trying to sheathe his rebar in his backpack safetly. Mike scans the rooftops for snipers with the rifle while bracing himself against the frame of the truck the best he can before calling to the Merchant,
>"Its your call but I don't trust it."
In the distance the helicopter whirrs and Mike turns his scope on its side and sweeps its cargo briefly trying to get a read on what's up there.
>"A lot of activity today. I like stay positive but this seems more than a coincidence."

[Having a bunch of fun, Merchant. Have you considered advertising in the Quest General?]
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>(7) Menards railway supply, over by Thurgood Elementary? Yea that's by the airport. I'm not sure what they'd have, but it's (6) 30 miles away. The rate we're going we might get there in a few days.
The Merchant slows the truck as its approach the woman.
>stay here and cover me.
He tells you, and the woman, afraid of the sight of a gun, hobbles backward a step.
>I'm just in trouble. I'm just a person. I don't hurt anyone, I don't do anything I'm just trying to live.
The Merchant looks at her intently. The foot is turned at a bad angle, but isn't bleeding.
>We're not savages, ma'am. Are you bitten? Ma'am have you been bitten?
She shakes her head, as you'd expect. The Merchant lifts at her skirt, steps around behind her frisking and prodding, and looks over the splint quickly.
>(7, 567 even, kek-ishly neutral) alright ma'am, let's get you to the truck.
To you he says
>Mike, help the lady up, mind her leg.
[My final digit determines if she is infected or not.] if 5 or 0 she is bitten and will turn within 2 days.
(67) in all the commotion, and distraction of the woman, you find that, though you heard the helicopter, even looked at it, all you remember was the bright sun flashing in your eyes and the image of the helicopter passing higher, towards the clouds, presumably to avoid ground fire. After helping Marcie into the truck, a rigid faced woman, about 34, you don't remember which way the helicopter was even facing, let alone where it came from.
The others greet the injured woman, affably enough. She is carrying nothing, save for her crutch. She was once a school teacher, she says, and worked in her father's business before things went sideways.

{Advertising in the General, I'm not sure how to do that. I've not done quests before. I thought about posting on pol, but don't want to get in trouble for raiding.}

{to any lurkers reading this, if you are interested in joining the game, I'll insert your character, even though we're a bit into the game it doesn't matter. you can be a friend or foe, that's up to you. Please reply your opening within {brackets} to let me know if you want to meet in the present scenario, or be retroactively written in from the beginning. I can do either. Also, IF YOU SHOULD DIE, you can still play as a ghoul, if you like. I can write it serious or silly.}
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{replied to myself by mistake, but you get the idea} see >>6050643

You help Marcie in before the ghouls catch up, and the Merchant looks around, before re-embarking, and the truck moves on.

Within an hour you see what he meant about a 30 mile trip taking days. The roads are all congested with impassable pile ups, traffic jams, and burnt husks of city buses and Audi A5's and the contorted remains of Teslas.

Close to sunset he makes it from city streets to the freeway.

>{Vignet/ side quest}

A Sizable Pileup in the Road.

The Truck traverses a feeder road parallel with a clogged elevated freeway. Block after block the truck is hemmed in by the freeway to the left, and open fields with ditches and soft soil leading to woods towards the right. The truck cannot turn around, and the Merchant has you and another rider walking in advance to shift the derelict cars into neutral. One at a time the cars are pushed out of the way, and one of you steers them into the field while the other provides cover.

Do you pick car clearing, or sentry duty?
[put in an advertisement in the QTG, let's see if anyone is interested]
>Car Clearing
Mike hops out with his bag, leaving the rifle behind. He drops to a knee and scans beneath the vehicles the best he can, taking his time quietly weaving between vehicles and checking for zombies. He retreats back towards the caravan and gets to work with his rebar in hand. As the work goes on, he eventually tries to snatch up a few windshield wipers for a couples projects he's working on.
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You opt to break into and steer the cars. Your partner should cover you, but just in case you keep your weapon handy. You approach the first car, a panel van, has a locked front door. But not seeing anything around you, and the front seat being clear, you smash the first window.

You can move around, or stick close to your mate. You can look for loot or stick to your duty. The Merchant only asks for results.

[Second to last digit determines if there are zombies within the car, Last digit determines if other zombies are alerted] 1-5 pass, 6-0 fail

[This interaction quest requires five subsequent cars with luck checks. Bad rolls affect subsequent interaction difficulty, drawing more ghouls and attention. Good rolls do not improve rolls for subsequent luck checks. Last digit loses 1 success range for each luck check failure.]

>also important
[if you have multiple weapons, you may bring them. However, weapons take up room in your pack and weigh you down, and guns need ammunition. Bringing more gear means you have less mobility and less room for loot. Anything brought or looted can also be lost.]

[see follow up for more detail on future mission load outs]
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>Gear Loadout with Descriptions. Please Read for Reference.
Bk (#), this is your backpack total capacity of items in kilos, and includes extra capacity from pockets on clothing. Backpacks start with 10kg capacity, or 22 lb. If that sounds low, put 3 gallons of water in a backpack and lug it around your living room. It's more than it sounds like, especially after you do it for half an hour.
Ct (#), this is your cart capacity, like a grocery cart, or rolling suitcase, or duffel bag. These have to be kept track of, and explicitly addressed by YOU, for the purpose of success rolls. Duffel Bags have to be carried in addition to your other items, and slow you down when moving, think the money bags in Payday.
B (1)##, Bow, or crossbow with 1 capacity and spare, +(#) for each arrow in quiver. arrows can be recovered, but is slow firing.
P (#)##, Pistol, 6-30rd capacity and spare ammo, +(#) for each extra magazines or speed loader.
M (#)##, Machine gun, 20-60rd capacity and spare ammo, +(#) for each extra magazine or drum
S (#)##, Shotgun, 1-20rd cap and spare ammo, (#) for each extra magazines, drums or bandoleers
R (#)##, Rifle 1-100rd cap and spare ammo, +(#) for each extra magazine or bandoleer
Me, Melee weapon, short, medium or long range pol arm. Use these at your own risk. No reloading, but extended use is exhausting, especially if you are already encumbered.
D, Defense item, such as worn armor or a shield, is heavy, but narrows the rolls or adds extra roll digit opportunities for defense. Like a melee weapon it will be more exhausting with extended continuous use.

All carried gear should be properly named and described so that it can be generally weighed. These things can be looked up, i.e. a Winchester model 94 weighs 3.1 kilos. That's a real number. 50rds of 9mm weigh about 650 grams. You can carry as much as you like, provided you actually already have it, and keep track of it.
For instance, Mike Tapper, as of the exit from the store has a revolver with 26rds, P (6)20
A FEG P-63 Makarov with an extra loaded mag, P (8)+(8)
An MP5 with an extra mag, M(30)+(30)
A piece of rebar, MeM.
The revolver and makarov loaded, with extra ammo weigh less than a kilo each. The mp5 is about 2.54 kg and about 3kg with the extra loaded mag.

Mike is also wearing a backpack, and has a spare duffel bag. So if he took all his weapons and his emptied bags he could carry (10) plus (10) more in the duffel, less 2 pistols, 2kg, 1 submachine gun, 3kg, and a piece of rebar 1kg, leaves 4 on his person, and 10 spare, (4)+(10)

>tl:dr, most pistols with up to 50 extra rounds really would weigh about 1kg each, most submachine guns, shotguns and rifles with about 20-30 extra rounds weigh 3-3.5kg. Let's say that melee weapons weigh 1kg, and long things like axes or pole arms, 2kg. You can only practically carry 10kg at most for any length of time without a grocery cart or such like. So be mindful of how much you bring and how much you try to loot.

Mike doesn't bother looting beyond trying to swipe a few windshield wipers. Its best not to get too distracted.

[I'll try to kilogram.]


#1 Motorcycle helmet
#2 Used Cult Coat
#1 Police duty belt, with holster
#1 Tattered ill-fitting cargo pants with holes where back pockets should be covered by a plastic flap and held up by string suspenders
#1 Sneakers - one damaged by zombie bite

Duty Belt:
#1 Taurus 856 in 38 special (5)21
5 rounds loaded set with next trigger pull to land on an empty chamber
#1 fighting knife

#0 Airpods
#0 map of a House with address
#1 first aid kit, with just a few bandages missing
#1 a grenade that looks questionable

In Pack:
#2 Rebar Wrapped in Plastic
#1 Full -2 box of hydrashoks in a ziplock bag with a number #492 scribbled on it.
#1+1 FEG p63 in Makarov, with extra loaded magazine

Duffel Bag:
#3+1 toolshop converted mp5 clone with doubled magazine
#1 a grenade that looks questionable
#1 pregnant rat in a gerbal ball
#1 male rat, an angry looking gray one, also in a gerbal ball
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You open the door, reaching through the opened window, and manage to shift the gear to neutral. While you steer, the Merchant pushes you with the Truck, and you move on to the next.
You see some boxes in the back of the van, and some things laying around the floorboards, but don't stop to check them.
The Ghouls that trailed you earlier, are far back up the road, still meandering around the previous intersection.
The other rider looks about, and trails near you, rooting through the back of the van, after it stops.
[my second to last digit determines if he finds any useful items, and the final digit determines if he avoids attention from ghouls] 1-5 Pass, 6-0 Fail

Next you come to an ambulance.

Do you take loot, or stick to the job?

[Second to last digit determines if there are zombies within the car, Last digit determines if other zombies are alerted] 1-5 pass, 6-0 fail
Mike is sorely tempted.
>"Shits probably been looted already."
With a deep breath, he sticks to the job, glacing around and probing into spaces before entering them with his rebar- prioritizing awareness of danger over any loot.
(1) the Ambulance has it's windows clear, and besides a gurney, and some trash there are clearly no ghouls lurking inside.
You manage to shift the gears and the truck pushes this out of the way.
(7) the ghouls are alerted when you break the window, and you hear them walking closer, shiffling and teipping over light obstacles. The other rider looks in the back for loot.

[my second to last digit determines if he finds any useful items, and the final digit determines if he avoids additional attention from ghouls] 1-5 Pass, 6-0 Fail

Next you find come a small civilian sedan with the trunk closed.

Do you take loot, or stick to the job

[Second to last digit determines if there are zombies within the car, Last digit determines if other zombies are alerted] 1-4 pass, 5-0 fail
>"Ehhh shit, that was way louder than I meant it to be. Hey, man, what's your name? I'll make a deal with you. Stop looting until we get out of here and I'll give you a new .38 calibur bullet. Your bags gotta be gettin' full anyways, right? You know the Merchant treats people right who work for him, but you gotta be alive to get paid. Come'on."
Mike looks around pointing out the sedan they'll move next, starting to show some fatigue but maintaining a steady, careful pace. He opts not to loot this vehicle either, despite it being damn tempting.
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[I loaded the sedan pic by mistake in the last post, it was supposed to be this Ambulance. So reverse these in your mind's eye for your thematic enjoyment]

>(3) yeah, alright. I've got a bit here. Wanted to see what was in that trunk, but ok.

You hand him a single 38 cartridge, leaving you with

>Mike: p(5)20

He covers you, focusing on the approaching ghouls, and trails back to warn the Merchant to keep his eyes open, that there's seven of them closing in.

(3) You are lucky to find the car empty, and the other rider helps clear the way, instead of looting.

The Merchant dispatches another rider, this one wielding a spear, to help clear and protect the advance.

(9) More zombies fall in line as you steer the Sedan into the brush. It seems that trouble draws trouble

>[These fail numbers, I'm equating to the number of alerted ghouls, so we already had a 7 and now a 9, which makes 16 total active advancing Ghouls, though they would logically be in 2 waves, or groups]

[my third and second to last digit determines if the Sentry riders dispatch any ghouls, and the final digit determines if he avoids additional attention from ghouls] 1-5 Pass, 6-0 Fail

Next, 4th check, you find come a small civilian Truck with goods in the bed.

Do you take loot, help repel the Ghouls, and or stick to the job?

Tensions are high, and panic is setting in

[Your 3rd to last digit determines if you manage to repel any ghouls, if you try. Or if you choose to focus on your task, you can gain a +1 range towards avoiding alerting new Ghouls]

[Second to last digit determines if there are zombies within the Truck, Last digit determines if other zombies are alerted] 1-3 pass, 4-0 fail
Mike licks his lips, eyeing the goods in the truck.
>"We're almost there."
He picks up the pace, slightly dispensing with stealth in favor of speed. He pauses for a moment, sweeping his surrounding with his gaze, taking a deep breath, and slowing back to a more methodical pace.
>Focus on the task

[that part of my post got cut off]
You focus, but it doesn't help.

(5) Ghouls emerge from out of the truck bed and cab as you grasp at the cab door, and (5) others, turn towards you from the distance.

[I'm figuring that kill rolls are additive, so overages go towards diminishing the next wave]

(351) The two Sentry riders dispatch the seven advancing ghouls without drawing any more attention. But although they try to keep you covered, dispatching (1) ghoul as it lunges towards you, there are still 13 more in the immediate area, 5 on their way.

[my third and second to last digit determines if the Sentry riders dispatch any ghouls, and the final digit determines if they avoid additional attention from ghouls] 1-5 Pass, 6-0 Fail

[due to ghouls within the car and ghouls in the area, you cannot easily move the truck until they are all dead, effectively adding a round]

Do you help repel the Ghouls, and/or Draw the ghouls attention?

>[you have 2 actions: Fight and Distract, you can do any 2 once or repeatedly]

[Your 3rd and 2nd to last digit determines if you manage to repel any ghouls, if you try. You can chose how many shot to fire per roll. Each successful roll will equate to a kill per round used, or round missed.]
[if you choose to focus on distracting ghouls attention, you can gain a +1 success range for Sentries towards dispatching ghouls and an additional distract gains Sentries a +1 in avoiding alerting new Ghouls]

[Your last digit determines if other zombies are alerted] 1-3 pass, 4-0 fail
Mike pulls his revolver and takes aim, pullung the trigger three times, firing twice.
>"Shit. A lot of em."
He then backs up and fires three more shots, emptying his revolver with a dissatisfied growl.
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[this is an aside to the action. To clarify, are you saying that Mike is bringing all his stuff with him as he is moving the cars? His clothing should not really be considered to weigh anything, like his shoes, coat and pants wouldn't be part of the weight metric. Just the things he's put in his backpack. Having the police belt with holster would also allow him to effectively carry the pistol at the ready without it hindering him, so the belt shouldn't count either. The fighting knife, would weigh something, as would the other items you listed.]

[also, and i know I keep retro-conning this as I go, but it wouldn't make sense that the fighting knife or such items should be kept "at the ready" for defensive kills? Like the ghouls just popped up out of the back of the truck, but they aren't fast, so wouldn't it make sense for him to be able to shoot or stab one of them effectively point blank without missing, or stab one in the head? That would make a knife a consumable, like a 1 time use bullet, although, a potentially recoverable one. A knife strike wouldn't work on advancing hordes, because they are farther away, but fresh fail rolls could be counteracted in some way, or mitigated. You already indicated that Mike's first move on getting the revolver was to practice with it, >>6047338
so it would make sense that he'd practiced drawing it efficiently from his holster as well]

[also, I'm adding your guard rolls if you make them, to my previous tally for sentries. it's a nit, but I wanted to clarify, we can structure the strategy to get out of this]


(3{8}5) the sentries kill (3) ghouls without raising any more.

You kill (2) of the ghouls straight off, but {8} merely incapacitate the other three hit with the second volley.

(9) more ghouls hear the gunfire and approach the traffic.

[you can choose 2 actions. You can reload, draw a new weapon, fight or distract. Distracting offers the same bonus structure to Sentries as before.]

[my third and second to last digit determines if the Sentry riders dispatch any ghouls, and the final digit determines if they avoid additional attention from ghouls] 1-5 Pass, 6-0 Fail

[Your 3rd and 2nd to last digit determines if you manage to draw a new weapon, or reload successfully, and repel any ghouls, if you try. You can chose how many shot to fire per roll. Each successful roll will equate to a kill per round used, or round missed.]
[if you choose to focus on distracting ghouls attention, you can gain a +1 success range for Sentries towards dispatching ghouls and an additional distract gains Sentries a +1 in avoiding alerting new Ghouls]

[Your last digit determines if other zombies are alerted] 1-3 pass, 4-0 fail
[Mike is bringing everything in his backpack with him and has little trust in the people he is with. The duffel stuff, he is leaving in the truck. Not counting weight of worn clothing items unless they are over 1 kilo/pound each makes sense. The knife could be the same as large weapons in loss, just less effective at killing or its light weight could have that "potential loss" as a cost. Its all up to you in the end.]

"Watch my back. Reloading" Mike says as hmanuevers away from the remaining ghouls with his partner and reloads his revolver with (6) new bullets and holsters his revolver.
>Draw a weapon
He flops his pack onto the hood of a nearby car, zips it open, and tries to pull out the loaded Makarov.
...well he would have reloaded his revolver, if the zipper on the plastic bag the bullets were sealed in didn't mangle off the track. Instead of forcing it, Mike just pockets it and moves on to the Makarov... which is here somewhere. His rooting around in his bag intensifies as a rictus of anger flashes across his face.
>"Sloppy. Stupid."
The sun is setting now, first the first time in an hour you feel slightly refreshed, though in the moment you can't name the sensation. The sun passes behind a building, and the effects of the beating sunlight are alleviated.
[You get a +1 to success roll ranges]

FIREWORKS Explode in the distance, Drawing away half the ghouls, and Distracting the ones fresh enough to still hear or see.
[Kill success range gains +2]

[6 of the 13 active ghouls, and 5 of the 9 approaching ghouls are unable to attack for the next turn. This makes the active ones Sitting Ducks. Ghouls and opponents which are Sitting Ducks can be killed with much easier Sucker Punch attack rolls] 1-9 Pass, 0=Fail

Meanwhile the Merchant is driving carefully but angrily towards the wrecked Truck, intending to push it out of the way, and honks his horn alerting you and the survivors to clear away.

[My forth to last digit states how many ghouls the Merchant runs over in pushing the truck wreck.]

[My 3rd and 2nd to last digit determine how many ghouls the Sentries kill, including +2] 1-7 Pass, 8-0 Fail

[My final digit determines if something good happens] 1-5 pass, 6-0 fail

[You have 3 actions]
Do you focus, draw a weapon/reload, fight, distract, or Sucker Punch?

[Focusing, buffs subsequent Success rolls to gain +1 this round. Focus can also be repeated, and grants it's buff automatically, and additively to other buffs]

[To Sucker Punch requires a loaded or drawn weapon. Sucker Punches always have the same success rate] 1-9 Pass, 0 Fail

[Distracting buffs the Sentries kill range +1 per distraction]
General: 1-4 pass, 5-0 fail
Fight [requires weapon] 1-6 Pass, 7-0 Fail

[Due to the active distraction, no new ghouls can be drawn this round]

>[I'm taking a cue from your reaction post. That's a good idea. This post is merely a descriptive of the results of my roll, to update the game position, and is is not itself a move]


The Merchant crushes (1) of the 13 Active Ghouls as it chases you past the Truck grill. The Sentries kill (5) more, and the only ones left are standing stupefied like Sitting Ducks.

All (4) of the Approaching Distracted ghouls lag in their approach, still looking up, and are finally Drawn off by a subsequent explosion of an artillery shot.

[The only ghouls active are still Distracted Sitting Ducks, and no new ghouls will engage on the next round, as they have all been drawn off]

You gain confidence as the last active Ghoul is crushed, and realize that you are momentarily out of danger. All the remaining ghouls are still looking up like idiots, and you can draw a weapon, or reload your revolver as if it were nothing.

[you get a free action with guaranteed success, in addition to your other action choices. This can also be used to loot, if you want, use the first post >>6046391
metric for to determine loot type based on your last digit.]


#1 Motorcycle helmet
#2 Used Cult Coat
#0 Police duty belt, with holster
#0 Tattered ill-fitting cargo pants with holes where back pockets should be covered by a plastic flap and held up by string suspenders
#0 Sneakers - one damaged by zombie bite

Duty Belt:
#1 Taurus 856 in 38 special (0)20
#1 fighting knife

#0 Airpods
#0 map of a House with address
#1 first aid kit, with just a few bandages missing
#1 a grenade that looks questionable

In Pack:
#2 Rebar Wrapped in Plastic
#1 box of 20 .38spl hydrashoks in a ziplock bag with a number #492 scribbled on it.
#1+1 FEG p63 in Makarov, with extra loaded magazine

"Cart" in Merchant truck
Duffel Bag:
#3+1 toolshop converted mp5 clone with doubled magazine
#1 a grenade that looks questionable
#1 pregnant rat in a gerbal ball
#1 male rat, an angry looking gray one, also in a gerbal ball


Mike hustles out of the way, wrapping his backpack in his arms.
>"Get clear! Get clear!"
He watched as the ghouls close on the Merchant truck and continues to dig for his Makarov dead set on opening fire...
>Draw Makarov
>Draw Makarov
>Fire all shots in Makarov
>Free success action: Draw Wrapped Rebar
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(6) you fumble at first for your Makarov, (1) but find it on the second try. The remaining 6 Ghouls only stand there, like statues, even as you (4) successfully shoot each of them through the heads, one at a time like some KGB butcher.

Your revolver holstered, P(0)20
You hold your Makarov in your hand P(2)+(8), and your length of Rebar in your other hand.

>[Final stage]

In the twilight, you and the Sentries finally come to the 5th wreck. You come a seemingly functional car with cargo and upgrades on it. It probably belongs to someone. The windows and windshield are armored.

The Sentries in the aftermath of the skirmish begin checking the corpses and taking heads.

>[my 3rd and 2nd digits determines the number of items and heads obtained. Final digit determines if they attract more Ghouls]
1-5 Pass, 6-0 Fail

Do you want to try to take the car, or alert the owner of the approaching Ghouls?

[choose either or neither]

Or, do you want to loot and/or move the car?

[You have 3 actions]

[there are no active ghouls, thus resetting your success rolls. You can still focus on tasks. Focusing always succeeds in buffing subsequent tasks]

[Second to last digit determines if there are zombies within the car, Last digit determines if other zombies are alerted] 1-5 pass, 6-0 fail

>[like with the injured woman, the consequences of taking the car, or alerting the owner will have consequences later in the game]
Mike lets out a whistle.
>"Now isn't THIS something?"
He slides right on up and begins casing the car, noting a slight gasoline smell.
>"Biodiesel conversion using transformer oil or a stab-iled stockpile somewhere? Doesn't LOOK military but what does the gov look like these days anyway?" he talks to himself, hemming and hawing on what to do next., "I gotta."
>loot car
>loot car
>loot car
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[Sentry success rolls for loot and heads are additive for each active sentry. In this case 2 Sentries each find (3) items and (4) heads. The first Sentry also had 4 items from previous rounds]

The Sentries have managed to loot (6) items and decapitate (8) ghouls without making any noise, and being out of danger, unload their 11 items and 8 heads to outboard bins on the truck running board.


Mike Loots (1) an item from the Car Exterior. He finds {6} nothing in the second bin, and (5) finds another item on his final try. Succumbing to greed, his reckless behavior was Loud and attracts (8) Ghouls. The Car is still sitting there.

The Sentries are returning to guard you, but the trip, even of a few dozen meters back and forth leaves you vulnerable for a moment.

[my 3rd to last digit determines if the Sentries return in time to dispatch any ghouls. 2nd to last digit determines if they dispatch any Ghouls en route, and the final digit determines if they avoid additional attention from ghouls] 1-5 Pass, 6-0 Fail

Do you pack your loot, drop your loot, fight the Ghouls, loot more, Focus, and/or move the car?

You have your hands full, your new loot tucked up under your arms like too many groceries, and 2 actions.

[you have to do something with your fresh loot Before you can fight, loot or steer the car. You can pack it for 1 action, OR drop it for free. However it might get broken or lost, IF you manage to come back for it]

[3rd and 2nd to last digit determine success of your actions. Final digit determines whether you avoid drawing more Ghouls] 1-4 Pass, 5-0 Fail
[this is a descriptive of my roll, only meant to clarify your position before you decide.]

You aren't the only one with bad luck.
{6} the Sentries are taking longer than you'd like to get back to you. You can see them, but they're fumbling. Even on the way, they aren't dispatching any ghouls, but stumble in the dark, and attract (7) more ghouls.

You're alone with 8 Ghouls between you and the Merchant's Truck.
While checking the exterior for loot, a glass bottle wedged in the containers slips free and shatters into a million pieces. Mike looks around and wouldn't you know it.
"Here they come. Time to pack it up."
>pack loot in car
>move car
>attack with car
>"Just run them over. Its what you do."
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a young man with a rifle and nap sack is sitting well out of danger, as the sun goes down, and looking at his Rolex, the only fancy thing about this self determined vagabond, he confirms that it is Independence day, and the sun is getting low enough.

In his bag are an assortment of fireworks, bottle rockets, firecrackers, artillery shells, and the like, and being an eccentric, he decides to set them off. the first couple fizzle and he tips them out of the empty beer bottle and lets them fall down the side of the high rise where he stands. He's smoking something from a pack, and lighting the fuses, and the next bottle rocket goes off fine, and the next after that, and the artillery are fantastic, and in the dim light, he decides that the day has been vindicated enough, and feels just a touch disappointed in himself that he didn't wait until pitch darkness, but, well, what was the difference?

In the silence, as he packs his things and returns back through the building to the stairwell, and towards his car, he hears gun fire. Going to the window to confirm, he does indeed see gun fire from some group on the ground, and ghouls in the fields and the road, and more massing just ahead of the large Truck, standing atop the overpass, by the intersection, perhaps (60) ghouls stand looking into the sky still, as if transfixed, though nothing has exploded for a few minutes.

He hurries down the stairwells to get to the lobby and into the open to fire off more Artillery.

[my second to final digit determines if he makes it to the lobby in time, and final digit determines if he fire's an artillery shell successfully] 1-6 Pass, 7-0 Fail
{6} you try packing the loot into the car, but in fumbling with the door, you drop it on the ground. You try the steering wheel, (9) but it's locked with a club, and won't shift. (5) more ghouls approach from the intersection. You are completely cut off, surrounded by 15 ghouls, with 5 more coming.

You are standing there as follows:
P(0)20 - Revolver (holstered)
Melee - Fighting knife (on belt)
p(2)+8) - Makarov (in hand)
Me- Wrapped Rebar (in hand)

>[free Choice before action rolls]

>[climb atop the car to safety, where you can fight from high ground. +3 to success rolls for next round ONLY. You'll also be able to move around]
>[lock yourself safely inside the car. You cannot be attacked, and your next round of attacks are Sucker Punches, but you can only attack 1/2 of the ghouls. However, you cannot make the car start, and cannot escape]

The Sentries head back towards you.

[My 2nd to last digit determines if the Sentries are successful in dispatching any ghouls on their way back. Final digit determines if they draw any more ghouls] 1-4 Pass, 5-0 fail

The Car Owner fumbles in the dark for his artillery shells, and (9) loses his lit Cigarette. so lighting another Menthol, he tries to fire again.

[my 2nd to last digit determines if he launches the artillery shell successfully. My final digit determines if he avoids drawing further Ghouls] 1-5 Pass, 6-0 Fail

Do you distract the ghouls, reload your guns, and/or fight the ghouls? You have 3 actions.

[remember to state where you are in the same post, inside or ontop of the car]

[Your 2nd digit determines the success of your actions. Remember the amount of successful bullets expended determines kills for player characters. Your final digit determines if you avoid drawing more ghouls.] 1-3 Pass, 4-0 Fail
>"Somebody actuall uses The Club?"
An incredulous look is plastered across Mike's face as he locks himself inside and sweeps the rear of the car for ghouls with his Makarov. He sighs deeply, unslinging his backpack and reloading his guns. No point in drawing any more in. He can smell sweat in here. Yeah, smells like somebody's been sleeping in here maybe. The ghouls close in.
>Reload Pistol
>Reload Makarov
>Reload pistol or Makarov if reload failed - in that order.
[Not sure why I called the revolver the Pistol there. Not entirely inaccurate, but still. I'm suprised nobody else has joined in. Maybe at an interlude point, you could go over the mechanics again and we could pause for a bit to see if anyone joins?]
[Im watching fireworks, so yes. A fine time for mechanics.

The post numbers are how im determining rolls, as it allows us to compute multiple factors in a roll, and due to the lag between responses i want to cover plenty of ground in a single post.

at the beginning of a new battle, everyone starts with essenyially a coin toss chance of success. 1-5 and 6-0. Making a 50% success, 50% failure chance.
I try to have have 2 or 3 actionsnbe in play per player post, however, due to the low post rate on this board, have dropped some options off, or subsidized the deficit with "garaunteed" results like dropping items or focusing your attention.
Making an unluckynroll usually debuffs the player for the next turn or the battle. So far, i am capping the Debuff at -2. So a normal 1-5 pass, 6-0 could drop to 1-3 pas, 4-0 Fail. Or a 30% success, 70% failure split.
Buffs can be applied by one player to themselves, such as FOCUSING or AIMING
Applied to others by DISTRACTING
Environmental Buffs such as a FORTRESS, or HIGH GROUND
Learned skills can buff, such as AIMING, DEEP BREATH, HAPPY PLACE
Self applied skills from consumables such as DR HOWARD'S PCP BLITZKREEG, THE PINK ELEPHANT REVIEW, AMPHETEMINE MARATHON MAN, and PROCUPINE PANACEA can provide various dangerous temprorary buffs to offensive, technical and defensive abilities.
Equipment buffs from SCOPES, NIGHT VISION, HOLSTERS, ARMOR, SHIELDS and SPARE MAGAZINES apply bonuses to rolls or simple status effects such as seeing in the dark.
Buffed Statuses can last a turn, a whole battle. I try to identify the status effects before hand to let players choose how to strategize their play style on themselves and others.
Roll buffs are expressed as +# to success range, and can raise successful roll ranges to a maximum of 1-9 pass, 0 fail. Or 90% success rate.
Buffs can restore the balance after bad luck, or tilt the odds in the player's favor with which buffs making certain all but guaranteed, such as SPARE MAG reloading, or POINT BLANK shooting, which are 1-9 Pass, 0 Fail, or 90% successful.
Other status effects, though not buffs provide for gauranteed success of choices, like gathering loot after a battle, or choosing a hiding spot.
Most actions can be repeated, and most actions are logical necessities, such as removing a weapon from a bag before using it, reloading a gun, or picking up a bag.
In between battles, as the story progresses, other rolls to salvaging, or loot sorting may be applied, and decisions over the use of resources must be made, or additions and subtractions from the party may be voted on.

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