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Welcome to /qtg/, a place to talk about quests.
Previous thread

>What is a quest?
An interactive story in which a Quest Master (QM) writes and provides the readers with options on how to proceed — similar to a choose-your-own-adventure book or an old text adventure

Questionably Useful links:
>QTG discord: https://discord.gg/6s4Xazmv
>Skirmish discord: https://discord.com/invite/DZCVvVU
>Evo Game discord: https://discord.gg/v55Xaaja
>Old pastebin containing advice for QMs:
Badly in need of renovation.

>Archiving guide:
Go to http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/requestqstinterface.html
Fill out the request form to archive a thread.
Threads are also automatically archived by other websites, such as archived.moe.

>Formatting guide:
Only the thread's OP can format. Note that should the OP change ID, they will lose this ability as well.
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>Formatting guide for everyone:
Dice (type this in “options”): dice + [no. of dice]d[no. of sides on the dice] (optionally you can add modifiers: dice + [no. of dice]d[no. of sides on the dice]+[modifier]; for a negative modifier type: +-[modifier]

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>QM question:
If you were given the reins to someone else's quest, what would you do differently? What current quest, that isn't yours, would you want to run if you weren't running yours?

>Player question:
If you could change one thing, anything big or small, about a quest you're reading, what would it be?

>General question:
What sort of direction turns you off from a quest immediately? What's something a QM can do to get your investment back?

>Lurker question:
Would a "stronger board culture" make you want to vote more, or would it seem forced?

>Miscellaneous question:
Summer is upon us! Got any plans?
Halo Wolfpack is up and running!

>Player Question
Lots of things come to mind. Stuff that ruined quests. But you know one thing that is small, but really pissed me off? I'd Save Radjo, from Monke Quest. Dude becomes a fuckin' Jedi Master and then dies like a chump out of nowhere because of am almost 100% samefagged vote to jump headfirst into the psychic equivalent of a black hole.
>QM Question
If I were not XOM, I would also wish to be XOM.
Yeah, that hurt.
GOOD fantasy quest, etc. etc.
Kaz... Please come back...
We're sorry for whatever we did... Just please tell us what it actually was...
>If you were given the reins to someone else's quest, what would you do differently? What current quest, that isn't yours, would you want to run if you weren't running yours?
I think I would hate being in that kind of situation. I want to run my own thing, not somebody else's thing. Either it's not up to my standards or I could never live up to the standards of that quest - no inbetween for my gay ass mind. But if I had to choose any quest, it'd be one of the ancient dead corpses littering the archives that never saw completion. There's too much potential in them to end like that, bro...
>If you could change one thing, anything big or small, about a quest you're reading, what would it be?
I'd put more blackjack and hookers in Drowned Quest. In fact, forget the blackjack.
>If you were given the reins to someone else's quest, what would you do differently? What current quest, that isn't yours, would you want to run if you weren't running yours?
If I was also gifted with his artistic talents, I would pick up Royal Rumble where Sojourner left it. If not... Batquest, maybe? I do like Batman a lot. I could never do the deeply-researched and meticulously-referenced approach Hypercrisis Bro does, but I believe I could do SOMETHING cool with that character and setting.

>If you could change one thing, anything big or small, about a quest you're reading, what would it be?
I'd make Forgotten Realms Quest or Kobolt Klan Adoption daily-update quests again. STill lvoe 'em, though.

>What sort of direction turns you off from a quest immediately? What's something a QM can do to get your investment back?
I have a very high tolerance for lots of things (bad grammar and syntax, lewdness, politics I don't like) but if the formatting makes reading the text block a slog, if it's really mechanically-involved right out of the gate and every event/combat/encounter takes forever, or if it's quest where the main character is a sexy lady but she seems way, way more into her own TnA than makes sense, it can lose me pretty quick. Also, anything with 'cunny'

>Would a "stronger board culture" make you want to vote more, or would it seem forced?
I already spend a lot of time on this site, so I don't know if I'd vote MORE, but I would enjoy a greater sense of community.

>Summer is upon us! Got any plans?
Get some walks in, hang out with friends and family... Write quests.

The pain is real. That arc, aborted. PAIN!
Kaz is living the dream, you'll have to find your Star Wars fix in another quest. For now, at least.
>>QM question:
I'd probably either take a combat focused quest and try to implement my dice net rolling system into it. Or take a cozy quest and add illustrations to it... Probably Kobolt Klan because that's because I can at least draw lizards and they feature in like 85% of that quest.

>Player question:
I'd change the thread schedule of a certain mech based merc skirmish to be now. I need my artillery fix.

>General question:
Lack of compelling characters. Spend more time building a fun character base for players to influence and interact with.

Might as well drop my thread here since we're on the OP and the new /qtg/ just dropped. We need some votes.

>General question
Detailed lore dumps that don't really serve any purpose as the opening.

Question for the peanut gallery. Do you prefer quests that are more 'game' like or quests that are more 'story' like?
Story, personally.
Remembered an Idea I had where the players would run throw a norse family's saga, with a focus on not only the deeds of each character and their eventual death, but the person they chose to marry, to determine who the next PC would be/ look like, like some JRPGs have done.

With bonuses for achieving great deeds before you ride to valhal, or get sent straight to Hel

wouldn't be 100% story accurate, mostly cause I got this idea while listening to Herr Mannelig and ugly crying, So there would be fantasy elements, like say, you go to arabia, you might just loot a genie in a bottle or something

And there'd be grand ambitions, that would carry over to generations, like migrating and establishing a new kingdom far from home
Question for veteran QMs, I'm having difficulty getting some players and was wondering if this is expected of new quests and what are some ways to get more players?

>QM question:
I read Cyberpunk Princess qst before, I would've continued it was a fun read
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>Player question:
Finished thread 3 of Curse carrier quest today. Would have been cool if It stayed in the original town with wacky magic fights. I understand why the players voted otherwise.
>General question
I'm pretty open, prefer original to fanfics. Even when its made for newbies the fans of the original knowledge can be daunting. Like a One piece quest set before Marineford and the fans talk about saving characters from death.
Dynastic quests are one of my favourite subgenres. Space Monke is one of the best examples, and NationQuest/CaptainQuest did it well. I think I heard Simple Space Empire does that, too? My own quest(s) have sort of ended up being a bit like that in their own way, as a result of my habit of absorbing bits and pieces of quests I enjoy.

Norse Dynasty quest would be really cool to check out.

>I'm having difficulty getting some players and was wondering if this is expected of new quests and what are some ways to get more players?
Advertising what it's about in the QTG can help, sometimes.
Norse fantasy raider goes pretty hard. Sailing up the various rivers until you get to the black sea and the end of the silk road and fighting giant desert moths for a bolt of purest silk for the most luxuriant bed in all of Scandinavia one day, telling tales of your grandfather's legendary sword which slew an iberian horse demon the next. Eventually getting to the Varangian era and fighting horrific creatures of the night to protect some dumbass young byzantine emperor taking a tour in his extended territories in the edges of the Balkans.

Shit sounds wild.
Yeah I like them to, and simple space empire is one of my favs/ inspirations

Exactly, you get what I'd be going for if I did it
Here we go boys! Since I decided to do a oneshot, I also decided to go way outta my comfort zone and make it very combat heavy with lots of skills and dice and shit! So either I improve and grow as a writer, or it crashes and burns and I solemly move back to Storkie's Wacky Fantasy Adventures, we'll see how it goes!

>QM question

Eh, honestly I like the fact that most of the quests on the board are extremely different from the kind of thing I would write. I much prefer a world where the quests I like are as different from mine and each other as possible, and therefore I don't really want to touch them

>General Question

Honestly, the two biggest things are probably prose and /pol/shit. The latter is kinda self evident- I get enough politics in my real life, but the former is probably kind of a hot take. I can tolerate a lot, but if the writing doesn't flow well or read in a more satisfying manner than a high school lit essay, I find it difficult to get invested
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I'll give it a go! I pruned my read-list and need some more quests, anyway.

Gotcha, thought you could do that only once per new thread you make.

Hello /qst/ I'm the QM for Holliday's Rahpsody, a quest about a bounty hunter in a fantasy world of mercenaries and glory. Please come check it out!


I also am running it on fiction live as well

I look forward to seeing you there.
Yeah, that just seems to be the case for newer and less established Quests and QMs. I've run several on this board and took a long break. Now that I'm back I find the voter count going up and down. I get maybe one, two, if I'm lucky - three votes when I'm posting updates.
But, half of the fun for me is just posting and seeing where things go anyways. I'm happy even if there's just one person in my audience!
Your art is really cool, and I'll giev it another look tomorrow, but my personal opinion is that leaping right into a conflict situation with immediate combat and a bunch of dialogue before the setting or characetrs have really been set up is maybe not the best start for a new quest. Not to say this has doomed it or anything, but I just find it a little hard to care, or follow the action, if I'm not first grounded and given a reason to care about the stakes.

>QM question: If you were given the reins to someone else's quest, what would you do differently? What current quest, that isn't yours, would you want to run if you weren't running yours?

Elf Maiden. I’d shorten the scope a little; offer several methods on how to bring back peace and reconnect the different races and have each thread centered around fulfilling that smaller objective. Also shine more light on the other NPCs especially someone like the chunni baron - he’s way too great to be left as a one-off.

Right now? That’s tough. I do like Soj’s The Prince but RQM’s Seekers of the Esoteric 8 would be interesting to write.

I do like the mesugaki basis already established in the quest proper but I want to lean more on this back-and-forth dynamic of him and his bodyguard. Right now it feels too prince-dominated.

Seekers… well, the other players probably know my feelings towards people who force the burden of pregnancy and children onto those who cannot handle it. My Tips - and even Costella - wouldn’t be so forgiving.

The feud with Carlos is interesting. Personally If I was him - and my goal is to remove him from Costella - I wouldn’t be confronting Tips even with friends; send a few people (who weren’t there on that night) to cripple and kill him in my stead while I and my friends stay at somewhere else at the time to provide an alibi.

Since he is a mage, anything that disrupt his spellcasting would be good; a few bags of flour or dust should either blind him temporarily or choke him for a moment. Ranged weapons would also be effective if Tips is in an area without cover, for example an empty street. Hell, shooting crossbow bolts into a crowded street is viable if Tips is at the forefront; it would seem he was just another casualty rather than a targeted attack.

Costella would probably figure it out and hate us but since our main “goal” is preventing him from having her in the first place, it’s a success. She probably can’t go after us legally nor publicly anyway. Good enough.

>Player question: If you could change one thing, anything big or small, about a quest you're reading, what would it be?
I have noticed a lot more misspellings in Seekers compared to most other quests. Most of the time it is not major, but it can get jarring when a word is in full caps and the letters are in the wrong place. In thread 7 Costella’s dad calls Ekaterine a cuckquean but the spelling made it incomprehensible.

His math is also wrong. Usually when that happens we roll over the DC by a wide margin anyways but nevertheless it is annoying. I don’t remember it messing up an update but the fact it happens at all is something I dislike.

As I have said before — take your time.
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>General question: What sort of direction turns you off from a quest immediately? What's something a QM can do to get your investment back?
Overly non-serious, sarcastic prose and dialogue. ‘Marvel humor’ as some would put it. A comedic tone can work - Bones & SliceQuest’s bombastic narration is a good example of that, but even then it knows when to pull back in certain moments.

Lengthy character creation. I care more about his backstory than the colors of his hair and height - unless that’s important to the plot at large.

Change it and I’ll probably give it another chance. It doesn’t have to be a whole 180, but if the QM takes into account the criticism, yeah.

>Lurker question: Would a "stronger board culture" make you want to vote more, or would it seem forced?
I don’t even know what that means. Closest thing we got is the king & queen tournament. And QTG. I did like the start of it - the Q&A, and roleplay between different characters were nice.

It shouldn’t be done very often. Maybe once or twice a year. No more. This tournament is fatiguing enough.

>Miscellaneous question: Summer is upon us! Got any plans?
Draw. Write. And maybe run picture related.
Rolled 367 + 69 (1d420 + 69)

Rolling to summon the vampire sorcerer to this thread
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People can be wary due to so many quests dying at thread 1.
>what are some ways to get more players?

For thumbnail, you don’t need to commission or draw art or anything of sorts, but just make sure the thumbnail fits the mood of your quest. Making sure the text - if you have any - clearly visible is also good.

For update frequency, know your limits. If you think you can only update every two or three days, say so. Try to keep updates consistent. Keep players updated if you cannot update.

Advertise on qtg. Give a bit of a description on what readers should expect from your quest.

Get archivebro to review your quest, although I don’t see him around as often nowadays.
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I always wanted to get back into royal rumble but truth be told I kept all the facts of every character / ages of children / plot points / characters motivations / personalities / economy / politics / etc in my head and when I stopped for a few months I forgot basically everything.
>QM question
In a roundabout way, that's how I started my first quest. A QM I was following stopped updating, I made a thinly veiled knockoff on it because I desperately wanted more content, and now I'm here.
If I was forcefully given someone else's quest? I wouldn't bother.
>Player question
No comment. The only quest I'm reading right now just started so asking for changes already feels a bit insistent.
>General question
If it's obvious meme bait or if it's from a franchise I have little interest in. I have no doubt that Gotham City Beat Cop or Disappearing Hogwart are probably good quests but I basically know little to nothing about Batman or Harry Potter beyond cultural osmosis. I doubt I would be able to fully invest.
>Miscellaneous question
Pft. Write my quest, chat with friends online, that's about it?
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What's up with that gay flag? Here's a better one.
After being plagued with medical issues for most of my actual weekend, Gotham City Beat Cop is back with an early release.

If you like about 10k Character updates then this is the perfect time to jump in.

>QM Question:
I would pick up Naruto: Feeling Blue. Though despite being a Narutard myself, I don't think I could measure up to Blue's WoF and True Ninja system or the really charming way he wrote the character interactions. But I think I could turn it to a more narrative focus (whether or not that would be good for a Naruto story is up in the air) but overall I just think it's a premise and a main character that are really interesting and a plot worth seeing through. I'm sure he had his reasons for dropping it though, life gets very busy.

>Player Question:
If I could change a single thing about a quest I'm reading it would be Azula Grows a Conscience and I would just want more updates lol. AzulaQM does a fantastic job staying true to all the characters while still realistically building on them and handling their reactions to things, plus I'm a fan of alternate timelines.

>General Question:
It's all in the early stages of the quest for me, if a QM can sink a hook in with plot or a specific character I like then I'll follow it until it ends even if just lurking sometimes. On the flip side once I lose that interest I have yet to have anything manage to pull me back, I'm a fickle bitch when it comes to reading my stories.

Continue my quest and prepare for my second week long break since starting GCBC, I came back from the last one and looking back it does seem rather ominous to announce at the end of your first thread a week long break. Glad people trusted me to show up again lol
Soj hear my big gay call

People give you too much shit dude if you rebooted royal rumble somehow or just did something similar and don’t let the retards try to get into your head I would genuinely escape samsara and ascend to nirvana
Honestly that's fair. If I have to be honest, I think past thread 3? is more or less a drawn out epilogue, and I don't think I'd blame anyone for dropping the quest past that point since it does shift quite massively from what it was before. It can get a little repetitive and handling a looser plot isn't my forte. I thought that as a writer going out of my comfort zone and trying to write something I wasn't used to could be interesting. I'd say I've learned a lot from it, although applying that knowledge is something else entirely.
>In thread 7 Costella’s dad calls Ekaterine a cuckquean but the spelling made it incomprehensible.

That one wasn't my bad, in fairness. I got word-filtered. At the time (not now, I guess? you just types it...) 'cuck' filtered to kek' as 'onions' (or s o y) does to 'onions'.
It's only a few threads, so if you reread it I'm sure you could reconstruct it. However, and I say this without malice or derision, you seem a bit quick to get demoralized/discouraged... I think maybe starting with something new and smaller and building out and up to a level you're comfortable maintaining might be less stressful and more sustainable? Even if Royal Rumble lives in my head rent free forever
+1, along with Drunk QM of Sunbelt Crusaders
+1, that sounds fucking rad
What's up with the R-tier?
… what program are you typing in that even does that

Reptoid - his name. Those are his quests.
Wananow Wananow Umbracow
Thank you, I thought dropping into action first was a fun way to start. I'll reflect on that.

That's fair, I'd be too
4chan does that, friend. Apparently cuck doesn't get filtered anymore, but it was when I wrote that scene, by the same mechanism that turns 'f a m' to senpai and turns 's o y' to 'onion' and 't b h' to desu, and so on and so forth.

Literally me tier. Therefore, the best quests on the site, if you have a high tolerance for typos and like long-running, wordy quests full of weird relationships and (fictional) politics in a sort of generic D&D-inspired setting, and also for some reason aren't reading one of the much better quests that already do that.

Dropping into the action works best in a second thread, I think, or in a setting that's already very familiar (like a fanfic quest) because people already have an idea of what's going on and why they should care. That said, I voted in yours, and will keep an eye on it and add it to the list.
Thank you very much for the vote!
Hello. If you like Dead Rising, please enjoy my quest. Frank is about to land in a new outbreak.
Anybody got a blank template for this?
Anon, I literally just used the screengrab tool and MS Paint.
Double digit IQ moment.
>What sort of direction turns you off from a quest immediately? What's something a QM can do to get your investment back?

I find lewd quests boring and honestly don’t understand the appeal at all.


Friendly reminder we (maybe just me though?) are planning to do a “Kaiju Month” on /qst/ this coming July, complete with at least one paired ad to draw in new anons. I’m running a semi-original oneshot in the theme and welcome other QMs to do the same. If we’re successful we might do other “themed” events in the the future.

In other news, Seven Against Thebes Quest will likely resume in mid-August and run more or less continuously until complete. It’s my intention to bring SATQ to a close by October 2024 - the one-year anniversary of the demise of Nikandros Hippomedion.

I would definitely play this, as well. Sounds lit.

I make a habit of adopting orphaned quests now and then, and some of my most popular quests, like Giant Spider Wife, started out as someone else's quest. I highly recommend it if you have the time, it's a perfect way of getout of your usual box/comfort zone and you can learn a lot from both interpreting someone else's ideas and style. As well as interacting with players you normally might not, or who want something from a quest you may normally not be used to providing.


The biggest is excessive character generation. Charagen is always fun and engaging, but in moderation. It it's 20 QM posts in, or a week later and there's still consecutive charagen decisions then don't have high hopes.

Some lesser issues, are poor formatting, and I guess you'd call it writing or prose structure? If the quest is written in a script format, or as huge blocks of unbroken text.


Try to find a place to live and get a stable living situation again!
Well if I don't end up running it, anyones free to take the idea and run with it.

If I do it, one of the first wife/husband choices would be a troll. Cuz Herr Mannelig.

And I have some really good ideas for other potential mystical spouses, especially in scotland/ ireland/ Britany.

I'd just need to find a good OP image, really
Get hype!

>the appeal of lewdness
There's the base instinctual appeal to COOM, of course. Sex, like violence or food, is just a really fundamental aspect of the human condition, and something almost everyone has strong feelings about. Sometimes it's desire, sometimes revulsion. How one feels about sex, violence, and consumption of food and drink says a lot about them; even indifference implies a detachment or removedness which can help characterize them strongly. The way they approach these things, how feelings change around these things, they're all big deals.

There's also and believe it or not, this is the bit I enjoy playing with and why I include lewd elements in my quests the social, relational aspects of it. Sharing a meal, a battlefield, or a bed with a character changes how the audience feels about them. When that changes again, such as with enemies-to-lovers, or lovers-to-enemies, or someone agreeing/refusing to fight against the main character or alongside them... Or even something as simple as a breakup or another character refusing to share a meal with someone... I think readers feel that shift, and it's especially poignant if they are invested on a fundamental, base level with that character.

Too much focus on the lewdness itself over the emotional underpinnings and consequences puts me off, though. If the characters' reactions and relationships don't feel authentic, or the lewd/sexy scenes don't do anything to change or shift the story and are just indulgent, I lose interest.

>troll wife
Speaking of lewd! Monstergirls keep winning.
jk jk

>other mystical spouse options
Like a selkie or swan wife or something? Someone fey, like Dame Ragnell from Arthurian legend?
And some more obscure picks from the local myths. Are you the man who'll make Jenny Greenteeth a mother?
>Are you the man who'll make Jenny Greenteeth a mother?
Maybe, but I'd marry and lewd the Mari Lwyd.
From my experience, the biggest determinant of player count usually has come down mostly to whether you can catch attention with the opening post. A good image and introduction combo, does it have the kind of oomph that can sit on the catalog for weeks and still draw attention.

Another important factor is the kind of quest you want to run, since some genres have a greater appeal or core block of interested players on this board. Pat of this can relate to established or "hot" IPs, like if you do a Star Wars quest as just one example, then you're going to get more players. Unfortunately this can be a little disappointing if you want to do your own thing, original content quests inherently have a harder time of things.

Lastly, it's important to know and understand that there is the quest you want to run, and there is the quest players want to play, and they may not be the same thing. It might be that the only thing you can do is just try to align them as best you can. Not every QM has the luxury of having a dedicated playerbase who are on the same wavelength of what they themself want or how they run a quest, or the talent/experience of being able to draw and hold a general (in this board's sense) playerbase.
I think that's a big aspect of it. Sex means a lot more than, well, the sexual aspect of it. There's a whole culture around virginity, faithulness, casual hookups, using it as a way to get what you want, ect. I think exploring those dynamics are very interesting, and I think it should ideally add something to the characters. Of course, I won't say I don't get indulgent sometimes, but I do try to at least address how each party perceives sex and what it means to them personally beyond how hot it's supposed to be.

>Not every QM has the luxury of having a dedicated playerbase who are on the same wavelength of what they themself want or how they run a quest, or the talent/experience of being able to draw and hold a general (in this board's sense) playerbase.

I think Olympus Incarnation Quest has been lucky enough to garner the former but has failed in many ways to garner the latter. I didn't really intend to do it at first, but my final product ended up having a villain mc- already polarizing- a strong emphasis on powergaming and system management (in other words, a borderline autistic degree of fiddling with numbers and theorycrafting power combos), and the story practically changing genre depending on what our resident psycho is up to and whose face she's wearing- anything from college rom-com to buddy cop show to action thriller to political drama to eldritch horror.

I think the general lack of set direction and near limitless potential regarding different powers might be interesting, but remembering all of the powers and items of both you and your subordinates can be a lot and I get why the quest doesn't have a ton of broad appeal
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S: The Best
A: Excellent
B: Good but Flawed
C: All Right
F: Was a Mistake
Grendel's Momma where you at girl? Where the wight witches at? Sail down the Volga and pick up some Rusalka (thankfully they weren't considered evil killer bitches back in the day).
>Seekers… well, the other players probably know my feelings towards people who force the burden of pregnancy and children onto those who cannot handle it. My Tips - and even Costella - wouldn’t be so forgiving.
This is why you're known as the abortifacient QM.

>The feud with Carlos is interesting. Personally If I was him - and my goal is to remove him from Costella - I wouldn’t be confronting Tips even with friends; send a few people (who weren’t there on that night) to cripple and kill him in my stead while I and my friends stay at somewhere else at the time to provide an alibi.
I begin to understand your Carlos paranoia.

>and also for some reason aren't reading one of the much better quests that already do that.
Woah these exist? Names?

>remembering all of the powers and items of both you and your subordinates can be a lot
I have to go through the info pages every time I vote these days :(
Some simplification would be nice
I'll be real I just read and think "haha powers go brrrr."

I'm pretty bad when it comes to keeping up with complex mechanics, etc., but I think the concept and playing as a total, unrepentant bitch are pretty fun (even though there are characters I feel pretty bad for when they get killed. Please don't let Ate kill PerdixI lowkey ship them, in spite of their differences in goals.).

Ate already has an overarching goal (world domination), so I think you're doing a decent job keeping readers on the hook, plot-wise. If you want a more "set direction" like you mentioned, all you pretty much need to keep doing is building upon the hooks you've already thrown out.

Overall, I'm enjoying the quest though. Extremely fun read!
Can I interest you in a lewd kaiju quest?

Thanks for reading (and for the high rank)! Glad you're enjoying the quest!


I have tried to throw some hooks out for power simplification- combining powers with miracles (though that kinda blew up in my face as far as reducing complexity goes) authority grinders, the opportunity to sell stuff off at the auction, and not providing the character sheets for any new characters after Slavíček were supposed to help keep things more streamlined, but it does ultimately become the case that versatility is useful and, if you want to do write-ins, you kinda have to constantly check. Of course, I like to think that the options I provide are usually good (except for a few super obvious cases like Braun's time under <Touch>, there's always at least one provided answer with beneficial outcomes for the focus character), and casually interfacing like >>6030533 does is also completely fine to do; unless you have some specific idea in mind, don't feel pressured to be 100% informed with every vote- even I have to go back and check the text of some of Atë's less used authorities every now and again
There was mention of an idea for a kaiju quest where a washed out idol manager gets press-ganged into a JSDF plan to turn a captured kaiju into a local idol after she rampaged through a small Japanese city. The plan would both be to tame her and teach her to perform so that the town can repay the money it owes to the Japanese government for rebuilding. Also, all the kaiju would be cute girls for some reason.
>combining powers with miracles (though that kinda blew up in my face as far as reducing complexity goes)
Yeah, now we just have the originals plus the miracles, and we need to keep the originals for the miracles lol.

I guess the authority cap does a lot of heavy lifting in keeping our list from growing out of control, as frustrating as it feels sometimes. Plus a lot of those authorities are generic str up, spd up, stealth up, etc. Just worried that Gifts will grow out of control since they don't seem to have the same limit.
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So basically picrel.
>Your town is under attack by an evil kaiju (Rodan?)
>You awaken the ancient protector of humanity (Mothra) and form a psychic link with her
>Mothra saves your town from Rodan
>She then takes a humanoid form to heal from her injuries and better understand humans
>She starts living in your house and going to school with you
>Every time she saves your town from an evil kaiju, you reward her with headpats, hand holding and sweet food
>Slice of Life shenanigans
>The quest ends when King Ghidorah attacks your town
> Mothra sacrifices herself to save humanity
> you die from grief
>The end

>>QM question:
>If you were given the reins to someone else's quest, what would you do differently? What current quest, that isn't yours, would you want to run if you weren't running yours?
For someone else's quest, I would've had Diesel Crash keep his cool tentacle powers. I feel like it could've worked out somehow, we could've broken out of Rivka's brainwashing, and Pepper would've forgiven us eventually. As for current quest, most of the quests I'm reading I don't think I'd make any changes.

>>General question:
Lewdshit. Dropped. Immediately.
>inb4 prude

>>Lurker question:
I think /qst/ has a strong enough board culture. The only reason I would not vote is if I am not caught up to a quest, or I do not believe that my vote would bring any value to the outcome (in which case I simply +1 the most logical vote)
>>Miscellaneous question:
See my abs, try stand-up paddling, figure out a way to become happy.
Gonna edit this a little...
>Mothra sacrifices herself to save humanity
>But not before sharing a night of kaiju snoo-snoo with you
>A few months later, you discover a bunch of exercise ball sized eggs on a tree nearby your home...
>Decades later, you've been forcibly relocated into the Appalachian Mountains with your family of two-story moth-human mini kaiju daughters
>the sequel involves having to fake mothmen sightings for both their safety and money, and keeping them from having sex with local teenagers and accidentally getting pregnant with more moth-human hybrid babies
the dixie one sounds interesting, but there hasn't been much going for it as of now and qm is slow to doot

I mean, I would support any Kaiju-themed quest in service of “Kaiju Month” and would even consider funding the ad for such a quest, but I personally am not motivated by qooming and wouldn’t play it.

Then again, I never got into Japanese manga and have watched practically no anime at all, so quests that partly derive from manga tropes are usually not that interesting to me either.
Don't worry, I'm not trying to convince you to play it. I'm trying to convince someone with QM skills to run it.
>I'm trying to convince someone with QM skills to run it.
I will not run it. You never said good QM skills

Be the change you want to see in /qst/, anon!
Viking saga dude here. I also had an idea for a kaiju quest once
I actively refuse to do so on the basis of sheer anxiety and terror of disappointing an audience.
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Given the flag theme of this qtg thread, why anyone would bemuse themselves with even a casual interest in Japanese cartoons when this superior and enviable lifestyle is available and readily accessible is truly beyond my understanding

I can appreciate this, but at least you can drop your trip here if you blow it and start fresh.

I actually ran a bunch of meme-y one-shots in 2016-2017 and a semi-serous quest about a space marine aspirant, but I don’t hold those failed quests against myself; they were still good experience.
Always remember that failure teaches more than success, everybody. Just put your balls out and fuck up.
Ayyy I'm alright. I'll take it.
> and the story practically changing genre depending on what our resident psycho is up to

But sooner or later it always comes back to 'my god what have we unleashed on the universe?'
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>Player question
Go back and spare the cute rabbit that did nothing wrong.
Tomnadashan hands wrote this post

>QM question

I would kill more people in SfV. Not nearly enough people die there.

> Player Question

I would make at least one character in the quest a loli. The lack of lolis is disturbing.

> General question

gay shit, furry shit and torture

> Lurker question

we need more and better civilization quests and similar, used to love them back in 2013, but now they are all shit and all the QMs flake
forgot one

> Miscellaneous question
no big plans for summer, might run a loli quest if I can figure out a good plot
I wanted to but she just wouldn't stop trying to kill us, and by the time we injured her enough that she backed off she ended up dying.
GNOME QUEST IS BACK! New post is up. I know I made a habit of posting at least daily, but had a bit of a delay for some personal reasons.
Kaz got hired to work on that Berserk fan animation. He's moved up in the world from 4chan questing.
Where is Space Empire QM? Hasn't it been a bit since the last thread?
Yeah, which was supposed to come out months ago, and which he said was going to come out the weekend he last came on, about May 15 2024 from a quick look on the interwebs.
thank you
As a photographer, Frank has to decide what parts of this tragedy are worth capturing...
QM Question
I might give something like "The Tyrant's Death" quest a try if I didn't have my on soft-hiatus Fate quest going on.
Or maybe something in a similar vein to "The Lady Knight's Quest" is the next story arc almost ready LadyKnightLoverQM?
My quest's MC doesn't have very strong erotic urges partially by player-choice, partially by the circumstances of the quest's premise, partially because of unrevealed backstory reasons, so I haven't seen many realistic excuses to start hornyposting that let the story remain tonally-coherent.

General question
Some genres/IP's just don't do it for me. I don't read/play very many quests to begin with due to personal time-constraints but I might give one that I'd normally dismiss a look if /qtg/ gave it a lot of "rave reviews".

This is as good a time to ask as any, why are the stars laid out the way they are? Is it an equatoral/southern hemisphere constellation? The US flag just has the stars arranged to meet the number of states in a way that looks somewhat aesthetically-pleasing the 48-star US flag was way better.
Thirteen stars was the best.
Halo Wolfpack is up and running!


New post is up.
New update is up!


With (shitty) art!
>Player question:
stop making the voting process so slow and biased with those stupid "events", they only tilt the balance of the votes, it would have been better (and probably faster)

>General question:
nothing really, if they lost me, they lost me

>Lurker question:

>Miscellaneous question:
Aaaay, I'm on the list. Guess I better update, eh?
When does Kaiju Month start?

I had arbitrarily picked July 1st but this is up for discussion, we could certainly adjust this if desired
This works well for me!
I do think, if I end up trying to run the norse fantasy saga thing, It'd begin in Gotland. Cause I like gotland and it has some pretty neat myths

Teehee, it’s too late anon. You’ve caught the bug. Soon you’ll be planning quest arcs and dramatic twists instead of sleeping like the rest of us damned souls…

Interesting, at one point I was mapping out the tribes of Scandinavia before they were united into kingdoms, although Norway is a harder nut to crack. There were the Got(h)s, Geats, Saxons, Angles, Jutes, Frisians, Gutes, Svear (Swedes), & across the Baltic Sea, the Balto-Slavic Wends.
Lodestar's back on the menu!
>If you were given the reins to someone else's quest, what would you do differently?
I'd change the title to something that's less like buzzword-salad and I'd make the protagonist into other women instead of being baby-crazy.
>What current quest, that isn't yours, would you want to run if you weren't running yours?
I'm not running one at the moment, but I'd like to run The Silver Contract. Though I'd probably end up straying from the intended vision, given my lack of knowledge of its cultural inspiration(s).

>If you could change one thing, anything big or small, about a quest you're reading, what would it be?
I can't pick out just one specific quest in this case; I'm getting really tired of becoming invested in a solid premise, only for the QM to disappear without any word and the quest dying.
I get that shit happens and players aren't entitled to receive content, but it seems to be happening a lot lately. Too much.

>What sort of direction turns you off from a quest immediately?
I tend to lose interest when something previously established as hard fact is contradicted, when there's a hole in the plot, when a character does something that makes no sense in terms of their own personality or the context.
Losing too many votes can make me want to drop out, too, but there have been exceptions where I turned into a lurker to see where things went.
Also, a higher focus on romance in general and real-world politics are deal breakers. These things are shoehorned into every other form of media, and it's sickening.
>What's something a QM can do to get your investment back?
Narrative inconsistency is something that will always be present once it has been locked in, depending on how bad it is, I might never become invested again.
If I become a lurker, I might try to vote again if I really like the direction things are going in, or have a strategy I want to discuss.
When the narrative starts screwing around with side plots, distractions, or becomes preachy, it's not likely I'll be won back, because it'd be really unreasonable to expect the QM to drop a scenario everyone else is having fun with for the one or two guys who are cringing.

>Would a "stronger board culture" make you want to vote more, or would it seem forced?
If anything, our board's culture is too strong; we need more variance in what our audience is willing to participate in, and we need to adopt the mindset that no, only one update a day ISN'T okay, so things can get rolling and stay rolling for both the QMs and the players.

>Summer is upon us! Got any plans?
Work is probably going to need more of my time, with the tourist season heating up and all. I might try to run something anyway, though.
>we need to adopt the mindset that no, only one update a day ISN'T okay, so things can get rolling and stay rolling for both the QMs and the players.
No. That’s up to the QM himself. A QM who puts out 2-3 posts’ worth of updates will need less time than another who puts out 4-5. Rushing an update to keep pace with another will only lead to sloppy writing.
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>QM Question
If I really had to change something about another quest, I'd probably just bring back one that didn't reach completion due to flaking or other issues. Really I wouldn't want to have the reigns over someone else's quest because that's THEIR quest, and there's no way I'd be able to run it in a way that makes it better while also keeping its original spirit intact without involvement from the original QM.
Even if I might not like a quest, at the end of the day it's them and their players' story, not mine, and I can't confidently say I could do anything about it better.

>General question
Overly horny OP images. I generally don't like overly horny or NSFW stuff, so if you're being horny right in the OP image I can't imagine I'll enjoy the rest of the quest.

>Miscellaneous question
Versequest will be coming back this summer after the current Downerquest thread is archived, so I'll be working on that!
>only one update a day ISN'T okay
now you got me curious, how many updates a day you think is the minimum?
The soi filter is annoying because I have to spell it Soilent Green or else get whacked with a big Onions Green (unless the full word doesn't get filtered
Three fiddy.
>one update a day isn't okay
That's just unfair. QMs have the right to run their quests how they want, and at the pace they want, and if that means one update a day or less, then that's their choice. That pace can actually work for a lot of people, and a slower quest is usually much easier to get into halfway through a thread than a faster one.
Keep in mind, that time between updates gives your quest a chance to reach new players, as it being static allows people to catch up much easier.
Can you draw a black woman in verse style ?
>A QM who puts out 2-3 posts worth of updates
Updates (plural) is still more than one update (singular).
>Rushing an update to keep pace with another will only lead to sloppy writing.
This is about improvisational and adaptive writing, and our roots are from a board where threads used to die within an hour if they didn't get bumped.
The big question (that will likely go unanswered or be deflected) here is "why didn't those QMs who had to maintain a rushed pace have an issue with sloppy writing, if rushing to keep pace only leads to sloppy writing?"

Depending on how many posts make up a given update, two to three minimum.
I'm curious why you think this matters to the point. Not that I expect a straight answer, but still curious.

>That's just unfair.
It's also unfair to invest a bunch of time into a story as a player, only for it to drop off a week later without getting into any major plot points or action sequences. Yet this is seen as fine.
It's also unfair as a QM to have an audience with the slow-burn mindset only come in and check once a day, letting things stagnate even further when by all rights the update could have been written hours ago.
Yet this is seen as fine.
>time between updates gives your quest a chance to reach new players
A quest that has been advertised in /qtg/, even once, already has all the players it's going to get, and this is assuming said players know how to use the catalog and pin threads.
A week old thread at 20 posts, barely even into its introductory conflict, and a tied vote sitting on page 6 is effectively dead. Stalling for that one late comer who doesn't even exist just doesn't make sense.
Shill in /qtg/ too much? You're seen as a needy annoyance, or "why would you want random votes for a tiebreaker" deflections get thrown out.
This isn't fair either, by the way, but it's seen as fine.
>Updates (plural) is still more than one update (singular).

>Rushing an update to keep pace with another will only lead to sloppy writing.
>This is about improvisational and adaptive writing, and our roots are from a board where threads used to die within an hour if they didn't get bumped.
Well, our roots isn’t us anymore. Threads last longer. We can afford to take longer.

>The big question (that will likely go unanswered or be deflected) here is "why didn't those QMs who had to maintain a rushed pace have an issue with sloppy writing, if rushing to keep pace only leads to sloppy writing?
There’s shit writing everywhere. The QMs of the past are no different. People didn’t suddenly become worse because their threads have more time to exist before they expire.

>It's also unfair to invest a bunch of time into a story as a player, only for it to drop off a week later without getting into any major plot points or action sequences. Yet this is seen as fine.
No, it’s not, what the fuck are you talking about. People dislike flakers. Always did.

>Shill in /qtg/ too much? You're seen as a needy annoyance, or "why would you want random votes for a tiebreaker" deflections get thrown out.
This isn't fair either, by the way, but it's seen as fine.
You are literally making shit up. People advertise in qtgs all the time and people do not give a single shit because it’s not an annoyance. Look through the past qtgs right now and see how many people complain when a quest needs a vote / is advertised
The fact is, not everyone has the time to be pushing out more than one update a day all the time. To expect every QM to do so is unfair, and if it became a part of board culture to try and "force" this it'd lead to a dead board with less OC.
A QM is gonna run their quest how they can and how they want, and that's the way things are and should be. As shitty as it is to have a QM flake or abandon a quest you really like, it's just a thing that's going to happen, and there's nothing we can do to stop it without making the board toxic and less fun.
perceived necessary frequency of updates is an important factor in audience retention
for a long time one update a day was considered adequate
I suppose the demand for faster pace is returning
this is a good thing, I miss the crazy pace of /tg/ where some QMs would write ten updates in one day
since it is summer it might just be bored teens who got used to chatgpt and think all QMs have to shit out stuff at the speed of light otherwise why bother just prompt the AI and have your own adventure
if YOU can maintain three updates a day for months on end, then by all means, go ahead
just try not to be struck by the curse
The latest issue of Maximum Spider Quest just dropped! Be sure to swing on by when you get the chance!


As Halloween approaches in the Maximum-Verse, strange events begin to occur. Such as the return of the Morlock's mascot, Donny. But his new form is far stranger than his previous incarnation...
I WILL update once three days.

>our roots isn't us
And yet they are, because we still follow the voting structure, use of dice, and naming conventions of our roots.
If we aren't our roots, shouldn't we be moving past the prominent aspects of our roots?
Deflect again.
>threads last longer
Describing the issue back at me is neither an excuse nor justification of the issue.
>The QMs of the past are no different.
No shit. There still were people who could rush without getting sloppy though, despite the assertion that rushing automatically results in sloppiness.
>People didn’t suddenly become worse because their threads have more time to exist before they expire.
So then they should be fine with a faster pace. They aren't worse than the people who had to rush but didn't get sloppy, after all.
Still want to know how the people who did rush without getting sloppy did it when rushing supposedly intrinsically leads to sloppy writing. Deflect again.
>what the fuck are you talking about
Examine the difference between someone who flakes after a week when the story has barely passed the "prologue" and someone who flakes after a week when the quest has progressed to the second or third "chapter".
Both examples are unfair, but one gives far less of a return for time investment, but the slow pace that facilitates reduced returns is defended.
If we want to make appeals to fairness, I will gladly do so. There are many other instances of unfairness on this board that just get glossed over, too. Of course, if we no longer want to make this about fairness, I'm cool with that too, but make sure you don't flip-flop on your standards, okay?
>see how many people complain when a quest needs a vote / is advertised
If it isn't an issue, why was there the sentiment a few threads ago trying to deride the validity of inviting random voters for tiebreakers? Also, on average, how many times does asking /qtg/ for tiebreakers end up with a positive outcome, or any changes to status quo at all?
The lack of explicit complaints isn't proof that it isn't a problem, especially in a community that can't directly answer questions.
I'm proud that I made it to the end of my first thread on my first quest ever, albeit a bit slow. I really underestimated the amount of time and effort it takes to run one. I wish I was able to do multiple updates a day but that would just burn me out. I would If I could but my brain is too slow.
It's not about forcing things, it's about having a healthy pace, and about resolving the unfair bullshit I mentioned that you blithely ignored.
Imagine going through all that time and effort, but being unable to finish it.
That'd be pretty unfair.
Congrats, yeah running a quest is hard, especially if youve got a job and family.

Here's a recent quest that 21 updates in one day. Most of them are 1-2 paragraph updates but I enjoyed the old rapid-fire style of questing.
>QM question:
I wouldn't want to play someone else's quest. That's someone else's baby, and they've put plans into motion that I have no idea about. I'd much rather start from scratch.

>General question:
Overly specific meme title/premise, deeply personal political influences, and blatant coombait. I'm not saying that they shouldn't be allowed to run their quests, but I'm just not the general audience for it. I want a story that I can immerse myself in, with believable characters that I can grow to care about, and those aren't things that I can get from certain quests.

>Lurker question:
Some people are terrified of making a mistake or putting themselves out there, even in the best of cases, and there isn't a whole lot we can do about that.

>Miscellaneous question:
Write, work, chill with friends and loved ones, repeat.

Happened to me in my quest. I mentioned a word that got auto-corrected to "onions", and it sort of ruined a joke that my character made. I wasn't aware of it because I've never once had a reason to type that word on this site.

Congratulations, anon! I also wish that I was capable of updating multiple times a day like when I first started Max Spider. But I've got a job and a group of friends that I enjoy spending time with, so I try to make time for each of those things. It's important to find balance while being a QM.
>The big question (that will likely go unanswered or be deflected) here is "why didn't those QMs who had to maintain a rushed pace have an issue with sloppy writing, if rushing to keep pace only leads to sloppy writing?"
Quests on /tg/ were much more slapdash and often wacky or random than most of the quests around here tend to be. They were run in sessions, often involved a QM just picking the suggestions they liked the most and running with them rather than tabulating votes, and generally WERE sloppier, as I recall. Which is fine, and I like quests like those, but quests like mine and many of the ones I like to read wouldn't work well like that. I wouldn't be able to keep up with as many quests if they were all raid-fire like that, that's for sure.

>It's also unfair as a QM to have an audience with the slow-burn mindset only come in and check once a day, letting things stagnate even further when by all rights the update could have been written hours ago.
How is that 'unfair'? What??
I ignored the rest of what you said because like >>6031462 you made half of that shit up. I've been here for less than a year and even I know it's very clear that people do not like flakes, nor do they treat those who advertise in the QTG like nuisances. I post most of my updates in both the QTG and the server, and I'm yet to get a complaint.
>healthy pace
My point is, that what a "healthy pace" is is different for everybody. There is no set "healthy pace", just what works for you.
I invite you anons once more to Unbroken Empire: New Frontier civ quest. We're making a coat of arms for the ruling dynasty and there are some interesting designs.

Good job, anon! Finishing a thread is one of my favorite feelings. Hope your quest goes well!
QMs already dedicate 2+ hours every day for an update, and you want them to dedicate 6 or more, unless you want quality to suffer. How about you screw yourself??
If I could change one thing about any quest I'd make it so Crusty's ass tumors didn't kill him. Or have anons not vote to put on the mask. Either or.
You are absolutely right, zooming updates anon, slow updates are killing quests, QMs degraded and should now write 12 hours a day to keep up the old standards. /qst/ has fallen, billions must die
Man I hate writing after work
I love ti as a way to destress, most days.
This isn't the /tg/ days when an entire thread's worth of updates could be pushed out in a night. For one thing, we don't have the same player base as we used to that could support that kind of pace and keep it fun. Also, go back and check out some of those old /tg/ quests. Not like the GOATs but just some random ones. That multi update push results in some poor, bland writing and choices a lot of the time. The QMs who could keep it up were exceptions, not the rule.

Don't get me wrong I am super excited when my fav gets an extra update or two in a day, especially during action-y parts but I hardly expect it.
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Why are there always some civ quests on the board? And what are some in-depth ones?
>pic rel
>Woah these exist? Names?
Forgotten Realms, Local Lord, and Silver Knight if you squint. Lodestar also just came back (S-tier, easy), and while it's more JRPG-inspried it scratches a similar itch.

hey, thanks a lot for the formatting guide. it's going to come in handy.

>QM question:

my inspiration to run my first quest was Disappearing Hogwarts Quest, so I'd love to write a couple guest updates to show my fanboyism, but nothing beyond that. As for what I'd do differently I'd try and save Lily. Arty is lovely, but Lily's death was just heartbreaking. It's far too late for that, but a man can dream.

I think the QM's decision to stick to it was a good inspiration for me as well and he's doing an excellent job so far.

That said, I'm currently in love with my own quest and players' reactions, so I'd stick to my lane probably.

>General Question:

Character generation taking too long is a big example.

Or gimmicky quests that do not develop characters. I tend to score a 0 in originality myself, but character and setting development is a big point for me.

I also tend to dislike too much lewd in quests. It tends to mud the engagement. I still enjoy lewdpastas or extras off-site. On the other hand, sprinkling a little bit of eroticism may be a good way to find a balance. Sex is part of life and ignoring it as a motivation for a character is... silly, IMHO. It just doesn't have to be the focus of the quest. This ain't the portal fantasy section of Amazon after all.

>Miscellaneous Question:

Of course! Go on with my quest, rewrite a yuri fantasy/historical novel about witches and princesses and hopefully find a new job before the end of summer... and do more workouts


>Silver Knight Quest in that pic

That's my quest over there! I'm really glad you are reading it! Hope I'll get better as a QM and it will one day be worthy of an S tier.
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can you draw one with a shirt like pic rel ? thanks
QM is that a spoiler or just our mc on an AU ?
You can only keep the good quests suppressed for so long trannies, I will preach Herders praises and keep his memory alive long after all these BAD fantasy quests run
Keep it up for a second thread, and you'll pretty much get bumped up to S automatically. Your writing and setting are both very cool.
Can you draw one of my quest MC? Thanks
what's your quest, anon ?
For any 40k guys I've just made a planetary gov. quest
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Sushi navy quest when?
lol get a job you bum
If you want to do a Batqiest spinoff I would be interested in "editing" it to borrow a comic book term and letting you do your own take on the material. I'd just be there to answer any lore questions you may have and make sure contradictions don't go too far.
Nah, sorry. it's fun hypothetical, but Batquest is fine as is, and I have my own needlessly-convoluted fictional universe to run quests in these days.
>DAT filename

just some good old-fashioned trolling unless...


Thanks! I hope we can at least reach the end of the night cult investigation before the dreaded Page 10 puts everything in ita big dusty bag.


>look mama, Argia is on TV!

took me a while to notice this pic for some reason. Thanks for reading SKQ and for giving it such a lovely rating anon
Curse Carrier ended. Finally, a quest that reached a definitive conclusion without the QM dying or flaking. This is a rare occasion
The Berserk quest of Becchi ended not too long ago

WHAT? I STOPPED READING IT WHEN THEY GOT ON THE BOAT Even now, Miura's mistake carries so much memetic force... DID VLAD GET HIS HAPPY ENDING?
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I installed Stellaris to scratch the space nrp itch and now I'm just playing the game instead of working on the multiplayer space faction quest I described in the last thread. I've got the galaxy map with sector tiles and space borders ready, basic rules laid out, need some rolling tables for random events and stuff and some lore and I'm ready to go. Yet I'm playing the game instead of working on them.
But it is NOT over. I will begin the final push tomorrow or even today and may very well finish it soon... but the real challenge is keeping up the updates, of course, even with the relaxed pace and number of players I've planned.
I've heard of very long-running quests finishing recently, although it's true that the great majority of them flake it's not exactly unheard of. Now to decide if my next quest will be something simpler to unwind or something more advanced but more work intensive. Probably the former, don't wanna burn out or anything.
What will the name be? I'll check it out but I don't usually look at civ quests
Its a worth read. I suggest you to do it. I was there from first to last thread and i enjoyed it.

Much the same for the end. Trust me and do it for Becchi, anon.
It also had the protagonist get the girl and start a family *before* the epilogue. I respect that. I hate how quests will have romance, have the characters bang, but if you even get something like that, the 'family' part only comes on like, the last update on the epilogue.
The most ebin name COSMOGONY was taken by Souv so I decided on something similar like simply COSMOS but I am considering other options since it makes it seem like I'm plagiarizing the name of the quest itself as well. Unfortunately they are all unsatisfactory so far. You'll know when you see it, it'll be in all caps like DISFORTUNA that's present on the board right now (cool quest btw check it out), and have a space theme to it. If you're unsure just check the opening posts.
How about KOSMOS, for the original Greek word? Alternatively some fancy shmancy name using words like "Waltz" or whatever.
Rolled 3, 10 + 1 = 14 (2d10 + 1)

Starting the tutorial combat encounter on my new oneshot quest! Have pretty much no experience making my own combat system, so I hope this will be a good learning experience...
I'm gonna try to have combat updates happen way more frequently than normal updates since it's way less text to write, though I'll have to take a few hours long break in 3 hours because of Work Stuff.
>Horus Heresy QM flaked on a cliffhanger
>Azula Quest QM flaked
>Pokemon Loser QM still hasn't returned
>Lord of the Rings Dragon QM still hasn't returned
I'm not sure if I feel anything anymore.

>Lord of the Rings Dragon QM still hasn't returned

This was the deepest cut for me.
I was thinking for a long time how to answer these posts, but ultimately I think Ill just say that its best to leave ~high effort~ questing to younger QMs with more free time to kill. I need to save my energy nowadays, so ill just stick to low-mid effort questing.
Whatever works best for you. Nothing worng with short quests and one-shots. How old are you?
Still miss White Tower Quest and Violent Masquerade
Violent Masquerade was so great. Why did it die? Just a busy QM?
>Pokemon Loser
Yeah that still hurts
Yep. I mean getting engaged is abot as good of as excuse as there is but...

I also miss the Pokemon quest where we were a check cooking them up. Sad it never returned.
Fork & Spoon? Yeah, that one was awesome, too.
I think quest run length and effort are completely separate variables. Won't name names, but there are plenty of long running quests that are, in my opinion, very low effort. Likwise, I have seen many short one shots that are very high effort.
>Won't name names
Why not? Are the QMs gonna hunt you down and kill you?
After all, effort doesn't actually directly proportionally produce quality. Somebody trying to bake a cake with sawdust can spend all the time they like on it but it won't make it taste better. Considering the term of investment and how a quest demands time and focus for a long period of time, I don't think something having less effort put into it is necessarily an indictment. Only if being lazy is significantly negatively impacting their work.
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>Why not? Are the QMs gonna hunt you down and kill you?
Depending on who he names?
>start a new quest
>barely put in any effort compared to my main quest
>it is much more cynical quest
>I'm getting over double the votes for this new quest compared to my main quest
Is it bad that I take solace in my incomplete quests not being on the list? They have passed and no one wept, and that's a bit of a relief.
If a QM takes an extended break(week+) for no good reason in the first two threads that means the QM will flake and its not worth getting invested imo.
>effort doesn't actually directly proportionally produce quality
No, not at all. I agree completely. But that wasn't what I was trying to say.
Which quests?
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>Why not? Are the QMs gonna hunt you down and kill you?
Every QM of a long running quest is in a secret, shadowy cabal who will kill anyone who attempts to slander their names. Don't you know this, anon?
My shadowy cabal is not a secret.
I think we need a quest about a dance competition.

What mechanics could we use to make the dance-offs interesting?
Saiyan Conqueror quest
Lesches, if you're here, is the next SATQ going to start with Nira and Peleus meeting?
Come fight me. Shirtless. In the rain. On top of a cliff the loser will fall from into the darkness below never to be seen again until the sequel

>What mechanics could we use to make the dance-offs interesting?
The QMs have to record themselves dancing how their characters would dance. Points are awarded in typical "Asshole panelist judges who can't do jackshit themselves" fashion.

Yes, I'd like to finish the Deianira interlude before we move onto regular business, although it feels a bit awkward to start the next SATQ thread with a "flash-forwards" sequence featuring characters from other quests. However, seems better to finish the 'Nira scene before we move on, not to mention - I see these interludes as being important connective tissue linking TWQ, TWQ:DS and SATQ together. I had earlier been willing to drop the Deianira threads, but now that Trojan War Quest has ended, it seems wrong to leave Deianira's future in doubt... I have a nice idea that in the future, someone could binge all these threads - it would be easier to see all of the fun hints and foreshadowings that I've been sprinkling in.

I've been reworking the next SATQ thread's arc as well - now that we've established some of the core cast and characters of Hippomedon's time and I've revealed approximately one half of the main dramatic tension of SATQ, I'm feeling more comfortable jumping ahead to the next "interesting time" in Hippomedon's life. If we have any prayer of finishing SATQ this year, I'll have to be efficient, and that means our time in Argos has nearly passed us by...
Everyday I check the catalog for a quest that caters to what I want
No I wont just run it myself id just flake
What do you want?
A hug would be nice.
We have quests for that!
Halo Wolfpack is up and running!


You weren't supposed to actually ask
Urban Fantasy SoL
Shounen Sci-Fi Adventures
Edgy Loathing and wallowing in pty

I'll be fair I didn't look that much.
Holliday returns to his home at Albatross Island, a haven for mercenaries, criminals, and assassins.

>The QMs have to record themselves dancing how their characters would dance.

I mean, motion capture and virtual characters exist, so it might actually be doable if the QM is a good dancer.
>Urban Fantasy SoL
I, too, would enjoy this

>Shounen Sci-Fi Adventures
It's not QUITE what your'e looking for, but I think Lodestar would be up your alley, or maybe Solarpunk Cleanup Agent.

>Edgy Loathing and wallowing in pity
I don't really play a lot of quests like that, but there are elements in Silver Knight and One Life. Oh, and Downer Quest, of course, whenever it starts back up!

Nay Anon, better you dream of autistic warlocks, superhuman patriots, or a boy and his starved mutt than any ilk of mine. I've lost the soul and I don't know where to find it again.
Be the change you want to see. Run a quest in sessions, churn out updates at the rate they are meant to be churned
Brothers of the mine rejoice!
Swing, swing, swing with me
Raise your pick and raise your voice!
Sing, sing, sing with me
Down and down into the deep
Who knows what we'll find beneath?
Diamonds, rubies, gold and more
Hidden in the mountain store

Born underground, suckled from a teat of stone
Raised in the dark, the safety of our mountain home
Skin made of iron, steel in our bones
To dig and dig makes us free
Come on brothers sing with me!

I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole
Diggy diggy hole, diggy diggy hole
Hey so, I'm gonna try my hand at running what is essentially a settlement/civilization game, do you have any tips? I was going to have some funky little blob creatures be the focus, and they'll develop mutations and new traits as we play and as their colony grows.
It's my experience that /qst/ prefers civs driven by a few dynamic characters or families/dynasties, as opposed to ones that are broader, zoomed out an impersonal, and focus on minutae and micromanagement of resources.
My only suggestion would be to put some good planning into it, systems that are easy to understand and can cover wide bases.

A lack of planning and a complex or plain bad system for rolling kills so many Civ quests because the QM just doesn't know where to go after update 3.
write those yourself you lazy bum
Well dang. That kinda dampens my urge to try. BUT I WILL DO IT ANYWAYS.
Hmm, that's good to know. I like keeping my systems relatively simple.

Thank you both for the input.
After spending way too much time writing DHQ lewd/altfics, I checked out my old notes for something I had an idea to run years ago which is Urban Fantasy with a good amount of action but had a strong emphasis on some world building and character interactions. Not sure how much banal SoL I had planned but I might end up trying to run it after summer is over.

No promises about if I will do it or if it would actually scratch that it
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Voidship bridge sim dice mechanics. Hit the right numbers more than the wrong.
Demon general QM is that you?
Give it dimensions of energy, artfulness, intimacy, passion, conmposition, consistency and figure out relationship between them
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hand it over

that thing

your DHQ lewdpaste
Hey qtg discord fags ur link isn’t working
Hmm... maybe... no I don't like it. I think I'll just add something to COSMOS like COSMOS: RETURN or COSMOS: COMEBACK to signify the humanity returning to the stars after the HORRIBLE CATASTROPHIC EVENT motif.
I know I said I'd take a break but I opted for the dumb quest idea I wanted that sounded simpler. I've always been fascinated with shitty game creepypastas, so I thought the idea would be kinda fun.
"Kinda fun" doesn't sell your quest very well, bro. Is this some kind of low self esteem shit. Tell me it's so scary I'm gonna peepee my diapers.
Well, you're playing AS the haunted game for one. So it'll mostly be trying to mess with people in interesting ways while trying to gain power. It'll be fun from the player's point of view, probably a terrible experience for the people you torment.
>Be the change you want to see.
This would require me to get multiple personality disorder and samefag my own quest from different IPs.
1. I'm very flattered by your praise.
2. How about HOMECOMING?
3. Here's a really good quote I saved from /lit/ years ago:
"Go, be free. Stretch your new wings and take flight. Those rocks which haunted your dreams are all can be yours to claim. A new era of man. What’s that? Life out there isn’t much fun, you say? Those worlds, which your greedy hand grasped are no true home? That’s all right, pack your bags, come on home. There’s soup on the stove. The seats of power are still warm. Never mind those who got left behind. I'm sure they'll get along just fine."
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>This would require me to get multiple personality disorder and samefag my own quest from different IPs.
HOMECOMING is pretty good. The quote... it would be ironic considering the location of Earth is lost and it is obliterated. At least, that's what everyone believes... But it is indeed cool, it has given me inspiration regarding the content of the opening post. Thank you.
Isn’t the link set to never expire?
it's failing for me as well. Anyone got a new link?
Haha sure. I can post some of them again. Been trying to find a place I can put all the pdfs that won't disappear or stop working suddenly. Fuck suptg for not archiving pdfs.

Got to go do shit for a while first.
thanks anon
Enclave quest ...... CIS quest....
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Easy way or hard way? Frank has to make a split-second decision in Dead Rising Quest!
FUCK, Return to us Warden

One day in the far future I will own a computer, & then I will finaly start QMing & run the following:
MK TOURNAMENT QST (with crossover fighters, ironed out metaphysical topology & origins of the realms, & an actual tournament structure with martial arts from around the world)
METRO EXODUS QST (but the scenario is way different, no Artyom, & lots of route changes)
RUSSIAN REVOLUTION WESTERN QST (protag is an anti-red Cossack)
SEMI-HISTORICAL VIKING/VARANGIAN QST (light supernatural elements, attention to detail with different tribes)
POST-APOC CIVIL WAR REDUX QST (North-South divide on the East Coast)

As for Qst Ideas that I'm not so sure about eventually running, but would love to see:
CHAOTIK QST (minus the human/virtual bullshit)
THE STRAIN QST (Guillermo del Toro)

Have to say that I'd play most of these anon, good taste
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Also, I have a question if any of my players are in here (or if you just want to share): what is the best part of Dead Rising as a series and at what point did it lose the way? Hoping to make something that really appeals to fans of it, like myself.
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Here is one of them, one of the less crappy of the bunch I think. I wont shit up the thread posting all of them, maybe dump them all at beginning of next DHQ thread or something.
Just as a note, these aren't like 100% smut things. I enjoy writing alt stuff and character interactions more and seggs is just a cherry on top. The stuff I have written also tales place where the interDickt of Merlin Exists, so everyone is like 30% hornier.

https://rentry dot org/bwd7isxx
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Solarpunk is back from an extended vacation, starting off with some fighting against sewer-dwelling noita.
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to all of those who are waiting for HeadQM´s return to the Disappearing Hogwarts Quest
i (and i cannot stress this enough) MIGHT run a Wizarding World themed quest this weekend, it MAY or MAY NOT be related to HeadQM´s story or at least set in the same canon, i still have yet decide that.
so if you are looking for a place to hang out while waiting for HeadQM, you are more than welcome to join in.
important note, if i do this, IT WILL be my first time running a quest here, i´ve done some DM´ing before for a local D&D group a few years ago, but still, be ready and expect a lot of improvised shit and misspellings
I'll check it out. An don't feel too bad: I've been posting almost daily in quests for three years now and I'm STILL 90% typo by mass.

Try this one if you like
Halo Wolfpack is up and running!

We need a quest about a loli sharpshooter that has a robot witch companion that is scared to use magic because it malfunctions randomly every time it casts a spell.
The setup is good, as people have said before, focusing on individual characters is a good way to get engagement in the game, as it puts a "face" to the more generic and vague systems of government, resources, and so on. I also quite like blobs because it both makes art/representation easier and you have a nice setup for differentiation between the characters (blob colors, mutations, etc.) however as someone who has ran a Civ game for a few years game I'll give some general advice.

I don't really know if more traditional Quests have this problem as much; but civ quests seem to have an especially large number of "pointless" updates, as in updates with no meaningful choices. You'll write it up with the intention of offering choices, but the players will all flock to a specific choice which, in hindsight, is obvious. Civ Quests are especially prone to this because of the lack of emotional and more material focus of the game, and secondly because of the larger time span and importance to each vote. You'll get a feel for this as time goes on; but a good example would be something like a "short term payoff vs long term investment vote". Players will never vote for the short term payoff, even if it is both realistic, obvious, or even optimal in your eyes- Quest players are risk averse and prefer efficacy in their choices and votes. This isn't ideal, because you want to make each choice meaningful and equally good for one reason or another, even if players are acting with the best interest of the civilization in mind, subtle changes in how they perceive the culture or potential "end point" of the Quest will give them multiple avenues for development. Do they want to invest in the military/warriors and be stronger? Do they want to focus on food and growth? etc. This is a useful replacement for the "roleplaying" aspect you'd find in more traditional narrative-driven quests, where instead of roleplaying as the Quest's MC, they are roleplaying the civilization as a whole. My Quest featured multiple chances and ways to direct the core culture and government of the Hegemony, which was interesting to see develop alongside the player choices with some QM fiat thrown in. However as a secondary warning again; anything that leads to exponential growth (Science research) is going to be far more desirable to the players and lead to "pointless" updates more- this is due to the multiplicative and exponential growth of technology often being a feature in sci-fi, which is why I've had to intentionally decouple it from the generic "science" branch of government in my game. It's a small thing and may not be applicable for blobs, but if you have a magic system or mutation system with a similar theme, you'll be constantly annoyed at players just pouring their resources into what you view as a boring, safe, non-intrusive choice- as to them it is the most optimal choice and the one that leads to the least setbacks.
Secondly, Civilization games are inherently reactive. Usually, your civilization or culture is going to be sedentary and, unless you follow a very specific set up, will rely on farming/industry to support themselves. This inherently means there won't be much "exploration" in the game, meaning most threats or problems have to "come to you" so to speak, since most civ games have an element of building up or capturing territory. This also has the added problem of meaning you'll be facing the same enemies, the same neighbors, etc. This lacks the excitement of a more traditional quest, where you could just up and move the MC to somewhere else when you get bored of the current background. For this reason, you'll have to invent problems that come internally, which can annoy players- managing people is not easy, but trying to simulate the difficulty of ambitious/rebellious underlings, disobedient clients, unexpected behavior or just straight up incompetence at the lower levels of your society will very easily feel like the QM just making shit up for drama or like the game is "rigged" against the players. This is in stark contrast to most single-perspective focused Quest where most of the players resources (skills, equipment, close allies, etc.) are going to be MUCH more reliable. It's reasonable for players to react this way, even if it is far more realistic for your player's favorite retainer to just up and quit or die in a freak accident then have them always be ready to go on demand over the course of a whole campaign, it can quickly become grating if you do it too much.

I've personally found that a good method of this is switching focus between multiple different aspects or long-term goals; juggling between them when one gets tiresome or feels fully explored. The nice thing about civilization quests is this is inherent to the narrative; buildings take time to make, populations take time to grow, etc. However, you have to make an effort to remember and continue these plotlines instead of letting them fade away, else the players will feel like their decisions don't matter as much or are being forgotten. Thankfully, as a QM, you'll have the advantage here as you will know way more about your Quest then anyone else will.

These are a couple of small things I thought about for running a civ game on /qst/, I hope my limited experience was helpful to you.
thanks it worked
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I would check it out. A quest in the same universe but with no relationship to what Elliot and the gang are doing could be fun, but something 100% not related could be good too.

If you plan on writing in the post box vs in a word processor, AI Grammar Checker & Paraphraser – LanguageTool catches most of my spelling errors. Better than default spell check at least.

> my first time running a quest here

Got to start somewhere.
Gee, not very subtle with that imagery, are you?
welcome to the fag arc, anon
I definitely love it when the civ strategy turns into furry yaoi.
I like his tail has a little faggy hand limp
They seem cute. We'll see if it ends in tragedy.
I'm sorry to say, but if i wanted to see tragic furry yaoi, i'd have gone to a red board or wherever they write that shit. Time spent on that is time that could have been spent on cool shit like psionics, space wars and exploration.
thanks! will gladly read your stuff
But Anon, how will people live if we don't have gay representation in absolutely all of our media?
Wasn't Bluey, Yuan and Yellow Fellow enough?
I see no reason one precludes the others.

Are you accusing Bananas of all QMs of pandering? Lol. Lmao even.
It couldve if you had argued your vote better anon, but life goes on, and the story moves in a direction you have less and less control over as a quiet voice who cant argue his points, stay or leave the quest will continue the way it is without a voice of reason, will you fight or perish?
If you read my post, instead of getting defensive about the idea of anyone saying even one negative thing about Bananas, you'd see that I'm not accusing him of anything, and rather expressing exhaustion at having to see gay shit everywhere in general.
>I see no reason one precludes the others.
Did you see what i read? It precludes it because instead of doing the cool stuff, we're just wasting time on faggotry.
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This board would be better if Bananas never made a quest.
The strength of Space Monke (and it does have weaknesses) is that as >>6034145 highlighted, it hops between subjects most of the time rather than dwelling on one particuar perosnal arc. It also changes protagonists, so the current, gay(?) supreme will die and be replaced. While dwelling on a single Supreme or one single social issue tends to be when the quest has its biggest issues, it doesn't happen often and it seems Bananas is planning accordingly.

>whenever you criticize Bananas you're a shitter
>whenever you compliment him you're a dickrider
Sometimes a guy just has opinions on a quest that he mostly enjoys. It isn't that deep.

I'll stop. Makes me ancious about my planned next quest, though, to see this kind of reception.
>it hops between subjects most of the time rather than dwelling on one particuar perosnal arc.
Well that's all fine and dandy, but when the arc in specific sucks, that means we end up having to spend 2 or possibly more threads with said arc. With how far apart threads are and how long they last, that's another year or so of being stuck with faggolius the first and his shitdick fetish.
>Sometimes a guy just has opinions on a quest that he mostly enjoys. It isn't that deep.
Sometimes a guy is just sick of seeing a bunch of the same thing shoehorned into every piece of media he tries to enjoy, and expresses that he's sick of it. It isn't a personal attack.
It's not really shoehorning when it's a thing the original creator wants to include.
Who cares if the monkeys are gay
I don't wanna play as a gay
Whether or not it's shoehorning doesn't change the fact that it's everywhere else. It's not to hard to understand, right?
Then don't play.
Well he wasn't the protagonist before. I'm not a big fan of having something i like end up being taken over by the fag flag crew.
Will bananas draw a hardcore gay monkey gay scene???
>Oh no a character I cant play without feeling personally victimized by the gay agenda
Dude we get it you hate gay shit, maybe sit out this thread or 2 since you cant seperate your feelings from the media you consume, the MC hasnt even been played yet but because of a sexual preference that probably wont even be played into because most players dont wanna do gay stuff anyway you are gonna bitch and moan and still probably play and still probably add to the autistic flaming that fills the thread every thread, or you wont, or youll read it and end up sucking cocks like youre so scared of because you saw another reference to penis touching, life goes on anon, the wheel keeps turning, your life remains gay without your intervention
>maybe sit out this thread or 2
The voters in that quest can't go two minutes without voting for something stupid if you're not there to be the first to vote and explain why said idea is stupid.
>I cant think of reasons we should pick my option fast enough nor are any of my arguments good enough to sway voters
Anon if an agenda is being enforced, remain strong in your convictions, make better arguments, argue against not 1 tard but all you can see, argue against multiple fronts, if they wont listen to reason force extremism as you feel they do
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>Uhhh, but what if [shit i made up]? Lol owned!!!!!!
Literally the entire reason why i can't just 'skip this thread' is because people will vote for retarded shit if i don't tardwrangle them
From my experience, half a civs player base is desperately trying to keep the quest alive and keep things on track and the other half just wants to see the world burn and fuck around in order to find out.

The quest needs more sane players to survive but would be very dull without the insane players.
Thank you mister Bananas QM. I shall heed your wise words. They embolden me to continue preparing my quest.
Does anyone know if there have been any quests set in a Napoleonic era style setting?
So either historical or fantasy, but something with muskets and artillery of that era. Ideally something where you are a commander of a military force, but everything is welcome.
Path of the Exorcist seems to have been set in a world at that technological level.
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>i'd have gone to a red board or wherever they write that shit.
Hope you enjoy. It is kinda long, even accounting for double-spacing between paragraphs, but it does have like 2.5 lewd parts at least.

I may be clinically insane. I totaled the character count for the stuff that is done... it is a very not small number.
Monke IS NOT yaoi

>no blushes
>no giant hands
>no diamond chins
>no yaranaika face from monkes

It is simply gay furry.
Alpha hands are fairly giant.
This board isn't too bad compared to most others on this site. /tg/ has been in the pits for years now and it doesn't seem like things will ever improve for it. This thread got taken down after the board jannies caught heat. >>>/tg/93055438

>If you could change one thing, anything big or small, about a quest you're reading, what would it be?
A pastebin link, image, or pdf with a list of assets or stats relevant to the protagonist and a changelog to make bookkeeping and keeping up with the quest more convenient.

>What sort of direction turns you off from a quest immediately? What's something a QM can do to get your investment back?
External Discord communication to access important information about a quest. This leads to a lot of drama and cliques from what I've seen, and it's not like sane people come to 4chan too often to instantly de-anonymize themselves. The best thing a QM could do is not make a Discord server in the first place.
There was a sort of alternate Earth Not-US Civil War Qst called Saber and Musket/Foebadyn or something similar, pretty solid stuff. I think there was also an English Civil War Qst between Roundheads & Cavaliers.
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Personally I think the monkeys *should* have gay sex, but what do I know?
>but what do I know?
The answer to the question "How many golf balls can fit inside a man's ass?".
I dunno, anon, maybe five?
Rookie numbers
Join Mass Exodus Quest as Dim discovers the first potential threat to his people: a city flung far out of place. A flockless shepherd hides within, among the echoes bound to the dead city.

>A pastebin link, image, or pdf with a list of assets or stats relevant to the protagonist and a changelog to make bookkeeping and keeping up with the quest more convenient.

anytime someone asks for something like this in one of my quests, I tell them to do the leg work and ill upload it and they never do.
This is a CHIMPS ONLY board. No bonobos allowed!
Wwwooooooow way to be apecist.
I wrote Nationquest and Captainquest if you have any questions. They operate a bit differently from Monkequest so you could get extra information or different contexts.
Have been reading through Monke Quest for the first time and the death of Agori was so well-handled it had me genuinely impressed. Very well fleshed out character.
Those were really interesting ones, too. I was late to the party, admittedly. sSarted with the first Captainquest.
New quest soon? It would do well to do something other than sparking arguments by posting about the Supreme homo.
And people wonder why I took a year off from monke quest lmao
No, no, the Supreme HOMO is the Emperor of Man. 'Homo Primus' is more proper latin, though, I believe.
>I openly talked about making my next character gay, and people reacted it. How can this be?
>I deliberately revealed my character was gay in a site where a considerable portion of the userbase would dislike it. How could this be happening to me?
Literally what did you expect? There wasn't a single argument of this size during all the other threads you made for monke since the mask kerfuffle.

Honestly bananas, I'm starting to suspect you did it on purpose to cause a shitstorm.
Wait, wrong IP. You're not bananas. Well, same point. I don't think "taking off a year" had anything to do with it. The other threads were going perfectly well and shitstorm-free.
In the board's defence, this is literally one homophobe kirking out over a pic you posted. No need to lump in everyone with that anon.
I'm pretty mad over the faggotry too.
Anon, are you really gonna pull the "everyone criticizing you is actually a singular guy" card? This ain't reddit. You don't have to pretend there aren't people who don't like gay stuff. Bananas knew well what he was doing when he posted that.
Id rather there was no gay shit here either, lucky I don't read monkey quest.
Speak for yourself. I am mad about [CURRENT THING]!
No, you are right, he often purposefully does and says shit in QTG and in Monkey Threads to "troll" and cause shitstorms. That people fall for it every time is baffling.
Which quests do you run?
I just wanted to talk really quickly about how I love the "paragraph conventions" of /qst/ (and maybe other similar forums, not sure).

In most prose, paragraph breaks are pretty much exclusively to make things easier to read: it's quite rare to see a single line paragraph used to create emphasis. Even when it is done, the impact is lesser since everything is all squished together.

However, this board is different.

See what just happened there? Crazy emphasis just by breaking the line. Especially the visual difference- an entire line's worth of nothing on both sides of a single sentence- really helps to draw attention to the line. That (and writing in second person) are two linguistic tools that I've never really had the privilege of using before. My only worry is that I'll become over reliant on it and lose the ability to write any other way
It's a valuable tool to create emphasis. I feel like I overuse it a bit, but it does help when you need to make a specific line or phrase snappy and jump out.

Yeah, I feel like I'm definitely a bit heavy handed with it for the dramatic scenes especially. I could cut down on it a bit, but unlike some other stuff I've written/had to write, the target audience of Olympus Incarnation is mostly me so I'm probably gonna keep doing it anyway (though I am very grateful for my players, they both make things easier to write/develop and give me the motivation to actually write instead of lying down in bed all day and vaguely thinking about the idea)
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Apologies for the lengthy delay for people who were looking for the next thread, False-Woman is back on thread #6: >>6035047
Anon, this is 4chan. It's not 2016, but it's still like a 2:1 ratio of mentally-poisoned people.
>/tg/ has been in the pits for years now
Yeah, since about 2018.
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What's your favorite type of quest?

Like in terms of mechanics, genre, writing style, premise, vibes, etc.
Holy shit, it really IS too hard for retards like this ( >>6034862 ) to understand being fatigued at seeing something being pushed into media everywhere, and his knee-jerk reaction goes straight to "muh homophobes".
What an autist.
draw quest with concise text, best if its simplistic and can support a high output of updates
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Civ Bulgar type quests where players vote as in-character characters running a country or organization
>anons go "no disgusting gay homo faggot shit in quests!"
>one anon says "seems like homophobia"
If you hate gays you could at least be honest about it
Screaming, crying, pissing your pants, and talking about the gay agenda when the random monkey writer on 4chan who makes no money from his efforts makes one of the monkeys gay seems pretty homophobic to me.
It doesn't even seem like the monkey being gay is gonna be that big of a plot point, if it really pisses you off that much just don't play the quest.
>anons go "no disgusting gay homo faggot shit in quests!"
Point out the posts that say this, because mine ( >>6034368 ), ( >>6034375 ), ( >>6034403 ), and ( >>6034441 ) don't.
Also, any statement you make about my personal preference is only an assumption, because I've only expressed what I'm tired of seeing. You don't know what I like and hate, so do try to avoid pretending that you do.
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shut up jfc
Do you know what "context clues" are, anon? Maybe you could stand to learn about those.
Consider making something so that people can discuss that instead.
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I don't have many bright ideas, but I'll throw them out anyway. How about Garden of Empires Quest, where you play as an ant queen controlling her colony and the win condition for the quest is obliterating your hostile neighbors and claiming the garden for yourself?
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Or another one called Homicidal Hardwood Quest, where you play as a sentient supernatural tree full of rage and the goal is to kill as many filthy, trashy human tourists desecrating the forest as possible without getting caught?

I have been here for a long long time and it is rare to see a gay quest
Years ago I tried writing a wholesome quest about gays here but people strongly disliked it
Here is not the place for this, there will always be a motherfucker who will sabotage the quest choosing the shittiest options again and again, that if he doesn't simply spam "kys" write ins on every post

Try akun, they don't mind gay shit there
Jesus fucking christ shut up already. The quest isn't even up yet. Are you going to cry uncontrollably the whole time that Supreme is alive?

I've included gays, bisexuals, intersex people, and a few other such queer elements in my quests without much blowback. Then again, haven't had a gay male MC. Maybe that's what causes the hyperbolic panic.

I like all sorts, but my favourite subgenres are probably dynastic civ quests, slice-of-life quests, mystery/horror quests, and business sims. Anything with really good character dynamics or a cool setting can catch my eye, though. I've been especially hankering for a wilderness survival or dungeon crawl, though.
Drawquests with simple artstyles and premises and a lot of mystery elements. Ones where you just wake up in a room and have to go from there. Silly quests that evolve a narrative over time. Quests with a sardonic or witty tone that doesn't tip the scales into teeth-clenching Pratchett imitation. My personal picks are Ruby Quest, Gaol (& to a lesser extent Jail) Quest, Space Monke, Audit Quest & Gnoll Quest.
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Finally, there is Robot Colony Quest, where you and your robotic bretheren were thwarted and put into a state of stasis for centuries until you reawoke in an era that has forgotten your kind and your mission. It would be up to you to either follow the old code or adapt to the times as you may or may not reawaken your sleeping siblings

If I wasn't constantly in deep shit, I'd run these myself. Alas, life comes at you hard and fast.
My experiences have led me to believe different quests cultivate different audiences.
Almost every quest I've done has been full-on leftist queer anti-colonial pinko anarchist polyamorous fantasies, and there's been basically no issue.
I think a good rule of thumb is to see each thread akin to a mini board of itself.
>the target audience of Olympus Incarnation is mostly me

Well now I just have to check it out you devious bastard.
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Which fucking Discord circlejerks are arguing with each other again?
I miss Bullshit Gonzo Fighting Quest.
Assumptions are not context clues, which is why you are incorrect about what I hate.
I for one am glad the most annoying, circular-argument-having, disingenous anons will be filtered from the next Space Monk Supreme Ruler thread, and I look forward to the renewed civility.
A potential crisis looms over the colony as unknown contacts appear. Come and debate about what course you should take in Unbroken Empire: New Frontier

>not just trolling the thread into oblivion
You give this board too much credit.

Same, that quest was based
When Renovatio Imperii ?
Are you roleplaying as Shekelstein Gnomeberg from Paladin's Dilemma quest

>When Renovatio Imperii ?

Dropped, unfortunately. I could not figure out how to increase the pace while maintaining the quality. Instead of being a civ quest like I wanted for it to be, it became closer to a single character oriented quest, even though there was still a shitload of background stuff that I had to keep a track of and continuously look over how it interacts with everything else. Sorry.
space siege quest will return when ?
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I wonder if enough people know the setting for there to ever be an Kenshi quest.

I imagine that playing as an Skeleton would also allow you to ignore all the boring food management part. Food and starvation being an important part of Kenshi is fine and all, but literally no one wants to waste their time voting on how many pieces of bread to buy.
The real answer is to simplify. Instead of micromanaging how much food you have you set an allotment of cats depending on prices and it applies modifiers to your stats for how well-fed you are. If you can't make a lot of money you'll have to stay hungry. Or you'll have to not have good gear. Or no medicine. etc.

Gives a reason to find money or make it. Everything requires maintenance, swords or skin. Or a new chain shirt after a beak thing pokes a few new holes in your last one. And it's not like finding a good place to farm helps you out much either, since then you'll have all sorts of weirdos coming by to take your shit.
>you set an allotment of cats depending on prices and it applies modifiers to your stats for how well-fed you are.
What exactly do you mean? You mean like some sort of 'Food Upkeep' to your 'wallet'?
I believe anon just means have a "food" and "wealth" stat where rather than bartering loaves of bread, your broader deicisions determine where they're at in a simplified manner. "High" food gives you a stat buff, "Low" is a penalty, and wealth can be spent to alleviate that, but then you can't buy gear.
There have been 1 or 2 Kenshi quests that ran on Akun that I recall. I am not super familiar but it seemed like a cool setting.

Something like these would probably work well for food/reasource management. Or have it be like different levels of resource/wealth drain. Like at high drain, if players elected to go with that for a period, you have bonuses to combat rolls bc of being well fed, maybe some social bonuses, ect. At the lowest expenditure, you are borderline starving and have maluses or something.
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>There have been 1 or 2 Kenshi quests that ran on Akun that I recall.
>Try to go and search even though i'm not a fan of Akun
>Find one
>Tags: Crossover, RWBY, Weiss Schnee
Yeah there was that one but I swear there was one that wasn't a cross-over. Never read much of em if I am being honest.
So I noticed your quests tend to be very "book like." Very long updates lots of dialogue and such.
For someone who's nearly finished Batquest is in a similar vein, what tips to you have for managing something like that?
Of all my quests Batquest has the most delays, and a decent chunk of that is because it tends to have the longest updates by text.
So I noticed your quests tend to be very "book like." Very long updates lots of dialogue and such.
For someone who's nearly finished Batquest is in a similar vein, what tips to you have for managing something like that?
Of all my quests Batquest has the most delays, and a decent chunk of that is because it tends to have the longest updates by text.
Funny, I was literally playing Kenshi today and thought "A Kenshi quest would rock."
I'm considering doing it at some point. Seems like a good starter quest since i already know the setting.

I'd have to determine an fighting style that works, however. I was thinking of something based on kenshi where you roll to see if you ddoge, and then if you get hit, you roll to see which 'limb' takes damage, but i'd have to figure out which dice to use and how to handle health and armor.
One thing that dissuades me from trying a Kenshi quest, aside from currently running Dead Rising quest, is that I'm not sure how to square the very mechanical and frankly bizarre systems of the game when it comes to becoming more skilled. Like, in Kenshi, getting your body ripped apart to the point of near-death is recoverable in a few days of bed rest, and required to happen basically over and over before you develop your Toughness and combat skills.

Being a tiny fish in a huge pond fighting the Holy Nation, United Cities or whoever could be awesome, but finding a way to include the insanity of Kenshi levelling without killing basically every character you ever recruit when a Beak Thing tears their head off or a Holy Nation paladin decides to turn all their limbs into animal feed would be difficult.
Well, obviously i wouldn't make it so you literally have to spend fifty threads running around in circles with a bunch of bags filled with stones or beating up a caged man so you can get stronger. You'd probably gain stats with either training (physical matters, but takes a lot of time, and you need to pay for food and shelter) or going out and fighting people.

The real hard part is figuring out combat to work in a way that fits Kenshi's rusty, grimey, limb-chopping combat.
Solarpunk update.
As a reminder, I'm going to start updating through the weekend now.
Solarpunk, more like solarSPUNK amirite girls? Haaa they don't get kids in that quest.
Wtf is up with this rwby shit, that and worm, ever other website has a metric fuckload of it. Is it all coombait?
There are non-coom quests, but a lot of it is, yes. It's a shame because there's some interesting concepts but you can't scroll down five quests without one of them having futashit tags or something similar. Overall, Akun sucks and I wish I never found it. It's like the /trash/ of quests.
Are there any good qsts on akun?
Probably? I remember seeing some vaguely interesting ideas, but I try to not visit it anymore. Most of them were probably abandoned, though.
any good quest will be reduced to smut and coombait in due time none ever last on akun thats the one rule on Qst i liked NO SMUT sv is far too left wing saying you want genocide orcs and skaven in a warhammer quest gets you banned and all the fem chars are girl bosses. qst has the best potential for quests out of all sites imo
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I did scroll down a few threads.
Space monkey + Worm + RWBY + Pokemon on futa quest when?
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Halo Wolfpack is up and running!

Yeah a few I can recall.

Best ones I can recall, though they never finished are like Delights Earthly and Desolate,
You've Just Fought A Dragon, Night Shift, Mr. Vampire, Molon Labe and it's sequel, maybe a few more. Some decent non isekai fantasy quests, some Shadowrun based ones that were okay and WoD ones too.

Most of the smut is crappy this is coming from a guy who has written HP smut for a currently running quest so take that as you will, but I have stumbled on a couple that were decent if you are into fetish shit.
RWBY is the case of a good premise with a lot of passion put behind it, even with no talent, and a guy with experience doing combat scenes. tl;dr it's a modern case of a setting with a lot of potential that died by a thousand cuts. also there's a good quest done here, RWBY Vacuo. sadly the qm dissapeared for months now.

Happy to hear it! While I do primarily make the quest for me, some of the discussions and ideas readers have are genuinely way better than whatever I was gonna come up with, so the more the merrier (plus more people voting means less ties and a faster possible rate of updating)

Never thought anyone would ask me for advice. Uh, I just sorta sit down and write for a few hours. I do not know if it works for others, but I always try to think the way the character thinks, I usually have notes with simple words like "arrogant, quick-witted" next to the character's name and position. Occasionally I also have sentences that outline how the character changed like "Lost and battle and reflected upon it". In that case I would think how the character thinks and scale back the arrogance, not a full on character shift, but an indication of a change in personality. I find keeping track of that really helps when writing dialogue, especially when you have a lot of characters.

One thing I found especially useful when doing Renovatio Imperii, due to its massive amount of voting choices, is using MS Excel. I copy and paste the answers into it and then sort it by descending order. It lets me quickly see the amount of votes any one given option gets. Unfortunately it doesn't work when there's a lot of write ins, like when I give anons a choice to ask questions to someone, so I have to do that manually.

Otherwise, I don't know, I guess I write the way I do is because I like reading books, so, get some really good books and read them, it might help getting a good idea about the style you like by seeing how actual professionals writers do their stuff.
ok, im the anon thats supposed to run this >>6033974 this weekend
im preparing some stuff, but right now my biggest question is...how do i set up a trip? my internet is kinda spotty some times and i dont want to lose my IP due to the wind deciding to blow a bit too much on a random day
i read how to do it, but i know there are 2 versions of how to do it and i dont want to mess up, i know its a stupid question, but i just wanna be prepared
thanks in advance

You don't really have to worry about it- even if your ip jumps around a lot, people aren't generally gonna doubt your identity at all unless someone gives them some reason to- even then, it usually isn't too hard to confirm that you're you in some other way (if I ever needed to do that I could just draw something, for example)

If you really want to do it, the format is Name#Password, with the name being whatever you want it to be (in my case Olympus QM) and the password being the secret thing that turns into the numbers and letters of the trip
I got really jealous of that guy glad he’s gone
I don’t need a reminder of my insufficiencies
huh, so it is that simple then? alrighty, thank you
>I don’t need a reminder of my insufficiencies
Mirror doesn't have a bathroom, eh?
>Dropped, unfortunately.
Its over then.
Two quests gone, one after another that i and others liked and followed. I would have prefer if you said it before in the threads of your other quests. It doesnt matter now.
Too bad the Queen of qst thread died before I can finish this. Welp, it's up over here, then.
I would greatly recommend not using any actual password you currently use, because tripcodes (i e. Me#GoatGirls) have been reverse engineered in the past and you can find out the content of the content of the password by decrypting the trip. The two hash "secure" version (ie Me##GoatGirls) is more secure/not yet cracked.
Good stuff!

Not pictured - Ano kneeling so that Rosa's head isn't level with her pelvis.
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Explain to me Worm, what is it and why do autists love it?
+1, that & rwby, is it just weeb shit?

Nice digits, so akun & fiction dot live are the same sight? I've read Delights, Earthly & Desolate before on the latter and it's absolutely S-tier as a qst.

Solid advice
Worm is capeshit, which is very appealing to people. I'm not above Capeshit stuff, I like it as much as the next guy, but it's just another flavor of it.
If you're looking for interesting Kenshi material, my recent playthrough has been super interesting. I've basically been playing as a "benevolent" cannibal-hunting faction. No interest in stopping slavery, the Holy Nation, the United Cities or the Shek, just dedicated to keeping the coast clear of cannibals and creating a force to eventually topple their leaders. I sided with the Flotsam Ninjas and Cannibal Hunters and basically run a "kindness at a cost" recruitment scheme, where if I find you dying out in the wild, I'll heal you at the cost of you joining my team. So my cannibal-hunting squad is a mixture of Starving Bandits, Rebel Farmers, Flotsam Ninjas, United Cities Conscripts and even some outlier picks like Lost Hivers, Dust Bandits and Nomads.
Attempting to network with the men from Liao Clan, Holliday is asked to leave for souring the mood, or stay and fight the man to impress the men in hopes of finding another job.

Yeah they are. I just still call it Akun because I am old.

Double-checking those quests, I found out DEaD is back to running after a 18-month hiatus, which is amazing. Was sure it died for good since QM seemed to have a bad situation.
worm's one of the earlier first person English-functional web serials of "superhero crap but serious" that didn't kill itself off by describing its femc's breatiddy boobs moving boobily abreast every assclapitty badonkaditty step. it's not a high bar you'll say, you're wrong. competent basic writing was literally highest bar for serials fifteen years ago. not to different now either

2011-12 + superhero + let's make a miserable world of real problems for real people (with edge) = popular
it's kinda like how now
2024 + superhero + frank positivity/genuine + actual hero = popular
cuz pendulum's swung
anyway I hate it
not the right kind of autist to self-insert into mentalproblems girl #1219 for the visceral feedback joy of "lol, bugs cannon" and, "lol, bugs enema", etcetera
I feel like I had a stroke trying to read this.
Greatest superhero literature of all time, with a well thought out setting that enabled a flood of fanfiction. Got a bad reputation due to autistic fanbase and aforementioned fanfiction which was far worse than the original work. Recommend reading at least the first few chapters yourself instead of listening to the online rumor mill.
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>"lol, bugs enema"

What in the god-damn shit...

I never checked out Worm aside from like 1 quest years ago.
i dislike its writing but it has its stuff
taylor can control bugs
she gets creative
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Well I guess if it has shit like that kinda preloaded, not really THAT surprising, people just ran with it. But fuck, I thought I was a degenerate. I clearly need to up my game.
I don't remember this when I read it...
dunno about the enema, but the very first villain she fights she literally send all poisonous creepy crawlies to attack his lower parts as well, to the point where the guy loses his pp even if he had high regeneration
I really like how she uses her power, and it makes me wish more capeshit fully embraced the wackyness of powers and how each individual might try to make it work.

When designing powers you do run into two walls though.

1. guns

2. Body manipulation

If you have a wacky power, it doesn't matter how creative you get with it if someone can just shoot you in the head. There are ways to go around this, maybe guns are just not a thing in this universe, or maybe all powers have specific workaround. The most boring yet common answer is to just give nearly every super hero some form of super toughness and strenght, which is kinda lame.

Body manipulation is one people don't tend to think of as much, but it permeates a lot of what people think of "OP" powers. I consider body manipulation any power that allows you to directly interfere with the inside body of someone. If your ability is to manipulate bones, what stops you from just making your opponent's skeleton stab its brain? If you manipulate blood, can't you just make it stop flowing?

Hell, what if you can create bubblegum, and you can just spawn the bubblegum inside someone? It gets stupid, and worst of all, it gets boring. It's something that has no counter because it's an attack that comes from inside and theorically cannot be dodged. Generally, the easiest workaround is to make it so someone needs direct line of sight with something to manipulate it (for example, can't spawn bubblegum inside someone's throat if your opponent never opens their mouth.) Generally you want to make limitations on case by case basis.

I'd say defining clear limitations on a power is the most interesting part, it's what forces you to think smart, and it's admittedly something I could've done better in Curse Carrier.
That is pretty funny, honestly. I mean, I wouldn't want giant Japanese Centipedes or Banana spiders biting my junk even if I was a super powered demigod.

>Body manipulation

It's easy enough to make people bulletproof (increased speed, increased durability, resistance to mundane attacks of all kinds, etc), but body manipulation is something you absolutely don't want to mess with. In Olympus Incarnation (though it hasn't really come up yet), I just have a hard rule that without a massive gulf in power, you straight up can't do that (the divinity of other incarnations resists and rejects that of attackers) but without a clear line it can get super out of hand super fast (I think you handled it fine, though)
I feel like you can have wacky completely off-the-wall powers if you take notes from something like JoJo where they try to situate every fight as always being between empowered individuals - rarely if ever do you see the regular world of fighting depicted and that's for the better.
guns aren't that limiting
Rules are important. Otherwise you get Superman and his power of the week bullshit. Or "I can control ice, so I freeze time itself". When it comes to any sort of power, rules matter. Magic or superpowers where you can just "do stuff" is simply a plot device.

Just my double haypenny.
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I agree that limitations are important, especially with neat or interesting powers. Limit it some way otherwise, yeah just being able to spawn bubble gum can become kinda OP, maybe need a specific villain/antagonist who is explicitly immune to how that power can fuck you up. In a game setting, giving saving throws for some BS insta death effects kinda works, I suppose.

I am okay with the important characters having some level of super toughness, otherwise it kinda screws with the suspension of disbelief if they get thrown into a wall from across the room or fall from a second story window and can keep fighting/don't have multiple fractures or organ damage. Just shrugging off bullets being the norm is kinda dumb, though.

As far as guns... guns really fuck with the power level scaling. Not sure if there is a perfect answer. There are plenty of times a pretty powerful villain could basically be stopped by a sniper 1500m away shooting them in the head with a .50 cal round that would still be travelling so fast, they wouldn't even hear the gun shot before the round popped their head like a watermelon.
Yeah, my main limiting factor against body manipulation was that souls were innately resistant to magic. So while you could affect someone's body, it often required a lot of concentration and time which someone could use to just kill you.

I think it does depend on how you handle it. We tend to underestimate how powerful guns are as tools, and it means that any power used for combat must now compete with the incredible speed and power of a gun, and if a gun can't make a dent in someone, then what kind of power does it take to hurt them? The answer can be as simple as 'smaller impacts are less effective', which could allow things like powered up fists and explosives to work. It's something that needs to be acknowledged. of course, using a gun in the middle of a fight is something else entirely, and I'm guessing aiming at someone with super powers is kind of hard when they could just TK the gun out of your hand or something. I'm mostly thinking of it in the scenario of someone shooting you before you get to react.

I think precognition is also a good way to avoid both guns in general being an issue as well as specifically the case of a sniper shooting at you from super far away. Even if you wouldn't survive getting shot in the head, it's all good as long as you don't get hit
Yeah, the way I got around guns in Curse Carrier is by making magic (which are basically super powers) have a will of its own that could react beyond any human speed, but it had to be trained to react to specific triggers. You could make it so that if something bullet-like approaches you at a certain speed, this part of the power activates to protect you. However since magic has a cost, making your magic react to every little thing to protect you would just make it easier for people to 'bait' the protective triggers over and over and tire you out, so it's more cost-effective to only make the magic protect you against a life ending thing like a gun.
Depending on the tech/magic level, you can always go the Dune route, I suppose. Like yeah they have super powerful laser blasters but everyone who is anyone has a personal shield and you a risking a tactical nuke going off if you use an energy weapon against it, and they make most kinetic weapons useless. Therefore, you get to have knife fights and Weirding magic be relevant.

Kinda lazy unless the thing that makes shields work is a bigger part of the setting but it is an option.
Hey Sovarine, ever thought about running a Buffy quest?
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I feel as though guns are a decent competency check for superpowered settings. If you can shake bullets off, great, but if guns actually do damage and are lethal then there could be interesting planning to circumvent getting popped in the head instead of just "unga bunga punch mook". Not that there's anything wrong with that or that I wouldn't like watching a dude BTFO a whole army singlehandedly, but I find value in armed grunts being a source of genuine peril instead of a mild nuisance.
>I am okay with the important characters having some level of super toughness, otherwise it kinda screws with the suspension of disbelief if they get thrown into a wall from across the room or fall from a second story window and can keep fighting/don't have multiple fractures or organ damage
It always made me mad how a super tough dude in a cartoon gets a bunch of shit thrown at him and not feel a thing or even look hurt, just for the last punch to suddenly knock him out cold. Its also why I've grown to dislike characters with rapid regeneration or self healing like Majin Buu, Mahoraga, the Homunculi in FMA, and a hundred others I've neglected to mention. It's just way more impressive when an established strong character takes a bunch of hits and injuries that should've incapacitated or killed them, but instead they get right back up and start swinging again.
I think Metal Gear and the Infamous video games do a good job. Many of the relevant characters are essentially a soldier with a power or has a power that works as good or better than guns and some of them are just wierdo "normals" who get by with gear, skills, and planning. A soldier but they are fast and regenerate, a soldier but they are lucky, a soldier but controlling bees, a soldier with rock armor powers, so on with the occasional dude who just has powers that make guns mostly irrelevant.

I'm find with handing out slow regeneration or making it an available medical technology.
Rapid regen CAN work, but I agree it gets kinda tiresome. Much more impact full if a dude, one who is maybe a bit tougher than a bog-standard human, get their shit fucked but. Just. Keeps. Going. Think Sugimoto from Golden Kamuy. Tough as nails but still mortal. Doesn't know when to give up.
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Hey everyone, HeadQM here!

So, my time between threads of Disappearing Hogwarts extended a bit more than I expected because of the absolute shitstorm that is starting a new job without proper support while trying to find somewhere to live that doesn’t take 1h of public transport to get to it. Sorry about that.

Thing is, it’ll take at least a week, probably two, for things to get stable again so I can go back to posting at my usual rate. So it would be updated every 2-3 days (possibly more) instead of my usual 1-1.5 days. Or not, who the fuck knows what my days will hold.

So if you play my quest, my question is, what do you prefer?

> Go on ahead with sporadic updates with an unknown amount of time between them
> Wait until I can get back to a regular schedule to resume posting

That is awesome, anon! Would love to see it! I personally go with Docs + a terrible script to export formatting so I don't fuck-up bold/italic tags, but I'm sure/hope someone has a better setup.

Also, I'd recommend maybe going with a better dice/stat system than the one I went with. To say that it has problems is putting it lightly, because I spent a grand total of thirty seconds thinking about it. I'm sure there are some fanmade HP rpgs that are better balanced than what I came up with.

What’s your quest, anon? Would love to read it, too
Silver Knight Quest >>6012263
>Wait until I can get back to a regular schedule to resume posting
as much as i would love an update sooner rather than later, please, forget about us for a second and focus on yourself, we can wait a bit more, take your time to get your feet back on the ground
> Go on ahead with sporadic updates with an unknown amount of time between them

I am Jonesing bad boss man. To the point, I have been rewriting parts of old fics and doing my damnedest to get the RowenaXRaven futa shit out.

I would recommend Sunseeker's quest, it has been fun so far.

It's really not a matter of mental health, otherwise I'd take that time to focus on life-stuff. In fact, running DH helps to take my head off things *when* I have the time to write it. It's just that I won't have that much time to write it.

Trust me, my mental health is most important to me. I wouldn't be offering the choice if I thought it would harm me. Doing it with a fixed-ish schedule? Yeah, no way, too much for my brain to keep track of. Doing it whenever I have the time? Sounds fun.
Anon no! Women aren't supposed to have penises anon! Anon!
If you do still plan on running this ever, you can also check out the /tg/ Harry Potter Homebrew for dice if you want. It has issues, since it was meant for actual table-top but the guy who made it ran 1 or 2 unfortunately uncompleted quests with it. 1d4chan is dead but you could probably find a pdf of the system if you looked back at old tg shit.

Here are a couple of of HP quests if you needed inspiration



>sad Carazzi noises
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1. It is temporary. 2. Human transfiguration is a thing. 3. It takes place in Raven/Linda's dreamscape. 4. It was breifly joked about, cannonically as something she might try with Rowena. 5. One guy, our resident artfag if I am not mistaken, seemed excited about it, so I have to write it to my satisfaction and admittedly low standards eventually for no other reason than that. 6. Its too late. Already have quite a few pages down, futa is just hard for me since it isn't a huge fetish of mine.
As always, you do you man. I personally am fine with irregular updates till you get settled, but if it is easier to wait, that is fine too. Thank you for all your hard work and the awesome quest.
> Wait until I can get back to a regular schedule to resume posting
Stay alive!
narrator ?
> Go on ahead with sporadic updates with an unknown amount of time between them
Your quest has a lot of discussion, discourse, and spawns fan-creations, so it will be active and enjoyable regardless.

Whatever's sustainable is the real answer, though it doesn't sound like that's an issue for you.
I hate futashit with every fiber in my body. You take a perfectly good woman and then you ruin her. Glad I don't read that quest.
The solution, obviously, is to start with a woman who is already awful.
No, I don't want to even remember it exists. It's disgusting, and the fact that it gets pushed literally fucking everywhere makes me hate it even more. You can't go five fucking seconds in the other quest sites without stumbling on a futashit quests. If I had three wishes from a genie, one of them would be to have every single last bit of it scrubbed from the internet, another would be to have everyone who makes it to be smote by lightning, and the third would be to erase my memory that it ever existed.
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Uh oh.
Being sick of shit that's pushed literally everywhere makes you a homophobe.
Homophobe alert.
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>Would love to see it!
you are more than welcome to participate!
tho what i have planned is nowhere near to the level of what you are doing, in fact, it might go on the complete opposite side, with way lower stakes and maybe not as interesting, but hey, i gotta start somewhere, so im gonna keep it simple for now
>dice/stat system
i´ll think about it, but i dont really plan on using dice THAT much and if i do i plan to keep it a bit simpler than what you were doing, it wil mostly be a choice based quest, we´ll see how that goes
ooh well, if you are comfident that you can do it and it wont affect you, then sure, feel free to update whenever you can!

ooh sweet, thanks! i´ll give it a look, no guarantees i´ll use it tho, i plan to keep this mini? quest rather simple for now, maybe in the future i´ll do something more involved
>point No.5
ooh hey! thanks for doing that for me!
>point No.6
sweet! i cannot wait to see it completed!

>i dont read that quest, lemme post about how much about i hate futa shit in a fanfic of said quest thats not even aimed at me

anyway, after im done with something here, i´ll start with the thread, lets hope it all goes well since i dont really have a set story yet and players will mostly dictate whats gonna happen
apologies in advance if its shit
Don't post about your fetish in /qtg/ if you don't want me to tell you it's garbage.
I have your solution. Men.
One men and one woman is how it works, yes.

If you're interested in awful women, check out Olympus Incarnation Quest! I probably have a board record for largest main cast comprised almost exclusively of uniquely psycho chicks

Adam & Eve Quest when?
I should, someday. Your art is cool and I like quests about evil supernatural ladies.
...do you purposefully click on and read quests that have things you don't like? All you gotta do is press shift while clicking it and it magically removes the thread and the original poster from reality, as if they never existed.
I know someone mentioned this before, but guns are perfectly easy to deal with. Look at HxH and Jojo. They're still deadly - it's just that the characters who can't facetank them deal with them in a creative way, or even use the guns themselves.

Personally, I feel like the best kind of superpower settings are the ones where fights are far more like a game of chess than a simple statcheck where the one with the biggest power level wins.
No anon. Just men for you. All men. Many plural mans. Yes. Men. You get men. Very good bueno.
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>i´ll start with the thread

Yisssss, yisssss! Picrel.

I am hoping to finish before HeadQM starts next thread but I kinda stalled out after some pussy eating and Raven getting her girl cock and began using it some. Futa isn't my thing but it is different and fun to try and write. Went back to fuck with other stuff to get some more motivation.

>Glad I don't read that quest.

You are missing out on one of the best quests running. My fanfic shit is 1000000% non canon and I don't even expect people to read it let alone like it, it is just fun for me. I try and vary it some to not get repetitive, ergo trying a futa thing. Ergo an 8 page racist shit post fic.

Got through 1st thread and it seems pretty good. Will slowly catch up and then start playing some. Your art has really improved, even in just like half a year!

Thanks for the compliments! I think working on the quest has given me a lot of incentive to get better- I've probably improved more in the past 6 months than I did in the two years before them
Isabelle seems nice enough, though that almost certainly means she's the craziest of them all...
What is sv?
Sufficient Velocity. Alternative questing site.
Lefty questing forum. Never really checked it out, but I have heard some rumors.
It's not fair
No shit, this is an Omani Peace-Pipe Whittling website. The fair is outside in that big field, you'll know it when you see the weirdos in medieval costumes parading about.

Same guy? IP fucking you over?
no, im not that anon, but apparently 4chan just blocked my entire area from posting in /vg/ because abuse or some shit like that, this is like the, no kidding, the 20th time this has happened this year, im sick of that shit
Shit, that blows. My cell has a range block on it and the places I work are hospitals or clinics, so yeah, they block 4chan. I have a VPN for phone, but this place hates them, so no posting for me unless I am at home.
welp, i think i solved 1 of the problems i was having, this took longer than i expected and distracted me from doing the quest, i´ll do what i can tonight and start the thread tomorrow i guess...
Awesome, I will be there. Im sure it will be fun. If I can finish it tonight, I might try and post something I had worked on for a while then forgot about. Arty thighjob and cute couples interactions are on the menu.

Yes I am still working on the other thing but I have to write what my brain meat wants me to at the time.
>Player question
Idk, less dialogue more action, make the posts more compact. You don't need novel tier posts to make something good.
>General question
Fucking waifufagging. I'm tired of becoming invested in a quest, only for it to become a slogfest of chatting with characters (especially the female ones, like this is a dating highschool visual novel or something). Focus on the interesting plot, not trying to see which waifu to dick. I literally quit the Alterac quest just because I got tired of all the chats, waifu dicking and a growing feeling that we lost the main plot (thankfully, it got back to main plot of managing the city, the war effort, etc). No hard feelings, GM.
>Miscellaneous question
Get my driver's license, that's it. Maybe find a new job.
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So the Hunder Unters reached the Bronze Age.
Follow their struggle and conflicts, influence fate over there!


futa can be interesting to write! Especially when it's futasub

Do not despair
I wonder what's worse. Tranny quests or futa quests.
>implying there's a difference
To be honest, they're both neat
Making my way through Thread 1 now.
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Where are all the quests with the cute boys???
I would like to hear it.
The Prince is on the board RIGHT NOW
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Would anybody be willing to come in and tiebreak, or offer their own plans? Much as I like writing updates, I can't if there's a tie and don't really want to roll to break it.
Don't particularly care for either but I would try a futaquest if the writing was good, but I wouldn't touch tranny shit if it was written by fucking Tolkein.
I was just informed of this being posted here by a friend of mine. God bless, Indonesian Gentleman! Let's hope Ano and Rosa will see each other again some day.
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Maybe not a Buffy quest, need something more like the Cruel Intentions scene, pic related tee hee hee
Anyway, I made a new game setting, intro (super long) begins here
... etc

It is romance and relationship drama and possibly urban gothic stuff BEACH GOTH. It is inspired by films/tv like Under The Silver Lake (2018), The Idol (2023), Too Old To Die Young (2019) and a lot of other peculiar influences hehe. There might be some girls and even attractive men (?)
>>6037269 (in response to this lol)
in the quest and also weird extraction shooter TACTICAL OPERATOR stuff later hehe (maybe it doesn't happen)

Also I link some music videos that define in my mind the soundtrack of this game setting, these two songs

Boy Harsher Face The Fire
this video has something for those of any persuasion, I believe. I like the glitch effects, not sure about the lyrics though

The Soft Moon, It Kills (Rendered Remix)
(you must watch this all without blinking, turn the video up really loud)
I feel we need a quest about a loli who got older and lost her memory and keep having weird flashbacks that slowly reveal she was some kind of badass. Then some kind of powerful enemy arrives and her badass instincts kickback.
Magical girl delinquent quest?
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I want a edgecore bleach quest. If your quest is at all similar, shill it to me.
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>that one quest about being some smug keikaku master in the bleach universe and doing shit like hanging out with Shinji and being tsundere about having real feelings for his obsessive almost yandere girlfriend
>it got abandoned
Tangentially related but I miss ImprovAizen.
Talking about yandere gfs, I was thinking about doing a superhero quest. It would start with your gf waking you up after a battle and you cant remember a thing. Only after a while you realise she wasn't your gf and she was the one that gave you amnesia. But thankfully I scrapped that awful idea.
Yandere stuff doesn't really work in quests because the voters just decide to dive head in and simp for her wholeheartedly. There's barely any yandere unless you force it because they're already fine with the idea of not even speaking to other women.
I'm a subhuman but that sounds like a funny premise
Yeah fair enough, the real reason I never did anything else with the quest idea is that I didn't know what else to do with it apart from melodrama.
Feel free to steal the idea.
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>Fucking waifufagging.
Actually, this makes me think. Would starting out with a pre-selected waifu remove waifufagging? I haven't seen any time it's been done, but imagine a normal quest starts, except instead of being single like literally every single other quest, the protagonist already has a girlfriend or wife. Not a bitchy waifu you're supposed to drop or a non-character who you never see again, you just get a waifu from the start. No hunting needed.

Would that allow the quest to avoid having any 'waifufagging'? Would it prevent the anons from simping for every single female characters with the hopes they could date them? Of spending action after action going after potential waifus?
Solarpunk update!
The clock turns back.
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Possibly. Depends on how much control the players have over the character. There is always the possibility of them deciding to cheat of leave the preloaded SO, especially if they are kinda boring or don't hit many people's "strike zones" and a new character is introduced that does.

At the other end, if she is excellent, great, the SO might end up distracting from the main quest campaign, I suppose. Coming into the game with someone kinda also screws with the player's desire to do cool, impressive shit and of be the kinda character a chick would actually want to be with.

I am just glad my current favorite quest was unanimous by the time we hit the route lock in going for our waifu. It is nice considering I am a veteran of the Princess Guard waifu wars, and it made some threads borderline unplayable.
>There is always the possibility of them deciding to cheat of leave the preloaded SO, especially if they are kinda boring or don't hit many people's "strike zones" and a new character is introduced that does.
From my experience, the amount of people who like cheating in this board is not very numerous. I have to imagine that as long as you didn't make her straight up annoying, or even gave them the opportunity to "pick" (though I feel like pre-made might have more storytelling weight)

>At the other end, if she is excellent, great, the SO might end up distracting from the main quest campaign, I suppose
Well that really depends in the scenario and who the girl in specific is. If she can participate in the main quest, then there's probably not gonna be much of an issue unless you're actively having it last several in-game years to the point people decide they should start a family.

Personally, I'd like to see it. Nobody has an issue with your character having friends you didn't choose, or family you didn't choose. Why not an girlfriend or wife?
She tries her best, but there's only so normal you can be in Eris's pantheon

Glad to hear it!

Also, Olympus Incarnation Quest has entered its 6th thread!

Yeah, id be interested to see it. I kinda want to say it has happened before but no specific quests come to mind.

Multiple choices of a short character gen for the pre-loaded SO is probably a good idea. Maybe just minor stuff, like appearance or general personality, let the QM build the important stuff into the actual backstory.
Got it, my next quest will feature an absolutely blank slate of a player character and my obvious waifu transplant, if not forcing her in a crossover in the setting all together
Here's to more terror and bloodshed!
Honestly I meant it more like..treat the "waifu" as an normal character, so to say. You have your normal introduction, and part of it is "Oh yeah, here's my wife"

You don't have a vote for every single character the protagonist knew before the quest started. Why not the waifu? Just create one that makes sense for whatever the protagonist picked was.
That actually sounds fun.

Could see it work if you revealed you sued to be a really beloved and pure-hearted hero with people who loved him, and still do, and she took you away from that.

Lady Knight sort of did this. We had a husbando option besides 'absent first guy', but as >>6037581 said, cheating/cucking/dumping an established waifu or husbando isn't something /qst/ often goes for.

I do enjoy deciding on a SO for the MC, though, when it's an option.
Hey QTG, I got a question that I don't think has come up before: How do you END a quest?

So let's say I've been running a quest, it's gone through a few story arcs and I'm part of the way through another one. But frankly I'm getting tired of running, but I don't want to be a faggot and just abandon the quest. So I'm thinking I want to bring the story to a conclusion within the current arc.

How do I this? (Especially if it looks like the MC is still very far away from achieving their goals.)
Create a thrilling set-piece that ideally confronts the MC's abilities and ideals. Have the victory in this conflict (if they win) solidify their convictions and aptitudes, making it clear that while the adventure will continue, they are on the path of victory. if they fail, kill or cripple them or (on a more hopeful note) include an epilogue of them returning to their studies/training or finding peace in what they accomplished so far.

Source: my first (successful) quest ended with the MC dying after a reflection on what she's accomplished and the legacy she left behind; mixed reactions to the death and how I handled it, but I think subsequent quests have (probably?) resulted in people looking back at it with less sadness, since it set the stage for what was to come. The second one ended with closure for a major relationship arc and a clear direction for the MC, his friends and loved ones, and his little burgeoning empire; positive reactions, and it allowed me to use the MC and supporting cast as NPCs. The third... We'll see.

I also really appreciated how Troll Quest (which ran two threads and petered out) did this, with a little epilogue showing the 'end point' of all the decisions made up to that point and the direction we seemed to be going in.
Basically this. A character arc doesn't have to end with completion of the character's goals, just solidification of the reasons to pursue (or stop pursuing) such.

There are basically 3 ways to do this

The first is to kill the mc off- a lot of people would be kinda pissed but it can work if you execute it right

The second (and this depends on the state of your quest) is to tie the endgame into the current arc. Whether or not this is possible is very dependent on the nature, goal, and tone of your quest

The third is a sort of "the adventure continues" ending, wrapping up the points of emotional investment (character arcs, romance subplots, etc) and implying that your mc will continue and eventually reach their goal.

If you're willing to write one more arc after this one, there's a fourth option- a timeskip. Fast forward through a lot of the distance between the right now and the endgame and wrap things up exactly how you would have wanted to.

Ultimately, there's no good way to cut a good plot short, but there are always methods if you have to
Thanks guys, this was helpful.

Have a small victory or resolve a current plotline, implying they will still be pursuing their main goal after the quest ends.
Trannyhole for Worm quests.
That dang ol worm-to-trans pipeline. Or is it trans-to-worm? Wait, silly me, trans ain't got worms any more! Hohohoho
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Holy shit, anons, what did you do to the Cerynitian Hind?? That was coldblooded.
Still my favorite moment from the quest. Perfect, really.
It was pretty goated even if it made my stomach turn. Truly capital V villain moment.
Hear, hear!


Yeah, even 6 months later it's still one of if not the best scenes I've written for Olympus Incarnation Quest. I think my writing in general has improved since then but there's something so visceral about the story turning from self-interested and apathetic revenge power fantasy to straight up evil.
Copperclipper comeuppance when?
My players accidentally figured out one of the twists in my quest I planned on slowly unraveling over the course of weeks.
Wat do?

Can't wait till I catch up all the way. Villainous women are scientifically proven to be like 30% hotter than normal.
Slowly unravel it and let them feel smart as fuck, bro.
It's going to be so funny when we eventually meet another incarnation who finds Atë's eldritch form hot
And who are we to argue with the science?

Honestly, just roll with it: players like feeling smart and working stuff out. If they figured out the twist, it just means your game is fair: nobody likes a mystery that's impossible to solve. If you have a really good idea that's just as if not more consistent with the plot hooks you have (or if you write with multiple potential outcomes/explanations and switch to whichever ones are more likely to throw players for a loop) then that's fine too, but don't feel pressured to mess with your plot just for shock value
Ask HeadQM. I have figured out 2 of his before they were supposed to be revealed, one quite a while before.

For realsies though, if the character has the IC knowledge that would let them put it together, you kinda have to run with it. At least not ignore it, I think. Head back to the drawing board and plot out how the character knowing stuff ahead of time is going to affect the campaign. Roll with it.

If it is just the players and the character has no way of being able to figure it out, that sounds a bit harder. Probably need to try and make it clear that it is OOC knowledge if that is the case and encourage them to role-play with the IC knowledge.
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just accept it I throw all sought of predictions out some that a completely contrary to each other. The playerbase figuring shit out doesn't mean the twists you make are bad. unless it's a obvious trope eg (man with the mostashe is evil) it doesn't really detract from good writing and how many players is it 1 2 all of them it may not be as surprising for some of the players but for the rest it will be. as a QM your job is not to trick or deceive your player base but to play it straight their cunning, lucky rolls, predictions ect should not cause a QM to have to change path of the quest or punish the questers to enforce sort equilibrium don't fall into the thought process it's QM V Players
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Gotham City Beat Cop, back from the usual weekend break, join us as we plan with the SIM Squad on how to finally catch the GCPD mole.

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Eternal Vengeance just updated after a week's hiatus due to life stuff. Come join us if you like watching Taidan scum die.

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ok, anon that was supposed to make that Wizarding World quest here, the first couple of post are ready, i could not post because i forgot it was fathers day and was busy with that, but the quest will start after i wake up, i just hope this wont be absolute shit and you people get some enjoyment out of it, but i guess we'll see, see you all in a few hours
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I'm back from being sick, and thought I'd post about it here. If you're a patrician lodestar enjoyer, then rejoice!
If you're not a lodestar enjoyer, then I'll have you disappeared.
>Holy shit, anons, what did you do to the Cerynitian Hind?? That was coldblooded.
what happened ?
wait, so the incest wasn't just a joke ?
Do you guys set timers for yourself when writing? I think seeing a clock tick down would help me get stuff out the door quicker.
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>i am forgotten
No, I just didn't count her.
No, but I used to leave writing for the last thing in the day when I had a quest that involved writing. I have a very rigid sleep schedule and really can't afford to deviate from it, so knowing I have like 30-40 minutes to write the quest and watch youtube might have done the same thing.
Nowadays however, I barely write.
I'm sure it will be interesting if nothing else. And in my experience, the only way to get good at something is to suck at it first. Looking forward to checking it out.
Also a good example! Sira had other chicks into him, but players never deviated from loyalty to Warin.
TPNMSTDGBHK is back with another thread. That's right, the first thread barely started and we already got a second one! Sorry, I had a one week break and thought it would die. That's right, say it, Tee-Pee-En-Em-Ess-Tee-Dee-Gee-Bee-Aitch-Kay, rolls off your tongue!

>Where are all the quests with the cute boys???
Cutemon has like three or four at this point
We need more quests with HOT GUYS on the board. RIGHT. FVCKING. NOW.
I just think of it as "The Prophecy Names Me", personally.

Mine has some, if you're into elven bishounen or Colonel Alex Louis Armstrong. Only one had art, though.
I've started running a stopwatch when writing updates. Helps me reign in over editing.
I've found it takes vastly more time to ideate the state of the world to be described than actually describing it.
Writing itself can flow relatively freely, I guess it's how you could run sessions if you keep that construct at the back of your mind. But I need all my quickly accessible memory elsewhere...
As much as I should make the men in my quest appealing in tht way I am worried about appealing to a crowd that I don't want to be my readers
Not queer but the far left Tips is doing things for me.

It's not gay if it's an elf right?
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>seeing a clock tick down
I do not like the homosex, so I will simply not allow them in my games nor will my settings permit them to exist at the start. Like turning HOMOSEXUALITY RATES to 0% in the world generator. Not even their atoms will save them. It's a very simple solution!
Didn't Forgotten say August or am I egregiously confused?
This is a violently homosexual post, feller
>Gone. Reduced to atoms.
>It’s getting late here, and the tenor of the next content update depends very much on how anons wish to play it. This will be the last vote of this thread, I intend to start up a new thread in a few days time and (once we’ve done the verification POV choice, which I quite enjoy) we will kick straight into combat and/or realpolitik options depending on your choice here.
As of 6/12/2024, our Lord and Savior ForgottenQM said he would rise again on the UNDEFINED day.
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No point in having cute boys if you also have cute girls. Boymain's are not as autistic as girlmain's, ultimately they will lose the samfag battle and the quest will default to hetero. I want a quest with cute boys, and NO FEMALE MAIN CHARACTERS. Maybe a fag hag or two but thats IT.

IDK, sounds pretty gay to me. I am positive Akun has something to sate your degenerate desires.
You can also just veto the main character to be gay early on, same as you can do that for the character being straight (which most quests do, implicitly, except for FeMCs sometimes).
Halo Wolfpack is up and running!

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From my point of view, you are the degenerate that needs to go to akun.
I've seen Yurifags who hate men so much they just erase them all from reality in their stories, but this is the first I see a fujo say the same.
OBJECTION. Having COOL and AWESOME male characters is even COOLER when there is a cute female character for which they can be the center of all the attention. Preferably a tomboy and even more preferably the MC.
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I hate smut. It's gross, and crass, and it gets everywhere.
Been there done that.

The female form is just objectively more aesthetic than the male form.
Sexually yes, women are hot. However, I would argue that men are way better at looking cooler.
No, my QMC is female, so it would be heterosexual, but a mostly male playerbase choosing a husbando is something that needs to be handled carefully. I have to develop them well first.
I've played Kenshi, but never beat it nor did I spoil myself on the story and lore
So if there was a quest, I guess everyone would have to vote at the start if the quest will reveal things as they come, or if it dumps all the info/expects the audience to know everything
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>No female main characters

If you say so
Why would there be a dump? Unless you voted to play as a Skeleton you'd have absolutely fuckall idea of what happened. Kenshi is a ridiculously uncivilized world. People literally forgot how to make bows and only like three groups in the entire world know how to shape metal, which is why anyone who's not rich uses literal rusted pieces of scrap as weapons.

Soon™ (Picrel >>6030088)

we have a hag
I mean..it *is* a spin-off. It's not really the same as "start brand new quest, everything as normal, BTW the protsgonist is already married"
well, he has a cameo in Reopened Wounds but that’s about it. His whole quest is original.
The cameo is what matters, he was already a character. An previous character having existing relations isn't as new as an pure protagonist created at an entirely new quest.
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Counterpoint, I have fabricated this bell curve graph depicting you as a mid wit basedjack while I am the chad using only the in built drawing app. Your argument is invalidated.
You can't just give anons homoerotic confusion.

>Objective: Give anons homoerotic confusion

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Super late post but here is MERRYGATE offering her hand to all MERRYGATE voters in the tourney.
Smash, next question.
You wouldn't survive
No man lives forever.
My beloved AIfu
The funny thing is that I was originally going to animate something way lewder, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.
Do it or I mail smallpox to your house.
Nothing is lewder than Total Mizarian Death
I'll....consider it...
In Holliday's desperate attempt to do some networking, he starts a fight with a gangster.

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You win this round.
A wise man once said it is better to die balls deep in an eldritch horror than to have never lived at all.

You can't just leave us hanging after mentioning it.

We can apply that to AI companions who are really giant genocide machines.
Not every man can choose their lives. But just about any man can choose his death. Make it a good one. BRING ON THE WAIFUS BEYOND OUR KEN
Alright. I'll work on it and post it here when it's done. If it nets me a ban then so be it.
Does Imgur support webm? You could go with something like that. But Merrygate doesn't have visible fun bits... should be okay? Probably?
For being "Universal" there sure are a lot of different fucking kinds of plugs. Fuckin' USB-C.
TOP FUCKING KEK, funniest shit I've read in a QTG in possibly years
Sides destroyed, send help
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Lingdom Quest, a quest about cute pygmies and their every day lives!

Any hole's a goal I suppose.
Where quest? I'm jonesing bad man.
apologies m8, i had some...complications with my job, spent the entire day out, but i think everything is done now, it should go live in 30 mins while i mess with something here
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I'm sorry, that sucks!

But yay. I at least should be up for a while. I found snydebooru today and my appreciation for Merula has gone up considerably.
welp, its live >>6038711
lets get this show started and hope you can all put up with my shit

my man, you are welcome to post in /omg/ any time, im there always
I checked it out some. Not sure about the game itself because based on mobile, might try it, but I appreciate the passion the people seem to have on the /omg/.
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oh thats the thing, most people think that general is based on the game itself, however, its actually based on the hack of the game thar removes all the mobile aspects of it, leaving you with the entire story, no waiting times and even a fully functional custom made model poser, which i plan on using for the quest btw
Haha I like the picture.

Yeah, I got that it was a port/emulation/hack most people were using, which is the only reason I considered setting it up. IDK, I will have to see if I am in the mood for video games. If nothing else, I will probably stop by and maybe lurk just for art or funny stuff. Also looked at the /hpgg/ but that seems mostly centered around some other games. Also, a lot of shit posting in that one, like literally about shit at one point, kek.
>I will have to see if I am in the mood for video games.
ehh, in all honesty, its more of a visual novel than a game at this point
yeah...we had to split from that general to escape the rampant shitpost, /omg/ is slow and chill, but we´ll take bumping a slow thread over the ERP and tides of shitpost that plague /hpgg/
Thanks for the advice. I'll just proceed as normal then. I was just afraid that the revelation might taint their views of certain events. But yeah I defibitely wouldn't want to have them feel "cheated" by arbitrarily changing things
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>Under Hunter officially reached Iron Age
>Started from a 4 stubby legg, one ear walking stomach

How is your long-term civ quest going fellow /qster?
Test test test, want to see how this looks.
>Not queer but the far left Tips is doing things for me.
tbf he's basically a woman design there, so that's ok
>It's not gay if it's an elf right ?
dwarf hands posted this
it's not the same
both statements don't contradict each other
what confusion, anon. her male form doesn't even look like a trap.
leglocking animation when ?
>dwarf hands posted this

Funnily enough, I would probably be described as more elfish. It also doesn't help what despite being in my 30s most people think I still look like 22-23
>I just think of it as "The Prophecy Names Me", personally.
Well, not as good, but sure, we can use that.
I call it "the other demon general quest"
>what confusion, anon. her male form doesn't even look like a trap.
I dunno man. Everything looks feminine to me. Except me. I look pretty normal.
The CONSISTENT demon general quest. :) or the less-coemdic one.

Logan Pearce's hands posted this.
femboy anon confirmed ?
>Logan Pearce's hands posted this.
Reptoid tricked me by saying that Quest was dead! Well, the more Demon King's Generals the merrier.
If it isn't gay if it is with an elf, and you're elfish, would you fuck you?
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Sure thing champ
Probably not. I am slim and pretty trim, but I do have a noticeable male jawline and other features. More like I look considerably younger than I am if I am clean cut.

I do have my hair long right now but that is to donate to Wigs for Kids since I have an uncommon hair color.
Yes. I have often thought of whether it would be gay to fuck yourself, like an exact clone. I have concluded it is no more gay than jerking off.

No cat ears but that is kinda how I feel if I get scruffy and see a picture from like high school or college.
>No Cain in the desert
>No Cain in the city
>No Cain to the ends of the world
I'm dying of thirst
Just checking in, Boggs you still with us?
It did seem to be at the time.


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We were supposed to humiliate copperclippers, instead we're in limbo again. How can a Knigga survive the crushing weight of the void?
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samefaggotry demoralized forgotten it's over
Waltha white Granite state
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Fucking badass broski. Merrygate putting the AI waifu.

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Hell yeah, death by snusnubot. Based.
you really left it for the imagination, I'll take it
model her fucking feet asshole
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I thought she had no feet and just floated around?

Damn, you're just doling out the fanservice like that? You gotta make people pay for that shit
Batquest is having its final vote of the chapter. And it's a double header. Choose the ultimate fate of Harvey Dent!

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which of these meals looks the most delicious?
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Very clever way to do char gen.

>>6039652 Human
>>6039653 Dwarf
>>6039654 Elf
Nothing beats some cured meat and cheese on a cracker in my books.
I want that honeycomb, but my heart longs for #1.
Number 2. Would have been number 1 if it weren't for the building material disguised as crackers.
I too like to munch on a whole ass ginger root
Hell yeah, mole brother.
I take this one cause of the honey and goat cheese
My nigga.
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Uh I mean, you look very lovely

ngl, I was really hoping that MERRYGATE would win the queen tournament so that she and Beta could be the AI powercouple of /qst/
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> spoiler

I had similar hopes for Elliot and Arty, minus the AI part, obviously. Then best girl got knocked out, and lost in the consolation bracket, had to settle for a paper Burger King crown ala picrel.

Still hoping my boy can score a win in the Kings Tourney, though Beta is another favorite. Glad to see them cleaning up the current event.
..what are people even reacting to? The "lewd" part is like literally 1 second long.
It must be a truly intense thirst. Or they're real quick shots, kek.
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Sorry if you want the full 30 minute version you'll have to subscribe to my patreon
AI taking ALL our jobs now.

The “creator” to OnlyFans pipeline claims another, sad
The quests I play keep running out of steam, feels bad.
Have you tried getting really hot rocks and throwing them in water?

Have you tried tracking down the QMs, pulling a "Misery" on them and forcing them to write?

When you want the money and clout of starting an onlyfans but don't want to degrade yourself by actually making pornography
lmao based and I'd ignore the red flags pilled.
She deserves violent handholding.
gonna be honest, I was bored in the bus one day and decided to check this place and found out about the mastuno inc quest and I have been missing my idols since it ended, did the QM ever come back or did anything similar?
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>Start a Quest about a vigilante fighting criminals
>Car gets stolen
>Start a Quest about sailing on a post-apocalypse ocean
>Water starts leaking in from neighbor's apartment

You literally can't make this shit up.
How about you start a quest about society being decent and people intelligent you fucking monkey's paw bitch.
If you want to monetize your stuff Ko-Fi might be better, at least moneywise. They only take a flat amount of money (5 freedom bucks iirc) where others take a percentage

I do take comms at olympusqm@gmail.com (although I haven't actually received any requests since the loser's bracket), but I wasn't planning on financially benefiting from the quest on any other way. I do have a paypal under a pseudonym, and unless I somehow ended up with a massive following or constant influx of commissions that should probably be enough
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Big fat Solarpunk update
I may commission you again down the line, if that's cool?

Goddamn! I hope it's not too bad, at the very least in how it affects your place?

Of course! Boring business stuff in the spoilers.

I gave a slight discount for the tournament but my base rate (15 for a sfw flat color digital drawing of a single full body figure on a simple or transparent background with that amount being able to be increased or decreased based on factors which can be negotiated including but not limited to rendering, detailed backgrounds, hyper intricate details like complex machinery, multiple figures, and nsfw). The only things I absolutely won't do are crazy fetish shit, and anything risqué with furry or loli. (Oh also nsfw of other people's quest characters unless you have express QM permission)
>the tail end of the spoiler
Kek, I know I have a reputation of sorts, but I promise I won't commission porn of anyone's /qst/ characters, adult human or otherwise. But noted! Thank you.

That wasn't targeted at you at all (I'm a newbie relatively speaking and have no idea what reputation everyone has, although I'd be interested to know if I have one), I just thought I'd throw it out as a general disclaimer
Hey RQM have we a blanket authorization to request Tips/Izzy/Costella hot stuff?
Not that I want to. I'm shitposting
The Curse is real. A small part of why I am hesitant to ever run something. I don't need more shit tossed on my plate.
You know what you need to do. Make a quest about a yandere gf breaking into the MCs home so she can be with him
>not The Novice
What sort of "dragonfag" ARE you?
but, you know... sure?
If I was an homosexual faggot I'd ask for Theral Rawdogging Old Red in turn Rawdogging Green. But I'm the heterosexual kind of faggot.
didn't know that, do you accept other coins besides dollar ?
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Whatever you say, brother.

I can take most major crypto coins, specifics can be negotiated over email, including but not limited to btc, eth, usdt, and busd.
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>Start a quest with stock market mechanics, and flake
>Get rich off NVIDIA's stock

I can't stop winning
I think this was my first succesful troll.
Have I finally made it as a QM?
>June 18th passes
>No Simple Space Empire thread
It's so over.
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oh dear, tee hee hee perhaps the anons playing my quest
are stuck on what the mysterious "Sign", "Sign Of The Living Death" actually is in my game setting, hehe

Unravelling the mystery of "The Sign" is difficult because some of the characters have given out false / conflicting information entangled with the actual clues (also because some of the npcs were insane / they themselves do not have complete information)

Here are the clues (also linked below).

Can you guess what "The Sign" is? hehe


QM: As the demented hallucinating homeless man Jerome and the Cartel narcotrafficker Pedro de Jesus are perhaps not the most reliable sources of information (given that they themselves probably do not possess full knowledge of it either, and may have waylaid you with false ideas intertwined with truth) here is a summary of what you know about "The Sign"

-Pedro mentioned that the Sign makes people want to be like others
-The Sign is connected to Sex and Death, the most powerful magic
-The Sign came from the Land, but the Land is now gone
-From what Pedro told you, it sounds likely that this Sign is controlled by some sort of cartel (just not his Cartel), a very select group of people; The Sign is about Creation and Destruction of a certain magic
-The Sign is related to "Sacred Wood". It was once far more powerful than it is today, but people have forgotten about it

-Jerome the Wizard was completely insane. However, his grimoire ranting about "hiking" and "cutting" made you wonder if The Sign is located on a trail in the hills or near mountains

-in a vision, the spellbook of Jerome in his masked Warlock incarnation revealed to you the Sign brought followers into some sort of "Golden State", a valley filled with sunshine where there is no Death, where they are watched by thousands of eyes, where the roads are paved with stars

-examining Jerome's spellbook, you noticed it had very unusual lists of male and female names absent surnames. There is one particular name beginning with "O..." that has been erased and scratched out, over and over again. You also believe that the purpose of the Sign appears to be to create some form of unusual spell or glamour, the Uncreated Light, which seems similar to rainbow colours
I remember one guy starting an inquisition/witch hunter quest with a lot of potential but had to stop because of the wat in Ukraine. I hope he is okey.
Simple Space Empire QM here. I'd like to have an excuse for you all, but I honestly just got distracted. The next thread will be starting this Saturday or, less likely, Sunday. I'm sorry for the delays and radio silence, but admitting to missing my own deadline was difficult. Thank you all again. My next post will be Thread #5 of Simple Space Empire and I'm looking forward to it.

The curse is real, it is absolutely real. I've had so much shit happen to me when trying to run a quest in my otherwise uneventful life it has bathed any shadow of a doubt in a googol of lumens. Seriously, there's a palpable malicious presence clinging onto /qst/. The only thing (You) as a QM can do is hope you get lucky and aren't targeted by it, and stick it through if you aren't and are.
No, what we can do is fight it off, banish it from this place, & hurl it upon some shit board like /mlp/, /lgblt/, or, Allah forgive me for uttering this, r*ddit or /tg/. We simply need to unite with /x/ to see it through. I will dedicate myself to doing so in August. The curse will be broken, the qsts will flow.
Tell me when you start going on /x/ I want to participate.
If anyone wants to join me this quest I took over, come help Jay Nakamura and Superboy take down Intergang and the Chinese Communist Party:

>new quest unlocked; banish The Curse to a new containment
You trifle with forces beyond our comprehension. Fucking curse. I wonder how many people show up and are convinced it's just a meme. I wonder how many find out when they decide to start a quest.

We need to leash it onto a different website for questing. Consult the runes or whatever man. Call up the witch bitches.
Hollywood and maybe something to do with LGBT and or woke?
Good luck.
After a rough run in with the Liao Clan, Holliday gets to relax and read some news, whether it's about idols, mercenaries or even mercenary iolds, it's up to the vote.

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I'm retarded and let my thread get archived while I slept so..


Sorry about that. Join us as we try to convince Commissioner Gordon to leak sensitive files to us and aid us in capturing the GCPD Mole.
Another test. I wish 4chan had more unicode support.
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well done, you got it anon! I only just saw your post, I don't know if you are the same anon as the player who posted here,
but congratulations on solving the riddle, yay
>ok joen of arc quest looks good
>Red head

Reeeeee, why does every QM hate me specifically?
Black > blonde > brown > ginger
Bold of you to think anyone thinks about you at all.
>That rating
You deserve hate.
No I can confirm I make all my characters redheads just because I hate him
Oh shit my bad G, I wasn't aware of your game. I retract my earlier statement.
>Another test. I wish 4chan had more unicode support.
Same. I wish we could use music symbols.
C̷̨͉̥̰̏̉͌́́͝ą̷̼͂n̴̢̛̯̳͙̙̠̖͇̟̰̯̊̈́̋̉͛͋͛͗̽̽̕͠ ̴̧̨̦̻̩̜͚̘̙̫͉̤̹͗̀͂̏̇̂̏w̷̨͇̗̣̫̥̼̠͓͈͋ͅe̴̛͔̬̮͓̫̯͒̋̓́́̌̋͠ ̶̣̳̭̇̿̾̈́͛͠͝ͅs̷͖̮̭͂́̈́̽̂͌͒̚͝͠t̶̮̜̻͉̘̟̱̤̻̫̖̯̫̘̀͊́̾̈́̽̾͐͛̈́̌í̴̡̼̗͉̆̑̿̓̋̀͂̚l̶̡̡̰̤͚̬͍͉̦̄̐̊͛̂͜͝͝l̸̨̢̛̰̟̻̺̘͍̫͊̀͋̑̾̾̂͐͒̇̏͊̿̊ ̷͚̗͈̂͂̈́́͋͐̚͠͝d̵̘̱̩̖̰̦̟̞̟̩͊̀̆̽͆ỏ̶̟̀̆̋̏͌̐̚̕ͅ ̵̧̧̢̧̝̠̜̙̤̰̻͓͉̖̺͍̓̋́̐͌̄̍͋̽z̵̧͍̰͈̮̹̬͉͇͕̋̓͒̃̑͐̆̐͝͠ͅả̶̡̱̞̬̙̍͛̏̉́̾͆͆ļ̶̨̨̧̞̹͈̪̝͇͎̭͔̈́͘ġ̴̡͉̮͈̬͓̕ͅo̸̺̤̟̥̍̈̈́̊̔̚ ̴̧̢̨̺̥̺͎̹̗̙͙̰̞̫̺̗͆̓̿̀̀͗̆̀͑͘͝͠ͅ ̶͖͎͓̫̮͈̖̼͙̗̋̉̒͊̈́̓̋́̕ẗ̶͙̹͕̝̘̩̪̻͇e̵̹̝͎͖̝̓͝ͅx̵̨̠͎̰̭͔̰̹̬̱̰̳̳͑̃̽ţ̴̡̞͒̐̀́ͅ?̵̧̛͍̺̗͙̹͔̣̬͓̗̄̑̈͂̊̏̿̊̀̎̕
Because your taste is shit
Alright, which one of you did this?

TrashQM dead again?
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Not me but I will shit up a shit post quest about redheads if I get bored this weekend.

I prefer blondes IRL, even if my quest oshi has auburn hair.
Zalgo Test
Lodestar's updated once more! Sorry about the frequent breaks this thread. Between inexplicable illness first for me, then for my family and being fairly busy IRL, it's been a little rough.
So anyways, I hope you like sporty tanned gals
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>that last spoiler
Halo Wolfpack is up and running!

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I prefer small cute blondes who are ladylike until they are not or feisty girls who are still very feminine; being slightly schizo or evil is always a plus. Tomboys/sporty girls just don't do all that much for me.

Will catch up, had forgotten about Lodestar. Val is best boy. Sorry Gigas.
I'll check this out!

I've also begun catching up on this, and one thing I'd like to compliment Chartman on is how, while I normally can't really get into quests with lengthy combats, his animations and character banter really shone through to make them engaging and smooth to read through even when I couldn't join in or play. That's a really incredible feat in this medium, I find. Good work!
Cleo is best girl
Oh, don't worry.
There's going to be that, too.
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Excellent... excellent. Bwhahahaha.

I appreciate you appreciating my tastes. Also nice butt > big tits and girls should have very slight abs or more like a flat stomach that is toned enough you see the "V" leading down and maybe a hint of lower ribs.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Ramza is best boy.
That's a weird way to say Delita.
New thread of Normal Cultivator Quest is up :

You should delete all of your gay frogs.
It probably won't save you from the curse, but you should do it anyway.
The Adlershorst dynasty Quest is back, I would appreciate your presence.
I haven't had the time to participate in your quest, BananasQM, because I am running and worldbuilding my own one lol.

I just want to say I really admire your inventiveness and worldcrafting with Guyot, the mythology around the Deaths and whales and ships and coral etc.

hmmm let me read some sample dialogue and see...

>"What about those holes up there, Father?"
>"Oh no Son, ..."
indeed, one wishes to know what the holes are for
Haha, holy shit Souv, even your shitposts have citations and references. Keep it up.
Souv is incredibly thorough.
He should make his quest about gay frogs instead.
hmm the cultural civ quest thread died. Are any of the players in here?
I don't really know how or if I should put it on suptg.

I hope it was enjoyable, despite the confusion.

I'll start working on thread 2 next week but I'll take my time, work crunch culture and all that be taking my energy.
Holliday learns about his next available jobs.
1. Disrupt a deal between two gangs
2. Be a hired gun for a raid
3. Confirm the death of a mercenary idol group


And new art!
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There's been a little surge of new and returning quests that I enjoy. Good timing, since I'm sick

Whatcha' playan, /qst/?
The newest addition to my readlist, and something I would personally place among S tier, is the latest Exalted quest that's on its first thread.
Check it out over here: >>6028398
I'll also recommend DISFORTUNA for those of you who enjoy a bit of esoteric and intentionally obfuscated setting mechanics. At least, it seems intentionally obfuscated to me. It has some pretty neat artwork too. I'd place it in B tier, but only because I struggle with that style of quest. I usually don't read them at all, so if you're a fan of the type, it's probably a pretty good one that's at least A tier for you.
It's over at: >>6028310
Is DISFORTUNA the new Souv one?
No, I don't believe so.
Fuck it, we ball. I'm going to see just how far I can push things before I catch a warning or a ban. Wish me luck anons.
This is his.
> TrashQM dead again?
No - and apologies about the radio silence. I have just been a lot more busy for a lot longer than I thought I would be. I am currently planning for opening a new thread on this upcoming Thursday.
>Broken Empire: New Frontier
>Olympus Incarnation
>Stone and Sorcery
>Black Ocean
>Last of the Elves
If only Forgotten would stop being a responsible man and just run Sworn to Valour, it'd be perfect.
Silver Knight, Cleaner, the Caretaker, Lodestar some, The Prophecy Names Me.

Waiting warmly for Disappearing Hogwarts and Sworn to Valor to return.

Damn... not very far it seems. I will read this shit on archive just because that is impressive to get nuked that quick.
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Oh and slowly catching up to Olympus Incarnation since Ate does things for me.
Based and Ἄτη-pilled
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damn, you got prunned, anon. a shame. hope you have it saved.
>Damn... not very far it seems. I will read this shit on archive just because that is impressive to get nuked that quick.
unfortunately it wasn't archived before that happened. hopefully you can still see it on .moe or other site
It is indeed on archived.moe. Not sure why you thought advertising it in the /qtg/ was a good idea, unless you WANTED to get immediately nuked? An anon did pretty much the same thing as a means to get my last thread taken down, for far tamer content.
I think I got baited when the guy mentioned posting here to let people know I was back. C'est la vie.
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>He doesn't know that there's a 5'1" schizo slightly evil blonde noble adventuress (thinks hand holding is lewd) feMC on this board RIGHT NOW

>He doesn't like big tits
nvm it's so over
Oh, shit, that's some rad art of Richard. Charlotte's cool, too, I guess.
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If it makes anyone feel better, I want bang every single MC and prominent secondary character on the board. Tertiary characters can eat shit though, not sorry.
Just out of curiosity anon, may I ask what you think my qst lacks to put it at B? I want to be better.
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>I think I got baited when the guy mentioned posting here to let people know I was back.
>Is the guy who mentioned advertising in /qtg/
>Actually really liked the quest

…I feel like an ass…

Unfortunately, I was that guy that suggested advertising your comeback in the /qtg/, and I totally forgot about /qst/ Janitors being “totally normal people who have sex on the regular”, and how they’d react to a quest with large boobs being mentioned in it. You didn't get tricked by a troll, I legitimately gave bad advice and didn’t realize you’d get your quest shot down over it.
To be fair, I did just have a straight up sex scene, I probably should have known better than to advertise it. Didn't realize this was such a prudish board, especially when the quest opened with post-goblin-clan-running-a-train-on-her cleanup...
Sssnake ssolidarity

None of those are bad ratings, to be clear. They're all recommendations. I explained my 'methodology' last /qtg/, but:

>R is literally me

>S is a quest I would unreservedly recommend to pretty much anyone, with a pretty solid and reliable update schedule and produced by a proven QM

>A is one I'd recommend but which has a few caveats, such being only in its first thread, being quite slow or sporadic to update, or having some sort of community element, textual element, or formatting peculiarity that I could see making it 'not everyone's cup of tea'

>B is one I'm playing and enjoying but which I'd have hesitation offering a full-throated recommendation of, such as if I don't yet have faith that the QM won't flake on, or it seems a little low-effort or shitposty, or it's very coomerific or goofy

Yours is just very new quest, and you seem a little new to the medium and its workings. No shade, mind you, and if you keep on going you'll likely refine your technique and develop the characters and setting a little more, and it will probably get bumped to A by default if it gets a Thread 2.

Framing it as a sort of 'dare' to the jannies was probably a bigger factor than just mentioning it was back.
>Didn't realize this was such a prudish board
It's a blue board. If you want to run a quest heavily featuring sex, fiction.live or Questionable Questing are much better places.
Short stacks can GTFO. I need slim, small chested girls who may or may not be planning to kill me. Small is best, but I will accept tall if they are still like heroin chic.

I recall reading some of the OG Drowned, so I will likely eventually check out Redux, if for no there reason than having Richard role-playing in Kings has been amusing.

Who did you com the art from or is that something you drew?

It is very nice. Handsome snake.
>I think I got baited when the guy mentioned posting here to let people know I was back. C'est la vie.
I think said guy forgot what your quest was about, and that doot was way higher than a regular doot, kek
>He doesn't like big tits
>nvm it's so over
what's her cup ?
>You didn't get tricked by a troll, I legitimately gave bad advice and didn’t realize you’d get your quest shot down over it.
that's what I thought. anon forgot that sex themes are always a shaky ground
The jannies don't seem to care if you want to put a lewd pdf or like a rentry link, if you want to do stuff like that in the future. I was fine posting a quest fanfic/lewdfic featuring a high school age girl getting her ass eaten then fucked in it, among other things, by putting it in a PDF.
There are prudes, coomers, and everything in between. Manya quest has included one or more sex scenes, and fairly lewd and lurid concepts have been run successfully here. The secret is mainly to pastebin or otherwise post off-site, and link )with disclaimer) the NSFW content.

Oblique and vague references to sexual acts can sometimes fly, and I'm not sure exactly what the threshold or criteria is for what is 'a bridge too far'. I've seen quests where the QM writes a Christmas poem about the main character trussing herself up as a 'Christmas present' for her school chums and gangbangs a bunch of soldiers get away with only a couple warnings, while much tamer content (mine included) has been taken down when the QM didn't even describe any specific act or organ in detail. I've seen QMs sneak actual drawn porn in with a spoilered image, while other lewd imagery has been taken down.

The secret is really just not to attract janitorial attention which, as a corollary, requires not upsetting any anon who will get bent out of shape enough to file a report or alert the /qtg/.

Don't advertise the nature of your content in the general, anon. That's how you get a thread nuked
Oh that's good, I hope I can meet your expectation soon.
Ugh, don't remind me... What's the point of an 18+ website that can't handle basic R-Rated material, while on a particular separate board everyone's trying to be the Super King Big Nuts over the edgy dickheads that frequent there?

Regardless, my bad for getting you got.
elf maiden christmas special mentioned!!
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>Short stacks can GTFO.
It's SO over.

>recall reading some of the OG Drowned
When it was being written, or after the fact? If you were one of my very few voters at the time, it's nice to see you. If not, that's cool too, though I have been rereading OG Drowned myself and it is janky as SHIT. I had no idea what I was doing. My current quest is better by pretty much any objective measure.

>I will likely eventually check out Redux
Cool! I have been spending the last 6 months scraping the threads to create nicely formatted Google Docs of the threads. They take a bit load, but they fix all the typos and messy stuff, so I recommend anybody interested in reading to start here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-IhGrvvy5DAGXpk1VWBeSLN19IIDjP4YnUjroUEplDo/edit?usp=sharing

That being said, I estimate the quest is about a year out from completion, give or take a couple months, so if you plan to catch up I wouldn't wait too long.

>Who did you com the art from or is that something you drew?
I actually won an art raffle of sorts and this was one of the pieces I received. I do my own art (picrel), but it doesn't look like that, lol. I don't know if the artist takes actual comms, but you can see more of their stuff here: https://toyhou.se/twgp/art

>what's her cup ?
pretty big but not anime big
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Also, here's a pdf of Threads 1-4, which may load faster.

>Slim, small chested evil blondes

Huh, that's what an all-natural/pre-deification Atë looks like based on the original body type in the concept art. Will draw, gimme a sec
Just keep plugging along and writing the kind of stuff that makes you passionate and interested. Sometimes you gain voters, sometimes you lose them, but questing much be fun for the QM first and foremost.

It was where I tapped out, honestly
When it was being written. I distinctly recall having an afternoon off and just reading the last QM post for like thread 2 or 3 and not being able to make sense of what was going on. Went and read the prior couple of threads. Voted on things a couple of times, but I spent way less of my time on here back then due to work and IRL social obligations.

It will only take me a weekend to run through that many threads, likely. Will check it out after I am a bit less busy with life bullshit, so I hope I enjoy it enough to participate.
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>Will draw, gimme a sec

Based beyond all belief. I am already up to the end of thread 2, you don't need to woo me.
Finally some good advice.

Too late, here she is (not my greatest work but it gets the point across lol)

File got eaten, let's try this again
>not being able to make sense of what was going on
This is the full and complete OG Drowned experience. I'm reading it back years later and I can't make sense of half of what's going on. I don't blame you in the slightest. Redux has segments of weirdness but is less balls-to-the-wall insane, for better or worse (almost certainly better).

>It will only take me a weekend to run through that many threads, likely.
Godspeed, but... ...you know there's 41 threads, right? The linked PDF is only of the first handful. If you can finish 100% of Redux in a weekend, I should buy you a drink or something, because that's a LOT of reading.

>I hope I enjoy it enough to participate.
I hope so too! Feel free to say hi in our current thread (https://boards.4channel.org/qst/thread/6041226) if you have any questions: I'm always here to help.
Still would. It's a good thing she got the ability to manipulate her organs at will. She is going to need it.
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Cute! She is cute! And Evil. Saved. Picrel. I want to do horrible things with a former wagie now turned dark deity!

>You know there's 41 threads

If I really like something and don't have shit to do... I mean, I read like the entirety of Joker Quest over like 4 days. For context: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Joker+Quest

Normally, I prefer to 'sip' as opposed to binge these days, but a long weekend for the 4th is coming up.

I will say hi for the hell of it a probably read the first thread or a couple tonight between my own writing.

Is reading the OG needed for the current quest? I would imagine not?

Bro... if Ate can shape-shift into her OG human form... organs will not be enough. She would need to be able to regen/manipulate her entire spine, minimum. Because I would rearrange it, blow her back out even if I knew she would kill me after I passed out... or worse than just be killed. Which is still hot.
> I mean, I read like the entirety of Joker Quest over like 4 days.
I've been around long enough (started reading quests in 2015) that I knew what this implied without the link. Christ, man. Impressive levels of autism.

>Is reading the OG needed for the current quest? I would imagine not?
It's not needed, though it is pretty short. If you're going straight into Redux, I would recommend checking out the quick setting guide at the start of the doc (or here: https://pastebin.com/q6fdvmck) for initial context. The OG dumps the main character into the setting fresh, so he learns everything first-hand, but Redux does a lot less explaining. (Also, the reason why the character Ellery is so prominent in Redux's early threads is because he's the OG's old MC. If you find yourself not caring about him, the focus shifts around Thread 6.)

>I will say hi for the hell of it a probably read the first thread or a couple tonight between my own writing.
Based. I'm off to go write my update myself.
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>Because I would rearrange it, blow her back out even if I knew she would kill me after I passed out
I was invested in The Silver Promise, but it's been almost three weeks since the QM went missing in action, so doubt it's coming back.
Lurking Stone and Sorcery, seems pretty really cool, and I've been voting here and there in Black Ocean Quest because I've never actually read a Bananas quest before.
>Normal Cultivator
>GC Beat Cop
>Olympus Incarnation
>Haunted Game
>Do Your Best
>Mahou Shoujo Villainess
>Solarpunk Cleanup
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After a month of delays, Thread #5 of Simple Space Empire is a go: >>6043148. Again, thank you for your patience and thank you for participating. I couldn't ask for better players.
Even the WOMEN?????
Yes my friend, even the women. The dickening cannot be contained.
So, should I continue Succubus Quest on Akun, or should I start up with a difference premise? I have a good number of ideas in my head that I think I could develop...
Do what you like. Though it'd be a shame for a good QM to migrate to Akun. I'd like to see more of your quests. As others have said, if you have lewd ideas then pastebins are the way to go.
If you want to run it with detailed and frequent sex scenes, Akun is probably your best bet by the sounds of it. If your story has legs without that, staying here would work.
Ain't pastebin still cracking down on smut?
I'd prefer you'd stay here, desu. I tried Akun when Elf Maiden went there, but I just couldn't gel with the interface. Just wait until the heat dies down and try again. That being said, it's up to you where you feel like you can run it, so hopefully it doesn't feel like we're forcing our choice on you, okay?
There are alternatives that don't, e.g. ghostbin, that's why I said pastebinS as in similar services.
The problem is that pastebins is also a plural of pastebin which represents a single post on the website. Which makes it easy to misunderstand. For clarity's sake you should have said
>"if you have lewd ideas then pastebin-likes are the way to go"
7/10 see me after class.
nah, you can continue if the spicy stuff like the last doot can easily fit on a pastebin or rentry.org. akun would only work if you planned on going full gooner and you'd basically need to build a new fanbase.
why would they do that ? kinda strange
rentry is another option
>why would they do that ? kinda strange
No idea. Can only imagine some dweeb got put in charge that clutches pearls or some dickwad corporate account intern sent them an email about advertising or something.
I would say stay here. The steamy stuff, just stick it in a pdf, link it off site. If there is so much smut you would need to stick every post in a pdf... yeah, might not work.

They are. It auto-detected some stuff I tied to put up before.

I like rentry, however 4chan sometimes detects it as spam.
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Yeah, basically. And google, in my case, flagged a burner account I was using the drive for and destroyed it. I fucking hate the prude web. Letting normies in and letting Pajeets code was a mistake.

Following this conversation closely to see how to put as much smut as possible in the next Curse Carrier.
I severely doubt that any of the other girls in curse carrier will have even a tenth of Etsy's horny-ness. Pretty sure even Leah wasn't that unsatiable as a mortal.

I'm trying to think, but honestly Etsy might have been the one with the highest sex drive. She's not the one with the most extreme tastes, but she is the one that's the most demanding. Everyone else is relatively normal and even Leah is more a coomer because she had nothing else going on in her life rather than out of any innate drive.
>I fucking hate the prude web.
it's not exactly prudeness, it's what people call safe horny
kek, but what anon >>6043334 said has a point, I don't see any other girl having as high a libido as etsy. the only thing others might bring to the table, like Leah since she was a gooner early on, would be willingness to try new shit.
I'm going to go ahead and guess that people are also most likely going to go for Sawyer next time, so i doubt she's going to be neither a coomer or have a giant sex drive.

Unless we unlock the secret Good Ending Sawyer-Etsy Threesome route. 2 more weeks.
Hey anons I have a question, if there's only one vote but it's been a couple days should I just go forward or wait until at least two votes?
Just go forward. Sometimes for weird reasons a bunch of people just decide not to vote. Maybe they're not sure and don't want to feel like they picked the wrong option, i dunno.
It really is weird, I can see there are more than one person on akun and no one votes. I just don't get why they don't. Guess I'll never know.
Sawyer would be pretty normal, just different emotional problems. I think the only two that would be pretty extreme sex wise is either Mona because it's Mona or the demon of the backstreet because she's the type of person to not be horny for a week only to pounce on you and break your pelvis without warning in the middle of the night and call it endurance training.
Well, then maybe you'll just have to get more descriptive for the scenes that do happen if you want to challenge the moraljannies.
Just move on even if it's with less votes. Being busy does a lot for activity, which will help retain players and gain new ones.
But if you want more votes, don't feel bad about referring to your update here in /qtg/ - though, not *all the time*. Lots of people do it, including myself. It's not only a way to tell your players "hey I updated, come vote," but it is also a tool to resolve shit like this saying "hey, I need a tiebreaker, gimme a vote" or "big thing happening, I need some dice, come roll".
Gotcha, I might as well update it then. I could use some votes since this decides the arc.

Quit causing Peak Oil and the environmental and societal devestation thereafter, Bananas! GEEZ!
Me when I write my quest
I've had a few votes where only two, maybe three, anons voted. While they can be discouraging, it's best to keep pushing forward. An active quest naturally draws more players than one that looks abandoned to outside voters.
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Storkie swimsuit for the summer!

Also thanks to my three or four voters for keeping M.A.G.I.C.A.L. Girl Quest going! Doing a lot of experimenting with that quest so I already knew it wasn't gonna get a lot of voters, plus it's very different from Storkie's quest which is very jokey and flexible in what I can do. Also also, sorry for the slow updates as always. I'd love to do more but it's really hard to find the time...
Thanks, HandlerQM, I appreciate and am thankful of your encouragement, I won't give up.
Keep up the good work, m8.
If nothing else, you can use your current quest as a way to push yourself forward through experience.
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> Storkie swimsuit for the summer!
Will bang to an unreasonable degree. A degree even further than the record setting summers across the globe lately.
If you desire to write, and there is a vote, you should write.

So this is a blueboard, pastebin is still a shit and I wouldn't trust Jewgle if my life depended on it.
Is there really no better option than making essentially zip bombs of porn and sending it to anons that are interested?
you can make a PDF and upload it instead of an image
Should’ve known you were a coomer when you made it known that the infernal exalt was your favorite path.
Silly billy. Lunars are the coomer splat
Actually the whole game was made by a bunch of degenerates. Don't google Exxxalted.
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>"I just need a few days to settle some IRL issues"
>still no new Sworn to Valour thread after two weeks
The tribulations of a Knigga.
Gotham City beat Cop returns from weekend break.

Join us as we relax from a long and stressful day.
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I was really worried about the pacing at the time so I'm glad it reads well as a whole. Once I'd committed to using the first person dice roll mechanics, I couldn't go back. I had to make the whole fight in 3D so people wouldn't get lost. Though now I just really want to run a proper skirmish with similar mechanics.
Looks like an April fools though
It is but...
The core book has rules on childbirth.
The Lunars have rules on how to engage in bestiality to produce beastmen.
The Abyssals have brothels with ghosts and zombies.
The Dragon-blooded fuck pretty much 24/7
The game is mired in degeneracy anyway
Average White Wolf TTRPG.
Nobody should be surprised in this day and age.
Eh. At least this does not make fun of an ongoing genocide in the balkans. Or pushes woke shit like 3e
WW definitely got worse over time
I feel you brother
It is the work of copper-clippers, possibly even a samefag conspiracy.
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Truly being a Knigga is AGONY
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>The Lunars have rules on how to engage in bestiality to produce beastmen.

What in the nigger...
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The colony continues to grow and potential threats surrounding the colony become apparent, just as a new mystery rears its head at Broken Empire: New Frontier.

You heard me. It's very funny actually.
So these dignified and noble demigods? Protectors of the world? Keepers of the last vestiges of ancient knowledge thought long lost?
Yeah they frequently go into areas where reality is breaking down and fuck, or get fucked by animals to conceive hybrid soldiers. Either that or they shapeshift into animals and convince some unfortunate asshole to breed them.
And one of them industrialized the process with rape camps. Funny guy
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Who the fuck at White Wolf signed off on this.

Like way back in the day, yeah the guys at the hobby shop who played Vampire: the Masquerade were weird in their leather trench coats during summer, fedoras, and insisting they be called by their character's name kinda way but...

At least I feel way less bad about my fetishes now, I guess.
Player question: what's your favorite scene from any quest you've read, past or present? For QMs, what's your favorite scene from a quest you run/ran? Feel free to use this as an opportunity to shill your stuff
>Player question:
the little "fight" between Arty and Elliot in Disappearing Hogwarts when Helga Hufflepuff possesses Elliot to make her stop.
It hit in all the right places
>QM question
well, im currently running my first quest, a non-canon spin-off of Disappearing Hogwarts just while we wait for HeadQM to return, but so far i dont have anything i would call my favorite
>what's your favorite scene from any quest you've read, past or present?
That's an incredibly tough one, but a couple that stick with me are when our big burly Russia bro Myshta held the line for us against a super-powered corpo hitman in My Government-Issued Big Titty Goth Girlfriend Clarissa's big sacrifice-ritual and the immediate aftermath in Path of the Exorcist, and Agori's death in Supreme Space Monke Ruler. Also, the scene where Sira and Warin fly together at the end of the Sira's Brothel trilogy.

>For QMs, what's your favorite scene from a quest you run/ran?
There are too many, desu. I even started trying to make a short-list, and it's tough.

I really liked the big sewer fight-scene when The Infiltrator took revenge on the wererats, and also he bittersweet ending, in Reptilian infiltrator Quest. The entire raid on the Tower during the gala was also very fun.

In Dragonborn Antipaladin, probably the Devourer fight or the aerial battle against the adventurers, or maybe the ballroom dance in Wevenore or the marriage to Ekaterine.

In my current quest... Maybe the first big Rite of Attunement moment, the waffle-house brunch, the confrontation between Theral and Costella, or the troll battle.
Pretty much any scene from Heavenly Child
It's an extremely tough choice, but I have to call it for the dynamic entry attack on ANARCHY in Sworn to Valour. There's nothing as hype as an stupidly brave maneuver working out.

Honorable mention to Manuel's cavalry charge into the center of the barbarian infantry in Renovatio Imperii. The whole army yelling "Imperator" moved me in just the right way.
>QM question
Currently, I like the Intermission I wrote at the end of the second Solarpunk thread starring Fiona's father.
Previously, I very much enjoyed writing the fight against the giant centipede in the bismuth town in Iron, a Tief's Quest. Triss being a fucking tank and nearly dying, Reggie worrying his ass off, Cutie being an adorable little Dragoon, mysterious mute enemies with cool swords, laid the seeds for further sidequests, it had it all.
>QM question
I wouldn't say memorable, I really need to reread my own quests, but I happy with how the August and Goldie's battle against Charred Bones after they left the El Dorado Warren ended up being like.
The more minor moment is where August teaches Goldie to shoot as he's stuck to a cactus and unable to do it himself.
I really like the scene following theLilyzar fight in DHQ, when our MC met his recently murdered best friend in his mind was great. Getting to see Taylor again, having him encourage Elliot to keep going was kino.

This was also a good one. Having the waifu yell that it didn't matter if she was abusing wizard meth because she would be dead by 35 regardless was great.

Also loved when Arty fought so hard she nearly died to protect Elliot when training with Crouch. When she stood up to the greatest living wizard because he was being a dick to Elliot was amazing.

Lots of moments, really, which is why DHQ is my oshi right now.

That was amazing. I remember doing a dumb little hand clap when we got the crit.

Aside from recent stuff, I really enjoyed a couple of moments in Shadow Quest and in Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest. There are like 2 quests on Akun I though had nice moments as well.
Disappearing Hogwarts has had some really standout ones, yeah, actually. And Gotham City Beat Cop's ladybug meditation scene was a gooder, too.

I’ve really enjoyed the smaller moments about the dysfunctional machismo of the Argive Royal Family in Seven Against Thebes Quest.

They are not good men - murderers and rapists by modern standards, but finding out how they do manage to love each other, in a twisted way, has been a lot of fun.

It’s funny - I got into the QMing game for the drama and action of Bronze Age warfare, but those moments aren’t what keep drawing me back.

Deianira still hasn’t learned about her brother - Hippomedon has never met Deianira. How can I stop now?
Nikon is fine just sleepy.
The same white wolf that's always been around and paradox took behind the shed. Who made rapist apologist the rpg in beast the primordial and caused an international incident claiming a then ongoing genocide was caused by vampires
My favorite scene I wrote is from my old Sailormoon quest when the original character Ruka uses her powers to deliver a massive sparkler bomb directly to Jadeite as he's leaving through a portal.

>Player Question
I'll admit I don't read nearly as many quests as I should- I'm a bit hyperfocused on Olympus Incarnation so I pour most of the time I could use reading into that. I did quite enjoy the ending of the recent counting sheep quest, and a lot of the more serious/plot heavy scenes like Existence's backstory reveals in Versequest are pretty good.

>QM Question
The death of the Hind is probably still my favorite, but it has some contenders for me now- particularly in the fifth thread with Shakir's end at the hands of Atë's newly revealed true form and the obliteration of the compound standing out being, in my opinion, better written if not less impactful. In terms of what I had the most fun writing, the fight between Deer and Mouse was really fun to theorycraft and choreograph in my head
The scene where Adrastus rallies everyone to war (backed by Dr. Dre) was genuinely so cinematic in presentation that I could imagine it vividly as I read it and listened to the track.
>what's your favorite scene from any quest you've read, past or present?
Greenhorn Quest 2 - Being pursued by the incense lantern wand assassin
Understated. Scary. Brief. It was intense. I truly believed he was a dangerous opponent.

Tales of Tatamu - prologue’s mess hall interaction
TLDR; asshole at work challenges us for a fight to settle a debt. We accept, knowing its not gonna be a fair fight and brought a bunch of knives and forks with us.
I liked the unofficial write-in comment integration with the votes

Elf Maiden 3 - interaction with the baron & his guard
A true encapsulation of what Elf Maiden is. Started out comedic with the baron’s confession and lagneia’s blown kiss technique. Ended with her realizing the fragility and lifespan of humes while talking with the guard. That was some freiren shit right there.

Dragonborn Antipaladin - Eka & Theral’s date at the hotpot
cute date and an exploration of their beliefs

Seekers of the Esoteric - Carlos interaction at the glassblower’s shop
The duel with the unseelie champion was interesting. The waffle date with Costella and Tips is nice. The confrontation with the moon goddess was tragic. The goblin wastes troll pack fight was cool.

But that interaction with Carlos was a good mark of how far Tips has come. He’s not afraid or overly bloodthirsty. A bit prideful but still judicious.

>Also, the scene where Sira and Warin fly together at the end of the Sira's Brothel trilogy.
It was a fine farewell.

>what's your favorite scene from a quest you run/ran?
Goblin Assassin 1 - Zeal & Cris’ plot
The finest NPCs I ever wrote. Extremists to the childfree ideology through and through. I plan to revisit that concept in Farewell to Cavaliers.

Sira cannot run a brothel 1 - a fangirl asks sira to wear her garter
I really liked how I wrote that tailor. A one-shot NPC that appears only briefly but memorable.
The first day of the cycle comes to an end. It's time to settle the night council, appease your people, and make plans for the dead city feast in Mass Exodus Quest.

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My apologies anons, I am possibly getting shipped out west for work next week (no reliable internet) but the whole thing may be canned. I won’t know until the end of this week. I should have an solid date for you by this weekend, one way or the other.
Adlershorst update, about banking, very exciting stuff, I am sure you will agree.

Power Rangers quest QM where are you my dude ? I need to see it concluded

Thanks for the kind words! I’ve actually been happy that the LBA/90s hip hop thing is working out, although sometimes I honestly forget to post the links. I’m still kicking myself for forgetting the orchestral track for the Tisiphone reveal.

Wait until we can start busting out the East coast tracks - Thebes is NYC in the musical ecology of SATQ…>>6044445
Putting on the mask in Banished Quest.
It was the single most retarded thing the players could have done, and I've never seen anything quite as retarded since, but I really liked how the consequences were written, regardless.
I don't have a favorite, I hate everything I write equally.
>One way or another
Ominous, but good to know!

Cathagi Medusae waifu when?
Those are some serious honkers. That waistline. Damn, son.
You've beaten your Tactical Officer in the point defence scenario five-to-four, Lieutenant Commander Annon! Now that he's suitably impressed, you should try to convince him to help you uncover your voidship's secrets!

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QM: Basically this once duel with Lana and the conversation with your BF Gustof before it. Also I guess the horse ride after. That whole thing was probably my best work.
Local man aids jailbreak, learns that he may have been the victim of a honeypot scheme.
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Didn't realize it was you. Adding in some generic strategies to choose, could help anons in the battle phase.
To writers in general and qms specifically, what do you do about accents in dialogue? I almost never transcribe them, usually only mentioning them once or twice in passing and trying to use words that fit in with the dialect, but sometimes I feel like it's insufficient. Transcribed accents, meanwhile, always seemed kinda forced and tacky to me. Any thoughts?
I've seen a few that I thought were amusing. Whether it be because they are so over the top and disruptive as to be nonsensical or because it is something endearing. No one minds a "sugah" here and there. Probably. But it is a headache to write depending on how deep into it you need to get to properly convey it. Consistently slurred speech is a bitch, as is trying to maintain legibility when it comes to trailing sounds. Thick accents are usually better to not bother with unless it's for a specific reason at a specific time.

They usually don't contribute anything meaningful to the story anyway, so it's more a question of how much extra work you want to do confusing your fingers when typing.
I love it when done right, but it's rarely so. Hunter Quest by SpookQM did it extremely well (while it lasted). I think "accents" are normally best captured by elements of dialect like diction and grammer.
>best captured by elements of dialect like diction and grammer.

This. I do not want to have to parse a Cockney accent or what not. Tossing in a few quirks is fine, like if someone doesn't like really pronounce the "G" ant the end of things that end with an "-ing". Or shit like saying "sorta" as opposed to "sort of". That stuff is easy to read and doesn't disrupt the flow.

If you tell me and then remind me someone has an accent, I will likely read their lines in it, using my prior experience with hearing in.
My quests are a bit trashy, so I throw in some accents where appropriate, mainly the Reptilian lissspss, and writing a couple of the obviously lower-class characters (who are mother and daughter) with the same sorta accent where they spell out 'your' like 'yer' and stuff like that, ta drive home that they ain't exactly what ya'd call 'sophisticated'.

As someone already few prone to typos and poor at proof-reading their own work, though, these DO complicate things, beacsue I can't just spell-check (or us an AI to spell-check) accent-heavy dialogue.

Getting too into the weeds with phonetic accents for thicker versions, especially mingle with a regional patois, can easily end up unintelligible for me as a reader.
Kek, like pottery.
>Transcribed accents, meanwhile, always seemed kinda forced and tacky to me. Any thoughts?

>I think "accents" are normally best captured by elements of dialect like diction and grammer.

I prefer to have my lower-class characters use improper grammar (I ain’t know.) while the more educated ones use phrases or words which are more formal or archaic, and use contractions less often. (the which, excepting, breed loathsomeness, the path of rectitude, I do not wish…)

i just copy shit from old west era documents
Beek'Soo is a great name.
I use 'meep' for the minions. It helps to clarify that the minion is speaking in dialogue scenes with my main character.

I was inspired by the Prinnies who have a verbal tic.

Sometimes my main character will talk in a completely uncharacteristic Scottish manner. So I put that in red to emphasize how utterly alien the word choices are for a teenage girl.
Hey that's pretty clever dood!
Halo Wolfpack is up and running!

>Sign up for a timeskip
>Qm has to leave town for work


Thanks for the tips!
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I'm really excited for Beneath the Waves coming out eventually.
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I appreciate that anon thank you, I actually turned that part of the quest into it's own stand alone piece for a competition. It's a personal favorite of mine.

>Player Question
The Riddle-Master from Wanted Dead, The small aftermath scene of the Uchiha Clan Massacre from Naruto: Feeling Blue, and The MC saving the princess in The Fall of Hyrule. Sadly Wanted and N:FB are both over but not finished. Still though I'd strongly recommend reading what they did put down, such talented displays of different types of writing.

>QM Question
I love any chance I get to write dream sequences, I love to just get caught up in my own imagination of the visuals and the feelings that I end up having to curate a big block of 'stream-of-consciousness' text into something that isn't offensive to try and follow. I also really enjoy leaving hints and clues in a lot of my writing, I love leaving little clues towards inspiration or subtle references that could hint towards themes I plan on exploring.

Early update for Gotham City Beat Cop today btw. I've been dropping 3/4 post updates for the past couple days and really enjoying the amount of character interaction I am getting to do. Feel free swing by and check it out.
Yeah, its alright
you should record the funny words for posterity, so that future audiences can puzzle over them

I came up here an hour ago with Lucy, and we had a most interesting talk with my old friend and the two others who always come and join him. (...) Lucy was looking sweetly pretty in her white lawn frock; she has got a beautiful colour since she has been here. I noticed that the old men did not lose any time in coming up and sitting near her when we sat down. She is so sweet with old people; I think they all fell in love with her on the spot.

Even my old man succumbed and did not contradict her, but gave me double share instead. I got him on the subject of the legends, and he went off at once into a sort of sermon. I must try to remember it and put it down:—

‘It be all fool-talk, lock, stock, and barrel; that’s what it be, an’ nowt else. These bans an’ wafts an’ boh-ghosts an’ bar-guests an’ bogles an’ all anent them is only fit to set bairns an’ dizzy women a-belderin’ They be nowt but air-blebs! They, an’ all grims an’ signs an’ warnin’s, be all invented by parsons an’ illsome beuk-bodies an’ railway touters to skeer an’ scunner hafflin’s, an’ to get folks to do somethin’ that they don’t other incline to. It makes me ireful to think o’ them. Why, it’s them that, not content with printin’ lies on paper an’ preachin’ them out of pulpits, does want to be cut-tin’ them on the tombsteans. Look here all around you in what airt ye will; all them steans, holdin’ up their heads as well as they can out of their pride, is acant—simply tumblin’ down with the weight o’ the lies wrote on them, “Here lies the body” or “Sacred to the memory” wrote on all of them, an’ yet in nigh half of them there bean’t no bodies at all; an’ the memories of them bean’t cared a pinch of snuff about, much less sacred. Lies all of them, nothin’ but lies of one kind or another! My gog, but it’ll be a quare scowderment at the Day of Judgment when they come tumblin’ up here in their deathsarks, all jouped together an’ tryin’ to drag their tombsteans with them to prove how good they was; some of them trimmlin’ and ditherin’, with their hands that dozzened an’ slippy from lyin’ in the sea that they can’t even keep their grup o’ them.’

>Bram Stoker was probably gay
Dracula is a very political novel, set exactly in the emergence of the technomodernist era of America surpassing the British Empire. I mentioned already on a past qtg
how the madman, Renfield, explicitly cites the Monroe Doctrine the first time he introduces himself to the main characters, as he is hungrily gulping down live animals and flies. Many of the ships that transport Dracula are female (Demeter etc being the most famous one in the Whitby dead ship arrival scene) and it probably isn't a coincidence that another one of them is Russian (deliberately named, "Czarina Catherine")
I am ultra new to /qst/ and have read like a couple of small quests, and then decided to binge read the Do Your Best quest, and from the top of my head I really liked everything about the time Johnny went to the Dream Hill of Hopes amd Dreams, it's such a chill scene of Johnny just hanging around with a dude he recently met and talking about stuff while checking the stuff of that place, the whole context of the place also is really fucking cool
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New blood coming in, doomposters btfo (it's only 1 anon but still cool)
How are you liking /qst/ so far? How did you find the board?
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The longer I run Quests the more I realize I'm just doing this to procrastinate from playing my REAL Skyrim playthrough.
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What kind of GOOD fantasy Quest would you most want to see?
Wanted Dead's QM is running The Prophecy Names Me, now. It's good so far!

The scene in Fall of Hyrule where Matthias and Sortrea bond over the description of the ocean was pretty peak.

We've had a few newbies join recently. I think.
Post mod list
I'm more or less finished with the first thread of my quest. If anyone would give me a review or some criticism of it, I'd appreciate it very much


I didn't read it
I've already vouched for it, it's in my S-tier ranks. I'd give a review but I'm a little too busy for that at the moment.
I really like /qst/ from what little I have seen, it's just some dudes trying to tell their stories to some randos and having fun, and I found it because I was bored one day and just clicked the /qst/ board because I never checked it out before
That's about right. Good to have you here, anon!
Nifty. Don't forget to check suptg at some point. It has archived quests from here and back when they ran of tg. Lotta wonderful quests from the past. One sad thing about this hobby, I will warn you, is that the vast majority of quests never finish. Sometimes the QM lets people know, other times they will just disappear.
Yeah, I noticed that last part, I was following the digimon thread that was on recently, and it sucked that it never continued even though it was in a super early stage only because I love digimon in general lmao
>One sad thing about this hobby, I will warn you, is that the vast majority of quests never finish. Sometimes the QM lets people know, other times they will just disappear.
Another thing is that the Discord cliques and their interference in the threads that get more attention become noticeable after frequenting this board. Trolling itself isn't too common, but a pain in the ass when it happens; it takes a while for it to get cleaned up on this board as it's pretty slow compared to others. That being said, this board is definitely among the best on this site, for whatever that's worth. While you're trying out new boards, I'd recommend checking out the more technical, carpentry, or craftsman oriented discussions on /diy/. It's underrated and keeps itself comparatively clean because people that do those things actually go outside and don't typically stare at a computer monitor all day.
Can someone give me the rundown on this quest? I've looked into it a few times but always failed to get a feel for what it was really "all about", if you catch my drift.
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>this board is definitely among the best on this site

Very true. For the most part, the discussions are civil, people don't usually drop may NSFW images, free entertainment, usually a pretty good range of types of quests and setting, no endless parade of general threads aside from a single one, ect.

And Discord gonna discord so oh well.
Basically beings of another dimension are having a war in earth using humans as their partners by becoming psudo stands to declare the new god and grant a wish to the winning human, but mostly it's about a character driven story of Johnny doing his best, which involves a lot of cooking, being a dork, interacting with people, trying to help them out, sometimes making worse or better, and resulting in genuine effects in his actions and how they affect to the world and characters be it by accident or on purpose, for better or worse

And honestly the start is very aimless and is even acknowledged by the characters, in the sense of what we as the player and Johnny should do, being relatively passive to the world about stuff that happens until a thing happens to us and we get to do something relevant or not to the plot, it takes quite some time until we start to actually have solid objectives that are relevant to the plot and the world and not just wing it, I would say that when you reach the part where we interact for the first time with T_T Neko is when oh shit nigga the consequences, and we start to connect more with this world and it helps solidify a lot more of how Johnny is as a character and how he approaches things

That said there is quite a bit of things that are very cool with the quest, for example is how interconnected are the characters with others, there is probably like more than 150 characters already and the QM somehow is able to add more and more of them, and the vast majority know or are related to other characters thanks to whatever reason, and said other characters are connected to others, and those others to others, basically pic related, and it really makes the world of the quest feel alive; there is also a fuckton of sidequests that Johnny participates into, from those that can become plot relevant, to just fun side things, which also may impact in the future because you met a guy or someone said x thing that will help you while talking to other guy or something; it's full of cool drawings, and there is quite a bit of an evolution; and finally the writing is quite fun thanks to the personalities of the characters and the shit we make Johnny say or do
>Discord cliques and their interference in the threads
It’s 2024 and people still believe in le secret cabal. Nigga the only shit that gets posted there is either the 7 days free porn or retarded ramblings on random shit
>One sad thing about this hobby, I will warn you, is that the vast majority of quests never finish. Sometimes the QM lets people know, other times they will just disappear.
That's the folly of people writing stuff with no real incentive to keep writing aside from entertaining themselves and their players.
All it takes is one bad day or a series of life stresses to make motivation collapse. I would know, that's how my last quest died. Burnout.
>Another thing is that the Discord cliques and their interference in the threads that get more attention become noticeable after frequenting this board.
You know the Discord is open to the public, right? What threads exactly do they interfere with?
As someone that checked out the Discord and decided it was not for me nothing personal, I just didn't fit in with the vibe and it wasn't my speed, I still did not get the impression that anyone there wasn't anything but the best for this site and its active QMs or that most of the people there would stoop to coordinated raids or trolling.
Ah but have you checked the secret double-clique discord? Tch, so close to learning the truth there bucko. The cabal is everywhere. Keep your dukes up and your belt fastened.
Halo Wolfpack is up and running!

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>You know the Discord is open to the public, right? What threads exactly do they interfere with?
So are subreddits, so are many Discord servers. If you know how Internet drama happens, it shouldn't be difficult to understand how breaking the pseudo anonymity of this space by introducing the baggage Discord does would cause problems. Celebrity dynamics, social circles, and inevitable drama for competitive influence leak over to the board. As respectfully as I can put this, those are problems this board doesn't need.

>I still did not get the impression that anyone there wasn't anything but the best for this site and its active QMs or that most of the people there would stoop to coordinated raids or trolling.
You're not wrong, and I agree with you. However, there's no denying that some regulars on this board have a lot more sway than others from the social dynamic Discord encourages. All it takes is one asshat with this kind of influence to make an unpopular declaration "on behalf" of /qst/, or claim to represent a larger portion of its users than he actually does, to break the lightning-in-a-bottle that is this board.

Don't take this the wrong way, but I sense these posts are made in bad faith.
I want to see what HP Lovecraft would've written if he were still alive and running shit on /qst/ far as a fantasy quest.
Imagine if him, CS Lewis, and someone like Sheridan Le Fanu were all QMing concurrently? Imagine the arguments in the /qtg/? Kek.

The Hikicord? Nah, that one's just super chill and kind of horny.

I did notice things got a bit more cliquish in there than I'm used to, and people were more keen to ask after me and m interests.beliefs/preferences as a person unrelated to quest-stuff. That manifests a little in the /qtg/ and even sometimes in quest threads themselves, but I see your point that with the persistent, consistent identities in a long-running Discord server it could balloon out of control. I guess we should be glad the crowd there is still generally quite mellow and positive.
Stoker would be a pretty amazing QM, too, I bet. We could do with another proper horror quest running, too.
I cannot make that remark any more sarcastic without some reddit /s shit on the end of it, I'm sorry. spoiler
The /qtg/ is far worse than anything the discord could wish to be. It was a mistake, and I personally dislike it.

You're complaining about lack of anonymity, on the most "discord-like" sub-section of the board, filled with inner circlejerks, and nepotism. What's worse is that you've created a boogeyman to justify the apparent state it finds itself in.
>t shouldn't be difficult to understand how breaking the pseudo anonymity of this space by introducing the baggage Discord does would cause problems
Okay, anon, but what problems have they caused? The Discord has existed and been public as long as /qst/ has, so if it was generating trouble it should've generated plenty by now. You previously stated that they "interfere in the threads that get more attention," and now you're backpedaling to a generalized "they cause problems for the board in some unspecified way," so which is it? Neither of the board's big board-wide dramas (Wuxian + the archive downvoter/misarchiver guy) were related to the Discord (Wuxian was actually taken care of & we got a banner thanks to the Discord fags going into the IRC and talking to the mods) and I've never seen anybody there confess to meddling in more specific threads. Do you have inside information?

>All it takes is one asshat with this kind of influence to make an unpopular declaration "on behalf" of /qst/, or claim to represent a larger portion of its users than he actually does, to break the lightning-in-a-bottle that is this board.
So you think they could cause hypothetical problems at some unknown point in the future? That's not what you were saying earlier, and frankly I don't think that's a great argument, considering that this hasn't happened in the 8 years the Discord has existed. I actually suspect the culture of the Discord would cause somebody doing that to be mocked. It's not a hugbox.

>Don't take this the wrong way, but I sense these posts are made in bad faith.
I think these are known as "jokes."
Lovecraft would have been one of those anons that both loved and hated a site like 4chan.
>I guess we should be glad the crowd there is still generally quite mellow and positive.
I guess so, and I personally hope it stays that way.

>people were more keen to ask after me and m interests.beliefs/preferences as a person unrelated to quest-stuff
That does sound funny.

No harm done. I apologize if I came off abrasive.

>1 post by this ID
No (You)s for you.
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>That does sound funny.
I'm not actually interesting, anon.
Also, I want to put it out there that the Discord isn't for everybody. Half the channels should be muted on sight Reptoid my man why did you not instantly mute politics, it's full of contrarian autists who like to prod at people's weak spots, and there's a lot of non-quest discussion. It's "cliquey" in the sense that a lot of the regulars have been in there for years, know about each others' personal lives, and often read each other's quests (because you're more likely to engage with something when you know who's working on it and see daily update reminders for it). But it's not some kind of LE EVIL MEDDLING CABAL, there's no secret plotting to ruin the board or specific quests, and nobody there is appointing themselves /qst/ Dictator, which you could determine by simply joining the server and looking at what people talk about. I don't think you've done this, anon; I think you're projecting your vague feelings about Discords in general onto this one for some reason. Which is pretty autistic.
>that response
LOL. like clockwork. circlejerk culture at its finest.

And this is precisely why I think this general should be killed, though it does serve as a containment of sorts to stop the doomposters and schizotards from spilling out their ramblings. I wish an organic productive discussion could be had but its literally impossible to since niggers like this just jump into conclusions from people not actively participating in the general.
Believe in what you will. If you still think a quest discord is more concerned with rigging votes and downvoting suptg archives than talking about elden ring bosses, then do so.
I will just say I don't believe in a malevolent cabal or anything like that. I mainly just hate discord in general and can agree that giving up some anonymity does have the threat of bringing baggage, fucks with what has always been intended as a relatively anonymous type of forum.

I have, in my long tenure both here and back on tg, seen things like quest irc's contribute to some quests falling apart. I doubt the people in those channels intended for it to happen, aside from maybe a few perhaps, but it is an observation I have made.

In the end however, I don't really care all that much.
>Okay, anon, but what problems have they caused?
What I described as problems were potential consequences of Discord influence. For the sake of avoiding shitflinging, I'm not going to name any specific examples, but it's telling where votes for the same option that doesn't make sense appearing within minutes of each other a while after an update come from. There was also arguing in the last /qtg/ that I suspect partly comes from drama outside the board. You've also heard stories about certain bioluminescent organisms on this site. Would you trust Discords on other boards?

>The Discord has existed and been public as long as /qst/ has, so if it was generating trouble it should've generated plenty by now.
Discord also wasn't as much of an issue online when it first launched as it is now. Maybe it's a case of starting at the right time, but like I reciprocated in the previous reply I made, I hope it stays that way.

>You previously stated that they "interfere in the threads that get more attention," and now you're backpedaling to a generalized "they cause problems for the board in some unspecified way,"
Backpedaling would imply that there was a counter-points to the first of those statements, which, respectfully, there haven't really been so far. I'd hate to think that this is an attempt at strawmanning me. I respect the work you put into your quest threads and like the art you post.

>we got a banner thanks to the Discord fags going into the IRC and talking to the mods
That's awesome, really.

>I've never seen anybody there confess to meddling in more specific threads.
If someone were to do something like that, why would they unless they had a change of conscience?

>Do you have inside information?
No, just exhaustion. Every Discord story I've personally seen or heard about ends the same way. Forgive me if I sound jaded, but please understand where the concern comes from.

>So you think they could cause hypothetical problems at some unknown point in the future?
It happens on social media and even IRL clubs or whatnot all the time. The words "All it takes" indicates possibility, not necessarily inevitability.

>That's not what you were saying earlier,
So because I didn't mention it in my first post, I can't bring it up later?

>and frankly I don't think that's a great argument, considering that this hasn't happened in the 8 years the Discord has existed.
Knock on wood, buddy.

>I think these are known as "jokes."
Yes, I knew that. I initially had the impression that they were intended to be dismissive and condescending, and I apologized to one of the guys once he clarified that. That was my bad and I'm not denying it now that I understand what was meant.

It's telling that one sentence in my earlier post incited this response, but I'm going to assume that it's more out of support for any friends you've made on the Discord. Please understand that I'm not trying to start a fight or criticize anyone in particular.
>it's telling where votes for the same option that doesn't make sense appearing within minutes of each other a while after an update come from
I'm not saying it's the case with whatever situation you're alluding to, but this is something I've seen bandied about by anons when they're salty their option lost, even when the winning vote makes sense to the QM and to me.

>Backpedaling would imply that there was a counter-points to the first of those statements, which, respectfully, there haven't really been so far.
I think this might be a "the burden of proof is with the person making the initial claim" situation, anon. I totally get why you don't want to name names or give specifics to avoid drama, but it really makes it tough to tell how rooted in reality your concerns are.

>No, just exhaustion. Every Discord story I've personally seen or heard about ends the same way. Forgive me if I sound jaded, but please understand where the concern comes from.
I do know that feel, though.
Bananas, you write some really interesting settings, an you give me your opinion on what the world with look like in 100 years? What are your thoughts on Peak Oil?
I was referring to how they asked you questions like that, but please give yourself more credit.

I respect that.
>I'm not saying it's the case with whatever situation you're alluding to, but this is something I've seen bandied about by anons when they're salty their option lost, even when the winning vote makes sense to the QM and to me.
>I totally get why you don't want to name names or give specifics to avoid drama, but it really makes it tough to tell how rooted in reality your concerns are.
I totally get it and appreciate what you said. I hate to say something around the lines of "dude trust me bro," but I really have no ulterior motive.
If you believe >>6045815 is a joke instead of a genuine answer you must be the dumbest retard alive. Fucking tourist.
You need to chill out. It was taken as a joke because "cabal" was used to describe what was being talked about.
The second sentence did not clue you in the slightest?
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Solarpunk returns for the weekend with a fight against a gluttonous mutant!
no subject gets more actively defended than discord. you can post schizo theories all day, and no one will care. but criticize discord, and the discord fags will immediately appear in the thread, and post rants like this.
most intelligent tourist

Go ahead and keep thinking yourself a victim.

see >>6045868>>6045912
I can't even tell who you're arguing against, but I don't use the Discord anymore, as I mentioned. I was only there for about 3-5 days.
>joins discord “cabal”
>realizes the discord doesn’t actually rig anything or raid anyone
>discovers the environment wasn’t for him and leaves amicably

It literally is that easy to debunk the whole “quest discord is secret cabal” thing. It takes two seconds to click the link and see what’s the discord’s all about instead of nebulously theorizing about the discord being behind everything. Literally rent free.

TLDR for that retards still thinking that theory is somehow based in reality; take this guy as an example you dumb fucks
I appreciate that you're polite but it doesn't make your argument any less insane.

>What I described as problems were potential consequences of Discord influence.
That's not what you said in your original post. You said that they were specifically "interfering" in the most popular quests: >>6045773. That implies observable things going on right now, presumably ones you can tie back to the Discord.

> but it's telling where votes for the same option that doesn't make sense appearing within minutes of each other a while after an update come from
Like... people voting for things you don't like close by to each other? What? The Discord does not coordinate votes for any quest (again, you or anybody is welcome to join it and read the discussion). A QM who tried to rig a vote in the Discord for his own quest was dogpiled, driven out, and is still widely reviled.

>There was also arguing in the last /qtg/ that I suspect partly comes from drama outside the board.
Yes, I would agree with this, and I can see how this would be irritating for anybody not involved. This is not a frequent occurrence, I think it lasted for a couple days at most, and the QTG is a bit of a doomer shithole at the best of times, so if "shitting up the general one time last month" is the worst that happens I still don't think you have much of a case.

>Would you trust Discords on other boards?
I would not. Discords on other boards are autistic circlejerks filled with the most mentally ill people imaginable. The QTG Discord, meanwhile, is filled with mostly functional people, almost all of whom have jobs and real lives (I suspect /qst/ selects for this-- it's hard to QM if you're nonfunctional) whose favorite hobby, after questing, is mercilessly bullying any tard who walks in through the door. You can call this unpleasant or cruel, but it does a good job of removing the kind of people who infest other Discords, 4chan or otherwise.

>Backpedaling would imply that there was a counter-points to the first of those statements
A counterpoint to "they're doing bad things (I have no evidence or source though)"? What kind of counterpoint would you expect? "No u"?

>If someone were to do something like that, why would they unless they had a change of conscience?
If they're not talking about it in the Discord, what does it have to do with the Discord?

>The words "All it takes" indicates possibility, not necessarily inevitability.
So you think it's possible they could cause hypothetical problems at some point in the future? It's also possible that /qst/ will become famous on YouTube and bring a swarm of zoomers, or that Totemist Quest will come back someday. Many things are possible, but they aren't really a good foundation for objective assertions.
>So because I didn't mention it in my first post, I can't bring it up later?
You went from a strong assertion to a weak one without ever backing up the strong one. I would deem this backpedaling. Now you're back to the strong one, but you still have literally nothing backing it up, which I'm not sure is much better. I guess I admire your balls.

>No, just exhaustion. Every Discord story I've personally seen or heard about ends the same way. Forgive me if I sound jaded, but please understand where the concern comes from.
I get it. Most 4chan discords are ass. But we are not the boogeyman: we all actually like and read and write and talk about quests there, and there's zero desire or effort to sabotage the board. If you have a Discord account, I suggest you actually join it, lurk for a while, and see what you think. If it's the same as any other Discord, you'll have your hate backed up by evidence. If it's different, maybe you'll change your mind.

>I respect the work you put into your quest threads and like the art you post.

>rant like this
>links to a post that's 50% explaining reasons why the Discord could rightfully be disliked
Anyone who has been in the official /qtg/ discord is a skin walker don't trust anything they say. They have been REPLACED.

Only the unofficial discords can be trusted. If you are reading this, you are the resistance.
>using a discord at all
You were almost convincing, walkskinner. Unfortunately for you, my cabin is surrounded by a moat full of acetone and motion activated lighters.

There is no resistance, only you. Stay safe, anons. Double check your locks tonight.
I wouldn't worry about it.
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That's right, there's no resistance, only (You)s. That's what the QMs are after. Keep voting anons, check out quests you don't follow to see if they're any good even if the opening doesn't seem eye-catching. To QMs running for only 1-2 players: keep it up, kings, brighter days will come. We improve through pain and obtain more new (You)s in the future.
>just 3 new threads in the last 3 days
>That's not what you said in your original post. You said that they were specifically "interfering" in the most popular quests
Interference is a form of influence, dude.

>That implies observable things going on right now, presumably ones you can tie back to the Discord.
>Like... people voting for things you don't like close by to each other? What?
Again, it's likely impossible to name any examples without causing drama. I know it's frustrating, but that really is the reason.

>The Discord does not coordinate votes for any quest (again, you or anybody is welcome to join it and read the discussion).
That stuff usually happens in DMs or VCs to make it less likely to be caught.

>the QTG is a bit of a doomer shithole at the best of times
Yeah, that's pretty true.

>so if "shitting up the general one time last month" is the worst that happens I still don't think you have much of a case.
>one time
Don't tempt fate.

>The QTG Discord, meanwhile, is filled with mostly functional people
>it does a good job of removing the kind of people who infest other Discords, 4chan or otherwise.
It's only fair that I believe you're telling this as sincerely as possible from your experience.

>A counterpoint to "they're doing bad things (I have no evidence or source though)"? What kind of counterpoint would you expect? "No u"?
I'd imagine at least a few people have seen what I've described happening with voting in threads, but I understand how it is very easy to doubt what I'm saying because I don't list any specific examples.

>If they're not talking about it in the Discord, what does it have to do with the Discord?
You brought up not seeing it in the Discord, and I argued that instigators wouldn't admit guilt in most cases. People are people, and taking communication to Discord doesn't magically improve that.

>So you think it's possible they could cause hypothetical problems at some point in the future?
That's what pattern recognition is for, so yeah.

>It's also possible that /qst/ will become famous on YouTube and bring a swarm of zoomers, or that Totemist Quest will come back someday. Many things are possible, but they aren't really a good foundation for objective assertions.
That's an unfair comparison. It doesn't take Internet fame nor celestial phenomena for Discord drama affecting board culture to occur.

>You went from a strong assertion to a weak one without ever backing up the strong one. I would deem this backpedaling.
With total honesty, I don't see what you mean.

>I guess I admire your balls.
Thanks. No homo.

>I get it. Most 4chan discords are ass. But we are not the boogeyman
>maybe you'll change your mind.
Maybe I will, and I respect where you're coming from. I guess we'll see.
Burden of proof lies upon the person bringing up that claim. Shut the fuck up then if you’re that concerned with drama.
By the way, does anyone know who the guy who keeps switching his IPs and arguing with everyone is?
>doesn’t want drama
>immediately starts looking for people he could blame when he gets his feelings hurt
He may be on mobile, as I am. I think there's some wisdom in what he says, though: posting about your suspicions and leveling vague accusations IS the sort of thing likely to create or stoke drama.
>The QTG Discord, meanwhile, is filled with mostly functional people, almost all of whom have jobs and real lives
Fucking kek.

That inside joke was the only thing missing from this walking Discord stereotype.
I honestly didn't have anything against discords until I found out that people apparently see them as a replacement for wikis now...
I think he's just trying to start fights in the thread. Mobile posters are the worst. No offense. I'm not referring to you in particular.

>if I don't post examples, they're vague accusations meant to start drama
>if I do post examples, they're baseless accusations meant to start drama
Damned if I do, damned if I don't.
I'd question the critical thinking skills, if not intelligence, of these so-called people.

Sure you can store ideas in a server, but they're clunky to use - let alone search for a specific thing. Nothing beats a well-curated and organized wiki site.
I know that Fandom's a shitty and slow site, but mirahaze exists.

The Prophecy Names Me So I Got Dressed Up By A Demon King's General has been updated:

I've been around a few modding scenes, people really hate publishing any useful information that's not outside their Discord hugboxes. They'll show off what they made everywhere people can see, but if you want to make something yourself, you have to do it on their watch, with what they tell you to do. Information once almost primarily shared in public forums are now locked away from public searchable internet, so everyone has to go to these communities to ask questions and maybe receive an answer, if the one guy who knows how to do it likes you and can take the time to do it. So sometimes it's not even a wiki, it's a tech support hotline for the hundreds of people with a mild passing interest that retards willingly sign up for because they can't be assed to sit down and make guides and wikis. This is followed by them getting pissy by all the stress of everything they have willingly put on their own plate from running the community to helping these retards who won't be interested in a week, distorting and fucking off, leaving everyone to reinvent the wheel because they refused to publicize how to do it.
Seen it like 3 times. It sucks.
It's soj
Too many middle men grifters turning a profit from everything that skilled people put out for free. The internet is much more shut now. No one likes to see the memes they made to make the boys laugh being printed on a shirt and sold by some asshole.
For modding, there was this one incident that changed the whole landscape. Bethesda tried to monitize mods but refused to police thier market place. People were just grabbing mods they didn't make and putting them on there for money lol. On top of that even If you make something for FREE, the idea that you COULD be making money is a brain poison. Then you have dudes who just attack modders trying to make a buck, because they are mad that the shit they got for free now may cost money. Which in turn creates a cycle of mod makers not wanting to make mods for entitled assholes.

It was an absolute shit show moding has NEVER recovered from it. People are so protective about mods now it's crazy. Understandibly too. Imagine finding out all the quests you made were being sold by some dude on silkroad for like 20k$ or something I would lose my mind.
I'm not very good at future predicting. My Mother thinks I'm a regular Nostrodamus because I told her about 10 years ago (from 4chan) that trannies are a thing now and now she sees them everywhere. I guess being on the website provides some form of societal first-strike.

I don't think Peak Oil is really going to be a thing. There's more then enough oil to destroy the entire planet into a smog ball, it just becomes a matter of economics to find the way to extract it, and as technology + AI advances, these methods will be found and the cost to scarcity ratio will stabilize it. I don't know what kind of Jewish sorcery is being used to keep gas prices almost the same as it was 10+ years ago despite the hyperinflation going on, it's crazy. People in charge clearly know what they're doing, at least way more then me. Personally I really wish our society started getting into renewable biodiesels 10-20 years ago, which would be a much better form of transitional power then this shitty "green" energy we have right now. It's all peanuts until fusion power or lossless solar (in space) is figured out.

I put a lot of my worries and anxieties about the world into my quests. The "Degenerate Capitalist Era" is meant to be the modern day or near future of Monke Quest, featuring overpopulation and extreme societal decay from immigration, wealth disparity, etc. Frankly I don't think our society is going to get that bad. It's clear that the prosperity of the Boomer generation was a fluke, but I don't think we're actually going to revert into techno-feudalism. Markets are a bit more stable then that, and in our economy based on consumerism, consumers need jobs to buy things. As such, jobs are "invented" to fulfill this. Global population is also stabalizing, and will likely decline without mass death due to increasing living standards, feminism, and global warming. Even "those" people still have declining birthrates once they westernize more and more, the demographics aren't going to change by much DESU. Politically speaking I believe America/Russia will remain the world powers in the next hundred years, these nations are established and advantageous with large populations and land masses. I am assuming Indian growth will slow down considerably. Trannies will find more mainstream acceptance as gender affirming care and reassignment becomes better and more developed, similar to homosexuals today, they'll be more accepted BUT also be less annoying, which will help their image considerably. We probably won't have true gender reassignment by changing chromosomes in the next century, changing the DNA of living adults is too far off. "Nothing ever happens" but unironically.

I think the REAL big problem everyone will have to deal with (besides global warming) will be plastic consuming bacteria. Every bit of infrastructure, farming, transportation relies on plastic components which now have an expiration date. Also? Covered by my Quest.
too long didn't read. make a sequel to your beastars quest
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Now that Gnoll Quest isn't running anymore I actually can have a hyena MC!
Beastars would have been kino if Paru just took more after her father. Baki but with animals would have been great.
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Based take.

As always, giving normies the ability to interact with the web was a mistake in so, so many ways. Maybe it is a part of why I still like quests. People will write entire fucking novels worth of entertainment, com art, pay the opportunity costs all for free just because they are passionate about something. Love a franchise or worked to come up with a new setting and want to share it with people. Why I can't hate even relatively poorly written quests, even if they aren't my cup of tea.

Reminds me of the days people would type out massive guides to games and put them up for nothing.

And now if you wan't to see a dungeon guide or where something is, you are going to have to watch a 10-minute monetized video linked to from an ad ridden corpo site run by people who hate video games.
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I agree.

I think the issue is an inability for Paru to commit to the bit. It was trying to be a shonen but without a fun power system (hybrid projections were garbage lmao) and also a crime drama with slice of life stuff. I think it was a good call to end it but I did enjoy the whole thing, even though it kinda shit the bed at the end.

I had a lot of ideas to expand the setting, especially in regards to the Zootopia style government, animal-people-religions, and power/combat systems to make it satisfying, but I though Kuchi was a little boring of a character. I had the thought to make a sequel with a herbivore this time, which is probably where the inspiration for SheepQuest came from, but I might be a little bored with sci-fi/cyberpunk/modern fantasy stuff. Kinda why I'm doing post apocalypse / age of sail right now.
Personally, I still feel like Kuchi had more stuff to go, especially when we left off with him literally regressing into some kind of super-hyena. Buut, i'll be happy as long as we get to see Baki-but-with-animals
How do you figure?

The passion of freely-offered creativity, raw and unfiltered and deeply personal, is a huge part of why I stick around. That and nostalgia, and because my playerbase is here for my current run of quests.

Interesting and surprisingly hopeful take, Bananas. I'm a lot gloomier about our long-term outlook ("our" meaning the sort of working-class people I know and mostly care about, I'm sure the elites will be fine), but I hope you're right. My own quest include sa lot of my anxieties about the world as well, albeit filtered through a bit more of an abstract/fantasy lense.
>The passion of freely-offered creativity, raw and unfiltered and deeply personal, is a huge part of why I stick around. That and nostalgia, and because my playerbase is here for my current run of quests.
Same here on both counts. Monetization is the death of sincere passion.
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I can iagree with some of that, but I think for some of it you are not dreaming big enough.

I am curious if you have any predictions about the proliferation of arms to the masses. You can easily make a 9mm SMG with a cheap 3d printer and parts from a hardware store, nothing regulated or normally tracked. There are several projects working on creating idiot-proof ways to synth smokeless powder, and making a basic bullet was mastered a couple of hundred years ago using a simple process you can do at home. Add in cheap drones, explosives, incendiaries, the tinkering being done to create NVGs that could be made and are effective at 1/10 the cost of commercial, people enabling secure persistent propagation of the info.

I greatly believe we will head into one of the cycles of history noted for the decentralization of power after a few hundred years of abnormal centralization.
I think the era of American global hegemony is on its way out, though slowly. I think the tyranny of regional powers and smaller governments, backed by powerful megacorps and NGOs, will take its place. I don't think anti-authority individuals with 3D-printed small arms stand any chance against what's coming down the pipe in terms of concerted social engineering through artificial intelligence, automated processes, media environment control, and gene therapy. I see a future where the vast majority of people become regarded as entirely expendable by a genetically and creatively-isolated incestuous elite who supplant us with robots and techno-organic computers to indulge their personal urges and impulses and to serve their immediate friends and family... But that's probably a few generations off, even if it starts here.

The various factions and families in the Reptilian Infiltrator/Dragonborn Antipaladin/Seekers of the Esoteric universe don't represent any specific nation or groups except in sor tof vague, abstract, tongue-in-cheek ways, and I'm not forcing a specific outcome, but the general feeling of anxiety for a coming age of marvels and horrors is one I try to capture, and specific ideas and emerging technologies get alluded to via specific spells and magical devices. Historical trends or events, too!
Ah, but you are forgetting a critical fact. People like the centralization of power. They like stability. They like safety and security, and they like it a lot more than they like freedom.

History was won by dullards who grew wheat, and lost by sharp witted hunters, because sooner or later every hunter says the same thing. "I will endure this shame, so I know my children will eat."
I saw your post here and read it on a whim yesterday, and I have to say, I was extremely impressed. The pacing was on-point, the dialog was on-point, the characterization was all fantastic while feeding into the surrounding setting, and the plot so far has been exceptional. The twist near the middle threw me for a loop and completely changed the context for everything previous, without removing what made the protagonist distinct from the start. You did fantastic, it's the best first thread I've read in 2024, and I wish I hadn't ignored it when I saw it in the catalog. You've got another reader and I'll definitely be participating in the next thread, whenever that comes around. The only shortcoming that comes to mind is when we bombed a social roll when it mattered the most, but that was hilarious and handled excellently. This was a 9/10, and if I were already into Exalted, I'm confident it would be even better. It's clear skilled hands are weaving the Loom.
What happened to feeling blue is it dead or is there still hope for an update?
You know what i hate? Extremely unclear 'mysteries' that the author acts as though they were obvious even though there was absolutely no way the voters could have known what to do unless they were the author themselves.
>uhm, but what about this like, one singular word several threads back? if you read it in this very specific way you would never know how to unless you were me, you would have solved it!
Got an example? Feels oddly specific.
No specific example, just something i've seen multiple times.
Where? People can't improve if you don't actually tell them. I'm aire those QMs thought they seeded many clues. Anyone who has ever DMed tabletop or run a queat knows the difficulty of setting up a mystery that is neither too obvious or too difficult.
I'm seconding >>6046500, please give examples. I like the idea of including votes that might put the PC in danger, but often when I come up with such an option, I end up worrying that I am being too subtle, or calling back on something that happened too long ago, so then I end up either abandoning it, or making it more obvious to the point where it is found out immediately without any of the discussion I was hoping for. I feel if I had a better idea of where a typical anon drew the line of how hard I am going to think about these choices, I might be more freely able to integrate mysteries and 'bad' choices into my Quests.

Also, I'm not quite ready to run today as planned. Currently looking at a new thread out tomorrow, fingers crossed nothing else comes up.
Well, It's been some time, so I don't exactly remember every single time...but I do believe feeling like this at least once in Monke Quest, though I'm not sure in which thread.

It's more of a general thing I'm talking about, anyway. You'll have this QM suddenly go "lol you fucked up, wrong choice" when there was zero real way for you to know it was the wrong choicr.
>monke quest
yeah that's what I thought you were talking about.
Halo Wolfpack is up and running!

Well that's just the first that came to mind. I say it because some quests seem to be heading in the same direction...though I haven't mentioned them because the mystery isn't over and maybe it's not that complicated.
Ironically, I think I may have sprung one on my players as we speak, though I have they see the clues I left in retrospect, and their good roll got them some more.
I've been dormant for far too long, but I've finally got to a place where I feel ready to start writing again. So, barring any unforseen disasters, I'll be starting a new project next Friday - The Pale Inheritance, a gothic fantasy.
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Get hype! Did you see that Persephone got some art, btw?
who dat and which quest is she from ?
Persephone Cross from Moloch's last quest, Path of the Exorcist, which is superb and worth a read.

I think there is something to global warming. Not sure if its really going to be as bad as they say. Wierd nobody ever discusses the ocean acidification aspect of it. Like, losing most shellfish and reefs not being "sexy" enough to discuss but from a world-building perspective a mostly dead ocean of wierd fish, octopi, and bigass jellyfish sounds interesting.
No, I've been away for a while and must have missed it. That's very cool! I'm glad that people seem to like Persephone, she's a very fun character to write.

As a general rule, err on the side of dumb. Very dumb. Partially because players are missing context that you don't even realize that you assume they know, and partially because players only have so much initiative, and they usually save it for incredibly dumb things.
Dayum, I've been in several modding scenes (Cortex Command, RimWorld, Stellaris, Starsector, Civ V, Dwarf Fortress), and what drama was there pales in comparison to your story.

I'll still be here making free mods tho.
Anyone seen that "The world we knew" thing? The fuck is going on there you think? Schizoposting, or just slow burning?
It looks like some AI generated shit.
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Oh shit nigger... you have returned. Cool.

My enjoyment for long legs lengthens, and my love for thigh-gap grows harder, despite believing it could only become so vast...

If this continues, will I only be able to get off to gondola with an anime face and wig in a couple of years?
Real bad AI, then, between the formatting and grammar issues. I'm thinking schizopost. Reminds me of Terra Noir, a bit, with the dropping of an entire novel of content without any interaction.

new post.
also my coworker tried to feed me deep fried sushi again. WTF.
I had the opportunity read the quest. I enjoyed it a lot! I have no knowledge of Exalted but it seems like wuxia stuff.

Great characters, interaction and choices. I liked it.
explain to me the hype, im ready for a GOOD fantasy quest
Aw yiss

It’s just the resident /qst/ questspammer. Every couple of weeks his ban expires and he comes back to shit out 15 or 20 threads that he can then promptly abandon to “kill” /qst/. Usually they all have a similar style and feature some vaguely ERP material. They’re pretty easy to pick out and filter once you know how to recognize them, although it’s fun to force him to write updates - if you call him out as the spammer he apparently feels compelled to prove you wrong and shit out an update. You can trap him in a loop this way, lol
sounds like a very pathetic way to live. Whats his reason ? Someone from another site or just stupid ?
How much would you mind being trapped in a time loop? What kind of circumstances in the loop would you prefer?

No way to know of course, but he could obviously spend equivalent effort running a real quest. A bit sad that he has chosen to vandalize instead
These are bot posts.
FUCK we have been infiltrated.
Do not trust 1 post IDs.
Do not trust what the bot is saying. There's no such anon, there are no 15-20 threads springing up at once every 2 weeks to kill /qst/
>inb4 this is a bot too
I see them everywhere now.
>Basically beings of another dimension are having a war in earth using humans as their partners by becoming psudo stands to declare the new god and grant a wish to the winning human
Sounds almost like Zatch Bell. I'll give it a look in the archives
>Every couple of weeks his ban expires and he comes back to shit out 15 or 20 threads that he can then promptly abandon
Out of curiosity, which quests in the catalogue do you think are his?
it sounds sad. and dumb

okay i guess....?
what if he didn't put the right number though ?
An eternity in a time loop sounds like it would get relatively boring, eventually. Turn into hell after you had done everything possible and then just had to start fucking around. Like sure if it is a loop of your best day every it would be nice for a while. But then I assume you would fuck with said day enough that at some point you would end up making it the worst day. And with an infinite number of loops, you could and will at some point make that day infinitely bad.

If I had to loop over and over, like a 1-month-long one would be okay, maybe longer. Figure out what winning lotto numbers, get rich, go do what ever you wanted after you got the winnings. Lots of places to go, decent enough timeframe to do stuff, experience new things before the reset. It would get boring at some point, but it is better than doing the same day or hour again and again due to how much more you could affect events before the whole thing began again.

This is assuming your knowledge is preserved between loops, of course.

Ah, you caught me!

Bee boop bee boop

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Ok, if you're not a bot and bullshitting anons then surely you can name a source or evidence of your claim? So far I see 1 schizopost in "The world we knew" and several low effort quests appearing in quick succession, ok I agree it may be a single anon spamming the latter, but the "to kill /qst/" thing I don't buy because I don't recall anyone making this their mission and I don't see from a scroll at the catalogue sorted by creation date a pattern of 15-20 threads featuring ERP content in short timespan every 2 weeks that you claimed. Number of created quests/time is rather stable from what I see.
No. Can't complete a quest in a loop.
>I don't buy because I don't recall anyone making this their mission
It used to be my mission until Bathic took care of me with what she calls merciless bullying >>6045920, but from my point of view was my first introduction to ERP.
>You'll have this QM suddenly go "lol you fucked up, wrong choice" when there was zero real way for you to know it was the wrong choice.

>As a general rule, err on the side of dumb. Very dumb. Partially because players are missing context that you don't even realize that you assume they know, and partially because players only have so much initiative, and they usually save it for incredibly dumb things.
That is more or less what I have ended up doing. Do you think that if I told my players that there was a duplicitous choice amongst the options, or that determining the best possible option would require referencing a specific older thread, then I could get away with being a bit trickier? I'd like to think so, but I also think they might just freeze up.

>Also, I'm not quite ready to run today as planned. Currently looking at a new thread out tomorrow, fingers crossed nothing else comes up.
Wouldn't you know it, something else came up. Sorry. Now looking at next weekend; with any luck, I will have some time this week to try my hand at pre-writing and drafting.
They'll probably freeze up.

They really don't like options that can potentially screw them over hard.
You DO tend to give players alot of freedom to pick their path and show initiative. That's cool AF but some players are casuals who don't back read new games they join.
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To anyone playing Black Ocean Quest at the minute, do you think it's doing okay? I felt as though it's significantly underperformed in terms of voting numbers and enjoyment of the players in the thread. I don't know if it's because of the new setting concept or because of the delays between updates recently, I was hoping to do shorter less art heavy updates to make them more approachable compared to like Monke Quest but I feel as though it may come off as making the quest feel cheap, rushed, or low effort. Is it just a me thing? it's not really giving me that feeling of being at the helm of "the next big thing" and I'm worried I fucked it up somehow.
I know what it is you GOOF!

You put "black" in the name of the quest. I and I presume many others blacklisted that word after the plague of "black kang" quests a while back.

Quest is fine.

>5+ votes on average per update

It's going fine, kek. Obviously a brand new original quest isn't gonna have the same dedicated following of a long running, well liked one like Monke, but you'll naturally accrue more players and readers if you keep going, just like any other new quest will. It's a cool story, keep at it
He's schizoposting
As someone who hasn't played another quest of yours, I think it's really good. I found this chargen's votes unexciting but the setting and prose are excellent. The descriptions of the whale were really gripping.
it lacks that raw monkey edge.
Monke Quest is an outlier. This level of engagement is what most good quests get in their first thread. Popular quests on this site usually get 5-to-10 voters.

As for the quality, it's good. The setting is cool. The characters need some fleshing out, but that comes with time. You're doing well!
>blacklisting "black" because we wuz
>instead of blacklisting "kang" because you hate the monarchists
Bougie pricks.
I really love it Mr Banana. Please don't let it go
Honeslty bananas you say this with every quest you make that isn't monke quest, and at this point i'm starting to think you do it solely so people will go
>oh nooo your quest is just really good, it's an outlier
I am a sensitive artist, an auteur, I'm very high maintenance. Please give me more attention, thank you.
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>what would have happened in Seekers of the Esoteric's players had gone with Gay Tips and still insisted on being in a throuple
In the last one month, I made about 15 new quest threads. Say something nice about me
You are very good at clicking the poost button.
I was trying to link to the threads of yours that I enjoyed, but the post gets deleted automatically
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>Wait an entire year for my summer research block to start so that I can quest again

>Summer research block hammers me even harder even


Can you really call 2-4 updates over two weeks a thread, though?
Don't feel low effort to me.
Take some more attention.
His thread Demon King's General >>6015083 received a B rank from Reptoid, which is the standard for being called a good thread.
SMT quest here. Recruit and Devour demons

more like femtips, considering both our gfs are taller than us
>a ranking from me is treated as some sort of standard seal of quality by at least one anon
I am as flattered as I am confused.
Why do you think that troll is behind that quest?
I can understand. It always seems like when I think life is going to give me free time or what have you that it actually becomes more packed with shit, somehow.
List the "15 or 20 ERP threads to kill /qst/", anon
He isn't. Anon is hallucinating ERP threads and that troll is lying
Would there be interest in a character based skyrim Jarl quest? You won’t even have to be a canon guy I’m going to make several custom characters for each hold.

Then every other non picked option remains as a character in the world, my only issue is that I’ve never run anything civ adjacent so having to manage the issues of a small state and make it fun for a quest eludes me especially because I hate the population numbers and resource management that seems to come with civ quests.
"Say something nice about me" troll is sojourner who's running the prince and lying about making 15 threads. Demon wrangler who started the original demon general dating quest is a different person
Go for it
Would it be a dynasty quest? If so, hell yeah
I’m debating what I want right now exactly, there’s three options I’m set on.

One: Quest starts in the position of Jarl, a single lifetime of one character and revolves around seizing the office of high king.

Two: Quest starts ground level as a citizen with the goal of usurping the ruler ship of a hold and then taking office as a Jarl.

And Three, my personal favorite and I’m sure what most would prefer: The quest starts in the office of Jarl and focuses on the long term managements and politics of the hold across several lifetimes, with the raising of your character’s heir effecting the different positives and negatives of your next life when the current PC dies. Ala Crusader Kings
Halo Wolfpack is up and running!

I don't know if I can answer the GOOD fantasy quest question, but I'm willing to give it a shot. My writing tends to be a bit wordy and pretentious, but I've got a good record for not dropping quests.

Also I write lighthearted and wholesome quests ONLY. Don't believe anyone who says otherwise.
Ladyknight QM...
I've been trying akun but it's the same problem, I just can't understand why no one votes. There are seven readers, but none are voting. I don't write long updates either. QMs that tried akun, or just long time QMs, why is it that?

Also is the seventh page a good place to start a new qst thread?
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Solarpunk thread #5 is finished!
Intermission tomorrow. Hopefully, maybe. I have to learn how to write a certain kind of thing before I can push it out.

I mean as an individual, there's nothing wrong with not voting, but among a group like seven people that's really weird. When I was on Akun I was active in my chat while writing, which helped me stay wholly focused on writing my quest rather than distracted with things like games and kept people engaged enough to be there when the update dropped so they could vote, rather than just have the page in a tab forever (lots of people do this). In that vein, are they readers or are they lurkers? Sometimes Akun just forgets to drop people from the reader list - at least it did five years ago.
As for new breads, I don't look at pages. I sort the pages by bump order in the catalog and count the days from the last thread on the board and my own. Using that last thread on the board's lifespan to measure against my own, I decide how much time is left on average. If there's less than seven days, wrap it up and end it. Being still writing when there's less than three days between your thread and the last on the board is way too volatile and prone to being wiped off the board from some spamming retard. In terms of pages, this would be around the moment you hit page 9? At least to help not clog up the board with multiple threads of yours at once.
I haven't used akun, but generally my personal rule for a new thread time was finished the end of a long chapter/story arc, or page 9-10 otherwise.

And if I wasn't on page 8 or later but had still found a good stopping point, then I'd try to pad the text with some no-vote Interludes of side character perspectives.
Akun is basically a porn site. If you don't have porn in your quest they're not going to vote.
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Nah. People on Akun didn't mind SFW quests.
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Eternal Vengeance manages to get one last update in before it disappears into page 10 oblivion.
Players and QMs- what makes a good fight scene? What do you like to see when reading one, and how do you approach writing one?
I used to just drop an update and leave but that didn' get me a lot of readers so I try to stay.

No votes interlude does sound like a good idea
I enjoy the dynamism of it, but also appreciate when it is no frills. Glossing over details to paint a picture is great about how you're raining a withering flurry of blows against his guard, driving him back toward the wall, just as getting into some of the minutiae about how your shovel hook slips under his elbow and squashes his liver is fun too.

I think as long as you can create a cohesive timeline as combat goes on you win either way. Being able to see exact moments when tides turn is often more important than the reason why the tide is turning. The players have the meta knowledge as to WHY things are going the way they are, a bad call or bad luck most often, so it's pretty important for them to be able to see the moment that stuff kicks in.
I don't know if Akun has changed at all, but I remember being able to click on the little reader count widget and seeing names if there were any nonanons. It's important to interact with your players. Open them up a little. Could be the bystander effect kicking in. Everyone waiting to see what everyone else will do. Just try to have fun.

>The players have the meta knowledge as to WHY things are going the way they are, a bad call or bad luck most often, so it's pretty important for them to be able to see the moment that stuff kicks in.

That's actually a really interesting meta point about how people interface differently with quests as opposed to more traditional forms of writing. When, for example, Atë turned the tides against the monk that was kicking the ass of her entire squadron thanks to a good roll, I didn't spend nearly as much time explaining why it happened and jumped right into the how. Meanwhile, in a more traditional media like a web novel or comic, I'd probably feel more of a need to give a watsonian explanation for why she's winning now.

I also agree with the importance of chronology- I personally love being able to close my eyes and make a little movie in my head after I read a particular language gripping fight
no one ever says anything sadly, it really must be the bystander effect
1. You have anons blocked from voting and sending messages. Change it from the settings.
2. Click the live button when you are running a session to get new players.
I did not know that, thanks anon
One thing with Akun, if I am reading something, I probably don't close the tab. So the thing might be going with QM posting and chatting, but I will be away doing stuff. Still counts me as there.

There are a couple of quests I have played that were 0 lewds but still got votes, a good number. Granted, these were very good/popular ones, so possibly outliers.

I don't mind wordy. I have read most of your stuff and it is generally quite good. Likewise, I certainly appreciate you finishing up stuff you started, btw.
I like all of these ideas my friend.
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>List the "15 or 20 ERP threads to kill /qst/", anon
>He isn't. Anon is hallucinating ERP threads and that troll is lying
I'm not hallucinating. Also, I'm not the same anon. I couldn't link them somehow, so I took a screenshot of the threads. I'm not as good as Reptoid at taking screenshots, but I'm trying.

And now, here's the evidence. "Your tomboy childhood friend" >>6031560 is identical to "Your trans childhood friend" that kept getting spammed last year. It shows tranny spammer is present and it can be concluded he's still spamming threads. At the very least, there's something fishy going on.


>Assign ranks to quests like they are Michelin stars
>Acts coy
Those are 8 threads, not 15/20. Professional Wrestler, Skyrim, and Mafia Heir definitely don't seem like ERP. Hogwarts is only ERP if you are into Snape's balls and I really hope Dr. Disrespect isn't ERP either because that would be illegal.
All good ideas but I like 3 the most cause dynasty quests fuck and we don't have one on board rn
Tomboy Childhood Friend and Trans Childhood Friend might be the same guy but I'm not convinced you can call three quests over 2 years "15 or 20 ERP threads to kill /qst/".
Anon, those are clearly different quests by different people
>Those are 8 threads, not 15/20.
The ERP claim was from another anon. I only listed the 8 quests made by tranny spammer. His quests are not straight out ERP, but they tend to have a coomer undertone or turn the MC into a cuck.
I checked the quests, anon. There's zero chance they're all by the same guy. The grammar, writing style, formatting, subject matters are completely different
Idk a lot of writing, but I think the way it's written the action is important when it comes to the words itself, the way they are structured, the context of the action, the tone of the story/world/characters, and the characters themselves, so now let's say a random scenario, "you are an average joe living in the average world in the modern times and you are saving a friend from a hobo, you had a knife and you stabbed him in the heart without him noticing after fighting him for a bit", now picture how it looks and feels in your mind if we write it in two ways

First way
>As he was trying to stab you, he decided to make a big swing that you saw it's trajectory from miles away, and you were desperate for this to end, so you decide to avoid his broken glass of beer by moving to his blind side and with your knife at your left hand you stabbed him right at his heart while he was focusing only in slashing your throat, and you saw his focus slowly turning to were he was wound

Second way
>As he was searching for your throat with his broken glass of beer with his swings, he decided to stab you with a wild swing, but you move to his side
>And finally, you sadly go for it
>You hear it through the handle with these shaky hands, the fabric ripping apart, the flesh separating in two, the accelerated beats, and then you finally feel it, this trickling warm crimson, you stabbed his heart
>You saw the movement of his red eyes as he slowly realized what happened

Now try to modify the scenario in various ways in your mind, like changing the setting to the medieval world, or the hobo is your bully, or your friend was your brother
Tomboy childhood friend is the only one that you can call ERP or has coomer/cuck undertone. The others are fine. Demon general quest is on its third thread and has zero smut.
Hogwarts too but that's canon
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>Demon general quest is on its third thread and has zero smut.
Demon general quest is the same plot as "Trans Demon Lord's Harem". Same title formatting. AI picture with the wrong number of fingers.
Yes, it's a great quest with a B rank from Reptoid, as I said. But still, it's tranny spammer's work.
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A one line, low effort, troll Hogwarts quest with a vote related to Snape. That's tranny spammer. (And he was using bad grammar on purpose.)
Need two more rolls here !!!!!

Good updates!!!!1!!!!!
>Same title formatting
It's a jab at LN titles.
>AI picture
That means same AI, not same QM
>same plot
There's no hope for you, anon. Rethink your life.
Where's the third thread though?
>having to manage the issues of a small state and make it fun for a quest eludes me especially because I hate the population numbers and resource management that seems to come with civ quests.
An adviser or small council who handle the numbers, while they give you the gist of it.
> After the last three expensive projects, we can no longer afford our kingdom beautification work, my lord.
Seeds of wars ttrpg came up with a good abstraction. Wealth and influence. It turns all those resources into 2 simple numbers.
>It will take 4 wealth and 2 influence to setup a Mythril mine on Lord Blackwoods land.
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>Same title formatting
But it's part of his trademark. "Dark Investigation: Rabbinic Tunnels". "Jakarta Quest: Jakarta Quest: Talmuds and Tunnels". Don't tell me this is not a troll quest >>6024553. He even admitted to spamming tranny quests in the last /qtg/. And he writes "chuds and incels" in the OP, same as "Trans student at hogwarts".
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It is my pleasure and honor to officially open up the /qst/ Kaiju month in
With exclusive /qtg/ participation as the ones rolling for the monsters!

So please, hop in my thread, roll 1d100, create havoc for my players for the sake of the community
>he was using bad grammar on purpose
Or occam's razor, there are multiple spammers lol
>Don't tell me this is not a troll quest >>6024553
That looks like Indonesian gentleman's work, unless you think he's the same guy too
While there is a tranny spammer here, I will just say I can't see Dark Investigations being made by the same person. Granted I do not look at the Troon quests, I just filter and move on, but Dark Investigations was kind of fun for a shit post quest even if the ending was super rushed.
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Sworn to Valour will resume this 7th July at 8pm AEST.
You have 79 posts (spammer), referenced writing futa shit >>6036592 (tranny), and posted a picture of Snape >>6036263 (tranny spammer's favorite character).
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The children Forgotten... they yearn
Hello good sirs, unfortunately I did not have time to answer before the thread was archived so I archived it here https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6011182/

I shall be able to continue the quest at the end of July or the beginning of August.

Until then, good quests to you gentlemen !

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