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With the Supreme Kai of Time Chronoa dethroned, the Demon God Dumplin beaten, and Karn's whole family now able to live in his timeline, things have been looking up for the Saiyan General. But all good things can't last forever. And when conflicts arise between deities, mortals are inevitably caught in the crossfire. Does Karn, the Berserker God possess the strength to protect his family, people, world and reality from their fickle nature? Or are the beings above mortal ken also beyond mortal reproach? This outcome may be up to you.

You the players control Karn, wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul. Granting him the power to fight against gods and other divine beings, to resist their influence and strengths. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has now become the strongest Saiyan of his time. With the power of the Berserker God, combined with That Which Should Not Be and having devoured a soul born of the Abyss itself, his strength is now unlike anything before seen in his reality. But will this newfound strength be enough to overcome the threats headed his way? Only time will tell, your choices can spell the difference between success and failure.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork here: https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting
>Dice rolls are all best of first three correctly-rolled dice
>One dice roll per person per post unless three players have not yet rolled, and ten minutes has passed since your previous roll
>Crits are 100 on a d100(a 99 or paired rolls may net you an extra bonus)
>Crit fails are a 1/100 with no passing rolls, or if two 1s are rolled regardless of the third
>Write-ins are both allowed and encouraged, but OOC options will be ignored
>If your goal is simply to troll, at least put in enough effort to make it funny
>Have fun

SCQ will usually start on Saturdays at noon Eastern Standard Time, and run throughout the weekend. Also, for updates or schedule changes you can find me on twitter @GrandDragonQM, which I keep as up to date with any scheduling changes as soon as possible.


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Previously on Saiyan Conqueror Quest:

After winning the second tournament against the Sixth Universe and Tomitsu battled their fusion warrior, team Universe Seven returned to their own universe, witnessing the divine dragon born of the Super Dragon Balls to grant Lord Beerus his unknown wish. After returning home, the Ctarl-Ctarl arrived and Chaya soon after battled Kaliflor in the arena. Chaya drawing upon her Blue powers once more as Kaliflor displayed her more bestial new transformation. Despite being weakened through repeated Blue usage, Chaya still managed to take the win with her lightning, throwing an unable-to-move Kaliflor from the stage. Later, Aisha Clan-Clan, Kaliflor's mother concluded her 'official' business with King Vegeta, challenging Karn to a rematch. And, as we rejoin Karn, despite the battle picking up, you find yourself having fun.


“Come on, if you think you can get me with such a simple trick twice.” you tell her, inviting the Ctarl-Ctarl warrior to attack. Which is an invitation she takes, once more lunging across the ground. She goes left, then right in two quick strides, then as she leaps towards you once more splits. But this time not into two, but three! “What?!”
“Did you think two was my limit?” she asks, diving down at you from above this time as well as attacking from both sides. Focusing your ki sense, you try and identify the REAL Aisha, only to be shocked that ALL of them feel real! All three seemingly have her power, quite a convincing illusion. However, with all of them rushing in at once, means you have an ample way to be rid of them.

“HAAAA!” you roar, unleashing your ki in a bursting Explosive Wave. Passing harmlessly through two of her illusions, but catching the real Aisha and knocking her back. Flipping through the air, landing back on all fours. And immediately leaping back into action, this time not attacking directly. But instead, creating more and more illusory images of herself around you, at first two, then four, the number growing by the moment until you have over twenty images of Aisha Clan-Clan surrounding you, each lasting only for a second or two before being replaced by another. “Heh, nice trick. But you don't think it'll be enough to beat ME, do you?”

“Even you can't keep up with me in here. This is my Infinite Aisha technique!” the Ctarl-Ctarl declares, her voice appearing from seemingly all around you with a weird warbling to her tone. And while it's true that you can't track her movements, not with so many of her energy signatures blinking in and out, so many visual Aisha appearances appearing and disappearing seemingly at random, you have no idea how she's going to attack. “I hope you're ready!”

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You have to admit, even begrudgingly that it's quite the technique. But maintaining such speed and creating so many illusions of herself is bound to be a very energy and concentration-heavy technique. If you can break through this ability, the fight should be a lot easier. But, do you want an easy fight? Or do you want to take this challenge head on?

Well? How do you approach this Infinite Aisha technique?
>Rush and try to attack, charge through the images with sheer might and ferocity to get out of the middle. Force her to chase you and continue putting out copies as you move or drop the technique
>Energy Body and defend, doesn't matter if you can't see where she's coming from if she can't hurt you when she does
>Close your eyes and relax, try and use the Foresight technique Bane taught you to predict her moves, instead of trying to track her as she moves in and through her copies
>Focus even more intently on her energy with your ki sense, there has to be something different with the unmoving copies or with her energy as she makes them, something you can use to track her more efficiently
>Blast her back away with another Explosive Wave, keep doing so until it no longer stops her technique cold. You're certain you can outlast her in a contest of energy reserves, even with everything that's happened today
>Other(write in)
>Close your eyes and relax, try and use the Foresight technique Bane taught you to predict her moves, instead of trying to track her as she moves in and through her copies
We should lean on our Force Powers a little more I think. They do a lot to give us more utility in a fight.
>>Rush and try to attack, charge through the images with sheer might and ferocity to get out of the middle. Force her to chase you and continue putting out copies as you move or drop the technique
>Close your eyes and relax, try and use the Foresight technique Bane taught you to predict her moves, instead of trying to track her as she moves in and through her copies
Close your eyes and relax, try and use the Foresight technique Bane taught you to predict her moves, instead of trying to track her as she moves in and through her copies wins it. Roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 80
Second DC: 65
Third DC: ??
>Close your eyes and relax, try and use the Foresight technique Bane taught you to predict her moves, instead of trying to track her as she moves in and through her copies
Time to shame the dust off of our lesser used skills.
Rolled 84, 67, 55 = 206 (3d100)

Damnit I'm late, but rolling.
Rolled 4, 36, 83 = 123 (3d100)

Rolled 49, 5, 79 = 133 (3d100)

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84/100, 67/100, 83/100. Success, success and decently high mystery. Seems there wasn't much rust to wipe off, or perhaps you just got lucky. Writing.
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“I can't track her. But that doesn't mean I can't predict her.” you think to yourself, closing your eyes with a deep breath. Something Aisha notices almost immediately.
“Hey, you're not giving up already, are you?” she taunts, her voice seemingly coming from all around you. “If you wanna surrender, I'll throw you right out of the ring!”
“If you think I'm quitting, feel free to try me.” you reply, keeping your eyes shut and voice even as you focus. Trying to reattain the state of mind you were in before, to predict the battles back during the war. But for several seconds you feel nothing, and are just about to quit this and try something else when you feel it. Suddenly your mind is not in the present, but the near future. Watching events as they could unfold.

“GOTCHA!” Aisha roars in your vision, rushing you from four sides. But it is the one on your left that's real, knocking you down onto your right side and pinning you down. You've got her. Opening your eyes, her illusory selves are still blinking in and out around you, the Ctarl-Ctarl woman roaring out. “GOTCHA!”

But you know what she's doing, twisting and firing a heavy right. Aisha's eyes widen in surprise as your fist flies towards her, and caught by surprise your punch lands. Knocking her back, tumbling across the ground until she gets her feet under her, clawing the ground and sliding to a stop as her images around you all fade away.

“Grrrrr! Wha-How did you do that?!” she snarls, her beast muzzle slightly distorting the words through her growl. “How did you know that was the real me?”
“Maybe I just got lucky.” you reply with a grin, retaking your fighting stance and once more closing your eyes. You hear her growl at this, once more leaping towards you. Diverting her path from a direct tackle, she again starts splitting into the dozens of herself, once more using that technique. You hear her moving faster and faster around you, feeling her energy multiplying into dozens of signatures all around you. But none of that matters, you tuning it all out and focusing. Trying to once more peer through time, to see what will be. And it comes far faster this time, you seeing her leap at you from four sides once more. But this time silently, without a shout. Only for all four to pass harmlessly through you, while the REAL Aisha leaps into the air, readying a beam and firing it from her mouth down onto you. The vision ends as you open your eyes, and sure enough all four wordlessly pounce. The incorporeal Aisha all leap at you, but you turn your focus skyward, where the REAL Ctarl-Ctarl is.

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“HAAAAA!!” she roars, firing her beam straight down at you. Again you're ready, drawing your right back and throwing it forward, firing a massive ball of ki the size of your transformed self's torso up at her. Aisha's beam slams into your attack, both stopping as you vie for dominance. “Wh-What? AGAIN?!”
“Heh, is this your best?” you ask her, the Ctarl-Ctarl snarling and increasing the pressure of her attack. You feel her beam begin to force back your blast, slowly driving the emerald orb back down towards you. “There we go, that's more like it. Come on, show me your power!”

With that shout you draw your left back as well, creating another giant blast and throwing it up into the first. Your two orbs collide, their energies mixing and merging, more than doubling the size of the energy orb overhead. And with the increased power as well as your push, your attack quickly begins overtaking Aisha's own. A fact she quickly realizes, abandoning the attack and leaping away, dodging your orb as you send it out into space. Once your attack is free of the atmosphere and far enough away you detonate it, the energy bursting harmlessly in the void of space as the Ctarl-Ctarl drops down out of the air, landing back on all fours.

“Is this the limits of your strength?” you ask her, crossing your arms. “I was expecting more.”
“Tch! Grrrrrrrrr!” she growls, hackles raising as her aura begins flaring up a bit around her. You feel her strength rising, no doubt either readying a new attack or finally powering up to her full strength. “You may be able to beat my Infinite Aisha technique, somehow, but you won't stand a chance against my next move! This one'll blow you away for sure!”

You watch as her power blazes higher and higher, strength surging past its previous limits. You watch as she begins rising within her energy, her aura taking shape. A surprisingly familiar shape she is now an Aisha inside an even larger ki construct Aisha. Standing more than eight or nine yards tall to the shoulder, the now massive Aisha howls up at the Power Ball in the sky, her voice causing shock waves in the air now.

“Not a bad technique. Unfortunately for you, I know a similar trick.” you say with a smirk, focusing and using one of Elder Pybara's Spirit Control techniques. You feel your own body begin expanding, growing taller and taller until you stand as tall as an Oozaru. Once more tall enough to look down on the woman's bestial form, smirking. “Now what?”

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Art by @littlegayboy45_
“GRRRRrrrrrrRRRRRRRRGH!!” Aisha growls, crouching a bit as she readies herself to go on the attack. Seems she's not dissuaded from trying this form, even though you've matched her growth.

Well? What do you do?
>Rush and attack, overpower her with your physical strength and Djem So power techniques
>Defend yourself with your Energy Body, tank through whatever she tries next
>Defend and counter, using the Djem So's blocking and countering to beat her down
>Evade and counter with Su Ma, don't let her so much as touch you while you flip, twist, and spin around her
>Keep your distance and use your energy attacks, wear her down until she can't maintain this power anymore
>Other(write in)
>>Defend and counter, using the Djem So's blocking and countering to beat her down
Let her waste her energy and get beat up for it
>Defend and counter, using the Djem So's blocking and countering to beat her down
Ol reliable
>Defend and counter, using the Djem So's blocking and countering to beat her down
Defend and counter, using the Djem So's blocking and countering to beat her down unanimously wins it. Roll me a 4d100.

First DC: 40
Second DC: 60
Third DC: ??
Fourth DC: 35
Rolled 15, 62, 21, 82 = 180 (4d100)

Rolled 39, 78, 15, 9 = 141 (4d100)

Here I am to ruin the day
Rolled 32, 10, 78, 83 = 203 (4d100)

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39/100, 78/100, 78/100, 83/100. Narrowest of failures, success, decent mystery and a success. Seems she has a few tricks of her own left, writing.
I love that she's getting her own licks in, even if she is losing overall. It wouldn't do for any of our allies to look that weak after challenging us directly.
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You unfold your arms, taking your fighting stance as she suddenly lunges at you. Somehow she's even faster like this, closing the distance between you both and slamming her right shoulder into your guts. The force of her charge knocks the wind out of your lungs, sending you sliding back, dropping down to your knees.

“Guh-!” you wheeze, landing on your hands and knees. But you hear Aisha coming, looking up to see her black and white form blurring towards you. Gritting your teeth you spring up off the ground, taking to the air and forcing her to fly up after you. Giving you another moment or two to recover, you finally catching your wind back with a gasp. “Gyaah-! Haaah!”
“Get back here, you-!” Aisha snarls, blurring up into the air after you. But now you're ready, bracing yourself as she tries the same attack again. As she closes in you deflect her head further out to your right side with your left palm, following it up with a sweeping right backfist to her construct's ribs. “Kyuuuh-!”

“Got me with a lucky shot, but that's not happening again.” you tell her with a smirk as your attack knocks her aside, flipping through the air a moment before getting her feet back underneath her. “I'm ready now, give me everything you've got!”
“GRRAAAAAAAA!!” she roars, lunging in again. But as she leads in with a right overhead slashing paw strike, you knock her strike aside with your left forearm. Then, in the same motion bring your right up in a powerful uppercut to her guts, doubling her over and following it up with a left cross to the temple then a right to her jaw. Knocking her spinning, retaking your fighting stance as she recovers. Aisha doesn't hesitate, immediately dashing back in once more the instant she stops spinning.

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Aisha keeps up her relentless attacks, but you foil each and every one. Stopping every strike she throws, retaliating with powerful counter blows to her chest and head until you duck her lunging right, firing a short right uppercut into her guts. Following it up with a two-handed overhand blow to her back, sending the Ctarl-Ctarl crashing back all the way down to the arena below. Her body is obscured by the massive dust cloud kicked up by the impact. Dropping back down out of the air, landing on the edge of the arena as the dust begins dispersing, you see Aisha's reverted back to her usual size, laying on her side. Sighing out, you begin shrinking back as well, undoing your Gigantification and returning to your normal height. As you do, to your surprise, Aisha shakily gets back up to all four feet, body trembling in exhaustion. Seems she's not ready to quit.

“I-I'm not. Done.” she says, panting through gasps for air, barely standing. “I can. Still. Fight. Don't. Count me out.”
“That's some good determination.” you tell her, retaking your fighting stance. “Alright, let's end this!”

Well? What now?
>Rush and attack, push her out of the ring with your power
>Defend, let her rush in for one final attack. Take whatever she's got left head-on, then finish this
>Evade, dodge her final charge and let her ring herself out
>Use your energy to push her out, not getting close and risking any sort of dangerous injury to either of you
>Other(write in)
>>Defend, let her rush in for one final attack. Take whatever she's got left head-on, then finish this
>Fire your Hellzone Grenade and finish this. She shouldn't have the energy to disrupt it or dodge it and get in range for a counterattack at this point.
I legit forgot we had this one.
>Defend, let her rush in for one final attack. Take whatever she's got left head-on, then finish this
thats kinda overkill
Maybe so, but I think she would take it personally if we took it easy on her at this point. That said, I have no doubt she'd survive (with severe injuries most likely).
Defend, let her rush in for one final attack. Take whatever she's got left head-on, then finish this wins. Roll me a single d100.

DC: 8.5
Rolled 47 (1d100)

Rolled 26 (1d100)

Rolled 8 (1d100)

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47/100, success. Writing.
ngl, most uncomfortable I've ever been for a DC that low.
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“Come at me with everything you've got!” you tell her, keeping your defensive stance up. Recognizing she could still be a threat even in the state she's in, not underestimating her or thinking she doesn't still have a chance to win this you don't rush in recklessly, instead waiting to see how she'll act. Which she notices, giving you a small nod of acknowledgment before tightening up, then springing forward with all the power she's got left. Claws flashing, she lunges at your face, putting everything she's got left into her final attack. But you are ready, catching her wrists in your hands. Keeping her blade-like claws from slashing you to ribbons, halting her in midair. Then, you twist, stepping back with your left foot and dropping down to that knee while throwing her over your shoulder. Swinging Aisha overhead and down, landing on her back in the grass outside the stage. Out of bounds.

The crowd cheers as you rise back up to your feet, Aisha reverting back to her base form as she lays there. You leap down after a moment beside the downed Ctarl-Ctarl.

“Hey, you alright?” you ask her, kneeling down beside her downed form. She stirs after a moment, looking up wearily.
“Wh-Ka-General?” she asks, slowly blinking in confusion. “Wha...?”
“It's over, you fought well.” you tell her, the Ctarl-Ctarl sighing out and closing her eyes. A moment later her daughter Kaliflor lands beside you both, kneeling down and scooping her mother up into her arms.
“Come on momma, let's go.” she says, then turns her attention back to you. “General.”
“Kaliflor. You fought well as well.” you tell her, the woman nodding to you before taking to the air. You watch as she flies back towards her own people, your grandchildren both flying down to you.

“You did it!” Meloka Wolbach cheers, you catching her and her brother as both fly into your chest.
“You win!” Kazuburo shouts excitedly, you chuckling as you hold them both to you.
“Yeah, I did.” you say, smiling as you hold your grandchildren to you. “That was fun.”

The rest of your family who'd been watching join you, all of you leaving the arena behind after Okira, with Imagine Dragon's help restore the stage once more. You all then head to your home, where you say farewell to your eldest-born son and his family.

“Come on, you two. You need to go to bed.” Chilli tells his children, who both are disappointed for a moment. But you all say your farewells, Chilli heading back to his world with his family. Leaving the rest of you to go back to your daily routines.

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The rest of the day passes as normal, you then heading off to bed once the day's done. The moment you lay down in bed you fall asleep instantly, the void taking you. Your sleep is so deep and calm you aren't sure how long you remain asleep, but as you feel consciousness returning, eyes opening in the dark, your body feels fully rested and restored. Looking around, you see that you're up early, Towa and Meloka both sleeping peacefully on either side of you. With both women pressed to you, you decide to remain where you are awhile, enjoying the sensation of the two sleeping women on your sides.

But as you lay there in the peace and quiet, suddenly-

Well? Choose your destiny. Carefully.
>A familiar dark portal opens up in your room, a Demon God stepping through
>King Vegeta telepathically reaches out to you, seeing if you're awake
>A massive powerlevel appears, rapidly approaching New Salda
>Chilli telepathically reaches out to you, asking if you could do him a favor
No write ins here
>A familiar dark portal opens up in your room, a Demon God stepping through
GD you fucker. You evil evil man.
>A familiar dark portal opens up in your room, a Demon God stepping through
>A familiar dark portal opens up in your room, a Demon God stepping through
hopefully in the future we could see what these other destinies look like in an epilogue. These choices are interesting.
>GD you fucker. You evil evil man.
What did I do? These choices may not be what they seem, and none of them directly correlate to last episode’s epilogue
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Regardless, my die is cast. Mechikabura wouldn't barge into our bedroom without a damn good reason anyways.
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Rolled 63, 60, 74 = 197 (3d100)

Love this edit. Anyways:
A familiar dark portal opens up in your room, a Demon God stepping through unanimously wins it. Writing. And so it begins...
>Love this edit.
Consider it a portent of things to come. Meloka WILL come around to the idea of Karn growing a mustache! ONE DAY!!!
My head Canon is that karn can't grow a good one. That it just comes in patchy and wispy
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-a dark portal opens up before you. Instantly you recognize it, sitting up as the Demon God Mechikabura himself steps through.

“Mechikabura.” you think to the dark god, who closes his portal behind him. Seems he's not being accompanied by Supreme Kai of Time Aeos or his fellow demon Fu. Leaving you wondering what he's here for. And, as if reading your mind, he also replies telepathically.
“Good morning, General Karn. Excellent work, yesterday.” he thinks to you. “Seems your skills are as sharp as ever.”
“Of course, Mechikabura. Just because we're at peace doesn't mean I'm going to let myself go soft.” you reply, then decide to get down to business. “So, what's going on?”

“To put it bluntly, I need your help. Recently, one of my subordinate Towa stole the newly-laid egg of the divine Tokitoki.” he says seriously, brows furrowed with barely-restrained fury. An anger that you can feel, it waking both Towa and Meloka. Who look around confused a moment, but seeing you talking with Mechikabura calm back down. Meloka even lays back down, just for a moment before springing back up to full attention wearily. “The eggs of the divine Tokitoki, upon hatching create the time needed for new universes, new timelines to arise. But, seeking that power for herself, she stole the egg and has retreated to within a hidden fortress. One I cannot assail.”

“Wait, YOU can't get in? Then how are we supposed to?” your wife asks, Mechikabura shaking his head.
“Not we. You.” he says, turning his focus to you. “Within what is known as the Nightmare Realm, a realm designed to resist the influence of gods and demons alike, the sanctuary of the mad god who created it still stands. She has fled there, no doubt thinking herself safe from outside forces to enact her plan.”
“You cannot be serious, my lord. The Nightmare Realm is-!” Towa starts, Mechikabura smirking at the panic in her voice and silencing her.
“Yes, we cannot exist within this realm. As the very fabric of that un-reality turns the powers of light and dark, gods and demons both back against their wielders, destroying them down to their very souls. But there is one power that can survive there.” he says, turning to face you. “Yours.”

“How do you know this?” Meloka asks, eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Who did-?”
“I had one of the Broly sent in after her, upon learning where she fled.” he says, your teeth clenching as you learn he threw your son, albeit from another time, to the metaphorical and possibly literal wolves. “The Berserker Soul possesses the power to resist the Nightmare Realm's chaotic nature, as the Broly made it into the fortress. However, I fear he has been captured or slain, as he has not returned.”

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“And what happens if I don't stop her?” you ask, turning your attention to the task at hand. You and Mechikabura can talk about how he treated one of your sons as a disposable scout later, but for now you have the feeling she needs to be stopped. Sooner, rather than later. “If I fail and she keeps that egg?”
“When it hatches, an entire reality's worth of time is birthed. It is no small exaggeration to say she would gain power around my own level. If not even more.” Mechikabura tells you, a shiver running through you, your wife and even Towa. “With this, it is hard to tell what she would do. But I do know she is no fan of yours, and detests that I favor you over her. No doubt she would come, seeking revenge.”

“I'll handle this.” you say, throwing the sheets off yourself and standing up on the bed, taking a step down over your wife to stand on the ground and start preparing. “Better to stop her before she's as strong as you are.”
“I knew I could count on you.” Mechikabura says, then levels his hand at you. In a flash you find yourself wearing your usual suit, armor and all. “Do not take your own clothes, as everything you take into the Nightmare Realm must either be cleansed or destroyed up returning, to prevent its essence from bleeding into your own reality. And, on that note, you must leave all your tools and rings behind. Unless you wish them destroyed by the essence of that realm.”

Stunned, you turn to your wife, who gives you a very reluctant nod after a couple seconds. You return her nod, taking the ring off and giving it to her. Meloka looks worried as you give it to her, hugging her to you and whispering softly in her ear.

“I'll be right back. I won't let anything keep me from you.” you tell her, pulling back and sharing a kiss. Towa then throws herself to you, surprisingly enough, you holding her close as well.
“Be careful. I can't think of a more dangerous place to go in all existence.” Towa whispers, tone worried. “Please, be safe.”
“I will be.” you reply, then turn to Mechikabura. “I'm ready.”
“Good, then come with me.” he replies, once more opening his portal and stepping through. It's time. You follow him without looking back, stepping through the dark void and into... the Time Nest itself. Where the current Supreme Kai of Time, Aeos, is seemingly struggling with a tear in reality itself. “I have returned.”
“Then let's waste no time. Hurry.” she says, voice strained despite being in her transformed state. “I can't contain this forever.”

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“Take a rest, I shall take over.” he replies, leveling a hand at the tear. His own dark energy surrounds the rip, Aeos sighing in relief, like only someone bearing a heavy load only for someone to take over can as she collapses to the ground, reverting back to her base form. “Good luck, Karn. No matter what you face in there, all that matters is recovering that egg. I don't care if you have to bring down that whole reality and everything else inside it, as long as you can secure Tokitoki's egg.”

“Understood.” you reply, turning towards the tear in reality. It's time.

But what do you do? Any last-minute questions before you step through into this fearsome Nightmare Realm?
>No questions, they can come after. You've got a job to do, the sooner the better
>Ask if there is anything else in that realm you should be wary of, any native life or threats not common to your own
>Ask how that Towa was able to go into there and is still there, while your Towa seemed terrified of just mentioning the place
>Other(write in)
>>No questions, they can come after. You've got a job to do, the sooner the better
speedrun time
>Ask how that Towa was able to go into there and is still there, while your Towa seemed terrified of just mentioning the place
I need the full story
>No questions, they can come after. You've got a job to do, the sooner the better
>>Ask how that Towa was able to go into there and is still there, while your Towa seemed terrified of just mentioning the place
If we can somehow destroy whatever's providing her safe passage, we might just save ourselves a ton of work.
>Ask if Divine Dragon Force is going to be safe to bring with you, since it has Divine Energy throughout it.
And since you all somehow managed to turn this one into a tie, leaving the vote open another ten minutes. As is tradition.
DDF is dormant anyways, vote for something relevant?
DDF is also bonded to our soul and the Berserker Soul on a metaphysical level. It should be fine.
>Ask how that Towa was able to go into there and is still there, while your Towa seemed terrified of just mentioning the place
This seems kinda relevant to be fair
I am voting for something that I feel is relevant. Write-ins were open for a reason.
Rolled 115, 64, 135, 69 = 383 (4d137)

And with the tiebreaker, Ask how that Towa was able to go into there and is still there, while your Towa seemed terrified of just mentioning the place wins it. Roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 50.05
Second DC: 34.43
Rolled 89, 70 = 159 (2d100)

Rolled 67, 23 = 90 (2d100)

Rolled 8, 81 = 89 (2d100)

Rolled 2, 62 = 64 (2d100)

I'm curious as to why there are decimal points on some DCs. Do we get non-integer modifiers on certain rolls?
89/100, 81/100. Double success, writing.
Others have modifiers as well. But as for these mirrored rolls, well. You'll see.
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Why did my image drop? Anyways
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“Hold on. Just one thing, before I go in there.” you say, glancing back over to Mechikabura. “How did she get in?”
“What?” he asks, not sure what you mean.
“How was Towa able to get into this Nightmare Realm, and is still there too. Especially while my Towa was terrified to even talk about the place?” you ask him, the Supreme Kai of Time interjecting.
“That's not... Hang on. That's a good question, actually.” Aeos says, turning from you to Mechikabura. “How WAS she able to slip through?”

“Unfortunately, she stole a relic I had stored away. A small dagger, one somehow made of that realm's essence. I have been studying the Nightmare Realm, as I believe that is where Chronoa is hiding.” Mechikabura says, your jaw dropping in shock. But, before you say anything else he continues. “As for how she's still there, I believe that is a side-effect of Tokitoki's egg. As long as she remains within a certain distance of it, the egg radiates time itself. Providing a sort of buffer between herself and that realm, as long as she is in possession of it. Take the egg from her, and the Nightmare Realm should finish her off itself. You do not need to best her in combat yourself, although that is certainly an option.”

“I... See.” you reply, taking a deep breath an turning back to the tear. “Avoid the dagger, get the egg, and get out. Got it. Any other curve balls you want to throw my way?”
“No, but be careful. I cannot intervene in the Nightmare Realm, once you're in there you are on your own.” he warns, then adds. “Good luck, General Karn.”
“Do your best.” Aeos adds in, you nodding to them both and walking forward. Stepping to the tear in reality, reaching out and touching it with your right hand. Immediately upon contact you feel your entire being distort and contort, your entire essence pulled into the crack. Like a black hole it draws you in, colors and lights changing, reality distorting until you find yourself standing once more.

Looking around, you find a world covered in a sky of various reds and purples, looking up you see the sky itself looking back at you! Eyes hang in the air, several watching you while the mouths in the air speak words you cannot understand yet feel in the depths of your being are entirely true. There is no light or darkness, the ground beneath you black with hints of red leading up to a dark castle towering in the distance as the voices intensify. They speak directly into your mind, you feeling your mind, your very soul twisting in agony. Dropping down to a knee, you dig deep, abandoning the first plan of trying to sneak in undetected. You're going to have to go all-in, and unleash the Berserker Soul.


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As you roar your emerald power explodes, radiating light into this lightless realm as you transform. Shedding your weaker forms, transforming straight into your Berserker God form. The voices seemingly recoil as your power blazes up around you, several eyes blinking rapidly as three of the mouths wail, no doubt alerting the Towa you can sense from the castle ahead that you are here.

“So much for being subtle.” you mutter, looking back up to the castle and taking off at a sprint. The castle, which once looked small grows larger and larger as you approach, becoming a veritable monster of a fortress as you near the base. Its base is easily larger than the entire Lucrehulk was around, towering up into the maddening sky. You sprint up the castle's uneven front steps, rushing towards the giant door. Where, standing before it, realize that the door itself looking massive is an illusion, as the actual opening is a small rectangle, your energy dying the energy swirling within it green. But then, from the doorway itself flies a small, furred creature with three eyes, the little monster snarling with its mouthful of razor-sharp teeth as it jumps at your face.

“Hmph.” you say, backhanding the creature contemptuously. Your casual attack splatters the creature, turning it into a spray of gore across the red stones. “Alright, my turn.”

And without hesitation step forward, stepping into the magical seal over the door. You feel the energy of the door clinging to you, trying to keep you back, but it's no use. Your power is far too great for it to stop, tearing it apart as you step into the darkness beyond. Only for several figures to all lunge at you at once, ghouls and undead alike trying to attack you.

“Out of my way!” you snarl, blazing your energy and frying them with an Explosive Wave. And, to your shock, your emerald aura completely shreds most of the creatures instantly. Only one survives the initial blast, a smaller figure in purple robes wielding an oversized scythe, swinging it for your neck. But you stop him, reaching out and grabbing the haft of the weapon before the blade reaches you. “Really? You thought THIS would work?”

But the creature can't answer with words, snarling at you as it continues its futile attempts to draw its weapon back to cut you down. But as it struggles, you hear something speak from behind it.

“Flee this place, warrior. If thou perish within, bound to this place your soul will become.” comes a haunting, ghostly voice, you peering around the still-struggling reaper to see who is speaking.

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And what you can only describe as a corpse wielding a sword drifts towards you, its blue aura radiating with menace. A stark contrast with the reds and oranges of the castle interior, this being's power clearly on a different level than the weaklings you've crushed so far.

“A sorry fate, for any warrior. Turn back.” the corpse says, raising his open hand. Immediately the other creature stops resisting, vanishing into motes of light similar to the undead's own. Who then absorbs that power into himself, it not noticeably increasing the power he's displaying. “I, the Earl of Demise, seek not thine end. But thou shalt not pass.”

Well? How do you handle this?
>Rush and attack, tear him apart before he can attack. His hesitation will be his downfall
>This thing seems reasonable, see if you can convince it to help you remove Towa from this place. Not having to fight your way through this massive castle will be a great help
>You don't have time for this, Instant Transmission directly to Towa. It may be a trap, but you're not fighting your way there
>Don't fight this guy, but don't kill him either. Dash around past him and try to find your way through this labyrinth of a fortress to get to Towa and Tokitoki's egg
>Other(write in)
>mechi gets one of the most important things stolen from him - egg
>he also gets something he was actively prodding to figure out stolen from him as well - knife
How the fuck did he turn into such an incompetent goober? Lock the fucking doors, Jesus.
>>Rush and attack, tear him apart before he can attack. His hesitation will be his downfall
one sacrifice for 2K attack? no thanks
Good questions. But isn't the answer obvious?
Ha, but could be a lot worse
>Rush and attack, tear him apart before he can attack. His hesitation will be his downfall
Well, I guess he DID need a good reason to clean house. Something that would keep the other Towas in line anyways.
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>the vorse rider + axe of despair in my hand
Rush and attack, tear him apart before he can attack. His hesitation will be his downfall wins it. Roll me a 5d100.

First DC: 25
Second DC: 60
Third DC: 45
Fourth DC: 50
Fifth DC: 80
Rolled 27, 46, 27, 27, 87 = 214 (5d100)

F to Earl. Sounded like he was a decent fellow in life. But we're on a time limit and we gotta rip and tear until it's done.
Rolled 16, 91, 46, 81, 6 = 240 (5d100)

Rolled 66, 35, 42, 53, 9 = 205 (5d100)

Rather close, but we got this
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66/100, 91/100, 46/100, 81/100, 87/100. We're Berserker God, so this one's best of four. If anyone wants to try for a crit. In the meantime though, since we can't critfail it now, we've got successes across the board. Writing.
Rolled 11, 89, 15, 93, 98 = 306 (5d100)

oh yeah, i forgot
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“Out of my way!” you shout, blitzing the sword-wielding ghoul. It moves faster than you expected, raising its weapon defensively. But before 'Earl' can bring his sword to bear you clamp your left hand over his right and his sword, twisting your wrist counterclockwise and bringing his blade out of the way, driving his fist straight through the undead's skull. Splattering his head all over the walls in a spray of bone, flesh and brain matter. “Sorry, but I'm-Tch!”

However, what you were saying is interrupted as the now headless ghoul swings his clawed left hand up at your own head, forcing you to leap back and away. Something about his energy makes you wary of being injured, his energy doesn't feel right. Landing back on your feet, the corpse lowers his arm, that blue energy gathering around his head. All the pieces of it, drawing them all back to him and reforging that to how it was before.

“So, one blow isn't enough to put you down, huh?” you ask as the energy around his head fades, the undead warrior bringing up his blade. “Then I'll destroy you all at once! HAAA!”

With a shout you throw a ki ball forward, your energy striking his chest and detonating. Obliterating the entire corpse, his sword clattering to the floor as his azure energy starts rising around the bits and pieces of his scattered body. You then dash down the opening hallway, running across the red carpet leading the way to a staircase, splitting in half and going both left and right at the first landing. You start running down towards it, going past paintings and suits of armor. Only for your instincts to suddenly scream at you in warning, dropping down into a slide, causing the carpet that you couldn't have stopped on to bunch up. Which was the correct answer, as suddenly from your left a pair of clawed hands lunge out from a painting, swinging their bladed nails through where your head had been a moment ago.

“Tch. Nice try!” you shout, springing back up to your feet as you spin, throwing another ball of ki into the hanging portrait. Detonating it, consuming the portrait and the ghoul within it as well. But you don't let it stop you, continuing your spin to land on your feet, running up the stone steps. You take the right path, continuing at a light sprint through the sprawling, labyrinthine hallways. Ghouls continue to leap out at you from portraits, suits of armor come to life and attack you, and even some sorts of what appear to be malevolent spirits rising from the floor of dropping through the ceiling, attacking you with their weapons or hands. But not a single one manages to touch you.

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You wander through the halls of monsters and spirits, trying to get closer to Towa's ki you can sense from somewhere above you. But no matter how many halls you fight through, how many staircases you climb, you don't feel yourself getting closer to her. Your frustration rising by the minute. And as you slaughter another three-eyed fuzzball monster, backhanding it to oblivion, you reach a breaking point.

“Enough of this.” you snarl to yourself, raising your right hand and gathering your ki into your palm. Then, with a shout unleash your energy. “HRRAAAAAA!!”

With a roar, your emerald ki blasts through the stone of the castle, smashing through several dozen floors before your energy, diluted by this space, smashes into another without breaking through. You then jump, flying up through the consecutive holes and making dozens of yards of progress closer to Towa's energy. Smirking, you fire another beam without slowing, smashing through several more and rapidly closing in on her energy. Quickly you smash through dozens upon dozens of floors, and with a final crack smash through another. Arriving in what looks to be some sort of throne room, the wide, high-ceiling'd room with the single red carpet leading up to a pair of thrones. Where upon one sits a strange-looking doll, and upon the other, see a rather decadent-looking ghoul. Glass of some red liquid in its left hand, a skull on the chest of its robes. And between you and that ghoul, stand three figures around a rather large egg You've found it! But as you see it, you also see a Towa accompanied by her mechanical bio-android warrior, Mira. And a third figure, wearing a dark greyish brownish robe, hood up hiding their face and features.

“So, it would seem that you were right.” Towa says to the little figure, turning to face you. “Mira, if you would?”
“Of course.” he says, stepping past her. And in a flash transforms, taking on his own Primal form. Complete with white fur and aura, no flash of recognition in his eyes. Looks like you're going to have to go through him to get at the egg. “Surrender, Saiyan. You cannot beat me.”
“Oh, goody. Dinner and a show.” the extravagantly-dressed ghoul says, cackling to itself as it sits above you all. “This will be fun!”

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He's strong, strong enough that you doubt you'd be able to fight him off while retreating with the egg. If you were even able to steal it past him, Towa, AND the third figure. One who somehow feels familiar, your instincts warning you they're the most dangerous being here. But they don't seem interested in fighting you yet, not while Mira's still standing. Which just leaves you with one question:

What do you do?
>Rush and attack, overpower him with your strength and Djem So technique
>Activate your Energy Body before attacking, use your armor to focus one hundred percent on attacking without worrying about defense
>Activate your Energy Body and gesture for him to come at you, see how he fights before looking for your opening to take him down
>Rush in and dodge his strikes, use the Su Ma to avoid his blows while remaining on the attack
>Dash past him, try and get to the egg and secure it before activating your Energy Body around yourself and it. Just grab the egg and go back, no need to get into a fight with these people
>Demand to know what they did with Broly, if he's alive you may be able to help him and have him help you as well
>Instant Transmission to the Towa and take her hostage, trade her life to Mira in exchange for the egg. Mira are a lot of things, but they're infallibly loyal to their Towa above all else. Use that to your advantage
>Try and convince the ghoul to summon his minions to aid you, that the Demon God Mechikabura will reward him far more handsomely for helping you recover the egg for him than this trio ever could dream to
>Other(write in)
>Demand to know what they did with Broly, if he's alive you may be able to help him and have him help you as well

>activate your energy body.
>Demand to know what they did with Broly, if he's alive you may be able to help him and have him help you as well
Without DDF, we could actually really use the help. I'd go for the butler, but I get the distinct impression his ghouls ain't shit compared to this Towa and her acquaintance.
I guess I should have reworded it instead.

>Demand to know what they did with Broly, if he's alive you may be able to help him and have him help you as well. while asking activate your energy body so they can't get you with a cheap shoot.
Literal Plot Armor
If they were gonna try something like that, they'd have done it when we busted into the room.
Besides, Miras don't have the capacity for clever tactics and this Towa seems more concerned with keeping the egg safe than throwing shit at us.
>>Demand to know what they did with Broly, if he's alive you may be able to help him and have him help you as well
Demand to know what they did with Broly, if he's alive you may be able to help him and have him help you as well plus write in wins it. Roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 40
Second DC: 53.35
Third DC: 70
Rolled 50, 37, 2 = 89 (3d100)

Rolled 15, 35, 11 = 61 (3d100)

Rolled 67, 65, 32 = 164 (3d100)

Rolled 5, 41, 100 = 146 (3d100)

We got this.
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Rolled 27, 26, 56 = 109 (3d100)

67/100, 65/100, CRIT/100. Successes and CRIT, let's do this! Writing.
Thank you for your service
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“Hold on. Where is Broly?” you ask them all, causing Mira and Towa to start in surprise. In their moment of shock you activate your Energy Body, condensing your blazing emerald aura around yourself and turning it into your hardened armor. “Where is my son?”
“Ohohohohoo, that rampaging monster? Oh, he is here. And if you want to see him so badly, well...” the Towa says smugly, snapping her fingers. And from behind the thrones steps a Primal Broly, one of Towa's signature masks on his face. Completely suppressing his powerlevel and stealing his free will, binding him to that Towa's control. Dammit. “So, this one is yours, is he?”
“I may not have raised him, but he's still my son.” you retort, retaking your fighting stance. “Hand him and that egg over, and the three of you will get to live.”

“Oh, I have a far better idea. Broly, attack.” Towa commands, the mask's eyes lighting up in response. Broly roars behind the mask, immediately blitzing at you with his full power brought to bear.
“I'll save you.” you promise to yourself as he charges, swinging with a wild, heavy right. Bracing yourself you step into the strike, deflecting it out past you with your left forearm while twisting, driving your right fist up into his guts with all your might. You bury your fist damn near to your elbow in his gut, stunning Broly momentarily. And in that moment you strike, reaching up with your left and grabbing that damned mask. For a moment you try and tear it from his face, but it feels attached somehow. No doubt magically. So, instead you resort to brute force, crushing it in your grip.


“Wh-What?!” Towa shouts as the part of the mask around his eye breaks away, falling to the floor at your feet. “Mira, stop him! Now!”
“Dammit.” you say through clenched teeth, and knowing you have only a moment to react toss Broly straight up. Mira closes in, driving his left up at your guts. Unfortunately for him, your Energy Body absorbs most of his blow's power and enabling your immediate retaliation. “HAAAAAA!!”
“Wh-?!” he starts, only to take a left cross to the cheekbone. Snapping his head to the side and staggering him a half-step back. But you don't give up the momentum, following with a right uppercut to the sternum into a left elbow to the jaw. He spins, nearly falling to the ground but catching himself on his hands. Just in time to take your right knee to the side of his head, dropping him as Broly crashes to the ground somewhere behind you. “Tch. B-Bastard.”

“Yes, yes! That's it! More violence, more bloodshed! MORE!” cheers the fiendish noble, clearly enjoying the show regardless of which 'side' is winning. Seems he isn't necessarily their ally either.

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“Grrrr! I will not LOSE!” Mira roars, dark energy exploding out from his body as he floats back upright. His power, which you can now sense begins spiking dramatically, his strength rising up to much closer to your own, actually pushing you back away from him and letting him rise uncontested. And at the same time, you hear Broly rise up from behind you, growling a deep, menacing growl low in his throat. Seems he's not free of that mask's influence yet. “I cannot lose!”
“GRRRROOOAAAAAAARR!” Broly roars from behind you, finally able to sense a taste of his power now that the mask isn't completely masking it from you. And he's strong, perhaps even stronger than the Mira before you. If you can just free him, this fight'll be a lot easier.

“What are you two doing? Crush him, now!” Towa orders, she and the hooded figure backing a bit further back. “Destroy him!”
“Bring it on!” you reply, retaking your own fighting stance. Broly moves first, charging at your back as Mira watches you, waiting for his moment to strike. But he doesn't get one, you pressing the attack towards him. Catching him by surprise, you force him onto the defensive with a barrage of rights and lefts as Broly closes in from behind you. But right as his energy reaches yours you raise your right hand to your forehead, focusing on his partially-suppressed energy and vanishing. Disappearing from in front of the mind-controlled Berserker to behind him, just in time to see his right pass through where you were. Slamming into Mira's guard instead, sending the white-furred bio android sliding backwards. “Gotcha!”

Broly, hearing your voice turns, only to take a powerful right turning kick straight to the mask. Which, already being cracked, shatters completely from the blow. Knocking Broly off his feet and onto his back as the shards of the mind controlling device rain down around you.

“NO!” Towa shouts, her voice a bit more panicked. “Mira, what are you doing?! Kill him already!”
“He is strong. You should leave this place.” Mira replies, staring you down as you face him, Broly making confused, pained noises from the ground. “I cannot stop both of them.”
“Let us join in.” the robed figure says, her voice distinctly feminine. And almost familiar, like you've heard it before somewhere but she's trying to disguise it by unnaturally changing her tone. “With the three of us fighting in tandem, we can subdue him.”

“Very well. But I'm not handing this over to you yet.” the Towa replies, her power suddenly spiking divine as she ascends. Transcending beyond mortal limits, and into the realm of gods. But her divine demon powers are far stronger than your own Towa, in fact stronger than ANY other Demon God you've met before, aside from Mechikabura and that bastard Dumplin. But it also feels familiar, somehow. Like this particular energy is one you should recognize as well. But as you remember that pudgy grey bastard, realization strikes. That same golden chain is around her neck, with his likeness on it still there.

“Bastard!” you snarl, recognition dawning as suddenly you fear you understand what they're trying to do with that power. “Like HELL I'm letting you revive HIM!”
“You don't have a choice.” Towa says, leveling her staff at you. The orb in the end glows green, your instincts warning you to move. And move you do, leaping to your left as a bolt of powerful dark lightning cuts through reality itself, leaving nothing but Abyssal Dark in the wake of its passing. Landing in a roll you spring up to your feet, only for Broly to sit up, looking from them to you in confusion. And, on reflex, speak to your son.
“Stay behind me, son! I'll protect you!” you order, but as you do you feel something strange. Almost as if his Berserker Soul itself resonates with your own as you speak, feeling his entire being resonate with your words as you tell him this. Then, without looking back turn your focus entirely off of him and back to the trio before you, Mira, Towa, and the mysterious robed figure. But to your surprise Broly doesn't stay behind you, instead reaching up and grabbing your shoulder, using you to help haul himself up and standing beside you.

“Protect me? No.” he says, you glancing to him to see Broly smiling with feral, malicious intent. You respond in kind, taking your fighting stance as you turn your focus back to the trio. He does the same, chest out and arms down at the ready by his sides, tail flicking eagerly as his eyes go from one to the other. “We'll crush them! Together!”
“Heh. Now THAT'S more like it!” you shout, Broly's power spiking dramatically as his emerald aura flares. You're not only going to crush this trio and get that egg back, but get your son out of here as well! No matter what it takes!

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 223 paused-
And that's it for tonight, everyone enjoying this episode so far? Was this how you expected that one vote to go? Ready to see how this conflict ends, if you're able to retrieve both Broly and the Tokitoki egg? Curious who the robed figure is, and if you've even met them before? Wonder what they promised the fiend overlord of this place in exchange for using his castle? And do you think Towa and Mira possess ANY means of stopping what you are now? All this and more when Saiyan Conqueror Quest continues in just under twelve hours at noon EST!
I forgot, are we in Supervillain mode or not? The last time we were confronted by a Mira without that boost, we got our heart asploded. I wonder if the one in the hood is Dr. Mouse
I think Towa forgot what happens to everyone that tries to mind-control Broly. He, uh, does not take kindly to it.
I'm just glad this Broly isn't quite as dumb as his appearance would suggest. Here's hoping he can keep up with somebody who actually knows what they're doing.
No, not yet. And I wouldn't recommend it, remember the warning Mechikabura gave you about this place.
She gonna learn today. Possibly.
There's actually something specific going on, thanks in no small part to the crit. His Berserker Soul REMEMBERS you and yours, when you overpowered his before the Battle of Conton City. It sees you as its 'true' master.
>There's actually something specific going on
No I get that, I was just making a joke at his expense, violent retard that he is.
Here's hoping he learns something about the value of teamwork while we stomp Mira a new asshole.
>remember the warning Mechikabura gave you about this place.
Yeah, that it tears apart Gods and Demons alike pretty damn quickly. Supervillain Mode would negate some of our natural defenses against this place thanks to the Demonic Energy.
But that's got me thinking - there's TWO towas here, one Mira, and only one egg. One of the Towas just went Demon God. Either the Time Egg is projecting a field of time around it to shield ALL of them from the effects, or at least one of them probably two of them are going to start seeing some degradation very soon. Especially the one in Demon God form.

On a completely different note, I wonder what using Forced Spirit Fission on Mira would do. As we saw from Xenoverse, the vast majority of his power is actually stolen from battles in time rifts and not native to his body. Not to mention how he's a little...patchwork, genetically speaking.

Final thought. Going by the pictures, these Towas are actually wearing Potara, aren't they? I wonder, if we could steal a pair and give one to Broly...
>I wonder, if we could steal a pair and give one to Broly...
The better question to ask is whether or not a Divine artifact like that would even work on two full blown Berserkers.
True. And perhaps. Or maybe it only works with YOU?
>there's TWO towas here
Since when? There's only one Towa, Mira, Broly, the dark ruler on his throne, and the mystery hooded, robed figure whose identity is a secret here in this room that you're aware of. Where is the second Towa?
Could weaken him, but would take a lot of doing to get any noticeable results.
The demonic versions are... Different. Plus even if you could, between this place and trying to merge TWO Berserkers, it would be impossible. Unless you had a source of limitless divine power to fuel them, one that would also somehow not only not be affected by TWO Berserker Souls but also by this un-dimension itself.
I guess I misread it, I'll have to re-read. I had thought the robed figure was a second towa.
Yeah, nevermind my previous thoughts. This could possibly be Chronoa. Or maybe a secret third option that nobody ever considered, That one pink majin female who's name I can't actually remember right now and has a vested interest in both fucking up Karn and in bringing Dumplin back
Wasn't her name Puddin'? She was Dumplin's daughter wasn't she? Do we know where she is, giving her an alibi other than being the one under the hood?

We'd better watch out for a sneaky majin absorption attempt.
You’re thinking of a grey-skinned one, but perhaps you’ll find out tomorrow?
Yes, she is. Maybe we’ll find out when the episode continues? And that’s almost always something to watch out for.
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“I will make your death painful and slow!” Broly declares, pointing at the enemy Towa menacingly. Only for Mira to step between them, you hearing Broly growl. “Out of my way!”
“You won't reach her.” Mira declares boldly, to which Broly roars and charges. Mira meets his charge head-on, the two's right fists clashing and releashing shock waves that rattle the stones beneath your feet. Towa, meanwhile, fires another burst of Dark lightning from her staff, forcing you to once more leap out of the way. As you do, however, the robed figure rushes in. Conjuring a luminous but oddly-shaped ki blade around her gloved hand and thrusting the point at your throat. She's fast, but not fast enough, swatting the blade on the flat away with the back of your right arm.

“HAAAA!” you shout, firing a heavy left in retaliation. One the robed figure cannot stop, sending her flying back and crashing into a far wall. However, as she does, one of those mind control masks suddenly appears in front of you, trying to latch onto your face. However, it is stopped by your Energy Body, the item unable to pierce through and stick directly to you. With a snarl you reach up with your right, grabbing the mask in your hand and tearing it free from your energy, crushing it in your palm. “Like hell I'd let you control me.”
“Tsk.” is all the time she has to say in response as you blitz her, leaving an emerald trail in your wake as you close the distance. Sliding to a stop before her, firing a short right body uppercut at her undefended guts. But she's fast as well, managing to interpose her staff between your fist and herself, blocking the strike. But she cannot block the full force of your strike, your blow sending her flying backwards towards the fiendish ruler's thrones. Sailing between the two ornate thrones, smashing into the tapestry-covered wall behind them. “Gyuh!!”

“Wonderful, simply wonderful! Servant, another glass of the vintage!” the dark ruler of this castle calls as the tiny robed figure simply appears before you, her ki blades drawn back and slashing at your head and throat in an “X”. You lean back while swinging up with a left, her blades narrowly missing your Energy Body as she leaves her jaw exposed, your fist making solid contact. You only catch her much smaller, cloth-covered jaw with a single knuckle, but the force of your blow rockets her straight up into the ceiling. The tiny figure crashes flat against it, cratering the ceiling and leaving her outline embedded in it before falling back down, you drawing your right back for a devastating heavy blow. However, before you can unload, once more the other Towa unleashes her dark magical power, forcing you to leap back and away.

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“Tch!” you seethe through clenched teeth as Abyssal darkness follows the pitch-black lightning as it carves through the air, the hooded figure flipping backwards once and landing on their feet. Where you see a hint of a white boot before they land, the robe covering them fully once more. Landing on your feet you retake your fighting stance, glancing back and forth from Towa to the robed figure as Towa steps past the lord of this place, stepping down the steps up to its throne. Neither of them are exceptionally powerful, from what you can tell, but fighting together like this is keeping you on your toes. You need to break their rhythm somehow if you want to overcome this stalemate.

But what do you do?
>Focus on the Towa instead of the hooded figure, rush her down and overpower her, she can't properly defend herself in close range while also protecting that egg from you
>Forget fighting, use your telekinesis to rip the egg from Towa's grasp and secure it. You don't need to beat them, just get the egg and Broly then flee
>Switch to using more ranged techniques, dropping your Energy Body may be risky but if you end them both swiftly they won't be able to retaliate by masking you
>Try and convince the castle's ruler to summon his minions to aid you in subduing them, that the Demon God Mechikabura will reward him far more handsomely for helping you recover the egg for him than this trio ever could dream to
>Two on one doesn't work, so try splitting yourself in two to fight both Towa AND the hooded figure simultaneously
>Other(write in)
>>Two on one doesn't work, so try splitting yourself in two to fight both Towa AND the hooded figure simultaneously
I forget, is there a noticeable loss in strength with just two clones even after our Spirit Control training?
It is a perfectly even split, halving your power in exchange for two bodies.
>Forget fighting, use your telekinesis to rip the egg from Towa's grasp and secure it. You don't need to beat them, just get the egg and Broly then flee
A win is a win, and I dont like this fucker sitting there with Towa and Chrona.
>Forget fighting, use your telekinesis to rip the egg from Towa's grasp and secure it. You don't need to beat them, just get the egg and Broly then flee
>Forget fighting, use your telekinesis to rip the egg from Towa's grasp and secure it. You don't need to beat them, just get the egg and Broly then flee

Forget fighting, use your telekinesis to rip the egg from Towa's grasp and secure it. You don't need to beat them, just get the egg and Broly then flee wins it. Changing from a fight to a smash and grab wins it, roll me a 6d100.

First DC: 60
Second DC: 75
Third DC: 50
Fourth DC: ??.??
Fifth DC: 80
Sixth DC: 45
And remember, we're transformed so best of 4
Rolled 57, 16, 20, 11, 47, 11 = 162 (6d100)

Rolled 87, 99, 97, 25, 58, 19 = 385 (6d100)

Rolled 37, 96, 65, 59, 90, 72 = 419 (6d100)

Rolled 72, 52, 73, 89, 73, 65 = 424 (6d100)

Oh god oh fuck please be enough
>87, 99, 97, 89, 90, 72
>after I failed to meet any of the DCs with my roll
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87/100, 99/100, 97/100, 89/100, 90/100, 72/100. Success, special success, success, mystery, success, and success. Writing.
Nobody expects the fight tard to pull a sneaky sneak
We're not a fight tard, just a ragetard
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As you ponder how to break the teamwork of these two, a sudden realization strikes. You don't HAVE to beat them! All you have to do is get the egg away, take your son and flee this place. As you have this realization you smirk at them, realizing how you're going to win this.

“Alright, I hope you've had your fun. I'm going to take you both down now.” you declare confidently, both of your opponents bracing themselves. You then rush in, dashing first towards the smaller one. Only, as you get close and they draws the blades once more, you kick off the ground, dashing away from the small figure and instead blitz the Towa. Who is caught by complete surprise at your change in tactics, barely managing to interpose her staff between you and her. But she didn't brace herself adequately, knocking the staff back into her head. Reflecting the staff off her forehead Towa recoils, your instincts warning you of imminent danger. Without looking back you kick back with your right,feeling your heel smash into something light. The masked figure cries out as your blow sends them flying, you keeping your focus on Towa as she staggers back. You then reach out with your telekinesis, grasping onto the divine egg she's holding. And before she can react, you tear it from her grasp. “MINE!”

“Wha-NOOOO!!” Towa exclaims as you dash in, swiping the egg out of the air with your right hand. “STOP HIM!!”
“BROLY, WE'RE LEAVING!!” you call, dashing to him and shoulder charging Mira. Knocking him back away from your boy, sending him flying into a pillar. “Break through that wall, now!”
“RRRAAAAA!!” he roars, immediately charging headlong into the wall opposite the dark ruler. Smashing bodily through it, dashing out into the nightmare sky beyond. You follow him, only for the tiny robed being to appear between you and it, their arms spread wide as if they can stop you. But the tiny being can't stop you, as you lower your left shoulder down, charging straight into them. Battering the tiny figure aside you blast through them, following Broly out into the nightmarish sky.

“H-Hey! Why are you running?!” calls the dark ruler shouts, you ignoring him as you dash outside. Only for your instincts to blaze in warning, dashing aside to your left. And not a moment too soon, as another bolt of Abyssal lightning cuts through reality where you were, nearly striking the hooded figure as well. They manage to create some kind of magical shield that deflects the lightning back at you again, but you're too fast, continuing your leftward charge. “Get back here!”
“Broly, go to the exit! NOW!” you roar, dropping your Energy Body as you draw your free hand back, gathering your ki. And with a bellow fire out a Scattershot at the castle and hooded figure both, covering the area in explosions. “MOVE!”

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With your attack fired you turn to leave, but as you do realize something. Thousands, tens of thousands of the same sort of creatures you'd fought through inside the castle have swarmed the grounds, all moving towards the portal as well. Seems they want to leave this place as well.

“Follow me Broly!” you order, dashing down towards the tear in reality at full speed. You feel his energy follow your own, glancing back to see the trio in hot pursuit. You won't be able to escape them, not without one more push. One more confrontation, before you'll be able to escape this place.

But what do you do?
>Fire your Guided Eye Beams and Scatter Beams at your pursuers, force them to slow down to avoid your attacks and give you both just enough time to flee
>Order Broly to fire his energy back at the three of them, while you focus on keeping the egg safe until you're through
>Pass the egg to Broly, order him through the portal and to give the egg to either Mechikabura or Aeos while you hold that trio off alone. Once he's through you'll follow him and escape as well
>They can't stop you if they can't hurt you, activate your Unmovable Energy Body around yourself and let your momentum carry you into the dimensional tear back. You won't be able to move or fight back, but they shouldn't be able to stop you like that either
>Other(write in)
>Fire your Guided Eye Beams and Scatter Beams at your pursuers, force them to slow down to avoid your attacks and give you both just enough time to flee
They're panicking and not exactly paying attention to dirty little tricks.
>>Fire your Guided Eye Beams and Scatter Beams at your pursuers, force them to slow down to avoid your attacks and give you both just enough time to flee
>Fire your Guided Eye Beams and Scatter Beams at your pursuers, force them to slow down to avoid your attacks and give you both just enough time to flee
Fire your Guided Eye Beams and Scatter Beams at your pursuers, force them to slow down to avoid your attacks and give you both just enough time to flee wins unanimously, let's see if you can keep all three back. Roll me a 4d100.

First DC: 30
Second DC: 60
Third DC: 80.08
Fourth DC: 60
Rolled 26, 38, 7, 91 = 162 (4d100)

Rolled 53, 80, 66, 74 = 273 (4d100)

Rolled 35, 74, 70, 42 = 221 (4d100)

Anyone want that final roll? Or should we just roll with these three?
Rolled 69, 45, 97, 58 = 269 (4d100)

I got you big man, I was waiting for the ten minutes to pass first.
Rolling once more.
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69/100, 80/100, 97/100, 91/100. Crushing success, most impressive. Writing.
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>Broly and Karn after escaping the Nightmare Realm
Sidenote, I wonder how this egg tastes.
I was too scared to roll, thanks for clutching it
>too scared to roll
Not an excuse fucker. Throw dice and live it up, pass or fail.
Wait is that small midget Bibidi or Babadi?
Its Supreme Cunt of Time. We super killed Babidi atleast 70-80 threads ago
>We super killed Babidi atleast 70-80 threads ago
Super killed -A- Babidi, fixed for you.
Actually, this made me check. It was more like 40-ish threads ago
If only we could squash his potato head across space and time permanently. He's one of the biggest pricks in the Dragonball Franchise, let alone Z.
I thought Babidi was the last of Bibidi's clones, hence why he inherited all of his power.
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“Dammit, we can't get away like this.” you mutter, rolling over so you're flying on your back, facing the rapidly-approaching trio. “Don't stop Broly, get through that portal!”
“Mira, don't let Karn escape with that egg!” Towa orders, the white-furred bio-android charging towards you even faster. You have to stop them, and quick. Suddenly, an idea comes to mind, focusing your power behind your eyes. “HAAAAA!!”

Firing your Eye Beams directly at Mira, he activates that quarter-dome energy shield technique you've seen Ace and Future Chaya throw out before. No doubt planning to stop your attack and keep charging. But you're one step ahead, splitting your beams out around either side of his dome. You see the pale furred warrior's eyes widen in realization, you smirking and driving both beams around the shield at both sides of his head. He tries to end the dome to defend himself, but it's too late. Your beams pierce through either side of his head, Mira's powerlevel dropping instantly.

“MIRA?!” Towa exclaims as her servant instantly powers back down, body dropping limply to the rocky ground below. “BASTARD! I'LL KILL-!!”
“HAAAAA!!” you shout, ending the Eye Beams and leveling our free hand towards her, firing a Scatter Beam at Towa. Interrupting the attack she'd been charging up, forcing her to divert her path and fly straight up away from you.
“Stop him!” Towa shouts, her voice desperate as she calls to the hooded figure. Who accelerates, charging towards you. Now there's only one, you readying another Scattershot as they suddenly vanish. The being disappears, you then feeling something tugging on the egg in your arm. Looking down, you see her trying to tear the egg from your grip, snarling as she can't overpower you.

“Die!” you growl, firing your Eye Beams once more. Forcing the hooded figure to let go, dodging the twin rays of destruction. But you don't let the tiny figure get off so easily, once more redirecting your Guided Eye Beams after them. Only for the being to throw their arms wide, creating a rainbow-like wall of energy that disperses the energy of your beams. Energy that is very clearly divine. But, before you can think on that any further, reality itself distorts around you. Up becomes down, colors invert and shift, then everything returns to normal. You bursting back into reality, crashing into the manicured lawn of the Time Nest and landing with a slide.

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“He has the egg! Now!” Aeos shouts out, Mechikabura's demonic divine aura blazing up around him. His strength grows to astronomical heights, his strength surpassing even the power you'd felt from the god of all Zen-Oh. His power begins distorting reality itself within the Time Nest, reaching out with his right hand around the tear in reality. His hand seemingly begins to distort and grow in this distorted space, closing entirely around the tear. Then, with an audible crunch fully closes his hand, opening it back to reveal... Nothing. The Demon God then powers back down with a sigh, reality reverting back to normal around you all.

As he does this, Aeos rushes to you, reaching down and taking the egg from you. For a split-second you don't hand it over, but then relent, letting her take Tokitoki's egg from you. As she does and reality returns to normal, you hear a call from somewhere in the air above you.

“KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!” comes the call, you looking up to see a long-tailed bird with white feathers descend, landing on Aeos' shoulders.
“It's okay, Tokitoki. The egg appears to be fine.” Aeos says, carefully looking it over with a critical eye. “Thankfully, the time leaking from within the shell prevented it from being affected by the Nightmare Realm, and our friend here even returned it without cracking it. Well done, General Karn.”
“Yes, you did well.” Mechikabura says, allowing his body to sag a moment while still facing where the slash in reality was. Not portraying the usual image of invulnerability and ultimate power he usually does, but instead allowing you to see his moment of weakness. He then takes a deep breath in, restoring his image as he turns to you. “You not only got the egg back undamaged, but also recovered Broly. Well done.”

“Broly.” you say, pushing yourself back up and looking around for him. You find him after a moment, seeing him back in his base form, laying on the ground with a small pillow underneath his head. “Is he-?”
“He's alright, just exhausted.” Mechikabura tells you, seeing where you're looking at. “I found residual evidence of that traitor's mind control on his energy, so for now he's asleep. Recovering from what she did to him.”
“Good. Take good care of him, for me.” you say to the Demon God, meeting his gaze seriously. “He may not be mine, but that's still my son over there. And you know how far I'll go for family.”

“You'd threaten-?!” Aeos, the Supreme Kai of Time starts indignantly, Mechikabura raising a hand to her. She goes quiet, allowing him to speak.

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“Of course, Karn. He is provided for and treated well, despite his... Condition.” Mechikabura says, you raising a brow at this. TO which he turns back to the sleeping Broly, looking down at the sleeping Saiyan. “A pity. Without you around, he wasn't able to control the Berserker Soul's power. In his timeline, your family was destroyed by Freeza when he obliterated Planet Vegeta, and with the full power of the Berserker Soul corrupting him, his mind was consumed entirely. The Broly you knew is gone, all that is left of his mind is the Berserker Soul itself.”

“Damn...” you mutter, looking down at him. You wish there was something you could do for him, some way to help him. But if he's truly as gone as Mechikabura says, then there is nothing you can do. “Please, take care of him.”
“Do not worry, I will.” the Demon God tells you, then turns to Aeos. “If you would, please secure the egg while I cleanse Karn of the Nightmare Realm's taint.”
“Of course.” she replies, turning without another word and walking over to the building with the tree growing up out of it. Mechikabura, once she's turned, turns fully to you. But as he does, suddenly you get a flash of foresight once more. Seeing Mechikabura leveling his hand at you, firing a massive blast of ki that engulfs you fully.

As quickly as the vision starts it's over, you seeing Mechikabura starting to raise his hand just as you foresaw.

But what do you do?
>Trust the Demon God, you doubt he'd try to just outright kill you here and now
>Activate your Barrier as he fires, don't take whatever he's about to do head on
>Dash aside, dodge his blast and ask what the hell he's doing
>Other(write in)
>Trust the Demon God, you doubt he'd try to just outright kill you here and now
It stands to reason he might have to literally burn the shit off of us.
>>Trust the Demon God, you doubt he'd try to just outright kill you here and now
Yeah even now I doubt he'll try us until Chrona is 100% fully dead
>Trust the Demon God, you doubt he'd try to just outright kill you here and now
>Trust the Demon God, you doubt he'd try to just outright kill you here and now
>Trust the Demon God, you doubt he'd try to just outright kill you here and now
We probably just have that dank shit still on us. But I'm really curious about the Nightmare Realm, if it takes THIS much power for Mechikabura just to open a portal to the place. How was it made?
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Trust the Demon God, you doubt he'd try to just outright kill you here and now wins it. Writing.
Honestly, if he IS just shooting us with a regular Ki blast to cleanse us, I wonder why we don't just do that ourselves instead of showering every day.
Without considering moving away you stay still, letting Mechikabura raise his hand, firing a blast of his dark power over you. The attack burns, scalding your flesh as you feel the armor he'd magic'd around you also get blasted away. And as he ends his attack, you're standing where you had been stark naked, but surprisingly your skin is only slightly red from the blast.

“There, I no longer sense any trace of it on you.” he says, nodding to you before turning a bit, reaching out with his right and creating one of his dark portals. “I thank you for your help, General Karn. This portal will take you back to your home the instant you left, if you need anything, please, feel free to reach out to me.”
“I will.” you say, turning to the gate. But the moment before you would step into it you stop, turning and looking back to him. “But, I do have a question.”
“Of course. What is it?” he asks, sounding mildly bemused.

“That weapon, the Nightmare Realm weapon Towa stole to escape. Where did you get it?” you ask, the Demon God smirking a bit at the question.
“I found her.” he says, your eyes widening in shock. “But she's a slippery one. Chronoa slipped through my fingers. But I took her hidden fortress, and that weapon was one of the items recovered.”
“So you thought she'd be hiding there?” you ask him, Mechikabura nodding. “I fought someone, who may have been her. Right before I slipped through, they used divine power to make a rainbow-like wall between us, intercepting my blast just before I escaped.”

“Hrmmm...” he says, nodding as he thinks, raising a hand to his chin. “It could have been her, or one of her spies. But, this is good information to know. Thank you for sharing this with me. Now, go enjoy your rest, General Karn. You have earned it.”

The two of you share a nod, you then turning from him and walking into the portal. Reality distorts for a split-second, then you find yourself back in your own room. Meloka and Towa both are still in bed, looking just to your right as you step through.

“K-Karn?” Meloka asks, your wife still holding your wedding band in her hands. “Wha-?”
“I see that the mission was a success.” Towa says with a smile, the demoness standing up and embracing you. Pressing her base self to yours with a sly grin. “Now, how about you come back to bed?”

“I think that sounds like a good idea.” you say, letting Towa lead you to bed. You lay down, both women laying atop you. Meloka reaches down, grabbing your left hand and slides your wedding band back on before both women press themselves to you, kissing your neck and running their hands over your body. The three of you enjoy a passionate morning to yourselves, rocking the entire ship even with its suspension system. And once you all are done, more than an hour later, Towa and Meloka's sweating bodies pressed to your own, you lay there in the near-quiet with a smile on your face. Sighing out contentedly, you feel that this moment couldn't get any better. This is what you've fought for, and what you'll continue fighting for as long as you draw breath: your family all living in the same timeline together, unaccosted for simply being by those who wish death on your family and race.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 223 paused-
And that's it for this weekend, everyone enjoy the ride? Ready to see what happens next, how this arc'll conclude and where the story goes from here? Curious how the Demon Goddess Towa is able to sustain herself in the Nightmare Realm, as well as potentially Chronoa now as well? Do you think that was actually the disgraced former Time Kai you battled, or perhaps it was someone else? Are you ready for the coming conflict with those who seek to take down Mechikabura, as well as the threats brewing in your own timeline? And are you ready for this arc to conclude, bringing in the new one? All this and more when Saiyan Conqueror Quest continues, next weekend at Noon EST!
A good fight, a successful mission, and a good threesome. Today has been a good day.
No idea who that hooded figure was, but it definitely wasn't Chronoa as she could actually scrap. Hell, I bet she can cook too.
Anyways, crisis averted for now. Though I am a little concerned about Mechikabura's rundown of Broly's condition. If we were to remove his Berserker Soul, would he actually have a chance at recovering his own personality? Or would he just go straight catatonic?
Yes it was.
Ha! And yes, for now. Unfortunately, that is the fate of all those who cannot conquer the Berserker Soul. Whose essence is devoured, consumed by that rage. It happened to most Z Broly, as the mind control suppressed their own minds since they were children leaves them weakened. Allowing their Berserker Souls to take over completely, consuming the lesser personality when breaking free of the suppression devices.
I remember an instance of this event waaaaay back in the day where Broly didn't make it, ended up a prisoner of the realm, only for Karn to come back and lead a revolution with him saving the souls in the castle. Or was that a fever dream.
Huh, i just realised how annoying it must be for them to fuck when you are working on the ship, I wonder if Silver sex proofed his kitchen for just such occasions.
Whatever you're smoking, I'd recommend cutting back.
The ship has been... Extensively modified by the team.
Good shit GD, thanks for running this week, though I missed most of it due to being busy with IRL stuff.
Glad you enjoyed the episode.
So, I have two options for the intermission this time, not sure which one to choose. So, let's see what the interest in each is. This isn't a vote, but I am curious to see which one you all are more interested in.
>Chaya returning to Vox with the footage of not only the tournament but her fight with Kaliflor Clan-Clan as well
>Milha and Chilli returning to find the Crimson Demon Village under attack
>Milha and Chilli returning to find the Crimson Demon Village under attack
it's been a while since we've seen our demon daughter.
Can I be greedy and ask for both?
>>Chaya returning to Vox with the footage of not only the tournament but her fight with Kaliflor Clan-Clan as well
i'd say this one, it could have repercussions
You can, but I definitely don't have time to write both. Just means I'm more likely to come back to that idea later.
I vote for both, but
>Chaya returning to Vox with the footage of not only the tournament but her fight with Kaliflor Clan-Clan as well
>Milha and Chilli returning to find the Crimson Demon Village under attack
Glad to see interest in both options, unless something more pressing and exciting happens we have our intermission and epilogue for this episode
Dropping the intermission in the morning before heading off to work, I feel like doing it then leads to better conversation before the episode starts back up. And this one may be a bit controversial, at least in certain choices. But we’ll see how things play out.
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-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 223 Intermission-


“Chaya? Chaya, what are you doing?” Vox suddenly calls through the direct line in your Vox brand scouter, his voice so loud in your ear Kaliflor's ear twitches as she hears him. “I know you're back, I need that footage asap!”
“Hey, hey, calm down. I'll head over when I'm finished recording.” you reply, opening the return channel as your father and Kaliflor's mother keep fighting. Kaliflor glances your way, you giving her a 'just a minute' gesture. “You'll want to see this.”
“See what? Hold on, I'm opening the channel now.” he replies, you hearing his keys tap as he accesses the camera on your scouter as well. “Wait, isn't that-?”

“Told you you'd want to see this. And what happened to the cameras you had posted up here?” you reply, having only seen a single one still functional. You'd tried to keep positioning Kaliflor and yourself where it was framed best for it, but with only a single angle aside from your own scouter knew the fight wouldn't be the greatest rated of the year. But, with Kaliflor's new form, as well as seeing your own in action for the first time, it'll do well enough. “We only got my scouter and one camera on a fight with my Daddy?”
“That's because your people kept smashing them with reckless attacks.” he replies, a note of annoyance in his reply. “Believe me, I'd prefer to have multiple cameras on what I'm seeing here. But with your scouter and the one camera, we should have enough footage. As long as he doesn't start going all-out, the equipment can't handle that.”
“I don't think he will, not for this.” you reply as your father goes on the counter-offensive, both giants fighting with terrible power. But he's not pressing the attack, instead letting her attack while deflecting every one of Aisha's blows and retaliating with devastating strikes of his own. Until he delivers a powerful short left uppercut to the guts, followed by a two-handed axe-handle to her back, sending Kaliflor's mom crashing down to the arena floor. Cratering it with her body and kicking up a cloud of smoke, obscuring the Ctarl-Ctarl warrior.

“My mom's not out yet!” Kaliflor insists, but her rebuttal is weak and non-convincing. She doesn't even sound sure herself, maybe more a hope her mother won't quit quite yet. But as your father lands, reverting back to his normal size and no longer using the Spirit Control Gigantification to match her increased size. You all watch silently as the dust clears, Aisha having gotten back up on all fours.
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“I'm not. Done.” she says, panting and barely standing but not giving up. “I can. Still. Fight.”
“Mom...” Kaliflor says, clearly conflicted at seeing her mother's struggle. She wants her to win, but also clearly doesn't want her mother hurt.

Your father, meanwhile, seeing this doesn't get cocky or try and rush her down, instead simply retakes his fighting stance. Not pressing the obvious advantage, choosing instead to take the patient, methodical approach.

“That's some good determination. Alright, let's end this!” he declares, you seeing a smile on his face. He's enjoying this fight. “Come at me with everything you've got!”

Aisha, with the last of her strength lunges, swinging both paws full of claws at your father. But he catches her by her wrists, twisting into the dropping shoulder throw he taught you and all your siblings when you were little. Spinning back with his left and dropping down to that knee, he uses his shoulder and her arms like a lever, swinging the rest of her body over his head and sending her crashing down to the grassy ground outside the fighting stage. A clean, indisputable ring out.

“See? My dad wouldn't purposefully severely injure her, he's a pro.” you say, grabbing her hand and lifting into the air as the cheers start from the sparse crowd, Kaliflor following along. You land beside them as your father speaks, Kaliflor scooping up her mother.
“Come on momma, let's go.” Kaliflor says, but before flying away turns her focus to your Daddy. “General.”
“Kaliflor. You fought well as well.” he tells her, your dad giving her high praise before she nods, lifting off into the air and back towards her people. Your niece and nephew charge him excitedly, everyone celebrating a moment before heading back to his ship. Where you slip away, going to grab the floating camera. It's where you'd left it with Orlen, the trusty mod having already downloaded and sent the data to Vox himself. You thank him, taking it and focusing your ki sense, find Vox and teleport to him with Instant Transmission. Appearing in his office as he's speaking with his second-in-command, Tanya.

“Hey Tanya, heya boss.” you say, setting the camera down on his desk, as well as taking the scouter off and placing it beside it. “Got some great footage, especially of Kaliflor's new form. I bet I can get here her for a fun gauntlet or arena match, since the Ctarl-Ctarl are gonna be staying on our world for the next couple of days.”
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“Oh? But why...?” Tanya starts, hand going to her chin as she thinks. Mouthing silently as she tries to foresee the possibilities. “Hold on. You said she has a new form?”
“Yeah, it's wild. Her power spikes dramatically too, although she said she was the only one who ever got something like that.” you tell her, seeing some sort of realization dawn in Tanya's eyes. “You got something?”
“Just a hunch. But I bet they're there on your world to try and, well, how do I put this delicately?” Tanya wonders, muttering a moment. “No nice way to say it, I think they're trying to create super soldiers.”

“What?” you ask, Tanya gesturing with a roll of her wrist.
“She's a one-of-a-kind hybrid, unlocking some hitherto-unknown power by her people. And I'm sure you've never seen anything like it before either, right?” Tanya asks, forcing you to nod along in agreement. “Then the most logical course of action would be to see if they could recreate her power with more Ctarl-Ctarl/Saiyan hybrids.”
“Well, this is quite the interesting speculation.” Vox says, steepling his fingers while a slow, devious grin spreads across his face. “And I know the topic of children is rather... Touchy, with the both of you. But what if...?”

“No, absolutely not.” you and Tanya say simultaneously, Vox leaning back in his chair and raising his hands placatingly.
“I'm not asking, just asking you to consider the possibilities.” he says, relenting immediately on trying to push it. “Besides, a pregnancy arc would go-”
“Nah, I don't want to try fighting pregnant. While we could have fun with the idea, I can't afford to take that time off training.” you tell him. “Besides, we still haven't even dropped the merch for Blue yet.”

As you say this you focus your flagging strength, ascending for just a few seconds before powering back down with a weary sigh.

“Man, I'm beat. Unless you need me for anything else, boss, I'm gonna hit the evening stream then head on to bed.” you say, Vox shaking his head and dismissing you. To which you nod, turning to Tanya. “You wanna come on? We can show our first live chess match.”
“No thanks, I don't want to embarrass you in front of them yet. They'd call it bullying at your current skill level.” Tanya taunts with a glimmer in her eye, you smirking back and replying only with a telepathic image of you using your tail on her rather... Creatively. She doesn't reply, you smirking in self-satisfaction as she blushes slightly before focusing on Soba's ki, getting his okay telepathically before teleporting to his side. Only to find the Yardratian warrior sitting with his legs crossed, hovering a few inches above the ground.
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“Hey Soba, quiet day here?” you ask him, your elder opening one eye and looking at you.
“It was. I take it you weren't knocked out of the other tournament?” he asks, you nodding. “Well then, I suppose trouble back home is why you're back so late?”
“You could say that.” you say, quickly launching into the story of what happened with Hit, how you didn't get to fight him one-on-one but got a promise of a setup solo fight here in the Seventh Universe. Then of your fight with Kaliflor, of her new form's power surpassing your weakened Blue form. “It's been quite a day.”
“I see. Heading off to bed, or-?” he starts, then immediately stopping as he sees your expression.

“Very well. I'm going to be heading home for the next week or so, as my brother's son is to be wed.” Soba says, surprising you. “And I am actually invited to be there.”
“That's great, give them my well-wishes as well!” you tell him excitedly, the old warrior grinning slightly before raising his right hand to his forehead. He then floats back down and grabs a small bag by him before he teleports away, leaving you alone in your Champion's rather expansive quarters. Sighing out tiredly, you stretch your arms overhead, walking over towards your private gravity chamber. You open it up, heading over to the setup and grabbing one of your backup scouters, turning both it and your setup on. The machines power up as you stretch out, not sure if you're going to power up the room or not. However, once the machine is fully fired up, you see something quite unusual. “Huh? What...?”

In the private messaging system, one you haven't used and had contemplated deleting for a time, see that there is a singular message there. Curious, you decide to open it, wondering if it's Arctus reaching out to you again. But what you see floors you, your jaw dropping.

“N-No way...” you mutter, your hands trembling. Something you'd wished to see for what feels like a lifetime is finally there. A message from... Him. “This can't be real. It has to be a prank.”

But as you stare at the screen, you can't make yourself open it. To read the message, to see what he has to say to you after all this time, you can't do it. As you look down at your hands, seeing them tremble, feeling your heart in your chest, you feel... Afraid.

“Why...? Why can't I do this?” you mutter to yourself, wondering why this has you in such a state. But with your heart beating so fast, hands trembling like this realize you're not thinking straight. You need to calm down, to focus your emotions and properly channel them. So, you take a deep breath, sighing out as you back away from the screen.
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You sit on the ground, taking your meditative pose as you focus entirely on your breathing. For several minutes you do nothing but focus entirely on meditative breathing, your body slowly calming itself down. Once you're stable again you sigh out one last time, rising up to your feet and going to the station. Opening the message without hesitation, bracing yourself for whatever insults, threats, or whatever he has to say to you. But the message is surprisingly short, consisting of only two sentences that you read aloud.

“Chaya, we need to talk about, well, everything. It's important, there are things I can only tell you in person. Raditz.”

Silence hangs in your room as you digest this message, your mind turning into a whirlwind of chaos as you struggle to understand this for several minutes. But eventually you give up with a sigh. You can't figure this out yourself, on your own you aren't sure what you should do with this news. So, after another minute or two decide that you need help with this. And you know that your parents won't have the best advice for this, in fact you think you know what they'll both say. Your father would recommend you go and talk to him, but to have backup ready in case it is a trap. And your mother would say to tell him to meet you somewhere, then observe the planet from range and see if he's alone or with a group planning to ambush you and decide from there.

But you need a wider variety of insight, more opinions than your family's rather limited perspectives. So, you do what you do best, activating the countdown and starting up your stream. You watch the five minute countdown, watching as the chat rapidly fills with thousands, millions, then billions of beings all eagerly waiting to see you. And as the counter hits the sixty second mark, you know they can now hear you.

“Hey everyone, I'm back. And hoo boy, have we got a lot to talk about.” you say to them, taking another calming breath before speaking again. “We got fights to talk about, but even more importantly, I got a message. And you'll never guess who it's from.”

After saying this you watch the chat's message volume explode, several hundred thousand beings guessing it almost immediately. You watch as their discussion's volume increases exponentially over the next several seconds, taking another deep breath as the final countdown starts. And with a final sigh the green light turns on, your cameras blinking to light as you look into the camera. Directly at all of your fans.

“Hey everyone. It's been a long day, and as you guys know now, it's been an emotional rollercoaster since I got back.” you say, then give them a tired smile. “So, what do we want to start with?”

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 223 Intermission End-
>“I'm not asking, just asking you to consider the possibilities.” he says, relenting immediately on trying to push it. “Besides, a pregnancy arc would go-"
Do NOT push your luck, Bub.

>“Chaya, we need to talk about, well, everything. It's important, there are things I can only tell you in person. Raditz.”
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>“Chaya, we need to talk about, well, everything. It's important, there are things I can only tell you in person. Raditz.”
The only reason Vox brought it up at all is because back before Raditz left, they'd had the same talk. And it sounded VERY profitable to him.
This next arc is going to be interesting.
Yes, you all see where this is going. There's gonna be a lot of Chaya next arc.
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>Baby's main method of infection is through spreading his parasitic eggs, which are airborne transmissible
>Anyone that gets infected becomes his follower that obeys his every command
>These followers give him strength and their loyalty
>Chaya has trillions of fans across the galaxy that give her strength and their loyalty
Far, FAR more than that. Not every race is as near-extinction as the Saiyans were, most are doing better than we are here irl. Girl's in the quadrillions.
Such isn't DIRECTLY stated(unless you could source that), as if it were airborne he would have simply conquered Goku/Pan when they returned to earth at the lookout and been done with it then and there in canon. No, it is transmitted via a different avenue. Now whether that is by contact with someone already infected's fluids or by other means, who knows? Guess you'll have to wait and see.
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>Girl's in the quadrillions
>telepathic image of you using your tail on her rather... Creatively. She doesn't reply, you smirking in self-satisfaction as she blushes
What the fuck have these two been doing over here?
How else do you think she got strong enough to compete with Meloka and get to divinity levels on her own? Not just one or two planet's worth, that's for sure.
You misunderstand, she's still only been intimate with Raditz. But she HAS seen the fanart. A LOT of fanart, many of which had her using her tail on other competitors to compensate for a lack of other organ. Mostly before her tail was almost entirely cut off, but she still has enough for some creative artists.
I dunno man, I wouldn't send porn of me and my friends to any of my pals.
I hope raditz’s message arrives to vegeta before Chaya goes there, i shudder of the thought of some kind of baby chaya going for a new color for super saiyan god to show she’s been tuffle’d.
A question though, do baby’s victims have any idea of whats happening what happens to them as they are controlled?
Most normal people wouldn't.
Raditz's message got to King Vegeta immediately. But he doesn't know where Raditz was/is, as he fled with no way to track him down.
You'll have to wait and see for a certain intermission/epilogue to find out.
Vegeta will see Chaya talk about Raditz message right? He has to know if something happens to him Chaya is the first to find out.
Under 24 hours to go!

-IF- he hears about it. So far he's only told Bardock, as that's his son. Raditz had told Vegeta that not even in his death should Chaya be told anything to do with him.
How incredibly inconvenient. Will King Vegeta tell US in time?
Remember, ALL Vegeta has to go off of is a single telepathic message and approximate time location, which he's been cross-referencing with the deep space powerlevel scanners to get an approximate fix on where he was when he would have been fighting. Suppressed or not, you can't hide going Super Saiyan as its a unique frequency. Bardock has been told and dispatched along with a small team of the older, more vicious Royal Guard, as not only did he and they fight the Tuffles before and know their tricks, this is also personal to Bardock. Vegeta knows Bardock is one of his strongest fighters, but also far more discreet than you. Should Bardock fail, he'll call upon the strongest clan of his people.
It's nice to know that the Saiyans actually have Problem Solvers besides Big Daddy K on the payrolls.

Actually, wait, do we get paid?
Yes and no. You're paid in sort of the same way someone like Cooler or Freeza is paid, as in you don't actually deal with any sort of money yourself. Instead, the PTO just covers your expenses as everyone sends them the bills afterwards. The same thing Chaya has going on with Vox, actually.
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Previously on Saiyan Conqueror Quest:

After battling Aisha and defeating the Ctarl-Ctarl warrior in the arena, the rest of the day passed uneventfully. The next morning, however, Mechikabura appeared requesting the help of Karn. Rejecting Meloka and Towa for the mission, as it was in a place called the Nightmare Realm. One in which deities and demons alike would suffer in, but a place the Berserker Soul could resist. Accepting the mission, Karn traveled into that realm to retrieve the egg of the divine Tokitoki as well as a Broly sent in before him. Fighting through the castle Karn found the egg in the possession of Dumplin's Towa with the golden necklace, as well as a mysterious hooded figure. Battling the now-captured Broly, freeing him, the two Berserkers battled the trio, Karn succeeding in recovering the egg and escaping. Fleeing the Nightmare Realm with his alternate timeline son and the egg both, leaving the trio behind before returning home. But as we rejoin Karn, you, Towa and Meloka are washing the smell of the morning's fun off of yourselves before getting down to business.

“And you're sure it was her?” Towa asks you, sliding past you to get back under the water, rinsing her hair out.
“Far as I could tell, she had that bastard's face golden medallion.” you tell her, Towa freezing a moment before continuing her movements. “Do you think it would have worked?”
“Using a Tokitoki egg to resurrect the Demon God Dumplin? Hmmm.” Towa mutters, rinsing the last of her hair out before stepping aside, letting Meloka in past her to rinse her own. “With that much power, with the proper channeling and a few key rituals, it IS possible. Undoing the bonds of time on him, reverting him to a previous point in his life and undoing what you and Divine Dragon Force did to him. And his body would be able to absorb the rest, transcending him beyond all known limitations. This is all only theoretical, but...”

“So you're saying it IS possible?” Meloka asks, your wife's brow furrowed with worry. “Then what do we do?”
“For now? Nothing. Neither you nor I can so much as go into the Nightmare Realm.” Towa tells her. “The very essence of that place is anathema to those with divine power. And if that's where Chronoa is hiding, then we can't really do anything against her yet. Even Mechikabura himself doesn't dare venture there in person. The only one of us who could...”

And both women turn to face you, looking up at you.

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“As much as she deserves to die, I don't think rushing into that realm headlong again would be a good idea. That place, from what I saw was... Bizarre.” you tell them. “If they leave that strange castle and flee elsewhere, there's no way to track them. Both the hooded figure and Mira masked their presence completely, and I'm sure if that other Towa wasn't trying to bait, well, SOMEONE in, she doubtlessly would have hidden herself as well. And with Mechikabura closing up the hole they fled through, with how much power it took him to do so, I don't want a portal to that place opened here in this reality at all.”

“A completely understandable stance. For now, I reckon we'll have to leave her to her business.” Towa replies with a sigh as you all rinse yourselves off, you then shutting off the water as the two smaller women exit first. You watch them both leave appreciatively, flaring their auras to dry off before dressing. Towa magics her clothes up around her as your wife dresses herself normally, you doing the same and not opting for any more magic'd up garments today. “So, now that your training for that tournament is over, what do you plan on doing with that time?”

Which is a good question. But, before you can answer, a familiar mind reaches out to your own.

“Hey, Karn. Can we talk?” King Vegeta IV suddenly thinks to you, catching you by surprise. “It is rather urgent.”

Well? How do you respond to this?
>Of course, ask him what's going on and what he needs your advice with
>Tell him you'll be there in a moment, tell Meloka and Towa what's happening before teleporting to him with Instant Transmission
>Instant Transmission to him immediately, Towa and Meloka will be able to sense wherever you go on the planet
>Tell him you're busy, but you can talk telepathically
>Other(write in)
>Tell him you'll be there in a moment, tell Meloka and Towa what's happening before teleporting to him with Instant Transmission
Also art by @Frosty_Arts_
>Tell him you'll be there in a moment, tell Meloka and Towa what's happening before teleporting to him with Instant Transmission
Urgent, eh? Duty calls.
>Tell him you'll be there in a moment, tell Meloka and Towa what's happening before teleporting to him with Instant Transmission
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Tell him you'll be there in a moment, tell Meloka and Towa what's happening before teleporting to him with Instant Transmission wins it. Writing. You won't guess what this is about.
I bet I can guess. He wants parenting advice from us!
Not exactly. But it is about someone being, or perhaps becoming a parent.
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“I'll be right there.” you reply, then speak aloud to the two women. “King Vegeta needs me, I'll be right back.”
“Of course.” Towa replies, your wife simply nodding as you raise your right hand to your forehead. Reaching out with your ki sense, you zero in on your king's ki, teleporting to him with Instant Transmission. One moment you're standing dressed in your bathroom, the next find yourself standing beside the king. Who is sitting slouched in his chair in his private office, head resting on his left hand. He perks up as you appear, blinking a couple of times. You see that he's clearly exhausted, no doubt having gotten little if any sleep overnight.

“My king. You look terrible.” you say, Vegeta scoffing as he sits back, reaching overhead and stretching his arms out. “So, what's keeping you up?”
“Nothing ever happens until it all does all at once.” he grumbles, finishing his stretch before turning his focus to you. “As for what I called you over for, it's the Ctarl-Ctarl.”
“Oh hell, what happened?” you ask him, readying yourself to go lay a beatdown onto whoever deserves it. But he shakes his head, gesturing to the stack of papers before him. “What's all this?”

“With the... Success, of Kaliflor, not only being a successful hybrid but having the power to even compete against Chaya's strongest form, Aisha's people have requested, well...This.” he trials off, seemingly looking for the words as he gestures absently. “There's no way to say it nicely, they want to institute a breeding program.”
“A what?” you ask, wondering if you heard him wrong. But he shakes his head, shuffling the papers around a bit before pulling one and starting to read from it.
“Breeding program. Called the 'Super Beast Warrior Project'. Bi-yearly, at least three hundred women each time up to a limit of fifteen hundred.” he reads off, rattling on as he goes through the Ctarl-Ctarl's supposed proposal. “Super Saiyans preferred, but not necessary as long as their powerlevels exceed a million base. Childrens' primary residence will be Planet Ctarl-Ctarl, but be allowed to return home with every group returning, raised up as citizens of both people, but primarily raised as a Ctarl-Ctarl as Kaliflor was. With her power being proven, they want to make more. A LOT more of them.”

“So, what's the problem?” you ask him, King Vegeta turning back from the proposal to you.
“The problem is twofold. First, they're clearly planning to usurp our place.” he tells you, frowning as he turns to his screen. Turning it back on, you see a chart with a steadily rising line. But then he pulls up a second line behind the first, one which starts far higher and climbs straight off the graph.

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“With their people's reproductive cycle taking half the time of our own, even with the pods, their population will quickly eclipse our own.” he continues. “At the low end, it will only take their people thirty years to have more half-breeds than there are all of us here combined.”
“Is that really that big of a problem?” you ask him. “Aren't more warriors in the PTO a good thing?”
“Once there are enough of them, stronger than our people, they'll take our place as the PTO's strongest warriors. The lives we life, all the things we have are due to the PTO still needing our help.” he tells you. “As long as we, the Saiyans, are the strongest warrior race in the PTO and still needed should any danger arise, our people will be provided for. But if they take our place, then...”

“And you said that was only one problem. What is the other?” you ask him, wondering what else he's dealing with.
“As the king of our people, they want me to make this something mandatory for every Saiyan to participate in.” he answers with a sigh. “As their monarchy wants to make this mandatory for their kind to participate in as well, with no choice on who participates, they also expect me to do the same. A forced breeding program to make stronger soldiers for the PTO.”
“If it's something you can't agree to, then just tell them no.” you reply. “Why is that such a problem?”

“Because this proposal wasn't ONLY sent to us. If it was I would have rejected it outright, sent it back for revisions.” he replies. “They also sent it to Cooler, and he's interested in seeing just how powerful such a force would be. He wants results.”
“Cooler also? That does complicate things.” you reply, crossing your arms as you ponder it. “And he's demanding you agree as-written?”
“He wants to see the program start as soon as possible, to sooner have this army at the ready.” he replies, sighing out and putting his head in his hands. “I don't know what to do.”

Well? How do you advise King Vegeta IV?
>Tell him you think it could be a good idea, but he just needs to get the details hammered out. Like having it volunteer-based only, or having the kids raised equally on both worlds
>Say you think he's too concerned with one outlier case, when not everyone is as powerful as the strongest. They're not going to surpass you or your children, let him know why Chaya's fight appeared so close
>Tell him to take the proposal public, see what his people think and do what they want. If he's unsure of or can't make a decision, then make the decision his people themselves support
>Other(write in)
>Tell him to take the proposal public, see what his people think and do what they want. If he's unsure of or can't make a decision, then make the decision his people themselves support

And don't make it mandatory, make it voluntary
>Tell him to take the proposal public, see what his people think and do what they want. If he's unsure of or can't make a decision, then make the decision his people themselves support
I don't appreciate our people or Aisha's being treated as specimens rather than people. If that's how Cooler wants it, we can have that rematch right the fuck now.
>Tell him to take the proposal public, see what his people think and do what they want. If he's unsure of or can't make a decision, then make the decision his people themselves support

Public opinion probably matters for what's going to be a mandatory breeding progam!
Tell him to take the proposal public, see what his people think and do what they want. If he's unsure of or can't make a decision, then make the decision his people themselves support wins it. Roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 40
Second DC: ??
>Tell him to take the proposal public, see what his people think and do what they want. If he's unsure of or can't make a decision, then make the decision his people themselves support
I see that Cooler's on the Eugenics Express. Don't know how to feel about that.
Rolled 15, 28 = 43 (2d100)

Rolled 20, 5 = 25 (2d100)

Damn, I'm late. Rollan time
Rolled 43, 1 = 44 (2d100)

Rolled 33, 83 = 116 (2d100)

Rolled 50, 17 = 67 (2d100)

Honestly, I don't even care that he's trying to make super soldiers, I'm mostly just annoyed that he's trying to do so at the expense of the people under him.
He can fuck around with vat-grown creatures all he wants, but he'd better served treating the wider PTO as people and not simply assets.
Wow good job man.
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43/100, 1/100. Success, but also crit fail. I'm not angry, just disappointed. But, it is what it is, writing. No leads on the next arc today
And here I was thinking we were about to have a planet wide riot. God forbid we get into a civil war right as that grey cocksucker takes another swing at us.
Vegeta learns just how retarded Karn actually is
Not quite, were such the case you'd have already heard at least whispers of it from your students.
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“Well then, there's only one option I can see.” you tell him, Vegeta looking up to you hopefully. As if he's aged both a decade, but also looking at you like he isn't even ten years old again. “Make it public.”
“Wh-What?!” he asks, shocked. “What do you mean, make it public?”
“Exactly that. If you can't decide on which path to take, bring the options to your people.” you tell him. “We're not at war, decisions like this don't need to be instant. Take that proposal to our people, and see what they think of this. See if this is something they would agree to do, or what things they would want changed to get behind this proposal. Or if your people directly oppose such measures, and would openly rebel against this.”

“Rebel?” he mutters, shocked at your words as you continue.
“Your people love you and follow you without hesitation. They, we all believe in you being the best suited to our rule.” you tell him, taking a step closer and placing your hand on the seated king's shoulder. “And if you put your faith in them, in return, their confidence in you will only grow.”
“I... See...” he replies, looking a bit shocked for a moment. He looks away from you back down to the papers before him, then takes a deep breath. Sighing out he stands, gathering up the scattered papers in his hands. “You're right, Karn. Just because I am their king doesn't mean I should dictate their lives. We fought all this time for our freedom to exist, so we should let our people have a say in their destiny.”
“Glad to hear.” you say, patting him on the shoulder. “So, what else is going on? You look far too stressed out for it to all be from a single problem, anything else I can help with?”

You look to him, seeing several expressions cross his face. Confusion, anger, fear, relief, and worry all cross through his eyes, but after a moment he controls his expression. Returning to a more neutral mask.

“I appreciate your concern, Karn. But some issues I can't share even with you.” he replies, expression darkening as he talks. For a moment you wonder if it's a family issue, something going on between him and Cenoria, but as he shakes his head that cloud fades from his expression. “But if it's anything you can help me out with, be sure I'll give you another call.”
“Of course, just let me know.” you reply, offering your hand. He takes it, the two of you sharing a nod before he lets you go. “You need anything, just give me a call.”

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Leaving him to his work, King Vegeta gathering his materials and heading to the door, you focus your ki sense, raising your right hand to your forehead while deciding to who you're going to next. It's still early, not many people will be up and moving at this hour.

Well? Whose ki do you travel to?
>Meloka and Towa, get back to your morning
>Tatsu and Tomi, see what your older twins are up to this early so far away from the house
>Go to Aisha Clan-Clan, go and see directly what her people's plan with this idea really is
>Broly and Koriand'r, find out what they're doing in the city this early
>Don't Instant Transmission to anyone, leave the palace normally instead and fly around until something catches your interest
>Go to Aisha Clan-Clan, go and see directly what her people's plan with this idea really is
I'd be surprised if Aisha was even told about this.
>>Meloka and Towa, get back to your morning
You guys managed another tie, so this vote's open for another fifteen minutes.
>Meloka and Towa, get back to your morning
Meloka and Towa, get back to your morning wins it. Roll me a single d100.

DC: 25
Rolled 37 (1d100)

Rolled 38 (1d100)

Rolled 17 (1d100)

taking that third
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38/100, success. Writing.
man, our rolls really suck ass today.
I swear to god I'm about to cook
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With a second's focus lock onto your wife's energy, who is still by Towa, teleporting to their side after a moment's focus. Leaving the king behind, reappearing by the two women.

“So, what was that all about?” Towa asks curiously. You fill them in, Meloka's expression darkening as Towa seems... Intrigued. Unnervingly so. “Hrmm. This could be quite the experiment.”
“I don't like that it's mandatory.” your wife says, crossing her arms. “Why would he agree to such a thing?”
“He hasn't, at least not yet. He couldn't make this decision on his own.” you say, your wife's eyes widening in surprise.
“Did you-?” she asks, sounding genuinely confused.

“Yeah, he and I talked about it. He's gathering the proposal now, and is going to be making an announcement soon.” you tell them both. “Since he couldn't decide on this, he's going to be asking everyone.”
“Wait, what?” Meloka and Towa both ask, brows raising in sync.
“We talked about it, and since he couldn't decide I told him to see what his own people think of it.” you tell them both. “Seeing his people's thoughts and opinions on such a proposal, what should and shouldn't change before and if this goes through. Everyone trusts him to do what's best for them, so going to them will build their trust even further.”

“Sometimes, even after all these years, you still manage to surprise me.” Towa says with a grin. “And to think I once thought of you as nothing more than a mindless meathead.”
“Did he say where and when he'd announce this?” Meloka asks, you shaking your head.
“No, he didn't say. But, judging the state he was in, I bet it'll be soon. He clearly didn't sleep last night.” you say, Meloka's brows furrowing in annoyance. You both have tried to convince King Vegeta to take better care of himself in the past. “So, should we take the kids out there to see this announcement?”

“Well, this will influence them, so...” Meloka says, a note of hesitation to her tone.
“I don't see why not. This is their world as well, now.” Towa says. “Perhaps having their voices heard and considered may help them feel a greater belonging. And Ace and Chaya too, they... Hang on. They're not here.”

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You expand your ki sense as well, but just as Towa had said, Future Chaya and Ace are nowhere to be found. Neither of the powerful warrior's ki can be detected, you sharing a look with Meloka.

“I guess they're busy with the Time Patrol.” Towa says after a moment, her tone one of more annoyance than worry. “Mechikabura could have at least told me before taking them as well. I had a test I wanted to run today with Chaya's power compared to Broly's.”
“Hold on. They aren't the only ones not here.” Meloka says, brow furrowing. “Chaya's not here, Chilli and his family are back at their home as well. Not to mention Milha, and the younger twins too. Should we go looking for them, gather them all here before King Vegeta announces this?”

Well? What do you do?
>Spread out and go gather everyone, they all need to be here for this as it could impact their futures
>Send telepathic messages to them all, let them know what's happening without going around and gathering them up. If they want to join in and be heard they will, if not they won't
>Leave them alone, they're all busy best not to interrupt them and just go with yourself and Towa to this instead
>Other(write in)
>Send telepathic messages to them all, let them know what's happening without going around and gathering them up. If they want to join in and be heard they will, if not they won't
>>Send telepathic messages to them all, let them know what's happening without going around and gathering them up. If they want to join in and be heard they will, if not they won't
>Send telepathic messages to them all, let them know what's happening without going around and gathering them up. If they want to join in and be heard they will, if not they won't
>>Send telepathic messages to them all, let them know what's happening without going around and gathering them up. If they want to join in and be heard they will, if not they won't
Rolled 27, 71, 39, 95 = 232 (4d100)

Send telepathic messages to them all, let them know what's happening without going around and gathering them up. If they want to join in and be heard they will, if not they won't unanimously wins it. Writing.
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“Instead of rounding everyone up, we can reach them all faster telepathically. Assuming you have a way to reach Future Chaya and Ace.” you say, first to your wife then Towa, who nods affirmative. “We'll let them know what's going on that way, so if they want to join in they can.”
“That sounds like a plan, I'll tell the twins.” your wife says, Towa conjuring a scrying orb before her as you reach out to Chilli.
“Hey, you have a moment to talk son?” you telepathically ask, feeling your son's mind react to the contact.

“Dad? What's going on?” he asks, you quickly filling him in on everything. From what you learned in your conversation with the king to the decision he reached of letting everyone hear and voice their opinions, it takes less than a second having this conversation telepathically. “I see. Meloka Wolbach's at school and Megu's busy with Kazuburo, so I'll be down shortly. Want me to tell Milha?”
“That'd be great, as this may affect her too. Let her know she's one of us now, so any rules that affect us affects her too.” you reply. “While not directly related to her, at least how it was written so far, should changes go through she should have the chance to voice her concerns.”
“I'll let her know, thanks for the heads up.” your son replies, you both saying your farewells and ending the link. Within a half second you and Meloka look to each other, your conversations finishing at the same time as you both turn to Towa. Who is gazing at an image of Future Chaya battling a familiar duo of Time Patrollers, a moment later seeing Ace and the third flash by. Seems she's able to reach them through that, you and your wife looking back to each other.

“Chilli's going to tell Milha, so that leaves-” you start, only for Broly to open the door, looking towards the three of you in confusion.
“Have you heard? King Vegeta's calling everyone into the city. Says he's got an important announcement in the next ten minutes.” he says, you all sharing a knowing look before moving to follow him out the door. Towa vanishes the crystal ball, saying they'll show up 'right on time' as you all go to move. Which just leaves Chaya, you reaching out to your eldest daughter of this timeline.
“Hey kiddo, you busy?” you ask, once more reaching out with a thought. It takes her a moment to reply, you feeling your daughter's distraction for a moment through the link.

“Hey Daddy, what's going on?” she asks, you quickly filling her in as well. As you do, you can feel her annoyance, just a hint of it through the mental connection. “So, he's giving out votes now, is he? Alright, when is this starting?”

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“Within the next ten minutes. But if you're too busy, I-” you start, your daughter's reply coming in so fast it interrupts you before you can finish the thought.
“No no, I'll be there. Just have to finish up something here real quick.” she replies, the link weakening as her focus returns to what she's doing. And for just a moment you see a flash of what she sees, a star map with a single point near a planet whose name you can't read lit up. Realizing you'd seen her thoughts, she adds in, “Found something interesting this morning, there was a powerful energy surge picked up by the deep space scouters. Might be someone worth fighting here in the arena. Hey, gotta go, but I'll be there in five.”

And with that Chaya ends the link, her mind disconnecting from your own as Broly opens the door, Caulifla already dressed and ready to go as well.

“You heard too?” she asks, your daughter's armor looking a bit odd on her now. With her new magical, divine attire she's been wearing with each training session for the past month, seeing her in her usual, everyday wear is slightly disorienting. As it seems for her as well, catching a corner on the doorway as she tries to exit. “Tch. These shoulder pads are too wide.”
“My lord?” Haathe asks, her door opening as well at the commotion. She's wearing her own armor as well, yet keeps her old pointed hat on as she steps out. “Is something the matter?”
“Wrong? No, not wrong. At least not yet.” you say, explaining everything to her as you all, the rest of your children gathering around as you all walk.

“I see. Wouldst I be required to offer mine body as well, should such measures be made law?” she asks as you all reach the ramp leading outside, you stopping and turning to Haathe as she looks up to you questioningly. Which is something you hadn't considered.

Well? How do you respond to this?
>She would be free to participate if and how she sees fit, no one is forcing your family to do anything. Not while you're alive
>You aren't entirely sure, since she's not a Saiyan but also wields the Berserker Soul
>No, as she's not a Saiyan there's no proof such interbreeding is even possible, much less if it makes valuable warriors like Kaliflor
>Other(write in)?
>She would be free to participate if and how she sees fit, no one is forcing your family to do anything. Not while you're alive
>She would be free to participate if and how she sees fit, no one is forcing your family to do anything. Not while you're alive
>No, as she's not a Saiyan there's no proof such interbreeding is even possible, much less if it makes valuable warriors like Kaliflor
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She would be free to participate if and how she sees fit, no one is forcing your family to do anything. Not while you're alive wins it. Writing.
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“Required? No, you wouldn't be required to.” you tell her, reaching over and placing a hand on her shoulder pad. “You'll be free to participate if and how you see fit, but not required. None of my family will be forced to do anything, not while I still draw breath.”
“I...Thank you, my lord.” she says, bowing at the waist to you.
“They're tryin' to force people?” Karn Jr asks, your youngest confused. “Ha! I'd like to see them try! We'll beat them up!”
“Hahaha, no, nobody is being forced to do anything.” you tell him, ruffling his hair as you all exit your ship. “Now, let's go see how this turns out.”

“Right.” Tatsu and Tomi say, the twins having been oddly quiet as you explained things. And as one you and your present family take off, you sending another quick telepathic message to Chilli letting him know you all have already left, heading into the city and that you'll be there when he shows up. As you fly over the ocean, you sense everyone gathering. Saiyans from across the planet, even those who don't live in the main city and have been making their own smaller settlements further away are all gathered just outside the city. You find everyone gathering in the largest arena, Sensing King Vegeta, Queen Cenoria and Prince Vegeta V in the center. You all fly over, seeing the massive crowd. The giant arena is packed already, several dozen Saiyans flying in the air around it as well as even more sitting in the grass around the stage, everyone murmuring and talking among themselves. Seems that absolutely everyone has gathered.

“I'm here.” Chaya says as she appears, your daughter appearing to your right with Instant Transmission. At the same time, to your left Future Chaya and Ace both appear as well, stepping through a momentary dark portal.
“Sorry we're late.” Future Chaya says, your daughter and Ace looking surprisingly beaten up. Both of their uniforms are scuffed and torn, the two bloody and bruised but still in seeming high spirits. “Had to put a group of Idiots in their place, did we miss anything?”
“No, you are just in time.” Towa says, King Vegeta clearing his throat. His voice is being amplified somehow as he stands there with his golden hair glowing, his voice echoing out from him. Silencing the crowd, you all turning to him as he starts speaking.

“Thank you all for coming, I know this is short notice. But this is a matter that concerns us all.” he starts, projecting his voice loud and clear to everyone. He then holds up his stack of paperwork, you hearing a few whispered murmurs of confusion. “And, while I am your king, I do not always have all the answers. Which is why I turn to you, my people. This is a proposal from the Ctarl-Ctarl people, with Emperor Cooler's approval. Within it, are outlined measures for using our two people to create a new race, a powerful race. Warriors as strong as Kaliflor here.”

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With a gesture Kaliflor rises from the stands, flying over to King Vegeta and landing beside him, giving him a proper Saiyan salute. One that he returns, the two nodding before she takes a few steps from him, clenching her fists.

“Hrrrrrrr! HRAAAAAAAA!!” she roars, aura exploding up around her once more. Everyone watches as she takes on her beastly transformation, her now-white hair spiking straight up, tail twitching once as her aura blazes. You hear several scouters beep in warning then shut down, more than one of the ancient devices that haven't been upgraded simply exploding instead.
“However, while Kaliflor is a strong warrior, she wouldn't be the only one.” he starts, flashing up into his Primal form as well to show how close their strengths are to those who can sense ki. “This proposal, as outlined, would require the following conditions:”

And as he states the requirements of the proposal, you begin hearing grumbles of discontent from your gathered people. Especially when he got to the 'required' and 'raised primarily on Planet Ctarl-Ctarl' parts, the crowd rapidly growing discontent. And once he gets to Cooler having endorsed the proposal as-is, you surprisingly hear several warriors shout disparaging, derogatory things about the current emperor. As they do, you can't help but feel that, somewhere, Freeza is smirking smugly in approval.

“But, with all of this, it was a decision I couldn't make alone. I could not decide such a thing, for each and every one of you. My people are not blind followers, obeying their king for fear of death or reprimand.” he says, you marveling at how far the young man's come since you first met. “No, you put your faith in me as your leader, as a king WORTHY to lead you all. But this decision is bigger than me, than any of us. So, for today, I will be listening to you all. Each and every one of you who have an opinion, I will hear. My assistants will take down your words, what parts of this order you agree with and those you don't, and once everyone's voices have been heard, I will send back OUR counter-offer.”

Kaliflor looks stunned at this, clearly not having been aware of what the king had been planning as a dozen weaker Saiyans, each carrying a small desk with their systems mounted to it as well as a chair all descend, taking up positions in a half-moon behind the king and turning on their computers.

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“For those of you who do not wish to speak on the matter, you are now free to leave. For those who wish to learn more, my wife and son, as well as Guard Captain Galick and General Nappa will be going over the proposal to those who have their own questions about it, wordings and whatnot as well as for those not currently in attendance.” he says, as more people descend and/or take up positions near him. Despite the short time before this announcement went out, he was clearly well-prepared. “Now, those of you who want to have their voice heard, come. Stand before me, and state your will. Who will be first?”

Well? What do you do?
>Fly down and stand before the king yourself, as the strongest of your kind native to this time and the one everyone relies on, seeing you state your will first should give the others confidence to speak
>Stay where you are and watch events unfold, you're curious how this will turn out
>Ask Meloka if she's going to go speak her objections now, her words hold nearly as much sway with your race as yours and King Vegeta's own do
>Tell your children that they should head down and have their voices heard, this will affect them far more than you and they should speak up
>You've seen what you need to, telepathically wish King Vegeta luck before going back to your own business
>Other(write in)?
>Fly down and stand before the king yourself, as the strongest of your kind native to this time and the one everyone relies on, seeing you state your will first should give the others confidence to speak
>>Ask Meloka if she's going to go speak her objections now, her words hold nearly as much sway with your race as yours and King Vegeta's own do
let her cook
Digits declare we stand with our first disciple.
>>Fly down and stand before the king yourself, as the strongest of your kind native to this time and the one everyone relies on, seeing you state your will first should give the others confidence to speak
>Ask Meloka if she's going to go speak her objections now, her words hold nearly as much sway with your race as yours and King Vegeta's own do
You all know the drill, extra ten minutes added to the clock.
Rolled 38, 35, 76, 52 = 201 (4d100)

Really? No tiebreakers? Very well then, since there's a limited window to act here, someone else will step up while you're still trying to decide on what to do. Writing.
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In the sudden silence, you cannot decide if you should fly down first yourself, or if you should telepathically ask Meloka to go first. As the number one and number two of your kind, should either of you choose to speak your words would carry more weight than just about anyone else. But while you're paralyzed by indecision, someone else decides to act first. And, surprisingly, it is Chaya, your eldest daughter of this timeline flying down. She lands directly before King Vegeta, between him and Kaliflor. Everyone's attention zeroes in on your daughter, Chaya projecting her voice as well.

“These terms are unacceptable. No lesser race should be able to dictate to us what we can and cannot do.” she says, then whispers something to Kaliflor as you see the younger woman's body language change to a more aggressive stance. But she calms down with Chaya's words, your daughter then raising her tone to address everyone again. “If anyone must be FORCED to do something, should it not be the WEAKER race? We are the Saiyans, the strongest warriors in the universe! Kaliflor here is so strong because she is half of us, elevating her far beyond her kin! My half-siblings, Maza, Milha, and Koruza! All stronger than the demons who invaded our home years ago! If anyone should be forced to kneel, it shouldn't be the strong!”

At her words several cheer, your daughter riling up the crowd with her words. You can see her self-satisfied smirk from where you are, your daughter basking in the attention before turning to King Vegeta.

“What I would change is remove the 'mandatory', and all other such compulsory language. We, the Saiyans should get to decide what we do, WHO we do, and who we do it with. Not the Ctarl-Ctarl, not Cooler, not even you, our great king.” she declares boldly. “And our kind should be free to live with us, even if they're not 'pure-blooded'. None of this 'have to live on Ctarl-Ctarl' nonsense, our world is for all Saiyans. Like my half-siblings, or like Ticho. And you too.”

With that she turns to Kaliflor, who looks surprised at your daughter's offer.

“You too should have the choice to live here, with us. Even if not all the time, at least as much as you want.” Chaya tells her. “All of those with Saiyan blood should feel free to live here, on our homeworld with the rest of their kind.”

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Kaliflor is so stunned by Chaya's offer she actually unconsciously powers down, left speechless at the offer your daughter makes. She then turns back to the king, speaking once more.

“That's what I would change. We are the strongest warrior race in the universe, and we should be free to live as we see fit. All of us. If we scrap those chains they have tried to bind us in, making this whole cross-species thing voluntary and our kind free to live here as much as they want, then I would agree with it.” she says, the whole arena going silent at this. Until you hear several beings start applauding, cheering your daughter on as she revels in the spotlight. She and King Vegeta exchange words the rest of you all cannot overhear over the crowd, several dozen beings rising up and lining up behind your daughter. She and King Vegeta share a salute, your daughter then turning and grabbing Kaliflor's hand. She speaks excitedly to the woman, who still looks a little shocked but nods along. Your daughter then grins, letting her go before she raises her gaze to you, sending you a quick telepathic message. “Well, I gotta get back to work. Have fun!”

And before you can reply Chaya's gone, returning back presumably to Dreadzone. But the crowd has swelled, lines forming everywhere as those who wish to speak their mind to the king step forward. Others, those who arrived later go to the other line with those who also have copies of the proposition, telling those gathered around what they missed. Seems that the king has things well in hand.

But what about you? What do you do?
>Stay and watch, see if your daughter's sentiment has spread as well as what else the others of your kind think of this
>You've seen enough and let him know your opinion already, go and train while others wait here for their turn to speak
>Ask your family who is staying and who won't, offer to take those who don't want to stay training once they've all said what they want to do
>Fly down and stand by King Vegeta, show your support for his actions in person. You're not one for grand public gestures, but this is a special occasion
>Telepathically reach out to Freeza, let him know what's going on and get his opinion on what's happening
>Other(write in)
>Fly down and stand by King Vegeta, show your support for his actions in person. You're not one for grand public gestures, but this is a special occasion
>Fly down and stand by King Vegeta, show your support for his actions in person. You're not one for grand public gestures, but this is a special occasion
>Telepathically reach out to Freeza, let him know what's going on and get his opinion on what's happening
Fly down and stand by King Vegeta, show your support for his actions in person. You're not one for grand public gestures, but this is a special occasion wins it. Roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 15
Second DC: 35
Rolled 75, 91 = 166 (2d100)

rolling a double nat 1
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Everyone else go to sleep? Should I save this update for the morning?
Rolled 11, 66 = 77 (2d100)

I'm struggling man, but I'm on a stupid timezones.
Rolled 88, 76 = 164 (2d100)

i'll take third and see if I can get a crit.
I get it, it is staring to get late here for me as well.
88/100, 91/100. Impressive, writing. Left my image attached to the earlier one, so....
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“Heh. Not bad.” you mutter to yourself, then decide to fly down and stand by the king. You drop through the air as another warrior is talking, the woman freezing in place as she sees you drop down behind the king.
“Ka-General Karn?” she starts, shocked by your sudden appearance. “What are you-?!”
“Don't worry, I'm just here showing my support.” you tell her, King Vegeta turning to you with a neutral look on his face. “Please, continue.”

“R-Right.” she answers, turning her focus back to the king. “I think that we should be able to raise our own children here, if we want. And shouldn't be forced to send them off to some other planet, with no close ties to us.”
“Yes, you already said that part.” King Vegeta tells her gently. “Anything else?”
“Well, I'm not opposed to going and living on another world, as long as there's a way back. I wouldn't want to be stranded on the Ctarl-Ctarl homeworld, after all. That's my thoughts.”
“Thank you for your time and contribution.” King Vegeta tells the warrior, who salutes then takes off into the air. Letting the next being step forward, you seeing Goar of all people step up.

“Yeah, I think we shouldn't be forced to do anythin' by a weaker species.” he says, then adds in. “And I think we should keep a few of their women here, those who want to stay and raise their kids with REAL warriors.”
“I see. Anything else?” King Vegeta asks, Goar raising a hand to his chin.
“Hmmm. Oh, I know! Every year or two, have the kids from each world brought together in a tournament, so we can see who's the strongest.”

“A tournament? Interesting.” King Vegeta says, Goar snapping him a salute. One which you and King Vegeta return, your student getting out of the way for the next. And so it goes, for several hours you listen along with King Vegeta to the ideas of your people. Chaya's speech seemed to inspire many, your people eager to have their voices heard. To your surprise quite a few men, and more women than you'd expected showed some level of interest in participating in such a thing willingly. Of the women, most did want the children raised here, from every reason from being close to their family to New Salda having a higher gravity than Ctarl-Ctarl, reasoning that they'd grow up stronger here. Especially with more powerful warriors to train under and with. But all agree they will not be bound, your people not ones to suffer under the words of those weaker than you all. And with each person confirming that fact, the truth of the universe itself that the strong make the rules, you feel your pride in your race grow. You are Saiyans, the strongest warriors in the universe. And only those stronger than your people could ever make them kneel unwillingly.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 223 paused-
And that's it for tonight, did you enjoy this weekend's run so far? Ready to see how this power play pans out, if the Ctarl-Ctarl will agree to the new terms? And, possibly more importantly how will Cooler take this potential challenge to his authority over the PTO? Are you ready to send this arc off in style? All this and more when this episode conintues in 11 1/2 hours, at noon EST!
I know if Cooler has a problem we'll see if a Monkey can manage an empire if he decides to step up. Cold and Freeza would back us up saying this isn't worth burning the Saiyans Good Will espessially when it relies on The Beast form which relies in a divine ritual to function. Yeah hybrids are strong but theres a reason we dont spam the SSG ritual.
Sorry for dipping in and out, my sleep schedule's been kinda fucked since I've been unemployed. Anyways, it's good to see there's more than a few Saiyans making their voice heard here. If Cooler has any problems with it, we can just Instant Transmission over for that rematch right the fuck now.
Saiyan pride levels increasing
Knowing Cooler, he probably set this whole thing up in the hopes that the Saiyans would challenge it, so he would have an excuse to kill them.
>So he has an excuse to commit suicide so Freeza takes over again
Cooler knows he isn’t ready for the runback, especially after losing to Hit so easily. He wouldn’t fight directly.
All good, I remember those days myself.
Ha, yes.
He may have set it all up, but he doesn’t want to challenge the Saiyans yet. Especially since they and all of New Salda are still under Freeza’s rule
He knows he can’t beat you. Yet. He needs more.
>He knows he can’t beat you. Yet. He needs more.
Sucks to suck. If he pushes back over this I'm tempted to break his spine on live Holovision.
>He knows he can’t beat you. Yet. He needs more.

If he puts in the effort and keeps getting stronger like he did with his gold, he will have earned it.

If he cheats and uses bullshit methods, I will call him a faggot.

Depends, he probably won't take a direct route.
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For hours you and King Vegeta listen to everyone, the king speaking with each and every one of his subjects who approach. Young and old, weak and strong, he hears every single one out. And once the crowd finally thins out, those left just standing around talking with each other after taking their turns, suddenly you feel the king's powerlevel dip. Turning to him, you see his transformation fade away in a flash, leaving him in his base form. But, before you can catch him, what look like vines or roots sprout up out of the arena, catching the king in their gentle embrace.

“You always push yourself so hard for everyone, even at your own expense.” Queen Cenoria says, her Stand Velvet Green's stone-like body hovering behind her intimidatingly. She reaches down, stroking his forehead a moment before assuming control, turning to the ones who'd written everything down. “Alright, you all know the job. Compile the list and have it ready for my husband when he wakes up.”
“I'm... Not...” he starts, wearily trying to push himself upright. But her vines wrap around his arms and legs now, binding him in place as she turns to him. Her face is full of tender rebuke, smiling down at him.

“You've done your part, now rest. Once they're finished and everything is ready I'll wake you up, but for now get some rest.” she says, the gentle woman's voice brooking no argument. “You didn't even come back to bed last night after getting that message, I know you're tired. Now, rest.”
“Alright.” he says, reluctantly closing his eyes. And within a few seconds his breathing steadies, the king already out and sleeping. Pushed past his limits, his body knocking him out so it can recover. Leaving you to wonder just how he's been consistently beating Maza, who is undoubtedly stronger in this sort of state?

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“Father asleep again?” Prince Vegeta asks his mother, who sighs in response before turning to him.
“Yes, looks like he's pushed himself too hard again.” she says, you still wondering what message he'd gotten. But those thoughts are pushed from your mind as you see the disappointment on the young prince's face. You're not the only one, Cenoria turning to her son and kneeling before him. “I know he said he'd train you personally today, but I don't think that's going to happen. I'm sorry.”

Well? What do you do?
>Offer to train the young prince yourself, just like you trained his father all those years ago
>Telepathically ask Cenoria if it would be alright for him to join you in your various training today, with both your students and your own family afterwards before speaking it aloud. She may have been your student but she's still Queen
>Try and comfort the young prince, tell him that his father's working very hard to provide the comfortable lives you all live
>Telepathically call to Okira and Karn Jr, see if they want to take the prince along. You're sure Cenoria wouldn't object to him spending the day with your youngest two, who're close enough to his age
>Leave them to it, you've been standing too long and need to go move your own body. Then possibly breakfast after, you haven't eaten yet today either
>Other(write in)
>>Telepathically ask Cenoria if it would be alright for him to join you in your various training today, with both your students and your own family afterwards before speaking it aloud. She may have been your student but she's still Queen
I think it would do the Young Prince good to mingle among the masses. Who knows, this might even turn into a regular thing.
>Telepathically ask Cenoria if it would be alright for him to join you in your various training today, with both your students and your own family afterwards before speaking it aloud. She may have been your student but she's still Queen

New student?
Prince Vegeta V vs Tarble, who wins?
Oof gotta say Vegeta the fifth. Poor tarble
>Telepathically ask Cenoria if it would be alright for him to join you in your various training today, with both your students and your own family afterwards before speaking it aloud. She may have been your student but she's still Queen
Telepathically ask Cenoria if it would be alright for him to join you in your various training today, with both your students and your own family afterwards before speaking it aloud. She may have been your student but she's still Queen wins it. Let's see how you roll on persuasion and what comes after, roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 3
Second DC: 15
Third DC: 40
Rolled 45, 25, 29 = 99 (3d100)

Rolling to babysit
Rolled 56, 33, 20 = 109 (3d100)

Rolled 30, 33, 91 = 154 (3d100)

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58/100, dub 33/100, 91/100. Success, special success, and success. Most impressive, writing.
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“Hey, Cenoria. I have an idea.” you think to the queen, quickly telling her your plan before she can physically even turn towards you. She stops, raising a hand to her chin then you see her smirk, turning her focus back to her son.
“Your father's indisposed, but how would you like to train with the man who trained him?” she asks, the young prince's eyes widening in surprise.
“I- You're serious?” he asks her in disbelief. “Can I?”
“I think if you ask politely, he would.” she says, then turns to you, giving you a wink. “Why don't you go ahead?”

He looks from his mother to you, suddenly getting nervous as he looks up to you. He takes a deep breath, steeling his resolve before taking a couple steps towards you. He's so small, reminding you of the king back when you'd first met him. But as he speaks, he doesn't have the same ego Vegeta IV had back then.

“Would it be alright if I accompanied you today, joining in on your training General Karn?” he asks politely, no hint of arrogance or smugness in his tone. To which you take a knee, placing a giant hand on his shoulder.
“It would be my pleasure.” you tell him, seeing the young boy's eyes light up excitedly. You stand back up, Cenoria giving you a thankful nod as she takes King Vegeta in her arms, flying away from the arena and taking him back to their home as you stretch out, looking up to the sun to judge the time. “Alright, we have a little time before breakfast, let's go.”
“Of course!” he shouts, you taking to the air. Prince Vegeta follows close behind, you flying back to your home.

“So, what gravity have you been training up to so far?” you ask him, wanting to get a good gauge on his strength. You can sense his power, his might much closer to Karn Jr's than Okira's, but you want to know the level he trains at.
“Currently, I have mastered times five. I have been training with mother in times seven, but only for the past two weeks. I still haven't fully adjusted to that level yet.”
“I see. Not bad.” you reply, flying down and landing on the beach by your home. A second later the prince lands beside you, looking at your home. “Alright, you ready?”
“Yes sir.” he responds, you nodding and leading him inside. Down the hall to the gravity chamber, where you see the room is currently not in use. Most of your younger children are all with the Guardian Raven, learning from her and the former Guardian's holocron. Leaving this training room just to the two of you.

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But where do you start the young prince at? How hard do you plan to push him right out the gate?
>Times ten, just a little more than he's used too but not by much
>Times seven, where he's been training at but really push him
>Times twenty, see how strong the young prince's resolve is
>Times five, but instead of starting with training start with a spar, see what his fighting skill level is
>Times seven, but go for a spar first before training. See how competent and determined to win he can be
>Other(write in)?
>>Times seven, where he's been training at but really push him
I keep having to remember that New Salda's base gravity is 20X Earth's. Training at 140Gs regularly is nothing to make light of at his age.
>Times seven, but go for a spar first before training. See how competent and determined to win he can be
Leaving this tied vote open another fifteen minutes, there'd better be a tiebreaker before it's done. Don't want to show indecision before the young prince, now do we?
>Times seven, but go for a spar first before training. See how competent and determined to win he can be
Probably best to gauge him in a vacuum
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Times seven, but go for a spar first before training. See how competent and determined to win he can be wins it. Writing. Now time for those previous rolls to shine
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“Alright, before we really get into the training, I need to see where you're at.” you tell him, walking over to the machine and powering it on. The display lights up at thirty times, leaving you not entirely sure who was using it last. But you crank it back down to seven times New Salda's gravity, firing the machine up. It rumbles to life, humming as the lights dim to red. You turn, seeing the young prince tossing his cape and armor off as the gravity starts, not encumbering himself as the gravity intensifies. Firmly planting his feet, he catches the gravity well, bending his knees to absorb the shock before rising back up to his full height. “Good. Now, come at me.”

“Excuse me?” he asks, confused. “What do you mean?”
“I told you, that before we get into the training I needed to test you.” you reply, taking your fighting stance. “So, you and I are going to spar in the highest gravity you've trained in, to see just what you can do. Are you ready?”
“Ready!” he replies, his tone showing his uncertainty. But he doesn't hesitate, immediately taking his father's stance. You can't get over just how much he looks like his father at around the same age, you smirking a bit at the memory.

“Good. Now, come at me!” you call, the young prince shooting forward without hesitation. He flies through the air, but just as he's almost within striking distance, arms drawn back as if to fire a blast at you point-blank range he completely stops. Then, you see him drop, leaving an afterimage behind to try and trick you into attacking him as he 'hesitates'. But you don't fall for the trick, focused on his ki as you were and gaze down, only to see the prince already down and spinning, firing a low right turning kick at your lead shin's outside. Trying to take your balance, instead of attacking directly. Not bad.

But you're ready, turning your leg into his strike to block it, stopping his attack. He doesn't stop there, immediately springing up from his left directly at your head with a rising left uppercut. Which you stop with your right hand, catching his fist right around your waist level. However, as you stop his strike he opens his fist, grabbing onto your thumb with his much smaller hand, throwing his body up higher with a double flying kick at your chin with a shout.

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“HAAAAAAA!!” he shouts, flying directly at your chin. Forcing you to take a step back, causing his kick to miss your chin by over a foot. But he's still not done with his attack, twisting his body and firing an upside-down right at your chin. Which you stop with your left, this time catching and holding onto his fist so he can't use you to swing around any more.
“Not bad!” you call encouragingly as you sling him away towards the wall, Prince Vegeta tumbling head over tail for several rotations before slamming back-first into the heavily-reinforced wall. The young prince bounces off the wall, dropping straight to the ground in the intense gravity. Pinning him down. “But you can do better than that, can't you?”

“I... I'm just getting started!” he calls confidently as he pushes himself back upright, launching himself at you once again. Again he doesn't try to fight you directly, making it a contest of raw power. Instead, he battles using feints and misdirection, using his smaller size to try and hit you from unexpected angles. But with his speed reduced by the gravity chamber's pressure, he clearly can't move as fast as he wants. And after several minutes of trying to attack from other sides, not attacking directly he finally abandons the more subtle techniques and strategies, going on a full offensive instead. He presses forward, rushing headlong with a barrage of powerful attacks. “Hrrraaaaa! HAAAAA! HYAAAAH!”

“Good, that's the way! Give me everything you've got!” you call, defending against the prince's all-out attack. He presses forward at full power, refusing to slow down even as you feel his strength begin to dip. Even as his power wanes he refuses to quit, pressing the attack with all he's got. You defend against his barrage easily, stopping his flurry of punches and kicks with only your forearms and not letting a single strike through. As his power wanes, he kicks off your forearms, flying back to the far wall. Landing on his heels and one hand, springing off it back towards you. Right fist drawn back, roaring with all he's got left.
“HRRRRAAAAAAAA!!” he roars, swinging his right at your head. Seeing the state he's in, you decide against stopping his strike with one hand and instead cross your arms, blocking his strike with both forearms. You stop his attack in place, halting his charge and stopping his strike without taking damage from it. “Khh! N-Not yet. I'm...not...”

But as he tries to keep himself up you see his eyes roll up into the back of his head, dropping limply to the ground. Immediately you go over to the control panel, shutting the intense gravity off. The machine's rumbling hum goes quiet, you turning to the downed prince and walking over. Kneeling beside him, you roll him over, the prince's eyes fluttering as a soft groan escapes his throat. You see him slowly wake up, looking up to you in confusion.

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“You did pretty well, Prince Vegeta.” you tell him, offering him a hand. “Now, come on, let's get something to eat before we get back to it.”
“Th-Thank you.” he replies, accepting the offered hand as you haul him up to his feet. He staggers a second before finding his balance, nodding to you once he's ready. You then lead the way to the door, the prince stopping and grabbing his discarded armor and cape, throwing them back on as he follows you out and to the mess hall. Where the rest of your family present on New Salda are gathered, Okira calling out to the prince once she sees him.

“Hey, Vegeta! Come sit here with me!” she calls, making room for him to sit with her. Which he smiles and goes over to her, you sitting between your wife and Towa. Your family enjoys another well-prepared meal by Silver and his assistants, everything going well. Right up until you finally finish lunch, which for you today was breakfast, when-

Well? Choose your path.
>Broly and Koriand'r depart, returning to wherever they'd gone for their honeymoon
>A strange, yet vaguely familiar, extremely powerful ki suddenly appears heading towards New Salda
>Supreme Kai-in-training Kars suddenly appears as time stops
>Chaya suddenly returns, teleporting directly atop the table
40 minute vote, no write ins on this one. Choose your destiny
>Supreme Kai-in-training Kars suddenly appears as time stops
kars is always a good time.
>Supreme Kai-in-training Kars suddenly appears as time stops
Let's see just what convoluted scheme he's cooked up this time.
>convoluted scheme
No, he's not scheming this time. He's been watching what's going on in the universe, and knows something's wrong.
I'm going to guess that while Kars is observing the Universe at large and coordinating with the Mortals, Shin is too busy sipping tea and watching his apple tree to notice the infection spreading.
>Supreme Kai-in-training Kars suddenly appears as time stops
>Chaya suddenly returns, teleporting directly atop the table
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Rolled 49, 18 = 67 (2d100)

Supreme Kai-in-training Kars suddenly appears as time stops wins it. Interesting choice, we'll see how this plays out. Writing.
Missed the vote, but just wanted to say I'm impressed by Prince Vegeta V. Humble and courteous like his mother, but cunning and determined like his father. I like him.
Yeah no, I'm surprised he's this technical a fighter despite being so young, to say nothing of his determination as well. He's talented, perhaps more than even his father.
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-suddenly time itself stops. Everyone else freezes, even Towa herself stops moving completely. You look around in confusion, immediately ascending up into your Berserker God form, only for a familiar voice to call out from behind you.

“Be at ease, Karn. I'm not here to start a fight.” Kars says, you turning to see the Supreme Kai-in-training sitting at the table behind you with his golden Stand seated beside him. “No, I've come to give you a warning.”
“A warning? You're trying to threaten me?” you ask him with slight bemusement, only to see the Kai's expression turn far more serious.
“No, there is a threat coming for this universe. A parasite, one whose influence is growing rapidly by the day.” he tells you, then smirks a bit. “Rich, coming from one like me, I know. But this is nothing natural.”

“What are you talking about?” you ask him, your instincts warning you that whatever he's talking about is actually serious. “Kars, what's going on?”
“Out in the depths of space, a threat is growing. Originating from planet M-2, the beings known as Machine Mutants have created a terror beyond comprehension.” he says, expression deadly serious. “A being filled with hate for your race, determined to wipe you all out. Tell me, does the name Tuffle mean anything to you?”
“A Tuffle? Seriously?” you ask, genuinely surprised. “I thought we wiped them out back before Lord Freeza found my people? You're telling me they somehow survived?”

“No, not necessarily. But this being, calling itself the last Tuffle King, has already conquered the Blargian Empire.” Kars tells you, your eyes widening even further in surprise. “And it has already claimed his first Saiyan victims.”
“WHAT?!” you shout, aura blazing in response to your surging anger. “The hell do you mean, Saiyan victims?”
“You already know who has fallen, don't you?” he says, your heart dropping down into your stomach. Because you only know two Saiyans who have cut themselves off from the rest of your race.
“Raditz...” you mutter, wondering how you're going to tell your daughter. IF you're going to tell your daughter at all, as she would no doubt blame herself should anything ill befall her former lover.

“Yes, he and his woman were both conquered. The Last Tuffle King now piloting their bodies as well. Like puppets on strings” he says, a cold chill crawling up your spine at the thought of some monster controlling you against your will. But, after a moment realization dawns, your jaw dropping as terror settles in.

“Oh no. CHAYA!”


-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 223 End-

well, at least we got a warning. well second warning.
And that's it, everyone enjoy this episode and the arc as a whole? Ready for the next arc to begin, to see what all troubles are heading your way and to start off the arc from Chaya's point of view on her meeting with Raditz? What were your favorite/least favorite moments and characters of this past arc? Ready to begin this next arc not with Karn, but instead from Chaya's point-of-view on her long-awaited reunion with Raditz? Curious what else will be going on, what other troubles lurk besides this? All this and more, next time on Saiyan Conqueror Quest!

True, you got a warning from Mechikabura years ago. And soon you'll see why he offered you the chance to exterminate it long before that parasite reached maturity.
If Karn remembers that particular encounter, he'll probably be kicking himself for it
Ohh, wait a fucking second, why is Kars of all fucking people getting involved with this? What does he gain?
You already know Shin would come down to talk to Baby for some stupid ass reason or another and get himself got. His incompetence knows no bounds. Then he'd have to deal with a competent rival in Binby. Shaby. Bhin?
Not quite. As Kars has come to warn you against challenging the Tuffle King as you are currently. Should you fall, should a single cut on your body be invaded, the entire universe would also fall. And then what would Kars rule over?
If Baby controls the universe, he'd have the power to overthrow the Kais as well. And he doesn't like his chances against the Tuffle menace, not without a surefire way to kill him.
Also not an impossible scenario. Kars conquered worlds by turning one or two people at a time into his followers with Stone Masks, by having even better disguised beings immune to sunlight Baby's infection has grown far faster.
I'm pretty sure a megalomaniacal intelligent parasite with the ability to infect most, if not all forms of life, is on the "clean it up before its a problem" part of the Divine Checklist. If we had better Destroyers and Kais, Baby would temper his ambitions to avoid getting deleted on sight.
Its good he has an ego, someone noticed him.
If Beerus was on the ball, he would already be confronting Baby. As he's a Flood-tier threat by himself.
>someone noticed him
Kars noticed when Baby started taking over the Blarg, as their habits started to change. He wasn't aware of what caused the change at first, but he quickly figured it out. Elder Kai was entirely against Kars showing up to warn you, as he sees Baby only as fate giving the Saiyans their just desserts for threatening them. Not realizing the true level of threat Baby represents.
>a megalomaniacal intelligent parasite with the ability to infect most, if not all forms of life
Technically speaking, that also describes Kars.
>Elder Kai was entirely against Kars showing up to warn you, as he sees Baby only as fate giving the Saiyans their just desserts for threatening them
He's still mad about that? Maybe he should try not being a punk bitch for once.
Which is why he laughed about it, he’s self-aware at least.
It hasn’t been all that long since the tournament. That was yesterday in-quest after all.
The big difference between them is that Kars is patient *and* knows his boundaries. I'd say Baby is more zealous and impatient in his ambitions than Kars, and Kars probably knows Baby will get its shit rocked. It's not a matter of "if" Baby gets btfo, but "WHEN". In our case, I'd prefer to kill it before it tears our home in half.
Elder Kai is a really salty bitch, isn't he? Atleast he knows to keep that shit to himself and not to our face now.
Yes, Kars is the most intelligent being in the Seventh Universe.
True, the Tuffle parasite is overly eager to exact vengeance upon your kind.
Yes, Elder Kai is still VERY upset with the 'disrespect' you showed him. A ningen, daring to speak to a god like that?
>A ningen, daring to speak to a god like that?
A weakling, daring to speak to the superior combatant like that?
If he knew a damn thing about Karn, he'd understand that he operates off of Might making Right to some degree.
He's far too old and set in his ways for his thought process to change. But yes, he's still quite arrogant in assuming his divinity means something.
>But yes, he's still quite arrogant in assuming his divinity means something.
It WOULD if he ever cultivated it instead of resting on his laurels, but you can say that about almost every Kai.
>Old man seething and coping a threat to the porch monkeys is a threat to him
Boomer. We got a Boomer over here.
Not true, nobody is too old for spinal surgery.

Now that this arc has finished, did you enjoy the ride? Did the story flow for you, or did it feel more like it dragged on for far too long? Which arc was your personal favorite/least favorite of SCQ so far? Not everyone got to shine this arc, but moving into the next one who is the character(s) you're hoping gets more time in the spotlight? Excited to see the horror of Baby through Chaya's eyes to open this next arc, or would you prefer to jump straight back to Karn's pov? And should I spoil the title of the next arc now, or save it to save some of the surprise for next Saturday's start?

Truw, even Zamasu, the strongest Kai since GSK wasn't aggressively pursuing improvement.
I think I'm getting SCQ brainrot. Dreamt that the main characters were replaced by an unspecified body snatcher that killed nearly everyone else for mildly pissing them off, and the ones that survived had to appease it by being its "friend" and not piss it off. I forgot the specifics.
I liked the tournaments the most. We got to see the other characters show off their talents for a change, and got to flex a bit too. It's a welcome breather after the drama of the conton city war.
Echoing that other Anon, this arc was a nice reprieve after stressing about Chronoa for so long. It was immensely satisfying to dog-walk Universe 6 back-to-back, but I'm also glad Hit (and Cabba to a lesser extent) managed helped them dodge the total fraud allegations. I'm excited to get a chance to visit Sadala in the future as well (and to see Hit VS Chaya on DreadZone).
It's hard to really say which arcs are my favorite, as most of them have moments I look back fondly on. It's also hard to say which is my least favorite for that same reason. It's something I've never really thought about too hard.
All that said, I'm very ready to move on to the Baby Arc after it's been alluded to and built up for so long. I can only imagine what's gonna happen, but I expect a rollercoaster regardless of specifics. Feel free to drop the title by the way, that's your call.
This arc was really fun. It's nice to see Karn and family in relative peace that isn't a life or death struggle like the tournaments. I'm really looking forward/hoping to see our children step up more into the spotlight. Would be interested to see how Kakarot and Bardok are doing with the news from Radditz even if Karn doesn't know about that in character.
I think you just need actual 12 hours of sleep consistently for a week, should fix you right up.
They were fun, and something I'm looking forward to again. I think I personally enjoyed writing King Cold's performance the most of last arc. Letting him whip out so many different abilities and using his brains and brawn to the fullest was fun.
An arc with(mostly) lower stakes can always be a good time. Although the Sixth universe Saiyans didn't put on the greatest show, hopefully we'll get to see how their society handles the newfound disruption of Super Saiyans.
Fair enough, I know my least favorite personally was the Hive Arc. If I hadn't hard pivoted away from them, SCQ may have died back then.
>Baby arc
Not quite, this isn't HIS arc alone.
Ironically, with Chaya beating Bardock there with Instant Transmission, he may not makr it there before being called back. But would he heed such a call? And Kakarot's going to probably blame Chaya. More than he already does. Boy's got a grudge, that's for sure.
I'm kinda just imagining a nightmare scenario where it's Karn, Broly, and Turles against the world. That said, it would be novel to see Karn having to prioritize stealth for once.
Honestly if Chaya were to actually be able to save raditz or be important enough to help him then depending ln whether or not Raditz remembers what happened after getting babyjacked he could likely opt stopping his self imposed stay far away from chaya exile.
Ha! While it could be comedic, that ship's long since sailed. Choosing this path to power was at the expense of subtlety, for the most part. Also odd you put Turles with the Berserkers, and not the other Berserkers. I thought you had a pattern going.
>save Raditz
Not quite, she's going to have enough trouble saving herself. At least next weekend when the arc opens. What's the term for when the audience knows something the characters do not, and can clearly see the impending disaster but are 'powerless' to help?
You know, I do wonder what would happen if Baby tried to invade Kars. I think, much like what happens with any lesser being, Kars would just immediately absorb Baby and break him down. Probably gain whatever abilities he could from the process, to boot. I wonder if Kars is bold enough to try to egg him on and bait him into trying it, just so he could get a sample of Baby's nonsense to replicate.
Now, you might use the argument of "Baby would use his energy to protect himself", which is valid, but only if Baby suspects that he's entering an entity capable of resisting him. If Kars branched himself off and disguised that branch as a totally normal person and/or creature, then Baby would have no reason to do that. Also, as Ultimate Kai Kars, I'm sure his devouring capabilities have been supercharged to fuck and back.
Theoretically, Kars has the superior matchup against Baby. He's seen how he works, and THINKS that he could absorb him. But that doesn't mean he's going to rush headfirst into a confrontation with him. Not without knowing for CERTAIN that he would win. His own free will is something Kars will not negotiate or gamble with.
>Also, as Ultimate Kai Kars, I'm sure his devouring capabilities have been supercharged to fuck and back.
Not wrong. Which is why when the Kais fucked around and almost started finding out before Beerus arrived, Kars was confident right up until the Cold clan arrived and he knew he couldn't win.
>I thought you had a pattern going
The pattern was durability (and likelyhood to receive lacerations). I imagine Turles' skin is thicker than just about anybody's after living with Komand'r for so long.
>What's the term for when the audience knows something the characters do not, and can clearly see the impending disaster but are 'powerless' to help?
Well yes but I mean like the "theater" term, when that shit happens in like the Bard's plays.
>Dramatic irony
Had to look that shit up, was bothering me.
Patron poll is now live, closes this Sunday at 7pm EST.

Not going to lie, I'm not sure if I'm going to have this epilogue done. Am only a post and a half in, but don't like it and am going to try rewriting it. Fortunately, I do have the day off tomorrow(to I work the Monday holiday on holiday pay, without them paying overtime) so hopefully this epilogue will drop sometime either late tonight or tomorrow. In the meantime, enjoy the next arc's opening:

Dang ol kiddoku hours I tell you h'wat.
I've been rereading the quest recently, and noticed that it was said that Milluki had been working with a Nefarious AI during the covenant war. Was that Baby, and if so, does that mean he's been active for at least 8 years?
A good question. Who knows, perhaps you'll find out this arc?
New episode and new arc in less than 24 hours, and this one's epilogue will go out with a bang in less than an hour!
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-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 223 Epilogue-


“What the hell?” your father says as you all step through the teleportation gate to find everything on fire. The gate closes behind you all as skeletons run around, your father reacting immediately. “Crystallize!!”

A wall of his magical crystals spring up from the platform, encircling the five of you as they make a wall higher than even your grandpa's transformed head.

“Darkness!” your Auntie Milha shouts, immediately kicking off the ground into the air. But you don't get to turn to her, as your father turns to you and your little brother. Placing a hand on each of your shoulders, his face serious.
“Listen very carefully to me. Our village is overrun, we need to get you two back home and-” he starts, but you can't help but ask your burning question.
“What about everyone else?” you ask him seriously. “They're in trouble, we have to help them!”
“Yeah!” your younger brother Kazuburo agrees, your father shaking his head.

“No. This is serious. Not like a wandering dragon, or a target dummy or a few bears.” he tells you. “I can't protect you all here, there are too many of them.”
“HAAAAA!!” you shout, powering up into your Super Saiyan form. “You told me this power was to protect my family, my people and world. Now that bad guys have shown up to hurt them, you want me to not fight for them?”
“That's not what I-” he starts, your mother placing her hand on his shoulder. Your dad looks up to her, the two staring at each other. You feel that they're communicating more than telepathically as they look to each other, then your dad sighs out. “You're right. You're right. You two are strong, and now it is time for all of us to step up. Kazuburo, are you ready?”

“Really? READY!” he shouts eagerly, your father's expression turning more worried.
“Summon that demon of yours, we're going to need all the help we can get.” he tells him, you watching your brother as his power begins rising, placing his hands on the ground and closing his eyes. But then your father's hands both place themselves on your shoulders, forcing you to look him in the eyes. “You have the most important job, being the fastest. You have to protect your mother and brother.”
“Right!” you reply seriously, giving him an actual Saiyan salute. But then you realize exactly what he said, getting more worried. “Wait, what about you?”

“Someone has to stop the summoner, or this tide of undeath won't stop. I'm going for their leader.” your father says, throwing his robe off as he transforms. Taking on his furry, incredibly powerful Primal form. He then reaches down with his left, drawing his dragon bone knife before meeting your gaze once more. “Are you sure you're ready?”
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The weight of his question, of the situation you find yourself in finally hits you. Your entire village is on fire, people could actually be DEAD. Your friends, your classmates, teachers, or even... Mamaw Yuiyui and Papaw Hyoizaburo! If they're in trouble, you need, you HAVE to help them! You are Meloka Wolbach, the daughter of the Crystal Sage Chilli and Master of Explosions Megumin! And you can't, you WON'T sit back and watch people you care about getting hurt!

“I understand.” you say seriously, meeting your father's eyes. He stares deep into yours a moment before nodding. Before he can say anything a column of fire explodes up by your brother, knocking him back as you all watch a monster rising from the ground. The creature is clearly evil-looking, mostly skeleton itself with large bat-like wings, large slashing claws and giant horns.
“Who dares to-Oh, it's you.” the demon says to your little brother, letting itself relax a bit. “So, what is it this time?”
“Our village is under attack! We need your help to fight them!” your little brother says as he rises back up to his feet, looking fearlessly towards the demon. It appraises him a moment before looking to you, your mother, then stopping at your father. The skull's eyes widen in surprise, seeming to shrink back a bit upon seeing him. “Will you help us?”

“Very well. I shall lend you my aid.” the creature says, your brother nodding to him.
“Good. Everyone seems to be holed up in Red Prison, so first thing's first we'll make our way there.” your father tells you all. “Milha's already there, helping out. So I'll help you all reach the school and get inside. But once we're there, I want you all to help protect everyone else.”

He then stops, turning to your mother and whispering something to her, to which she nods. He nods back, turning back to you all and asking one question:

“Are you ready?”

“Ready!” you and your brother reply, your father nodding to you both then walking over to his wall facing the school. He draws his right fist back, then with a grunt of effort swings. His punch shatters his crystal wall, sending shards exploding out and cutting down more than a dozen skeletal warriors.
“Now, move!” he shouts, charging forward.
“Go, Summoned Skull Archfiend!” your brother calls, the hulking demon charging out through the opening, lightning crackling around its body. “Smite them with your power and make us a path, Lightning Strike!”
“GRRROOOAAAR!!” the demon bellows, its lightning arcing from it towards the nearest undead. Frying them near-instantly, reducing them to ash.
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“That's the way!” you shout, taking to the air over your brother, looking left and right for more of the monsters. Where you see three coming towards Kazuburo from your left, turning to them and leveling your hands at them. “Crimson Laser!”

Your magic bursts forth in a crimson beam of more than a foot radius, blasting through the approaching monsters as you drag it through them. Disintegrating them with ease, leaving none of the monsters standing. You end the beam, checking the other way only to see your mother swinging her magical staff, splitting one undead through its skull and straight down its middle into a backhanded swing, powdering another skeleton's skull. You turn your focus back to your little brother, who is running behind his summoned monster, throwing ki blasts at ones he misses. But then, as you look around for your father, you don't see him anywhere. So, you focus your ki sense, sensing his power immediately. And what you find blows your mind, he's everywhere!

“Woah...” you mutter, shocked as you feel him moving all around your family. Your father is going so fast, moving throughout the village you can barely see him even when you know where he is. Cutting down scores of the undead, thinning out their ranks and keeping too many from approaching you all. He doesn't kill them all, leaving more than enough for you all to fight. But as he keeps moving at high speed, you feel something in your chest. Something deep down that tells you that YOU can be that strong, that fast one day. And keep anything like the disaster, the destruction that came to your home from ever happening again. Determination rises up within you, you have to do your best to one day not only match your father, but surpass him as well! And that starts today, right here and now! “Right! Let's do this!”

You feel your energy swelling, surging in response to what you're feeling and start cutting loose. Drawing your right hand back, just as your grandpa had taught you, you make the ball of ki in your hand. Bigger and bigger, it soon becomes even larger than you as you focus on a group of around twenty undead shambling towards your mother.

“HAAAAAA!” you roar, throwing the orb down. Your energy ball flies, crashing down in their group and exploding in a fiery blast that consumes them all. Your mother has to brace herself against your attack's shock wave, actually pushing her feet back a bit before she turns up to look towards you.
“Nice shot!” she calls, giving you a thumbs up. Which you return with a grin for a few seconds before refocusing back on your job. You have to watch out for your little brother too.
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As you turn to face him, you see that a larger group has made their way to him. Only, to reach him they'd have to get through his demon first. The large summon's bony claws aren't just for show, the demon cutting down the zombies and undead with brutal strikes. Each swing cleaves through at least three of the attackers, none of their rusty weapons able to so much as chip his bony armor.

“That's right, show them what you can do!” Kazuburo shouts, your brother riding on his creature's shoulder, holding onto one of its horns to steady himself. “We gotta get to Red Prison and save everyone!”

But as you look up to the school, you realize that you won't be able to fight your way through the horde. Most of the zombies are there, attacking the walls from all sides. You see this and frown, wondering how you all are going to get through. You decide to ask your mother, as you're not sure, flying down to her.

“Mom! We've got a problem!” you shout, flying down level with her. “All the monsters are there around Red Prison, trying to get through the wall. How do we get in?”
“Easy. We'll fly.” she says. “I'll need you to pick me up hun, and Kazuburo's monster can fly him.”
“Oh, that works! Alright, let's go!” you say, flying down to chest level, letting your mother wrap an arm around your middle, you holding her arm with both of yours and lifting up into the air. You fly over to Kazuburo as your mother tells him the plan, Kazuburo telling his monster who spreads its wings, flapping twice to get off the ground. The four of you fly over the monsters, over the wall and onto the flattest part of the roof of your school.

“There's a lot of them.” your little brother says, sounding worried.
“Seems that whoever is behind this knew when we'd leave, and attacked then.” your mother murmurs, a few seconds later your father appears in the air before you all.
“Good, you all made it. Stay here, I'm going to find whoever's responsible for this.” he says, but you don't let him go so easily.
“But-! What about all these monsters?” you ask, gesturing vaguely towards the monsters surrounding you all. However, before he can answer, your mother reaches out, placing her hand on your shoulder.
“Don't worry, this is MY specialty.” your mother says, a twinkle in her eye. You feel your own eyes widen in surprise, your mother turning to your father. “Leave this to me, go get'em!”

“Right!” he replies, disappearing in a blink. Your mother then takes a deep breath, sighing out slowly before stepping forward. Throwing her cape back with a flourish, striking a dramatic pose.
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“Alright, now it's my turn. My name is Megumin, Master of Explosions!” she declares, magical circles appearing beneath her. Circles upon circles appear, your mother's magical power swelling more than you've ever felt. You take several steps back as her circles spread all over the school's rooftop, even Kazuburo's demon takes several steps back in fear. “Darkness, darker than dark and blacker than black. I beseech thee, combine with my deep crimson. The time of awakening cometh. Justice, fallen upon the infallible boundary, appear now as an intangible distortion! The time has come! Now, awaken from your slumber, and by my madness, be wrought!”

You watch as your mother's power continues to swell, her mana surging unlike anything you've ever felt before. Not Daddy, not your teachers, not Auntie Milha or Towa, no one's magical power has ever felt as crazy strong as this! Your mother really is the best.

Burst forth! EXPLOOOOOSION!!

And the world goes red. The force of her blast is tremendous, knocking you over onto your rear as fire and death blooms. Everything you can see beyond the school is now nothing but Explosion, you turning your eyes from the intensity of your mother's attack. Only to see that her blast encircles the building, shaping her blast into a ring of devastation. You watch in awe, your mother standing tall as her attack destroys the undead horde. For what feels like an eternity she stands tall, silhouetted by her fiery blast, until finally the Explosion begins to fade. And as it does so too does your mother's strength, her knees giving out as she collapses.

“MOM!” you shout, suddenly worried.
“MOMMY!” Kazuburo calls, you both immediately rushing over to her side. Laying flat on her back, cheeks a bit red she smiles weakly up at you both, her smile and the lack of worry in her eyes comforting you both.
“It's okay, I'm fine. I just haven't gotten to let off a blast like that in some time.” she says, her voice almost dreamy. “Aaaaah, that felt nice. Brought me back to-”
“What in the world was that?” Auntie Milha calls, you turning to see her flying up, looking over at you all. “Who did-WHERE did all that power come from!?”

“That was my mom! The master of Explosion magic!” you declare proudly, filled with pride in your mother's awesome power. You've never seen her unleash it before, but after today, you're going to double your efforts to learn Explosion properly. You want to be just as strong and powerful an Archwizard as she is, just as much as you want to be big and strong like your father now.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 223 Epilogue End-
Best Wife
One of. She is up against stiff competition with Koriand'r and Meloka, but she's in top tier.
>meanwhile meloka on her fifth near-murder experience with her husband
lol, lmao even
If Kori can somehow get Broly to relax and live a little, I think that makes her the wife of the century.
That's how Saiyans are. You don't want to see the Raditz/Chaya scoreboard.
Being a pirate's certainty helped. In a small way.
I'm so excited for tomorrow you guys just don't know. This arc is going to be so much fun for me. I hope you're ready, because tomorrow begins the "Revenge of the Body Snatchers"!
Rolled 43, 75, 89 = 207 (3d100)

Testing out luck for tomorrow (tonight, in my timezone)
Its gonna be fun.
Dunno if luck transfers between arcs, much less threads but I guess we’ll see
Dad capacitors look to be charging up nicely.
Idea for fun family activity; making Wookie pelt kilts and bone tools.
It's time! >>6093528

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