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It's another beautiful day this morning. Time for school. With a bit of effort, you wake up. First thing on the to-do list? Freshen up.

I roll out of bed, and tripping over my laundry, head to the bathroom. I got to get that sorted, but maybe tomorrow. Did I even wear that kinda stuff?

Running water flows from the faucet, and a splash of water wakes you fully. Your reflection is the first thing you see clearly, and boy did it startle you.

Damn, I'm not that ugly. Skinny, yeah I guess, but that's not it about it. I can't get a grasp on it though, realization slipping through the cracks of the mind.

It's going to work itself out eventually, and besides, maybe it'll just come to mind. Just. Like. That. Can't go out looking like this though. Time to change.

Returning to my bedroom, I put on the ever familiar school uniform. With all the laundry piling up, I thought I wouldn't have any good ones left. Lucky me.

After you changed, the doorbell rung out. Somebody's here, and just in time too. Who'd want to see you in your sleepwear? You can't keep them waiting, whoever it is. Gotta go answer it.

>I'll go answer the doorbell. I wonder who it is...
>Someone else should get the door. I still need to get ready.
" And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." 2 Timothy 4:4
>I'll go answer the doorbell. I wonder who it is...
>>I'll go answer the doorbell. I wonder who it is...
>I'll go answer the doorbell. I wonder who it is...
Gliding down the stairs, you answer the door as you should. Swinging it open, it's Sayori. She's your neighbor and long time friend. Who else could it have been?

My eye catches the time while I let her in. Shoot, I'm the one running late for once. The tables have turned, and she knows it.

>"Morning, MC! I thought you were feeling sick or something since you weren't waiting around for me. Luckily for you, I woke up on time today. Stayed up all night playing some new video game?"

She's so proud of such a thing, it's cute, really. Sayori makes herself comfortable, having no qualms waiting around for you. If you don't hurry up, you'd both be late

Man, I'm slipping up, am I? If I end up late because of her, I don't really mind. But I don't want her running late because of me, not when she's on track to be on time all by herself. Telling her that I'll be just a sec, I load up the toaster and head back up.

There's so much left to do, isn't there? Have a good breakfast, floss, brush your teeth, and is that your schoolwork all over your desk? You hurriedly pack the contents of your desk back into your bag.

>"Hey! Your toast is done! You want me to make you something else with it?"

Sayori calls out for me from the stairs while I fumble about in my room. Some of these sheets aren't done yet too. It'd only take me a moment to solve those, just a few minutes at most. Not a big deal. Seeing that, I forget to respond to her.

All the small things adding up is how you lose all the time in the world, It's one thing if you wait around for her, another thing when it's the other way around. Maybe you should let her go now. Alone. Footsteps ascend the stairs. She's coming. How are you gonna send her off?

>"Look Sayori, you should go on without me for today. I'm gonna be late."
>"Sorry, I'm just about ready. Go on ahead though, I'll catch up. Promise."
>"Got caught up in my work here, sorry about that. I'm fine. Oh, and eggs. Scrambled."
>"Sorry, I'm just about ready. Go on ahead though, I'll catch up. Promise."
let's see what OP is cooking
>"Got caught up in my work here, sorry about that. I'm fine. Oh, and eggs. Scrambled."
Huh, neat concept for a quest.


OP isn't going to be able to cook. He posted in /qtg/ that his power has been cut and he owes 7k to the power company. Granted, he didn't post that here, where it would be more relevant so maybe he'll find a way.
Personally, I'd give it until tomorrow. Con Edison is quick to cut power, but drag their feet on the reconnection service.
+1 to this, btw.
I do hope OP comes back. I think I get what he's going for, but if it comes down to it, I might take over. No promises on that though.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Yeah, the cat's out of the bag. I worked something out with the company though, and only now they restored service. I don't want to talk about it any further.
Probably stuck with a new IP and ID, but I hope not. I also came back to a tie. I'll do a 1d2 to break it, since I like both options and also I have work to get to.
1 is >>6109470
2 is >>6109741
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You tell her that you're almost ready. Are you though? If you rush through everything, you might just make it. It's a promise after all. You smile in reassurance, and she returns one of her own.

>"Ok then, see you soon!"

I catch her leaving on the window, then snap back to work. My grade could probably have tanked the point loss, but I was already doing it now, so might as well. Going to school together has become routine for us, well, I didn't think I'd be the one to break that streak. That is, if I wasn't quick enough.

One problem stumped you for longer than expect, then another. Just those two though. It's a wonder why you didn't finish this last night. What did you even do then? It wasn't important enough to remember, apparently. Packed up, you throw on your bag over the shoulder and head down to the kitchen.

I can live without brushing my teeth for once, not like I'm making it a habit. Scarfing down my plain toast slices, I hold them in my mouth as I toss on my shoes and make it out the door. Took note of the time when I finished, and it was later than I would've liked.

Rushing down the usual way, the idea of catching up to Sayori falters the closer you got to school. Guess you didn't make it in time, in both cases now. Time has made a liar out you but hey, it's not that big a deal now, is it? Both of you could've been late, but now just one of you are. If you thought of it, you could've tanked the grade loss and just went on with her. Oh well.
Before I get too far inside, I hear a voice call out to stop me. Immediate recognition failing me, I had to turn to see who it is. Oh, it's uh... What was her name again...? Monika. Just Monika. That's all you remember, a last name eluding you. Hopefully that doesn't matter.

>"Can't have you going to class looking like that. Did you get dressed in a hurricane? Here, let me help you with that."

In the haste to make it on time, your uniform was disheveled into a mess. Monika brushes off the crumbs and properly straightens out the lapel. This was as close as the two of you has even gotten before. There was the classes you had with her last year, and that's about as far back as it goes. Popular, confident, and overall someone out of your league. Nothing like Sayori.

She straightens out my tie, bringing the knot higher up my neck. What did I do to garner her attention? No idea. Am I in trouble? Noting my discomfort, her hand softly grasps my shoulder to try and put me at ease.

>"I was just doing greetings this morning, and I was just about done. Since you're the last one I'm attending to like this, I guess that makes you special. I shouldn't keep you for much longer, but while I have you... Here, how does this look?"

It's an advertisement for her literature club. She's doing recruitment later, and she wants your opinion on the flyer before making copies. Graphic design is no passion of yours, and neither is literature really. You'd know that for sure. Still, she asked, and you don't want to be rude, do you?

>Leave her to go to class. You're late as is.
>Tell her to ask someone else, like anyone more interested than you.
>"I think it's uninspired and modest. Doesn't catch my attention for sure.
Oh dang. Well I hope the best for the QM.

>Tell her to ask someone else, like anyone more interested than you.
Seems like we can only pick one of these three choices, right?
alright, glad to see you back
>Tell her to ask someone else, like anyone more interested than you.
>Leave her to go to class. You're late as is.
Well, I am the QM. You'll just have to believe me on my word since I don't have my original IP anymore. Also, this quest is something I'm doing on the side before and after work, so I'm probably gonna just delay posting an update if it takes me too long to finish in the time I give myself before I have to go without a word.

As for trying something outside the pool, you can't choose what isn't there.
I'll give you a little bit more and tell you that blanks are still choices. They could still be picked, but they do nothing on their own. They're empty after all, but maybe you can fill them in something on hand.

Anyways, writing.
Withholding your opinion, you just tell her that you aren't the right person to ask about something like this. Again, literature isn't your thing, but maybe that was the point? Monika must be sure in her hobby if she thinks she could bring it out to more people, like you. You know, the hopefully open minded? Well, she isn't one for knowing failure, she'll just keep at it until it takes.

She pouts in disappointment, apparently sure that it would've worked. Monika folds away the flyer back into her pockets. It's already water under the bridge, resuming her usual demeanor as if nothing happened. I let her off easy, it really sucked, honestly. Guess she really isn't perfect in everything, as it's so commonly believed.

>"Well, back to the drawing board, but thanks. Your class is that way, I suppose?"

It is. How did she know? She's in your class again starting today. Attendance rosters got scrambled before the year started, and faculty is still sorting that out. It isn't uncommon to see students get shuffled about on the daily. How does a glitch like that even happen? Must've been really severely bugged software, but it's nothing you should be able to do anything about.

Seeing as we're both going the same way, I guess I didn't have much of a choice but to walk together. Wouldn't both of us be late? Monika I think has an excuse from the school, I don't, so maybe she'll cover me too if I go with her. I try not to listen to my legs and refuse to bolt ahead, matching her leisurely pace. Where's her sense of urgency?

When the both of you arrived at class, the teacher marks the two as on time after being fed a reason from Monika. See, as you thought, she covered for you. With that out of the way, there isn't anything else to worry about for now. Homework's done, and classes aren't anything to sweat about, if boring to get through.

A dean knocks on the door, stopping class to speak with the teacher. It isn't made public to the class, but I sit close enough to overhear enough. Overzealous error corrections meant they've misplaced students themselves. The who of it isn't a mystery, as Monika is called out to come with the Dean. I swear, her eyes lingered on me for just a moment longer during her last look around. I couldn't really get a read on her expression then. Is she tired? Of what?

Another student is soon introduced to fill in the spot, one who should've been there to begin with. Somebody you don't immediately recognize walks on in, but with you attention elsewhere, you don't realize until the teacher taps on the board, turning your head quick to pretend that you've been paying attention to the new student.

>Tall, purple headed and carries herself with a shying gentleness. She seems weird on a first impression to you.
>Short, cranky, and pink hair, just like Sayori, but in a more vibrant shade. You probably won't get along with her.
>>Tall, purple headed and carries herself with a shying gentleness. She seems weird on a first impression to you.
mystery option let's go
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For a moment, I don't see anyone there. They didn't go anywhere, they just were never there. That's impossible! I know somebody was there, I'm sure of it.

A trick of the light, that all it was. Blink a few times, and here she is. Nobody actually being there? Such a silly notion, how'd you think that was the case?

Unless you want there to be actually nobody, this option alone won't introduce anything. But you can't just write in whatever, that won't work out well for you. But rearrange what's already there?
What if we met both the shy purple head and the pink shorty at the same time?
I don’t think trying for both is a good idea. At best, we could put in Sayori or even try to make someone up if i interper what the QM said correctly.

>Sayori. Probably get along with her more.

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