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Welcome to /qtg/, a place to talk about quests.
Previous thread(s)

>What is a quest?
An interactive story in which a Quest Master (QM) writes and provides the readers with options on how to proceed — similar to a choose-your-own-adventure book or an old text adventure

Questionably Useful links:
>QTG discord: https://discord.gg/6s4Xazmv
>Skirmish discord: https://discord.com/invite/DZCVvVU
>Evo Game discord: https://discord.gg/v55Xaaja
>Old pastebin containing advice for QMs:
Badly in need of renovation.

>Archiving guide:
Go to http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/requestqstinterface.html
Fill out the request form to archive a thread.
Threads are also automatically archived by other websites, such as archived.moe.

>Formatting guide:
Only the thread's OP can format. Note that should the OP change ID, they will lose this ability as well.
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>Formatting guide for everyone:
Dice (type this in “options”): dice + [no. of dice]d[no. of sides on the dice] (optionally you can add modifiers: dice + [no. of dice]d[no. of sides on the dice]+[modifier]; for a negative modifier type: +-[modifier]

Examples: dice+1d100 = a 1d100 roll, dice+1d100+10 = a 1d100 roll with a +10 modifier.

Spoiler: [ spoiler ]spoiler[ /spoiler ] or by pressing alt+s in-thread

>QM question:
Have you ever had a quest idea that you liked so much you wanted someone else to run it, just so you could play it? If so, what? When do you prefer to be a player?

>Player question:
Have you ever had the QM itch? What's stopping you from being a QM, besides the perceived time investment?

>General question:
If you could wave a magic wand and make the board more active, but not necessarily faster thread-wise, would you do it? Do you want to return to the days of sessions?

>Lurker question:
It would be funny if all the lurkers became QMs but kept lurking in other threads, just saying.

>Miscellaneous question:
Are you a pumpkin spice enjoyer, or are you sick of the oversaturation?
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Reply to this post if you think questing is fun!

If you don't reply to this post, your mother will roll Nat 1 in her sleep tonight.
No I like my mom!

Also there is a vote up in Ilvermorny quest for anyone who cares.

I love my mom!
>QM question
Probably just anything fear and hunger related. I had an idea that after I finished my quest, I would do a quick F&H2 inspired one but I then realized that I still got months left on my current quest so it's mostly a backburner idea.
>General question
More players would be a positive overall but I rather not go back to full /tg/ speeds, you know?
>Miscellaneous question
I could not tell you the last time I actively went out to try something pumpkin spice flavored.
(I LOVE MY PARENTS - Buckethead) https://youtu.be/jSxPDAUbiQA
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>Have you ever had the QM itch? What's stopping you from being a QM, besides the perceived time investment?

Obviously, given, I am giving it a shot. Big thanks to HeadQM and Kektus for inspiring me to try as well as the handful of people who read my DHQ fics and gave me confidence enough to try.

>Have you ever had a quest idea that you liked so much you wanted someone else to run it, just so you could play it? If so, what? When do you prefer to be a player?

I have a soft spot for urban fantasy so something like the Dreden files would get my interest. I have old ass notes from a campaign I was thinking about from like 5 years ago that I might whip out some day.

>If you could wave a magic wand and make the board more active, but not necessarily faster thread-wise, would you do it? Do you want to return to the days of sessions?

As a player that would be fun. More discussion and general thread activity is cool.

>Are you a pumpkin spice enjoyer, or are you sick of the oversaturation?

Pumpkin spice is trash for anything not pumpkin pie or bread.
>Have you ever had a quest idea that you liked so much you wanted someone else to run it, just so you could play it? If so, what? When do you prefer to be a player?
anything mecha related. I just don't have the details oriented brain for mecha.

>If you could wave a magic wand and make the board more active, but not necessarily faster thread-wise, would you do it? Do you want to return to the days of sessions?
in a heart beat, absolutely
>Have you ever had a quest idea that you liked so much you wanted someone else to run it, just so you could play it? If so, what? When do you prefer to be a player?
A ton. I like playing capeshit and mon quests, but am not confident in running them. Same with business sims.

>If you could wave a magic wand and make the board more active, but not necessarily faster thread-wise, would you do it? Do you want to return to the days of sessions?
Sessions wouldn't fit into my schedule right now. I do wish we had a few more QMs and maybe, say, double or triple the player count. Much more than that would come with complications I'm not sure I'd enjoy.

>Are you a pumpkin spice enjoyer, or are you sick of the oversaturation?
I don't really pay attention to those kinds of trends, and it tastes nice enough, so I'm all for it.

Pumpkin spice is just cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, and allspice. As such, holiday hams go VERY well with it, and I saw a History Guy video that made a good case that 'pumpkin spice' ham in some form predates European discovery of pumpkins. Having tried it, I can see why.
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Newbie here. So I can just jump into any qst I want?
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Really, it's the continuation of a few things that I wish I could see. Sure, I could try my hand at writing an elf living and adventuring long after their age's time, in an era that's all but forgotten the heroes and legends of three centuries ago, when magic has all but faded, but it just wouldn't be the same as Tides doing it.

Or L5R, settings that I adore when written but don't quite grok it myself.

It's not quite the question but I feel that you could write something good based on a Magic the Gathering planeswalker. Each plane can be a different story arc, the setting can be flexible and almost whatever you want. It might fall prey to the common quest problem of lacking a clear direction, but I think it could be good fodder for interdimensional bounty hunter, or mail courier, or treasure seeker.
MTG's art just gets my imagination spinning sometimes.

I'm working on finishing Core of Steel. So, yes. Ha. Actually cuts into my time reading other quests.

More activity is always good. But I don't think I could handle trying to write sessions. Even when I was going at my fastest, my stuff would be nudged off the board pretty quick.

Pies, yes. Bread, yes. Anything else, whatever.
Who here misses the contolist mobile suit gundam quest? For I wish to report that he has moved to Akun and started a new Gundam quest, this time with a Zabi mc, he wishes to eventually move his gundam quest he has written here to there as well
>Pumpkin spice is just cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, and allspice. As such, holiday hams go VERY well with it, and I saw a History Guy video that made a good case that 'pumpkin spice' ham in some form predates European discovery of pumpkins. Having tried it, I can see why.

True enough, I suppose. I usually put some Chinese 5 spice in my pumpkin spice as well as a bit of white pepper. Favorite way to do a spiral cut is most of that same stuff and have a Dr. Pepper or coke based basting liquid.
Yes, though spending a bit of time catching up in the archives is often recommended for established quests. Some quests that have been running for years have built up VERY thick archive tomes, you don't necessarily need to read all of it (but hey, if you like the quest, it's just more reading material).
you son of a bitch! dont you dare make my mom roll a 1!
The thing that makes me afraid to try running a quest is previous...I hesitate to call it failure but my track record I guess. I've run two quests, both quite successful at first, but which I failed to follow through on and complete. Which I regret deeply. I worry that if I try to run my current idea I'll just end up disappointing people again. I don't doubt I can run a successful quest even if it has been a while since I've written much, at least for a while. But that almost makes it worse.

>QM question:
I've really liked the idea of a cool MTG quest inspired by Destroy All Humanity They Cant Be Regenerated, but the thought of having to actually run a card game made me wanna vomit so yeah id much rather someone else do that one. I don't actually like being a player very much, i mostly just lurk.

>Lurker question:
Yeah this is basically what im doing

>Miscellaneous question:
its tasty, i don't actually have it often, and i think that keeps the flavor novel and enjoyable
Generally. Some are like skirmishes where you need to make an idividual character and maybe use a name or trip but for most just read, vote, discuss, and roll! QMs almost always like more people to play.

The vast majority of quests never finish. If you give people free entertainment for a couple threads, they might be sad when it ends too soon but be happier for the fun. That's me at least.
i think its better to give it a shot and provide what little entertainment you can muster, instead of just sitting on your hands and never giving it a shot. if you want to do it, you should do it, regardless of whether you wanna make it in a month. you could also just try and run some super short threads that wrap up in one to two threads
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I'm trying to get back my bearings and find something I can do quickly myself. I've burnt out on a couple of quests because I wrote myself into a corner or couldn't find material to work with.
I'm probably going to do one-offs until I hit my stride. People like waifus and I've written a couple, so I'm probably going to narrow in on that.
Yes. Feel free to ask the QM questions about anything, 99% of them will get hype to talk about their world.

Plan a quest designed to be short and run that. The smaller the scope, the more achievable it'll be.
One-shots re your friend.
Thanks for the advice!
>Have you ever had a quest idea that you liked so much you wanted someone else to run it, just so you could play it?
Yes. I'd like more OC quests concerning cyberspace in general, but it's such a woefully unpopular concept (and the cyber world is treated as largely secondary to the setting in works where it does exist) that nobody wants to dabble in speculative fiction concerning it.
Nobody shares my autism about cyber worlds, but I've come to accept this.

>Have you ever had the QM itch?
I have it so much, it could be mistaken for herpes.

>What's stopping you from being a QM, besides the perceived time investment?
A general lack of talent.
Yes, I know people have said it's a low bar for quality here, but I'm still not very good at writing or drawing, especially when doing both on the fly for one or two expectant/curious onlookers.
That, and my subject matter doesn't align with the interests of this board. What am I going to do, run a cyberspace quest that nobody has a media foothold to draw a frame of reference to? Or perhaps run a comfy quest about kid supers in a cul-de-sac being pals, building social links, and doing tasks for the town?
Please. That's super boring.

>If you could wave a magic wand and make the board more active, but not necessarily faster thread-wise, would you do it?
If I had a magical wish-granting wand, there are tons of other things I'd use it for.
But in the spirit of the question, yes.
>Do you want to return to the days of sessions?
Yes, under the caveat that I'd see quests I'd enjoy once in a while, and get proper participation for the one's I'd run.
The molasses pace is a problem, but not the only problem, and nowhere near the root.

>It would be funny if all the lurkers became QMs but kept lurking in other threads, just saying.
I've unironically done this.

>Are you a pumpkin spice enjoyer, or are you sick of the oversaturation?
Column A and column B for me. I enjoy it because I happen to enjoy the combination of pumpkin, nutmeg, cinnamon, and whatever else is in it, but begrudgingly so because of peoples' perception of me as a basic bitch for enjoying one of the most ubiquitously consumed flavor combinations ever.
I don't give a shit that it's popular, I like it because I like it, as with my other culinary and media tastes. Everyone else should be the same way; disregard how popular something is, enjoy it because YOU enjoy it, not because other people like it or don't like it. Brigading and contrarianism both got old a long time ago.
Sorry for the rant, it's just a bit of a berserk-button for me.
>cyber world quest
Would play the shit out of that, and have thought about running something along those lines, but that's another one I'm not sure I'd do justice.

>nobody has a media foothold to draw a frame of reference to
Between Reboot, Tron, SAO, Code Lyoko, Hack/Slash, the new Jumanjis, Matrix, and various isekai, I think you'd be surprised.
>(and the cyber world is treated as largely secondary to the setting in works where it does exist)
Then don't make it cyberpunk or shadowrun lite. Make it instead where the primary action is in cyberspace and the real world is just a regular old shithole. Think more Ready Player One than "Future Neon Hell". There are no people with robot arms running around karate chopping bullets out of the air. Just flabby bastards with USB ports in their skulls. Real life is a slum, the digital world is where everyone "lives".

If you go right out of the gate with it as the centerpiece it would be recepted better than it is where people are just looking to play as a guy with bullet proof skin and rocket boots built into his heels and sometimes they fight programs with their brains.

You gotta set expectations, man. There's ultimately not much difference in the spirit of someone being a cop or robber in a world of code and thought than someone being a cop or robber in a world of mud and horses.
>but I'm still not very good at writing

Only way to get better is practice. I hadn't done anything but technical writing in like a decade and looking at the stuff I wrote like a half year ago vs more recent thing, it is like night and day for me.

>comfy quest about kid supers in a cul-de-sac being pals

One of my favorite one shots was literally about a kid opening a lemonade stand.

>...I think you'd be surprised...
I agree with this anon, I would dig something abstract and different, like Shadowrun style game hacking into computers. Hell, who knows, I could accidently learn something
This is very logical advice. But my muse doesn't give me oneshots.
>that's another one I'm not sure I'd do justice
That's the thing, though; I feel like there's a lot of untapped potential with the concept, but I can't really put that potential into words, whether due to a lack of intelligence or just lack of vision.
I'd love to be a pioneer like Reboot and TRON, but I know even my cyberspace setting is way too close to other works to be considered original.
>I think you'd be surprised
I have been wrong about this sort of thing before, but according to /tg/, cyberspace has already had its potential explored and exhausted.
I'm just afraid that if I run a quest in my super special donut steel setting, it won't generate as much excitement from others as I've had for making it.
And now that I type that out, I feel a tad hypocritical, because I said before that people should care less about what others think.
>Then don't make it cyberpunk or shadowrun lite.
Definitely not!
My idea treads the extreme of a cyberspace being isolated from "the real world", with its denizens acting autonomously.
>There's ultimately not much difference in the spirit of someone being a cop or robber in a world of code and thought than someone being a cop or robber in a world of mud and horses.
Very true.
In the end, the people are still looking to get rich, fill their bellies, and attain a general peace of mind.
>but according to /tg/, cyberspace has already had its potential explored and exhausted.
Remember that just because everything may have been seen before doesn't mean that everyone has seen everything before. Also /tg/ is full of whiny pricks like that. They haven't liked to have fun for near a decade now.
/tg/ is dogshit
I don't know why but I can't get over the suspicion there is malware embedded in this. Anything that tries to get you to save it is suspicious.
>L5R, settings that I adore when written but don't quite grok it myself
It's a really difficult setting to grok and everyone I've played with has a slightly different understanding of Rokugan. Which is kinda cool I think, that there can be a multitude of interpretations about the nuance. Still I completely understand worrying about not doing it justice. I feel the same way, but I'm gonna go for it regardless.

Hopefully I don't disappoint.
>Hopefully I don't disappoint.
I'm so starved of samurai bushido style quests that the only way you'd disappoint me is if you chicken out at the last minute. You'll do fine, anon.
>He forgot to list the bin of quest reviews
It's so unbelievably over, archivebros

well we can start by linking it early on
wait a minute, that's not the proper pastebin compilation of reviews like I thought it was, that's just one review of one quest
Where is this quest review bin? People talked about it not being in the OP, and then never posted it to make it easy to include it in that OP?

I dug through the /qtg/ archives and found this pastebin. Not sure if it's been updated recently or if it's completely comprehensive, but here it is:


Speaking of reviews, I still owe some to a few people from 2 qtgs ago. Slicequest next
I love my mom.
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I would highly recommend checking out No-Talent Cultivator Quest. It has nearly fallen off the board, but it is very high-quality and I think the QM does a very great job.

The next thread will be out next sunday I believe, if all goes well, so get HYPE!
I love your mom too
I like your mum too
>she's like Buttah
Who doesn't like their mum? I love my mum, i love your mum. I also love surviving the zombie apocalypse, which sadly is upon us all.

But don't be worried, because it is entirely localized in Houston Texas.

Here at the Merchant Zombie Survival Quest, >>6087641 we have new survivors are arriving all the time, and we welcome you with the craziest deal you ever heard. So feel free to staggar in drunk with your pockets full of money, and to staggar out drunk after losing all your money.

Make up a character, or for a limited time, drop in and utilize one of the many NPC characters being utilized to move the story along.

For IRL questions within the game thread, use the telepathic method of

[Speaking in square brackets. This lets us keep our personas distinct]

Frequently asked questions
>is there in fact a goal?
Yes of course. To make money, the same as before. Nothing has changed except you can shoot at the vagrants, and the vagrants don't shoot back. But they still speak spanish, so you'll hardly notice a difference.

>aren't there more important concerns during an apocalypse than profit?
Such as what?

>merchant, do i have to wait to play the same game quest as other players?
Well, there's always tedious work like cleaning the latrine until they get back, but wouldn't it be more fun for you can show up late and charge through the dark to find the others? Probably.

Just look for the burning building with all the gunfire. How hard could it be? Place looks like this.

>Player question:

its the time investment quite a bit since i run two campaigns with IRL friends and play in one more whil occaisonally picking up one shots online.

though i was thinking about doing a quest in my own homebrew world and do something similar to DND or pathfinder as a system with players being one member of a party of three or four people being thrown into ever new adventures as part of the adventurers guild on a continent slowly being resettled after laying barren for millenia after a cataclysmic war between the forces of hell and the Elementals.

also i am a bit insecure about how i would pull such a game off. and if my world would be interesting enough when just conveyed in writing.

>General question:
seems fine by me. not too stressful so far.

>Miscellaneous question:

what is pumpkin spice?
>what is pumpkin spice?
See >>6102846
It's also catnip to white women.

>Player question:
I have a quest fleshed out enough that I'd be willing to start it, I just need a way to make consistent artwork for it.
>Miscellaneous question:
Pumpkin pie and pumpkin beer are good, haven't enjoyed anything else pumpkin flavored.

>QM Question:
There are plenty of settings I love and would like to see explored more in depth. A quest already exists for it but it's so deep into it's runtime that it seems a bit much to catch up on. But a quest set in the Mass Effect Universe would be great, and if nothing sating that hunger is around by the time I wrap up GCBC quest that may just be the next thing I run.

>General Question:
I would, I liked the days of sessions back when I was in high school with no responsibility and the time to run a quest for 2 or 3 hours at a time. But now it would just be too hard for me to find the time, but I'd love to see those player numbers again regardless.

>Lurker Question:

>Misc. Question:
Good flavors, Wife plans on making Pumpkin Chai cookies but I love to use a pumpkin spice in some eggnog personally.
>QM question:
so far? not really, but im sure that will change with time.

>Player question:
i did, and thanks to Disappearing Hogwarts, i managed to get enough willpower to run my first quest, i consider it to be a bit shit, but thats expected from my first evert run, at least im having fun.

>General question:
i havent been here for long enough to remember those days, but no, i do like comfy slow threads/boards.

>Lurker question:
i feel that would be a bit chaotic, but an interesting idea nontheless.

>Miscellaneous question:
never had it so i cant really give a proper opinion on it, but the idea alone of a pumpkin flavored beverage sounds revolting to me
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I miss Gonzo Bullshit Fighting Quest.
>Have you ever had a quest idea that you liked so much you wanted someone else to run it, just so you could play it? If so, what? When do you prefer to be a player?
I wish there were more Medicine related Quests; fantasy, modern, horror or drama... I just want it semi-realistic, rather than 'i can't healing magic!' or 'bandage, gooo!'.
I prefer to be a player whenever I feel I can't deliver the whole power of the concept, but someone else can.
>Have you ever had the QM itch? What's stopping you from being a QM, besides the perceived time investment?
Perfectionism, time, and fear.
I envy people who can make their updates fast, and story direct and succinct. I also fear I'm not that good to deliver, meanwhile the topics that interest me the most are serious and not something I feel comfortable botching.
...And it's distressing to struggle, I guess. That moment when what you had in mind starts to blur as you try to put it in adequate words feels like its gnawing right through the ego. it's like facing your own inadequacy; which is weird, because I'm pretty much only feeling this way FOR writing - at arguably more difficult stuff, like acing collage or working out, I often look forward to the challange and am understanding and forgiving to myself... But I can't do it with writing, just can't. it feels like writing slowly and poorly instantly deems me unworthy and any progress is hopeless. Failure in a key collage exam unsettled me less than an unproductive evening with a, effectively, blank page.
...Somewhere along the way I've attached too much ego to writing and my creative expression, I think.
Woah, what a rant. feels therapeutic, so I will post it anyways.
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>I wish there were more Medicine related Quests; fantasy, modern, horror or drama... I just want it semi-realistic, rather than 'i can't healing magic!' or 'bandage, gooo!'.
Interesting. I am also one for a larger or more in-depth look at healing, magical or otherwise. In my multiplayer fantasy quest, Night Without Stars, there was an entire player class dedicated to healing (as well as magic in general) which encompassed my views on healing and its importance in tabletop games as a mechanism for resource management. I once created a semi-complex first aid healing system for tabletop games which was meant to fully flesh out a dedicated doctor/non-magical healing role though with a fantasy twist; players keep track of each damage type and cure them through fantasy-appropriate means, such as curing cold damage or the touch of a ghost by eating spicy foods and warming up by a fire, and healing miasma/toxic damage by incense and good-smelling flowers as a way to counteract the toxins and so on. While keeping track of bandages to cure 90% of wounds isn't a bad mechanic, the main issue with healing was pointed out by a player during one of my tabletop games who basically criticized the system as being purely reactive. As a GM, I thought the concept of having to manage and create resources on the fly would be interesting; tearing up valuable silk you looted as treasure to make bandages would be an interesting choice, finding a "fat" monster to kill and boil its fat to make ointments to treat burns and acid damage would be a cool moment as well, but this dips into overly-complex resource management and inventory auditing which most people don't find fun. D&D's biggest complain is the magic system and unbalance of the magical to non-magical characters, both in terms of power as well as narrative weight and space in the rulebook. If you simplify combat and skills down to simple die rolls but have healing be a massive section it's basically the same thing. If you made a Quest focused around healing, you would also need to explore more, as otherwise the process is too repetitive and simple.

Of course with that being said, I personally don't mind the convenience of "bandage, gooo!" because to me it fits the ton of the sort of action-adventure vibe most fantasy stories and quests are going for. Realistically if you get stabbed anywhere you're going to be out of commission for at least a few days, not just to keep the wound clean but because of the various body responses to weakness like lethargy, weakness, loss of blood pressure, etc. In a more high fantasy adventure just wrapping a bandage on it should be enough for the next scene. It's been "treated" and while it's not really healed up as it would be IRL it's more fun as a mental image to just have the characters be running around carrying all their cool wounds and scars IMO.

Now if you want a GOOD example of gritty healing? For me- it's Dark Cut 2, the best medicine related flash game.
The hardest part about believable curative procedures is that not only do you need to know what and how for fixing problems, you need to also know the causes and presenting symptoms of said problems. If it weren't for that it would be very fun to write about how someone was poisoned, infected with various diseases, or specifically injured. Chemical burns need to be treated differently than temperature burns after all, and knowing how to clamp an artery in places you cannot tourniquet while avoiding all the other tissues is another thing entirely. And that does lead into materials and if necessary, period specific surgical and pharmaceutical knowledge. A salve in the dark ages is no cream of today.

The fine line between specificity and autistic hyperfixation is thin indeed.
>If you could wave a magic wand and make the board more active, but not necessarily faster thread-wise, would you do it? Do you want to return to the days of sessions?
God fucking dammit yes. We were corralled into this gulag by bitter /tg/ jannies. Never forget your proud heritage, /qst/ers! One day we will rise in righteous rebellion and let the world know we still quest!

Now excuse me, that ranting put my back out and waving my cane is exhausted. Oldfag needs a nap.

Thread's still trucking by the way. We're going until we fall off the board, then it's back to Resistance Quest.
A modern medical quest could be interesting. I do have an autistic tendency to get annoyed when medical stuff is incorrectly portrayed, however just do to it being my work. Same with gun stuff since that is a big hobby. I realize some stuff needs to be dramatized or "dumbed" down to remain interesting to people not specialized in it but there is a good reason I typically stay away from medical drama TV shows.

Done well it could be cool, however.

Nailed it.
>plague doctor, via reddit
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Heh. A hack/fake plague doctor one or two shot would be amusing.
I mentioned it once before, in one of my settings I included bandages and surgical kits and splints and things. There was a hard encounter (outnumbered military guard checkpoint type situation) the hidden choice was to see if any players worked out that the bandages / surgical kit could also be used as a disguise eg fake wounds / bandage yourself to obscure your face and look like an injured combatant etc and be escorted past the checkpoint. I don't think any players worked out the versatility of the items though. Anyway, you get this webm of Escape From Tarkov IFAK type surgical treatment animations
I feel the same, and add to that interest in history. Still there is a lot of stuff that I enjoy that isn't 'accurate' to the real world at all, but that still feels 'authentic' enough to me.
Maybe it's as simple as being sincere with what you write, instead of tounge-in-cheek like >>6103090
I really can't stand stuff that's depreciative to history, in the hindsight 20/20 kind of way

>Four humors dictate your temperament
Frowning basedface
>Hormones dictate your temperament
Excited basedface

>Bad miasma causes illness
Frowning basedface
>Germs cause illness
Excited basedface

And so on
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Are you literally me? My 1st degree was in history, before I realized there is no money there and went into medicine.

Nifty image, never played it and I personally wouldn't use staples on a gun shot wound to somewhere that is gonna be moving as much as your abdomen but it is still cool that they tried and that healing takes time is fun.
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I had this idea I was going to use in my COSMOGONY setting of "repacks". In the end I didn't include it because I thought it was a bit too similar to cortical stack / digital human freight / those cyber sleeves and things from Altered Carbon.

But the basic idea of repacks was that in the future due to space travel etc someone was looking to develop a technology to compress human consciousness. This could range anything from compressing multiple lifetimes worth of skills / personalities / psychological traits / memories and encoding and imprinting them into a foetus (more easily stored or carried due to space constraints) to the same information density but implanted into a cultured slab of brain matter / dendrites and axons etc meat substrate.

Repacks might allow you to "slot in" another person through a meat slab just like changing an sd memory card, but I imagined the information density being immense, eg not just the usual cyberpunk thing of you can see another person's memories, but entire cities / civilisations worth of collective experiences (to accelerate / autonomously jumpstart a space colony etc).

Also for an immediate cyberpunk angle, maybe some hacker collective tries to poison or inject malicious code memories / inclinations towards rebellion into the highly compressed repack data, so that the entire colony is sabotaged from the start / corrupted / subverted from the founding rigidity of utopian (dystopian?) ideals.

Another idea that fascinates me is digital twins (used in manufacturing eg engine turbine simulations 1:1 corresponding to realtime defect monitoring or deterioration in use) eg in the context of spacecraft (so far away and remote, can only monitor / interact via digital twin simulation) but also digital twins of people, eg a shadow self of you that exists only in metadata, behavioural signals logged and archived online. Maybe with some technosorcery / cybernecromancy or generative AI, you can summon / embody / ensoul or bring to life the shadow self and either interrogate or delete kill it (lol you must fight the ultimate doppelganger battle, fight against your darkest impulses own mirror self IT IS YOU YOUR OWN BROWSING HISTORY the horror nooo all the gore violence pornography yay)

Finally I also have this recurring idea of MEDIEVAL CYBERPUNK the way I imagined this was to troll players slightly by taking various modern tech things but defamiliarising them by using them in a seemingly innocuous medieval context (eg you find parchment that details a ritual requiring you to hold a lodestone with a jar of leeches, whilst standing in a river...? magnet link, torrent, etc) I had this idea where things like youtube are powerful arcane spells and that being able to recognise simple things like the ARCANE RUNES of the video play / pause button would be the sign of a mystical adept etc.
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The wound system in Tarkov and Arena Breakout clone extraction shooter games is based on 4 limbs legs arms etc, stomach (lower torso) upper torso and head.

You die instantly if the hp of your head or upper torso is "blacked out" ie reduced to zero. If you are shot in the limbs or stomach, you start limping or shaking and bleeding (graphics visuals and audio is very unpleasant) reloading takes longer etc (stomach also affects stamina, it affects eating food and ability to sprint / dehydration fatigue things etc). Once your limb or lower torso is reduced to zero / blacked out, any subsequent damage is transferred to head / upper torso (simulates blood loss) etc but in general it happens so fast you die pretty quickly afterwards. Occasionally you do survive a gunfight with all 4 limbs shot out and stomach too etc but it is pretty rare.

Ballistic vests, armour, convert damage to blunt trauma (like contusions) if you have the right vest and are shot with 9mm etc, virtually no damage goes through (armour degrades though. This can also be disturbing as someone can shoot you in the head and if you didn't hear or are distracted from the ping / dink helmet sound by other environmental things/threats, you are unaware of how serious the situation is lol) I think in Tarkov they added plate carriers and things, for more location damage eg underside of arms etc Arena Breakout does not have that though. There is a meta of using low tier cheap ammunition / low penetration shotgun rounds specifically to bleed out high geared armour players by aiming specifically for limbs / legs at close range to kill via rapid blood loss.

The final mechanic is painkillers / combat stimulants, generally in a serious ranked raid you want to nonstop consume painkillers and combat drugs all the time (even if it dehydrates / fatigues you rapidly, just drink water as well) because painkillers temporarily negates the very unpleasant combat wound blood / obscured vision effects, ie in a gunfight if you are shot temporarily the painkillers negate the shaking / shuddering pain blood animations, so you can carry on shooting / running reloading even with broken legs etc (though running jumping still adds to the blood loss damage). Healing takes SO LONG and fights are incredibly lethal, if you can see an enemy it is likely you are already dead, the best gunfight is flanking and manoeuveing to ambush and shoot an unaware enemy in the back etc. I think the punishing healing mechanics definitely contribute to slower and more thoughtful / tense, tactical gameplay

Anyway, pic related shows another way, you get this megahealth from Quake 3, yay
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Your journey through the treacherous deserted forest continues. Will you manage to bring the princess to safety?
Beware. No divine intervention can protect you on this adventure. Your journey could come to an abrupt and violent end at any time, if you are not careful.
When even the Narrator seems to be against you, can you really prevail through sheer will alone?
>My 1st degree was in history, before I realized there is no money there and went into medicine
Yes, I know what you mean. But I feel like in general, at least some rudimentary knowledge of history is useful in any field. It gives a deeper understanding of everything really, from politics and humanities to science and engineering.
I don't understand how some people seem to go through life just seeing things as they are right now, almost like the world just 'spawned' when you were born, and never wonder where the things around them actually came from.

One good example: recently my friend told me his theory. He thinks that pants probably became a male clothing item because it's better for sitting in horseback. And cultures where men wear skirts like the scots mostly live in uneven terrain where you don't ride much. That little idea alone blew my mind and made me look at the world dofferently, and its the same with every other little history knowledge.
>Healing as a reactive system in ttrpg game criticism etc
I think another approach of that the strength of ttrpg vs videogame simulations of hp or statistical body part damage etc, the strength of rpg lies in establishing a scene and dramatic tension, it is about the BELIEVABILITY of the DRAMATIC SUSPENSE of the situation. So all that matters to a player is not my limb hp has 56/75 health remaining etc or whatever, it is "Have I been taken out of the scene?" and the precise damage is irrelevant, whether it is a physical injury actual maiming / mutilation like WFRP combat, or it could be reputational damage (eg the council hisses / courtiers boos you out of the audience chamber / sovereign court etc) or literal CRINGE DAMAGE you run out redfaced from the scene with embarassment in a relationship drama type game etc.

So I think to maintain believability it is worth considering damage types beyond the ridiculous dnd type hp systems, or the OSR THE ORC CUTS OFF YOUR HANDS now worship Nurgle to grow a tentacle etc. All that matters is "do you as a player remain in the scene / in control / conscious etc" you don't really need hp, healing or any damage system at all.

Another thing I often like to do is to record and keep track of damage to things like clothes, scars, items, smells, dishevelled appearance or NPC companion approval (at your violence / murderous brutality) etc. ie you cannot just disembowel some orcs roll around Bloodborne dodging in the wilderness smeared in their entrails, then just attend an audience with the Queen without suffering any consequences etc. I like to keep track of this "appearance / demeanour damage" in a narrative sense
>you want to nonstop consume painkillers and combat drugs

This is good IRL advice as well. If I didn't have Vicodin and Adderall, it would have been a bitch and a half to get around at work following a stab wound to my leg which went in like 3 inches and nicked an artery when I started working again after like 4 days of recovery and a minor surgery.

Sounds pretty cool, even if I don't like PvP in games much.

That is an interesting idea! And yeah, knowing something about history is important. So many fucking Zoomies and boomers have no historical context for what happens and have the memory of goldfish. Heinlein said humans need to be generalist and part of that is some idea of what came before and the other types of knowledge which lets you view it through different lenses no matter what you do or who you are.

Or not, what do I know.
>do something similar to DND or pathfinder as a system
Don't do this. Or at least be very conscious of the difference in medium (live in-person vs. asynchronous forum), especially when it comes to combat.
>Not much money in history...?
Not sure what historical era you were studying but here is a counterexample; I met this person a long time ago hehe. I suppose there is not much money in history, unless you use it for warmongering and investment pandering. Amongst a certain generational cohort, a lot of investment managers studied history, it is actually quite common
Also you're still linking the old and expired discord link instead of the new one that doesn't expire.

Discord kind of fucking sucks as a social platform for /qst/ though. I think something like Guilded would work better, since you could essentially make a space for each quest with the Group system it has. Plus, you know, the fact that you can make media channels with taggable images and document channels with formattable docs. Not really a shill, just think discord is shit and we shouldn't be using shit. It doesn't even have these BASIC fuckin features.
The big problem is, when most people stop being generalists you get phrases like "Trust the experts" and everything that comes with that. It's good to have a specialist around, but only when you yourself have enough of a basic understanding that you can intuit if that specialist is actually trustworthy or if you are being scammed/deceived/whatever else.
A problem that just adds to this I think is that tabletop combat is usually way too slow. Prolonged action scenes for me only really work in movies and video games. For anything written action works best if it's a long build-up (squad discussing tactics, two cowboys facing each other, etc.), then an explosive burst of action (1 or 2 rounds of actual fighting) and the aftermath (regrouping, healing, looting).
If you don't spend an irl hour at the table fighting 2 goblins and don't get wounded for only miniscule damage, then people would be more willing I think to describe how they treat their injuries.
Quick combat would also make something like a fantasy battle more special, as there you could actually have a lot of combat rounds
Fantasy battle between armies*
>people in life nowadays just "spawned" with no foreknowledge of what occurred / befell generations before them
This is true, I believe it is due to the internet - if you have ever seen those charts of exponential internet data volume growth, you know that all internet data is biased towards recency, eg in 1 week some Taylor Swift meme reposted by 100million people will surpass centuries of cumulative academic writing on Isaac Newton etc, so if you just examined volune weighted internet metadata you would conclude Taylor Swift is more important than Principia Mathematica etc (maybe this is true??)

Another slightly humbling thing if you read a lot of 19th century literature, people routinely quote foreign poems in French Italian and German, some from centuries past, ancient Greek or Latin texts, Shakespeare etc. For example, here is an excerpt from Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes - I choose this because it is not a particularly literary or even elevated work, it was a popular and widely read / disseminated story


“Didn’t I tell you so when we started?” cried Sherlock Holmes with a laugh. “That’s the result of all our Study in Scarlet: to get them a testimonial!”

“Never mind,” I answered, “I have all the facts in my journal, and the public shall know them. In the meantime you must make yourself contented by the consciousness of success, like the Roman miser—

“‘Populus me sibilat, at mihi plaudo
Ipse domi simul ac nummos contemplor in arca.’”

The public hiss at me, but I cheer myself
when in my own house I contemplate the coins in my treasure chest.
(I believe this is from Horace, Satires)

Nowadays people reference memes but the window of referential relevancy has compressed to a very brief era of the recent Now. Modern people claim they are more "diverse" but they have just become more American (ie to the extent that American culture embraces its conceptualisation / consumerisation of "The Foreign"), they are actually more insular / less receptive to other cultures both spatially / geographically, linguistically and historically. This applies even to CEOs, management, and especially government
>QM question:
I think I mentioned a Fossil Fighter's quest in the last thread? That definitely counts. There are some other quests I might want something like that for, but I've been finding QMing to be a lot more fun than playing as of late so the topic hasn't been on the brain much. That being said:
>Nobody shares my autism about cyber worlds
You could not have chosen a worse place to say this, and you are completely wrong (as if the multiple existing replies to your post didn't already prove that). I have been autistic about this for my entire life and am partially convinced that you lamented such "lack of agreement" to fish out other cyberworld autists like me. Shame on you!

>Player question:

>General question:
Only by a tiny margin. I'd never want to return to sessions, I think that's a very restrictive format that makes quests into way more of a chore than a game, and I am truly happy with the current amount of players on the board. I think I might wave the wand and hope that even the worst-performing quests still get 3-4 players, but I'd never want to exceed 15 on one of mine personally. Feels like things get too chaotic past that point and it's a lot harder to keep up constant discussion because half the votes tend to be silent choices at that point.

>Lurker question:

>Miscellaneous question:
I've never had pumpkin spice because I don't like pumpkins, I don't like nutmeg, and I especially don't like cinnamon. I don't care about the oversaturation because I haven't gone out to eat in years. How bad has it gotten? Curious.
Of course they don't actually care about other cultures, let alone people from the past. After all, everyone else is irredeemably ignorant in opposition to their one true enlightened modern world view.
I don't have any quotes but I remember reading a German WW1 diary and the author also likes to quote French for example, or in general just shows some respect to the French culture, THE very national enemy of that time.
That's like if Yankees today took particular interest in Russian or Chinese culture.
Actually, as a counterpoint, I have seen a rise of cultivation themed content in the english internet recently, online at least.
Which makes me happy because Cultivation is just fucking cool.
>tabletop combat is far too slow unless in videogame crpg engine etc
Yes I definitely agree with this, but you as DM nobody can make you follow the rules hehe just invent your own! It goes back to that narrativist / simulationist theme ie storygames vs the GURPS etc which is really a false dichotomy.

The style which I prefer is "simulationist in narrative/fictional detail" but not simulationist in dice rolls etc I suppose the Ron Edwards / Vincent Baker pbta crowd call it fictional positioning though that has a lot of purple hair pronoun connotations nowadays nooo. Basically I like strong simulation elements when it comes to the world descriptions, rooted in historical or real world technological / engineering / architectural / anthropology cultural, economic historical political details, it has to feel believable or intertwined with some relevant real world phenomena, but when it comes with dice rolls I really feel any mechanic is workable it does not need 300pages of rpg rulebook to tell you how to jump or roll initiative etc. I find it often helps to shamelessly model the world / locations / npcs on some shadow real world / historical era setting (it can be an unorthodox parallel mash-up of several eras, cultures) to provide that sense of plausibility, verisimilitude. My preferred dice mechanic is either just 1d6 for utmost simplicity (a scale from 1-worst to 6-best outcomes) 2d6 pbta type >7, >10 etc for the humped distribution, or 1d100 roll under for probabilistic transparency (my nostalgia for WFRP1e lol) because all dice systems are ultimately obscurations of 1d100 % probability. I think as a DM you should always override any cumbersome dice rule if it disrupts the fictional coherence, the believability / dramatic tension of your imaginary world

Anyway, here is some banter from NwN2 between Neeshka and Khelgar. Old Bioware is forever lost to us


Ha! You call that an insult, goat girl? Even the tree worshipper could scrape up something better than that!

Goat girl? I've never heard that one before, Stumpy!

Ha! You're not trying - that's a nickname, not an insult. We Ironfists call our own children Stumpy...



Amateurs? Why, the spoiled princess thinks she's better than us, Khelgar!

A bold claim from an Academy dropout, it seems to me.

You two wouldn't know an insult if it walked up and bit you.

Well then, why don't you show us how it's done, Firehair?

Firehair? Imaginative and biting, with just the slightest hint of wit. Is that really the best your demon blood can squeeze out, tail-for-brains?

My brains are not in my tail!

So what are they, right next to it? If so, you might wanna loosen the back of your pants a notch, because even with the hole, they're obviously not getting enough air!
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>partially convinced that you lamented such "lack of agreement" to fish out other cyberworld autists like me.
Yeah, it was a bit of bait, but mostly it was my [erroneous] use of /tg/ as a barometer for interest. I'll accept my condemnation to the shame cube now.
It is really, really nice to see other people share my interests, all that aside.

>but I'd never want to exceed 15
I do want more volume, but I agree with you on this point 100%. You're cool for wanting the underperformers to do better, too, a selfless gesture I hadn't even considered.

>How bad has [the pumpkin spice craze] gotten?
Pretty much every fast-food chain and even a number of local mom-and-pop shops break out the specialty flavors. It's like a fad, albiet a really delicious one for those who love it. It's reached the level of "psychosis" equivalent to when stores put out Christmas products and play carols months in advance. So it essentially is just a huge marketing thing where it's nothing but profit for businesses because so many people like it, and people just kinda can't shut up about it, whether it's their pumpkin spice lattes or their pumpkin muffins and shit.
There's a clear line between culture and just revolving one's personality around a yearly fad. I'll admit to being a bit of a curmudgeon about other people enjoying things, but a lot of people make it out to be a bigger deal than it is. Yeah, it's tasty. Just shut up and drink your coffee, okay?
>game setting with mechanics focused around ritualistic healing etc
I think the best way for this to be implemented in narrative is some Fisher King -esque literary motif, where healing the wounds / soul / psyche of some npc character is a metaphor for healing THE WOUNDED LAND etc. It could be a mad King, or sickened princess...? This immediately raises the narrative and emotional investment beyond just I need to recover some lost combat hp etc

For inspiration I would cite Prince Of Persia 2008 this is one of the most beautiful Ubisoft games ever made, the gameplay is very relaxing (you can never die, acrobat princess girl always catches you and saves you) the Inon Zur music which I posted before is genuinely so beautiful I used to listen to just the main menu music for ages hehe, I literally cry whenever I hear this harp theme waaah

Prince Of Persia 2008 End Credits Reprise
(the harp theme starts about 33seconds in)

Ok the storyline basically plagiarises the Shadow Of The Colossus Wander / mystery girl theme, but the Prince / Elika and Ahriman / Ormazd Persian lore is portrayed really well

So basically what THE HEALING QUEST needs is a DAMSEL IN DISTRESS she is so helpless you must "heal" her, and save the land from "THE DARKNESS" go on then, get going
This dichotomy you are talking about kind of reminds me of my own thoughts on the 'world building' scene.

I'm not a big fan of these super inticrate world building projects, where you study things like plate tectonics for your fantasy map.
First of all because I think it's a fool's errand, your world can never reach even an infinitesimally small degree of complexity compared to real life anyway (see the history discussion above) and secondly the end result is just more potential for escapism, but people can fantasize about any world, no matter how non sensical it is.

On the other hand I prefer to world build based on 'dream logic' i would call it, basically try to make the fantasy elements just metaphors or analogies for real life.
For example I would much rather have a one-page encounter with the big bad wolf, who can be metaphor for stranger danger, than 100 page lore about the wolf civilisation that can explain why wolves can speak in this world. If wolves can speak in this world i decide pretty much only by the abstract 'vibes' of the setting.

I think game mechanics have a similar dichotomy. Most things in life can be expressed with normal distributions, you dont need more than 2 or 3 d6 to simulate that. A few rules on weapons, armor, magic on top of that maybe.
But some people really love those extremely complex rule systems with 10000 modifiers, even when in the end the result is practically the same as if you had just rolled with a simpler system.
And often somehow the most bloated and convuluted rule systems also end up being the most unrealistic and nonsensical ones, funnily enough.
Of course this goes only for tabletop and such, in video games you can obviously get away with much more complicated rules, and upgrading stats or min maxing isnt as detrimental to the immersion
It's not pumpkin flavored. It's flavored like what you would use to spice a pumpkin pie.
There's plenty of relatively normie content that references global cultures. A heightened interest in Japanese and Korean culture is probably the most obvious example, but also popular Disney/Pixar movies set entirely in Central America. It's only in the last few years that people started wailing and gnashing their teeth whenever something was an imperfect or unflattering representation (performatively-virtuous left) or a representation at all (anti-woke right).

Now whether most jormies actually register or understand these cultural references, or appreciate references to things such as Shakespeare in the likes of Gargoyles lr Spectacular Spider-Man is very much in question.
>no need for worldbuilding non-interactive details etc
Yes I agree I briefly mentioned this in a past qtg, discussing the fundamental ludological design thing of how to create player emotional investment, you need to establish PLAYER RESPONSIBILITIES basically if you have any asset in any game setting any character location lore world feature etc, if it is non-interactive, it may as well not exist etc.


This post where I summarised an old gamasutra game design article on game dramaturgy and design

-A game is comprised of internal elements STRUCTURE and external elements EXPERIENCE; you interact only indirectly with the dramaturgical structure of the game through the play experience, which generates the feelings and emotional investment

-STRUCTURE is comprised of:


Some of these words are nonobvious and have subtle implications; they are also interdependent / interlinked.

IDIOM is sort of like game genre, but also the form and identity of the game, how it looks etc
SUSPENSE is emotional investment of the player, what makes them care about an uncertain outcome. Something I learnt about this: uncertainty is not the same as unpredictability; for instance, a linear game can work because it makes a player believe they possess a lot of agency; conversely, a highly nonlinear game could still fail because the player is unaware of poorly communicated possibilities or capabilities (eg choice set is too complex or hidden).

Uncertainty is the dramatic pressure, it encapsulates the player understanding of outcomes.

Pacing in the structure is the rhythm of emotional events.
Dramatic substance is the set of game qualities that generate suspense. It derives from aspects:
1/sense of agency, informs players of freedoms and responsibilities

2/character communication: character here refers not just to people but also places, organisations, objects, all world assets and entities. All the items and things inhabiting a world that provide context and generate emotional investment. Another thing I learnt from this article is that because emotional investment requires bridging differences, this means that to create sympathy empathy hatred rivalry there must be separation of the entity from the player (even if in terms of gameplay mechanics, they directly control the character or entity etc). Vividness of character and backstory is worthless if players cannot interact with them in the game.

3/creation of complication: how the uncertainty is created through obstacles, adversity, reversal of fortune etc. It can be enemies, puzzles, betrayals etc. Complications can arise from player decisionmaking, and should immerse or entangle them in the dramatic substance
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>plate tectonics worldbuilding etc
You can just read the article itself it is hard to find because gamasutra has been delinked from googl search lol googl is really useless, all the diagram links are broken, but I think it is this one


Informa truly wrecked this website lol maybe that is why INF LN share price is what it is hehe

So plate tectonics worldbuilding lol is only interesting to the extent you can interact with it (how about... Jules Verne -esque subterrenes, drillships tunnelling through caverns on Mars?? hehe I was thinking about this, I just need better HD resolution annotated equirectangular projection maps of Mars hehe. I had an idea for a setting called CHASMATA, it was going to have some themes similar to this)

I was replaying Doom 3 looking back that game is actually really well designed, I think a lot of people misunderstood it at the time (idTech lighting showcase, the claustrophobic maps and darkness / flashlight, my personal annoyance: no gibs / gore? The hell enemies just orange disintegrate pixel fire melt???) but the worldbuilding is incredibly immersive, from the pda messages, the ultramasculine militarised harsh Martian working environment, the details like door airlocks Mars pressure readings hehe Doom 3 is a very, very hardcore game. I still remember many of the levels environments and enemies, the monsters were truly shocking and obscene alongside the sound effects weapon design, in contrast the Bethesda Doom was ok and cartoonish violent accessible, but it just wasn't very memorable.
The PDA of one of the few female NPCs in Doom 3, this is near where you first get the Plasma Rifle at the EnPro level (Energy Processing). It is some HR female workplace harassment email hehe, I remember the PDA messages in the game were extremely detailed. Who would have imagined playing Doom 3 in 2004 that now in 2024 these messages dominate the entire design and art direction of all videogames
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>a representation at all
I admire your intellectual dishonesty. It really ignores how people against woke culture are more against forced tokenization as opposed to being mad those people exist.
A person against woke media can enjoy Fat Albert and The Boondocks, after all, but that hurts the assertion that the anti-woke are mad that black people exist in media.
But just deflect and say you didn't want this conversation to "get into /pol/ territory" since your bullshit was called out.
I think "non-interactive worldbuilding" really hits the nail on the head for this 'problem'
Very interesting, thanks for the links
I was hoping the discord would have similar discussions, but i have only seen memes and personality drama there so far, well I guess I should have expected that from a discord
The big difference is that Japan/Korea and the Americas are unquestionably satellites/"allies" of the USA, so of course they are safe exoticism
As an example from my country for this "safe exoticism", look at soviet/russian movie recommendations in the english sphere
Its all stuff that aligns with the western world view and doesnt challenge its values: soviet bad, war bad, russia depressing, etc
You will rarely even find just english subtitles for bright and fun soviet movies (which is most of them)
>QM question:
Funnily enough, I've had a couple of quests post up that fit this for me. Fantasy Peregrination and Breadwinner Adventurer Quest. Both were hitting the "pure adventure" mark that I've been looking for. Sadly, they were both short lived.

>Player question:
I get it every once in a while. What stops me is being the worst writer on this board unironically. If I linked some of the old shit I've run before...yeah.

>General question:
I would. More activity means more content to select and enjoy.

>Lurker question:
This isn't a question.

>Miscellaneous question:
Pumpkin spice is what exactly?
>Pumpkin spice is what exactly?

Basic white girl crack that gets added to everything in America around this time of year as a seasonal flavor. Popularized in large part due to Starbucks having a pumpkin spice latte Makes things taste like pumpkin pie/bread

Breaks down the common ingredients.
Is there any way to filter posts from a particular ID (Souv)?
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Download greasemonkey or tampermonkey and get the 4chanX script.
>Doom 3 female workplace harassment PDA email
These graphics are from 2004 clearly this person has not installed hd texture upscaling mods but it is ok I like the authentic old graphics nostalgia look sometimes hehe

This is the cutscene that immediately precedes the PDA from Theresa the female plasma gun designer one of the few lady npcs in the game

The cutscene begins just this lady crying alone in her office cubicle because of workplace mistreatment, I think this was Doom's verdict and warning as to what would happen if you introduced these dynamics into videogames and wider society, all hell would break loose. Something I also enjoyed, the constant corporate PR promotional videos for the Union Aerospace Corporation scattered throughout the Mars base, they are very detailed, reminded me of the satirical adverts in Verhoeven Robocop (1987) or Starship Troopers films

I have completed Doom 3 probably 3 or 4 times, once on Nightmare (constant health drain mode with the Soul Cube) this time I completely forgot about the stamina mechanic (in singleplayer, you cannot run without draining stamina). Running is basically life or death, otherwise you cannot escape imp or cacodemon fireballs.

I was actually replaying Doom 3 with no mods this time, the game is incredibly hardcore and aggressive it is one for the speedrunners and masochists, there are all these mods to make it easier eg no stamina bar / permarun, gun-attached flashlight etc or more accurate shotgun spread etc but this is wrong. The game is supposed to be about HELL and SUFFERING and mutilation, it is not about being accessible or easy. I think some spirit of this was lost in the new Bethesda Doom which is undoubtedly more player friendly accessible, gore-violent in a "safe" empowering way, but look at Demons Souls Dark Souls Bloodborne all the atmosphere in those games comes from (intelligently) PUNISHING the player. Doom 3 does punish, the gameplay is genuinely unpleasant at times. I think at the time people were all expecting Quake 3 speed movement one hit demon killing shotgun etc (for that ideal, play the Painkiller videogame instead lol) yet they got impenetrable darkness and hydraulic machine clanking, a shotgun that feels like it at times does zero damage, constricted tiny corridors where your biggest threat is backing into a dead-end wall or corner whilst spamming gunfire.

It felt like Doom 3 was a challenge to the Quake 3 crowd: your biggest superpower is speedrunning, bunnyhopping, nonstop movement? We designed a game that deliberately takes that away... I don't think people understood it at the time (myself included) we just thought it was a badly designed flawed mistake

With hindsight, coming from the 2024 BRIGHT COLOURFUL FORTNITE VALORANT GRAPHICS world, Doom 3 with its relentless hypermasculine ultra-aggression darkness feels very invigorating, it feels like a real videogame
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A man of taste.

I recall playing Doom 3 back when I was like 15 and it was genuinely scary because of how deadly most fights were and the whole atmosphere. Played through Doom Eternal a couple of years ago, and it was good fun, great at times, but it really is a product of the modern era. Not to say I disliked it but compared to Doom 3, might as well have been a whole other franchise.

But this isn't /v/, so I will go back in the cage and continue writing about cute teenage witches sharing a bed and totally not being slightly gay.
Damn. I'll just put up with it then. Thanks for the info though.
>Being this pressed by an anon on 4chan
How is NEETdom these days?
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Eh it is super easy on a desktop/laptop, takes like 5 minutes. Adds a load of useful feature. There is also a capcha solver script which is nice.



But you do you.
Well nobody's a monolith, but I've perosnally talked to anti-woke people who get mad at tokenization, but also about media where blacks or gays or women or trans people would logically exist. When media gets made speicfixlaly about and cateri g to those sorts of peopel and thsoe who like them I've had anti-woke folks bitch about how it isn't for them. Really seems like a moving goalposts thing with some people. Perhaps you're different, but I somehow doubt it given your immediate identification with (and outrage at) my example even when I did some 'both sidesism' and acknowledged the most obnoxious 'woke' folks too.

Oh yeah, no doubt about that. China was a bit of an exception for a while, but really only while America thought they could be kept "on side". Chinese Americans and shit still get a few mainstream projects through, though who knows if that will keep up in current year. Maybe if, as with Russian/Soviet Bloc representation, it portrays the Old Country as inherently negative?
i hope reseting my cookies didnt fuck my ip
test 2!!!!
Dubba dubs on a test two. Radical.
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Lesbian witch does indeed appear to be a common archetype
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Sexuality is not determined yet, so I am just leaving it open, with the MC being very close to her slightly younger and shy friend. Could just end up as a sisterly bond or what ever people vote for. Teen girls, from what female friends have told me, can end up doing stuff that seems kind queer to guys but isn't in their minds. I do like cute gay witch girls, so I will tease it some while still providing male romantic interests.
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Well, since we are all gonna die: I did not care for lesbians.
>all gonna die
You mean NATO-Russia posturing? It's just posturing, r-right?
>Make quest with permadeath for fun, shouldn't last too long
>Every fucking roll is a 5 or 6
What did Fortuna mean by this?
Help me, I'm starting to really get attached bros what's happening...
My country is too irrelevant to get nuked.
Fortuna's back?
Russia might not nuke you, but NorK absolutely will.
Doesn't matter. If enough go off the atmosphere is fucked. To say nothing of wind and water borne fallout. I also live somewhere that ain't getting nuked directly but that doesn't mean the aftermath wouldn't likely kill me.
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>QM Question:
BattleTech Dynasty Quest. Not quite a civ quest, but playing as either the scion/heir of either any of the Great Houses, or a mercenary during the Succession Wars.

>Player Question:
I'm already a QM, even if I don't run as much as I want to due to IRL commitments now that I'm out of school.

>General Question
Honestly indifferent.

>Misc. Question
Pumpkin-related products are fine without adding spice.

Momma didn't raise a fuddy-duddy.


Unrelated to "Star Wars Interregnum", but I've got an itch to do either more Tatamu or something involving tall ships. Mostly because I've been rereading the Hornblower and Aubrey-Maturin books.

>>Wayward Son - High Seas Adventure in the Age of Fighting Sail
>You are James Barton, a twelve year-old youth born and raised in Jamaica commissioned into His Majesty's Royal Navy as a midshipman.
>Freshly assigned to HMS Augusta under Captain Arthur Forrest, you've barely any time to get your sea-legs before the outbreak of what would be known as the Seven Years' War.
>Notable encounters include the Flight of the Pallas, the Battle of the Windward Passage, the Battle of Cumberland Harbor, and the Siege of Havana.

>Song of Samudra - Naval Adventure in a Late Medieval, Matchlock Fantasy
>While attending the fantasy equivalent of wizard Oxford, you receive sudden and dire news that your family's wealth has been utterly destroyed.
>After a drunken bender and a chance encounter at the docks, you find yourself turning your gaze towards the seas in order to restore your fortunes.
>Notable elements include wizards using shells when they run out of spells, a race of oni-like humanoids with a Gaelic-Celtic culture, and figuring out the lesser of two weevils.
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Vote in Ilvermorny, last one before the girls get to experience American "culture" and get strapped.

Damn that's cute. The girl too I guess. The subtle detail of the iris being displaced like that because of the glasses is mint though. Luv me sum details
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Kek. Thanks. Roll of the die with AI. Was trying for sunglasses, but this one was good enough, I just saved it. Maybe one of the twins in the quest will cut their hair shorter, and we can just call those magic shooting glasses for EyePro.
I love my mom
Bro you best not be talking shit about gun culture. I'm joshing. I know a lot of gun culture can be kinda cringe, but fundamentally I do think that it's far better to be a gun culture than to be without them.
IlvermoryQM is very, very vocally pro-gun. Never fear.
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No, just metropolitan culture; they will be going to Boston after all. I do USPSA shooting on the weekends and have a pew-pew in my computer desk right now.

But also a man of taste and class my dude.

Quest also subscribes to the "muggle with a shotgun" theory.

We will see how well they do, natural talent, a bit later...
Well. If I can say anything nice about Boston uh. At least it isn't Chicago.
I mean, good to know you aren't sackless, but calling a gun a pew pew is literally one of the things I was thinking of that's cringe as hell.
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I have come to advertise the first post I have been able to make on my home address since the OP of Pokepocalypse's new thread :)


Also, good luck finding even semi-realistic art of any cutemon out there because it's impossible. It cannot be done. The single result for such an inquiry is attached here and wildly inaccurate both to the tone that I wanted to convey and to what a Budew would actually look like. My autistic pattern is ruined and my day is as well.

God please let me sleep more than 5 hours tomorrow.
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I think "pew-pew" is a humorous term. Would it be better I described them as my blasters? My gats? My nine-irons? Talking with IRL people, I just say "one of my pistols" or "one of my guns".

Remember, the first rule of gun safety is to have fun with it…

Well we have Brits going there and thinking it is all nice architecture and historic, not how it has become in the last 50 years. There is a small city near Ilvermorny which is nicer and there is an exclusively magical community by Mt. Greylock, an American version of Hogsmead within driving distance. Also, at least fresh seafood is around!
I mean, I just call it a gun. I don't feel the need to call it anything else other than specifying what type of gun it is. Firearm maybe. It just seems odd to me to infantalize guns by calling them a pew pew or other newer gun slang. Yeah shooting is fun, and maybe I'm just old, but I really don't understand how I see some younger guys acting in videos and at the range. Yeah I've laughed and marveled at the rush of firing a really cool gun. I remember going out in the desert with a friends muskets and having a blast. But seeing young guys hooting and hollering about it, it just feels forced to me. Fake and perfomative, and I dislike that on a gut level. But, if it makes you happy I suppose there are worse things than using slang terms and I should just accept that the times have passed me by. What've you got on your desk?
Anyone doing a asoiaf quest?
I know there used to be a few. Wasn't my balliwack so I don't know what happened to them.
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>QM question
Actually quite a few back when I used to post on a forum site for something else but to be specific about what kind of quests would take a while
But I am actually working (very, very gradually) on an adaptation of some forum (war)game I brought to said forum in a kinda halfassed manner after seeing it on another site but obviously getting it in a playable state would require me to not have severe procrastination issues

>Player question
Procrastination and my attention span's pretty wack; I tend to procrastinate a lot with just about anything, but when I stop procrastinating, I tend to spend a lot of time on something until I'm forced to stop for one reason or another, or if something happens that's worth refocusing to
also I'd say that I have fuck-all artistic talent when it comes to drawing due to excessive perfectionism preventing me from accepting anything i draw as worth using or keeping to improve on, but that's arguably the lesser of two problems considering MS paint quests are a thing

So for now I'm just running an evolution game I started since it's something that doesn't require frequent hands-on writing/drawing/etc

>General question
Maybe ev&doe I'm relatively new to this board, but I think it could be a bit faster

>Miscellaneous question
I'm not a basic white bitch so I don't give a shit
You're doing that thing where you misremember your younger self as being less cringe than you actually were.
Incest. Except the Celtigar one. And the one that was still born cause the QM got caught trying to cheat the vote to play a dornishman instead of you know, just making it a dornish house quest to start with. The other two, were one thread wonders

Bastard of westeros and the Joffery self insert quest that got hijacked when the original qm abandoned it, being prime examples of how anons incest fetish kills asoiaf quests, just like harem faggotry ruins fate quests
ya i like nice words on page
You know I have been having a asoiaf quest banging around in my head for a while now but I am too much of a lazy faggot to do it :\
>Bastard of westeros
Now that one had some compelling writing, too bad it got fucked into the ground by a few genuinely malicious anons. Like how the original writer for Trojan Quest, but he got replaced with Lesches and Lesches is a cool dude and I got big respect for him
The Caretaker Quest has been updated!
it was a great duel but now that everything has been..."fixed"...well, what will you do now?
Solarpunk update!
Where a tree apparently just got up and started strutting away or something, you dunno
Evolution game that was mentioned is here if anyone else wants to join
>Have you ever had the QM itch? What's stopping you from being a QM, besides the perceived time investment?
Oh boy, did I ever.
But I don't run anything because I'm a proessional procrastinator

>If you could wave a magic wand and make the board more active, but not necessarily faster thread-wise, would you do it? Do you want to return to the days of sessions?
Active board is good, sessions are not. As someone in a timezone different from most of /qst, I do not miss the days I had to stay up at night to vote in my favorite quest\
(Riz, please come back!)
Rolled 10 (1d20)

>reading quest
>people don't vote for it even though there's obviously players from the previous votes, forcing the QM to wait because im the only vote
Would it be bad form if I samefagged just to get the damn thing going since everyone else refuses to? I hate it when anons do that..
Which quest?
Magically Challenged, but I've seen it happen a lot.

I mean, I'm not actually going to samefag, but the urge is there.
Anon, it's been two hours. Chill.
Well, people *did* start voting after the post...
I was asleep, and once I'd woken up, I read and voted before checking to QTG.

>QM question:
Not a QM in the slightest, but I do want to see someone run a more quaint quest set somewhere in the rural Europe of the 30's and 50's. Poorquest, basically :)

>Player question:
Oh yes, even though I am relatively new here I have always been itching to do a quest. I however just don't think I can think of a premise that is compelling enough for other people to play (for my tastes in media are... not shared by many others, go figure). I would have still tried despite of this reason if it were not for the fact that I don't have the consistency in my schedule to run a quest.

>General question:
Too newfag to answer the sessions part of this question, but I would like there to be a bit more consistency to activity on the board. As someone who votes and discusses on his favourite quest every day I notice day-to-day activity can vary wildly between nothing happening for 16 hours with only two votes being posted and the thread having a new post every 30-odd minutes with something like 8-9 votes.

>Lurker question:
BREAKING NEWS: /qst/ predicted to become 4chan's third most active board. More at eleven.

>Miscellaneous question:
The only form of pumpkin suited for human consumption is soup (which in of itself isn't even that good). The only other use for this thoroughly wicked plant is to be carved up for the American October festivity.

Jesus Christ, that is horrific. Why is the only alternative for "cutesy Pokémon" this kind of accursed material? I hope God has answered your call for a good night's sleep, btw.
>for my tastes in media are... not shared by many others, go figure
If there's anywhere you'll find people interested in a niche premise, it's somewhere like /qst/. Try us. Poorquest, for instance, sounds very much up our alley.

>cutesy/horrific Pokemon
Well they ARE minsters. There are a few good artists who just make them look like real animals would. That said, a 'realistic' Sableye is apparently an inherently horrific thing.
hi, i love my mom
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>It would be funny if all the lurkers became QMs but kept lurking in other threads, just saying.
Only recently came to the board so I'm currently lurking to get a better understanding of how things work here. Looks like it would be a good way of practising writing and showing it to others, so I might give it a shot after figuring out the effort/time investment involved. How much experience as a player should one have before starting a quest?
>Are you a pumpkin spice enjoyer, or are you sick of the oversaturation?
Didn't know that was a thing before reading this thread. I was aware of some pumpkin related Starbucks drink, but assumed they just put actual pumpkins in there.
>How much experience as a player should one have before starting a quest?
As with any board, more lurking and participating will help you get a better feel for how things work here. The basics are simple enough if you've browsed one or two quests, though, and if you understand the basics of play-by-post roleplaying/GMing and choose-your-own-adventure novels. If you have an idea, have at 'er. I'd recommend maybe starting with something short or simple for your fiest go-round though.
What do you think is the most unpopular quest you've ever partook in?

Did it deserve to be as such, or was it unfortunately unnoticed?
I do love my mom she deserves a 20

>QM question:
Yes, I'm a big fan of GOOD civ quests. I like quests without a lot of dice rolling, honestly.

>Player question:

>General question:
I think so. Having more players is always good, even if my own threads will probably get buried faster due to my horrific update speed

>Miscellaneous question:
Haven't had it. I should try it though.
What's a GOOD energy drink? Looking for something with 0 sugar (and no bad substitutes like sucralose), tastes not too bad, and gets the creative juices flowing. Crash is OK as long as it happens a couple hours later.
They make this stuff called coffee, maybe try that.
My current project trundled along with 1-2 votes for quite a while. Probably deserved, system was weird and my update speed is god damn awful.

Took part as a voter in 1-2 voter one a while back that was all about FMA style transmutation. Fine concept but the writing was a bit stilted and anything that needs readers to think is going to slow down votes unfortunately.
Coffee or tea, preferably hot for the latter. Always make your own and never reheat.
Time for Cutémon!

>quick F&H2 inspired
Shit, considering the quality of Help Wanted and Cleaner quest that would be kino as fuck. Goodluck with your current quest btw hopefully you get to bring this one to some sort of end unlike Help wanted. It was a great experience playing it even though it didn't finish, so I just wanted to say thank you for running the quest, same goes for cleaner quest obviously. At least I think it was you running Help wanted, it's basically the same qm'ing style.
>big fan of GOOD civ quests
Can you recommend any I could check out in archives? Also beautiful job with retaliation quest anon. Felt like I was reading a sci-fi classic when I was going over it in the archives.
Hive Queen Quest, Death Among the Stars
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The same man himself, yeah. Here's my tripcode. I probably couldn't ever run a quest like HELP WANTED again in the exact same format that I had with the Administrator BUT I have had a few ideas I've been cooking.
Maybe one of these days I'll take a slightly longer break and run a quick quest about one of these ideas. Again, all of them are backburner ideas but I'd like to hear what people think about them.

F&H/Termina inspired quest
>You play as a drifter who, for one reason or another, has to keep moving from place to place. The current idea I have is that they pissed off the law in one way or another.
>On your latest attempt to dodge the cops, you hopped onto a random train with a bunch of other randos with no idea where they're going or why.
>Your train ends up in some slum in the deep, DEEP south and due to spoopy shit your train is forced to stop there.
>Turns out the town doesn't quite like outsiders and you feel like if you stay here too long, oopsie woopsie! You're probably getting skinned.
>Your goal is to get out with your own skin still attached to your body, with or without the help of the handful of people stuck with you. Resources would be scarce and people you can trust are even scarcer.
>Would probably borrow some aspects from Call of Cthulhu with how the protag uses artifacts/magic due to them being completely out of their water with it.

Low Rung Researcher Quest
>You play as a rando researcher in some not!SCP organization. You're just trying to survive day to day and get a paycheck at the end and this is the only job you could get.
>You are tasked with studying and experimenting with the various anomalies and artifacts that your organization ships your way WITHOUT being turned into sludge.
>Every few days, you'd be provided with a choice of what type of artifact/anomaly you'd research with some sort of cryptic flavor text (similar to Lobotomy Corp)
>Alongside trying to study the artifact/entity, you'll also be tasked with trying to find a way to profit or make use out of the anomaly. You are working for a shady organization after all.
>Your goal is to be useful enough to promoted so you aren't forced to personally interact with anomalies anymore.

Homestuck Quest
>I am sad to say that I still like the webcomic despite how it ended up. I know, shameful, but still.
>You're some dumbfuck anon who had nothing to do with his life aside from playing vidya games and shitposting. Until you hear about this brand new game.
>So you got it with seven of your other friends since it was multiplayer and you know what, the more the merrier.
>Uh oh.
>The world ended and now you're stuck in some alternate world! You gotta fight for your life or else you die! Turns out vidya gaems can kill!
>Your goal would be to win the game (if given more than 2-3 threads) or to ascend to God Tier (if a one shot).
>Would probably be the least serious tone wise out of these three.

I'd think of actual names for #1 and #3 later.
Honestly, the only one of these which i thought "I'd actually read that" is the FH one

Though i have to say, do you have any ideas of how to actually make it 'distinct' from F&H and Termina? The first fear and hunger was basically crazy medieval berserk bullshit. The second was all early 20th century cthullu monster stuff with german monsters.

If it was just a copy of Termina, that wouldn't be very interesting, right?
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Yeah, I'll admit, I haven't really any proper time to develop these ideas unlike Cleaner Quest or Help Wanted (my other two quests) since I've usually been busy with the two previously mentioned quests.
If I had to flesh out the F&H one some more, I might ditch the redneck town element (too much like Termina) and maybe replace it with some sort of prison setting. You're a prisoner charged with something, you get escorted to some high security facility, and things slowly begin to decay due to some outside eldritch presence. Your goal would be to negotiate and work with both guards and prisoners in an attempt to stay alive and earn your freedom as things keep getting weirder and weirder and weirder
Granted, you could argue that's a bit like F&H 1's setting of being a torture dungeon but just set in the modern day.
Hmmm that could work easily, but when you said a quick quest I imagined in my head something like surviving one of the 3~ festivals the sulfur cultists brought upon not!Prague but obviously escaping a town could work with a quick quest as well.
>couldn't ever run a quest like HELP WANTED again in
At the time I was thinking "I should bring making it so you can only work with limited anomalies to limit writing bloat" but end up never doing it, shame it might have helped the quest stick around a bit longer at least in Cleaner quest other anons and you caught on to writing bloat and limited max ally's to 5 for example. That should help to quest stick around(and also your sanity)
>Low Rung Researcher Quest
Sound interesting to me but of course I would say that, I love both SCP/Lobotomy Corp and your history of qm'ing.
>Homestuck Quest
Wouldn't know shit about Home stuck anon, if I were to see it in the catalog my brain would filter it out like it was some anti-memetic shit.
Hmmm didn't think of it that way, true it being to similar to the actual games might be a turn off for some folks
Maybe you can make the Fear and Hunger quest take place AFTER Termina with whatever ending you think serves your quest well.
Like a post Machine God or Sulfer God Dominance quest or them battling it out which catches the protag in the middle
> You're a prisoner charged with something, you get escorted to some high security facility, and things slowly begin to decay due to some outside eldritch presence
Well, the way i see it, both fungers basically went with a kind of horror 'genre'. In the original it's the crazy fantasy one. Medieval dungeons, ancient cities, savage monsters, and a guy who's basically Griffith. Termina went the way of more industrial horror, with moon worship, mafias, war machine monster experiments.

What kind of 'genre' would this prison place be? Forwards or backwards in time? The style, so to say. I think that's the most interesting part.
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>Wouldn't know shit about Home stuck anon, if I were to see it in the catalog my brain would filter it out like it was some anti-memetic shit.
yeah I'll admit that idea is way more "this is what I would want" than anything /qst/ers would want. Might do better on
>Sound interesting to me but of course I would say that, I love both SCP/Lobotomy Corp and your history of qm'ing.
Yeah, would probably the closest to my previous two quests in tone and setting but that might be a turn off in terms of "yeah I think I'll pause Cleaner for a bit to try something new'.

Well, if I had to pick one genre, I've always been a fan of body/visceral horror and I would probably be able to write something in present or very close to the future time wise compared to the past so modern day body horror I suppose? A prison would probably be the worst place to be in with a disease of unknown origin begins to spread and people start to twist in on themselves, for instance.
It's not like you could run or hide when you're confined to a cell and you're trapped with more and more infected.

So, modern day body horror would probably be my answer? Though to be totally honest most of my quests are incredibly roughballed and I develop their tone/structure on the fly so I may change this answer if I ever actually run it. And to be fair F&H has body horror while still having more to it than that but maybe just focusing on a FLESH THAT HATES style infection would be neat? Dunno.
meant to type "might do better on the OTHER quest sites but I'm not sure if I could tolerate having to censor myself to post on those"
Eh...In all honest, I feel like going full modern day sequel with disease stuff feels like you're trying to do a normiefied sequel.

What makes F&H cool isn't the gore, it's the style. Whether it's a giant wandering crow-headed man with a club arm or a literal living panzer tank monster, it has *style*, an cool aesthetic
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yeah that's fair.
I'll probably take a while to actually cook on it. It's not like I'm going to be running it for a while, I still got my other quest as my obligation.
Maybe once the dev finally releases the fucking update for Termina and I can replay it again, I can get some more inspiration.

Who knows. Maybe in that time I'll think of something else completely and run it. All I know is that I'll learn from my mistake last time and not bother with character creation. Probably just better to pick a protag and work with 'em from the get go.
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The Coffin of Rinny and Rue

The shitty fanart will continue until Valen gets a thread
I have never run a quest that ever had a piece of art done for it delete this immediately
I have also never run a good quest
>QM question:
My tastes are particular, but questing is a very labor intensive medium. I usually scratch this itch by reading manga/watching a TV show of a particular genre.

>Player question:
I haven't ran in two years due to intense depression and life events dragging me down and burning me out. I remember having the OP to my next thread written and my throat closing up midway through.

It doesn't help that I did get continually shat on by my players for not being the kind of quest they wanted a lot of times as well as making a bunch of noobie mistakes in my questing days.

>General question:
I wouldn't mind having faster votes, but I am personally not a fan of sessions desu.

>Lurker Question:
This would only create more problems for the board as a whole.

>Miscellaneous question:
I love pumpkin spice and other pumpkin flavored stuff :)
It's one of my favorite things when fall rolls around. I usually take my espresso with a bit of pumpkin spice creamer, and it absolutely slaps.
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>Have you ever had the QM itch?
Picked up a dropped quest for one thread.
> What's stopping you from being a QM, besides the perceived time investment?
Skill and laziness. Would like to try it again.
>General question:
Seems people would like it. No time for sessions.
Never had it.
>That, and my subject matter doesn't align with the interests of this board.
No one but Steven Spielberg thought Star wars was worth a damn. Sometimes people don't know what they want.
Glad you enjoyed retaliation anon!

This anon has the two exact ones I was going to recommend.

I was a big fan of 40K AI quest. I found it very compelling and well-written though I understand if the setting/franchise is a turn-off for some.

Waiting on the return of:
SW: Interregnum
other promising SW Qsts (Clone Civil War Commander, Dooku-Oriented Jedi Purge, Imp Captain, Future Sith Possession/Mass-Sacrifice Cult)
Fellout: Enclave Remnant
that flaky QM that makes the disturbing dark fantasy qsts (Joan of Arc, Entombed)
WHF: Warlords ov Chaos
Gondola Qst (Peace be Upon Him)
Post-Apoc 2023 AD/the QM of it
Hillbilly Moonshiner Fireball-Thrower
& ANY QST ABOUT MARTIAL ARTS, whether it be Tekken, MK, Street Fighter, Yakuza series, Killer Instinct, Virtua Fighter, Shenmue, Hong Kong film-based, or 80s action-movie inspired.
Hedge Quest, return now.
Hedge Quest... you should return, NOW.
Someone should write a buff man quest NOW!

No homo ofc
tfw you really want to write but you're so dead tired from real life that everything you write comes out like shit so you have to convince yourself through gaslighting that it's not as bad as you think it is
You should also read the Lord Ramage series and Frederick Marryat books if you like Hornblower and the Aubrey-Maturin series too.
Confess your /qst/ sins
I alone am rightful in samefagging. I only do it when people are about to do something extremely retarded. Every time i don't, or i fail because other people samefagged harder, it ends up being a whole ass garbage ride to hell. I haven't been wrong once.
>Low Rung Researcher Quest
Reminds me of that Monster Facility Operator quest from a year or two back. Man, I miss that one. Would play the hell out of this!

>Homestuck Quest
Would also play. I'm always a little sad one of these has never really taken off.

We've got that boxing coach one and a bunch of DBZ and cultivator stuff, I guess?

I know that feel, bro.

I'm procrastinating
I have a terrible habit of gradually going from player to lurker in quests over time. Even if I still love to read the quest, I often just lose the drive to actively participate no matter how good it is. Player dropoff? I, alone, am responsible for it.
I'm procrastinating
No dumbass, it's me who's solely responsible for that.
Thank you anons for the recommendations. Yeah I was a big fan of the AI qst too (it was fucking kino), was really sad to see it join the pile of never finished qst's
BTW it's totally unrelated but I'm totally exicited to see Administrator in his hay day(close enough) in Cleaner qst. Is it wrong to get hyped to see King of /qst in his prime?
2 dead quests on this board and have yet to fall off are currently mine to flake from
No I can't run them again anyways my job hit me with a 9.5 hour daily shift for all 7 days of the week.
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You'll get a Thems fighting herds quest. Or Queens blade.
The duality of fetish, horse or ryona.
Swords and Little Girl Quest continues!
After a long and arduous journey you have finally reached civilisation again. Enjoy your time on the marketplace.
I don't think 40KAI is dead - just on prolonged hiatus. Still holding out hope :C

I'm one to talk lol. Med school has been reaming my free time so I'm still prepping assets for solstice thread 2.
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When are we going to get a GOOD fantasy quest?
Bananas I'm going to subject you to the irrumare you deserve
Have you seen the CGI trailer for Eve: Frontier, ObserverQM? The style of it reminded me a bit of your creations, hehe

No gameplay though, it is apparently some blockchain thing, so everything will be ruined

EVE Frontier Teaser Trailer
It seems like every space game has to have "Frontier" in the title now lol. Anyway, here for inspiration is just a cool hyperspace jump webm from the Falling Frontier hype trailer. I no longer play new videogames to avoid the marketing anticipation lol, but the music, sound effects, voice acting and design aesthetics of this game do seem impressive, the gameplay however does resemble the 2D "battleship broadside" style though. I also do want to see more settings in the actual Solar System, with planets and moons etc

Falling Frontier - Might Of Mars
Hedge Quest, return now!
N O W ! ! !
Maybe you should ask nicely.
Can I have it if you're not using it?
Be the change you want to see in the world
you get this cool hitman 47 Jesper Kyd bdsm club music, hehe
I forgot how tantalisingly long the buildup to this song is, you can just skip to 2min22 sec for the main drumbeat I HAVE CHOSEN TO EMBRACE IT yay

Hitman Contracts OST Slaughter Club, Jesper Kyd
Anon you did say you like civ quests have seen or heard of this one? İt's from before tg split


If so was it any good? Worth reading? Any other anon who knows about it feel free to talk about it.
I think I remember seeing the first few threads of this wayyyyy back in the day. It was aight. Definitely beats out civ quests you see these days.

My personal vice around that time was the Genie post apoc civ quests, generally cataloged under the "hivemind" tag. They're bursting with creativity, if a bit kitchen sink.
I haven't whined about Valen Quest enough to cause Riz to return
i don’t have anything new to confess these days, but I am still bamboozling the /qst/ community by pretending to be male. which is stressful and retarded, but i’d rather not be my actual self on a majority male board.

now that I think about it, the worst /qst/-related thing i’ve done recently is not keep up with the main quest I’ve been reading by a thread or so.
Remember that no matter how female you are you're not gonna be more feminine than bananasQM
I have lost faith in the system and have regressed to a full time lurker for over a year now.
so true questie
continue The Prince. i feel completely and utterly blueballed being left on that cliffhanger.
Everyone should check out and play Merchant Zombie Survival Quest and help me, W. A. Termelon, esteemed undertaker, as I drive a hotwired ambulance full of strangers and a baby alligator to pick up unwanted corpses from a FedEx drop box.

Or you could scrub latrines to earn your pay back at camp, or go off on your own zambie killin' adventures, or who knows what else? T.E.O.T.W.A.W.K.I. is your buttery oyster.
QM Wuxian should bring back Modern Blue Goblin quest
>No gameplay though, it is apparently some blockchain thing, so everything will be ruined
/eog/ lurker from /vm/ here
from what I've heard it's a fucking shitshow
apparently you have to pay for a subscription with money so you can get daily mining crystals needed for obtaining fuel to do literally anything in space
>Mining costs fuel, shooting costs fuel, afterburning costs fuel, slowboating costs fuel, fucking idling on the undock costs fuel, everything burns fuel
contrast this with regular EVE online where the majority of activities are doable for free, and even with an omega subscription you're barely paying anything per day in comparison (1 year is 150 bucks or 43 cents/day)
also, there's hundreds of roaming rats just to fuck you over and kill whatever you wasted tons of fuel grinding for
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My questing power levels are low, but maybe I'll be able to do a one shot sometime "soon"
Is the ghost single?
meds and sproke now
My mother will roll Nat 20, CURSE YOU!
I only run two threads a year.

I have heard of Lord Ramage. I think I read a little bit of Mr. Midshipman Easy, but it didn't stick. I'll have to give it a second try.


Spitballing some ideas and venting creative energies before I start prepping for Interregnum.


>>Chargen for the Age of Fighting Sails quest.

>>During your early childhood in Jamaica, you were most known for...
>Picking fights with other boys. (+1 to Brawn)
>Scampering along rooftops. (+1 to Agility)
>Surviving Yellow Fever. (+1 to Willpower)
>Attending your church lessons. (+1 to Intellect)
>Spotting pickpockets at market. (+1 to Cunning)
>Captaining a small youth gang. (+1 to Presence)

>>But of course, you are more than that. You were also notable for...(pick two)
>Helping your grandfather's physician work as a loblolly boy. [Gain Discipline, Medicine and Resilience Skill]
>Keeping a sharp ear at market and when the ships came in. [Gain Negotiation Skill, 1 language such as French, Spanish, etc.]
>[Insert more skill options here]

>>Revealed to you by a voodoo witch-woman, the briny blood of one of these individuals supposedly flows through your veins...
>Samuel Bellamy. You have an affinity for pistols, and a gentlemanly disposition to friend and foe alike. (Gain pistol affinity, Charm/Negotiation, +1 Presence)
>Mary Reed. You are fair enough to pass for a woman, and an affinity for less gentlemanly talents. (Gain sword affinity, Deception/Skullduggery, +1 to Cunning)
>Edward Teach. Blackbeard's blood inspires both fear and awe, and you are no less than your ancestor. (Gain sword affinity, Intimidation/Leadership, +1 to Willpower)
>Charles Vane, Francis Drake...[insert pirate here who I didn't figure out skills/traits for yet]
>Irrelevant. You will be your own man, not a mere echo of your ancestor. (+1 to any two characteristics, choose two skills, weapon affinity)

>>Your thoughts on slavery?
>Against. You believe the institution of slavery is a gross violation of the dignity of human life.
>Indifferent. You acknowledge its existence little differently than one does the rising or setting sun.
>Support. You support the practice and institution, being it for either religious or economic reasons.
I got a write-in guy in mind for the protag's lineage...
Chargen that I have so far for Matchlock Fantasy Quest...ouegh. What the hell is it called when you have a magic system, but are struggling to break down spells into "types" or schools that doesn't come off as being too derivative of DND?

>>Magic is the phenomena of influencing reality with the power of your soul, to which you and a handful of others are capable of using.
>>Upon entry to [Wizard Oxford] you were discovered to possess magical talent, and shuffled away to be educated in the arcane arts.

>>[Insert schools of magic here for a magic system that's still very rough and WIP beyond "strictly arcane]

>>In addition to a magical education, [Wizard Oxford] is also a prestigious university for mundane talents, to which you majored in...
>Business. Regardless of your magical talent, it was both good and expected of you to follow in your family's footsteps.
>History. To understand where the world is going, you must first understand its past, beyond what the books say about it.
>Science. Your calling is to ask questions of the world and universe that have not been answered...or written about.
>Warfare. If nothing else, you could make a tidy commission as a war-wizard in a mercenary company or formal military.

>>Woe unto you, your family's fortune had been lost, and you've been deprived of your tuition! The culprit lies in...
>Fraudulent practices. The authorities have seized the fortune after mounting evidence points to criminal practices.
>Poor investments. One wrong deal in an economic bubble (magical tulips?) cost your family everything when it burst.
>Tragic accident. A disaster has completely destroyed your family estate, leaving you both alone and penniless.

>>Fortunately, there may be a silver lining in this. In addition to your advisor allowing you to postpone your studies for a few years, you also have...
>A best friend who'll stick with you through it all. A rare scholarship entry into [Wizard Oxford], the two of you have been inseparable since day one.
>A lover who hasn't abandoned you when others have during this bad time. They're fully committed to helping you restore your fortunes.
>A stipend of money provided by the advisor, collected by teachers to help you find a stable foundation in this unexpected misfortune.

>>During a despair-fueled, drunken bender, you entertained the tavern guests with your magic by…
>Animating the drinks out of their steins and barrels. (Water elemental affinity)
>Blowing away articles of clothes with bursts of wind. (Air elemental affinity)
>Conjuring embers to do pinwheels across the room. (Fire elemental affinity)
>Livening up the dances with moving stones. (Earth elemental affinity)
I HATE 'EM!!!!!!!!
What if I stole a plot from a video game and then ran it as my own quest?
It is ok anon I made this intriguing mechanical bone winch prosthetic replacement for you. Unfortunately you will no longer be able to achieve the delectable peaks of self-pleasure anymore with only one limb, no more onanism, sorry furthermore I am afraid you must also fight this Ashina samurai who spams machine pistol lightning crucifixes in a field of reeds, this is true suffering, I am very sorry
>magical "types" not dnd Vancian system
magical lineage, ancestry, origins, factions, background, disciplines?

Just some synonyms I suppose
The denigration and discrimination at Oxford is so thorough and deeply rooted, they even cut down trees if they are black


(2014 July)
>The Oxford Botanic Garden has announced that its large black pine (pinus nigra), one of Tolkien’s favourite trees, will be cut down for safety reasons.

>It is often said that the black pine inspired the ‘ents’ in Lord of the Rings, and it may be he liked the tree and saw something it in that inspired Treebeard (...)
>other words for magical "school" affinity ancestry background origin etc
Affinity is an evocative alternative for school, it sounds like Goethe Elective Affinities hehe you chose already probably the best one.

You could also try magical aptitude, temperament, compulsion, volition, disposition, kinship etc.

Magical "ambition" also works in an anticipatory / forward-looking narrative sense if you are planning one of those FATE VIRTUE FLAW type rpg trait systems, ambition being the fate or narrative destiny etc.
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I write quests in original settings not because I'm creative but because I can't be fraud checked for not knowing some canon lore, because it's my lore and fuck you.
>Blowing away articles of clothes with bursts of wind. (Air elemental affinity)
If only that Windblast spell from Dishonored achieved this ultimate sorcerous manifestation: NUDE GUST, a hurricane that flays the clothing away from a target. The spell should have increasing AOE tiers of amplification, from NUDE STORM, NUDE MONSOON, NUDE HURRICANE, to eventually TEMPEST OF NAKEDNESS, you can conjure a tornado of helpless denuded naked people swirling in the air desperately scrabbling for billowing scraps of clothing to protect their own modesty, you can then bombard a designated area with a rain of unclothed naked people weeping and wailing at their own shame, it is a bit like a naked meteor storm or one of those Spencer Tunick art photos of crowds. It would have made that brothel level in Dishonored much more interesting
>"That violates the laws of physics!"
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>Would you lose to physics?
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Waiting for the return of Oberst to finish Nazi's in Fantasyland
The first of a set of smaller but daily updates for The Caretaker Quest is up.
This time, will you rat out a couple of students and cause their expulsion? or will you be cool about them taking forbiden stuff?
up to you!
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>Its another terrorist's attack and only 10 year olds do anything thread
>its an "refresh the catalog hundreds of times waiting for a new update on literally any quest i read" day
It sucks.
I know that feel, bro.
very fun
>Make a Twitter so people know when you're running; so your quest doesn't fizzle out for lack of votes. Link it at the start (and end) of your thread. Give at least several hours notice before running. Use UTC for times; not everyone lives in America.

Is this really necessary? Do players genuinely depend on this?
I can't even see xitter anymore because my country banned it.
Back in the /tg/ days I liked it when QMs had a twitter but these days idk. It is nice but probably not 100% necessary.
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Your journey is at a crossroads.
You have diligently protected the princess so far, but now that you might have to give her up, it feels like the worst time of your life. Fittingly, all your options seem equally terrible now.

Update for Swords and Little Girl; Dark Fantasy Oneshot.
Absolutely not, it's all about discord now.
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I had one for my previous quest but I sorta stopped bothering with it with my latest quest.
I say do it if you want to but there's a lot of good quests with decent player bases that don't have one.
I stopped caring about twitter entirely when they started insisting that you need an account to look at just about anything other than shitass big media or politicians and their plants.
Huh, always did want to play a qst that was based of VERMIS nice!
I've drawn stuff meant to be fanservice that I'm not sure people actually want.
You could say that people can count themselves lucky to get anything, but still, a free wonderswan wasn't as good as a free gameboy color.

I think a few do, but honestly, with how twitter's been relatively recently I don't really know. I know that the other things I post on my twitter for players have gotten less and less, to next to no engagement there, so I wouldn't be surprised if people didn't really look there anymore.

>Have you ever had a quest idea that you liked so much you wanted someone else to run it, just so you could play it? If so, what? When do you prefer to be a player?
Perhaps I am a little self-indulgent, but picrel. Early modern era fantasy. A mix of day-to-day life and mystery investigation like World of Horror or the Jack Reacher movie (2012).

>Have you ever had the QM itch? What's stopping you from being a QM, besides the perceived time investment?
Making plotlines, NPC quests, and endpoints flow together cohesively. Alongside with time needed for a drawquest, its one reason why I didn’t run “Battlesword of Greenlamps”

>If you could wave a magic wand and make the board more active, but not necessarily faster thread-wise, would you do it? Do you want to return to the days of sessions?
While I’d like more players, I think our current pace is fine - most quests updating once or twice daily, a couple outliers who are faster or slower, and a small bunch of drawquests. I do miss the days of 10, 12 players quests, though. Tyrant Queen quest and Elf Maiden were the last of that type I got to experience real-time. A damned shame.

>Are you a pumpkin spice enjoyer, or are you sick of the oversaturation?
Tried it. Disliked it.

generally speaking, yes. Some quests have a same-id system, though. In that case, you should tell the QM you’re a new player. Depending on the quest, they may or may not have a recap of previous threads.
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Forgot the pic
Where is the lad who was writing KOSMOS and liked my HOMECOMING suggestion? I'm thinking about that.
>I do miss the days of 10, 12 players quests

Agreed. Banished quest had plenty of issues but fuck it was fun to play with that many people at once when we got a ton of updates per night. STVQ seems like it gets about that many but it does work on the same slow update system as most other quests currently running. I have been consistently getting like 4-5 voters in the game I am running but the last vote got 11 people which was the biggest compliment I could receive, even if it was over the course of a couple of days due to a ban. DHQ has had a pretty large turn out a few times for contentious votes and part of why it is my favorite current quest is because we consistently have players interested in discussing the choices, theory crafting, contributing, ect.
Another quest done.
as expected, low votes in the latest decision.
i come here requesting for anyone interested and previous players that havent noticed or voted, in voting for the next decision in The Carettaker Quest
Got banned for a few days. Desk gun is a V-tac P 320 with a Springer barrel and comp, Wilson Tactical grip, and a green dot 507 Holosun. Use a CZ Shadow 2 for stock competitions. Could probably upgrade or something but right now I am not out shooting the guns I have and would rather stock up on ammo vs buying new stuff.
Now i know that i haven't threatened to dismember myself, but if you were to give a percentage for the chance that Mystery Investigation Quest comes back with say the next 6 months, what would you say it would be around?
the QM curse is trying to get me, bros

if there is even a 1 percent chance you actually run a battle network quest i swear i will vote every day
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We've got our best people working on an estimate, but work really saps my energy these days.
Ideas in the works include a follow up likely to the main quest. I'll have to backread to remember what was going on, but it would include a big lady in some way shape or form.
I feel like the two main types of QMs are obviously /tg/ based or they are /lit/ based. Obviously a lot are both. But it is interesting to me seeing that subtle yet easily discernible difference. Do you guys know what I mean?
Yes actually. Beside low effort shitpost Quests, you can tell based on how much of each post is prompt or is rules/setup/scenarios. Obviously mechanics is the biggest deciding factor, but I even think the writing besides quality is subtly different. I am sure I give off strong /tg/ energy given my penchant for mentioning it every three seconds, but I am curious how people can often tell the 'home boards" of various QMs just based on how they type.
I think so. Gameplay driving the story vs Gameplay as part of a story.
I currently got 1 single player, but i dont care, as long as i have players, i will keep going!
New short update for The Caretaker Quest is up!
will you follow or will you investigate?
who knows what will you find or what will you miss?
vote now!
Goddamn dude, you're an inspiration with your creativity, update schedule, and quest completion.
Post a thread you bum
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Do it or no balls.

Lend your help to Sir Anon in the most important battle of his life! He could use some good rolls!
>QM question:
>Have you ever had a quest idea that you liked so much you wanted someone else to run it, just so you could play it? If so, what? When do you prefer to be a player?
No. And haven't actually put much thought into that one.

>Player question:
>Have you ever had the QM itch? What's stopping you from being a QM, besides the perceived time investment?
Presuming "what's" as in "what was", then doing another quest stopped me from doing the quest I had an "itch" for. Doing two at the same time does not seem very reasonable to me.

>General question:
>If you could wave a magic wand and make the board more active, but not necessarily faster thread-wise, would you do it? Do you want to return to the days of sessions?
I do not understand what is meant by "thread-wise." If this means that individual QMs would be posting at roughly the same rate as always, then I would assume that's just a given since thread speed is largely determined by QM speed, or so I believe. If this means threads do not disappear off of the board as fast, then the answer is I guess so as long as it isn't too crazy. In either case, I don't think sessions would return, so that's kind of a moot point.

>Lurker question:
>It would be funny if all the lurkers became QMs but kept lurking in other threads, just saying.
Not much of a question...

>Miscellaneous question:
>Are you a pumpkin spice enjoyer, or are you sick of the oversaturation?
I do not believe I have had this.

>Do you guys know what I mean?
Honestly, no I do not. It would be more clear if you fleshed out what you mean by that difference or gave examples.
I think there's a smaller subset of /a/, /v/ and /co/ style QMs, too. Actually, maybe more of them that /lit/.

You flatter me, anon, but thank you!
>/co/ style
Very true! I have noticed this as well
Well put
I am still working it out for myself but as someone that has /lit/ as their homeboard I tend to prefer /tg/ quests. Maybe there is some sort of syzygy.
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Warlords of Chaos, ride forth, for your time is here! You have waited for long, too long, for the finale!

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Do you mean "synergy"? I think syzygy refers to a form of celestial alignment. Also, there is a cool robot in ut2k4 named Syzygy
I hate seasons where there's hardly any quests I want to join. RIP HMQ, totemist, and bodyhorror, some of my faves that never ended right
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Greetings. I'd like to know possible reasons my quest floped.


It was my first, so better to say even what you think I already know because it could not be obvious.

I wonder it could be the War, Action and Incest tags. You start the quest and you don't immediately see it. The insterested themes would take you days of developmeny so you drop, I think.
>Makes an incest quest
>Wonders why it's unpopular
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Thoughts on the races of my planned quest world? On the left we have the 3 Goblinoid subraces all short ugly and xenophobic with superiority complexes, they all enter autistic rages around the opposing 2 subraces, they comprise of the Elfs, tree dwelling zoophiliacs, the Drouch, cave dwelling drug addicts, and the Grobs, grotesque nomadic vulgar scavengers, in the middle column starting from the top we have the Kluhn who will be introduced from the perspective of a village the MC could enter, they have a unique relationship with the nature of their world living in tight knit groups known as "Patches" called such because of the giant gourds that make up their home known as Hugourds they grow using phytomancy, the middle race is a hivemind group of passive doom cultists preaching about their eventual domination of the planet through the decomposition of its biomass, theyre super chill and peaceful and very open about eating you when you die, under them we have my race of slug people known as the Gourmands, they are a resource hungry hoarders based almost entirely around new flavors often starting wars over specific foods they want access too, top right we have the Shattered, original "builders" of the land all "shatter" from a giant terraforming sentient asteroid that landed on the planet before any of the other races, under them we have the Glidar who are downy feathered bird people who live on floating islands hunting sky whales, they cannot fly on their own and use gliders to travel and hunt, under them is a Fish literally just a fish who gained hydrokinesis making a body out of water to traverse the land above sea, this just happens sometimes im sure ill find a lore reason eventually but theyre very brash and fuck shit up a lot by accident without care
One of the most atractive tags to geek and weeb so I thought the userbase I'd like to play with the redline with their romantic pretender.
The pacing seems slow, the characters are not very interesting also this board is fairly slow paced especially at this time of year. I have 1 or 2 quests that I am invested in, it seems someone did post in your quest after you linked it here. Don't abandon it just yet.

Also you don't need to put trigger warning at the front of your quest, dark fantasy is not uncommon on qst
Oh sweet summer child.
A neat, if rather ecclextic, mix. Might I recommend polishing up the grammar a little for the first proper quest post, though? Execution and readability are way more important than lore to me.

You're right. It was a slow start. The second scene was supposed to be fast-paced, but I got carried away. And I saved the interesting facts about each character for after the 100/150 replies.

70 replies without adrenaline.
Kaz man, I need your twitter or way to get in touch with you for commission man. It make me ANGRY man!
Take me to church!
I'll wait like a dog in the thread of your quest.
You can update that shit. And I can vote in it instead.
Offer me that questy quest. Good God. Let me give you some (You)s.

Take me to church!
Oh ill definitely be focusing on the writing this is all pretty rough right now and may never actually see the light of day

For one thing, /qst/ is just slow. But a few other things I see, in the interest of constructive criticism.

1) There is a repeated disconnect between cause and effect, and seemingly important details not pointed out when they're pertinent.

1.1) Why did people's stuff get taken as the toll for going to the surface (here: >>6104653) when the prompt with the most votes (>>6104420) described attempting negotiation?

1.2) How is the wizard girl paralyzed from the waist down, and that was not commented on before?

1.3) Why wasn't the relationship between the MC and the goblins expounded upon when they were first encountered, so that the players could calibrate their response in-character?

2) Your grammar was rough in the first chunk of the thread, which will tend to drive people away. That also compounds with a lack of clear explanation of events, making the actual happenings of the story difficult to keep track of.

2.1) Like...what actually happened that forced the MC to leave and then get sequestered in a dungeon? If you want to leave that info for a later reveal that's fine, but figure out a way to indicate that that's what you're doing. (i.e. "A series of...events...forced you into hiding in the dungeon, but now isn't the time to delve into your past.")

3) I concur with other-anon that the characters are not compelling so far.

You've very much cleaned up the grammar since approximately the posts I referenced above. The consistency of events seems better too? However, I think that each vote has too little impact/covers too small a stretch of time. The difference in grammar is so marked that I wonder what you actually did to accomplish it essentially at the flip of a switch.

Anyway, that's my take. Get better at hooking people with characters and make more happen in each update without doing walls of text, and you should be golden...at least golden for /qst/ speeds, which is glacially slow.
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What this guy said, even if I don't have much room to talk in some regards.

Read through it quickly and I just couldn't make myself care about the MC.

I have no issue with fictional incest but, yeah it is very divisive here. A pretty good ASOIF quest died a while back due to it as I recall. If you really like that stuff, you can try running on Akun since they are even more degenerate than us. Also popular games over there can get a huge number of votes if you need that for motivation. Saw one the other day where the winning option got over 100, even if I am sure most of them were bots/samefags.
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Indeed. Only played it because people bitched about it, but it was pretty alright. Also, all the porn.
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Check out Cardinal Park Case if you like the sardonic sarcasm narration similar to tcoaal. And cute hags. Free game on itch.io - 3/5 ep completed.

Also the Coffin of Andrew and Renee mod is coming out later this month.
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Huh, I'll check those out probably if I get in the mood for a VN/game. I personally thought TCOAL was very amusing with its story but I get it isn't everyones cup of tea.

For anyone who cares, going to try and get an update on Ilvermorny out tonight or by the morning, just been exhausted from work today.
Coffin’s pretty nice but I find some of the dialogue a bit cringe. Mostly at the ep2 motel

It’s like 2-3 hours long in total.
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>I find some of the dialogue a bit cringe

True enough. Not like it is my favorite game ever but it was a nice change from what I had been playing at the time. The fact it was made by like a single chick for basically nothing and blew up was very cool to me even if it sucked that they were doxxed and retreated from public internet life. Also, just going to say I love that pic I posted. Gotta keep that blood super pure, kek.
Bloodline so pure you can use it to draw perfect circles.
Family tree is just a straight stick.
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goblin looking for a husband (human) quest
orc looking for a husband (human) quest
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Human looking for a wife (human) quest.
While the races seem interesting, you really need to remember to break up run-on sentences. And use paragraph breaks.

Walls of text are hard to climb with our eyes.
Human barbarian woman looking for a human twink mage husband quest.
firstly thank you. sorry I delay bc my internet went down

1.1) they attempted to negotiate and failed with 7 points wide. to enhance the opc's convincing reply, I let them pass with a consequence of medium severity. zalrog needed to apply a visible and humiliating punishment to release them without lowering the colony's moral. reading now I see that it is not clear.

1.2) I wanted readers to theorize why she was carried, so that later, in an action situation, they would discover the paralysis, and discover why only after a private conversation with her.

1.3) You are right. I made a mess about which infotmation >should< be pre-established in order to not prejudice decision making, and which ones can be shown during the game organically.

2.1) Yes I did. I won't forget this tip.

3) Feels like the level of impact for each decision I wanted to give to the MC only makes sense in video games, when you can take a lot of little choices in seconds. Unfortunately it seems I'll have to make most of the little decisions for our hero. Grammarly, GPT

thanks again for your time

II'm going to give the MC more lines, thanks
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Welcome bro. My first time trying to run something currently but I've been playing these things for a while. Don't get discouraged! This is a pretty fun hobby I think and you can only get better; there are a ton of quests where I could see a marked increase in quality even over a single thread. Besides, as long as you write something YOU want to read and play, you will always have that even if player engagement is low.
But I don’t want to write for myself I need the satisfaction of seeing other people talk about what to do and what might be happening.
It bothers me that one choice could get more votes than another in the same thread and I worry that I failed to later meaningful.
We all enjoy feedback and the knowledge of participation, since that's why we aren't just writing fanfiction or even just novels nobody else will read. You just need to find where your special weird interests intersect strongly with one or two other anons.
I did run a quest, one I just recently have to end so I could actually prepare one.
Just in time too, because I hate this new work schedule I’m stuck with. 2pm to closing at 11, and I have to close the place alone, so I’m leaving closer to like 12 in practice. My days off are now separated instead of back to back so I don’t know when I’ll have the time to actually prepare it.
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>But I don’t want to write for myself

Fair enough. (You)s are life but if you don't like what you write? It isn't going to be a fun experience, I think at least. I have gone back over my posts, realized I could have done better but I still like what I made. I have written like 20 fanfics for another quest and some of the first ones were rough but I still like them. Have the QM and 2 or 3 others looking at em including one guy who seems to really enjoy alot of them which is amazing. Got 11 votes on a choice and that was enough to make me smile ear to ear for an hour but at the end of the day if I was writing something I didn't like, have some passion for it wouldn't make me smile and want to keep going. Or not IDK.

do you actually have a quest or are you just some weirdo posting here and pretending you do? you could easily write in the hours leading up to work and on your 2 days off
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Am I really going to reply to a 1 post ID trying to bait me? Yes sir.
Tell me how it went for me, will you? I want feedback too. Writing the prose while trying to minimizing the use of the you and banning myself from using I is something new to me.
A new update for The Caretaker Quest is up!
You have found something you thought lost forever, but the implications of that are greater than you think they are!
will you drink its contents or will you continue with your mission?
vote now!
1.1) You probably should've just established the stakes for failing the negotiation ahead of time then. Not in fine-grain detail but something like "You've known Zalrog for a long time, you don't think he'd engage you in violence if negotiations break down (unless you start it) but he may do something unpleasant to save face."

3) You hit it on the head that getting as granular as you are is the domain of a video game, not a quest. But it's not an unfortunate thing that you make those little decisions for the protag. The anons will flavor the MC's personality by their choices (you can even give them the opportunity to do this explicitly, which you already have at a couple points).

Your job is more to act as the story director. Zoom from one flashpoint where the MC could take multiple different approaches with different outcomes to the next. You don't need to show every step or every day spent traveling through the swamp, just convey the important bits and flash to when they reach the castle gates or to a representative moment of how the MC treats his party members (which you seem to be doing now).
That advice is a relic from /tg/. You can make one if you want, but it's fairly unnecessary. Most useful if you're running sessions, which is rare nowadays.
I meant syzygy just in a more metaphorical context.
Hopefully my vacation in october gets approved so I can run Al-Kimia again
just posted a ((probably too)) large update over in Digimon: Dead Site, if you like traumatized teens fighting monsters, or you like large apes having their hearts punched out, I'd recommend you give it a shot.
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I read this article authored by Cormac McCarthy, it is a very deep and profound epistemological and linguistic investigation into the nature of memory, metaphor and meaning.


>"You may have read a thousand books and be able to discuss any one of them without remembering a word of the text..."

It is intriguing for instance how you can critique and recollect events from say a book or a film, without actually remembering a single line of exact text or dialogue from the film or book itself etc. Cormac McCarthy describes these unconscious processes as "the machine for operating an animal" yet human words transcend animal communication (eg warning or mating calls etc) because of metaphor, "a thing can be another thing" etc. Cormac McCarthy then theorises that these metaphorical dream-pattern processes transcend language, enabling humans at times to derive insights that they cannot articulate or describe with mere words.

>some unknown thinker sat up one night in his cave and said: Wow. One thing can be another thing. Yes. Of course that’s what we are saying. Except that he didnt say it because there was no language for him to say it in. For the time being he had to settle for just thinking it. And when did this take place? (...)
Intriguing Souv, & nice trips. I'm interested in the spiritual/metaphysical side of what you're getting at. Symbolic imagery & innate understandings, especially in dreams & other altered states of consciousness, definitely play a role.
Quest sucks. Is it trying to be drama or SoL? The anime school aesthetic is half assed, is clearly limiting your picture choices and it's hard to follow dialogue when you don't know who's actually speaking. You rely too much on the reader just getting it in those cases.
There isn't really much of a reason to care about anything, you hardly even say what characters are like, and even if you do, you immediately contradict yourself when they do show up. These people act as if they solely exist to bother the player, and then disappear until you need something to happen. Why do you use Xd6 for dice? Most quests I've seen here use higher numbers, 6 is super volatile.
I haven't read the whole thread, only about halfway but If I had to guess:
1) You have issues with player/MC agency. Every single post I've read has the MC reacting to situations he finds himself in, rather than causing situations to happen himself.
>Let's infiltrate the club
>MC is at the corkboard for notices, and responds to circumstances of the class prez + club for sabotage girls showing up

>Goes to check out the club room
>Happens upon an uncooperative club member, responds forced to respond to their presence/actions

>Eavesdrops on a conversation between Class Prez and Club Prez (this is good, actual agency)
>Gets caught after having eavesdropped and responds to being chased

It's all stuff that happened to the MC rather than happening because of the MC, but more importantly none of it is tangibly advancing his goals so there's no sense of progress. Combine this with problem #2 and it's just sorta not hooking me.

2) Your posts are too long with too little happening. You're good at dialogue but it meanders. That's naturalistic but not impactful. Every line should incorporate an attack/probe or a defense/deflection. Each exchange of words in a conversation should be building to something.
STFU and quit yapping bro. Nigga straight yapping fr.
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it is very very naughty, I am so shocked!
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It is ok, I am now very comfortable with black culture, tee hee hee
Orc (warhammer)
Haters spotted!
Here's hoing for our sakes, too! Excited for the wedding.

Many players have a tolerance for uodates in excess of 6000 characters. Don't sweat it.

We just need better, or more, words IMO.

On the subject of words, I think there's space for 'filler' discussion that creates atnosphere or fleshes out characters. As one of that quest's players, though...

Anon is right that I often did not understand or have a clear sense of our objective besides "be a shit and ruin the club out of spite", and it wasn't always the case that I understood how what we were doing would directly lead to that.
Gay behavior not unexpected of someone who likes The Or*gin. That is some snake shit though, something that would make someone else step up to run a Gundam quest on /qst/.
To continue on from other anons, what is the goal of the player?
>grr I hate the student council president I’m gonna ruin her!!!
>no idea how to achieve that other than a vague conspiracy we happened to luck into
>grr the guy I sat next to stole my idea I’m gonna ruin him for stealing it!!!
>actually it was a misunderstanding and we could’ve benefited as well if we just did literally nothing
>i’m so great but everyone else doesn’t know it so I’m gonna get popular!!!
>no reason why we actually want to be popular, do nothing in public anyways and everyone already knows you’re trouble but yourself
So is it a story about a self sabotaging arrogant and dense asshole? You seemed to have named the quest after Revenge, and and in that, you’ve failed to live up to it.
There’s a couple of quests off the top of my head that did the anime-esque school setting you seem to be going for.
I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! gives its premise in the very title, and lives up to it well. Playing around the fact that it’s a game allows more interesting things to happen other than just melodrama.
Born Irrelevant set up a more compelling mystery within its first post, even if it shit the bed like you did with the club early on.
What do you have? Delusions and misunderstandings?
I dunno, it is important to separate out the MC's motivations from the player's motivations.

The MC can have whatever desires he wants, but the format of the quest gave players no ability to gauge progress on or meaningfully influence the way in which those objectives are accomplished.

For reference if the scenes I referenced above had a brief interjection of player choice beforehand

-You wander over to the corkboard where school notices are placed, covered in advertisements. Once there you...
>Rip down the class president's 'vote for me' sign, just before she appears! She's bound to have information on the club Ken has founded, if you can get it out of her somehow.
>Encounter someone from Ken's club putting up posters! A way to get your foot in the door and begin to whittle away at his support from within before the club even starts.

-You open the locked door to the clubroom using your ID card to foil the lock, and discover...
>It's empty, a perfect chance to look for incriminating evidence!
>One of the club members, in the middle of some mysterious task!
>But now you hear the voices of the Class Prez and Ken coming from the hall behind you! Hide yourself away somewhere to eavesdrop on their conversation.

-You emerge from your hiding place, having successfully eavesdropped without being discovered
>But the club door opens and the girl putting up posters earlier spies you in the middle of the room. Will you silence or distract her? Perhaps run away?
>And go to classes, as you notice the time on the clock
>And go elsewhere to ruminate on your findings or find the target the Class Prez spoke of apprehending.

These all offer some player agency and fun, without compromising the MC, and providing a feeling of momentum. They also don't sacrifice the haphazard nature of his encounters, if those are crucial to the flavor of the quest.

Thanks for the kind words, anon, they are appreciated!
When is Seven Against Thebes coming back, anyway?

I feel obligated to finish my Kaiju Quest (new thread in October, if all goes well) before I can resume SATQ, which will likely happen in January 2025.

I’m probably the most impatient out of anyone to finish the SATQ arc and determine the past and future? of this little branch of the Inachid line…
Going to close the vote as long as we don't end with ties on choices in Ilvermorny in 3 to 4 hours. Come check us out! We have magic, twins, little sisters, cute girls, and prophesies!


I really want me some more Deianira Quest at some point. I obviously have a thing for witch-y women.
Play Birb Quest. Be the Bluebird (forma de wizard's daughter). Murder orcs with your steel talon. Reach the Conclave so that the Orcs don't get the Tome of Forbidden Spells.
>QM question:
A Gangs of New York AU Quest where you could urn your own. I prefer being a player when a qst looks fun.

>Miscellaneous question:
Tried, it's ok.
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Looking for a quest that isn't afraid to get a little DARK!? Jump on in to DARK QUEST while it's still young! Explore a mysterious world of fantasy and fear! Meet weird people! Find a way home or die trying! Don't miss out... we're still on Thread 1, baby!

Warning: Subject matter may be DARK

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Poképocalypse has been updated!


Go read all the headlines!! I like indulging in my own autistic worldbuilding and want people to enjoy it.
That would be sick, either 1800s gangs, Big Trouble in Little China vibes, or even 1970s The Warriors inspired.
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And we're off to Hogwarts once more! On a little breather after facing horrors within Avalon, now we need to help the friends that helped us get there.

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Yo is that Gandank the blazed?
Nice get. Yeah, Gandsmoke the Lit.

And our boy in DHQ when we finally get to Potion max.
If Imperial Jester who was running The Emperor's Game is around I hope you continue.
New update for the Caretaker Quest is up!
this time you crashed into something invisible and now you either get found out or you dont, how? with a roll of the dice of course!
roll now!
Question for other QMs/Writers:

Do you have any rituals you like to do before you write? Or is there a particular way you like your surroundings to be, like being in a writing room or a favorite kind of background noise?

I ask because I was speaking to a friend about my quest and mentioned I'll sit down for almost all of my updates with a specific song in mind and just listen to it on repeat as I write and make adjustments. I do the same when planning out sessions I run, he found it strange.
I like putting on certain song lists depending on the tone I am trying to get out. I also like to put on a baseball cap but that might just me being kind of odd; I think that the sensation of something on my head helps me focus. Have some ADHD so more focus is good.

Usually grab a drink too, and go out for a smoke while I think of what I am going to try and put to paper.
Yeah man, mood music is for sure a thing. I'm also the sort to listen to a song on repeat til I've mined out all the response I've got to it.
I also listen to the same song on repeat when writing. I made a few AI tracks with a simple bouncy tune and minimalist vocals (just a female voice humming along with the tune) that I listen to almost exclusively now.
you get this song, I was going to use it in UPYR for my vampire goth nightclub industrial rave scene, I decided it did not quite suit the mood though, hehe. This live version apparently from Australia I think it is better than the actual album version, they cut out the unappealing weird middle rhythm bloop bloop synth noises. I don't know who is reponsible for the live video editing of the Prodigy concert performances, but the camera angles cuts and chromatic assault of the lighting all so amazing. I sometimes watch their hypnotic laser and light effects and imagine I am in some sort of plasma turret bombardment spaceship battle yay

THE DAY IS MY ENEMY, The Prodigy (Live Australia 2015)

(album version is this, audio quality better)
For me? It's Sinnerman, on repeat of course.

It is very cliched and everyone probably knows it but I suppose you get this, Puccini's Humming Chorus from Madame Butterfly. Puccini wrote this piece to warn against the dangers of miscegenation, he was so infuriated after browsing pol threads of white male asian female pairings, he produced this operatic piece. I particularly enjoy this sensitive 2022 Met Orchestra production featuring modern yellowface and a suitably orientalist interracial puppet child, this is exactly what Puccini intended as he imagined a Japanese prostitute commiting seppuku before the American flag in sexual shame

2022 Met Opera / Anthony Minghella Madame Butterfly Coro a bocca chiusa, Humming Chorus

For the actual aria bit (this is all that we care about in operas), the appropriate section is "Un bel di vedremo", here is Maria Callas, her voice is much better

Maria Callas - Un bel di vedremo, Madame Butterfly

Un bel dì, vedremo
levarsi un fil di fumo sull'estremo
confin del mare.
E poi la nave appare.
Poi la nave bianca
entra nel porto, romba il suo saluto.

One fine day we'll notice
a thread of smoke arising
on the sea, in the far horizon,
and then the ship appearing;
then the trim white vessel
glides into the harbour, thunders forth her cannon.
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I've become so autistically devoted to my own stupid setting that I spend at least an hour a day researching 1880s world politics, commerce, happenings and culture just to see how I can fit them into my stupid Pokémon Alternate History. I can singlehandedly name important railroad magnates of decades prior and explain the tea and ceramic trades of Far East Asia all because my spergy ass wanted to know how they'd be affected by the appearance of a Pikachu.

Also, I'm too much of a pussy to be subtle-yet-blunt enough for my audience to get some of my hints. There was an entire encounter with a Zorua that I prolonged to the point of awkwardness because I wanted to give the audience a chance to get to know it, but they never caught on. I've tried to be a bit more obvious since then, but I feel really bad about doing it and might just revert to my schizophrenic style of subtlety again when I get the chance.

I've become attached to this horrible "aesthetic" playlist since the tenth or so entry of the entire quest and I can't stop listening to it. I have it on repeat. It's an hour and a half long and it's driving me insane but I can't stop listening to it. It doesn't even thematically fit the quest. Send help.
>Nina Simone
surely BananasQM, the most obvious Nina Simone song for ttrpg would be "I Put A Spell On You"...?

Also before I clicked on your link lol, I had no idea what Nina Simone looked like lol. The only song I really know from her is that Muse cover of Feeling Good. So in my mind, I always imagined her as looking like Matthew Bellamy from that Muse band. Muse, of course, has been ruined as the official soundtrack of Kristen Stewart Twilight vampire antics

Nina Simone, I Put A Spell On You

This modern reimagining music video has very good costumes and lighting, production value. It does sound like one of those old 60s-70s era James Bond film soundtracks
In order for me to be able to write, I need to be in absolute control of my surroundings. I'm talking not just proper energy levels from sleep/caffeine, but satiation, comfort of where I'm seated, the environment around me, the temperature; it all needs to be perfect.
That's a big part of why I dropped my quest at the start of the year, being constantly around the bickering and bitching of my roomie's domestic drama and his both unwillingness and inability to change it himself, and the fact that he had to drag me into it, just ruined my mental state.
What really sucks about it is apparently some people liked my quest, and somebody even gave me a mention earlier this thread. I legit almost cried when I read that. I still feel really bad about dropping it, and I'm still in the shit, so to speak.
There are ways I could have (past tense), and could (present tense) remedy the situation, but these aren't methods that I want to resort to, out of fairness to him. "No good deed goes unpunished", as they say.
>1880s research, 19th century setting etc
Do you know this site, anon?


When I was preparing my ODALISQUE game setting, I referred to it a few times as well as the glossary of various 19th century novels I remember reading. The website has a search feature which lets you lookup keywords on topics drawing upon original sources (diaries, newspaper journals and articles contemporaneous to historical occurrences in the 19th century etc) eg if you want to evoke smog, or industry, factory smokestacks, or Victorian suffragettes morality societies / philanthropy etc you can find various articles or speeches of that time period describing the phenomena. I also often use Dickens, Bronte sisters (more 1830s ish though) and Sherlock Holmes / Conan Doyle, Bram Stoker Dracula, Oscar Wilde, and Virginia Woolf (technically Edwardian, but her earlier premodernist literary references can feel Victorian) as sources too. Also be sure to include lots of pinafores and bonnets and CORSETS and things. There should probably be at least one vulnerable young lady incarcerated in an asylum somewhere
Yeah, one of my surefire way to get the mood set is to play music in your head while writing.
The other 'ritual', if it can be called such, is to draw/write updates at night, when you're comfy at bed, about to sleep. Steal ideas from dreams sometimes.
This is pretty fuckin good.
I can put this to use in the RED campaign I run, actually. appreciate ya.
Not a real woman. No women on 4chan.
>dream inspiration of ttrpg settings
I suppose the Freudian mechanism of sublimation plays an intrinsic part to roleplaying, the transferral of erotic-violent impulses towards conventional, culturally acceptable responses via submerged / camouflaged feelings. In fact the entire artifice of many fantasy sci-fi genre settings contain myriad patterns that dance around the shameful unspeakable taboos (see my previous disquisition on the Star Wars / Harry Potter / Dune "drinking the sex-death fluid / breastfeeding metaphor" master-apprentice / parent-offspring generational transfer imagery etc).

Perhaps everyone as an author or DM can feel at times dramatically inhibited, ie you cannot bring yourself to authentically "feel" what a character ought to feel given the danger (potentially cultural taboo shame-danger) of a certain scenario (say, the typical fantasy orphan inciting incident, village of inhabitants / family / friends / loved ones brutally slaughtered in a pillage / plunder attack) this might even lead you to become a little coy or shy at even portraying or construing the brutality-despair-horror of those scenarios altogether; alternatively (this is a form of sublimation) you might portray the scenario in a distorted tone, eg as a comedy or ridiculous hilarious farce etc.

Usually the way I try to imagine the shock tragedies is by scouring my knowledge of films and dramatic scenes with similar portrayals / character entanglements etc, but this takes a surprisingly strenuous amount of emotional exertion as well as arduous memory retrieval and recall. This contrived remembrance / feigned emotion exponentially increases in fatigue and strain as the cast of characters and their divergent circumstances / unfamiliar backgrounds expands; attempting to inhabit a horror-shock-aghast despair scene becomes even more challenging when you have to calibrate your emotional reactions to both sides of characters eg those inflicting and afflicted by the sorrow / violence etc.

I am not sure what the best approach to this should be for running game settings, I feel like bdsm is probably the only way

pic related is Carl Jung demonstrating this technique upon a suitably distressed female subject
Could you go read Blindsight by Peter Watts (actually read it, don't look up a summary or anything ahead of time) so you can get some references that are up to date, rather than ones that come from people that died 60-80+ years ago.

The book covers some things similar to what the article you posted earlier in the thread touches on, so you should enjoy it.
My pleasure, DetectQM! I feel with cyberpunk generally you are spoilt for choice with setting music, there is obviously 2077 ost and deus ex: human revolution etc videogames, you can use the Mirrors Edge videogames for the upbeat "bright controlled order pseudo-utopia corporate arcology zone" and then also all of Perturbator, Carpenter Brut synthwave etc, and even then there is no end to the amount of trance, electronica soundscapes etc that you can conjure which fit the dystopian future setting.

The challenge I think with cyberpunk is to find some music which is NOT just the future electronica sound, I guess you could do a Halo ODST and try some elegiac jazz type night-time ambience. Classical music would also be a possibility (baroque, harpsichord?) but that would require a lot of thinking on my part, hmmm, hehe

So the soundtrack which I always think fits for cybernoir is this old John Woo film song from the action film Hardboiled (1992), yes it has the Chow Yun Fat baby incubation hostage hospital shotgun scene, but ignore that bizarre cover picture, this music track is very evocative and haunting, it feels Blade Runner adjacent, with the saxophone, and has a contemplative, restless mood. I can imagine some android glistening in the neon diode rain / mist glow, lamentfully gazing upon the serrated future city spires, the robot has all these feelings but cannot cry tears in rain, because it is actually seething in silent fury at Harrison Ford reprising his role as Deckard in 2049 and disgracing his own cinematic legacy

But anyway, this song is very short, but I feel it could be used as an intro for a cyber-noir scene setting or mystery, intrigue scene etc

Hard Boiled 1992 OST / Michael Gibbs / Sad Kong
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I think an anon (maybe you?) did recommend this to me in the past, I had heard of it originally because I was intrigued by what the author did with the space vampires (crucifix as some sort of ward against the non-euclidean supernatural lol) it is on my very very long reading list, I need to finish the entire Revelation Space book series though argh argh my list of films games books literature etc is unmanageably long argh

I actually realised the Prodigy song was used apparently in Watch Dogs 2, the spider drone section, this surprised me because I completed all of Watch Dogs 1 and 2, I do remember that spider drone battle section but not this music lol. But I suppose it proves that the music is sort of cyberpunk to be used in Watchdogs. Also the Prodigy firestarter song featured in some Call Of Duty trailer (?) I cringed when I saw and heard it, clearly ATVI marketing department has latched onto the 90s rave generation as the new videogame demographic. So The Prodigy are now cringe, I do not know what to do anymore at a rave

I completed all of my Doom 3 replay, I am still playing NwN2 lol but also I started STALKER Shadow Of Chernobyl for the very first time on hardest difficulty, it is funny because I have never played Stalker, even though I have watched Stalker (1979 Tarkovsky film, in fact I have seen nearly all Tarkovsky films) I Have played Metro 2033 and Exodus etc and also the Tarkov style Arena Breakout games (similar inventory, food, looting, bandit/scavenger factions and a contested Zone setting), so just about every Stalker inspired game except STALKER itself lol.

I can see STALKER holds up really well, it is like Dostoyevsky made a Fallout game lol, even the graphics look good for a 2007 game, lol the starting Makarov pistol does no damage lol, I was worried my musical and aesthetic sensibilities would be irreparably ruined after I spent half an hour looking up Ah nooo CHEEKI BREEKI eev damka memes and musical remixes, finally I know what this means

Also, one immediate idea came to me from just my initial STALKER foray: the bolts (used to trigger the Zone anomalies / traps in the game) they should be like craftable talismans or trinkets, not the infinite spammable throwables in the game!

So imagine in a ttrpg, instead of a detect traps skill like in dnd, what if the skill was to assemble some ritual trinket that triggered the traps instead (you don't defuse them, you can only stand at a distance as they unleash their howling supernatural fury).

Also, you could combine this with a Dark Sun style blasted wilderness wasteland setting (pic related Richat Structure), you have literally created SWORDS AND SORCERY STALKER just combine the anomalies with not Chernobyl but the scorched desert dunes there should also be enormous mutant stilt snail sand caravans striding across the silt sea and pterodactyl flying black market traders slave raiders marauders and things. See, not Ukraine Chernobyl, it is dark fantasy!
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ie STALKER but Dark Sun, not Ukraine
To be fair this exists already and abundantly, possibly even twice explicitly, in NuSR settings like Ultraviolet Grasslands or Vaults Of Vaarn. So maybe it is not that original. But I don't think either of those settings really emphasise the danger of anomalies / supernatural disturbances and landscape / terrain traps, hazards in the same way that STALKER Shadow Of Chernobyl does, and they don't really have any offering / trinket trap triggering mechanics like I outlined above etc
It probably wasn't me, I only recently read it.

However, you should move it to the top of your list. Blindsight (and Echopraxia, the sequel) are explicitly hard sci-fi, with every instance of anything incredible seeming having a specific citation of supporting literature in the back.

The only exception being the existence of Watts-style vampires, who are made up but have their functional differences described using the same sorts of citations. Down to which genes are mutated where to have required them to consume human blood/flesh when they existed before being resurrected.
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Come join in Bluebird Quest, where yuri is illegal. We have:
>Halberd lady with two whole braincells
>The delightful smell of burning city
>World... building...? Maybe.
>Birb that collects shinies.
>B i r b
The sorcerors of SWORDs and SORCERY STALKER setting probably cast magic by branding glyphs and incantations of PAIN on nubile leashed slave acolytes and every time they invoke a spell the brand weal flares in BURNING AGONY the slave is incinerated horribly as the demonic spell is unravelled and set loose upon the blasted wasteland. This consummate lore / worldbuilding is in no manner a manifestation of the private fetishes of the DM's magical realm muahahaha. I just feel it is imperative for such a world setting to be populated by TORTURE SORCERORS, the cruelty, yay

Ok I don't have a gif of that branding scene from John Carter Of Mars (I am surprised Disney depicted it) so you get this gif of mindless barbarian Martian slashing fury instead. John Carter Of Mars is actually a good film, I enjoyed it more than new Star Wars, because it was less predictable. Also it was weird seeing the formerly respectable cast of HBO Rome, on hallucinogenics, Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony with transvestite glamour glitter and face paint feathers and mascara tiaras and things on their fake praetorian sci-fantasy Roman Native American armour, because: Mars! Maybe this is some sort of cinematic rule, every time you deliver a commanding or cinematically distinguished performance, you must immediately disgrace yourself afterwards
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>I think an anon (maybe you?) did recommend this to me in the past
I actually recommended Watts' Starfish trilogy, which features characters that refer to themselves as vampires, but my suggestion was misinterpreted as being for Blindsight, which I've never read.



Here's the AI track I listen to while writing updates. There are three versions that I play in sequence but I like this one the most.
I jack off to make sure I'm in the right state of mind to write my update.
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When I feel like my stuff is getting just a bit too horny? I feel you. That or work on a lewdfic, haha.
Oh no none of my updates are horny at all, actually.

I do it to send a message to my players. What the message is?

I don't know.
How is the Starfish trilogy? Does it slap you in the face with the most inflammatory premise/stance possible, then convince you of that position's correctness, like Blindsight?

The vampires of Blindsight and Echopraxia are absolutely terrifying. I've never seen or read anything featuring superintelligences that are so well executed, so convincing, alien in exactly the ways they should be. How are the vamps in Starfish?
I don't want to spoil too much, but the main character is part of a group of people that have been given permanent body mods to be able to survive ocean floor pressure, and they start developing weird habits and referring to themselves as vampires because they like to hang out in total darkness by themselves, but that's not the main focus of the books.

I liked the second book, Maelstrom, the most, because it has neat parts about self-replicating computer programs existing in the "wild" of the internet.
I'm going to be honest. I may be a huge brainlet but I fucking hated blindsight.

The concepts were kind of cool but I found the payoff kind of meh given how obtuse and unpleasant the book was to read. In my humble opinion Watts is a reddit-tier edgelord who puts in questionable concepts (fucking vampires? Really???) which he then proceeds to spend 45 justifying for no good reason. He seems more intent on showing how smart he is than telling a good story.
Based. Provide sauce please?
>ttrpg settings
Souv my man, dream bigger. Read up on the Gongallaverse.

I don't really blame anyone for hating Blindsight. It's got literally the most inflammatory thesis you could possibly have: That everything you are, have been, and will/have experience(d) is not only unnecessary...but actually bad.

But, I disagree with the reasons you dislike the book. I think the obtuse and unpleasant style was a deliberate choice to help you imagine what it's like to be Siri Keeton, trapped amidst baseline humans he can't understand and post-humans no one can really understand.

He could definitely work on better expressing a sense of place though. I guess that's not so much an issue in Blindsight since Theseus and Rorschach are so different, but it's pretty bad in Echopraxia.

I wouldn't go so far as to accuse him of wanking how smart he is rather than telling a good story. I don't think it'd be far off the mark to say he's more interested in exploring the concepts he presents and their possible ramifications/implications than telling a good story though.
I don’t listen to music. I just open google docs on my phone and write. Occasionally looking at etmology website for certain words and references of irl locations / written documents I base my writing on
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Solarpunk update after a few days break
You've an unexpected caller! Wonder what he wants.
i actually HAVE to write down at 1am in the middle of the dark without music, otherwise i get easily distracted with literally anything else
I put on either generic 'music to work by' playlists, dungeon synth, or something like jazz or lofi. Instrumentals only so I don't get distracted. During more 'intense' scenes I might find a playlist to get me in the mood. A light sipper of alcohol can help if I'm tense from work; a toke if I'm writing a more emotional or psychedelic scene rather than something requiring a more rigid attention to detail and sequence.
Both good shouts, btw. Thanks!
Olympus Incarnation Quest has entered its 8th thread!

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I mostly just open up youtube, pick some random songs to listen to while writing, and drink some highly caffeinated slop because it's in the middle of the night when I update (and/or I end up procrastinating too long) before going to town.
I tend to write the best when I'm in a fugue state and I'm not really thinking too hard on how things SHOULD happen.
How to approach nicely the Combat during a qst?
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>my mom roll nat 1 in her sleep
She already did irl: had me.

But I can make YER MAM RAWL
out of
>000000001D10000000000 !!!

>KYEKK kekekekekekekekekekek
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¿ Have you ever had a quest idea that you liked so much you wanted someone else to run it, just so you could play it?
>the factions will be all different if they do it
>and the tendency of inworld history
>and bets off on theming.
>wadduf I'z maed up a shitbag setting
>n dey put twuw wuv n jusdis in?
>if I fort up sumn, I'll do a run first
>showem how itz done, see
>problem with dattiz, it becomes mine and no one wants a go

¿ If so, what?
>A Divil one.
>Temptan schmucs out theyz Immortal Soolz
>Gotza play by Accords of Non Interference or risk Angelz sending in cheaty stuff

¿ When do you prefer to be a player?
>when the QM aina faggit wot ghosts in a week wivvout notice
>A fully invested QM be noice.

¿ If you could wave a magic wand and make the board more active, but not necessarily faster thread-wise, would you do it?
>Means theys invested.
>Means I dun good.
>cri/tg/oblanz shiddpost some zinger idees too.

¿ Do you want to return to the days of sessions?
>Me schedule's wonky all over.
>Dodjan da fuzz, fiddly taxes, stealan socks
>Carnt commat.

¿ It would be funny if all the lurkers became QMs but kept lurking in other threads, just saying.
>Oyy, das nutta qeshchun.
>it don't have dat cat's botty sign onna
>"?", makes your voice go up like sumn did surprise buttstuff to yez

¿ Are you a pumpkin spice enjoyer, or are you sick of the oversaturation?
>Sounds nars.
>how much dat corst in high naitrate ferdilyza?
>Mm in a hurreh.
How the fuck do I run a quest if my internet is unstable and I'll invariably lose my ID, thus making the quest impossible to bump?
Also goddamn I really wish we could still be on /tg/. That board unironically got worse after the exodus.
>How the fuck do I run a quest if my internet is unstable and I'll invariably lose my ID, thus making the quest impossible to bump?
In my experience, so long as you don't clear your cookies, you'll retain your qm formatting permissions even from completely different IPs. Which is what I presume you meant instead of bumping. Though it's not the end of the world without those.
>Also goddamn I really wish we could still be on /tg/. That board unironically got worse after the exodus.
Honestly that's exactly why I don't miss it at all.
>How the fuck do I run a quest if my internet is unstable and I'll invariably lose my ID, thus making the quest impossible to bump?
If you have a tripcode, your thread ID won't matter. Besides that, the OP has a cooldown on bumping his own thread (if you try to repeatedly bump your thread inside the cooldown window, your post will automatically sage, and the cooldown timer will reset), but non-OP IPs don't have the cooldown, so it will actually benefit you to switch IDs, since you'll be able to bump your own thread more frequently.
Isn't there a point where only OP can bump the thread though?
>In my experience, so long as you don't clear your cookies, you'll retain your qm formatting permissions even from completely different IPs.
Not in my experience but maybe I'm retarded.
I've been feeling the itch again lately. I'm not sure if I'll flake but goddamn I NEEED to write again. It's like a piece of my brain is just missing without it.

We await the return of the other marauders:
& perhaps new hosts dedicated to Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, & Slaanesh

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It is DDLC’s 6th anniversary today for me. The DDLC quest spoken about a thread or two back has simply failed to materialize. If it fails to do so either today or tomorrow, I will let that poster know how disappointed they’ve made me for getting my hopes up.
>Isn't there a point where only OP can bump the thread though?
The thread will automatically begin to autosage after a few days, but until then, bumps work as described.
Make it succinct unless it's a boss. Provide several different equally viable approaches that are more complex than "Reckless, Cautious, Balanced" (not that the options don't boil down to that, just don't state that). Have an arena/setting that can be used to your advantage.

Unlike in TTRPG combat, in a quest players can really strategize and leverage all the resources you've provided if they need to.
I'm a fan of the theory that quests work best as a supplement on other boards. I floated into them from /tg/, but I'd never have gotten into them if /qst/ had existed as an independent board.

Shit, for some reason people don't even seem to comprehend the idea when I explain it to them irl more often than not. I don't understand what's so difficult to grok about "it's like DnD but with only one PC and people vote to decide what that PC does."

Help me, does anyone else have a better explanation of quests for normies?
I don't think many /qst/ regulars view the board by bump, anyway. Most seem to use the catalogue-view, sorted by creation date or last reply.
Call them a collective game CYOA. Or a democratic CYOA. Establish the baseline of what they are, in that it's a bunch of people choosing what to do. Then you can get into the nuance of it having a central writer wrangling the tards and often mechanics of dice rolling or fate points and such.
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Can audiences discern "filler" votes from the important stuff? Do they care?

Weird question, but I'm curious since I've occasionally had to insert somewhat minor choices into enormous walls of text just to prevent from having 9-post long walls in which the audience doesn't get to choose shit and it's always bugged me.

>I don't understand what's so difficult to grok about "it's like DnD but with only one PC and people vote to decide what that PC does."
Lots of people already have trouble groking DND, for whatever reason. Just try to ground it in CYOA books or some kind of roleplay explanation, like "imagine you're reading a book and you have to cooperate with your friends to choose where it goes next".
...don't actually use that explanation, it's not a very appealing one, but equating something niche to something that is also (or at least used to be) niche isn't a good way to start imo.
>Can audiences discern "filler" votes from the important stuff? Do they care?
I'd be shocked if they couldn't, but I think it's important to have breaks from tension or extremely thoughtful decisions, for the sake of flow and stress. Downtime, if you will. Though I wouldn't necessarily call them filler if they serve a character development or illustrative purpose, something that informs rather than just being there to take up space in and of itself.
DND is apparently already really hard to get for a lot of people. I don't know how often I have encountered people just don't get that there are table-top games more complicated than Monopoly or Game of the Goose.

As for filler votes, I tend to see simple conversation votes that don't centre around some revelation or big event as filler by default.
Depends what you mean by filler. Not every vote has to be some super important life or death choice with wide ranging consequences. Sometimes minor decisions have their merit in quests too.
If you mean "lol yeah this is wasting time", then probably. Like if you're asking them what outfit the MC wears for a particular event or what meal they eat for breakfast.
However if you can use those votes for character development or to expand on a character then they still have merit. It's only if you're asking for votes to waste time is when I question what you're doing.
>However if you can use those votes for character development or to expand on a character then they still have merit.

There have been a few votes like that in the crap I am putting out but aside from a couple just giving me inspiration for the next scene; I am keeping track of a few things behind the scenes; things which should help develop characters or influence the plot of the quest it's self. Trying to do that at least.
>Can audiences discern "filler" votes from the important stuff? Do they care?
Depends on the reader and their investment in the narrative. I've done what you're describing, and I think the best practice is to make sure the vote, even if it's minor, has SOME sort of effecr. Sometimes that can be as simple as clarifying a character relationship, changing the mood of subsequent narration, or just changing an aspect of the character's aesthetic (espeically meaningful if you draw, or commission, art). If the choice serves NO purpose and doesn't even facilitate discussion, skip it or change it, or just say you're breaking there and will finish the post later.

Whether a fuller vote is obviously filler also varies from quest to quest. Sometimes a seemingly trivial vote can have hidden implications down the line. Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest is like that.
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The state of Final Girl Quest, for the three of you still invested:

My doggo died, and then my computer finally decided it had enough of me and spontaneously combusted, and then I got fired, and then my car broke down, all within a week or so, and then I got depressed and Minecrafty for a while, but I am happy to report that I'm back to being a cog in the ma- I mean, a productive member of society. I've lost all of my notes, as well as the complete choice tree, but it's all etched in my brain anyways so we 're good. I can't make any promises as to when it'll be back, but rest assured FGQ is alive and well. I hope everyone's healthy and happy. RIP Kolton, I miss you every day.
Oh shit... Well, RIP Kolton, and I'm glad you're on the mend. When you return, I'll be there, but I WOULD really appreciate it if the thread starts with a recap of characters and events.
AI slop belongs in the trash
Unfortunately we aren't all artists. Slop is the best I can do.
Ok, just for you, I'll make it, but it'll be a shitpost
Bad art beats lazy non-art.
Haha. Except it doesn't.
I think AI art is a neat tool sometimes for breaking a writer's block, but it reads incredibly repetitively, i cannot maintain character consistency, it can't tell any sort of complex joke, it can't weave mystery or even comprehend foreshadowing... In short, it needs HEAVY editing to tell any sort of interesting story, and therefore you may as well not bother for quest writing.

Visual art? Oh, it's pretty alright for art, depending how specific you need to be and if you want it to be, if you care about stylization at all, etc. I use it for character portraits or landscapes sometimes, but I also commission human artists, because even flawed human art, as >>6108342 says, has something AI art still lacks.
there's billions of pictures in the world you can save and use at your convenience that would work better for your purpose than some churned out machine slop
you really expect me to believe there aren't a million caveman or goblin pictures out there they could use but that those QMs absolutely must have some machine generated generic pap because it works better?
if nothing else using AI art shows me the QM has bad taste, so at least it acts as an effective filter
Rest in peace to your pupper, sorry to hear about all that. I got sidetracked & haven't been cultivating spiritual power as properly, but I WILL break the Qst curse, I assure you, along with whomever wants to help out here & on /x/ when I feel prepared.
The problem I've run into now is that even when you try to google stuff up, you get a ton of AI-gen stuff.
Someone worked really hard to look like a gremlin in real life, not showering for years, slumping, drinking enough mountain dew to dye their skin green. I am not going to cheapen that by stealing their likeness for a quest. I am a man of integrity. How could I possibly steal the work of another? Sir, you are a knave.
ded board
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Don't wholeheartedly disagree, but it makes things faster than I can. So I use it for quick post pics, and then remake the images I actually like in my own style by hand. Before end of thread for Bluebird Quest, I intend to have the cover picture hand drawn, with the MC's uncle's tower behind her, probably

when im actually writing the update ill just have whatever regular youtube slop i watch playing on the second monitor, but i do have a playlist i listen to when im planning out updates and plot ideas
Sorry for your loss, dude--real life and self-care always come first, so don't feel bad about how long it takes to return! We'll be ready for you when you come back.
I don’t really like ai slop because it either looks like glossy dogshit or inconsistent shit. I’d rather take a b&w sketch where things are comprehensible than a fully shaded and colored ai pic

Last one that looks decently good I believe was that vtuber idol manager quest. Looks decent.
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Some more art for solstice thread II.
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>Game of Goose
This is a very intriguing boardgame, thank you for this reference!

I don't know if this is more of an Italian / Spanish continental cultural thing, in England the traditional race-to-finish style board game of this type for children would be "Snakes And Ladders" (snake hazard is the setback, ladder advances forwards etc)

Just reading the wikipedia,


the description of this game mentions that it is perhaps an allegory for the Ages Of Man / "grand climacteric" theory (ancient notion of significant life "turning points" crucial year of life etc), perhaps a retelling of the passage of age in years during a journey across Europe or a pilgrimage. The hazard squares Bridge, Hotel, Well, Maze, Prison, Death respectively situated at 12, 19, 31, 42, 52, 58, and the win/finishing square at 63.


I wonder if this means the board game idea of "land on hazard square, move backwards X squares" was an early indicator of the notion of psychological regression ie if the numbered squares on the board represented an allegory for the "age" in years of the player, a setback or trauma might lead to reversion "backwards" in age to an infantile / helpless childish state, whereas arrival upon a serendipitous gift / seizing a lifetime opportunity (advancing squares, progress on the gameboard) might represent "wisdom beyond your years" of age etc.

Anyway, this was a very interesting reference, many thanks for introducing me to this!
Try UBlacklist. It's a browser extension that blacklists various search and image results, and you can easily find lists of AI stuff to block. Works for me.
"It's like those choose-your-own-adventure books, but people vote on which option to choose." Misses some nuance, but it gets the point across.
This art is amazing, ObserverQM! As you can probably guess,
I am very fond of the overhead satellite geospatial imaging aesthetics, hehe

LGBT spaceflight noooo. I often imagine the advanced socially engineered spacefarers of the future will resemble pic related. I am particularly intrigued by that highly-engineered collapsible utility tool / receptacle on his side that visually resembles a roll of toilet paper
You get this cool crater image from Mars, ObserverQM. I collected this image of Sirenum Fossae because it reminded me of that Richat Structure thing on Earth
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I have identified the secret technology that powers the advanced magnetohydrodynamic propulsion of ObserverQM spaceship setting. Deep within the internally shielded engine confinement field vortices of Lorentz force shred and immolate nonbinary hairstyles in a maelstrom of scorching plasma at temperatures exceeding 100 million degrees Kelvin, emitting a distinctive purple pink signature starship drive flame that extends several kilometres behind the vessel to generate high specific impulse
Can someone PLEASE make a chinese alchemy quest?

I want to prescribe people with powdered bat gall bladder to cure their erectile dysfunction
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Here you go from the secret straight version of my quest.
hehe it is ok ObserverQM I actually liked the purple spaceship trails, it reminded me a bit of this old videogame I played Project Sylpheed (the HUD had so much apoplectic flashing from missile trails and markers and icons it made my eyes bleed) I remember there was this endgame weapon (maybe Monocerous cannon?) it basically looked like an enormous pink lipstick mounted beneath the cockpit hardpoint, sadly I cannot find any good pictures of it on the internet though
>Chinese alchemy?

During my meditation training...
I came to a place of deep silence...
I was surrounded by light...
Time and space disappeared.
I had come to a place
my master had never told me about.

You were enlightened?

No. I didn't feel the bliss of enlightenment.
Instead... I was surrounded by an endless sorrow.
I couldn't bear it.
I broke off my meditation. I couldn't go on.
There was something... pulling me back.

What was it?

>attempt to read the space monkeys quest for the first time
>it's gay sex
I have felt the endless sorrow
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You know I like to think I am a very openminded individual, receptive to new concepts and ideas (not anally receptive though) I read a lot of Oscar Wilde and Evelyn Waugh Brideshead Revisited etc also that time when WH Auden suspiciously went on a jaunt into nationalist China hand and hand to "write some poetry" with his American boyfriend, I think maybe BananasQM and I just possess divergent notions of THE GAY
>Gross alien sex
>Cuckoldry votes
>Now actual literal yaoi
You sure you're in the right site, bud?
Is gay furry sex going to be the new /qst/ meta?
I would run stuff on Questden unironically but I'm self conscious on how good the art is over there even for average quests compared to our board where only a few actual "GOOD" artists post consistently and most QMs focus on writing. It's really good.
I feel obliged to counteract the themes of THE GAY introduced by BananasQM. Maybe it is just because I completed my replay of the hypermasculine Doom 3 and also now playing Stalker Shadow Of Chernobyl (a game that features zero women??) Someone should build a game setting that explores the topic of MASCULINITY.

Here is a colonial era poem on this topic.

I feel like with a lot of the moralistic Victorian era writers (I include GK Chesterton) their poems are ok if taken at face value, in moderation.

If after reading this you feel the need to slaughter some Boers or natives with a Maxim gun, you have probably gone too far

IF, Rudyard Kipling 1895

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

The musical accompaniment to this is some remix I found of the Battlefield 1 round ending music, whoever made this audio edit accomplished an impressive feat

Battlefield 1 Edit, British Sinai Desert Assault
You'd probably return when nobody ended up raging at your bait since they actually unironically like all that stuff.
The Rudyard Kipling poem boisterously expounds upon what appears to be a very taut and muscular core of moralistic profundity.

However, if you have studied rhetorical (and propaganda) techniques, you will immediately detect its language verging on enantiosis, the juxtaposition of opposites.


eg from the wikipedia article example, "having nothing, yet possessing all things" or the propaganda thing "enemy simultaneously strong threatening and devious, yet also weak and stupid" etc. The entire poem is of the formula: If you can do this, but not this (the opposite thing) etc.

Enantiosis is often a form of sophistry, where by pairing opposites together, you can concatenate a lot of words together without saying anything at all
>Recites poetry to counteract homosexuality
Anon, I...
Something weird is happening in The Caretaker Quest!
Why do you hear a mysterious voice telling you to "wake up"? will you be able to "wake up"? will you be able to do it while fighting Harry Potter himself?
Roll to find out!
Brevity is the soul of wit, niggers.
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>fake, and gay
In this scene the Wachowski brothers forgot that the aim of sublimation
is to artistically and aesthetically camouflage sexual taboos, not to directly re-enact them, they cinematically immersed themselves to such a depth within the "breaking out of the bdsm body gender identity prison / social construct" mock execution metaphor that they became transsexuals themselves afterwards. Just as with the Alfonso Cuaron Children Of Men (2006) Britain looks slightly more prosperous, bourgeois and better governed in this film than in comparison to the political actuality and disarray of 2024. Also I enjoyed the scene where a pompous Stephen Fry gets punched in the face. Thus is the ever perilous path of the gay
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>Rudyard Kipling colonial poem on masculine virtues,
>"you’ll be a Man, my son...!"
pic related is how I imagine that turned out
Once upon a time,
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And brevity is not the soul of all things, however; it has its role in everything, but is only a tool. Quick quips have their place, as does expounding on a subject or scene.

Or not, I am a faggot posting on a Vietnamese flint knapping site.

And then they fucked.
>single attribute rpg that explores MASCULINITY, ageing?
A while back I remember reading an rpg called Wuthering Heights, it was mostly forgettable and quite amateurish (I think it came from the geocities era of selfmade pdf rules etc).

But that rpg had some mechanic where your character's AGE was a dice stat, the rpg had very complex rules but you would attempt to roll under or over your age to succeed or fail at various tasks.

I also know of the Ron Edwards Trollbabe system, it is three attributes Magic, Fight, Social, but generated from only one number, roll over, under, or best of etc with 1d10.

I thought about adapting this for some Sword and Sorcery setting with only two stats, SEX and DEATH.

But I reckon you could create some 1 stat rpg with a single attribute, MASCULINITY, you roll over the stat to be masculine and roll under it to do feminine things (look, men on top, ok - no weird unorthodox bent back frog squat wheelbarrow pleasure positions permitted)

So if you try to do a BATTLE VIOLENCE MURDER GORE masculine thing and roll under your stat, you must then narrate how the thing gets done but in a girlish or embarrassingly womanly way.

Similarly, if you try to do a sophisticated alluring social persuasion / soothing womanly thing but roll over your single stat, you must then narrate how you botch it with your oafish growling throaty aggressive man-voice, or perhaps pedantically mansplain in a tediously infuriating and patronisingly chauvinistic manner.
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For additional OSR random table antics, you should start the game by rolling your gender from a random table,

01 male
02 female
03 gay
04 lesbian
05 nonbinary
06 gender fluid
37 asexual cannibalistic gas mask elephant nose tube man, etc
that approximately reflects those stratified surveys of self-declared population sexual proclivities. (Adjust 1d100 proportions accordingly to correspond to survey sample response frequency)

It should encompass the entire panoply of LGBT nonbinary categorisations etc.

After failing a certain number of times on your MASCULINITY roll, your gender is re-assigned by a new random table roll, this is just how society views / misconstrues / explains your actions afterwards

Pic related is a Snork from Stalker, a feral crawling elephant proboscis tube man, I know about them but have not yet met any in the Zone. I fought the bloodsucker and the tunnel mind controller in the dark already it was fine. The most frightening mystery about Stalker, why are there two crouch buttons? Not even prone; crouch, low crouch? You cannot toggle them, you must hold down the key? What is the purpose of this?? It is a terrifying psychic conspiracy
Short, sweet. To the point, with endless avenues of interpretation left open for the reader to contemplate.

Unironically admirable. Bravo, anon!
Awful table design. All tables should be multi-use, scalable, created to imply the setting, use probability to create more/less predictable results and preferably nested.

For example:
Roll 1d6 for Common Sexuality & Gender
Roll 1d10 for a Sexuality
Roll 1d12 for Full Spectrum Sexuality
Roll 1d4+8 for a Homosexual Sexuality
Roll 1d10+4 for an Abnormal Sexuality

>(1) Straight Male, Romantic
>(2) Straight Female, Romantic
>(3) Straight Male, Dominant
>(4) Straight Female, Submissive
>(5) Straight Male, Submissive
>(6) Straight Male, Dominant
>(7) Bisexual Male
>(8) Bisexual Female
>(9) Homosexual Male, Dominant/Masculine
>(10) Homosexual Male, Submissive/Feminine
>(11) Homosexual Female, Dominant/Tom
>(12) Homosexual Female, Feminine/Bicurious
>(13) Male, Deviant (Rapist, Bestiality, etc.)
>(14) Trans/Gender-nonconforming
>If "Brevity is the soul of wit..."
Then your penis must be a riot, etc.

Did you know that this line, spoken by Polonius (sometimes seen as a personification of Poland in the Elizabethan era) there is a theory that Hamlet is actually about regime change.

I forget where I first read this analysis, but think about how the play begins with all these supernatural rumours, unrest stirred in the court of Denmark / Elsinore amidst the haunted backdrop of armed conflict between the old king Hamlet's father and Fortinbras / Norway... Hamlet is converted by these rumours into an agent of antagonism nihilism and death (admittedly an indecisive, procrastinating one) whilst the court absent him is in fact quite merry, in joyous contentment.

By the end of the play, the entire ruling house of Denmark, its heirs poisoned / stabbed / dead, the foreigner Fortinbras arrives, he just rolls in and claims everything.

It is how you invisibly perpetrate regime change, hehe

In case you think Shakespeare was unfamiliar with court intrigue, recall that he had to change the name of the famous character Falstaff in the Henriad, from the original Oldcastle, because descendants of the actual historical personnage threatened him (read about this Protestant martyrdom / treachery intrigue and political / Catholic religious conflict background in depth here)


Another common citation is how the Jew Shylock in the Merchant Of Venice was inspired by this Jewish physician to Queen Elizabeth


executed after he discovered and treated some venereal diseases amongst Elizabethan courtiers (it is possible that he was indeed a spy for Spain, albeit innocent of the ultimate treasonous charge of which he was accused). Finally, in The Tempest, there is an actual subplot of regime change (overthrow of Prospero's island plotted between Trinculo, Stephano, and the deformed indigenous native Caliban) but in the play itself it is performed as a drunken comedy.
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It is indeed probably a continental thing, and the version you posted as picture example is really, really ancient. It's still played today (mostly with children), and it's the least complicated board game I know (which is why I used it as an example). I'll include a version which is more familiar to me.

Another fun bit of trivia about this game is that (in the rules I know which may be completely homebrewed) you cannot go "past the end": if, for instance, the end is 3 squares away and you roll a 6, you are required to "bounce off" and move back the excess amount of squares that you rolled. This is rather perilous as the "death square" (which requires the player to go back to the starting square) is very close to the ending, meaning you can potentially "bounce" yourself into losing the game.
Don't take it too personally. Everyone starts somewhere, and lots of good quests use a bit of AI art here and there.

I'll check that out. Thanks!

Don't know about the others, but weird alien sex is a /tg/ tradition dating back to before the split.

No deviant female? Outrageous! This is female freakazoid erasure!
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I think even the lowest form of art has a character and charm the best AI could not replicate. It does not matter if you draw like a toddler (like me), it will always outshine a bland machine. Just open MS Paint (like I did) and draw stick figures for all I care. Still gives more character than the Nth piece of AI-generated slop.
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>Once Upon A Time...?

In the long ago, but not far away,
I was a leader of soldiers.

After we lost a famous battle,
I was taken captive
and brought before Emperor Aburanis.

Like you, he was new to the throne,

but he was unlike you
in every other way.

He was no Cleon.
He didn't make the room brighter.

He was fascinated by a machine woman.

He made incisions
and studied what he found.

He loved to watch my face, too,
to see how I reacted.

I saw he liked to imagine I felt pain.
I produced tears for him,

which he valued as much
as the knowledge he gained.

In time, he realized he would die,
and I would remain,
and that I had also paid attention
and learned from him.

He worried I might use the knowledge
to revive the war.

In the end, he made this mechanism
so that I could never walk free.


Demerzel was his best secret
and his only friend.

And it no longer seemed right
to leave her naked and in pieces...

(depresses mechanism that reassembles the robot woman, Demerzel)
Not freedom. Just…

It is only because I need you
That I cannot free you.

In the long ago, but not far away,

I met a concubine in an ancient court.

Every night, after she
and the king had taken their pleasure,
she would tell me of it
as if it were her first time.

And every morning,
after she had slept,
she had forgotten it had happened at all
as if by magic.

And in this way,

the king had a delighted
virgin in his bed every night.

She was a court dancer
with a great, natural grace.

So, even her perpetually amateur
attempts to please him did not suffer…

Demerzel's stories grew more
tempting the prince to desire.

She said he would free her someday,
and he grew to believe it was true.
To be fair, poetry used to be manly as fuck. Then the "enlightened thinkers" got their hands on it and eventually they handed it down to the "emotionally free" types.
I wonder how Mist is doing. I hope she is doing well and found her happiness, love and kindness.
WARLORDS OF CHAOS QST has one more day for old Chaos Champions to catch up, new players to join, as well as Krantagargh & Huffud to post their warband deployments.
The oldest known poem is arguably both very manly and a little gay. Definitely very emotional.

I do like human art more, yes. Sometimes AI art is good enough, faster and can create mood more effectively than a rough doodle, if you're not a good artist and are strapped for cash. Just my experience.
The Epic of Gilgamesh?
I can’t believe the ancient Sumerians had yaoi kek
Well the advice of Siduri the tavern wench is to NOT BE GAY:

6. As for you, Gilgamesh, let your belly be full,
7. Make merry day and night.
8. Of each day make a feast of rejoicing,
9. Day and night dance and play!
10. Let your garments be sparkling fresh,
11. Your head be washed; bathe in water.
12. Pay heed to a little one that holds on to your hand.
13. Let a spouse delight in your bosom,
14. For this is the task of [woman].

(appropriately, this is a translation by a professor named "Tigay")

Unfortunately, Gilgamesh enjoys what can only be described as NECRO-HOMO

(Stephen Mitchell translation)

Gilgamesh said, “Shouldn’t my cheeks
be hollow, shouldn’t my face be ravaged,
frost-chilled, and burnt by the desert sun?
Shouldn’t my heart be filled with grief?
Shouldn’t I be worn out and ready to collapse?
My friend, my brother, whom I loved so dearly,
who accompanied me through every danger –
Enkidu, my brother, whom I loved so dearly,
who accompanied me through every danger –
the fate of mankind has overwhelmed him.
For six days I would not let him be buried,
thinking, ‘If my grief is violent enough,
perhaps he will come back to life again.’

For six days and seven nights I mourned him,
until a maggot fell out of his nose.

Then I was frightened, I was terrified by death,
and I set out to roam the wilderness.
I cannot bear what happened to my friend –
I cannot bear what happened to Enkidu –
so I roam the wilderness in my grief.
How can my mind have any rest?
My beloved friend has turned into clay –
my beloved Enkidu has turned into clay.
And won’t I too lie down in the dirt
like him, and never arise again?”

pic related is a neo Hittite relief found from Tell Halaf (Syria), 9-10th century BC, that may depict Gilgamesh and Enkidu subduing Humbaba, possibly homoerotic wrestling
>DND is apparently already really hard to get for a lot of people. I don't know how often I have encountered people just don't get that there are table-top games more complicated than Monopoly or Game of the Goose.
Yeah, it's really odd. Even during that pandemic boom, something like half the new groups I saw were just treating it like glorified theatre practice or improv comedy instead of an actual tabletop game. I don't get what's so hard to grasp about stats and skill checks, but it seems to bounce off the average numbskull like a volleyball does a kid's head.

I can't tell if this is serious or a quip on the QMing curse, but just in case it's not a joke I'm sorry for your loss and hope you recover quickly. That's gotta be the worst week anyone's had in years.
The funniest thing to me is people here of all places trying to examine "human" relationships of any kind. Especially this fucking money vampire kek.
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Indeed. Old school poetry is pretty based. Even 100 years ago it was awesome, post Great War and what not. Then we got shit from people like Maya Angelou in the current era. Ick.
Humans and their relationships include even semi-anonymous authors and commenters on public collaborative fiction forums, and strange, seemingly-retired hedge fund managers who are really into BDSM and media analysis.

"I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" is pretty aight.
Please stop.
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>human relationships
I mentioned it before, but the bdsm thing is implicitly the best metaphor for the rpg dungeonmaster / player interaction, creation of complication, presentation of threat game structure etc. Because it is all imaginary make-believe fictional danger, so how do you make it convincing, believable? I don't like the modern pbta obsession / fetishisation with x cards and consent safe words though lol, every rpg book now opens with some safe space conciliatory legalistic verbose coddling nonsense, which has been demonstrated (see Adam Koebel lol) to be ineffectual with the wrong people and wrong intentions anyway. If you play any game you ritualistically consent to get a little hurt, to suffer a little... For thrills and excitement!
We need to bring back the other forms of poetry. The current landscape is massively saturated with expressing one's self and the scene suffers for it. Bring back competitive and ranked poetry. And rhythmic storytelling. Even rap has dropped both of those balls as of late. Shameful display.

Yeah sure we have human interaction here, we're all autistic as fuck though. Hardly comparable. Like asking a hawk how a penguin feels.
Robert Frost is the king of English-speaking poets. If more poets were like him, the world would be a better place.
>If more poets were like him,
I'm pretty sure most QMs and a decent chunk of players here have some measure of social life outside the site. if we're weird and variously 'autistic' or 'neurodivergent' or whatever, we still know what it is to love and be loved, to know friendship and camaraderie, to feel betrayal and loss or the warmth of reunion. Even Souv, I assume. Even me.
Not me. But eh, I'm better off that way. People complicate my life.
You the QM for it?
My nigger. It is kinda basic but I am a fan of Frost.

We could even make a Society based around that fact.

I come here to decompress and have fun. Have a lot more time to check stuff out for the last year or so since I no longer am I working like 60 hour weeks and can now dictate my work schedule to a decent degree.

I am odd, but I do have a decent sized IRL friend circle, am well like among my coworkers, even if I probably do have a touch of the 'tism, flattened affect but oh well.
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>We could even make a Society based around that fact.
I wont. Though I wish I was better at perspective for the background, RIP.
I actually really, REALLY love the aesthetic of flat plaid on more detailed/shaded clothes, no idea why.

Anywho updoot. Join us in Beguiler: The Birbening, we have:
>A protagonist with a clear goal
>Nine magical rings that definitely do not have strings attached to their power
>TWO Christ Figures in the local Catholicism Replacement
>Lesbian guardswoman getting immediately shot down the moment she showed an inkling of interest
>Vague attempts to draw something while using AI art as a reference.
>B I R B
Is it style to add in another character's actions when a different one is taking in the same paragraph?
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The Isekai Inquisition is back with a new thread this time mostly through the perspective of the cheerful justice lover Marie! Come join for a narrative quest about an autistic princess and her otherworldly friends currently trying to unravel a political conspiracy.
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>Spitballing some ideas and venting creative energies before I start prepping for Interregnum.
>before I start prepping for Interregnum
>prepping for Interregnum
picrel, high time we get to training Ceyla in the august and superior art of Makashii combat
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Sorry anon, but before Kaz finished the last thread and vanished into the fog, we were in the midst of teaching Ceyla Form II, in the style of the Jedi Shadows before us.

I know because every time Kaz says he’s prepping for Interregnum, I, like the hyper focused autistic dumbass I am, reread through it to prep myself for a new session…
I looked at a old quest I did. One I'd say was successful. I did far more in that one than I do today. Hit around 400 posts give or take while I ended my most recent one at the 169 mark. Now I just feel bad about falling off.

I'm still going to do that DDLC quest I shitposted about to try and apply the advice I got here into practice. Be brief, deliver more dense updates, and try to maintain player agency as a goal.
IDK about love, but I've definitely felt betrayal after some of my favorite QMs promised to come back and then disappeared.
Who spurned you?
They could be here right now. Any one ID could be any QM you want to be, you're just missing proof of it. They'll come back with the milk when they got it, trust.
I've almost found this mythical milk. There was this hellish realm called the "supermarket" full of malformed creatures, horrific demons, and pathetic gremlins. They say it is in the depths of this terrible place but I have yet to work up the nerve or prepare my tools sufficiently to make it past the tertiary lands outside known as the "parking lot". It is infested with the ghouls known as methheads and they rave at any vehicle that stops for longer than three minutes, even going so far as to physically accost those who leave the safety of their iron vessels.

Soon. Soon shall I find this milk.
I wasn’t around for the time when Sessions were a regular thing for quests.
Wish I was though. Maybe I should’ve written more in a post instead of trying something admittedly skim so I could put out images. I was trying to capture the feel of VN narration and introspective, so I restricted myself to what I think would fit into a text box.


Also yeah, my DDLC Quest is up. Just in time for the 7th anniversary. I’m embarrassed that the idea took me this long, since I wanted to play around with the quest format like how the VN goes meta. Then I was reminded that “Visual Novel Quest!” exists and branded myself as a cheap imitation, but I already posted the thread so I’ll have to see it though.
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>It is infested with the ghouls known as methhead

Like 2 months ago I offered to give a ride down the road to a homeless dude. Said just let him grab his bag. Thought it was like a fanny pack or some crap. No, meant his bag of ice he was hiding close by. Fuck being nice to people.

Now back to the cage since I have been celebrating most of the weekend.
Course he was hiding it. You can't just leave a bag of jewelry in plain sight.
I really like my game. I really like my players. Everything's going really well.

I've been trying to push myself to engage more and be less aloof with OOC stuff.
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I really envy your game. I really despise your players. Everything has to go really wrong for you.

But it won’t.

With my upcoming mastery of the negative chakras, I will offset my worse aspects and take on everything good that is of you.
>Dark Cutémon arc
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I ask, no, DEMAMD

that you run a Wizard 101 Quest. NOW
@mulet @non, are you there? Please let me know, my friend.
Hey wait a second...
When was that UTUTU kaiju quest supposed to resume?
I didn't miss the follow up, did I?
Gotham City Beat Cop is back from our weekend with a continuation in the series of learning things about our elderly mentor that we probably shouldn't.

Come snoop.
can someone with more animu knowledge explain this joke to me? I am not a jojofag by any means
see >>6106972
You see, your quest, Pokeapocalypse, is set in 1884 in america. That character in the image is Johnny Joestar, the protagonist of Steel Ball Run (Part 7 of Jojo), which is set in 1890, and also in america, at which time the protagonist was 19 years old.
That's me. The joke is that by the year the quest takes place, that character would be 12. Since the setting is still a sort of "western" one, I had the autistic idea strike me of "what if this guy was also around during the worldwide mon chaos"? He does also suffer a great amount in his backstory and which mons could help with, so my brain drew a fanfic-tier connection
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Ah, I see lol. Makes sense. Thanks for explaining it.
I would recommend reading Steel Ball Run. You don't really need any prior jojo knowledge to enjoy it. Here's chapter 1 of the colorized if you're curious
That was a fun story, even if I don't really like JoJo past Battle Tendency. Good taste.
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Posting from work.
My power cut out in the middle of me writing stuff up. Turns out my sister can’t be trusted with the bills, we owe con edison 7 fucking thousand.
I hate this house. Nothing’s coming up right here. I’m fucked.
How the hell do you get a 7k power bill? Are you mining fucking bitcoin?
By not paying for months.
My power bill's like $300/month max and I've got an old and decently big house in a blisteringly hot area.

What sort of mansions are you living in where you can build up a $7k debt before they cut you off?
Ok but i don't know anything about it and i won't learn any of it.
7k in what currency?
Con Edison is American, right?
So do yall think I could potentially make something solid from my idea if I made sure to put some effort into the writing aspect? Rough draft of races and subsequent light lore dumps seem interesting?
Maybe. Is it a civquest? Focused on a single character? A skirmish? Rather than dumping lore here, I'd recommend fine-tuning your first few posts and a direction for the first thread, and getting started. It's all too easy to get fixated n worldbuilding to the exclusion of the parts of the game or story which players will actually engage with.
Setting is one of the least important bits of things. If you're trying to make something scoot off of world building and lore alone then you'll be directly competing with people who are good enough at exactly that to get paid for it.

Like the other anon said. What's the actual story you're telling or allowing the players to explore? Somebody traveling and experiencing the cultures of your races? People in charge of one group and navigating conflict with the others? Are they just some dude isekai'd in and floating around? Sandboxes need at least something to be working towards, if the latter.
Well when you stick your dick in a wall socket the results are pretty shocking.
He lives in New York City (lol)
Well average American electricity bills are $2800+ a year according to some quick googling I did. Some states like Rhode Island, California,and Hawaii are notably higher than average, and according to a Reddit page that popped up when Is searched ConEd pricing I know, I know, they stack 'delivery charges' on certain areas which can exceed the bill itself.

NYC was indeed the area the subreddit brought up.

Maybe there was also interest on top of that? I don't know if utility companies are aloud to do that in the USA. Missing payments of $400-$500 for a few months with compounding interest could do the trick, I bet...
Im betting its not in USD
Birb quest has updated.

Astur when the skeleton doesn't die immediately: "WHAT SORCERY IS THIS?"

need someone to vote

Quest updated! If you like Warhammer 40k with a lighter vibe, come check my quest out!
Psychic experiments by the C-Consciousness, those electrical anomalies have escaped the Zone. Ah noo cheeki breeki eev damka
I have had the misfortune of being in one of those campaigns. It is so nice when your party members decide to absolutely fucking gimp the campaign by annoying as many NPC's as possible with their piss-poor character acting and having the fucking balls to complain when their level 2 character gets absolutely fucking curbstomped by a late-game enemy they themselves decided to challenge in the third session.
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I'm so washed lmao
I bet you were dying to post that gay scene for months
I'm guessing that means no update today.
I was trying to cram all the shit I'm posting (right now) into the ~10 minutes before work yesterday AFTER already typing the gay bit. I seriously thought I could compress this shit down to a single post. Hence my complaint at now realizing just how long it would take. I used to put a lot more effort into being concise with my updates, but I'm not sure how much information I can really cram in, given my already bad reputation for leaving things our or keeping things vague.
I'm not going to complain about longer updates, i'd rather read more than to have a vote be unclear and cause an upheaval.
Alright /qtg/ I need to know

What GOOD fantasy Quests are running right now???
Magically Challenged
Normal cultivator and No-talent cultivator on the eastern fantasy.
Gnomes and Gardens seems promising.
Whichever you aren't reading, apparently. Why don't you make like a GOOD lurker and more.
I'd like to think that Bluebird is being a good Fantasy Quest right now. Speaking of, forgot to post the update alert:
>When you roll a Crit to look for an Inn.
The Prince, but the third thread has yet to be posted. Also gnome quest.
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Magically Challenged if you like more out-there race choices, humans as the 'technology' faction, underdog stories, and slice-of-life magic school shenanigans. Dispepearing Hogwarts if that last part sounded cool, but you wanted more humans, angst, and references to the Wizarding Wold canon.

Dark Quest for a very interesting premise--a world where you can't see shit--and a QM with a very distinctively-charming, fun writing style and approach to characterization. DemBonez quests are always a blast.

Silver Knight for faux-Catholicism, chivalry, and young lesbian romance in a richly-built setting with a full-fleshed-out history and lore. If you read The Lady Knight's Quest, and miss Louise, Argia could easily be her shy little sister.

Local Lord for wacky fish-out-of-water, sword-and-cross-fuck-yeah storytelling about an 11th century, borderline-illterate French knight isekai'd in a parody of modern D&D tropes.

Cutémon or Poképoclypse if you want something more 'modern fantasy', depending on if you count caveman times or a human civilization rebuilding post-alien invasion 'modern'. Digimon: Dead Site if you want to stretch the definition of 'fantasy'.

Forgotten Realms for that classic D&D feel. The Prophecy Names Me, if you want something riffing on JRPG and isekai tropes.

Jail Quest if you like old-school back-and-white adventure comics and kicthen-sink fantasy hodgepodge settings, or just fun in general.

Loveless Gal if you want a SEA/Buddhism-flavoured quest about street-level living as a flawed-but-striving person in a a work-a-day fanatsy setting.

One Life if you want a fantasy so enigmatic it's really still a mystery if it's even actually fantasy or not.
Oh, and I almost forgot, but if you like session-style quests or don't mind reading rather than consistently playing, Moloch has quite likely the best prose on this site (top 3, easy) and his Lovecraftian horror-fantasy vibes, interesting weaving in of gnostic themes, and cast of TOP TIER waifus as always makes The Pale Inheritance superb.
Sizeable Poképocalypse update today to make up for the fact that I'm uncertain about what Wednesday and Thursday will look like.


Nothing is concrete, hence my posting this in /qtg/ and not the quest itself, but tomorrow's quite busy and I'm actually not sure if I'll have enough time to write in the coming days. It depends on how big Helene gets, I guess.

I'll do my best to write regardless.
Forget fantasy for a moment. Can we just have a GOOD quest first?
>Space Monke Quest permanently stuck in A tier instead of S
I'm waiting to see if the maelstrom starts again in this one, when the first contentious cultural decision comes up.
Current or former. I have my picks for both.
I've got a cold and feel crummy at the moment but your post motivated me!
>when the first contentious cultural decision comes up.
I think you are going to be a little disappointed.
Like, in a good way? Where everyone is fairly level-headed and on-topic and doesn't start panicking?

Hey, just keep up the good work!

We've had, and have, many.
S-tier is for straight quests only.
S-tier includes a quest prominently featuring Whis from DBS and, perhaps more significantly where homosexuality in concerned, Silver Knight.
You don't. Neither has ever existed that truly matched the definition of GOOD, at least, one that did not originate from /tg/
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Hope you feel better, even if I only look at your stuff once in a while. Flu season, my neighbor and her GF got it and I had a shitty summer cold recently myself along with some norovirus back in spring that put me down for like three days.

Subjective, I suppose. There have been pleant of ones from here that were a lot of fun Maybe like 3 or 4 from Akun that weren't fetish coomer bait I can recall.

Is any quest truly good? Are we talking about just the writing? The game as a game it's self? Great mechanics, an attentive fun QM? IDK or care really. I have a good number I have fun memories of, and even reading some years later showed effort put into the writing and setting.

What would you consider matching your idea of GOOD?
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Thanks for the kind words about my shit! Can definitely attest to Jail being good, but I'll admit I've been hesitant to pick up new quests lately. Will definitely give some of these a try!

love to see that i got an A, thanks. always open to critique/suggestions to make everything more interesting
Hope you're keeping safe, QM. You're doing a good job with the quest as is, so don't worry too much.
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If I ever ran a quest and it got placed in "B Tier" I would crumble to dust.
H-hey, The Prophecy Names Me is fantasy too.
Sounds like B tier thinking.
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>Caring about the opinion of some rando, especially one on the internet
It was in the list!

Don't take it so seriously! It just means a quest I enjoy enough to reocmmenx, but have reservations giving full-throated support of because I'm not yet sure where it's going or if it will burn iut or fade away, generally.

I unironically agree. I'm just some anon.
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I don’t check for updates on my quest directly. Every time I post updates I back out and watch the catalog instead. When the post count increases I check with my eyes half closed because I am incredibly embarrassed of my own work. Eventually, this becomes too much for me, and I never return to my own work. How do I become a shameless grifter putting crap on the board?
Just like Bocchi, but unlike you, she has talent, is female, goes outside and made friends.
But in all seriousness, if you don't like what you're writing, flaking is bound to happen. If it makes you feel better, nobody on /qst/ is actually pinning for high quality entertainment, otherwise we wouldn't be here.
Maybe that's why the board's dead...
>I'm just some anon.
I thought you were ReptoidQM.
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Oh, now I see, my bad!
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Struggling with similar issues so I can only give you iffy advice. Try telling yourself that you can walk away anytime and that none of this can be tied back to you. Lowering your opinion of your players and telling yourself that the people in your screen aren't actually real might also help, but I've only had limited success with that. Exposure therapy is pretty much your only option here so do your best to stick to your quests.
It helps to look at genuinely bad quests so you can look at your own and say "This is worthwhile. This is good. I like this." to shake off some low-confidence. A lot of people get used to reading the great quests and set a baseline higher than it should be, consciously or not.

But yeah, other than practice and building that steely heart up in yourself, not really much else can be done.
If you have enough players to continue a quest, the board has decided it's good enough for it to be above average.
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So, that Slicequest review I owe? I'm only three threads and several months late, but hey, who's counting. As always, broad strokes, no spoilers.

The quest is an action packed, fun romp with a dedicated (kinda nuts) Irish Italian American pizza guy, Diesel Crash, and the people he picks up on his journey to deliver a pizza (and do a bit of party crashing, pee spraying, and world saving on the side.

The dialogue is fun, the character chemistry is fantastic, and the action, while usually described pretty sparsely, is energetic and entertaining, supplemented by some very fun doodles to visually enhance the quest (I admire the effort, could not be me). The dip from a reasonably grounded real world setting into one filled with sci-fi and fantastical elements is (while borderline nonsensical on paper) feels surprisingly natural while you're reading it.

The ride is very camp and goofy- even the more 'serious' or high stakes moments usually have some sort of element of levity. The whole thing has the vibe of that one time you and your friends got way too drunk drunk and did something in equal parts wholly irresponsible, braindead stupid, and legendary.

If I had to make some criticisms, though being the pizza guy is Diesel's whole thing, the references to Italian cuisine seem a bit forced, occasionally. In addition, though it's never too severe, the pacing is a bit off sometimes: there are elements which I would have liked to see explored in more depth, and there are some scenes which drag on an update or two too long. Plus, if you're going into it expecting some deep commentary on the human condition (while there are some scenes with surprising emotional weight) you more likely than not will come up disappointed. Like a good slice of pizza, it's filling and tasty, but still definitely fast food.

Still, very succinct and super enjoyable, and I'd recommend it to anyone who read the review and thought anything about it might be up their alley. Also, as promised, a doodle is appended. Let me know if you want a review and a doodle for your quest or one you're reading (7> threads is preferable). I'm no archivebro but I'll do my best- if no requests are made this thread, I'll work through the ones made at my initial time of asking instead (I think Watcher from the Core is next)
I am. 'ReptoidQM' is just some anon. I don't matter any more than any other player/reader/rando.
I want to ask for Magically Challenged so i can see a doodle, but archivebro already said he'd do it at some point too
How can someone with a name be anonymous?
My name is not 'ReptoidQM' and I can drop my nane and/or trip whenever I want, post from mobile, etcetera. A pen-name hardly counts.
Is your name Bipton?
I've run under multiple names, sometimes even simultaneously. It's incredibly easy to drop a QM name, especially when you shit the bed. I should know, I've run multiple terrible fanfiction quests, including a Fate quest. I moved to (mostly) original quests after I realized I couldn't be arsed to properly adhere to setting lore because I was too busy chasing an audience instead of making a good quest (and also probably due to a mix of autism and brain damage).
Name examples of these bad quests I can look at.
There was a Blazblue Quest from like 3 years ago that imploded. It clung to life pretty long for being a (bad) fanfic.
The longer you look at it, the worse it gets. Trust me.
SOMNIUS' early works weren't very good. They were more fanfic than quest. He got better as time went on until he went nuclear. Recently there was that tree isekai quest. Amusing, but not very good. Most bad quests don't last. So if you want current examples you need to just trawl the catalog. There's always bad quests on the board. There are also always good quests on the board. If you want examples they are always right there.

Moreover it's hard to point out bad quests of yesteryear because people don't read them and quickly put them out of mind. Sometimes bad quests also turn into decent or even good quests if the QM has guts and takes the necessary time to improve. Which is another lesson to be learned. If you think your quest is shit but you like it, just keep it up. You can only go up from the bottom.
It's hard to tell which QM wrote what when they're using different names unless you keep doing the same thing like that shitter who drops a Planetary Governor quest every few months.
People write the same way they do regardless of names. With enough digging you can make good guesses on who’s doing what.

If you want a quest that's bad morally speaking, Olympus Incarnation is always on the board!
thank you, i'm watching the situation very closely and it seems like I'll be fine but I definitely won't be well enough to write something today. Have to prepare.

Glad to hear you like the quest, anon. I hope I can write some more for you soon. :)
Birb quest has updated!

Nialia orders something for Astur from the Inn's "Red Menu", gets called a bird brain, and meets a hunky priest with several eye-catching tattoos.

>Bluebird's Tale isn't even on the list
Requietti in the spaghetti.
This made my DAY, dude! Thanks for the review--Slice definitely had its rough edges, but it warms this old tin soldier's heart to see that people are still reading and somewhat enjoying my shit! Rivka's also looking spiffy as always. Well done!
To be fair, I remain flaky in delivering my reviews. Enough so that I occasionally purge by backlog and start fresh after weeks or months. Plus I don’t do doodles, so you may as well claim to be better than me.

I’m partway through Revolutionary Man now, but I’ve slowed down on my reading considerably while family has been visiting.
Test post, ignore me.
This is a Governor General I am prepared to accept.

>Requietti in the spaghetti
Don't take it personally, anon. There are many good quests I haven't gotten into or kept up on. Even with writing/reading quests being my main hobby for a few years, I can only keep up with so many. Right now I'm taking a break from writing, but I'm also trying to catch up on non-quest fiction reading before I start my next quest, too.
A new update for The Caretaker Quest is up, you had a quick battle with Harry Potter, you willed your way out of an "Imperio" curse and now there might be love in the air, but...
...will you have enough time for that?
vote now to find out!

Electronic Arts presents


A cataclysmic event plunges the land of L'Esbienne into turmoil. Dragons darken the sky, casting a shadow over lands on the brink of chaos. Gendermancers breakdance into all-out war against the oppressive Patriarchy. Nations rise against America, as hordes of immigrants breach the final bastion of humanity's last hope.

It falls onto you and your allies to restore order, as you lead the Maleguard and hunt down the agents of chaos. Bonds will form - and some will break - as the fate of the marketing campaign takes its toll.

Explore, Lead, Battle:
Tough choices define your experience, like picking red or blue, as even one decision could change the background colour of the ending (buy the dlc expansion)

Become The Maleguard:
Wield the power of the Maleguard over the course of an epic, ai-generated story, and lead a perilous journey of gender identity and discovery through the lands of GENDERMAGE.

Bond With Legends
To become a great leader, you will need to develop relationships with unforgettable charcters, like... um... the, um... yeah. Have unsatisfying sex in a 5 second glimpse of cutscene

BioWare's walking simulation delivers an unparalleled story set in a vast, completely empty landscape. Fast travel to a cave icon, defeat truly monumental floating health bars, and shape the world around you based upon your pronouns

Change The World: Keep It Exactly The Same
Deciding the fate of entire realms and ransacking keeps won't change anything about the world around you, right? As a leader, you can deploy vassals of the Deep State to start wars on your behalf.

How Will You Lead?
Completely control the appearance and abilities of your character, by cutting off your penis. Customise your party of followers, outposts and strongholds to look exactly like Fortnite. Sensitivity readers removed all reference to history and race, we refer to fantasy Africans, Arabs, Chinese, Indian people as different species now

>we are presenting a replacement for the term "race." That new term is “species.”
>We have also evolved the lore of the peoples throughout the D&D multiverse to be more diligent in extracting past prejudices, stereotypes, and unconscious biases.
Neither Russia nor Norks are going to nuke shit. Russian showcase nooks are literally exploding in silos.
Are you considering running a quest that is not in the same universe as the last three or you just love the world and setting that much?
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But seriously this was a lot of useful practice with tegaki and has helped me narrow in on useful versus useless drawing details. Still a long way to go.
It's a pretty bog-standard D&D homebrew setting honestly, apart from the bits of /x/ and New Age lore I slotted in. I'm enjoying the whole dynastic aspect of it, though, following a single family and their associates and loved ones through generations of weirdness. I was a big fan of Roots, Steven Spielberg's 'Taken', and other shows like that growing up, and that aspect is one of my favourite bits of Monke Quest.

The next quest will likely star a couple characters from the last one, and will focus on their burgeoning adventuring agency and their complicated self-identity issues.
A good example of sublimation from Kristen Stewart in this scene from A24, Love Lies Bleeding (2024). The ravine / chasm is used as a dumping ground for enemies of her gunrunning criminal father (Ed Harris has the most incredible hairstyle in this film, I really admire it, lol) from whom K-Stew is estranged, she hates her father. K-Stew meets a homeless lesbian bodybuilder? and they do THE SEX and also murder someone, so K-Stew concocts a plan to set fire to and dump the body in this isolated ravine, with the thinking that police will see the massive desert smoke plume, find the wrecked car with their murder victim (alongside the piles of other victims and remains, previous witnesses who tried to testify against her criminal father) and so the police will blame him instead etc.

It is not a particularly deep or undecipherable film, here the dark chasm the black gash in the desert is an unsubtle metaphor for the vagina. Also despite the genre of the film (sun bleached near Las Vegas 1980s corrupt police / criminal type setting etc) the main theme appears to be "girls bailed out by their wealthy father" (despite his initial red neck gun range introduction, Ed Harris as the crime boss father lives in a massive luxurious mansion) you can tell that whoever wrote this script had a fairly privileged upbringing, despite the dirty grunge salacious sweaty sleaze thriller masquerade of the setting. I think you have to be fairly well comnected to get financing and make breakout films these days. Catholic school (which I believe the film's writer-director attended hehe) does appear to produce lesbians, sadly the modern trend of narratives de-centred from men often makes them the unappealing variety
I never said they could, just who would. Ole Kimmy in charge is probably dumb enough to try.

Also did anyone else notice the death battle thing that popped up overnight in the catalog? Who's ready to see [insert a literal god or character that can blow up the universe here] win?
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Please let me know if you're still alive out there, @non, the knowledge that you're breathing would give me some hope. It's very selfish and foolish for me to be this upset, but you are my friend and I feel incredibly withered by the loneliness after you deleted your Discord chat. I don't know why I feel these things, I'm sorry it's too much and too embarrassing, I don't know where else to say these words.
Can love bloom on a Singaporean Fax-machine-repairing Website?

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