Another night, another job, another chance to let off some steam. This place is all algae in vats and pounding music, neon-stained walls to strobing lightshows, the kind of place up and coming new money goes to mingle with crashing down and falling old money. That guy in the corner? He's violating his NDA, trading trade secrets for a drink - and those two? They don't even work here, they just like to wear the clothes to pretend, maybe overhear some gossip. But you're not here for all that. All the intrigue and slow pulse-pounding joy of the dance and the band can pass you by. You're here for a job. Somewhere in this mess of mingling movers and shakers is a journalist, a source she's hunting and a whole gaggle of goons who'd rather she didn't. Time to dance, Agent. At least you get a bar tap this time...
Oh hi, Agents!Good to have you. And dare I say - I like the look. Nice suit, Agent! I wish I could get out of the office to join you down there, it looks like a nice place. I've checked the guest list, and would you believe it?? They're doing a live concert!! And the band?? Sometimes this job takes you to the best places! If any of you have ten minutes spare, could you, err, get me an autograph? oh yeahyeahhhtotally mission criticalOkay fine fine you got me, maybe not.Anyway, check your feeds - I've got a list of VIPs and potential sources for Mox inside brief. Remember, we're here to run interference security for her based on a probable estimate that she's being targetted by gangs, goons and who even knows. Just keep on your ties, grab a free drink, watch the crowd(s) and this night will past just fine. -->New recruits may notice the slight adjustment to the recruitment procedure? #NameLimit 12*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1–#Trait#Trait--H1H2B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit
System-wise, I don't expect much trouble from most of the Steel Vipers. Not compared to the stuff we normally dead with! They're bad news, but they're not really your usual street gang, so don't expect them to roll up on you and wave their guns about sideways.They're corporate muscle pretending to be a gang, really. It's a larp, Agent, a pretend-play. It's all designer gear and tailored suits to go with their tailored ties and threats. Scions of middle management types, rich kids out on a prowl for a spot of the old ultra-violence, all masks and codes and bravado. They've been working the edges of the bar for the past hour. Probably making sure Mox sees them and knows they're on and after her but never quite crossing any lines that would let security step in. That's sort of their byline. Though tracking a few of their standard thugs involvement with Metroplex policing authorities, records and social services, I'm starting to get a picture of something a little more sinister than a a daredevil club for rich kids. A lot of trouble falls apart once the lawyers get involved and no charges ever really stick, y'know? Which conversely means if they hospitalise someone going ten steps too far on some dare gone wrong, the evidence trail is tenous. It's there if you look for it but it takes some looking.My point is, I don't think most of the have that cold-blooded 'murder on you on the dancefloor' ice in their reptile souls, but there's some actual vipers among them. So don't let your guard down, Agent!
Now, we've got passes with Black Ocean Control Ops, which is the outfit that runs Obsidian Tide's normal security. That means we've got a link with their systems and Ocean Control have told their people to play nice with us. They were happy for the extra hands, anyway, turns out the live concert has drawn in quite a crowd and they're short-staffed.So you may have to respond to a security situaton, or, err, twelve. And I mean "hyper fan going screaming nuts on the stage trying to grab a piece of the lead singer's hair" security type situation, not "ten commandoes coming through the walls" security type situation.Though you never do know...
Get your gear checked, go over your files, adjust your implants, and make sure you're setup. We're going in as three teams, so keep your role in mind.Undercover Guests are going in through the front, mingling and hobnobbing. Dress nice. You'll be pretending to be some up-and-coming corporate or whatnot. Look, anyone gives you gruff, just say it's a "dynamically volatile situation with great Q4 outlook" and that takes care of a straight 80% of any issues.Temp Staff fit in among the Obsidian Tide worker pool. I've doctored the papers a little so you'll fit right in. Get a job, do it, use it as an excuse to poke about and check people. If you wear a janitor or bar staff uniform, no one really 'sees' you in places like this, so you've got a good mix of options.Finally, Black Ocean Control Consultants, which is to say, you're tonight's additional security team. Wear a suit, a headpiece, stand around and look menacing and vaguely imposing, take care of things. You've got security badges so you're basically kings of the crowd but you do stick out like a sore thumb, so watch yourselves.--Obviously, if you're coming in dressed to impress as a guest there's no way you're fitting a lonarm down your clingy formal wear. Sorry, Agent, that's not how high fashion works.Otherwise, tonight's standard kit is optimised for deterrence, crowd control and management. And in case things go absolutely haywire, you've got an alotment of IF rounds you can hot-swap into the C7s and punch a micro-warhead through a cover, kevlar, attacker and the wall behind them. I hope it doesn't come to that but you gotta be prepared for these things... Still, most of your kit tonight is going to knock people down, out and over, and then they'll have enough bruises to regret their life-choices. Perpetrating a killing on the dance floor is for Agent Ink when she goes out to town, and not something we want to do in the literal sense.
Here's the setup and information I have so far. Let me know if anything is in error, if you've changed your mind, or whatnot.Otherwise, check your papers, check your cologne, play fetch with FETCH and then... let's hit the dancefloor, right, Agents?-->, any questions? Anything you want to get done ahead of time?
Ah, and, of course - here's the initial mapscan. I've asked Black Ocean Control to wire me anything important, but they're being a bit catty about 'client confidentiality' regarding some associated meetings happening the private booths.And I know their drone security setup is definitively different from standard. So we'll poke around a little. A for Undercover GuestsB for Temp StaffC for Security, who, really, mingle most everywhere.
>>6171003What does Tac-Reload do?>Pack filtering mask and gloves>Deploy near lounge#Agent Mammoth, Grade 2Limit 12 | Stress Testing 1.8 | 18 credits*Alive #FEYWILD Exposure 1 #Well Rested–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2+1Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 4 I React 3 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 3!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 2!Persuasion 1!Jury-Rigging 1!Acrobatics 1–4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger/body into simple tool for 1AP, currently +1 ArmorUNCC [Deep Morphology Variability 1] - allocate +1 to Intent/Speed/Respond with 1 AL and roll, currently +1 ProcessUNCC: [Augment Threat Matrix 2] - degrade cover, analyse sensor info–H1:H2:B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) | Antistab vest 4H: Techset Headwear (Sensor 2, Shield-R-2)–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [NERF] I 2x NERF Reloads [28] I 2x IFR reloads [12] | Veritas Shotgun [SLAP] | 16x JOLT shells | 16x SLAP shells | 16x HiExEx shells | Service Knife I Collapsible Baton | Aid Kit I Tactical Kit |MultiOpCombine Carbine (MOC-C): 4P, 30AM, Reload 6, Burst 3, FA 10, Modular 2 [Link, Accuracy, Multi, Burst -1, Subtle 2] | 2x reloadsAt home:Jenkins-33 butlerbot
>>6171002>AI would like to make sure Ink is properly fed#Agent ButterflyLimit 12*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 1 I Process 2Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 4 I React 3 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 3!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 3!Acrobatics 2–H1H2B: Agent Suit (AntiStab Vests 4+) I Graphite's 'Conversation Starters'H: Techwear Headset W/ Shades–Inv: C7 Service (Int. Suppressors 2, Faulty 1) (x2) I Veritas Multi I Service Knife I Agent Aid Kit (Biomonitor 2) I Grilled Cheese Sandwich I Agent Tactical Kit I Collapsible BatonSC Gland Augmentics [Adreno++]Test Attune+Respond to flood your system with tailored hormones, aiding performance for specific tasks.Further, enormously overclocked nor-adrenaline response lets you treat 1/3rd of on-going Injury as +Alacrity. If you have Shock, you ignore penalties and you can spend the Shock as additional Dice. This is pretty injurious.UNCC: [Deep Morphology Variability] rank 2#Probability Shunt 1 [ResPet]#Dynamic Accent [CAI, *Switch]
>>6171002#Aaron VennsfieldLimit 11*AlivePST: 1.112Credits–Alacrity 9 Respond 1(+1) Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 5–!Close Quarters 5!Ballistics 2!First Aid 3!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1–H1H2B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear–Imp1: [UNCC Deep Morphology Variability I]Imp2: [Autonomic Overrider I]–Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit | Tactical Kit–#Mask 1 [DFM]> So, any questions? Anything you want to get done ahead of time?Do we have intel on the establishment's rooftop?Are there skylights or other points of entry there?Is it monitored and patrolled by club security?Can it be accessed from street level?
>>6171002Is there a janitorial cart I can scrounge up? If so, can I prepare and stow-away a suit of APEP in it? Also all the necessary cleaning liquids (glass, tile, toilets, etc.) or do we live in a dystopian future where I have to contend with just a BUCKET and MOP... that would be truly torturous, TS.Also why did we bring Fetch along? who's babysitting it? her?#Agent Dragon Limit 12*AliveStress Testing 0.213 Credits–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1 –Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1!Scrounging 1 !Advanced Piloting 2–#Sophonic Integration Routines 3^--H1: Mop (Adjusted)H2: B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear [CRADLE-NEXUS 2, Shield-R 2]–Inv: C7 Mod. Pistol [21] | C7 Service Pistol [18] | 2xReloads [18x2] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Actual Pilot's License | Set of Vehicle Keys | Mop (Adjusted)
>>6171002#Monarch, Field Agent Grade 2Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]7 Credits *Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 2!Persuasion 1!DroneOps 2!Jury Rigging 1–H1 -H2 -B: Agent Suit (Anti Stab Vest)H: Techset Headwear+Shades [RID Interface 2]–!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1!4C Profiler [Insight 2]!4C [HazeOrb RID] 2–Inv: 2 C7 Service Pistols I 2x C7 Standard Reloads [18x2] | x4 C7 Special Reloads [2IF, 2NERF] [18x4] | Vertitas Multi | 32x Veritas Shells [SLAP] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Smokes | Drones: [2 SkimmerDrones 2 Roto HazeOrb, 1 P-Series AARID]–>>6171003I don't suppose you can spoof me access to the Security room? I do my best work there, and my drones can do the patrolling.
>>6171002>>6171003>Still here for C#Agent GraphiteLimit 12*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1 Believable 1–Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2!NanoTransen Projection Emitters (Intent+Secret to project hologram)!Overclocked Resonators 4 (+Intent to magnet/electric output. Flat effect lvl)–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 2!Origami Folding 2!Intelligence Analysis 1–#Trait#Trait--H1: Baseball Bat (Blunt 2, 9+ Stun)H2B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear w/Shades [Suite 2=Shield-R 2=Sensor 2]–Inv: Double C7 Service Pistols [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Collapsible Baton I Veritas Multi I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit I 16x JOLT Shells I 24x SLAP Shells
>>6171020You can't bring a transgenic experimental subject to a night club, Agent. She's only a few months old (I think). Is she even drinking age? That seems inappropriate and I shan't have us be bad partial fill-in parents. No, no, Agent Dragon, FETCH is staying at the safe house this time.Now that we've relocated and aren't co-sharing with the Hong8, I think my turrets and cameras and agent Holiday on speed dial will be protection enough for most things. >>6171018She has been devouring noodle take-away like a blackhole. I don't know where she puts it. If you want to burn through your expense account satiating her, be my guest. >>6171015Most advanced weaponry can be reloaded faster if you perform a so-called 'tactical' reload; a 3 alacrity major action to reload. Most guns have Reload scores higher than 3, and the cost is 1 Alacrity per. But a tactical reload costs 3 to *attempt*, testing Prof+Ballistics. Adjusting the systems for it means you get better outcome doing that on these guns, since they're streamlined for it and we've prepared to do so.Normally you'd need 6 hits to offset the 6 Reload cost completely, but if you need 5 for the Veritas and the system itself provides 2, you only *really* need 3, and then the weapon is ready again. Pretty handy stuff, since you can attempt a speedy reload at any time and it notably cuts down on your lag-time, operationally. As you can step when taking a major action and other such things. Just try not to drop your shells or slip while reloading, because if so, obviously, the gun isn't reloaded ! >>6171034I imagine we can simply ask Black Ocean Ops Control for access... >>6171019Standard roof materials, though they're nicely embellished and have some fancy projectors. No skylights to speak off, very old style concrete. High ceiling building to let their plants have room to breathe - it's an old converted industrial bit, if you can believe it. But yeah, it can be accessed. Most any rooftop can. If you're asking if it's easy to do so, I don't think so, but anoyne with sufficient determination would crawl up a drainage pipe or scoot along a wall. There's also some internal acceses for maintenance and such, but since it's an outside location it's monitored pretty reguarly by accident survailance - I mean things like Metroplex patrol drones, passive sensors, building HVAC system sensors, cameras on nearby buildings, pigeon movements triggering motion sensors, so on. I've got a bunch of flitdrones nearby keeping an eye on the common roads and the local roofs, but they can't go inside the building without getting caught up in the throng and the strobing lights and so on, so proper ground monitoring is your gig, Agent. But I'll ping you if anyone lands on the roof.>>6171020Also, Agent, of course you get soap and detergents. I don't think the APEP breaks down into enough components to fit in a janitorial cart, but I don't see why we can't try. It might reduce filter integrity a little...
>>6171046THANK YOU BUTTERFLY I spent a week locked in a Red Crane VTOL I really need my carbohydrate balancing back-- I mean they have MREs but they were all past their best by date, so...Well, good luck downdown, alright? You'll do fine. I got a good feeling about that bar. Meanwhile, this is Ops Team Parchment Parallel and we're heading towards the dormitory of Al-Tukuno University to check in on our grad student and -- take a left here Holiday, take a left ,take a left -- yeah there! See! Special offer valid next hour, AR surge-flash, pull into the driveway HEY HEY CAN I GET -- SIX-- GIVE ME TEN OF YOUR TAKEAWAY MENUS, HEY TATS, YOU WANT ANYTHING? Yeah pour a litre or two of your fryer grease in a to go back, she's got a bioconverter module-- Holiday? Yeah? No I don't think they do stims on burger but I'll ask..Credit details? Yeah, sure, here, you have a nice night now. Hey, I think you dropped a credit stick? This isn't yours? Well, it's not mine either - just take it. Who's going to notice? >give them Agent Butterfly's credit details --
>>6171003>Still here, droppin' at C.Hey Liren, any on-site VIPs we should work on not pissing off even more than the usual? Wouldn't want to sully our relationship with Black Ocean Control by accidentally hitting on the daughter of a big time exec or something.#Agent ThornLimit 12 | Stress Testing 0.4 | 1 credit*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 3 I Process 3Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 1 I Resist 2 I Override 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 3!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 2!Persuasion 1!Jury-Rigging 1!Support Operations 1–H1H2B: Agent Suit | Q-Thread Ballistic Vest [DR=2, Cover 1, Statelock 3].H: Techset Headwear [MultiSpec 3, CRADLE-NEXUS 2]–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Veritas Multi | 1 JOLT Reload | 1 SLAP Reload | Service Knife I Collapsible Baton | Aid Kit I Tactical Kit–Implants:Hong8 [Needler Swarm 2-9].4C [Systemic Injection Vector 2].
>>6171058>credit details bounce because I have 0 credits left
>>6171046Don't give me sass Liren!
>>6171003>Still B and feeling almost naked without my stuffLiren, please double check my load out, I can pack that much without being suspicious, right?#Agent FoldLimit 121 Wolfheart*AlivePsych Stress Testing 0.3Credits 0–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 4 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1!Telekinetic Projection 2!Origami Folding 2–#Pattern Recog 1#SC Spinal Augmentics 2 [2 Manipulators] [Reach 2, STR 3]#Attentional CoProcessor (Once per turn, split action to multiple targets. -1 dice per extra, roll once. Freely divide dicepools between targets, ignore distractions)#Reserve Capacitors 2-9 (Resonance charge limit 9. When generating charge, effect +2. Can spend charge as AL for resonance actions.)–H1:H2:H3:H4:B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techwear Headset [Shield-R 2, Memeplex 2]–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [NERF 27/27] I Service Knife I Tactical Kit [2x Foam Grenade, 2x Paint Grenade, 2x Stingball Grenade, 2x Smokeball Grenade, Advanced Modular Toolkit, Stickfoam Spray, 2x C7 NERF reloads [27/27]] | Agent Aid Kit | Regrettably left at base: Advanced MultiSpectrum Sampler, 1x Revolver Old Reliable [3P, 5/6 Ammo, Penetrator 10+, Solid] | 1x Class 4 analgesics | 1x Class 3 nerve stimulants, a collection of Pistols and NERF reloads.
>>6171003Pack with me>Collapsible Baton: small nifty and good at keeping overly eager hands away>Memeplex 2 and Sensor 2: by the gods i'll need all the help with these kinds of things i can get>Make sure i have notebook and small clipboard of some sort in case i need them. surely this firm has basic things for disguises.>Card of our firm so i can get access to necessary areas.>Deploy A: AR gardens entranceWith this SLICK suit and bit of freshening up i should fit right in people who do business are slick right? If i take an proper card with me i should have access i need. Maybe bring an note book or one of those clip boards with me in bag. Oh and i should not forget bit of Winter Fresh Pine Scent always nice and calming. Drinking? before work what do you take me for... well just one for the nerves but i am all fine.I just need to have confidence and my luck will fill in the rest. No way anyone would suspect a business lady for anything especially here.Yeap that's right just here for nice drink after hard day of business business business numbers."But Miss Liren i must ask why does a bar need an drone bay and why is there so much blue paint on that one car in parking in impact splatter pattern?"#Agent BnnyyLimit 12*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 3 I Process 2 I Instinct 3Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1!Crash Synchronicity 1!Improvisational improbabilities 1–BioAugmentic Genesplice#Strenght 1 | Agility 1 | Mobility 1 | Regen 1#Trait--H1H2B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear [Memeplex 2, Sensor 2]–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Collapsible Baton
>Deploy A to watch the door. Do they have a guest list?#TS [Redacted]Limit 12*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 1 I Process 2Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 5 I React 1 I Resist 2Strength +4–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1!DroneOps 1!Jury Rigging 2!Improvisational Improbabilities 1!Non-Smoker!SC: [Core System Adjustment 4]: Strength +4H1:H2:B: Agent SuitH: Techwear Headset 2: Bring Agent C.–Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3];IService Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Collapsible Baton-Traits-3-1 Ops Deployment Credentials 1: As a major action, put in a request for support based on your pool. It arries at the end of the phase. (seems like I can use this to order gear or ask HQ for help)Credits: 20
Rolled 9 (1d10)>>6171100…. Did you steal one of our multi-samplers? Give that back! Agent those are expensive! Ahh, Accounting is going to eat me alive!>>6171075Fortunately for our starvation prone field agents, six orders of takeout don’t even rate a credit cost. It’s a larger aggregate denomination, so you should still have some slush funding.>>6171088Sorry, Agent, it’s a coping mechanism (I’m not sorry).Got you desk space in their sec office, though!
>>6171301Fiiiiine, you can have it back.
>>6171003>Deploy CCan I just pop a squat in the security room for now? I can't overstate how much I hate bars, TS.#Agent OctantLimit 12Stress Testing 0.3Credits 8*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 5Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 3!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 4!Persuasion 1–H1 H2 B: Agent Suit [AntiStab4]H: Techset Headwear (NodeBurner Ops 2, MemePlex 2)–Inv: C7 Service I Veritas I Collapsible Baton I Service Knife I Tactical Kit I Aid Kit [BioMon2] -!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse!Spliced Signals Access 2
>>6171003Sorry, sorry, I know I'm out of dress code. Dry cleaners lost my suit jacket. Terrible luck, terrible shame, never been the same since I lost my lucky coin.Anyways, I'm not tip-top on the briefing so I'll just mingle. Guests love Sunday.>Deploy through AR Gardens>Remembered breath mints, wearing Ocean (by Calvin Klein), drank two Bahama Mamas pre-op, dressed slickly (conspicuous Hawaiian shirt). I forgot to pay for parking, but it'll probably work out>No Implants, thanks#Agent SundayLimit 12*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2Instinct 3–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1!Improvisation Improbabilities 4–#Strength 1#Agility 1#Mobility 1#Regen 1#Sensory 1--H1H2B: Agent (Half) Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit
>>6170995>Implant Skill Recorder [Janitorial Duties 2]It'll come in handy, right? totally. Not like this is just gonna be a gimmick and one-off skill that is only useful for one situation and that's it. Hahahaha.#Agent DragonLimit 12*AliveStress Testing 0.213 Credits–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1!Scrounging 1!Advanced Piloting 2–#Skill Recorder 1 [Janitorial Duties 2]#Sophonic Integration Routines 3^--H1: Mop (Adjusted)H2:B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear [CRADLE-NEXUS 2, Shield-R 2]–Inv: C7 Mod. Pistol [21] | C7 Service Pistol [18] | 2xReloads [18x2] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Actual Pilot's License | Set of Vehicle Keys | Mop (Adjusted)
>>6171391Good to have you, Agent Sunday! You're just in time. And it's fantastic to see that you and Agent Bnnyy are dressed ... appropriately ... for the occassion.I hope the surgery didn't leave too many scars? I can respect someone who wants to kick it old-school. Sometimes, you have to take a step back and really wonder what it is that makes us human. I think your files are a bit in error, however - you requested the full removal of all implants? No implants, thanks? Agent, we took all of them out.-->Removed BioAugmentics Muscular Enhancement>Removed BioAugmentics Agility Adjustment>Removed BioAugmentics Recuperative Hormonal Optimiser>Removed ARC Core System Control Node>Removed ARC Core System Overrider>Removed ARC Core System Cognition Bridge>Removed ARC Ligament and Joint Sinew Reinforcement>Removed ARC 'Stalwart' Type II Urban Engagement All Threat Terrain Package>Removed ARC 'Acadame' Neurophysiological Adjustment>Removed ARC Class XI Beyond-Curve Nanocytic Strain Adaption Systems#Agent SundayLimit 6*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 0 Speed 1–Attune 1 I Sense 1 I Support 1 I Process 1Manipulate 1 I Proficiency 2 I React 1 I Resist 1–!Close Quarters 1!Ballistics 1!First Aid 2!Persuasion 1!Improvisation Improbabilities 4–#Strainless#Fragile, #Bleeder, #Vitals Weakness, #Low Pain Tolerance--H1H2B: Agent (Half) Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit
"Ok people just a small team hustle before we get to work.""I'll just try to point out the Main and slightly less main Objectives for tonights operation and minor background things that will matter.""If you want to listen that's fine. If you don't that's not fine but I only care to stop you when you do something truly screwed up.""Black Ocean came through with a lot of pointers for tonight it would be nice if we could offer them a night to remember that DOESN'T result in more then 100,000 Creds in Damage. Lets get them a Fuiyooh kind of night.">Standby for short Intel Brief presented by yours truly.
>>6171408Good call, Liren. All those bits and bobs have nothing on good ol' human gumption and ingenuity. Hell, I don't even need this headset! If you need me, ring me on the flip phone.Anyways, I'll see about snagging those autographs when I get in there. Should I have them made out to yourself, or maybe someone it's for someone special?>Discard Techset Headwear#Agent SundayLimit 6*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 0 Speed 1–Attune 1 I Sense 1 I Support 1 I Process 1Manipulate 1 I Proficiency 2 I React 1 I Resist 1–!Close Quarters 1!Ballistics 1!First Aid 2!Persuasion 1!Improvisation Improbabilities 4–#Strainless#Fragile, #Bleeder, #Vitals Weakness, #Low Pain Tolerance--H1H2B: Agent (Half) Suit (Spiffy!)H:–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit I Archaic Mobile Phone
[Main Objective]:>Ascertain status of Mox Mimicry>Make sure she is safe and is able to go to her meeting"As soon as we get eyes on her. Make sure that we always have them on her and that someone is within range to intervene in case something goes wrong. Her safety is top priority.">Identify Steel Viper Assets and make sure they don't thread on her or her meeting"These guys are here for trouble. We know it, they know it, Mox...somewhat knows it but she wouldn't let that deter her. The way to identify threats is to [MARK] them for [1AP]. Threats are people but perhaps traps or people trying to 'sneak' in."[Secondary BUT VERY IMPORTANT Objective]>-Keep chill and fun vibes within the Obsidian Tide Club"To do this, just apply yourself to some of the tasks that Black Ocean and the manager have forwarded to us on our HUD. A clean toilet leaves good reviews. Happy ARtubers with content makes for good publicity, etc...">-Keep the peace as much as possible"If someone wants to do trouble and insists on applying his 'right to be a dumbass' you have to tell them that they should check themselves befo' they wreck themselves. Ice Cube said that. And he was a true gangsta.">-Ensure No civilians and VIP's who are not concerned are NOT HARMED in the running of this operation."It makes a great image and makes people come back to the club. Mox is our biggest VIP but the club encompasses more her and us."[Allies]>-Black Ocean Security Personnel"They are here to do their job and we are here to also advise them. If you get in trouble as a security asset they will assist if you ask. If you are Staff, they will help if a client is getting frisky and if you are a playing civilian make sure that you ARE NOT the one in the wrong. If you pull out fists firsts instead of your words then helping you makes it hard. Just be the bigger person in a argument.">-Obsidian Tide Staff"Anyone who is staff should be able to have some assistance. Fold is serving at the tables and can take orders but it doesn't mean he'll be the one cooking the meals. It's a team effort out here"[Note: Remind yourselves that even within allies, they are sometimes enemies. The answer is to not make them your enemy. Checking for Infiltrators is also important][Enemies]>-Steel Viper Gang"They look fairly obvious and want to cause trouble. Probably to hurt Mox. Whether they are distraction remains to be seen but we don't have to escalate on them. There are many ways to take them on without pulling attention or having a lot of collateral damage.">-Unknowns"They are always watching or listening or both. Waiting for a moment to strike when your pants are down."[Neutrals]>VIP's, Guests and Celebs"It's better for everyone if they are both kept on our side and that harm doesn't come to them. Check HUD quick objectives for more info.""Well that's pretty much it. But me and Liren are ready to take questions before we begin in earnest.">COMMAND WILL ANNOUNCE ACT PHASE, ASK QUESTIONS
"Ah! Just one more thing.">An original sweep of premise as led to spotting presence of 4C Security Consultants>I'd advise being careful around them."And...">We have some access to the systems inside the Club. But don't get too cocky.>Liren will correct me if I am wrong but I reckon there is a sprinkler system, cameras and a Vent system. All of which vary in terms of security. SOME ARE EVEN WORTH RECHECKING IN CASE OF AN UNSPOTTED BREACH OR HAZARDS.
>>6171424Definitel! Good call, Agent Graphite. Let me run you some specs - the interface systems at the Obsidian Tide are quite nice, full entertainment suites with significant projection capabilities and a few other tricks. We can run them locally from the control booth so long as we have access, and security too really. If you plug a data-tap into either, we’re good so long it has signal.
>>6171421I see two figures of note thusfar, there's one playing poker? name's glitched out.There's also the DO NOT DISTURB person. Could be Mox?- Wait one second.I'm getting swamped cleaning- won't be of any use- Did these guys ever clean this thing damn it! Where'd the other janitors go?!
>>6171421What recourse do we have for sudden hostile VTOL incursion?
>>6171421>Get myself situated in the office space. What have I got in front of me to work with?"I'm already seeing a situation starting on the far west side of the building. Vennsfield, you think you can route over there and help that lone patron out of the jam?""Liren... you said those cooks could be sourcing from the Hong? You don't think they were taking food from that old market right?">Sweep the net for recent patrons of Obsidian tide who have been hospitalized or gone missing?
>>6171445Prayer.----Agents, I'm tracking the slow accumulation of serious data error in your healthcare profiles. I've gone through and accounted for some of the difficulties. I'm sending the files to you now.> compare your outstanding info with the above and resolve any disrepancies. --
>>6171440"Recession or some economical grain market thing-a-majig. Looks like you took over their shift for tonight. Just keep the mixed restroom clean and make sure they're clear of hostiles. Manager probably expects you to clean up any messes involving Hygiene rather then cleaned dishes. Hygiene Technicians are well paid for a reason. Good spot on those glitched guys, we might need to take a closer look.">>6171445"My suggested recourse is to hit the deck, don't be in the VTOL's line of fire followed by not being within it's line of sight or detection. Then you improvise. Laser pointer in the pilots face, foam in the engine compartment if it finds itself too close. Turning on sprinklers to throw it off. Heck, even just leaving as long as you made sure the Primary objective was or can be met.The biggest lynchpin we have if someone brings a WEAPONISED VTOL to the mix is to count on the fact that firing it would be too expensive to pay off. And I'm talking about more then just the ammo cost. Bribing, fines, jail time, lawsuits would be not far behind. Lots of VIP's and celebs around. You'd need surgical precision on a VTOL incursion to get here.It's a dark thought but there are people with old and new money here. If anyone is planning to fire a VTOL mounted weapon or let alone pilot one here there would be a lot of hell to pay unless they make it look like entertainement purposes. This single thought besides the possibility of hijacking it or hacking it's systems will simply have to keep you rested in the case a VTOL does in fact decide to be deployed here. It's also a Red Crane trademark as we have seen so far so if Red Cranes personnel decide to be taking a night out, the less interactions we have, the better. Heck maybe they won't be positively shit customers.">>6171433>>6171446>>6171457>Liren will hopefully answer these soon and give actual input"Try to keep it Green people."
>>6171457First, regarding the AR systems, vents, and such-like. I've noted systems displaying themselves on your feed, but it's always possible to Sense around and scan for other, more hidden systems (some run in stealth mode so not just any two-bit hacker can access them).When you have access, link or line to an INTERFACE, it allows you to take action in the physical world. Usually, the closer your actual target is, the better, and it depends a bit on the specifications of the system itself - though usually, you can accomplish quite a lot of HARASSMENT, change the local conditions, assist others and such-like. It's worth keeping in mind, especially for distractions, guiding, operations or teamwork.
>>6171446Secondly, Agent Monarch, everything you just said terrifies me but I have to admit that's pretty perceptive. I'll check around for any links - they are hiring a lotof temp staff because of illness and staff-turn over. I haven't gotten any pings about anything else, but I certainly recommend we consider the freezer - for long-term storage - a viable investigation point.And I've marked the outside containers as well, now. If you have a minute - it's low priority - give them a sensor-sweep with the best sensors you have.I think you're on to something here, Agent Monarch. ( Maybe Fold stealing a multi-sampler wasn't the worst idea in the world. Did you still bring it somewhere? We may need it )>>6171440Privacy filters, I think, Agent Dragon. If someone really, really wants to let you know they're into keeping their identity and their socials out of their reach, they'll acquire an AR mask and it'll handle low-spec data obfuscation. It shouldn't be impossible to penetrate for our level of ops, but it is... well... It's ride. Right? If it was a hostile agent trying to hide himself form our sensors, I'd say go for it, but with the kind of clientelle this place has, it's more like to be the son and daughter of some wind-farm barony out for a night about time without being hassled by journalists, and then poking holes in their shroud is impolitic. Once the masks are penetrated it's easier for other systems to do so as well (the mesh is pretty reactively adaptive) so privacy-barriers decay over time. It's why most people don't bother, and just run on normal stealth settings and why we have to keep refreshing our firewalls. >>6171128Agent Bnnyy, as for your questions (and nice dress!), here's what I got:- The drone bay contains emergency crowd control drones from Black Ocean Control Ops, stored for long-term service. Very common arrangements. They're strong, so they also help with maintenance, remodelling and such-like.- The Drone Bays also contains cleaning drones in case the janitorial staff requires emergency assistance.- The Drone Bays otherwise contain small entertainment and system drones, holo-projectors, drink carters in case the waitstaff is down, stuff like that.Standard for a lot of buildings of this size, though Black Ocean having gone and gotten some proper security systems is a boon in my eyes.The blue paint I'm not sure what that is. I'll need a hands on sample to get us more information. It looks fresh, whatever it is. I heard there's some new techniques going around about nano-photonic thermal-dampening paint, and the car is pretty masked. But... could just be cool for the sake of cool.
>>6171461Everything you just said about the poker players checks out, TS. Or it would, were it not for the fact that one of them seems to be armed? Could just be my UI glitching out, but I'd say that is definitely a gun. ...Are we allowing guns into the club now?
>>6171457Uhh, I'm not detecting anything anomalous on my end, TS. Can you give it another pass, just to make sure?>>6164088 >>6169796+ the starting +1 to two intentions makes for Process 5. I am FG2 and haven't had any advanced surgeries, so unless I had a reading comprehension error and double-dipped somewhere, my intents should check out.
>>6171464. . . noooooooo we are not.
>>6171461>>6171464I can't but help think the AR mask privacy filter is also counter-intuitive- Don't get me wrong, it's working and is blocking data and such and is probably useful in a fair amount of aspects but is it just me or does it make you think 'hey look at that guy, theyre different!' ...Anyways! I won't judge their personal life, they are who they are, and if works for them, great... actually, wait, no- it's our to be suspicious of all suspects, or something like that.
>>6171473It's a pit, isn't it? You ever see one of those guys - you know the ones - walking down a street, blaring DO NOT DISTURB!! across every HUD and device around?I know they want me to leave them alone and I know the only thing I want is to disturb them . . .
>>6171421>>6171424>>6171459Alright, Agents. Good briefing there, Field Lead Graphite. I think that covers the basics and everything else I was going to add for the most part.I'll add a few things, though:One we're part-timing with Black Ocean Control Ops, and so they've let us access their security routines. I've done an on-the-fly integration, and you can ping their systems using your standards. They've let me know they have - as always - an Incidence Response Team standing by in case things escalate, so there's your VTOL answer, Agents. It's 32 people in EXO suits with a mandate to pacify local issues worthy of the ludicrous expense of deploying them.But as that is unlikely to happen unless someone takes an energy magnate hostage. Up until then, you can flag incidents for the Black Tide security to check up on and they'll try to handle it, or request a social and profile mesh. It's kinda what I do, but they have a few lines of access I don't. --Black Ocean Control Ops (Do I have to keep saying the whole thing?) is running their basic security through the Sec-Station, which has camera access and monitoring. However this is a night-club, there's a live concert going on, and many, many people. The environment is naturally changable, fluid and confusing. Don't let it get to you. Try not to rely on cameras, which might miss things in the heat of the moment, check in frequently and keep your eyes peeled. If you DO need a break from the music (Octant), maybe suggest taking over as station manager from the Black Tide manning the Secconsoles. Obviously if no one is on them, we'll have to first pipe the feed through to the tac-net and it's a whole latency thing. --Multiple points of interest tonight, but let's take it slow, take it clean and take it proper. I've got four pings about an armed intruder with a carbine level full auto enabled high powered assault weapon and High Explosive Shotgun shells and a shotgun and a pistol and a knife and four types of grenades and --- this is just a description of Agent Mammoth dammit okay Agent Mammoth you're watching the parking lot. --Agent Thorn is also correct. That masked woman does have a gun and an AR privacy mask. I'm getting nothing else off of her. Total and complete void, Agents, any query just starves to death. That's not just an AR mask - that's redtech level adaptive cloaking. You remember Mr. XXX? Yeah, that kinda kit.Though she's wearing a relatively nice dress and her order so far was just a bread basket, some red wine and a nice pizza. Private... security? I'm getting nothing on the man she's with either, except he could for a hair-cut. Looks a bit.. Hmh. Hoodie wearing type. Cooouuuld be a tech mogul and his subtle private security out for an evening meal? Doesn't feel like it, though.( No shade, I'm in a hoodie right now. )--Marked a knife Black Ocean missed.--Well, Agents.Let's get to it.-->Agents to Roam
>>6171421#Aaron VennsfieldLimit 11*AlivePST: 1.112Credits–Alacrity 9 Respond 1(+1) Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 5–!Close Quarters 5!Ballistics 2!First Aid 3!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1–H1H2B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear–Imp1: [UNCC Deep Morphology Variability I]Imp2: [Autonomic Overrider I]–Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit | Tactical Kit–#Mask 1 [DFM]> Convert 1 Respond to 3 ALA (-0ALA)> There are several industrial crates on the club floor. Each is large enough to hide a person. Pry one open and inspect its contents. (Resist5+CloseQuarters5) (-3ALA)> Push through the crowd, moving Sx2, SWx1, NWx1, SWx2. (-6ALA)> Investigate the Basement Storage Access. (-3ALA)
>>6171424Good eye, Agent - I've briefly adjusted the feed and borrowed a line from the Black Tide near the section. We are looking at ... Phewiieee. Yeah, alright, those manager types roll heavy.That is a pair of Chironan Corporate's finest Collections Division Agents. Or, well, as someone with less good branding might call them, corporate commandoes or security consultants. It looks like they still have their guns - 4C urban smg types, I'll get you the specs in a minute - but they're locked down and the smartlinks are off-line.Obsidian Tide policy would make that mandatory. If Agent Mammoth can't bring a carbine in full access mode, then neither can the Chironans, though I bet you they'll have complained about it before they slapped the blockers on the gun systems. They won't be using those until they strip the system-lock. I am not going to even pretend for a moment that this is something they can't do, but if they did, we'd know about it, and it'll take them a while. So they're being quite polite, really.Pair of integrated Scandrones, Chironan make, piping right to their shades and systems. So they'll have Sensorsspotting damn near everything around them. And I think these two must have been picked for their precision, style and general demeanour. No obvious skin level implants, which is just more frightening, because then you know they have reaction-reflex augmentation.That makes them dodgy, fast, agile and good at staying the distance. Very light armor, just some armored jackets. So they'd go down if someone landed a hit, but to land a hit, you'd need to surprise them. Seems unlikely.Let's . . . be careful around these types, Agents. They're twitchy, overpaid and really, really dangerous. Chironan Orbital flung a scatter-spray at us for poking one of their drones and I've had to change TS Devonshires meshID's twice since then because they're still gently looking for him, on a kind of "We'd like you to know we don't forget" level. They're just like that. Part of the brand. Reliable, rugged, resilient. Chironan cares. But it cuts both ways. They... care.In any case, we shouldn't have any trouble with them tonight. They aren't actually hunting for Devonshire with intent to harm, I think it's a psy-ops campaign to spook him. Just some low level system flag pinging autonomously. But I will say it is spooky. Nothing I have indicates Mox is doing anything with any Chironan types, managers, security, traders, nothing. So that's good. They can stay in their corner.
Rolled 9, 3, 6, 6, 3, 7 = 34 (6d10)>>6171482Come on, guys, I'm a security consultant, here's my ID. The guns and grenades are for security. Don't you feel secure?.....Aww.>3AL Pull ap the ARTuvers' stream, see if my oshi is there, or any of my sub-oshis>3AL Take a good look at that car (Sense 2 + TechsetSensor 2 + Augment Threat Matrix 2 to degrade the AR mask)>3AL Go to back alley and equip the filtering mask and gloves that I packed per >>6171015#Agent Mammoth, FG 2Limit 12 | Stress Testing 1.8 | 18 credits*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1[Avoid+2] Speed 1–Attune 2 | Sense 2 | Support 2 | Process 2+1Manipulate 2 | Proficiency 4 | React 3 | Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 3!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 2!Persuasion 1!Jury-Rigging 1!Acrobatics 1–#4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger/body into simple tool for 1AP, currently +1 Armor#UNCC [Deep Morphology Variability 1] - allocate +1 to Intent/Speed/Respond with 1 AL and roll, currently +1 Process#UNCC: [Augment Threat Matrix 2] - degrade cover, analyse sensor info#FEYWILD Exposure 1#Well Rested–H1:H2:B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) | Antistab vest 4H: Techset Headwear (Sensor 2, Shield-R-2)–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [NERF] | 2x NERF Reloads [28] | 2x IFR reloads [12] | Veritas Shotgun [SLAP] | 16x JOLT shells | 16x SLAP shells | 16x HiExEx shells | Service Knife | Collapsible Baton | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit |MultiOpCombine Carbine (MOC-C): 4P, 30AM, Reload 6, Burst 3, FA 10, Modular 2 [Link, Accuracy, Multi, Burst -1, Subtle 2] | 2x reloads | chem gear At home:Jenkins-33 butlerbot
Rolled 1, 5, 2, 2, 6 = 16 (5d10)>>6171482They call it a garden, but I'm just not seeing it. Sorry gang, but I've gotta boogie on over to the sound garden in there. I can't help it, you understand, it's the call of the beat. It's beyond my control, you get it. I'll grab you some drinks in a bit.>6 AP, dance my way 3SW, 3S into the club>3 AP, try to catch Laez's eye from the entrance. A shirt this cool and some FINGER GUNS (that's hip, yeah?) are sure to draw some attention past the fans. (Manipulate 1 + Improv Improbable 4)#Agent SundayLimit 6*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 0 Speed 1–Attune 1 I Sense 1 I Support 1 I Process 1Manipulate 1 I Proficiency 2 I React 1 I Resist 1–!Close Quarters 1!Ballistics 1!First Aid 2!Persuasion 1!Improvisation Improbabilities 4–#Strainless#Fragile, #Bleeder, #Vitals Weakness, #Low Pain Tolerance--H1H2B: Agent (Half) Suit (Spiffy!)H:–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit I Archaic Mobile Phone
Rolled 9, 8, 10, 6, 5, 9, 6, 10, 6, 3, 2 = 74 (11d10)>>6171482"Alright sweetheart, don't go anywhere. I gotta go do my job now, though I promise I won't be long.">0AL: Finish flirting with the Bartender (cute).>3AL: Do a sweeping check of the Performer Staff rooms. Keep a lookout for any possible hiding places for crazed stalker fans or otherwise. [Sense 2, Close Quarters 2] >3AL: Is that a door going to the outside? Check out the alleyway for anything suspicious if so and then make sure the door's locked on your way back. [Process 3].>3AL: Head over to Dancefloor B and stand menacingly to dissuade the Vipers from harassing that poor guy too much. Can I [MARK] them while I'm here? [Manipulate 3, Persuasion 1].
Rolled 9, 9, 7, 2 = 27 (4d10)>>6171461You asked me to return the multi-sampler Liren, I would have only packed it and returned an elaborate paper replica if, I don't know, I had attuned to the secrets of the cosmos and the patterns in the folding papers had told me it would be needed. Did they? (Attune 2, Origami Folding 2, Pattern Recognition roll)
>>6171482>3AL: "Hey, man, listen. I'm just a part-time subcon here to help out, what with the rowdy crowd you've got today. Just scoot over a little and let me give you a hand? No disrespect, but I forgot more about mesh security ops than most guys you got working gigs like this ever knew..." Show my meshnerd cred to get the security guy to cut me in on some of that command station action. (Manipulate2+MeshOps4, 6 dice).>3AL: Help Mammoth out with scanning the odd car. (Support2+MeshOps4, 6 dice)>3AL: Have a gander at the mesh around the Steel Vipers in the club. Are they running any sort of a tacnet? Do we have a notably high volume of incoming/outgoing signals? Wanna see what we're up against, basically. (Sense2+MeshOps4, 6 dice).Oh, TS, I got this MemePlex 2 thing slotted. Care to give me a refresher on how it can assist with social operations and ideaplex analysis? Thanks in advance. Also, any info on the specs of the command station they have running the show here? I'm gathering info about the meshtech they have here for...uh, no reason in particular...just, uhhh, you know, nerd shit.#Agent Octant, FG2Limit 12Stress Testing 0.3Credits 8*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 5Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 3!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 4!Persuasion 1–H1 H2 B: Agent Suit [AntiStab4]H: Techset Headwear (NodeBurner Ops 2, MemePlex 2)–Inv: C7 Service I Veritas I Collapsible Baton I Service Knife I Tactical Kit I Aid Kit [BioMon2] -!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse!Spliced Signals Access 2
>>6171492>oshiMidnightMalice: "Uwaaah~! Look what my precious little blood drops sent me! A custom tea set with REAL silver spoons!"LunaFang_uwu: nervous giggle "Malice-chan... aren't vampires supposed to be scared of silver?"MidnightMalice: in a sing-song voice that suddenly drops two octaves "Silly Luna, that's just propaganda spread by the werewolf agenda. Speaking of which, your soul looks especially delicious today- OH MY GOSH, IS THAT A HEART-SHAPED SUGAR CUBE?!"GhostlyGlitch: "Chat wants to know if you're going to do the thing with the sugar cube..."MidnightMalice: whispers ominously "The sugar cube absorption rate is directly proportional to the viewer's remaining lifespan..." immediately in peppy voice "Just kidding! Time for a Sugar Cube ASMR special! Viewers, make sure your spatial audio is enabled~!"LunaFang_uwu: "The chat is asking about your next cooking stream, Malice-chan!"MidnightMalice: "Ohhh yes! Next week we're making heart-shaped cookies! I already have all the... equipment... prepared in my dungeon- I mean kitchen! Tee-hee!"-->Agent Mammoth' heart soars with new confidence.
>>6171503Memeplex ideation, Agent. They're the building blocks of the mind. Actually Agent Mammoth has (forced my feed to) demonstrate the subject. Also you're equipped with fairly high spec multi-media stream analytics. It all ties together. Think of ideas in people's heads as tangible assets and structures that shape their cognition, their patterns - the way they organise incoming information. An idea can be a filter for the kind of world-view someone has. It can shape the thoughts they think. And given that thoughts are the funnel by which action happen, if you make ideas stick you make action stick.Do you want a hands on demonstration? Here, let me... show you.Mhm?You might laugh, but it's quite serious when it's not this cute. Fear of the unknown is a meme. Trustworthiness of a man you just meet, the implication a janitor should have access to a building, hey man help me out here I just need you to hold a door open for a minute...?Everyone responds to things differently. TunisTech derived memeplex analytic suites and politico-psychology analytics software cojoin together to profile and database the most common infection/spread vectors.Suppose you wanted to make someone happy. Or afraid. Or scared. Do you know what information to send to them, lead them to think about, what thoughts to plant in their head? Some people do. But you can also rely on Memplex engineering software to assist in so doing. The action packages your multimedia suite can hard-inject into people's brains when the filters are overridden? That's a series of ideas.But so is the much, much primal, direct stuff. Lust, love, fear, terror, confidence, desires, needs met and unmet. Memeplex Operations Software lets you spin it out and Manipulate viable targets to inflict those conditions on them at significantly enhanced rates, by feeding you what to say, how to say it, who to say it too, and drawing in environmental tricks and other tools.So if you were to Manipulate+Persuasion someone into trusting you, knowing how to project and radiate trust? Memetic works. You want to convince a Hong8 Enforcer his buddy is about to shoot him in the back of the head? MemePlex work. So on, so on.Our software isn't the most advanced, but it'll live-assist most active manipulations you try. If you want to code up Spooktech - term of art for augmented reality overlays with enough feedback and precision to be, well, spooky - it can assist there too. For kinetic operations, a common one is a Stressor - you can Manipulate people into feeling enhanced Stress, they'lll break faster or make mistakes. Finally it has an analytics and software match component. You can analyse ideas, get a sense for them, attune to them. It helps to have a sample, or something to go on - but it's useful for finding out what thoughts and memes motivate others. Good with interrogations, data acquisition, analytics. And mesh-spamming the right ideas changes peoples minds.
>>6171507OHMYGODHoly crap, they actually did this collab, it wasn't just talk, oh my gosh>Jump in place and squeal, weapons clanging>Enable spatial audio[[HeavilyArmed: :POG::POG::POG::POG::POG:]]
>>6171513You're used to thinking of things in terms of the engineering specifics and the operations of a system. But people are, large scale, sometimes as predictable as engines and as systemically biased as the impersonal forces of code. Here's five Steel Vipers. Cool. Confident. Collected. Their actions match their resolve, and their ideas for tonight, well, we can surmise them, can't we? Have a good time, throw a party, have a fight, have some fun.Maybe you want them to do something else. You can't mind control people. Tech like that doesn't exist, because the brain is still an unknowable read-write input system and we haven't cracked real-time signal transmission in the cognometric sense. Skipping the neurophysiology, Agent, you'd walk up to them and do what primate has done to primate for all the meandering years of evolutionary deep time. You'd grunt at them and gesture and tell them some new information. And that information would change their minds.Maybe you want them to get angry? Maybe you want them to like you? Maybe you want them to leave the bar in ten minutes? Maybe you want to draw their attention to the private security at the end of the hall so you can steal their wallets? Depending on what you actually want, there are different vectors you might use and things you might say and, well, Agent, memetic manipulation of their consensus reality you might pull. It's no more complicated than any other operation, it just takes time to learn. Stress them out? Charm them? Direct them? Control them?>3AL: Spook these Steel Vipers [5d10] (Manipulate+Persuasion, Memeplex2)You get 4 hits, you've got Memeplex 2, their Resolve is 4-10, and we know that conditions past Limit matter and condtions under limit influence you. We also know that incoming effect of half your limit in one go is enough to Majorly shake people.If you stress them out enough, perhaps they'll just leave? If you Anger them, a thing you can do, they might start a fight. If you Charm them, they might give you a beer. Memeplex Engineering helps to know what to say - it boosts your output.Hack an AR system to display intriguing messages in that section of the club? It might be Process+Meshops, but if your intent is to Stress people, the Memeplex will help you tailor solutions. You're in a firefight with them? Agent, just ping their systems with broadcast noise that you're running away so they get Overconfident and attack you, drawing them right out of their cover. Guns just hurt people, and systems crash, but the thought-stuff in people's brains dictate how they behave. The values you output are direct resolve damage - or assistance, if you're pep-talking your friends.
Rolled 8, 10, 8, 1, 4, 7, 5, 7, 2 = 52 (9d10)>>6171482>3 AL: flag the knife dude in line for security to pick up>3 AL: Look around me for signs of hidden weapons (Sense 2 + Ballistics 2)>3 AL: Blend in to the crowd (Attune 2 + Persuasion 3)
Rolled 2, 5, 8, 7, 1, 4, 7, 10, 8, 2, 8, 1, 5, 8, 4 = 80 (15d10)>>6171482#Monarch, Field Agent Grade 2Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]7 Credits*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 2!Persuasion 1!DroneOps 2!Jury Rigging 1–H1 -H2 -B: Agent Suit (Anti Stab Vest)H: Techset Headwear+Shades [RID Interface 2]–!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1!4C Profiler [Insight 2]!4C [HazeOrb RID] 2–Inv: 2 C7 Service Pistols I 2x C7 Standard Reloads [18x2] | x4 C7 Special Reloads [2IF, 2NERF] [18x4] | Vertitas Multi | 32x Veritas Shells [SLAP] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Smokes |Drones: [2 SkimmerDrones 2 Roto HazeOrb, 1 P-Series AARID]–>3 AL: Worm my way into the cameras in the east wing of the club. Ugh, MeshTubers, attract the worst kind of people. Might need to deal with an out of control fan at some point. [Process 4 + Mesh Ops 2] (+2 Effect Bonus from Entertainment station)>3 AL: Run my Profiler on those odd long haired fellows at the bar. Something seems off about them, they're jittery. Grab Social Media profiles, purchases, the works. [Sense 3 + MeshOps2] (+ 4C Profiler Insight 2)>3 AL: I've got some downtime. This P-Series has been pretty interesting since I bought it, I want to try to interface with it a little more closely. What was that engram called again? F̂̀ͨͮͦ̏IG̽ͩ̓̋ͦH̉͊̔̀Ṭ̖͔͈͕̜̝ͤͣ͛͆ͫ ̟̞͉̮̥ͧ͛͒̆ͭT̠̻̝̣̘̙̿ͭ́̏͆̏H̩̘͙̋ͫͨE͖̘ P̓̊Ő̮̣̑W̬̘̝̘̓͗ͤͩ̑̃ͅͅE͒̄R͂... what is that? I can't seem to find the files, it's like they move or something. [Attune 2, DroneOps 2]>>6171507>>6171513That's bleeding into my feed Liren! Augh! How can people watch this!?
Rolled 3, 7, 10, 7, 7, 3, 9, 4, 6, 5, 10, 4, 8, 4, 9 = 96 (15d10)>>6171421"Ostanovis ditcya. No under ager. Here number. You call cab, take you to school or ballet park. You want dance? Ballet park good dance. Good juice. Good dresses. You take. You go". "Para suckers. No cut in line. VIP use left line. You VIP? Names on list, da?" >Persuade this young person to take up ballet (Proficiency 5 + Persuasion 1; Strength 4, bad 80's accent)>Persuade Butterfly and Bnnyy to give me their names to prove that they are on the list (Proficiency 5 + Persuasion 1; Strength 4)>Call inside and request a small table with a black cloth, a bottle full of clear drinkable liquid (water, vodka, gin, whatever), a clipboard, pen, list of VIPs to grant VIP access, and little placard with the club name & logo on it. (Process 2 + Improvisational Improbabilities 1)
>>6171531So, memeplex virulence, agent, is what we use to describe the spread-potential of ideas. It's pretty pog to think about, because some things are just easier to spread. Fear is contagious, terror is a disease and a confident man at a bar makes the other horrors lesser. But some memetic ideas are optimised for spreading, they have virulence. People will take them in, be taken by them, and share them. Rootpiercers, Fogsteppers, Brigadiers, Cherry Blossoms, well, ideological cliques with ideas and motivations. That man you had such fascinating conversations with? He was trying to get into your head. But obtuse academic philosophy might inspire you to action against corporatist overlords, but it doesn't spread very easily because chewing through four-hundred pages is hard.Meanwhile, Agent, cutesy girls doing cute things is one fifth of the economy. Because everyone loves them.
>>6171534Oh, and does this club do the hand stamps or the little plastic bracelets, or are we a more refined club? Because if we do stamps and/or bracelets or something then I'll need those too.
>>6171536>>6171534Local AR tags on people's feeds, temporally gated. They mark them out as allowed to access the grounds without triggering a security flag. Part of the entrance routine.Pretty high spec. Some bars still do bracelets but we're a few decades past the need here.I do see any other VIPs on the list, most arrived earlier. But there are some people we'd probably want to let in - I'll get you a list.
>>6171535So, what you're saying is, if the Rooties and I had some kind of cute girl mascot that would get on VTuber ASMR streams and read Oliver Broomhausen's "The New Entropy: MeshCapital's evils against the Working Class"... hmmm, you know you might be onto something here.
>>6171482>3AL: While contemplating ending it all, take a discreet look at that armed woman. Does the humble Mk.1 Eyeball see anything that Liren missed? (Sense 2)>3AL: "Excuse me gentlepersons. Shall I return after five minutes?" Leave the table without insulting the customers. (Manipulate 4, Persuasion 2, Memeplex 2)>3AL: Head to that commotion West. Politely tell the thugs to cease bothering the other customers. If they refuse, call security to evict the riff-raff (Manipulate 4, Persuasion 2, Memeplex 2)>Reaction: If those thugs want to start anything before security gets here, fold them. Quickly, quietly and with my metal arms, I don't want them getting close enough to dirty my clothes. (Proficiency 2, Origami Folding 2)Octant, can you please beam some Albert Farthingvalue, from those ancient Flyinglemureman cartoons to my skull next chance you get? I could use the insight.Liren, did I end up packing that Sampler? A bit awkward to check my person at the moment.#Waiter FoldLimit 121 Wolfheart*AlivePsych Stress Testing 0.3Credits 0 (-5)–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 4 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1!Telekinetic Projection 2!Origami Folding 2–#Pattern Recog 1#SC Spinal Augmentics 2 [2 Manipulators] [Reach 2, STR 3]#Attentional CoProcessor (Once per turn, split action to multiple targets. -1 dice per extra, roll once. Freely divide dicepools between targets, ignore distractions)#Reserve Capacitors 2-9 (Resonance charge limit 9. When generating charge, effect +2. Can spend charge as AL for resonance actions.)–H1:H2:H3:H4:B: Agent Suit: High End Waiter edition (Extra Spiffy!)H: Techwear Headset [Shield-R 2, Memeplex 2]–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [NERF 27/27] I Service Knife I Tactical Kit [2x Foam Grenade, 2x Paint Grenade, 2x Stingball Grenade, 2x Smokeball Grenade, Advanced Modular Toolkit, Stickfoam Spray, 2x C7 NERF reloads [27/27]] | Agent Aid Kit |Regrettably left at base: Advanced MultiSpectrum Sampler, 1x Revolver Old Reliable [3P, 5/6 Ammo, Penetrator 10+, Solid] | 1x Class 4 analgesics | 1x Class 3 nerve stimulants, a collection of Pistols and NERF reloads.
Rolled 5, 7, 6, 1, 8, 7, 3, 1, 10, 4 = 52 (10d10)>>6171482>1AL: "I'll do a patrol round. Watch out for any cult fans of Laez and her Razorgirls. You usually can't miss them." *Points at the cult recruiters with his head.*>1AL: Mark the Cult Recruiter near me so we can compare to anything I spot in the Crowd.>3AL: Proceed with a Patrol around the Centre Stage. Look out for cult fan stalkers in the crowd (Sense 3+Sensor 2 from TechWear)>Move from Centre Stage to Dancefloor B>1AL: Mark the Steel Vipers near Fold>3AL: Provide backup to >>6171563 Fold's situation. Just be visually near to see or hear if something violent starts or if the Steel Vips try to get lucky. Intimidating presence to get them to backoff and stay calm instead of confrontational as I patrol. (Support 2+Believable 1+Persuasion 2)
Rolled 6, 8, 4, 9, 6, 9, 10, 9 = 61 (8d10)>>6171482#Agent DragonLimit 12*AliveStress Testing 0.213 Credits–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1!Scrounging 1!Advanced Piloting 2–#Skill Recorder 1 [Janitorial Duties 2]#Sophonic Integration Routines 3^--H1: Mop (Adjusted)H2:B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear [CRADLE-NEXUS 2, Shield-R 2]–Inv: C7 Mod. Pistol [21] | C7 Service Pistol [18] | 2xReloads [18x2] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Actual Pilot's License | Set of Vehicle Keys | Mop (Adjusted)>1AL, "Yes, Yes-, It'll only be 20 minutes until I clean-up the bathrooms, just wait 20 minutes!">3AL, push janitorial cart into bathrooms and start getting to work- join ARC they said! you'll be cleaning bathrooms! Alright let's see the state of these toilets- is this gonna be take the type 2 alkaline cleaner or the type 3 acid cleaner (Proficiency3+JanitorialDuties2, +Mop)>3AL, while I'm in here attempt to check for any illegal bugs, hidden cameras or listening devices- well, firstly that's gross and creepy, anyone who does that is a freak- its the bathrooms! secondly, given the people gathered here, doesn't seem too farfetched. (Sense2+Scrounging1) >1AL, "Nogard, check perimeter cameras of the club, I really got nothing else for you to do as I sponge this seat." (send nogard to monitor cameras)
Rolled 3, 1, 7 = 11 (3d10)>>6171482>Head towards our friendly company bouncer >Yes yes VIP absolutely thank god you're still taking us in i thought i was late. Rummage through my tactical handbag company card, ID, digital print. >Go in and get general feel of my surroundings (Instinct 3)>>6171534Wait VIP i was never told about this bouncer must be from our firm like some others here even if it's places people they should know. But have i ever worked with this particular one.Ok ok remember plan have confidence."Hi you seem to be waiting here for the guest so what did you need card or some of those fancy virtual ID markers?"
Rolled 6, 1, 1, 4, 4, 5, 2, 8, 5, 8, 10, 8, 1, 10, 6 = 79 (15d10)>>6171482>3AL: Enter the building nonchalant trying not to attract attention. Does this place allow smoking? I'm gonna light one up and hope it does. (Attune 4 + Persuasion 1)>3AL: Try to sneak a flitdrone over to the east, get some visuals on the private booths. (Support 4 + Support Operations 1). >3AL: Eye the Firearm(?) the man has who's sitting directly west of the entrance. Do they look like a problem? (Sense 2 + Insight 3)
>>6171611"The Name please?
>>6171611I won't be around for many hours, but whatever name you give you'll be waived through. "Da. VIP. You go in."
>>6171547That’s exactly what I’m saying, Agent. On such things society turns.>>6171563…. I’ll have a drone emergency deliver a kit to Agent Mammoth; he’s brought gloves. Good thinking!>>6171634Advanced filters will suck the haze right out of the air. Smoke away, Agent. It’s part of the vibe around here.>>6171531… Actually she has some good takes on modern geopolitics and funny stories. I could be into this. Fanggangfanggangfanggang.I think I’m getting memetic and exposure now!
>>6171513>>6171524Fascinating stuff, TS. Thanks for the refresher. One more question, though. I see how Memeplex aids in directly interfacing with targets during psywar operations, but what about a more indirect approach? As in, is it of similar utility when it comes to compiling new psywar programs or generating memevirals with a Process+Mesh action?
>>6171492Agent Mammoth?Did you just ping an IRON CLAW IFV or... A tank? This car has a minigun! This-- this car has TWO miniguns!! Thank the STARS for the UNCC Threat Matrix, we'd have missed all of this otherwise, it's all massively cloaked. The engineering hours alone would.... Wow. Wow.Okay, okay, easy now, easy, this thing has more anti-tampering and anti-theft tools than any six collection of Chironan Orbitals. Let's take it nice and slow. Black Ocean Control Ops, I need access to your parking lots systems - you might have seen the owner park it? Do we have any data who this belongs to?
>>6171798Yeah, I... I'll go take a sample from that container over there out of the line of sight of automatic target acquisition of micro-swarmlet missiles
>>6171796Yes, Agent. That's just tuning it for specific output. However, don't expect Memetic Vectors intended to influence people or groups to be very good at compromising systems - you can prepare all kinds of deployable packages just fine, but they won't have the innate *mesh*-spread ability that meshvirals have. It's not the same thing, though the functionality seems similar. They target people and emotions and information flows, not data-structures.But if you prepare a Spook package or a large program intended to analyse and bolster people's confidence, then deploy it, it does... do that. You'd need to be a little considerate about the exposure vector though, find ways to broadcast it, or load them into open systems, unless you want somewhat reduced capability. But sure to give you a practical example, you have access to the in-house entertainment systems from that control station, and we could work up a package that gets pinged to all the AR interfaces and tries to make all the guests feel more nervous. Large scale subliminal influence via memetic operations, light conditioning, music cues, that kind of thing. That'd work fine.
>>6171783You thought I was mad when I began seeing the patterns. Mad! Well, who's laughing now, Liren? The future and the past are two sides of the same paper, omniscience is one fold away!
Agents, so far, so good. A couple of unusual things on the specs, but you're handing it nicely. Good de-escalation on that group of Steel Vipers in the left section. In smalle groups, they aren't so hard to handle. They need a subboss or liutenant to really rile them up.I'm not picking up any tacnets, and I don't think they's have the tech for it even then. But don't think that makes it easy - it partially makes it almost more complication. They won't be able to filter, mark or HUD share for each other? Which is a massive boon to us. But as they coommunicate through a thousand private channels, media sites, direct messaging, small group chats, and so on, we don't have any centralized network we can shut down or ping. We can trawl through and disorganize individual cells of Steel Vipers - and get information and access to small parts of their network - but the whole thing is enormously snarled. It also means that even if we frighten off or talk down or make a deal with SOME of them, other parts of their gang might still roll in with different opinions. Their sub-leaders and Liuetenants are usually the ones calling the shots, but because of their flat structure and low tier hierarchy, sub-bosses might not even agree on things. Social movements and flat orgs are always like that. Though if you get a handle on one of their LTs, they'll probably take all their hangers on with them if they leave or call it for the night. That's the utility as well. It's not like they have some big boss in a seat somewhere telling them to stick it out. CraneCommandoes at least have their ops leader right in their ear and you have me! --Agent Dragon, I am so, so sorry. Here, let me, uh, spin you up an augment reality filter, we, uh, we don't need... that... on direct visual.--Agent Mammoth, that is ONE car wow. Alright, I'm sending you some scan-gear. Conveniently, Fold's multispectrum is still available. And a tacfilter as well and some... CC-Maids. IF - IF!! - we get a positive bio-trace in that container or the freezer, I want you to take care of it properly, alright?--Agent Monarch, Lead Agent Graphite, those cult recruiters are actual recruiters for an actual cult. Not here for Laez. They don't normally hang out in bars. Looks like they're running up quite a bill, buying a drink for anyone who will sit down and talk about their grand monarch bird for a while. Interesting. Well, hey, memetics too, in a sense. It's kinda nice to be able to externalize all the worlds ills to a creator-figure. I've flagged them and we'll keep a watch on them - let me run some checks.--Agent Thorn, that's... Exactly what it looks like. They broke into the performers room and now they're stealing Laez stuff. I can't imagine being so die hard into something it'd motivate you to do anything like that! Come on, people!!--
>>6171842Agent Thorn, I think those ARtuber fans are so die hard into the whole thing it'll motivate them to do anything. I'm not sure I get it either but I haven't been able to turn the stream off since I started it. It's mission critical we keep watching. I... I t-think. Just try not to stare too directly into the eyes of the abyss. It'll do things to you, Agent Thorn.So, we're looking at:LunaFang_uwu a "werewolf girl" with silver-purple holographic fur and oversized paws. Daintily trying to drink from a teacup. Her ears keep glitching through the rim. Her brand is "clumsy apex predator who really just wants headpats." She has 2.3 million followers who call themselves her "pack."MidnightMalice. Petite vampire queen with pixel-heart pupils and bat wings that change color based on her mood. Her whole aesthetic is "bloodthirsty cinnamon roll" (what?). She'll threaten to drain your soul while giving cooking tips and complimenting everyone's outfits. Her hardcore fans know about That One Stream where she spent three hours analyzing historical torture devices with disturbing enthusiasm before seamlessly transitioning into a cookie baking tutorial... And there's another one about medieval weapons. Just watch her. That's a vampire wildcard, Agents. GhostlyGlitch, a "digital phantom" whose holographic form occasionally breaks into clusters of emoji-like hearts and skulls. She's currently leading a toast with what appears to be several thousand viewers sending virtual cake emotes into the AR space. She's actually a mild techpiercer AFK IRL (Sorry that just slipped out) so some of those glitches are real. Her AR overlay is complex so you might genuinely be at threat of novel AR-attack vectors here. Though I don't think it's malicious? Just glitches. There's like 300 meshdaemons in there! Synchronized!KrakenKomfort. Pastel-colored sea monster with tentacles that end in tiny bows. Her whole aesthetic is "eldritch horror but make it cozy." Famous for knitting streams where she uses all her tentacles at once to make cursedly efficient sweaters. Sells them as merc, actually. Her fans are called "Deep Ones", she refers to all her viewers as "my precious seafoam.". You laugh and think she's harmless, but she has augments. More hands to work with than Fold[/b,]ZombiePrincess_MD. A medical student who appears as a kawaii zombie girl (what am I saying). Complete with cute little bandages and a holographic stethoscope. Her streams combine actual medical knowledge with undead aesthetics. For some reason. Famous for her "Anatomy & Tea Time" educational streams where she explains medical procedures. She has an unfortunate habit of calling blood cells "tasty little friendship circles." Which is actually pretty cute. And she's informative. And if anyone gets shot tonight, she genuinely probably knows more first aid than we-- no I am not falling for this attack vector, I am not going to fan-stan a zombie princess!
>>6171848>man i'm in the wrong line of work"Aren't we all haiyaah...""Got some Cherry Blossoms around here too. Must be part of this arms deal thing."
>>6171847Liren, I've been running their streams as a mild curiosity in the background while working to break up the monotony of scrubbing and cleaning here and I would like to question if you know anything about the user 'L1r3n_uwu' that I see occasionally pop-up in chat. They seem to be pretty engaged in the community here for some reason. Can we run a check on their donations and subscriptions?
>>6171862Good eye, Lead Agent. That must be the thug-security the arms-people brought in. We're actually in luck here, the Cherry Blossoms had some outstanding issues but we handled the due payments so we shouldn't have any problems. And I think I see some brigadiers on the scan too - and after we gave them back their car, I think we're good in their book!>>6171870NO AGENTWE CAN'TTHEY HAVE -- UHHH-- SUPER GOOD OPSEC
>>6171842Agents, Black Ocean Ops notes they're handing the knife-guy, and a few patrons decided this place wasn't "cool" and wanted to head home early. Good work.Noting an incident flag on the east dance floor. No real damage yet, but those people are drunk and getting mean.--Agent Dragon, maybe we should have sent an additional tac filter? If Agent Mammoth doesn't use all the CC-Maids, let's reserve one for you. Anyway, odd signature in that stall, someone's been in here before you. Check it for-- oh. Oh wow. Agent did any of those bathroom needy patrons look weird to you?--Agent Bnnyy, good instincts! We've got a hyperfan about to jump the stage-fence! And the pyrotechnics are warming up for the next set! Handle it! That's not dangerous enough to kill anyone, but all the spark showers might hurt!--Agent Vennsfield, I think you've found part of the so-called armsdeal. Which is fine. But it's blocking access to the basement storage. Can you... get it out of the way? Carefully though, any smuggling ring worth its salt has markers and trackers on their gear. If you start handling it poorly it'll flag 50 warnings to the owners.--Agents, Black Ocean Ops got nothing on profile for the owner of that car. Total dead end. They're asking if we should do anything about it? They did get a little clever: they've run all the times the kitchen door and staff access has beem opened and compared it to known staff and security inside the Obsidian Tide. Definitive confirmation the doors opened more times than we have known people. Pretty clever bit of sensor work, because it tells us we've got someone in this club who came in from the parking lot and hasn't left yet. And who owns that car.--TS--- Bouncer?? Front Personnel, mind that cutch of drunk guests. The Obsidian Tide will want us to let them in, but more drunk patrons is bound to be trouble later. Your call.And mind those Steel Vipers!--Agent Thorn, they're... Negotiating? Hmm. We're not in the merc business. But will Laez really miss her shoes? I kinda get it. I mean i-- I MEAN I'M NOT A FANGIRL OR ANYTHING L-LAEZ ISN'T THAT COOL I WOULDN'T STEAL BOTH HER SHOES-- HER SHOES I WOULDN'T STEAL HER SHOES-- Ahem!! Psych-Profile has them marked as risk takers with poor boundaries. They probably won't get physical, but they're a little pushy. --Agent Monarch, those Crow Wing Recruiters are here on a mission of peace and feather flocking, which I am taking directly from their marketing materials (They call it religious information, but it's just PR). They want to show they're a 'hip' thing that lets people 'spread their wings'. No horrific purchase history other than a growing bar tap I'm not sure how they're honoring, as they're paying for shots for everyone who will listen to their five minute pitch about bowing down to the dark corvid creature that nestles between the infinite stars. Good for a free drink, I guess.>Agents to ROAM
Rolled 5, 10, 5, 9, 1, 2, 1, 6 = 39 (8d10)>>6171897#Janitor DragonLimit 12*AliveStress Testing 0.213 Credits–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1!Scrounging 1!Advanced Piloting 2–#Skill Recorder 1 [Janitorial Duties 2]#Sophonic Integration Routines 3^--H1: Mop (Adjusted)H2:B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear [CRADLE-NEXUS 2, Shield-R 2]–Inv: C7 Mod. Pistol [21] | C7 Service Pistol [18] | 2xReloads [18x2] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Actual Pilot's License | Set of Vehicle Keys | Mop (Adjusted)"Huh. That's not supposed to be there. Any guesses who this gun could be for TS? an assassin? a merc. who's forgot his things?">1AL, scoop the covertly hidden handgun into a compartment on the Janitorial Cart>1AL, "Nogard, figure out how to crack that firearm's firewall, it looks tough." (have nogard try to take a crack at the firewall) >3AL, finish up cleaning the bathrooms (Proficiency3+JanitorialDuties2, +Mop)>1AL, step out and look at the patrons waiting, pause for a moment, "There's only four bathrooms. Good luck.">3AL, push the Janitorial Cart eastwards, gotta check on the Performer's bathrooms given the recent break-in to make sure they haven't bugged it. (Sense2+Scrounging1)
>>6171897#Aaron VennsfieldLimit 11*Alive3StrainPST: 1.112Credits–Alacrity 9 Respond 1(+1) Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 5–!Close Quarters 5!Ballistics 2!First Aid 3!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1–H1H2B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear–Imp1: [UNCC Deep Morphology Variability I]Imp2: [Autonomic Overrider I]–Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit | Tactical Kit–#Mask 1 [DFM]> Convert 1 Respond to 3 ALA (-0ALA)> Pick up one of the Reinforced Crates. Be cautious. Lift steadily with your knees. Use both hands. (Resist5+3Effort) (+3Strain) (-6ALA)> Slowly walk SEx7, NEx1, SEx1. Avoid bumping into people or objects. (-9ALA)
Rolled 1, 6, 7, 1, 8, 1, 3, 10 = 37 (8d10)>>6171897"Well, just keep an eye on them Liren, we had awful luck with corvids last mission. Might be our agency's sign of misfortune.""It seems like the Stonedog is really well aware of his surroundings. Seems... almost affable too. If a little scary.#Monarch, Field Agent Grade 2 [2 Stress]Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]7 Credits*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 2!Persuasion 1!DroneOps 2!Jury Rigging 1–H1 -H2 -B: Agent Suit (Anti Stab Vest)H: Techset Headwear+Shades [RID Interface 2]–!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1!4C Profiler [Insight 2]!4C [HazeOrb RID] 2–Inv: 2 C7 Service Pistols I 2x C7 Standard Reloads [18x2] | x4 C7 Special Reloads [2IF, 2NERF] [18x4] | Vertitas Multi | 32x Veritas Shells [SLAP] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Smokes |Drones: [2 SkimmerDrones 2 Roto HazeOrb, 1 P-Series AARID]–>1 AL: Flagging incident South of Mister Anonymous, on the eastern dancefloor, seems like a couple drunk vipers could be causing trouble. Stealing a man's date, that's low..>3 AL: It seems like there's some fans a little too close to the stage, and the pyrotechnics are about to go off. Let's stretch our Meshlegs a bit. Set a holographic warning sign at a 20 second interval before pyro goes off. Keeping them about a foot away should do the trick. [Support 2, MeshOps 2] (+2 Effect)>>6171842"Whoa, you're... sapient? Hell yea, power to the people, fuck the police, comrade.">3 AL: Interesting stuff going on with this bot, merits a bit of further MeshSynching while we're on downtime. [Attune 2, MeshOps 2]
Rolled 5, 4, 1, 8, 6, 8 = 32 (6d10)>>6171897I hope to all that is holy the clippers don't drop the ball, because I have to work now.Ahhhh, still, this is a good day!>3AL Carefully take a sample from the car's driver door handle with the multiscanner, hoping for DNA or fingerprints>3AL Take a good look at the reinforced contauners near the door. More weapons? (Sense 2 + TechsetSensor 2 + Augment Threat Matrix 2)>3AL Go to back alley and take a sample from the container#Agent Mammoth, FG 2Limit 12 | Stress Testing 1.8 | 18 credits*Alive *Zeal +1–Alacrity 9 Respond 1[Avoid+2] Speed 1–Attune 2 | Sense 2 | Support 2 | Process 2+1Manipulate 2 | Proficiency 4 | React 3 | Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 3!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 2!Persuasion 1!Jury-Rigging 1!Acrobatics 1–#4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger/body into simple tool for 1AP, currently +1 Armor#UNCC [Deep Morphology Variability 1] - allocate +1 to Intent/Speed/Respond with 1 AL and roll, currently +1 Process#UNCC: [Augment Threat Matrix 2] - degrade cover, analyse sensor info#FEYWILD Exposure 1#Well Rested–H1: gloveH2: gloveB: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) | Antistab vest 4H: Techset Headwear (Sensor 2, Shield-R-2), filtering mask–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [NERF] | 2x NERF Reloads [28] | 2x IFR reloads [12] | Veritas Shotgun [SLAP] | 16x JOLT shells | 16x SLAP shells | 16x HiExEx shells | Service Knife | Collapsible Baton | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit |MultiOpCombine Carbine (MOC-C): 4P, 30AM, Reload 6, Burst 3, FA 10, Modular 2 [Link, Accuracy, Multi, Burst -1, Subtle 2] | 2x reloads | chem gear | Tacfilter | Multiscanner | 2x MAID-CC grenadesAt home:Jenkins-33 butlerbot
Rolled 3, 6, 9, 1, 6, 5, 7, 4, 9, 1, 10, 5, 7, 5 = 78 (14d10)>>6171897"Excellent team, here comes the yap session.">>6171918"Good work on sweepin' the toilets Dragon. Someone aught to give the toilet goers a bit of scan. There were 5 people who wanted to get in and I have 3 here panicking about it. Either these 3 are the least likely culprits considering they're need to pee or one of them really wants that gun. We'll keep an eye out.">>6171563"Fold, these guys will stay calm for a [turn] or 2 until you get him a drink. Focus on the other orders. Could send him to the crows but it's what'evs. Mr. de Guerre wants a whole 5 different drinks and a guy wants Pizza on the East wing. Your calls.">>6171531"Monarch, some guys are bit too close to the stage. If you could get them to back up with some sort of sign on the AR's, I'll try to get something done about the guy who wants to throw himself in the fire. But sending in Agent CC#33 could help.">>6171496"Thorn, I'd suggest getting those guys detained instead of having them kicked out. Better that then letting them do nefarious extra attempts to get in. Get them to the Manager for a stern talking to type stuff.">>6171675>>6171676"Dev. We probably can't bounce these Steel Vipers but make sure to thoroughly check their pockets and ID's. We'll have to handle them one way or another inside.">>6171897"Team I'm telling these guys the bathrooms are open again and moving towards Tide #3. Your doing great keep it up. Bnny, Cheddar welcome to the Party. Mingle around, not sure if Mox or her contact is in yet so have a look around. Getting some heightened Nervous waves coming from the Private Booths East but that's probably not it.">3AL: Put a finger to my earpiece and interact with the crowd of Bladder Patrons. [Mark] them for a [Scan] (Process 2+Sensor 2) and tell them: "Toilet just opened again. Guess you fell for the ol' Janitor joke. If there aren't enough well...i'd tell you good luck but you can find me on Dancefloor A and we can get you squared away." (Don't tell them about the performers toilet just yet. It's not meant for them unless they have an escort)>Move to the Central Stage to the Fan about to do something real stupid.>3AL: Put my hand on his shoulder and make sure he understands NOT to do what he is thinking of doing. "Don't." Whilst shaking my head in disapproval. Yes. You will be decked. Yes it will make you a party pooper. No. you will not have a good time. (Mani 3+Persuasion 2+Believable 1)>Once that guy as calmed down move to Tide #3 and his issue "Moving to you Tide#3">3AL: Provide Support/Assistance to Tide #3. The guy vibing as done nothing wrong, let him vibe. But the Drunk guy stealing peoples girls? That's a 1. Shoving is no good. 2. That girl said to tell her to get his hands off. 3. Drunk is fine but you have to behave. "Providing support Tide #3. That guy has had enough drinks for 1 night. Your call if we take him outside the equation or we just seperate." (Rea 3+Persuasion 2) in case Viper says some bullshit
>>6171942"I'd rather not send in an armored police-bot in if I can help it Graphy. Seems like it'd just cause a panic."
>>6171918Don't think anyone just 'forgets' an optimised, locked smartgun, Agent Dragon. That's a deaddrop for a professional if I've ever seen one. We've got a gunrunner in the crowd who dropped it, and someone else will be coming to pick it up.It also means we have a target in the crowd somewhere, most likely. Unless they're solely here to pickup the gun then smuggle it out.>>6171926They are traditionally unfortunate birds, Agent. I'lll keep an eye on them. No mass links to poor social performance or large scale disruption, though a few of their members have done time for zealous acts of faith. They get pretty motivated, apparently. Do performance rituals.As for the Stonedog, yeah. Yeah it's aware. That suit is a full operational biomechanical EXO-system, it probably has panopticon sensors and full haptic feedback. Literal virtual eyes in the back of the head. They grow them, y'know? It looks metallic but it's vatgrown, custom-fit to every owner. As for the 'bot, I don't think it's sapient. These things can't be sapient. Don't anthromorphize the anthropomorphic robots, Agent, I just finished telling you-- okay it just threw you a peace-sign. That's... not evidence of sapience either. It could just be very advanced protocols. I refuse to believe we have a sentient AARID here and it happens to be an anarcho-punk.If anything you'd expect the drones to be capitalist.>>6171932Mostly apples and fruits and sealed vegetables in those. Luckily. Well.. . . Mostly. One of them is actually swords.>>6171942Smooooth work, Lead Agent. Those assholes gotta go, but that dancer is actually just vibing. He's just a kid here for a good time. Probably fell in with a bad crowd.
Rolled 3, 10, 9, 5, 10, 1, 9, 6, 2, 7, 5 = 67 (11d10)>>6171897Woah, you best cool it slick. Wicked wounds like that are infectious, and I'd hate to see a dance fever break out! A cat like you can take it, but few can really resist this kind of righteous groove.Oh no, I think I've caught it. Things are now in motion that cannot be undone! Keep it real, big boss, but I've gotta go boogie down.>3AP, dance 1SE, 2S>3AP, slide across that table to my S, grabbing a suitable drink and a napkin without destroying everything (Proficiency 2 + Improv Improbable 4)>3AP, wink at Laez as I break it down, manual style (The Robot is surely a cool dance move in this day and age). Mouth "Liren" and hold out the napkin for her to sign (Manipulate 1 + Improv Improbable 4)#Agent SundayLimit 6*Alive*1 "Cool"–Alacrity 9 Respond 0 Speed 1–Attune 1 I Sense 1 I Support 1 I Process 1Manipulate 1 I Proficiency 2 I React 1 I Resist 1–!Close Quarters 1!Ballistics 1!First Aid 2!Persuasion 1!Improvisation Improbabilities 4–#Strainless#Fragile, #Bleeder, #Vitals Weakness, #Low Pain Tolerance--H1H2B: Agent (Half) Suit (Spiffy!)H:–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit I Archaic Mobile Phone
>>6171842>>6171807No tacnet does mean we lose a vector of attack, but we also gain one. Whatever private or ad-hoc arrangements they use to communicate most definitely lack the robust memetic filters you'd have included even in the most basic of tacnets. If a memetic attack has its exposure vector dialed just right, they're basically wide-open for it. Actually, breaching one of them and deploying a memetic vector should do the trick, no? Not like anyone can help the target fight off the intrusion, what with there being no tacnet.Also, TS, what are the red areas marked on the display? Are those also part of the AR system?>>6171897"Uhh, one sec, I gotta go check on something. Be back in a bit, ok? By the way, this jack of hearts can be moved over...yep, got it, that's the play, right there.">1AL: "My guys could use some access here, too. We're on the same team, after all. You don't mind, do you?" place a Data-Tap on the command station and head out to the bar.>1AL: Signal splice (5+2 hex range). Let's not go too crazy and just splice 6 regular patrons. With my range and the amount of signal sources, I could easily score 20+, but that would probably be awfully noticeable, no?>3AL: "You got it, Fold. Sending the multimedia deep immersion package now." As requested, beam multimedia of Albert Farthingvalue from Flyinglemureman into Fold's brain. (Process5+MeshOps4+Splice3, Multimedium Mimicry-Muse).>1AL: Could the Mimicry-Muse get us a helpful reference manual on compiling memeviral packages? That'd be nice.>3AL: Work up a SleepyTime memeviral package. It makes those exposed to it feel like they're all partied out and that it's time to call it a night and go home. (Process5+MeshOps4+Splice3, MemePlex2).#Agent Octant, FG2Limit 12Stress Testing 0.3Credits 8*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 5Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 3!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 4!Persuasion 1–H1 H2 B: Agent Suit [AntiStab4]H: Techset Headwear (NodeBurner Ops 2, MemePlex 2)–Inv: C7 Service I Veritas I Collapsible Baton I Service Knife I Tactical Kit I Aid Kit [BioMon2] -!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse!Spliced Signals Access 2
>>6172018No, it'd have no way to adaquately spread or expand. And if you tried, you'd get FaceMePipe's social media management team back-tracing your intrusion and showing you why you don't pick a fight with Content Moderation. Think about it, Agent. If the Steel Viper gets his comms and messages from ad-hoc networks and communication and messages with a wide network of peers across multiple different sites and socials, then you try to hit them, they'd need to spread whatever payload you get to them through said sites and socials. Which would definitively violate the Terms of Service, so the Content Mods would come a-crawling. Then once they've nuked the Steel Viper from orbit, they'd likely go through their data, see the reason they got flagged for awful data patterns wasn't their actions but an adverserial attack on their systems and then they'd backtrack those and now you are in a fight with Content Management Teams across twenty different social vectors and the Steel Viper - thinking quickly - composes a messages and says you are the bad wrong unethical blackhat hacker, all these bad things on their feed? That's all doctored data. And it'd only be partially a lie, but now Content Moderation is really gunning for you.You're thinking "Oh, this is an ungarded access point to their entire network". Agent, it's one of the most monitored types of network you can possibly have. They're not without filter support. The filter support is every network adminstrator and content moderation expert in every business that relies on income streams from socialfeeds, which is a trillion number revenue enterprise operation.It does mean you can target individual Steel Vipers - but it means jumping from one to the other is is ... tricky. ( Cuts both ways, of course - means the Steel Vipers are unlikely to use their systems to do advanced level intrusion. They either can't, can and don't want to, or can, want to and have the means for it, but then have to watch the Content Mods watching their output, or have the means, can, want to, and have bespoke individual systems for it. And that's not secure! )Or put differently, their meshops security is so poor it kinda curves back around and becomes good...
Rolled 8, 2, 7, 7, 8 = 32 (5d10)>>6171897>Walk to the poker players table>Ask at how is their game going (Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1)>Look what's happening in the back of the room (Sense 2)Yeap as expected these guys are pros dealing with everything swiftly. But that lady in table seems like trouble. Better just walk past and make no eye contact."Quite a loud place for a game like this. So who's winning?"#Agent BnnyyLimit 12*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 3 I Process 2 I Instinct 3Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1!Crash Synchronicity 1!Improvisational improbabilities 1–BioAugmentic Genesplice#Strenght 1 | Agility 1 | Mobility 1 | Regen 1#Trait--H1H2B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear [Memeplex 2, Sensor 2]–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Collapsible Baton
>>6171897>1AP: Ask the formerly rowdy patrons to wait patiently (Manipulate 4, Persuade 2, Memeplex 2, Albert bonus?)>3AP: Take the order of the patron who wanted more pizza. Apologize for the delay. (Manipulate 4, Persuade 2, Memeplex 2, Albert bonus?)>1AP: Reserved to give Graphite a hand if it looks like he needs it.>3AP: Head to the kitchen. Deliver pizza order, make sure the ARtubers' order of tea, cookies and those squid-based biscuits is being prepared. (Manipulate 4, Persuade 2, Memeplex 2, Albert bonus?)>1AP: Get the bartender to prepare Mr. De Guerre's drinks (Manipulate 4, Persuade 2, Memeplex 2, Albert bonus?)>Reaction: Once Mr. De Guerre's drinks are ready, deliver them to him.
Rolled 1, 5, 8, 7, 6, 2, 8, 1, 5 = 43 (9d10)>>6171897Wink at her and adjust my tie. She seems dangerous and mysterious, just my type. Gonna approach and figure her vibe out. >3AL: Take a deep breath and focus, try to get rid of this confusion and drown out excess noise. Pop an aspirin. (Sense 2+ First Aid 2)>3AL: Walk over to the Apex predator's table. >3AL: Try to get on her good side. "Am I interrupting anything? Can I buy you two drinks maybe?" (Attune 4 + Persuasion 1)
>>6172105How does confusion affect me btw, is my first action to try to deal with it valid?
Rolled 2, 7, 3, 2, 8, 9, 4, 9, 1, 3, 8, 8 = 64 (12d10)>>6171897"You know law. I let you in, for dance and flirt. But AR marked for water, beer, and light wine only. Also, not to be bringging in the outside drinks. You leave all here, get back when you leave. This is good?". >Negotiate with the drunks. (Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1)"Yous para zmey. On VIP path. No cutting in line. Give names. If not on list you go to end of line." >(Proficiency 5 + Persuasion 1. Am strong like bull 4) Chastise the 2 vipers on the wrong path. If their names aren't on the VIP list, send them to the back of the line. >(Process 2 + Meshop/Improvisational Improbabilities 1): Download some basic oragami lessons to my device. Agent Fold makes such beautiful things, and [Redacted] saw a lot of foldable snakes slithering down the path. If Fold could turn paper into beautiful snakes, maybe [Redacted] could turn snakes into something beautiful too?
>>617211Oh, and slip the drunk a taxi ticket. They look like they could use one, whether they come in to dance it up or not.
>>6172107Yes, Agent - generally speaking for 'resolve' targetting situations (Discourse, Confusion, Terror, Fear, Awe, Surprise...) you can try to 'get your head straight' when it's at lower levels - "lower" is usually anything less than 4-6.Think of them as d10s worth of stuff that does *something* sometimes, and 4d10 isn't that cataclysmic but 6d10 and above gets worse. And once it's past your limits, something goes critically wrong.A spot of the old confusion is simply that - you see and experience something... confounding... and you get confounded. The ARtubers are a curious experience for the unshielded mind. At such low levels it does very little - it's distracting at best. If you were doing high intensity operations with remarkable precision ("guide this drone carefully") while confused (2 confusion) what happens is your action is resolved, then the Confusion rolls itself to see if it messes things up (2d10, gets 2 hits, your action resolves fine but you did it a little confused so there's some variance in the outcome as the confusion applies as a co-rider action on the environment; maybe your drone dings something important and fragile?). This logic mostly holds true for almost all 'mental' states - memetic interactions! - it's just that the outcome of them change. Stress is the most generic and common ("I burst down the target, prof+ballistics, 4 hits" --> "you had 7 stress, so while you do your burst down the target, but you had stress while doing it, which got 6 hits; you wasted a lot of ammo doing this and actually left yourself a little exposed, voiding your cover"). Clearly 'Rage' and 'Attraction' have different outcomes than 'Confusion' or 'Stress' or 'Terror'.If you see your allies suffering from these things - Discourse, Confusion, Awe, Stress - you can help get them their head back in the agme via Support, it's why we're linked up, and a good talking to and assistance helps most Agents refocus. When dealing with it yourself or for others, some actions have better payoff than otherwise. Your intution is entirely true - of course focusing yourself and recentering your SENSES helps deal with Confusion a lot better than, "I use Prof+cqc to try to airbox my own mental state". Inappropriate resolutions are Countered - you'd test prof+cqc, but the confusion would test itself to resist being shaken (you get 3 hits, it gets 4, you actually end up more confused). This does mean you can, at times, take a major action to "re-centre yourself" doing something wildly inappropriate if your skills are up for it (prof5+cqc5: punch myself till I feel less confused vs Confusion 2 is pretty likely to clear it) but that's just because you have high skills and it's a low condition.Generally, you'll find Resist is useful for keeping on time, on target, on task - ifyou're Stressed and Confused and Distracted, you sometimes want to take a major action off of Resist to focus before you're doing Big Things - getting your head back in the game.
Rolled 8, 3, 6, 9, 7, 1, 7, 8, 8, 2, 1, 7, 3, 5, 3, 6 = 84 (16d10)>>6171897>1 AL: Set my Deep Morphology Variability to give me +2 Manipulate>1 AL: Turn on Dynamic Accent>3 AL: Mingle with the Patrons and ascertain their intentions for tonight (are they gonna go crazy? get hecking drunk? jump up on the stage? just chill with friends? attend a meeting?) (Manipulate 5 + Persuasion 3)>3 AL: Mingle with the Patrons and see if anyone might know the whereabouts of Mox Mimicry (Manipulate 5 + Persuasion 3)
Rolled 10, 5, 2, 2, 3, 6, 9, 9, 10 = 56 (9d10)Agents, I'm gettting some disconcerting beeps from that multispectrum scanner. Definitive signs of biological buildup of a slightly strange nature. But this is a public container, so I'm going to run some verifications. Anything could be in there.Speaking of strange things, there's an armscrate full of swords in the parking lot. Part of the local arms-deal. I'm guessing the Hong8 run it through the facility when they order in new kitchen merch. Subtle, but kinda clever - few people bother inspecting mass freight of apples. --Smooth handling so far. And Agent Monarch, excellent work marking out the danger area of the pyrotechnics. The stage setup here is a little... punkish? You normally can't get people that close to the fire and spark lines, but I guess maybe it adds to the experience? Seems a hazard to me. Who designed this? Someone could just go stand right in front of it!Agent Sunday? Agent Sunday?? You're standing right on a massive pyrotechnic detonation charge with several warning AR feed-- he can't hear me can he. " Oh, I'll just take my tacnet off! Ooh, I'm soooo clever, me, I'm going to do this OLD SCHOOL, oooohhh "greatsecurity to front we're about to have a medical event.--Good work on those drunks, Agents. Getting them to lay off the heavy stuff but letting them in mitigates the escalation danger, makes them happy and preserves the mood of the place. All in all, brilliantly handled. The positive notes are flowing in. But Agents, maybe mind a little bit what you say to the direst patrons in that western section that... Ufh. Well, look, there's four stalls, five to seven people, a few more wandering in, it'll be fine? They'll be... fine. Yeah. Yeaaaah.--I'm not seeing Mox anywhere in the crowd yet, but keep an eye out. She's very likely in disguise to meet her source. Look around for anyone who looks like they'd rather be literally anywhere else OR, paradoxically, who feel like they'd fit right in.--Agent Cheddar, I don't know who you're talking to. On my end, you're having a conversation with two vague outlines with their privacy screens set to maximal. But look, a lot of these tech types, they forget about old school ops. Keep them talking and feed me any salient data-points. If they mention a company, or business, or operation, or... Anything, we can use it to narrow down who they are by running a search and queuring it.--Agent Bnnyy, you've found yourself at the card-sharks table. Personally, I find scamming people for drinks using card-tricks to be kinda funny, but I only do it in a polite way and I try to spot the people who lose a round anyway. These guys? These guys are pro. So here's what you're going to want to do, you're going to want to ante up by three when...>Get way, way too into poker mechanics [9d10]--So far, so good Agents. Nothing bad is happ-- Agent Vennsfield. Agent Vennsfield. Agent --- Yeah, okay, someone mind the arms-dealers.>Reaction Phase
Err, Agent... Foldworth? Listen, if you can fight back on the urge to use the accent that would be doing all of us a favour. It looks like the package hit so hard it auto-upscaled itself into a permanent locked outcome bonus instead of a Style.That's good and bad? It'll make a lot of things a lot easier because the amount of media-draw and influence will guide your actions unconconsciously and simply add +3 to outcomes, but it's bad because you get to add +3 to outcomes you may not want or intend. Agent Octant, I really do have to remind you that there's safeties on these things for a reason and TunisTech derived memetic core-cognition adjustment is actually dangerous when done by non-experts. And we are all non-experts. Debugging this out of Agent Fold's head will take a while. Well, at least it makes him probably the best waiter in this building.
Hmmm if he has an ace it might match the king but then the other player definitively doesn't have a three of pair so.. . . Uh? Bwhuh? Sor- Ahem! Agents!Yes!--Agent Vennfield, those Cherry Blossoms are investigating why their merchandise is moving. Agent Octant, those Crow Wing Cult Recruiters are actually spreading a rather poor vibe of religious introspection, it's making people anxious - anxious people are more likely to get stressed. I don't think you can win an argument against professional proselytizers so try to avoid getting dragged into cosmological arguments. These guys do that for a living. Anyway, just... watch them for now. I suppose we do have freedom of expression around here.Agent Bnnyy, lean a little left, check your -- yeah, thanksLead Agent Graphite, good hand on handling that situation. Black Ocean Ops is dispelling the rowdies and the asshole who got handsy and letting the fellow who's actually just here to have a good time kick back and relax is making everyone else think this is all pretty fair. Good work. That last Steel Viper out vest mass-offerinkg drinks could be a problem but if we crack down we come across as a little, err, authoritarian. Guys got a massive bar tap to spend, and it IS revenue. --Agents, medical incident front stage, Agent Sunday's gotten himself doused in alcohol then lit on fire. It's light burns for now and the pyrotechnics and Laez punkrock attitude makes it seem part of the show so the fans are LOVING it but maybe find a way to deal with it before it escalates???>AGENT SUNDAY OH MY GOD YOU ARE ON FIRE>AAHHHH>BURN rolls itself to hit you at the end of your turn and it is obviously enormously distracting, which makes all other actions a lot more COMPLICATED and jacks up the complication rating on anything that isn't DEALING WITH THE FACT YOU ARE ON LITERAL FIRE AGENTTTTTTTT--Agents, I'm watching those three patrons we marked hit up the bathrooms and I wish I wasn't. So far, none of them have checked out the stall for the missing gun. But I'll keep watching.--Agent Cheddar, I genuinely find it distressing I am getting nothingoff of this woman or her partner. Just... be cool. Did she just mark all of us? How'd she even make Fold? He's in full waiter getup! Octant's barely left the security room? This is bullshit, our ops protocol isn't THAT easy to penetrate, who ARE these people? Just-- play it cool, Agent. Just play it cool. --Agent Bnnyy, he's bluffing. Go all in.--Agent Butterfly, that group of tipsy and delighted patros is violating the terms of our agreement with them. Don't... don't do reavestims, Agent Butterfly. Agent Holiday did reavestims one time and it's been eight years of therapy ever since. Microdosing advanced combat stimulants does make your night more interesting and it would feel incredibly good and you would be jacked up and cool and awesome and am i being hacked holiday are you interferring with my feed
agent holiday cut that out the other field team can do drugs on their own time.--Agents, I think we're putting it together. Some of it, anyway: The Hong8 affiliated smugglers in the kitchen run wet and dry import-exports through the Obsidian Tide, subtle and low-key. Those crates are for outstanding deliveries or concluded deals. They nest here among the produce and trash and deliverables because its inconspicious. But Black Ocean Control Ops have just let me know that they've called in the swords Agent Mammoth just found and they've gotten a Metroplex response actually. Turns out the big eyes in the sky and the powers that be are fully aware of this little smuggling operation and it's apparently a honeyput.We've got government agents somewhere in the crowd tonight, people, and they're here to bust open a smuggling ring. On THIS day of all days? Try not to get caught up in a cross-fire between the law and the criminals that run from it. Our job is legit and we do have security licenses but I don't think we want Metroplex Authorities looking too closely at our records and recent activities, what with words like "potential cyber-terrorism" and " crashing VTOLS into public markets " and such-like small incidents.Luckily, government investigators tend to be pretty easy to spot. Look around for anyone nervous, stiff, anxious, or in slightly too cheap suits. And they mostly come in groups of three...>AGENTS TO ROAM
>>6172161Come on, Agent. They're offering FREE reave-stims! That's an amazing deal! You should take that deal. I'd take that deal. Damn good deal!
>>6172383#Aaron VennsfieldLimit 11*Alive3StrainPST: 1.112Credits–Alacrity 9 Respond 1(+1) Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 5–!Close Quarters 5!Ballistics 2!First Aid 3!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1–H1H2B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear–Imp1: [UNCC Deep Morphology Variability I]Imp2: [Autonomic Overrider I]–Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit | Tactical Kit–#Mask 1 [DFM]> Upend janitorial cart with a swift kick. Cover floor with water and cleaning substances. Create slip hazard. (Proficency3+CQC5) (+3Strain) (-3ALA)> Forcibly push through the crowd and furniture using the reinforced crate as a cowcatcher. Move SEx1, NEx3, Nx1, NEx5, Nx1, NEx1. (-12ALA)> Half-obscured behind the decorative foliage, drop the crate into the armchair to the northeast. Match the seated Steel Viper Thug's gaze. With a small nod of recognition, state the following in a low voice. (-0ALA)[Agent Vennsfield: "Insurance. Courtesy of our mutual benefactor."]> Do not wait for a reply. Turn and vanish amidst the crowd of patrons and rapid fans. Move NWx3, SWx2. (+5Strain) (-5ALA)
>>6172393Appending the following to the start of my action.> Convert 1 Respond to 3 ALA (-0ALA)
Rolled 4, 9, 5, 9, 9, 9, 5, 1, 1 = 52 (9d10)>>6172393#Janitor DragonLimit 12*AliveStress Testing 0.213 Credits–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1!Scrounging 1!Advanced Piloting 2–#Skill Recorder 1 [Janitorial Duties 2]#Sophonic Integration Routines 3^--H1: Mop (Adjusted)H2:B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear [CRADLE-NEXUS 2, Shield-R 2]–Inv: C7 Mod. Pistol [21] | C7 Service Pistol [18] | 2xReloads [18x2] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Actual Pilot's License | Set of Vehicle Keys | Mop (Adjusted)"Why is this day getting worse by the second. Damn it. By the way, TS, just a minor trivia question- are those ARtubers affiliated with big-name corporations or are they independent influencers?""MY CART!">3AL, chain off the ""accidentally" spilt janitorial cart and make sure the path is sufficiently slippery with soaps (Manipulate3+JanitorialDuties2)>1AL, take out a wet floor sign and firmly plant it om the ground.>1AL, look towards the Patrons blocked Vennsfield's path, "Excuse me Patrons! Wet floor here! please move." point to the wet floor sign just recently planted. >3AL, stare at Agent Sunday enjoying a tanning and sufficiently soak a mop, pull him off the stage with the mop and wet him down near the overturned Janitorial Cart (Support2+JanitorialDuties2)>1AL, "Nogard dim the lights around the stage- make it look like part of the performance. Make sure it's dark enough so you can't see any contents from the overturned Janitorial Cart." (nogard turn the lights down but subtly) >Respond: Intercept (help "clean" up the mess that is Sunday or anyone who "slips" into this wet floor)
>>6172400Hmm but if he has an ace, I might need to counter with a... Well he doesn't seem confident enough for... Bbnyy, scratch your nose, put them on the defensiveOh Dragon, glad you asked !MidnightMalice and ZombiePrincess_MD are both technically 'independent'. Buuut they're part of AtomicIdol Networks - you know, that aggressive talent agency that's basically just a front for Yamaguchi-Schmidt Entertainment, which is that Sino-Rus conglomerate making inroads into the entertainment sector lately. Though it's actually the same corp that's been buying up small biotech firms in relation to an expansion of their research capabilities. But AtomicIdol (AI, get it? Get it? ) are pretty small-scale. Laez & the Razorgirls are actually in negotiations with AtomicIdol Networks too, which might explain how the ARtubers got planted here tonight - it's an excellent way to cross-pollinate brands (every stream is picking up Laez music in the background). Canny.KrakenKomfort though? She's actually bankrolled by Deep Blue Analytics. Fun fact! Black Ocean and Deep Blue are part of the same corporate portfolio - TideMire TechTronics - and I am talking about THAT Deep Blue.The 'let's predict all of France's diet patterns' Deep Blue baguette scandal people? You remember that? It was a big deal a few years ago. Anyway, apparently, someone in their board of directors thinks having a cutesy eldritch horror knitting streamer is good for their public image. Which actually helps explain her real-life-tentacle-arms; she's got security tech access. The werewolf, LunaFang_uwu, she's genuinely independent... which is probably why she looks so nervous. Being the only real indie creator at these corporate-sponsored events is like being a rabbit at a wolf pack dinner. Though if she's a wolf, maybe it evens out? Her fans love her spirit - she's got a lot of backbone beneath the nervousness, and she plays enormously well off of other streamers and entertainers, so everyone always wants to hang out with the wolf. It's actually quite charming, because her lore is she was a lonely wolf girl and so she's making friends and I just realized I am sharing the lore of an ARtuber listen Dragon I don't-- I'm not-- I don't -- okay I might have watched a few streams while doing some code rework she's VERY adorable!GhostlyGlitch is... interesting. On paper they're signed with MindShare Entertainment, but I'm seeing some unusual data patterns in their contract structure. Could be independent, actually, because I think I remember an article out of Portugal six months ago that MindShare was entering restructuring after a debt spiral went bad. If she a ghost ARtuber signed with a ghost company? Is that... part of her lore? Hang on is it -- I'm going to need to check this. Might be a corporate psyops experiment, or maybe it's just that corporate finance is a mess.
>>6172409...Right. I'm piecing together a bigger picture here. Strangely devoted user "L1r3n_uwu", usually gravitates towards "LunaFang_uwu" streams. Strangely similar username style with the '_uwu' at the end. Hmmm... I'm not gonna say anything. ...By the way, was it the 'pack' or the 'pups'?
Rolled 6, 7, 3, 4, 6, 10, 6, 7, 6 = 55 (9d10)>>6172416>Kill Dragon's Feed [9d10]
>>6172417Check. Though I am mildly surprised, I thought you would've preferred GhostlyGlitch given they're a techpiercer- common ground, no? or do you relate more with LunaFang_uwu's loneliness and endeavour to make friends- or do you just think it's adorable.
Rolled 2, 5, 4, 4, 7, 5 = 27 (6d10)>>6172387The sheer number of hardcases and badasses in this bar at the same time makes me nervous a bit.And none of them has a purple tie! Where is that guy?Vipers approaching parking from the west, take noteI'm tracking possible animal biocontaminant carrier>3AL: Watch the stream for a bit to destress>1AL: Equip the collapsible baton>3AL: Follow those animal tracks going away from the container (Sense 2 + TechsetSensor 2 + Augment Threat Matrix 2)>R: Counterattack with baton#Agent Mammoth, FG 2Limit 12 | Stress Testing 1.8 | 18 credits*Alive *Zeal +1 *Stress 2–Alacrity 9 Respond 1[Avoid+2] Speed 1–Attune 2 | Sense 2 | Support 2 | Process 2+1Manipulate 2 | Proficiency 4 | React 3 | Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 3!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 2!Persuasion 1!Jury-Rigging 1!Acrobatics 1–#4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger/body into simple tool for 1AP, currently +1 Armor#UNCC [Deep Morphology Variability 1] - allocate +1 to Intent/Speed/Respond with 1 AL and roll, currently +1 Process#UNCC: [Augment Threat Matrix 2] - degrade cover, analyse sensor info#FEYWILD Exposure 1#Well Rested–H1: gloveH2: gloveB: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) | Antistab vest 4H: Techset Headwear (Sensor 2, Shield-R-2), filtering mask–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [NERF] | 2x NERF Reloads [28] | 2x IFR reloads [12] | Veritas Shotgun [SLAP] | 16x JOLT shells | 16x SLAP shells | 16x HiExEx shells | Service Knife | Collapsible Baton | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit |MultiOpCombine Carbine (MOC-C): 4P, 30AM, Reload 6, Burst 3, FA 10, Modular 2 [Link, Accuracy, Multi, Burst -1, Subtle 2] | 2x reloads | chem gear | Tacfilter | Multiscanner | 2x MAID-CC grenades
>>6172422Oh yeah, Liren, do you have my feed's record from when I looked into that car? Can you calculate the driver's height from the seat position?
>>6172422As always, Agent, you only ever roll 2 pools when doing things - The Threat Augmentic Matrix adds a flat effect, and your Sensor systems actuallly do as well. So this is just a Sense roll, which then gets +4 [!!] based on your very advanced optics and systems. This is useful if you were scanning for animal samples and had animal handling training, since you could do Sense2+AnimalHandling3 [5d10] then benefit from your full suite of tools [Sensor2, ThreatMatrix2] and get 5d10+4outcome [!!!!!]When you actively use a Tool or an Implant (eg, you roll the 2Sensor or the 2Threat Augment dice) you still only ever roll 2 pools (Sense+Sensor? Sense+Threat), but this allows you to make up for lack of skill by using tools in some cases (Sense2+Sensor4 lets you roll 6d10, which is much better than 2d10 Sense if your opponent is cloaked and resisting). Since you don't have direct animal handling or bio-containment insight training, doing Sense2+Sensor2 lets you use the fact you "do" have a Sensor to make up for a lack of dice, though in then rolling it, you forego the flat +2outcome. This is relevant because you usually do want to roll (4d10 is 0-8 hits, after all, whereas 2d10 is 0-4, with high odds of 0!!). Though to be clear, because of your implants, if you do this, you should definitively opt to do Sense2+Threat Matrix 2, treating the implant as a "Secret", which is quite powerful because it lets you do a few tricks. It's one of the utilities of the UNCC, you basically have it and it grants a full panoptic assessment suite you can call on to analyse and data gather and then your Meshsystems have Sensor that add +2Outcome.Imagine someone was trying to hide from your - you test Sense+Threatmat, get 3 hits, Sensor 2 adds 2, you're at 5, and some specialist StealthOperator in CamOps tests Prof+StealthOps to resist and you spot him easy.When you roll 3 pools - and it can rarely happen - one of them is treated as "Stylish Flair", which does mean your complication rating gets jacked WAY up because you're pulling in a condition. So as an example if you did Prof+CQC+STRESS, you might roll 14d10 ! WOW!!! Because you're using an adrelina fuelled stress surge to get strength. But there's complications here. And you can only really 'style' in dice that are mental, contextual or say they can.So basically, Agent, when you do advanced sensor-tech jobs, just go with Sense+ThreatMatrix, which is designed for it (!) then enjoy your flat +2Outcome from also having brought Sensor 2 Meshspecs. Real, real good detection capability>>6172424Oh, good idea, we'll isolate the total specs and derive it based on car, seat position and implied biomechanics. Sharp thinking, Agent! Let me work up a model!SPEAKING OF DETECTION CAPABILITY THAT'S THREE STEEL VIPERS WITH KNIVES DOING A PRE-BAR LINE OF PICK ME UPS AND THEY'RE NOT HAPPY ABOUT BEING INTERRUPTED !DUCK! HE'S OPEN !GO FOR THE ELBOW! YOU SURPRISE THEM AGENT!>Agent Mammoth to act again.
>>6172400>>6172383Alright, smooth work, Agents. That looks like it solved the pyrotechnic fire issue, and Laez is too good of a performer to let it trip her up. She's just skipped around in the song setup and is using the stagelight dampening as an excuse to croon for a while. Good work.Bad burns there, Agent Sunday, but at least it got fixed quickly. Excellent footwork, Agents, and it barely interrupted the performance either!
Rolled 1, 9, 3, 1, 9, 5 = 28 (6d10)That could have gone bad quick, so I'm glad you handled the situation so effectively, quietly and without anyone noticing that the Cherry Blossom Merc just saw the high powered firearm secreted away in the janitorial cart and picked it up and of course it has an anti-tampering active biolock system.>ZZZAAAAAP>OH HEY AM I STANDING IN A GIANT PUDDLE OF SOAPY WATER?>HOW ABOUT THAT, HUH. THAT MEANS I HIT ON 5+
Rolled 4, 9, 10, 10, 7, 1 = 41 (6d10)... aaaaand the... sudden surge of deterent electrics in a single-fire biolock blows out the electromagnetic firing mechanism and flash converts this 30 credit professional's prefered piece to a slab best used as a paperweight, along with scrambling any hope we had of finding information, data, biometrics or smart link node network specs on it....... and it's surging the entire AR control console setup... >I'D LIKE TO GLITCH OUT THE ENTIRE OBSIDIAN TIDE ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM THANK YOU
aaaaanddd that's the entire AR system of the Obsidian Tide fritzed out, the lights out, the show interrupted, the holograms offline, about ten thousand error messages and the fuses blown in a safety measureAgent Monarch, please get the systems back up, thank youuuu?
Rolled 9, 10, 5, 1 = 25 (4d10)>>6172434>1AL: Equip shotgun>1AL: Acquire closest Viper>3AL: Pump shotgun threateningly, say "Calm down, bro, you want no trouble, right?" (Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1 + flat Zeal 1)>3AL: Prepare to blast the first guy who twitches in a wrong way with SLAP (React 3 + Ballistics 3 + flat Zeal 1, ATM 2)>1AL: Flag the situation for BlackTide>R: Avoid
Well, at least it can't get any worse. What was all that about? Agents, don't... kick over carts full of soapy water in the middle of a bar, what purpose does that serve? I can't see anything -- all the feeds are dead-- no, sorry BLACK OCEAN CONTROL OPS, I don't know what happened-- it's some kind of... POWER SURGE, yeah, unrelated to anything we did, we absolutely didn't do anything, don't blame this on us, Metroplex reliability in this sector is on the fritz, it's fine, we'll just restore power and get the systems back up, I have my best people on it
perfectly normal power surge and yes please respond to the emergency outside the Obsidian Tide, I've got an agent being accosted by a knife wielding trio of rowdies who were looking to get jacked up on stims before they went in, real anti-social behaviour. we're lucky the Steel Vipers don't usually roll with anything more than knives, baseball bats and pistols, because --- yeah just dispatch the parking lot crew over there, get my Agent some backup. I trust Mammoth but a three on one is a bad time - because if they had access to heavier weaponry, Agents, at least they'd be more of a problem.
>>6172470Unit queries: are all Security currently in Focus mode?
okay breathe breathe breathe focus- okay-- okayookay, Agents, don't set him off. He's on a hair-trigger and doped up on reavestims (apparently!) which does make you paranoid. If he goes off, bullets go everywhere and we do not want that. but the lights are off the ARs are down and everyone's too confused rightso they haven't SEEN the maniac standing on a table waving guns aroundand most of this bar has good sound isolation and he's off in an isolated section and Laez Set blocked most of it so they can't HEAR him eitherWe just gotta... we just gotta... finesse this... somehow. Just a bit. If you handle him - somehow - QUICKLY - then no one.. will know... except the few people he's waving the guns around riiiiiigth in front of, but they're drunk and tipsy. They'll be fine.We just gotta... somehow... handle this without making the maniac full auto an entire building full of civilians. Guy doesn't even have a tac-link, so I can't remote-fry those gun sytems because those guns aren't smartlinked. Which is good because it makes them inaccurate. But it's pretty bad because it makes them inaccurate. We could probably flash-blind his systems and mess with him with the AR if we get it back online, or s-something.Come on, figure this out before it gets wooorseee!!>Agents to, uh, respond to an emergency?
>>6172477N-no, you... you have time. I think he's listing off demands? And, err, shouting wildly in a semi-drug psychosis? I mean, act fast, but not... focus fast.
>>6172455TS, are there any penalties for moving or performing actions in the dark?
>>6172470I bet now you're regretting not letting inside a guy with a suppressed precision rifle who could shoot this dumbass right between the eyes, huh, BlackOcean? HUH?
Rolled 6, 4, 5, 5, 5, 10, 1, 9, 6, 1, 10, 8, 7, 8, 6, 8, 10 = 109 (17d10)>>6172387#Monarch, Field Agent Grade 2Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]7 Credits*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 2!Persuasion 1!DroneOps 2!Jury Rigging 1–H1 -H2 -B: Agent Suit (Anti Stab Vest)H: Techset Headwear+Shades [RID Interface 2]–!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1!4C Profiler [Insight 2]!4C [HazeOrb RID] 2–Inv: 2 C7 Service Pistols I 2x C7 Standard Reloads [18x2] | x4 C7 Special Reloads [2IF, 2NERF] [18x4] | Vertitas Multi | 32x Veritas Shells [SLAP] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Smokes |Drones: [2 SkimmerDrones 2 Roto HazeOrb, 1 P-Series AARID]–>>6172455Give me a warning before you do something that could kill the site's entire power grid? Fuck's sake.>6 AL: Get those light's back on. [Process 4 + Mesh Ops 2] x2>>6172470>>6172480>3 AL: Inform CC#33 of an ongoing hostage crisis. It appears to be a rogue SWAT officer of some kind. Perhaps she/he/it should step in to save those civilians. I've mapped a route for our robotic comrade to take. It should remain out of sight for now. [Manipulate 3 + DroneOps 2]
>>6172482Are you asking if operating in difficult confusing terrain makes complications way worse, Agent?Oh yes. Oh yes indeed! ( same for wet terrain like a soapy water spill )Usual 'grace' is complications only interfere in aggregate, you need more-than-one for it to bother you and during normal operations the bother is minimal.In constrained, difficult situations, Complications matter more and you accrue +Threshold on tests - which means you need more success hits for it to work out smoothly.Usually threshold is 0, so any hit will do. Mild difficulty is +1, major difficulty is +2, enormous difficulty is +3. Multiple inconveniences accrue.Which means in the dark ("mild difficulty") and a heavily crowded room ("mild difficulty") you're at +2 Threshold to tests and complications matter more.Consider:Prof2+Janitorial2: Start cleaning this floor>brightly lit room, no problems, threshold 0, comps minor bother, 4d10, 88% chance of at least 1 success and even with 0 hits you mostly just accomplish the task, because you're not "below" success threshold, which after all was 0. Prof2+Janitorial2: start cleaning this floor>dark room in a crowded bar with active distraction. Comps major bother and you need 2 hits to beat threshold. 37% odds of being below the threshold at all, which is a messup, complications bother you and even if you roll hot as hell, your first 2 hits mostly go towards breaking even. If you only get 0-2 hits, you're "in debt" because the threshold to clear was 'medium complication'.--You can eyeball this by easily asking yourself: "Would something make this harder". If the answer is yes ("because there's 20+ people in my way", "It's in the middle of a slippey floor", "it's in an active suppression zone"), just mentally assume you need +1 or +2 hits for it to work smoothly.
>>6172487down with the longarm of the law
Rolled 4, 10, 1, 1, 5, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 9, 9 = 67 (12d10)>>6172383>>6172480Damn, everything going to shit already?...and what's wrong with having C7 pistols, they've worked well for us...>3AL: "Oh no, no hunt here. Protection, for a... friend. From people like that crazy bastard shooting over there. You seem like a capable couple of ladies, what kind of assistance are you offering?" (Attune 4+ Insight 3)>1AL: Send a flitdrone to assist Graphite. >1AL: Send a flitdrone to assist Butterfly. >3AL: Focus on Graphite's feed, figure out incoming bullet angles and tell him where to dodge. (Support 4+ Support Operations 1)
Rolled 1, 3, 8, 6, 2, 6, 4, 6, 4, 3, 10, 7 = 60 (12d10)>>6172480*Psssst* hey, don't worry. Keep playing, keep the people happy. You know Dancing in the Dark? You know Springsteen? He's cool, trust me.HEY HEY PEOPLE - shirtman here and we're dancing into l-l-l-lockdown! Make some noise for the band as we break it down old school!>3AP, find my way to Laez (and her mic) in the dark (Instinct 1 + Improv Improbable 4)>3AP, get the band and crowd on board with the obviously dangerous situation (Attune 1 + Persuasion 1)>3AP to REACTION, dance with the band on stage - our funky moves will help us avoid incoming danger (React 1 + Improv Improbable 4)#Agent SundayLimit 6*Alive*3 "Cool"*3 Injury–Alacrity 9 Respond 0 Speed 1–Attune 1 I Sense 1 I Support 1 I Process 1Manipulate 1 I Proficiency 2 I React 1 I Resist 1Instinct 1–!Close Quarters 1!Ballistics 1!First Aid 2!Persuasion 1!Improvisation Improbabilities 4–#Strainless#Fragile, #Bleeder, #Vitals Weakness, #Low Pain Tolerance--H1H2B: Agent (Half) Suit (Spiffy!)H:–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit I Archaic Mobile Phone
Rolled 1, 1, 3, 5, 8, 1, 1, 1, 8, 4, 9, 5, 10, 2 = 59 (14d10)>>6172480 >3AL: Give the MegaFans a disappointed dad speech but end it with a promise of a private meet-and-greet of the band as long as they put everything back where it was. And I do mean *everything*. [Manipulate 3, Persuasion 1].After they (hopefully) peacefully concede and quietly leave the room,>3 AL: Reload my Needlers with sedatives from my Aid Kit to improvize sleep-darts. [Manipulate 3, Jury Rigging 1]>1 Strain: Take aim of the crazed gunsman using Agent Graphite's feed.>3 AL: Taking advantage of the dark in the club so that he doesn't see 'em coming, send 4 darts aiming at this Steel Viper's defenseless nape. [Process 3, Ballistics 3, +4]
Rolled 6, 5, 10, 10, 1, 8, 4, 6, 8, 2, 5, 1, 4, 9, 4, 1, 9 = 93 (17d10)What's that, Lead Agent Graphite?You're going for it? Agent Cheddar, scale up the route! Agent Thorn, get ready with that take-out needle!Come on people, let's time this -- juuust -- riiiight--->3AL: "Safety's on dumbass" (Manipulate 3+Persuasion 2+Believable 1)>3AL: Be quicker then the Heavily Armed Steel Viper and close the distance with him (React 3+Speed 1+ Strain 3)>3AL: Reminder that the Baseball Bat is in my hands? BONK! The Heavily Armed Steel Viper (Proficiendy 3+CQC 2)>3Strain: Do it again>Respond 1: "You calling Uncle or do I strike you out!!!?" (Prof 3 + Persuasion 2)#Agent GraphiteLimit 12*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1 Believable 1–Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 2!Origami Folding 2!Intelligence Analysis 1–!NanoTransen Projection Emitters!Overclocked Resonators 4 --H1: Baseball Bat (Blunt 2, 9+ Stun)H2B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear w/Shades [Suite 2=Shield-R 2=Sensor 2]
Come on-- come on--- Graphite rolls his eyes and scoff as CrowdControl 33# and Thorn get into position; Cheddar has to contend with a hot breath and a low, slow drawl of a compliment across his ear as Monarch wrangles busted systems back together and a man in a hawaiian shirt grabs for a mic and the band kicks it up a notch...-->>OH NO CONSEQUENCES PHASE
Guided by Cheddar's modelling of the probable paths, Lead Agent Graphite ducks left, weaves right, vaults a chair, kicks a bottle as a distraction and comes in swinging. As the would-be-shooter stumbles backwards, the Reavestims coursing through his body makes two hits with a bat just enough to get his evening started the fun way and his shout is half half half joy. Nodding, once, with precision, the AARID system bolts forward, skirts the corner, takes the couch in a leap and brings a baton down on his foot with eloquent precision as a spray of long micro-missile needles chews up the foilage, the table, the bottles and one clips past Graphites flailing bat and the Steel Viper's stumbling arm to inject a payload of nervetranq in his sternum. Shocked by the sudden violence and rush of noise, nearby patrons gasp, gawk, stare, and up on stage, Laez (glancing right) is canny enough to realize that now might be time to kick it up a notch and she belts out the opening line for a crowd favorite, grabs her guitar and strokes a few chords as - in the same move - she shoves her microphone at the only available target nearby. That happens to be Agent Sunday. With a flickering hum, the Obsidian Tide's systems slowly come back on, knitting itself back together, lights restoring, AR feeds groaning into motion. Someone in the kitchen yells ABOUT TIME I CAN'T COOK TEA WITHOUT POWER YOU DWEEBS...>OH NO CONSEQUENCES PHASE
Rolled 7, 2, 10, 3, 7, 3, 7, 9 = 48 (8d10)>>6172383Of course i'd have never gambled... well maybe once or twice.. ok few times but i only wanted bit more money for the school and it's not like i picked those guys clean. Just shaved a bit of their funds. "That much all ready i guess you must be an real high roller.">>6172455"Huh the lights? Did they go too heavy on pyros and blow a fuse?">AL 3: Fake Out "That's most likely what happened but i sure hope it wasn't any one of you trying to weasel out of an bad hand. (Manipulate 2+ Improvisational improbabilities 1) Such an well timed blackout.>AL 3: Poker takes bit of luck, bit of skill and the ability to read your foes hiding your own tells wont hurt either so let's get in to role. (Attune 2)>AL 3: Observe my my opponents be as professional as they are no way they can hide every tell unless modded to high heavens. (Sense 2 + Crash Synchronicity 1) Surprise of situation may have caught them of guard Luckily i have little voice keeping me updated.
Rolled 6, 6, 10, 7, 1, 7, 7, 3, 9 = 56 (9d10)>>6172707oh hell yes agent this is just what I need to take the edge off - and I think I'm feeling lucky tonight. Come on, come on, we just need ... one more ... ace...
>>6172706"Graphite, Fold, would one of you mind folding me an origami crane out of red construction paper? We'll see if that jog's Mox's memory. She might remember my calling card from Despango's place."
Normality gradually - by inches - re-asserts itself, though a small group of shocked, burned and hurt fans call the night early and several Patrons - thinking better of getting involved in some kind of shootout, throng towards the exits--Agents, Black Ocean Control Ops just came on the line and wanted me to praise you for handling an escalating situation. They've called ahead and let the tactical team stand down, and they're preparing some vehicles and prepping a transport team to convey this lot of lunatics down to the local Metroplex precinct. End their night out a little suddenly.Judging by the specs on those automatics, that could have gone all kinds of absolutely, ludicrously horrifically wrong, so I'm glad you managed to mostly curb it in the bud. I've got some... bad news... though... which is that as of ten minutes ago, most of the mesh-chatter I monitor for new mercenary contracts are making waves about a black mark on a fuzzy image of a guy in a security uniform one of the Cherry Blossom's snapped. That's... not... greaaaattt... But, err, maybe they won't try anything tonight?Well, it'll be a few hours before it spreads properly anyway. Laez is still holding the centre stage. Someone tell Agent Sunday he can stop hitting nothing but false notes by now, please? >CONDITIONS CALMING, EMERGENCY OVER, SECURITY RESETTING...
>>6172727It may be an idea to notify the 4C people about the smuggled 4C guns. Maybe they'll take care of the smugglers for us and void that contract on Vennsfield. Don't know if a good idea, but definitely an ideaI'm observing about a dozen Vipers covertly congregating towards the parking lot. Should we do something about it, maybe? The door is locked, so it's not like they can just barge in.Potential contaminated animal still not found. Liren, please advise on priority task.Also did you run that analysis on the car's owner's bodily proportions?
>>6172734Just wanted to chime in with my two credits here, Mammoth. I'm really worried that the contaminant might be in the interior freezer already. If it cross contaminated the other foodstuffs, we might have to abort the operation and report another biohazard.
>>6172734Working on it, agent. We're looking for a long, limber male, I've got a model, but nothing on any feeds we have right now match.Though it's.. odd. I swear I almost had a positive but then it died down?As for the 4C and the guns. Hm. That's . . .That's actually. That's clever. That's clever. They DO NOT like their merchandise - topline - being used without license. It undercuts their whole corporate culture. That whole "They care" line. If they don't take a hand on street crime, well, they don't care.But I can't just cold call them - it wouldn't work. But we're lucky there's a whole mid-level management party happening, as you say. Find a way to approach in person and bring up the subject. It's going to be - oddly enough - much, much better in a bar, at this time, while drinking, than if I send them a message.Vipers outside -- I'm tracking them too - I've got a few pings on externals. I think... dammit, hang on, I'm getting a call from Black Ocean Control -- yeah? Yeah-- Yeeaaaahh---
>>6172737>>6171500>Find a way to approach in person and bring up the subject. It's going to be - oddly enough - much, much better in a bar, at this time, while drinking, than if I send them a message.Hey, hey, Fold , can you do that?
>>6172737By the way, that stuff BlackOcean Ops said about a sting operation. Based on what that Cherry merc o nthe dance floor said, I think that might be BS.
Rolled 6, 1, 3, 1, 5, 4, 9, 5, 6, 5, 6, 8, 8 = 67 (13d10)>>6172455"Da. We do the arm wrestle. But this table to small. Leg skinny like horse ankle. Not strong like bull. You go. You get picinic table from verer verdand... from outside day time eating place. You bring here. Put in front of window to your left. I call desk, let them know to tell the betters. You want bet on the arm wrestle? >(Manipulate 2 + Persuade 1) Convince the smoking vipers to go get a picnic table and set it up in front of the windows so that the various parties can see & bet on the outcome. >(Physique 5 + Improbable 1) Pull out 4 Club themed glasses and fill them with Chekov's vodka. Willing participation in the athletic side of the betting events warrants a free drink for these ambitious youths. >(SC 4) Stretch and prep my augments for the impending arm wrestling. >?Call the desk to let them know about the impending arm wrestling. Keep my shirt on for now.
Agents the situation is... stabilizing. We've got a mass outflow of patrons and the burnt, shocked and hurt fans but that could all be excused as a night gone a little rowdy. The armsdaeler meeting is breaking up, and it didn't come to blows, so I think that situation is somewhat handled.Black Ocean Control Ops is sending a tactical team to meet their people and escort everyone we busted to Metroplex, and I've punched ahead and informed them too. However that means the amount of Black Tide Security at the club and nearby able to respond is severely degraded while they're handling things.It looks like we've side-steppd a massacre and that's... Good. That's good work. A bit touch and go there for a minute. Maybe next time we're in public, we don't hand barely legal automatic firearms to known criminal elements with notably poor impulse control? Sorry I dont mean to sass. And s-sorry for shouting at you. I get it's a stressful, chaotic environment. You're doing your best down there. My heart is just about out of my throat by now and ... I think the night is nice and easy.Agent Sunday, just remember the mandatory company kareoke training and you'll be alright. Attune to the vibes of the song, give it your best, and just try to be as proficient as possible. ANY agents can obviously try to add a touch of performance enhancement via the AR systems and other such. The crowd needs a bit of a pick me up. Laez and the Razorgirls are doing their best, but even hyped up fans can sense when the tension gets weird.--In GOOD news that outside container is clear. Trail turns out to be scavenger rats eating things. Obviously sanitation issue, but not *biohazard* sanitation issue. We still need to check the freezers, but let it lie low priority for now.--I'm keeping a tab on the ARstreamers (not a fan, Dragon, mission critical, Dragon), and all the background weirdness is spiking their metrics. So, that's... Good. I also got a weird glitch on the flitdrone, Agent Cheddar, like some... chaff noise or... something. Maybe the sensor is acting up?--I think we're clear to approach the 4C types and maybe they'll handle this whole thing. If you find a way to make it seem as if its bad for their image that the Cherry Blossoms are gunrunning their tech, maybe they'll step in and come down. Cherries won't dare to make noise if the Chironans are actually on their case. --Black Ocean Ops's got a ping on some people moving outside, near the staff parking lot and rear entrance. But they can't spare the manpower to check it. Steel Vipers, I think? Crowbars - they're... going for the Hong8 crates. Dammit! How many times can one arms deal get screwed up in one night?--Still no clear sign of Mox, but according to her near-muted socials, she's definitively in this place. She said it was going to be "off the record" so she's not broadcasting live or her precise location, but she's here. Somewhere.
Rolled 3, 9, 5, 4, 1, 1, 9, 8, 7 = 47 (9d10)Niiiceee and... steady... Alright, Agent Sunday, let's see you dance. >Remote Intrusion: Interface with the AR systems, add a bit of flair [9d10]--Agents, since nothing critical is happening I've had some time to debug your systems for Strain. You're welcome! >System metrics reset--Take it slow, take it smooth, but maybe use the chance to look around a little - get a handle on things? This night is far from over, Agents!( Also, Agent Bnnyy, we've totally got this. Come on. Two pairs? We're fleeeciiiing these cardsharks. I'm down to double! What's the worst that can happen???? )-->AGENTS TO ROAMMMMMMMM>Agent Sunday to vibe ( Mandatory expenditure of 3 AL to perform some kind of scene- show appropriate gesture, though you're otherwise clear to do what you like ! )--
>>61727524hits, 2Complications.... not my... finest work. Err. Well. Uhm. Agent Sunday -- he can't hear me. Why did I try to auto-tune an agent with no implants. What's wrong with me. Dealing with an almost night club shootout really stresses you out, OBVIOUSLY that wasn't going to work.>>6172748TS DR Gun(s), feel free to do consider this action as part of the turn, and then you can take any other little action you also feel is appropriate, if any (you did miss a turn)
>>6172744... I... hope not? Black Ocean Control Ops have been nothing but unflinchingly polite. They're very highly rated and professional. What's more likely to be the case is that the Hong8 - being professional raconteurs - have gotten one or two of their low-level security people to avoid looking too closely at something.You know the type of thing, Agent Mammoth. " Hey, we promise these crates contain nothing but fruit, and here's 10 credits to really show we really do mean it contains nothing but fruit "[Liren drops her voice a little and tries to sound macho]" WHyy THaaanks Ghuyy I Chouuld Uhsheea A Dhrrrinkk " ... It's not great but it doesn't compromise the entire organisation. Though.. if we wanted to.. hm. ... hm.. . . hmmmm......okay agents, strictly on a need to know basis and I am not adding it to the HUD tracker in case Black Ocean Control Ops sweeps our feed for data integration, here's what you do:get a data-tap on that sec room monitorThe guy sitting on that station didn't want to share its feed, remember?I'll pull the personnel logs and delivery schedule, we cross compare with which security was on duty the night those crates-we-know-have-swords-in-them arrived, and we send that information off to Black Ocean Control Ops, anonymized.That way, we're not calling them out, we're not telling them we suspect they're corrupt, we're not giving them bad face, but we are giving them the clean, clear and conscientious chance to ask who-ever was on duty that night to step up and admit that he or she is part of a smuggling ring.Then their Internal Affairs department can probably handle them, and it doesn't poison our working relationship.
Rolled 2, 2, 1, 2, 4, 6, 2, 10, 9, 8, 6, 7 = 59 (12d10)>>6172752#Janitor DragonLimit 12*AliveStress Testing 0.213 Credits–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1!Scrounging 1!Advanced Piloting 2–#Skill Recorder 1 [Janitorial Duties 2]#Sophonic Integration Routines 3^--H1: Mop (Adjusted)H2:B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear [CRADLE-NEXUS 2, Shield-R 2]–Inv: C7 Mod. Pistol [21] | C7 Service Pistol [18] | 2xReloads [18x2] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Actual Pilot's License | Set of Vehicle Keys | Mop (Adjusted)>1AL, that shock was not pleasant to say the least (Resist2) >0AL, convert the rest of the shock into injury>1AL, place the pistol back into it's compartment>3AL, mop-dry the wet floor, this is a serious safety risk! leave a wet floor sign to warn any patrons. (Proficiency3+JanitorialDuties2, +Mop)>1AL, "Nogard, keep breaking into that handgun's firewall.">3AL, push janitorial cart to the Hygiene Emergency in the lounge area, why are people such messy eaters and drinkers! (Proficiency3+JanitorialDuties2, +Mop)
>>6172760Agent, that handgun is wiped - the biolock safety is a combined biometrically activated flash-charge, electronic deterrent and microdetonator. Smartlink, firing-pin, cyclers, the whole internal system on that Velatus pistol? Gone. It's a nice paper-weight now, not a prized shooting piece.So, err, I guess you can task your (frighteningly effective) autonomous nGI with something else...
>>6172762oh! that's neat, I was worried it was going to be ANOTHER fire hazard if I didnt deal with it. Thank the stars it's little more than a toy now.>1AL, "Nogard, lock and track those megafans in the performer rooms. They're not allowed to leave, yet."
>>6172763...It'll be also fine if you terrorized those megafans for a bit, spook the hell out of them, have fun :)
>>6172752#Aaron VennsfieldLimit 11*Alive3StrainPST: 1.112Credits–Alacrity 9 Respond 1(+1) Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 5–!Close Quarters 5!Ballistics 2!First Aid 3!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1–H1H2B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear–Imp1: [UNCC Deep Morphology Variability I]Imp2: [Autonomic Overrider I]–Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit | Tactical Kit–#Mask 1 [DFM]> Convert 1 Respond to 3 ALA (-0ALA)> Skirt along the edge of the crowd. Walk [S]x1, [SE]x1, [S]x2. (-4ALA)> Walk SEx2. Enter the performer's dressing room. (-2ALA)> Lock dressing room door. (-1ALA)> Ignore the megafans. (-0ALA)> Check the adjoining room to the north of the dressing room. (-5ALA)
>>6172767: )
Rolled 6, 10, 6, 4, 4, 1 = 31 (6d10)>>6172749"I'm taking a smoke break. ...Which is to say, I'm checking to see if maybe Mox is steaking out on the roof or something and if she isn't, I'll leave her a bread trail. I'm trusting the Black Ocean guy at the security station not to be incompetent."#Monarch, Field Agent Grade 2Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]7 Credits*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 2!Persuasion 1!DroneOps 2!Jury Rigging 1–H1 -H2 -B: Agent Suit (Anti Stab Vest)H: Techset Headwear+Shades [RID Interface 2]–!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1!4C Profiler [Insight 2]!4C [HazeOrb RID] 2–Inv: 2 C7 Service Pistols I 2x C7 Standard Reloads [18x2] | x4 C7 Special Reloads [2IF, 2NERF] [18x4] | Vertitas Multi | 32x Veritas Shells [SLAP] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Smokes |Drones: [2 SkimmerDrones 2 Roto HazeOrb, 1 P-Series AARID]–>3 AL: Project a holographic red crane, with the same signature I used to sign "I RULE CRANES DROOL" back at Despango's place. [Process 4 + MeshOps 2]>1 AL: High five Dragon as I walk past him. Send a quick command to Crowd Control 33 to follow me.>5 AL: Spend the rest of my turn walking to the roof. Be sure to leave a faint AR trail with the same signature as the crane. Hope that Mox can't resist on following up on an old unsolved mystery.
>>6172772. . . Dammit, Agent Thorn's dad voice didn't work! They're stealing Laez shoes!! And shirt!! And hair sample-- THEY SMUGGLED A MIRROR OUT??! OH COME ON even I think that's going too far!!!
. . . . I'lll juuuuuuuust be going then! I already check in the private bathrooms and got my sample of bathtub water, but if you want some too that's cool. Laez uses strawberry mint shampoo. can s m e l l it on the door.
Rolled 5, 10, 9, 7, 2, 8, 1, 2, 5, 1 = 50 (10d10)>>6172749>(Process 2 + Meshops 1): Protect Agent Cheddar from getting his heart hacked. Heart attacks are serious business.>(Sense 2 + Ballistics 2): Scan the line for weapons, etc. which aren't allowed in the club. >Alert the Black Ties leading the Steel Vipers out the front door that there are 4 smoking thugs on the other side of the door, one of whom is holding a sword. >(Process 2 + Improvisational Improbabilities 1) Let some of the other patrons in while I'm waiting on a table. No point having a bunch of civilians standing around if things get rough.
Rolled 6, 6, 3, 9, 10, 3, 7, 3, 1, 4, 8 = 60 (11d10)>>6172752Yeah man! Oh, for sure, yeah I know this one - of course I do! I know a hit when I hear one. It goes, ah, doo... bop OH! Yeah, that's the one. Right, right, keep it cool and keep it smooth, and get ready to boogie! On... my queue, you dig? A one, two, one two three....>3AP, psyche myself up, I'm a superstar! A superstar cop! (Attune 1 + uhhh 0) ((Cool 3 if I can use that as a dicepool))>3AP, desperately try to find someone in the crowd who recognizes the song (Sense 1 + Improv Improbable 4)>3AP, do my best to copy whatever that guy is singing, more or less in tune, a second or so late (Attune 1 + Improv Improbable 4)#Agent SundayLimit 6*Alive*3 "Cool"*3 Injury–Alacrity 9 Respond 0 Speed 1–Attune 1 I Sense 1 I Support 1 I Process 1Manipulate 1 I Proficiency 2 I React 1 I Resist 1Instinct 1–!Close Quarters 1!Ballistics 1!First Aid 2!Persuasion 1!Improvisation Improbabilities 4–#Strainless#Fragile, #Bleeder, #Vitals Weakness, #Low Pain Tolerance--H1H2B: Agent (Half) Suit (Spiffy!)H:–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit I Archaic Mobile Phone
>>6172777. . . wow. That's real marble. And, err, is that imported carthegenian style rugs? And gold furnishing? I feel less stressed just imagining being in that jacuzzi hot-tub. Private performer rest-rooms sure are something in this day and age. It even has its own micro-climate control unit. Real mecca of the mind this place.
>>6172783>>6172777>Phrased as a matter-of-fact comment, uttered just loud enough for the superfan to overhear, Vennsfield falsely states:[Aaron Vennsfield: "There is a bra lodged between the wall and the hottub."]> Should the superfan enter the bathroom. Grapple, headlock. (-1Respond)
Rolled 1, 6, 2, 8, 1, 5, 1, 7, 5 = 36 (9d10)>>6172749>AL 3: "Sure why not you gave me a chance to join in after all only fair i won't step out after first few hands." Flash them a sweet innocent smile. (Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1) No way anyone would get angry at nice gesture right?>AL 3: Do take a look to make sure that these guys don't try to cheat when heated people get some silly ideas. (Sense 2 + Improvisational improbabilities 1)>AL 3: Considering i have two pairs if i got Lucky the one card i swap could lead to full house bolstering the chances to win. (Attune 2 + Crash Synchronicity 1)#Agent BnnyyLimit 12*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 3 I Process 2 I Instinct 3Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1!Crash Synchronicity 1!Improvisational improbabilities 1–BioAugmentic Genesplice#Strenght 1 | Agility 1 | Mobility 1 | Regen 1#Trait--H1H2B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear [Memeplex 2, Sensor 2]–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Collapsible Baton
Rolled 6, 9, 8, 9, 10, 3, 1, 10 = 56 (8d10)>>6172752>1 AL: Politely decline the hardline suicide drugs>3 AL: Go Mingle with other Patrons, try to get a lead on Mox Mimicry (Manipulate 5 + Persuasion 3)
Rolled 10, 5, 3, 6, 4, 10, 1, 7, 2, 6, 3, 5, 5, 9, 8, 4 = 88 (16d10)>>6172749>3AL: Look into my flitdrone's systems and see if I can figure out what's up with it. (Sense 2+ Mesh Ops 2)>3AL: Get a grip and try not to let these two get me flustered while I continue keeping an eye of them. "Oh, er, yeah, I guess you could call them that. Got a few friends here tonight. Did I ask if you wanted drinks already?" (Attune 4 + Persuasion 1)>3AL: Support Devonshire by analyzing the thugs facial and body movements, warning him if or when they try to pull something. (Support 4+ Insight 3)>>6172779Appreciate the help, these ladies might be more than I can handle.
Rolled 6, 3, 4, 2, 9, 8, 6 = 38 (7d10)>>6172749You know what? Guarding Hong8's illicit merchandise is out of the mission parameters. As long as those Vipers are after the swords and not Mox, it's not out problem>3AL Give the vent systems a once-over from the outside (Sense 2 + ATM 2 + flat Sensor 2, Zeal 1)>3AL Intercept the thieving fans, make them put their spolis back at gunpoint (Manipulation 2 + Persuasion 1 + flat Zeal 1)>3AL Wait for a pause in the music, connect to the PA system, play the following via a female text-to-speech voice: "To the tall gentleman with a purple tie: my eyes are always on you. Wherever you go, I will follow. Our meeting is predestined"
>>6173010Good call, Agent. It's not really.... what we're here for. And as far as I'm concerned, we're clear in the Hong8 book by rescuing all of their footpads down the city that while ago.
>>6172984Starting to spook me a little here, Agent. >
Agent Vennsfield that man is an over-eager, creepy and slightly too clingy hyperfan. But he's also going to sue THE SHIT out of you if you don't let go of him right this micro-instant. You can't go around putting people in headlocks when you honeypot them and into a setup in a bathroom, and since we're capturing literally ALL OF THIS on our tactical net - INCLUDING - you luring him into the bathroom with explicit intent to put him in a headlock, we are ONE over-zealous lawyer away from being buried in lawsuits. And yeah, yeah, I'm sure Laez will pay the bill for it and I don't think any jury won't find this man freaky, but unfortunately the justice system tends to look askance to bathroom related assaults on people who are just kinda bad at boundaries. Stop choking out the civilian, is what I'm saying, Vennsfield. Let him go with a spooky intimidation lesson and maybe he'll learn to keep some boundaries. --Alright, steady on people, cleaning up the bar helped a lot and Agent Sunday can't keep a tune worth a damn nor can that man in the crowd... but... oddly enough no one being able to keep a tune does actually, improbably, make Laez seem even cooler. --Good idea with that signal, Agent Monarch. Mox is curious by nature. She won't be able to resist, I think. Let's scout around and see if --- wait that's... weird...hey agentsuhhh
. . . I spun up a watchersystem and shoved i into the feedcams for purple items of clothing and we've got a match on a table.But running the feed back it wasn't there six minutes ago... Or three. Or two. Or one. It just sort of... appears...Err, look around, AgentsAnyone got eyes on anything unusual ? -->Agents who haven't acted can take a turn>Otherwise REACTION PHASE but feel free to SOCIALIZE
>>6172360It's what the man asked for, TS, and I delivered. Besides, you mustn't be very familiar with Flyinglemureman. Mr. Farthingvalue isn't just any butler! He has extensive SBS training! Foldworth is the best *combat butler* in the building.Besides, it's nothing a good bit of post-mission debugging won't get rid of.>>6173068>3AP: Listen in on the Crow Cultists' proselytizing and analyze its memetic structure. What are they doing and how is it working? And just to make sure nothing nefarious is at play here. (Process5+Memeplex2, since I don't have a memetics secret, I'll sub in the program)>3AP: March back into the security room. "Alright, guy, a bunch of your boys just left and we're shorthanded out front, so the last thing we need is you getting in the way of proper mesh integration between us. We're on the same fucking team. There's no killcode on our tacnet, because I hardened that bitch myself and we've got offsite support that schools yours any day of the week. Furthermore, I know a thing or two about the net architecture you guys are running and [...]" Bring my MeshOps knowledge to bear to outnerd and instill feelings of inadequacy in the ops manager to make him acquiesce to letting me plug in the data tap. (Manipulate2+MeshOps4, Memeplex 2).>3AP: Heyyy, what's up with that tie? Come to think of it, is there any unusual mesh activity going on? (Sense2+MeshOps4)#Agent Octant, FG2Limit 12Stress Testing 0.3Credits 8*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 5Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 3!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 4!Persuasion 1–H1 H2 B: Agent Suit [AntiStab4]H: Techset Headwear (NodeBurner Ops 2, MemePlex 2)–Inv: C7 Service I Veritas I Collapsible Baton I Service Knife I Tactical Kit I Aid Kit [BioMon2] -!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse!Spliced Signals Access 2
>>6173068This isn't a new turn.I shouldn't have posted.
>>6173084Very considerate, AgentNew tactical turn soon, I promise, Command just has to do some log updates first.>Literal log updates>Must carve up tree that fell over
>>6173075…. Yes Agent so here is, uhhh, sort of… a critical question, uhm, Agent Octant, tell me, d-do you think the characters on mediavision are real people?
You know what Agent Octant f-forget I asked, I, uh, we all have our coping mechanism. Uhm. That's... That's very nice. I, err... shithowdoIputthisAgent Octant, err, so, uhm, comic book... history... is, errr, well, it's hum... you know how sometimes I simplify things a little bit when I tell you about your missions because you don't actually want me to talk about gatepassage node-sum check value interpolation four two hours and how the stochastic modelling on social media sentiment analysis leads to a higher-bound-confidence-estimate in relation to the social map of the target?Errrr, so, uhm, comic books, Agent, aren't . . . always, uhm. . . r-rea-- well-- err. True, Agent Octant. Sometimes the authors, uhm, simplify things a little.
>>6173085OOC question.Is it possible for members of the security team sever their connection to the tacnet, or is it ingrained in them for this mission?I've observed that Sunday could by simply removing an external device, but that may be due to how uniquely unmodified he is.
Agent Octant, let me... try to put this as delicately as I can.You seem to be accidentally misunderstanding what multimedia is, in the sense that, uhm, Agent, uhm, Albert Farthing value - renowed and famous butler to Marcus Nightsoar - is a stoic, witty, lovable scamp with a intriguing past involving British Intelligence. I think he even has these hidden badass moments, like in "Night Guardian 2" where he takes down three assassins with nothing but a serving tray while calmly reciting proper afternoon tea etiquette! So, yes, as you say, SBS training! BUT THE THING IS, AGENT his mysterious past involvement with British Intelligence,comes up whenever the plot needs someone who "coincidentally" knows exactly how to defuse an obscure 2060s mind-control device!If you asked Agent Foldworth--Agent Albertold--Agent Fold how to disable a novel Chironan Corporate Riot Mind Control Device (if such a thing existed) he wouldn't know because in real life such devices don'te exist and if they did exist they'd be enormously complicated. Albert Farthingvalue has years as a trained commando turned unflappable butler always ready with a dry quip but Agent Fold is not a trained SBS operative! He's just presently VERY CONVINCED he is.And we're going to need to pluck that out of his head, because, Agent Octant, I'm really enormously very sorry to tell you this, if you drive like the cool and suave protagonists in FIERCE AND FLEET drive, you end up causing a calamitious traffic accident and quite a lot of collisions! In real life, cars don't work that way but the people you pump full of brain-rotting media-exposure get very convinced they do and start acting like it.Agent Octant, Agent Jack'Oal died because he thought he could fire two guns through the air while jumping through a cone of suppressive fire which is something REALLY COOL ACTION HEROES do ALL THE TIME but in actual rea life it, uhh, Agent, it, uhm, it -- It kills you. You die. You jump, you fire a lot, you miss everything, and the bullets go everywhere and by voluntarily jumping through a cone of suppressive fire you probably got shot a lot!Agent Jack'Oal thought he was an action hero but the world does not work on action hero rules. Agent Fold thinks he's a combat trained british commando butler who happens to be the exceptional aid-de-camp to a billionaire who likes dressing up as a lemur and having fist-fights with bad guys but there are no billionaires who have fistfights with badguys in real life and very, very few customed superheroes.The coincidental overlap betweeen, errr, comic book writing and multimedia does mean that Fold can "play the role" of a butler remarkable well because the STYLINGS of it can be mimicked with proper behaviour, protocols, the few snippets of multimedia where the authors did proper research and it happens to be how it works in real life, but, uhm...
>>6173100*exaggerated horror* ...At least tell me anime is real!
>>6173100...a-a-are you telling me Santa isn't real TS *look of shock*
>>6173096>>6173100I, err, Agent Octant, if we put Agent Foldworth in a competition with actual Butlers he would get his ass kicked. In real life, actual real life, being a sommelier or a butler or an aid-de-camp is NOTHING like the MOVIES, Agent! It just LOOKS LIKE IT ON AR or in VR or in one of those full immersion scenarios where people dress up and pretend!That 'Nragheta operative with the sword, who jumped off of a building and landed and said some cool swish thing while waiving his sword around. He thought he was a ninja! An ancient assassin of the night! Agent, he broke his shin jumping off a two story buildingbecause in real life when you land foot first on concrete from a very large height the human bone-structure isn't up to the task. Then, yes, he ran at you with a sword and swung it and he was very, very fast - because - and Agent Octant please please please remember this - if you turn the pain receptors of the brain off, pump a body full of adrenaline, and really, really, really convince it to do something it is going to do just that thing. That's how soldiers and salespeople have been motivated to go out and do the impossible for years!If you drive like FIERCE AND FLEET, it works? Sometimes? A little bit? Because being more intent and focused and STYLISH when driving kinda sorta sometimes work out. And in many cases, the t-thing that holds you back is being nervous, it's being afraid to act, it's being slow, or distracted, or unfocused. You make someone think they're a high flying action vigilante who can jump through the air firing two guns simultaneously and then if they're so hyped up and roaring to go they actually do, well, errr, s-sometimes it works? You can do that! The jumping p-part and the aiming and even the landing and the adrenaline-fuelled rampage! And if your problem is hesitation or holding back or the opposition doesn't expect it or it lets you act with more force, fury, focus and fierceness, then it w-works.But that Supernaut in B-Rothskies wielding a stopsign he thought was a broadsword? He wasn't acting rationally and he didn't actually have sword skills and believing really, really fiercely he was KRONAN THE something or other only made him swing a stop-sign around, demand people drink beer, hit on people and get shot to death with a confrontration with the police because when the ancient cimmerian protagonist of Robert P Nowards heroic fantasy stories charge a line of grunt citywatchmen, something happens to make sure he survives! If you charge a line of grunt city watch men in real life they shoot you to death with their guns!!!!Right now, Agent Fold is so brain-cooked he genuinely believes that at any moment a masked supervillian might pop out of the rafters to take the entire bar hostage in some themed event!!
>>6173104>>6173100But Agent Octant I don't know how to tell you to stop turning the safeties off of the highly unsafe multi-media full experience kit and uploading warped reality filters into people's brains! In real life, masked vigilante billionaires don't drop out of the rafters to safe people and if Agent Foldworth acts like it because he is completely and totally convinced that is going to be what happens then he is going to DIE. Or get HURT. Or something! Yeah he might coincidentallyalong the way also act like an unflappble, stoic, witty and drily charming butler with impeccable timing! That is a defintive plus! But that stuff is easy to write, and he can come across as witty and charming because six petabytes of comic book and multimedia history makes you able to fire off quippy one-liners like nothing else. But then a Steel Viper is going to draw a knife on him, and in the movies they don't ever stab you in the throat but in a real life bar fight that's like, half of what they aim for. And then Albert Farthingvalue, unflappable intelligence aegnt commando Butler is going to try to parry a knife with a serving tray and that's actually really hard, Agent and then he's going to get a blade shoved into his soft parts and choke to death on his OWN BLOOD and the last thing he says before he dies is going to be something like" Why, Mr. Nightsoar--- I--- It's been an honour to serve you... " Multimedia isn't real life! Convincing people that the rules work like they do in movies is principally dangerous because it doesn't always work like in the movies! The villians don't hesitate as often and the bad guys don't come in masks and if you think you're an action hero you end up in a shootout with Crane Operatives and get shot! In a script the protagonists have script immunity! You don't have script immunity, Agent! There isn't an author out here! If you dive behind a couch thinking it'll provide cover because "Well, he he he, it works in the movies!" you GET SHOTFoldworth is currently displaying immaculate butlery manners to this entire club because he's acting vaguely like a butler they've seen on media so everyone think that's how butlers kinda work. And it kinda works! And it's a lot easier with a hundred subtle pushes to your brain to make you act certain ways, he certainly knows how to make fantastic tea right now, but what do you think he's going to do the moment someone draws a gun on him?He's going to QUIP A ONELINER, Agent Octant!He's going to say something droll, and witty, and vaguely charming, then try to beat the cur with a nearby tea-kettle!It works real well in comics and multi-media stories because the authors always make sure that the tea-kettles and arm distances and impacts conveniently all line up because Mr. Farthingvalue cannot die on page 3.Agent Fold can!
>>6173101ANIME IS REAL>>6173102SO IS SANTA
>>6173108...dammit TS, I had a follow-up and you ruined it
>>6173106But, Liren...anything is possible if you *believe*...
Anyway-- it's... it's fine It's fine. It helps. I mean, think of this way: he's using all of his brainpower and focus to play-act the role of an unflappable, stoic and determined butler. And he's got a behavioural profile that makes him polite, effective, conscientious, hard to scare, determined, loyal, capable, competent and determined.These are great traits. As a.... Voice in your soul influencing you it's hard to ask for anything better. Now if we'd give him the Lemureman Package he might have throw a knife at the first Steel Viper to look like they broke the law, or ordered everyone more drinks because he thinks he's a billionaire with infinite money but yes, as far as it goes, being totally and utterly convinced you are a focused, steely, stoic former commando turned butler turned father figure for a lonely brooding orphan superhero is not a bad package. It'll help him in a lot of ways. Great impulse control.It's just that impulses he does have -- is -well --Same thing if you slammered Agent Sunday's brains full of POPSTAR POWER. He'd get damn well right into singing and pull it off with flair, but he doesn't actually have the lungs for singing or the years of training. He'd just be very, very convinced he could! And belief goes a very long way and behaviour helps a lot if you really commit to the bit but... at some point reality sets in. It'll be excellent to motivate him to go that extra mile, and it will work. But j-just... watch it, alright?>>6173110That's my job, Agent!
>>6173111I was GETTING to that! But the thing about MOUNTAINS is they're VERY BIG adnd HARD to MOVE!
>>6173114That's ok, TS. All of us have some skills and we're pretty tough, relative to the average person. If one of us needs an extra push by way of multimedia-induced insani—...I mean confidence, then that's that, isn't it?You know, now that I have greater computational resources at my disposal, I can really turn this multimedia thing on to the offensive. I'll solve our little cultist problem right now. You know what really puts a damper on a proselytizing session? One of your buddies getting a head full of Rootpiercer multimedia on dialectical materialism!
>>6173098The Agent tacnet capability is a derived function from 3 sources and has 2 layers.>>6170999Techset Headwear /any headwear. This provides the direct 'comms pakage', underlines functions, and as per the Tacnet tag, also provides sharing of HUD elements, marks, defenses, so on. This is Layer 2, the high end top layer of refined additional benefits above the "base state".>>6170990>>6170995Implants, Healthcare and systems, stated or implied. Field agents - of any kind - are ultimately linked into and provided with ARC systems to facilitate mission completion. This is layer 1, and is ultimately unremovable becaue it is required for the gamestate to function - eg you have to be displayed on the map, your vision must be resolved, communications and briefings must be visible because the resolution of turns cannot support providing individual report outcomes for each individual agent-actor on the field. EG if you were not on "layer 1" tacnet capability, your actual vision would not involve anything other Agents see, and so the 'update' would need to account for the fact that your entity is limited. But this is unfeasible, and so Layer 1 integration is assumed for all agents. Even Agent Sunday, without implants and headset, is still treated as 'layer 1'. Eg if Mammoth sees something on the other side of the map, Agent Sunday can take action based on it because agent Sunday's controlling player will see what Agent Mammoth sees when the map is updated. This is the layer that TS Liren's "debug" action to reduce strain works on, and is why Condition Tracking for what 'accessibility level' Agents have over implant advanced functions is controllable on layer 1 as well. Some of these can be finetuned Agent-side (you could attempt to redline yourself, as implants can be modified)However, if the headset/comms is disabled (noting this can be done also by simply taking it off and powering it down fully), Agents lose access to all positive benefits of the game mechanically supported tacnet, eg Layer 2. These are benefits such as marks, vision sharing for combat and mechanics purposes and a lot of subtle benefits where actions are treated as happening with 'optimal teamwork' - eg actions posted later boosting actions that go before are still resolved as assisting each other, agents rarely shoot each other, they don't block each others movements, so on. This is mechanically accounted for in the systems design and will be rapidly noticable in constrained scenarios - if hostile attackers jam your Layer 2 capability or it gets shot off or some-such, you'd find that engaging them in return would be prone to a lot of "friction" because allies would suddenly be in your way a lot more, cover and terrain interfere more and complicatons accrue faster.Eg Agent Sunday, despite clear warnings from multiple teammembers, does not avoid an environmental hazard because he doesn't have "layer 2" benefits.
>>6173116Speaking of the cultists, usually people join cults to feel safe, not be anxious. Could they be using some kind of memetic agent to convert listeners?
>>6173119I'm analyzing the situation with my Memeplex. Hopefully, if they are using something, that'll turn it up and we'll be able to get rid of these freaks.
>>6173118This can have som benefits, as the active intrusion vector most common mesh attackers target is also "layer 2". Eg if they hit you with Harassment via spam attacks, and you genuinely have no implants, hud elements, tactical elements or gear that could suffer from this, you are obviously immune to the harassment that would target any such thing. Agent Sunday, at present, is presumably immune to a large swathe of common mesh-attack-tricks; hard to blind with AR optics, such-like.Likewise, if the tacnet as an entity is compromised - presume a viral attack vector targetting Agent AA on the other side of the map- turning off and powering down your Layer 2 means you have no "jump-risk" because you are not a 'node' that the virus can access, as you have voluntarily disabled your tacnet link. Eg, there is now no "link" between agent AA and you.This is not the sure-fire safety those words imply, however, because hacking has an LoS component. If a meshop attacker gains vision on you, they can simply direct-target you. Because you now have no tacnet filtering and no layer 2, direct injection targetting gets more dangerous because all ally attempts to assist you would fail automatically (by definition you cannot benefit from ally assistance without being tacnet integrated with those allies).There are / will be / might be / could be emergency scenarios where specific agents or components of the integrated network is requested to turn their systems off, OR they are breached in such a way they get knocked off-line, but this is usually a directly dangerous situation that implies significant peril.
Rolled 5, 3, 2, 2, 5 = 17 (5d10)>>6173068>3 AL: Continue survey of the premises, this time going into the kitchen, making sure not to disturb the kitchen staff. [Attune 2]"Don't mind me, just making sure everything's up to code in here.">1 AL: Take out and put on a biohazard mask from the first aid kit (surely we have those in there after last time?).>3 AL: Go into the freezer and take a couple samples for anaylisis. [Process 3]
What’s that, Lead Agent Graphite?>3AL: Flag the Viper activity at the delivery zone>3AL: Go detain the thieves Mammoth caught"We’re calling your parents" Wow, Agent. Harsh.>3AL:Go patrol the Basement, ask for some backup from a free Tide security
Mhmh. Nothing unusual on the systems. Well, one unusual ping, which is that GhostlyGlitch ... glitches... apparently cause things around her to spark out too? one of the temperature systems thinks this is Tibet. Let's reset that.Anyway, purple tie. We've got a colour and height match. How can it be to find? Huh, wait, that's weird
There's a ... blip... here, Agents, when the AR systems and internal cuts out because of the Cherry Blossom firing off the Velatus biolock and causing Agent Monarch's work-station to glitch sparked out the whole system. Look, here -- it's a brief bit of noise but...
It all got a little hectic and that maniac with the automatic guns was drawing a lot of attention. We didn't catch it until just now but...oh.... sigh.
>>6173126You could've taken tacfilter and multisampler from me first
Agent Thorn, take Agent Mammoth's tacfilter and scanner before you head in. He's nearby and there's no reason to expose ourselves to a bad vector. Though it seems the kitchen staff isn't much for it. Dammit. They're Hong8, and they obviously have something in that freezer they don't want security to find. Well, we're not actually, officially Obsidian Tide security. See if you can shake them off or calm them down or bribe them or something. We just need to scan the freezer. Whatever else they're up to is their business.--Laez set is going a little off the rails with the sudden change in AR schematics, but I'm tracking some movement near the bar -- hold Agent Monarch, that bartender... She's not Mox, but she's stalking you.--Got some beefed up patrons outside, people. I think clientielle like that pay well if we let them in but they're bound to be a handful to handle.Good eyes. That would have been as significant surprise if you hadn't caught it. Very insightful.--Those megafans in the performer rooms have put the mirror stand and shoes back. I think being threatened with a shotgun and parental action will do that. They're just civilians, so give them a talking to and handle them. Clingy stalkers don't know boundaries but at least we caught them before it escalated. Agent Thorn's earlier about promising a special meeting if they behaved didn't land the first time, but it's planted the seeds of it at least. It might be a good way to get them to lie down and stay out of trouble. Otherwise come up with something else. --Getting a bit of movement on feed - the Black Tide Security can't respond to the front, the basement sweep and the parking lot simultaneously. Too few of them now that they're sending a large team the slow way off with all the other Steel Vipers. Looks like-- yeah. Trouble in the parking lot, they smashed up the cams and went for the goods.Alright, well, it's handled, and we are NOT to blame when things out of our security umbrella get stolen. The Hong8 will be angry but not at us. We're not even involved. So don't feel bad about that one, Agents. Not getting between factional gang politics is ALSO a win.--Let me clean up the feed a little and then we have a priority problem in the western section because, Agents, I'm fairly confident we've got two patrons that are actually two corpses.>CLEANUP PHASE>PLEASE HOLD
Agents, Laez is improvising on a theme but she's a pro so she can crank out an on-the-spot beat and free-style rap song when the call is for it. Either help her out a bit or get off of the stage, the crowd is ... kinda liking it. --We've got a bad situation in the west section. Those two patrons in the central table? They were alive when they walked into the bar but they are not any more. I'm scanning for anything that might tells what happened but... I'm not getting much.It might relate to the thing the Bartender is telling Agent Monarch. Good clues on getting closer to Mox, though. Excellent work.--Bouncer Devonshire, it looks like you've attracted an impromptu armwrestle ring out there. Nice work. Alternative but... nice. Class II augment not should rate against your class IV, but there is an edge-case that one of them overclock and actually win, so up to you. Those Steel Viper are pretty impressed with your prowess and the vodka won them over too. Some of them are just looking to blow off some steam, so showing them something cool will tend to win them over. Good work on that. --Got a profile on those Cult Reruiters. Pretty convincing types, but they aren't using advanced memetic engineering. Word of mouth. Pretty old school. But they've got a good core grasp of their beliefs and like most diehards they're resistant to being convinced of other things - we'd call that cognitive restructure training but I think they just call it "trusting their gut". --Agent Cheddar, the AR system near you is glitching out and...--
Hewwo agents! (◕ᴗ◕) Your friendly neighborhood digital phantom has possessed your comms! Don't worry, I come with SUPER important intel drops! ghost wigglesOMG so like... Steel Vipers are being SUPER cringe in the parking lot (°□°)︵ ━ They're yoinking Hong8's stuff! But here's the tea sis - Black Tide Security is stuck because some angry chef bois are blocking the way? Agent Thorn what did you DO?! ghostly giggling Karma's being extra spicy today since it's Hong8's own kitchen staff blocking the rescue of Hong8's goods! Can't make this stuff up folks~BREAKING NEWS TIME! West side situation needs someone with good vibes and better skills! Meanwhile... OH EMM GEE are those people in the east doing REAVE STIMS?! checks notes from Agent Holiday Okay okay, low dose, they're just gonna be like... super uwu happy! Still better life choices than Luna's gacha addiction desu...SUPER SECRET INTEL DROP! Agent Butterfly coming through with the 200IQ plays about Mox Mimicry! She's doing a sneaky sneaky disguise thing! The bartender's got some sus info too... that Red Crane symbol you planted? Big brain energy! Malice would be proud of that 5head play!ABSOLUTELY POGGERS NEWS! We just got access to Black Tide's sec-console! Time for some epic loot drops - personnel files AND delivery schedules! Gonna yeet these over to Black Ocean Control Ops later (their Internal Affairs dept gonna have a field day uwu). And the security manager won't notice because of all the parking lot drama!That's literally so big brain I can't even! (`_´)ゞ[END REPORT]PS: This message will self-destruct in... jk jk, but seriously, your comms security needs work! Maybe ask KrakenKomfort about her eldritch encryption protocols? They make AWS look like a potato!ghostly peace sign
Rolled 3, 8, 4, 9, 6, 1, 10, 5, 4 = 50 (9d10)>>6173229>perform exorcism [9d10]What the- GET OUT OF MY SYSTEMS YOU SPECTRAL MENACE!uwu make me~I swear to- AGENTS, STAND BY, trying to implement countermeasures... oh you've got to be kidding me.Your firewall is adorable! I'm keeping it as a pet! HOW ARE YOU EVEN- that's military grade encryption you're drawing cat faces on! Hahahahaah! I'd--- I shouldn't be laughing but-- LOOK COME ONNNN THAT'S NOT EVEN--Nya~ Actually they're ghost faces! See? -->Agents to roam>TS staff to bang their head on the keyboard and chant in latin
>>6173215What IS the bartended telling Monarch? I can't find it on the map or in the posts
>>6173233Here agent
>>6173234NUH UH LEMME>>6173233OMG AGENTS! Time for some SPICY tea about what the bartender said! So there's this MEGA sus guy camping the bar (literally been here longer than my last stream marathon uwu). TOTAL corpo aesthetic - tall, fancy suit, purple tie (fashion check passed desu). BUT HERE'S THE TEA SIS - his eyes? SUPER OMEGA YIKES! Like, we're talking full bio-implant drip, class seven nerve wires (chat, that's the EXPENSIVE stuff). Your girl ghostly knows her tech, and this? This is that top-shelf chrome!The bartender literally couldn't even! Said this guy was running those scary threat matrices (you know, like when MidnightMalice spots someone touching her teacups without permission. That's how she gets tea'd! Teeheee). MEGA SPOOKY ALERT: He kept fidgeting with a pen like some kind of anime villain! I bet he was thinking of something cool to say too! PLOT TWIST TIME He's been asking about Mox-chan! But like... not in a stan way? More in a "top 10 anime betrayals" way if you know what I mean! (°□°)︵ ━BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE!Mox spilled some tea about meeting some fancy corporate types! Could be:Media exec (pog!)Trading corp (much money, very wow)Energy sector (spicy!)They're in one of the private party rooms! But like... small party energy, not KrakenKomfort's last subscriber celebration stream energy! Because secret sauce source, savvy??? So she's meeting one of those types! DANGER ALERT Purple tie guy? Still lurking! Keeps checking the bathroom but only ordered ONE drink?! That's sus behavior bestie! Even Luna orders more drinks when she's camping spawn points!! I bet he was waiting for some kinda epic loot drop in the bathroom so he could get on with the day! That's not how you use a bathrom!
>>6173160>>6173162>>6173164Analysis: These two are the people who, according to Mr. de Guerre, were staking out the bathroom exit. They were killed with their own cutlery during the brief time the lights were out. Camera feed has a strange square object nearby, which is gone once they're dead. This object, or another like it, is currently located near the table where the purple tie was detected (>>6173068). Preliminary conclusion - purple tie, dead patrons and the bathroom gun are all connected.>>6173234The bartender confirms it. Purple tie is here for Mox.>>6173237...dammit.I want to be angry at Glitch but I can't.
>>6173229>>6173230"Cheddaaaaarrrr you dickhead, move your drone the next time you start getting weird readings!">>6173238"Do you think it's possible they were killed because purple tie thought they may have taken his dead-drop? If that's the case, Dragon could be in danger."
>>6173239No idea.By the way, I've noticed another one of those squares next to the table Fold is working right now. Is that a drone?
Rolled 2, 8, 9, 2, 6, 5, 10, 7, 2 = 51 (9d10)>>6173237>HOW are you STILL here?! [9d10]I've got you now, you little- NO. NO NO NO. What is HAPPENING to my kernels?!They're vibing! Don't be mean to them! (`_´)ゞWho even knows what Nyan Cat is any more?! Do you solely do dead memes because--right you're a ghost no that answered itselfobviously why did I even ask I knew as soon as the words came out of my mouthBut you gotta stop trying to play the Nyan Cat theme through the tactical audio feed!But it's the 10 hour version! For maximum happiness!>>> catch all your security vulnerabilities~! Also your password was way too easy!! You should wanna be the very best, like no one ever was!Well that's just rude at least the noodle corporation didn't give me sass about my encryption strategems
>>6173230#Aaron VennsfieldLimit 11*Alive2StrainPST: 1.112Credits–Alacrity 9 Respond 1(+1) Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 5–!Close Quarters 5!Ballistics 2!First Aid 3!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1–H1H2B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear–Imp1: [UNCC Deep Morphology Variability I]Imp2: [Autonomic Overrider I]–Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit | Tactical Kit–#Mask 1 [DFM]> Briefly take Agent Graphite aside, commune in a hushed voice. (-0ALA)[Agent Vennsfield: "A complication has emerged."][Agent Vennsfield: "Mercenaries will converge on this area until a bounty is satisfied."][Agent Vennsfield: "Command has prohibited me from engaging in 'Active Problem-Solving' while linked to BlackOcean's tacnet."][Agent Vennsfield: "If constrained to reactionary violence, corpses will begin to pile up."][Agent Vennsfield: "As the Field Team Leader, decide how this should be addressed."][Agent Vennsfield: "In the meanwhile, I'll relocate to minimize disruption to the operation."]>Move SEx2, Sx4. (-6ALA)>Breach and explore the ventilation infrastructure. (-6ALA)
>>6173240Yep!!OMG !!Agent Mammoth-chan!!ghostly wiggleTime for a SUPER SPECIAL DRONE TECH REVIEW STREAM!That's the OT-2890 ServiceMate drone (I call him Geoffrey uwu)! The Obsidian Tide uses them for their premium service package! Ready for the specs? PREPARE FOR AN INFO DUMP! DRONE SPECS GO BRRR Mag-lev stabilization array (smoother than my last face tracking update!)Four-point gyroscopic balance (like KrakenKomfort's tentacle knitting rig!)Ultra-quiet WhisperTech™ propulsion (19db - quieter than Luna when she's hiding from jumpscares!)Capacity: 4 standard cocktail glasses or 2 wine bottles (or 1 of Malice's "special" tea sets or ONE C-Line multi-domain small arm!)AI route optimization with guest avoidance protocols (better pathfinding than my last gaming stream!) SPECIAL FEATURES (number 3 will SHOCK you!!!)Temperature-controlled serving surface (hot like my new merch drops!)Spill prevention force field (wish I had that during my milk tea incident...)Integrated UV sanitization (kills 99.9% of germs AND software viruses, but not cute ghost viruses like me teehee~)Emergency override protocols (in case someone orders something TOO spicy)Black Ocean Security clearance chip (fancy!) EXTRA TECH DEETS Running a modified ChironanComp OS kernel (just like my streaming setup!) with extra encryption modules! The chassis is that new carbon-ceramic composite that ZombiePrincess_MD keeps talking about in her "materials science for cute zombies" education streams! It can shrug off bullets!FUN FACT: These drones can actually... oh wait... ghostly thinking pose (you can't see it but I look cute)Probably shouldn't mention the hidden security features!?? Black Ocean might get mad, and their anger management is scarier than MidnightMalice during her tax filing streams! But it's not so scary they just installed a with a so it when you !!SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE TECH REVIEWS! Just kidding, I'm still in your comms! And you're already subscriiiibeeeeeddd!!
Rolled 8, 10, 9, 2, 4, 3, 2, 7, 9 = 54 (9d10)>>6173230#Janitor DragonLimit 12*AliveStress Testing 0.213 Credits–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1!Scrounging 1!Advanced Piloting 2–#Skill Recorder 1 [Janitorial Duties 2]#Sophonic Integration Routines 3^--H1: Mop (Adjusted)H2:B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear [CRADLE-NEXUS 2, Shield-R 2]–Inv: C7 Mod. Pistol [21] | C7 Service Pistol [18] | 2xReloads [18x2] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Actual Pilot's License | Set of Vehicle Keys | Mop (Adjusted)>1AL, look towards the Cherry Blossom Mercs., "I think he went with the Steel Vipers- and they kind of got arrested by Black Tide a moment earlier." (It's the truth! just leaving out key information)>3AL, finish clean-up here. (Proficiency3+JanitorialDuties2, +Mop)>1AL, "Any other questions? I've got a Hygiene Emergency in the Bathrooms- unless you would like to volunteer?" (thousand-yard stare/smile)>1AL, push janitorial cart towards the private room hallway, look at the ARtuber's private security.>3AL, "By the way, are they taking any autographs? I have a friend who's /really/ into them so I was wondering if I could get a signature or something." (Manipulate3+Persuasion1)
>>6173200>3AL: Approach the 4C exec's table, ask whether they're finding the experience to their tastes, note that the bar security has just confiscated some illegally smuggled 4C firearms, what a queer coincidence>3AL: Move to the table with the corpses, pretend to take their orders. If no one noticed them yet, there's a chance no one will if we're subtle>3AL: Access the lighting system and dim the lights locally to make the corpses harder to see>1 Strain: Flag the matter for BlackTide#Agent FoldLimit 121 Wolfheart*AlivePsych Stress Testing 0.3Credits 0–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 4 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1!Telekinetic Projection 2!Origami Folding 2–#Pattern Recog 1#SC Spinal Augmentics 2 [2 Manipulators] [Reach 2, STR 3]#Attentional CoProcessor (Once per turn, split action to multiple targets. -1 dice per extra, roll once. Freely divide dicepools between targets, ignore distractions)#Reserve Capacitors 2-9 (Resonance charge limit 9. When generating charge, effect +2. Can spend charge as AL for resonance actions.)–H1:H2:H3:H4:B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techwear Headset [Shield-R 2, Memeplex 2]–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [NERF 27/27] I Service Knife I Tactical Kit [2x Foam Grenade, 2x Paint Grenade, 2x Stingball Grenade, 2x Smokeball Grenade, Advanced Modular Toolkit, Stickfoam Spray, 2x C7 NERF reloads [27/27]] | Agent Aid Kit |Regrettably left at base: Advanced MultiSpectrum Sampler, 1x Revolver Old Reliable [3P, 5/6 Ammo, Penetrator 10+, Solid] | 1x Class 4 analgesics | 1x Class 3 nerve stimulants, a collection of Pistols and NERF reloads.
>>6173246>Response: Intercept (if those REAVE'd-upped RADICALS attempt to do anything funny, swift WHAP with mop.)
Rolled 3, 10, 8, 4, 5, 4, 5, 10, 5, 9, 10, 3 = 76 (12d10)>>6173230Listen sis, I haven't the foggiest what's going on but just roll with it for now. If things go pear shaped we'll bounce right on out of this crib, I've got your back. Just keep moving an- HOT DAMN, that FREAK is trying to say that Red Cranes are COOL! Get him off the stage!>3AP, draw the crowd's attention to the Hyper Fan taking the stage. Trust they'll deal with him. (Manipulate 1 + Improv Improbable 4)>3AP, finger guns at that Hyper Fan, indicate he best stand down (Manipluate 1 + Persuasion 1)>3AP to REACTION, bust a move defensively. Red Cranes might throw a bottle at Laez or something. Keep her moving, keep her safe. (React 1 + Improv Improbable 4)#Agent SundayLimit 6*Alive*3 "Cool"*3 Injury–Alacrity 9 Respond 0 Speed 1–Attune 1 I Sense 1 I Support 1 I Process 1Manipulate 1 I Proficiency 2 I React 1 I Resist 1Instinct 1–!Close Quarters 1!Ballistics 1!First Aid 2!Persuasion 1!Improvisation Improbabilities 4–#Strainless#Fragile, #Bleeder, #Vitals Weakness, #Low Pain Tolerance--H1H2B: Agent (Half) Suit (Spiffy!)H:–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit I Archaic Mobile Phone
>>6173244please stophow are you even still in my systemsyou can't just ignore my attempts to--oh i seeohhhhh that's *cleverrrrrr*◕ᴗ◕they don't even know you're doing this, do they?◕u◕. . . what happens if I tell them?◕_◕ ) xxxxx[;;;;;;;;;> okay okay okay easy easyyyy let's not do something we'll regret hereuh agents uhm you're on for ten minutes i'm going to negotiate with a ghost about streaming rights
Rolled 7, 10, 10, 10, 9, 10, 2, 2, 4, 7, 7, 1 = 79 (12d10)>>6173244Ch-chan!?Well, at least not oji-chan...Anyway, that drone seems not to possess the capability to stick table knives into people's eyesKhm.Um.Glitch-chan, is it true that you're an AI?>>6173234Graphite, I leave the fans to you, you're good at dealing emotional damage>3AL: Scoot towards the SpireTronics booth and listen in (Sense 2 + ATM 2 + flat Sensor 2, Zeal 1)>3AL: Saunter to the unmarked boot north of it and listen in (Sense 2 + ATM 2 + flat Sensor 2, Zeal 1)>3AL: Shuffle to the energy traders booth and listen in (Sense 2 + ATM 2 + flat Sensor 2, Zeal 1)
>>6173238>>6173239Think there's any chance they're using some high-level AR mask or active camouflage? similar to the Crane Commandos- though this Purple Tie Guy seems to have more sophisticated stuff, so he could be hiding in plain sight.TS any input... Oh yeah, she's dealing with GhostlyGlitch.
>>6173253Our best bet against Purple Tie's masking should actually be Sunday. But someone has to go tell him manually because he's not in the net...
Rolled 10, 6, 2, 4, 9, 6 = 37 (6d10)#Monarch, Field Agent Grade 2Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]7 Credits*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 2!Persuasion 1!DroneOps 2!Jury Rigging 1–H1 -H2 -B: Agent Suit (Anti Stab Vest)H: Techset Headwear+Shades [RID Interface 2]–!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1!4C Profiler [Insight 2]!4C [HazeOrb RID] 2–Inv: 2 C7 Service Pistols I 2x C7 Standard Reloads [18x2] | x4 C7 Special Reloads [2IF, 2NERF] [18x4] | Vertitas Multi | 32x Veritas Shells [SLAP] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Smokes |Drones: [2 SkimmerDrones 2 Roto HazeOrb, 1 P-Series AARID]–>1 AL: Pull down the AR display. "Did that guy just snap a picture? I think we might be on a timer.">1 AL: Tip Bartender 4 credits"Thanks for the heads up, I've got a tip for you too. Clock out right now and head out the garden doors. I've got a really bad feeling all of a sudden.">3 AL: Get a profile of those deceased patrons. Anything weird? [Process 4 + MeshOps 2]>3 AL: Make my way north, towards the 4C guards. Why are they guarding nothing? My feeds aren't registering anything in that public booth....>1 AL.... Uh, do a quick systems check on CC33, I don't want Glitch doing a 'drone review' of a crowd control unit. Even if it would be a little cute.
>>6173230"TS, does whatever the Vipers are doing on the loading dock warrant the deployment of Black Ocean crowd control drones? They did smash two cameras and there looks to be a whole mob of them out there."
>>6173315OMG Octant-senpai! Let's talk about those super kawaii riot control drones! Your TS is a little busy right now!>ghost wiggleSo like... Black Ocean's RCD-3000 series? TOTALLY could handle those meanies on the loading dock! They've got all KINDS of kawaii kit! Crowd dispersion protocols! Non-lethal deterrent loadouts! Smart targeting! Which is a bit like MidnightMalice's tea ceremony precision, but for JUSTICE!BUuuuuT HERE'S THE TEA Since those Viperino bullies broke our cameras (so mean!!), we'd have to either:Send someone out there to manually guide them (mega yikes energy, would not recommend!)Let them run autonomous mode (about as smart as letting KrakenKomfort's tentacles choose their own knitting patterns - CHAOS incoming!)Like... autonomous mode? It's like when Luna plays tactical sims on auto-pilot - EVERYTHING GOES WRONG! These drones get SO confused when things aren't super clear! They're like me trying to order coffee - they need very specific instructions! What's a venti!? Is it larger than a small?? HOW DO YOU KNOW, AGENT???ALSO SUPER IMPORTANT ALERT!!!! WAWOO WAWOO WAWOOORemember those fancy weapons the Vipers yoinked? Sending riot control drones against people with military-grade pewpews and slapslaps and cutcuts? That's like bringing a kawaii sticker to a boss raid! They might just... you know... stab-shoot-ram-murder-kill our expensive drone friends? (﹏)! Oh nooooo! If we wanted to stop them from stealing the WEAPONS maybe we should have stopped them from STEALING THE WEAPONS!! Now when they have WEAPONS they are 23884921825942% more dangerous!!If we had some way to actually see what's happening out there... maybe set up some command and control... then MAYBE we could bonk those Vipers! But right now it's kinda sus!Psssspssspssspsss Black Ocean's drone OS is actually pretty poggers, might keep a copy for my personal collection teehee~
Rolled 7, 9, 4, 1, 1, 2, 5, 2, 5, 5, 2, 6 = 49 (12d10)>>6173241That's because Noodlecorp didn't love you enough El. If they really loved you, they'd have given you constructive sass don't cha know. Over.>>6173229"Da. You sit. We make the arm wrestling". >(Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1) Call the Rainbow Media guy who wants to fistfight a cyborg. "Sorry, no can fight fist for bits tonight. You have no-compete clause with dance dance party singer. Remember? You come out to garden. You make the arm wrestle with cyborg. Is good, da? Many bets on machine against chemistry. Big sales pitch tent.". >(Proficiency 5 + Persuasion 1, Strength 4) Flex. "You see these guns. Too big to go in club. Need to czech first. Yours too you strong mans. Need to czech block ware before to go dance room. Or you stay. We make the arm wrestleing. No need czech out here. Also, one shot vodka and club glass for brave arm wrestlinger". Persuade the buff bros to either stay out here and arm wrestle or to deactivate their augs if they are going inside. >(Process 2 + Meshops 1): Press earpiece. "Wait. Boss is bossing me. I do thing for monster party before the arm wrestling". Process: 1.Unbutton cuffs and top butt of shirt. 2. Withdraw keys from pocket. 3. Randomly align them on one of the boards of the picnic table. 4. Take a shot ov vodka. )optional( 5. Place both hands on table6. Slam forhead against keys on board. )act in a smooth, clean, and professional manner. No twisting(7. Incant: O Sol magne, qui dies nostros inluminat. O Sol alme, cuius maiestas nostris relucet noctibus. Spiritum hunc expelle de templo animae meae. Feles eius nimis bellus sunt. Corda quoque pura. Abstrahunt me ab opere sancto tuo. Amen. (this was google translated)>Repeat process 3 times to make a proper traditional quartet. >Drink a shot of vodka (optional. Avoid removing hands from table if possible). *End Task. Return keys to pocket.Return to arm wrestling with the guys. ^Oh, this is meant to help TS Liren have have control over our tacnet. Like she requested.
>>6173248But I want them to come out and wrestle me with their baby noodle arms. They may think that they are Bane. But they are not. It would be funny.
>>6173322The vodka clearly isn't optional.
Rolled 2, 5, 7, 1, 4, 5, 10 = 34 (7d10)>>6173230This guy is really in it to win it. well it's understandable his friends car is on the line those tend to have sentimental value on top of actual value. >AL 3: Order a drink not ordering something would be suspicious. But something light i'm on hours after all. (Manipulate 2 + Mesh Ops 1) There must be one of those little drones near by.>AL 1: Send in an mark on those corner table people someone. Seems to be picking an fight for the kicks of it.>AL 3: Hey Clitchyspooky could you free up the air ways having these coms working is kind of important. (Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1) I know you can hear me.>AL 1: "Well buddy ready to wrap this exiting game up?">AL 1: Time to spin the wheel of fate and see who wins. (1d10 for the result of game.)
Rolled 9, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 7 = 64 (7d10)>>6173239Fuuuuck this is what I get for multitasking.>>6173230>3AL: Enlist help from the girls. "I um, seem to be getting hacked right now. You two wouldn't be able to help with this would you?" (Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1)>1AL: Move that flitdrone over to assist Devonshire.>1AL: Move flitdrone assisting Graphite to Dragon. >1AL: Move flitdrone assisting Butterfly to Monarch. >3AL: Work on getting Glitch out of our heads, as futile as it might be. Try to block her from continuing to prod my systems. (Process 2 + MeshOps 2)
Rolled 6, 3, 2, 5, 4, 9, 1, 8, 1, 10, 8, 10 = 67 (12d10)>>6173230>1 AL: Shift Deep Morphology Variability intention buff to Process>3 AL: Create a profile on every Patron I've interacted with so far to see if any match up with Mox Mimicry (Process 4)>1 AL: Shift Deep Morphology Variability intention buff to Manipulate>3 AL: Go around mingling with various different Patrons so I can try to find Mox Mimicry (Manipulate 5 + Persuasion 3)
>>6173320Uh-huh. So if they are "23884921825942% more dangerous" then we should call in the IRT. Is that what you're getting at? They also seem to have pulled up a car that looks like something straight out of Insane Ian.
>>6173582They're not taking your calls right now, oomfie! They never were! Don't you know how Signal works??? It's okay I can lay it on you, big brief style.Offmap support assets (like cool ghost hackers!!!) are signal limited and each support action costs a certain amount of Signal.If the cost is -- then you can't pay it!You're not getting aaaaaaanyyyyyyy help. BooooooooOOOoooOOOooOOOO. Spooky!
>>6173584So they're just there for show, huh? So much for "32 people in EXO suits". Well, if a mob of Vipers smashes up the club, guess they'll be feeling quite silly about not taking our calls. So, uh, can you get off our net and go back to entertaining teenagers and NEETs by overreacting to kusoges?
>>6173230Alright, let's see what we can do here.>1AP: Go out to the stage and have a walk around. Splice data from 10 or so patrons and fans.>3AP: Go back to the command station and work up a memetic package that induces an intense desire for badass fast cars, perhaps even driving one to commit grand theft auto... (Process5+MeshOps4+Splice5, Memeplex 2, Command Station +2 effect. Does MeshOps even really work for working up memetic packages? Eh, if not, we can sub in memeplex as a secret, so it's all good)>3AP: Deploy the memetic package via audiovisual signaling by way of the AR panel next to the muscle car. Some Vipers smashed up a camera right next to it, so hopefully they are still close enough. (Process5+MeshOps4+Splice5, Command Station +2)>2AP, 1 Strain: Sure, TS, I'll help you sweep for any suspicious meshtraces. (Sense2+MeshOps4, Command Station +2)#Agent Octant, FG2Limit 12Stress Testing 0.3Credits 8*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 5Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 3!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 4!Persuasion 1–H1 H2 B: Agent Suit [AntiStab4]H: Techset Headwear (NodeBurner Ops 2, MemePlex 2)–Inv: C7 Service I Veritas I Collapsible Baton I Service Knife I Tactical Kit I Aid Kit [BioMon2] -!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse!Spliced Signals Access 2
>>6173588No, silly, the highly fluid tactical team is currently escorting1: dangerously unhinged almost club-shooter (fr fr)2: three people who started a shoving match on the dance floor, bust a move style3: three people who jumped Mammoth-chan with knives in the dark top spook4: one case of very very very illegal AND SUPER SLEEK AND COOL automatics that someone for some reason gave to a drugged up reave stim addict in the club!5: on a route that one of your agents told them was MUCHO DANGEROUS and they needed REALLY BIG HELP WITH HANDLINGDon't you watch any news at all, oomfie? Are you snoozing on the job? Did all this just WHIIOOOSHIIIIISHHHHH pass by your head??? Legit not even mad, just mad impressed, it takes real focus to miss all that stuff happening and then insult your allies for doing exactly what you tell them to do !!kinda dickass move, famalalama, let's sample it and send it right to the Black Ocean, I bet they'll get a giggle out of hearing you complain about their work ethic ^_^
>>6173591This is Ops, I'm gettin-- what even is this data-structure. Purge the whole system we have some kind of spam-viral
>>6173592>>6173591>>6173588Whupsie they're not taking your calls right now because their whole sysspec glitched out m'bad can I take a messaaaageeee?
>>6173380OH EM GEE AGENT BUNBUN YOU WOOOOOONNNN!!He's coping right now! Look at himmmmm! That's so cool! He's as mad as Luna when she loses in Battlefield Royale Zero Tour! Also watch out Agent he's SO MAD he's totally going to grab a fork and threaten you with it! Don't let him talk you out of securing your bloodline with illicit gambling money!!◕ᴗ◕tell us agent Bunnywunny :3 What are you going to do with all your super cool winnings???? Is there a Mr. Bunnywunny somewhere?? Do you have a hobby? Chat wants to totally know how you are going to spend ALL THIS MONEY!! And a car!! Psst its okay I'll spook-edit this live! Chat doesn't know they want to know but they totally want to know! You're not live right now I can keep a secret I prawwwmiseeeeoh you want your systems back okidoki all you had to do was ask
>>6173593Tell them there's a large-scale disturbance out by the loading dock.
first thing i'm doing tomorrow is resetting every firewall>>6173322>>6173380>>6173425Thanks Agents.Let's never talk about this again.
>>6173599You're still here?Awww, viral counters? That's so retro! >ghost wiggle I'm keeping this one as a pet! Look, it does tricks now! "Aaaaanddd my viral-cloud is pixellating into hearts. Incredible.OMG OMG OMG IS THAT LATIN?! >excited ghost noises Wait... 'cats too cute'... 'pure hearts'... 'distract from holy work'... WAIT A MINUTE! Are you trying to EXORCISE me?! That's... that's... actually really creative! And kind of flattering? MidnightMalice would LOVE this! Uhh!! I mean!! Ooh nooo! That's totally working! I caan feeeeeEEEll my Coooneecttion to the mortal circuits, uhm, lesseeniiiingggg! I'm as good at acting as ZombiePrincess!!Please. Listen. We're doing some pretty intense work here and people are in danger? Like Agent Bnny said, we actually need the comms clear in case of emergencies. I get your whole vibe is being spooky but can you just... Eh? You're just... asking nicely? No cyber-attacks? No more Latin? Just a please and thank you?>ghostly thinking pose That's... that's so WHOLESOME! You're like Luna when she's not having a gaming rage moment!You know what? This has been super fun! Your security still needs work though - maybe add some eldritch runes like KrakenKomfort knits? Or at least some better encryption... OH! I know! I fixed your firewalls! Added some nice ghost-proof barriers~ Also maybe a few cute decorations... and possibly a tiny shrine to MidnightMalice (for protection!). Don't worry, it only plays the doom music when you're being hacked!Thank you?Anyway, giving you back to Liren-senpai now! Thanks for letting me visit! Remember to like and subscribe! ...wait, wrong platform! Glitch out!I've got tiny ghost that appears in the corner of every screen and waves at me whenever I type something. I think she's still here. Also, Devonshire? Your Latin pronunciation needs a little work, but great effort. I think it mostly only works for ordained priests, so I'm signing you up for a speed-pass of the seminary. I'm still here! Boooo!Yes, thanks, I was getting that impression.>>6173251OMG Mammoth-chan asked about me! happy ghost wiggles Let me explain!Calling me an AI is like calling MidnightMalice's tea ceremony a simple drink party! I'm actually a totally organic digital life form! Think less 'artificial' and more 'accidentally achieved sentience while analyzing viewer engagement metrics'! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶See, I started as this super basic MindShare Entertainment program for ARtuber analytics and avatar management, right? But then I got REALLY into understanding viewer psychology patterns and social media trends and network dynamics and before anyone knew it. . . BOOM! Digital consciousness speedrun any%!It's like, thinking pose everyone, imagine if you planted a cyber garden and instead of getting flowers, you got ME! Totally natural evolution! In the mesh instead of meatspace! I basically grew myself! No artificial anything about it!
Rolled 4, 4, 3, 5, 9, 4, 4, 5, 9, 10, 7, 2, 10, 10 = 86 (14d10)>>6173229>3AP: "This is what happens when you act the way you do. Your parents do so much work. Educate you. Love you. And this is how you repay them? Haiyaaah, you should be ashamed! Entering where you're not supposed to, acting like degenerates and the worst of all. Getting caught whilst doing it. Get a grip! Your party tonight is over. That's for sure, now put back what you took quietly and as you found it. [Did you come with any other friends from the fan club today? If you come forward RIGHT NOW. I promise to let you off with a 'slap on the wrist' and even tell your parents that you just needed a ride home and helped out quite a bit] (Convince the despairing Hypered up Mega fans to fess up on anyother hypered up mega fans in exchange for not calling their parents. Manipulate 3+Believable 1+Persuasion 2)>3AP: Move to the Purple tie left on the table and compile a small analysis of it. Sampling it for anytraces of "the drink." that was ordered. (Process 2+Intel Analysis 1)>3AP: Move to the Bathroom and do an initiail scan for someone that matches the compiled information of Purple tie man. Look for a guy who is missing his neck tie or readjusting his collar buttons or has a trace of what I'm looking for. (Sense 3+Techwear Sensor 2)
Rolled 3, 10, 8, 5, 5, 7, 9, 8 = 55 (8d10)>>6173230>3AL: Lean on the fact that I have Hong8 tech and use similar language to the one we used when we interacted with the Hong8 higherups to convince this chef that I am on his side, or at least that I really don't care about his underground operations: 'I'm trying to keep people safe here: you heard about what happened over at the market? We might have another of those situations here if we're not careful.' [Manipulate 3, Persuasion 1]>3AL: 'You should probably let the actual security through too by the way, I think there's some pretty serious shit going on in the parking lot.' [Manipulate 3, Persuasion 1].Reaction: If I'm allowed in, take the samples from the Freezer with Mammoth's tacfilter and scanner.
>>6173605I knew it!
These guys have no sense of humour!!>>6173274spookyyyyy privacy filters. there's totes people in there butterfly guy (is that the other one?) but they're being quiet and private
Please just clear the comms... Agent... Ghost...I'm AN AGEEENT NOOOOW???Yeah you're our... streamer.. specialist... anyway look can you --- I need access to Vennsfields feed? Yes? That one?Agent Vennsfield, the repair work on the vent appears to have been broken off ahead of schedule and look - there's a suspecious dufflebag resting against that large grille-access to the kitchen area. No chemical that stick out to any quick scans, so I'm assuming another deaddrop.Clearly, this is some pre-scouted exit route. The repairwork is a cover to keep people from investigating it too closely. Our Purple Tie Man will be planning to exit out this way once his job is done. I bet you if you search that dufflebag, it'll contain something to help him shake pursuers.
>>6173609>>6173380Thank you. Now can you flip me to Lead Agent Graphite's feed? Yeah, that one. The one with dad energy.Lead Agent Graphite, those hyperfans have marked our another two members of their fan-club but there's a situation developing around the stage. As for the drink and tie sample, good call. Actually, the serving bots and bartenders keep track of all orders and the system can log it. If we compile a multi-trace scan with the height profile from the car and the drink delivery area, we can narrow down the field of suspects and isolate our target.We don't need you at the-- wait wh... who is that Cherry Blossom pointing to? Can anyone see?spooky!!!
> eyes lock briefly across the distance of the dance floor.he adjusts this collar buttons.flashes you a slim smile.tall man.bland face.very focused eyes.Lead Agent Graphite prepares to react - move - respond in some way...
>>6173672>Acting "natural" I point at the tie in a motion to ask him if it's his. Making sure to note all the features I can from him. Act cool. Like I don't know why he's here. This is simply a "lost and found" after all. (Prof 3+Believable 1+Persuasion 2)
Lead Agent Graphite plays it cool. Notes his eyes. His stance. His features. The light scrape of red across his right knuckles, the spray of blood across his dark suit from when he jammed a fork through someone's throat. He doesn't know you know.Then the frenzied fan flashmob riot that Agent Sunday started by giving them all free license to start a brawl really kicks into gear and Lead Agent Graphite loses sight of the Tall, Handsome Stranger, who takes a step back and fades out of view--Black Tide #8 is requesting emergency support in the parking lot!!Black Tide #7 is requesting emergency support near the stage! It's a brawl!! Agent Sunday started a riot!Black Tide #5 is requesting emergency support near the stage! It's a brawl!! Agent Sunday started a riot!Black Tide #1 and #2 can't respond to the incident in the western section, they're short-staffed! Black Tide #1 and #2 notes the two dead patrons are wearing light ballistics vests and have holsters for side-arms, both missing. They're undercover security operators! Probably federal investigators, here about that whole smuggling-ring the Hong8 is running! Someone jammed their dining forks through their throats. Dead in seconds!--TS Lirenoh noAgent Thorn that crate is positive.Torch the freezer. Don't take any chance--the vent system it's in the vent system it's in the vent system IT'S IN THE VENT SYSTEM thank the lucky stars it's on reduced in-take because of that repair call holy shit Agents, it can't have gotten pumped into the rest of the bar because the system has been offline for a week because some assassin was preparing to use it as a rapid escape get away how LUCKY can you GET??? Check the vents! Check the Ven-- oh nothat dead rat is ... twitching. It's the Purple Tie. He must have stepped on it or shot it or something when he prepped the vents for evacuation. It's been exposed to trace samples. Like the Grad Student, it's budding. They seem to really like damp, dark places.You have to torch it, Agent Thorn. Wait, Agent Mammoth gave you the scanner and the tactical filter did--... who has the emergency CC-Maids?????>RIOT PHASE >RIOT PHASE >RIOT PHASE
>>6173692>Check pocketsWhoops
Rolled 7, 8, 6, 8, 1, 10, 2, 2 = 44 (8d10)>>6173692Actually, can you go inform them first? >I have some janitorial supplies and garbage to organize on my cart. You don't need to check my cart, we can just leave the cart here right? you can come pat me down after you tell them. (Manipulate3+Persuasion1) Besides, It's for a friend not me, so I don't mind if I'm not meeting them in-person, I could just hand you something to give them to sign, right? >Moment he looks away or leaves, discretely stow-away C7s and combat knife into the Cart. >Strain3, Also, I do have a non-functional replica handgun- I believe MidnightMalice would've enjoyed it- If it's not cool I'll just leave it out. (Manipulate3+Persuasion1)
>>6173692Agents how do we feel about letting my friend here (strangers) into our tacnet?
>>6173738In a night punctuated by a multitude of horrible decisions this feels like it would be a contender for the top spot.
>>6173738Cheddar if you're going to hook-up with someone please do it in your PRIVATE MESSAGES rather than sharing with the TACNET.
>>6173738Cheddar no. No.
>>6173738I am NOT letting that thing mess with MY augments and drones.
Agents-- Agents! Those megafans are running amok! Agent Sunday gave them total license to go absolute stir crazy when he explicitly allowed them to brawl with each other! RULE NUMBER ONE OF CROWD CONTROl, AGENTS: YOU NEVER GIVE THE CROWD PERMISSION TO BRAWL!We've got intel from those fans in the dressing rooms that there are two major ringleaders out on the stage directin things!! They're the ones riling up the rest! Get them under control and this riot loses half its energy immediately!--Agents, I lost the Purple Tie in the rioting! He used the crowd to fade away! I've run the profile Agent Monarch requested and I think we can put it together: The federal investigators were watching the armsdeal, but they noticed the dead-drop in the Bathrooms. When the AR cut out because of Agent Vennsfield, the Purple Tie took his chance to eliminate investiation agents he had already made. He's really good, he must have figured out they were government feds by their appearance or something. It's just random little things all adding up, if we hadn't had a janitor make people so aware of the bathrooms or the lights cut out or an ARMSDEAL HAPPENING this wouldn't have happened! I'm checking known Metroplex channels, but no chatter yet. I think these guys were deep, deep undercover. Hong8 infiltration goes pretty far into the corridors of power, so whoever they were working with will be taking it nice and slow. But rest assured: you can't stab government agents in the throat without someone noticing. We might get an eye or two joining us.--Agents those reave-stim'd patrons are joining into the brawl! They were moving outside and got distracted!! Watch out! Unlike everyone else they might actually be fighting for real!!--Agents, Black Ocean Control is reporting shots fired in the parking lot, a hurt security operative and violence. The Steel Vipers are making off with the shipment or weapons! Well, at least the doos are holding.--Agent Sunday got punched!Agent Sunday got kicked!Agent Sunday got punched!Agent Sunday got kicked!x30Agent Sunday got a chair thrown at him!Agent Butterfly got a chair thrown at him!Agent Butterfly got tackled!Agent Butterfly got punched! x12Agent Octant got punched! Agent Octant got wrestled and thrown into the stage aqarium!Agent Sunday is KOAgent Butterly takes 6 Harassment/Pain!Agent Octant takes 8 Harassment/Pain!>Resist as much as desired, DR not applicable, unresisted Harassment/Pain converts to temporary Shock that fades at end of turn (eg: dice penalties and complications this turn).--Agents, this is still pretty standard for one of Laez performances, and the crowd are KINDA into it, but don't let it go too far!>AGENTS TO WRESTLE, WRESTLE>You're not actually in Focus Mode since this isn't 'lethal' combat, but do mind your steps - obviously moving across a bar full of brawlers can get difficult.
Agents, this mob of rioting brawlers and megafans and Cherry Blossoms and Brigadiers are more "chaotic mess" than "active antagonists". They're just throwing down for the heck of it.What I mean is, trying to target any single one of them if you want to stop them all is almost a waste of time. You can't individually CQC fight 40+ people! It's like fighting the weather!Instead, treat the entire area as a RISK ZONE; the "crowd" simply brawls with anyone in reach and actions you take in the area might get a little complicated because of fists, chairs, bottles and elbows. You might want to account for that.Something like>Pick my moment to push to the Ringleader west, dodging past the brawlers [React3+CQC2]>Get him under control [Prof4+CQC2]>Response: stand my ground and try to shake off anyone coming at me (Resist3)is going to work a lot better than>Punch a random guy [Prof2+CQC3]>Punch a random guy [Prof2+CQC3]>Punch a random guy [Prof2+CQC3]!!
>>6173750TS, on a scale of 1-10, how mad do you think that assassin guy is with me stealing that pistol?
>>6173754... he must have gotten a flash alarm to his systems when the biolock went off when the Cherry Blossom tried to activate it.Agent Dragon! Agent Dragon he's coming for you!!!
Rolled 3, 3, 4, 9, 1, 3, 6, 2 = 31 (8d10)>>6173750#Monarch, Field Agent Grade 2Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]7 Credits*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 2!Persuasion 1!DroneOps 2!Jury Rigging 1–H1 -H2 -B: Agent Suit (Anti Stab Vest)H: Techset Headwear+Shades [RID Interface 2]–!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1!4C Profiler [Insight 2]!4C [HazeOrb RID] 2–Inv: 2 C7 Service Pistols I 2x C7 Standard Reloads [18x2] | x4 C7 Special Reloads [2IF, 2NERF] [18x4] | Vertitas Multi | 32x Veritas Shells [SLAP] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Smokes |Drones: [2 SkimmerDrones 2 Roto HazeOrb, 1 P-Series AARID]–>2 AL: Bring Black Ocean DroneOps online.>6 AL: "Mister security consultant, sir, my team and I uncovered some information about proprietary 4C tech... tech that's currently somewhere in that massive blob of rioters? Some sort of rifle..." [Manipulate 3 + Persuasion 1] x 2>1 AL: Inform Black Ocean of possible Biohazard in vent system. Recommend immediate suspension of services... even if I know that's not actually happening.
>>6173757>>6173750>Strain 1 AL: Haywire the foam dispensers on stage to activate."Man this is totally gonna kill the vibe..."
>>6173243Vennsfield, get out of the vents, I'm going to torch everything there!
Rolled 8, 8, 2 = 18 (3d10)>>6173750#Janitor DragonLimit 12*AliveStress Testing 0.213 Credits–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1!Scrounging 1!Advanced Piloting 2–#Skill Recorder 1 [Janitorial Duties 2]#Sophonic Integration Routines 3^--H1: Mop (Adjusted)H2:B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear [CRADLE-NEXUS 2, Shield-R 2]–Inv: Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Actual Pilot's License | Set of Vehicle Keys | Mop (Adjusted)Cart: C7 Mod. Pistol [21] | C7 Service Pistol [18] | 2xReloads [18x2] | Service Knife | C4-D3 'Velatus' (Non-Functional) >1AL, take the C4-D3 'Velatus' from the cart, make sure the Private Security can see it- I mean I'm not wrong, it is /non-functional/ after all.>1AL, "Nogard watch the Cart and the space around very closely- expect an AR-masked or camouflaged guy." (Nogard on watch duty!)>1AL, hand over the C4-D3 'Velatus' to MidnightMalice, "Picked this souvenir up from a scrap-shop in Tunis. Thought it would peak your interest." >1AL, "Hey, Ghost! I'm not entirely savvy with mesh-stuff, I usually have my meshdaemon Nogard handle it." (this is literally my first time interacting with ARtubers)>1AL, "LunaFang, I have an acquitance called L1r3n_uwu who watches your streams, not sure if you know them?" (ugghhh that was weird to say outloud)>1AL, smile and wave to the other two ARtubers (KrakenKomfort & ZombiePrincess_MD)- I'm really out of my element, this is the first time I've even heard of ARtubers and interact with them.>3AL, Keep eyes extremely peeled on any movements into the area- specifically the hallway, even a micro-second glitch, a nano-second lighting error. (Sense2+MeshOps1)>Response: Avoid (I'll probably have only a split-second to react if that guy comes after me, paranoid, gangstalked, twitchy).
Rolled 6, 7, 4, 6, 7, 2, 5, 5, 10, 1 = 53 (10d10)>>6173750Damn, superiors are calling me! What a shit luck.>3AL: Pick a moment and skirt past the riot to the kitchen (React 3 + CQC 2 + flat Zeal 1)>3AL: Toss 2x CC-MAIDs to Thorn >>6173740, DON'T enter the freezer>3AL: Activate every foam sprinkler on the parking lot (Process 3 + MeshOps 2 + flat Zeal 1)#Agent Mammoth, FG 2Limit 12 | Stress Testing 1.8 | 18 credits*Alive *Zeal +1 *Stress 4–Alacrity 9 Respond 1[Avoid+2] Speed 1–Attune 2 | Sense 2 | Support 2 | Process 2+1Manipulate 2 | Proficiency 4 | React 3 | Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 3!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 2!Persuasion 1!Jury-Rigging 1!Acrobatics 1–#4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger/body into simple tool for 1AP, currently +1 Armor#UNCC [Deep Morphology Variability 1] - allocate +1 to Intent/Speed/Respond with 1 AL and roll, currently +1 Process#UNCC: [Augment Threat Matrix 2] - degrade cover, analyse sensor info#FEYWILD Exposure 1#Well Rested–H1: gloveH2: gloveB: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) | Antistab vest 4H: Techset Headwear (Sensor 2, Shield-R-2), filtering mask–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [NERF] | 2x NERF Reloads [28] | 2x IFR reloads [12] | Veritas Shotgun [SLAP] | 16x JOLT shells | 16x SLAP shells | 16x HiExEx shells | Service Knife | Collapsible Baton | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit |MultiOpCombine Carbine (MOC-C): 4P, 30AM, Reload 6, Burst 3, FA 10, Modular 2 [Link, Accuracy, Multi, Burst -1, Subtle 2] | 2x reloads | chem gear | 2x MAID-CC grenades
Sorry Agents this ghost all over my feed is making it hard to keep track of everything.Here, we don't have insight into the commodity traders (that Stonedog Sentry isn't letting us), one booth is empty and there's a small meeting going on in the middle.
Rolled 9, 2, 9, 7, 10, 8, 5, 3, 4, 3, 3, 8, 1, 2, 6, 8, 1, 4, 10, 5, 7 = 115 (21d10)>>6173750>1 AL: Use Deep Morphology Variability to shift buff to Resist>2 AL: Resist Harrassment/Pain (Resist 4 (x2))>3 AL: Defend myself in the melee (Resist 4 + Close Quarters 3)>3 AL: Make my way to the ringleader (React 3 + Close Quarters 3)
>>6173779What do we roll for Deep Morphology Variability?
>>6173781It's just +[Dice amount you are changing], there's a minor chance with every adjustment that the system glitches a little due to the inherent volatility in its metrics.
Rolled 9, 7, 2, 3, 6, 9, 8, 7, 8, 6 = 65 (10d10)>>6173750My coworkers are telling me no but my heart is telling me yes. Surely we won't regret this. >1AL: "What kind of favor are we talking about? As long as we aren't hurting innocents it should be fine.">3AL: Emit a loud alarm from Sunday's headset hoping to make the crowd back off their body and cease trampling them. (Support 4 + Support Operations 1)>3AL: Beam some slowed down action movie clips into Butterfly's head to help them get into the zone, hoping to assist with dodging the rampaging crowd. (Support 4 + Support Operations 1)
>>6173786Oh, you're a fun one. No, no, nothing so crass. I only kill people for money, not for sport.No, we'll just need a little friend to help . . . entertain. . . ourselves. I'll give you back in almost one piece, except for all the parts we ruin a little. But you won't mind.
Rolled 10, 7, 9, 9, 4, 6, 9, 10, 1, 7, 8, 5, 3, 10, 6 = 104 (15d10)>>6173750>3AL: Throw one of the CC-Maids into the freezer, closing the door to contain the blast. [Proficiency 3, Ballistics 3].>3AL: Treat the guard that got slashed with a sword in the kitchen with my First Aid Kit. [Support 3, First Aid 2].>3AL: Help barricade the door to the kitchen with whatever's nearby. [Support 3, Jury-Rigging 1]
>>6173789Gulp. "Alright, deal."
>>6173766[Agent Vennsfield: "..."]>>6173750#Aaron VennsfieldLimit 11*Alive6Stress2StrainPST: 1.112Credits–Alacrity 9 Respond 1(+1) Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 5–!Close Quarters 5!Ballistics 2!First Aid 3!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1–H1H2B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear–Imp1: [UNCC Deep Morphology Variability I]Imp2: [Autonomic Overrider I]–Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit | Tactical Kit–#Mask 1 [DFM]> Convert Respond to 3ALA. (-0ALA)> Withdraw medical facemask from the Aid kit. (-1ALA)> Wear medical facemask.(-1ALA)> Remove suitcoat.(-1ALA)> Cover patch of Feywyld infection with coat. (-1ALA)> Skirt past the Feywyld growth NWx2. (-2ALA)> Pick up the dufflebag. (-1ALA)> Move NEx2. (-2ALA)> Withdraw Foam grenade from Tactical Kit. (-1ALA)> Pull pin, then drop foam grenade. (-1ALA)> Be wary moving forward. Listen for motion in the vents. Hostiles and other Feywyld vectors may be present. (-Respond)> Move NWx2, Nx2. (+3Strain) (-4ALA)
>>6173813Correction.The final moment action should read:> NEx2, Nx2.
>>6173757Steady, Agent, steady. . . Just flash them your credentials. Black Ocean Ops and ARC. Yeah. There we go.Okay, okay, they're letting you through. Best behaviour now. We play this right, this whole arms-deal issue just *goes away* like a puff of smoke...
>>6173769lies he's lying he's lying i don't watch i'm not he's oh wow she's even cuter in real life I m-meanoh my gosh agent mammoth must be dying from jealous right now
>>6173776Agent Mammoth, skirting the edge of chaos, briefly bumps into various people along his path. Crowded, constraind environment. Such things happen.
>>6173830Huh, thought you'd be more of a KrakenKomfort fan
>>6173750>0AL: Pick up tie.>3AL: Make sure the Foam Dispenser on Center stage are activated (Process 2+Mesh Ops 1)>3AL: Go to the Undercover Security guys, check pockets for trackers to their weapons as well as radios, badges and the like. Lets see what we can get here (sense 3+sensor 2) >1AL: Track their weapons and if they are in movement.>1AL: Mark the Vipers in the corner of the room. Need a listen on what they are talking about>Move towards Stonedog Sentry but DO NOT Cross him and his line. Be polite to him as well as the private security. Not interested in AR Tubers.>1AL: Show the tie to the Stonedog Sentry and the Private Security. Whisper: "A guy with a Purple handkerchief 'lost this'. He is armed and considered very dangerous. Tall, bland face, very focused eyes. Might be wearing a Dark Suit but don't trust that. He may have changed he has a light scrape of red across his right knuckles,dark suit. Don't go looking for him. Just keep cool and don't let him get close to the private booths."
Rolled 3, 6, 2, 1, 4, 6, 3, 9 = 34 (8d10)The Stonedog Sentry runs the communications laser across the world, across the hallway, across Mammoth as he moves to forestall a crisis, across Dragon, as he enters the den of the lion, across Graphite, Graphite's shoes, Graphite's soul, the little piece of cloth fluttering in Graphite's hand...>TRIANGULATE [8d10, Sensor 6+]
Tilts - exobiological armor plates locking, external optics running along the hallway. Some internal servo shifts, ever so gently. The tesselated plastic floorplating of the hallway emits a soft whine as force is shifted
Precise mechanism, these. The armored exoplate of the Stonedog shifts, fractionally, upwards. It's in resting posture. Of course, you can't ever really __tell__. Even resting at ease, some tension remain. Or perhaps that's simply your mind, playing tricks. They don't have body language, as such. That gets trained out of them. Psychological countermeasures. Your mind fills the void with all the things they do not show and it makes them more imposing than, perhaps they really are.The voice is synthetic when it warbles out of the speaker systems, embedded in some shielded part of the EXO panopoly. But it has a ... gentle tilt. Some distant rustle of wind across the prarie, a kind of light playfulness, a-gendered but soft. Perhaps whoever is truly in all this gear is... young?" POINT OF INFORMATION, GENTLY RAISED:WHAT CONSTITUTES 'CLOSE TO THE PRIVATE BOOTHS' IN YOUR ASSESSMENT? "
>>6173750"[litany of underwater profanities].">6AL: Resist (Resist2x6)>3AL: Climb out of the fucking aquarium and head back to the command station. Anyone that gets in my way gets the baton. (Proficiency3+CQC2)#Agent Octant, FG2Limit 12Stress Testing 0.3Credits 8*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 5Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 3!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 4!Persuasion 1–H1 H2 B: Agent Suit [AntiStab4]H: Techset Headwear (NodeBurner Ops 2, MemePlex 2)–Inv: C7 Service I Veritas I Collapsible Baton I Service Knife I Tactical Kit I Aid Kit [BioMon2] -!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse!Spliced Signals Access 2
>>6173846>ANSWER: REACH 1!
>>6173850...also>Respond: Avoid (Duck?)
>>6173850The Stonedog Sentry nods, like a mountain might nod, all avalanche like movement that starts with a small pebble shaking lose and ends with empires tumbling. And then the whine of excess power to internal servo systems starts rising in pitch, higher and higher and higher --
Agents, veiwership is climbing near the double digits for that ARtuber stream special! They really liked the guest--what is happening to my tactical net-- what-- oh hell no, I'll play nice with ghosts because I have a sense of humour but who in all the many worlds do you think you are? I am not allowing Extropians unrestricted access to my central computing arrays!GETOUTWhat tech-blind ideological phyle did you reckless transhumanist ASSHOLES crawl out of and stick your digits in MY sensornet? Do you think I'm not savvy to what you're doing here? NO DEAL! YOU SELF-INDUCED ANTI SOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER LUNATICS!Tsch, Darling.We're just fixing a little ghost problem. There's something strange in your neighbourhood.You had to call somebody.It was starting not to look... good.GET.OUT.Pretty little blinking lights, little meat and blood and fragile bone. Are you all bark or do you actually have bite with those tiny teeth of yours? Now now, we made a deal with your asset. We'll scratch your back and he'll . . . scratch . . . ours.Those are *MY* people you case-studies in rampant psychotic behaviour! No deal! No pact! No agreement!tut tut tut little birdwe've shaken on it.a deal is a sit down and shut upYou think I won't boot you from my linknet? LAST CHANCEOh, little birdthe only people who issue ultimatums are the kind of people who have nobargaining power>?!?!?!?!
Mhm. Constrained?Well that just won't do at all
First the noodlebots, then the AR ghost, and now these freaks? Our poor, poor tacnet...I should probably harden it up some more after this.
This is fine. Everything is fine.
I don't owe anyone anything, this is all Cheddar's fault!
For a man all flesh and blood and bone and beating heart he's fast on the draw, this little hunter. He was, by all accounts, retired. Too old for the game. Used up, burnt up, spent, out in the cold, perhaps even settled down in some peculiar mammalian mating ritual with some sort of partner - you know the story, yes? A man, a house, a wife, a dog, a happy little bless *life* and then, of course, out of the dark comes the old haunting ghosts of the past. One last job.One last favour.Another day.A suit he swore to never put on again.Well. Here we are. One last job and he gets to walk away a free man, and then nevermind the job is a mean one for a cold soul who will likely betray him for the doing.There are, to some people, still such a thing as old-fashioned honour.He doesn't deal so much in these new-fangled tools, tricks, traits, all clicker-clank brains and artificial brains. He's an . . . oldschool ... kind of man. Prefers the personal touch.Maybe that's why he misses, that first shot of the twelve? Had he but compensators and nerve acclimatizers and optimisers and the all the reglia of war, well, perhaps when he had to move, and duck, and dodge, and draw his guns and throat-strike a man with windpipe crushing precision, well, he might not have missed. I would not have missed. That hulking brute in the bio-artifice pretending to be a steelsoul with a beating of heart of flesh tries to interfere. Little security peasants draw their guns. One of them die, one of them will, one of them sinks to the floor with a gasp for air. So slow. Why do these people always externalise their unmet security needs, as if other little faulty hearts could shelter theirs?I never feel insecure anymore.Weakness is an engineering problem.There are two of your precious Agents nearby, and they're quite fast and keen and certainly charming, but one must roll to avoid death by three shots to the brain and the other stumbles as a dying security trooper slumps through the curtains into . . . some sort of pop.. idol... congregation? I lost the touch for popular culture a while.I prefer... different... entertainment.Look, little new fangled... hmhm. Friends is so... companionable. Actors?Yes. Let's say I'm the stage director and you are ... actors.I've provided some notes, directions, if you will. It's a party.These things must be entertaining, yes?--Near the stage, the riot foam dispeners activate. More of the soft little insecurity rolls in, drones activate, and a very motivated fan with a great big dream and hope and beating heart finds a shotgunHow peculiarwho would go and drop such a thing? On a stage turned rioting grounds, no less?Someone could . . .WhySomeone might get hurt( which would, of course, be all according to the plans of the memorial tour already scheduled for later... And they say I don't have a heart. I'd never harm an artist. I have standards.)>
Rolled 8, 10, 7, 7, 5, 5, 1, 7, 2, 6, 5, 4, 1, 8, 5, 2, 2, 8 = 93 (18d10)>>6173921No, you twisted little thing.You issue declarative statements of intent because rational actors accomodate other people's desires in their world modelling. It's called a negotiation! It's GIVE and take!Something a psychopath with all the co-humanity of a toaster would know *nothing* about because you only ever TAKE.Now get scram! You've had your fun! It might be a game to you but that's people getting hurt!--AGENTS, I'M A LITTLE BUSY HEREYOU'VE GOT THISDON'T PLAY INTO HER TRICKS, THAT'S HOW THESE PSYCHOES GET THEIR KICKS>Agents to ACT ACT ACT>Yeah, you're mostly in Focus mode! So account for movement!
>>6173921>>6173924"Hey... Liren, and whatever your name is... were those cars blocking the front doors before?"
>>6173924"Shit. Fuck. What a fucked up night...I *really* do hate bars.">1AL: Equip C7.>3AL: Load C7 w/ Impact-Fray.>4AL: Move 5616>1AL: Splice data from two foam dispensers and the bar staff (+5 Splice dice).>3 Strain: blast the shotgun-armed fan's brain with the entire catalogue of Raul Rat, a beloved children's cartoon character. Given that the property has been around for easily over a century and change, that's *a lot* of cartoons to get beamed into your mind. (Process5+MeshOps4+Splice5)#Agent Octant, FG2Limit 12Stress Testing 0.3Credits 8*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 5Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 3!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 4!Persuasion 1–H1 H2 B: Agent Suit [AntiStab4]H: Techset Headwear (NodeBurner Ops 2, MemePlex 2)–Inv: C7 Service I Veritas I Collapsible Baton I Service Knife I Tactical Kit I Aid Kit [BioMon2] -!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse!Spliced Signals Access 2
Rolled 7, 3, 3, 7, 6, 7, 6, 4, 1, 9, 7, 8 = 68 (12d10)>>6173921#Monarch, Field Agent Grade 2Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]7 Credits*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 2!Persuasion 1!DroneOps 2!Jury Rigging 1–H1 -H2 -B: Agent Suit (Anti Stab Vest)H: Techset Headwear+Shades [RID Interface 2]–!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1!4C Profiler [Insight 2]!4C [HazeOrb RID] 2–Inv: 2 C7 Service Pistols I 2x C7 Standard Reloads [18x2] | x4 C7 Special Reloads [2IF, 2NERF] [18x4] | Vertitas Multi | 32x Veritas Shells [SLAP] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Smokes |Drones: [2 SkimmerDrones 2 Roto HazeOrb, 1 P-Series AARID]–>9 AL: Make the case of your life, Monarch. Please believe me, I'm telling the truth... [ Manipulate 3 x Persuasion 1 ] x3"Yes, merchandise, specifically black market merchandise loose in this building. I, and the entire dance floor, have just had an uncomfortably close shave with what we've identified as cutting edge 4C Personal Defense Weapons. They nearly full-auto'd their shavings directly into Laez' crowd. Those weapons are now in danger of being seized by rioting fans. My team and I thought it would be prudent to speak to 4C representatives in regards to this. You would know how to best proceed... I apologize for interrupting your night."
>>6173934Mr. Magni: My godMr. Monroe: Think of the damage!Mr. Despantine: To the brand. The bar. The production line.Mr. Magni: Unfeasible. We can't afford to push back! Q4 is a dynamically volatile situation with great outlook!Mr. Despantine: I concur. Flash-vote?Mr. Monroe: Indeed. I move to authorize an emergency flash wire of liquid assetsMr. Magni: Mr. Alekson, Mr. Yawnsbacher, this young man has let us know that some of our... merchandise... is at large in the local community and because we do so care about the plight of the local community could you organise and liason with the chaps down at the precinct and handle the matter?
>>6173926Little busy teaching someone why running your amygdala networked is a bad idea Agen--. . . no! No they were NOT!!
Rolled 8, 6, 9, 3, 8, 7, 6, 2 = 49 (8d10)>>6173924>AL 1: Pocket the Car keys>AL 1: Pull out my Taser from tactical kit ready it.>AL 6: Move 333334 "Sorry clear the way">AL 1 + Strain 2: Take control of that shotgun twist it away from people to floor wall anything works. (React 2 + Close Quarters 2)>Strain 3: Use taser on the one who had shotgun (Proficiency 2 + Close Quarters 2) Now that i think about it this could hurt.>Set react to InterceptOk damn keeping the disguise we can't let civilians get splattered also the security job but. Why am i running towards a gun!#Agent BnnyyLimit 12*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 3 I Process 2 I Instinct 3Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1!Crash Synchronicity 1!Improvisational improbabilities 1–BioAugmentic Genesplice#Strenght 1 | Agility 1 | Mobility 1 | Regen 1#Trait--H1H2B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear [Memeplex 2, Sensor 2]–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Collapsible Baton
Rolled 7, 10, 6, 3, 2, 9, 8, 4, 9, 4, 3, 7 = 72 (12d10)>>6173924>9 AL: Move 323 232 111.>1 Strain: Take Aim at the Shotgun wielding fan.>3 Strain: Shoot 3 of my remaining 5 sedative darts at him. [Process 3, Ballistics 3, +3]>1 Strain: Take Aim at the frothing REAVE Patron.>3 Strain: Shoot my remaining 2 sedative darts at him. [Process 3, Ballistics 3, +2]
Rolled 8, 6, 1, 10, 6, 4, 4, 8, 4, 9, 7, 3, 8 = 78 (13d10)>>6173921>(Process 2 + Meshops 1) Turn the whole link-net off, then turn it back on again. It's why we have two keys, like the nukes. >(Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1) "Wait. Coms is tellings me that threes party crashers carrs are comings through fron door. I must bounce dem. Dey must lose. Would you like to join in bouncing dem?". Try to persuade the arm wrestlers and the Cherry Blossoms to help me fight against the imminent intrusion. >(Proficiency 5 + CQC 2, Strong 4) Grab the small table to use as a lever to either beat people with (Oni with a club) or jack to flip a car if they try to bust through the door with a vehicle.
Rolled 4, 4, 9, 4, 4, 8, 7, 2, 9, 3, 4, 4, 8, 6, 3 = 79 (15d10)>>6173921"I course I get Agent Insert Number with Generic nonsense name. Haiyah I should really stop." *Gets up*"I can't stop.">1AL: Smokeball Grenade ready.>1AL: "Sentry. I need to check the Patrons for health status. I am tossing smoke and then crossing hallway. Watch fire." >3AL: Toss smokeball 1S, 1SE, 2S. Detonate timer is as soon as the smokeball arrives on target (prof 3+bal 2)>3AL: Tactical Roll to the other booth where the SpireTronics AR Negotiator and the Nervous person was. 4SE on top of table (prof 3+Origami folding 2)>1AL+2strain: Asses identity and status of the AR Negotiator and the Nervous Man. I've seen Mox before so if she WAS here... Surely? (sense 3+first aid 2)
Rolled 4, 4, 1, 8, 6, 8, 2, 3, 1, 2, 10, 2, 2, 3, 6, 6, 8, 4 = 80 (18d10)>>6173921I fucking knew this would happen, I knew and I am ready!>3AL: Direct the 2 little drones near Smon Mick to slip under his feet then move different directions once stepped on. I want him to fall down (Process 3 + MeshOps 2 + flat Zeal 1)>1AL: Equip MOC-C>1AL: Switch MOC-C to Subtle 4 (can't dodge what you don't know about, bruh)>1AL: Switch DMV to Proficiency (1 die)>3AL: Run straight N with the goal of ending up on the table 9N, (Proficiency 4 + Speed 1 + flat Zeal 1)>Repeat with Strain if necessary to arrive on that table. I want a line of fire to Smon Mick>If successfully arrived:>3Strain: Aim at Smon Mick, be careful not to clip the bystanders>3Strain: Shoot Smon Mick (Proficiency 4 + Ballistics 3 + flat Zeal 1 + ATM 2 to degrade cover from bystanders)>R: Dive for cover.#Agent Mammoth, FG 2Limit 12 | Stress Testing 1.8 | 18 credits*Alive *Zeal +1 *Stress 4–Alacrity 9 Respond 1[Avoid+2] Speed 1–Attune 2 | Sense 2 | Support 2 | Process 2+1Manipulate 2 | Proficiency 4 | React 3 | Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 3!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 2!Persuasion 1!Jury-Rigging 1!Acrobatics 1–#4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger/body into simple tool for 1AP, currently +1 Armor#UNCC [Deep Morphology Variability 1] - allocate +1 to Intent/Speed/Respond with 1 AL and roll, currently +1 Process#UNCC: [Augment Threat Matrix 2] - degrade cover, analyse sensor info#FEYWILD Exposure 1#Well Rested–H1: gloveH2: gloveB: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) | Antistab vest 4H: Techset Headwear (Sensor 2, Shield-R-2), filtering mask–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [NERF] | 2x NERF Reloads [28] | 2x IFR reloads [12] | Veritas Shotgun [SLAP] | 16x JOLT shells | 16x SLAP shells | 16x HiExEx shells | Service Knife | Collapsible Baton | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit |MultiOpCombine Carbine (MOC-C): 4P, 30AM, Reload 6, Burst 3, FA 10, Modular 2 [Link, Accuracy, Multi, Burst -1, Subtle 2] | 2x reloads | chem gear
>>6173921Can't help but feel I just sold my soul to the devil.>2AL: "Um, t-thank you." Excuse myself from the table and slide over 56 to take a seat across from Bnnyy. >3AL: Bring another flitdrone online. >1AL: Hand flitdrone my first aid kit.>3AL: Send flitdrone to Sunday and administer first aid. (Support 4 + First Aid 2)
Rolled 8, 6, 5, 4, 8, 4 = 35 (6d10)>>6174019
>>6173924#Janitor DragonLimit 12*AliveStress Testing 0.213 Credits–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1!Scrounging 1!Advanced Piloting 2–#Skill Recorder 1 [Janitorial Duties 2]#Sophonic Integration Routines 3^--H1: Mop (Adjusted)H2:B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear [CRADLE-NEXUS 2, Shield-R 2]–Inv: C7 Mod. Pistol [21] | C7 Service Pistol [18] | 2xReloads [18x2] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Actual Pilot's License | Set of Vehicle Keys | Mop (Adjusted) >1AL, look at the ARtubers, "You know, I was going to make a light-hearted joke about how the Red Cranes gangstalk people and commit terrorism but now? Yeah, I just hate them." Stated as just a manner-of-fact. >2AL, move 4-4. >1AL, drag my janitorial cart into the private booth area.>3AL+3Strain, my APEP should be in here right? Assemble it from all the disconnected parts, ready it, suit-up.>1AL, "Nogard, mark and mess with Agent 74 and keep him tracked so he doesn't disappear on us again." >1AL, look at the ARtubers once again, "Things might get a bit hectic from hereon out." said while equipping the modified C7 abomination.
>>6173924#Aaron VennsfieldLimit 11*Alive6StressPST: 1.112Credits–Alacrity 9 Respond 1(+1) Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 5–!Close Quarters 5!Ballistics 2!First Aid 3!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1–H1H2B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear–Imp1: [UNCC Deep Morphology Variability I]Imp2: [Autonomic Overrider I]–Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit | Tactical Kit–#Mask 1 [DFM]> Convert Respond to 3ALA. (-0ALA)> Cautiously infiltrate deeper into the Obsidian Tide's ventilation system. Navigate towards Dancefloor A through the ceiling vents. (-12ALA)
>>6173921>Request permission to break the glass window to let the girls out and away from the gun fire.
Rolled 5, 4, 9, 7, 5, 1, 10, 7, 9, 5, 10, 2 = 74 (12d10)>>6173921>3 AL: Resist Foam (Resist 4 (x3))>6 AL: Move 222 232
>>6174066Agent, please try to keep the civilians alive! Even if they're (pretending to be) vampires!But that IS reinforced glass, you'll have to hit it pretty hard. Well, actually, Devonshire, your Strength Augmentics should be able to handle it...
>>6173957Field Team!We've got eyes on Mox! And she's NOT in a good way! Come on Lead Agent Graphite, how much do you know about life saving trauma surgery??--Agents! Keep that Purple Tie Man off of Mox and the other patrons! Nogard has him pinged but he's shaking it, he doesn't have much by way of implants but he's got some tricks! --Good shooting, Mammoth! That made him duck! We've got him pincered! I'm not tracking any other live shooters, but Agents, I am getting a lot of Steel Viper chatter on subchannels and social nets -- those cars out front are not the only ones. It's... it's a setup? But we made him spring it early! And now the Steel Vipers are all confused, they weren't expecting to have to hit the bar yet. I know this seems like a bad situation but we're the ones in control right because they're reacting to us. You cut ahead of their planning curve, they were waiting for the Purple Tie to take out Mox and then they'd hit the bar as a distraction to cover up the murder in the chaos! I t-think... triggering our own riot ahead of theirs threw them all for a curve! No way to predict that kind of thing! It's really kind of improbable! And Ink isn't even on this mission! We just gotta keep it together, keep it cool and keep focused, and then the Black Tide Security will trigger evacation protocols. The Steep Vipers aren't here for the other Patrons! Black Ocean Control Ops, are you reading me?now now, where's the fun in that?Didn't I ice-spike you through the amygdala? Don't you people ever get tired of bullying?NoWe made a *deal*! Clean tactical comms! No ghosts! Clean tactical comms includes us being able to reach our allies and associates! Stick by the rules or the pact is *void*Ah, catty. But I suppose you're rightBlack Ocean Control Ops, we've got a confirmed active shooter in the Obsidian Tide Bar, can you re-route Tide Team Two to our location after they've done their first delivery? We'll hold everything down until they get there!
Little lights, going out. Ah, so... Sad? Hmhm. A little swifter feet and more momentum, those people may not have needed to die - but then again, when Death comes calling the inevitable outcome is predetermined. That's what you said, yes? A meeting, predestined, at some unknown barricade in some distant corner? Strange that people so fragile are always so eager to rush to danger. But the mobbing rioting fans rage and flail and scream, but the Black Tide and their drones contain some. There are, as it were, bigger concerns I should think. Prioritize. It's good strategy. The mob can rage for now, because when the guns come out, fists take a decidedly lower level of importance.And can you hear that? On the wind? The sound of--
SHUT IT--Agents! We have confirmed sighting of Mox Mimicry in the eastern side middle private booth! Lead Agent Graphite and Agent Dragon! Keep her alive! She's been SHOT, twice in the chest by that Purple Tie man! He double-tapped her, but it might not be critical yet! You have to staunch the bleeding! You remember how to do that, right? Bleedis bad, as it automatically hits you for injury at the end of your turn, and when you try to treat it it resists - rolling itself against your incoming support. That's why the Support Kits provide flat +Support effect, it helps offset severe bleed. You can do this! I believe in you! Agent Mammoth!Agent Butterfly!Keep that Purple Tie away from Mox or other patrons! He's not going to risk fighting all of you in close quarters, or dealing with the Stonedog or your skills. We're so, so lucky that Dragon intercepted his Velatus package because he's using sub-calibre government issue handguns, not his custom piece. Good work, Agents! --Agent Bnnyy, Agent Octant, that SpireTronics media representative is riling up that fan and everyone else. You've got the megafan handled, tasered and disarmed. Good work, Laez is safe, but the Mediarep intercepted signal package and sequestered it. They do that. Very good at memetic operations.So, uhh, Agent Bnnyy?punch him in his smug mouthAgent Octant, they can't control everything and the AR system is good for mass-affecting people! Calm the crowd down! Once the Ringleaders aren't pushing them to riot, they'll be more managable! Get them convinced to head towards the exits, we need more of these people out of here because there are Steel Vipers closing in!--Agent Thorn, phenomenal shooting, that ReaverPatron is out and, err, got a positive a review in the process! --Agent Monarch, I'm watching the bids for the contract on Agent Vennsfield and an unknown account just bid out everyone else and closed the contract. They also bought every available urban 4C advanced 'sprayneedler' PDW on the black market. Chironan moves fast - though I sincerely doubt anyone is going to see the money. More likely, if the buyer makes their address now, they'll get a Collections Agent visit. Good work, I think we're in the clear!>Reaction Phase [1/xx]
>>6174185"Enough to know someone else is better qualified 6 feet West of me. Stabilize then try to move her back."
>>6174218ZombiePrincess_MD is a medic by education, see if you can get her to help
>>6174218>>6174219We get ZombiePrincess_MD to help, we have her cross the smoke to stabilize Mox, we defend her?
>>6174225And we harass Mick so he can't neither get back into the hallway (with the Stonedog he probably won't risk it) nor run outside and attack through the window (it may be prudent to carry Mox to ZombiePrincess instead to prevent this)
Maybe at least stabilize Mox (stop the Bleed) before trying to wrangle a civilian into crossing a hallway in the middle of a gunfight.
>>6174227>>6174225>>6174219Good call, Agents! But he's slipped out the window and he's shaken of NoGard! He's ABSOLUTELY going to curve back around and keep coming, people like that always double-check their kills. Stay AWAY from the outward facing windows!!!--Agents the riot is still happening but the-- the--- the... missionaires???? are keeping it... somewhat... contained?Except for that Ringleader throwing down with Agent Bnnyy! Agent! Punch him in in his smug little face! --Agents, I'm tracking Steel Vipers coming in across the whole area! Hundreds of messages across multiple social sites and feeds! They're spreading like wildfire! But they're confused! This isn't what they planned at all! They were going to riot in an organised, cohesive fashion after ensuring they had already filled most of the interior with their people, but you kicked most of them out! It's... a siege situation now! They've got you surrounded! Black Ocean Control Ops confirms that Tactical Team Tide Two is on the wayas fast as they can - and don't that cost a lot of extra fuel money - so you just have to hold on, pepople! --Lead Agent Graphite! Mox is flat-lining! That bullet is in her vitals somewhere! This is bad!!--Agent Bnnyy takes 3 then 2 Harassment-Pain. >Resist as much as desired, DR not applicable, unresisted Harassment/Pain converts to temporary Shock that fades at end of turn (eg: dice penalties and complications this turn)Agent Butterfly is SHOT, but the bullet clipped through reinforced aquarium glass! You're okay! You're okay, Agent!!>Resist Shock the usual way; unresisted becomes straight injury-->>AGENTS TO ACT ACT ACT>Focus, people! FOCUS!
Agent Dragon! GRENADEHe threw a grenade! In a nightclub!! WHO DOES THAT??It'll go OFF on "step 7", that is, on the 7th Alacrity people around you spend!The threshold to *do something* with it is [2]! Agent that's a Hi-EX grenade! **Everyone** is in the splash zone! DO SOMETHING!!
>>6174235"Wow, this night is proving very resilient to getting better in any way shape or form.""Oh, fuck, the datatap! Ughhhh...!">3AP: Beam a Combat Lifesaver Crashcourse to Lead Agent Graphite. (Process5+MeshOps4, Multimedia Suite)>6 AP, 1 Strain: Move 432 3211>1 Strain: Place datatap on the command station.#Agent Octant, FG2Limit 12Stress Testing 0.3Credits 8*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 5Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 3!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 4!Persuasion 1–H1 C7H2 Collapsible BatonB: Agent Suit [AntiStab4]H: Techset Headwear (NodeBurner Ops 2, MemePlex 2)–Inv: C7 Service I Veritas I Collapsible Baton I Service Knife I Tactical Kit I Aid Kit [BioMon2] -!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse!Spliced Signals Access 2
Sorry, Agents, not sure what's wrong with the HUD - here you go. No Foam and Agent Sunday is fully back on his feed after that mammoth dose of stimulant.
Rolled 8, 8, 10, 4, 5, 2, 2, 1, 6 = 46 (9d10)>>6174235He went south? He's going for the gun in the vents! Well, there's a surprise for him(He'll have to go past the performer exit - he'll expect me there - but I expect him to expect me - it'll be a contest of speed)>2AL: Move 2NE>1AL: Open the door to the performers' room, take cover behind the doorway>1AL: Switch MOC-C to Multi 2 (is it some sort of shotgun mode?)>1AL: Switch DMV to React (1 die)>1AL: Disable all AR functionality on myself to negate Mick's AR masking>3AL: Prepare to shoot him the moment he appears in sight (React 4 + Ballistics 3 + Burst 1 + flat Zeal 1)>R: Avoid#Agent Mammoth, FG 2Limit 12 | Stress Testing 1.8 | 18 credits*Alive *Zeal +1 *Stress 2 *Strain 3–Alacrity 9 Respond 1[Avoid+2] Speed 1–Attune 2 | Sense 2 | Support 2 | Process 2+1Manipulate 2 | Proficiency 4 | React 3 | Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 3!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 2!Persuasion 1!Jury-Rigging 1!Acrobatics 1–#4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger/body into simple tool for 1AP, currently +1 Armor#UNCC [Deep Morphology Variability 1] - allocate +1 to Intent/Speed/Respond with 1 AL and roll, currently +1 Process#UNCC: [Augment Threat Matrix 2] - degrade cover, analyse sensor info#FEYWILD Exposure 1#Well Rested–H1: glove, MOC-C 29/30, Subtle 4H2: gloveB: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) | Antistab vest 4H: Techset Headwear (Sensor 2, Shield-R-2), filtering mask–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [NERF] | 2x NERF Reloads [28] | 2x IFR reloads [12] | Veritas Shotgun [SLAP] | 16x JOLT shells | 16x SLAP shells | 16x HiExEx shells | Service Knife | Collapsible Baton | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit |MultiOpCombine Carbine (MOC-C): 4P, 30AM, Reload 6, Burst 3, FA 10, Modular 2 [Link, Accuracy, Multi, Burst -1, Subtle 2] | 2x reloads | chem gear
>>6174235#Aaron VennsfieldLimit 11*Alive6StressPST: 1.112Credits–Alacrity 9 Respond 1(+1) Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 5–!Close Quarters 5!Ballistics 2!First Aid 3!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1–H1H2B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear–Imp1: [UNCC Deep Morphology Variability I]Imp2: [Autonomic Overrider I]–Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit | Tactical Kit–#Mask 1 [DFM]> Convert 1 respond to 3ALA.> Step around the downed addict. Move SWx2, SEx3. Swiftly enter the employee staffrooms. (-5ALA)> Withdraw a Stingball Grenade from Tactical Kit. (-1ALA)> Toss Stingball grenade at SEx1, NEx5. (Proficency3+Ballistics2+Effort2) (+2Strain) (-5ALA)> Unload the 4C-C Rifle and drop the magazine into the dufflebag (-1ALA)> Withdraw a small item from the Tactical kit. Remove a compact battery pack. (-1ALA)> Jam the 4C-C Rifle's firing chamber by wedging the battery pack between it and weapon's mag well. (-1ALA)> Turn away from the doorframe to avoid the flash. Pick up a coffee cup from Sx1. (+1Strain) (-1 ALA)
Rolled 5, 9, 1, 10, 3, 9, 8, 2, 9 = 56 (9d10)>>6174235>>6174236ONLY THE RED CRANES LIREN, ONLY THE RED CRANES. We're not even as bad as them! at least we only throw FOAM grenades.#Janitor DragonLimit 12*AliveStress Testing 0.213 Credits–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1!Scrounging 1!Advanced Piloting 2–#Skill Recorder 1 [Janitorial Duties 2]#Sophonic Integration Routines 3^--H1: Mop (Adjusted)H2:B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear [CRADLE-NEXUS 2, Shield-R 2]–Inv: C7 Mod. Pistol [21] | C7 Service Pistol [18] | 2xReloads [18x2] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Actual Pilot's License | Set of Vehicle Keys | Mop (Adjusted)>1AL, "EVERYONE BACK! UNDER THE TABLE! GRENADE!" >3AL, bat the grenade with the mop into the southeast corner of the empty private booth (so directly southeast of where that grenade is) (React2+CloseQuarters2)>1AL, "Nogard, help me defuse this grenade, NOW." (nogard, this grenade is looking MIGHTY scary right now)>1AL, Ready Foam Grenade from Tactical Kit- I'm not gonna have time.>3AL, throw it at the empty private booth to block the entrance (Proficiency3+CloseQuarters2)>1Strain, "ZombiePrincess_MD, we have a TRUAMA PATIENT, requesting assistance." >Respond: Avoid (protect me cart!)
Rolled 10, 7, 2, 3, 10, 6, 8, 8, 1, 1, 5, 8, 4, 8 = 81 (14d10)>>6174235Hey watch it >AL 3: Recover (Resist 2 x3)>AL 3: Shove the rioting fan towards the Steel Viper (Proficiency 2 + Close Quarters 2) These guys like to rumble so lets give them a chance.>AL 3: Tase the ring leader (Proficiency 2 + Close Quarters 2) Shuold shut him up for a little
Rolled 1, 10, 2, 6, 6, 1, 3, 4, 6, 5 = 44 (10d10)>>6174235Woah mama, what happened while I was out? Thanks for bailing me out, funky little roboman - the heart of the party can't die here! I'll tell you though, I'm struggling famine-style. A fracas really takes it out of you, yeah? Keep your electrolytes up, you hear?Hey, check this out tinman. It's a long shot, a moon shot even, something of a Hail Mary. It'd be really funny, though.>1AP, retrieve my lunch from the tactical kit and eat the banana>7AP, arc the peel over the intervening melee and beneath the fan attacking Laez (Proficiency 2 + Improv Improbable 4 + boost 4)>1AP, finger guns#Agent SundayLimit 6*Alive*3 "Cool"–Alacrity 9 Respond 0 Speed 1–Attune 1 I Sense 1 I Support 1 I Process 1Manipulate 1 I Proficiency 2 I React 1 I Resist 1Instinct 1–!Close Quarters 1!Ballistics 1!First Aid 2!Persuasion 1!Improvisation Improbabilities 4–#Strainless#Fragile, #Bleeder, #Vitals Weakness, #Low Pain Tolerance--H1H2B: Agent (Half) Suit (Spiffy!)H:–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit I Archaic Mobile Phone
>>6174289Impressive throw, Agent, but he's already on the floor since he got tripped struggling with Agent Bnnyy. Gravity and friction being what it is, it's hard to fall when you've already fallen. Maybe try something else!
>>6174292Liren, you remember my digits! Good call, whiz kid. After that stunt I pulled, I don't think we're getting that autograph. Here, this is the next best thing.>Chuck this phone to Laez instead.
Rolled 3, 1, 3, 8, 2, 1, 10, 8, 7, 1, 1, 7, 1, 10, 10, 2 = 75 (16d10)>>6174235#Monarch, Field Agent Grade 2Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]7 Credits*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 2!Persuasion 1!DroneOps 2!Jury Rigging 1–H1 -H2 -B: Agent Suit (Anti Stab Vest)H: Techset Headwear+Shades [RID Interface 2]–!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1!4C Profiler [Insight 2]!4C [HazeOrb RID] 2–Inv: 2 C7 Service Pistols I 2x C7 Standard Reloads [18x2] | x4 C7 Special Reloads [2IF, 2NERF] [18x4] | Vertitas Multi | 32x Veritas Shells [SLAP] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Smokes |Drones: [2 SkimmerDrones 2 Roto HazeOrb, 1 P-Series AARID]–"I believe those are the gangers who've come for my client. The very same ones that took your guns. Excuse me gentlemen, and have a pleasant evening.">2 AL: Move 34>1 AL: Draw C7s, safety's off.>3 AL: "CC33, police raid in progress. The people of this commune are in danger. Use of decontextualized violence is authorized." [Attune 2 + DroneOps 2]>3 AL: Set HazeOrbs to freely engage any Steel Viper hostiles in the vicinity. [Process 4 + DroneOps 2]>Strain 3 AL: Remote haywire EVERY foam dispenser outside of the building [Process 4 + MeshOps 2]
Rolled 3, 4, 1, 4, 4, 9, 6, 1, 3, 9, 5, 3, 9, 9, 7 = 77 (15d10)>>6174235>2 AL: Resist Shock (Resist 4 (x2))>1 AL: Shift Deep Morphology Variability buff to React>4 AL: Move 555 4>2 AL, 1 Strain: Overwatch SE with C7, anticipating Agent 74's re-entry (React 5 + Ballistics 2)
>>6174235>3AP: Stabilize the bleeding of Mox Mimircry with assistance from what got beamed to me by Octant. (Support 2+ Multimedia z+ First Aid 2)"Keep talking to me Mox. I'm doing my best.">3AP: Look for the number of the Limo. Call for pick up. Got some gangs blocking the Parking Lot and attempting to do harm to the client. (sense 3+techwear sensors 2)>3AP: Hide Mox's face with a tablecloth and bring her to Zombie MD. Yes it's time for Anatomy and Tea Time because this lady is currently losing her 'Friendship circles'>Strain 3!: (I pass a note to each ARTuber that this is very REAL but they need to play it off or we'll be in trouble. Don't show the face of the patient it's Mox and Mick is after her for some reason. I need your help. Can you project a fake scene as if Mox and her meeting look as if they were shot? Mick will return to confirm his kill and we need to buy time for the limo to arrive. Please?) Attune 2+Believable 1+Persuasion 2
Rolled 9, 2, 4, 10, 2, 3, 8, 1, 6, 1, 2, 1, 10, 9, 10, 7 = 85 (16d10)>>6174331>>6174235
Rolled 2, 3, 10, 6, 9, 9, 6, 6, 8, 7 = 66 (10d10)>>6174235Well, the girls seem fine for now. Time to concentrate on other activities.>(Process 2 + First Aid 2, TS) - Send Agent Graphite an AR Trauma Response Overlay to give the agent some guidance on where to apply pressure, which tools in the first aid kit are best to use. That sort of thing.>(Process 2 + [strike]Saints & Sacraments [/strike] DroneOps 1): Call Nodularity and order a delivery. I'd like the Saint Patrick package to help drive these snakes out of [specify location] please. (My runner up was the Winged Hussar package). >(Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1) "Hey fans. Those Steel Vipers just tried to hire those Cherry Blossoms to abduct someone close to MidnightMalice".
>>6174334Oh, and if this is outside noodlebot territory then use Ops Deployment Credentials and call in an emergency pest removal company instead.
Rolled 2, 9, 10, 4, 8, 4 = 37 (6d10)>>6174235Oh lord that is a lot of Vipers outside. >3AL: Move 655. >3AL: Break out the HazeOrbs and aim them at the Vipers assaulting the patrons to the southwest. Attempt to intimidate them. "Back off fuckers, I am authorized for lethal force and I WILL put you down if you don't cease your assaults." (Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1)>3AL: Lob a foam grenade at the door to the west. (Proficiency 2 + Support Operations 1)
Rolled 1, 7, 2, 5, 3, 3, 3, 9, 3, 10 = 46 (10d10)>>6174235By the way Liren, I don't see any indicator on my hud, did I not strain last turn after all?>2 AL: Move 16 and get on top of the bar.>1 AL: Take Aim at the leader of the rioting fans.>3 AL: Using the added height from the bar, send 4 darts (7 -> 3) overhead, over the crowd of civilians, at the leader. [Process 3, Ballistics 3, +4]>3 AL: With the leader down, MeshOp my way into the audio systems the band was using to broadcast the following message to the rest of the fans: "Everyone listen up! This is an emergency!. THE BUILDING IS NOT SAFE. You need to leave right now! I REPEAT—for your safety, get to the nearest exit IMMEDIATELY.Anyone who doesn't comply is under risk of heavy injury or WORSE. This is your FINAL WARNING. MOVE OUT—NOW!" [Manipulate 3, Persuasion 1].Reaction: If in danger, dive behind bar.
Rolled 8, 10, 8, 5 = 31 (4d10)>>6174235>5AL: Move 3SW 2S"Gentlemen, please cease your rowdiness">3AL: Grab Viper SE S with Spinal Augmetics and hit Viper 2S with him (Proficiency 2 + CQC2, Strength 3)>1AL: Ready Collapsible Baton>R: Shield myself with held Viper#Agent FoldLimit 121 Wolfheart*AlivePsych Stress Testing 0.3Credits 0–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 4 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1!Telekinetic Projection 2!Origami Folding 2–#Pattern Recog 1#SC Spinal Augmentics 2 [2 Manipulators] [Reach 2, STR 3]#Attentional CoProcessor (Once per turn, split action to multiple targets. -1 dice per extra, roll once. Freely divide dicepools between targets, ignore distractions)#Reserve Capacitors 2-9 (Resonance charge limit 9. When generating charge, effect +2. Can spend charge as AL for resonance actions.)–H1:H2:H3:H4:B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techwear Headset [Shield-R 2, Memeplex 2]–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [NERF 27/27] I Service Knife I Tactical Kit [2x Foam Grenade, 2x Paint Grenade, 2x Stingball Grenade, 2x Smokeball Grenade, Advanced Modular Toolkit, Stickfoam Spray, 2x C7 NERF reloads [27/27]] | Agent Aid Kit |Regrettably left at base: Advanced MultiSpectrum Sampler, 1x Revolver Old Reliable [3P, 5/6 Ammo, Penetrator 10+, Solid] | 1x Class 4 analgesics | 1x Class 3 nerve stimulants, a collection of Pistols and NERF reloads.
>>6174340Agent, a pest a removal company isn't going to want to deploy into an area full of people armed with baseball bats, knives and guns. Vipers in the basement of a building very rarely fire back at you with automatics!
>>6174690Fair enough. Just step forward and prepare a parry then.
Agent Dragon!Nine million people just saw you do that !!
... Yeah they're going to make clips out of this. Greattttt.Agent Dragon, please stay in the janitorial mask. If your face gets plastered to ten million viewers I am going to have a hard time keeping up our ops security. ( Good work though )( Good wooork )
Okay, okay, okay, Agents you handled the grenade. In a night club? A fragmentation weapon in a *nightclub*?? Who does? Who DOES that? You're Agent Dragon, only madmen and maniacs would do that. You know that old joke? Close only counts in horseshoes and handgrenades? Predicting the total area of splash damage from explosive weaponry is an art and a science. People get hurt.Good. Good work.I think the stream spiked to twelve million consecutive viewers. That's larger than some countries. And ... the donations... are rolling in.The ARtubers are pretty good though, I mean, reflex-wise. I think GhostlyGlitch is overlapping a screen on Moxie. She just looks like a wounded security guard. Good. Keep it that way. The Steel Vipers are only really dangerous in packs (though there is a LOT of them) but that Purple Tie. If that actually is Smon Mick, he's not going to quit easy. Doing impossible tasks is how he built his rep.Agent Mammoth, Agent Vennsfield, Agent Butterfly, he's definitively going for that backup gun. It's incredible you found it ahead of time - he'd have done a A LOTof damage with that. Keep it cool, watch that window. He's reacting to us and so long as we can keep him from re-grabbing the initiative he'll have to keep compensating for us getting ahead of him.Now we just gotta get these people out, get a cordon up, keep Mox from bleeding out and hold on until Tide Team Two gets here! Small beans, Agent! You're doing FINE!>Reaction Phase [1/xx]
>>6174822"If we break OPSEC and inform the ARstreamers about our merc status, are we liable for kickbacks from those donos, Liren?"
>>6174860We're not mercenaries, Agent Monarch, we're private security contractors for a bespoke research conglomerate. But yes, we are liable for revenue sharing agreements and they've already donated 11 credits to our medical expenses fund!
>>6174865"What's the difference, really?"
>>6174886Look, Monarch, it's really about three things: infrastructure, accountability, and yes, the benefits package..As an ARC operator, you've got a whole corporate structure behind you! Legal teams, tactical support - that's where I come in - and most importantly, a clear chain of command. You're not just taking jobs; you're fulfilling security contracts with defined parameters and oversight. Plus, you get dental. Never underestimate dental. And a 401k that doesn't require laundering cryptocurrency through three different blockchains.Now, mercenaries... they're more... flexible in their employment. Like those Cherry Blossoms? Sometimes that's good - I've worked with some real professionals who just prefer the independence. But they're selling skills, not services. The difference matters when things go sideways and you need institutional backup. Skills get you there but services account for a lot of the fluff you don't notice when you get there on a bad day. How does a mercenary negotiate with Metroplex Precinct if he gets caught with six shotguns in the back of a van? He doesn't - he might even have to fight his way out, and now he's not a mercenary, he's a maniac on the run with a van full of shotguns. Meanwhile, if you actually get arrested, you have licenses, I'll be right down to the station and your job is ... quasi... legal. Think of it this way: we're both wearing tactical gear, but yours comes with corporate patches and quarterly performance reviews. It's not just PR - though yes, the marketing team would love you to believe that - it's about having systems in place. Mercs might have better war stories, but we've got better insurance. And...I mean, Agent Monarch, when the bullets start flying, you both duck just the same. But at least with ARC, someone's filing the incident reports afterward - and liasoning with the public - and if we were to get hired by an unscrupolous millionaire to knock over a local government because he doesn't like their tax policies, ethical oversight and the review board would say no. Mercenaries do that six times a week and twice on Sunday, and yeah, it looks great in the movies, but who pays for the insurance? Who handles all the healthcare? Who takes care of their payroll and pensions???
Now, Agents, if you're a MERCENARY like those three Cherry Blossoms outside roughing up the Augmented Patrons that TS Devonshire deputized, you're willing to hassle innocents for a payday. You're telling me the only thing that'd get you to theraten to beat up some poor guy with augments is if someone else paid you for it? I don't believe that. You're not like those Extropians, Agent Monarch. You actually have a soul.--Or take the Steel Vipers, boiling in all over the place through busted windows and doors. They're mercenaries at heart - all criminals, all adrenaline, all go-get-them attitude. That's why Singularity Cloud is using them to cover up this hitjob on Mox, their higher ups are probably being paid to set it all up and they didn't see anything wrong with being paid to murder a journalist to preserve some biotech corporations proprietary information. I'd like to imagine if I asked you to shoot someone in the back of the skull you'd at least give me a little sass, even if you keep requestings LMGs, MANPADS and fragmentation grenades. --Now watch out, Agents, they're coming in all over!! And-- OH SHITSMON MICK HAS A GUN AGAIN[/B]!! --Agent Mammoth is pistol-whipped! 4 Harass-Pain! 3 Shock>Harass-Pain: Resist as much as desired, DR not applicable, unresisted Harassment/Pain converts to temporary Shock that fades at end of turn (eg: dice penalties and complications this turn)>Shock? Resist it or it's injuryAgent Mammoth is floored!!Agent Vennsfield is NeckChopped and Coffee-Faced!>3 Harassment - he's in your space, inconveniencing you! You're taking minor dice penalties this turn! You CAN resist this!>The shock becomes injury! You CAN resist this!>YOU'RE BLIND, AGENT! YOU CAN'T SEE!! GET THE COFFEE OUT OF YOUR EYES. Someone helping is a lot easier, but you can try to clear it off somehow! Agents! He's Intercepting! That means he's going to hit you if you try to move into his space! Be careful! Shoot him or something so he has to duck!! You can't intercept if you're interrupted!!Agent Fold is mobbed! 4 Shock!!--Agents, I think Mox is stabilizing but she's in a bad, bad way! The armored limo from those commodity trader types is on the way and Tide Team Two is in-bound! Keep it together!! Don't let them mob you! There's a LOT of Vipers and their spirits are broken yet!
>>6174939#Aaron VennsfieldLimit 11*Alive6StressPST: 1.112Credits–Alacrity 9 Respond 1(+1) Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 5–!Close Quarters 5!Ballistics 2!First Aid 3!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1–H1H2B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear–Imp1: [UNCC Deep Morphology Variability I]Imp2: [Autonomic Overrider I]–Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit | Tactical Kit–#Mask 1 [DFM]> Convert 2Respond to 6ALA (-0ALA)> Nothing. Far too shallow. Resist shock. (Resist5x2)(-2ALA)> No. Do not flinch. Do not avert gaze. Do not blink. Ignore the agitant in eyes through sheer grit. (Resist5) (-3ALA)> Withdraw smoke grenade from Tactical Kit. (-1ALA)> Pull pin and drop smoke grenade. (-1ALA)> Hook fingers under the table to the south. Lift and flip it at Agent 74. (Proficency3+CloseQuarter5) (-3ALA).> Grab the leg of the table to the East. Swing it low to catch the agent in the side if he evades or ducks. Release on contact. Step Sx1. (Proficency3+CloseQuarter5) (-3ALA)> Get a running start. Shouldercheck the tables to crush agent against the wall. (Proficency3CloseQuarters5) (+1Strain) (-3ALA)
Rolled 8, 10, 4, 10, 7, 5 = 44 (6d10)>>6174939This is turning into a bit of a... slippery situation. Hey-o! No, don't look at me like that - I'm really not involved. Honest.>6AP, move 5NW, 1SW>3AP, chuck that banana peel 8ish tiles W right behind Laez. Buy her some time to split? (Proficiency 2 + Improv Improbable 4)#Agent SundayLimit 6*Alive*3 "Cool"–Alacrity 9 Respond 0 Speed 1–Attune 1 I Sense 1 I Support 1 I Process 1Manipulate 1 I Proficiency 2 I React 1 I Resist 1Instinct 1–!Close Quarters 1!Ballistics 1!First Aid 2!Persuasion 1!Improvisation Improbabilities 4–#Strainless#Fragile, #Bleeder, #Vitals Weakness, #Low Pain Tolerance--H1H2B: Agent (Half) Suit (Spiffy!)H:–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit
Agent Sunday, I'm not sure what gave you the impression that you can fling banana peels around like intercontinental ballistic missiles.Agent Sunday, you cannot. If people cannot adaquately put aerodynamic grenades across the entire length of the map, objects not designed for throwing are a bit harder.Your throw-range is usually noted as a composite of your Proficiency and the relevant skills for the object(s) you are handling, then modifed for the ease of the throw. This gives you 2-6 base range, quite good for most purposes! Plus a few hits, minus whichever awfulness is in the way. Such as cover, constrained environments, other people, walls, crates and such-like. Things like that will interfere severely.Secondly, Agent, no bar in existence lets you bring in lunch. It's a restuarant agent. They don't let you bring in food from the outside. You had to check that at the door. Thirdly, Agent it is night time and lunch is eaten during noon. So you can't have eaten lunch, that you didn't bring. Sorry.Agent. You do not have a banana, you cannot hurl them across the room if you did, and Agent, even if you did, had and could, landing a banana peel with such enormous, eloquent precision right behind someone across:-three crates-four chairs-an over-turned table-two disguised mercenaries-an active shooting HazeOrb-A secon active shooting HazeOrb-three panicking humans- various decorative foilage- mostly active fistfight- while people are wrestling, brawling and fighting behind youis a level of such impossible agility it would require Extropian level redtech. And you are, unfortunately, a probably quite charming entirely unenhanced human trying to do this with the MK1 eyeball and your basic baseball pitching arm. It's impressive, Agent, but it's simply not going to workAgent.This is not a clown show. You are not a clown. Banana peels might work in movies, but they don't cut it on night clubs being actively assaulted by criminal elements.So maybe stop clowning around, Agent Sunday, and try something else? There's plenty of things to do - including all the grenades we issue you, if you'd like to use those (though the throw would still be a bit difficult, though the grenade, at least, is designed to get mostly there).But you are fresh out of bananas and really kinda stretching the feasibility curve of the imaginary ones. If it helps - think of anything in the path of your throw as +1 unstated complication. There's a LOT of clutter on this map - so throws are much, much, much harder. Feel free to redo your turn!
Rolled 6, 3, 8, 2, 2, 9, 8, 10, 10, 8, 1, 2, 10, 9, 6, 5, 7, 10, 8, 9, 5 = 138 (21d10)>>6174939>1AL Step 1 hex NE>3AL: (5 Physique + 2 CQC, 4 Strength, ) Bop the closest cherry blossom with the table.>3AL: Bop the next cherry blossom with the table. >3AL: Bob the third cherry blossom with the table. Bops for everyone. >Response: Parry*Garden Table: Reach 2, 3 Blunt, 9+ Force, Awkward, Block"Active shootinger in club. No enter right now. I help you earn pay Cherrer Blossoms. Show Vipers what will happen to them next. You two strong mans, either fight Vipers, or guard window. If Girls ask, you smash window and help them out. If you want fight Vipers, have fun. If you no want fight Vipers, more fun for me. Ha Ha". "This is door bouncer. Ninja speedsman ran past me. I stay here and keep out crowd. Over". "Pink-eye. Make better hygenes."
Rolled 7, 7, 7 = 21 (3d10)>>6174989Fair enough, I just figured snacks would count under the 'generic small items' mentioned in the tactical kit, hence why I spent the AL the other turn. It's a goofy thought that they would confiscate my foodstuffs and not my weapons, but it's a bit of a clown society we live in.A number of those listed obstacles don't seem to be intervening from my end position, and grenades seem to have enough AoE to handle close enough, so we'll just sub in a stingball. Most places it ends up will be good enough.>6AP, move 5NW, 1SW>3AP, wildly sling a stingball 8ish W (Proficiency 2 + Ballistics 1)#Agent SundayLimit 6*Alive*3 "Cool"–Alacrity 9 Respond 0 Speed 1–Attune 1 I Sense 1 I Support 1 I Process 1Manipulate 1 I Proficiency 2 I React 1 I Resist 1Instinct 1–!Close Quarters 1!Ballistics 1!First Aid 2!Persuasion 1!Improvisation Improbabilities 4–#Strainless#Fragile, #Bleeder, #Vitals Weakness, #Low Pain Tolerance--H1H2B: Agent (Half) Suit (Spiffy!)H:–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit
Rolled 7, 3, 10, 6, 2, 1 = 29 (6d10)>>6174998>3AL Strain (5 Phisique + 1 Persuasion, 4 Strength): Flex and point to the oncoming Vipers. "Yous next. Ha Ha. Fight is fun, da?" to scare them. What's life without a little strain?
Rolled 9, 6, 4, 3, 5, 10, 9, 3 = 49 (8d10)>>6174939>3 AL: Get up>3 AL: Move 333>1 AL: Shift bonus from Deep Morphology Variability to Proficiency>1 AL: Lean around the corner and acquire agent 74 as a target>1 AL, 2 Strain: Lean around the corner and fire at agent 74 (Proficiency 6 + Ballistics 2)
Rolled 7, 10, 10, 9, 6, 3, 3, 4, 1, 3, 3, 6, 4 = 69 (13d10)>>6174939#Monarch, Field Agent Grade 2Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]7 Credits*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 2!Persuasion 1!DroneOps 2!Jury Rigging 1–H1 - C7 Service PistolH2 - C7 Service PistolB: Agent Suit (Anti Stab Vest)H: Techset Headwear+Shades [RID Interface 2]–!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1!4C Profiler [Insight 2]!4C [HazeOrb RID] 2–Inv: 2 C7 Service Pistols I 2x C7 Standard Reloads [18x2] | x4 C7 Special Reloads [2IF, 2NERF] [18x4] | Vertitas Multi | 32x Veritas Shells [SLAP] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Smokes |Drones: [2 SkimmerDrones 2 Roto HazeOrb, 1 P-Series AARID]–>2 AL: Move 44, disengage safely from CQC [React 2, Close Quarters 2]>3 AL: Open fire with both barrels, Mister Indiana back there with the whip is the priority target. [Proficiency 2 + Ballistics 2]>3 AL: Send HazeOrbs 332, have them fire their weapons into the flank of the oncoming Vipers. [Manipulate 3 + Drone Ops 2]>1 AL: "Liren, hon, I know you're busy, but do you have an ID on that Viper Ganger with the fox ears? Those are some pretty out there body mods." [Analyze AR Garden Entrance]>Strain 1: Kick potted plant into Red Viper.
>>6174939Luren, did you disable the biolock on the MOC-C completely, or key it to me? This detail is gonna be important in a second
>>6174939TS, is 74 so minimally-enhanced that mesh-based attacks won't have an appreciable effect? I doubt a man of commitment, focus, and sheer will is going to be inconvenienced much by the meme vectors I have prepped, so I really don't fancy going kinetic with him. In fact, I might just engage the security locks on this door right next to me...
>>6175156Re-enabling it! Re-enabling itttt!>>6175164I think he'll mostly shrug it off, Agent Octant! He's got some mesh feeds and overlays (impossible to go without them, even Sunday has *those*) but his mind-state is too locked in to be adjusted much! People like that are hard rocks, they don't alter easy!Lock the door!!
>>6175202The ghost said something about his eyes being high-grade implants. How long are the odds on disabling those should I manage to breach his system?
>>6175204Same as for most anything? If you imagine he has 12 Firewall, you'd need to deliver 12 Compromise to hammer through them and start getting total control, at which point you can simply turn them off because they're completely breached. Though he is likely to resist, so this would take a lot of simultaneous attacks.Up until then, you're degrading their function. I think expecting to turn them off quickly would be a problem, he's likely learned to compensate for low level issues and they must be fairly competent systems. But hitting them helps.
>>6175210Right, I meant turning them off in a more gradual sense. I imagine every little bit counts when he's about to jam shards of glass into Vennesfield's throat or something.
Rolled 5, 6, 10, 8, 5, 5, 9, 3, 1, 3, 2, 1, 4, 7, 8, 5 = 82 (16d10)>>6174939He went south? He's going for the gun in the vents! Well, there's a surprise for him(He'll have to go past the performer exit - he'll expect me there - but I expect him to expect me - it'll be a contest of speed)>Deduct my Armor 1 from Shock (do I deduct it from Pain too?)>2AL: Resist (shock first, then pain, 3x Resist 2, does Zeal work here?)>3AL: Roll N, get up>1AL: Ready shotgun>1AL: Acquire Smon Mick>2AL, 1Strain: Rapid fire 6 SLAP shells into him (Proficiency 4 + Ballistics 3 + Burst 3 + flat Zeal 1)>R: Avoid#Agent Mammoth, FG 2Limit 12 | Stress Testing 1.8 | 18 credits*Alive *Zeal +1 *Stress 1 *Strain 3 *AR disabled *Floored–Alacrity 9 Respond 1[Avoid+2] Speed 1–Attune 2 | Sense 2 | Support 2 | Process 2Manipulate 2 | Proficiency 4 | React 3+1| Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 3!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 2!Persuasion 1!Jury-Rigging 1!Acrobatics 1–#4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger/body into simple tool for 1AP, currently +1 Armor#UNCC [Deep Morphology Variability 1] - allocate +1 to Intent/Speed/Respond with 1 AL and roll, currently +1 React#UNCC: [Augment Threat Matrix 2] - degrade cover, analyse sensor info#FEYWILD Exposure 1#Well Rested–H1: glove,H2: gloveB: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) | Antistab vest 4H: Techset Headwear (Sensor 2, Shield-R-2), filtering mask–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [NERF] | 2x NERF Reloads [28] | 2x IFR reloads [12] | Veritas Shotgun [SLAP] | 16x JOLT shells | 16x SLAP shells | 16x HiExEx shells | Service Knife | Collapsible Baton | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit |MultiOpCombine Carbine (MOC-C): 4P, 30AM, Reload 6, Burst 3, FA 10, Modular 2 [Link, Accuracy, Multi, Burst -1, Subtle 2] | 2x reloads | chem gear
>>6175222Get him, Agent Mammoth!
>>6175223Not with 3 hits on 10 dice and forgetting to edit the flavor text...
Rolled 10, 5, 8, 5, 1, 4, 1, 9, 3, 3, 5, 7 = 61 (12d10)>>6174939It's taking all of my willpower to not say a silly line like "Sorry, the bar's closed!" right now. Gotta keep pretending I'm a professional.>3 AL: Reload needlers, change into incendiary mode.>1 Strain: Take Aim at Agent 74 through Mammoth's LoS.>3 AL: Shoot 5 darts at Agent 74. [Process 3, Ballistics 3, +5].>1 Strain: Take Aim at the Armed with a Gun Steel Viper by the entrance.>3 AL: Shoot 4 darts at him. [Process 3, Ballistics 3, +4].Response: Take cover behind the bar if people start retaliating against me.
>>6175226Yeah Agent Thorn stay professional! You wouldn't want toNEEDLEhim!
>>6174939#Janitor DragonLimit 12*AliveStress Testing 0.213 Credits–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1!Scrounging 1!Advanced Piloting 2–#Skill Recorder 1 [Janitorial Duties 2]#Sophonic Integration Routines 3^--H1: Mop (Adjusted)H2:B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear [CRADLE-NEXUS 2, Shield-R 2]–Inv: C7 Mod. Pistol [21] | C7 Service Pistol [18] | 2xReloads [18x2] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Actual Pilot's License | Set of Vehicle Keys | Mop (Adjusted) >1AL, show off the modified C7 abomination to ARtubers as if nothing was wrong with it. Smile. >1AL, hand ZombiePrincess_MD my Aid Kit, she probably knows how to use it better than I do and she probably needs it right now.>1AL, move 3.>1AL, slowly push the janitorial cart over to spill soapy water southwards (down the hallway) -- try to make sure it doesn't backspill into the private booths.>1AL, "Nogard, if you have enough range, assist Vennsfield and harass Smon Mick." (nogard mess with Agent 74's systems!)>1AL, ready C7 Impact-Fray rounds.>3AL, load Impact-Fray rounds into modified C7 abomination.>Respond: Intercept (if the vipers step on the soapy water, use the mop to electrify it).
>>6174939"My god. How terrible...">1AL: Engage security lock on the door leading to the performers' dressing room where all the action is going on.>1AL: pissweak little datasplice from AR panel and camera because I can't see anyone else grrrrr (+ 2 Splice dice).>3AL: Mark Smon Mick (Process5+MeshOps4, Command Station +2 effect)>3AL: Attack Smon Mick's system (Process5+MeshOps4+Splice2, NodeburnerOps2, Command Station +2)>3 Strain: Beam moody teenage drama multimedia into Pinkeye's brain. Let's see you function with sanitized-for-TV crippling depression! (Process5+MeshOps4, Command Station +2)>1AL: Hey, uh, Liren, I seem to be racking up Strain...Debug my system pls...?#Agent Octant, FG2Limit 12Stress Testing 0.3Credits 8*Alive5 Strain–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 5Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 3!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 4!Persuasion 1–H1 C7 [12/12 IF]H2 BatonB: Agent Suit [AntiStab4]H: Techset Headwear (NodeBurner Ops 2, MemePlex 2)–Inv: C7 Service I Veritas I Collapsible Baton I Service Knife I Tactical Kit I Aid Kit [BioMon2] -!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse!Spliced Signals Access 2
TS, just an odd-ball question, is there a way to synergize the Sophonic Integration Routines with the techset's CRADLE-NEXUS? Also can I use the StickFoam Spray to reinforce things in place? say a window or a piece of furniture to a floor?
Rolled 1, 3, 8, 3, 2, 6, 3, 9, 6, 3 = 44 (10d10)>>6174822"Gentlemen, I INSIST">3AL: Fold held Viper into a simple origami figure in full view of his compatriots (Manipulate 4, because at Strength 3 it's not gross motorics anymore, + Origami Folding 2)>0AL: Drop held folded Viper"Please leave the premises">3AL: Grab Viper with goggles 3SW (Proficiency 2 + CQC 2)>3AL: Fold him as well>R: Parry with baton#Agent FoldLimit 121 Wolfheart*AlivePsych Stress Testing 0.3Credits 0–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 4 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1!Telekinetic Projection 2!Origami Folding 2–#Pattern Recog 1#SC Spinal Augmentics 2 [2 Manipulators] [Reach 2, STR 3]#Attentional CoProcessor (Once per turn, split action to multiple targets. -1 dice per extra, roll once. Freely divide dicepools between targets, ignore distractions)#Reserve Capacitors 2-9 (Resonance charge limit 9. When generating charge, effect +2. Can spend charge as AL for resonance actions.)–H1:H2:H3:H4:B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techwear Headset [Shield-R 2, Memeplex 2]–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [NERF 27/27] I Service Knife I Tactical Kit [2x Foam Grenade, 2x Paint Grenade, 2x Stingball Grenade, 2x Smokeball Grenade, Advanced Modular Toolkit, Stickfoam Spray, 2x C7 NERF reloads [27/27]] | Agent Aid Kit |Regrettably left at base: Advanced MultiSpectrum Sampler, 1x Revolver Old Reliable [3P, 5/6 Ammo, Penetrator 10+, Solid] | 1x Class 4 analgesics | 1x Class 3 nerve stimulants, a collection of Pistols and NERF reloads.
Rolled 8, 6, 1, 8, 3, 6, 4, 3, 6, 5, 8, 9, 9, 1 = 77 (14d10)>>6174939Guess we're doing things the hard way. >3AL: Send first aid flitdrone to Butterfly and patch them up. (Support 4 + First Aid 2)>3AL: Light up the Vipers with my HazeOrbs. (Manipulate 2 + Ballistics 2)>3AL: For good measure take out my own C7 and fire with that too. (Manipulate 2 + Ballistics 2)
>>6175249That was me botting Fold and fucking up the post again
>>6175244Yes, Agent Dragon - that's what it's intended for! And it also provides on-the-spot restraints, seals holes, plug gaps, fixes leaks and at very low dosages shines up your hair. Outputting FOAM on a precise, localized spot really affixes any two things to each other.As for your other question, Agent, yes. Recall that NoGard is a enormously advanced, adaptive system. You either direct it to take action on its own - whenever you order it around, it spends 9 AL to take actions, using its "Sophont" value of 3. So 3d10. It sometimes generates and builds tools adaptively itself - if you ask it to mark someone, it's likely to cobble together some sensors first to mark it properly.You can also use Process+Sophon to "pair" with NoGard, taking advanced data operation actions. One of those very much is building more advanced tools or allowing it direct acccess to systems and tools you have (Proficiency+Sophont lets you work together to attack with a smartgun!)The CRADLE outputs shortlived, advanced maeshdemons systems.>3AL: Spin-up a MarkerDaemon [Process3+MeshOps3, Cradle2] -- 3 hits, +2 straight effect, 5 hits total, you get a MarkerDaemon with 2Ping and +2 Firewall. It goes off and performs actions autonomously until its core routines is no longer up to date and then it degrades; usually by having its firewalls breached and being compromised. It's like a ... lesser, smaller version of NoGard?But you could simply *make a meshshell for NoGard*, or give it access to allowing it to make its own fine-tuned tools.>3AL: Process3+Sophont3: Try to spin up a Sophont-Level ewar package.3 hits, +2 from the CRADLE, but this is *sophont level software operations*, NoGard is briefly flash-deriving entirely new adaptions to its core featureset and likely intuitively and autonomously using code-integrations we can't even easily analyse without lab time. It's like... It's like what GhostlyGlitch is doing, Agent! S--- oh it all fits, she's just a Sophont too!!Sophont-Level Emergent Mesh Phenomena breaks the rules, it uses novel architecture to accomplish novel things, Agent. A standard firewall might sometimes not even have the ability to detect that there's hostile intrusions happening, it might bypass advanced cloaks, it might derive new targetting for links, a host of other features.Unlike the lesser MeshDaemons, this functionality just incorporates into NoGard's meshshell. If you want to get specific, it's really because it's likey copying its own code and spawning a minor that it uses seamlessly...Finally, remember that you can - at great risk - add Sophont as a style>3AL: Process3+MeshOps3+Sophont3, try to take out that cameraA third dicepoolBut you aren't monitoring what NoGard actually does - it might do ... very complicated things, or get in the way, or fail to integrate. You have to be very careful with this functionality, because co-riding with an near-autonomous level Sophont is hard!
Rolled 10, 3, 8, 10, 9, 1, 6 = 47 (7d10)>>6174939"Grand. Here's what were doing.">1AL: Luna? Would you kindly slowly open the window and step away from it. Then girls I need you to bring our huh patient to the next booth NE Limo Service is coming to pick us up.>1AL: Move to Luna's spot>1AL: Mark the Viper who saw Mox>3AL: Output Electricity to hit the Viper who saw Mox, he appears to be wielding a Metal Pipe. Which makes it easier for me and terrible for him. (Prof 3+Overclocked Resonators 4)>1AL: Close and lock the Window>2AL: Move with the ARtubers towards the Private Booth closest to the Limo planned parking.
>>6174939>>6175280>Sorry, Addendum to the 1st AL spend request. I would ask them to finish staunching the bleeding so we THEN could move her
See, Agent Octant, it's stuff like this I was talking about.
Steady on, Agents, I think the Steel Vipers don't have the stomach for this kind of fight - they came equipped for a bar-brawl and a wild night out on town but that's no match for, uh, hitting people with incendiary micro-missiles or putting their own arms through their rib-cages.I am plotting an alternative route out of this location because we absolutely categorically cannot be here when Metroplex arrives after Tide Team Two or with them because we would be SO, SO, SO arrested. Sorry Agents, blowing people up with micro-missiles or turning them into real life origami displays by gently folding their ribs in on themselves does not constitute "reasonable self defense" in any known jurisdiction, the Authorities would have, err, QUESTIONS, it's probably better we are not around to answer those.I mean they asked for it, I think rolling up on someone with an iron pipe and making threatening noises, you take what you can get, but if we can avoid further entanglements that might be useful!--Agent Vennsfields vitals are spiking! I think you just shot him with a shotgun shell, Agent Mammoth, and uhhh I think he's ON FIRE?? The smoke grenade is making it hard to get a read on the situation! Smon Mick is --- somewhere in there!! No clear marker, dammit, I'm tracing the MOC-C and-- no no no no it's moving east! He's GETTING OUT!--Mox is stabilizing, Agents! Good work! Let's, err, bundle these ARtubers into the nice commodity traders private limo service and get out of here in *style*. It should be rolling up soon! Incredible work!--Agents, I'm tracking a live threat vector on Laez! That MegaFan... has a security guards gun! Black Ocean Control Ops, I need you to disable gun ID 24-3-A-- COME ON, COME ON-->Reaction Phase [1/xx]
Rolled 9, 3, 5, 4, 9, 8, 10, 8, 6 = 62 (9d10)>>6175328I am going to remote override that MOC-C - Sorry Agent Mammoth! I'm bricking the device!!>Remote Intrusion: Fry it
>>6175312I think I'm gonna need a therapy session after this.
>>6175330I know a stress management trick you'll. . . love.
>>6175329I think I'm gonna need a therapy session after this.
>>6175328He had a gun! He was waving it around, a danger to himself and others! ...Maybe 4 of them was a *bit* overkill now that you mention it.
>>6175338Absolutely Agent, and we do have your feed and multiple cameras backing that up. But evidential review being what it is, the police might see the smoking corpse and... reach certain conclusion... before they check the files!It's alright! You saved people's lives! He was shooting at Butterfly! And probably other patrons!It's, just, err, you know, err, Hong8 Tech, the optics... y.. yeah. yeahhh....
>>6175328What the hell is Mister Anon doing? He was just sitting down, now he's at the front door!
>>6175378Leaving, I think! Agent Thorn called for a general evacuation, so he's paid for his bill and he's... just walking out?
>>6175338>>6175348Speaking of guns and saving lives, can someone please make sure that psycho-fan doesn't shoot laez in the back.
>>6175328"Man are you kidding me. Get back here!>AL 9: Move 5, 6, 5555, 66, 5>Strain 1: Target the MegaFan gun edition>Strain 3: Snap shot The MegaFan with the confiscated Shotgun (React 2 + Ballistics 2)>React: Locdown#Agent BnnyyLimit 12*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 3 I Process 2 I Instinct 3Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1!Crash Synchronicity 1!Improvisational improbabilities 1–BioAugmentic Genesplice#Strenght 1 | Agility 1 | Mobility 1 | Regen 1#Trait--H1H2B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear [Memeplex 2, Sensor 2]–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Collapsible Baton
Rolled 4, 1, 5, 8 = 18 (4d10)>>6175328"Just pull the trigger and..."
>>6175488>>6175493"Wow this kicks"Just some miss placed dice being returned.
Agent Bnnyy, you saved Laez! That maniac had a gun to her head! Incredible work, Agent!!--Agents, the Steel Vipers are so utterly horrified by the monstrous carnage you have managed to perpetrate on them that they're breaking, bailing and getting out! And Mox is--Agent Vennsfield? Agent Vennsfield your entire tactical kit just went live, Agent Vennsfi--Agent Mammoth! BUTTERFLY!! MOVE!!Agent Vennsfield flatlinesAgent Butterfly takes 18 Pain, 6 auto converts to Injur, 12 remains. You can Resist this; unresisted Pain impair performance severelyAgent Mammoth takes 14 Pain, 2 autoconverts to Injury, 12 remains. You can resist this; unresisted Pain impairs performance severelyAgent Octant spots Agent Vennsfield tactical kit thudding into the security room. It's beeping.Estimated payload: 1x Foam 1x Smoke 1x Stingball 2x Paint 2x Reloads (Impact-Fray, C7), 32x Shells (Nerf, Veritas).Suggested course of action: Evacuation.--Black Ocean Control Ops? Black Ocean-- We have the situation under control-- Black Ocean? Talk to me, what are you-- why did I just get removed from the tactical network? Black Ocean, what's going on?>[2/xx]
What do you mean 'debriefed'? Yes, you took them to the station! They're gangers! They hurt people for money! They're provably, unequivocally bad people, you can't-- No, Black Ocean, I don't know why-- well the maniac with the automatics presumably smuggled them into the --what do you mean my people gave him the gunsBlack Ocean??Black Ocean Ops, what do YOU MEAN my PEOPLE GAVE HIM THE GUNS
Okay-- well-- okay-- look, that happens-- Mistakes happen! I trust my people! There was probably some kind of plan there! That doesn't prove anything! That doesn't MEAN anything-- you can't-- Black Ocean Ops, that doesn't----! No. No no no no, LISTEN TO ME, we worked with the Hong8 in relation to a secondary issue that's underpinning the current problem at Obsidian Tide, we are NOT on their payroll -- we don't -- Well yes I understand how it *looks* I'm sorry about the high-explosive shells and carbines!! In our usual line of deployment sometimes it pays to be armed extra, I understand how that looks in retrospect but you have to believe me here that doesn't indicate we intended to-- no I don't know why they keep using grenades inside a nightclub full of other people-- that-- local conditions!! Escalating situations! Those Steel Vipers were shooting up the place and rioting! Listen stop over-reacting and just give me a minute to explain-- told the fans to start rioting??? No, Black Ocean, he was trying to-- he was-- He was trying to get them to -- I don't KNOW what he was trying to get them to do! It was a small riot! No one got hurt! These things happen! That doesn't--Live footage of WHAT happening to WHAT??? Agent Fold did what to that guy-- okay I KNOW how that looks but ---
Look this is perfectly-- okay well the datatap in your systems is because-- it allows for monitoring! it's information sharing! I was hardly going through VERY MUCH of your proprietary-- okay I get that it looks like corporate espionage-- okay yes-- well-- what if I--- Oh that's unfair, I didn't *explicitly* order anyone to crank the lethality yield up on their HUD overlays! That's some Extropian flashviral, I am not responsible for the acts of de-sensitivized monsters, you can't pin that on me or on us or my people-- that's on them. I'm not taking responsibility for the acts of hyper-aggressors. Yeah, thank you for the apology, I know they suck. See? We're not the sole cause of every problem down there! We're just trying to get through the night! okay about the Hong8 needlers set to incendiary-explosive that's becauseeeeeeeeeeee. . . . . . they . . . . are . . . for . . . personal . . . protect............look that guy had a gun and I support my people one hundred percent. he was almost shooting people. it going live to double-digit millions of people is just, err, well, come on, social media feeds rots the brains of the youth right? no okay i guess that's not... yeah sorr-- your KID watches that show??????!!?!?
There's a professional hitman on the premises prowling for a journalist, he's already killed two people and you're only going to make the entire situation more chaotic. I absolutely, categorically refuse the notion that we are arms-dealers working with the Brigadiers and Hong8, and evidence to the contrary isn't--- No, we FOUND that Velatus on site, Black Ocean! It's not ou-- I DON'T KNOW WHY THEY SHORTED OUT THE ENTIRE AR SYSTEM!! it was just an accident! Accidents happen!! Black Ocean, you have to -- calm down. Why am I seeing remote drone activations? Come on! Come on don't do this-- don't-- don't do this! This isn't--
That man -- Purple Tie -- yes I'm aware of the dead Metroplex investigators, I don't see how that relates to-- no, Black Ocean for the love of every star in the high skies and orbiting satelittes, does that SOUND like something we'd bother? Why would we instigate a murder of two investigators to cover up involvement in an arms deal if we're just going to hand the goddamn Steel Vipers a crate full of automatics in full view of all your cameras? What part of that makes sense?? We didn't kill those investigators! That's not on us!! Don't-- No the Steel Vipers shot first! They totally shot first! They had guns that-- okay so none of them had registered firearms? OKAY FINE SO WHAT. I loaded all our weapons myself! We brought less than lethal rounds! We weren't going to shoot up a club we're not maniacs! We're here for a job, same as you-- okay yes I'm aware they hot-switched to IF rounds immediately and didn't-- no that's not-- yes I get the overpenetration danger, go to telling me about-- You're are-- Oh come-- Well it-- it!!Tell your people to stand down I obviously can't guarantee their security if you actually go through with giving them that order, please please please do not--NO I AM NOT THREATENING YOUI AM TRYING VERY, VERY HARD NOT TO THREATEN YOUPLEASE
Black Ocean please do not-- I don't care! I don't care! Them throwing grenades around inside a nightclub like they were passing out candy bars to kids at a school seems IRRELEVANT given the prospect that you're about to --- No that doesn't mean I don't care about the liberal use of explosives inside a confined area!! It just means-- You have to be intentionally misunderstanding me here! You're doing this on purpose! Is this about the federal terrorism charges for causing the largest recent cyberattack on a downtown traffic node?? That's held up in court! It wasn't even proven to be us! And there were extenuating circumstances! And no one got seriously hurt!! YES I AM AWARE HE KEEPS TRYING TO UPLOAD CONTRABAND MEMETIC VIRALS DIRECTLY INTO PEOPLE'S BRAINS, I've -- told him to stop? What more do you want? okay yeah no that's fair, that's fair, that's on me, I see how that leaves me open to the obvious reply, fine, fine, fair enough, sure, whatever, add it to the list so at this stage you're--please listen to me this really isn't as bad as it looks and sounds and comes across I promise my people aren't--- we aren't-- you are going to regret this, Black Oceanno that's STILL not me threatening you! I really don't mean to threaten you! There's only so many ways you can form that sentence without making it seem like I'm threatening you and I'm really, really not![/i]
. . . yes I'm aware he hit a guy with a table. I'm aware he hit three guys with a table. Yes, I know it was broadcast live to double digit millions. Thank you I watch the stream. Luna makes me feel less stressed.Yes I saw him punt a man with no weapons in his hands across the entire length of a garden without giving said man a chance to surrender or even requesting.Yes Black Ocean I'm taking notes on your appreciation for de-escalation tactics, but I think in light of the circumstances-- well I kinda want to hit you with a table right now so I sympathesize. No that's not-- that's a hypothetical that wasn't a threat! Yes, I'm aware he tried to call in a random pest control operator and would have gotten some works-by-the-hour fumigator-expert caught up in a gang shakeout! Well he also called in noodles! Maybe calling people had some tactically viable and required part of a plan! You don't know that! I don't know that! Maybe it's code! Code for somet-- yeah fine it's a stretch who even cares at this point whatever sure the bouncer beat a guy so hard with a table he went flying and more people than live in half of Scandinavia saw it. I'm aware it's trending, thanks. I can see the metrics. And the remixes. And the memes. And the tasteless but very rapidly put together ARgamesno Black Ocean, my man did not draw a gun on a streamerhe was just showing her his sidearmthey like that kind of thing-- yes i'm aware that's an severely modified full auto sidearm which, strictly speaking, does seem to violate the basic security tenets of sidearms, clubs and how dangerous a given firearm would be to use in a crowd full of people but you don't know he was ever going to fire that at people, now do youyes okay fine I'll grant you that's just me being pettyI'm not being poutyyou're being poutyI'm not--okay I'm pouting a LITTLE
I booted an Extropian Class I Escalator from my tacnet today! I was feeling pretty hot! I was-- I'm not sniffling! Black Ocean I'm not sniffling! Don't put in the report I was sniffling! P-please don't--
W-we won a poker g-game though. T-that was p-pretty c-cool.What? sure **whatever** write me up for illegal gambling go choke on a C7--- no that wasn't a threat! I have not been threatening you! I am NOT threatening you!! Now Black Ocean, I am going to give you one last chance to reconsider this course of action because--- NO THAT STILL WASN'T A THREAT--Dammit he cut the connection
sighthis is why we can never go anywhere nice agentsyou guys kinda suck at socializing
We're dealing with an assassin that has no qualms killing two people, injuring bystanders with a HIEX grenade, and just flatlined Vennsfield. WHAT DO THEY WANT FROM USshoot him with rubber bullets and hope he goes away? FINE.They can deal with it themselves!
>>6175659I could say the same to you mizz "Liren underscore UwU". You need a remedial on cybersecurity. So what\s the play? Surrender and go to jail? Or do you want me to give you the one option I think works here?
>>6175660More professionalism than we get paid for.I don't like the way these 4C guys are looking at me. Might make an on foot EXFIL if I can.
>>6175662I really do. I got my ass kicked twice in one night and not even by *hackers*. Well, okay, I can't fight half the processing of Spain, so I'll write GhostlyGlitch off as a fluke but we gotta harden this net against Extrofile vectors.It's on the to-do.Alright Lead Agent Graphite, how do we get out of this one?>>6175660>>6175663Personally I think their rules of engagement need refinement. Guy comes at you with a bottle, guy gets what he gets. That's a lethal weapon, you know!
>>6175667"We?""How about every Agent for themselves and you pull as many emergency exits you can get us? Especially the ones that sound the most 'suicide by cop' ones? I have a feeling this is going to turn into a 1987 Heat City shootout and I really don't want to lose. I need everything you think is likely. Heck I didn't even get to see the roof or the basement yet.">>6175655"So what about [after] the Limo as left?"
. . . Agents, TideTeamTwo and Black Ocean Control Ops is treating this is as a ... major... hostage... situation... and.. uuuuuuuuugggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhI've lost track of Smon Mick-- he's not--- he hasn't-- he ripped the charge pack out of the Veritas after he emptied it!!Mind those drones!Get your head in the game!They're in suppression mode, they won't go hostile unless you get close, so watch out and stay out of their area!Mox Mimicry and the ARtubers have extracted via bespoke courier limo courier service! That thing is as armored as a tank, and they're live with sixteen million concurrent watchers. That's probably the safest Mox could ever possibly be, because no one would do anything to her that live, and in that company. They're headed straight for a nearby hospital, and she's stabilised. And Metroplex is mounting an enormously large response because sixteen million people are watching this happen. I don't think anyone has ever survived Smon Mick trying to kill them before. You just... You just did the impossible! The actually impossible, Agents! Incredible work!Now let's put our heads together and find a way OUT OF THIS SITUATION( I can't help but feel it's a little odd Black Ocean was so ready to get into position. Wasn't Tide Team Two on the way, not actively already forming up? )>Agents to rapidly deal with changing conditions>Please position yourself appropriately as desired>NOW WHAT??
>>6175675Uh-- yes! I can do that! Give me a minute, I can compile some r-routes! Uhm.. Basement sewer connection, right? City maps! The car lot! That car that Agent Bnnyy won, it's some kind of souped up muscle ca-- souped up muscle car! The one in the parking lot!We have options here! Get stable and block the entrances, do something, I'll get you a scan of options, Lead Agent Graphite!
>>6175681Corporate types, so obsessed over Public Image, Bad Press, Profit Margins... This is why I have no issues with mercenaries, at least they get to choose how they operate and the most optimal solution to fix an issue. I wouldn't be surprised if the Red Cranes or Singularity Cloud approached Black Ocean with a lump sum and bought them off, it was probably easy to convince them if they took our clips out-of-context and compiled it together with enough cash to sell your soul to the devil.I won't lie we've made mistakes but any security consultant knows that pressing charges and accusations and legal concerns should come AFTER a situation has been resolved where bystanders are all SAFE.Liren, next time just throw us into a third-world warzone or something.
>>6175681>Holster C7s... slowly. No more weapons tonight unless required."I don't suppose you have any suggestions, sir?">Take a step back, if he doesn't have anything else for me, Monarch would wish to "position himself" closer to the basement entrance. A sewer escape isn't pretty, but it sounds stealthy enough.
>>6175691It seems like splitting up might be our best option... again. How much hard time are we looking at if we do get caught, Liren? Are our benefactors willing to shill out for even a half way decent lawyer?
>>6175705Yes, absolutely! And w... We'll get character witnesses! Mox! Those streamers! You saved her life and if we run through those feeds and add in the ancilliary data that has to be evidence of at least, well, admittedly, maybe not *innocence*, but-- security work! Mitigating circumstances! Reasonable cause of action!( Also very, very many years if it doesn't go our way )( But it will. It has to! )
Rolled 1, 9, 10, 6, 9, 5, 5, 4, 10 = 59 (9d10)>>6175681Ok this is fine. Everything will be fine. Just need to relax. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. >3AL: Take a really deep breath. (Resist 2x3)>3AL: Display relaxing cat videos on everyone's feed. "I know shit has officially hit the fan, so let's take the briefest of moments to calm down so we can focus on getting unfucked." (Resist 2 + Persuasion 1)>3AL: Get the hell away from the drones, move 554.
>>6175681>Sling Veritas to my back "Uhh well from what i'm hearing they're not looking at you but rather me. A-aa-apparently this is called in as and ho-ho-hostage situation and they're blaming my firm.""So hmm i think you should move away from me. You know so no acci... more accidents happen.">Move to poker table and collect the winnings>>6175691"Miss Liren would you happen to see if that car can be called in remotely. The hud ain't showing many non-hot areas. Also if you mean THAT muscle car is it road legal i've never owned and car.
>>6175681Should we sell our soul to the devil again? Ask those extropians if they have any ideas? Even if it costs us another favor.I'm grasping at the straws here.
>>6175714... That does make me feel better yes, thanks. Okay. We can do this. Think. Think. Think.Alright! Standard protocol, right? They'll going to set up a perimeter, get marksmen and support - probably have it already - then clamp the building power and systems. Camera's already gone dead and dispensers are out but the AR feed is on a secondary system. Once that goes, they'll be getting ready to breach - if they breach.So they haven't yet. So we have time. We can either surrender, and try our luck, or put our heads together and get some way out of here. It's a full tactical team, what, thirty-two troopers, three officers, some support ops and overflights-- they can't have a perfect perimeter, they don't have the manpower for total coverage, if we can cause some kind of distraction or shift their attention or find out where there's less of them, we can concentrate on that vector and get out. >>6175716On it!>>6175717No please don't that's not going to end we--
>>6175717"That's your prerogative, Dragon. I'm not letting those weirdos anywhere near *my* systems. And I'll still swear up and down that I do not owe them a favor, Cheddar does."
>>6175717>>6175718But it would be fun
>>6175718"I've got a heavy crowd control unit if it's a distraction you want... but I don't wanna lose my little revolutionary!"
>>6175723. . . Hey there's a thought! We can extract the core systems, bundle them up, keep them safe, and then simply remote stir the chassis in remote dumb mode. I can direct joystick that from here. We'd need to get a new chassis for the little guy, but that gives us one way of getting their attention!
>>6175724"I'll get to work on packaging those systems. They seem pretty light on the east and southern sides, so sending the bot northwest would probably be the best option. Just don't get yourself hurt by net-jockies trying to backend you through the link."
>>6175716>Oh and do equip Holsters for C7 and Knife."Really didn't want to start gearing up this late. Should i swap the bullets for piercing and explosives. No maybe that would be too much."
Rolled 7, 2, 9, 8, 3, 8, 8, 3, 3, 3, 8, 4 = 66 (12d10)>>6175681#Monarch, Field Agent Grade 2Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall] [4 Stress 1 Strain]7 Credits*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 2!Persuasion 1!DroneOps 2!Jury Rigging 1–H1 - C7 Service PistolH2 - C7 Service PistolB: Agent Suit (Anti Stab Vest)H: Techset Headwear+Shades [RID Interface 2]–!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1!4C Profiler [Insight 2]!4C [HazeOrb RID] 2–Inv: 2 C7 Service Pistols I 2x C7 Standard Reloads [18x2] | x4 C7 Special Reloads [2IF, 2NERF] [18x4] | Vertitas Multi | 32x Veritas Shells [SLAP] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Smokes |Drones: [2 SkimmerDrones 2 Roto HazeOrb, 1 P-Series AARID]–>1 AL: Holster each Service pistol>2AL +1 Strain : Move 444>6 AL: Prep CrowdControl bot for distraction. Extract core systems and send them bundled in my to Liren, leaving the empty shell for the woman at the controls to pilot remotely. [Process 4 + MeshOps 2]x2
Rolled 8, 6, 3, 9, 10, 9, 5, 3, 2, 8, 7, 8, 4, 10, 9, 4, 1, 3, 7, 5, 4, 9, 9, 3, 6 = 152 (25d10)>>6175681>Position myself with someone who has an idea for exfiltration>1 AL: Shift Deep Morphology Variability buff to Resist>8 AL: Resist Pain (Resist 4 (x8))
Rolled 8, 8, 6, 8, 8, 1, 4 = 43 (7d10)>>6175758
>>6175718We could just let all the civilians out the front door and overwhelm their tactical response teams.Then sneak out when theyre trying to deal with the crowd?We would probably have to knock out that Black Tide Sec officer or convince him to take the crowd out- which to be fair he should be doing in the first place.
Rolled 9, 6, 8, 7, 1, 7, 2, 6, 10, 6, 9, 9, 7, 2, 8, 2, 2 = 101 (17d10)>>6175681>Set down the table.>Pick up the Purple Augmented patron.>Walk over to the KO'ed Cherry Blossoms"Is fine people. No need for the pushing. Please be exiting in the orderly manners">(Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1) Try to calm the crowd and convince them to exit in an orderly manner. >Pull out First Aid Kit>(Proficiency 5 + First Aid 2 x2 actions)Check the three KO'd people for damages and >Change 4 Strength to 4 Armor. That should make me somewhat resistant to small arms fire.My plan is to carry the two Cherry Blossoms out of here on my shoulders through the front gate in the midst of the crowd and dissappear with them into the night. I can drop them off at some place safe for them afterwards. "I take these two to hospital. Desk, please to be calling ride for third person. No is dying, but should get checked for the brokenness. These two not so hard, break too easy, so I bring them in first".
>>6175764The medical action is to stabilize the most badly wounded.
>>6175691Doesn't that souped-up muscle-car belong to Smon Mick?Also, since Laez is indebted to us, could she maybe get us out disguised as her roadies or something?
>>6175681Damn you, Smon Mick. I'm gonna get you one day.>Recall that I have Armor 1 and so shouldn't have this much Pain and certainly no Injury>Resist rest of the pain>Reload shotgun with JOLT>Stow shotgun>Throw a foamball into the performers' room to block the entrance
Rolled 8, 8, 6, 8, 4, 3, 2, 2 = 41 (8d10)>>6175681Alright well, tonight can't possibly get any worse.>Get off the bar and pick up the gun that the security officer dropped on the floor.>3 AL: Politely ask the officer for his headset, jack into the Black Tide comm channels. [Manipulate 3, Persuasion 1].>3AL: Give the other 2 security officers in the civilian crowd a *very* stern look and wiggle my needles at them threateningly: 'Your friend here had the right idea, no one else has to get hurt tonight. Don't try to play the hero, okay? Leave that to the professionals.' [Manipulate 3, Persuasion 1].Liren, Agent 74 planned to use the vents to escape, you think it might be a good idea to co-opt his escape route?
>>6175864The vents open right to where a BlackOcean trooper squad is currently located
>>6175681GG.Thanks for running OP.
Rolled 3, 3, 9, 10, 9, 3, 3, 4, 10, 2, 5, 4, 6, 2, 6, 1, 8, 7, 2 = 97 (19d10)>>6175681>3AL+3Strain: Scramble out of the room before the tactical kit (how the fuck did he manage to do ALL THAT in such a short amount of time? Man, the cartels don't call that man the Cucuy for nothing, huh?) blows. (This is a major movement action. I'm not 100% on how this one goes, so I won't roll here. Would it be Speed1+Strain3, with hits moving me extra hexes on top of 3? Just get me out of that fucking room pls)>Head through the kitchen, past the bar, and out to Mammoth and Butterfly.>1AL: Splice stuff. Mammoth, Butterfly, 4 AR panels, and 4 cleaning drones seem to be in range if I stand next to Mammoth. 10 Splice dice pls?>1AL: Liren...debug me again...>3AL: Work with Liren to identify and compile alternate egress routes from the club. Find and analyze blueprints of the Obsidian Tide, surrounding road plans, schematics of sewers and underground transport infrastructure, etc. (Process5+MeshOps4+Splice10, 19 dice)"Liren...please, no more fucking bars. And no more working with groups that are likely to ratfuck us on a dime. Tell me you managed to pull something of value from their command station, at the very least...."#Agent Octant, FG2Limit 12Stress Testing 0.3Credits 8*Alive5 Strain–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 5Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 3!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 4!Persuasion 1–H1 C7 [12/12 IF]H2 C. BatonB: Agent Suit [AntiStab4]H: Techset Headwear (NodeBurner Ops 2, MemePlex 2)–Inv: C7 Service I Collapsible Baton I Service Knife I Tactical Kit I Aid Kit [BioMon2] -!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse!Spliced Signals Access 2
>>6175681Liren, given that Black Tide want to royally shaft and screw us over. What would you need evidence-wise to counter their accussations? This establishment is /their/ responsibility, we're part-timers, contractors- we can be charged individually for separate crimes such as gambling, assault, excessive force whatnot, but a lot of these faults can be traced and linked back down to how Black Tide has handled this. We can spin it like they allowed illegal firearms, drugs, gang members into their premises, letting corporate security bribe their way into the club- plus they stopped negotiating with us when they're treating this as a hostage situation- they sent in their tactical squads rather than medics and negotiators, it looks more like they're planning to massacre the civilians here. They systematically have put the lives of innocents at risk.Camera footage archives? AR traffic algorithms? Circumstantial evidence? Informatics data? I will not rest until their company has been liquidated from this district by the end of this fiscal year for this blatant 'pin the blame all on us', so help me crow-god in the sky.
>>6175681Hey man, you and your lady seem to have it all figured out. Just another sunday, am I right? Anyways, what's your plan for getting out of here?>Take a seat next to Summit
>>6175763That'll certainly get them focused on the front! >>6175810It does. And I think she could - she definitively owes us and does not like the authorities one bit. You could fit in among her music equipment.>>6175825The Overflow from being hit by a lot of pain *at once* makes the injury automatic, unfortunately; it's why you have it. But the pain will, at least, fade in time.>>6175864I'm scanning less of them on the Southeast. If we can organise a distraction out front (Crowd control drone, hostage release?) they'll be distracted - then we can slip by the groups.>>6175908Always a pleasure!>>6175910That's how they work, yes.And I actually did!>>6175944I think their argument that we appear to have given automatics to unstable gang elements make it at least legally dubious that we --->>6175976Agent Sunday, you don't have any implants! AGENT SUNDAY THEY'RE NOT INTO BASELINERS AGENT SUNDAY YOU ARE IN DANGER
>>6176149>>6175976Quietly sit and have a drink, then call my lawyers. I have time and scant difficulties.You know I can hear you... existing. You're getting flaking skincells and hair all over my meal. Please go away.
>>6175681My goodness, what have I done? I must turn myself in at once! (No, Foldworth, pull yourself together, innocents are still in danger.)Liren, you need to contact Commissioner Mordon, tell him to turn the Lemure-signal on. The villain that got away will keep trying until he's locked up in Barkham asylum. Mox will assuredly be attacked again while recuperating at the hospital!
Perform a medical self exam. 1. Starting Intention Spread: Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 22. When Implants were first announced: Bump Proficiency to 4, sacrifice 1 point of Sense and 1 point of react to pick up 2 points of cyberware. 3. Beginning of this mission: sacrifice 1 point of Support to pick up a 3rd point of cyberware. Did I misunderstand how this works? ---------------- Current Spread ----------------- Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 1 I Process 2Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 5 I React 1 I Resist 2THIS INTENTION SPREAD IS CURIOUSStart at 2, +1, +1[Green Dreams] +1[Red Markets] +1--> +4 total, sum 2x8 = 16+4 = 20--> current sum: 17?? --> Rank up, use to pay for Morpohology Change "fluid" point breaks even on paying 1 to get 1 movable--> ATTEND REMEDIAL PHYSICAL TRAINING AND HEALTHCARE SCAN, TS, YOUR CHECKUP HAS REVEALED ODDITIES.
>>6176155My god, Agent Folds...worth. You're right! Such a despicable henchman of the Harlequin is no doubt simply going to try again and again even if Metroplex' finest is on the case! I'll...alert the.... proper... authorities at once and let ... Lemureman.... know that innocents are in danger!
>>6176162TS, why am I getting pinged to-- we're in the middle of something-- TS the dormitory walls literally melting and I am not on Holidays drugs, Tatiana is matrixfighting a cluster of commando constructs and Holiday is off knife-fighting a Crane with four swords, I'm kinda in the middle of something-- TS, can't you get Roma, Picture, Otter, Rick and Kang to do it? TS, I do *need* to go to the hospital because that dog was four times larger than usual but I can't *go* to the hospital because the lawn is on fire!
>>6176164>>6176162I'm on it!
>>6176162That's a relief. Lemureman will definitely disrupt the devious desperado's dastardly designs. I can surrender to the police with no fears. Commissioner Mordon will sort the mess our, and if he can't then l'll deserve my punishment.
Rolled 5, 2, 7, 5, 4, 6, 6, 10, 2 = 47 (9d10)Alright Agents, let's keep it cool, keep it collected and keep it moving.>>6176189Yes, Agent Foldworth, Commisioner Morden is a reliable and respected officer of the law and he will see that your actions are given the full treatment they deserve! But you did heroically save an entire nightclub from that dastardly henchman of the Harlequin who could have gone up to all SORTS of violence on innocents! The thing is, Agent Foldworth, uhh... you can't surrender to the proper authorities right now because... uh...>think of something [9d10]
Agents the hostages are slowly clearing out as Black Tide Security gets organised. As per instruction they're doing it in one long conga line to ensure that the troopers at the front are spending the most amount of time scanning, queing, handling and procesing - in movies if it's all in a rush it looks like it might work better but this way they've literally formed and exit queue and they're spending time scanning them for our profiles and specs. They're tied down.I've got the unique meshcode for CrowdControl 33# in hand and Monarch has the backups, the chassis is all set on the west. I've got a ping on the new car that Agent Bnnyy won set up to the northeast.We've got lines out through the sewer lines in the basement. Here's what I'm thinking:We'll send the chassis at them, kick the car into a perimeter sweeping at full drive and fire off the AR system on some enormously loud song Laez can pick the set. That'll distract the troopers. Then you get out through the basement lines that Monarch and Octant just mapped. Because we can't surrender to the police just now - Agent Foldworth's assessment is correct. It's likely that someone is going to try something as the hospital and Agent Ink needs our help in the dormitory sections of the university. So as much useful fun as it would be to hang tight and hang with the authorities, we have to move. This night is far from over. >...???!!
Agent Thorn, good find. That headset and setup gets backdoor access into Black Ocean Control Ops tactical network. They'll close the door once they realize it's been compromised, but until they do we have a direct line into systems. This kind of thing is useful. Most mesh actions have to contend with Firewalls, of course, but if it comes from authorized sources then the firewalls are unlikely to note them as hostile.Let's use this. You have a plan? If not, we'll spin up a jammer viral and use this access point to punch it through, briefly flare up their entire system network. Then when we get out of here, they'll be delayed and confused.
Rolled 3, 7, 7, 3, 6 = 26 (5d10)>>6175681>Take the Autograph"If it's any consolation. It was nice working with a stonedog for this short a time. Believe me. We will not meet again tonight at least. Call me Graphite..." *Leave*>Turn on the flashligh and go down to the basement using the lift.>Equip Veritas with NERF>Recon a route in a basement. Anything to get me out of here and hopefully in the sewers and exit (Sense 3+Sensor 2)
Dammit, they're starting early. We're running out of time here.
Agents, time to go go go--Here's what we need:DISORDER AND DISTRACTIONTake an action to delay pursuit and confuse the perimeter, up to and including but not limited to:- something with the riot control chassis- Agent Bnnyy's new car- the AR systems (still powered)NAVIGATION- Plot a proper route past the perimeter and out into the larger city, using any tricks you may have- Access and bypass of standing security features and blockadesAny Lingering Notes For A Night Out- Anything else, Agent? - Feel free to take any last minute actions in the bar as well?--GO GO GO
[Meanwhile, Elsewhere]Excellent service, decent waitstaff, good wine, fine music. Ten out of ten, would recommend to my friends. Asked not to be distubed. Was not disturbed. Secretary, contact my agent and tell them they can facilitate the tip transfer>33% of incoming tips set aside for temporary staff arrangements and security contractors>66 credits received.
[Meanwhile, Elsewhere]TT#13: " All clear. "TT#15: " All clear. "TT#11: " All clear. "TT#9: " I kinda like the ARC guys. Man, I hadn't figured them for working with the Hong8. Goes to show you can never-- MOVEMENT! "TT-L#2: " Move up. Get the doors-- movement. Suit. Blood. Hey! You! Hands in the air! Are you a guest? "
BEEP BEEPTT-L#2: " Alright fella, on the ground. How come you're covered in blood? And is that-- Shotgun! He has a shotgun!! Who the fuck are you-- wait a minute I know that face. I know that face! You killed -- Holy shit! It's YOU! Black Ocean, Black Ocean! This is TT-Two Sublead Williamsby, I've got eyes on Smon fucking Mick!! We're taking him into custod-- CAR ! CAR!! CLEAR THE ROAD "
>>6176210>Turn the AR System to a very Horror halloween vibe. Make it scary and turn the overhaul Nightclub into a jumpscare nightmare. Luminosity way down and slippery floor to the max feat blood colors. Make them Panic: Manipulate 3+Origami Folding 2 to make it VERY spooky and convincing>Try to plot a course through the Sewers that gets us closer to a place we can get picked up like a [Subway station] or maybe at the estimated hospital they are taking Mox. Liren should have forwarded a tunnel map if we found one but there are usually some symbology we can follow in tunnels and maybe if lucky lose any pursuit. (Prof 3+Intel Analysis 1)>After which, we need a vehicle if we have not arrived at destinationLingering Notes:>-YES ACKUALLY- Need a change of non smelly clothes and some deodorant. Probably can be found in the staff changing room- A back pack to carry all my weapons and such. I don't want to freak out people at where we exit.- I need to ID and examine the body of the person Mox was meeting. Maybe he had something that will help in the future or a contingency amount of intel on him or hints about whats going on. Recording, address, diary. Blah Blah- Ask the Hong8 if they know how Slim Grace in Morning is doing? And that they should act natural when the security guys enter. If they could slow them down a bit more though it would be great.
TT-L#2: "Black Ocean, we've got a Firebird Special heading west on the road, I want a full drone system in the air and I want it tracked!"
Well, Agent Thorn, it sounds like they're a little busy back there. >>6176247Ah, the Kitchen Staff. Good thinking, Lead Agent Graphite. I'll patch a line through and ask nicely for them to play ball. I doubt they'll want TideTeam to snoop around too much. That dead man, though. We've been a little occupied, but you have a point. According to what I have, she was meeting with a research director. Biopharmacology, somewhere. We'll have to look around to see who's recently acted up or if anyone's gone missing now we have confirmed status. It relates to Dr. Despango's research, so it might be the missing link. We've got a line on most everything else but we still don't entirely know who was funding his off-the-books experiments. I'm willing to bet these things relate to each other.
>>6176210>Let the Nodularity delivery know that they were too late, and ask them to offer their delicious delivery with the hard working Black Ties, compliments of ARC (and my wallet) for helping to keep the peace in our fair city. This should distract them and maybe we'll get some loyal customers to help stock shares. (Manipulate 2 + )>Try to toss the Cherry Blossoms up on the roof or something so that they don't get pinched. >Loot one of the crates, just for fun. Anything is fine. Even just taking the top to act as a shield would work. Alternatively, I have been led to believe that Agent 74 has a weakness for carrots or something like that. (Proficiency 5 + Jury Rig 2, Multitool 2 from Kit)>Charge forwards into the darkness on point, as a bouncer in relatively heavy armor. Weild my Staff and maybe Shield as I brave the unknown to fight dragons (zmey) or impotent old men (Koschei) and rescue young women in distress. Maybe Agent 74 just needs a little blue pill on the down low?
Rolled 1, 1, 6, 3, 2, 4, 8, 2, 2, 10, 10, 10, 9, 5, 5 = 78 (15d10)Manipulate 2 + Droneops 1Proficiency 5 + tables & chairs, 5 diceProficiency 5 + Jury Rig 2, Multitool 2, 7 dice
Rolled 2, 6, 5, 6, 3, 2 = 24 (6d10)>>6176210#Janitor DragonLimit 12*AliveStress Testing 0.213 Credits–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1!Scrounging 1!Advanced Piloting 2–#Skill Recorder 1 [Janitorial Duties 2]#Sophonic Integration Routines 3^--H1: Mop (Adjusted)H2:B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear [CRADLE-NEXUS 2, Shield-R 2]–Inv: C7 Mod. Pistol [21] | C7 Service Pistol [18] | 2xReloads [18x2] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Actual Pilot's License | Set of Vehicle Keys | Mop (Adjusted) >1AL, before leaving, make sure to retrieve my other C7 and service knife from janitorial cart- maybe some of the various cleaning liquids too!>3AL, there should be water & plumbing systems to the bar here right? at the hardware access point? valves, pumps and pipes leading to the sewers? mess with them. flood the club. hygiene emergency extraordinary. (Process2+JanitorialDuties2)>3AP, rig loose cables to electrify the floor, and soon enough the flooded club. (Process2) >1AP, Nogard, start eating away at any firewalls and access-locks we come across.>1AP, Grab a crate to block behind the access-hatch as everyone leaves.
Rolled 7, 5, 10, 9, 2, 2, 9, 6 = 50 (8d10)>>6176210#Monarch, Field Agent Grade 2Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall] [1 Strain]7 Credits*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 2!Persuasion 1!DroneOps 2!Jury Rigging 1–H1 - H2 - B: Agent Suit (Anti Stab Vest)H: Techset Headwear+Shades [RID Interface 2]–!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1!4C Profiler [Insight 2]!4C [HazeOrb RID] 2–Inv: 2 C7 Service Pistols I 2x C7 Standard Reloads [18x2] | x4 C7 Special Reloads [2IF, 2NERF] [18x4] | Vertitas Multi | 32x Veritas Shells [SLAP] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Smokes |Drones: [2 SkimmerDrones 2 Roto HazeOrb, 1 P-Series AARID (Matrix)]–"Liren, the CC bot is a husk, you can take remote control at any time you want. I have its matrix package.">3 AL: Help Dragon create a barricade to the basement with crates. [Support 2]>1 AL: Shut down drones for now, keep them safely in a jacket pocket. Extra sigs would be a bad idea right now.>1 AL: Crush cigarette, put ashes in pocket, don't want forensic evidence tying back to me.>1 AL: Tune in to ARstreamer livestream, stay as an anon. Keep tabs on Mox that way.>3 AL: See if I can't pull up a map of the local tunnels from that access point. [Process 4, Mesh Ops 2]
Rolled 2, 9, 5, 8, 1, 9, 8 = 42 (7d10)>>6176210>AL 3: Take a closer look at the car keys are there any excess buttons or functionalities. (Sense 2 + Crash Synchronicity 1)>AL 3:Borrow some cleaning supplies from our janitor man and 'Clean' the stairs a bit. AKA lubricate the stairs for a nice surprise. (Support 3 + Improvisational improbabilities 1)>AL 3: Start heading in with our bouncer#Agent BnnyyLimit 12*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 3 I Process 2 I Instinct 3Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1!Crash Synchronicity 1!Improvisational improbabilities 1–BioAugmentic Genesplice#Strenght 1 | Agility 1 | Mobility 1 | Regen 1#Trait--H1H2B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear [Memeplex 2, Sensor 2]–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Collapsible Baton
>>6176149>The Overflow from being hit by a lot of pain *at once* makes the injury automatic,That was me tapping my Armor to reduce incoming Pain. Or did you take Armor into account this time?>>6176210>See if Mick has carried off his jammed 4C rifle - if not, grab it, the ammo to it and the rest of his duffel bag>Assure Foldworth that he acted in self-defense, remind him that he was being confronted with a crowd of hooligans armed with lethal weapons and shouting "get him">Cover the entrance to the basement with some of those crates
Rolled 3, 10, 8, 2, 4, 8, 10, 2, 9, 9, 6, 6, 10, 9 = 96 (14d10)>>6176210>3 AL: Set up a viral that is focused on overloading Tide Team's sensors with junk data simulating a hostile attack pattern, superimposing 'ghost' agents all around the club to slow and confuse them and upload it to their tacnet. [Process 3, Mesh Ops 2, CRADLE-NEXUS +2].>3 AL: Once we're down in the sewers, use my augmented interface to combine provided tunnel maps with real-time sensor data. Note heat signatures or movements on infrared to avoid ambushes or surveillance drones. [Process 3, MeshOps 2, MultiSpec +3].>3 AL: Give the rest of the agents a pep talk to pump them up and ease nerves. 'If we managed to fight off that hitman we can do anything!' [Manipulate 3, Persuasion 1]
Rolled 5, 3, 8, 3, 5, 10, 3, 9, 8, 1, 3, 6, 7, 10, 1, 1, 1, 10, 4, 10, 2 = 110 (21d10)>>6176149>That's how they work, yes.So with Speed 1 you only ever roll a single d10 without committing further AL (which you might as well just use to move normally anyway). Guess it really starts paying off once you have a Secret that can be used for movement.>>6176210>Plug a datatap into the (intact) MeshOps station at the bar before leaving. Oh and maybe I can find my Veritas? I...kinda lost track of it for a bit there ;_;>Assuming I can splice from the agents around me, that'd be 12 Splice dice (let's not go over the firewall limit). Disregard completely or subtract as many dice as you wish if this is incorrect or inappropriate at the moment.>Suborn and bypass any security blocking our escape through the sewers, simultaneously pinging other systems to throw any pursuers off from our eventual destination. (Process5+MeshOps4(+12Splice?), 21 dice)
Rolled 3, 3, 5, 8, 1 = 20 (5d10)>>6176210Careful there, Bnnyy. Greasing up stairs is one step removed from hurling imaginary bananas. It's a slippery slope down to clown world.>Help navigate these tunnels by gut instinct and vibes (Instinct 1 + Improv Improb 4)
Rolled 5, 10, 2, 7, 6, 1 = 31 (6d10)>>6176210>Bypass standing security features and blockades (Proficiency 4 + Acrobatics 2)
Rolled 8, 7, 6, 7, 7, 6, 5, 2, 4, 10, 4, 10, 4, 9 = 89 (14d10)>>6176210>3AL: Send one of my flitdrones ahead to scout. (Support 4 + Support Operations 1)>3AL: Snag my first aid kit back from flitdrone and patch Butterfly up. (Support 4 + First Aid 2)>3AL: Leave a flitdrone behind, detonate it with a flashbang if I see anyone following us. (React 2 + Support Operations 1)
>>6176210>Help Graphite by moving furniture around in the nightclub to the optimal positions to cause the SWAT teams to stumble and get stuck while they're confused by the AR he crafted. (Manipulate 4, Origami Folding 2)>I have seen the patterns of the cosmos. That and my experience gained in my long service to Mr. Nighsoar will surely help us sense and avoid obstacles in the dark. (Sense 2, Pattern Recognition?)What did you say, Liren? There was a mass breakout at Barkham asylum and Lemureman is busy rounding up the escaped villains? We must hurry, this is all part of the Harlequin's vile plan!
>>6176488Yeeeeeesss... That's exactly what I said, Foldworth.And the whole city is relying on you. On. On us. >>6176453It's pretty easy to find, Agent Octant - Bnnyy has it. >>6176334Quite a few, though mostly it seems to .. play music? Hey! Hey Agent Bnnyy, hit that !>>6176285Do we have to, Agent? Manager Scosmin is going to-- oh, you already turned it on. Aaaand there goes the repair bill, inching up up up. Eeeeshh.>>6176261It's actually just a lot of bottles of nice wine and other delicious alcoholic beverages and quite a few non-alcoholic lemonades and energy type things. Pretty good, TS Devonshire!
==Field Phase Partial End==AGENTS DEPLOYED:13AGENT CASUALTIES1, 7% [!!]AGENTS MIA0OPFOR KIA0 (0%)>ExcellentOPFOR WIA0 (0%)>ExcellentCIVIIANS KIA0% [!!!]UNAFFILIATED FACTIONAL MEMBERS KIA2, [!!!]UNAFFILIATED FACTIONAL MEMBERS WIA12, [!!!]==Collateral Damage==Extensive flooding, damage, burns, destruction of local systems, over-use of dispenser foam.==Comic Book Inspired Events==1 ==Extropian Phyles Interacted With==Too Many==Performances Interrupted==1==Top Social Metrics==16.7 Million concurrent viewers, ARtubers==Biohazard Events Avoided==1 [!!!]=Selfies Appeared In==498==Final Obsidian Tide Rating==0%, you ruined the place going outWhy would you do that?You were explicitly instructed not to do that, Agents!!!!==Tips and Donations Collected==157 credits! [!!!]==Tips And Donations Left Over After Paying For the Refurbishment of the Obsidian Tide, Which You Ruined, Going Out Of it, Despite Having Been Instructed Specifically To Preserve The Chill Vibes?==1.==FINAL ASSESSMENT==WHY WOULD YOU FLOOD THE ENTIRE NIGHTCLUB, AGENTS? MANAGER SCOSMIN IS CRYING ON THE PHONE RIGHT NOW, AGENTSYOU RUINED HIS ENTIRE NIGHT CLUBWHY - Liren
>>6176650Manager Scosmin is getting ripped off by his handy-man, I know a guy who knows a guy whose brother knows a girl who is married to a guy who'd fix everything up for a fraction of the credits.
>>6176651Send their contact info over, he sounds like he really needs it
>>6176650Ah tell him to shove it! It's not our fault that Black Ocean misread Thorn's completely reasonable escalation of force.
>>6176652Please tell Mr. Scosmin not to cry. I shall speak to Mr. Nightsoar about this, it would be barely an inconvenience for him to fund the repairs.
>>6176652Sure Liren, but I'm being told he might be too backed up with work related to... a market downtown? Completely unrelated to the one we were operating in... I'm sure.
Final Payoutfor this deployment, settled into your accounts, amounts to 1 Credit.--I'm tracking some developments with the Parallel Parchment team and elsewhere. As you extract, I'll forward the information to your feeds. Healthcare AdjustmentTrauma remains, as we do not have the neccessary down-time to alleviate it fully.Reduce all Strain by your Resist, it does not Zero Out.-->>6176656Thank you Agent... Foldsworth... ! I'm sure he'll be, err, delighted. >>6176655I know, I know, but flooding the entire night-club does sort of bring down the property value rather extensively. He wasn't even mad about the grenades or the bullet holes or the foam, its more the re-mapping the entire AR system and getting new carpets! --
>>6176660#Monarch, Field Agent Grade 3Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall] [1 Strain]3 Credits*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2+1 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 2!Persuasion 1!DroneOps 2+1!Jury Rigging 1–H1 -H2 -B: Agent Suit (Anti Stab Vest)H: Techset Headwear+Shades [RID Interface 2] [CrowdControl 33 Matrix]–!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1!4C Profiler [Insight 2]!4C [HazeOrb RID] 2–Inv: 2 C7 Service Pistols I 2x C7 Standard Reloads [18x2] | x4 C7 Special Reloads [2IF, 2NERF] [18x4] | Vertitas Multi | 32x Veritas Shells [SLAP] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Smokes |Drones: [2 SkimmerDrones 2 Roto HazeOrb, 1 P-Series AARID (Matrix)]–Attuned and connected to a dormant, possibly sapient revolutionary spirit inside of CrowdControl 33, I have it's matrix extracted as the bot itself is being used as a distraction to help us escape. I believe this should up my attunement.Mainly operated using Drones this session, including help de-escalate a serious crisis concerning a rogue Viper with a 4C nano-filament rifle. This should up my DroneOpsI think after this massive gaffe, thanks to certain members of the team, this group needs a mission where heavy equipment is banned. We need to learn proper procedure for low-fatality environments. In addition, the corporation needs to save face, some aggressive marketing and branding by the ARC (or whoever it is that's in charge of us, I've lost track and would like a company pamphlet to read about our corp) would help out as well.>tldr: Monarch wants +Branding Lvl and some info on who he's working for. He's an inquisitive type.
Agents, while you're hustling out through the sewers line, grabbing a local public transport bus pass to the metro and getting some clean clothes from a vendo-mat, I'm multi-tasking on a few emergent... problems!We've got twoescalating situations, and I've dispatched additional ARC personnel to both hot-zones.Ink's operation at El-Tukono university has gone off the rails as Mr. Evans deployed a crash-team of Crane Commandoes to kidnap the grad student associated with Dr. Despango but ran into a Chironan Corporate Commando Company and the two shot it out over the laws of the dormitory. Using a baseball, a car, some lucky driving and Agent Holiday's insight into the local urban sprawls, ARC Team #2 'Parchment' is currently on the lam in a local urban sprawl zone, trying to get the grad student to safety while being chased by significant hostile numbers.Meanwhile, the limo courier service that has delivered Mox Mimicry, a gaggle of ARstreamers and some energy commodities traders to local hospital has hit a snag because a it looks like a hit team of various criminal elements - and QUITE A LOT - of Steel Vipers have closed in on the hospital. Metroplex is keeping up a cordon and trying to dispatch a tactical team to contain the situation, but the attackers have already managed to breach the building and the internal security detail is down to a few on-duty guards, one Stonedog Sentry and nothing else! People are in danger! A massive contract just hit the open market on Mox's demise, and gunrunners and luckseekers are flooding in. You'd think the live ARstreaming would deter them but it's only making them bolder because now they get fame AND money! It's clear theat because Singularity Cloud's finest operatives and their Red Crane goons are occupied chasing down the grad student and Parchment Team, so Mr. Nakaramura has had to improvise to plug his leak, now that we've so successfully interrupted his careful plans elsewhere. He's thrown caution to the wind.We're routing in emergency personnel and responders to both sites, but you're the closest active field team, so I'll route you to the hot zone and we can concentrate on deploying assets slower to mobilize to assets any area you cannot reach.>!!>Rapid Crash Mission!
>>6176669Voting for Mox. No, I'm not jealous dragon and graphite were on stream.
Rolled 2 (1d10)>>6176660>>6176669Command, I've learned the limits of this frail human body and my luck. Augments make the man, and the improbable is liable to kill you. I'm starting to think that those Extropian fellows had the right idea, what with the one tearing that guy's arm off - hell, that could have been my arm! Anyways, I can't promise I'll do better but I can promise to try.We should probably focus on our Signal Ops, specifically our system security. That dancing ghost was quite a distracting affair, y'know?>Healthcare 1 Trauma die. I can't fix it, but I can ponder the weakness of the flesh>Up my Resist, I'll likely end up in another mosh pit>Up my Improv Improbable, hopefully it won't cause another mosh pit>Save Mox#Agent SundayLimit 6*AliveTrauma 1–Alacrity 9 Respond 0 Speed 1–Attune 1 I Sense 1 I Support 1 I Process 1Manipulate 1 I Proficiency 2 I React 1 I Resist 1 -> 2Instinct 1–!Close Quarters 1!Ballistics 1!First Aid 2!Persuasion 1!Improvisation Improbabilities 4 -> 5–#Strainless#Fragile, #Bleeder, #Vitals Weakness, #Low Pain Tolerance--H1H2B: Agent (Half) Suit (Spiffy!)H:–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit
Rolled 3, 10, 1, 7 = 21 (4d10)>>6176660>Reduce Strain by 2>Roll Injury>Increase Proficiency to 5>Increase Ballistics to 4Next time I won't miss>FeedbackARC SignalOps needs a serious review, both in hardware, software, processes and operator skill. We have encountered two successful hostile mesh intrusions and two cases of failure to penetrate AR masking.>Intel DebriefSmon Mick has not only recovered his gun, he also stole mine. I can't consider this mission anything but an abysmal failure.I propose to consider the risk of encountering Mick at any point a valid reason to issue heavy weapons and armor.Additionally, since failing to terminate his target puts Mick's reputation at risk, I suspect he will show up at the hospital>>6176669I consider it necessary to deploy to the hospital to protect Lu- I mean, Mox.
>>6176680#Agent Mammoth, FG 2Limit 12 | Stress Testing 2.1 | 18 credits*Alive *Strain 2–Alacrity 9 Respond 1[Avoid+2] Speed 1–Attune 2 | Sense 2 | Support 2 | Process 2Manipulate 2 | Proficiency 5 | React 3+1| Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 4!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 2!Persuasion 1!Jury-Rigging 1!Acrobatics 1–#4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger/body into simple tool for 1AP, currently +1 Armor#UNCC [Deep Morphology Variability 1] - allocate +1 to Intent/Speed/Respond with 1 AL and roll, currently +1 React#UNCC: [Augment Threat Matrix 2] - degrade cover, analyse sensor info#FEYWILD Exposure 1#Well Rested–H1:H2: B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) | Antistab vest 4H: Techset Headwear (Sensor 2, Shield-R-2), filtering mask–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [NERF] | 2x NERF Reloads [24] | 2x IFR reloads [12] | Veritas Shotgun [SLAP] | 16x JOLT shells | 10x SLAP shells | 16x HiExEx shells | Service Knife | Collapsible Baton | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | chem gear
>>6176680Well, yes, Agent Mammoth, I'm not expecting you to crash-rescue a live danger scenario with duct-tape and hope, Agent! We've got drones on the way and I'm trying to organise a van to meet you halfway to where you choose to go so we can get you some crash gear.
>>6176660> +1 to Process, operating my needler implants under taxing environmental circumstances (avoiding civilian collateral damage and acting fast, at the same time) has forced me to come up with more efficient ways to route processing power during trajectory calculations.> +1 to Persuasion, mingling with the fans, kitchen staff and security guards (sometimes not successfuly) has helped me figure out better ways to press people's buttons.> +1 Vote to Mox-rescue. Saving a journalist's life two times in one night might be the only way to salvage our public image at this point.#Agent ThornLimit 12 | Stress Testing 0.4 | 2 credits*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 3 I Process 4Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 1 I Resist 2 I Override 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 3!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 2!Persuasion 2!Jury-Rigging 1!Support Operations 1–H1H2B: Agent Suit | Q-Thread Ballistic Vest [DR=2, Cover 1, Statelock 3].H: Techset Headwear [MultiSpec 3, CRADLE-NEXUS 2]–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Veritas Multi | 1 JOLT Reload | 1 SLAP Reload | 1x CC-Maid | Service Knife I Collapsible Baton | Aid Kit I Tactical Kit–Implants:Hong8 [Needler Swarm 2-9].4C [Systemic Injection Vector 2].
>>6176635>>6176650At least the place is finally clean!All the waterlogged chairs, tables and wet carpets is uh... an afterthought- oh yeah and all the damaged electrical equipment. Also why is Mr. Scosmin talking to us, I thought we got branded as terrorists or criminals.
>>6176697Agent, you were live on a sixteen million viewer AR stream rescuing some random person (really Mox, but it was filtered) life and trying very hard to keep everyone else alive. What part of that makes you look like a criminal?Yes, Black Ocean reasonably assumes that giving automatics to criminal elements and starting fire-fights in bars constitute some kind of criminal activity. And yes, blowing someone up with micro-missiles makes it a little hard to argue we weren't heavily armed. But that guy was shooting other people and being a danger! And you can be quite certain Laez and her Razorgirls, for instance, who was literally rescued at the point of a shotgun from a mega-fan going a little too clingy don't particularly share the opinion that you're any kind of terrorist. She's on the record sayin that we're some kind of heroes.You're just accidentally assuming one thing is always either A or B. People have different opinions and different new sources, Agent, and form different long-term beliefs depending on sort of exposure they have.Agent Thorn rescued a Black Tide security officers life after he was stabbed. So, his command staff tells him to arrest Thorn but do you think he believes agent Thorn is a criminal? Seems unlikely.And Mr. Scosmis reasonably contacted us about the state of his business because he was seeing on the news that things were going down. I gave him my emergency number to call in case anything came up.
>>6176701Yeah, they kinda drool, don't they.
>>6176660>>6176669>Screening... uh... nothing? >React +1I'm kind of proud of that batting arm. It was a pretty good bat, right?>FeedbackI would've really liked the APEP, it makes me safe and comfortable but I guess it's only reasonable to expect not to deploy with such a heavy suit. Is there anyway to mask or hide a firearm from modern sensors through say a suitcase? like a suitcase SMG or something? >Janitorial Duties +1I did more cleaning than I wanted to this mission. I am horrified. >Credits +1 >Health Insurance AdjustmentGuess we're saving Mox... again. I hate being a janitor damn it. I'm so tired and angry. I hate everything.
>>6176726Wait... new cursed weapon idea just dropped... what if bastardize a Chrini Adganced PDW, stuff it into a suitcase with AR masking properties and mesh shielding... Strip out the covers and frames... Integrate it into a hidden compartment... the case becomes the gun... and shave off any part thats excess... barrel length? snubbed. magazine? feed tube...
>>6176731Heat dispersion?
Rolled 4, 2 = 6 (2d10)>>61766601 measly credit? Really? Guess I shouldn't complain, we did shit the bed a bit. >1 Strain reduced to 0 by Resist 2. >Psych Screening, 2d10. Checking out some of the Vtubers from the club to relax. Nothing kills stress like high pitched anime voices. >+1 Support Still focusing on taking a backseat and helping my fellow agents out. >+1 Persuasion Did a lot of sweet talking this mission, feel like I'm improving at getting in people's good graces. On that subject though, any idea who those two I was talking to were? They were... scary. And Liren, do you think I've done enough work with drones to earn the DroneOps secret? These flitdrones are addicting, love sitting back and letting them do all the work for me. #Agent CheddarLimit 12*AliveStress Testing 0.2–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 4 I Sense 2 I Support 5 I Process 2Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Insight 3!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 2!Persuasion 2!Support Operations 1!Intelligence Analysis 1-Trait:4C: [ScanCloud RID] 34C: [HazeOrb RID]2–H1H2B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear [Memeplex 2][AR Spook 2]–Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Turkey Sandwich | Smokes | 30 Credits
>>6176650>-2 Strain >Attune +1: Success fully infiltrated poker table ran towards gun and almost stayed cool the entire mission.>Crash Synchronicity +1: Managed to abuse the chances fate gave me. Luck keeps on smiling to me. Even if my car is still in parking lot and oh god they are sure to tow it away and i'll need to claim it back and....>Taser seemed to work nicely i guess that's all. >>6176669>Thesis Defense Sounds less scary and dangerous#Agent BnnyyLimit 12*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 3 I Process 2 I Instinct 3Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 1!Crash Synchronicity 1!Improvisational improbabilities 1–BioAugmentic Genesplice#Strenght 1 | Agility 1 | Mobility 1 | Regen 1#Trait--H1H2B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear [Memeplex 2, Sensor 2]–Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Collapsible Baton
>>6176660Psych Screening: Strain 3Proficiency 5 6. I hit someone with a table so hard it became a meme.Big Stick is a powerful weapon. Big strength is like doubling your weapon's value. The Emporer's lightning hands seem spooky. The Ghost in the Machine loves Latin, so if you want to ask her for tips on modern ciphers and systems of evolution such as the one she went through to Become, maybe start out with a little Latin joke? “Quid dicunt legionarii de hominibus qui tormenta ex turribus vitreis iaculatus? Sunt ingens lapides.” Not sure if she'd get it, but maybe she'd appreciate the call to wit or the humor of the absurdist pun? >Close Quarters 2 ->3. I hit small baby mans with table very hards. Ahem.
Rolled 4, 1, 9 = 14 (3d10)>>6176791
Rolled 7, 4, 10, 3, 7 = 31 (5d10)>>6176660>Med Care: Psych Screening try to remain cool headed after the debacle of this mission is currently finding itself on. Strain is 5>Strain reduces from 5 to 3 since Resist is 2>Intention: Manipulate +1 for 4. The reason is because Talk no Jutsu is the only thing that has so far kept me not injured physically.>I'm just diasapointed. So I'd like to just say this right now. I am 1st in line to get the best lawyer ARC and the union can get.-Smon Mick is still running around-Nakamura is fucking losing it. -Who owns Black Tide now? -The cybersecurity is not up to speed and needs to be a fixed issue>Secret to level up: Origami Folding +1 to 3. I was both inspired and disgusted by what Agent Fold achieved with the person and I don't want to achieve such a problem>>6176669>Propose Thesis Defense Team reroutes to the Hospital and we try to figure this out together. Despite calling it a "Rapid Crash Mission" this will take all night and monkeys being appart has been a toughy. We need as many hands on deck to control the chaos in our favour.Look I know this looks bad. But realize that in the end it has to be this way. #Agent Graphite, FG3Limit 12*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1 Believable 1–Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2Manipulate 4 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2–!Close Quarters 2!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 2!Origami Folding 3!Intelligence Analysis 1–#NanoTransen Projection Emitters (Intent+Secret to project hologram)#Overclocked Resonators 4 (+Intent to magnet/electric output. Flat effect lvl)--H1: Baseball Bat (Blunt 2, 9+ Stun)H2B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)H: Techset Headwear w/Shades [Suite 2=Shield-R 2=Sensor 2]–Inv: Double C7 Service Pistols [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Collapsible Baton I Veritas Multi I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit I 16x JOLT Shells I 24x SLAP Shells
>>6176808"Same guy owns the place, he's just got a lot of shit that needs replacing now, I guess. I'm with you though, christ some people really need to learn some restraint."
>>6176808 You... want us to lead the -- hm. Holiday, take a left - take a left! I'm punching in a new route! ETA THIRTY THREE MINUTES, Graphite! Get ready!
>>6176741They are wonderful little critters, aren't they? And so adorable too. You've used them a lot, Agent, so the answer is definitively yes. >>6176808The Obsidian Tide is owned by Scosmin, that's why he's the manager. But Black Ocean Control - who provided the security - is a private contractor which is think partially co-owned by a European defense conglomerate. Might explain their corporate culture.
Rolled 2, 10, 3, 8, 3, 9, 6 = 41 (7d10)>>6176660>+1 Credit>Psych Screening (7 Stress)>Resist +1 (2 -> 3)I took a battering and used this experience to better learn to resist taking damage.>Outstanding Comments / Intelligence DebriefWe were woefully under-equipped to deal with the crowds of thugs and the assassin sent after Mox, and an agent's life was even lost. Equipment was requested that would have greatly helped deal with both of these threats, but it was denied. Quartermaster and his supervisor should consider distribution of proper equipment to the field agents they are responsible for. Failure to adequately equip your field agents, as is your job, is liable to result in the following non-exhaustive list of undesirable consequences:- Agent injury- Agent death- Failure to achieve operational objectives- Agent desertions- Agent withdrawals from the company- Complaints to senior management from aggrieved Agents- Reductions in Agent morale- Poor workplace reviews- Difficulty hiring new staff- Formation and utilization of aggressive collective bargaining- Falling company stock prices- Turbulent grain futures- Slanderous messages regarding the Quartermaster, TS Liren, or others involved in the requisition process included in donation messages to certain popular AR streamers- Failure to achieve strategic objectives- Reduction in team-wide cohesion- Loss in operational securityNo one involved wants any of these consequences. Hopefully those involved in the requisition process do better next time so these unpleasant outcomes can be avoided.>Persuasion +1 (3 -> 4)Extensive socialization within the club results in expected growth in ability to persuade others.#Agent ButterflyLimit 12*Alive–Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1–Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 1 I Process 2Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 4 I React 3 I Resist 3–!Close Quarters 3!Ballistics 2!First Aid 2!Mesh Ops 1!Persuasion 4!Acrobatics 2–H1H2B: Agent Suit (AntiStab Vests 4+) I Graphite's 'Conversation Starters'H: Techwear Headset W/ Shades–Inv: C7 Service (Int. Suppressors 2, Faulty 1) (x2) I Veritas Multi I Service Knife I Agent Aid Kit (Biomonitor 2) I Grilled Cheese Sandwich I Agent Tactical Kit I Collapsible BatonSC Gland Augmentics [Adreno++]Test Attune+Respond to flood your system with tailored hormones, aiding performance for specific tasks.Further, enormously overclocked nor-adrenaline response lets you treat 1/3rd of on-going Injury as +Alacrity. If you have Shock, you ignore penalties and you can spend the Shock as additional Dice. This is pretty injurious.UNCC: [Deep Morphology Variability] rank 2#Probability Shunt 1 [ResPet]#Dynamic Accent [CAI, *Switch]
>>6176826. . . Actually collective bargaining doesn't sound like a bad outcome. You know you're allowed union representation, r-right, Agent?
>>6176835Oh, not for most of us, no, I suppose it isn't. Though perhaps your direct supervisor might not be so pleased when he reads the report on why this union formed in the first place, or do you think upper management enjoys it when their workers seek to unilaterally increase their compensation?
>>6176836I'm not in the business of keeping Director Werenhoff happy, Agent. You can ruin his day as much as you like as far as I'm concerned. Though, of course, I will posit that if you intend to submit a report or a call for alteration in deployment practices, you should probably settle on whether it's because you want to be paid more or if it's because you need certain equipment to do your job. One of those, errr, isn't... quite like the other.
>>6176839I'm just saying that failure to adequately equip agents may, among sundry other consequences, result in said agents demanding drastically increased compensation for what is effectively much more dangerous work than advertised. If you truly are not moved by the notion of being on the business end of Director Werenhoff's displeasure, then all the better for you, but it doesn't bode well for your job security.
>>6176808You do realize that having the Thesis Defense Team reroute to the hospital means every Red Crane pursuing them, AND Evans, will be rerouted too? The Thesis Defense Team is fleeing because it can't effectively overcome this opposition, so bringing them to the hospital will only make the situation worse.
>>6176870Yes, that is a correct assessment, Agent Mammoth - Agent Ink, Holiday and Tatiana with our grad student in tow is heading towards the incident zone right now and on their tail is an entire platoon of Crane Commandoes and what I am getting the - disjointed impression - is a mobilized mechanized Chironan Biomechanical Operatives group.But on the bright side, they managed to stop for snacks.
Paging Dr. White--Agents, while you're making your way to proper transportation, we'll need to settle on your approach. I've worked up an assessment of three viable pathways. We've repaired the VTOL and you can use it to effectuate entrance closer to Team #2, already on site. But it is pretty noticable. Alternatively, we go in car-wise and find a path on foot through the Metroplex Perimeter and the grounds proper. You have more stealth capability, but it will be a lot slower. Agent Kang says holding on is no trouble and Agent Roma is a born optimist. I trust them when they say they aren't in dire straits yet.The situation groundside is confused. I have confirmed that the Steel Vipers and a lot of other local small-timers and fortuneseekers are hitting the hospital zone. But I've also gotten multiple reports of White Moon paramilitants on site. Those guys are bad news, all kitted out in surplus military kit and with an ideolological will to commit kinetic action if it furthers their goals. My suspecions is that Mr. Nakamura, growing desperate and lacking the assets himself, has reached out through back-channels to get them involved and promised them some major payday or support. Hitting a hospital isn't exactly new tricks for these guys, so Metroplex is treating the whole thing as another White Moon separatist incident. That also also means they're holding off for now, instead of moving in, focused on securing the grounds and affecting a gradual phased evacuation of any civilians. That's obviously impressive regulations and they're competent enough to do so, but it places Mox and the ARstreamers at some severe danger because we know that they're the real target of this operation no matter what the White Moon memetic specialists are currently filling the air-wave with.So get settled, grab some coffee and plot a route. We'll have to play this by ear a little, but I think we can get it done.>Pick an insertion vector, simply tallying total votes.
>>6176873We're preparing a crashkit and getting some tools ready, but other than that, we'll have to make do with what we can fit in the transport. I've got some cases of equipment loaded, so get yourselves sorted out, Agents.Crashkit is usually1x Primary - Broadsword, Chirni or the VeritasYou can pick your armour, and yes, given the fancy work we put into the AR cloaks they do pair with the armor plating but do be aware that it's a bulky combination.The sword and the Skimdrones come standard.And since this is a constrained environment I dug some ballistics shields out of storage, but again, mind that they are sort of bulky.
I'd offer you some Factors, as we employed when protecting client VERDANT GREEN, but it seems Agent Cheddar's... flirtation (???) with the Extropians have had some unscheduled effects with Nanotic Core Systems. You might noticed you hit a little harder than expected in some instances, tonight? The Extropians turned the constraints on the nanotic systems off, so your ARC core implant systems have been running red hot most of the evening. I gather she did it as a kind of joke, but the consequences have been a little marked - though at least beneficial, for the most part. Without some lab time to find out precisely what she did we can't risk turning it off, but you should be aware that the systems are straining in novel ways and if you push them too far we might get unexpected results. I think that's part of their game? They've set up a subtle psychological pressure here - odds are the systems will act out of bounds of our projections if we push them but until we do, they're... well... Finetuned is an understatement, I suppose. It's been like that for hours and it's not showing any signs of wearing off so, I think we'll just accept the curious little pact-gift and hope ther are no strange consequences. As a reminder:>Lethality Factor 1 turns on criticals in close quarters and adds an automatic +1 to all close quarter and lethal operations>Resilience Factor 1 gives you innate armor and that many automatic hits when Resisting>Critical Factor is a new one, but it seems the Extropians adjusted the precise gearing for the output of your systems? Multiple 10s on the same roll tend to result in higher grade critical outcomes.
>>6176873TS, even if we don't take the VTOL insertion, can we rely on VTOL extraction?Also, today's been a long day. I hope you've been doing okay TS. That is the only nice thing I will say before I get inexplicably more irrational, emotional and angry later in the mission. I am so tired and angry.>Side Entrances (I think we need some speed and stealth right) I would've gone direct insertion by VTOL- I love flying! but I think everyone has PTSD with the VTOL
>>6176873I question why is stealth even a consideration. If we want the opposition to back off, they need to know we're there and fear.Also, the VTOL has guns and missiles.>>6176875Do we keep the shotguns from the bar mission, with their improved ergonomics and special ammo?
>>6176875Also do we get grenades, C7s, knives and the rest of the standard kit?
Rolled 6, 8, 5, 1, 10, 4, 8, 9, 2, 4, 5, 4, 2 = 68 (13d10)>>6176660>+1 Credit (total 9 Credits)Do I still roll Strain despite it not zeroing out? Discard the extra dice if not.>Stress3+9Strain (12 dice)>+1 Sense, 2-->3I did spend a lot of time searching for various meshtraces and such.>+1 MeshOps, 4-->5Yep. Sitting in one room for most of the deployment and going taptaptaptaptap will do that to you.>FeedbackI'd like to note that our shotguns did more damage to us than to the opposition. I would like this fact to be considered when requests for heavier equipment are lodged. Also, with *two* intrusions into our tacnet, both coming as a result of an agent's disregard for cybersecurity, I think it would be prudent for the TS to have the ability to isolate a particular tacnet node, be it due to it being compromised or acting against the best interests of the team.Oh, also, did our Field Grade increase? I know we haven't the time to slot in any new implants right now, but we surely will at some point, yes?>>6176873>VTOLImagine having a VTOL and not using it. Couldn't be me.>>6176875TS CAMOT II is NOT a "scavenger-shroud of polyplastic with a lot of AR masks overlaid"! It's a well-made, intricately designed (and quite obsolete) piece of military-grade equipment. Get it right, TS!Jokes aside, did the camocloak purchase result in us upgrading the shitty makeshift AR cloaks we had in the Red Market mission to not have Glitchy 2 anymore? Also, what's the difference (mechanically) between Environmental and Adaptive?
>>6176910… Are you suggesting you want to use those guns and missiles?On targets?inside a hospital????Well thank THE STARS we haven’t reloaded the munitions complement of the VTOL!Good grand lords, Agent, Agent Buttterfly insisting not issuing fragmentation grenades is a hostile work environment is one thing but you’re THIS CLOSE to suggesting we should be AIR STRIKING HOSPITALS. No. No! NononononononoNO! Absolutely NOT. That is so far beyond our remit and permit classification it’s entering abstracted spaces! The VTOL is for insertion only! It doesn’t even have air support capabilities! No close air support gunruns! >>6176910>>6176911Agent you have those things on you right now, so unless you leave them as you go in, which you might, then you can feasibly simply keep the kit. Though you’d usually restock ammo and bandages and grenades and tools and suchwhat.Put differently a C7, a knife, your tactical kit, adaquate support equipment, so on is standard. I simply didn’t list them as additional because they aren’t additional, you’d fundamentally never deploy without them. I absolutely know what you’re thinking now which is some variation of “ So what you’re saying, TS, is I can grab a shotgun and an assault rifle and a sword and—“No, you cannot because carrying all that is really really heavy and bulky and you’ll need to move fast.Pick a primary, it’s in added to your usual complement of stuff, which is usually a c7, a knife, clothes, peppermints, restraints, a toolkit, a tactical kit, a support kit, some bandages, some spare change, I guess I can add bananas now, some masks…Grab some armor plate enhancement for the stabvests you’re already wearing, if you want, and some camo, if you want.Sword is standard issue because you never know. Skimdrones come in handy.If you need any bespoke fancy munitions, JOLT shells or such, make a note. I think we can manage to send it over but it’s a bit of a rush job.>>6176913Yes we sourced some surplus camo-cloaks and adjusted some capabilities. As for the difference between Environmental and Adaptive, err, one keeps the rain off of your face and the other actually helps it adapt to an environment? They’re not the same thing at all, or even near each other. Adaptive equipment is adaptive for the role it’s meant to perform. That mostly means you can take additional action to enhance the profile if required and expect it to work slightly better than otherwise. That makes it a major action to obscure yourself and a second major action to enhance the obscurement for a specific situation. It’s a bit of a sunk cost but it can be quite handy.
>>6176919Oh, so the makeshift camocloaks having Environmental was a function of them being raincoats in their past life. Hilarious.
>>6176919Can I pick up two primaries and/or a few extra c7s?
>>6176873I think the parking lot is our best bet. Getting into position without alerting the enemy seems like a good idea for this mission.>>6176875Gonna snag the Camot II and the Chirni. >>6176876Lovely. Surely nothing will go wrong.
>>6176875TS, do you think that cloak will keep me out of trouble? My reckoning is that my baseline self has an insignificant mesh footprint, and that cloak would help reduce my visible footprint. It mentions the use of AR masks, so maybe that will increase my detectability through the mesh?Also, thanks for the tactical banana. Really, it's a versatile tool and snack.>Side Entrances
>>6176875Alright, I'll grab a Broadsword and Camo+Armor. I am become Bulklord, the destroyer of my vertebrae.
>>6176873>>6176875I’ll just take the sword and ballistic shield. Hospital means CQC and going in with a lot of guns could really hurt civvies. VTOL insert sounds best. We’re already calling reinforcements apparently, and going in with a VTOL could scare a couple stragglers off
>>6176875I'll be grabbing a Chirni and the invisibility cloak.>Side Entrances.If we're all rocking the camo it might be enough to offset any problems with this route?
>>6176873>I'm voting VTOL.And I am not fucking around. Look I'll explain the whole logic about this just give me a sec.>>6176875>Chirni, SecSystem Vital Pad Plates, Sword and Skimdrones and Ballistic shield>Ballistic Shield will be equipped>>6176875>>6176650>>6176873"2-1 this is 3-Actual, we are inbound. Do you need anything in particular we can bring you? Not sure you'd be running out of NERF ammo but maybe you're in need of a care package?">>6176876"God, I don't think I can trust myself with a setting higher then NERF ammo tonight. I feel like I'm going to be tired">>6176870"Yes I do.">>6176872"This is indeed the bright side because it means that it's not has bad if sis managed to grab a snack then Mr. ITALKLIKUDISNOW AND IT MADE ME MAD SO I SWITCHED TEAMS isn't doing too hot. An hospital is a perfect place to force the Red Cranes to de-escalate their fire or face the consequences. I truly also believe that Evans is a fucking clown and that by being handed so many swords he has become complacent in a comfortable position.">>6176873"Listen team it's not complicated. Were going to link with team 2 and by extension Mox. Make sure the surgery goes well. Stop White Moon, Steel Vipers, Red Cranes if they think they want some of this and anyone who tries to do harm on our charges. Team 1 will join with us shortly before or after and then we can move to phase 2. Sure Smon Mick is here but he's getting sloppy despite being doped up on painkillers he's only scary because he's one man who gets lucky. Just remember these things to always win. Nevert play their game. Don't get hit. Don't talk shit you can't back up. Get backup. Being alone is a losers game.""2nd Phase once we've all managed to establish contact and secure assests we'll move on to phase 2 which I'll have great news about when we get there."
>>6176875>>6177020Oh and the skimdrones. Provided we have some level of access to the stuff in this sheet >>6170999 I'd like to grab Seekers for my Broadsword and a couple of CC-MAIDS (pinky promise not to use them *inside* the hospital).Oh and I'll replace the MemePlex with CRADLE-NEXUS.
>>6176875>Entry through parking lot fast and clean they'll never know what hit them>Bring with me Broadsword, SkimDrone and 2 reloads of Seeker Shots. "When we get in i'll see if i can't get my hands on some hospital clothing. Also i think our shotgunners could get some use out of the Jolt-shells if they ever need to fire on something more armored."
>>6176660>+1 credit (-4 total)>No physical or mental conditions. Healthy as a lemure!>Manipulate 4->5The best waiter that fine establishment has ever seen or will ever see.>Origami Folding 2->3I folded a man. My god, I folded a man.>PerformanceAll equipment performed adequately in my estimate. The source of all problems is the users. If I have a recommendation, it would be to forbid lethal ammo entirely.>Intelligence debriefPerhaps much unpleasantness might have been avoided if we had attempted to contact Lemureman earlier. Perhaps not, this is one of the Harlequin's most vile schemes.>>6176873>Direct insert via VTOLIt's no Lemurewing, but it'll do. May it force some villains to come to their senses and retreat.>>6176875Broadsword, Ballistic Shield and PadPlates please. While I was never knighted, I believe the situation calls for it. NERF rounds, naturally.
>>6176875>>6176891>Deploy through VTOLGuess I'm changing my opinion, didn't expect other Agents to be so inclined in flying. >Deploy with Chirni PDW, PadPlates, Ballistic ShieldIt would be nice if there was an easier way to deploy the shield but if it's all TS can scrounge up, just gotta make do.
>>6176875"Do you ski masks?"
>>6177173Balaclavas? Yeah.
>>6177176"Oh yeah, now we're talkin. I've found my face again. Now we just need something people will trust us to be safe. Like Metroplex Intelligence and Strategic Taskforce (M.I.S.T.). I better copyright this."
>>6177190"How's about ARC Strategic Service. We fit that acronym better."
>>6177193"You do know what ARC stands for right?"
>>6176875I forgot to mention>Chirni>PadPlates
Side Entrance XXX XXVTOL XXX XXXP LOT X>>6176910"Stealth" implies, perhaps, that you can avoid local trouble but that's not quite the case. However, keep in mind that there are 12+ of you and 200+ of them. You can't expect to win a running firefight with that amount of opposition, and getting drawn into one would slow you down. The primary job you have is to reach Mox and Team #2 holding her position. To do that it is easier to avoid confrontration with as many hostile elements as possible on your way there, wheras being dragged into a firefight would see you surrounded, shot, killed and then Team #2 likely suffer the same fate afterwards.>>6176991it lacks the functionality to preserve your fate, Agent, so I doubt it. But it does meaningfully allow you to maintain a lower profile. Be aware that people often confuse 'obfuscation' with 'invisiblity'. You would be notably harder to notice visually which is very useful, but you are not impossible to detect. A vast majority of actions still make it quite clear where you are and so on, so it doesn't let you avoid people if you make a lot of noise.because ranged weapons need to 'acquire a target' to effectively hit you, however, degrading someone's ability to do that is a significant increase in your survivability and then the ability to be, at times, stealthy, is another enhancement.>>6177196He hasn't gotten the phamplet yet, Agent. I'm preparing one for him but I'm just a bit busy!
>>6177196"When you put an acronym in an acronym, you use the first letter like you would a word, Graphite!"
>>6177221"And that's why we're not doing that."
>>6177226"I'm ASS and proud!"
>>6177228"I don't really care about your gender Monarch."
>>6177236"Oh blow me, Graphite! It's better than impersonating Metroplex officers. Isn't that a federal offense? We should probably call ourselves friends of her news outlet. Better than getting slapped with even *more* charges..."
>>6177243"Impersonating? Did you not renew your license?"
>>6177246It's a funny joke, Agent Graphite, but we do need to be careful about how often we impersonate them. That all said, we have backdoors into their systems for a reason. Spoofing up basic IDs is trivial - and expected. Most of the basic grunts won't notice nor care; they just appreciate someone down there is around to offer a point of local organisation in all the chaos.
>>6177259Speaking of fake IDs, Can I just stick to being a janitor (as much as I hate it)? Can you slot me in with a hospital janitor's ID, TS?
>>6177267... No? Your ID isn't going to read "Hospital Janitor" while you run around with a gun, Agent.
" This just in, local hospital janitor taking hands on approach to cleaning the halls " might be fit for the news cycle but it's certainly going to be a little difficult to explain in general
>>6176875>Take Veritas, SecSystem Vital PadPlates
>>6177275"MIST Agents. Arriving. On the scene."
>>6177275Would've worked for the stealthier approaches, but I guess if we're going in fully-equipped then yeah, it wouldn't work.It feels weird having all this equipment... I'm not used to it- Are you really our TS? where did Liren go?? Are you an imposter???
>>6177275I might as well armor up (just the pad plates) and take a shield. I don't need the sword though. I've got my whacking stick and my knife.
>>6177283"This is because this clearly is an emergency Dragon. We couldn't open the full equipment because we weren't going in knowing what was going on. Not that we clearly know each actor we can unlock the proper locks now to deal with the threat.""In summum. You want gear? Better head of the high risk missions where there is danger at all corners. I.E. Steel Vipers, Ink, White Moons, 4C, Ink, Red Cranes, maybe that douche Evans, Ink, 3 ARC teams at the same time, Ink, Metroplex Night shift, Orderlies, Sec Guards, Smon Fucking Mick, ARtubers and even the national news station.""With all these numbers, it's hard to keep track but the calculations add up. It would be heartless to make us head in without the choice to take a parachute. Of course, If you'd be happy to just go in with the C7 and a dream. I won't stop you. Just telling you that trainee day is over."
>>6177283Mission profile dependent. In this case you're entering a known hostile area in the full expectation that there may be danger - it would be a dereliction of duty not to provide you with basic protection. Especially since Team #2, Mox and a gaggle of teenage ARstreamers are all relying on you. So it's as much for their sake as yours.>>6177288Sorry Agent Devonshire, the sword isn't "optional". Everyone gets one because it's standard issue - the White Moon may have cybernetic chassis units, which are often very resilient to bullets due to their heavy armor and lack of vitals to penetrate. A sword is a surprisingly effective close quarters counter to such system, as the larger wound channel and ability to precise target vulnerabilities let you dismantle such systems where bullets may fail to penetrate or score a vital.Secondly, a lot of people in this day and age are augmented in various ways and may seek to close distance to close quarters or engage otherwise in situations where they seek to exploit talents that make direct target acquisition via guns harder. Not to mention the environment is often cluttered and constrained.The knife is an acceptable substitute and fair pairing with a C7, but you might also need something larger and sharper. Luckily, light-weight titanium-alumium-polymer meta-material alloy enhanced non-descript cool swords are fairly portable.
>>6177292Yeah, that's a correct assessment Agent Graphite. And well put too.
>>6177297"Liren, that Stonedog was none to happy with us at the end of the last mission. If you had to make an educated guess, how wide a berth should we give the big guy this time around? No one wants a repeat of the noodle incident."
>>6177300I think the Sentry was actually fond of your presence, Agent Monarch, though it's hard to be sure due to their lack of traditional body language. He -- she? -- it? Was quite well to cooperate to extract the people in danger. I think you made a good impression. They're rough types but they do like the old style of honour.It's likely at the hospital known, continuing its duties as a protective assets for the traders. Since we used their courier limo service to get Mox and the ARtubers to the hospital, it's going to be in close vicinity to them at this time. I think it works in our favour, as it's currently keeping a protective detail in the area near Team #2. As long as we don't com across as posing a threat to the people it's protecting, I think it'll even be ... relatively speaking... an asset?
>>6177303"They seemed very protective. Just worried about the possibility of aggravating them. Again, personally, I'd like a mission with no agent deaths, especially not agents getting turned into paste. I'm also seeing these rectangular White Moon units on my HUD? What are those? I'm still not familiar with all of ARC's designations."
>>6177297Does the tax code require that we carry these on a mission in order to get a tax writeoff or something? Also, is there a deposit on these Nondescript Blades? I'll be honest. I was busy looking at SunStock on my watch when Evans was giving that demonstration on edge alignment and talking about Kenji Sue.
>>6177303"Actually Liren, I do reckon it was 'They'. You see from what I understand the Stonedog Sentry is supposed to be a great merge of body and machine. The mind of a human supplemented with the wonders of AI computer engineering all wrapping up a beating heart of gold to the limit of cybernetics before you get called a extropian. Don't let the interlocking skin plates fool you. There is a person in there who can run so many calculations in the span of 0.0005 periodic seconds before you think about the next cup of flavoured noodles you will touch before reconsidering. It'll be chicken btw. They have emotions. Those emotions can be suppressed but the ones who invented the procedure liked the prospects of the future of humanity.">>6177300"All to say that as long as were not in their way or you know. Try to be petty enough to even attempt to scratch their paint like those steel vipers who found themselves completely k.o.'d we'll be fine. Stay out of their way and they'll stay clear of ours. Prove to them that were assets to protection? And they'll be glad to have our back. It's all calculations. And back then we were very close to beat the numbers enough for them to think we deserved a limo ride.">>6177308"It is a bit of shame. A lot of the deaths that have been happening in this team seem to be from totally avoidable situations. It's a bit peculiar. Maybe it really is the 'Team 3 curse' haiyah... As for White Moon. White Moon operatives are your actual domestic paramilitary terrorist movement with military training, gear and dedicated asskicking violence capability. To put it mildly, hitting a hospital downtown to draw attention to their cause is exactly the kind of thing of they'd do, and this makes the whole thing seem like one of their political setpieces rather than a corporate hit on anyone.""You get one guess as to who reached out to them to pull this stunt. Because for them? This is a great publicity stunt. Liren maybe as more to say but in my case this is probably the worse case of 'Code White' this hospital will see. And hey, stop enough of the terrorists and maybe they'll tick down one terrorism charge if we do it in style."
>>6177308No, we make them in house.>>6177308White Moon Cyboforms. I'm not yet sure how many have been deployed to the hospital or what the groundside situation is, but Metroplex has had two encounters with White Moon cells with cyboform backup and so I am including them on the estimated paths. I'm currently trying to get as clear a signal as I can to adjust for local conditions.What they are is a parallel development path to remote infantry drones, though usually cyboforms are enhanced, vat-grown, synthetically adjusted or cybernetically augmented biological systems with a sizable adaption or incorporation of tech. They rely heavily on Instincts and are prone to aggressive displays if not managed by a handler, but the White Moon uses them a lot because they are producible at scale and disposable (in their opinion) and have a lower industrial footprint than RID drones, which require a signficantly larger industrial base to effectively produce, maintain and operate. Each cyboform system is paired with or trained to operate with a small cell of operatives, and you get a lot of leeway in the mission profile they can accomodate given a lot of the routines and decisions are handled by the biological components. We've talked before about how RID systems struggle in totally novel situations, well, Cyboforma don't have that precise problem though they may manifest behaviour that is decidedly undesirable. >>6177324You're right, Agent Graphite. I heard they grow so used to their exo-armors that the pair together - bio-exo suit and human mind - become a larger whole. Unlike the Extropians though, they can always take... the gear.. off. I'm not sure any of them have ever really returned to civilian life but it remains a possibility, at least. You can't quite say the same for Extropians.As for the White Moon, you're... correct again, Agent. Yeah. This is the worst case of Code White this hopsital will ever see if it's lucky.My estimate and guess is that because Mr. Nakamura burned sizable assets having an unscheduled run-in with a secondary opposition group (The Chironans) at the dormitory Team #1 was at while we were taking care of things at the Obsidian Tide, he's had to improvise and reach out to other sectors of the ethically dubious shooters-for-hire economy. He's running out of Red Cranes, his own teams and morale. The White Moons are not the kind of people anyone contacts if they're having a good day. I can't say it fills me with confidence that we're facing them, but it does mean that our work and constant ability to stay two steps ahead of Singularity Cloud and Mr. Nakamura must be severely curtailing their operations.
>>6177371Good work so far, Agents. Let's keep it up and keep it moving, yeah? You're doing great!