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Hello, /qst/ers!
Welcome to this adventure across the fantastical land of Jubilee.
Here we will follow Irina in her waku-waku quest!
This quest is in comic format so, ehr, be warned.

This is a thread promised long ago! Yet, take
whatever happens in this thread not seriously
as Irina is >>>/i/778779 anon's OC. And
some stuff may be different from the original.
(e.g. The Helm/Marco's origin)
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>>6191542 (OP)
Some notes:
-Suggestions will hardly be accepted, but they will be listened
and may be taken or adapted.
-Stuff that happens in the comic wont be explained unless
necessary, spelling got confuse and such.
-To know more about stuff like cities, govern, magic rules, past,
status, etc. you will need to ask someone that know about that or
use a window of free time (when given) to chat with party
members where they can bring info they know.
-When one of the comic options is "Write it down...",
be aware of BAD KARMA (see below).
-It will be attempted to deliver the post within 2 weeks.
-You may be thinking "it took you so long to start, how
will you post in less than 2 weeks"? I will reduce the quality
and it will mostly be drawn like https://litter.catbox.moe/smytcw.jpg
(link will be working for 3 days).
-Some choices can get to the point, meaning more action! Others can
explain some stuff, avoiding a shallow story.
-Votes end after 1 day of post. May have some aditional rules
like first 5, Advantage, etc.
-Ties in votes may result in both resolving or only one.
-You may notice how Irina apparent age is different in
many panels, that's because I started with her very young
in mind, but OCreator anon convinced me of older.
(Why it wasnt corrected? Right? :)
-Weekends are a hassle for me, they may start at Friday, they
may end at Monday, that's why i ask for 2 weeks to deliver.
Consider me offline on weekends.
-I'm ESL so it may has some incongruous spelling and etc.
I will gladly accept corrections.
-Pumba is pronounced as "Pumbah/Pumbaa"
-This is a work of fiction! Names, characters and incidents
portrayed here are fictional. Any resemblance to real
stuff is entirely coincidental.
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- About KARMA -
Karma is a system to manage the choices to keep
the thread in reeds. It can be divided into

GOOD KARMA can be earned by picking options that are
good deeds, follow a character path, etc.
It is represented by the Green Charm.
It can be used for re-roll or increase in treasure quality.

BAD KARMA will be earned for picking choices that are evil
or out of character/path. Also too clever (*ahem* smartass) moves.
It is represented by the Red Charm.
It does nothing at start, but if you get 5 BAD KARMA the
thread goes ded. That's it. Thread end.
BAD KARMA can be given more than 1 at time.
If you feel compelled to pick a BAD KARMA choice,
go on, just remember the rule of 5 BAD KARMA.
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-Invisible KARMA-
Of course there's karma, stealing someone could mark the
team as thieves and get them all the trouble of this.
But there's also the KARMA towards members of the team.
GOOD when you pick something they like,
BAD when you pick something they hate.

There's a way to upgrade Mom's Charm to see TEAM KARMA.
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kys pedophile
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I hope you join the boat and let's see where it take us!
Starting with 1 GOOD KARMA.

Votes end in next Monday(GMT), same hour.
Finally, a GOOD fantasy quest
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4- Our slave needs a summon, the slave of our slave is our slave. Also Monggers.
The characterization of Marco is perfect, he's a demonic helmet after all.
The only thing that I'd like you to consider is that Irina and Marco are very good singers, that's all.
This comic makes no sense. If the summoner had thoughts of making the loli girl do lewd things with him, then why wouldn't he do them at the beginning instead of letting her go first and then trying to make a contract?
Also loli-dom is kind of eh for me. Seems like the ultimate waste of a sexually explicit character if everyone who wants to have sex with her is going to get punished.
We need a summon otherwise we're fucked, that's why we went on this journey to begin with
I assume you knew them from the draw thread
>This comic makes no sense. If the summoner had thoughts of making the loli girl do lewd things with him, then why wouldn't he do them at the beginning instead of letting her go first and then trying to make a contract?
I think it's a passing thought that he rejected but the hat's idea made him reconsider. I think it's more to ilustrate how karma works (and to point out the writer's preferences)
>Also loli-dom is kind of eh for me.
agree to disagree
>Seems like the ultimate waste of a sexually explicit character if everyone who wants to have sex with her is going to get punished.
I think that's more because OP didn't wanna make a nsfw quest and it's sticking to ecchi
>This comic makes no sense. If the summoner had thoughts of making the loli girl do lewd things with him, then why wouldn't he do them at the beginning instead of letting her go first and then trying to make a contract?
I suppose it's because he didn't think she was that stupid, he didn't try to make the contract until the helmet suggested it and that's was after she left.
Also bad Karma, letting her go was a tutorial choice.
>Also loli-dom is kind of eh for me. Seems like the ultimate waste of a sexually explicit character if everyone who wants to have sex with her is going to get punished.
I'm pretty sure it's because our wonderful moderation team wouldn't be happy with people getting handsy with the loli. This seems to be an adventure with some spice, not an ecchi comic and that's ok.
>I'm pretty sure it's because our wonderful moderation team wouldn't be happy with people getting handsy with the loli. This seems to be an adventure with some spice, not an ecchi comic and that's ok.
yup. that elf quest had some pains even if nothing direct happened
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>I assume you knew them from the draw thread
It's my OC. OP convinced me to not discard her some time ago. I use her to fuck around since then.

I hope OP lets her change armor.
This is a blue board guys. Even if things get lewd the images won't be posted here.
I really like your OC. She's a very good girl. I also like your art in the thread linked at the top. I like the girls you draw. Is that thread linked at the top the only place to find your stuff?
Is there somewhere I can see lewds of this girl?
go ask in the /i/ thread, anon.
>It's my OC. OP convinced me to not discard her some time ago. I use her to fuck around since then.
I see. how long have you had her ?
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I don't have lewds of her but I could create them with enough motivation.
If you post two tributes (you have to draw them yourself, skill doesn't matter) in this thread >>>/i/803152 , I would be closer to get the full 24 and draw more Irina.
Everyone can do it.
One year, I think.

That's it, I won't derail the thread anymore.
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Gentlemen, 5 votes none on (Sat) or (Sun).
Im going to close the votes and open picrel for summon.


d100. First to get 2 win, may reroll once. Say the color you want as well, if 3 anons pick the same color we can have a bit of a surprise.

GL. We're going to resolve >>6191559 2 and 4 after this one.

Theres some gimmicks on summoning, limit to nmber of different summons, the strength of the link, upgrade, and ofc MP cost. it will be explained progressively!

You guys got it!

Welcome, my dude. Let us have some fun, shall we?
Give me a brown Minecraft bear or the cute bunny (brown)
Rolled 92, 33 = 125 (2d100)

Rolled 90 (1d100)

I think I got it now
Rolled 49 (1d100)

Rolled 35 (1d100)

>49 and 35
Winrar if no re-roll!
Rolled 54 (1d100)

I don't know if I can but reroll for the bunny
Rolled 79 (1d100)

green for the strange shape
nice drawing
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AHAHAH! Do not worry! We'll get another chance to get the bunny!
Blue won. Im already on it! May take a while (resolving 2 picks) char development and the goblin brothers, oh boy.
I like that the karma is tied to the Summoner so Irina and Marco can go bonkers if needed.
I'm glad you liked it
Given that my strategy to get tributes bombed, I should just post the Iri lewds in case someone is still interested. I don't know if I can post nsfw catbox links here so I'll link the ic thread. >>>/ic/7473203
Supporting, voting for pedoph/i/les to go back and then rope immediately.
Can we expect an update today or only on monday now ?
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Today, yes! I mean, hopefully!
I was holding this one for post, but:

There are 2 types of summons, the [Action] and the [Companion].
[Action] is cheaper and you don't have to deal with the summon.
It may be a strong attack, healing, buff, it depends on what the
summon specializes, but it may do different things as it upgrades.
[Companion] locks the MP of the user but the summoned creature will
be there to help. Be sure to be respectful, especially when you don't know each other very well. Upgrade and KARMA can make them stronker. MP regeneration (the amount used for the creature) starts after dispelling summon.
In that graphic:
Goblin Brothers are [Action];
Lapin Rouge [Companion];
Beautiful Slime [Companion];
Yam Cow [Action].
You can get any of these, but the helm wont tolerate you hunting for Pokemon before Pumba is dealt with.

Maybe tonight it's ready.
alright, thanks for the info
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Now for reading, please go first left page, then right.
A thin continuous black line in the middle separates left from right. Order example:
1 | 4
2 | 5
3 | 6

Np. I will also explain fight, next monday/week. But I must warn beforehand, while the hit chance is open damage is hidden.
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Absurd writings are going to be ignored.
I hope you liek!
We can't do much rn
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2- Haggle, seduce them, scare them a little bit, try to be manipulative.
I'm confident in Irina and Marco's abilities but I don't know how strong they currently are and how edgy are you so go for a deal. If they want something sexual, offer them nudity only, Irina won't mind.
We can fight them if it bombs.
>trying to negotiate with rape goblins
They don't seem so bad and Gobuman is not even a gobo so they may be an open minded group.
OP here, very well 3 votes to Run.
I'm not home atm, only Wednesday, but i will try to deliver on Friday. There are not many pages this time.
waiting warmly
>>6191542 (OP)
Can we get a rundown of Irina's current capabilities and maybe equipment? At least if she can fight or not.
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Thx! I will try to deliver tonight (GMT) or tomorrow morning.
>Steal Item was successful!
Not a good item for the stats, then it's the best to be stolen! Only stats wise, right~

I will bring the sheets in the opportunity! That means when they get some free time.
But yes, oh yes, she can fight VERY well.
Damn, I knew we should have fought.
>Damn, I knew we should have fought.
I mean, we don't know her abilities and we ourselves were useless. running from a 3v1 was wise.
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Now, please, read normally, like:
1 2
3 4

Battle system will be explained on first battle!
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One pick will lead to battle, other avoid it, and one is a little random.

Until Monday to vote. Cya.
Battle fever ? interesting
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I'm assuming they can get a cute bunny there.
We Mary Skelter now.
who ?
Some kusoge with cute girls going berserk.
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For the random, yes? Or the bunny?

Roll 1d100, if someone gets 15 or lower there will be very clear pointers for getting the one picked by vote on the team (via summon contract). No reroll.

Pick 1 and 2 on >>6201298 would get gobbrother contract. But as >>6193647 said, we still gonna get the gobbos, maybe not now tho.

Synergy (among other things) means if they get near numbers on combat rolls, they will deal extra damage.

Aloof means that in combat she may not always perform an attack action. But other actions may be performed. A roll will tell. The situation can increase or decrease the number.
20% is base.

Deal with may be a bunch of stuff, like accepting items, plans, unusual orders (to some extent), equips, etc.

A power outage made my hd unrecognized (System Restore loop on boot, and not finishing to load when hotplugged).
It had most my stuff, including thread related. Oh boy. I will try to test it as an external drive in another computer on next week, so i may extend afk this weekend to Wednesday.

This vote ends tomorrow, same hour!
Rolled 18 (1d100)

going for the first, I like the challenge even if it's a roll under
Rolled 99 (1d100)

I pick 1, I wanna fug Alice but we already have Irina for that kind of stuff, let's go for power.

Thanks OP, I hope you can recover your stuff or it'll really suck.
Rolled 71 (1d100)

Rudolph it is!

Only 3 voters and we still got a 18, eh?
Wait, 15 + 3 =18 !
Very well, on it!
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I will post next week only, sorry.

Some numbers for now.
I hope it doesnt get scrambled when posting.

F -3
E -2
D -1
C 0
B +1
A +2
S +3
+S +4
++S +5

5 pts 5 1 1
480 HP 270 270 330
++S str D C C
B con C D B
C dex B B B
B agi B S C
E int A D E
C will A D C
B per C B C
D car C D B

Those are ATTRIBUTES only, there's still SKILLS and PERKS.

SKILLS will use ATTRIBUTES but they have theyr own graduation

PERKS can be positive or negative. Those can be many things for example the ability of Summoner to make contracts.

Rudolph and Alice are there because i was initially planning about they being a pair that fights as one "merging" the Attributes (like 2 points more to active bunny) and shared HP (active bunny + 100HP). But it's quite strong right off the bat, then just one bunny for now.

But give Rudolph one more point if you wish. No more than S, tho. A pick in the dark. No one got the 15 or less, so close... free roll until winrar.

You will also have Summoner's SKILL points to distribute and more PERKS to get. This system is an adaptation of an already existing one.
I get the ranking, but why are there 3 letters after the ranking of the skill ?
>I hope you can recover your stuff or it'll really suck.
Thanks. Crossed fingers.
>bad formated
Forgot to post them, my bad.
It also got squeezed when posting as well.

HP - hit point
How much you can soak damage.

MP - magic point
for non wizards it's equal to WILL.

str - Strength
bonus damage meelee and Hit Point
few skills like swimming.

con - constitution
hit point and resistence to poison/illness.
skill to concentrate.

dex - dexterity
skills with hands/weapon maneuver.

agi - agility
body speed, move, reflex, other body skills
such as acrobatics.

int - intelligence
intelect skills and more skill points

will - will
resistance mental control, curses. skills to evaluate something or someone. magic.

per - perception
skills to notice or craft

car - charism
skill to deal with people or deceive.

Remember to roll and put Rudolphs point.
I'm desperate for first summon contract, hahah...
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Rolled 60 (1d100)

I don't know if I understand but
Give Irina 3 points in agi and 2 for dex
One point for Rudolph and one for Alice
For Summoner 3 Int and 2 will

I didn't understand what I'm supposed to roll so I'll do 1d100
not those 3 letters, kek. like there's '++S str DCC'. I know the first one means str is ++S but what do the 3 letters that come after str (DCC) mean ?
>Remember to roll and put Rudolphs point.
>I'm desperate for first summon contract, hahah...
what points ?
I think the rest of the letters are for are the stats for Summoner-Rudolph-Alice, three letters for three characters
>what points?
Above "400 HP" there are some points: 5 for Irina and Summoner and 1 for each rabbit.
I don't see what I'm supposed to roll.
I think the situation was too much for OP. Understandable desu.
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Rolled 76 (1d100)

I suppose I still need to roll 15
Could someone help me with some votes for this quest? At least for the first choice, I'd hate that the initial direction of the quest is decided by one person.
>Could someone help me with some votes for this quest? At least for the first choice, I'd hate that the initial direction of the quest is decided by one person.
sure, but there was only 1 other vote, kek
OP ?
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HD is giving fatal error. I feel that it is still recoverable, but im not that willing to pay someone to see all my passwords and shit...
Extremely cute Alice!
Those points above theyr names are theyr base points. I was not supposed to post these.

But i will note your pontuation as theyr progression line. No worries cos if they increase any Attribute it will be asked again which one to increase.

And thank you for rolling ^o^y
As >>6206651 said it was Summoner-Rudolph-Alice Attributes. When it was posted 4chan changed the word formatting, they got sqeezed on the same line. I will post the stats as a picture once they get to a campfire, or something.
I will also vote there! Are you still on it?
My bad for taking so long to reply. I like to always post with a pic. Now lets resume!
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Rolled 47, 31, 43 = 121 (3d100)

If picking 1 or 2. Roll 3d100 dice.
Battle will be explained if 1 or 2 gets picked.

1 day to vote.
Rolled 12, 67, 90 = 169 (3d100)

I pick 2, he's a warrior and deserves to be treated as such. There will be time to pet him later on. There's no way he could win against SUPA Irina anyways.
>I will also vote there! Are you still on it?
I need to start with the next drawing now, but I'll tell you when the next is up. Thanks.
Rolled 99, 8, 59 = 166 (3d100)

I'd talk, but Irina kicks ass.and anon got a good roll anyway
Rolled 41, 17, 77 = 135 (3d100)

Fight works like a SKILL check.
Let's see first how a SKILL check works:

Skills graduations can go from "-" to "A".
- no proficiency
E +10 (some training)
D +20 (trained)
C +30 (experienced)
B +40 (good)
A +50 (pro)

If someone do a SKILL check it normally goes as: SKILL graduation + (ATTRIBUTE modifier x 5). Success is equal or LESS to the total number on a d100.

E.G. "CharacterA" is doing a normal difficulty Research(Int). He has C on Research and B on Int.
Then he success equals to 35% or less on a d100 (SKILL graduation C = +30% and ATTRIBUTE graduation B = +1 (1x5= +5%).
If easy, doubles SKILL graduation.
If hard halves SKILL graduation.

Combat is a confronting SKILL check. It goes with the premise that unskilled competitors with no bonuses have a equal chance to success. It's a 50% chance situation.
They add offensive combat SKILL graduation and also add the ATTRIBUTE mod (x5) if possible.
Then reduce the opposing defensive combat SKILL graduation and ATTRIBUTE mod (x5) to see if the attack landed.

E.G. Irina wants to punch Rudolph on his fluffy tummy. She has the Brawl(Dex) skill on A (+50%). Her Dex is C (0 x 5 = 0, no bonus).
Rudolph has Evasion(Agi) on C (+30%). His Agi is S (+3 x 5 = +15%).

The chance to Irina hit Rudolph is 55% or LESS on a d100.
50% base + 50% (Irina attack total) - 45% (Rudolf defense total)
I took
(First attack) 12
(Second attack) 8
(Third attack) 77
for Irina's.
Rolls on >>6208645 were Rudolph's attacks.

I will try to deliver first half of next week. Cya!
why did you pick the lowest roll for me and >>6208678 ?
First to post first roll
Second to post second roll
and so on.
Unless in a team battle where each anon can be assigned a charater (if preferred).

If only >>6208678 rolled, all three rolls would be his.
If only >>6208678 and >>6208728 rolled,
First would be his, second yours, third his and if we had a fourth roll it would be yours and so on.

I forgot to add Irina's Battle Fever bonus it gives her +20% bonus to hit.

Your roll was a crit btw.
CRIT is result/5 or less on a d100
(55/5 = 11% so 11 or less on a roll is crit, when Irina is attacking Rudolph).
If we count Battle Fever bonus, >>6208678 is also a crit.

Crit doubles damage die/dice only, NOT other bonuses, like Irina's Str mod or Battle Fever dmg bonus.
Damage is hidden to allow a better flow.

For Rudolph to hit Irina he needs 45% or less:
50% base + Dagger(Dex) B (+40) + Dex mod B (1 x 5) 5% - (Irina's Evasion(Agi) A 50 + Irina's Agi mod C (+0x5)).
He crits with a 9 or less in this case.

Irina's SKILL and Rudolph's are already set, but Summoner's will be chosen from a list yet to be posted.
>Irina's Agi is B (+1)
Then 40 or less to Rudolph land a hit on her.
Crits with an 8 or less.

If it is too complicated, just roll. Leave the math to the QM.
I'm just explaining so no one thinks im pulling these numbers out of thin air.
I will explain damage as well, if someone wants to know the math behind it, but as said, it will be hidden to allow a better flow and less roll.
>First to post first roll
>Second to post second roll
>and so on.
>Unless in a team battle where each anon can be assigned a charater (if preferred).
>If only >>6208678 rolled, all three rolls would be his.
>If only >>6208678 and >>6208728 (You) rolled,
>First would be his, second yours, third his and if we had a fourth roll it would be yours and so on.
it'd be nice if you told us beforehand. and if that's how it goes each anon only rolling 1, the default, would be better.
My bad, i don't know how many anons we have rolling here, but you're right, i will tell if theres a change in rolling rules.
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I will try to post the character sheet this week, that's why i gonna extend this vote to next Monday.

You can change your vote after seeing the sheet if you prefer. Cya!
Holy shit, that's a good fight but my mind diverts to your ability to draw glutes and your mastery of drapery, those clothes mechanics are truly fascinating. Mesmerizing even.
I like that the dinosaur is literally Kuroki, one of my favourite characters.
I kneel to RUNchads, running from the gobos was the right choice, that's why you're the pros.

I'll choose the equipment later, It's hard to do it right now. Thanks OP.
> those clothes mechanics are truly fascinating. Mesmerizing even.
Thank you very much!
I will study even harder those subjects ^o^y
>I like that the dinosaur is literally Kuroki,
Gensai dude looks like a bear! A stronk one!
>>6211820 (You)
Joking, joking, he's cool as fuck, maybe i like him too... do you recommend the manga or anime?
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>>6211825 was meant for you... (even deleted post b4 to correct)

If >>6203290 tied, it was planned to Dilo actually be a summon just by talking things out. He wouldn't be that great, as he would be an action that was pretty expensive MP wise and just throwed some carrots in the air, like throwing candies kek.
let's go
wait, was this a roll under then ?
In >>6209166 :
>(First attack) 12
>(Second attack) 8
>(Third attack) 77
>for Irina's.
>Rolls on >>6208645 (You) were Rudolph's attacks.

Where on>>6209246 :
>First to post first roll
>Second to post second roll
and so on.

Next time it will be only asked for the total number of rolls AND action taken by which character.

Sorry, it hurts to read that right lol!
The Allosaur is one of my favorite characters here, I mean. I like Kuroki, but he's not my favorite. He's still based as fuck and the drawing is sick, thanks.
But if you want to read Kengan, I'd recommend the manga, but DO NOT READ THE SEQUEL. I mean it.
My fav character is Marcille from Dungeon Meshi. She has a loli version and a halfling version too.

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