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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

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Rightoids really blame their problems on somalians instead of the bankers and the ruling class
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>I do not want self hating cucks around me.
Better cut out all the conservicucks then
most based nigga on this site
transportation officials like bus drivers and pilots lol
wait until anon finds out (((who))) those bankers are
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this "ruling class" is desperate for mass immigration because it will make things like UBI more impossible. everything has been a way to obstruct the path of UBI.

unlimited 3 world immigration simply uglifies things on every level. i don't understand why you're insistent on making this happen? self-loathing? white guilt? slave morality? "punching up" ethos? oversocialized "virtues"? false feelings of " globalized unity" induced by the trappings of social media?

does the idea of a beautiful, serene and peaceful community living in its own bubble dissociated by geopolitical rot upset you?

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If you could make it so you never had to shit or piss again, which would you choose?
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>takes a lot of time to wipe your ass you have to wipe it till it bleed 'but muh bidet!!!' erm you still have to wipe after.
>doesn't feel good like peeing does after cumming. feels amazing
>sage for no reason also
Piss since it's very annoying
Shit is obvious. I can literally piss everywhere, shit, not so much.
its funny bc gays also choose shit so they don't have to clean up
shitting is objectively more inconvenient and annoying than pissing is, and this is the case even if you have no interest in fag buttsex

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would you date a girl who makes messy mukbang vids?
only if i get to facefuck her until she pukes after she finishes
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the glove kinda ruins the "messy" part of it
also I'd want her to be a lot fatter than that
I'm a sick man, IDC if she gets fat it just turns me on

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But the satisfaction of finishing the level on nightmare mode is much greater than on easy mode. So you shouldn't be jelly or complain.
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Lol same, I'm still stuck on the tutorial phase when everyone else made it to end game. I legit think It would be better to just restart the game. But wait. This is one of those shitty games were you only get one life. Fuck the developer. It was so unfair.
>the satisfaction of finishing the level on nightmare mode is much greater than on easy mode
It isn't though
Its only more fun if you can finish it on easy mode in the first place, and if the process is fun.
just edit the save file nigga like are seriously that stupid?
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I'm trying nigga I'm seriously trying

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>my parents named me Eve
>I can't fucking exist normally next to men named Adam, which is a much more common name
>the amount of Bible jokes and shitty pickup lines I deal with is insane

I feel murderous about it sometimes. On its own, it's a pretty name, better than Braxlyyn or some shit. But the second I come into contact with a guy named Adam, I see the fucking looks on people's faces, they desperately want to crack jokes. I'm from an atheist family, what the fuck
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isn't nier that one game with a bunch of porn about a fat assed blindfolded robot girl? Idk the fuckin lore, red pill me
now I'm curious what game
i think you can assume which character i share the name of..
(i am the complete opposite of this character btw)
You have a beautiful biblical name and you spit on it you ungrateful kid
It's a game about the human condition and specifically getting lost in seeking meaning at the cost of making enemies of an out group.
Adam and Eve are two male robots you fight against during the game and serve as foreshadowing of events to come.
Adam is obsessed with experiencing what it's like to be human so much so he wants to experience death. While Eve is entirely emotionally dependant on Adam and really just wants to spend time with Adam.
Adam is one of my favourite characters despite having relatively little screen time. Basically nier good.

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Blacks have their own niggers now but instead of taking their jobs, they are taking their white man gibs me dats. I find this amusing.
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Native Americans are endangered ethnic groups that will go extinct maybe in next to less in a 100 years.
And so will whites
Beauty of the Golden rule
Don't do unto others and you wouldn't want done unto you
What you do to others you can't complain is being done to you
It's that Shrimple
>And so will whites
I doubt it. Whites are a unique group. They are not some poor nomadic tribes whose survival depends on some outside group. They will shrink in number, true.
Recessive genes
Homelands being colonized by people whose homelands they colonized
>Homelands being colonized
You are not colonizing. Colonizers brought civilization to savages. You are coming here to be our slaves.

Is it true that women inadvertently piss themselves?
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are you not a native english speaker? inadvertently is not a fancy or uncommon word
you are wrong. it's a formal world.
I like words. Words are art.
i know i do but i am a dude so i cant say
Really embarrassing, dude.

>find interesting audio porn
>her voice is bad
fuck my stupid chud life
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Why tho, in a few years to a decade most of europe will be like that. Actually, faggots like you should flee as soon as possible
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Saudi Arabia has a much higher standard of living than the US desu
There's a really hot one about two boys in a bath but I can't find it because Reddit is stupid
Or America desu
Anyone here have any audio involving female robot voices like?

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this student of the way of fish is making progress...
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i managed to reduce le worrying by a lot which reduced my suffering by huge amounts (i guess this big change is messing with my brain rn though). kind of spooky that i didnt notice before how bad le worrying is

It's really easy to tell trannies even from afar because of the shape of the pelvis. You probably haven't paid attention to this as a man but it's very uncomfortable to have your feet point exactly forwards instead of outwards because you squeeze your balls doing that whereas women have wider hips and don't even realize when they do it.
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Sure. This is the most recent pic I have.
I still don't believe this nigga. I want him to stand far away from the camera so we can see his body in it's entirety, until then this is just angle frauding. He is literally sucking up his gut for this photo
>scarring on the thighs
>tranny confirmed
>thigh gap
That ain't no man, man. That's a woman, man.

What we're dealing with here is a FtM.
Oh son of a bitch, I was being tricked by a pooner? Fuck me I was playing into her fantasies.

I've been doing the mgtow thing for years and it's great

>no stds
>no child support
>no fat wife
>not getting chested on

imagine slaving for a stinky used flesh hole with disease.
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Imagine watching anime and cuddling with a girl on a rainy gloomy day.
Hey if it's working for you and you aren't bothering or harming women that's great. Mgtow would be very based if it weren't for the percentage of them that still obsess over and harass women irl I feel the same way with those annoying misandrist women who still revolve their world around men going against all they claim to stand for

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Femanons have you ever given a bj? What can a guy do to make it more fun for you?
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Give me pointers on sucking
I really need to put "Femanon in OP" in my filters damn
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put a hand on the back of my head and a gentle thumb around the ear
Honestly I just get bored and fidgety. When I was younger that usually meant playing with myself during movies or whatever. More fun to play with him though. Was really hot towards the end. The way he was breathing and his moans and the way it was twitching and oozing was just so perfect.
no i think it's possible for our meeting to have never existed but I think scifi is real

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