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every time i see an incel thread or someone complaining about lack of sex
>>80549338You're not an esoteric psychic or pneumatic nigga you are a retard who still excretes physical matter from his asshole LOLL
Pretty popular girls have life on the easiest baby mode in the fucking world. I am so jealous holy shit. Tfw I will never be a beautiful blonde extroverted Stacy. Everywhere I go other women mog me. Instead I had to be born as a troglodyte, deformed looking thing with no redeeming feminine qualities where your only options are men who settled for you and will just hate you and resent you for it. Why should I reproduce?? What is my purpose. Im not strong so I cannot work a job like a man can, and Im not smart enough to go through college. I get treated like a man and I have to use websites like these to ever feel a sense of belonging. Its over. No one could ever love a monster like me.>inb4 the same slop about how women have it easier in life
>>80548642>Waah I'm ugly only ugly guys will date meIt's crazy how even when these supposed self-hating females hate on themselves they can't help but bash ugly men lol it's pretty crazy how little self-awareness these people have
>>80548642you dont have to be smart to get through college, you literally just have to show up and pretend to be interested in the class
>>80548642fuck you everything takes work.usless waste of space.how do you think they got pretty or popular?you think every person you despise was born naturally inclined to show their better traits and deal with the not so great features?no u fucking inbred retard.get off your ass and do something instead of bieng a loser.you are earning what you deserve
>>80549475I agree, but this is just the nature of women. I have fucked nearly 20 women in my life and there is always a common thread between all of them. I have fucked women way below my league and a few way above my league, They all detest ugly men. But this is because they are biologically more valuable. Pregnancy is a legitimate risk. If they could have the kid of a hot guy and trick an ugly man into raising it, they would. This is their nature. It doesn't bother me anymore.
tranny or loser dindumuffin tryhardgtfo
Ugly foids are subhuman.
>>80549417I hate humans, so for me they're perfect
>>80549417>ugly>pic is of most beautiful woman I've ever seen
long time no see friends! i have been ill for the past little bit, I'm feeling pretty weak and tired but I wish to do something with my timerules are simple! share one thing that cheered you up or that you're looking forward to this week and I'll draw any request you have to the best of my abilities :)!
>>80549278no saar puppyanon is of jarty only
>>80549278>>80549292>>80549203ok now do a drawing battle to see who wins
>>80549085hehe guess i'm in the 'poorly drawing' part right now, but hey your art looks so good so it all works out, mmm what parts do you enjoy specificially ? ahh for me i'm just studying same old same old pharmacy, ive been thinking of dropping out since ive been working in the industry for like 2 years and studying for a year but i don't think i'll do well in this industry so yeaa!! :D how about youu studfy wise?>>80549167she's so pretty with her lil robo leg:D, but yea i guess it does take a while, with all the anatomy being correct guh...
>>80549336me are winnar
>>80549494me jartycuck btw
Palestine supporters, this is your mindset
>>80549483Pretty much everybody in the Middle East are just like niggers in that if they can't fuck it or eat it, they break it.
yall would stop being such incels if yall got yalls dicks wet
Does this even feel good for either of them?
>>80548914At a certain point we're going to have to hijack the delivery of these fucking things and instead of a box they get a RWDS at their door to kill everybody inside. What the fuck is wrong with these people?
>>80548914idk but i want to try it
Why am I supposed to hate these guys again?
>>80549322>he's killing and oppressing muslims>cold war>he's muslim>cold war
why do people come to r9k to post about politics lol this is the loser misanthrope board. unironic shills trying to make quota?
>>80549349what part of no topic do you not understand, brother
>>80549349Yeah, the nth number of cuck and faggot thread is much better.
>>80549322they're enemies of the free world chud
As a blackcel I hate how all the threads about black women here are about bed wench race baiting shit. I know the few black women on 4chan are all white chad only, but can we have a black woman thread from the black man's perspective for a change?
>>80549267All girls are normies. They all have access to unlimited dating options with normie men. Playing the weird girl is just a fashion statement for them.
>>80549267Thats what you get for trusting a nigger.
>>80549051no, you should be humiliating white femboys. that's your position in the pornbrain economy on this board, embrace it.
>>80549051>I know the few black women on 4chan are all white chad onlyNH we don't want them, they're all yours
I don't live in a country with black people, but we get a few tourist blacks visiting. I think they're the elite of Africa, they're really dark and they have long braided hair in cornrows and were always wearing expensive clothes. They'd be really polite to talk to and gregarious. For ages I seen them as classy and sophisticated, paradoxically, the opposite to how they're usually portrayed with raceplay stuff.
what is the most reliable way to induce a coma? I want to stop being cognizant for a couple years
>>80549270ironically it is to try killing yourself
>>80549270you still age
>>80549280yes but so does everyone else
I have a body like thiswhat haircut do I get to make the tomboys lust for me?
>>80549429I grew out my hair but its unkempt what do I do :<>>80549430all men should look like this
>>80549441use conditioner
>>80549429This, you want a tomboy to play with your hair right? Grow it out and make it pretty for her
>>80549489>her hair pulling me while pegging >////<
do dominant top pegging/chastity-enjoyer biological females exist
>>80549357yes but we don't look like that because we're naturally high t which makes us ugly the only dommes who look like that are the ones you have to pay/fakers
hiyou have to be a feminine boy though and also want marriage
>>80549426tops don't have to be pretty but they do have to be sensual, lustful, predatory, and masterful
>>80549426Your not ugly, but you're also not wrong about certain looks meaning pay to play.
>>80549426but I want a high t kinda masculine bio woman as long as she's not ftm
Even though those are gay terms and alphas dont really exist i'm more so talking about the perceived notion of being an alpha. Men who are aggressive, often have misogynist conservative beliefs, have sex with lots of women etc. I want to support women and feminism but it is very hard to want to do so if so many are laying in bed with the men they claim are their enemy while hating on all men only for show.
>>80549353How many women do you think stick around men who claim to be "alpha"?Not many. But if you're moderately attractive and can be half-way charming without nuking your chances, well its that easy
Attraction to this is basically a function of the fetishization of submission / degradation. Most women inhabit this to some degree but become less enamored with it over time as it becomes more banal and demystified to them, since the idealized fantasy is always hotter than the reality and initial thrill of breaking the taboo is dispelled. This is why being attracted to "bad boys" is typically a phase that young women go through and then grow out of; over time it becomes more rewarding to engage with this dynamic in the context of a deeper relationship with a partner from whom this is sought as an expression of affection and trust rather than the thrill of being unceremoniously "ravished" (and some women never particularly desire the latter at all)
>>80549353A good 70% if you want to go by statistics