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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

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Ok guys, I saw a fairly sucessful female masterbation thread and while reading through it I decided. You're all full of shit, their are no girls on the internet. If actually a femanon post feet soles pic and timestamp. You don't have to be nude and you don't have to show your face, I just want to know if i'm wrong. What have you got to lose? You're anonymous on the internet.
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Which is why I want it to happen
Since it would be a net benefit
imagine if trump banned brony scat tm
You would no longer be around

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British Bulldog edition
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I know who zimmy's rooting for that's for certain x
She's also 9 years older than him, wtf?
>tfw anglo-irish rape child with kraut dna
kind of wish I was 100% Anglo desu senpai
>make post
>it never shows up
what's that all abut then?
I just post it again la, cooldowns though cause no jewpass

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When I was younger I had this centrist belief:
>There is nothing wrong with women fucking lots of guys. However, I personally wouldn't want to be with a woman who wasn't a virgin. This is because of parts of my brain I was born with; that can't be changed; that make me feel disgust for sluts.
Now, feminists and white knights would argue that anyone SHOULD change that part of their brain; that if you don't want to fuck a slut you should go to a psychiatrist. I used to tell them that I don't think sluts are bad people, I just don't want to date one.
Now I do think sluts are bad people. Why? Because, if most men have similar brains to me; they would feel traumatized if their girlfriend had a high bodycount in the past.
Women who hoe around are emotionally raping their future husband
Anon, are you saying women should avoid hurting a guy in the future they've never even met yet?
Yes. If they plan on getting married, they are responsible for not hurting their future husband. Even if they haven't met him yet.
>Anon, what about women who don't want to get married?
90% of women who "don't want to get married" end up married anyways. And they end up traumatizing their husbands with ttriple digit pasts. Women who say this are just young and dumb.Sociery doesn't let dumb teenagers "do whatever they want"; we give them responsibilities and give them limits. If a teen says "I don't want to study, I'm going to be a famous shit-toker"; we still make them study. If we let dumb teens do what they want; they end up as junkies.
The same goes for young women. It shouldn't be OK for them for them to hoe around; regardless of their current plans. Basically, at all costs; avoid the alpha fucks beta bucks future by shaming hoes now.
Or....I'm 100% wrong. And men can change their brains into liking hoes, so they should. But if they can't...well, it takes 0 effort to NOT be a hoe; so being a hoe is 100% wrong again.
Also; man-sluts are also bad,for the same reasons.
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If the stats speak for themselves, then you would care more about having an educated wife. You have no source because you know that chart comes from a guy who faked using GSS data.

I'm not really a traditionalist. Traditionalism failed, and now we have degeneracy in response.
Yes, I feel that a woman who had sex with other men before is digusting, comparable to a licked candy or a used cup. That's why I don't like non virgins. The inherent disgust I'd always feel. I could only pretend I don't feel it or cope with it.
That's my point. You are a degenerate who has a very weird relationship with sex. It happens, I shouldn't judge you, but if your goal is to consoooom virgin girls, you should have done that when it was normal to do so in your teens.
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interesting. but not once you have e refuted any of my charts besides
>it's le fake
so why should I engage with you in a logical manner?
nobody wants to consooooooom virgins you retarded faggot we want to find one and continue to live life with and settle down with them. nobody said anything about plowing through hymens thats just what you believe believe non-chad men don't register in your feminine mind.

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This is the final straw it's actually joever
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>millennial parenting caused this
What is the original context of this image?
The handwriting of someone who literally cannot enforce these rules. Shove a ohio skibidi up her gyatt and see what happens.
Redpill me on Ohio
Why do the kids say this word?
What the fuck is diddy party

Her son deserves a dad. It's time you stepped up incel. Be a man.
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Surprising the kid isn't black
>I deserved to be loved properly
Uhhh sorry sweatie you're not entitled to a loving Chad husband who loves you unconditionally just because you were born with a hole between your legs
>travelling through South Africa
How many nigger dicks has she serviced?
Her kid is white, at least she has this going for her
>If women can abort the thing at 10 weeks we should also be able to do it at 10 years.
Stupid deadbeat.

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dont listen lol

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Rightoids really blame their problems on somalians instead of the bankers and the ruling class
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Dude we just want to find love leave us alone with your shitty hobby
Who do you think is importing the niggers, retard?
The bankers and the ruling class are the reason unregistered somalis are running wild in western countries
If we call out jews, the leftwing human garbage will get in our way.
And leftoids blame their problems on rightoids instead of the ruling class. Almost like the ruling class brainwashed leftists after occupy wall street to go insane about racism and sexism and gender and communism.
Surely if leftist talking points weren't beneficial to corporations, the corporations wouldn't be promoting it at all costs...

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Being an ugly woman is the worst existence you could ever experience you failed at your only societal expectation
You're right, ugly females are truly the worst and should stop leaving their homes so others don't have to look at their hideous appearance
I don't leave my house already so im contributing to society

It's really easy to tell trannies even from afar because of the shape of the pelvis. You probably haven't paid attention to this as a man but it's very uncomfortable to have your feet point exactly forwards instead of outwards because you squeeze your balls doing that whereas women have wider hips and don't even realize when they do it.
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>Briana Wu
Fuck that bitch, she tried to assassinate me
I'm not sure how it's angle frauding though, I tried to take the picture as close to head-on as possible.
I'm not a pooner, I'm a biological male. Pooners don't have dicks, and I don't have tits (or the scars that'd be left behind by removing them).
A man can't give birth because he lacks a womb. Anyone that has a womb is nearly guaranteed to not have a Y chromosome.
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Those aren't scars thoughbeit
What the fuck happened to you? Were you burnt with hot water as a child?

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Femanons have you ever given a bj? What can a guy do to make it more fun for you?
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Refer to the image below
have you tried prostate or multiple dry orgasms?
no, sucking a guy's dick sounds extremely gross
all men want that though
>have you tried prostate
Nope. I'm curious about trying but last time I had opportunity I had diarrhea earlier that day so we decided not to risk shitting bed.
>or multiple dry orgasms?
Sometimes on the weekends when I don't have to work and thus have time I like to edge for couple hours. There are often like 3-6 orgasms during that time, last ones having barely any sperm coming out. Is this what you meant?

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I need some Xanax desu senpai it's way better than pussy
i love benzos too but i cant be fucked dealing with addiction

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I want a love like I've seen in the movies. That's why I'll never fall in love.
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add "and in porn" to it and you just explained most incels problems
I have a largely romanticized perspective of love because of fiction, but I managed to make it more realistic with a bit of research and asking around. It's still romanticized though, which people don't like apparently. However I'm not going to give it up, I'm not going to give up a love that feels magical and affectionate while taking care of each other.
I don't like how most movies portray love at all. Most portrayals are just shallow love at first sight or some kind of trauma bonding.
I just want a relationship in which we try to adapt to one another. Grow together and help one another out with issues.
That's reasonably achievable and super romantic in my eyes.
as far as i know my current life without any gf is very common, people around me are the same ,. I guess all.those mpvies were just a lie
First rule of true love is friendship, dipshit
You niggas ruin everything with your pornbrain and the grind
"ohhh love is useless and childish" some people crave genuine connection instead of fuck it raw and get up rq, thats why niggas are no better than animals

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Would talk no jutsu work on him without giving him the beating of his life?

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