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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

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Do not post pictures of yourself on /r9k/.
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>she wrote an entire song about how good his dick was
How do you cope with never knowing that feel?
no idea who these peopIe are
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that's just cause she loves whiteboys

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oversleeping again and taking it easy
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I have almost 900 but most of that was from the multiplayer. I never finished my island either so I should get on that at some point.
>wut sort of stuff r u guys developing?
nothing fancy at all, just regular boring old applications for internal use.

>I would lob 2 share treats with all of u frens
sharing treats with frens is the best! it makes the sweets all the sweeter.. i want to revisit that taste again.

a hardshell suitcase will keep things safer if you bubble wrap it a lot. UPS or FedEx or USPS for shipping boxes is good for bulk goods you can wrap a huge amount in or don't mind if they get thrown around a bit. my boxes came through looking almost completely destroyed... but everything inside was in one piece. do you have a lot to move or are you worried about electronics?
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>do you have a lot to move or are you worried about electronics?
I don't think I have too much. Just a record player and some albums, plus a desktop computer (minus the case, but maybe the monitor) and some anime figures/model kits so my room isn't empty. All my other electronics (plus Eiki) should fit in my backpack/carry-on.
i would suggest putting things like your anime figures back in their boxes bubble wrapping them with non critical clothes, and sending those over in a parcel, you can ship 18" boxes easily. then you can disassemble your computer and put it in a hard shell suitcase. evaluate whether it's cheaper to risk bringing your monitor or just buying a new one. your record player should also then fit too, but i'd maybe ship this in a box because it's bulky and you can really make sure it's packed tightly. suitcases should be critical electronics and your regular clothes you need for work or whatever.
Thank you anon, I'll keep all this in mind. Do you have any advice for traveling more generally? It's not something I do often

>Stacy do some anti men shit, fucks chads, act cunty
>This hurts feelings of many men, because only stacies are visible to them
>see random average, non stacy fembot on 4chan, with probably shit life
>You fucking whore!! YOU'RE doing this to men!! How fucking dare you! Alright, guess what, I'm becoming redpilled incel, fuck you roastie this is what you wanted! God I hate subhuman foids!

When will men be honest with themselves and accept the fact that they are all stacy only and that average women aren't visible to them?
Or even better question when will they finally stop attacking us for shit only stacies do? Go attack your favourite stacy instead, moron.
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no they arent
if that were true we wouldnt be in the situation we are in now
simple as, you are just stupid or lying, so which is it?
women are the biggest incels of all
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I know right, this retard isn't even subtle with the bait, that's what sage is for
There's a phenomenon going on right now where manhating stacies and radfems claim to speak on behalf of all women, e.g, all women have experienced X, all women think of men as Y, which plays so perfectly into the victimhood metagame of the West that both men and women get silenced if they speak out against it.
I damn agreee thank you Kona

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I know a woman who becomes enraged by the phrase 'more than friends' because she believes friendship is just as deep and meaningful as romantic relationships and that society shouldn't elevate romance above platonic friendships. Is she right?
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If this opinion were coming from a man I'd respect it, however a woman said it in your case so she's probably just reciting platitudes without any actual original input of her own. Friendships and romantic relationships are different, but can have incredible depth and meaning in different ways.
>Is she right?
no she is a retarded female who should learn her place and know that she is a retarded subhuman and never speak her braindead opinions

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Honestly I don't want wife and kids. I wouldn't be able to handle my frustration and pain from watching my own son falling into the same dredded traps I used to fall into and still do. Being a father has to majorly depressing for those failed normies who managed to get a family.
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she'll be calling someone else her daddy in no time
How will you cope with watching your daughter grow up to become an incel-hating slut who worships tall aryan Chads and gets spitroasted by niggers at paries?
don't answer this question, fatheranon.
none of this ever happens.
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I consider myself a top tier hater but this is unnecessary.

look at the no-life losers rush in to heap salt, because they are in hell

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Thread for discussions about selfharm and mutual support

Happy Sunday!

>Any plans for today?
>When was the last time you hurt yourself?
>Why did you hurt yourself?
>Is there anything bothering you right now?
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nice trips
>stress of the situation counters the relaxing part a bit. ^^'
oh man
guess you need to lern how to stress less
>hope they will.
I'm feeling better already
>that can keep catbro off the sadle
nope :>
I'm addicted
>what are you watching?
someone playing minecraft
>playing "chained together
I've seen that game, looks fun

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hey anon! welcome to the thread!

>Hopefully you all had a great day.
thank you. same to you, friend. :>

>I want to high perform and if I fail, then I punish myself
be careful it doesn't become and addiction, ok? sakamoto had a similar approach to it. maybe you can talk about it later.

>Any advices how I can cope with that?
there's probably not much you can do about it. contacting her parents would probably be the way to solve the situation without anyone getting into serious trouble, but hard to tell. for advice... not really. you'll feel bad about it for some time, but some people are only able to learn from their own mistakes. and sometimes not even that. you tried your best. you did well.

can't say i do. it's just a phrase that i thought fits the situation. ^^' where's it from?

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It was a good day.
Messaged her afterwards inviting her to have a coffee with me tomorrow morning. I'm afraid she won't respond. Things go well until they don't, I guess.
Anyway, hope you all had a fine day today. Now I'm anxious and smoking like a chimney >>78022240
Hey Gator. Heads up man, you got this.
Build up a schedule, follow it religiously. Keep in mind that you ain't no loser and you can very well change things for the better. Wishing you all the best
Hey yuanon
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just give her some time. i'm sure she'll let you know soon. glad you had a nice day. what have you been up to, recently?
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I'm gonna take a break from 4chan and prolly the rest of the internet until my paranoia episode clears up some

Really gets my homicidal urges going when I see a communist or a racist sharing their retarded views to others

Comfy edition

Previous : >>78016912

Ignore impolite moids

>Which season is the coziest to you, and why?
>Do you prefer planning a spa day/self care day, or just going with the flow?
>What old movie, cartoon, or anime do you prefer winding down to?
>What interior aesthetic makes you feel the most at ease? Attach an image if you want!


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LOVE them. They're so good.

Yeah, the internet is a crazy place lol

Well some people are just blockheaded and stuck in gender roles, don't let that get you down. Everyone is a victim to our complexes, and them saying that doesn't mean you are wrong or bad how you are. Who knows, maybe they wish they could like "girly" things and are projecting that hatred?
Balance. for the beginning try to stand on the bolts (legs not too close). Like this!
Also always bend your knees.
It's box thinking. Not traditional woman? That's a man and vise versa. I like the way i am and it took quite a bit for me to get there. Just hurtful
Thanks! Will keep it in mind for the next opportunity, falling comically can break the ice though.
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these are the only two i can recommend personally. its hard to find stuff in my size. i dunno a "trick", its just trial and error for me desu, and usually they fit not very well. the first fits the best, the second fits just, alright. good luck nona, this stuff is hell.

don't balance from your hips to your shoulders, balance it from your feet to your hips. treat your upper body like a static thing to balance while your legs actually do all the work. it's kinda hard but once you figure out how to keep your center of gravity in your hips, it starts to make more sense. shift the pressure in your feet and adjust with your knees instead of leaning your body forward or backward much. gl!

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Francophile ver
But hands off Els-ass!

QsotT: what flavour chips(crisps) do you like? Do you know any French boys?

Previously on /r9gay/
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I'll rape you
not original :/
you dont hate me you just hate my doggy style
not how it works, silly
Is it not? I thought that was the whole thing
you write like you still have your cherry

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Who are you voting for this year, /r9k/?
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he's planning an all out invasion on Narnia
he's not the president we deserve but he's the president we need
>Vote for Trump
>Funnels all your hard earned money to Israel
>Vote for Biden
>Funnels all your hard earned money to Israel
I'm not voting.
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This is gonna be the last presidential election that even makes national news.
in another 10 years you will be able to regularly run into adults who don't even know the name of the current US president.
and this is why that country's always going to be controlled by the current duopoly they have in place.
fuck the Kennedy name, if anything the nepotism works against him in my eyes - he's just the most sensible of the three, and if he was on that stage, he'd have wiped the floor with them
I'll pick the vegetable over the dictator

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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

A new beginning edition.

Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting/avatarfagging belong on >>>/trash/nah

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Hey! You can't post avatars! /hap/peners! KILL HIM!
at least the content beyond the walls here is tolerable instead of just being immediately blasted with weirdass porn
it's considered avatar signing if they use it as a reaction in all of their posts
> :pepeshrug2:
Absolute cancer. Good bait.
KEK, the fit jeet schzio is here.

The point of that meme is to shame simps who fuck fatties.


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>Four goon sessions, anon? Four? That's insane.
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Is it? Or are the so-called normal people mad for not constantly gooning? It's free pleasure after all.
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Dude's here have energy to spare.
I hate days like that, thankfully they're rare now that I'm in my thirties. Twice a day back to back is more than enough usually. I could probably even reduce it to twice every few days.
I'm 30, anon. You're just low test.
Actually it was just one massive goon session with a few intermittent breaks so I don't get cramps.

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Top shagger Nige edition
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>We womfy tonight are we not
been generating vaguely suggestive pictures of marge simpson and watching youtube all evening me
what you been watching on the old youtube??
new incognito mode video called "exploration" then a bunch of video essays about about games from a channel called duke of whales, they're good as background noise. skyrim one was especially good as it wasn't just an overview plus generic praise. really don't care for that game.
Ruthmong can't vote on Thursday as he has no shoes to go to the polling station with.
Don't think he has any photo ID either to be fair. Not that he'd bother if he did, voting won't get him a gf

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Women in my family do non direct sexsual stuff with eachother.
For example my older sister sometimes hump my younger, touch her tights and say mentally ill shit like "I wish I can have a dick to fuck you" and other shit and they both laugh
My mother sometimes show them her own fucking ass and they all just..laugh
Don't even get me started on boob showing and competing on eachothers body.
Me and father, of course, aren't part of this.
I feel like if me and father acted like this, shit ain't end up good

So my question is, are all women like this with eachother? Just sexsualy open but not having sex?
Why is this okay for women but not for men?
I'm not even a fag neither it have to be other male.
Or is it just women in my family? Why are they acting like this?
I already know you're going to scream bait at me but idc as long as at least one anon answer me.

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