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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

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There is a highlight reel of embarrassing moments that happened throughout my life constantly playing inside my head. Some of the stuff happened over a decade ago and it's really annoying and distracting. How do I fix this?
Check this out: https://youtube.com/shorts/DGq1YxHw2hk
you have to forgive yourself for being a sperg
You still care about how you're thought of by literal idiots. You still have an ego protecting the idea of who you are.

Release both thoughts and understand idiots don't think about you, you're imagining what they might think if you were them (meaningless imaginary nonsense) and surrender that ego that protects the ideal. You aren't the ideal and never will be, embrace who you are no matter how shitty.

The "highlight reel" only plays because you had an adrenaline response to whatever embarrassed you. Your primal brain saves those in an attempt to protect you from death (prior to modern society, predators and dangerous situations largely triggered adrenal responses).
Whenever I start to imagine something cringe i did or said i focus on forming a mental image of hillary clinton taking a dump on the sidewalk then trying to bury it with her hands like a cat

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>have a nice qt gf whom I love very much and am considering marrying (hereinafter "GF")
>GF and I have great chemistry, know each other deeply, work great as a team--she has everything personality-wise you want in a wife
>now, go on work trip
>meet beautiful work colleague (hereinafter "Her")
>for once in my life, I actually don't spill spaghetti around a beautiful woman and I end up talking to Her one-to-one
>literally the happiest I've ever felt in my life in recent memory has been talking to Her, walking with Her, and getting to know Her for hours and hours
>slowly develop deep obsession over Her over the work trip, to the point where I can think about is Her
>now that I'm back home, I have a crushing deep emptiness in the pit of my stomach because I know that it's very likely I'll never see Her again
>still love GF, but there's this horrible nudging feeling tearing me up inside that GF will never make me as happy as Her

I can't talk to this about anybody bros. Has anyone suffered through a similar situation? Who the fuck else can I confer about this? I ask because I don't know how to cope. I am so obsessed to the point that I find myself thinking that I would rather die than never see Her again. But it's horrible, because I don't want to hurt my GF, whom I still care for very much. And realistically, it's impossible even if I was single--Her has a boyfriend that she's been dating for years now. Indeed, no woman of quality is going to break up with a long-term boyfriend for some scumbag that dumps his fiance on a whim.

But no matter how I rationalize it, I just can't shake this nefarious vacuum inside of me; this empty space that can only be filled by Her. If only I wasn't such a piece of shit; if only I was asexual; if only I was dead--I just don't want to feel like this anymore. Surely this will pass and I won't chase a will-o-the-wisp and do the mature thing and settle with my GF...right?
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why would I make it up, what's fanastical about the OP
You developed a crush on a pretty woman. Swallow it back down and realize you already have someone great right in front of you. If you try to justify your temporary obsession in any way it will come back to bite you. What was the point of this thread, OP? You already know this.
>Swallow it back down and realize you already have someone great right in front of you

I mean, I know you're right, but this feels impossible right now. I want to the right thing but my body is rebelling in a horrible manner
Your body is rebelling because you allow it to. You are the master of your own impulses even if you feel you aren't. Get a grip and realize this little crush will fade away in time.
I just irreparably fucked a two year long relationship because I broke up with my ex (and sort of played with her in between getting shot down) to pursue a girl I was 100% sure was into me. End of the day, she just liked the attention. Good chance this girl is the same. You will ask her out and she will either turn you down politely or entertain it for a little bit and get bored. Then afterwards you will feel a deep and bitter regret and realize what you lost.
In a world so vast and cruel you found someone who loves you. Don't throw that away. That's more valuable than any feeling of excitement you will get from this girl.
Believe me, I asked the same question months ago, and now the words of some wise anons sting my head as a painful reminder.
Play the part of the man, control yourself.

I wish dominant women were real.
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I just want a younger girl who is assertive and a little possessive to flip the dynamics on me and be a fun bitch
t. 30 yo freak
There is probably more dominant women than trannies
I'm fine even if he never learns and stays home with the kids, as I provide for us. I don't have much personal interest in tying up but if he wanted it I could oblige. I know my way around with rope and knots, and how to hogtie after all
i wish submissive men would accept being gay and be my bf they wouldnt love you like i could anyways
i have a few gay fantasies but im not gay enough to date a guy i think

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I WILL marry a chud fembot and I WILL turn her into a moderate left leaning person, a social democrat as some might say
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>chud fembot
I'll say it right now, I want to force feminize a Chud and turn him into a cute tranny fucktoy for me
>chud fembot
no such thing
The real life equivalent of the chuddette in this drawing is currently dating a 6 foot 4 inches tall giga Aryan ubermensch and is still unsatisfied
>imagine marrying a man with a full head of hair and then after a year he norwoods and becomes unfuckable.
I have an ugly bastard fetish so this is ideal. Have him look semi-presentable while we're dating so family isn't too concerned, but once we tie the knot he starts balding and getting fatter and uglier. Maybe he starts getting lazier too so he stops dressing well and showering as often. God I'd suck him dry daily.

I hate this board. There are no women here. Just men and men pretending to be women. The sad part is you guys know this but go along with it because you're just that fucking desperate. I really think this board needs to be shut down. More and more people I see creating fake female personalities to post with here aw as experiment and it's just sad. I'm going to reach out to the applicable parties to get this board shut down. You're not learning anything useful when you play out these fake female characters, you fucking morons. You're wasting your time and destroying the board the board at the same time. Anyways, I look forward to seeing this place removed. It has long lost its purpose.
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You don't deserve safety or privacy because you have shown what you will do with those privileges.
Lol. Lmao even. I fucking hope you're joking anon. I wrote half of that post in a ironic shitpost way. The other half I was serious about, can you tell which one?

See above, I can't believe some idiots would miss the sarcasm in that part but yeah. Women are on average normalfags, they're the control while men are the experiment.

There is one thing Anon, that women are doing right and excelling at it: the societal games. For the longest time I dismissed that as faggot shit, still think it is, and believed that bros before hoes. But the reality is that the solitary, antisocial nature (like OP) of many males is playing against us big time, we're losing ground very fucking fast and it's understandable that some would lash out and act up when confronted with this, again like OP. But, but flipping the table, grabing our toys and walking away is not the solution it only makes things worse for males in the future, you know what I'm saying? Someone will always be there to play the game, so we must keep playing. Yes, we are at a apparent disadvantage by not having a vagina, but only if simps join the game. And we are at a disadvantage because the male brain is less adept at social games. I ask you anon, what is the right move here? Our grandfathers didn't just fucking give up and simped for 1/10 mentally ill hambeasts.

Yeah they don't troon out because they straight up kill themselves, but the root of the problem is similar to what trooning out would solve...

This right here is what I'm worried about. Give it time and with enough repetition a good chunk of "males" will start doing anything for validation from axe wounds. Like, idk, going to war? Oh but nothing ever happens right Dr. Chud?


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Who the hell asked you? Shut yo ugly ass up
>Yeah they don't troon out because they straight up kill themselves, but the root of the problem is similar to what trooning out would solve...
So they're not trooning out, they're just killing themselves. But you don't know why or even looked into the statistics, you just immediately concluded "ah, it must be because they're trooning out!" You're actually retarded.
Trannies are a tiny amount of the population anyway.
So why don't we form a resistance to spam the tranny/foid threads? If we make this place inhospitable for them then they'll eventually fuck off.

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what are you currently reading anon?
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It's spelt grow up, and the correct English sentence is I want to grow up and stop reading literature.
3 different books about Nazis (I switch between them midsentence sometimes)
the test was pretty hard wasn't it anon
Remember to use punctuation and proper grammar, ESL anon.
And I'm guessing you're trying to say "The English test was too hard for me." Which is quite understandable.
PLEASE get the stick out of your ass or leave it in, which ever makes you less annoying

moids describe yourself using whats below, femoids rate

>height and weight
>hair and eye colour
>facial features
>clothing style
>kinks/what you find attractive
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>height and weight
178 cm, 80kg
white, northern euro
>hair and eye colour
dark brown/black, hazel
>facial features
>clothing style
sports shoes, shirt, baseball cap, usually carry a hand bag
programming, anime, hentai, manga

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Dont bother. There are no foids here. They all abandoned the thread assuming they werent trannies
Females are so Cruel!!! >:(
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>every single hour of training I have had in various trade schools
Bro your trade schools are fucking worthless compared to my skill set. Now unclog my toilet.
need slave fembot girlfriend like sylvie. so much plapping is to be had!

Not even trying to be yet another racebaiting faggot nor Japanophilic weeb; I just have a genuine question:
How is that so many natural titcows with insane waist-to-bust ratios come from Japan? And I'm not talking about chicks with moderately big tits; I'm talking cup sizes that are genuinely in the second half of the alphabet that look almost cartoonishly big compared to the rest of them. Just to name some examples:
>prime Hitomi Tanaka (around an O cup)
>prime Fuko (around O/P cup)
>current Anri Okita (N/O cup)
>Rinlin_x3 (O cup, probably P/Q cup at this point; most impressive, I think)
>Ninapai1217/llvllhi3 (about the same as Rinlin, barely smaller)
>towa8a (T cup; she's probably the only fake here, but still fun to look at)

Not trying to be all
>Boobs, Japan
here, but I genuinely want to know how Japan manages this; I can't find the same amount of women with comparable bodies elsewhere. Do they just have more macromastia cases per capita?
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>tread about tits
>anons start talking about cocks

Can't you guys just accept that men and women are different on a fundamental level and certain things have no equivalent for the other gender? There no male equivalent of tits, and if their was, it wouldn't effect men the same way it does women.
i was raised in eastern asia and most women there a flat
look at some stats
Can I get some sauce on those titties?
she needs to tone down the photoshop
her nip looks like an allergic mosquito bite
You're half right, it literally just means big tits but after breasts get past a certain size doctors usually might try to find out why the breasts are that size and whether or not they are continually growing
Some women with mega milkers got that way because of a hormone problem or some kind of genetic syndrome involving fat storage which causes their breasts to continue to grow indefinitely into adulthood, which can become a real medical problem as you can see if you just search up macromastia
But yeah, some women just have humongous knockers and that's alright as long as they have the back muscles to support them

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I hate women, trannies, and simps.
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I forgot to mention that I also really hate faggots, but I figured the "tranny" umbrella was good enough.
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Don't really mind trannies, although majority of trannies are narcissistic, entiltled, ugly and woke which disgusts me
I also forgot to mention that I hate tranny narcissist avatarfags
anon let's be friends and hate them together

Literally does NOT work!

Look at this embarrassing nerd incel EMBARRASSING himself in public.
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I told you guys, all asian boys gotta do is run the kpop rizz game. Just like blacks and thugmaxxing. Shit is easy mode. Us white dudes don't have a niche that we can fulfill, we're just the average default standard so we got to be good at numerous different things in general to stand out.
what the fuck are you even talking about retard, holy shit normies are so low iq it's not even funny
her eyes are so beautiful
when she looked at me I melted
i, too, occasionally feel like killing myself
country stuff got popular lately maybe cowboymaxxx?

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isn't this just normal progression of successful men or am I deeply mistaken?
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>If you truly believe that kids carry responsibility for their parents happiness
The kid carries the responsibility of the family, as does every other member. If the parents fail (they shouldn't), then the child has an obligation to pick up the slack.

>You probably only think this way because you never gone through a childhood yourself. Sour grapes?
I think I had a "childhood", a time where I did basically nothing of utility and went to school. It was not really worth anything and the little I do remember was not worth spending years of my life on.

>You can let kids have fun, make noise, and socially interact in a manner appropriate for CHILDREN without ruining them.
Children should only be tolerated in doing this in that they're too incompetent to be doing anything else. If they're competent enough to do something else, they should be pursuing something more rather than wasting time on nonsense. having "fun" isn't going to ensure that you don't starve. I understand needing to unwind, but children are so unburdened in life that unwinding doesn't make much sense (unless the child is actually retarded and can't get through the babysitting ritual of school).

>This world isn't about what you know, it's who you know.
Of course, and that's why I despise my family for being selfish and self-indulgent. They're worthless people that are better off you didn't know. Thieves, crack-heads, wife-beaters, that sort of white trash lot. They're horrid.

I met my group I make money with on 4chan of all places, 4chan has been quite valuable to me for that reason. You shouldn't be cruel to others, but to deny that Childhood is an unnecessary luxury is stupid. Most children aren't networking with others when they're fucking playing vydia for 12 hours a day or shopping at the mall. They would be better off working during that time and getting in touch with reality a lot sooner.

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>That's it. Other people have done it successfully, why can't you?
Other people have smoked crack and been successful, other people have also drank and been successful, other people take vacations and be successful, that doesn't mean shit because those are all luxuries.

>It means letting your kids do shit, rather than stifle their drive and ambition.
I'm all for children becoming useful members of society sooner. They should be doing things that are real, actually matter, and are good. As soon as possible, a child should have skills and responsibilities (not just wasting away having "fun"). The faster a child can act like an adult, the more experience they'll have when we finally give them the legal rights to be an adult.

Ideally, this would be by contributing to the family like any other member would on an equal playing field. If there's a family business that is successful, they should be working at it and be paid for it. They must participate in the family's well-being as soon as they can so they don't end up some useless NEET "fun haver" who accomplishes nothing.

They'll get more life skills out of working, managing finances, and earning their keep (this includes giving them pay for their own interests) rather than just prancing around having "fun". Childhood should be extinguished for a healthy adulthood as soon as possible.

>That means budgeting in time for boozing and schmoozing with people who have opportunity to provide you.
Only to the extent that it is useful that should be done.

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Then point out my problem instead of holding your oldness over me.
If you have wisdom, be terse and share it, otherwise this is just an old man waving a cane.
>I think I had a "childhood", a time where I did basically nothing of utility and went to school. It was not really worth anything and the little I do remember was not worth spending years of my life on.
Yeah, that's the point I'm making. You see childhood as a time period, when for most people it is an important, defining phase of their life.

Lot of words. Nothing new said. We get it, you're a stubborn mule just like your parents. You think you know best and will strong arm it onto your children. Same shit, different asshole.

If you want to win you need to be adaptable. To be adaptable you need to realize that there's more than one way to win the game. The most common way people win is with social connections to the ownership class.

>I think I had a "childhood", a time where I did basically nothing of utility and went to school. It was not really worth anything and the little I do remember was not worth spending years of my life on.

Most people don't squander their youth. They make friends, those friends have parents who get them into an industry, and they build their careers from there. You squandered this opportunity, and instead of figuring out how other people made the most of it you're just going full cartoon boomer and stealing those opportunities from them.

I take solace in the fact that you'll never marry. You've got way too big a stick up your ass for that to happen. No child will have to suffer.

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Any funny Anon to confirm this? are funny people really miserable in the inside?

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Profile pic thread. Share some cool profile pics to use.

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