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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

1. If you attempt to post something unoriginal, it is not posted, and you are muted temporarily.
2. The time with which you are muted for doubles with each transgression.
3. Each mute time is 2^n in seconds where n is the number of times you have transgressed. So, your mute time doubles each time you fuck up.
4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
5. Gibberish at the end of a post to force originality may result in mod intervention (no BLOX posts please).
6. Images are NOT included in the filter, only text.
7. Your mute count slowly decreases over time.
8. You cannot post a picture without text.
9. Unicode is blocked. Sorry, too many exploits (Cyrillic letters, etc).
10. Posts require a certain minimum amount of original content in order to be posted.
11. Post sane, real content, well thought out replies, and mutes are unlikely.
12. The original algorithm was designed by XKCD:
/r9k/ has no topic, but unlike /b/ Global Rule #3 is in effect. In addition, advice threads and camwhoring/hookup/"rate me" threads should go on /adv/ - Advice and /soc/ - Cams & Meetups respectively. This includes Discord server threads!

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Do not post pictures of yourself on /r9k/.
Do not post threads asking for pictures of other users.

All "rate me" and camwhoring threads belong on /soc/.


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I have an unrelenting urge to kill cats.

I'm not sure what it is. Multiple reasons probably. Cats are disgusting beings and the only people who own them are either women who are morbidly obese mentally ill bitter loners (see: crazy cat lady stereotype) or textbook narcissists.

Cats are cold, bitter creatures. Lions and Cheetahs and whatever else in a similar class are fine, those are the kings of their breed. Cats are on almost the bottom the totem pole and they act like they are at the top nonetheless. Dogs don't act like this. No other house animal acts like this, and the ones who DO act like this atleast have some reasonable justification to back it up, aka "I could kill you in a second" (snakes/wolves/coyotoes/dogs/any reptile/basically any pet) Cats forget their masters face after about 3 days, Dogs almost never do.

I have a lot of wild/feral cats in my neighborhood that people want gone, and would most certainly never notice would be gone if they were to disappear or be mutilated. Most of them would appreciate it, as a majority of my neighborhood wishes for them to be dead very often. I not only hate cats, I despise anyone who is full of themselves enough to own one.

How would I go about purging these wild/feral cats in my neighborhood? I'm not worried about "losing a fight", but these cats could have diseases. Is there a way to poison them, or to make them sick and tired enough for me to mutilate them without protest? For poison, I know mothballs are extremely effective, but I'm unsure on other methods, I don't want to kill them outright with poison... I want to mutilate them while they are weak and sick AFTER the poison. Let me know.
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Tell me you're a thirdie without telling me you're a thirdie
Imagine wanting to mutilate an animal. There is something deeply wrong with your subhuman brain.
Yeah wanting to torture and murder an innocent animal that much smaller and defenseless to you is pure sociopathy. Stay away from cats, and from society if possible.
kys subhuman streetshitter XD ur a dumb nigger and anyone who agrees with u should find nearest tall building and jump
Society was at its peak when freaks like you were thrown into asylums and lobotomized, completely forgotten

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Should I get my friends with benefits pregnant?

I am absolutely in love with her. I know that she only wants a casual sex relationship because she is moving away soon and only working in my city for a short amount of time.

I know she is not on birth control and we have sex almost every weekend when shes done with work.

I am seriously debating whether or not I should start trying to inseminate her womb with my semen to get her to start developing feelings for me. I want her to be the mother of my children. And I know I can rewire her brain through oxytocin via biological imprinting as I will be the man who got her knocked up.

I wanna tether her to me forever.

God I sound like an absolute fucking psychopath typing this out. Someone please tell me why I should not do this.
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>those hands
dead giveaway
what a weird combination of feminine face and manner of acting, and those fucking veiny grubby chubby MANHANDS
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I think it would be a better idea to tell her that you have developed feelings for her and wouldn't mind spending more time together if she would be open to that.

What would you do if you woke up with a vagina?
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Call up the nearest BBC.
Only one bbc?
I gotta break it in.
True. Need to be resized.
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I'd be really fucking happy and not worry about being home by myself all day because now I can have multiple orgasms and 300 different toys to figure out clitoral, vaginal, g-spot and a-spot stimulation. Hopefully it also comes with amazing boobs I can touch all day.

The only weird thing would be having to explain what happened to people who have known me all their life and not get captured by the government for experimentation on my condition.
Also wtf is this 900 second post timer? Fuck captcha, I will go back to lurking if posting requires 15 minutes of waiting.

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r9k sucks tonight.
lets get a normal thread.

how are you tonight, anon?
what are your plans for today, tomorrow, this week?
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all i do is sneed sneed sneed no matter what
Shut the fuck up holy shit why do you want every single thread to be about your faggoty crying? You talk about the SAME SHIT every goddamn second it's so tiring. Stop your miserable circle jerk and stay in your containment threads if you don't want anyone else to actually like talking here.
Lol tranny mad
Erm guys we have to fight against the anti incels!!!!
Nigger saying that under a thread of people that just want to talk about stuff for once instead of crying all day holy shit dude you're so retarded that all you can do is assume everyone who doesn't wanna partake in shitting and flinging it everywhere is ( INSERT BUZZWORD )

What's the point in even saying I'm not a TRANNY FAGGOT when you probably wouldn't believe me. Everyone who doesn't agree with me must be this thing I don't like.

In that case your a fucking Jew nigger that's spreading your worldview to make us ignore the real issues.


I just wanna talk to people normally for once, maybe try being happy and joining in? But you don't want to because that'd mean not everyone in the world is evil and out to get you if you partook in kind civil talk here
I didn't even read the OP I just came to this thread to call you a tranny faggot.

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This board is a giant waste of time. It's just people endlessly complaining about everything and arguing with each other until the other forgets to respond or the thread gets archived.

I have decided that I'm going to go focus on learning something useful.
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>I am learning spanish and japanese, also I'm going to spend more time at the library to read educational books and find out what I'm really interested in
why learn 2 languages? That's cool though. This interaction reminds me of a prompt I was working on.
Because those two seem the most beneficial for me and I don't really have interest in learning more beyond basic phrases.
You should I've gotten chronic headaches from it and it's taking a toll on me. You don't have to go cold turkey but limit it and do other things, this board is unhealthy to be on. Hope you find someone though.
obviously. but sometimes you need a certain flavor of degeneracy in your life just to realize your life is pretty damn good in comparison to a bunch of neet loser autists who cope by using this site daily.
it also provides unfiltered autistic opinion which can be a valuable perspective for those autists like me who are blending in with the normies and pretending to be a normalfags
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lol lmao nigger. go pay your taxes and work for mr. sheklestein
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>I have decided that I'm going to go focus on learning something useful.

Is it looks, personality, being kind to that person or some shit? Is it not being a sperg and saying the right things? Is it talking to a lot of people, why the fuck is it so hard to find actual love in the world. No one ever truly loves me and i'll do anything for true love, so many people can fall in love or get into relationships so easy but I can't and it's fucking awful. Anyone else relate?
the problem ultimately is, if you have to ask at all, you're not gonna find it. Shit just comes like breathing to normalfags.
Be not ugly
Be geniuene
Put yourself in a position to be seen
Engage in the lives of others
Follow your feelings

Other things that will help others see value in you
Have a social circle preferably full of people like the type of person you like
Have a direction in your life
It doesnt matter where, just pick something and focus on it. Women dont really care they just care that you can decide and put your mind on something bc they for sure cant.
Yeah, men need to talk to women that have similar interesting hobbies and things about them aswell or something relatable. I hate talking to women only for her looks and simple personality, you need to find a soulmate, someone you relate in every level and are a complete match.

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>trump will make state sponsored girlfriends a thing
Thank fuck

Enjoy work today wagie. While you're slaving away in that factory or cold sterile office I'll be at home all nice and cozy
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having co-workers is nice even if they make me feel retarded
>i wanna jerb
idk maybe open up a restaurant for dogs?
until your parents die or kick you out, or the government cuts you off

enjoy it while it lasts, LEECH
>le gub'ment

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Liminal edition
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>has more whites than we have Blacks
Trying to imagine the kind of person to write this who would also post on 4chan.
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Some PROPER BRITISH kino arrived today, lads.
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Fuck sake. Huw Edwards (first language Welsh speaker) had some brilliant videos for learning Welsh online but the BBC have pulled them all now.
Not yet pal. Not enough mixture hehe.
>learning welsh from a paedophile
classic shippy style

I wish to become a fascinating person.
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You were fascinated by rape..
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Just bee urself, Mio. If you rape, rape. Do it 100%, Mio.
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It's the constant self-doubt that removes all mystery, Mio. Can't be no depth to a person who's too scared to take the dive.
Getting raped by Aisu kind of sex.
you'll have to take a lot of risks then.

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Eating raisin bread, and taking it EASYYYYY!!!
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>what does it look like?
it looks like whipped cream but more... firm, consistent
you'll see it being sold next to butter most likely

>Moar fancy than my 'dog that's for damn sure!
you wish, if anything they're the same complexity
quick and easy to make, except i have no grill so i have to make do with boiling stuff

>I would eat a lot more mayo if it didn't give me acne lol
wait, mayo does that?
i used to eat lots of mayo but didn't have that problem, lol
maybe genetics then?

>So it's like an enchantment table?

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>I still am to some degree.
same here, at least with people i don't know very well
i'm quick to let go of people who aren't close to me, even if i get attached (which is very easy to happen, disgustingly enough)

>major social deficiency that I find it frustrating when someone is being quiet.
i can kinda get it
over time i learned that sometimes, being there is all that's needed, appreciating someone's presence, even if silently
online is more difficult to do that, but... knowing that if you call, they'll answer within a reasonable amount of time, is comforting enough to me
you may seem overbearing to some people with that attitude, but i get it, if you're anything like me then the loneliness pushes you to that
>since we don't have as much time together after my friend went back to working.
especially given that... my friend works, but i don't really press him to talk to me anymore anyway
i know that he'll answer whenever he sees my messages so i don't mind, he does his thing and he deserves his rest, he already deals with people all fucking day

>Then they got used to me always spending my entire day with them (until recently).

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i'll try looking 4 it then
>quick and easy to make, except i have no grill so i have to make do with boiling stuff
y do u boil it instead of cooking it on a pan?
>wait, mayo does that?
i used to eat lots of mayo but didn't have that problem, lol
maybe genetics then?
stepmommy says so
>i'm about to hop in so i can show you if you want, i'm barely getting started in the mod too so you can catch up
Not sure if I can hop in
i am curently using a weaker charger. Not sure what sort of effects it'll have on playing games
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Today I went to the Museum of Art. They had a good mix of stuff there. From historical things from centuries ago to conceptual art from the last couple of years. The photographs by Leo Wong were very good. There was also a whole exhibit on snuff bottles. The whole thing was free, except for a touring exhibit which was $25 (3 US) for an annual pass as a student, which lets me into most other paid things at museums here. Seemed like a no brainer.
Then I went to the space museum; that was mostly aimed towards younger kids. Still, some pretty neat stuff. They had a replica of China's mars rover. And it gave me some hope for the future seeing so many kids interested in space. They seem to screen a lot of documentaries here, which I might check out once I'm back.
Afterwards I went to In's Point and the Sino Centre to go toy shopping for Touhou stuff again. The only thing I found was a Reisen Nendoroid and she was $800. I though about getting her to celebrate beating IN last night, but I don't like her enough to spend $800. There are too many girls in these malls it makes me uncomfortable.

>r u saying u wouldn't give it a good life?
No, I'm saying it's better to adopt a dog than get a puppy. Since you'll be giving it a good home that it hasn't had yet.

>can u take pictures inside?
Yes, but I didn't take that many.
>y do u boil it instead of cooking it on a pan?
anon, that's the same thing, lol
how else am i going to boil them if not by putting them in a pan with water and heating it up?

>stepmommy says so
and you believe everything she says?

>i am curently using a weaker charger.
well it's ok, don't worry
ended up having to use a neighboring city block for ritual circles cause they're pretty large
not sure if i want to turn into a vampire or a werewolf, but i do want to kill some demons

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I hate stupid people so much, it's unreal.
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>I hate stupid people so much, it's unreal.

Doing drugs and people watching edition.
>Community-driven substance encyclopedia.
>Virtual tripsitting and drug combo information.
>Drug discussion board, trip report, library, and other informational index.
>Non-profit org for drug discussion, research, and harm reduction.
>Mushroom (and other substance) discussion, cultivation, trip reports, and identification.
>DMT (and other substance) discussion, cultivation, and trip reports

Do any of you anons ever do drugs in public or do drugs and then go into public? I quite enjoy day drinking in a park or doing acid and shrooms at a concert
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Pro tip for nasty tasting pills, bite down on a vitamin C pill afterwards, I find them to taste great and they perfectly get rid of the aftertaste.
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I am stoned as fuck and up late and I just found out that apparently hollow earth theory has been confirmed? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_low-shear-velocity_provinces they just call it "LLSVP" to refer to the hollow portions above the core so as not to lend credence to what other people already supposed. I think it's kind of shameful that mainstream science isn't making a bigger deal of this discovery and it is very obviously because they don't want to lend credence to "conspiracies"
I thought picrel was a fetus or sum
nah, its not hollow its just irregularities in the earth leading scientists to speculate whether the core has leaked out into the mantle for whatever reason.
Friday: clonazepam
yesterday: alcohol
Should I do Pregabalin today?

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