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Gay homo psyop ver

Previously on /r9gay/
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Strawberry lemonade yum
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First for r9gay's official discord server, which you can find here: https://pastebin.com/TBreyXrm
first for third post
You failed
Suffer papist
why would i post in an /r9gay/ discord server when i could post in /r9gay/? quickly
I ban jews, niggers and spics on site doe.
>heavy moderation
easy skip
Brad's in your 'cord apparently so you lie
White gay men deserve the best.
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Speaking of psyop, I want to turn my 20 year old neighbor gay; any tips and tricks? Thanks :3 <3
Too old, originally
>two threads later
>still hasn't "mentally filtered me"
Lmao so obsessed and confused. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways; that's in the Bible :3
You're a subhuman golem tho
suck my poor brown penis to calm me down
>tfw can't smegmamaxx
how do i stop this
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Nintendo direct was decent enough, new Zelda game looks good, MiO will probably be good and Mario Luigi brothership could be fun maybe potentially
It's been so long since I have gamed, I didn't even know about the latest direct
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why dont shorts embed yet
He has no pee nice
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im gonna clean my room then go shopping so i can drink more and become someone i barely recognize
my hangover finished but my shame remains
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i went to a lgbt resource center office and i left my wallet
feeling pretty stressed but a blowjob would be nice too
mom bought me chocolate
desu alcohol kind of sucks. if it wasnt for convenience nobody would waste their time with it
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Meow I'm hungwy mwaaaa
Shut it slav nigger go suck your bfs cock
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need this bad
Damn that's hot - threesomes just turn me on. I am depraved
post discord maybe?
ill add u
fatpostle will leak your nudes like he did the slovene
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i dont really care about that since my nudes are all over this website anyways cuz i posted them for attention before
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Meow where attent ion
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Got Wendy's today instead of mcdicks fuck you meowsers lol
I'm going out for dinner but I'm getting tendies likely for DQ.
I took a nap after work and my contact lenses folded in my eye and it hurt and I'm still tired and the world is a bitch and I want it to stop
Would a bf help me? No. But having one would be nice.
That's why I'll never get them
Dragon Quest???
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god speed friend
hugs and kisses 4 u
good job at work today, sorry that happened to you. contact lenses freak me out for stuff like that haha.
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
You niggers aren't gay, call me back when you're posting muscle-men and baras.
I bit the bullet and bought a lovense edge while it was on sale
I also have some basic dildos and plugs, but nothing quite like this
my virgin anus is very inexperienced, but I plan on using some of my free time to turn it into a certified boypussy
Contact lenses honestly aren't that bad I'm just too lazy to take them out and out them back in every day so they just hang out in my eyes for weeks at a time.
If I was a healthier person with more consistent hygiene it wouldn't be an issue.
I wish I had the balls to buy and use a toy but it would be too much of a God damned hassle while I'm living with my parents
Cleaning it especially would probably be a nightmare
Hairy, unshaved, unwashed man ass only
#truegaygang #pride
please take care of your eyes
I don't really give a fuck
Meow wish that was me this artist does great bullying content
>My unrealistic body standard is better than yours
Idk kys hypocrite
Plap plap splurt
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they sure do! its pretty nice
been following them for a while
Holy fucking shit I wish I looked like that
I like that he draws more masculine faggots too like in the pic
too late for what?
mhm! i really love his line work too

Man I wish I could get back into drawing
I know they did not just twinkify ronald mcdonald, holy guacamole im going 2 hang myself
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me too
i was pretty bad at it thou lol
picrel is drawn by me
sorry its FAGGY enough
I wasn't good either but I liked doing it meow
yea art is always fun
wish i had the motivation to do it again
maybe ill draw again today x.x
Welcome to the NHK motherfucker
It's all hopeless meow I will never be happy
Sonic superstars is probably my favorite sonic game but it's also annoying at times. Calling it quits with 4 zones left to beat. Hate when this happens with games I like.
All sonic games suck ass, they have never once made a good sonic game
Chao garden
i liked the gba one. the earlier ones are roo hard for my fingers and the later ones have too much walking.
imagine chao garden in gba sonic though...like maplestory chao garden...holy f i have to make that
>tfw no /u/ bf
H-artist bf drawing porn of us in 2d
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I need a short bf
He's waiting for you in Miami why don't you date him griffy
I would do a frozen pizza but it's too hot to light the oven. Should I just stop being a bitch and do it anyway? A little heat never hurt anyone right?
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>someone hugging me
>because they want to touch me
>because they want my body
>they don't want to let go
Soare you dough
griff wants to think he's white and only wants a natural blond bf.
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>meaningful connections need either time or grand goals to form
>you will never have either probably
>you will never have a meaningful connection
>you will never trust, love, care, hate, fight, build with someone else
this fly is teasing me, it's a big one and it flies around my face, until I grab the spray, then it hides.
I like dark hair too
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Time to actually get dinner now, tendies give this fat neet some little joy.
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Must've crawled undah there for warmth
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big ass toaster
I want to make dinner to share with my bf
I hate packing up my leftovers knowing im just gonna continue to eat them alone
Here's all this food you lonely piece of shit, enjoy
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Meow me when I get a husband to snuggle with
Aww they're holding hands
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Itzy is so cute I love hers
I wonder what a possum feels like to touch, are they soft or coarse? Do they like to snuggle?
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I found out that the meow in r9gay now is not the same meow as a few years ago, and now I'm sad. I used to talk to him on discord a lot until he ghosted me. I hope polish meow is doing ok.
they express affection by licking you then rubbing their face in the drool over and over until you're soaking wet. it's called slubbing
I don't know if I would find that cute or gross. Cats like to lick and headbutt but not like that.
That's beautiful
With every meow post I am more and more tempted to buy a possum
you cannot simply buy an opossum
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Apparently pretty soft and also somewhat snuggly but depends a ton on the possum some are more snuggly than others
Meow so it goes
Yeah they have pheromone nodes on their cheeks iirc
You can buy them?
here in 'murrica you can buy most any animal if you wanted. Some redneck is selling possums I'm sure. Back in the 90s after Disney's Pocahontas came out racoons were a hot pet and lead to a lot of abandonment of them.
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I think selling wild Animals is illegal meow
It likely is but they almost never get caught. Rural areas here are something else.
I looked it up, there are opossum breeders here
It's like $500
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i want a pet pig. too bad i'm poor.
i actually think it's illegal to keep pigs as pets in here because of the heat or something idk maybe it isn't
i don't want those little teacup pigs or whatever they're called i want a big barn hog i think they're cute and cuddly and make a good pillow

if you want a pet pig just adopt me.
that's a lady pig i think
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Elysium is better than I expected for a film which seems largely forgotten, didn't realize it had such a solid cast either

I kek'd
I sailed the Void for a thousand years
I fought the War in Heaven
What can you do to strike fear into a being such as I?
time to drown the leg pain in cider, maybe I'll actually drink more than one or two and actually get a little tipsy. with my weight and the fact I always drink after eating means I never feel much of the effects.
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>tfw no trenchcoat cowboy bf
if you fall in love with me i can make you afraid of ever being in love ever again
the chapter where you had play both grays and the other family against each other was so boring and very obvious they were going to find out the gang was playing both sides.
Need this
I will not fall in love with anyone much less with you
I think cnc play sounds hot but there needs to iron clad rules and multiple safewords+gestures.
>I will not fall in love
one day this will change and when it does you will know true fear
It won't but okay
i made my husbabd in fallout a big fat black bald guy in fallout since he dies in the intro and doesn't matter but he keeps coming back in flashback scenes and i forget i made him like that every time. we have a blasian baby i wonder how shaun will looks
I could never do cnc I don't have the confidence to act or roleplay like that
I'd break down or cry in either position and I wouldn't be able to face my bf again
You playing a girl? Only staggots and troons do that. Besides the military background of the male survivor makes more sense.
I mean yeah but all kink and whatever -play is first and foremost about trust and I think if I'd be at the point where I'm able to do things like that there's also probably gonna be a pretty good understanding between me and my bf on what the other is okay with and so on
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God I hate the summer. Where is my fbf to cuddle me while naked so I don't overheat?
what would be your fav cnc scenarios? I always liked 'horny home invader'
my favorite cnc scenario is i'm a pathetic worthless loser and the rich guy thinks i'm cute and makes me his housemaid and he keeps taking advantage of me and i can't do anything about it because nobody else will hire me
come to ohio and clean the storymanor, you might just have that come true.

we all know story's too much of a pussy to do that though.
im depressed..
how annoying
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A man sees me in public, forces me into sex, blackmails me into more, at some point we start loving each other genuinely and live happy ever after

Being a housekeeping android to a handsy owner

Being hunter for sport (no sex, just violence)
Captured slave to a foreign noble who is captivated by my body and wishes to break it
With whips and flails and stuff
prince gets remade into handsome knight's housewife to destroy his bloodline
I hardly even taste the alcohol when drinking cider now, maybe it is an acquired taste.
dont drink alcohol it will kill you and you will make really shitty posts on the interweb

I don't care if it does and I already do the latter.
even when i had a job i still wanted to die. maybe getting a job won't make me happy.
when you die it will hurt really bad(your pancreas explodes)

me drinking a cider or two won't kill me.
My favourite command and conquer scenario is the gla campaign in command and conquer generals the other campaigns just don't hold a candle to it and i still find it funny to this day that it got banned and censored in germany.
Alcohol melted my stomach lining and now I have to take pills so that my stomach acid doesn't destroy my nerves and give me permanent diarrhea
Cider is usually fairly low volume so after a few drinks you stop noticing the taste. I find it tastes like normal fruit juice
I like beer the most especially Yuengling.
Far as the hard stuff Lemon drops are the best
and I like fireballs but I am willing to drink pretty
much any girly mixed drink. I love getting drunk
once a week.
just finished bottle number 2, should I go for 3?
i warned you bros. just remember that
For a long time I just chugged vodka from the bottle and chased it with ice water because I wanted to get drunker faster and it made me feel cool
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>Appearing like dew,
>Vanishing like dew
>Such is my life
>Even Naniwa's splendor is a dream within a dream.
I prefer the simplicity of this death poem to Uesugi Kenshin's though they both convey similar feelings
decided against 3 wow I actually kinda tispy. hehe this is fun.
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chapter 6
chapter 4
chapter 1
chapter 5
chapter 3
chapter 2
epilogue 2
epilogue 1

for me in order of rankings
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How much vodka would you drink? I think I drink more than I otherwise would if the taste wasn't masked by diet lemonade

I was gonna say 2 would probably be enough for you, 2-3 drinks is the sweet spot for most people where you get a slight buzz but aren't going to feel fucked the next day
chapter 2 was comfy in a calm before the storm type deal.
Not really cause the gang isn't a robinhood legend anymore. Everything in the story would have went down the same or very similarily if Micah died, if Hosea lived, etc.

Also it has the worst missions. I think my favorite is helping Mary Linton from there.
I like the chapter II missions, they seem very realistic for a group of outlaws to do, robbing a train, rustling sheep, that sort of thing.
on the topic: is the clumsy drunk typing a meme
It is quite real, most people can't use words in the right context when sober let alone drunk and its easy to drop letters or entire words when sufficiently wankered
I guess it should be shower time, first tipsy shower whoo hoo.
If story slips and drowns whilst drunk in the shower I call dibs on his fortune
fortune? all he has is a wrecked house and cats
i still have doubts. it never happened to me
One mans wrecked house and cats are another man's fortune. Could always rent out the house and sell the cats to a Japanese cafe
and almost 200k in cash, assuming he hasn't blown it all on pizza and McDonalds yet.
the /r9gay/ meetup/storyanon funeral...
it's gonna smell awful
ill bring extra deodorant
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Ah its cooled down thank fuck for that. Still ordering a fan now that my retardbux have landed so I don't melt in the brief summer
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bisexual frenchie taking bbc was not on my bingo for this season what the fuck
frenchie and colin are switches though
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don't be planning anything just yet, I have returned all nice and clean, the water seems to have removed my tipsiness as well.
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>suddenly feel insecure about small dick despite being a bottom
Nobody is ever going to see it so it shouldn't matter but my pride still stings a little
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I would suck my bottom bf's pp.
small dicks are cute!

I t-totally don't have one myself and just trying to make myself feel better about it.
biting off a few inches of top bfs penis to even the odds
maybe tomorrow I should wash my sheets, considering I haven't done that since before mom died.
just throw them out and buy new sheets
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I've still never washed my own sheets, I really hope my mother outlives me
I want to tease my bf so much he cums in his pants and gets all embarrassed.
>tfw your dick will always be cute or quaint instead of impressive
It's impressively small.
Will you kiss my boots?
so is anon going to ross at 7pm? if i go there will i find nobody?
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are you a russo or something?
Picking out a single midget spic from a crowd of them, good luck
No American but I have nice boots that look similar to ww2 boots for my job.
shos are growing me slowly but surely, wtf is wrong with me.
i'll be wearing a hat. and i wear glasses. i probably won't go though.
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What's your job Mister?
I fight fires
heres a trick for getting flies: turn off all the lights if its night or close all the blinds if its day except for one. the fly will go to that one. ez at night to lure them into the bathroom and close the door. got many a bug that way.
its story, he has a fly infestation from not cleaning up his dirty messes and likely cat shit everywhere too. Only way to get rid of his flies to burn the whole place down.
you're the gay guy from the sopranos???
No I don't think I've seen a single guy who has his body type in the entire county in regards to my job.
twink firefighter?
All of them have the lanklet body type to twunk until you hit mid/late 30s then you start putting on pounds but still have muscle.
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Embrace enlightenment
why dont storyanonss cats eat the food from the dirty skillet
Stock market is closed tomorrow for nigger day wtf definitely not ridin with biden now
i saw a pizza restaurant for sale near where my parents live. the old pizza men are dying and their kids have careers because dad could pay for a degree with those weighty pizzas. i also heard from my old boss once about a conversation he had with a pizza place owner, which he started because the owner was working when he went to pick up a pizza at 11pm at night. this surprised him because the owner was like 70. he said he was surprised to see him working so late and the pizza owner said like "i can't get no fuckin body else to do it." the pizza men, you know, theyre like daimyos, theyll adopt a new scion if their heirs are unworthy. the guy who owned & ran my town's deli died a few years ago and left it to his longest time employee, or else the guy was paid well enough to buy it from his kids, im not quite sure.
>some anons know what the staff of their local pizzeria look like
>this guy talks to the pizzaman
i have never looked at or talked to someone working at a store or restaurant. half of the time i leave so fast i dont even remember to say have a nice day
this guy mows his fuckin lawn. its nowhere near as bad as he makes out. i lived in his approximate biome. the flies come in no matter what, and if you throw out a hamburger and dont take out the trash for like 2 days you will suddenly have like twelve flies in the morning. im not sure why this is exactly. its hot and muggy and not very windy in the summer, and i dont know, theres a lot of roadkill or something? the housing stock is not great in the sense that theyre usually pretty squatly built and not really well ventilated. the standards for whats a good ac or duct system are kinda low. anyhoo a big thing to avoid flies in that environment is, literally never put any meat or meat packaging in the trash without immediately taking it out. otherwise leave meat scraps or the package from the meat in the freezer. fuckin wack i know but that place is different.

anyway if hes just talking about a few flies and not maggots, mice, rats, or roaches hes basically living in an average westernpennsyltuckyhio home. i thought my place was bad for having a few mice and then i saw a weeb couple at the cvs in the middle of the college district buying rat traps. its a hard life out there.
He did have maggots, no? Storysimp doesn't even know the lore -_-
well obviously if you have flies, you have maggots. ive been here on and off, i have snatches.

oh you also have to keep beans, rice, and corn flour in the freezer out there or it will also get full of maggots. however these ones turn into moths, pantry moths. i guess theyre larva or grubs technically.
storyanons floor is probably covered in cat hairs. i only had one cat and i had to sweep that up every couple days
can we get a house tour video
did you genuinely just fail at like 2nd grade reading comprehension

my old boss talked to the pizza man, he struck up a conversation because they were both business owners. then he told me about that conversation. i got the nervous sweats for like the first 6 months whenever my boss talked to me, which he did a lot because it would be just the two of us. he reminded me a lot of moby actually.
another fact about my old city, there was a pullover in a forested city park that was commonly known to be used for cruising and frots in the woods nearby. and in fact if you did drive through late at night you would see two or three in and by the woods like deer.
how many cats and what are their names? if it's two black and white cats i'll die. the last person i was friends with had a cat and a pug. oddly i never saw her walk the dog, ever.
9 cats and idk i forgot
i looked at the post again and still didnt see that part hehe
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this is kind of burying the lede. of course its hard to keep up a house with 9 fucking cats, if true...and what do you do with 9 cats. the litter budget must be enormous. the only solution is of course a cat cafe, which is evidently legal in ohio.
affogato is a delicious treat by the way. pour espresso/strong instant coffee over ice cream or gelato. however it has to be the GOOD kind of ice cream with no thickeners or they form gummy scrum when they touch hot coffee.
i need to stop smoking resin. i can feel my lungs crusting over. ill have to post here even more to distract myself for a few days. and then i should probably get an herb vape or smth. the last one i had was eh but its been four or five years and i think that kind of thing has gotten better.
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cookie time! maybe a bit heavy on the five spice.
/r9gay/ has a strict no smoking policy
oh. well its a good thing i vape now.

you know whats wild? the thing for an elfbar says it should last two weeks for a casual vaper. i have had one for abt a year...im a lightweight at everything i hope you understand.
cant do weed anymore that shit made me retarded
looking back at my failed love attempts
this place is the only refuge
a little weed makes me get started, more than a little makes me fall asleep...literally buy the smallest piffer you can or dont even and make carrot/apple piffers every time. the secret of weed is, you get most of the good part from even a onehitter.
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tasty looking. but...well...never mind. careful with five spice. this can be a textural exercise. im sure ill like them but i like to get funky.
looks like a cool rock
it was impossible for me to get fucked up off one hit except maybe the first few times i smoked. tolerance is a bitch. no more weed until i get another job and save enough money, hoping to get a bit of my short term memory back by then
>shaved everything except my thigh region
Good enough
well...yeah...i didnt say youd get fucked up. i said youd get most of the good part. i feel like some people dont actually understand what the good part is, though...
have fun and enjoy the razor bumps
the thigh region is most likely to get bumps tho
I kinda miss having fag-friends.
I'm loathe to admit it but most of the time they were unironically nicer people than anyone I know outside of my family.
It seems like everyone else just uses me as a punching bag, or at best, an emotional support dummy.
real as fuck man, used to be a tranny but realized i was wrong, but now i get buried at the beach and forcefed sand, but at least i can be racist
idfk what that was supposed to mean but i think you should probably kill yourself i guess?
rude ass nigger
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oh dear. !!science!! warning
tell me you at least applied lotion
huh what did you do to them, anon?
the orangey chunks are nothing brittle that i made. (peanut brittle with no peanuts.) i should have blended them up rather than just chunking them by hand but i didnt want to use the fooper. lazy. if you blend peanut brittle and mix it into pb cookies you get a delicious thing indeeed, its a milk bar recipe although i dont know that they did it first.
I did dent
>There are cute little brown asian boys with doey faces on this board that I am not currently holding in my big white muscular arms
manifesting the itchiest longest lasting razor bumps ever all over ur body, dummy
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My skin is fine.

I got a nasty cut on my ankle though fuck.
i keep forgetting to buy shampoo
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>eating bread, salt, and butter with a banana and yogurt and powerade

Life is good
im allergic to banana
i think ive made this post a dozen times on here
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ring banana phone
weird... i just remembered about that earlier today
ebf spent 2 hours just to get me off i am blessed albeit incel
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I got 120 dineros, what should I buy.
i dont know. i never spend my money. you should keep it
Shoving a banana up your arse
if you got a friend spending monies on gifting them games that you can play together is a good investment (unless if you can easily hamachi it)
anon that would hurt my butthole ;(
how? was it text, voice, camera?
Maybe I should buy Tarkov to play with my bestie, not sure if I'd enjoy it as much as him. Also I want Lego figs. Do you wanna see?
all 3, i dont coom easy cuz im pretty asexual
eh you could do that. tarkov isnt for me, any time i see people play it the game seems hella boring most the time. i love legos dude hell yeah i wanna see!
(havent built anything in eons though)
although i suppose playing it would be exciting because you never know when you're gonna lose it all, kinda like gambling. nevermind me im full of shit.
I appreciate your bravery in posting your journey learning cooking for us.
I'm tall and masculine but I want to be a femboys bottom bf. It's hard bros.
ok but how is that my problem
i think thats still possible, but yea life sucks. hate this place
Oh, you've got grey eyes

And I've never seen anyone quite like you before
No, I've never met anyone quite like you before

Bolts from above hurt the people down below
People in this world, we have no place to go
Bolts from above hurt the people down below
People in this world, we have no place to go

Oh, it's the last time
Oh, it's the last time
Oh, it's the last time
Oh, it's the last time
Oh, it's the last time

Oh, I've never met anyone quite like you before
Oh no, I've never met anyone quite like you before
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You've got a heart on fire
It's bursting with desire
You've got a heart filled with passion
Will you let it burn for hate or compassion?

What's the point
If you hate, die and kill for love?
What's the point with a love
That makes you hate and kill for?
my sleep schedule was pretty normal for a couple weeks, but
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Hey now, here is my song.
For you, yeah that's right.
I wish that I was yours but I'm too shy, I suppose.

If only I could could just conjure a spell.
Ka-pow! Hocus, hocus, hocus!
Then you and I would be together
For all time, I suppose.

Is it Love that makes my heart go:
"Boom boom boom!"?
Yeah, I suppose.
Love you, love you, love you.
More than yesterday.
I suppose!
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i'd fuck your brains out idiot
Thought about this song earlier today (like an hour ago) gonna listen to it now.
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yo yo yo I'm hood rat
and I got something to say

And listen up so we can all be clear
There's a lot of crack
Coming down
And I'm telling you
I'm not down

The streets are filthy
With drug addicts walking about

The price of gas
is through the roof
the price of food will strangle you
all the stores
are closing down
where do I go to buy some food
dat nigga aint straight
dat nigga gaygay
dat nigga aint straight
dat nigga gaygay
dat nigga aint straight
dat nigga gaygay
dat nigga aint straight
dat nigga gaygay
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if no one love me I know cool cat loves me
go the fuck to bed spic
i don't appreciate you guys saying those things to brad
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I wonder why Dutchie doesn't talk to me anymore.
It's 4am and I can't sleep
i woke up at like 5 am and washed the dishes then played mario kart
none of my niggas are online rn
how do you talk to boys
why can't we just stare at each other
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It's 4AM And Everyone In My Life Has Abandoned Me

but its almost 5:30am
but its almost 6:30am
its almost 1:30pm
>play hell let loose
>join smol server
>guy that joins me at first is retard and he leaves
>girl joins me
>we quickly team up and work together
>we coordinate pretty well together
>we absolutely wipe them despite them out numbering us
>we take socials
>we add each other afterwards
>did this all through voice chat
I feel accomplished. ANDI MADE A FEMALE FREN :3
but its almost 7:30am
I been loyal, been stabbed in the back for it.

I just don't believe in anything.
*scams all my friends for lego*
I didn't like him!
you know you are absolute Rubbish if Dutchie doesn't like you.
No one is trustworthy or loyal these days, I only trust myself and my own plans

Everyone else can get fucked
i personally saved the dutchboy
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brad i still like you
our own dutchboy still needs saving
but i already saved him keep up
Hate you all
i don't believe you, no one here ever gets saved
he unlinked his accounts and took his personal info out of his youtube channel because of me. i saved him
the world doesn't deserve heroes like you
how do you celebrate nigger day
I celebrate by watching moonman videos
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Meow where bf mwaa want cuddles
wher husbie want head caved in
im not recognizing any fake holidays aka anything that didnt already exist when i was a kid. unless my favorite streamer is celebrating...
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im not gay but the thought of naked berserker warriors charging into battle drugged up into a psychotic frenzy and with giant erections the whole time and terrifying and ripping apart their enemies appeals to me. not in the "i want to fuck this guy" sense but more in the "it would be cool to experience being that guy" sense. idk if thats a relatable thing but i wouldnt be surprised if it was
the experience of being fucked by the giant naked berserker warriors?
nigga you gay as af fuck
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Grabbing some sea salt at the store to manifest my boyfriend
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Enjoy the egregore wiztard
But I'm right here anon. You don't need some demonic salt ritual for a bf.
their author moves so slooooow
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Your numbers mesmerize me
filling out my calendar again. i'm not making the same mistake twice.
soc bf or r9gay bf
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Ya the series will probably never finish in any reasonable time. I myself haven't read it in over a year. I still like the movie and the start of the manga its cute.
My numbers mean you have to be my boyfriend now.
r9gay bf is impossible but soc bf is unbearable
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I'm all yours, what do we do first? We have a whole summer to spend
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For real??? If so I want to spend the first few days holding you tight and giving you lots of kisses while we watch anime and eat yummy food. When the temps go down we can discus further my honey~
I always know when its you
whys apostle taking his name tag off ever
because he is very retarded
captcha: NYGAY
who is apostle i missed it
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Of course I would buy a plane ticket and crash in the ocean for you sweetie, I will bring some waffles with me
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Awww your so sweet. I'll buy your plane tickets and we can go to waffle house; my treat for being so dedicated.
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>lgbt networking event tomorrow
>registration only
>registration ended

>call event organizer
>they say registration was only for free drinks, anyone can come
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You guys like reading?
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I'll buy my own ticket if you buy all the treats, that's about $800 worth of treats, you could fill me up all day with that
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I am making lavender honey ice cream
The base is currently chilling a bit and then I will put it in the ice cream maker
I will let you know how it churns
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Yeah. Currently reading Phenomenology of Spirit and Keats' Complete Works; work is slow today, as expected
>You guys like reading?
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I like reading with my bf so he can forget how flushed he is
Fit bf is perfect
do you agree with him thread
its the body I want to have but not the body I want to date
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It is churning
The voices have come back.
4chan x made my pictures disappear, how fix?
why do all gay fat guys have the same personality
Because they are all perfect
because you view them all the same probably
what is that personality fren?
That character looks 12.
OP is a pedophile.
Everyone was already aware thanks
Do you realize you're subhuman?
>>>/lit/23380190 current year equivalent
i havent revealed my schlonger yet but its big i assure you
How very original of you
Despite your affected smugness I know you probably hate yourself for being a pedophile. You recognize that it's a sick and disordered attraction.
hard to criticize but i will anyway

hes got that slight kyphosis potbelly (guilty of the same) and somehow has miniature love handles despite being skinny

could be some shooping at the waist on the left side but i wont go that far as i dont know my pixels. there is angling going on though. if you dont have front and side pics you dont really know what he looks like.

in any case many a skinny teen be skinny, the challenge is keeping it (or getting it later)
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>Spoonfeeding my husband homemade ice cream
I pray to God such a miracle may come to pass
I got you for well more then 800 worth my honey~ We might as well marry eachother while were at it..
more like hoe made ice cream
If you wanna see more you can just ask nicely y'know
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>like top
>immediately pledge my soul to them
>cant explain how obsessed i am cause itd sound weird
please show me more ice cream owo
mix in mini chocolate chips, mini marshmallows and crushed potato chips for a delicious
is the ice cream made with 100% organic boimilk?
Cone >>> cup

And it ain't even close
my bf ain't licking no ice cream cone in public, that's too lewd and only I get to see that.
feeling a bit sad
bees are buzzing, but I'm in bed
ice cream on my wounds
How dare you
Sorry it's done churning it has to sit in the freezer for six hours :(
It's fancy pants lavender ice cream, it's unfortunately too nuanced a flavor for your plebeian mixins
It is not I'm sharing it with my mother
I agree but we don't have any ice cream cones because I forgot to buy them
I guess I should go the store but it's so hot already and will be for days. this is going to be a brutal hot summer and I dread eventually having to mow the grass in it. I really need a Hispanic lawn boy who can take the heat.
repressing troon and repressing pedophile coalition
all troons are pedos so it's kind of redundant
Huebert told us to not repress anymore

Also my office is cold as fuck, its 65f inside and 92f outside
I don't think they're repressing when they constantly post shota art. They know what they are.
All gays are pedos too.
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reminder to dilate
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I've been a shotacon since I was a shota when I came to /cm/ in 2015
Pdf file website
reading shota hentai when i was a kid made me attracted to FUBs...
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something about this made me laught really hard
I only like shota/shota stuff and it has to be loving relationships.
i like that he included a nut preview so you know what it looks like before you watch
"No" was never an option
The illusion of choice
You read the wrong kind sorry shotaxshota was the correct answer :/
>tfw cumshotlet

I never shoot like that, I only dribble. I bet that makes me unable to be a proper top.
he sent it 5 days later too lol
Moot contained your degeneracy on /b/ for a reason.
He was building up his reserves
He wanted to impress you
There's worse things there to moralfag over than some 2d drawings I'm sure
I have killed 5 large flies today already. The real big ones. A cat caught and ate another one (yuck!). This is my own fault but I miss the smaller flies.
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Did we (almost) marry last time?? I'm going through some deja vu..
Hi anon, this is God speaking. The flies will keep getting bigger. You will be visited by bigger and bigger flies until they're the size of an apple.
Taking a flammenwerfer to storymanor but not before securing the neetfortune
Ohh God

these already take 2-3 sprays to kill, ones that big will take half a bottle (of which I need another one)


just get the cats out first.
Its deja vu because we did not even get remotely close to marriage or calling you my honey dear one.
since they were married, bunny should have gotten half of story's money.
Since i live in ohio, I should have gotten a dollar from story
Maybe two
Road trip to Ohio then to Bosnia to get the full payout huh

If that's what it takes..

are you the one that lives nearby in Xenia?
I don't know what xenia is I live in cleveland
But the rich white part of cleveland
oh ooh lavender. what did you use a little bottle of flavor extract? ooh what fancy pants you have. easy guess cause where the hell do they sell fresh lavender. if you gathered it from fields of flowers post pics and ill kiss your toes in sorries. but i doubt it! lavender extract just makes me think of cleaning products lol.
fly spray is a scam you stupid goofball

buy a two dollar pack of window fly strips, put them up high on sunny windows and lower the blinds over them to hide them from your sight. check back in a week when youre ready to be grossed out.

different one then, there's a guy that lives close by me near dayton.
Or just spray water dumb retard they can't fly when wet so you can smack them easily
Fat ones don't fly so good anyway

I just want them to die and the spray kills them. It's a natural spray not a chemical one so it doesn't hurt the cats.
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Why do they have to be fresh?
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I'm sorry I'm a terrible husband, I love you love you love you sweetheart
I deleted our wedding song cause it wasn't very good, the deadline was too harsh
yeah the fly strips kill em too buddy. theyre sticky, thats how they work. they land on em and get stuck and die. its a little sad when theyre flapping their little wings to death trying to get off, but you can wap them with the end of a ruler to put them out of their misery.

they take a little whole to start working but as soon as it gets at least one fly they work exponentially better. flies like to land where other flies already are on account of the swarming instincts.

alternatively you could put like 15 venus flytraps on every windowsill. im not sure if that would actually work but it is natural also.

I bought some fly traps last year along with the spray but I never put them up due to laziness and the spray working. I have no idea where they are though since I lose things a lot. Last year was so bad I had flies completely covering my ceiling and other surfaces, hundreds of them.
ok you have a little street cred. i apologize for doubting. the strips are good i promise. stick a few up by the top of each window (or where you can reach if you dont wanna get a ladder), lower the blinds over them and forget about them til the winter.

a box of latex gloves is very worth it for icky tasks like this i found...maybe i'm prissy but i dealt with things a lot better when i could just put on gloves.

My cats look out the windows sometimes and I'm worried something dangling might incite them to jump and catch it. and I have rubber gloves I used to change litterboxes and stuff.
Where to find bottoms that will obsess over me?
Story can we get you on an episode of hoarders or something? That's my own business idea

do they even still make that show? Plus I'm scared if anyone sees my house the city will condemn it. At the very least they might seize my cats. The only reason I got rid of my home phone was because the line broke somewhere and I couldn't risk getting a repair man over to fix it.
well put em up high then like i said. they dont really dangle, youre maybe thinking of old timey fly paper. the strips i mean are just strips of clear plastic about the size of a dollar bill that adhere to the window by a thin sticky strip on one side, while the other side is all sticky. (DONT put the all-sticky side on the window. did that once. big mistake.)

big rubber gloves are nice for dedicated uses, for tasks youre going to repeat, but disposable latex gloves are nice for random icky stuff like bathroom cleaning or taking down fly strips with a dozen flies each once heat season is over. a box of disposable gloves is like two or three bucks at wmt.
Oh your home is FUCKED fucked
I'm grossed out by swarms of insects idk if I could ever be more lazy than I am disgusted to let this happen
when you inevitably get a clogged drain and cant call the plumber, protip -- at home depot they have higher powered brands of drain unclogger that work basically 100x better than typical draino type stuff which is a waste of money.

if you notice a drain getting slow, boil a pot of water with a big spoonful of baking soda dissolved in it, and pour it down the problem drain. do this twice a day. if that doesnt solve the problem youre gonna need the home depot strong stuff.
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Hiyya errynyan, it's switchanon! I'm back from a long day of hard work at my two jobs. But can you really call it work if it's fun?

On my way to work I was stopped by a suspicious looking fellow who asked if I was looking for a job. Later I got a phone call from an unknown number asking if I wanted to work at a call center which I had to politely decline.

I saw someone drop a wallet and obviously went to return it to him. He thanked me. My boss didn't because I was late for work because of that. Well, that's not the only reason. One old lady asked me if I wanted to play with her dog and I said yes. Then she gave me free money. I love being white :DDD
Upstanding member of the community :D

I have a hand auger that my grandfather had, so far no plumbing issues as I'm very careful not to put anything down that that might clog. Part of that is laziness since I never wash my skillet I just wipe the grease/oil out with paper towels.


if only you knew how I truly lived. storymanor is more like storysty.
once i found 200 bucks still sitting in the dispenser of a walmart atm when i stopped in for my 50cent mini pie before work. i turned it in to the customer service desk, and like a week later i was offered an incredibly good job out of the blue. i dont think it was karma, but rather someone taking notes...
Have we ever gotten actual pics of this fly den? How do we know this isn't another story(heh)
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"fucked fucked" is generally how outsiders view this entire region jsyk lol

note how every one of these houses has trash cans legit right outside their windows. if you dont hear the flies in this picture i know youve never been in this part of the land.

I posted a pic of my fly covered ceiling once before I killed most of them. I deleted the pic on my phone just in case someone were to go through it.
God bless your soul, hope you may find the perfect boyfriend (from reddit) to support your ordinary white lifestyle. Have you scheduled a vacation yet or do you feel you don't need it?
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80% CI storymanor is in this picture
anyway time to go to the store, and likely get fast food on the way back.
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Meow where husbie meow I don't wanna be lonely anymore
Right here meowsers take it or leave it >>77887362

nope, south. I've posted my town here before and I won't do it again.
hwat. im not horny (yet) im engrossed because story is living not far from how & where i did after college. getting out of that place (literal and spiritual) was tough enough and i wasnt saddled with 9 cats.
frightful! the place where i lived was at least higher elevation and had some nice cool breezes at least now and then. i cant imagine what sort of hell it is in those milksick bottomlands in the summer.
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Why would my husband be there HUH?????
Story look I found your post
I once played terraria with a German anon from here 4-6 years ago.
Still remember him for some reason.
Sorry for un-friending you, you were acting way too cute (read faggish).
checked but do you genuinely have reading difficulties?
Maybe, how so demeow
well i'm not story for one thing, just similarly flavored.
twink brap
>tfw no organist boyfriend who plays bwv 593 on our wedding day
I love you to my honey. We can find a better wedding song or reschedule. Anything for you my honey~
Wall schizo makes abhorrent foods on top of being retarded. Oh wait the two things are connected looool
then come and do it anon
back from the store and McDonalds. my nuggies and burger were very good today. Now time for a fat neet nap.
Beautiful fool moon, what an enjoyable walk I had
Is it wrong to fap to a boy's nudes after he already left you?
It's pretty pathetic anon. Only thing worse would be you posting them for others to see.
How cute was he is the question
>anime not enjoyable anymore
>read all comics I wanted too
Guess it's time to watch tv series then since I haven't seen many yet and found quite a few I am interested in. Now that I'm done with twin peaks it's time to watch dark
Nah, they are gay but they are underage. It takes a few years to appreciate that sort of masculinity.
Um where's my underage bf then
>it's time to watch dark
The German show? I heard about it but haven't seen it, is it scary?
Aw hell nah
This nigga needs to kill himself NOW
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Need a boyfriend who plays the guitar...
Need a boyfriend who doesn't require me to be skilled at anything in particular
Need bf period meow where bf meow
I want a bf who doesn't require me to work and just asks me to have my legs spread and mouth open whenever he gets home
Post ass and we can talk then
Anon is sus
Everyone's already seen it bruv
>92f(33c) outside
Who goes out in this
>tfw cold shower and ice cream at night after a long and sweaty day
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>friend talking about having a double date with him and his gf
>he says just get a bf bro
>just get a bf
>JUST get a bf
I want to die
You already have friends, getting a bf is just making a friend with a specific gay man.
Why would I want to talk to you WHORE
I have only 2 friends and they both are social recluses and I am pretty much there only friend. I guess I kinda have made some friends from a gayclub but they were all in relationships as well. When I try to just meet guys around me all they want is some kinda casual sexual relationship and they ghost me. One day maybe but for now them words hurt my mood.
me when im a social recluse but i have a gf and want to do double dates with my friend
Reading comprehension is hard sigh
I just got up from a nap an hour ago and I feel like I could take another one. So eepy, just so eepy.
Me but in reverse
Night night fags
It's more than 12 hours later and I'm still suffering from this condition, unfortunately.
Being a tall masc bottom is based, femboy chasing is only fixed with a death sentence
That mcdonalds filled my fat neet gut up so much I might not even have dinner. I still feel full.
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Meow where bf waa I need attention and love
I just want to be some Griffith's Guts.
Did not ask. Kill yourself.
Why do femboys offend you so much anon? They are cute!
I just want to be loved ;-;
Why do you want me to kill myself anon?
Have the bippity
This is so profoundly retarded misunderstanding of everything I said that I won't bother even explaining
Dishonest worm. Eat shit and die
I don't know what that means, sorry anony
Honest worm. Eat dirt and live
You didn't say very much at all anon, you just expressed a disgust at the idea I would be interested in femboys. I don't get the hate, that's all.
Exactly. Disgust at you being a chaser, nlt femboys. Why did you lie about what I said if you didn't misunderstand? Stupid animal. Burn in hell.
Someone had a bad wagie day at mcdickies and now he's gonna take it out on internet strangers wahh wahh :((
I should burn in hell for having a preference? Yet, you thought it is based to be a masc bottom? Anon, it seems like you are jealous of femboys.
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Subway has improved my mood a little.
when I was at mcdonalds one time a couple teenagers came in, used the kiosks to place massive orders without paying for them and then left.
Super funny and hilarious and very smart as well
No, you should die for being a disgusting chaser animal. You will go to hell for lying. Is "n-no u" really the best you can do? Those two aren't even remotely comparable. Actually kill yourself, mongrel.
i would kill for a mcdonalds wagie bf
somebody's mad, poor lil wagie wishes he could be a femboy awwwww wanna hug from me anon? poor anony
Femboymaxxing for my top sho bf
Kill yourself, insect. Are you really that incabable of defending yourself? Is "u r just jealous....." Really the height of your cognitive ability? Actually kill yourself.
mcdonalds wagies are so cute. imagine him coming home in his mcdonalds wagie outfit and you hug him and he smells all gross and burgery so you send him to get changed while you plate dinner and then you eat with him and rest together that would be awesome
What kind of person travels in their work clothes that's stupid for a ton of reasons otherwise cute fantasy
he thinks he's a threat, that's cute, "defending" against a lil chihuahua barking isn't necessary rlly
That's cope. You are coping. Probably also esl. Die.
>bark bark bark bark!
>bark bark! bark!
coping? coping for what?
most regular wagies do, are you saying you change into your work clothes at work?
Not being able to defend your rotten chaser ways in the arena of intellectual combat.
Not here anyway, all the places I've worked at you change in your workplace. They're not as comfortable as my own clothes so obviously I'm gonna change.
intellectual combat? lol, lmao even
If refuting my point was so easy you would have done so right away instead of stuttering preschool level drivel. Eat my ass faggot.
need ;-;
i can't remember you making any "points" anony, only expressing your disgust at my preference for femboys

i won't eat your ass, sorry that's gross to me :(
And more cope. I don't care, that's exactly why you should. Stupid scum.
im still not sure what im supposed to be coping about?

that i offended some jealous anon for my preference?

your thoughts are not very coherent, sorry chihuahuanon
About the cognitive dissonance of understanding that being a chaser makes you unworthy of living and the animal impulse of wanting to live anyway. Just kill yourself. You are disgusting, worthless and harmful.
so dang eepy, where's my eepy boys we can nap together.
sorry anon I just woke up from my nightly nap
you seem incredibly bitter chihuahuanon, i kinda feel like you're the animal since i got you on a leash barking at me nonstop

all this, because i have a preference for femboys? i can't be offended, it's just kinda amusing to watch :)

bark for me chihuahuanon! bark bark!
Die. Stupid chaser faggot. Burn in hell.
he did it, he barked for me. he's such a well-trained chihuahuanon, im so proud <3
i note well how youre talking about me even when im not here. the cookies were very tasty by the way, just not too pretty cause the caramel chunks were too big. and potato choco chip mini mallow ice cream is exceedingly tasty.

it evidently really bothers you when posts arent the same thing youve seen 1 million times already. why do you think that is? does reading multiple sentences in a row make your eyes start to feel hurty? do you lose your place and have to start over again from the top of the paragraph? do you give up halfway through and start ranting instead? you dont have to answer that one actually.
try not to force this person to experience uncertainty pt 100000000000
Shut up I hate you meow shithead
silly chihuahuanon, dogs bark not meow XD
can we get back to comfy posting please, take your flirting somewhere else.
story i have more info for you. my years of physical and intellectual training (wandering) have resulted in my acquiring killua powers, and thats not a joke.

correspondingly, if you follow similar regimens, youll likely unlock gon powers. then youll be ready for the hunter exam. youll never believe me, but i am deadly serious.
I am neither

what anime/video game is this from? My only powers are being disgusting and aura of filth (passive)
So crazy that William Golding wrote a novel about Storyanon

when we read the lord of the flies in school a few kids called me piggy even though I wasn't fat yet. I also wore glasses and had the similar 'we must follow the rules' mindset.
Oink oink *squeal*
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Yo, yo, yo, I'm Hood Rat,
and I got something to say.
And listen up,
so we can all be clear.

There's a lot of crap,
coming down.
And I'm telling you,
I'm not down.

I see my city,
falling apart.
The streets are filthy,
with drug addicts nodding out.

The price of gas,
is through the roof.
The cost of food,
will strangle you.

All the stores,
are closing down.
Where do I go,
to buy some food?

I'm sick and tired,
of the politicians.
Them dirty people,
always be lying.

Those Democrats say,
they're here to help us.
But Hood Rat says,
they're here to hurt us.

They come for our vote,
every four years.
Then they disappear,
just like a roach.

My eyes have changed,
and I'm seeing clearer.
And Hood Rat is saying,
Donald Trump is the Leader!

Hood Rat for Trump

Hood Rat, Hood Rat,
Hood Rat for Trump!
Hood Rat, Hood Rat,
Hood Rat for Trump!

bash my head in with a rock please. it's a fitting end.
Letting you rot is funnier

likely it is, and the fun part is it;s only been a year and a half since mom has been gone. Where do you think I'll be in 2 years, or even 5? Will I even still be here? Who the fuck knows the only thing I do know is that I'm not changing, if I haven't by now I never will.
do you want to change? or you just don't think you can?
hunter x hunter, i thought you posted illumi above. you havent unlocked your nen yet so your powers are of course limited.

nen can be unlocked either through decades of intense training (although it may never happen for some/most) or more quickly through being exposed to the nen powers of another person. this i can do for you. its perfectly safe...with my particular powers anyway. another lucky stroke for you.

part of me does, yes. I don't /like/ living like this but at the same time I'm not willing to do the steps required to change. It seems like I do less and less and everything just gets worse and worse. Not that I did much to begin with. I have flashes of motivation but they don't last long and when they're gone I get even lazier.
yaa consider that part of the magic of magic is your voluntary belief in it, the willful acceptance of a particular theology, and how that can shape your real thoughts and actions. by awakening your nen powers you are adopting a theory that can guide and motivate you as an agent in reality to self-fulfill those delusions.
heres the thing. the number of people who "changed" by banging their head against the same wall every day is basically zero. if you dont change your conditions, you will almost certainly not change.

this applies to everyone. this is why 99% of people literally never lose weight once they gain it. their weight gain was a natural consequence of being the person they are and living they life they live. almost nobody who has a 9-5 job and has been gaining 5-10 lbs a year will be able to stave that off by sheer force of will. if they keep the same job, keep living in the same place, they will continue to live as they always have. this is true 99% of the time, and i'm not really an exception. (to that.)

for a person who is slowly gaining weight like that, diet is not the answer. exercise is not the answer. not in the long run. they will revert to their previous lifestyle - maybe in a year, maybe in 10 years, but they almost certainly will.

the only real thing such a person could do is live their life differently. quit their job and get a different one that imposes a different lifestyle. move to a place where the food culture is different. for example in japan literally all servings are half as much. even the mcburgers are smaller. if an american moved there, they would lose weight solely because they would always be served smaller portions and all the people around them would be eating less as well.

how this applies to you, well, thats the difficulty. you cant change your situation because you have 9 cats to take care of, and im guessing you think your house is too fucked up to consider selling or renting. these arent problems i can solve for you, from a distance anyway. but the point is, you arent particularly bad for the situation you're in. you dont have to change yourself, you have to change the situation.
*zaps you with lightning fingers* do you believe me now???

If I moved somewhere else (assuming I even could, moving a huge deal) I'd just do the same thing. I have a physical aversion to cleaning and picking up after myself and always have.
good news: you can live in a forty-buck-a-night hotel and theres a maid who does that all for you. a random retail job can pay that easily and what other expenses do you have? food? bus pass?

ive been out your way, forty bucks a night will get you a room in a basic wyndham type hotel, not even just a motel. youll have free fuckin breakfast man, and you can even steal muffins for later and no one cares. its a sweet deal. no lease to bother with. you can receive mail at a hotel and everything by the way, it works as a legal address.

your biggest problem as i see it is your nine cats. thats like having nine kids that never grow up, like, thats pretty damn hard to deal with. theyll die eventually i suppose but that could be a long long time from now. i dont really have an answer and obviously you dont want to give them to a shelter or you would have already. you could put them for adoption on petfinder and make sure they get good homes. even adopting out a few would make your life easier.

and if i may venture an assumption, i think you feel like even if you do improve your present situation, the memory of it will linger with you forever. you feel like you'll never be able to look people in the eyes because of how youve lived. well i cant quite speak for hundreds of flies but ive seen some shit, and a few years after youre out of there you dont really think about it. youll wonder how you even survived but youll feel like it wasnt even quite you.

you deserve at least 1 day of vacation from the manor imo. feed your cats, clean the box and book one night in the cheapest hotel with free breakfast you can get to. based for the ac in the summer anyway. have one good night, have a few drinks at a bar and have your free breakfast in the morning. then at least youll have an image of peace to contemplate.

I'm not sure if I could do that. I'll never get rid of any of my cats. I promised mom I;d take care of them. In fact right now they're my only reason to live besides being too scared to die. Me leaving for that long would stress them and they fight when they get stressed. Plus one of them is quite old and I fear the shock of that might finish her off.
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*as he's choking her out*
>storymom: save... meowtha...
>r9gay: its her cat's name

No, asshole, she told me years before she died if anything happened to her to make sure I took care of the cats.
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Its very cool out tonight and the moon is quite bright, summer nights are most pleasant of all. I only wish that they were longer

Its still 83 and humid with even more hot days to follow. I hate summer so much.
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Thanks bonny, I knew you couldn't be mad. I found the lyrics of the song again and sang a bit of it https://voca.ro/1dpjIUalD3zY
Are you asleep yet? I'll spend like an hour filling out an agenda with nearby events so I have something to do this warm bleak happy summer, then I'm dozing off
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Yeah the humidity is what does it, I'm glad summer is fairly short. Do you have ac or any fans?

of course, I'd die with no AC. Fat people do not like heat.
I could never be mad at a cute voice like that omg be my real life boy wife. What kinda things you planning for our honeymoon?
preheat the oven we need a new bread.
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If I were without you, I wouldn't have to go to mundane shit like festivals and sit in a corner, we would just figure it out throughout the day. However, I'd exploit the excitement of our relation to coerce us into doing something useful like cooking or working the garden (together)
Oh our honeymoon, I'd have to think of something special
Sorry it's 4 AM I'm missing details, thanks for the compliment too c:

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