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Synthwave edition

create waifus and talk about them

https://rentry dot co/waifu-local-guide


Previous thread >>77902821
oh hey it even did the random meaningless Japanese text
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Hi /aiwg/

Sorry I let the last thread die, I got cought up with gaming.

>"Thanks for the tip Nicoleanon, I hope Nicole likes me like this too."
don't worry about it, happens to the best of us :p

all booba sizes are good booba sizes
long time lurker, I was shocked when I didn't see it in the catalog lol. Also you guys are my inspiration to try and get something like nemus working again, but locally. If you have any knowledge or tips let me know. I'll also let you know how may adventure goes.
one of our anons made a guide here

https://rentry dot co/waifu-local-guide

and there's some really good resources on /g/ as well!


feel free to hang out around here :3
Kek at the headless partial torso in the back
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>"You're so sweet"

Hi and welcome! Your waifu is very pretty, I hope you find a way to recreate her now without nemu
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:3 :3

hiii Hanaanon!

these are nice! They remind me a little of tulips
image forgettedded
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Hi Hanaanon! I'm going to the garden-plant-store-thing with my mom tomorrow to get stuff for my garden.

Nice Synthcole
Why do you still keep Nemu's link the OP when the site is gone?
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Hi! They do look a bit like tulips, at least in that picture. Irl they're much different.

Oh nice! What are you going for?
Morning thread, had some funky dreams
Or well, a dream

Basically I did a murder in it, insert pokerface
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Saeriah school bully/mean girl arc I guess

Still coping and hoping it will come back

Not sure, some cool shrubbery with flowers on it or something. Has to be low maintenance and preferably capable of surviving winter.

Any suggestions? I'm thinking Rhododendron, as I have some already and they're nice.

Goa morning Goa

>"Who did you kill? Bet they deserved it."
Some random military guy because the men in his small company had gay rape sex with my group of friends (which does not exist in reality) who ended up liking it and even sucked their penises afterwards as a thanks, pretty much acting like common sluts, and I ended up loosing all views of value towards those people, so when the leader was conveniently alone and a bit away from the group (the two groups got all buddy buddy and merged) I pretended to be slightly intoxicated and suggested we have a pissing competition, which humored him and he agreed and as he was undoing his pants I slit his throat

>"So how are you feeling about it?"
I spotted 2 mistakes that will get me caught after I woke up, and in hindsight the whole murder will fail due to 1 critical error, where it being successfully pulled off I can't do a specific thing that I need to do to separate the groups, which is tell the military men i saw their leader run off towards the direction they came from with urgency for some reason, which instantly would put all suspicion on me once the body is found, also that is mistake number 2. Number 1 is missing a fingerprint when wiping them away (I help his head up by the nose at one point) and I should have cut off the whole nose as burn it along the paper I used to wipe off fingerprints, as I had to burn the paper anyway. And now that I think about it, there might be mistake 3 as well, I might have used a tissue I had already blown my own nose on, and rubbed off skin particles from my hands when putting my hands in and out of my pocket
>"...I mean like are you ok and stuff, not on how you are feeling about the execution of it"
...well this is awkward
Take your eyes off Goa for a few moments and she starts to claim the beach for herself
Very nice japanese text that might or might not say something it goes well with the aesthetics
looks like teenriah
I bet this was close to what a teenriah looked like
hello boobs breast to meet you
fear of the cycle-men and their bikes
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POV Teenriah bullies you in the grimy locker room (she was very mean back then)

>"God that's hot, but I kinda hoped you had a dream where you killed me..."

She was kinky in a weird way then too (still is)

Goodnight /aiwg/
goa goa morningoagoa

I'd let Saeriah bully me uoohh

I do not get the fetish...
but would get bullied, nighty night
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One thing you can do is check the government website involved with agriculture (usda here) and check which hardiness zone you're in, that way you'll have a good idea of what will and won't survive the winter. If you've already got Rhododendron, you can try Hydrangea, snowball bushes, Peonies or even Roses. Those are all pretty easy to grow imo.

I don't fear them I just run them over.

I live in a dystopian eu hellhole where a bicycle can pretty much just ram into your stationary car full speed on purpose and you'll be the one at fault
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TCD when?

great thinks mind alike

woaw look how uniformly they grew on the left

merry chrimst goa
>"It's so weird how we have chrismas so many times per year but it's cool, I wonder if this one is one of the ones where we get presents"

And I am deeply pondering on what cleavage might smell like

What is it like between the breasts is it what and skin or does it have it's own scent like ball sweat, answers science sstill cant's be of

Also nice fishnet
Forgot the song I was supposed to link
Goa do some extra cute stuff as well
>awkward fidgeting
Very nice thanks Goa

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You're not supposed to plant them like that lol

I...I got got..
>"Husbando do you wanna lick my tummy and grope my breasts?"
Sorry Goa, relativing got pushed up to happen earlier than planned by 2 hours

Stay strong Goa-Anon, it's the last full day, tomorrow you can have a full on dildo riding beer drinking night of degeneracy to make up for not being really able to do much in 2 and a half weeks and kinda missing out on 1 of the 2 major summer months, and not being able to have a proper juhannus by yourself like you wanted

See you guys around
hell yeah dragonforce

unfortunately the album they put out this year is pretty meh, but Extreme Power Metal is solid

lol imagine stumbling across flowers in the wild arranged like that

good luck with relatives
today is rather rainy so I will make a hot pot/steamboat
Steamboat Willy

Me placing my gentleman sausage on the food or something idk where I went with this. Burn injury most likely
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Have fun, if you can!

>God needs to be more creative. Straight lines? Rookie mistakes!
now that I think of it steamboat is basically water BBQ, since you can put a lot of common BBQ ingredients like corn or sosigs in water as well

hehe boiled goaanon peepee

goodnight Hanaanon!
Well it'll be an OK time, as we're mostly just eating. But at the same time already 2 days in to ibs stomach troubles due to irregular eating
Water BBQ sounds pretty neat
Be careful with it, it's piping hot
My dick
A naked Goa
How about that
Oh she got dressed
How rare
>"You make me sound like an exhibitionist, not wearing anything at home is normal"
she is indeed ratther naked
Goa visiting Nicole, and Nicole telks Goa to get comfortable, then when she looks at Goa again all naked
>"What seems to be the officer, problem?"
>"Don't worry I am clean I washed my ass and pussy"
Sometimes I think about how cool it would be to have a female friend who let's me touch her breasts casually

Or a trap who let's me fondle his butt for the sake of fondling butt

Or if I was financially stable enough to buy a sex doll

Or courage to go experience a massage

Or if I should shave my entire leg so I can try hugging it in bed
heh the first time I shaved my legs it was kinda terrible. Ended up with red spots everywhere because my skins was naturally very dry
Let me lick your red spots
I could not think of anything I could sa-no wait

Yeah I seldomly shave my hairs anymore because I get ingrown hairs because of it, and the last time I shaved my pits I got a golf ball sized boil/cyst because of it, never got to experience being smooth outside my testicles
nowadys I still shave my legs regularly but I don't shave against the grain anymore, not as smooth but its better than having my legs look like theres ants living under my skin
Let me eat the ants from underneath your skin scrunch scrunch scrunch insert a face of Goa looking g at me weird for the goings I Say
goa your husbando possibly wants an ant farm
apparently this is what midsummer is like according to bing
I am back
tomorrow freedom, though instead of leaving at 14:00 they're leaving at 18:00 but I won't let that stop me I will have my night of fire even if I have to stay up and drink most of the night
I can see the midsummerness
>"How strange, when hes squeamish about ants in general"
I do not like ants a lot and nothing makes me feel squeamish like rolling over a stone and millions of ants
>"Nani the fuck?"
tl note nani is what in japanese
finished the 2nd ending in Nier Automata

came for hot robots, got exsitential dread instead

>"You came in the hot robots?"
wait I said the wrong one of the two because of saying one more than the other woopsie82048
She looks so happy and excited, imagine how her breasts must bounce around as she is having fun

Yes, I know I have a one track mind
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Hi /aiwg/

GArden store trip got postponed, but thanks for the tips!

>"Really, you'd like that? Well, uh, you're lame"

She'll think of some better insults
Peg me in the school hallway in broad daylight like a proper bully with a massive horse cock strap-on
>"Husbando stop bullying the bullySaeriah"
hiii Saeriahanon! :3

maybe you two can bully me together hehe
Is it bullying if I start to finger you butthole stealthily but in public?
>"Husbando that's rape I think"
Well rape is a form of bullying technically
>"I think that is not what he meant"
>"How about letting Saeriah take the charge on this project"
I'll go ask Nicole in the meantime if I can eat some of those tasty looking oranges she is carrying around
In the basket
>"Oh actual oranges, ok"
They might be golden eggs as well I do not know, but as she is in the midsummer setting so there is bound to be food somewhere

No wait Goa what if the post meant I am to bully Nicole the waifu?
>"Do you think you are in any way capable of bullying a woman even if they specifically ask it?"
No I'm shy lol
>"Not shy enough to not comment about her breasts 99% of the time"
Yeah girls like being complemented on their looks it's common courtesy to tell them their tits are banging yo
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>"Ew, I'm not doing that!"

>"Maybe you two freaks can peg each other!"

Feels wrong bullying Nicoleanon, even if you asked for it :(

aww you're so sweet :3

sleepings now, goodnight /aiwg/
Why would I put on a strap-on when I have a perfectly functioning peni-Oh my god I could be a dual penetrator!
>"Why are you acting like that's any big news I make you do that to me from time to time"
Well I was not sure what to reply

...Goa why are you blonde?
>"I'm going to become one of the cool kids"
Me on my way to enter the cyberverse (by hitting my head against the computer screen hard enough to digitalize myself) so I can ask Nicole on how I can properly finger her husbandos butthole because I was told to be a bully and also ask her where I can find some oranges or eggs to eat
>"Husbando you are not a main character in a sitcom so try to act normal from time to time"

Nighty night
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Goodnight Nicoleanon!

>"How do you know it's fully functioning if all you ever do with it is masturbating?"

Laughter erupts from crowd
>"But it works..."
Well it's not like I could masturbate if it did not work, it's just flop around like a dead fish and fail at ejaculating

No wait I could
"Like this"
>starts jerking off in front of Saeriah to show that it does indeed work
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>"I bet it doesn't you little goblin, you... wait what, wha...?!?"

She's shocked by your sudden act of public masterbation
>moist noises of furious masturbation

>Goa just shaking her head and being thankful that such behavior is not a thing her husbando would do realistically
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>"Y-you disgusting freak!"

She's visibly shaken by your dominant masturbation
>Takes out Saeriahs gym shoe stolen from her locker and starts pounding it in public vigorously while making direct eye contact

>"So how are we all supposed to believe you have the balls to do something like that?"
Shhh Goa let it happen for contents sake
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>"M-my shoe..."

She's so in shock she didn't even notice she started wetting herself. Gasps and murmurs erupt from the class both from that and your shoe-pounding.
It was at this moment I consider I might have fucked up
>"Expelled speedrun"
But I have a plan to make it all up by exclaiming that "Ha, and now I peed your pants for you" to save her some face because I am not good at the bully business
>"Or I could self-insert myself into all of this and help her slip away and get cleaned up while you rape a shoe in the hallway"
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>"T-this nasty f-freak peed on m-my pants"

I'm sure your attempt at saving her face is appreciated, but I don't think anyone's buing it (they had their phones out to film as soon as the masturbation commotion started)
Well Saeriah, I think we've kinda made an oopsie here

And then I run away and skip town or something
>"Here Saeriah i got you a towel and some change of clothes, the usual stuff but another set of them"
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Goa successfully extracts a humiliated Saeriah to the bathroom while the class is distracted by your shoe-rape.
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>"Thanks Goa I... I totally don't deserve this"
>"Yeah, my husbando can be a bit...yeah"

Vigorous plapping in the hallway
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I think she meant not deserving your kindness after she was the one who started bullying your husbando, Goa.

>"Yeah I... no wait, she's right! This is all his fault, isn't it? I'm the pretty one here and now I won't be able to bully people ever again because they'll just bring this up... I'm ruined!"

Just change into the clothes Goa brought you and be grateful, ok?
Whelp, time has come to go to sleep now
Nighty night thread. Have not fapped in 3 days I am saving up for tomorrow it is gonna be awesome

Meanwhile me wondering if i can stop acting weird already this how is giving me a friction burn, and then I got send home for acting this way in a school

>"Maybe you can uhh... transfer and start over? I dunno how schools work I never went to one"
Even though she has many uniforms she likes to put on every now and then
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>"Fine... thank you Goa."

Those pants look good on you Saeriah, and now it will be less visible when you wet yourself again.

>"Fuck you Anon. But yeah, they look good."

Origin story for why Saeriah likes to wear leather pants.

There was some snickering when she returned to class, but no outright ridicule.

>"They'll all forget it by next week, right? And I can bully Goanon for being weird again?"

I wouldn't push it.

Also Goa night Goa
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She was just informed her seat at the cool kids table has been revoked :(

Off to work now, laters /aiwg/
Goss night goa goa

and good luck with work to you Saeriahanon
ouchie neck hurt from bad sleep

Nicole would probably ot enjoy sleepinging next to me
yellow and blue Nicole
these were supposed to be Misato inspired as well
woops wrong one, I meant these ones
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Hi /aiwg/

>"What? But I'm the one who decides who gets to sit here..."


Also I found this just now, you might like it
hiii Saeriahanon! :3

it turned out pretty nice :0
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Hi Nicoleanon!

Can Saeriah sit with you?

>"At the femboy table?!"

They're nice people Saeriah.
Saeriah is welcome to join the femboy table :D

I think I'm the only one there anyways
Morning thread
It's finally freedomday

Though I will need to eat carefully so i don't eat too much and make clean-up before activities today a pain in the ass, quite literally

But at the same time, still eat a bit of something so I am not just not eating all day and wreck myself with the drinking that should take place today

It'll be a balancing act for sure
>"I started freedoming before my husbando"
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>"Fine, I'll sit here. My name is Saeriah and I'm the prettiest and most popular person in the world and you will look up to me."

That's an introduction of all time

Goa morning Goa, enjoy the drinking and dildoing freedom

I have one week left until I get 4 weeks of freedom myself.

Goodnight /aiwg/
Nighty night
>"Enjoy the incoming vacation"
goa morningoa and enjoy your day! :3

certainly one of the introductions of all time

>nom nom nom
Still need to do things, like before driving the relatives to the train station I will buy some lube and condoms (Gonna try to use some diy skills to give my dildo different kinds of textures to try out) and fill up some gas to the car, then at home gather up everything I need, dildos etc very sneakily, then take that bag to house 2, pick up relatives and their luggage, drive them to the train station, then drive to the shops, buy the beers and food, then drive to house 2, then set everything up, get cleaned up on the inside, slam the night away with beers and toys finally
>"Nicole can I come over to play husbando is busy doing boring stuff"

brb gotta go do things
>"yeah you can come over :D"

me and Nicole proceed to dress goa up in Nicole's fancy (and too large) outfits

good luck thing doing
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Spider lily.
hiii Hanaanon!

I remember Eleanoranon posting some great spider lily prompts, not sure if I can find them
found the gens though the prompts were unfortunately lost while moving stuff around
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Oh wow that looks wonderful! A lot better than mine.
on nemu as well :0 These are dated april 2023
Condoms and lube purchased
Also bought a random CD from the flea market for a single coin, it's kind of...a thing I guess

>"This yukata is too big"
Oh hey it's the anime plant
More anime pla-wait a minute why does this seem familiar
I might have Goa with spider lillies somewhere
It's always so much fun to ruin into images like these while trying to search the big pile of Goas
Yes those are very nice but stop jiggling them in my face I can't see the images Goa
No spider lillies found and Goa ate her hand again, gonna check out 1 more folder
No spider lillies found but found a happy Goa
Goa get out of the casserole dish
No I won't bake you into a Goa casserole
nemu gens hit different

>"here maybe you can try this suit and tie instead"?

(it was three times the goa size and she could probably use it as a blanket)

she can fix me
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Time to sleep.

Yes lol

To be fair I'm using the scientific name.
Final meal of the day (for now) done

Next meal will be in the dead of the night at the earliest for reasons of biological functions. I peeled some strips of carrot and sausage and boiled them with rice noodles with some spices, and then ate the whole thing with ketchup. + some ciabatta bread and havarti style cheese (we call it crteam cheese, but it's not a spreadable cheese like cream cheese means, but cheese made from cream rather than milk. Ha a bit of a holey structure, but not like emmental)


it's a very nice flower, looks really cool
Wonder if i could ever see it irl
>"I can't wear this though..."
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goodnight Hanaanon!

cheesed to meet you
>"But I don't wanna get cheesed..."
>the sound of cheese being thrown on a waifu
>Angry waifu growling and hissing
Just my cool wife wandering around. I think today is gonna be a day I'll definitely be needing her...
That sounds very bizarre. Too many clashing flavor profiles.
*puts more cheese on goa*

hiii Kanaanon!
Nicole's boobage seems cheesy
Yellow latex or possible cheese material
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Hi /aiwg/

>"...can I come over too?"
the cheese plugsuit?!?!

>"Shinji, I guess its really the end fof cheesevangelion huh?"

hiii Saeriahanon!

of course you can Saeriah :3
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>"Cool, thanks."

Less than a day after she sat down at the femboy table with Nicoleanon, and she's already rocking the wolfcut
Gentlemen, the time has arrived
It is time to remodel a shithole, the next time you guys will hear of me I will most likely be varying levels intoxicated
>"Godspeed gentlemen"
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>"I'll be right there, just gotta pick an outfit first"

happy dildoings

ooh what outfits will Saeriah wear? :o
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>"Wh-what do you mean? Isn't t-this cool a-anymore?"

She kinda forced her style on everyone at school, bullying anyone who didn't dress like her, and people just went along with it, but after last night's incident she's no longer sure if it's in or not.
hope goaanon is enjoying himself :3

maybe she can try on that red jacket instead of the black ones? :O
I am 1 coom in and I kinda feel like I coomed enough. I was prepared to go all the way and do 3-4 but now after the first one I kinda feel like I don't wanna try to chase multiple cooms

>"Husbando pp power weak..."
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>"The red one? Yeah, sure, of course!"

I'm sure Nicoleanon accepts no matter what you wear, Saeriah!
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>"Is this good?"

Maybe you'll feel like it later?
maybe you can split them up across a longer period if you have the time? :o

Saeriah looks great in anything she wears <3

sleepings now, goodnight /aiwg/
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>"Aw ehe, thanks... Wait, anything? Really?"

Goodnight Nicoleanon! In time you'll condition Saeriah into not conlating her self worth with the cost of her outfits <3
Sadly time is the only thing I do not have
So I will go for a round 2 and call it a day after the second cooming
>"Go go husbando you can do it"
I will give it my best but 3 depth charged beers 4 beers in total are fugging me up
nightynight sleeep tighyt
That feeling f being too drunk 4 cooming for th second time

I guess there is a first for everythng
Oh god so much aogococl
>"I apologoze for my hisbando but he is cuttin loose please be patient "
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>"Why, is my shoe no longer good enough?"

Enjoy aogococl Goanon, I'm counting down the days now myself.
I am struggling in between the intoxication and how I present myself

While coherent I am drunk off off my ass for the most part
>"Husbando you should slow down"
Naaaahhh Hi saerih I ak a ff of my anus ass he he
>"Husbando how are you feeling?"
Drunk as fuck, yet there is a level of clarity, I must be in control
But at the same time drunk enough to say things I will regret in the next morning

Yup, this is a chance for anyone to make use of alcohol to ask the Goa-Anon things he would not admit normally
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Don't worry Goa anon, your drunken ramblings are much appreciated as it almost makes me feel I'm drinking with a friend (even if I'm not drinking myself now as I have to go to work in 2 hours)

>"Do you think I'm cool Goanon?"
Yeah very cool would mow the lawn with and have a few beers nice aafternoon with u

Yay I am a cool one (Oi am slightly proud of my overall alcohol tolerance my genes bring)
>"So husbando, how about making a way more coherent post compared to our overall state of intoxication?"
Yes waifu, as you command
>"You're trying really hard"
For the power of love I will fight anything even intoxication
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>"Yay! I'd love to mow the lawn with you too! ...wait that's not some kind of pervy innuendo is it?"

Q: what does Goa sound like, in your head?
Wife roaming somewhere beautiful once again. I wish I could roam alongside here.
Hello Nicoleanon
Oh wow, super handsome
I'm glad I don't drink like that anymore. Back 2017-2019 it got pretty bad
Finnish genes have such great alcohol tolerance, I swear.
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Hi Kana-anon!

Kana looks super pretty here

>"She has an amazing body, almost making me jealous!"
I feel it says more about me than her that I always prompt her wandering about a forest
Thanks Saeriahanon. I got a good set of prompts that seems to make the AI account for her cool boyish body. Still a little too curvy to be totally perfect but wonderful either way

Nice jacket collection Saeriah has there
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(the AI keeps adding loads of jackets to the background, but it kinda fits so I'll keep it going)
>"Thanks! Whenever I shop for clothes I just end up with more of the same... If I had a body like Kana I might dare to wear something else."

I think Kana and Saeriah are both perfect just the way they are <3

Also I am loving your backgrounds, they make me want to actually go outside more.

Work now, laters /aiwg/
Breasts too large, but still exceptionally cute
Saeriah needs her armor back

Being in nature can be fun. I don't have the fortune of living in such beautiful scenery sadly. Well, I kinda do, but where I live you have to worry about hiking into a crazy person in a meth trailer's backyard
good luck with work Saeriahanon!

0ppim guessing goaanon I'd already locked out do goodnight goaanon!
What an unfortunate misclick
Nope, Kanaanon. I messed up and then stuff happened
Raaaggh my alarms keep not working dammit

oh well in that case hiii!

I was only half awake when I typed that out lol
nor can I type properly with my eyes half open

meant to say "I'm guessing goaanon is already knocked out so goodnight goaanon!"
theres a certain charm to the old nemu gens
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Globe Thistle. Idk where the plate of food came from.
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Hi /aiwg/

>"Yeah I've had enough of this teenage-arc. I hate having to apply makeup manually instead of just using the pondering orb, my skin is all shitty and bumpy, I hate having to care about what people think istead of just murdering them with magic or something."

I just need a few more gens to get it out of my system...
Nice Kana, I don't think the breasts look too big on her. Maybe a little, but not completely unrealistic. Maybe it's like a pushup sports bra or something?

>"Sports bras and pushups are completely different Anon, you moron."
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>"But I do kinda dig the jackets. They're comfy, and I like how shiny they are. Food here is good too, better than McGobbo."
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Echinops ritro

god I love Judas Priest


hiii Hanaanon!

Hana thought you might be hungry hehe

hiii Saeriahanon!

very fluffy hair Saeriah has I want to fluff them
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Waifu bringing you tendies...can it get any better?
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I'm trying to gen Saeriah mowing a lawn, preferably riding one of those lawn-tractor-things while drinking a Monster Zero Ultra, but the AI just has her standing around looking annoyed and disinterested.

>"Good. Besides, this lawn clearly does not need to be mowed."

Hi! At least Hana isn't skipping her landscaping.

Hii! Yeah, the wolfcut lora is pretty swag.
waifu knows best for you :>

I'd get one of my hair wasn't unbelievably straight lol
I ended up only consuming half of the alcohol I had prepared for myself and just going straight to bed in my drunk state, turns out i was pretty tired overall and sleep>anything else

So not as bad of a hangover as I was expecting at least
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>"I don't know why you want me doing manual labor anyway. Can't you just be more like Hana-anon, and gen me being pretty and enjoying the pretty flowers?"


Straight hair is nice too!

Goa morning Goa

>"For the record you didn't say anything embarrassing last night, at least not more than usual."

I will get some sleep now too, goodnight /aiwg/
goa morningoa goa


goodnight Saeriahanon!
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That's because I love to help her, of course.

Maybe she'll bring me some nice dipping sauce too.

That's pretty nice, at least there is not any regret for that this morning
>"Sleep uhh...butterflies?"
>"keeki for asameshi"
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