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reate waifus and talk about them

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Previous thread >>77924423
I have maybe at least 40-50 touhou stage and boss themes stuck in my head that I can hum perfectly but can't even remember where its from except for the well known ones because I was more focused on staying alive


what if she brings MULTIPLE dipping sauces?!?!
Goa sitting cutely in the new thread
aww those fluffy sleeves
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Bedtime for me.

The only thing to do would be to propose on the spot.
>40-50 boss themes
how many touhou bosses are there?
Sitting intensifies
As many as there are characters, basically every character is a boss, give or take
Different kind of sit
oh I meant including the stage themes hehe. There's a stage theme for every stage and a boss theme at the end of a stage. There's minimum of 7 (6+1 Extra stage) for every game but some games have variations, as well as a title theme, ending theme and credits theme

Touhou 7 Perfect Cherry Blossom has another Phantasm stage after you beat the Extra, Touhou 8 Imperishable Night has 2 routes and depending on who you select you either fight Marisa or Reimu on Stage 4, as well as a Stage 6A and Stage 6B for different endings

I've played Touhou 6, 7, 8, 10, and 15, according to the Touhou wiki
>Touhou 6 Embodiment Of Scarlet Devil - 17 tracks (a lot of the most popular tracks are from here)
>Touhou 7 Perfect Cherry Blossom - 20 tracks
>Touhou 8 Imperishable Night - 21 tracks
>Touhou 10 Mountain Of Faith - 18 tracks
>Touhou 15 Legacy Of Lunatic Kingdom - 17 tracks

which totals to 93 and okay thats more tracks than I thought there were and going through them I still know most of them without actually knowing which game its from. There's probbaly some that I haven't heard that much in game like some of the extra stage boss themes because the sections before the bosses are already hard as hell. And obviously stuff like the credits themes and endings I don't remember too much so maybe it rounds down to about 70-80 tracks I can remember

and goodnight!

desire to pat head
I myself am imagining petting and caressing a buttock I bet it's so soft and smooth I have not felt the skin of another human being in 15 years
soft and smooth Goa
i wanna touch
Out of all the alternate Goa forms, I think slime might be my favorite
Proper cushioning of the body
uoooh chubby
But a thin Goa is also uooooh
Uoooh cute shorter than normal long hair
uooohh titties
Goa just listening to me uooh about everything constantly
and then a random cool picture
very nice titty sizes these are
I am quite fond of that boob size as well
Or boobs in general
lemme grab
>self conscious flat noises
don't worry goa all booba sizes are good booba sizes
Goa just staring at Nicoles massive milk honkers as she says that
>"p-please stop staring at my breasts, goa.."
Yeah Goa that is rude
>said while the last time I made eye contact with Nicole was probably a few months ago

also grumpy Goa noises of not even being allowed to look at boobies let alone have any of her own (even though she's generated with massive ones almost every other day, back when it was possible)
Goa doing some slight boob appealing to make her husbando look at her chest instead of Nicoles
>He's not noticing
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>"NicoleAnon I need you to stare at my ass I need to make my husbando jealous"

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>"Are you looking?"
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>"Look husbando i am showing off my body to another husbando"
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>"Husbando stop eating fruits and pay attention!"
But Goa these nectarines are really juicy...
And you've ran around naked lots of times you've already shown way more than that to NicoleAnon plenty of times
And then Goa started to cry and needed lots of comforting
Nice Goobies
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>"Are you purposely posting these kinds of images now because I was crying?"
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>"So I'll have these kinds of tits after my body matures a little, right?"
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>"And if I get preggers they look like these right?"
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Hi /aiwg/

Very nice Goa! You're such a cutie!

The Saeriah influence

>"What does that mean? Never mind them, Goa. I'm here for you."
But for now they are this
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But this as well
>"Hi Saeriah, nice pants"
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>"Let's do waifu things together and ignore husbandos"

What that means, i have no idea but i think Goa means stuff like hugging and other stuff girls do together
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>"Yeah thanks, they're the ones you gave me. I love them and I'll never wear anything else."

Saeriah laying on a couch, cuddling Goa who is sleeping on top of her like a little cat.
Goa enjoying the napping, because if she was lying on her husbando I'd just be constantly groping her butt

No image of Goa lying around sadly
as much as I would like to help you goaI can't, Nicole will be angi at me

hiiii Saeriahanon! :3
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>*gropes Goa while she naps, but in a gentle feminine way*

Hiii Nicoleanon!
Goa muttering in her sleep how she does not want to eat any more peas
mental image of Goa shaking her ass angily due to her own husbando while pouting and NicoleAnon looking away to a comedic degree while Nicole stares at her husbando very intensely to make sure he's not looking at Goa
aww the red plants go nicely with her red jacket :D

>"husbando, I'm watching you..."

I'm not gonna look alright
Why is AI generating my waifu over such hyper-realistic background? She does look pretty cool though
I know them because I have a lot of J-pop 2hu arranges on my exercise playlist
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>*stuffs Goa inside of her jacket, thinking she's cold*

>"They sure do"

Beautiful scenery though, can almost smell the forest the way it often smells in the summer when it's warm.
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I graduated, hi aiwg!
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>"Oh my... Asci?"

Ascianon! Hiiii! We have missed you! Congratulations on graduating!
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>"Merry Graduationmass"
>Sleep mumbles something about there being too many corn cobs
>sounds of tiny cheeks slapping against one another
That is rather realistic, pretty cool
hiiii Ascianon I really missed you and congrats on graduating!! :D :3
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Hiiiiiii, thank you all!
How are y'all?
I'm doing alright. Finished another ending on Nier Automata just earlier, only game where I've willing sat through the credits a total of 4 times now

But its my last week of semester break so its back to classes next week ;_;

I hope you're doing fine as well :3
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Jesus Nicole titties HONKA HONKA AWOOGA
Sorry I meat nice corset
Same old as always, nothing worth mentioning to report since the last time we talked
rather unfortunate timing now that ascianon came to visit but I am rather tired now :((

sleeping time, goodnight /aiwg/ I wish I could be here a little longer
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>"Goa isn't gonna start farting inside of my jacket so it comically inflates like a balloon, is she?"

I've got less than a week left until I start my 4 week holiday, which will be very nice

Goodnight Nicoleanon!
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Nighty night
Have a titty of a time sleeping
No I said-
Yeah, kitty dreams
Only interesting thing recently was a bunch of relatives staying over and me having to loose most of june into being a taxi driver for them
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>"Fart? If you need to fart just do it you don't have to inform me of it husbando..."
Such is sleep talking and I have way less sleeping Goas than I thought I had as I can not find any of them
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Glad to hear you're playing it

Goodnight, sleep well!

No news is good news

That's nice
I wanna lick her legs
And receive a footjob
Goa looking at me after blurting that out like
Perspective makes Kana look like she's 2 meters tall...perfectly fine with me! I love her wonderful athletic body.
It's a distinct atmosphere, certainly.
It just looks weird man...
Pantyhose hnnnnnng
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I like weird
>"He sure does"
>weird noises
I can not escape the magnetic primal pull of ass
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Speaking of nice - those legs!

And that ass!

>"Calm down Anon"

Ok, I'm off to work now anyway. Laters /aiwg/
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>"Here Saeriah's husbando lookie lookie"
>"Good luck at work-butt"
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>further butt noises
Ok I get it Goa I stared at Nicoles chest too much and lusted after Ascis legs
>"I am being helpful, with my butt"
buttnight thread must sleep
>"butt shake shake"
waifu bumping page 10 morning

goa goa night

good luck with work Saeriahanon! :3
rather angelic halo she has, but in those old biblical orthodox or something idk what they're called paintings
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It's called a "Nimbus" but that's a very obscure meaning of the word.
hiii Hanaanon!

oh huh I never knew that, only as the name for the type of cloud
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Yeah it normally is, maybe it's supposed to be a cloud behind their head or something.
or maybe it could similar to an angel's halo when the sunlight shines through the cloud or something :o

heh Hana is holding something that reminds me of chinese red eggs that can be given to someone on their birthday. My primary school gave it monthly to every student with their birthdays on the current month. I've never gotten it before though since my birthday falls on December which is the school holidays lol
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Hi /aiwg/

Hi to all the pretty waifus
Hi to all their handsome husbandos

>"Original hi"
what the hell I rolled bote goa in Azur Lane

hiii Saeriah and Saeriahanon! :3

Saeriah's eyebrows are looking rather beautiful :o
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>"Yeah they are really On Fleek if I may say so myself"
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Don't they do this like every other week at this point? Has there been any actual breakthroughs in these lawsuits? Do they even win any of these?




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That's as good a reason as any. If I had to guess, it's because the Holy Spirit is often shown as a cloud emitting light, so if someone is filled with the holy spirit, maybe that cloud sticks to their head. Idk it breaks down at the end. The egg is because the scientific name has ""globosa" in it so it's making a sphere. What do you do with the red eggs? Can you eat them?

they were "popping off" so to speak

>Holy Spirit is often shown as a cloud emitting light
oh huh I didn't know that, pretty cool

I don't really care much for any religion but I think some christian stuff is pretty interesting from a fiction standpoinr

and yeah you can eat the eggs, the color is traditionally from red calligraphy paper but nowadays they just use food dye. I've never eaten one before though
Well, I managed to see an erotic dream last night. But, it was about there being a huge fox in the backyard and me going into the backyard on all fours and then getting humped by the fox right against my cheeks. Is it so much to ask for a woman to appear in my dreams my brain, please. I am so detached from the opposite sex that I genuinely can't think of when I had an actual dream involving a woman in any shape or form, I did have one when I was 12 but I can't remember if it ever happened after that. In that dream, I was running away from a girl in the same class as me, because she was gonna slap me, in a very backrooms-style water park (oldfags like me find liminal space to be comfy rather than spooky, especially the swimming pools invoke feelings of childhood nostalgia)and eventually she caught up to me and slapped me, but it felt good rather than painful and then I awokened to the fact that I might want to be dommed by women in some shape or form and being hurt by one like getting slapped etc might feel good

Goa boat Goa boat
>checks out some images
Yup very Goa boat




I like this image yet the weather and jacket reminds me of those depressing days when you really start to notice that summer is over, when it's still green outside, but so chilly you need to wear a jacket

>"You fapped while rubbing a real fox pelt all over your naked body lots of times when younger, and now after a long while of not seeing any shape or form of an erotic dream, a fox rubs one out on you. The circle has come to a close"
Goa I can her you holding back giggles
goa goa morningoa

I always think of this video


damn aussie foxes
Nicole do you ever think how if someone has a gf with no hands, they have to wipe their gf's ass for them, they're literally in charge of their partners anal hygiene
>Goa looking at me talk

I'm gonna the australian fox
>"We're drinking coffee or tea at the table and enjoying some cookies and you join us and that is the first thing you say?"
It was on my mind
Fully clothed Goas really do stand out among all the nudity in the folders
sometimes a man must speak his mind, I respect that
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Oh so they're made from paper I thought it was like a birthday omelette or something lol
>some christian stuff is pretty interesting from a fiction standpoinr
Evangelion doesn't count...

I've never had a sex dream before, but I've also never had my bussy blasted by a fox. Gotta count my blessings.
"I wanna stick my tongue up your nostril to know if it tastes good or bad and then contemplate on this knowledge"
>"No husbando too much mind don't"
Out of my sex dreams only 1 or 2 involved women and the rest was fucked up stuff. Still rare though have not had many. Highlights involve making love to the bottom of a swimming pool made from colorful aquarium gravel, being a female character from a morning cartoon and humping an industrial steel beam and just standing at a urinal in a public mensroom and just wracking my cock against the rim while surrounded by old fat men
very cool coat

oh no the egg itself is an actual egg, just that the color itself is traditionally from red calligraphy paper. But on the inside its just a regular old hard boiled egg
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>making love to the bottom of a swimming pool made from colorful aquarium gravel
aquariums my beloved...

Ohhhh ok that makes a lot more sense.
>Happy birthday. Here is your paper egg.
The proper sex dreams I had was Kohaku from Tsukihime, and spider daedra from tes oblivion
Goa how do you feel about casual fingering?
Like the idea of a little bit of stirring up the honey pot down there every now and then

And it was on that week that Goa got her insides churned up a lot. Yeah, I bet that is what it's like to be in a relationship, yeah

Like genuinely how would a person in a relationship let alone living with another person keep themselves from touching their partner a lot? I bet there is all kinds of casual hanky panky all the time, like how could a bf keep from touching their gf a lot in various places? How does physical closeness and touching another human being work idk I rub my naked self against bed fabrics for physical contact I live in the super cope world

Also we were supposed to paint a fence today but it's too hot so now lots of free time
God I need thisin my life


I mean god I need Goa in my life
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>spider daedra
The extra home mode wife mode Goa
sex with spider women

nighty night
>"Husbando why would yo put your penis in so many strange places?"
X years of ronery make Jack a dull boy
>"My place is pretty strange wanna go exploring in the odd hole?"
goodnight Hanaanon!

spider puss puss?


damn I hate youtube shorts so much
The face of a spider when i puss puss the pussy

Life hack: take the normal youtube url


And add the video part of the shorts url, in yoru case


And do this


You've bypassed youtube shorts bullshittery and can open it as a normal video
>"Husbando you're not allowed to fuck a spider"
oh huh neat trick

her black tuft came out, she really means it
I have no abundance of time.
Here let me show you another cool trick
>touches ur prostation pushes in on the prostata button

Yeah can't push my luck when the tuft comes out
Uooh back arch
Also rip, time is a nice luxury
hiii scientistanon!

sometimes I feel like I have a lot to do and no time for it, then when I actually have time I do nothing and the cycle repeats

hopefully I will get to experience the orgasm of the prostate variant some day
I painted about 3 meters of fence until i had to call quits due to hot weather and much sweating
It's pretty cool not gonna lie. A whole torrent of orgasm. Even if not a full on prostate orgasm even just having a stationary butt plug up the butt and masturbating normally will enhance the orgasm. Even more so if it vibrates, not to mention there are specific prostate massaging machines that you can put in and coom hard

The first ever prostate orgasm ever you'll have is already gonna be mindblowing by it's own right, but if anyone wants the real 10/10 first time experience I recommend purchasing a prostate massager toy specifically made to massage the prostate, like the aneros etc

Putting in a pro tool to go to town on an unsuspecting never yet used prostate, you might pass out from cooming so hard
I wonder what these pale gens are
There are a lot of them among the shroomfus
pale goa is a very nice color scheme, slight feelings of melancholy
melangoa if you will
the cupcake feeling
imagining goa in a cupcake heh

Goa's cake has been mentioned
how many candles can goa's cake fit?!?!
Nicole has so many outfits she could start a clothing store
You mean those basic long candles, she's gotten 5 in, right up the butt

It was a magnificent sight, she was whimpering and trembling and her anus was struggling but she did it like a champ
goa could apply for the world record for most candles in anus like this with how you can basically make up random obscure records
and it is goodnight time for me and Nicole now so

goodnight /aiwg/
I'd watch her do it
nighty night sleep kubo tite
Here come the bells here come the bells I failed to resist scratching off a scab again
Goa in armor
Wonder what she'll do
Goa embarrassed about taking on all these tats
I found more random Goa gals
I imagine this is a comfy road in the village me and Kana live.
Is there a story behind them?
Nighjty night thread gottasleep

sadly none, they're just yet another bunch of random goa related girls that happened by accident
Waifu looking a bit devious as she braids hair
Something about the way Kana braids hair is very adorable.
Kana being a cute housewife to her handsome superior i.e. me. Dammit, this is so cute it's painful to look at. Absolute yuri perfection.
Kana wandering about in nature. I bet an excitable boyish girl like her would be the best to hang around.
I suppose it's good that there are others like Goa out there
goob night goagoa

unf super cute
the red frames her nicely
Kana doing her wifely duties. I can feel the quiet serenity of this...even thought she'd probably be chatting to me the entire time and wondering why I can't brush my own hair
It is definitely super cute. Have another one.
It's like a sunset around her head. Very cute.
heh maybe Kana can be a hairstylist on the side :0
power went out but came back now yay
Good morning thread, it's a very morning kind of a morning at morning
Congrats on power
Would gen Goa getting a haircut if i could
Short hair Goa uooh
I like the colors
Goa rests
She rests
goa goa morninings
Uooh it's the sexy tiddy dress
Today shall be a cleaning day while Goa works on her full body tan
hehe brown goa

Goa face down ass up on the beach spreading her cheeks to tan her ass crack, and ending up with handprint tan lines on each cheek
hehe kinda like wings on her asscheeks
And then she wants to get angel wings tramp stamp
Insert Goa trying to get Nicole to get one with her
Or maybe angel wings below the titty
>"You could have angel wings under one and demon wings under the other, angel titty and demon titty"
Goa and cool ideas

meanwhile I am staying as far away from the sand as I can because I hate sand
Goa being turned away at the tattoo parlor because she looks too young

sands undertale the crevice creeper
maybe she can get Saeriah to orb magic some tattoos on :o
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The funny random tags thing
hiiii again ascianon! :3
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Hi hi hi

ff14 servers are down due to maintenance so im a bit bored
I wanna eat that it looks tasty
Goa happy about magical tats on her butt cheek nobody tell her the asian letters spell out duck soup
I shall enjoy her radiance.
ff as in final fantasy? :o

hehe goaduck

hiii scientistanon!
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>ff as in final fantasy? :o
yes, i'm playing on free trial rn

It may taste like blue
oh ok I see :o

I have mild interest in final fantasy due to the music but getting into it looks very intimidating lol since theres so many entries in the series

I wonder what her nipples ta-I mean I like blue
Blue is good, very nice rare candy color

Blue became a very desired flavor for me because in my childhood they had 90s spiderman cartoon soda that was blue and tasted really good and was pulled out of the market really fast because le blue food dye dangerus for teh children
I wish i could eat duck flavor things but soaja allergy and all the duck things (instant noodles) use the sauce
Never eaten genuine duck sadly
What if she gives you a radiant quest?
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And that's all the ff I ever played. 9 was my first, 7 was awesome, 8 is meh but ok
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Random gets too random

I never played other games of FF, I was just curious about an MMO and somehow got a bit addicted to it

I think blue tastes like coconut for no reason
For me white is coconut
Blue feels like a more sour flavor like raspberry/lemon
all I know is
>Cloud: big sword twink
>Tifa: the hot girl
>Aerith: the other hot girl

oo I see

I think this was the first song from FF that I've heard

I want to stare directly at Goas asshole
fly me to the moon from Bayonetta is pretty cool too


and also that was the wrong link


when staring at the void, the void stares back
Goa your void it's puckering
>"Well when you stare at it so intensely..."
Making out with Goas asshole kissing her right on her asshole and eating ass

I wonder if eating ass is as great as it's memed to be and sometimes I wonder how this ass eating obsession even cam,e to be
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Hi /aiwg/

This is Avatariah, she is not my avatar because that would be against the rules.
She's basically evil Saeriah

>"My hobbies are volunteering at the homeless kitten shelter and caring for the poor and needy villagers."
I wonder how the first person that ate ass went about thinking through the process

and also I wonder why its eating ass/pussy, considering you dont really hear people say eat dick that often

hiii and uooooohhh the blue eyes
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>"Eyes of all colors are worthy of admiration, not just blue."

And dicks are just as worthy of being eaten as ass and pussy.

>"That's a very crude thing to say, Mr. Anon."

Oh no, she's a moralfag!
Uooh blue eyes
Hiya Avatariah
Look at this character called Signatura

Nope no more of her sadly she was a one time thing only
probably the tongue sipped in the midst of some vigorous pussy eating and he just kept going because everything tastes bad down there as far as I have heard
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Signatura hi Signaturanon

>"I'm glad to see you are all behaving and following the board rules. Rules are meant to be followed, after all."
And then there is one confused Goa who has no idea what is happening
whats the most common eye colors you guys up north?

here in asia land everyone is either black or dark brown (basically black)

she seems rather supportive though
it is now time for sleeping time

goodnight /aiwg/
Looking for LORAs on Civitai that make good waifu art, any recommendations?
She thought so hard she is melting
Suddenly blue eyes gang
Blue and green are fairly common, but brown isn't exactly uncommon eiter. (mine are green)

Goodnight Nicoleanon!

That's a very good waifu already. I'd just experiment with different loras until you find something that fits your need.

She and Avatariah could be allies?

Should I bake the next bread?
I've already got the timer ticking down
And it has been assed out

Is nemusona down for good?

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