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mustache pete edition

Previously: >>77938913
Persona 6 will finally bring back gay romance right?
Probably yes and it will be a good focus of the game.
this would never happen, straightoids get mad when there is even a gay option because they think it will turn them gay
I've been wondering why people keep thinking I've lost my mind. I think I'm pretty sane, actually. I haven't had any outburst, no hallucinations, no delusions of grandeur. I'm fine. I'm not losing my mind. I'm not.
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Hmph I made mine first stupid poopoo head I hate you
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I was going to post but then I saw this one and you said to let the thread die
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Not that I care I just feel pissed off I want to bite someone
you know I don't know if I actually like the idea of a childhood friend bf
I thought about it for a minute and I do have a friend who I knew since I was a kid and he is hot and fit (and we showed each other our weenies so I know he's uncut) but I just feel like the fact that we knew each other for so long actually makes it weirder? It's such a common trope in anime I never thought about how uncomfortable that must be.
I don't think that dog and cheetah are bfs desu
wtf do you mean the cheeta is clearly the big grumpy bottom and the golden retriver is the happy go lucky top
why does this thread have so much overlap with /s4s/ whats going on over there
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It isn't lost on me that nearly all vocaroo fags come from there
you sound like you're barely a teenager
you're not old enough to be here
You said you're going to sleep hypocrite liar meow go to hell and die again so you can be reborn to suffer
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What if they're right?
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I found a tower fan so now I don't need to buy anything. Fucking need it when its still over 20C at midnight
lucky bastard
i just have to keep the window open and pray I don't wake up at 2 am covered in sweat
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eh i havent recognized anyone so idk
i old enough that some folks would consider me a hag
post a picture of your cock and if it doesn't get removed for cp it proves you're an adult
3ds and kiwinigger are both from there
thank you for calling me a s4spic
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how old are you? i want to know if im older that would be kinda funny i think
also i think you might be incriminating yourself
scary, its almost like a conspiracy...
am 24 and tired already
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lol if we were siblings you'd be the lil bro
i hope for their sake that there's nothing that crosses that certain line in such books at such places. posting shit on 4chan is one thing. having shit like that in public where innocent normies might see it is, well...deserving of appropriate consequences. loss of eyes, perhaps.

although i think the greatest groomer of all is the fact that 99% of adult men (and increasingly women) are such disgusting pigfucks in current year that people think attractiveness just ends after puberty for humans. it doesnt if you dont get pigged. say no to circe.

ill do m2tw battles for hours but it has to be a weekend cause theyre loooong
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Man this song is such a brainworm. Karaoke mini-games are cool, Sleeping Dogs had them too and I love that game

it doesnt seem like you could possibly be the guy with the veloster, but either way youve got me wondering about it. if you are or if you aren't, the deal is probably similar, which is that if you & I & my patuna hung out and had a few drinks, she would fall asleep at 1130 and then we would have the night. shes a girl and not genetically alc tolerant and lighter than she looks so...yeah. i got fat thinking abt being on the couch together. its highly unlikely that youre him of course, but the situations sound quite similar, in which case id offer that im older than you think and dont really think twice abt people who scroll phones. id rather stare at a wall. my patuna is almost peerless, so if its not me youre talking about, hes probably a little through with his phone using gf. yet he cant bear the thought of leaving her to that fate. yet if you smash the phone, they scream like hell unleashed. its quite the pickle. i used to like girls a lot more.
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Should I buy this figure? Need your opinions.
oh shit that's crazy
i am actually the oldest of three siblings i always assume i'm just older than people in my general age range
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That's a cool figure, is that one of the Geonosian zombies? That was my best guess going by the colour
story what you have is called "stir crazy" - it has physical symptoms too. youre literally just going bananas from hating yourself all day with no human contact except this for so long.

GOTO 10596 Springfield Pike, there you can acquire old war and history books for a quarter or 50c or so, and sometimes if youre lucky old military gear. at a similar place ive found a neat ww2 WAVES uniform as well as a fair number of veterans ballcaps with cool embroidered ships and stuff, as well as more recent military gear with patches and all. its not worth much i dont think, but its neat to touch. those places are a gold mine if you know what to look for, and it isnt that hard to know, but if you wont even let your cats outdoors i dont think youre anywhere close to ready for that whole shebang. just get some books and keep an ear out for loose change in pants pockets.

if you feel like you cant pay attention anymore, i have to ask, have you been trying to read modern books, and/or have you been trying to read on a screen? dont and dont. literally all old books are far better written, and thats almost not an exaggeration, scarily enough. get yourself some well read old hardcovers and keep one in the bathroom. your hemorrhoids are almost certainly from you sitting there and trying to force it out. just read a book, relax, and sit, and if it hasnt come out by the time your ass starts hurting, get up and drink some water, even if that feels wack.
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Yea it is.

The guy who made it made it blue for some reason? They should be grey but I can deal with it.
wallposter what you have is called "schizophrenia" - it has physical symptoms too. youre literally just going bananas from hating yourself all day with no human contact except this for so long.
hearing voices would be a heck of a lot more fun than this (being the voices)
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Trying to help story is like pissing in the wind he isn't going to do anything you ask of him

The blue made it look sort of noble, how much is the figure selling for?
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idk i find it hard to pinpoint peoples age, theres 30+ year olds that act like teens and teens that act like adults, and everything in between.
im a bit jealous, im an only child and always wanted a sibling, although from what i hear it's just a hassle. still, i get a strange sense of lonliness from it.
He's asking for a 60 dollar hard to find helmet of mine, and then 45 dollars.

There's only like 15 of these made I think?
my home is r9gay but i met kiwi on /lgbt/ and then talked s'more on /s4s/
the book isn't sexualizing children if that's what you meant.
anyone in southern california wanna be friends
i love car seat headrest
have you ever pissed into the wind? its hilarious and very fun. sometimes the wind does what i want it to, by the way. have you heard it lately? whoooooshy.
if you say so. it'll be a fine line between who loses all their balls and who keeps them.
If its worth it to you then go for it. Sounds like a lot to me but I know fuck all about figures and the value is somewhat relative anyway
should have caught me in my sadgayboy month back in april anon, I was singing csh nonstop
by the way, story, that address is where all your stuff will go if you die like this, so its worth checking out either way.
Boys are so cute before they start growing hair literally everywhere like monkeys
heres my idea for a game that fills in the outline you drew. its called "lost generation," and it follows the war experience of that poet who died near the end of the war. i forget his name but he wrote dulce et decorum est i think. could be wrong. its sort of like fire emblem with fixed, named characters, unforgiving mechanics and permadeath, and the twist is that you can't avoid some characters dying. for example there could be a machine gun position that you have to use one character to charge & distract while another circles around. is this too grim?

your testes and eyes will be taken from you soon groomer. six months
Boys are still super cute after doing this???
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i still think about that person i met here in august 2021 who liked gorillaz, anco, jerma, and homestuck
had a dream about them last night i really miss them a lot even though i barely knew them and only spoke to them for like a month or two before i ghosted them like a dummy
why does my brain do this?
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Someone used up all the ice in the freezer and didn't replace it. This feels like the at-home equivalent of someone not putting the trolley back at a supermarket
i already cried. that part is over.
by the way story, i met a guy once in school who's an incredible dramatic voice actor. a little hammy, some may say, but i think people dont go ham enough these days. i havent talked to him in forever but if we had something im sure hed be interested. ive you all promise not to do anything weird ill link one of his vids.
don't. download it and post it on streamable.
euros cant afford ice

does it run on tracks? It's called a shopping cart here in burgerstan.
>amerifats eat water
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Ice is so plentiful here we have a supermarket called Iceland which happens to sell ice

I think the supermarket has invisible tracks because there are signs up which say the trolley will stop working if you try to take it home

so do ours, just to stop the homeless from stealing them to use to put their things in. Basically they have a chip somewhere that somehow locks the wheels if it goes too far from the store (and likely a signal there).
when all the americans die these threads either get really depressing or get no posts
if we all die then everyone else is dead too. burgers won't go quietly.
Oh that's mildly interesting, I don't think my local shops actually put a chip or something in them as its a fairly common sight to see someone walking home with one
sometimes there are trucks that come to pick them up late at night. or homeless people.
they could just put the signs on them to try and deter people. I bet it's easy to disable if you know what you're doing.
My right eyes been twitching for 3 days straight
I burned my hamburgers, then put them on the wrong buns when I tried to eat them anyway (top/top and bottom/bottom). Bought to have a fat neet melty, I can't handle things going wrong.
do you need me to say soothing spanish words for you
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This is What Americans call a Snack??
and then a fucking fly (a big one, not a little drain fly) landed right on top of the burger before I could pick it up.

I can't do this, there's no way I can live alone. I can't even fucking cook burgers right even I've done it a ton of times before.
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Amazon for once managed to deliver a book without slightly damaging it. I can now enjoy poetry without being slightly annoyed by a creased back cover
Americans like ice in their drinks because in restaurants put it in to take up space so they don't have to give out as much drinks. People thought that was normal and started doing it at home.
more books about ancient chinese peasants delighting in everyday occurrences?
my leg has started up too. why, just fucking why?
I hope you die for not listening to me fucking dummy and I steal all your monies
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I like ice in a drink as I don't feel the need to drink it as quickly if I know it'll stay cold. For some reason restaurant or ice pub seems to melt more slowly

You aren't far off the mark. One is an ancient noblewoman's diary, another is a collection of jisei and the last is essentially a monk's travel diary
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If I can feel its a book I always try to treat it with
care. Only so much we can do though given they
stuff your shit in totes with heavy boxes in them so
when we load our bags chances are its getting
smashed by a box.
its a stress thing, it'll go away just ignore it
do you have a primary care doctor? health insurance? it would be nice if you had some medical supervision at your weight but you may not qualify for medicaid... you really need to get on a diet brother. you're way too fat and i can't emphasize that enough. i'm not trying to be mean, i'm sorry. it's really that bad. it might be the root of all your problems. you have to change your eating habits story, they're dysfunctional, disordered, you're out of control. you have to fix your diet. you might despair at that but if i'm being real with you it's not all that bad. you can learn to love healthy food. you can learn to love cooking and eating in a way that's just as enjoyable, but more clever and structured because you're a smart adult with agency over your own life. your whole body will feel better buddy, your heart and lungs can calm down without so much to push around. your back and knees will thank you. can you imagine a healthy bowel? waking up every morning to an effortless and satisfying drop of poo so tidy that you don't even need to wipe. it can be yours my brother

No, and I actually already have medicaid as did mom. Ohio has expanded medicaid that goes off income only, as a neet I have zero. I really do need to look into getting into see a doctor but I keep putting it off.
i love your taste in literature, even if it's not entirely my fancy. the sense of whimsy is unparalleled. i wonder if you'd have luck in a university's library rather than a public one or ordering online. it seems like they'd focus more on cultural and literary material than the average. hmm they might have a loan program you can use even if you're not a student.
it's great that you're already insured in case of emergency. definitely get a doctor though. my main point associated with the doctor is still about weight loss though bro. having someone in your corner to consult with and give you a little confidence in pushing yourself to diet and exercise, knowing that even if you start feeling fucked up or bad partway through you're actually fine and factually getting better.

I'm also ashamed and embarrassed with how bad off I am at my age.
not the anon but i think the saving grace in these situations is that there are people who are 100% worse off than you and you are beating them out in taking care of yourself, dont use it as an excuse to stay stagnant but use it as a push to keep going so you don't end up like them. made it this far and all that
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Its nice to know some people actually give a shit, I suppose dutiful delivery guys are less newsworthy than the ones punting parcels at houses.

I do mostly read western literature and history its just of late I prefer reading in short bursts which the current crop of books cater to well.
>i wonder if you'd have luck in a university's library rather than a public one or ordering online
The few university libraries I have seen were quite impressive as is the national archive. For now my needs are covered by regular libraries and sometimes google scholar
i found an english translation of jou pu tuan (aka the prayer mat of flesh) in a free books box on my college campus. sat on my shelf for awhile but i read it eventually and it was excellent. it was actually a translation into english from a german translation of it funnily. a lot of works by the same author (lu bu) havent been translated into english at all yet. theres still lots of work like that to be done surprisingly.
just make sure its not some crack doctor who will push ozempic or other dumb shit...or lap band surgery...now that medicaid will pay for these things some doctors push them hard because the "numbers" on weight loss from them are good, for the first year or two. then it levels off, then it mostly comes back. as with everything that doesnt involve any actual changes to the way you live. whoever could have guessed.
in his case maybe a shot in the arm weight loss wise might help since he's so morbidly obese it likely impacts his mobility. Getting some of it off might make him more active.
this is why (to repeat myself) you should go to university dental clinics and not private dentists, especially not bougie private dentists. university dental clinic dentists know what fucking bad teeth look like because theyre looking at hobo mouths all day. their concerns are actual health concerns. private dentists are almost completely unwilling to separate health concerns from cosmetic issues, and they often arent the same thing. (veneers for example look nice but fall off in ten years and if they arent replaced [costs thousands] you will have stumps for teeth). not ALL private dentists are like this of course - if its an old polish guy with a clinic in his living room he'll probably give you the straight dope, but if its some florida type whose pearlies could blind the sun, yeah...think twice about what he's saying, and get a second opinion from a professor. it just boggles me that getting a literal professor of dentistry's opinion is *cheaper* than going to some guy who couldve barely passed his exams for all you know and yet people think its wack to do it. its like if they gave away sundried tomatoes and extra virgin olive oil at the food bank while whole foods sold only pop tarts and people still went to whole foods "because its just what you do." actually, that is exactly what people would do if that were the situation. catch "healthy living moms" feeding their kids "annies" goldfish and mac and cheese and "newmans own" oreos and thinking theyre being healthier than cooking like soul food from scratch. ppl are so goofy.
are you really going to make me explain again why its FUCKING BAD to fuck with hormones

pls dont its exhausting. just don do it ok?
well I don't know anything about that and I'm sure doctors wouldn't proscribe it if it wasn't safe.
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nta but didn't doctors get a fuckton of people hooked on opioids? Plenty of GP's will dish shit out without much thought and the average doctor often knows less about specific ailments than the patient
if that's true why did restaurants put ice in drinks back when ice was more expensive than the drink? were they setting up the norm knowing that in the future new technology would be discovered to make ice cheaper?
"doctors" are prescribing tranny pills l fucking mao

if you trusted anyone but yourself, fucking stop

to be more clear. the original use case for ozempic was people who had massive and critical diabeetus, for whom immediately losing 30-40 lbs was a lifesaving intervention. in that sort of case, the later life consequences can be rather safely ignored.

(the same logic does not however apply to tranny pills because there was literally never any evidence that they helped anyone in literally any way. that shit is grooming and sickfuckery all the way down and all the way back.)

now, however, theyre prescribing ozempic for cosmetic reasons to people who are merely overweight, which statistically isnt even bad for your health overall. (this is kind of muddled because a lot of thin people are on drugs or w/e so they bring the skinny lifespan down. nonetheless its not the hugest difference.)

so theyre giving a cosmetic treatment with negative health consequences, because people ask for it and want to be thinner. the linchpin here is that "it will improve their mental health because they say they will be happier skinny" can be used to justify literally fucking anything.

now lets all consider the real and terrifying possibility that story is in fact developing the beetus. good news, it literally goes away if you lose weight. bad news, almost no one ever does once they're already there (rip grandad) and the ozempic thing doesnt work long term in that case either.
and why would they put ice in water. ice is obviously more expensive for the restaurant to make than water.
people like cold drinks sir. this bizarre argument, if its not parody which it may be, seems to be cached in the fact that you dont like things being icy cold. which is your prerogative, but abnormal. do you also like your ice cream warm? warm cream?
once freezers were common ice is cheap, practically free. that coindecided with soft drinks.
wallposter a polschizo? who'd have thunk it..
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I never grow tired of leaving "try finger, but hole" messages in these games
me when i get when i get double purple-monkey'd into a bossroom corner as melody
you dont know the half of it sir. i'm the basedest trap there is alive. if you havent gathered that between here and my lit thread, you need to read more books.
I want to see your heart beating when your chest is cut and splayed open like cartel kino fren
Your a trap? so are you like a femboy or a tranny?
hairy sock poster
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You people have ruined the word trap for me. I smirk whenever I hear it now regardless of the context
i'll give you all a little bit. not that it matters much, since its unlikely youll believe me. youd have to be crazy.

i initiated the shadow campaign that led to nikki haley taking vermont. this may not mean much, but it may mean everything. if trump dies or withdraws before the republican convention, the nomination will fall on her, because she has delegates & the legitimacy of taking a state. there are certain elements in the old guard who are set on making this happen. whether cato will win this time remains to be seen -- but as ever, he is prepared to die.

i for a few months had the fascist segment of the internet convinced that taylor swift was leading a grand conspiracy. this was about last december to february. i emailed some morons some funny fucking documents, and they fucking believed me. taylor swift found this ungodly funny. she discusses it on her most recent album. check the date of that album's release, by the way, against other things that have happened on that date.

i threw the first wrench in the pill machine, and then the next few hundred. then other people started throwing them. that one wasn't that complicated.

the trap is that i do whatever the fuck i want and if you try to do anything about it, you are stymied. this may include being fucking killed in an ironic manner. it might be with shoelaces, they were a little obvious one time. sometimes i do drag. the name is halle burton. ain't the season for that right now though. but watch out.

sleep tight!
Who's you people huh boy huh
chatgpt can i get uhhhhhhhh one pol schizobabble
chad gppppj cani get a boyfiwned
>play melody
>get damage up item
>damage is still 1
i don't care that i got a buzzcut i'll still shave my legs and wear my pride socks
skinhead flamer woah
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>hairy legs and pride socks
i've been intentionally dressing more flamboyantly this month. when i met the boy this sunday he said i wore very interesting attire. i'm pretty sure he has an idea.
pink swimming trunks and a pink floral shirt and a fuschia flowery towel mat
god damn he's so pretty i want to [REDACTED] his gf
Stop anon, I can only get this soft and squishy
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Time for a few hours of exceptionally poor sleep as a result of the heat, god I miss winter
Anyone want an asexual temporary move-in bf?
how temporary is temporary
For the summer. I am executively retarded you see, and I'd just waste the summer at home. Could be making an anon less lonely and be doing stuff together.
i like summer because everything is green. i just hate the 830pm sunsets
I think he was probably just calling your outfit ugly
cut my tongue earlier today and almost never noticed
I need my dick in a twinks mouth at least 8 hours a day
it would fall off the saliva would eat away at it
Considering the absolute state of you fucking niggers and oral hygiene I'd rather eat a bullet than let you eat my dick
Gross bastards
Yeah whats up with people not brushing their teeth here
i am le robot i can't take care of myself aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I flush my teeth with cum
i can kind of understand since i to have been bedridden for months; i couldve been the no hygiene anon, but i cant ignore the feeling from the filth and must do something about that at the very least. teeth especially. its majorly depressing because it seems to be something that starts early(ish) in life and too many dont fully see the error they are making
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Liquified HRT Investing Your Shower Water As We Speak
you wish. its actually birthcontrol piss getting in the water
not forgiven, not forgotten
can you forgive without forgetting?
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can you shit without wiping?
can you forge a frog?
why couldnt you
why couldnt you
you couldn't, wouldn't you?
I feel like shit

I miss talking to that silly fag sometimes
i dont miss anyone anymore. besides you guys, of course... actually i hate them all. besides you guys, of course...
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I like filefag ngl
It's time again

>giving filefag a hand
i did not brush teeth for like half a year and my brother is a dentist so he was like "hey, i need to grab some docs from my clinic, do you want me to look at your teeth?"

so before me telling him this fact he told me i have perfect teeth and i only need to better my oral hygiene yeah
1995 isnt retro
if you have to pay someone money you can just hit them in the head afterwards and take your money back
we have chargeback now
>tfw you were an asshole all along
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would you date a boy if there's a will but there's no way?
Meow where husband meow need husband meow waaa husband
i would 100x yes
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correctly answered
Depends what "no way" means.
and what did i win?
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no way you would say no
Vagueposting: sentence: death.
a 2 dollar puzzle book
(please leave your address)
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Autism: sentence: proceed forcefully
omg i never had one of these
Meow autism is based I will bite you
am i insane for thinking bodyhair is extreme erotic everywhere but the shoulders?
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twinks hairy, masc shaved
I hit the mosquito with a magazine and the fucking thing still kept flying around.
i like both hairy. thats the craziest part

kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill

3 9 3
9 9
3 9 3

Twink bf that insist on listening to this shit
hvaing a shaved ass feels really fucking good
Sticking to nair from now on
what is the preferable term to blk or blkg metal?
i cant answer but what is bkg?
i cant claim burgerkinggang as a
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is anyone watching the acolyte? if so how do you feel about it? :)
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It is not shit I will fucking beat you to death
this is fucking awful. BEEP BEEP BOOP BOOP UHUHUH thats what it sounds like
deathgrips is honestly iconic
I threw up again, first time in a while
Cringe opinion apply yourself retard
i was filling out the forms to start my other new job yesterday and after he got the stuff ready for me to do, the manager (twink) turned to another new hire (twunk) and started talking about clubbing, getting tested and his cats. im not sure why im not included exactly but you should really get a job at the mall. one of his cats was named jedediah grimbo...
you ought to listen to real music my nigger
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Not bad if bit of a boring pick but you're still a cringelord faggot not worth killing for whining about it

violent urges after hearing that dumb story
Woke up today to make a more advanced ice cream base, a custard that used egg yolks which is a pain in the ass. I couldn't think of what flavor to use so I just mixed in the last of my Masala Chai Latte packets and now I have tea flavored ice cream base. Used the egg whites to make an omelette, now I feel healthy AND productive.
Anyways since we're arguing about music here's some REAL shit:
and the music debate continues
does anyone want my bf application?
who would say no to that lol
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I haven't had mcdonalds in so long
I want to eat mcdonald mcnuggies and mcflurry
life is sour.
no thank you mygay application friend
After not having McDonald's for years I finally went this March for the shamrock shake, I had some nuggets and a big Mac and it was disgusting beyond belief. McDonald's is the worst possible option.
Wendy's is pretty good though.
my resume!

>very hot
>very cute
>good boy
>very pretty
>a true catch

(hire me please)
I live in europe so maybe mcdonalds isn't as bad here but even if it is I still enjoy nuggies and fries.
Go ahead at number #33, applicant anon
i bought wooden toothpicks and i look so awesome with them in my mouth ><
hired on the spot
took a worm pill and found out there were worms
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If you had a dark pit counterpart in your life would you kiss him?
I'd fuck em
brother we would get a log cabin in the mountains and nobody would ever see us again
Honestly the dark part isn't even necessary just clone me right now and we'd make it work
I have toothpicks at my desk to fidget around with in my mouth but after a while they soften and open up like a brush, I don't think it's healthy to consume them even when they're not sharp because they're probably treated with something inedible.
One time, I was chewing on one without paying much attention and when I took a look at it I had eaten like 3/4ths of the fucker.
gay bros
how do I ind a facesitting bf?
is it possible?
please give me the complete truth
If you had a tiny clone of hitler, would you fuck it?
I'd keep him in my pocket and feed him lettuce
you're all obsessed with me
Are you hitler?
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Chai latte ice cream
Although it's so hot out I'm not sure it's churning correctly
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only on the weekends
be careful with them it ain't a good idea to eat wood anon! best thing is to just flip them around and move them to different sides if you wanna play with them in your mouth. maybe like nibble instead of chew, that's what i do and it works, they last for a while!
for me when they soften i just flip them around. because they're made out of wood they dry easily and by the time the one side is wet the other will have dried :3
Sorry the question is if you would fuck a evil feisty clone of yourself not a direct clone.
Yes? What kinda question is that? Who wouldn't fuck Hitler if they could.
Today's indie game of the day is: dimensional animals, a cute platformer with cute animals that have different abilities you seamlessly switch while playing. For example duck has a double jump so if you press jump twice the animal you control turns into a duck automatically. Boss fights are decent enough, it's fairly linear tho you do need some abilities to access certain areas. You have a map which is very helpful for those who aren't good at navigating the areas.
God I hope so but originally
thanks my boyfriend ily :D
Hot if you're a twink too
This is true but what do you expect from sad losers?
can bunnyanon come back to the thread, i miss him so much ;-;
eww go away dutch tranny
Pls don't let him troon out pls Lord pls
this man is larping don't trust him!
Why do straight millionaire livestreamers and youtubers keep choosing to sext little girls?? If I was a millionaire and all I had to do was upload videos of me playing videogames, I would protect that job with my life. There's no way I would risk it sexting a 14 year old girl. And like, I get that they are pedos so they feel the need to, but they could just date 18 year olds on rotation like other rich people. It's honestly so dumb.
I unironically miss bunny cause he is funny and you fags are worse posters
ily too :]
I don't see why not. It's cute and wholesome yay
bunny was fun bc he actually talked and seemed interested in what you said
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Erm, is anyone home?
Fake interest is worse than genuine malice
It's because they didn't get to their positions by being smart, it was mostly connections and luck. Then they develop massive egos and think they can do no wrong.
Fake malice is worse than genuine interest
Malicious interest is worse than genuine fakery.
Disillusioned seeing so many creators I enjoy having fallen so far, RT in particular
Soon only 3DS and meow remain (forever)
What a cromulent fuckcrustable of a day
Russia Today?
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Hey I ain't dead yet.
>3dsex with meow
the fat neet isn't going anywhere until I shuffle off to the great buffet in the sky.
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i need to suck a dick so bad
Not scientifically possible
Which will happen in maybe two years tops
I need to suck dick more

Depends, I might start doing better I might not. Could be working will be the best for me as it gets me off my ass all day. Or it could completely wreck me and leave me to too tired to do anything at all. who knows?
Earlier I implied Wendy's was better than McDonald's and I would now like to apologize, having just had Wendy's.
They are both shit.
I am never eating fast food again.
Killing retard story because I deserve money more than his fat ass
fast food was never 'good' but it used to be very cheap. now it isn't even that.
Just live in his floorboards and eat/steal his stuff, there's so many rodents and parasites there he won't notice
You will never get better. You will die soon.
Will you outlives story?
I wonder if story would report anon if he came to his house and extorted money from him

I don't think so, then again mom never expected to die at 62. I think I got got another 10-20 years left realistically.
if fast food as never good why did you eat it instead of cooking for yourself which is cheaper
Fast food used to be cheaper than cooking for yourself
Easier, too, if you were working all day

laziness 9/10 times and for me it is good. Considering I'm a pig who like high calorie slop. Mom and I ate out once a week before she died anyway so I always kept the taste for it.
have you never been in a grocery store before
Fast good used to be a decent, cheap meal that you didn't have to cook, when you couldn't for whatever reason. It was never intended to be daily slop for ameriards
That's a stupid question. How could I know the relative progression of pricing in terms of cooking for myself if I hadn't done it before. Your weiner small.
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this really says a lot about our current society
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I feel as if I am a bad person sometimes.
whos the real worst person here
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I wish I hugged my mother more.
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God is good and God is great.
I hug her all the time and she complains
Dumb bitch
I'm trying to go this week without ordering pizza, last time I ordered was last Thursday. Will you be happy for me if I make it?
meow, brad, 3ds and apostle
Yes? It's a bad habit, so it's good if you break it
I have pizza maybe like once very two to three months. Once a week is definitely too much, especially if it's large and there's leftovers.
Lucky bastard
I ain't got no deliveries for MONTHS
Honestly I know it's tough
When I order dominos they immediately send me a ton of coupons that expire in a week
Incredible business tactic, also guilt trips me cuz I'm so fat and retarded I think of letting these coupons expire as "wasting money"

I have a free pizza from dominoes right now if I wanted it. they send me that stuff too but I found that the normal deals they have are often better than the 50% off menu price coupons they send you or roughly the same. I never order beard or anything but pizza though so it might be different if you get those.
okay but who is the real best poster here?
what do i do with a 30 euro giftcard i got gifted? it's for the dutch version of amazon.com so you can choose from a diverse selection. dubs decides !
not worst poster but actual most awful human
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none of you are gay
Every single poster who has ever been named is a bad person down the line. If you're anonymous you're a good poster.
I dub thee retardanon, you're now awful.
that has to be the weirdest hand ever
hyperfuta miku
its AI you stupid tard
when did i imply i didn't know miku is an ai? you are the tard, you tard.
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robot on the net, suave in bed
bitch on the net, bitch in bed
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a different kind of bitch
hundred on my wrist, eighty on my wrist
every place i applied emailed me back and said no should i just kill myself now
become my adoptee, can offer water and bread for at least a 1000 days
>He's getting emails back
Go brag somewhere else
tempting, whats the catch?
getting an email back is ten times worse than nothing because autism
>what's the catch
it will be in a tent (shared)
Power just went out for a second, now internet is down and I gotta phone post
mosquitoes like me too much dont think i can do it, sorry
brown people come to this land and complain and that's why im votin Trump patriots
I'll suck on the bites for you
people often tell me my blood is tastier than normal humans
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I got a good trade deal lined up with a european gentleman for some rare exotic lego customs.
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god intervened yesterday and removed the fat behind my chin, with a reddish bruised spot taking its place
thanks god
That spot bleeds whenever I shave because all the hairs grow out of raised lumps instead of normal pores
It's fucking bullshit
what if they were on my tummy that would be crazy haha...
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pov: your hand holding your bf's chin up
my hand is not that pudgy
File deleted.
keep your hand to yourself then
maybe stop shaving it for a while retard, it's never going to not be irritated if you dont let it chill
Nair is so good, put a couple globs on my buttcheeks and thighs and they're smooth 5 minutes later like magic
Bought actual shaving cream too for areas I can't chemically destroy
i would delete that photo too you look a bit unflattering
I'll let you know I've been rated a 7 before
anon formerly known as 3ds here.
beach boy's girlfriend status has been updated to ex-girlfriend.
There's a chance?
>friend and his gf accidentally bring up my ex asking how long it take to get to X location where my ex lived
>am now touch starved and lonely
The vicious cycle of being a 3rd wheel
you WILL not fuck it up
there WILL be no bad consequences
we WILL always be supporting you
You will never get a bf lol
Remember the next step is trying to seduce with him with your boy stink so make sure to not shower beforehand next time you meet him
that boy's straight as an arrow. i don't think he ever once thought about guys that way.
huh, what's the point in worrying about him having a gf or not then?
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stoppu hate pls
I think he had a floral shirt and pink mat on the beach
Why are you bothering then you stupid retard
Biscum are thee worst, possibly more than straighoids
that's not hate. if your bits are bumpy then its going to stay bumpy if you keep shaving it, just leave it alone for a while.
no that was me. stupid.
he's just so pretty and so nice idk i just thought that maybe he just hasn't met the right guy yet. he seems to have trouble with women.
not that i'm the right guy.
>that was me
c-can I see it ?
Not how it works
You never talk to actual gays only straight guys like a retard
some of us just be having no-go spots with shaving
he's started being the first to text me. and when he got in his car instead of shutting off his phone he called me. i tried really really hard not to say anything weird.
no then i'll get banned for camwhoring again.
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his responses are long and thought-out. verbose. eloquent. he seems to genuinely care about me. even after i told him everything wrong about me he still sees me as a friend. he still wants to hang out.
i asked how soon i could see him again and he said he's going to church on friday. that sounds like an invitation. he said that despite everything i'm going through he said i still deserve the best.

there is no possible way that any woman wouldn't want this man.
>there is no possible way that any woman wouldn't want this man.
why did he break up with his gf? how long were they together? your infatuation with a likely unobtainable person is clouding your judgement
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stay pure then, soon you will never have to camwhore again
there are many things he feels insecure about that i don't think is fair to him to share on here. he's not afraid to tell me about his insecurities. he's not afraid to be... vulnerable. he... trusts me.
i havent been keeping up with this story. 3ds is going to kill this guy soon, right?
i think hes making this guy up like he did that other time
no one knows who he is so airing out his insecurities isn't abhorrent, but that's an understandable position. i think you should remember that he likely trusts you because you're a guy, guys tend to like guys more to talk about this stuff especially if they're not jock bro guys who think it's gay to talk about feelings. you've made a friend, but nothing more than that. pursuing something romantic would break the relationship, and his trust in speaking about this sort of stuff with other people again. you also could end up resenting him if he gets another gf, especially if it actually works out in a long term and you're both still friends. she'll always be hovering in the background and as long as you feel the way you do, it'll just hurt both of you
killing his tulpa eh
I never understand why so many faggots get into straight guys, what's the appeal there? I've known some really attractive straight guys, people who I could see myself with either physically or romantically but I never let it get further than a passing thought. Is it just an ego thing for some? A weird wish fulfillment fantasy where you think you'll be the one special enough for him to go gay for, or the taboo nature of him being "straight". That's another thing, if he seems straight to you but then does anything sexual or romantic he stops being straight. It makes zero sense.
3ds could easily prove this guy exists by dropping the phone history. the times and call length will be easily referenced to these threads
he didn't tell. i didn't ask. he's kind of a womanizer. going around all kinds of meetups to hit on women. he gave me "advice" on women and they all seemed pretty vain and pointless. even though he KNOWS that he's attractive and kind, and he has money, he still can't seem to be honest with women. i feel sorry for him. i wish i could be the one to show him there's a better way.
i'm aware, and i understand. just for this moment i only have a small crush on this guy. i don't love him. i know that. some day he'll find a good woman, and i'll be happy for the both of them. and even if i did some day reveal my feelings to him, if he's really as kind as i think he is, he'll tell me he's not interested, and i'll get over it, and we can still be good friends.
>another minute without the simple screenshot
uh oh...
if i see him friday/sunday i'll be sure to take a picture of the both of us.
Yep definitely the guy you deserve
Giga pump and dumper, pairs good with dumb hoes
be his comfort blanket when you next meet so he falls for your cutish charms
whats wrong? you dont get any calls from this guy? you call him 50times a day and he doesnt answer? you get a lot of calls from the hiring office? tell me, anon, why cant we see the call history?
i want to be that for him. i want to be the first person he comes to when he's having it rough.
it doesn't seem right
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I'd be happy for him if it was anyone else but 3ds will fumble hard there's no other outcome
Amusing nonetheless
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Regardless of what everyone is saying I wish you the best 3ds, even if you do not get together with this guy I hope you gain a good friend out of it.
You guys should stop being so mean.
why doesnt it seem right? its just a list of names and dates
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Would filefag listen to my Lego star wars rants?
the spic isn't gay but reduced to bi status for being a little midget
Maybe, it's hard to say whether I'd find them endearing or interesting so I won't make any promises.
i'll use friday as an excuse to get him to give me back my 3ds and then change my mind and give it back to him
im confused
do we like filefag or not
filefag is like the new bunny in a way
don't give him your 3ds dude wtf, what if he keeps it? don't you love that thing? hold it safe and precious please
maybe have your own opinions weinermunch
It's ruotsi, sheeptard
i liked 'filefag' 'ruotsi' before you guys noticed him. therefore i cannot not like him anymore because im not like you :)
I'd say they'd be indearing.

I like you ruotsi boy
brad and 3ds should just hookup already they're both insufferable brown goblins
out of their depth here
brad is white and 3ds is incredibly light skinned. there are no real brown boys on this damn thread.
you know whats crazy? in the next few years we are going to have more of them. this is 2/3 teens in america
He will not because he's going in with selfish intentions and a delusional mindset. He doesn't deserve it either.
sweden in finnish????
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Wow you gave him your 3ds? Isn't that your only console? That's quite trusting of you. I'd never be able to give away my 3ds to a stranger.
Do YOU like filefag??
Then go for it although I'll be going to bed soon so I probably won't see them til tomorrow.
I think almost everyone deserves a chance at happiness.
has this never been outpost 9? the breakdown is why i have to live here
why dont you guys just become tripfags at this point youre indistinguishable since you keep avatarfagging or announcing who you are
brad is not white and 3dsnigger glows orange in his photos, how's that white you mutt
Can't filter people by avatars is why :)
would hurt my discord bfs feelings
3ds is in his mind 99% of the time, feeling inadequate, so he won't be having much spare bandwidth to deal with the problems of others, it's more insecurity
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I'll talk to you tomorrow after I get my package in and take a cool picture with the stuff in there.
I got pink nipples and talk perfect american english.
brad is paler than 3ds, his face reflects his mutt heritage but his skin is that of a white and he's the highest of the skin hierarchy in his homeland of mexico. 3ds is white enough to be shunned by his kind as too weird but too dark for real white americans, and he's from peru so his phenotype is likely horrible
r9gay aka r9bi
>tfw straight to bi to gay to bi to straight
I'm french, spanish, jewish, aztec, and honorarly italian.
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My guy you're out here performing ancient race math you need to calm down
Nobody with brown eyes is white simple as
Meow talking shit to 3ds as if he is any better. You will never get a bf either hypocrite whore.
what if they both got boyfriends though and everyone was happy and nice to each other
why do mexicans always claim french anyways
im happy for you
>two kikes in r9gay
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Okay, but don't forget, I don't like broken promises.
I will probably be trying to post less, I don't like being too recogniseable or be too much of an avatarfag.
Based happinesspilled poster.
It's hard to forget. I don't forget.
My fawtha had a very rich family and a big nose.
meow here to fight all positivity he never received
It all makes sense really
Jews are the most mentally ill race on earth, several times more likely to have bpd/schizophrenia and other brain fuck ups
that's just correlation with high IQ dear
glad i'm an Anglo-American GOD so i can be rich and high iq without all of that gay shit
dual citizenship btw
I guess its a good thing causation and correlation aren't related at all
brit and american citizenship? lel
I should file for israeli citizenship
brit and american citizenship?
that is correct
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I'm a made member in the Lego Mafia.
do you think you will stop being gay when you hit midlife crisis
autistic fixation on danish block toys
This thread reeks of south african
he got wise to everyone filtering his ass
i tried to use a filter once but it was very lonely
My cousin Dave has bright green eyes and he's Mexican
Brad and Dave aren't Mexican names, Jose Ramirez-Tejada
Based 3dstard
I will double down so as not to look like a bitch
They named us very white
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holy flip almost died right now
>almost died right now
i was just drinking water. literally crying now holy flip ;(
how do you die drinking water
bros going through a midlife crisis at 12
it was only an almost died. i almost drowned
Twinks die at 30, midlife crisis starts at 15
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im 27 but you dont have to believe me
i thought twinks die at 21
aint no way
you better look as young as your voice sounds
alcoholic hags, a common trope of r9gay
i stopped buying alcohol because i only have $50 and $100 bills now and i dont want the liquor store lady to know i can afford more than the $6 liter of vodka
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you want me to look 12? that's kind of creepy...
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This is the wrong place for you if you think thats creepy desu.
Tiring shift but there were nice customers one regular who is always nice said he was happy to see me again and another one said that my braids are still nice (she remembered complimenting them before)
I don't think people deserve happiness if it's to the detriment of others.
That's not the problem here at all. Don't reply to me simp.
I am quite a lot better though. Seethe.
This is just cope, isn't it? I could also creep on straight men way above my league because they give me the slighest sliver of attention but I won't stoop that low. How is what 3DS has positive? Because you are too retarded to understand it?
Getting hit on by ladies huh
Yeah I get compliments from both but men are obviously too autistic for it almost always
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beach boy's sending me "how to talk to women" videos
Tate coded
He sees right through your memegay facade, just get a bf
i don't know how this kid managed to grow up without decent social skills. he's hot and his family is rich.

the hohol boy was like this too. he has a schedule for literally everything because "that's what the great men do" yet he's totally inept at conversation
Dress up as a femboy and tell him to talk to you like a girl. Great first date.
>tell him to talk to you like a girl
i think if he did that i'd puke in my mouth.
and i'd need to grow my hair back first.
When his clueless ass realises you wanna fuck him he's gonna bash you with a hammer
should i just tell him i like men when i see him at church
i think i'm losing my crush on him tbqh.
Talk to actual gays mayhaps
Just get a wig baldy
Good, can't wait
but gay men are really stinky and have AIDS and eat poop
You said that two days ago but were drooling after him yesterday bpd retard
i don't know. i thought i could awaken the latent bisexuality that all zoomers have but now i'm thinking this guy is a lost cause. endlessly chasing pussy like a hungry dog.
>t.hungriest dog
handing out pozzed needles at the gay club just doing my duty
TO talk to anyone romantically is to talk to someone like a girl even in gay relationships. Just get a wig and woo a beach boy. You'll keep making excuses otherwise
eating a crazy good sandwich i just made hoooly fuck
You are way worse in that regard hypocrite whore you make me sick
you are fatter and more mentally insane than him, your only saving grace is having a job tranny
Got Wendy's again today meowie
im eating almonds. not that good
oh yeah i was banned so i couldnt tell you guys: i swallowed a cherry pit the other day
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i'm glad some of your are still here sticking out for me
yay for cyanide poisoning!! why did you get banned
possibly the worst drupe ever, cashews clear so yummy
I am fatter but in no way more insane. People like me and I can do almost anything a normal person can. I am losing weight as we speak, 3DShit will never not be a lazy dishonest weak willed parasite.
i got a 3 day ban for 'trolling' on /tv/ but i literally didnt do that
My titties hurt
Cool idgaf
>3DShit will never not be a lazy dishonest weak willed parasite.
i'm watching fallout on prime tv and doing squats while i wait for my dipshit brother to leave the bathroom
I did not ask. Do not lash your forked tongue in my general direction, cur.
If I had a brother I'd groom him into cuddling with me
kys because i forgot when you stop
story is literally a parasite, not 3ds. Just he fucked up and killed his host.
pistachio is better but i like cashews too

I didn't kill her on purpose, how was I supposed to know she couldn't handle my tiny chode in her airway
Happens all the time, a natural part of their cycle
what evidence is there story did it
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Anymeow where's my bf gnaa *gnashes teeth* mwaa *stares into the distance*
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>I watch them care about personality fags sad life's and fall for the bait everyday
storyanon isnt a personalityfag he created /r9gay/
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>waaahhh stop doing things wahhh I will piss on myself wahhh
Choke on my massive nuts whore
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it's funny in a sad way
Are you playing with your toys yet
she dropped his chicken on the floor
I didn't directly harm my mother but I did by being a lazy neet, dispite her wanting me to get a job to start bringing money it. I think the stress did it, she never could handle stress well.
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I'm sure no one could choke on your tiny pipsqueak nuts bitch.
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My testicles are fucking massive, only rivaled by my gigantic cock
>tfw no suomi bf with a massive suckable penis
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Relatable, I'm glad I can pay my way here with neetbux but I know my mother worries about me. Mine wants me tested for tism and I may go for it just for here peace of mind
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Ya so if you have such a godly massive cock and balls then why are you not swimming in boybitches? Cope harder shrimp dick.
Fuck off finntishist
Because I am a bottom you daft cunt also you don't get boon by having a huge cock you need w rizz
my mom doesnt even care that im a NEET and even defends my position
is jerking off to cartel beheadings (male) gay or not?
>is jerking off...gay
Kinda hot tbdesu
>tfw no bf who rapes me and slits my throat as he cums
i would do that to everyone here (non-consensual)
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Non monogamy is no good die then whore
it's monogamous until it's not
but wouldnt that hurt? you wouldnt hurt me, the only anonymous poster left
It's always monogamous I'll kill any man who abandons me
>but wouldnt that hurt?
It would be extremely painful... for you
Only meow and his mutt simp call him like that, he was called filefag before that
fine i will spare you, but only you
>tfw still no suomi big dicked bf who isn't a tranny
Ruotsi is a way better name, filefag is uninspired and gay
Shut up
None exist every finn except for me has a microchode also I'm still not a tranny retard
i dont want to shut up thougheverbeit
Then die foolish mongrel
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Question for r9gay denizens: If by some miracle you found a bf would you stop posting here?
what if i dont want to do that?
Filefag is funny because he has files on top of files
>tfw no suomi top with a massive dick to fuck my ruotsi bussy violently
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Probably. Or I would boast about it here everyday for a but then leave idk which yet
i was already posting here while i had a gf
I would leave or not post about having a bf to avoid annoying people
Inversion of the natural order, death sentenc
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>bishit spotted
I would but I would be sad about it
i'm transbian, moron
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>i'm transbian, moron
even worse
This is a thread for gay men, not lesbians
>I can be the one, the special one
many such cases. I hate straight chasers almost as much as gay people
>tfw no suomi bf to own my ruotsi bussy and make me worship his dick
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Is it racist if I find asian dudes way hotter than other guys? I think I may have rotted my brain by watching too much power rangers but every asian dude I see looks leagues above what a probably equivalent white guy would look like.
You're not swedish gross loser
shitlib israel bootlickers, get fucked. from the river to the sea
They both are? Meow is not wrong on this
Pistachio's too expensive but cashews suck. Peanuts are ok.
pistachio ice cream fucking rules though
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Wrong address buddy
No he is a parasite who never made a single thread despite being here all day for years. He never contributes to anything.
>tfw no cosplaying /r9gay/ gf
Not racist you just like em' and preferences are fine. I prefer other euros but asians are alright too
cis men ONLY troons GET OUT of my thread
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cheesed 2 meet u
This is the closest to admission of guilt we will get out of this fat NEET killer
>tfw no suomi massive peen bf to breed my ruotsi asshole
my /r9gay/ gf wouldnt cosplay 2hu we have moved into the 2020s
You have fantasies involving many men having their way with you hypocrite whore
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Hey story is a stand up guy and not just because of the gammy leg. Disregarding the ones in his house he wouldn't hurt a fly
Ruotsi is literally a made up word in a made up language for forest goblins unlike made up words that normal humans use. Kill yo self
He literally hurt his mother
still cant believe storyanon pushed his mom down the stairs
And that's why it never works out for people like you. You won't get a bf or make it work because you're a piece of shit who no one can tolerate.
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I am actually pretty nice when I am not on the interwebs. I am just ugly as sin so you are right about never getting a bf. Many people can't tolerate my Autism other then a few friends.
I don't though that's hearsay that has no basis on reality
It must be painful to have such a inferiority complex over suberior finnish people
one day when i finally meet anon from /r9gay/ im going to post some pics. this isnt gloating, right? its just archiving the historical moment...
It's not your looks, ugly people get bfs all the time. Those who would treat others poorly when in positions of power or run their happiness in if they are simply more fortunate show their true self when there are no consequences. I hate two faced cunts.
It's your own words you stupid whore
Imagine using this thread as your dating app. It worked out great for muttrabbit, canadian simp and everyone else XD
its not a date its a meet n greet
It's really not whore
I did get rejected by everyone and doxed but i did make a friend or two so it wasn't all bad.
new thread wedgie
sorry i havent been online

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