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newsground wedige edition

Previous Episode: >>77952938
when ive had a job ppl think im on crack when i come home. for a few hours anyway. then i get proper tired at the proper time.

when i dont i get up at like 11 at the earliest and fart until 3 at the earliest

to be clear, thats cause my jobs have always involved mild physical hustling and no emails and no desk. when i had an internship in college that was part in a lab and part at a desk, i did nothing but rage at dota and eat cheezits when i came home.

ppl dont expect this but fast food quality is highly dependent on a well run restaurant. busy mcds in a big city with hispanic workers = hot fresh crispy fries, picture perfect burgers. rural mcdonalds = the messiest flop of a big mac you ever had the misfortune to open. the best thing at mcdonalds is cheeseburger classic anyway, after fries ofc, and hamburger classic is third. dont get upsold like a goofball.

macca burger classic is under $2 at good busy mcds and theres often free fries with $1 purchase deals in le app. you can basically tell how good a mcds is by how cheap the hamburger classic is. if its 2.49 or more, reconsider. the higher the price, the slower the place is, cause then they have to make more money per customer, and everythings gonna be staler and older, from fries to buns to lettuce/tomato even.

rolling for a 1lb bag of gummi sharks and the most expensive pair of socks you can get with the remainder. why did no one else roll? lamers.

what on earth did you apply for? ive never gotten an email back from anything. ive gotten 2 in my life by walking in to local businesses with hiring signs and 2 at chains by doing the online applications and then walking in the next day to ask about it. ive literally never gotten anything back from emailing or online apps alone whether yes or no.

i feel like you might be talking about some white collar or programmer shit but trying to pass it off as ohhh poor me shit. if thats the case go lol yourself.
swear i wasnt holding it in, my timings just impeccable. ppl often accuse me of farting on purpose with comic timing but i swear i never once have.
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nonlethal destruction of certain pharmaceutical company laboratories and production facilities is hereby authorized. do not hurt anyone. enjoy the strange colors of smoke.
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Do you guys like my new haul?
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yay fresh thread, I still have that yakuza song stuck in my head from yesterday

Count Dooku is always a fine addition to a collection and the Coruscant Guard is one of my favourite clone types second only to the phase 1 star corps
in case of emergency, eat glass
wtf? im hungry now
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>when ive had a job ppl thi
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I had him already, just added some boots. Same with Zam.
why are all the guys into prog either straight or bi? where are the gay guys into prog?
What is this prog of which you speak?
Thank you for being creative and posting lyrics too. If only this thread was more of this and less... everything else
i have four jobs right now which you would know if you could actually read, phonebrain

thus my behavior. when i only had one i was playing wow 3/4 the day.
this is /r9gay/ bitch take that creative shit to /s4s/ we toil in this motherfucker
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usually NA times are comfy hours, I'm sure things will clear up
i remember playing dota and wow
a genre called progressive rock
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>see pride month tv channel
>Boyz n the Hood and Straight Outta Compton on next
I am mildly bemused, I've seen the pride flags with brown lines but I still got a chuckle out of this
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I really wish these threads weren't all 90% americans and had more canadians even though i'm pretty sure i'd still get rejected it would be nice to have more opportunities.
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This https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5Hck9r1xNI
Same but for nocturnal euros. Other than the drunk brit most of them are never posting when I am up
that video seems to be unavailable, at least to me...but i like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8bWGGA-5HM
i refuse to learn music subgenres
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i refuse to learn
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And that one is unavailable to me, but it's alright cause I know the song. Dire straits was the first band I got into
I posted the first song that is on here, there's not many uploads of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crVK7TkkfNE
if you had access to my entire fortune (just the cash, ~195k total) then what would you do with it?
Invest into options expiring tomorrow
pastrami on rye
a switch for former 3ds anon
I'd buy a bf
invest and get a bf
why do you need 195k to get a bf cant you do that for free
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I would just sit on it until my inheritance lands. Then move to the seaside and live off the money until I croak at the ripe old age of whenever my mother goes
I don't have a monetary prize tag
what if your bf was
>a fat mom killing neet parasite has nearly a quarter of a million dollars

life really isn't fucking fair. I grew up dirt poor and had work since I was 16 or I didn't get to eat.
>tfw no bf to drink ourselves to death with by the coast
If i had enough money then i could get a bf like 3ds
I'd pay for all my basic needs and video games then invest the rest.
I have no need to make any big purchases.
Any South Carolinians?
I only know a karelian, hard to miss him
Everyone south of me should d i e
The large pack of pork chops I got aldi's don't all fit in my skillet, please stay on me to cook the rest after dinner... last time this happened I left them in the marinating container for a week and threw it all away.
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Not that he likely exists but I hope my fbf is fine with me pleasing him with my tongue and hands or feet if he so desires.
No idea why my brain decided to remind me that I am too lazy for anal but such is life
I would not want a footjob, hands and mouth ware wonderfully fine.

Insides all dried out from the nonstop liqqy anyhow
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I will pump you full of coffee until you stop being too lazy for it
how are you too lazy for it? i dont get it. you can just lay there. do you mean cleaning yourself out? that also shouldn't take very long, or a lot of effort. i think if you can't even hypothetically think of doing something as easy as that in a hypothetical scenario, you aren't even going to be able to get a bf to begin with
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I hate pidors, death to all gays. HAIL VICTORY.
I'd be fine if my fbf was like that but i'd still like to do anal at least once with him.
omw to donate part of my liver to my fbf so he owes me unlimited blowjobs
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imagine giving up on the greatest boon a bf could give, it is the best shortcut to full body relaxation
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not sure how much this would cost, but lot less than that. im missing a few random things like a stepladder and according to regulations there might have to be a sink? not sure. may depend where you are. would need to rent an offsite food prep space but that isnt too hard, would just be like one day a week if its one with a really big mixer so you can do large batches. if i still lived where i used to i would even know a guy with one actually.
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I'd settle for a Monster Ultra. Iced coffee is alright but pricey and other coffee is just about drinkable

>you aren't even going to be able to get a bf to begin with
Nor do I expect to unless he beams up into my room, I'm a lazy cunt with gut issues so prep along with trying something new isn't something I imagine myself doing

Once when in an exceptionally good mood and very refreshed would be doable. I just can't see myself doing it on a weekly basis
>I'd settle for a Monster Ultra. Iced coffee is alright but pricey and other coffee is just about drinkable
did you ever wonder if maybe this preference is related to why you feel the way you do
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gonna be water and caffeine pills till those issues resolve themselves
it sure is great that humans invented pills. otherwise we would have to use drugs that just grow on trees.
not that they arent a little fun. i get a rush every time i take a biggish vape cause i started at 29 and it takes me a year to use an elfbar. and then theres acid...
Well I've had coffee a few times and it hasn't had an affect on my sexual preferences. I rarely have energy drinks as they never seem to give me a boost either but the taste is better
im not talking about your sexual preferences fool. im talking about your le no energy le lazy cunt schtick. sour patch kids taste better than a lot of things but if you eat them instead of real food you dont fucking feel good. are you like dumb?
girls are asleep its dick and blunt hours
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the first time I had caffeine I fell asleep in the shopping center, peculiar stimulant
leg hurting time, how great. Still have to cook the last three pork chops. Mom would have made one meal out of those and froze the rest but I'm too lazy for that. I'll likely end up throwing some away.

My heavily marinated+seasoned chops are very good though.
bored and booooored and betrayed by my babysitter.....
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Oh the low energy is likely the produce of chronic insomnia and lack of nutrition. I have always been a lazy bastard who struggles with maintaining attention, maybe ma is right about me being some variety of autsismo
>are you like dumb?
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Waaahhhhh waaaahahhhhh no bf to hug my tall self like this waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh
>chronic insomnia and lack of nutrition
sir. that is the exact problem i was discussing. although your phone is likely more to blame for the insomnia. put your phone in a different room at night and watch yourself become a different person. or rather, the person you used to be, before you had a phone. although if youve had one as long as you can remember, yeah i suppose itd be a different person. if you need alarms for things in the morning get a five buck alarm clock from amazon or literally anywhere. circes hates this 1 weird trick.
I'm a neet and barely use my phone. I have struggled to sleep since I was a kid desu for most of my life I've been scraping by on 2-4 hours of sleep on a good night
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somber twink hours

Remembering all the hardships and betrayals

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if only there was a disorder that is highly correlated to laziness, obesity and maintaining attention
Hey It's That Guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruQsv709MA0
David Sylvian made a song for an Anime?
Good thing I am not obese so I must be in the clear for such a disorder regardless of what online tests may suggest
im tired of giving you easy shit to do. now its time for hard shit.

challenge: go vegetarian for a week. this is not as hard as youd think even with your skillet alone, though an oven would make it easier. are you afraid of turning it on or is it broken or something?

anyway, get a thing of aldi veggie burgers and a thing of aldi black bean burgers. melt a good chunk of butter in the skillet and fry the absolute fuck out of them til theyre crispy as sin. then put them on a bun with cheese, salt, pepper, and eat. this is basically the only way veggie burgs are good.

if you can use your oven, baking them very toasty crisp is easier. just set it and forget it pretty much, do like 1.5x the bake time it says on the box.

you should also get some pierogies, all the kinds. you can fry or bake. use plenty of butter as i said so they dont stick to the skillet. all sorts of potato products: hash browns, oven fries, knishes, uhh...idk, they got lots at aldi. the cheapest aldi plain frozen pizza tastes a bit crackery but its still yummers. if youre feeling natural get some fresh corn and/or potatoes, wrap in foil, bake, slather with butter/sour cream/salt/shredded cheese (any/all). eat as much as you fuckin want. the more the better, in fact.

this will make you feel very different if you do it, like few other things. im not saying to be vegetarian forever, im not. you probably wont lose weight either, at least not very quickly, as potatoes and corn have plenty of calories. however, this will, as i said, give you hard shit. (harder than meat anyway). real plonkers. really clean you out, especially if you eat lots of much crispy bean and veggie burgers. thats why, as i said, the more the better.
That's cool. I kinda just care about Japan ngl.
by "barely use" you mean "i only pick it up every 10 minutes to check r9gay" at the very least. dont bullshit me sonny. i know your peers are drooling deranged scrolling videos eighteen hours a day but forget about them. this is about you. if you cant even put your phone in the other room you are shackled to it just like they are, its as simple as that. stop feeling superior.
it works with monster
I was surprised when I recognized the singer, I've binge listened gentlemen take polaroids a fair bit
suddenly everything became unbearably unfun. not sure what to do for the next 30 years
Ye good album

I feel like shit man fuckkkk

Everybody I talk to is unable to communicate like, serious emotional intelligence.

No, I could never live as a vegetarian. I just love meat, it's so tasty.
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no bf ahead O you don't have a bf, O you don't have a bf
zoomer cyborg meme except its gandalf and he says woods now

its aglow with birds. turn over rocks by streams, there are often frogs. you donr have to stay on the trail, just dont be stupid and get lost.
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I can't help with emotional intelligence, but I was going to send you an unknownish japan song
however a multi-billion dollar company has found themselves unable to add a search function to my long playlist
i said it would be hard. but i DIDNT say to live as a vegetarian. i said to do it for a week. if you get addicted to corn and potatoes and veggie things on account of it fixes your shitting, and they dont rot nearly as fast, and when they do they just grow fungus and dont spawn flies, well that wouldnt be my fault. it was pointed out to me a few weeks ago that i havent cooked meat in like two years aside from using bacon/salted ham in small amounts to flavor things, and i didnt even do it on purpose lol.
to be clear i eat pepperoni pizza and hot dogs and such plenty when im out. so maybe you could try that: just dont bring meat home.

I mean not even for a week. Unless I just go hungry for a week like I did when mom died and I just wasn't hungry. The only vegetable I eat regularly is potatoes anyway.
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>Red meat, sugary tomato paste and processed dairy
>I expect more
>I expect more from this thread
car is dead so i cant go to the woods. im sorry, gandalf
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Where consort meow
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idk I think he's in the shadow lands I haven't gotten far in the expansion yet
checked myself

another protip is that if you come across a pond of mostly still water that has little leafplants floating on the surface and/or pipecleaner looking frondy plants growing in it, you can take a scoop of this in a bottle, then add it to a big jar with some rocks on the bottom, close the lid, put it in the sun, and have a self sustaining ecosystem that will last 5-10 yrs until the plants grow too thick for their own good. you can also add freshwater aquarium shrimp (ghost or cherry) to this and they will live & reproduce very well. you may also notice little amphipods and copepods swimming about - they will hatch from microscopic eggs in the water. youre also likely to get some small lentil sized snails called bladder snails if you take a good amt of plants. extremely entertaining activity - you can also use plantnet to identify the plants you got byt as there so many kinds of pond weeds and chara it may not be quite right. you can even keep water hyacinth this way for quite a long time in just a 1gal jar, it even flowers if youre lucky.

you can also do the above with any large city/town pond that has the plants i mentioned and keep shrimps, tho you wont get as many interesting little invertebrates. it has to be a pond, not a river, since river plants need moving water and will rot. i learned this from experience. basically any plant in a pond that has no roots you can just take and jar. if youre worried about looking weird dress like a professor and take a notebook with you as if youre studying the pond lol.
Oh I thought he was using the term for a ruler's spouse.
tired of hearing cant from you. you havent even tried. maybe you could, you dont know. what you mean is wont. that i can only beat out of you.

I'm not going to try, not that. I could maybe try to mix more vegetables into my diet but that's as far as I will go.
One day I'll just say I love him without thinking about it and he's going to hate me.
correction ghost shrimp larva actually need to be fed powdered leaf matter in a jar as there isnt enough natural sediment stirring. cherry shrimp however give birth to young that are mini adults and can live just fine on the algae that grows naturally in water exposed to sunlight. its almost magical. however they will also go zippy bananas if you add bits of arugula or carrots for them to eat.

you can easily see when the shrimp are preggers too, if you make sure you have males and females. they get eggs in a belly pouch like crabs. and
>the best way to feed ghost shrimp larva is actually to cum in the water daily, or bleed a few drops in it
i mean, then youre gonna get beetus or colon cancer and die, i guess. sad. i hope we get to make a video game first.
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I accidentally drank a triple vodka after forgetting to add the diet sprite. No idea how other alchies do it as I'm still pulling funny faces after that assault on my taste buds

I might as well enjoy what little I can. I enjoy meat and ate it all my life. I don't want to eat like a rabbit.
get bombay gin, its like vodka plus licorice and its blue like nevermind. make sure to go straight from the bottle, its called kissing whiskey (when its whiskey) and its actually better for you.
it aint alcohol if it aint mr boston
yeah you dumb fucker. rabbits eat bean burgers with cheese and buns and go out for a hamburger at lunch. thats exactly how rabbits live. fuck off with that, you very well know its not what i said to do. i may be refused but i will not have words i didnt say put in my mouth. that shit i will not tolerate. you would be getting about 2/3 of the full vocal fire blast in real life right now, fuck face.
I can hear the screeching harpies already

oh fuck off already, I'm not doing anything you say so just leave it at that.
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Surprisingly based imo life is a short and arduous affair so you may as well gleam whatever pleasure you can from it. You could lose weight and still eat well but I know you're too lazy for that so fuck it knock yourself out

I'll add it to my list of drinks to try but its double the price of what I usually drink so I'll have to wait until my next lot of neetbux land
can i eat the shrimp or are they really small

I still want to try and lose some weight, even just 20-40lbs. Might help my leg and make moving around to do things easier.
i think you should get even fatter
you werenr anyway lmao, why would that matter? when i used to bother with talking to people digitally, this is when they block me, but you cant. when i talk to people in real life, this is when they leave or start hitting. but you cant! well you could leave, but i doubt you will. it would probably be good if you did. without anyone to vent to youd put those cats put of their misery fast. by which i mean opening the door and spraying the rascals til theyre gone, after that one fucker tips the litterbox for the last damn time. as far as hitting me, do what you like, im sturdier than i look and nothing you do will get me to hit back. although i may find a wiffle bat and go full clown on your ass.
this statement evaluates to true assuming you meant the logical or rather than xor. they are about mike and ike sized and some people do eat them.
just drink from the bottle is my point

its more aesthetical and you go through it a lot less quickly unless youre already on the sauce for decades and numb to the burn
i've never wanted to have a romantic relationship with a man before but last night the idea didn't seem so bad after all. not sure what to do
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I got 175 to spend on lego let's gooooo
I'm gonna infodump on you because repeating the information inside my brain to myself for the 9000th time isn't cutting it
cutting it? what are you, kiwinigger?
okey. i feel really weird right now and a bit warm
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>I got 175 to spend on lego let's gooooo
Impressive, your lego collection is most impressive
nevermind i became really tired all of a sudden just going to close my eyes for a few
I didn't cook those remaining pork chops, I'll get them tomorrow.

here we go again...
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Don't die in your sleep brother, if you die during a thunderstorm your soul cannot leave this mortal realm
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I now find myself with a severe case of hiccups. I can think of few ailments quite so bothersome
letting meat rot approaches actual sin. not that im entirely innocent. you may be punished, nonetheless.

and you still havent told me why you never use your oven. set temp 400, put in whole tray of pork chops drizzled with honey, mustard, bbq sauce, salt, pep, bake 25-30 mins. i used to do that with those very aldi chops. if you dont have anything clean to cook that way on, throw out what you have and buy another, then cover it with foil and do what i said. baking trays are disposable on a scale of a year or two dumbass. foiling keeps them in good shape but im not sure its much less wasteful. might be, really, foil is really thin. hell, idiot, you could just wrap the chops in foil (seam on top) and bake them that way. why dont you do that?
drink a bit glass of water continuously in small sips until you feel a hiccup coming up. if you can swallow the current sip of water down over it, which you almost always can, hiccups cured. this is the one trick that actually works, just like standing up when you get a foot cramp.

they're in the fridge marinating. as long as I cook them tommrow they'll be fine.

I do use my oven for things, mostly for frozen food. As for other stuff, mom never did and I basically just copy what I saw her doing.
*a big glass!
Not sure what to buy, will probably alocate some for Sun Fac and Rune Haako
im aware that youre an overgrown and terrified child. this is because your mom never gave you the proper boot. dont give me shit about you failed her and killed her with stress. the big bird is supposed to peck the little fuckers until they leave the nest, not feed them while they get fatter and fatter. she didnt do her fucking job. she selfishly kept you around because she didnt have any other real people in her life. you didnt end up weird and isolated out of nowhere. she was too. its high time you recognize that. as i said, no one normal has 9 cats. people have every right to be weird, but thats what it is. you think shes normal cause she had some job and a house? furthest thing from the truth son. its not that different from if she kept feeding you baby food and putting diapers on you. its not so rare for this to happen when one parent and one child end up alone together: usually the dad bird plays a large part in running off the kids cause he gets fed up with their squawking asses. and when theres a second kid, either one drives other out or one leaves and proves to the parent that their other kid can probably make it out there too. good chance future bobby hill is in your situation with peggy after hank dies at 59 from grillers belly. your dependence on her was the only thing that gave her anything to fucking do. she had 9 cats for the same fucking reason. she nurtured that dependence: not intentionally, but she did nonetheless. you were failed. stop feeling bad. no parent like her raises a normal happy kid.
wrong reply lol im tired

fairly true of me as well, probably would be if my dad didnt tell me he wasnt gonna have any failures to launch lolol. i only got a job cause i was NOT gonna live at home. the sheer judgment and sarcastic venom. as is natural, to be clear.
how do we stop straight people from sexualizing pictures of babies
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Thankd for the tip, I'll acquire some water to sip
damn thats wackadoo

put out their eyes? thats the greek way
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Have one with me and I shall show you how great boy romance is.
nta but it always lures me when people make these posts...
When I make these posts I mean it. I just wanna show a anon from here love and affection but it never really works. Being kind does not entice the bottoms of r9gay.
Because they know you don't mean it. Anyone advertising themselves like this is usually promiscuous, emotionally or physically. You'll just leave someone yearning once you get bored.
calling someone a fucking bottom is the least enticing thing on the planet you shit for brains asshole plugger
need a bottom bf who takes care of me >.<
>vape store near me sells joints til the wee hours if you know how to ask
yeah i know a secret or two
prison gay. you dont love men
cringe (not because of the weed but the nepotism)
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Salmon as a sign of trust and a peace offering? Your loss if you don't take it and my love.
ive told lots of people, though...its a legal state anyway and its a bit of a rip off, but surprisingly not that much of one. theyre open later than the legal places though. the liquor stores are closed already or i might have done that. honestly if you go into a few vape shops and just straight up ask for a preroll youll probably get one before long. same with single cigarettes.
*as long as youre the only customer in earshot, i should have said...have a little discretion is all.
What are your stats anon, what are we working with here aside from salmon
there are no stats in the ether -_- :'|
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what if i dont want salmon.....
there are other fish in the sea...
I've never had salmon, what's it taste like compared to normal generic 'fish'?
What kinda stats? How good I am at romantic gestures? My looks? etc?
A normal rice ball
Hard to describe other then to say better then its
just better then regular fish. Salmon Sushi is to die
for to and couldn't imagine Sushi with any other
>How good I am at romantic gestures? My looks? etc?
Yes to all
less fishy and salty, more tangy?
I don't eat fish anymore but when I did it was one of my favorites
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I don't really like having friends.

Friends are not family.
Looks I would give my self an honest 4
Romantic gestures at a solid 10
Cuddling prowess at a 10
Cooking at about a 5
Affectionate lv 10
Sugar daddy lv 3
Strength 7
Endurance 9
Autism lv 8
Charisma 8
Uhhh other then that idk what more to stat
myself; think that covers the most important stats
charisma at an 8 but can't convince an r9gay bottom to get it on with him
if im being totally honest, a handsome man fingered my bhole once. it felt idk fine but it was just such a silly thing to be doing that i couldnt look at him seriously again. like really? the poo hole? thats what you want? the poopy doo doo hole? lol. and then his dick looked like a sausage squelched and burst in someones fist :/
not sure why you're making fun of him when you're the one that let yourself be defiled
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The water cured me of my hiccups so I may soon collapse into my bed in peace, thank you wise anon
Even having the highest speech/charisma lv of all time can't combat such a low look lv for golden goose looking bots. I a doomed.
i guess we can try it out
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Nobody ever praised me as a child, I used to think I didn't care but now I'm starting to become jealous when my friends compliment each other but never me. It makes me feel negative emotions.
Heck ya. Got any first date ideas that you want to do? If not I will come up with the best first date plan I can.
No more, Butchie. No more of this.

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I fed a bunch of greedy snakes. Fuck them all. I'll be who I need to be.
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Why is the thread so unalive tonight?

I'm doing better, still a bit sad but you gotta get back up until your heart stops beating.
why do you all listen to such atonal music, it's so horribly inconsistent to listen to and it gives me the ick
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You talkin to me? Is ya talkin to me buddy???
I feel odd coming here (not a NEET nor socially inept), but knowing that other terminally online gay people who don't act like complete outward degenerates exist feels a little nice. I want a boyfriend, however past attempts have just sucked. I just feel like they've either turned out to be sluts or have the emotional capacity of a middle schooler. My interests in pretty much everything are straight, and I feel like a complete outsider when I talk to most other gay dudes. Doesn't help that the hobby / kind of my job now is mostly straight as well. Hope this doesn't seem like a sob story, but I don't have anyone to talk to to vent / explain this kind of topic with that actually understands what I'm talking about.
what do you guys think about dating a leaf, I am terrified of burgers
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yeah im talking to you partner, what of it? *scoffs*
i am a dog, ok?
the feeling of sitting on a bike saddle and have it slightly rub along your butt aaaaaaa >~<
Not really sure what you define as atonal, but most of my taste consists of rap so I guess it is vocally at times.
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Barney is sexy and sings good even though he fucked over Petey
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I need a bf to hold me tight from behind and praise me while I cry and he has a tissue on standby for me...
peak bottom hours over here
god it looks fucking hideous now
I hate breakfast cause when I burp afterwards it still tastes like my meds for some reason
I'm so sleepy for no reason
I feel like sabotaging something at work
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Done with all the chores for now... Now I just want a boyfriend who let's me run my fingers through his hair.
I prefer the vehicles over the figures, but the lightsabers are quite cool.
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my hair sometimes curls into spirals and ends up looking like drills no matter how much i brush it
i've been getting out of my comfort zone and trying to attend local lgbt events in my area and so far they seem like okay people but i haven't really had the chance to talk to anyone
Nothing makes my pp stiff anymore
Is it happening? Am I zeroing out? no, far from it. but wishful thinking.
Wher is my other packag graahhhh
i really fucking regret getting a haircut god damn
go away you tranny attention whore scum
If I put my arms around your neck and jump up, would you be able to hold me?
I hate democracy
omg i love hans hoppe!!!!!!!
Stole it
Mine now
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I hate libertarianism too
Cry and seethe weakling whore it won't make your weird fantasies true
you lot throw that word around so much it's lost all meaning. the nigger word of faggots.
Okay? Do I care? I say it because I want to say it.
nerdy twinks my beloved
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cybernetic dick extension
nanobot sperm blast
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Nanomachine son
I found out my boyfriend was groomed online when he was underaged and I feel so disgusted by him now.
What do I even do with these feelings.
I know it's not the reaction I'm supposed to have at all.
We haven't done anything sexual in 5 days and he's noticing that I'm not very touchy at all anymore.
I cringe when he kisses me.
What to do?
>my boyfriend was manipulated and abused as a minor and that makes me disgusted because ???
I think you should feel shame and kill yourself
My least favourite buzzword
How does one get le groomed online anyway nigga log off Discord
It's not a buzzword though
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i remember when i was a kid i had a guy who i thought was a good friend randomly show me his dick and creep on me
ugh i feel weird even thinking about it
looking back i do wonder how many of my childhood e-friends were actually trying to groom me, in hindsight a few of them were suspiciously sweet to me
is this the next life
i posted my teenage thighs on 4chan once. got a lot of gross comments. that was years ago.

one time i got called an "egg" in a discord server and i immediately left.

i have no clue how any kid with a 110+ iq can get groomed
When I was in kindergarten me and a friend showed each other pps and butt(hole)s multiple times. Mutual grooming? Hehe.
Most kids have less than 110 IQ retard
obviously you should break up with him?
Your brain is broken and decayed
god i really hope i get to see him tomorrow. should i wear my pride socks?
what if he invites me to his house and i have to take off my shoes? what would he think? what would his parents think?
I hope he murders you
Biggest gay ally in decades
Nothing good probably
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We need a kawoshin edition
First date: meet up on the airport and find a place that sells cheesecake
Second date: go at each other like bunnies on the couch
Sex before marriage? Capital punishment
I will have made up my mind after the first date
>tfw no bf to not have sex with for months into our relationship
do you have to abstain from jerking off while dating too
He who has carnal thoughts of a boy in his mind has already defiled that boy
if you read this post then i feel defiled
im counting
I find it odd some here wouldn't mind if their fbf had posted their bare asshole and dick online before and wouldn't be turned off by that fact
What difference does it make? I get that you are all insecure as fuck but you still make me wanna puke.
bored as hell if only i could game
If you're fine with that then whatever but it's odd to me
Nobody will change their minds anyway
it depends on the circumstances desu the motivation
Why are you still here? Haven't you been humiliated enough?
i can feel a delete and restart coming on
Does it say 4chan.ca in the URL? 4chan.co.uk? No?
Foreigner scum
i really miss typing 4channel
I'm starting to think i might be a masochist and i'm still lonely and want a bf.
True i am a leaf and if your a cute bottom then you should date me
Prisongays should probably just die instead desu senpai
I can't die i'm the last trucel left and i'm straight
Every bottom cuter than me needs to be eradicated.
Find another place to get a bf you dumbfuck. You deserve every bit of humiliation you got here, normie simp
I want to suck on anons toes but he has ugly feet :(((
most of us are straight thats why /r9gay/ is fun
Having the same discussion and argument ad infinitum is riveting
Not a normie not a simp and this isn't the only place i'm looking for one get owned.
Thought it was funny fatpostle schizoposted in the soc thread
stay off of /soc/
Kissu kissu from an ugly hag twink :*
I think I might have figured out my fly problem, or at least part of it. There's a roughly thumb sized hole in the basement wall above the foundation. I don't think the flies are breeding in here (they might be) but it's just new flies coming in every day. Since the neighbor has her feral cats there's cat shit everywhere outside so there's always lots of flies around.
an what???
Only my fbf can tell me what to do
The problem is the dirty house storytard
I pray you learn the power of bleach and peroxy some day
You are a normalfag and you notoriously simped for 3ds. You failing to get a bf in more places than one is not an own you think it is.
Is it too much to ask for a bf with cute feet?
What what? What it says on the tin!

likely so, but if I plug this hole it might cut down on the flies I have to deal with.
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I got you on that. Best behind hugs NA
explain these terms
>hag twink
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Going out to the local Tesco
Any anglos can point me in the direction of the aisle they sell canned twinks? Cheers, luv
I dunno how you do it like genuinely
Bugs are so damn gross to me I'd be unable to focus on anything but removing them if they were that bad and I'm fucking lazy too
I'm not a normalfag i am a confirmed trucel and i stopped simping months ago. Get owned.
Anon you must be lost. No kissy for lost boys.
Yes of course. I can lift a whole washing machine

laziness. I never clean up the corpses either so there are dead flies on the walls and windows. Every day I add more.
You're not mentally ill or a friendless loser NEET, you're just ugly and have no rizz
should i just text him now or should i wait for him to text me
he hasn't said good morning or good night to me once since i met him
his silence is driving me mad. i need more of him.
Me getting rejected by everyone is proof that i'm a trucel and not a normalfag plus i am a neet
Maybe by the other tinned fruits, grab some peaches in juice while you are there and something from the bakery
You got high standards for a leech neet
Even my stupid ass has a job
about to go to kroger and get 5 12 packs of soda, likely all mnt dew of some flavor. Then I'll come home and cook the rest of the those chops.
storyanon drives a lot for someone who is supposed to be too lazy to rinse a dirty dish

all I drive to is to the store and to get fast food. I haven't even been in my car since Monday.
There's this guy on a radio show I listen to sometimes based in Ohio who is a bit of a downie and he loves driving and roadtrips
He frequently takes his family 12+ hours to see boring shit on the other side of Ohio or deep into PA like just for a diner or a weird museum and they love it
I need a loving power bottom bf.
bottom and top are mindsets that have nothing to do with taking it or giving it in the bedroom.
tall meek service bottom x short power bottom
tru luv
listen i used to live in a filthy house like this. they breed in your rotten leftover food. they lay eggs in it and spawn innumerably until the source of food is gone. a very small amount of food like dirty dish is enough to feed hundreds of flies because they're so small themselves. it doesn't matter how many you kill, they will keep breeding as long as the food source is there. that's why it's so important to clean up food mess, because it breeds pests like this. the good news is tha it's easy to solve. get rid of the food waste and the flies will disappear. they have short lives and without fresh cadres breeding in your leftover popeyes bag everyday they will disappear very quickly. you have to get all that dirty rotten food outta there though.
i dont understand how people can enjoy these long trips, or even stay awake during them. when i drive more than 20mins i start to zone out

I do throw away my leftover food (most of the time, except when I leave a skillet out for a week but I've only done that twice.) Plates go in the dishwasher once I've used them and ran once I have a full load in there. I don't think they're breeding in the kitchen.
>turn off all the lights
>open the kitchen window
just solved your dilemma
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>bf found the python repo
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>bf found the mixins
If you get a bf, will you delete your lewd media folder?
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A cute sho got discharged from the facility recently and the dumb nurses didn't send his new glasses with him so I had to ship them off in the mail
When I opened his chart to get the mailing address I saw the picture they took for him and he was adorable. Fluffy curly blond hair and a big smile
I hope he's doing ok wherever he's at now.. people should not breed if they cannot raise their spawn properly and they end up here, it makes me homicidal
I hate everyone so goddamn much -_-
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>bf found the cringe compilation
i dont have a lewd media folder
We will share it
I want to jerk him and tease him while we look at porn together
nooo don't stalk the poor sho mental health shotaconanon.
nonces please leave
silly angloid word
wrong thread
just pooped myself
this is NOT cute >.<
Denying limey fbf his 4th cuppa of the morning because he had a cider induced melty at Tesco :/
Today I learned that British cider is just vodka mixed with apple juice and sugar
Is it weird that i got groomed by a bottom into being a top?
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I would say it's fine as long as he's not jerking off to porn, I would not like my bf to have eyes for anyone but me during our relationship tbqh.
But maybe that is an unrealistic and weird requirement, I understand if it's not everyone would agree to it.
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I hope a certain someone did not forget their promise about ranting to me about legos.
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+1 agreement
I'm unreasonable
*laughs in 4 cartons of baja and one of code red*

god I am so pathetic if this is the only thing that brings me any joy
I don't think that homosexual normalfags are any more promiscuous than heterosexual normalfags
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Meow where is my true love waa
All about opportunity really
Apparently it's only bad when fags do it though
the average gay normie is hooking up with dudes he doesn't know on grindr at least a couple times a week since he was 18 or earlier.
Do you not think most heterosexual normalfags are the same way? Half of incel complaints wouldn't exist if these guys weren't bragging about how many bitches they bang when they're in high school.
i feel like a lot of the times gay normals also just lie because its seen as cool to talk about your hookups that most of it is just social posturing
the difference is that the gay normie can almost always find someone to fuck, a straight normie will strike out a lot.
that's just not true. the logistics of this alone would be incredibly exhausting and time-consuming.
imagine bizarro world where gays are ultra chaste puritans and straighoids are the bug chasing freaks
oh wait..
dis my nigga from the begining we came out da rape barracks together... now u tellin me he wanna dress up like a woman and suck sick!??!?!?!?! HELL NAW NIGGA... i want my day 1 rida back miss u Taavetti meowsers prayin 4 ur soul nigga
I want to be an attention whore
do you need help thinking of a catch phrase
boy thighs... retvrn to tradition
YOU can wear short shorts in public. it is 100% LEGAL.
I'm far too shy to do that sir
it doesn't have to be slutty or anything. you can just wear them. as long as your dip's not hanging out the bottom
I graduated today, have no friends to celebrate with or no party to go to and my father just complains that I don't have an A, only a B. "The good is the enemy of the best," is all he says to me. Sigh
You should fucking shank your father
Also same, I graduated college and then went home to my mom's basement and did nothing
Refused to celebrate
Are you asian? What gpa did that fag graduate with huh
well done anonymous, i hope you can enjoy the true value of an education not only as a means to employment but more importantly self-improvement. may you keep your love of learning and remain a student at heart all your life!
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No I love my dad he means the best, its just never good enough for him and if its good enough hes like "Did i say anything?"

I am white, my dad back then was a good student but he wasnt totally depressed like me

I self-improve everyday, its just these short-stops where you feel real lonely and realize, whats this all for, if you dont have anyone you can share it with
Would you hit this lads?
No, needs more muscles
he seems funny and cute, absolutely
Big big balls
Who here has biggest L rizz and why is it brad?
idk what is he doing
I want to jack off but I don't want to be a porn addict no more.
Oh la lala dance
weird obsessions with anons. He's online version of 3ds
That just looks repulsive
White Bois can't dans
he moves around like a drunken cow, need elegant rhythmic movement bf
Apostle nooooooo
Does look like him if he were bashed with a hammer
Whats with all the lunatics
Are you a smilecel?
no. i had braces
absolutely I hate it when my family asks me to smile for pictures
They'll make any excuse
yes, practicing cheekbone muscles as we speak
Would you power bottom for your bf, /r9gay/?
We take turns doing it
this is what happens when something gets "normalized." and people will do a lot to make a friend. and who hasnt been curious about touching the innerdick? maybe in future humans the prostate will migrate outside, like a blowhole. im not sure why that would happen, but in the vastness of time...then again i didnt find it more intense than being full milked. that makes me blank out, so im gonna stick to that. i feel like people who want to plunder the booty are just not that curious or creative. its sort of like books vs movies, if you could only watch movies with a dick in your butt feeling like a movement you can't pass. worse, it forces its way back in. i understand the urge on the part of the giver, to please people, but your hands & tongue can do far better, i have faith in that.

we see you inserting the t every single fuckin time you can. drop that shit fucker.
If he wanted it, yes.
nothing is any better or worse in sex, it's a matter of personal preference. if you don't want to have anal, don't have it. if you want to, do it. it's as simple as that, there's no mysticism surrounding it.
lgb sounds stupid and the only people who use it are the people who pretend to be pro gay while also donating to groups that try to revoke gay marriage, and you're a buffoon if you think they aren't coming for you next
you ever hold in a poop cuz it feels good?
Yes but only if I'm hiding under a bed.
I cannot explain this phenomenon and I refuse to even try.
i dont understand the ERMM DROP THE T! no one cares you're one of the good ones, they will still string you up if pushed to it
tranner rage
How about just G?
Don't care about lesbos
Kill biscum
T will kill xerself
Rest is fake shit
no, plundering the poo hole and causing tissue damage & exposing the blood to fecal matter is pretty clearly fucking bad. lots of things are fucking bad, like smoking cigarettes. find a better way. it isnt even hard. youre just lazy and self-hating, like story's meatgunked bowels.

youre making up bullshit in my face lmao. just say gay you fucking idiot. child mutilators will be killed. pill pushers will face fitting retribution.
Since I'll start working soon I was worried about my friend not being able to stream for me since the time he usually streams is early morning when I'd be busy. But he said he can do it later so I'm feeling better about it now.

Tomorrow I may get my wizdumb tooth removed and some extra dental work done too. I'm scared and I need to wake up early. I barely slept last night and was tired and spent all day in bed today but didn't sleep.
that "they" isnt who you should be worrying about, mutilator. even the pope said sorry for calling people faggots.
and then said it again like a day later, what's your point?
im not going to bother ranting about it again, but if you let them take your wisdom teeth you will fail to mature naturally and end up fat like story. youve been hereby warned.
that we run things now, and we're going to stop you.
Oh this guy is doing a bit, I get it now. I won't reply. What's everyone's lunch today on this beautiful June day?
>he actually believes children are getting gender reassignment surgery
Holy shit with how much propaganda you've consumed, how haven't you killed yourself for being gay?
i am going to have a big fricking turkey sandwich
you could google whats been going on at texas childrens hospital but youre probably already well aware and youll just keep posting pathetic and desperate lies
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I put WAY TOO MUCH salt in my bread last night, got a really bad stomach ache now. Word to the wise.

How are you all doing?
hamburger with free fries on account of the mets scored 5 runs. theyve been really sluggin it, so ive been having lots of burgers and fries...
your bloodline ends with you, you are not going to ever have kids, caring about some bullshit surgery story doesn't affect you in any way you are an adult man crying about this on 4chan dot org if you want to do something about it go hold up a sign somewhere no one here is going to be radicalized into caring you are just as encouraging to the supposed issue as the propagandists
griffer do you like this video
Not wanting a bf who is a flamer or a self haters is "having high standards"
It's autistic and not very good asmr

Like a 4/10
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Feeling quite empty and unmotivated lately. Less than human. I want to feel things. I want to enjoy something. Be content. Not always worry about things. Appreciate what I have.
why do you want people to be able to mutilate children exactly? "dont touch kids" is the null hypothesis in case you werent aware. if it even needs to be said, there was never any evidence that it was good for anyone in the long term, or even the short term. lies and sick fucks all the way down and all the way back, as i said. anyone who wielded that scalpel knew exactly what they were doing and will be getting what's coming. this is the warning. i'm not sure i should even give it. are you scared? sorry, but it's out of my hands now.
So true
Ok star wars autist, fishe
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fishy fishy
filefag I have a business idea for you, a proposition of sorts. I am offering you a sudaca bf for 100$ plus delivery fees. he may be defective due to his bpd but no refunds!
it's a tarp

I ordered a blt but no t
>3dsex with story while cats watch
there are alot of people who don't have sex and we are two of them
raspberry ice pop
which personalityfag would you gape
A spider made a tiny ass spiderweb in my lamp, then caught the only fly in my room with it.
Why can this never be me
i don't care nor is it my problem. i will not get up in arms over what people do or don't do to their own kids. is a surgery bad? maybe. i'm not the kid, i don't know what the kid wants. if their parents are stupid enough to let their kid make that choice, that's their problem. they didn't educate their child well enough, agendas and propaganda can only go so far and it's a slippery slope when you're gay yourself because if you can believe in earnest that children are brainwashed into wanting to mutilate themselves then you were likely also brainwashed into being gay, why not fix that issue as well? at the end of the day you are sitting on inaction as much as the parents are, you are gaining nothing from screaming into this void about it and you can say they'll get what they deserve soon, sure. maybe they will! but you have no bearing on that, and accusing others here changes nothing. it is a paradox, both too powerful to be stopped in the current moment yet weak enough to where you think they'll get some sort of retribution
What is a sudaca?
>i don't care
then youre a shitty fucking person who doesnt deserve the miracle of life. not really a worry cause selfish worms like you are never in charge of anything. shouldnt sully worms in fact, no one ever told them better. as for change, once there were kings, and now there are presidents. look twice before crossing the street. might not help, but at least youll see it coming.
Is it true that homossexuals gets an erection when they smell feces?
You lot think about kids more than I do
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beach boy hasn't texted me in 23 hours
he has my 3ds
What if he stole it lmao
Your one thing to live for... gone
What would you do for real? >>77973921
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God I want to cuddle you
funniest possible outcome
filey I'm gonna buy Black Ops 2
well my phone did die right after i texted him. sometimes it doesn't save calls or texts when it's dead. what if he said something and i couldn't catch it? should i push my luck and text him again? i had a whole conversation with him yesterday about being obsessive.
If I were in miami I'd try to meet 3ds just to scam him out of his tendo toy
beach boy was in fact an /r9gay/ op. yotsuba sends her regards.
We have the best psyop agents here folks, the best
If he did respond, he might send a follow-up soon, so wait it out a bit
these are the people calling themselves "6/10"
i fucking hate this planet
Obsessive Minami bf where??
i said "hey"
if he doesn't say anything i'm deleting his number
this is the last time i ever trust anyone.
uh he's got ketchup on his hair
That bich is very cute
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Its not Ketchup. Its dyed that way and it adds to his cute silly ice-skater boi self.
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I delusionaly believe most of my problems would go away if I got to hug my bf and have him hug me in bed.
Dyed with ketchup
i seen a lotta ketschup in my days, that's tomat paste
that boy is gonna use French fry on him
earlier he was telling me about learned helplessness. of fucking course i'm helpless if no matter what i do no matter how hard i try i can't change a fucking thing. this is my fault. i should've known he's straight. he'd never see me that way. even if i was straight and just wanted a friend he'd still hate me. why wouldn't he. he's rich and popular and extroverted and goes to college and drives a tesla. why would he ever associate with someone like me? i'm so fucking stupid.
Most of your delusions would go away if you had serous heartfelt talks with your bf, friends and other close ones and hugged them too
Will he learn his lesson and stop chasing whtye straight men
It would be funny if someone tried to dip a fry in
his hair.
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fun day at the thrift store. who the hell's were these?
I want to lick his hair to taste what brand of ketchup it tastes like
final fantasy pants
Heinz or no deal
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Find an excuse to show him your long hair pics. Also keep in mind whenever people try to help you, they know far less context than you do, so don't take it too personal
i don't have any long hair pictures. i don't have an excuse to talk to him. i've messaged him 3 times already without a response. i don't want an excuse to talk to him. i just want to talk to him.
Heinz is too sugary
They are nearer than you expect but you need to open yourself up, love comes with risk
everywhere i look, everywhere i go, someone has someone. i wish i had someone. i wish i could have someone. i want to be loved. i want to be held. i want to be understood. i want to be accepted. but god has other plans for me. i'm so fucking stupid to try and fight him. every time i do i fail. i should just accept my place. i was born to die alone.
all i get for opening myself up to people is them abandoning me for someone better. i can't do this anymore.
Turpa kii
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Yum dye flavored ketchup
>all i get for opening myself up to people is them abandoning me for someone better. i can't do this anymore.
i've had this happen three times now, i don't understand the point either. getting used as an emotional fleshlight
American ketchup
Jesus died to make men holy we will die to make them free
Fake language, still your errant tongue
>goes after guys with obvious red flags
"Oh no how could this happen..."
I will use you as a regular fleshlight how about that?
Open up how? Meow I don't not understand what doe s that meeeaaaaaannnnn
Ei oo feikkii nuijamulkku
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Prooohhhh :D
Mutsis on feikki fagispaska kiskon sua ihan just pataan jos tuut mulle uikuttaa
You go out of your comfort zone, and try things that feel like you could do, but lay off because "you could fail". Like messaging an old friend or going to some club or smth. You miss all the shots you don't take
will never be a stable well-adjusted member of society with a bf that completely breakdowns after I don't reply for a day, then once I do am left wondering what the hell went on in their head
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are boy thighs really this hairy?
There is nothing I feel like I could do meow I'm really fucking terminally tired bloo
Isis on munaton, aivan mutsis palleist tulit, uikutan ja ruikutan suuhus mielinmain
Mine aren't, I lucked out when it comes to hair genetics
I will pick your ass up and take you on dates you lazy ass
kananugetti ematin
Mugettispaghetti rakettismughetti
Weird ass language what is wrong with you
I don't wanna go on dates thoughbeit
You're a lazy aah cocksleeve
he's the worst lay ever, dead fish in bed
That must've been a funny conversation. How did it go, what did you say? Why?
You get obsessive Miami bf
Tuhannen turskan perkeet.... Passipasuukit... Troglodyytit... Kanaljat....
Wrong for I am no cocksleeve at all and to insinuate otherwise would be foolish and delusional
No way to know but hard to imagine that I'd be able to go dead fish mode when being touched
was talkin bout yer dad when i fucked his bussy, cucked your mum
Cool well I sucked your dad dry first get bent fag
You 100% are a cocksleeve senkin hinttipinttilutka
yea he said your throat game was mid
L lohi
>tfw no suomi chad bf who isn't a whore
Ermmm what the flip where proofs huh ite oot

He was just lying because he regrets making you instead of letting me swallow but doesn't want to hurt your feelings
Hi hello meow
define "chad" r9gay
my dearest husband
>Ermmm what the flip where proofs huh ite oot
Oot postannu peppuusi nettiin, tarpeeksi todisteita, case closed
Untoxic masculinity, generally just a great guy to hang around, he listens and is motivating, and loving. Also confident in himself and his abilities
Bottoms making I fucked your dad jokes just makes me want to puke. Saying you sucked cock isn't an own, you're embarrassing yourself how.
Should I come out to my parents?
Cum doesn't taste very good, it's kinda yucky
>define "chad"
Eating lots of fruits and vitamins, also taking zinc, and then changing bottomnons mind
Ei toi todista paskaakaa lol tein sen kannis ja lapal
It is an own though. Sucking dick is dominant.
it's not THAT yucky but yea it isn't good. in the heat of the moment i guess it just doesn't matter
Met a friend in the lobby of the 24/7 hypermarket, comfy
It really doesn't change anything, honestly. My mother knows and she doesn't care but she told me to not tell my father (just in case).
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Toi ei mee oikeudessa sie huora
what's a hypermarket
My parents aren't homophobic. I just don't want them to see me differently if you know what I mean. They'll still love me though
Need a dominant bottom to suck my dick dry
I don't want to be a whore necessarily. I just want a boyfriend
I managed to cook the last two chops! I didn't waste anything. I said I would do it the next day and I actually did.

S-small victories right?
need a dominant bottom to demand cuddles and affection while I'm busy with work and to angrily bury their head in my chest
Miksei muka olen viaton ja tosi kiva muutenkin
Idk google it stupid mf it's literally common knowledge
I mean
You're doing better than me in the getting shit done department
God bless
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I loved pestering my dad for attention as a kid would love a bf to do it to
If that's the case, don't worry. They've seen you grow up since you've been born, they love you more than you will ever know. In addition to that, if they're cool with being gay or whatever then they won't have a problem. Then again, being in the closet is always safe. It's up yo you..
Well i need a boyfriend too
Miten nii kiva? Okns sulla harrastuksii?
Being locked in my bedroom closet with my fbf for a night sounds comfy
I've never in my life heard someone call target or walmart a hypermarket
It's just a department store that also has food
I think meow might have meant supermarket but had an ESL moment?
i suck my bf's dick better than any of my ex-gfs ever have sucked mine, me thinks
Brb r9gay going to the ubermarket for my canned twink bf
Does your bf compliment you a lot on your bjs? Also does he just cum instantly from your head game
Harrastan kaikkee noertti paskaa lahinna piirsin ennen mut en oikein pysty enaa
That's what hypermarket means retard
So ironic that you don't know a word so you say I'm being ESL
Miekin piirsin aikoinaan, viimeksi lukion taidekursseilla. En oo hyva siin ollenkaa
I know that's what it means, I just googled it like you said, that's how I defined it dumbass. I'm saying no one uses that word in conversation and you're a cuck for using it.
Another day of work at the canned semen factory, milking away so those lazy r9gay boys can enjoy their daily fluids
>Does your bf compliment you a lot on your bjs?
yeah, one of the first things we do during foreplay
>Also does he just cum instantly from your head game
no, i try to edge him and make him last as much as possible (x10 more enjoyable for him and it's cute to hear him make noises and moan my name), then i let him cum and i ride his ass or he recovers and he rides mine
Sorry, I don't shop at DollarTwink. I get organic bottled cum from SwoleFoods
Ite olin kuvislukiossa ja piirsin sen jalkeenkin paljon mut ei oo nyt yli vuoteen oikein onnistunut oon tehny vaa jotain pikkujuttuja niinku kamulle roolipelihahmoista taidetta ja yhen kusisen zine jutun
Translation: "I was wrong and feel stupid for it so I will throw a butthurt tantrum"

Eat my whole entire ass coping whore
I have never called anything a hypermarket in my life.
What was I wrong about, I defined it after googling it? The point is it's a bullshit word and you should have just said supermarket or department store like a normal human being.
Using dumb words on purpose to bait anons into arguing, new demonic finn trick
Showcaseta hieman sun taidetta miukumaukuseni
Doesn't change anything, it's still a word with a widely accepted meaning that I used correctly.
But it's neither of those, retard. Hurr durr you should've lied because being exact is cucked. Actually kill yourself.
It's not even a lie both of those things are still accurate descriptions of it, it's better to use words people know and understand instead of pretentious bullshit no one says because it makes you unlikable.
rides... your.. ass? huh?
It's not dumb fuck you
Ei oo sen arvoista glabloo
No they are NOT. The word for a combination of two things wouldn't exist if calling it one or the other would be just as accurate. Are you genuinely this butthurt over not knowing a word?
hypermarket lmao dumb retard
Do you react like this every time someone uses a word that you don't know
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Maybe he is a hypertwink hypertime traveler from the ancient Finnish hyper empire.
It's not a word thoughbeit you're just dumb
here comes the leg pain, right on time. It's bad tonight.
>This word that is in the dictionary is not real because it makes my loose ass hurt
Reminds me of using gramercy in War Thunder cuz it's made by ESL russoids
yeah, as in anal sex. you know, dick in asshole, right up the prostate. you know the one.
>Ei oo sen arvoista glabloo
iso L
Oot kuiteski nyt my 4chan poikayde, jotenpostaa peppu
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En ajatellut jos se nyt kerran tekee ihmisesta kulliholsterin
if you ever feel like offing yourself, let me marry and house you in europe instead. I'm good company, but just consider it a last resort, cause I suck as therapist.
Sie oot kullinlupsuttaja jo alunperin
Fuck off to int fags
Kerrassaan naurettava ja peraton syyte....
Eat my ass whiny bitch
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>amerisharts don't shop at gigamart
someone should do a vacroo where an American tries to pronounce the Finnish text without looking anything up. I want to see meow cringe as we butcher his 'language'.
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Americans are more than capable of butchering their native tongue let alone Finnish
Do you really think I care about amerifats being retarded and uncultured it's the norm
American website, micropeen foreigners stay hoes mad
My cock is easily twice the size of yours
Prove it bitch boy
You're not gonna get a picture you slag
Cuz you're a coward with a tiny itty bitty clitty like all foreigners
we were talking about girls. i mentioned getting ghosted by someone i liked, he asked if they were cute. he said girls usually ghost a dude if he shows more interest than she does. i haven't told him it was a dude. i kept referring to the ukranian as "they".
Nice projection my hog is still massive
7cm according to your own posts, a literal clit
Pathetic weakling
where in europe would this be
Not true obviously it's not 7 cm that's not humanly possible even
what reason would you need to not text for a day
the low countries, but would probably need to move somewhere cheaper cause I don't have that many savings
sometimes you dont feel like it. thats the benefit of text: the conversation doesnt disappear
but why would you not feel like it
why can't you just say "hey i don't feel like talking right now" why just leave me in the dark wondering if i said something to make you hate me why why please just say something
because that seems weird
people are very different in this, so I just couldn't say.
for me I have a bunch of anxiety, so I might take a while to muster the energy to reply, but I wouldn't delay if it's something the other person considers important. but that wouldn't be the case with our beach hero
He found all the gay porn on your 3ds and smashed it
>but why would you not feel like it
you dont have those days where you dont want to talk to anyone? good question since its hard for me to articulate this feeling, but ive felt it many times
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maybe he's depressed about his gf
maybe he got back with his gf
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My head hurts a ton meowowowow
goomba got back with his gf
Taking expired ibuprofen
okay okay but are these goombas still together?
Black eyes full of stars
White with memories
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my dream destination would be slovenia
cheap, peaceful, quiet and anglo proficient
too close to Bosnian rabbits.
just found out today that even indirect sunlight through a window is still dangerous
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That's why I have blackout curtains which are always covering the windows not that I'm often up during the day
What a conundrum: the Hunter S Thompson book from 2003 is named the kingdom of fear which is also a lyric from a 2002 Warren Zevon song. Is there a connection here? Is "Kingdom of fear" some american turn of phrase? Couldn't find anything. Although it's not impossible that it's just something Thompson liked and used for that reason. It refers to the USA in both cases after all.
It was alright but a bit boring, the whole country is basically one big field
so glad our omnibenevolent god put a dangerous aging / cancer ray in the sky that is nearly impossible to avoid 90% of the time you are awake
I'm used to that
not really, might have had some use back post 9/11 describe the general condition of America. Often by detractors of bush who claimed he was using the attacks as pretense to tighten control (ie patriot attack)
no because i never have anyone to talk to. more than anything i want to talk to someone.
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The nature is beautiful at least
Hmm maybe just coincidence although I'd imagine they at least knew about each other

Time to listen to Zevons whole discography again My favorite musician ever
should steam get any of the story fortune this sale? We shall see.
Story what is wrong with you meow

what do you mean? You know what's wrong with me, fat lazy momless neet. complete lack of willpower, lives in flith.
Answer the question instead of waffling

I'm not sure what you are asking. There are a lot of things wrong with me, unless you are talking as to why I would games on steam during the steam sale, the answer is that I don't know how to pirate without getting a warning from my ISP so I don't do it anymore.
good night /r9gay/ fren
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Having deaf neighbours is great because I can belt out songs during the early hours without getting a noise complaint

Alas, poor storyck

I knew him well...
goodnight anonymous no.77975952
Ain't life strange
Ain't it funny
Nothing matters much but love and money
Things don't work out the way you reckonded
Money comes first
And the love comes second
Cigarettes make the sun come up
Whiskey makes the sun go down
And in between
We do a lot of standing around
It's all I can do
To make it through the day
She wrapped it all in darkness
And I can't find my way, and
I'm walking down the sidewalks of LA
Wishing I had a warmer jacket
And the leaves are falling down
I'm just another man
With an empty handed heart
In an empty hearted town
It started out alright
Ended up all wrong
Shoulda done, shoulda done
That's my song
Now the night is falling hard and fast
All dressed up for the masquerade
And the lights of the city stretch as far as the eye can see
Look what wonders man has made
Look what wonders man has made
I'm walking down the sidewalks of LA
Wishing I had a warmer jacket
And the leaves are falling down
And I'm just another man
With an empty handed heart
In an empty hearted town
I'm walking down the sidewalks of LA
Wishing I had a warmer jacket
And something more to say

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