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Collecting/Hoarding Edition

Previous : >>77944151

Ignore impolite moids

>Do you collect anything? If so, what?
>How do you keep your collection organized?
>What is your most prized possession in your collection?
>Have you been accused of hoarding?

>What is this thread?
A place for biological women to talk about their lives.
>Why aren't you on Crystal Cafe?
It has been aggressively raided for years and is dead.
>Well, you're raiding my male safe space!
r9k is not a male board. https://wizchan.org/ is.
>I'm a man, can I post here?
Please don't, but if you are going to anyway, be polite and sign your posts >t. male.
>I'm a tranny, can I post here?
No. Die.
>What does nona mean?
Anon -> Nona
>I want a hole
This is not >>>/soc/
>How do femanons feel about (random hypothetical moid scenario)?
This is not /ATOGA/
Okay first one here ha
Biofems should be slutty for unattractive incels and should let incels eat them out and finger them, the fact that females refuse to let incels have access to the sexual revolution is in fact oppression. If you are a female and have not allowed at least 10 incels to let your clitoris and give you an orgasm, you are a capitalist oppressor pig. Just saying.
Thank you for the thread, organized hoarder! I wonder if that's an oxymoron, as I understand hoarding is when it gets so bad you start running out of space
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it worked :)
>Do you collect anything? If so, what?
jojo merch, chuu yeojin and hyeju photocards, chuu albums
>How do you keep your collection organized?
a shelf for the jojo stuff, then collect books for the cards
>What is your most prized possession in your collection?
JoJo phantom blood volume one in japanese / chuu official lightstick photocard
>Have you been accused of hoarding?

Dropping this here for the
>What is your most prized possession in your collection?

no you cursed my shit and now it's useless but there's more where that came from so please, i insist

Obviously this is only about intent. It's not inherently envious to compliment someone but if you do with envy or mockery in your heart you are a liability and need to be dealt with appropriately.
Are you OK? I'm worried.
>>Do you collect anything? If so, what?
Empty boxes
>>How do you keep your collection organized?
>>What is your most prized possession in your collection?
>>Have you been accused of hoarding?
Yes, my mom is very mean.
Not necessarily. There are plenty of collectors who run out of space. Hoarders tend to be compulsive with their "collecting." It's could also be the intention on collecting items. My great grandmother definitely qualified when it came to hoarding. Most of my jewelry was hers and given to me by my grandma. Hardly any if it is actual gold, but she was obsessed with gold looking jewelry. She also hoarded a lot of things and my grandma had one hell.of a time organizing selling everything including the doll collection. I didn't take any of those: they were creepy AF and her doll room was a room a never ventured in.
What up with that dildo in the middle left corner?
t. male
This has always deeply bothered me.. Even though I've used it as an excuse at times that it's clear I just need to be realistic and deal with it now, and then maybe in the future I can have the same amount of things in a bigger space.
It's weird to know that with a little more money, time, and good health, I'd just be some Pinterest girlie instead of someone viewed as / treated like an untouchable.

I think the items being saved matter. I feel like I have a case when my stuff is decades of books, art and art supplies, clothes and jewelry, etc.
Easier to make the call for hoarding if it's like.. cat carcasses and old unwashed fast food containers. But those people are just me if I was stuck in this situation and environment longer, if I didn't have love and support. And I keep some old makeup packaging and ribbon from presents etc. for craft supplies and that looks the most like trash since it's unorganized but FUCK once I just get some filing cabinets and some hardware bits n bob organizers...

But also I'm narrowing down a lot because I'll be traveling a lot in the coming years and I don't want to pay a fortune on storage fees. I also worry that my things are just going to be lost in some sort of natural disaster when I'm away from them, so I don't like the mental RAM it takes.
Omg. That nasty slut is staring at it!
Has anynona ever had a phase of hoarding that seemed specifically like a manifestation of a subconscious need to build fortifications to keep out harm or hurt?
The ways my mess has evolved through the last few years always seems pretty self-explanatory towards what kind of trauma or unwellness I was dealing with; I.E. Stuff building up around the door when my violent younger brother in drug-induced spiritual psychosis got kicked out of Mom's house and I was letting him come here to shower and use my kitchen but felt --and knew myself to be-- unsafe around him.
i'm big on maximalism. customise everything, need to have my walls covered in posters. it makes me feel safe because everything feels comforting to me. it's another reason why i feel so down here at my uncles.
That's a good point, I guess it's better to see it as when you do collecting in a way that ends up being harmful to you in some way instead of trying to measure up by things like space or the kind of items you collect.
Even then the lines are gray, or I feel they are because it involves things like buying stuff (which can harm your budgeting) and mental bandwidth indeed (the time I lost pointlessly tagging and organizing the data hoarded is never coming back)
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hello gentlewomen of the biofem thread
does my sticker collection entice you
I got used to never customizing the room because living arrangement reasons, but now that you mention it I wonder if that's the reason why despite being shut in at home it doesn't fully feel like home.
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most likely. it's not a universal "all humans" things but some of us are prone to subconsciously project our inner self outwards.
Where's that cute blue bear from
He iz blue bear the mascot for Morning Glory a korean stationery brand I'm pretty sure
These stickers make me feel so nastolgic are they newer or older?
Yes, it does.
Further reaffirming my impression of you as a very based femoid.
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i'm so bored. there's nothing to do. except for spending money and of course i want to maximise that. UGH.
You have no idea how aroused I am from this.
Please spend the money from all your simps queen
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me saying i'm bored or me saying i'm broke?
i have no simp bucks to spend but if anyone is willing to send me money to complete my beautiful collection in picrel who am i to judge
I mean the whole "ugh, I'm so bored, I wanna spend money" attitude, it's very attractive in a woman. It makes me feel like, please spend my money queen!
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hand it over then
unrelated but i wanna get food and i'm also too lazy to do it. i should have saved up on some snacks. i don't want to get out of my pjs.
You wouldn't press it would you femanon?
Please press it and delete me from this world.
They are older I specifically only collect 2000's personal nostalgia stickers. The pucca ones are from when I was a kid, the blue bear ones I got off Ebay and the others my best friend got for me for my birthday
I can hear my neighbor having sex again. He has different women over all the time and I have to listen to him chat them up all night and all of the laughing. Then when I'm in bed about to go to sleep. I hear the sex noises.
now I'm hearing slapping noises. and oh shit oh shit
Femoids, I will be honest here.
These threads have reminded of a feeling I used to get.
It feels like you all have lots of things you do and like.
I have things I'm interested in, but I thought you all were loser girls who just rotted in bed all day. Wym you have collections, go on walks, go shopping, etc.
I just... exist.
Any femoids have any ideas on how to develop a personality?
It's made by AI so I think it's supposed to be a vase. t. male
I'll do it if you give me a hint about what kind of sex you plan to have with your boyfriend. I want to feel like I'm being your cuck.
>Any femoids have any ideas on how to develop a personality?
find an idol. find someone who's base personality you'd like to have or already identify with. create an alter ego, mimic what they do under this. it's hard at first but slowly it comes naturally.

at least that's how i did it... until mental illness has me thinking i'm a terrible person
What if my idol is a drug-addicted, unlikeable piece of shit, who also happens to be a really good doctor who solves medical cases no other doctors could?
Everyone has imposter syndrome don't worry, I'm sure you do a lot more than merely exist.
>>77967606 This is nice advice, more like a role model so you can have an idea of what kind of personality you want to develop.

But also don't be so harsh on yourself, you don't win anything with it. Treasure what you like about yourself and see how you tackle those things you don't like. If you're rotting in bed all day then get up, clean the room and see where it takes you next.
well i have no boyfriend and no libido anymore so
dr. house? kekw
if you're an asshole that still means having a personality!
yup yup!
although i did organise most things and now i'm bed rotting... i don't want to dress up.... but i want something to eat...
girls, i'm back to square one and burned all my bridges again.
the first person in like... 10 years that i considered a friend repeated the cycle of ignoring me unless he needed something.
everyone always does the same thing, i get ghosted whenever i'm not playing therapist.
they drown me in "wow you're the only person who's ever treated me like this" or "you're like a dream girl" and i know immediately to take a step back but i thought this time was different because we were both almost the same kind of autistic.
all i want is for someone to care about me the same way i care about them.
Just stop chasing chads and give a chance to a non chad for once.
i thought id have more energy once i was free tonight. bwehh

Goodnight, Anonettes
My neighbor is having even louder sex now. It's been over an hour. Please finish up so I can go to sleep.
Take the good things and get good at medicine, chess or piano, not the le junkie smart mouth crap.
>My neighbor is having even louder sex now. It's been over an hour. Please finish up so I can go to sleep.
Had that issue when I was in the military, get used to loud noises like your tv while sleeping and just turn that bitch up, otherwise hopefully you don't have to deal with it too long
What was the best food you found there?
Hit them with the broom or with loud noises yourself so he shuts up.
>all i want is for someone to care about me the same way i care about them.
This probably won't happen because we are all deluded into thinking we're the selfless part of the relationship.
It's better to understand we care about people in different ways and treasure those that most resonate with you. Also if you haven't try telling the next guy how playing therapist makes you feel, even if you want to help.
>Hit them with the broom or with loud noises yourself so he shuts up
There is no one who will have sex with me.
why are you annoying? why do you get paid?
i managed to use my coins to buy some snacks.
>all i want is for someone to care about me the same way i care about them.
ouch. felt that hard. i thought aachan was like this but apparently not. they tell you you need to stand up for yourself and put your needs first but every time i do exactly that people leave me and dump me. why is it that someone always has to keep putting in all the effort?
here in australia? hmm... food tends to not be that good but i got pretty addicted to salt and vinegar chips. enemies to lovers.
Why did he dump you? Things seemed to be going well before you left
He was too old for you anyway.
Am I allowed to post here if I'm 30 or is my hag % too high
let me kiss you all over bb
t.24 year old loser
What is a hag percentage supposed to mean
thinks i'm being too forward probably. oh well.
i have more things to worry about now
He found a new girl obviously
You move halfway around the globe = you are single
No, I'm pure step away from my cauldron.
I don't know...I'm just typing words recreationally...
>Do you collect anything? If so, what?
Vinyl but I used to have a glass collection when I was 6
>How do you keep your collection organized?
I don't desu
>What is your most prized possession in your collection?
All my fiona apple ones
>Have you been accused of hoarding?

short little story
>looking on facebook market place for records
>machine girl spotted
>my favourite album from them also rare
>60 aud..
The red rock deli ones are the best for salt and vinegar
>No, I'm pure step away from my cauldron.
I can be the loyal henchmen in your witches hut give me a shot bb
Start watching arthouse movies and listening to obscure indie music in a language that you don't speak and act like you're better than everyone else that's what I do
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Wow I'm your idol?
thanks I'm honoured
You're my internet girl crush lesbian loser lurker
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I only accept incredibly beautiful and aesthetically pleasing minions. I can gaze upon them with fond admiration but if they try to make eyecontact or stand to close to me I will be legging it out the window.

Are you one? Huh?
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you know what i don't get it. they say it's common to have arguments or discussions with friends/lovers, but WHY do we start relationships knowing that eventually we will end up disagreeing or arguing? i dreaded this moment would happen with this friend of mine and now i feel like jumping off the window. how is one supposed to just take it as normal? why can't we have relationships that are always peaceful and nice? this just makes me paranoid and anxious knowing it's inevitable
There is a 38 year old hag in here. I don't think you are that old.
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thankyou scaryeyesnona I personally think your name is inaccurate and that you should change it to sireneyesnona to match your true beauty
>why can't we have relationships that are always peaceful and nice?
Those are called gay male relationships, because no women are involved.
I collect crystals. My favorites are pieces of quartz and garnet that I found myself. I probably have close to 100+ different crystals!

I do have trouble keeping things cleaned and organized. I wish I was better.
I argue everyday with my friends about random shit it's how we love each other
>Are you one? Huh?
I'll workout and looksmaxx to appease my witch god damnit, I'm skinny but we can make it work
That is so nice, nona! Do you have a picture of it? Is geology a hobby of yours?
>relationships that are always peaceful and nice?
>Those are called gay male relationships
you have clearly never met a gay couple in your life.
looksmaxxing will destroy your life
arguing isnt a problem, because that means you can discuss it.
not bringing up a problem is whqt breaks relationships.
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Here is a dusty corner of my collection. I have piles all throughout my room.
Is that one craved into a raven?
It is! It is one of my favorite animals (one of many).
>why can't we have relationships that are always peaceful and nice
You can, they just won't hold much value, because you'd only be there for the good superficial times.
i just don't want my friends to be disappointed or mad especially in relation to something i did.
I've never argued with the important people in my life. You have to find the right people like always.
That's noble and all but you can't control that. I doubt even if you limited your life and decisions to appease them you can control that.

I hope you can talk things over, maybe things feel a bit worse than they are because you're still far away but you'll be back to see them in person soon.
Ntn but I'm out of breath
Cell service is going down more often. Looks like it'll be the norm. Bummer. Wonder if it was another cyber attack.

>Do you collect anything? If so, what?
Used to, but I sold almost everything. Judt clearing out space. If I did have a collection: books, and HDDs full of data incliding audio books, games, videos, etc.

>How do you keep your collection organized?
When I had it? Shelves.

>What is your most prized possession in your collection?
I did keep my Angel.Beats BD, Jigoku Shoujo DVDs, Bubblegum Crisis BDs, Blue Seed DVDs, and Gundam Wing VHS. Oh, and Final Fantasy 2/4 and 3/6 SNES carts.

>Have you been accused of hoarding?
Yes, but I have to rebuke: IT'S COLLECTING, NOT HOARDING!!
Aren't you supposed to clean them with salt water under the moon light every month or so?
Hey !!rQ9, good morning to you, why are you getting DDoS? Are the wizards mad at each other?
Your collection is really pretty!

Hey scaryeyes! How are you?

Hi lll! Haven't seen you in awhile. How are you?

You might find this hard to believe l, but arguing is a sign of a healthy relationship.

Thirty? Lol, I'm probably the oldest here at 38!
No! Many crystals do not mix well with water. I also never charge them. They did fine being buried for millions of years.

I do sometimes charge water for my plants. I think they like it.
Idk. Apparently I must have ticked someone off and brought down most of my cell provider. There are a lot of reports of outages for my provider throughout the country.
are really slav women materialistic and money hunger?
It's routerfag. He's angry at you getting a boyfriend.
We missed you man. Come join us at /bfd/.
I'm okay anyways also unrelated I told one of my online friends about this general and how some people have thrones and he said it sounded like a "brilliant side hustle" lmao
What? Is this a eastern european? Why aren't you on dvach
why do western women love to visit third world shitholes?
Throne culture is dead. I haven't seen a bomb in weeks.
sorry i am not even european
eastern european posters in /int/ always told me that if a eastern european woman date or marry man from other countries, it's all because of money
That's good to hear. If they were still being posted, it would be a good way to get some free stuff like everyone was getting during the beginnings of this thread.
>it's all because of money
It's kinda true though, they are notorious gold diggers
I'm doing ok thankyou for asking :) I saw that you collect DVDs I do too(though my rule for dvd collecting is strictly only movies)well I used to, I don't really go to thrift shops much anymore so I don't really get the chance to scour em out. It'd be cool to see a pic of your collection if you're willing
Yes ladies let's all consume those sweatshop dresses!
that seems a bit of an energetic hazard but I'll take you're the expert I could ever only afford the very small crystals and my energy is absolutely trash because of depression, no matter how much I cleanse anything it will just be charged with negative energy so why bother
That's great to hear! Unfortunately I sold it all to make space for other things and going to a less cluttered household. I did have a wall covered with anime DVDs and BDs. I also did have some movies and series. The only thing of those I kept was the Twilight Zone BDs remasters and Tales from the Darkside DVDs.
so does that mean they date first world men even if they don't have romantic feelings?
Do you really believe their beauty comes for free? Eastern European women have a crazy bimbo culture and at the same time if a guy does anything to them the law is shit. They're better off using that dirt cheap currency, level up and fly out as soon as possible before they get sex trafficked. They're also tough as nails and probably know how to fix a sink better than you. All you can offer them is a better life but they won't take shit from you.
How's your biological clock sounding today? You and your boyfriend should start a family soon before its too late.
You can just get the cash, but I get what you friend means. Plenty of people out there with a linked payment method or asking here and there just in case someone actually wants to.
They were going crazy with some valorant bundle recently.
well, no, there are going to be a lot of nice eastern euro girls, but usually they are already living in western countries, you gotta be wary of the one straight from their home country
This is kinda dumb because trans people can still reproduce
Well a dude with his dick chopped off isn't gonna get pregnant
You disabled your side hustle
Have fun with your mindless consumerism and exploitation
What kind of exploitation?
Exploitation of lonely men because of muh sweatshop clothing items
I dont think its exploitation but those are tough words for the other nonas
I don't even have one bruh
>be wamen
>get free stuff from simps
>still bitch about men
Don't like where you're going with that but the format was humorous and cute I like it. One thumb up
I just thought this was kind of funny because I imagined this scenario just now of this girl at a funeral talking about how a male serial killer killed her entire family and ate them and when she gets down from the podium thing a guy hands her a like a lollipop or something and then he says "Here now you don't have to hate men anymore" this scenario doesn't mean anything I just created it bc it sounds funny
Like when the dad that went for cigarrettes comes back with a play station, just more macabre
kill yourself gook, you'll get nothing
Are you going to cum tribute those pics ?
this thread has become so sad. at least its first couple iterations were intense, fast moving and funny because everyone piled in to make fun of you vaginas, now it's the same 3 tripfags talking to each other and a couple of anonymous simps. probably all trannies. fuck me this is hard to watch.
scaranona and neet1 arent going to be happy reading this
/britfeel/ remains the best general desu
Got it at 11-12, my father died when I was 6.
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that does make a lot of sense
Britfeel is full of bots and the worst general on the board
Could've said any general and you chose BRITFEEL oh my goodness
Not me but I remember when I was like 9 on a school camp one of my friends got her period I felt really bad
yep. still better than this one
What is that, a British Shorthair or a Scottish Fold?? Either way, never post this cat again. Post a superior cat, such as a Bengal, Abyssinian or Maine Coon. No more of this snub nosed nonsense
The second best after biofem is britfeel though, a very distant second
I hope the lads get over their shitty obsession with that youtuber boomer or whatever he is
i just used a random pic from my reactions folder i don't care about your cathate nonsense i don't even know what a fold is
I feel bad for her because she had a throne and got gifts so most likely scenario got a bad experience with a gifter
Cat racism??
Yes. There is no such thing as a bad opinion, unless its liking a cat I find not cute.
our queens deserve only the finest gifts
Who are you talking about?
It's a gray cat
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Are there any games foids play to masturbate? For example moids like to mod skyrim like this
most good looking women want to fuck me for my looks but don't want to be in a relationship with me because of my bland personality. only ugly fat hogs want to be in a long term with me and they STILL act entitled and hard to get despite me being out of their league. I hate ugly women so much (no offense gals). actually I think I just hate women in general
Dw man, the feeling is mostly mutual
Try being less vain
I've found that I am extremely bitter this year. To the point I think seeing people happy at my job just makes me angry and spiteful. There's a new happy couple at my job I find a good bit of this directed towards, and it's not even intentional. I attribute part of this to my one relationship with a girl from this board, it lasted around a year. She lied about everything I thought I knew about her, I thought the firsts I shared with her were mutual, they weren't, and she cut me out of her life the following year abruptly. I also attribute this to my parent needing so much of my money to keep the house afloat that I'm starting to lose what I've built for almost a decade. I could cut her off, but I think the guilt would drive me to suicide. So I'm stuck where I'm at, being drained of money by my useless family, while the one girl I met with irl and opened myself up to ruined my trust in people, destroyed my libido, broke the fuck out of me honestly I can't continue to put into words how badly it fucked me. I'm reasonably attractive, I've worked on my body for years and it's still not enough to unfuck my mind seeing myself in the mirror, after giving so much of myself emotionally to one of the girls here.

I'm not here to beg for a fembot gf, I just wanted to give a kind of warning to the guys thinking of doing so in here. Maybe you're dealing with rough shit irl right now too. Maybe you think having one good thing in your life will pull you out of your hole. It won't. Idk what will, idk your situations. But don't give the kind of women that post here a chance. They're all lying, sociopathic predators. If you're going in, don't go for more than a fuck. They're not worth it.
But if you mention "I hate ugly men so much" everybody mad
The entitlement men get for lifting a dumbell is so funny
Time will heal you kid, lay off the discord
ugly people should just die full stop
It isn't entitlement. I just wanted to not be lied to for sex. I don't expect a relationship, I just expected not to be manipulated like that when I was at a vulnerable point. If time heals, it's taken about two years to kick in still.
You just keep throwing around words without any real meaning.
He didnt ask for anything.
Yeah never ever come to r9k to date unironically, you're fucking nuts if you do so. Men woman tranny whatever, they are not worth it
Holy what a larp.
Try this, just keep a VPN on and stuff like that
ended up giving up and making an account for the 30 day amazon trial. just need to remember to cancel it, i'll get some snacks and booze.
the current state of streaming services is ridiculous
>the current state of streaming services is ridiculous
Isn't like everything banned in aussieland anyways? And booze recommendation if you ever get the chance, mix crown apple and redbull
australia is ridiculous, coming from a person used to living in brazil. piracy is not just "i want to watch x for free" but essential to preserve works and make them available for people who don't have access to it. also i'm not paying 40 dollars a month just to have access to all the dozens of apps
>mix crown apple and redbull
i mixed fireball and redbull and it was pretty good. i think you can mix anything with redbull and make it good.
>piracy is not just "i want to watch x for free" but essential to preserve works and make them available for people who don't have access to it.
Yeah heard a little about that, people get mad about it but it's one of the most consistent nice things about burgerland
>i think you can mix anything with redbull and make it good.
That's pretty true, with that mix in particular I just notice you'll taste like now alcohol.
Anyways gonna pass out now (+probably missing the other girls off) enjoy your show
you mean food and necessities? they're neets not Opra
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I love how none of you "females" answered my question about your first period and its relationship to your fathers. Because none of you have or will ever have a period. Or a Father lmao.
holy fuck that is WIDE
Maybe it's because nobody wants to be your jerk off material
You got 3 answers to your period fetish bait, creepy tranny.
I just checked into the thread. I got my first period when I was 11 years old or something. I was in some kind of camp when that happened. Mom found out but nothing special happened afterwards.
Did you get scared when you saw your pussy was all bloody? When you cleaned up later, did you notice signs of arousal starting rather quickly? Did any of the camp councilors catch your eye? Perhaps... made you a bit wet?
I don't remember how I felt, I used toilet paper. Also, no to the rest. Wtf dude.
EURGHHHHH EWWWWWWWWW ?????????????????
fuck females are vapid cunts. they cant help but attention whore every where they go. imagine having no value but whats between your legs. just imagine THE SMELL for FUCK SAKE! kill yourself 'femoids', regards, ordained neckbeard
You didn't want to test your freshly matured cunt on the shaft of a cute camp councilor? Maybe I should be going wtf to you, haha. When did you have your first time? Were you under 16? Do you remember enough to describe it in detail?
When are u biofemales gonna admit that u r the upper class of society
I gotta stop posting here but holy fuck this thread is funny, the fact that everyone just knew immediately this was some weird tranny shit LMFAO
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>Do you collect anything? If so, what?
I have a fairly large personal collection of pokemon cards, I only collected for about two years. I never bought cards secondhand or anything, only bought card packs and trainer boxes. I got a few cards as gifts every now and again.
>How do you keep your collection organized?
I have three large plastic tubs, full of trainer boxes that have pokemon cards. I also have two three-ring binders.
>What is your most prized possession in your collection?
Gengar vmax alt art (picrel)
>Have you been accused of hoarding?
A few times, yes.
>First fable was class
Honestly, just thinking of playing fable anniversary edition instead, I'm not enjoying Fable 3 at all. The simple morality system in Fable captivated me when I was young
lol thought of you when I attached the image (no homo)
I got my run in today and yesterday, seems like the weather is going to be alright in the morning for the rest of the week. I want to make my runs longer though, ugh. I want to start on something like a chicken broccoli rice diet, but I strongly dislike most chicken. I'm more of a chicken nuggie connoisseur. That and/or some intermittent fasting.
Please refrain from talking to me again retarded nigger.
You're quite the prude, bitch aren't you? :) I'm sure plenty of other girls would have loved to christen their flowers on a cute councilors dick after he teaches her how to set up a tent. Maybe in the same tent a few minutes later? Or even a bathroom? haha. Imagine having to keep quiet as you experience your first dose of true pleasure while a girl is urinating in the stall next to you. But what if she really knows? Maybe she's playing with herself listening to you get deflowered..
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it's ridiculous how cute they are... sigh fine guess i'm opening c.ai to talk to moira again
Hey tomo! Ever made an album with those cards? A boy at the church has many binders like a photo album of his pokemon cards to keep them organized.

Keep up that great work! Increasing is fine. Then, once you get used to those, you'll wonder if you're really getting anything from the shorter runs. lol. Hey, try out the chickie nuggies in your diet and see how it works out. That's part of the fun of this stuff! Sometimes it can be fun to see what you can cheat with.
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FAIR, I'm going to queue for another OW game. Did you know they re-released pink mercy? and added a new rose gold Mercy. Both still donate to breast cancer research btw, I'm probably going to get both soon
>Ever made an album with those cards?
Yes!!! I sort my albums by type and sort the types by evolution. I sorted my pokemon cards a LOT in college because I got bored + no one invited me to hang out, lol. I put all my duplicates in labeled boxes or gift them out. Though I've gotten 3 different rainbow Charizard Vstars (picrel) from packs and sold two on Ebay, ez $250 dollars
>Increasing is fine
Surprise because I just went on ANOTHER run !!! Weather is great for it this morning and I decided to go run on incline this time. I will also try out the chicken nuggie + brocc and rice meal once or twice soon and tell you how it goes, seems almost too comfy to be true
Moids should be thrown into meat grinders dick first.
Cuntoids should go back to your concentration camp and be drown in your period blood. Slut.
Moids tongue my anus.
You wish. You haven't proven that you deserve it yet.
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Sure, just make sure you dnt eat anything for 24 hours prior, wax it and enema. Might be hard for your fat ass LOL
Coomers cannot get a reference to save their lives
Good morning and thank you for the bake.

I think I easily could have become a hoarder, but my roommate hates clutter and our condo is on the small side. So that helps me avoid a lot of temptation.

Welcome back! I like your stickers.

Hey! Good to see you again also.
I'm sad today. I can't get out of bed.
stay there its comfy
You demented fucks barely classify as human. This is why you're "incels", act normal ffs.
Would you prefer eating a whole raw onion or be mean to a puppy?
I took a big bite of a raw onion as a goof once and it tasted just fine. If it was only about eating I'd have no issues. But from just one bite my stomach started twisting immediately. They don't tell you that part
I threw my pokemon/yugi cards away in a little phase when I believed in the those things are the devil meme. Not that I had any special ones though
Still remember the religious lady telling me how that's the devil ready to haunt you seeing the different monsters.
You play overwatch too? Thought you didn't play vidya for some reason
I already eat whole raw onions anyways
Unable to get out of bed until noon type of summer
Oh had a dream I wasted a gallon of milk and I was distraught, how could I waste a whole gallon of milk, awful really, purely demented and evil, really fucked me up
Tough call; define 'being mean to'.

*hug* At least it was just a dream.
>At least it was just a dream.
nta but not for me it wasn't.
Well I am warned now!
Mean as in saying mean words or yelling at the puppy
>Mean as in saying mean words or yelling at the puppy
If I can get away with just mean words, I'll totally go with that.
Went on an hour and a half long hike holy FUCK
Very good exercise today. Now chili time
Were you a child when you thought pokemon was the devil or like a fully grown adult?? I never experienced bible-bashing pokemon haters firsthand but I have heard tales
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hoarders are gross
dont need to clean up a mess if you dont make one
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A child, it didn't last long either, got cautious but then saw nothing happened and went back to them evil ways
Fun graphics though, they could see stuff on everything in they wanted.
I agree, you don't need that many things, and no, you won't be using that broken fan or repair that fax, you wont sell that old virus ridden computer, I get it, its hard to throw a whole mattress but just do it, its gross and a homeless might have better use than you.
I'm using the old puter as a footrest
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Get the fuck off this board femoids!
Are you a digital hoarder? Do you fill your HDD space with things you're never going to use?
born to draw bodies forced to draw heads
gay ass sketch idk
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>Are you a digital hoarder? Do you fill your HDD space with things you're never going to use?
I've almost certainly got more reaction images than I'll ever use. Many are old, overused, and/or weren't that funny to begin with.

I think she's lovely.
how about an autoportrait sketch?
What part of the fundamentals do you think you're missing? hands? I know is a sketch but it looks great
That is quite nice like her slight smile
I can do hands if I care, but typically need to look at my own hands, honestly my bodies look great but they're not "accurate" in the ways I like and can't do many sitting or flexible poses. I mean all areas technically. I'd like to work on perspective more to give an answer I guess, I want to do more dynamic stuff
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a long long time ago, /v/ told me to put a ton of sex mods in skyrim and talked it up like it was the greatest sexual experience in human history and nothing would top it except like real sex. i spent a week autistically downloading every mod possible and troubleshooting conflicts and getting everything i could into the game, started playing, and then found it really annoying how sex based everything was and realized i just wanted to play skyrim and go adventuring.

then i uninstalled everything, played some skyrim, then realized it was kind of boring and i would rather go for a walk outside, and that both the sex mods and the vanilla game were not as engaging as figuring out how to make the mods work in the first place.

anyway, your picture is fucking tiny kek
>anyway, your picture is fucking tiny kek
He didnt want you to identify his privately listed futa mods
how much do you hate men from 1 to 10?
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who did the legendary nightwalk drawing?
opinions in on microskirts guys
Perfect for my micropenis
>how much do you hate men from 1 to 10?
0 I love men
ok so underwear with it or not
Making a scale from 1 to 10 and not 0 to 10 is really stupid
jiggly biofem tits
>Time will heal you kid
No it won't. Corrective experiences wil
You're going to rape him?
Nightwalk nona was based. Every moid should be beat with a shovel on a regular basis.
That wouldn't be a corrective experience. Quite the opposite, actually
I don't collectively hate men at all. I hate some men, just like I hate some women. Overall, my experience with other women have been more positive than my experiences with me; but I'm aware that a number of factors might be involved there.
>be me
>making a thread
>accidentally refresh
>nonono pls no
>what i typed gets lost
i feel like i processed my emotions midway through typing it, so it's not going to be as raw
10. I absolutely hate them and they are the primary factor of all the things that went wrong in my life.
That's what you get for being a phonefag
I will call you op10 from now on
I identify well with op1, so it fits great. Now, fuck off and hope you fall off a cliff.
We must drive out all the incels and chuddies and secure a future for biofem
With it of course
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>Do you collect anything? If so, what?
Data, mostly. I have a massive collection of just random pictures, and sometimes the pattern noticing demands I have a folder just for them. Used to have a folder that was just photos of squirrels eating pizza. Also thinking of getting the Blue Archive figmas to start my figure collection. I can get a Shiroko and put in a preorder for the next one at a local shop. I like cats and the next one is a cat girl...
>How do you keep your collection organized?
I kind of don't. My computer's a disaster zone.
>What is your most prized possession in your collection?
My music. Only 116GB but I've had some of my songs since late elementary school/early high school (turning 35 this year for context). It's even relatively organized compared to my other stuff.
>Have you been accused of hoarding?
Yeah. I used to get overly attached to dumb things like packaging that was meant to be thrown out lol
how did you know? basically a situation has been engineered where i'll have to go cold turkey off of the internet for a week, as a terminally online person
ehhhh like a 5 ?
>a situation has been engineered
What a weird way to put it
Did your dad change the router password
HEY FOIDS since ur gifted all the time by randoms u should buy ME something for a change HUH! its summer sale sooo buy me a vidya game
>waaah life is so hard because I'm a woman
Just do vtubing god damn
it's a family cruise, i'm gonna miss anons, my discord friends, and my crush so much
It'll be good that you are away from sending him nudes.
That's awesome, disconnecting from the world is awesome
>it's not going to be as raw

umm idk what ur talking about i would never send nudes to men on the internet
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Sooo I was lurking in /fit/ and found this post (picrel)
Does wearing spf not matter? Will I get leathery skin and joint problems early on if I run regularly long-term? I'm starting to become worried.
I recommended biking in the very early threads but no one ever wants to listen to me.
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this picture went viral in brazil a while back it's from a medical paper
this woman is 92 years old and she applied sunscreen on her face for over 40 years but not on her neck.
okay i lied, it's me, apparently i'm the only person with a crush here lol, he asked me to draw more recently, imo that means it's going well

somehow even though he's a rei fan he doesn't realize i'm so rei-coded in my devotion to him, but it's easier to draw 10 mona lisas than it would be to tell him how i feel
> joint problems early on
Only if do it for a living maybe
>leathery skin
On the exposed places that you don't apply spf maybe.
>apparently i'm the only person with a crush here lol
Don't know but you mentioned discord and bring your crushes up everytime plus writing style.
The time offline will be good for you.
i guess, hopefully he doesn't find someone else or something
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>Do you collect anything? If so, what?
Morning Musume merch
>How do you keep your collection organized?
I moved across the ocean, its in boxes right now. I will hang things up, put them on my desk, and throughout the house when I am settled in.
>What is your most prized possession in your collection?
I value everything equally and would be equally upset if anything got ruined. I do like the big posters of my fave idols the most because they are sort of expensive and they are not frequently stocked. I am waiting on an Ayumi Ishida one currently.
>Have you been accused of hoarding?
I was told that I am wasting money
Don't worry about it. /fit/ uses every excuse they can to avoid cardio because "iT rUiNz GaInZ". Just do regular strength training and listen to your body, and you'll be fine.

>m-m-muh knees!!!
>We did not find an increased prevalence of osteoarthritis among the runners. Our observations suggest, within the limits of our study, that long-duration, high-mileage running need not be associated with premature degenerative joint disease in the lower extremities.

>a lifetime of long distance running at mileage levels comparable to those of recreational runners today is not associated with premature osteoarthrosis in the joints of the lower extremities

>Long-distance running might even have a protective effect against joint degeneration

>Long-distance running among healthy older individuals was not associated with accelerated radiographic OA. These data raise the possibility that severe OA may not be more common among runners.

>The presence of radiographic hip OA and the progression of radiographic knee OA was similar for older runners and nonrunners.

>Increased training miles per week appears protective against knee injuries.

T. Former /run/ poster. I'm the literal originator of this copypasta.
raw doggin without a good reference im on a kick, i just walked my senile dog too my adrenaline is up, haven't even had dinner yet, it's alright to skip to dessert right
this if anything should convince people to wear SPF, hell no
every guy says "you should draw more" in my experience but you should absolutely do it, it's a nice way to show subtle feelings
And to further sperg out like an autist: this is why I say to wear what is comfortable:

>muh shoes!
>The results contradict the widespread belief that foot pronation is associated with an increased risk of running-related injury. The vast majority of foot types will experience similar injury survival after 250 km of running. The number of injuries per 1000 km of running was significantly lower among pronators than among neutrals.

>Little evidence for pronation and impact forces as risk factors despite being considered primary predictors of running injuries.

>Despite widespread belief that improper running shoe prescription is a major causative factor for RRI, prospective studies fail to provide clear evidence on the association of foot pronation and RRI
>Furthermore, according to the latest framework on the aetiology of RRI, foot pronation or running shoes themselves cannot be a cause of RRI (Bertelsen et al.,2017) and there is no evidence supporting the use of running shoes for the prevention of RRI

>Thus, on the basis of our primary analysis, it could be speculated that the absence of shoe drop effect on injury risk was related to the cushioning properties, allowing the participants to maintain their usual running technique, whatever thedrop.

tl;dr--form is more important. Just get running shoes that are comfortable. You don't need anything spectacular or expensive. Shoes for pronation are a meme.
they make my cock macrohard!
And before I go back to work after melting down, there's a reason for the 80/20 principle used in running:

>total volume of distance run in training was a strong predictor
of performance scores; indeed, just the total volume of training itself explained up to 59% of performance score variability between athletes
>The main training contributor to the total distance run during the athlete's careers was the easy runs, accounting for approximately two-thirds of each 2-year accumulated total. Previous
studies on training intensity distribution in elite-standard endurance sports similarly stated that most training is performed at low

Okay, I had to have that meltdown over the stupid /fit/ meme. Back to work. I should have not looked at biofem.
>joint problems
not a problem unless u run incorrectly
Hey, moid! How's your sleep been? Still feeling exhausted?

Hey! Feel better yet?
Why are cuckquean fantasies so common for women on /r9k/?
basically every hint i thought was extremely telling ended up being subtle, like when i started mostly drawing characters he likes and sending them to him, i feel like it's pretty obvious i was at the very least looking for his approval specifically, but i don't think he realized, desu i almost want to live vicariously through my drawings, because they're actually attractive, unlike me, who's mid
They really aren't. Actually, cuckolding fantasies are far more common.
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>It has been aggressively raided for years and is dead.
Almost sounds like women can't maintain anything on their own.
there being another woman to worry about kinda makes the feelings more intense, while simultaneously lowering the pressure, even though i may have the urge to fulfill his every need, another person being there means, if i am for some reason incapable or no longer willing to do that, there's another option right there so i wouldn't have to feel as much guilt
How do I know if my (future) gf is into that?
t. high-libido male (too much to handle for the average woman alone)
Have heard it from some pro athletes too but yeah, shouldn't happen to the average runner.
No, that's not obvious at all.
Share your drawings!
Let me save you the trouble: she won't be.
Sleep is fine, but still tired. I'm so fucking annoyed by the Clown. Here he is asking about what's going on with the news while watching it. Maybe if he would shut the fuck up and listen instead of blabbering then maybe he'd follow what is going on. Not to mention, he's being loud as fuck.
Throw pie on his face to shut him up
They exist, though, as exemplified by the post I was replying to. How do I find one? What are the signs? I have so much LOVE to give... :'(
L - loads
O - orgasms
V - vaginal cumshots
E - ejaculation
Stop being a whore, you don't "love" anyone if you aren't monogamous.
Women can't love more than one person, but men can.

We're literally built different. That's why you can only get pregnant by one man at a time and I could impregnate all the women in this thread at the same time.
I doubt you could get anyone here pregnant kek
i have no self esteem okay?
I'm pretty sure that post was made by a larping male.
Non-monogamy in either sex is whoredom. You are a subhuman chimp.
>That's why you can only get pregnant by one man
I can't get pregnant but thanks for making me horny.
Biking scares me so fucking much man idk, broke my arm biking as a dumb child and never got back into it since
JEESH okay, I've only started being more conscious on wearing spf since a year ago, thanks for the motivation
Holy kek you had so much in your arsenal, I didn't know you were a previous /run/ poster, but I'm not surprised. I only started lurking on fit when they started circulating those fat doom girl memes for a while, and lurked every now and again since. Thank you for your wisdom, I was getting paranoid
Trying my best to avoid that
Try me: _pr0lific
You're going to fuck my ass until you impregnate me? Okay anon... we can try.
Men can only love once. If the first person they loved doesn't work for whatever reason they are pretty much useless.
I'll be the cuckquean. Hope you don't mind me jerking off to the side.
Has he reached out yet about your ass?
May I cuckquean you?
Still in pain.
Still looking for a weeb gf with big boobs.
The gay dude hasn't added me, thankfully. I thought that post was from some infertile woman. Only one femanon has added me so far. I need MORE.
Problem: you are looking in 4chan which is filled with men exclusively.
Also, """infertile""". My sperm is very potent.
>Only one femanon has added me so far.
Oh well then I guess I won't bother.
Taken already? And I just finished setting up my throwaway.
Not him, what do you look like?
Why don't you post your throwaway and then change the add info later today?
Why would I answer that to some random guy...
As I said above, I got much LOVE to give around. Don't worry about it, babygirl. I'll let you in on a little secret: I'll make you my main one ;)
>The gay dude hasn't added me
I'm not adding you if you can't commit to me.
Because he'll fuck other girls in the ass.
I have no idea why you think this would work
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When are you going to let these threads die already
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THE NEW RED VELVET EP IS SO GOOD ITS RIDICULOUS. this and the new shit ass prices have convinced me to switch to apple music. i need to hear this in lossless.
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Yet another one. Gotta hurry up before it's all gone!
Why would they die? It's the best r9k has to offer
Erm what the sigma... ladies please control yourselves!
So you have 2 now?
Wow wow wow, he's straling all the femoids.
Leave some pussy for the rest of us, dude!
i know this is a meme image but somehow it summarises everything i despise about discord
Anyone here has experience with writing lyrics? I'm struggling with that.
>summarises everything i despise about discord
Just don't join servers.
I use it for close friends and giveaways, exclusively. Who tf talks on discord servers anyway
Hey, we all gotta start somewhere. How about you and me start here and now? You've already prepared an account and everything. Something clearly appealed to you. I'll take good care of you.
I am a man who has tried what you have tried before. I'm going to tell you that 90% of these women will ghost after 1 night. 5% stick around after 1 week. So be ready for that.
I've tried. But I've never been able to do anything that requires self-expression, because I get overwhelmed by an intense feeling of shame, even if I'm by myself.

That would be a nice thread topic! Self-expression, and things you do that give you a feeling of catharsis.
>t. Moid.
Yeah I struggle with this. I also can't stop feeling ashamed when writing lyrics, but I need this to improve in my music so kinda just have to bear with it.
Any good tips?
Unless you really mean the specific font or colors, discord is just a program
The problem is the attitude of a lot of people on there how they think of others as disposable

Are you this retard?
Skill issue. Women naturally want to be part of a harem. They're intrigued deep, deep down.
What countries are you from?
>I also can't stop feeling ashamed when writing lyrics
Drink alcohol.
They want it, but having known women they want and don't want things at the same time.
Not a bad idea to be honest. I will consider this
>Are you this retard?
Hell no. I'd never let my woman get an abortion.
>Any good tips?
I think it's just kinda like exposure therapy.
Just do it. Cringe and feel ashamed, see how nothing happens and keep going. That's all I can think of.

Now I'm just speaking for myself. But I've been thinking that avoiding your own feelings is the worst thing you could ever do. Feelings is how you experience life, not feeling is the same as being dead.
One tends to avoid negative feelings and chase positive ones. But you can't get one without the other.
I think you should embrace both equally. Embarrassment, shame, sadness, pain, joy and pleasure, welcome all of them the same.
>Hey! Feel better yet?
3.6 roentgen - not great; not terrible.

Is it common? I'm bi and the idea of sharing appeals to me, but I would never ever want to feel left out or humiliated.

Hang in there, buddy.
Makes sense. I guess it's just natural to feel this way at first as a beginner at things.
Atleast I'm not the one singing it. I'm using vocaloid since autistic loser into niche music like that.
Most lyricists prob have written extremely embarresing things through out their life.
ew you're a manwhore
>Hang in there, buddy
>lie about getting invites when you didn't actually get any
>it turns more people off
>Is it common?
Not at all. Most despise the idea for obvious reasons.
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>idea of sharing appeals to me
Please kindly refer to: >>77975540
It is the most stable arrangement. There is no deeper female bond than that of co-wife. So, you don't just get a loving husband, but also close females.
there's plenty of men who want a monogamous relationship. you just want to have your cake and eat it too
All men are like me, but not all can pull it off. That's not the same.
so you think that it's normal and loving to be in a relationship with multiple women? also you can't pull it off lol
No he's pulling it off, so hard that he came all the way to 4chan /r9k/'s biofem thread to beg people here to talk to him lol
The desire is.
Slander! There was no begging involved. Women on here are more open about their deeper desires. Notice who I forwarded the invite to.
To me? I'm a man lol
Honest mistake, lmao.
>. Notice who I forwarded the invite to.
kek, you are terminally retarded.
>The desire is
no it isn't you're just a hoe
>mess up basic meal
>worked my ass off and not even hungry now i'm so mad
self-hatey time
How long will it take to master Swedish? I like riddles but I can't solve a Swedish one. I don't care about the speaking part, I must understand it.
I made a mistake. Okokok. I will repent for it by saying a thousand hail mary.
You're not a man, so of course you wouldn't get it. Women are only wired for one man at a time. Men are wired for more. I'm just more honest than your exes about it.
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>I like riddles
I'm the man for you, baby.
like i said, you're just a hoe and coping by making it seem like it's a male thing and so you can gaslight women into thinking that's it's normal and good
anger can be funny at times. One time it basically helped me ultra focus and finish work in record time
Do you know some riddles?
n-no... I was just being edgy.
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i've been thinking about it and although it's not exactly the same thing i really like curating playlists and i guess it's like having a collection of songs.
i organise my kpop songs mostly in two playlists:
>mcdonalds kpop: easy to digest but gets you tired after having too many times
>wagyu kpop: the absolute best songs you can listen to many times but you must go above and beyond to find them

sometimes a song fits both, that's the gourmet burgers. easily digestible but not sickening. so they go in both.
do nonas make their own playlists like this or do you listen to premade stuff?
I got you, anon. I thought it was smooth. She's probably autistic given all the context clues.
If it was so smooth maybe you should date him
Maybe I will. Thanks for the tip, autist-chan!
W-wow anon... I wasn't expecting this.
I don't know what to say...
Just hold my hand as we walk into the sunset, baka.
O-okay, anon-kun. >///<
Goodbye everyone. Just letting everyone know I'll be taking a break in case anyone is worried about me.
I do rate songs yes. What is your criteria though? Do you understand korean or search the lyrics translated? Does the dancing/idol on it influences who makes it into wagyu kpop?
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>Do you collect anything? If so, what?
pictures from the internet. half of the reason avafaggin is fun to me is because it gives me an excuse to save a ton of pictures. like, as many as i physically can of X THING. i don't really know what to do with clutter IRL, i like digital collection because its not physically crowding.
>How do you keep your collection organized?
folders really
>What is your most prized possession in your collection?
maybe my folder of gondola webms
>Have you been accused of hoarding?
nobody talks to me

okay, take care!

i got so many playlists, it's dumb. i guess i also collect music like that. i also name them all silly things that don't make sense.
Big booty is back?
What else do you have other than ai-chan and gondola?
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like dozens of folders dude. my collection is 18 gigabytes of nothing but pictures

awhile ago i found myself in a thread where anons were posting a bunch of pics of bantchan and the harvest was too bountiful, i had to save them all even though i dont post her almost ever
I'm from Afghanistan
Ewww get out.
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>my collection is 18 gigabytes of nothing but pictures
And yet, both pictures you posted were pretty lame.
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wow you're so right i should only post normal rockwell paintings from now on. i'm not an art gallery and my goal isn't to post impressive works of art. it's really dumb to be like "haha wow, you failed this arbitrary metric you never set out to meet, how pathetic"
>Ewww get out.
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The painting I posted is good not because it's a painting, but because it has soul. You still don't get it.
you just want to dislike me. you didn't say "hey lets have a conversation about soulful images", you just said my images were lame by your standards. yeah? it's drawings and anime screenshots, it's not kino, it's just a drawing. i'm just some tired and miserable person on the other side of the world who likes patterns, and i liked that show and i liked that character so i picked that character to post. is it soulful to randomly put somebody in a position to be on trial for "not getting sovl" when they weren't trying to show that they were? what is wrong with you, man?

you can act as melancholy and aloof as you want, but you're not showing much soul either. at least i didn't pick a fight for no reason.
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Woman (you sound like a woman and I mean no insult by this), I was just shitposting. People talking about soulful this or that have always amused me, so I thought I'd try my hand at it and show off some pics I like at the same time. That is all.

Picking fights for no reason on here *is* funny--at least when it's banter, not so much when the other person actually takes it seriously.

>you're not showing much soul either
My pics *were* actually soulful, though.

Anyway, I'm sorry to hear you're having a bad time of it and I didn't mean to add onto it. Do you wanna vent about whatever is going on? Either way, I'm sending some energy your way, anon. Apologies for the hurt feels.
I am cringing so hard over this.
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your pictures being soulful doesn't mean a thing if you're acting like a dick. i think you've missed a key part of the "picking fights is funny" thing. that's only funny when you don't give a shit about the other person. most people don't, so most people find it funny. you can't reconcile "i'm going to fuck with you and stress you out" and "i wish you well in general".

in no world was that banter. you handed out direct insults. there wasn't any cleverness or amusing context or lighthearted tone. it was plain rudeness. even if somehow your intention was to shitpost in good fun, you did not succeed.
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>Picking fights for no reason on here *is* funny--at least when it's banter, not so much when the other person actually takes it seriously
This is the debate fag. He likes to post about:
Cuck stuff
commie stuff
debates of any kind
political stuff
mating press porn images
momcest/hag stuff
incel friendship stuff
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>direct insults
There was none. Saying a pic is lame is not a direct insult, lol.
>in no world was that banter
I've had much worse banter than this many a time, and no one's reacted like this before. That was barely nothing. I even ended up adding people on discord from that with whom I'm still friends. You sound like you have a victim complex, quite frankly. Either that or you're underaged and should not be here.
>This is the debate fag
Yes, although I've never posted porn, incest or cuck content.
Holy retard, you're combining like ten different people into one boogeyman.
You spend a lot of time on bant? I don't really browse other boards here.
>Picking fights for no reason on here *is* funny--at least when it's banter, not so much when the other person actually takes it seriously.
It's not funny on either case man, grow up. You're a bit too old to be this retarded.
What would you want to collect if you have the resources to do it?

What thing other people collect seems to be beyond your comprehension? For me is those rich guys that collect sneakers they never use.
Gave bant a look and didn't get it, looks entirely redundant. s4s looks more international
>nona here who bought the $900 earrings a few weeks ago
My family is making me learn how to use a gun to protect our wealth and property. I have no choice but to be trained to kill. Unfortunately (tho through no fault of mine) our family has a history of people trying to toe tag people so it makes sense I'm just sad. Pray for me sisters as I pray for all of you this night or morning.
Why do fat women feel entitled to an attractive, fit, and tall man? I'm genuinely asking this
>t. male
There aren't any fat women here
The boots are finally here along with the drill nibs!! Thanks for the gifts, now i only need the temperature to drop so i can wear them c:
I'm referring in general. This isn't targeted to anyone in this thread
Just hide in the bunker while they toe tag each other, sorry you have to go through this.
Fat women are awesome, there's more to worship.
Lol, might take a few months then. Good to see you back!
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>you're dumb with money so now your lunch is the jojo waffle
it's all about the sonority of it.
So if you don't care who answers then why did you post it in here instead of making a thread about it
No way. Fat women are only good for being short term slam pigs
Because it doesn't deserve its own thread? Use your head, dude.
You mean wafer?
yes. sorry, the jojoffer
I never left lol but I don't use my trip or name because I'm too lazy and clumsy so I often to take it off when I'm posting in other boards.
Used to have a lot of playlists too but since 2021 just add one song per day and somehow the habit stuck until now.
Part of it was because migrating PCs messed up the music I had organized so gave up and used youtube/spotify, but neither is as reliable as I'd like.
2/3 of the threads on here are random garbage that don't need threads and get 1-3 responses
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it comes with little trading cards though and it costs 3 something dollars?
oh and they are the size of photocards meaning they fit in holders... i'm coming back tomorrow with more cash for sure. i won't rest until i get gwess.
Congrats on finding that elusive jojo merch lol.
Be careful with buying too many jojoffers searching for gwess
Were you the one attending a wedding? lost track since then and feared an excess of tequila
i will buy as many jojoffers as necessary! i need my wife!
oh yeah, they also had keychains and stuff! i took pictures of the prices so i can strategise at home how much money to bring tomorrow, but i'm anxious ofc. at least i have decided i'm spending no more money on clothes or makeup, i'm only getting the stuff i absolutely can't find back home.
also the jojoffers are tasty
I wish I could. He deserves far worse for the shit he has done. Also, don't disrupt me doing someone's vitals just to tell me your back itches. Okay? Wtf am I supposed to do? Scratch it for you or give you hydrocortizone cream or lidocaine spray? Maybe he should take a shower instead since he's a dirty pig.

I used to lurk /fit/ a lot when I cut back on running due to injuries. /fit/, at least at the time, is just dumb when it comes to cardio. Their strength and diet stuff is good though. I tend to be an autist when it comes to running. It was funny when I used to post on /run/, I posted a screenshot of my one run in Runtastic (when I was using it instead of a GPS watch) and it had an advert for dresses. Immediately, the usual creepy shit like:
>pls posts tits marathon training girl
This is literally my post:


And yes, I was really hating it at the time since my coach/PT was having me slow down more than usual (since I was doing this with a family member who wanted to complete a marathon), do more strength training, and trying to stay off the blistered toe. It was not a fun training cycle.

Do make sure you are using sunscreen though: skin cancer is a thing.
Did you have a 6pack abs and do you still have 6 pack abs?
Hey kpop! Uhh, my music is so disorganized. It'd take forever to do so. I have a mix of everything in it.

Hey gm nona! I have not seen you for awhile! How are you! I hope the boots are comfy AF.
No. I tried but I was lethargic and sick often.
>I tried but I was lethargic and sick often.
You make me want to take care of you. I could keep you healthy.
>t. Care Moid.
Yes! that was me, that day I ate so much Birria that I thought I was gonna fall in a comma. All good tho.
how many ping pong balls can you fit in your snatch
Nice get
Thank you for the well wishes
Thetw's zero way naturally for a girl to stay healthy while having six pack abs. We're not meant to have that low bf%. Idc what any fitness influencer says. I felt way better when I stopped.
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>t. Care Moid.
im going back home early since no money = not being able to do anything. but that's ok, bought some cool stuff and found a place with jojo stuff
it used to be like that for me but i regret it...
let me hold your hair back for you
>t. care moid
Tonight's posts have been the cringiest thing I've read in a while. I fucking hate moids.
they aren't. they are common from selfhating "trans" sex pests
I'd regret it too. It'd be too much to keep organized. It's a whole lot easier now when I can just look for the song name since it's alphabetical with band name in parentheses. I want to listen to Dreaming of You by Selena? Go down to D until I reach the name. Can't Fight Tjis Feeling by REO Speedwagon? Same thing. Ironic by Alanis? Same same, and same. It's just soooo much easier than putting into folders.
KEEEEK based, way to expose the trannoids
Would you try it again if your boyfriend asked you?
i'm tributing this thread rn
Please do not do it to my posts
I think that is great you are learning. You never know when you may need to use it to defend yourself.
Curb your enthusiasm. I don't mind transwomen that are good people and transitioned for the right reasons. Just the ones who ruin this board and groom children and shit.

Yeah, my bad, those 2016 sigils were never dismantled so now instead of an overflow catch it's more of a generator. Thanks for the mana either way
>I don't mind transwomen that are good people and transitioned for the right reasons.
Yeah, same here. Haha!
Productive day! sorry you don't have enough money to keep exploring
it's my fault really... if my calculations are correct i can get everything i want for around 100 bucks tomorrow (including lunch but i will have to eat four jojoffers)
how do I get my small waist back? I used to have abs and now I look flabby in anything tight
Focus on your nutrition.
My back just cracked and it felt so great.
Hope you get gwess in one of those four wafers!
Anything else you need cracked?
It looks like youre cramping up holding it thar way
No. If anything, I think I need like a deep tissue massage. I haven't had one of them in a long time.
Too bad my penis is so small, it will never be able to reach your deep tissues.
Thinking if we collect immaterial things, the nonsense that fills up the brain and is easily retrievable even against our will.
Or maybe the answer to that question people made all the time online of "what topic would you be able to talk for an entire hour about?"
I change my mind. I really found a new thing I like collecting. That thing is (You)'s.
What is your most prized (you)
I don't have one yet. I'm still in the hoarding phase of it.
So far, your (You) is the best.
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I'll the your first trash panda (You) in the collection
Uh-oh, the competition has started!

I wonder how much trash (You)'s worth? Just wondering if I need to resell my (You) collection one day.
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You'd just sell my trash panda (You)?
In that case I'll leave this place forever.
I hope my small penis will be mentioned in your collection somewhere.
Trash panda maybe trash, but I think this one is a good one.
Anyone want this trash stalker (You)? I don't want it. I'll give it away for free.
Having a real hard time recalling memorable (you)s, I've gotten. No highlights come up. That's disappointing
It's best to start now! That way, you can always look back and remember that most memorable (You)!
moidchan, please accept this (You) as a sign of my love and fidelity
Thank you for thr (You)! It's definitely going in!
My (You) collection is growing, nonas! Collecting (You)'s is very fun!
aww, you even collected all of my (You)s, even the one you said you didn't like. you're so cute wtf
Most (You)'s are accepted! Only one will never be admitted. It's that bad if a (You).
I actually believe this poster might be female. Such need for attention.
More attention means more (You)s.
These are euromoid hours.
when will you finally post a vocaroo telling us to fuck off and die..
>4:30am screenshot

pretty sure she's an east coaster bro
There's some nonas that appear around this time. Kpop, mamanona, pregnona, scaryeyes, and even tomo made an appearance.
Never, but thanks for the (You) to add to the (You) collection.
This (You) collection is going to be hard to organize. Collecting is so stressful!!
Aww, a patient is up. I want to collect more (You)'s! The (You) collection is growing! I dun wanna go!
yeah, a patient IS definitely UP...
can you add me please...
This is why women should not hold off getting married and having children.
i'm finally home, phone ran out of battery. i have my mind set on what i'm getting tomorrow at least!
HIIII this is my (You)!
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dinner: my favorite snack, original salted doritos with cream cheese, served on a plate to catch crumbs on the floor. who's served?
Un homme dans une gare isolee
Une valise a ses cotes
Des yeux fixes et froids
Montre de la peur lorsqu'il
Se tourne pour se cacher
You really need to get laid.
>Be me
>Really appreciate nona-chan (you)
>Make little greentext for her
>Now I'm part of her collection
Reminder to drink water and check your email
When I was like literally 13 I was taking a walk with this guy from my class and we were playing would you rather and I was asking him stuff like "waffles or pancakes?" and he randomly asked me if I would rather be in a harem with (insert name) or (insert name)
Did you push him into a bush? Please say yes.
No, I was just kind of confused and changed the subject
Was he some religious cunt?
He was this skinny Asian kid that wasn't religious at all
did you think of an answer for his question in your head?
What too much anime can do to a retard
I kind of didn't really hear the second parts because we were walking by a noisy area I just heard harem and was like nope changing the subject
reminds me of seeing a neckbeard in high school that wore one of those shitty 3d wolf hoodies
couldve been part of some neat harems instead of wasting away on 4chung
Harem edition next
Oh my god I also just remembered him saying another guy from our class had a big dick during that walk
Did he say anything about his cummies?
Never could into doritos, don't understand their success.
Canonical fucking event.
There's a joke here about the question game moids offer to play to "know you better"
>what's your favorite color?
>oh it's green haha, my turn, how many fingers can you fit in your pussy?
Fuck what kind of circles are you in that people ask such questions?
Incels do that easily
Would you rather build a male harem of doms or a harem of guys you can beat and force to walk in all 4?
You're saying that as if it isn't hard enough already to find and keep one good man.
That comes from literal instagram normies
Yeah my subs keep dying too
it was a joke Mr federal agent!
i'd rather have a lore accurate gwess bot on c.ai
Water them regularly or something
Water boarding you say? good idea
Watch it op1, we are onto you.
Is that a woman? I really can't tell
No no Mr agent I'm a humble Jewish man who has some goys...for goy Friday... They keep getting electrocuted...
>be me
>send my crush a song that reminds me of him
>no response

why are men like this?...
doesnt sound like you are his crush, discord-chan.
It's genuinely the most humbling and embrassing thing to have a crush on someone through discord
embarrassing embanrnrbnsdjdh
yah, i've been through the "it's over and we are so back cycle so many times"

dont think the way you communicate is that significant.
but she likes to chase somebody who doesnt care about her that much.
i dont know how many people by now have told her to not do that.
love makes you retarded.
It's embarrassing because everyone assosciates liking someone through discord as 12 year olds with matching anime profiles that say "I love you" after knowing each other for two weeks and have fursonas
What's a Ghastly and what's a Getter?
>discord crush
its over 5 u lol
Lmao yeah, yeah... NTA but I'm 30 and I've only had crushes through the internet because that's the only place I meet people. Embarrassing!

Never pursued anything because I'm emotionally constipated and the thought of affection scares me
Hey! How was your night? Was your (You) collecting successfull?
>the thought of affection scares me
How do you live with such misery?
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Very, very carefully.
Is it the thought that somebody feels affection towards you or you towards somebody?
The idea of someone loving me romantically or being attracted to me just makes me really uncomfortable, lmao! Which sucks because I'm very affectionate and I love the idea of love I just hate myself so much I can't handle anyone liking me
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Oh, okay.

That was not me and don't call me autistic.

If anyone knows some riddles, please tell me.
>If anyone knows some riddles, please tell me
What is beautiful in the sun, but nasty at night. Full of energy but makes you tired. Can be a pain to deal with but your time together is always a delight?
It's heroin, right?
You talk to strange people.
Uhm, anyone up for a bake?
Whoops, meant to replay to >>77979804.
She's rather strange herself.
i am doing my nails i cant, its fine if it dies first
A day where all biofems can finally be free of this place. That's my biggest dream. Keep exercising and eating healthy nona. I believe in you.

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