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Acts of Kindness Edition

Previous : >>77923630

Ignore impolite moids

>Has someone ever committed a random act of kindness towards you? How did it make you feel and how did you respond?
>When was the last time you did something nice for a stranger?
>What is this thread?
A place for biological women to talk about their lives.
>Why aren't you on Crystal Cafe?
It has been aggressively raided for years and is dead.
>Well, you're raiding my male safe space!
r9k is not a male board. https://wizchan.org/ is.
>I'm a man, can I post here?
Please don't, but if you are going to anyway, be polite and sign your posts >t. male.
>I'm a tranny, can I post here?
No. Die.
>What does nona mean?
Anon -> Nona
>I want a hole
This is not >>>/soc/
>How do femanons feel about (random hypothetical moid scenario)?
This is not /ATOGA/
Thanks for the bake, nona! These questions are great!
*hug* Thank you, nona.
I hate to bake and dash, but I'm not feeling well.
Everyone take good care.
fembots, would you dump your boyfriend if you found out he had a dildo collection?

t. moid with dildo collection
Thank you for the thread, hope you feel better soon!
I'm so sorry to hear that! Hope you feel better soon, nona! Be sure to take care of yourself!

Thank you for the bake, nona! This one is a hard one not because of the questions, but I"m just tired to the point of a brain fog that I just cannot remember. Slept well, though!

>Has someone ever committed a random act of kindness towards you? How did it make you feel and how did you respond?
Just this weekend! The little child held the door for me while I brought in supplies for the church event! It made me feel great to know that there are some basic manners being taught to children!

>When was the last time you did something nice for a stranger?
Just recently did a donation to a local food bank. I don't know who will receive the food, but I'm glad to help out!
Fuck, messed up the trip. It's going to be one of those nights, lol.
Hope you feel better, nona! Thank you for putting in the effort to bake the thread.
Hey, again! I recognize this topic too!
>but I'm not feeling well
I thought you were feeling better and your fever broke? Get well soon.

>Slept well, though!
Hey, Door holder! That's good to hear. Still tired even with more rest? What's going on with getting more time off? I thought I remembered you mentioning asking for that soon.
Hey! I don't know what's going on with me being so tired even after so much restful sleep. Maybe just catching up on such a long time without it? Maybe I'm just recovering from something? The events Saturday morning and late Saturday/early Sunday morning really did wear me out, though.

Yes! That is starting this weekend! I no longer need the extra money so I'm going to start working less. Also, a co-worker needs the extra money so she wants the additional money from working weekends. It also helps her as she can watch her and her husband's children during the week and her husband can do it on the weekends. I feel sorry for her though since she's going to be doing two 16hrs shifts and an 8hr. lol, no. 12hr shifts is enough for me. Maybe when I was in my 20's, but I'm 38 now so no.
What are you going to do on your time off?
Fuck her boyfriend probably.
my daughters "father" is working 4 12's and then 8 hours at another job on his off days with occasional pick ups, sometimes he has double ups and this is Cali RN money too, he thinks he still doesn't make enough money HAHA at least he's "doing it for her" because he thinks I'm incompetent even tho he's literally not raising her LMAO but money is money I guess do you have any patient stories?
Let me step up I will be a better father and husband for you than he ever could be I rpomise I will work hard and make sure you have everything you need and feel loved
Must be copium. Don't know his story but idk what would go through someone who would put work over being there for his child. It's pretty sad.
That will be great. Now you will have plenty of time to spend with your boyfriend.
I don't know either, I really don't, I can only be grateful he isn't dropped off the face of the earth, I've chalked it up to fear and cope, his parents didn't exactly face on problems either, still don't, just work. Work. Work. More work. Barely saw them
You see a way back for him? assuming he wakes the fuck up.
at this point what the fuck is the difference between BPD, schizophrenia, histrionic personality disorder, OCD, major depressive disorder, autistic burnout, agarthan fentanyl blessed by the gigapope withdrawal, et cetera,
and PMDD?

one day my Pepcid will come
A way back together most probably not, him moving to be closer? Also hard to see since nurses are paid "well" in californa (after taxes it's very debatable ngl) and he's known nothing other than where he lives and doesn't have to pay rent living in his parents house (everyone's always at work so it's practically empty as fuck I managed to live there for 2 months and nobody noticed) and I'm kinda across the country. My prime goal is some sort of reliable co parenting but it might not happen till she's older, he expresses interest in raising but doesn't see himself ready to be a parent at all in a way making money for the future and emergencies is his cope but I don't know his end goal in it, he might not know either, I think he really needs the reality check that may happen when I'm giving birth, he hasn't seen me since the positive test, hasn't seen me grow, videos of ultrasounds only do so much, he might just be in a very lucid dissociative state and I worry about his health desu he actually got in a car crash that should've killed him due to sleep deprivation (common nurse L)
Forgor my trip
I had a midwife appointment today actually and hearing a heartbeat really is no greater joy, I have names down to 2 and middle name kinda pinned down, happy days I wanna build a nursery soon but have to do some room renno's the floor is kinda soft in a spot needs to be fixed ASAP
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room so messy. should i go to daiso and buy a bunch of stuff that i definitely don't need?
>Has someone ever committed a random act of kindness towards you? How did it make you feel and how did you respond?
nothing aside from compliments i think?
>When was the last time you did something nice for a stranger?
was at a museum and saw these two friends trying to take a picture, i had one shot left in my polaroid and i offered to take a picture of them so they could keep it
Meat... Meat... Help.
Good to see you got good use of that polaroid! That's a pretty nice act of kindness
Watching a cousin here going through the same and I completely believe you. He's a changed man already. It's a girl too so he's in trouble.
>should i go to daiso and buy a bunch of stuff that i definitely don't need?
Only if you use my credit card. Unf..
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they were really happy too! i like seeing people have their day made because it only takes a little
i also remembered that i ordered takeout on the day i was feeling extremely down and asked for them to make it extra tasty, and i got a small note telling me to be strong which was very comforting along with the food
ok. hand it over. (grabby hands)
I don't know yet. Probably catch-up on things first like cleaning stuff up and getting rid of some stuff I don't use anymore. Some budgeting since I'm not going to get all that OT anymore, and going to make a big purchase this weekend. I got to get stuff done since things in this world are progressing faster than expected.

Idk how the wage there in CA is, but that's a lot of hours. It's almost the schedule I was working on some weeks lol. There was the time I worked 10 straight 12 hr shifts. I slept most of those two nights off. The pay here is nowhere as great as it was in the hospital, but it's a lot less stressful so I can do a lot of hours to make up the difference.

At least he's going to help (hopefully keeps his word.) I don't think it was good of him to call you incompetent though. I knew plenty of RNs who were terrible parents. It sounds a lot like he's a workaholic (can't say anything about tgat though w/o sounding like a hypocrite.)

Got a bit, most of them sad ones from the psych hospital. The one I always go to though was when I worked in I/DD and the wall drawer who always defecated in his own pants and would use his own poop to draw on the wall. It's sick, but also funny looking back, especially his expression when he was caught doing it every week, and him running screaming and crying.

>car crash that should've killed him due to sleep deprivation (common nurse L)
Yeah...it actually is. It's why I tell people about watching noise if they live around people who work midnights. I'm not saying they have to tiptoe: I'm saying work with them like find out their regular sleep hours and avoid mowing the yard at that time, or some compromise. It's part of our sacrifice and we do stuff to help drown our noise, but so.e of the things people do is unnecessary. How about I call you at 1-3am in the morning every night for example?

Symptoms vs actual disorder. It's why an evaluation is done so they can distinguish.
Hey kpop, how are tonight? That was very thoughtful of you to use your last picture fir them.
>I got to get stuff done since things in this world are progressing faster than expected.
Is your boyfriend a prepper too?
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He's in the silicone valley so it's beacoup bucks, everyone wants to work in the bay area all across the country it's where the money is, I think like 50/70hr even more plus esp with experience and night differentials assuming this is a hospital and county/city etc.. Kaiser or Stanford big plus. Currently needs his 1 year experience to not be a new grad anymore (he isn't even one, totally didn't fail the nclex several times) and couldn't get into the big hospitals so he drives about an hour to where he is now and by the time he gets off its morning rush so it's about 2-3 hours traffic he usually pays the 50 bucks to sleep at a place before returning home and decided he wasn't going to that day, learned his lesson right then and there, everything totaled honestly don't know how he didn't get severely harmed. I think when I get my MA certification I'm going to work in a clinic or something, hospitals aren't for me and yea his parents are also nurses and they're terrible kek i think once he gets his 1 year or whatever tk transfer to another hospital closer to home he'll stop working the other job hopefully since the pay will make up for it, biggest thing for Cali is the nurse union another reason he doesn't want to move or anything, you're garunteed your lunch break and etc.. Other qol that isn't garunteed in other states overall I'd say they're very happy but you're paying 1k+ in taxes it's horrific, can't relate with my #nostateincometax to make the same amount of money here he could work for like 10 dollars less and have the exact paycheck but RN's aren't usually paid that until they rack up years. He tried to pull me into nursing once but yea I'm just, not capable nor do I want the responsibilities, although I will participate in gossip Im nosey as fuck
Yeah, I definitely need to make room in the bunker for him so we have all the hot wild imaginary sex you think we have when the nukes start flying. Me and my imaginary boyfriend will definitely make sure we repopulate the world as God commands with lots of imaginary children when I have lots of imaginary pregnancies from our imaginary sex sessions in our bunker.
I am gooning to this now
You're a cuck. Probably with more weird fetishes. I bet you're the one offering money to be Cucked.
Something was looking out for him! That pay is so good. At that point, it'd probably be better tonfind some long term motel that will let him stay when he's around fkr aboit $50/night. There's a few of them like that here. I'm in the eastern US and the pay is nowhere that unless you are in a traveling nurse agency. However, the constant stress of moving twice a year minimum based upon assignment would not be worth it. I like my stability.
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>You're a cuck. Probably with more weird fetishes. I bet you're the one offering money to be Cucked.
And? Moid chan doesn't mind appealing to my fetish so stay out of it.
God you are such a fucking moron.
I asked abt that but not sure if it exists or is even safe in his area, God must've done it to tell him to stop fucking around in life not sure if it's made changes yet who knows, the pays great when you don't need to pay Cali rent though, even working as a float gives you extra you don't have to travel far in the area it's premium I get why it's so competitive, having a specialization, floating, working nights? Easy 6 figures a year I'm fascinated by it I'd become a workaholic too
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This is my new headcanon for what Pregnona looks like.
>my daughters "father" is working 4 12's and then 8 hours at another job on his off days with occasional pick ups, sometimes he has double ups and this is Cali RN money too
Alright, so far the guy looks more responsible than you. Maybe he was right for dumping your ass.
Are people kind in your neighborhood/city/country?
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If you dump a girl with a body like this you're gay or retarded or both.
Cali is a whole different country than over here in eastern US. We had people move into the nearest city and they were surprised that it was a lot cheaper. And here we are saying the city likes to rip people off and it costs a lot to live there. Lol.

It always is a lot of money. When I was in the psych hosp., there were people who could handle it. I probably could not.
That's just your cuck fantasy, but, in any case, he didn't even abandon her completely, even though he had the right to do so.
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Have you ever committed a random act of coitus?
I'm requesting this the next time I see a drawfag thread.
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The main thing is that she pretty much looks like pic related.
I've missed you........
Uuuuh sweetey, you can't recognize a topic, this is anonymous board 4chan, pff!
Oh wow, you're still seething over that? Funny.
Moid-chan and her boyfriend having post-apocalypse sex in a bunker while everyone dies of radiation poisoning.
Is *that* in the room with us right now?
captcha: basedjam
Unf it would be so hot to be outside of the bunker hearing her moans.
lmao this idiot is getting radiation poisoning for a kink
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hey ladies, I finished my videogame fixation, who's up pulling trough life sober?
Kekekek. Thanks for the laugh anon.
What were you playing?
Love seeing the cobson poster
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glad you found it funny anon
subnautica, I got 17/17 of the achievements but I think I've missed a lot of hidden stuff :>
have you been playing anything good lately? or have you fixated on anything?
Mostly just imagining my favorite biofems getting their backs blown out by chads while I jerk my micropenis alone.
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Femanons! What's the last game you played?
I keep trying to get all endings for isaac but haven't made much progress lately. Want to play something new but life is a bit of a mess atm so need the time
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I want femanons to do this to me when they play.
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why dont you find someone into small penises?
subnauticah, did you play danganronpa nona?
binding of isaac has made lots of people addicted I really want to try it one day :3
I believe in you! sad you need that time for IRL stuff
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Well, I wouldn't like to be charged for manslaughter.
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I completed the first game (all achievements), I completed the second game on the Switch. I bought the 3rd game but I haven't played that yet (I saw Bijuu Mike play it though). How about you?

Anyhow, what's Subnauticah? Never heard of it.
I hate coomers so much.
Oh yeah, I have figures of Mikan, Chiaki and Kyoko.
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long wait because data ran out. i'm pretty good all things considered, but my room keeps getting worse kek
new chuu album today!
Women aren't into small penises.
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Chugging coffee and looking at my hoard of boomer shooters trying to decide what I want to play while I have the time... she's literally me I take my coffee black, get a little loose with showers when I'm off work, and worked in a library for 10 years
>Has someone ever committed a random act of kindness towards you? How did it make you feel and how did you respond?
I got an invite to a private anime tracker from somebody on 4chan years ago. Saved me a lot of effort finding the stuff I wanted to watch without paying for it at a time when my connection was too slow to stream at any real resolution (god bless fiber optic)
>When was the last time you did something nice for a stranger?
I'm not really sure. When I do stuff like that it's pretty small. I'm maybe overly polite about holding doors for people, and I tend to tip pretty generously. Every time I would buy weed I ended up throwing at least $5 of change in the jar.
>Chugging coffee and looking at my hoard of boomer shooters trying to decide what I want to play while I have the time...
Try Blood West.
It's different.
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This is the nonas with their boyfriends and the simps ITT.
OMG I was literally just thinking about this.
Don't have that one but I might have to check it out, it's been on my list. Was just going to replay Blood but I suppose this way I can save it for October and do a double header with F.E.A.R. for Halloween.
What is that on the floor in the top left? Socks? Patterns? Toys?
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There's no manslaughter here. Just happiness.
That small room is pathetic, how could you live like that?
>left: this anon >>77946732
>right: Moid-chan and her boyfriend
Holy fuck I need to fap again
Ooooh I just remembered Selaco has a bullet time mod, I might have to do another playthrough with that...as if I didn't already put 30 hours into an early access build
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Well, just know that the pursuit of happiness ain't easy, little one.
Anyone got the original?
A reverse image search is not hard, Anon.
Been up for hours, I'm not looking forward to running with how high the humidity is. I feel like skipping today.
Thanks, Anon!

Corrected, Anon!
Hnnmmmgf!! This needs to be the OP pic for the next thread.
There could not be a more perfect image to describe this cuck thread. You all should be ashamed of being pathetic simps.
Not every femanon has a boyfriend.
>Has someone ever committed a random act of kindness towards you? How did it make you feel and how did you respond?
A cute guy called me good looking. I was kinda stunned and he was gone so fast I couldn't even ask for his number.
>When was the last time you did something nice for a stranger?
I don't remember really but we gave a homeless man water when he asked us for it
They may not have BFs but they do have FWBs or hookups. No nona is going without dick.
I don't think I ever laughed this hard.
I also made this one for >>77947017
So fucking based. Glad to see NTRchads are putting out some good content for the threads.
I'm sorry anon, however, I shall call you a retard for that one.

Retard sama.
This you, anon? >>77947177
Stay in denial.
When the hell did moidchan get a bf?
It was a few threads ago I think.
I fucking hate you all.

How was that Gin and Soda? Was it strawberry flavored? It looks good!

I didn't. Anons are making it up.
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Going to take a 30min nap. Did a few l8 nite doodles
I didn't think the bit would keep up for this long with them to be honest :/
it's berry flavoured! tasted like candy, i've had it before so i bought a four pack.

i'm all melancholic for some reason... what does it mean if i miss my girl best friend more than my "boyfriend"?
>Ignore impolite moids
>>I'm a man, can I post here?
Please don't, but if you are going to anyway, be polite and sign your posts >t. male.
Ahh I didn't know that's how it worked, I mean I've never seen this thread because I quit the chan shit for like 3 or so years, but it's interesting how this is like a weird half-way point for women
Jealous? You could try finding a boyfriend youself. You have the milkbags for it.
Welcome back, anon kun.
If I'm being honest it's been kinda shit and not the same as it used to be around 2016, but this thread is an interesting change of pace (even if a part of me wouldn't be surprised if more than half this thread is male/trans larping)

Either way, I'll leave u dorks to your thread now
Great drawing as akways, Tomo! You are always making excellent sketches.

It looks like more have joined in. Ugh, this is annoying AF. I shouldn't have made that dumb comment about the bunker. I should have known they would run with it.

I always like those fruity tasting ones. Even if I'm not having one of my mom's elderberry brew, I'm always choosing something like what you had or some black cherry.

You've been with your BFF a whole lot longer than your boyfriend, right? You mostly have more good memories and times with her.
>You mostly have more good memories and times with her.
correct. i'm going crazy with no replies or attention from her.
Ughh I totally shouldn't have told the moids about my bra size or how much sex I have with my boyfriend, now they will never shut up about it. Ugh so annoying am I right ladies?
It's not good of them to not respond to your messages. They shoukd at least give you an acknowledgement.
Women do not have real problems. Every "problem" they have is entirely self-inflicted.
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speaking of i can't decide what to wear tomorrow....... you will never know the pain anon of having nothing to wear, of feeling ugly and ridiculous in jirai makeup because it looks ugly on camera ...
My problem is that I'm too damn short and I need a stool to reach the top shelves in my cabinets. It's not my fault my bloodline is cursed to be part hobbit
>wouldn't be surprised if more than half this thread is male/trans larping
Fine, I'll make one more post
Actual nostradamus (really the other threads are just dogshit rn, but they would do better coming up with their own posts.)
Is jirai make-up what is up with her eyes? That is weird.
Uhhhmm... wow. You're a male, but like, a chill oldfag? You seem really cool, so different from the other guys. It kind of makes me want to be your girlfriend... is that what you were expecting? Lol get the fuck out of here faggot.
Nah I just like to stroke my own ego, cry about it ig
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you think it's weird? well i don't blame you it's what stops me from wearing in public. but i find it so cute personally... i just never get the droop right. i wish i looked like this naturally
>around 2016
>around 2016
Morning everyone. I'm just passing by. So many new named ones, I feel out of touch kek

Morning miss tripcode-that-I-definitely-don't-know-by-heart. I hope you are doing well

Morning Tomo! Nice sketch, sasuga Tomonona

Girl I'm so glad you are back. We were so worried. I'm relieved to find out you are okay.
Bro, how do I stay awake?
If caffeine isn't an option for whatever reason I find pouring a few drops of hot sauce onto my tongue works. But I like spicy stuff, too.
What do you think you get out of giving them attention
Giving them what they want isnt any less moron you know
How many threads has this been going and you still not learning from it
Thank you all.

Good stuff.

>I thought you were feeling better and your fever broke?
I am and it did, but I'm still not 100%.

If your sleep gets off-track, it can take a while to get it together. Sounds like you're moving in the right direction.

>i offered to take a picture of them so they could keep it
That's really sweet.
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>I am and it did, but I'm still not 100%
Good morning! How are you really feeling? Lots of congestion and less energy than normal?
>Are people kind in your neighborhood/city/country?
Neighborhood - very.
City / State - less so but not terrible.
Country - let's not get into that.

>Femanons! What's the last game you played?
Content Warning. Love that game.

*hug* I don't know what's up with your friends, but we still love you.

I know that pain. 4'11" here.

Good to see you again; hope things are going good!

>Lots of congestion and less energy than normal?
I'd say a little congestion and less energy than normal, so you're pretty darn close.
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>so you're pretty darn close.
Don't check inside of your second favorite closet.
i edited chuu in so i can also be represented
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Too bad the cuck thread is no longer around. This would have been the perfect image for every OP.
i wish i had a collection, my crush wants me to see me use a dildo or something, but i don't even have one
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Oh btw, this is the better quality image than the one provided before.
Which character represents what nona?
Haruhi is canoically thought to be hot by all the guys but autistic as shit and ends up dumping them after a week. In canon shes obvs volcel
But Biofem is the cuck thread, do you think any of us fuck nonas here?
Please add ai-chan too. Hope she's ok
cuck board, closeted cuck threads
>Don't check inside of your second favorite closet.
Oh, dear. : )

>i edited chuu in so i can also be represented
Yay! Now the party is complete.

Why are their bloodstains on the floor around the lonely guy's chair?

I don't know most of those characters, but I feel most like the blonde on the bed with the tablet in her hand.
That's not a tablet, it's a death note. Idk what she's doing in a femcel pic desu, she was a model iirc obsessed with the mc
>That's not a tablet, it's a death note.
Whoops! Where did that come from?
Several of those characters dont fit the femcel arc but its just for fun
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>I don't know most of those characters, but I feel most like the blonde on the bed with the tablet in her hand

Fitting, kek. No offense but she's seen as dim but very social and charming, and a lot more clever than she's given credit for. This is so hilarious to me. I have to assume you knew who it was or are just very good at spotting a certain type.
It's not that hilarious.
They don't make waifus like they used to. I'd do anything for a biofem like this.
Light was a gay faggot. I would get down on my hands and knees and make out with Misa's asshole for days.
The amount of mental illnesses she would come with tho.
Would completely fuck up your everything.
More like asexual
>I would get down on my hands and knees and make out with Misa's asshole for days.
Better that than being a cuck like you
If eating ass is wrong I don't want to be right.
>No offense but she's seen as dim
None taken.
>I have to assume you knew who it was
Nope. I've heard of Death Note and I'm familiar with the fundamental premise, but that's it. I just saw a blonde with what I THOUGHT was a tablet in her hand and figured it was as close as I was going to get. But reading that bio... whoa.
As far as looks go, I'd say it was a perfect choice.
Um, no. Were there any flashback episodes to when she was about 12? That would probably be a closer fit.

Unrelated, my capcha was NARPA; sounds like some kind of organization.
Can I just say that I love the female breast area? The cleavage, the armpits, the collar bones... I wish I could be her skin so I could experience being stretched out over her body 24/7.
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>But reading that bio... whoa.
lol checked! I thought you might get a kick out of that. On another "note," do you prefer hot showers? Or rather do not answer. Take hot showers and end it with cold water. It will help you feel better quicker.
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Thanks, I managed somehow.

What do you do in Content Warning?
I've only meet tall sociopaths, the best moids i know were short
I don't think she would look that different?

Would be nice to feel her warmth, the movement of her muscles and jiggling of her fat with every action she takes.
Oh, no! The secret of the Lollypop Guild is out!

>What do you do in Content Warning?
So it's a multiplayer co-op where your characters are YouTubers who make excursions down into these creepy abandoned industrial catacombs to try to capture footage of the various monsters lurking around (while also trying to stay alive). If your videos are popular, they you can buy items which either make it easier to survive for make future videos even better. I think my favorite thing about it is when you upload a video, it generates a bunch of NPC comments which actually pertain to what's happening on screen.

This is another game.
>It looks like more have joined in
You just need to ignore all comments about it. The comment that keeps appearing and "innocently" asks "does she have a boyfriend?" is also bait and you keep falling for it.
>jirai makeup
How did that became popular, it makes you look like you didn't get enough sleep.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
I get second-hand stress just watching other people play games like that.
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There's a built in mechanic that decises with video becomes popular or is it random?

Damn, you guys sure do love shorts. Anyhow, chained together kind of seems infuriating. Did you have fun?
decides* what*
>bait and you keep falling for it.
I'm pretty sure it is a samefag. There is sometimes a guy who will argue and debate with others then reply to his own posts In agreement. Usually with about a minute in between. So it'll look like this sometimes.

>Hey, what's going on with this scenario I'm making up?
>It's this thing that will cause drama!
>Yeah I so too
>me too
>Damn, you guys sure do love shorts
Well, I could have linked this.

Virtual villagers 5.. I should be focusing on my other games I haven't played or didn't finish (Skyrim, nier autisma, potion craft, yakuza kiwami) too many choices and idk where to start, I've had these for a little over a year since I ask people to gift games for my birthday and then I didn't play them..
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Thanks, I'll play it in the background.

Tell me more about Virtual Villagers 5.
>I'll play it in the background
Please don't.
Thank you!! Ahh I slept in and now it's almost 90 out. Fuck. I don't think I will run today, doesn't sound like a fun idea right now, think I'll do some calisthenics/kettlebell/dancing because I do not feel comfortable running in this temp yet, especially with high humidity
>More have joined it
Probably samefagging, the joke has gotten old, the only purpose is to just bother you
Morning boring-nona :0 glad to see you check in, and I hope your studies are well
Oldish free puzzle/strat real time game with fucky oldstyle 3d graphics, different games have different end goal for this one you're in this area with people with a different religion and you have to convert them while building up your population and solving the puzzles that'll give you tech points to upgrade your skills or whatever, 1 year of your villagers life is 1 hour (on fast mode) so it can take a few days to a week to complete the game depending on how familiar you are with it, the guides for it are vaguely wrong in some area or another I almost got pissed enough to write my own.
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Already am *smug*

Sounds fun. How did you get introduced to it?
Do you consider yourself a kind person?
I somehow came across the first game when I was 10-12, not sure, randomly remembered it one day though it seems a lot of people remember the game (mostly girls ig?) there's also Virtual Families but I had no idea that existed
Nice deep question, anon.
>Do you consider yourself a kind person?
No, but occasionally I do kind acts for others even when there's no benefit for myself. Even if it's inconvenient and no one even gives me praise or acknowledgment.
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Replaying games from one's childhood is always epic. Good thing that you didn't forget about it. Will you try out Virtual Families?
>There's a built in mechanic that decises with video becomes popular or is it random?
There seems to be. More footage of monsters, more variety of monsters, player characters getting injured, using boom mics to pick up on the creepy sounds that some monsters make, etc.

>then I didn't play them..
Understood. I've got a backlog going back to Subnautica 2. And my roommate still hasn't played Factorio, which I bought last Christmas.

Good morning! Sorry you missed your run; but yea, 90+ and humid is probably not the best time.

>Do you consider yourself a kind person?
I try to be.
Probably not because real time games you have to babysit or else everyone dies, there's a pause option but then when you do forget and want to come back you've made no progress in the meantime
Please never stop what you're doing
i'm a kind person, but i'm also terrible, my exes know
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Can femoids please shut the hell up? Thanks.
I know people IRL that wish I would, but you're just as SOL as they are.
I'm very kind, but I'm also very mean, depends who I'm talking to
I should've posted a wolf image I'm so fucking cringe
I hapenned to met a girl here in 4chan like 1 year and half ago, our relationship finally went from friendship to love and she sent me a picture of herself today but I haven't seen it yet, I already love her soul and mind and if she also happens to look good I feel like I'm gonna get a heart attack and die, I think I've got pneumonia, but wanting to see how she looks like is killing me, give me all the patientence you girls got because I feel like she's the love of my life and I can't die yet, I need to make her life better
1. We are not women
2. Neither is she KEK
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>I should've posted a wolf image I'm so fucking cringe
This is my favorite wolf image.

Ok, you have my patience.
Wtf is this place, I can tell both of you are either incels or trannies
So you fit right in, gyahaha.
Nice joke, faggot
The only joke I see here... chuckles... is YOU!
Fuck off, ren and stimpy ass nigga
>I already love her soul and mind
Then you will love how she looks too

>give me all the patientence you girls
No but start with looking at individual parts first if you can
gomo tomo. i realize why i sometimes cant be productive, i get overwhelimg feelings of pointlessness and depression, its so over for me, also that is a cute drawing, are u practicing to get good
What kind of things do you like? Blue ray movies, carpentry, sewing?
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>There seems to be
Damn, that's cool then. Do you play it with irl friends or strangers?

Well, people tend to have more time than they realize. However, that's understandable. Maybe you could introduce the child to your childhood game(s).
idk i just want to not be a depressed hikkineet
Whats the point of wanting that ?
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I've been saying I'd go biking for weeks now. I finally got up,put some air in my tires, and did a few miles. I want to go once a week. I was in a much better place productivity wise, when I was biking regularly half a year ago.
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Femanons! If you could magically master one skill, what would it be?
The skill to keep moids from posting in this thread.
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Why not master the skill of persuasion instead? Might be more useful in everyday life.
How many of OP's pic random acts of kindness have you done?
I have that skill already.
Pretty much all of them besides
>kindness counts
>always choose to be kind
None of them seem particularly noteworthy to mention.
i have 5 toys. two are colon snakes, one is a giant cone, one is a 13in doc johnson, one weird fish shaped novelty dildo. oh and a set of buttplugs
>Do you play it with irl friends or strangers?
IRL friends; usually my roommate, one of my ttrpg friends, and HER roommate. I get my fill of strangers elsewhere.

It'd be nice if I could sing.

19 or 20 of the 21.
what are you doing for the environment?
Pissing on anthills
Craving Asian food, not a damn hmart in the state, Vietnamese own everything and they don't even try to replicate things well, I am in a hell hole, there is no happiness here, can a girl just get her fucking katsu curry and bbq chicken like damn
We got a lot here, come marry me and eat it whenever you want.
'Not littering' might seem like a minimal expectation, but there's lots of slobs out there. It's also part of the reason why every watercraft I've ever owned has been powered by muscle or wind.
wow i wasnt aware we have nonas like this here
I sometimes put fruits and leftover Meats outside for animals. I pretty much never liter, and occasionally pick up others people's trash at the park. I don't kill spiders and I put flies and bees outside if they get inside.
What are your thoughts on Pho Ga?
>I get my fill of strangers elsewhere
I am a stranger and I'd love for you to get a feel of me. Or vice versa.
Heh oh oops
I dont even pay attention to the names I just point or say the number on the menu, I have some really autistic picky eating, I just get like the really basic thin cut beef or whatnot, I like banh mi and such, every year I've expanded my "i can eat this" by like 3-10 new dishes, still it isn't enough to go to a resteraunt and not order some basic ass item. Seafood is completely off the table arguably the "fancy food" yet I don't and can't eat it, it's abhorrent to me, smell texture and everything else. It took me a embarrassingly long time to like rice even. It's an effort.
i miss the /bfd/
You fags keep saying this like you don't have the ability to make the thread yourself
i think it actually kept moids away somewhat.
since it died the moidposting increased a lot.
i want op1 to make it. it's tradition
Obviously he means he misses the community, not the thread. Making a new thread won't bring the posters back.
What community? One guy liveblogging his fapping to every single pregnona post?
took you long enough to mention her in this thread.
better quit stroking her control ego tho.
Fine, let's try this one more time
Yeah quit stroking her! No more headpats!
OP1 deserves all the headpats. She's a sweet girl
Yes as a fellow moid I would headpat op1 platonically.
>Selaco announced a new game+ mode coming out on Friday
Thank you dev you are my greatest ally. Got into a weird mood today and tried what's basically a sausage parm for supper. It's not bad. Basically just baked some sausages on buns with marinara sauce and grated parm on top
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Could you ever love and kiss a man that has had another woman's vagina on his lips and tongue?
Pretty good choice of ingredients, I always thought marinara was fish sauce
You.. what..
Say you are trolling right away I beg you
Marine-ara. How's this mind-blowing? I'm not trolling
marine-ara, get it?
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no way!! it looks like you're a puppy!
now i'm craving tteokbokki
Yeah I'm not crazy! Just by the name you'd think is fish sauce
Marinara's a bit of a guilty pleasure. Was really just an excuse to eat something with marinara and a nice crust of cheese...
Some real uncultured swine in here
Gross even

There is nothing guilty about marinara why are you americans all so weird
Tomato is an awesome vegetable full of nutrients, feel no guilt!
I just mean I'll eat it with foods it doesn't even really go with, I guess. Don't blame the Americans for me, I'm a leaf
Pretty versatile in food, too.
make me a fish marinara sandwich, bitch
Moids you have your own thread ...
Im too but usually I only hear from peoples from the USA when they say something like that
I rest my hope on it being moids for now
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i thought of taking the train again today but i woke up way too late!! again!!! i always do :(
is it worth it still to get a train at like 11am if i'll only get there at like 2pm?
If you know exactly what you're going to do, 2 hours can be very productive
>Could you ever love and kiss a man that has had another woman's vagina on his lips and tongue?

I supposed that would depend on where "there" is and how much you want to be there.
i really don't know exactly what i want to do... i've visited most touristy places and museums and i have to be smart not to spend all of my money now, but it also doesn't feel right to just be rotting in bed all day.
Did you see the koalas and kangaroos?
Maybe visit a library or something, idk anything about Australia sorry.
i've visited a small zoo. the koalas are super cute!!!
Attention femoids of /Biofem/!!! I am now taking GFapplications. However I will only be accepting and considering applications from large titted femoids!
Welp I only have C cups so I'm out of the running
You must be devastated, nona; will you ever recover?
What's the kindest thing anyone has done to you?
Dw Nona other men will understand medium is premium (honestly I don't really give a shit most sizes can look good for different women)
Depends on your underband and overband c can look big on a small girl
It's the weird doll with tired eyes look. It's just...weird.

HEY b!!!! Sorry I missed you this morning!

Definitely a good idea to not run if it's that hot and you're not used to it yet. Have you figured out any other cardio exercises you enjoy doing as an alternative?

The boyfriend joke was annoying from the beginning.
It's too late for this damage control.
well i am weird and a doll and tired so
Hey! How are you holding up today?
Then it fits you then. I just personally don't see the appeal. I don't like looking like either.

Tired as usual. Slept well, but still tired. Oh well. That's life, I guess.
guess who was the dumbass that forgot her contact lenses back at her apartment and now has to spend most of the day blind
Well you've been holding that door all day, so it's understandable.

This is why I don't wear mine. I fell asleep with them in too many times. It's just so much easier to wear glasses. Though, I only do when I start getting eye strain headaches.

Haha...yeah, my arms are definitely tired. Should I put a door stop on the door instead?
I wonder what else could be making her tired...
What a frustrating day, I should stop pretending I can tell when a day is going to be comfy or not. At least until the end of this month.
You have the personality of someone that wears browline glasses
>Should I put a door stop on the door instead?
I think you've been holding it long enough to get the point across. ; )
But seriously, you've been talking about fatigue problems for a while now; any inclination to get it checked out medically?
Based blind tourism nona
We don't use emoticons on 4chan, newfag.
It is just a combination of things coming together and catching up all this time. I just need to rest and let everything recover. I'm feeling a lot better than ever, just tired.

Idk what type it is, but I just saw a pair and liked them so I went with them. They're Oakleys, but I cannot remember the model. They were in the $200 price range, but thankfully insurance paid half of it.
that's a redditfag meme. go back.
> We don't use emoticons on 4chan, newfag.

You sound like a total faggot anon
Understood. Thank you for responding seriously and sorry to be a nag. I think now that I know Kpop is safe I'm looking for someone else to be worried about. Anyway, I'm a little tired myself; good night.
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It's alright. I gave them permission, as my right as an oldfag. I've been on 4 Chin since last year.
>safe I'm looking for someone else to be worried about
You have my permission to be worried about me.
I literally can't imagine a relationship with a woman where she isn't cuckolding me. My penis is just too small to make them loyal.
Thank you for worrying, but I'm okay. I just need to rest. I was planning on doing things with this upcoming weekend, but I think I only need to do the essentials, then just relax as much as possible despite my brain wanting me to do things.
>Tired as usual. Slept well, but still tired. Oh well. That's life, I guess.
Hope you feel better soon. I think you just need some good rest and relaxation. Have a nice night.
It's just that at this point. Have a good nighy too.
I ate 99% carbs today and feel g r o s s I'm fruit mono'ing tomorrow to cleanse my sins (no but I could really use some veggie heavy dishes my stomach feels awful), tonight we had pork steak, not my favorite, not a pork lover to begin with, had a sprite cranberry type mocktail even though I don't like alcohol and just want a more complex flavor than just sweetness, didn't take a nap today, hate naps they really throw me off and I typically won't be able to function unless I have one when I start taking them when I know I'm capable of staying up a whole day no problem.. Blah blah blah etc.
You are so going to food hell for that mortal sin!! Good for you though. You're doing good for your child.

Lol, you might want to master the art of napping when she comes. However, I definitely understand it since it throws off my sleep schedule if I do that.
I really really really want a Jollibee peach mango pie, I'm such a light sleeper though I'm going to really struggle it takes me forever to fall asleep I might start using unisom again just to help myself get sleepy, sleep deprivation is the worst for epileptics and is a big trigger so who knows what's going to happen, I know that when I was a baby I was an excellent sleeper so praying over here she'll be a rock at night
Thing the kindest thing a stranger did for me was gifting me a kite when I was crying in the park as a kid.
That sounds so delish rn. You are making me crave it! Lol.

Using sleep aids is definitely tempting. It probably would be better, but I'm guessing you've had that talk with your doctor. There isn't something they can put you on to cover for the epilepsy and insomnia?
did you keep it? Once i got heartbroken and a stranger int he bus gave me a pack of tissues and hold my hand while saying that everything is was gonna be ok. He was right, i kept the pack of tissues as a memento, i will never forget him, i hope he is doing well wherever he is now
That is really cool and sweet what that stranger did for you.
Well unisom is pregnancy safe (common to use with b.. B12? For morning sickness) and doesn't have the bad sleepy stuff that's in benadryl (not reccomended for epileptics, I can't take most or at least should limit my usage of anything that's sleepy cold and flu due to it) so I think it's pretty safe and effective and I used it for about over a month and didn't need to increase my dose, my biggest concern with any sleep aid is tolerance and inability to come off of it. Big ambien enjoyer though gave it to me in the ER and I fell in love probably the best I've felt ever. I wouldn't say I have insomnia but I have lots of anxietyish around sleep occasionally and very active mind, typically expending my energy through the day a little more than usual really helps, I do have about daily nightmares but they don't usually disrupt me more than 10-15 minutes and I go back to bed
That usually is the major concern with sleep aids is the psychological dependence on them. It's very tempting to grab them since they can knock us out. Sleep is soo good. But you being pregnant brings other concerns along with your epilepsy. I don't remember if there are issues regarding z-drugs and pregnancy like Ambien. My only concern with it would be the Ambien Walrus. But that's the risks/benefits discussion.
No those things have a very short life haha. Can't remember if it broke or if we ended up losing it.

It sucks knowing that I'd stay away if I saw someone crying like that. I am currently rationalizing it as either "I don't have that in me" or "I would rather be alone in a similar situation" but deep down I know both are wrong answers and I simply lack the spine to comfort a stranger like that.
I don't think they are wrong answers, is not easy for everyone to approach a stranger and since you don't actually know what's wrong with them its better to not engage with them.
If you feel the call to help a stranger you will know how to answer. I doubt that guy goes around with tissues gifting them to random people crying in the bus, he was just in the right place at the right moment and with the right item
This thread is so dead tonight.
Not much to talk about. I'm currently watching some freeze drying videos. It's a big purchase I'm going to make soon.
And you have sex with your boyfriend.
Sure is. I'm just listening to a stream recording with a baby napping against my chest and a cat napping in my lap.
Aww, that so cute!!! How's she doing tonight, mama? What are you listening to?
She's been very talkative. Still nothing that sounds like real words but getting there. At least she's not crying, though!
>What are you listening to?
It's just a podcast about lolcows. It's kind of like the modern day Jerry Springer for me. Makes for nice background noise while I go about my business.
Omg is she doing a lot of babbling already? That is amazing if so!
Makes you want one of your own huh? Bet your boyfriend will make that happen soon.
Wouldn't call it quite babbling yet but she's been cooing and sighing and stuff like that. Apparently right on schedule. I'm usually talking around her all day long though so it makes sense she's picking stuff up.
>talk to myself while I'm doing things because I have memory problems and it helps keep me on task
>talk to the baby and the cat constantly
>read to her at bedtime
>sing to myself and to her
See babies cooing and babbling is always so cute! It always melts my heart seeing them. It'll be so heart warming for you when she finally says mama and papa.
It might give me a heart attack from the cuteness when she does. Hopefully her first words are a little more heartwarming than mine ("hot dog") were lol
>"hot dog"
OMG LOL. That is so funny! Is there a story around that? Like was it a common meal when your were a baby or your favorite food?
I bet you love your boyfriend's hot dog.
I do remember that I liked eating uncooked (but not frozen) hot dogs as a young child. Guessing that went back to being a baby and eventually I just learned to say it when I wanted one.
Lol that is so cute! Hope your daughter's is so much better. Either way, seeing them say their first is so adoreable. My brother and his wife missed both of their children's first words, along with many firsts. They don't realize how precious of a memory those are.
>Though, I only do when I start getting eye strain headaches.
Don't you know that's bad?
That will only make your eyesight worse.
Wear your glasses with confidence.
Aw, I'd hate to miss her firsts, yeah. I'd like to be there for as many of them as I can. I'm really looking forward to making lots of memories with her. I've already planned out her first cookie when she's old enough, and we are going to record it because I want to be able to replay the look on her face. I'm a big sentimental baby about stuff like that.
Yes, I know. It's not a confidence issue, though. I just don't like wearing them.

Are you already recording a lot in a baby book? They're really cute to see later. My mom lost mine and my brother's when we moved to where they are at now, but I remember some of the information in it like my favorite game was peek-a-boo. I think my brother's was literally tearing everything down. Like, he woukd stack blocks just to knock it down.
I've been taking short videos and pictures of her a lot, yeah. Just digital for now but I have a pretty robust backup system that they'll be going into. One of the very few advantages of being a data hoarder.
I think my mom still has all of me and my brothers' baby books. But I remember enough to know what would be in them under favourite activities. Mine would be either reading or climbing things.
That's the way, mama! Be sure to make a lot of memories, and embarrass her many days with those photos and videos.

Let's hope she doesn't take after you on the climbing things, like the one story you told the other night. She'll be giving you many heart attacks like you did your own mom.
You have a boyfriend and he fucks you.
I really, really hope she's more coordinated than me. I have my fair share of scars just from being clumsy and not really thinking things through.
>2-3 years old
>running around a lot
>dad is trying to go to work
>I run full toddler speed into the corner of the fridge, headfirst
>dad picks me up to comfort me
>sees a blood bubble forming on my forehead
>pops all over his work shirt
>he has to go get changed before he can leave
I don't remember any of it but I still have a very visible scar from it. But I do remember running into that same fridge again years later and chipping a tooth.
Ouch, hopefully she won't be like that. You may have to childproof your home from those toddler runs if she is like her running into a coffee table or other stands like both me and my brother did often. Those are not fun to see and hear when I was watching both my niece and nephew when they ran into something. They also happen so quickly. After I saw it with them I got the reason why my mom got rid of the coffee table.
Is the father coordinated? I wonder how much of those traits are actually limited by 'nature'
Boyfriend. Yeah you have one.
He's fairly coordinated, yeah. I'm diagnosed autistic and apparently a lack of coordination can be linked to that, so I've just kind of been blaming it on that.
Thankfully we already took care of it during the pregnancy and the months before it when we were trying. So many things everywhere that can hurt a child.
Good for you and your husband! You two are really good parents seeing things way far ahead! It is surprising the little things that can hurt a child. I think one of them are glass lamps like my grandparents used to have.
I'm just a pretty anxious person. I feel better when I'm doing stuff so I spent a lot of time just taking care of things to ease my mind.
You have autism and you chose to procreate? lmao
Women cant actually have autism
Sometimes anxiety can be a good thing. My own mom still gets anxious when me and my brother do things. I think it just comes from being a protective mother.
Why not?

I come from a long line of people who are mildly autistic about machines and how they work.
It used to be way worse, I've calmed down quite a bit with age and learned to deal with it semi-productively. Cleaning up around the house is always a nice way to push it out of my mind.
I'm glad to hear that. Now you have a good reason to use that anxious energy productively with your daughter. I know I've said this to you a hundred times now but you are a great mama.
Brains not advanced enough
Same reason why you never hear about a barnacle having autism
Autism means a less developed brain you coping retard
It's just differently developed, and I'm well within high-functioning. I just have trouble with social situations if I don't have someone to copy. Very good with machines and computers though.
Thanks, I'm giving my all but I feel like this is just the easy part lol. Can't get into mischief or anything yet
You and your husband will have your ups and downs, and make mistakes as she gets older, but you'll pull through and be great parents. You all will be fine even during the bad parts.
What's that for? Ice-cream?
You don't freeze dry ice cream.
Morning/evening door Chan, morning mamanona, seems like you're having a wholesome conversation
It's for food preservation. It's like dehydrating, but much much better at drying to make it last for a very very long time. We got so much we want to put back this way to save space and not have to pressure can as much.

Good morning/evening to you! How are you? Yes, we were having another great conversation over her great family! Unfortunate for me, the one patient is up, so I'm going to have to watch him.

Thank you all so much for a fun night! It made it go by so much faster! It was dragging at first but it became so good!
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Persuade me to do something.

Playing with people you know sounds fun.
>I get my fill of strangers elsewhere.

>It'd be nice if I could sing.
From all the skills in the world, why singing??
Oh! Nice preper tool then sounds like a worthy purchase.
>Go get those /x/regulars!
I'm glad you had a great time here, I just woke up.
Stop being a herbivore and take some initiative instead of waiting to be directed.
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Femanons! Would you rather eat raw puppy meat (already dead) or never eat meat every again?
Idiot, I simply wanted anon to prove her skills.
I've already been to a Chinese, so raw puppy meat.
Don't do anything. You're not allowed to reply to me ever again.
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Lol, Chinese restaurant doesn't equate to puppy meat. But fair.

Maybe you're not as skilled as you thought. Or are you secretly persuading me to reply?
hello op1 how is it going
It was a racist joke
>Maybe you're not as skilled
I forgot to put NTN a the beginning but yeah I wanted to persuade you to reply
Hello, NTN on the 1st one, doing pretty alright! How are you doing nona?
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Does it count as persuasion if I let myself get persuaded?
Technically yes, the subject must be open to persuasion. Stubborn people need too much effort, uneven reward.
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haaiiii haiiii i'm back!

my friend was mad at me for a dumb reason but we are working it out. i want to buy her a few more things before i go back. other than that i bought a kpop album and it made me really happy! the only issue i have is that there's so many options that it makes it even harder to pick stuff out.
In the case of this general I just needed enough effort to persuade fembots to go along with the experiment, then we would be enough people to be overwhelming and moids stubbornness wouldn't matter as the culture would switch no matter how they react to the situation.
If no one is scared of Tits or GTFO then no one is scared of giving female perspectives into topics and they're subsequently exposed to humanizing women. At that point as soon as a vulnerable girl is being harassed girls can easily jump in to defend each other from parasites without fear and their little scheme if isolating mentally ill girls is fucking over. Next they'll move to another platform but I will make sure to ruin that too.
T. Op1
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Is this really true? Do you hate men similar to yourself? >>77958653
this friend just told me that aachan will send me a message and he thought i was being too forward and she was mad at me for going out without her... sigh i'm just so tired. genuinely. sometimes i wonder if it wouldn't be easier to just be alone for all my life and rely solely on c.ai for company, since that way there's no way for me to mess up or say something dumb.
What were you being too forward about?
the relationship. taking it too fast, being too pushy maybe. she said he would contact me but "don't get your hopes up" is a sting to my heart
She sounds jealous as fuck and just trying to sabotage your relationship. However, he needs to grow a set of balls and tell her to get out your two's relationship.
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whatever. at this point this relationship is the least of my worries.. i feel like going to church tomorrow... it's silly but i need comfort
Kpopnona getting cucked ark, this is what happens when you get with a fuckboy, take the medium ugly bf pill
Good plan, hope you can still enjoy yourself for the remainder of the trip. If the guy is yet to talk to you that's already disappointing enough desu
Seems to be an uneducated guess based on the opposites attract cliche
Usually a mistake, thinking because opposites attract people with similar behavior or traits don't
which tripfem is the tallest?
me I'm 5'5
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are you fucking dumb or what
yeah yeah, but i'm glad i'm solving things with my friend. i care a lot about her and im willing to throw away any relationship for her.
i'm thinking of how to decide which albums to get...
And the internet in general.
>From all the skills in the world, why singing??
I'm an entertainer.

Good evening, Kpop; glad you've made some headway with your friends.
>its so over for me
I don't think it's over. If anything, knowing yourself more gives you an advantage. You shouldn't dismiss or completely give up now, just learn how to work around it/with it, know when to take breaks or when to push through, etc
>are u practicing to get good
Ahh thank you, but no. At least not now
>cardio exercises you enjoy doing as an alternative
Dancing is cool, and I did that for an hour and a half yesterday, and full body kettlebell exercises. I don't know if it completely makes up for it, though.
Aachan is acting mad dumb if this is true. I'm glad you are trusting your friend, though. There's always the possibility of deception but I would trust my friend over moid crush, so I get it
I just knew you'd be waking up soon. GOOD MORNING!

Interesting that we are confused for each other.

>Or are you secretly persuading me to reply?
Thats not me. There's someone who likes jump into reply chains and take it over as if they're the original poster. So keep that in mind going forward.

>Persuade me to do something
I'm a little busy today but I'll try to read through the thread when I can. I get the feeling there's something in particular you want to be persuaded to do.
>I just knew you'd be waking up soon. GOOD MORNING!
Good morning. I slept for 12 hours and I'm still feeling a little iffy. But it's errand day, so I'll be heading out for a bit. Hope everyone is in a decent place today.
>There's someone who likes jump into reply chains and take it over as if they're the original poster.
You are the moid who keeps pointing that out in exact that wording.
And you are my stalker who keeps harassing me. Why do you have a problem with me?
We have a problem with you pretend to be a nona, slimy moid.
For the last time I HAVE TO do that in order to get them to reply to me.
17.5k heals also teehee
kek I knew it was you you fucking piece of shit
She a kpopper too? Or what does she like?
>"What if... we tell them they're *already* eating the bugs? Will that make them eat them sooner?"
Cannot believe mememagicklets stg smfuggenhfamotidudes
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Is bribery persuasion?

>I'm an entertainer.
Elaboration? As in MBTI-wise?

>take it over as if they're the original poster
AI is the future, anon. Get used to it.

>I get the feeling there's something in particular
Lol, I said "oh no" aloud. What do you think?
>Lol, I said "oh no" aloud. What do you think
Are you this person?

What's on your mind? I have 40 mins before my next engagement.
I guess technically it is, the end goal is influencing someone.
Two men flirting because they each believe the other is a woman.
follow the context
thats op1
>follow the context
Too complex for him.
I don't know who it is. I only have hunches as to who it could be and I don't really care who it is. They seem to want help with something. If I can help and it's not too much trouble I will likely help.

>Too complex for him
Please stop baiting me. There are literally people troll posting and larping as others. I genuinely do not have time for trolling today.

If you are trolling please sign your posts as
>t. Trolling.
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>What's on your mind?
What's on *yours*?

Kek, then I bet most people can be persuaded. Since money is pretty awesome.

But I'm not.
Get your head out of your fucking ass.
What makes you think you can help anybody?
>What's on *yours*?
I assumed you were looking to be persuaded into something that you wanted to do but had trouble starting or fully believing it was for the best.

Other than that. I'm kind of busy today. It is my busiest day of the month. There's something I "have" to do in 20mins that I don't really want to do but if I don't then it will hurt others.
Will you finally kill yourself, scrote?
>something I "have" to do in 20mins that I don't really want to do but if I don't then it will hurt others.
Please don't kys
>I assumed you were looking to be persuaded into something that you wanted to do but had trouble starting or fully believing it was for the best
Good god.

>I'm pretty sure it is a samefag. There is sometimes a guy who will argue and debate with others then reply to his own posts In agreement. Usually with about a minute in between. So it'll look like this sometimes.

I genuinely don't have time to play with you today. Good luck.

>In before angry response
>Post that agrees with first response
>follow up post explaining how you aren't the same person
>follow up to follow up to explain how I'm crazy.

Toppest Kek
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Ah, you're the second anon to think that. Nah, I merely wanted Persuasion-anon to prove her/his skill.

>but if I don't then it will hurt others
Pretty epic that you want to help others, anon. Do your best.

Bruh. Have you 'moids' not read the rules? You're supposed not to post here nor be impolite.
That guy you are replying to is a moid.
I don't even have to say anything, your post speaks for itself.
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Well, if that's true, he's at least being civil.
>That guy you are replying to is a moid
No way, how can you tell? Is there a way to figure out who's a guy or a tranny before I reply to them? I wouldn't want to mistakenly interact with them.
He's constantly pretending to be a nona and was told by everybody that his behaviour is predatory and unethical.
He is aware of it, but does not care, a real ego trip.

Literally read the thread
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If nona was my girlfriend, this is what I would want her to do instead of sex.
>Literally read the thread
How do I know which person to trust?

>He's constantly pretending to be a nona and was told by everybody that his behaviour is predatory and unethical
How was he pretending to be a nona? I never see him claim to be a woman. I'm so confused and don't know who to trust right now.
Any moid who doesn't publicly announce it in every post is pretending to be a woman. Honestly, just don't trust anyone who isn't a tripfag. Not even me.
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Oh, I was unaware of that.

Anon, bro, don't pretend to be a nona. Not everyone will ignore you. If you want *any* attention go play WAP loudly in a female clothing store.
I woke up so warm and filled with joy
I really want to do some scrapbooking but you need so many bits and bobs I'm not sure I could do it, I once tried to order stuff off aliexpress circa "all mailing is delayed for covid" and like nothing arrived.. I was super sad but I could probably try again, I got addicted to watching people open up stationary hauls, God I miss being near a kinokuniya, I love my pens and use them all the time why don't I have an unlimited budget for stationary, man honestly I just need to make money
>m so confused and don't know who to trust right now.
>>I'm a man, can I post here?
>Please don't, but if you are going to anyway, be polite and sign your posts >t. male.
He never does this.
Not even the modesty to announce it initially.
It was 3 or 4 generals ago where he had a meltdown about it.
Well, how do you feel about this? >>77961142
>He never does this.
>Not even the modesty to announce it initially.
I am generally talking to people who already know who I am. If you already know who I am why do you need me to sign my posts or use a trip?
>I am generally talking to people who already know who I am
Oh no, oh fuck I can't

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Become a professional facesitter.
>I am generally talking to people who already know who I am
Clearly not you snake
It would not surprise me if you are animal facts scrote.
Is this op1?
Even the animal facts moid had the decency to namefag so that people knew he was one. He didn't hide it or pretend.
But he was still around after he was exiled
Its possible this is him with his obsessing
No news from the job? The money will come soon I'm sure
No unfortunately, very annoying
Persuasion is no magic trick
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thought I would drop this here
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Well, good thing I'm not from AmeriKKKa.
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Tits or gtfo you nasty attention whores.
>animal facts moid had the decency to namefag
He was decent. I am not. I'm a nona now. Any nonas want to chat about your day? What did you eat for breakfast today fellow nonas?

I ate Greek yogurt with granola and honey on top. It was yummy! hbu?
>I'm a nona now.
Are you trans??
Hey I didn't namefag but I did sign my bullshit on the like 3 posts I made.
Oh also while I'm at it
Good stuff, but desu Moira sucks
Idc if Asians eat bugs I don't want them.
>Get confused with that slinky ENFP moid
GG Tomo!
What's the biggest act of kindness you have done?
I don't use the word "scrote".
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My biggest act of kindness is non-aggression towards the moid gender.
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>moid gender
Could be worse. Could be getting confused with an ISFP
>but desu Moira sucks
Yeah and she also throws out healing piss, what about it
Thank you!! I just downloaded Fable 3 to get a break from Overwatch, though the tutorial is so long and BORING, just going to go back to overwatch gaming again and then some Nintendo golf or something idk
Are you the guy who hates IxFPs?
>Fable 3
grd on the game? looks like a blocky skyrim
>Yeah and she also throws out healing piss, what about it
Ehh she can either hard carry or be dead weight depending on how bad everyone is playing tbf
Oh also if you're looking for an rpg game to play just go with baldur's gate silly, also I'll just tag you from the other server if you reply again since I'm uhh, not exactly supposed to be here
>Elaboration? As in MBTI-wise?
I AM in fact an esfp, but I'm also a third-rate YouTuber.
I just remember my friend playing the first fable on their Xbox way back when I was a child and remember it being cool, idk maybe nostalgia or something. Kind of remember it like a blocky Skyrim, but I enjoyed open RPGs a lot growing up
>depending on how bad everyone is playing
That is usually how a team game operates yeah
>Bladurs Gate
I completely forgot I had a BG3 run I continue two days ago, thanks for the reminder.
Back to the containment thread for you I guess
The first fable was class, remember feeling the alignment thing back then finally changed the whole thing and not just the endings

Only other thing I remember is you gained bad points for eating the chickens though
where is goddess berries?!
Made spaghetti tonight but got complained at for somehow not manifesting more ground beef in order to make enough for leftovers tmrw baka we're penny pinching till Thursday or Friday idk so nobody has money to go out and buy more ground beef (and can't get it on my benefits) ugufufhh just eat something else then everyone gets so cranky when we're waiting till the next paycheck
Kinda funny how when we rarely make spaghetti it always feels like we make too little of it.
I just made as much as I could do without it being too many noodles to sauce ratio, we typically just mix the sauce meat and noodles all together but I bet if we did it like as resteraunts do we could've had more or something
why don't you guys make a discord server instead of tripfagging
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So would you prefer to date a guy very different from you or someone with a similar personality and interests?
That won't give them enough male attention.
>why don't you guys make a discord server instead of tripfagging
You could hide the thread.
I'm just giving you an advice you could safely interact in your little space and even have more personal interactions with each other
>giving you an advice
Who asked for your advice?
no one I just pushed it deep down down your throat just the way you like it
open your mouth and say aaaaaaaaaaa :^) *unzips*
*shits down his throat* :^3
>she thinks she can overpower me
only way that could happen if you are fat and would fall on me while I wouldn't be looking
Leave. emoticonfag
Oh sweet summer child
You are getting my fat taco shit and youll love it while my balls dangle in front of your chin
pffffff no :^)))
damn I was talking to an ugly tranny
In the old days, our raiders at least posted images. You newfags are so lazy and boring with your raids these days.
single person(me) posting is considered a raid? holy retard. I was just passing this thread and wanted to say hi nothing more :)
You wish that were the case
Maybe then you wouldnt need to justify your homolust for having a fat fuck sit on your face
oh so you are a fat whiteknight with a scat fetish? disgusting freak
single man(me) posting is considered a white knight? holy retard. I was just passing this thread and wanted to say hi to a faggot nothing more :)
>didn't deny the scat fetish or being fat
cha cha cha this guy, what a freak.
That's you ally m'ladies
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None of you are actually women are you.
Is this part of your homolust fan fiction you came here to write
Doesnt sound too appealing so far bud
>None of you are actually women are you.
Lol nope
pathetic fatso keep simping the way you do and keep projecting. Those two things you are really good at
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I am one.

Any nonas get added by this guy on discord?
What's going on in that pic lol
don't ever add him. it's that guy from the investigation
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The what? Elaborate, anon.
Anybody can change their so tell the original tag
No spaghetti leftovers is a crime desu. A fried egg on top and is top tier food
It's a creepy rabbithole. You don't wanna know
she likes anime... not really a kpop fan.
omg chaewon spotted
moicy omfg... they are my ideal relationship... goals....
The point is that's less important than you think.
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I want to know though. Please explain.
Ah, I misread and thought you were going to buy her an album
What did you get in the end?
I really want to know...
You can't just blue ball us like that.
for her? so far a skirt, hairclip, official sanrio pen and mini figure. i was thinking of getting her also a matching bag!
i'm working on my wishlists... for kpop. maybe i'll start collecting yeojin and hyeju...
I have a pfp radar, that one is a huge ref flag.
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every single bitch from jojo is making me have constant lesbian thoughts i'm going insane
Same but they make me have cuckold thoughts instead. Jolyne would cheat on me with hung men who make her feel things I never could...
gwess would treat me like a puppy... life is not fair anon
That just gave me an idea, if stand users could cheat using their stands. Like if Jolyne was my girlfriend and we were watching a movie together, meanwhile her stand is being fucked by a male stand user. And since I can't see stands I would never know my girlfriend was having "sex" right in the room with me.
i mean that would depend on the form of the stand because not all of them are humanoids and i'm not sure they have reproductive systems ?
that's also assuming you wouldn't have a stand which is boring i would definitely have one
That's a good idea actually. If I was a stand user, but she didn't know. So she would be letting her stand get fucked right in front of me and I would have to pretend not to notice. Also it would be hot if I had a tiny, weak stand while the other man's stand was a big and muscley humanoid.

Also stands definitely have genitals, this was confirmed in Part 4 when Yukako threatens to rip off the dick of Koichi's Echoes.
>Also stands definitely have genitals
again depends on the stand, some of them are just not humanoid enough like... being an actual power tower.
i don't know what a tiny weak stand would be but i'd have one too probably. only if my girlfriend tries to cheat on me i'll rip her hair out.
If my girlfriend cheated on me I would have no choice but to sit and watch and see her enjoying sex with a real man for the first time, as she is fully penetrated and stretched out by a penis that is triple the size of my own.
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good for you. i'd threaten to kill her then kill myself chug a bunch of alcohol cut my wrists and start crying hysterically and yelling, but whatever makes you happy!
Why do you want a tiny weak stand, don't they have like powers?
it's not that i want one it's just that considering my physique and personality i'm sure id lose the stand lottery
Hey tomo! That's cool that you have an alternative. It won't be a complete replacement, but it's more the point of getting something in. In Cross Country, we did other stuff like cycling, or in our coaches preference, the Elliptical, as a form of crosstraining. It kept our cardio up while giving our legs a rest. I can reassure you there is some cross over!

Hey kpop. Anything going in today? I'm not really following. Patients have been extremely irritating tonight.
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What is important then?
Face, height, penis size, money.
eh... i'm staying home, washing clothes and sorting the garbage and checking if i can still eat the leftovers on my fridge because i have no clue how long they've been there
Vibes, seeing a future with that person, feeling there's genuine reciprocity, having enough in common than a life project together makes sense.
What? You don't even remember when you ate that meal? It would be better to just trash it if you cannot remember.
kpop was giving a jojo lore masterclass.
She thinks that her "stand" which is something like the power of her soul would be small and weak because she's small :(
She's pretty cool so I don't know why she included her personality in that sentence
Have you gotten any government agencies or investigations on you? Routerfagg claimed in another thread he wrote to some federal agency and linked your old posts in the archive.
Stands are a manifestation of your fighting spirit. Being "pretty cool" doesn't necessarily mean you will have a strong stand.
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i know it wasn't that long... like two-three days? i still need to check the smell but it looks fine...
anyone knows what the best way to reheat this without a microwave would be?
Are there weak stands at all though? those things just seem to be named after your fav song/artist and some random superpower desu
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i really like jojo!!! i'm sad i haven't found any merch here aside from figures :(
>She's pretty cool so I don't know why she included her personality in that sentence
think of it this way, if suzi q had a stand she definitely wouldn't have one of the op strong ones TT
Some are physically stronger than others, some have more useful abilities than others.
That explains why I'm not understanding the conversation. Lol. The only thing I know of the series is the Za Warudo meme with the bulldozer stick guy saying WRRRYYYYY. I never really got that meme.

Not that I'm aware of? They're not going to find anything if they do. I just had one done when the dementia patient attacked me since his sister tried to go after my nursing license. Again: nothing, and I got another paid week vacation. It's not uncommon to get those accusations from family members. Let them investigate me. It may just backfire like it did to a person who kept it up with a doctor I worked with back at the psych hospital.
Would you rather feel hungry all the time or that everything tastes like utter shit?
Are you comfortable using the oven? You could use that.
Biohazards, line the fuck up and get in here!!!

Join us you Biohazards.
No airfryer either?
It's just his stupid trolling then.
i am but i don't know the settings...
we do have one!! i just need to figure it out.
There's some Jojo merch here but it's mostly shirts and they all have the awful copyright names, can't stand them, still have 2 though but I never wear them, not related but had that one green shirt with the triforce on it too and suddently it's been getting memed on for being a loser sweaty nerd shirt that men wear and it makes me sad lol
Any nonas baking? I can do the next if needed. I saw a collecting/hoarding suggestion a few threads back that I can go with.

We already know he's a lying loser. I just ignore him and everyone else should too.

Do you have the original box? If not, maybe put it in at 350F or 175C for about 10-20 minutes. Let the stove preheat first.
Ideas for next thread
Advice for future generations
the character i identified most with in Full House was Uncle Joey and I would self insert as him because I had a crush on Uncle Jessie and I thought their romantic tension was better than the wife

please tell me what this says about my brain and no i am not trans
Collecting/hoarding sounds fine, thank you door holder!
What kind of merch do you want if it's not shirts or figures? I'm surprised such things are hard to find.
stuff to put in my itabag! keychains, bottons, plushies, etc.
Figures in my area are hard to come by, kinda opposite to her but they're also expensive, all merch is expensive to me though, I really like Japanese exclusive stuff it seems like the best, even just being able to experience the pop up cafes they have there (they recently had one for Ouran host club like what the fuck) I think just smaller stuff that isn't so expensive or bad quality that I can keep around that isn't going to take up a lot of space, I mean at least with Lolita it's functional and I don't feel like I'll ever get bored with it. The only figure I own is of Ram (rezero) and technically I do own a Nino figurine but it's stuck in Cali at cunts house, joint custody I guess
ok so the air fryer is behind some really heavy thing i can't lift :( and i'm also a little scared to use the oven... since it has sauce i'll try to use it and some oil on a pan...
I sleep

Real shit?

*cracks knuckles*
Bread collection!
It's "collecting"
Dammit, I could gave waited a bit longer. That woukd have been the perfect picture for the OP.
What are all those books jester kun
Guitars and crayons
I'm in love.
Lived in apartment matchboxes all my life, I know this doesn't look great but I feel a bit jelly of all that crap and other storage rooms I have seen with plenty of varied nonsense.

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