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New Horizons Edition

Previous : >>77909354

Ignore impolite moids

>When was the last time you tried something new? What was it and how did it go?
>What is something new that you really want to do? What's stopping you?

>What is this thread?
A place for biological women to talk about their lives.
>Why aren't you on Crystal Cafe?
It has been aggressively raided for years and is dead.
>Well, you're raiding my male safe space!
r9k is not a male board. https://wizchan.org/ is.
>I'm a man, can I post here?
Please don't, but if you are going to anyway, be polite and sign your posts >t. male.
>I'm a tranny, can I post here?
No. Die.
>What does nona mean?
Anon -> Nona
>I want a hole
This is not >>>/soc/
>How do femanons feel about (random hypothetical moid scenario)?
This is not /ATOGA/
First post win for nonas
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>When was the last time you tried something new? What was it and how did it go?
I cant remember, i hate trying new things its scary i hate change.
>What is something new that you really want to do? What's stopping you?
I want to be able to make friends and go out like a normal person and be nicer to people and whats stopping me is my social retardation and my looks which i am trying to improve but its hard.
I also would want to start going out of my house more even on walks but im terrified when i pass people while i walk i even get mad when a car passes by cause i know they see me and i hate it i hate being perceived

also theres a fucking fly in my room and its so loud and i can hear it and it passes by my ear and i want to throw up
Thank you for the thread! biofem led and keeps leading r9k to new horizons
Why are women allowed to use 4chan? It's ridiculous enough they're allowed on the internet at all, but can't they just be bamned from here?
Hey, those are my questions!
I still want to date a weeb girl with big tits.
I am not having a great day.
Those two sentences may be correlated.
Stay mad, deflated sperm.
>I am not having a great day.
Neither is Cowbell, I'm afraid. She's still getting over Covid and having to deal with a lot of BS at work on too little sleep. She'll pull through, though.
I don't recall asking you how your imaginary friend is doing.
>When was the last time you tried something new? What was it and how did it go?
i tried to rollerskate and fell on my ass a lot. i didnt think it was that big of a deal but i didnt consider that i already have an untreated neck injury so it laid me out for 4 days. oops
>What is something new that you really want to do? What's stopping you?
finish something i write. really refine it and make it good and just finish. why cant i? who knows
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Oh my, I'm sorry to hear she's not doing good. Her job does seem to be stressful, I really hope it's not too hard on her.
Tell Cowbell that I send her my best wishes and strength.

How are you?

Yes, they are.
>cannot give a valid reason
Typical brainless foid, you better be good at making sandwiches and sucking dick or you really have nothing going for you.
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Great topic, nona!

It'll be quick tonight, since tonight I'm busy. Was busy this morning with a church event. On the way there, took this picture along the bike path I was on. The ride to and fro was good except for that undeveloped path which my bike is not meant to handle. Thankfully it went through, but it's more mountain bike material whereas mine is a cyclocross bike.

>When was the last time you tried something new? What was it and how did it go?
Three years ago when I started foraging when my granddad was passing away.

>What is something new that you really want to do? What's stopping you?
Overnight hiking. Basically my knees are keeping it from doing it. I can go on rucks with light weight as I've been successful with lately at 10lbs without issues, but with the amount of equipment I'd have to carry for overnights, it doesn't make my knees happy.

I'd also like to try a Gran Fondo, but I just don't have the time to train not to mention there isn't much local and flat ones. If I were to do something like that, I would like to have some good scenery.
Prove that you are not a woman, anon. Show a timestampped pic of your ID, fight now. Or else, your internet privileges will be finished.
Doing my own thing seems more fun than being spiteful all the time. Chill, dude. It's not that deep.
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I have some questions I'd like to share. Haven't shared questions in such a long time but here is one for some other thread one day when no can think of good questions

>Has someone ever committed a random act of kindness against you? How did it make you feel and how did you respond?

>When's the last time you did a random act of kindness for a stranger?
Hello dumb stinky nonas.
Just look ahead and ignore everything around you, going outside is healthy
Wow, I hope you had fun and want to keep trying at least. I have similar aspirations with writing, I mean I already write but is very short stuff and would like to learn how to go to the next level but I don't have any sort of training in the matter, it's all pure, empiric and ESL of course
Hey! How have you been? I fell asleep earlier the past few days and didn't see you. I hope a day comes when most of us are too busy to post here. Enjoy your night.
My id actually doesn't say whether I'm male or female lmao, so I couldn't prove it even if I wanted to through id.
New things are always scary! However, getting outside our comfort zone is how we progress. It doesn't have to be fast as well. You are doing well just getting out and walking!

Hint: those people are forgetting about you the moment they pass you. They're focusing on other things. If they do, it's a fleeting thought. How often are you thinking of those people when you pass by them?

Lack of motivation? Sometimes it's just hard to keep going. Have you finished it and are you just in the editing phase? Or, are you just writing and editing mistakes as you go along?

Just this morning! A nice boy held the door for me when I was carrying stuff in for the event. It made my day! I also made nice comments to others.

I'm tired after this morning's events. It took me awhile to get to sleep, but I'm good. I'm usually too busy, but I find time. Enjoy your night as well!
Drivers license or birth certificate are also acceptable.
There's no one that could understand the distance. Between myself and everything else. Even if I could explain, would anyone give all the time it'd take?
I wish I could still be upset about it, like a long time ago. The numb acceptance doesn't make it any less excruciatingly lonely.
What a lovely pic Moon! What's a Gran Fondo?
I was talking about my drivers license. It would really be a better idea to just ban women from going online at a federal level.
I was too surprised to show proper appreciation.
I don't remember the last time I did one, maybe it's not so long ago, but I struggle thinking of them as random acts of kindness.
>Hey, those are my questions!
I can't tell if you're happy or upset that I used them.
If the former, you're welcome; if the latter, I'm sorry.

>How are you?
Also getting over Covid (she gave it to my and three other people before she realized she was even sick). Very tired, so going to bed now. Take care.

>Great topic, nona!
Credit goes to another nona who suggested it at the end of the last thread. Glad you like it, though.
You can always go to r9gay if you want a sausagefest.
I hope you are able to beat it soon. Best of luck and take care as well.
>I can't tell if you're happy or upset that I used them.
>If the former, you're welcome; if the latter, I'm sorry
If you say sorry to me one more time we are going to fight. I'm surprised you're still up.
Thank you! It's scenery like this makes my day sometimes.

Let's just say it's a really, really long bike race! Like, close to 100 miles. I've done up to 63 before just casually, 56 officially when I did the half Ironman. One hundred is just a goal I have in the future, and I would like to do it officially like during a race. However, I really want one that's flat so I'm not really putting in much effort and can enjoy the scenery over just focusing too much on other things like climbing hills. There's Century races that do the same, but like the Gran Fondos, I would have to do a lot of hills, which I don't want.

I very much do!

Anyways, I'm off to do other things.
>since tonight I'm busy
Got a date with your boyfriend?
>thinking of art comms
>have no identity online
Owareda.. I should say my parents are kicking me out because I support Palestine, it's the only way

Thanks for bread
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Did some skincare and journaled some this evening, very comfy. Also did kettlebell exercises today without hurting myself, so that's a win. I'm going to dinner with the family again tomorrow, bit of a drive but it's worth it.
Very pretty scenery :0 Speaking of mountain biking, my brother picked up that hobby some years back, ended up breaking his arm because he was too ambitious with it. Seems terrifying to me
I've had an interest in foraging, but I've always had the fear of not identifying things correctly. But I suppose it comes with practice
Just do slutty coom stuff.
yeah that's the hard part.
What's your feeling on furries? People keep saying that's where the money is
Need to get back to journaling too, even if I feel I write the same thing most days. Hope you have a great dinner tomorrow!
Someone figure out who this poster is.
I could, although I don't do well with actual porn just nakedness and dicks if I use a reference, the issue is having no following so there's nobody to really advertise to.. A dime a dozen on social media it's tough out there man.. You need to know how to draw a lot if different subjects and materials, primarily that's why I just don't try or stopped trying, I never put my skill points into that or learned to render, it feels awful to be complimented when my skills are so limited desu, the biggest of biggest skill issue, no one to blame but myself
It's a spammer, who cares.
People really underestimate how talented furries are, mad respect but they're weird, you have to learn "the style" the anatomy is different also, really takes skill, my pony era when I was 10 isn't going to help much I think
Impostor syndrome is very popular to stop trying, there is an ocean of slop out there and as tiring as marketing is something as simple as a drawing that goes kinda viral can already give you the platform you want/need.

These days I think the "I don't really want to do this for the money" feel is a bigger issue than the "I'm not that good to sell" knowing there's so much absolute crap out there.
ymmv like everything I feel, there are some amazing drawings indeed, and some that are either pedestrian or one trick ponies but still manage to sell.
Think in the era of the niche fetish you don't even need the furries, just that hyperspecific scenario that happens to grab the attention of either enough people or a small bunch that can throw money. Same issues in the end, whether it is something you feel comfortable drawing or not is still sex and blah blah blah
im trying but its so hard im paranoid that people passing by are talking about me and looking at me weird
i dont know my mind tells me that they look at me and then talk to me to other people or when an old lady for example passes me i feel like shes going to go back home and talk about me to her family
also the working out part, i for now go rarely for walks but i want to start exercising by doing pilates but uts so hard to get out of bed
We all carry our own crosses, believe me even if we were paragons of altruism that wanted to discuss you in a positive way (as if to help you out and all that) it won't happen, it never happens.

Maybe think of it as how if they focus on you, a nobody, they surely would focus on everyone else, and how it makes no sense because nobody has the bandwidth to deal with something like that. I know it's hard, but it's something you can only get with practice.
I feel like the more I learned about art theory and fundamentals without being about to apply hurt me a lot, or just drawing and posting what I was having fun with but wasn't jerking off the algorithm and sucked my soul out, it's hard to go viral if you're drawing smut even on X (unless you have 2 acc's but careful you'll get cancelled) really thinking of what's popular and what format (1-2 panel comics are really popular) or having some sob story, all this observation can be really overwhelming because it's really a business, you have to keep pushing it out it's a commitment, sometimes I think about just drawing stupid cute animals and stickers of them but it does require luck, honestly all of this requires luck, God tier marketing, and the mercy of algorithm. Even with myself I feel like I could do both smut or cute animals and it feels like an either or for brand identity, not something you can do both or at least something I haven't seen often done successfully. I really over think but I don't think I often say things wrong, just too much think not enough action so fuck sakimichan hate that bitch no I won't elaborate
Two posters, you mean? I'm only the first one.
Just made a mini-dick on my mini-lite brite
Shoutout to micropenis anon
Do you feel there's not enough time to do everything you want to do?
Only that there is not enough to atone for my sins to be worthy of starting a family in time
Not enough time, not enough energy otherwise
Why is the thread so weird today? Something feels off.
We're crossing new horizons
To where? Is that a good thing? I'm too ESL for that.
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Do you watch theories about a movie or a videogame after watching/playing it?
Nah, form your own opinions first
Ugh nonas! I'm tired. Too many events within a 24 hour period!!!! And now church here in a bit...

You're getting used to the kettle bell? Yay! Is this the same family from about a week ago? Hope it all goes well there this time as like it did last week!

Mountain biking on trails is something I'd probably never do unless I absolutely needed to. It scares me as well. Now, on stuff like I was on yesterday, I don't mind since it was just bumpy from not being properly developed and people running their atvs over it. A mountain bike would have been better.

It is an interesting hobby to get into. My granddad used to take me, my brother, and my cousins foraging for typical money crops like ginseng and black cohosh. It's how we made additional money during summers. Though, it was my brother, male cousin and my granddad who went and dug everything while me and the cousin were stuck with cleaning. But I learned back then. However, just past several years I picked it up since he was the forager in the family, and it's been interesting to learn.

There is a lot of practice that comes with it. I've misidentified things, but I did have him for a bit to learn. I tend to really triple check just about everything and make sure everything is good before I ever consume if I don't know it. There are lots of apps available now, but I wouldn't rely on them 100%: more to get a general idea.

Fully understand. Our minds are very powerful. It's why it won't let those types of thoughts go. However, it's a habit it needs to break. You get better when you start challenging those thoughts.It takes practice since you've developed a habit. The next time the thought comes in: let it come in, but remember: does it really matter if they are talking about me or looking at me weird? If so, why? Why is it that important that I'm focusing so much energy worrying about it?
>What is something new that you really want to do?
Having a bf.
>What's stopping you?
Don't trust moids not to break heart.
You really must have worn your boyfriend out too.
when are women gonna finally admit that they are the upper class of society?
Fembots, how did you celebrate your 30 y/o bday?
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>>When was the last time you tried something new? What was it and how did it go?
I tried a solo beach holiday recently. I was a little lonely, but I got a lot of reading done, drank plenty of pina coladas and mimosas, swam in the pools, played table tennis and pool with some old people. It wasn't bad, I'd even say it was relaxing, but it would have been way better with someone to share it with.
>>What is something new that you really want to do? What's stopping you?
I want to learn how to speak French, there's nothing stopping me. I just need to commit to an hour of it daily.
In the words of Robert Plant: "Little by little... I can breathe again."

>Anyways, I'm off to do other things.
Thanks for checking in!

>I'm surprised you're still up.
My house guests all left this morning, so I was trying to make the most of our remaining time.

>Do you feel there's not enough time to do everything you want to do?
I've gotten pretty good at packing a lot into a day, so I feel all right in that regard.
>I've gotten pretty good at packing a lot into a day
This is a lot of material to work with... How do you do it? For those of us stuck in our bed and doomscrolling.
Well, the first thing you need is motivation to get out of bed and do the things that you want to do; which is not something that I can just give you (though I wish I could).
I feel productive when I do stuff instead. Instead of watching someone talk about drama or some shit, I try to watch anime. Instead of watching someone play a game, I play one myself.

Basically, why watch others do stuff when you can do more worthwhile things or when you can do them yourselves? The former is basically being a cuck.
>When was the last time you tried something new? What was it and how did it go?
I try new things all the time like I started skating and hiking a bit also more cute clothes
>What is something new that you really want to do? What's stopping you?
I want to get into more feminine and super cute clothes. What's stopping me? Expectations and pressure from others. It's wired because I'm not dressing like a feminine girl more oversized. If i dress more super cute people would say shit like ohhj it looks so much better on you then normal. I get constantly comments about how I act and look so that's stopping me. Plus it cost a pretty penny. Yes inside i am still some what of a little princess
Dang, Muttley was popular even in Japan.
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Why do you have such insane standards?
I feel the same way and I am constantly second-guessing what I want to go for. people around me dress very similarly to each other so it feels off to be differently clothed but I also want to dress like a princess and super coquette
moon rise? you are such a fucking faggot. fuck off back to cc you useless retard.
>I just need to commit to an hour of it daily
you will never do it because you are a loser.
you will never create anything by yourself, you will only leech off of men like the useless piece of trash that you are. fuck off back to plebbit or cc where useless cunts belong.
Lot of nonas into skating lately. In-line or side-by-side?
I wonder why are we so retarded with that kind of comments even if they are supposed to be compliments. Happens with weight changes, style changes, behavior changes, etc.
It's not exactly hard to not fuck it up, the kind of thing you can even work a guide for and yet we keep saying the same careless demoralizing things
literal brain damage. stealing from men, unable to create anything for yourself. you will never belong here.
Any hobbies you've been interested in trying but haven't yet? picrel
you will never belong on this board. most of you are men pretending to be women. i know why you have come here, and i know how. you are subhuman scum, nothing but trash. you are parasites.
glad I clicked the dumbass YouTube link this time, love Community
Most hobbies have a cost to them, and I try to think about that cost before getting invested. That and determining if I'll stick with the hobby. I would like to go to the rock climbing place near me more often, but don't want to manage the $250~ a month membership. If I were to try to pick up another hobby, I would just try doing crochet again. I have too much yarn and I need more coasters/potholders and the like
GOOD morning. And I am seeing the same family from a week ago, still dreading the drive I have ahead of me today, but I'll manage. Congrats on getting your volunteer work and events done! I can imagine you feel exhausted
Sucks that you got stuck with cleaning back in the day, that was the norm for a lot of my friends growing up. Boys helped out on the farm and girls had to do cleaning stuff. I wouldn't trust any foraging apps either, just some weeks ago I saw an AI mis-identify the amanita verna mushroom, scary stuff.
Hope you get lots of rest from your busy day yesterday
Do you think bfg is having a positive or negative effect on this board's culture?
they will never change it. it's a bunch of trannies and retarded whores. they don't count as people.
BFD has fallen...
The hardest part is that I am in people's mind so locked into a certain imagine that I know as soon as i dress differently stupid jokes and comments will come my way. But at home I start to don't give a fuck anymore
Skateboard but currently injured sadly
I'm in a age where slowly everyone is having a family and I get comments how to attract man all the time. From family to coworkers. It's disheartening and makes me feel less like a woman and more as a failed girl.
>Skateboard but currently injured sadly
Oh, I was way off. Good on you; I tried it a few times but just couldn't get the hang of it.
>When was the last time you tried something new? What was it and how did it go?
Last year i tried a Muay Thai class, it went pretty good, nice exercise and good to blow some anger, im more relaxed and happy since i started with it.
>What is something new that you really want to do? What's stopping you?
I want to learn how to drive a motorcycle, I'm saving money for all the security equipment and the motorcycle of course, I'd like to take night trips maybe even join a group
>BFD has fallen...
So it would seem.
finally at it's end lol.
I did figure skating for a few month but the lessons were too expensive, super fun though
Were in the process of moving to the letter thread
Kek fuck no. Nobody said anything about that.
bfd died when tomo turned off her trip
Bfg kind of too to a degree
Happens when posters like scara leave and others like gm nona
But things will survive
>I did figure skating for a few month but the lessons were too expensive, super fun though
I've done that once or twice also; never quite liked it as much as roller-blades.

Scaryeyes and Berries went radio dark as well.
We chased them all out. Who is next?
Are they gone for good? Why ?
Yea it's fun but still sometimes i get scared haha
Mostly do it on my own but found ppl that are really good and they help me
>Are they gone for good? Why ?
Unknown. Probably for different reasons. I'm disinclined to believe that any of them got 'run out' by the local manbabies, though.
You probably didnt chase anybody out
But the less each individual talks the less the community talks
It might have gotten too much for Tomonona understandable
Scaryeyes kept engaging with trolls so I guess she didnt actually mind it much
Gm nona got hate from an anon nona not sure if that was reason enough for her
But truth is we only know why scaranona left and why boring is online less since they said it
Still wondering and fearing for kpop..
Nah we ran 'em out.
>Still wondering and fearing for kpop..
Oh, goodness; so am I.
Just one peep to let us know that she's safe would be enough.
Your mom is run out
Kek. Miss you and hope you're doing good, Tomo.
>Gm nona got hate from an anon nona not sure if that was reason enough for her
I've heard this mentioned twice but somehow missed the exchange. Can I get a quick recap?
I love my 4chan girlfriend like you girls wouldn't believe, I'd do anything and everything for her
Keep it up, all of you, eat healthy, exercise and stretch daily but don't over do it, keep a healthy mind as well and everything else will fall into place. Good luck, everyone, I mean it!!!!!!
I am all and well. I still post a few times a day, just without the trip on. Though the board in general has not been very engaging in the past few days. I'm pleasantly surprised with how well posting without a trip went, yet might return to tripfagging at an undetermined later date
Check archived
I remember twice scolded for letting moids into her games
probably by a jelly/trolling moid
Maybe yes maybe no
In /bfg/
Then later in /bfd/
Thats evil
I never once considered GM nona to be a real nona. More like a wannabe.
Don't feel pressured to post with your trip on. They already pressured you into revealing your bra size. A little worried about what else they could hound you into doing.
She verified with vacaroo
Pathetic white knight simp
lol women are so retarded. bretty soon you will all be run out and back where you useless cunts belong
'hound' her? all it takes is a funny comment
we should continue humoring Tomo
Now that BFD is gone it makes me wonder why I ever thought we needed it. I can just moid post right here!
She's a horny attention whore. Probably got off to seeing everyone jack off to her tits.
Why did Scara leave?
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I have a chuddy bf and I fucking love that little guy to death
You do you, Tomo; I'll take what I can get.
lol scara has a penis and is man.
Go read the threads.
Don't feel the need to be so condescending, go e-parent someone else
My mom
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Just woke up and started gooning real hard
That's disappointing. I wonder how much that same nona is contributing lately? Mexiconona, if you read this; I love you and I miss you and I hope you're doing well.
To...who, exactly?
I have been, kind of. I remember that she was begging for gifts, is that it?
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Shut up femoids, I'm watching Dragon Ball Z
What anime you girls watching?
Moids do not answer, idc.
She'd been talking for a long while about leaving after thread 100. She's popped in since to say that she's at least attempting to use the extra time productively.
She hasn't left lol. Just a bit busy for games lately
The last anime I watched was Is the Order a Rabbit, and that was a while ago.
based biofem destroyer.
make us a sandwich you stupid whores, we own you.
How do you know
She hasnt said anything in a week
I actually like how slow the board has been, summer election year etc and if anything is slower. When 149 out of 150 threads are spam, slower is good ig
shut up bich i'm watching non non byori
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>Is the Order a Rabbit
Looks lighthearted, do you enjoy SliceofLife?
Slow can be nice, I just hate EU hours.
Kudos to europe for growing out of 4chan tbf
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Lurk more
She likely on tequila hangover
I'm pretty sure I was lied to about my ankle not being broken. The swelling and pain has gone down enough I can really feel it with my fingers and the two ankle bones that stick out are flattened and there's bones all around that are shattered, I can feel it with my fingers. It happened May 18th, so idk if it's normal for the pain to have gone away by now or what. I can't move it up or down too or rly move my pinky toe either. Other than that I should be able to walk again in at least a month even if it is broken. But it's gonna be so funny to see the doctor try to explain why it feels the way it does while touching it with his fingers when I go back on Wednesday. Cos they did X-rays at two different places and said nothing was broken. So I guess there's gonna have to be a good reason why the entire bone structure feels differently that he can actually explain. But at least that doctor doesn't feel any fear around me
Bet you are the same jerk that said about kpop to not worry about her
Mushoku and spice
Thinking about watching kusuriya with my mom (not my first watch)
Are you satisfied with the hobbies you have? Or do you have some that you feel you should cut them out/upgrade?
Wow she has a Tomonona-esque body.
X rays don't lie
Have you seen the latest episodes?
I've read the LN all the way through, I am unfiltered
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>Mushoku and spice
To the list it goes thank you
No rush, I enjoy gaming and anime, I don't feel the need to enter the rat race.
>Looks lighthearted, do you enjoy SliceofLife?
It's a direction that I lean in, yes. Azumanga Daioh is another that I watched and really enjoyed. But my all-time favorite is still probably Tenchi ni Narumon.

>when I go back on Wednesday
Glad you're getting it followed up on. Hopefully it will turn out to be ok - the human body can be pretty weird.

>Are you satisfied with the hobbies you have?
Very much. Kitesurfing was pretty much my last "always wanted to try", and I finally got around to it last January.
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I don't know what means. I just like Rogue. Okay?
Hey just keep posting her.
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this thread has no been commandeered. this is now a waifu thread, everyone post their wonderful wives.
>Yes inside i am still some what of a little princess

You have no idea how much I want to gape your ass because you said this.
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Rogue is best girl btw
Looks kinda trans with boltons
Yeah I get those too, I actually second guess myself a lot of doing new things because those shitty comments ruin the vibe in the house for a couple of days and suddenly is not worthy to do stuff, as stupid as it sounds.
You are scaring the nonas away.
How has someone not turned you into a sex slave with that weak mind of yours?
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they will never be real women all they can do is cope and seethe.
Bye bye nonas
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I love her hair
they aren't scared they are about to post their waifu as well
good morning tomo, ive been making my vidya but ive been depressed lately, idek what i want to do anymore and just lay around, i decided to take sundays off, but i dont even want to play vidya cuz i feel bad and vidyas cost money, what sort of stuff do you like about vidya, how do u not feel guilty about playing vidya, maybe i can work on the animations instead of programming but meh
Idk I think i want to buy more like super girly clothes but idk it's so out of my style zone. I also don't want to attract attention outside
She is pretty sexy but the accent she has in the movies turns me off
I hope you can at least give it a try somehow and see if it works or not
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It's iconic also the carpet matches the drapes.
Who's your waifu?
I don't remember the films. I liked the cartoons though.
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Laxia von Roswell from Ys VIII
Doesn't rogue usually have a southern accent?
Did somepony say new horizons?
>Can't be friends because of looks
Not how it works retard! No wonder you don't have friends
I have like almost 0 breast so it's a bit annoying to shop for.
Also I have to built my lego alone I think now I am sad
We can build your lego together if you promise we dont use the guide
Well that's gonna be hard lol. I originally wanted to built it with a guy to get to know him better. I was always planing on buying the lego retro consoles but now i am overwhelmed
Trust me Im a pro
Why did you not build it with him
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Can you all please just leave this board forever?
Right now I am sick and he got some problems too. I don't want to pressure him. Hes cute but I don't want to get hung up on that and just follow him like a puppy. No i don't think he knows that I find him cute
Shut the fuck up catoid
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Yeah, she's from Mississippi. I got a thing for southern belles so I like it.
Another covid case? is it making a comeback?
hopefully you find some time to share together soon
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what a pretty kitty anon!
I can't blame you, girls with nice southern accents are cute, comfy and precious.
Nah luckily not just an injury on my foot on my side. Funny enough hes got the problems with his foot too since it was broken. Well yea hopefully i can spend more time with him and show slowly that I like him
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Jump off a 10 story building, femoid.
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They really are. At least that's how they are portrayed in the media. I've never met one nor anyone from the Southern states. Just one guy from NY who lived and worked in Florida.
I've heard that people down South are losing their accents with the younger generations picking up on popular slang.
Nature abhors a power vacuum...
>I've heard that people down South are losing their accents with the younger generations picking up on popular slang.
It's always been more pronounced in rural areas and less pronounced in urbanized areas. Urban areas are growing.
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>I've heard that people down South are losing their accents
I've heard this as well, but once I get to a gas station where the pretty lady calls me honey in that really soft southern way it's impossible to not feel tingly inside. I do admit though there are a lot of them that end up just sounding pretty trashy. I'm in New England so once I get down there the girls end up coming off as so much more cute.
>Nature abhors a power vacuum...
Step up, then.
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That's the case everywhere. Rural areas are dying out and all the young people are flocking to the cities, sad but true.
I think that's actually part of the reason why the accents are fading away, some young people definitely feel like there's a stigma surrounding their native dialect so they try to unlearn that and try speaking with a generic accent.
The worst accent I've heard has to be from California. I don't know why it just sounds horrible.
Hard to do when avatarfagging moids keep talking with each other
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>some young people definitely feel like there's a stigma surrounding their native dialect
That is a goddamn shame. regional accents in america are fun, but it makes sense with the internet now being in everyone's pockets.
>The worst accent I've heard has to be from California
agree 100%. it feels like they all end up sounding like dumb surfer dudes or like that shitty annoying valley girl stereotype who looks down on everyone. I've never been there though so it might just be music and tv that makes me think that.
Sorry sweetie but biofem isn't just for women anymore. Hasn't been for a long time. These threads are for everybody.
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Ryuko is best girl!
Well they don't have any quality threads that's why they come here what's kinda sad for them. On the other hand i was thinking about buying this dress but idk I think people would look at me wired if I wear it outside
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There's a place called Tangier Island on the East Coast where the residents apparently sound like the original settlers.
That guy sounds like has brain damage. I reckon that the douchebag surfer and annoying valley girl archetypes are so common that they're steretyped as average Californians for a reason.
I'd assume that people living in the countryside sound different.
Ryuko is great.
Nice tits on her, yummy
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Would you rather poop spiders or bees?
>the mbti pedofile has arrived
RIP thread
Who's that?

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i like ryuko! i remember watching her show on adult swim when i was in high school. i think a rewatch may be coming up this year.
you should get it the pattern underneath that looks like a fence is very cool, i would probably become shy and look away if i saw a girl in such a cute dress.
oh yeah the tangier island sounds almost more like a uk accent.
>I'd assume that people living in the countryside sound different.
yeah i wonder. i was under the impression that a lot of their more rural areas have more in common with the general western side/rocky mountains. that surfer guy video always cracks me up i think that kind of dude is pretty common lol
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Spiders if not venomous, otherwise bees.
Nice trips.
It's probably the closest accent we have to 17th century English. It sounds like a dialect from northern England with a tinge of Irish.
I don't really know much about Midwestern accents and what makes them unique. I just know about Southern accents, New Yorker and Californian accents. The little exposure I had from other regions of the US didn't really strike me as particularly unique.
Nonas I finally relate to an anime character, it's Nagatoro
Any recommended exercises with one dumbbell?
That's super-cute. Go for it; for everyone who looks at you weird, I bet two people will look at you admiringly.
Weighted squats, hip trust (no coomer)
Dumbbell to face
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Kekek, the pictures on Google look goofy as shit.
Sweet. But how is that related?
Beautiful dress, go for it.

Depends on what you want to achieve of course, here are some for full body workout (it's aimed at men but it doesn't matter, has the two golden exercises)
Exactly, just be careful
Forgot the link sorry

And another one I just found https://www.oxygenmag.com/workouts-for-women/the-ultimate-one-dumbbell-workout/
Thanks guys! Going to make full use of my dumbbell with these.
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only midwestern one i know is chicago and i like it. i like a few bands from there and when i see them live and hear them talk it's always pretty funny and unexpected. some insecure girl reported me for using an avatar, how sad for her. time to change up my pictures so i'm no longer using an avatar.
That's pretty amazing.
>But how is that related?
You're joking, right?
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Why don't nonas look like this?
Does fear of failure hold you back from trying new things or only resources/time?
The short was not exercise related.
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Why you moids don't look like this?
Everyone else says go for it, but as someone who dresses like a normal person, I would strongly recommend never going out in that in public. Except maybe on Halloween.
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because nonas be stinky and fat, so we don't have to look like that. we would if you gave us a reason, but you cant. sorry if that sounds mean, its literally the truth.
All the youtube shorts posted on this thread are spam, might be some youtube npc employee trying to push the failed tiktok competition or something
I would for you, baby girl.
>dick piercings
Ew, kys coomer
That is kars from jojo lol
Not to be that girl but this looks like it's from taobao, the quality probably isn't going to be as pretty as the picture irl, I would know sadly
I'm not neither of that, I would kill myself if I was fat. But whatever makes you cope better I guess.
That's low-key based
Ya, he is so hot
>Not to be that girl
Because you are male.
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>I'm not neither of that
in your dreams young lady
>That's low-key based
I know I am. Now I just need a weeb gf.
Um ok, good luck with your bald head and double chin, old man.
Become 2D prince
>Become 2D prince
Need 2D princess.
When you find a way to make her real please tell me how to do it
>When you find a way to make her real please tell me how to do it
I perform a summoning ritual everday at 2:45 AM.
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whatever makes you feel better stinky plapplap ;D
Based as fuck. I hope it works soon anon, praying for you.
Anime men make me feel better
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The average nona in her natural environment
>Based as fuck. I hope it works soon anon, praying for you.
thank you. Need weeeb waifu.
>goes to buy something on clearance
>6 dollar shipping
I dont need it anymore
How is he so perfect..?
Is it true girls here have been paywhoring or is this rumor not accurate?
Oh, I fell for it. Damn.
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Online shopping was a mistake desu
Completely fabricated rumor. There are no girls here.
Started to get some fun shitty dreams that I interpret as my brain telling me to socialize with people again asap. It's the first time they're so constant too
Not for awhile now.
they aren't girls they are boys who play pretend. its r9k dude, think about it lol
>they aren't girls they are boys who play pretend.
So fucking true
Actual camwhoring? So why is this gen still allowed by jannies?
Well, foids love to show up when there's simpbux involved
My heart goes doki doki for
I love her
Tranny1 lol
Im a biological female who hatw trannies
Funny how moids think women can't use internet lol,fuck off, this thread isn't for you anyways
Women can use the internet for stuff like tiktok and onlyfans. I don't think they can navigate their way around 4chan though.
There was never paywhoring of any kind, just good old simping
If crystal cafe is dead why dont you go back there and make it active
Men aren't allowed to post there.
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i love mspaint.. ive noticed after using other programs for so long woth 100% stabilizer it just trains you over time to make neat lines without it, summon my art nonas its time to draw
None of the nonas has come from cc or lolcow
I'm not good at drawing but taking a look at deviantart for a while depressed me, everything is IA now. Even if they perfected a way to not make it look shit it doesn't matter because it all looks samey, mass factory made. You saw one you saw all
How did everything go today with you? I slept a lot...like literally slept past my alarm. I had it set to 7pm, I woke up at 10pm and had to immediately get ready for work tonight. lol. I'm procrastinating rn. I'm just that tired.

There are lots! Look up "unilateral exercises." It's the unilateral exercises I do with mine, but I have two so, lol.
pintrest is the same, it hurts
Your drawings are always so great, pregnona!
I am not good at drawing, but I can copy drawings pretty decently. It's a curse
I only use deviantart for fetish shit and even that part of the site is infested. AI art is literally only good for shitposts, all the rest of it is generic garbage. Yet there are accounts uploading dozens of unappealing, indistinguishable pics a day like it's something to be proud of. I don't think they even get a good amount of likes, but the pests won't go away.
>I'm just that tired.
Doing things with your boyfriend will do that.
Having a micropenis means that the only type of relationship available to me is a cuckold one.
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Today was such a great episode. I guess I know which team you're on. You don't think miggers are cute?
>I slept a lot
Good! I hope you feel well rested. Have a nice night.
A woman would never respect a man who had a micropenis.
honestly since i've read the LN, i dont hate her, they cut some stuff out i wish they didn't, even for past arcs my girls aren't getting the development they should, not that i was happy when this happened honestly but i came to terms with it because unlike other series i feel like it just works, miggers are cute though, but fo rme? its eris
I feel rested, but still so tired. lol. I'm just glad I'm finally getting some actual restful sleep.

Thank you, you too!
Good to see you both; take good care.
And who the fuck are you supposed to be again
>I'm just glad I'm finally getting some actual restful sleep.
Having a boyfriend will help that.
I'm sure you know all about having boyfriends.
Why so hateful? She is sleeping so much better now that she has a boyfriend.
So your boyfriend assfucks you and you fall asleep?
You should get a boyfriend. You would be in a much happier mood.
You speak from experience? Gay sex maked you happy.
You would be able to speak from experience if you got a boyfriend.
No thanks, I'm not a gay faggot who loves anal (recieving) like you.
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>but fo rme?
For some reason I'm not surprised lol. I like her too. I think I like green the least. Roxy and Sylphy are too similar I think.

how did you feel about last week's episode? Paul is such a legend.
Also had a sunday of complete laziness. Unfortunately I had things to do so now I'm paying the price lol. But it was needed.
>feel rested, but still so tired.
You need a vacation! I will sleep soon. I hope your night is uneventful.
>I hope your night is uneventful.
Not if her new man has anything to say about it.
paul is a good guy, rudy was right to realize what he did, the episode hurt but it made me wish there was more internal dialouge for the whole season since theres so much of it in the LN i've always liked how there's things to relate to and emotions like regret hit hard for me, im sure if it was my first time seeing all of this i mightve teared up a bit
It always hurts to have to play catch-up with procrastination. However, the laziness and rest is so very very important! I'd rather do that instead of scrambling to get things done.

I need a weeklong vacation every month! So far it's is. Thank you. The Wanderer is staying in bed...for now.

Just ignore the boyfriend troll. I've already told him many times.
I didn't read the LN. but I've been watching this guy to see what was skipped content. The skipped content from them crossing the desert seems like it would have been really nice to see

I don't understand why you foids like this anime.
The mc is a literal rapist incel with disgusting fantasies. Every character is a piece of shit. No, I don't care if he's "developing" he's still a greasy fat fuck who uses his shota looks to perv on every girl in the show.
>The mc is a literal rapist
You just answered
>idek what i want to do anymore and just lay around
I've been there. It might not help, but sometimes I feel some wight lifted from just sitting with the bad feeling. Kind of like mindfulness or meditation. But it sounds to me that you might be pushing yourself too hard on your game if you are only taking off Sundays. If you're working on the game 6 days out of the week and plan the rest of your life around that, you're sure to get burnt out at some point. You should be easier on yourself. Take more breaks, take more walks, find some nice scenery to gaze at (which also helps with the "sitting with the feeling" aspect).
>what sort of stuff do you like about vidya
I like the escapism aspect of it, sometimes. Competing in Overwatch is fun for me now, but I grew to like it. I started playing Overwatch just to prove something to myself after competing in esports with it, and at this point I just enjoy the game sometimes
Other games like hollow knight I appreciate for the art, storyline, environment, world building and so much more. It really depends on the video game, it's a very versatile media.
>how do u not feel guilty about playing vidya
If I start having feeling of guild, I usually try to redirect to a productive task. Even a small one like sweeping my room or cleaning my car. Then when I go back to playing vidya, I don't feel as guilty since it sort of acts as a reward then
>How did everything go today with you?
Very good!! Dinner was nice, killer garlic bread. Also grabbed a culling of catnip for my cat. I don't know if the culling will live anymore because I tried to show it to her, and she started PUNCHING it until it got out of its little planter. She loves it though
>I'm just that tired
It sounds like you're going to need more than one good night of sleep to recover from this! Good luck out on the field [salute emoji] I hope you have a day off soon!!
Is there anything you're not good or successful at?
I'm pretty bad at holding a job *bad-dum, tss*
But you're going to have to be more specific, I'm not good nor successful with a lot of things
I don't know of any other girl I know who likes this anime idk who you're hanging around with
Idk, you seem to be at the top level at anything you do.
>idk who you're hanging around with
I dont hang around girls, that's why I'm a permavirgin.
I've just seen it posted here many times.
That is so great that dinner was great. Garlic bread is always so, so good. I don't think I ever had bad garlic bread. It may just be one of those things that's next to impossible to make it taste bad.

lol, Bella being Bella. Hopefully it lives so you can grow some more for her. My cat was one of those weirdos who didn't like catnip for some reason.

Maybe an entire week! I'm going to go ahead and work the week since this upcoming weekend is going to be the weekend this whole weekend trial thing starts. If it goes well, I hope it's a permanent fixture. My other co-worker is looking forward to it herself since she needs the extra money.
I wasn't the best with esports, they gave me scholarship money though because I helped with fundraising and volunteering at any given opportunity. It was fun competing though, nice character arc. But I'm bad at a lot of things. Never played an instrument well, my voice is always a stupid fucking autistic monotone that pains me to mask (not like I try to anymore), terrible rhythm, working memory is pretty bad and a million other things can be listed. But of course I'll be a little more prideful in sharing the few things I'm good at.
I've had tragically under-seasoned garlic bread, but only in a few rare instances.
I hope your weekend trial goes well and sticks!! I know how hard it is to catch a break when working in the healthcare system, fingers crossed for you
I'm pretty tuckered out from today, not going to head to sleep yet, but definitely going to be on wind down for the rest of the night. I've been watching The Boys since the new season came out, but I stopped watching halfway through season 2. So I'm still at season 3 rn. Can be a tad graphic even for me, but I haven't had to full stop an episode so far or anything.
Good to see dinner was successful, any chances they can hook you up with a job? seems to be the only piece missing to have it all sorted out, at least from what you share here.
Was the underseasoned garlic bread still good? I've had it underseasoned a few times and it was still good. Maybe nowhere to what it should be, but I still loved it.

I hope so too, but it depends on the co-worker. I'd rather have weekdays off since I can plan appointments, but whatever. I'll still have one weekday off. That'll help a lot. It's just now finally getting additional time off to do things that is going to help a lot.

Is the series any good?
>my voice is always a stupid fucking autistic monotone t
remind me tomorrow to find some videos. but basically you can practice that away
too sleepy to explain
oh ya did you hear about valves new hero shooter, im kinda whatever on the genre but its valve so it might be good, maybe it will remind me of the comfy tf2 days, i used to play ow in the early days, i liked ana dva and mei
I saw a video of some cats acting crazy, they looked like two patients at an asylum and I immediately had to think of you
Unfortunately I forgot to save it, so I cant link it for you...
Nonas, does >>77935680 actually work? If so, maybe my job will be so much easier.
lf you find it, def post it! I'd love to see it. I can always find love in kitty videos. At one of the homes, there's a kitty that will do some crazy things when she is running around. The guys call it her zoomies.
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I had no idea that boobs could ripple like this
yeah, it's called a titripple
It's beautiful. I love seeing it.
I just noticed all the deleted files.
Morning moids, stop shitting the thread or you're going to scare off new fembots
It's the end of the weekend, so the number of terrible posts are going to decrease.
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Weekendfags always ruin boards. Wagecuck mockery should be the norm until they all leave for good.
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hi everyone!! very much not dead
i've just been sad recently because my friends from brazil (and aachan) haven't messaged me in weeks... i hate feeling like im the only one putting in the effort also i don't drink tequila. but i bought strong zero! cheers!
I'm glad you're back! Holy fuck kpop, we've been so fucking worried about you!!
These threads have always been less active on weekends
For neets the weekdays doesnt matter anyway

Good to hear you are still alive
Youve had everybody here worried for over two weeks
You tempted me: >>77937387. I miss making those threads.
i just (wrongly) assumed from my experience with such friends that people didn't really notice it if i was present or not and overall it became a burden to communicate, be it posting, messaging, etc.
sorry everyone for making you worry. most i got was a couple of cat scratches, that are almost fully healed.
I'm glad you are okay. I sent you two e-mails through proton. Pls, next time, just answer just to say you are okay, okay? I mean, you really had us worried that something happened to you.

How are things going with you? Are you back in Brazil, or did you get things patched up with your aunt and uncle?
Got deleted and warned for trolling outside /b/. I'm sad.
Its okay but now you know you have people here who care about you
What matters is that you still are :)
Whats your plan now?
i have not downloaded proton on my new phone and i didn't realise until now!! i'll download it
>How are things going with you?
eh, 50/50.
>Are you back in Brazil, or did you get things patched up with your aunt and uncle?
i'm staying here in kangaroo land till july 10th. my dad should also send over my last neet bux this week so time to plan on what i'll splurge on. still looking for a gift for aachan but slightly unmotivated with his lack of response even after messaging him that i wasn't well
do the most while i can here... eat in cheap places but still try as much new stuff as i can... go to a convenience store as soon as i get out the train to get some instant noodles to have with my strong zero. banger meal.
>aachan but slightly unmotivated with his lack of response even after messaging him that i wasn't well
Im going to be honest
Drop that jerk
You are doing unwell and he doesnt reply what kind of relationship is that
Youve put so much into being with him and do you think he returns less than bare minimum ?
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i'm telling myself it's probably a misunderstanding since he has always been polite and nice and i'll sort it out when im home.
it's making smoke when i breathe from the cold. pretty cool :))
Yes, please!!! I don't care if you never decide to talk to us on the regular on there: just keep it just to reply to us in case you get like you were again. I mean, we were THAT worried about you.

Are you going to be okay until the 10th? Are you still at your uncle and aunt's place?

I'm also with >>77937499: a good bf would have went above and beyond to talk to you. I mean, you don't have to right away, but when you get back, ask him wtf why did he not reply to your messages? You really needed him at the time. I'm proud that you took the initiative with him, but JFC he should put in some effort to care about his girlfriend! Be hard on him about it!!
Okay thats for you to decide but dont make up excuses for him
That can become dangerous and a weapon for him to abuse

>I mean, we were THAT worried about you.
I think she understood it now
You dont need to make her feel that bad about it..
yes i will. sorry again. surprised in every way that 4chan got more worried than close friends. but then again they didn't hear about everything that was going down.
i'm still at their place. it's been a bit of a hassle just because i want to eat properly but i also don't want to deal with dishes, so while i am eating when hungry it's not
really the most fulfilling stuff or a full meal. it's complicated being away from home from 7am-9pm (when they are already asleep) and having to deal with dishes, laundry, cleaning the tub... especially since i can't do them when i get home or it would wake them up.
get plastic dishes and forks and throw them when you leave at 7am
there's laundromats
you can tell them X day you'll stay, do the laundry and clean
You don't have to apologize...we were just really worried. I'm just glad you are alright.

Even then, your friends should have reached out to you. Even a simple, "hello, how are you doing?" would have suffice for your friends.

So basically still issues going on there. I'm sorry you are still having to deal with them kpop. Hopefully the rest of your time will go as good as it can be.

Thank you for checking in with us, kpop. I'm sorry about before. I should never have been such a bitch towards you. I'm just so happy that you are okay after all this time.
the problem isn't really the serving dishes as much as the cooking dishes. like yes i could eat on a paper plate but then i still have a billion pans. and then the sink is crowded up by other pans.
the laundry i don't mind doing at all. yeah sometimes there's no space to dry the clothes but i don't really mind. it's just that piling it with so much and often having only the very early morning to do it sucks
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cheers everyone, eating in the dark because i can't turn the lights on kekw
at that point I'd go for things you don't have to cook, cereal bars, ramen, salads, you can even get microwaved stuff, best of luck Kpopnona
>enjoy your ramen!
>microwaved stuff

they don't have a microwave which to me is just... insane???
Idk what to play. Either minecraft, osu or vagrant story
I feared that'd be the case, do they have an oven?
yes but (don't laugh) i don't know how to work one. just stovetop.
If you cook yourself microwaves arent necessary at all
Anything you cook can be heated up in a pan or oven
Not having dish washer is the stupid idea
oh yeah, added updates! forgot about this!

the trash was also a hassle to deal with because it got too full and i hateeeeed having to smell and touch rotting food to throw away like a bag of chips so i have started my own two trash bags, one only for non recyclable plastic and one for recycling.
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I mean I can only make pizza and medium rare's in the oven, just follow the instructions
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B E A M !
It doesn't look like it but I feel you learned quite a few valuable things for future trips. Glad to see you're alright.
How did the trip to that other city go? Are you still able to buy that album you wanted in Aus or what else do you plan to buy?
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here's my cute russian waifu :)
yup! i'm waiting for the release and i have pre ordered the three copies! it should arrive just in time!
Do the throw a dice trick
Choose, please. Don't ask questions, I can't answer for the sake of my experiment. You must answer based on what you gather alone or in collaboration with others
>Someone who knows and doesn't bother
>Someone who doesn't know and pretends to
>Someone who doesn't know and doesn't bother

>Someone who knows and pretends to
Thank you for checking in, Kpop. When you said you had to pack up immediately but that you weren't going home for 2 weeks, I kinda panicked. Anyway, I'm relieved to hear that you're safe.
first option. someone who knows and doesn't bother
Glad to see you are you're OK.
Worth a shot, I'd say it does decrease the shitty flirting knowing you belong to a man already, as awful as it sounds
>>Someone who knows and pretends to
This one is me.
>Worth a shot, I'd say it does decrease the shitty flirting knowing you belong to a man already, as awful as it sounds
get ready for
>But are you happy?
>Can you have friends?
someone needs to make bfd again
GOOD morning, so groggy zzz might do some just dance to wake up. It's been unbearably hot out, I'm very grateful I was able to install the ac unit before this heatwave
>any chances they can hook you up with a job?
Ah well, guess it wouldn't hurt to ask, but likely not. Maybe through a friend of a friend or something. They also live a little ways away, so it would be a longer commute than I would like.
> underseasoned garlic bread still good?
It was edible I GUESS, still don't like it
>Is the series any good?
The Boys is getting pretty goofy, to be honest at this point in the show the pacing has been off for a little while as well. But season 1 is pretty good, so I would watch that at least
>remind me tomorrow
I did not hear about Valve's new hero shooter, just looked it up and from the style alone it looks like something I would be interested in. Very reminiscent of Overwatch's art style. It's called Deadlock, right?
Mei is also my favorite dps lol
SO glad to hear from you kpop :) I've been posting more without trip ITT, but wanted to let you know that I'm also relieved to hear from you
Pretends to what?
>Someone who doesn't know and doesn't bother
The only innocent who should be spared.
>kinda panicked
Don't click. This will deal bonus damage to you.
It doesn't fully stop them yes
>t. male
I hope all of you have a good day and are spared losses. This is just my attempt to be a nice person, even with all the weird looks I get from females in general.
Problems hit deep, I know you have it tough, chin up and do the right thing.
And I hope you find love where you need it and look for it.
>chin up and do the right thing.
Do not mansplain me what to do or how to live my life
so, um, i'm back and i have a very moid centric question, but haven't found bfd yet
>but haven't found bfd yet
It appears to have died.
shut the frick up ewhore!
oh, that's unfortunate, but it turns out my crush gave me attention again, and idk what to do, because basically he has indicated interest in me, but also has given me a request i can't exactly fulfill
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Thanks, anon. Kind of you.
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best outcome
ends up badly in many contexts
not the best, not the worst
bad outcome, unless is something that needs to be called out
i'm kinda worried i won't get another chance like this, and i don't know if he has contigiously thought of me in that way, or he just turned to me out of spontaneous desperation
I don't get what that anon is asking.
anon is probably going to give us a highly specific context where the answer we didn't pick was the winner
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What does the last line mean?
Played some osu! Now looking for new games but damn why ps 5 is way to expensive. How many years to do i have to wait for the price to go down?
>What does the last line mean?
>Someone who knows and pretends to
You can't know and pretend to know because pretending means to:
behave so as to make it appear that something is the case when in fact it is not.
lay claim to (a quality or title).

It could either be purposefully ESL or it means that they're lying about what they know or don't know a much as they think.
I could be way off, but I took the "doesn't bother / pretends to" portion as caring.
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Yeah, that makes the whole thing confusing.
How do I become one of the girls as a man? Bonus points if I get invited to Girls' Nights In
Still no weeb gf. I suffer.
What is that new thing you're now the most grateful for trying?
What is that new thing you regret the most trying?
a veggy chopper, made 30 min of cutting 2 seconds of pressing a button, wish I had this earlier
What veggie took you 30 minutes to cut
The wheelchair.
>might do some just dance to wake up.
Imagine the bouncing holy shit
I cant think what that stands for
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Super (duper) short hair.
Food from a random Japanese restaurant.
>What is that new thing you're now the most grateful for trying?
Airsoft. Never would have imagined it would be my kind of thing, but then a relative treated me to an evening at his local arena while I was home for Christmas. Loved it.
>What is that new thing you regret the most trying?
Some health drink that one of my friends was bugging me to try. Made me queasy.
>What is that new thing you're now the most grateful for trying?
Trying to join programs to learn and increase my job skills. It lead to meeting other people and steering me into directions and opportunities I didn't even know existed.

>What is that new thing you regret the most trying?
Not sure. I try to choose to have the least regrets. But maybe regret eating unhealthy recently.
>What is that new thing you're now the most grateful for trying?
Making music
>What is that new thing you regret the most trying?
I regret that one, never could master the small cuts and the family never got used to them so we went back to manual

What kind of food? I mostly enjoy their veggie heavy dishes but I'm on the team that doesn't understand the magic behind sushi

The two times I tried paintball I liked it, was surprisingly accurate for some reason. Those things need friends though
>Still no weeb gf. I suffer
Do not click. You will die if you click this and are a lonely boi. You were warned.

Ok, keep in mind I'm not trying to shill this guy or get you to buy his program specifically. This is more of a demonstration that it's possible to learn to be less monotone. You can probably find better resources. I probably could too but time/interest restraints.




It's much easier for me to find shorts where he goes over the basic idea, rather than searching through longer format videos. I'd highly recommend attending one of his free webinars that he does occasionally. They're really helpful if you're interested in improving your communication, presentation, delivery etc.

It's so hard to search for specific videos that I'm thinking of.
Women will do cute shit like this for chads but would never even look in my direction. And yet they act like my hatred for them isn't justified.
>Those things need friends though
Any public arenas in your area where you could potentially MAKE friends?
That's cute.
>You were warned
I died.
I ded
I still suffer.
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I tried some ramen, it was not tasty. The shopkeeper from the anime shop I go to said that such restaurants are often owned by Chinese people. So that might explain it.
Good authentic ramen is incredibly hard to find, my biggest issue is cheap/improper noodles, they typically use exactly the same noodles as instant ramen, thin and just not great.. I was taken to this one resteraunt in DC and still haven't had ramen as good as when I went there and it's basically ruined ramen for me in everything, if I can't eat that ramen I don't want it..
Theyre following you here
That's a pretty awful accent for someone claiming to be an expert in speech and presentation.
Maybe something more colorful like voice acting is better to try and kick the monotony out of your voice, whatever that means. I don't really notice that stuff
>That's a pretty awful accent for someone claiming to be an expert in speech and presentation.
Missing my point. I tried and don't really want to debate or change opinions. I showed you the water. It's up you if you want to drink.
What are you too old to try?
>What are you too old to try?
19 year old girls.
Nothing that I didn't get more than my share of when I was young enough.
I know that feel so much.
>119 biofem threads
>not a single person has posted proof they are even women
Was this thread just made for men with crippling AGP to roleplay anonymously?
Pretty much. Though these days a lot of them gave up and just openly use the thread as men.
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How often and how long do you whores schlick?
What's your routine?
Low quality quiz of the day https://womenlovepower.com/seduction-archetype-quiz/
I want to rape that little yandere straight and look into the eyes of the one who gave them up as the realization sets in that they will never regain them, even if I myself should lose my grip.
fertile tripfems
Yup, this is the state of biofem now.
Helo ladies. Im PAPA BEAR. I came to tell yuo. Hope u enjoy raep from PAPA BEAR as much as u enjoy get fuck by big dog dic. I biger then bigest dog. U excitement?
It has always had shitty spam, even with the extra moid thread.
>I showed you the water. It's up you if you want to drink.
Fake and gay
It's just the usual filler when activity dies down
>please argue with me I'm so alone without any tripfags
I miss berries-chan
Same, I haven't been able to goon without her posts talking about her clothes and body
Perhaps the thread theme has a deeper meaning behind it.
literally multiple did, you just don't read the threads
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Niuggher why is your thread full of normie incel-in-denial cucks simping for ugly self proclaimed femcels and trannies if it's supposed to be about femoids? Sus af fr fr no cap my brosef.
welp since moids took over anyway my crush just messaged and told me he wants to see me stuffing myself, but i literally have no sex toys or nothing even resembling one, should just use my fingers, or maybe find a household object resembling a phallus
idk why he couldn't just ask for regular nudes or twerking or something, but if i do this maybe he'll actually like me
>take massive bong hit
>have a coughing fit and cough snot up on my shirt
i feel like this kind of thing is why i'm going to die single
>welp since moids took
Nobody is even posting anything
Hairbrush handles can work nicely.
>but if i do this maybe he'll actually like me
if he doesn't care about you, promise that those pics will be seen by all of his friends.
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woke up to the emergency alarm beeping loud as fuck. who sets a building on fire at 8 in the morning???
are you still going back to Brazil or are you staying in the US??
No person who likes you would ask such a thing of you, he's just a disgusting coomer.
>are you still going back to Brazil or are you staying in the US?
Why do you retards say the wrong things on purpose to bait out replies. It's so annoying.
You should educate australians on the importance of microwaves. Can get a good business going
>Why do you retards say the wrong things on purpose to bait out replies. It's so annoying.
I thought that was the situation. I don't frequent this place too much. Last I saw of her, this is what I got.
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This test assumes I've had sex/relationships.
but they're made of wood, i don't want to get splinters

fair, but he's my coomer, he just doesn't know it yet

no it won't haha, i know he's not that type of person
The batteries of mine died at like 3 am and in didn't stop making noise. It kinda ruined my night. But hey i am cleaning my wardrobe and I find some nices dressed
i think most of them have them just not these two for whatever reason
ughhh reminds me i need to find something to wear today...... i don't even know what to do today i'm too lazy...
Silicone or plastic cooking utensil ie spatula whisk serving spoon etc with a rounded end and put a condom over it. If you are not old enough to buy condoms you should not be sending more than lewds. YMMV, maybe start with neck/decolletage and thigh pics, move slowly to feet or tummy pics, etc. instead of a closeup of your hole which he'll most likely share somewhere either way and will definitely post and make fun of here if you ever fall out. If you're insistent and already for the streets at least get him on a video call with you to mutually masturbate so he'd have to be an extra level of creepy to screen record you and therefore more liable legally if he ever did and did some fuckshit with the footage.
i've used a carrot before. not the greatest but it did the job
Yea I am looking what I should wear when I meet up with my crush to built lego. (Already kinda gave up on that desu)
Aren't women also sperm based before they enter the big ball but merely the shitty retarded ones with extra retard sauce as if someone cooked them too hard and they got too dense and then served without any seasoning so they are bland or even very bad tasting? Guess I Need to consult a non cucked male biology scientist to receive truth if there is one.
>Last I saw of her, this is what I got.
Not it wasnt
You remember wrong
There are alarm clicks weeks before the battiers die
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somehow i'm going nowhere (that i can think of) and yet i don't want to just wear the first thing i find.....
that's smart, i'm old enough to buy condoms but also live with my parents and don't really like going outside, there might be condoms at the corner store,

but then they'd know me as the person who bought condoms once, and then i'd have to figure out where to hide them, but i realize now that's not as much of a problem as it used to be

so far i already sent him nudes but not with my face on them

it's an idea, and it could've worked if we didn't only have canned carrot slices
>i'm old enough to buy condoms
That is a very odd phrase to say on an 18+ website
it was mentioned, i'm turning 25 next year
It leaves things to the imagination
vouples sending each other nudes and lewds is very normal
problem is her not being in a relationship with him and just trying to appease him
>He's not that type of person
Oh he is. Anyone who asks for such material is. It's like a badge of honor for men having such material of a normal girl
it's complicated, idk if both of us like eachother and are too shy to say it, because as much as i talk about him, it's not like i've given much hints either, or if i'm just someone who's available for him when he doesn't have high standards for what he wants
The golden rule is men are at their best when courting you, as you say before the relationship is formal. The best version of this guy is coaxing her for amateur porn
i'm not normal tho, the real badge of honor comes in keeping the pics to yourself lol
>if i'm just someone who's available for him
Thats sure the case
If you arent exclusive and he doesnt call you his gf you are just a number
But this is what you keep doing anyways

Yes she does this not for her own good
Like who? No one has posted proof. None of you are women
This is true. I agree.
I suppose another option could be buying the utensil new from somewhere. But I wouldn't trust materials you cannot prove aren't 100% silicone and able to be cleaned and sanitized properly. Any other widely available material would be too risky for me to condone.

No sex stores near you that you could pick up something worth the investment?

I was in a lower mood when I first posted but it was lightened some. Now that I don't feel so jaded, I do think it's worth chiming in that you should be vigilant. I don't know enough about how long you've been talking or what your dynamic is like.. But if you set the bar here, if you accept scraps (even if it like totally doesn't bother you because he's chill and you're chill totally NOT unchill and desiring of stupid foidbrain shit like mutual respect, emotional safety, real love and intimacy) in exchange for
[AN ASPECT OF WHAT THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE HAVE BEEN SOCIALIZED TO VALUE YOU FOR], you're never getting out of that. If his true character and the nature of your relationship voids that hypothetical because that's not an accurate summary of the situation, then I'd be glad. If you're okay with it ending however it ends, just make sure you're forthcoming and honest about your intentions for your relationship.

But yes, unfortunately.. This is male psychology, this is human psychology. We as humans get fat and wrinkly because we can't stay away from quick carbs, easy sugars, cheap drugs. We survive by rarely ever working harder than we have to. To be more efficient in attaining the paramount necessities, people are even more neanderthal-like when it comes to sex/reproduction.
Do you ever get tired of posting these lame and boring repeats everyday?
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My highest score was The Enigma (63.81%).
"In order to develop this archetype THE LOVER must be active, ideally above 70%."

>>77941577 Anon, where did you find this test? And why??
lmao true, that's actually crazy, but i'm boring so we don't talk much, and even if we do, it's not like i have a magnetic personality, unless i'm helping someone with emotional issues,

but idk if he'd rely on anyone for that, also i'm an artist, but got artist block after realizing i'm not good at anatomy and posing, and the shortcut i was using failed, so i'm not in the mood to draw things for him alot

idk, but i might make a throne account just for this if it really comes down to that

unless you count his imaginary gf, we're exclusive by default, but yes i am also competing against another woman who doesn't actually exist
Fret not, Anonette. It is merely his sacred duty. His skills have been contracted by a suitor. But the suitor's father.. His Majesty the King! Dun dun!! Demanded a test of the maiden's virtue, yes yes. If she remains chaste, the Prince will arrive soon to sweep her away to paradise.
I don't eat or pay my rent until I've spoiled my femanon princess
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Women can I hang with yall for a bit.

My feelings are hurt for complex and dark reasons.
>unless you count his imaginary gf
I knew it was you thats why I said you do this anyway
You keep running into knives when everybody says take steps back

>we're exclusive by default
That is wishful thinking not reality
There are not enough women active currently to afford more moids posting.
lmao how did you know, i've been gone for days, maybe we're not exclusive by default, but i don't think i have to worry about another woman
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I have no wife/girlfriend. I'm a female teenager.
who is your princess? i'm realising with these kinds of posts that really i just spoil myself
feelings tend to be complex, that's what makes them so complicated to deal with... your mind will clear up after a while!
i know the feel, but you're gonna make it >.<
>who is your princess
of course you'd say that, even lonely men show their true colors
I'll hang out with you if you answer one question.
You are only here talking about taking nudes for discord peoples
Standing out because of the terrible idea
being recognized for my worst character arc hits different lol
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What hast triggered thee?
i think even the moids know by now, or they're just following the bro code
That sounds awful. Hang in there, Kpop.
You're pretty mysterious yes
are you offended on her behalf? I don't get it.
I was just asking to know if she was okay.
I kinda wanted to send you something when everyone was worried just to see if you'd answer lol
Now I feel by the time money gets to you you'll be back in br so alas
It's like a mother trying to convince a small child that there are no monsters under their bed. Repetition is sometimes required for it to sink in. And then then just ignore stuff like this...>>77942856
she is very cute!
fortunately the alarm stopped and we didn't have to go down, but i still was having my very nice post-drunk sleep.
Thank you for replying with haste.
is tha-

Love from you know who. You're strong, and you'll be ok.
lillac you are always so overly dramatic
Feelings heal quick, thank God.
Hopefully things get lighter and less complex
Hate from you don't know. You're weak, and are not ok.
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How so, anon?

Holy crap, you only had 2 hours of sleep in 3 days? How do you guys even manage to do that? I cannot stay awake for 24 hours straight. Even though I'd really like to.
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i likely would not have seen it because i also just remembered now that i did not install throne on this phone... having money in brazil works even better than having money in australia, since most of you are from the us whenever i get credited gifts i'm able to buy the product and also keep a bit extra.
i'm deleting most of the stuff on my throne and opening a fundraiser for the chuu fan meeting, to allow me to go full vip if possible. i already have some money saved up so i can add to it. if anyone ever feels moved to send something please consider giving it a look. otherwise i'm happy here and i've been managing my money quite well.
Is the cuckold thing still on the table now that you are moving back
>i did not install throne on this phone...
Do you not know it has a website or..
nta but I've only used the website this entire time.
yes i do, but the app sends me notifications if i get something whereas the website i'd have to keep checking every time!
Understood, good to know you're doing well in that regard
Hope the friends/bf situation goes well too, now that you'll be back soon
No. Mail

Thank you, dear one. It feels like waiting in the ER with a two-inch splinter needing removed from your ass (to under-dramatize/lighten, :~DD). I know it'll be alright but oOH AH OOF SSS UAOW EOWOEOWOWOWOWYEOWCH p-please.. can we at least change the lobby television to Cake Boss..

>>77943111 sum of parts. no > no <
who tf is lilac? how long have you been around?
can you say you're proud of me? please??
are you drinking tea or juice?
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Oh boyos
Ideas for next thread

Online friends
Your voice is cute.

Hoarding online friends on pinterrest
Seeking closure can lead to new horizons too. Things will click at one point
Even when you're down in the dumps you can still make me smile so easily.
Mh yea wasnt much at home didn't really notice. Man I found some cute stuff but man my chest is non existing in it
Having a small chest is better.
Said no straight man ever kek
That doesn't matter much in present day present time.
Flat is seen as classy and the opposite as slutty
Brain teasers
Women intuition
Clothes fit/look better and doing exercise/sports is easier. And a small chest looks better, in my educated opinion.

Also, I'm not a straight man.
I have a friend whose job requires her to contact reps at various companies, many of whom work from home. There was one in particular that, every time she spoke with him, she had to fight back the urge to end the call with "And would you PLEASE change the fucking battery in your fucking smoke detector!?"
She's talking about what to wear to see her crush though so it really matters how sexy she looks
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[ u o u /\ ]=3 *gaaaaasp*
[ Q m Q]E -~^*+~.,#&&<33333333!!!!!

Manic depression w/ psychotic features & CPTSD and the stars aligned jjjjjjust rite.
It's funny when
become your saviors because the world around you has warped so since they first took root. I really like the ones that look like deep sea organisms or Mushi.

I'd have less to alchemize if you could refeed me with fuel, and not napalm; rehydrate me with peace, and not panic.
https://youtu.be/vl7uEAep7wM // https://youtu.be/Uy1XHMEkKGA
If you say I'm weak, it's gospel. If I say I'm weak, it's victim complex. Good thing you're always right
I need to retie it. But also lmao I hope my crush does not get whiplash from how different I look. Normally I wear oversized to the extend you don't see my bodyshape
We're not in le market, almost nothing is transactional
Beaming when you're supposed to be irritable from lack of sleep is admirable
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Thanks! I was always a little insecure about the shape of my heart... It's too organic. *ba dum tsss*

How are your hallucinations formed? Sounds like it'd suck ass.
>animal crossing
>dirty carpet
>Asking advice on how to send nudes
Is this my ex?
You've described every bpd femcel on this board
No since you've never had a gf before
being an incel is like shaving your pussy and getting no action
>I'd have less to alchemize if you could refeed me with fuel, and not napalm; rehydrate me with peace, and not panic.
This entire post is cringe.
post ballsack next my beautiful (and valid) female nona, don't let anyone tell you you're not a real woman
Own a lot more then only pokemon and animal crossing. Don't have a carpet sadly. Nudes are never a good idea no matter if you are a woman or man since that kind of stuff never stayes between two people. Wanna see my yugioh and digimon cards?
>yugioh and digimon cards
Based tcg nona
>Wanna see my yugioh and digimon cards?
Sure. I used to play yugioh a very long time ago. Never finished the latest digimon movies. Tamers was best season.
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I spilled a bit of sauce on my foot and licked it off without thinking. It's over, bros...
Can I see? What sauce?
how could you even reach your foot to your mouth that easily?
>What sauce?
I'm not obese (yet).
This is the meal I would get if I was trying to get depression
Well, it's German. But still, shaddap. It's tasty.
Digimon cards are old the yu gi oh ones are new. Need to find my old ones
Here you go I just got back into it
Well lego is nice BUT YOU GOT TRICKED
Wow. Moidshit.
I think I had those yugioh cards. I don't think those are new.
They are yugis deck. Technically not new but they are reprints
Is that the card to ask for the money prize in the anime? Takes me back
Uhh nonas...we're on page 9. Is anyone baking?
>Uhh nonas...we're on page 9. Is anyone baking?
I gotcha covered, nona; give me a minute.
Okay. Thank you so much, nona!
My bake but not my questions; hope you enjoy...

good evening tomo, i did some more mob concept art and than took a nap >.< also ya i like overwatches stylized art, apparently deadlock has some sort of pve type lanes i think? im not sure, hopefully itll just be fun, there must be a reason valve is making it after all these years

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