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Swanage Pier edition
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Need an update on all his latest gadgets
hes sold half of the gadgets in that photo
grown men buying gadgets
grown men not paying child support to their baby mama
Funk night tonight lads. Listening to Parliament, Ohio Players, George Clinton, etc. Few beers too. Life is good.
drinking until your hands stop sweating
grown men playing childrens video games
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>doing things
bit cringe lad ngl
He needs motability scooter. Taking away a boomers car is like if the government took your ps5 and threw your gaming pc out the window. And banned you from replacing them. Of course u would be suicidal, alcoholic. He need at least go kart or e bike. U can't just become a bus peasant at 50 year old.
SSM taking his mobility scooter to CEX for a cash injection
That's all he has to show for 50 years on this earth. Pretty sad really.
>That's all he has to show for 50 years on this earth
We will all leave this world with the same earthly positions that we came in with. Absolutely nothing.
reinstalling ds3
comfy times ahead
get in
All possessions are meaningless unless you have a sprog to inherit them
I typed positions instead of possessions time to kms
I actually read it as possessions until you mentioned it. You could have gotten away with it
Might sell all my old PS1 games. I haven't touched them in years
gamers what was that arcade shooting game with all the eggs

you played it on holidays

it had eggs
Chicken Invaders.
Helen need carers allowance quit her job be his driver
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Le concerned fat man
Just finished the first two missions on Vice City and all I can say is wow what a difference to gta III
>cool weather effects
>collision sound effects
>x2 sprint speed but half the stamina (fair enough)
>better steering
>faster cars
>faster everything
>map so no need to memorise destinations
>snappier camera esp driving around corners
>gorgeous lighting
>tfw rosco mcqueen firefighter extreme
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>What *really* irritates the heck out of me when it comes to wyhmyn is that they *really are* all the same at the end of the day.

>No matter if they're reasonably smart, overeduated or downright retarded - There's always this baseline to their behaviour all the same, it's an easy pattern to spot once you're familiar with it.

>Right now i'm talking to one holding an actual PhD here (though it's a meme/humanities one, she's also struggling with heavy mental issues as well, which she told me about and which she keeps putting on full display towards me) telling me that "she still feels like she's a 16 years old girl" and "wants to have fun still" and the like.

>Lots of other crazy statements from her indicative of certain pathologies where that came from. She's almost through her 30's too, mind you.

>Literally AWALT - They all think, act and respond in the same exact manner under a given set of conditional circumstances, though the precise sequence they do these similar responses in always varies wildly and often times defies any logical explanation whatsoever.

>This is what my ongoing field studies have found, and i shall continue engaging in them for now, or this particular one at the very least.

>It's crazy stuff, unless you keep in mind that nature has literally hardwired them this way. And asocial media taken together with feminism bring out the absolute worst aspects of this in wyhmyn.

>You wanna know why women are so unhappy these days?

>It's because they've been given rights/because of feminism.

>Women's rights/letting womemes into education and the workplace, giving them access to the internet is an extremely crazy and nonsensical move on the face of it, and one of the very first things one should be aiming for if civilizational prolapse is one's endgame

>Thanks @pic rel for going along with feminism and leaving us with this entire shitshow to deal with, loI
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Fink i'll be farting, me
Just been playing the Scott Pilgrim game again. Just as fun as I remember. I like the levelling aspect to it. Can't believe I saw Anamanaguchi live like 10 years ago. Feels like a fever dream. I could have sworn you could play as Knives with DLC though, maybe she needs to be unlocked.
So it turns out I need to connect a Ubisoft account or some shit to play as Knives. Didn't even give me a prompt or anything. Stupid as FUCK!
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The wapu's still got some things sitting on the backlog, hath he not
Few cans to end the night. It lush x
hope your liver fails and you die in agony xxx
get a webab in later de lad and support the local wog nonces too x
sounds like the wapu will never complete the backlog
That book you recommended to me is LUSH.
the book of the new sun series? or black company?
either way get in my laaaaad
glad you're liking it
i havent read the other 2 "of the x sun" series of books by gene wolfe. maybe i should
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My Apu scored a nine on the SPACKED Index last visit to the womfinarian. Poor lid spends his time staring off into space and gormlessly asking when the "wootie" is on. He can only really drink Strongbow dark fruits and he only got appetite for cheese flavoured snacks. Don't have the heart to put him down before he finish his backlog but he unlikely to ever complete it now he's as confused as he is.
What happened to the woman from RLM? Forgot they used to have a woman.

Been necking that Polish scran me. Better than giving it to the fucking bookies x
fans creeped her out so she stopped appearing. i think she kept dating mike after and might be still with him
not been keeping tabs on the lore for years now tho
thats cool dude keep supporting foreigners x

It's a lush. Keeping it private x
you're just told us all that you support foreigners
as an amateur frenologist i suspect the thought of working on a never ending backlog drove him crazy
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Gucci-arse nuevo-threadberg diss

Finkin imma garn hafta settlein for some much needed R&R for about 45 before the routine ingestation of the melatoninibba in anticipation for 3am slammin by vaxxmaxxoid boomoid NPC

Boggles the beliefingtons diss in a manner that is undeniably kafkaesque surely

>Gucci-arse nuevo-threadberg diss

>Finkin imma garn hafta settlein for some much needed R&R for about 45 before the routine ingestation of the melatoninibba in anticipation for 3am slammin by vaxxmaxxoid boomoid NPC

>Boggles the beliefingtons diss in a manner that is undeniably kafkaesque surely
in english please
soundspacker posts are indistinguishable from parody at this point
i could parse his post perfectly well and this worries me.
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They call me wapu, ripper of fartingtons
English food is shite so I'm forced to use waki wakeaways.
>My Apu scored a nine on the SPACKED Index last visit to the womfinarian.
what does a ten look like?
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British food is great. You've just fried the dopamine on your tongue with years of curryslop abuse. Detox your receptors, delicious British cuisine awaits.
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The other day the wapu actually dropped a turdington so heavy it actually veritable clogged up his pipeshire

Massive little fucker that was. Corr
good BBC documentary on the Plymouth shootings tonight
proper weird that incel lot

Got dang heat i swear
we have to police our own adverbs now the woke mob has gone TOO FAR
Piece of shit device just got bricked apparently

Ah yes, just exactly what i needed right now
curses come in threes lad, expect two more things to go wrong by the end of the week.
Nice night for a walk, lads. Clear mind. Still a bit snappy if I've not slept properly but I'm a lot happier about my outcome now.
Aaaand it's working again lol

Second time this happened now when fiddling around w/the broken power knobberg, my god i really ought to do this transfer soon, or at the very least refresh the image

I shall make haste in this regard
In that hotel room me x
Phone postin' so the bloody name didn't turn up.

Sorry for spamming the thread.
Corr well done Offie, good for you
now you're due three wrongs. shouldn't have fixed it tbqh.
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Me? I'm on that Rawhide grind. KEEP THEM DOGGIES ROLLIN!
The wapu - Jogger of noggins, copper of feels
Arne slot will fail. screenshot this
Know what pisses me off? These BPD harpies glued to their soiphones 24/7 who falsely call leaving someone on read for more than a couple minutes "ghosting".

Holy shit man, the sheer neuroticity of it lol. Zoomer roasties and milleniroasties both do this, by the way.

They're also the same ones who then immediately start bitching about how you're supposedly "not interested in the conversation", even if you've written veritable walls of text just before.

I think they're partially unaware of how batshit it makes them look due to their own neuroticism, but they also genuinely seem to screw around with non-Chads from what i gather.

It literally doesn't matter what her age or race is, they all do this type of gaslighting if they feel you're taking them too seriously somehow, are ""too available"" to them, too invested in the conversation, or any myriad of other shittests they come up with for non-Chads.

They are living memes following very simple biologically guided and Chad-centric programming, in the end
Back now from the shop with me cold Coke Cherry. It's cheaper than wooze and adheres to the bollocks ritual of going out.

What's going on, lad, QRD?

I'm terrible for music tat like picrel
>*genuinely seem to enjoy screwing around

Roight den, almost wofvefe o' clock there is it not
Back in my day you didn't hear from someone until you saw them in person. Not wasting money on a text for incessant short talk. Only texted when essential as that shit was expensive. Payphones too. Had to remember numbers by heart.
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Women don't take the stress generated by social media addiction and the associated FOMO well at all.

Most of them are complete messes at this point, and this only gets worse with this time.

Just like children need to have their screen time limited, ""adult"" women (an oxymoron, i know) need to have it limited as well by a well-meaning patriarchal state.

The entire sexual marketplace is collapsing due to this.

Women see Stacy posting herself with Chad and want in on the action.

This creates a backlog of roasties piling up on top of Chad, while all other men get either breadcrumbs or nothing at all.

This is not a sustainable situation and will, unfortunately and inevitably, lead to civilizational collapse in the mid- to long term.

The stronger and more patriarchal civilization will take over ours, then.

This is obviously what western women are craving as well, otherwise they wouldn't be voting hard-leftist/for mass immigration of young non-white men from patriarchal backgrounds into western society
W*men can sniff my farts for all i care
im voting lib dem me. brexit was gay.
Who cares about women, just go gay. Far better.
Ed Davies next stunt is holding Rishi down and fucking him up the arse with a Dragon Dildo.
i don't even know who ed davies is
I can guarantee the next James Bond will be a gay black man.
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Denying men the opportunity of finding stable marriages with loyal women, what a great move this was on the moneylender's part... It'll all be ogre soon, a mere further footnote in history

We tried to warn them, did we not?
Ian Watkins as he was bumming kids
My mum told me when she was a teen and young adult she had phone conversations a lot, and loved having them with her friends.
Apparently if people rang you and you didn't answer, you were 'out'.
Sounds like heaven.
Still mental that this happened. Used to be a big Lostprophets fan. Can't even fathom the shit be did.
Quite sickening, this
Did he actually bum kids or was he caught trying to?
Yeah he had sex with an infant. Proper scum.
You lads aren't real fans of the band if that put you off. The way I see it, Ian's personal life is none of my business.
Not saying I still don't like the music, I listen to Michael Jackson too and he was a right mentalist.
It's annoying that Ian is in jail and he can't make music though
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> The way I see it, Ian's personal life is none of my business.
Yeah I feel sorry for the rest of the band, they must be gutted about the lost profits
Why did he take all these awful pictures?
That is one of his most flattering pictures
who would win in a fight between ruthmong and soundspacker? my money is on soundspacker
>winning a fight? won't get me a gf
soundspacker, the lad is genuinely mental
Bit of the ol' doxxing going on again, is it kings
Only just went and wutted, me
Soundspacker would fucking kill him. Soundspacker is an alpha mong.
Watching the old more of the old Dr Who from 2005. To think that in the new series when they went back in time to meet The Beatles, they didn't use any of the songs. They cheaped out that much.
feeling a strange emptyness and depression that i cant get rid of, ive decided its time to do drugs, never done them before, what drug should i do to cheer me up?
Go to some kind of support group. You can speak openly and honestly and hear from people who feel similarly. It's NOT counselling, they address the weaknesses of conventional counselling and help to change your outlook from the bottom up.
>Go to some kind of support group.
do they even exist anymore? never see them on bulletin boards or anything like that around this way
anyway i was thinking cocaine or adderall, maybe coke would be a bit strong for a drug virgin like me so adderall looks like the way forwards
>mondays at 7pm
fucks sake, working
dont think ruthmong would beat anyone in a fight. scummy little rodent
Never been to one of those but it's just an example of what's out there. With wooze and me I just liked to be able to sit down and listen to people whose lives were significantly more fucked than mine... and how they managed to recover things.

I was uncomfortable with how I ended up as an adult, a minimum wagie loser. I was comparing myself to other people from my year group at school, then last year I found out that one of them that I used to have classes with got done for CP... and now I'm grateful that the bar is now set impossibly low for me. All I have to do is get a slightly better than minimum job and I'll be okay with myself.

Sorry lad. Try becoming an addict first then seek groups like that.

You could also try this https://www.directionsformen.org.uk/groups
I had phone chats like that. Used to have chats with mates for hours on the phone. Got shit for the phone bill. Guess I am last of that generation.
its weird.

i would be put off lost prophets if i was a fan and found out he was raping babies

i am not really puttoff listening to the odd glitter song though

maybe if i was a fan and it suddenly hit the news he was a nonce i would feel different. not sure. maybe just one of em things that since hes always been known as a nonce for so long its like youre desensitized to it. dont think i would listen to him in public though where people could hear. dont wanna be judged for listening to glitter even if he has some bangin tunes. in america they have no problem though. still play that shit at like basketball games or whatever
The gf came home drunk again
post pics of drunk gf please lad, how come shes out so late on a thursday? just post her tits
as soon as anon posts his gfs sweet titties i can go to bed
Sounds like a gay porn site.
I do, I pay far more than I'm legally required
Remember to vote Reform
Biden is so fucked, Trump and r Nige again!
Remember to have sex
Phwoarr absolutely love waking up to a flood of lefty tears as far as the eye can see
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>mfw reform get a few million votes and no seats
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Really really hate summer and the associated heat, laddingtons.

It is what it is though
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What a way to wake up lad.
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Pretty obvious at this point that people are not supposed to like Joe Biden
Le democrats are supposed to lose
Ze script is written indeed
You are also not supposed to like the Tories. All the transgressive options presented to us are just another controlled opposition waste of time me laddies
Ominous and portentous dream about Farage. He betrayed secrets I was supposed to be keeping about someone and then wouldnt let me off his ferris wheel thing. Literally could not get off farages wild ride. Dreams do not lie me laddies. Ze instinct is to not trust le big chungus man
It is just gay ops all de way all de way
Dreamed two blokes broke in and started fixing/modding my boiler, well, my GP reduced my thyroid medication a week ago. so it all makes sense.
Ofc in my dream state i didn't realise this and was about to start torturing them for breaking in, luckily i woke up.
Dreams are mad.
dont like old people desu
White women don't like white men desu
Indian women don't like Indian men
Just got my payslip and I got absolutely destroyed by taxes. It's only 500 quid more than I got from the DWP. Fucking 500 quid and I have to work 6-7 day weeks sometimes. Doesn't really seem worth it to me.

I could have made up those quid if I claimed pip/adult disability payment. Fucking joke
BNWOlad is just upset no black woman will shag him
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He going back to mobile broadband. He sick of having home broadband. It might be for you but it not for him.
That's 6 grand a year better off de lid, plus you now have prospects of a promotion, pay increases and bonus none of which you get from bennies. Not to mention the social aspect.
Sorry to hear. Vote reform.
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>ACberg exhaust duct too short to reach the other window
>Attach it to shower drain instead

A veritable stroke of genius, innit

Let's see how much the place gets cooled down
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He'll be trading in his new phone for a PlayStation 5. Well he doesn't need the extra phone does he?

Makes sense tbqh. He have three phones. He have zero PS5s.
He has such a gift, the way he can talk and talk to no end. 35 minutes and ALL he talked about is switching to mobile broadband because the fixed broadband is too expensive and he's out a lot. Nothing else. Over half an hour. He'd make a cracking salesman if he wasn't such a lazy dosser.
I think he would make a good mayor. Like the mayor of a small seaside town. Show up to local events, have little chats with the locals, cut ribbons, sample the local ales, etc. Of course inevitably he would end up trading the mayoral chain in to Cex or something and lose the job.

It a Fryday Fryup dee lads so get in there

*jabs self with a kitchen knife a couple times on twitch*
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Lush organic tomatoes. Only the best for SSM. Wagies paid for it all too.
Burning his bacon like that lad here did yesterday but is he complaining? No, he like it cooked a little bit longer.
Local Worrisons has all its fridges shut off ffs
Barely anything on shelves. This country really does just shut down if the temperature is anything over 20.
First #whiteboimoment of the day is always the best #whiteboimoment
Nice comfy brekkie time with are Mark. Maka will be fuming about that egg being given to the birds and not him. Get in.
kekking at this

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Zoomer fingers typed that
Does your work coach at the job centre ever change?

I don't particularly like mine. She's an overweight woman who gives suggestions like "have you thought about McDonalds?" or "have you considered care work?". Am I stuck with this woman forever or will I eventually rotate to someone else?
Have you thought about McDonald's or care work? Seem like sensible suggestions to me
The McDonalds near me isn't hiring, I did check.

I don't particularly want to do care work like wiping old people's bums or whatever. Also I have no car so how would I get to these people's houses?
Presidential Debate

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DHL have stolen his cider
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It not right. He needed that delivery
Not like him to not be in for a delivery
seasideMARK people fighting with sticks Kicking off in Manchester, looks bad there.

Heard DVDlad is in with the Jewish Mafia for 500 grand over a DVD copy of Jerry Lewis' lost film The Day the Clown Cried.
The alcoholic missed his cider delivery? Madness. He'll be drinking window cleaner by the end of day.
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He was there for it. They lied and stole his cider. Without his car he can't drive to get more. His day's been ruined by DHL.
That DHL driver has got their cider on for freeeeeeeeee!!!!!
time for a nap before i have to do the other thing

what a sad existence
and youre here to read it all, big guy
Any afternoon SSM update yet?
lush cider not arrived de liids, trolls must have diverted it. mellen out with her boyfriend getting a lengf n its not ssm. Go Prow sold, Google Pixul sold, PS5 coming in winter when beaches and benches are shut. LUSH 4 times
Mark or all the people posting about him?
It's been an excellent morning for SSM updates it must be said. Kept me entertained during my WFH grind.
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Why did he do it de Iads?
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I thought his playstation days were over
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are Maka not happy with everyone declining his paypal requests. he fumin
Glad you've posted this de lad. Been at least a few days since it was dropped. Can you also ask where he gets his money from?
millionaire internet celebrity loses it all after nonce allegations. Why would you do it?
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>Can you also ask where he gets his money from?
I know but can't say
Always thought it was Dua LEEP-A but the lad on the Glastonbury stream is saying Dua LIP-A. Boggles the mind.
This Olivia Dean lass nearly has her arse out.
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He secret PS5 eGamer
BBC's Glastonbury sound is consistently shit as usual. Think they just blurred this lasses arse too.
Mate that's a Switch game. Jesus FUCKING WEPT LAD.
Not usually into black lasses but this Olivia Dean's getup is cute. Nice voice too.
Literally no point going to Glasto when you can enjoy it at home with a big telly and 7.1 surround speakers versus sitting in a shitty field surrounded by mongs pissing themselves.
Hearing increasing reports about a short and quite rotund gentleman who gives off a distinctive smelt of either fish or shit who is protesting outside his local DHL Depot after a driver supposedly "stole" his ciders that were due to be delivered.
it's fun to drink lukewarm beers for 5 days straight then listen to bands you would never listen to normally. That sounded sarcastic but i'm being genuine.
Haven't been to a festival in about 8 years mind, so maybe i wouldn't like it these days
Cider is fucking rank anyway. Fat fuck should get on the beers instead. Simples.
I've been to plenty of big outdoor shows and they're shit most of the time. Can't see the stage and sound is bollocks too. You end up watching from a fucking screen anyway. Only UK festival I'd like to head to would be bloodstock but same issues really.
Got the lube, tissues and scented candles ready for Dua Lipas set tonight.
He become Switch eGamer on PS5 then. He understand vidya like he understand budget & finance.
I'm going to Rock Werchter in Belgium next week. First festival I've ever been to as well.
Corr, gucci-arse kittingtonshire diss one
usually watch some of it on telly but not sure this year. havent looked at proper line up but headliners are eapecially dogshit this year

would have loved to go at least once but i kinda get this sentiment vecause i know i would need to piss and it would just ruin the experience being trapped in a massive crowd and needing to piss
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Very nice edit and numbers

doesnt really matter if the sounds shit does it? heh
Very funny, lad. More talented than half the shit at Glasto.
uhh not a joke

just noise innit. not listening to what they saying either. why does the sound need to be good. some metal is meant tosound shit
uhhhdurrrr fuck u lad you gimp
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wish we more guns so litterers would be shot
He's not littering, he's feeding the seagulls
Wish we publicly executed homosexuals so they'd stop molesting children
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Remember to vote Reform de lads
seagulls can shoplift sandwiches whenever they like
Media spin against Reform is in full swing. Damage limitation at this point. Can't have a proper right wing party in England, can we now?
Wasnt the "Reform Candidate" outed as an actor with his acting bio public facing and searchable? That's what i'd heard.
kek what did even he call him?
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Already slept 13 hours yday but I take a wee valium since it's weekend
Oh fucking come on delivery driver, drive in a fucking circle around where i live and not come within 500 yards for an hour....
foot fags too
crosslad not going to like that one bit
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If only giantess were real
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Dont really drink cider bt I got 1 @ co op cause it just looked nice. 7% is kinda high. I probly too tired for it later anyway.
Put some ice in it to lessen the ABV a touch and make it four times more refreshing and delicious
use t put bit of cheeky orange squash in mine
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Cool bit of science
Kinda sad they equate mcdonalds and caring
Comfy pic
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4 pack 4 pack all the way 4 pack 4 pack all the way
got mesen a 4 pack
gonna be doing the elden ring dlc on me 2nd character now, that or start another ds3 run
gonna be lush
hope you lot are enjoying your weekend too
get in
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>If you are a carer for someone that qualifies for the Motability Scheme and you have been selected to be their nominee or appointee then you could get a car
Mark is Helen's carer
cba today
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The porn twitter grows, lads.
what's the endgame for this lad?
There is no endgame. Just enjoying posting. I imagine I'll plateau off at a certain point. If by some chance I get lucky and bump up to sort of 10-20k then maybe I'll add a wishlist just to occasionally get some stuff. Just happy to enjoy the ride though.
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Look at them. Stunning. Every one of them won the genetic lottery.

And what will they do with this gift? Whore themselves out to arab oil princes on instagram, letting themselves get pissed on in hotel rooms.
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Spreading his sickness to others
Hope they release the new CLOCKUP guro vn in English.
"3 fake blondes and a horses arse"
Good name for a band that.
Manga is superior to anime in every way. Anime is often just an advert for the manga and full of filler.
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Who's this Irish paki bumming poley?
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coomer rot brain spreading their illness. no different than gays spreading aids
I used to date a girl who was really into manga and she would tell me about every single one of them. By and large they are totally interchangeable and indistinguishable from each other. They are totally riddled with tropes to the point of inducing total mind-numbing boredom in anyone but the most addicted simpleton. Dozens and dozens of them get produced in a variations-on-a-theme approach to storytelling, with each being almost exact clones of one another except for some very minor detail that changes between them.

Manga is total drivel.
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Mad how the rest of the world calls it "cartoons" yet the japs found a way to nonce it right up

Proper wrong uns into all that weeb shit tbqh
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Paragraphs nigga
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are war wagies the worst of the lot?
>respect me i am army man
fuck off. you earn less than a mcdonalds wagie
why does their heart bleed for gaza? why should a brit care about a muzzie or a jew
Hard to believe a degenerate tranny like Poley can be successful but a white British mong like myself can't. Boggles.
Mate, every story ever told is derivative of something else and full of tropes. It's not just manga. Occasionally you get something really unique but it's rare.
manga is full of different stories and genres like any other medium... you're talking bollocks
It's not even the noncing, it's just shitty quality.

>caring enough about posting on your mongolian basket-weaving forum to properly edit and format your posts

Of course every story is derivative of some other to some extent, but the sheer degree to which manga is derivative of one another and the degree to which tropes are used as crutches for writing/story/characters is just staggering.

Yes it is full of different genres, and WITHIN those genres they're almost all identical. Mate seriously the number of minutely different villainess or reincarnation or isekai type fucking bollocks shite manga I've had to sit through hearing about it mind-blowing.

Also, the guy saying that anime is full of filler, LLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLL, the ex-gf I had who was into manga would regularly tell me about how this or that manga she's reading has gone for like fucking A HUNDRED CHAPTERS with literally ZERO PLOT PROGRESSION OR DEVELOPMENT. Manga IS filler - filler for your life which should instead be used for better things than reading that utter rubbish.
Sometimes you wanna just read a bit of filler.

Most media is absolute wank though. Not really a secret
You're a bit of a seethie today, eh? I agree completely about Isekai shit, it's been completely overdone. I WAS REINCARNATED AS MY CRUSH'S TAMPON IN A MAGICAL KINGDOM! There's still good shit out there if you look hard enough, the problem is any of the proper weird interesting shit never gets officially translated. Filler is in both manga and anime but anime is worse. There are literally like 100 episodes you can skip in the original series and they remade Dragon Ball Z because they filled it with stupid shit like Goku learning to drive.
it finally the weekend and I will be busy every single day of it and Monday
I keep hoping for sustained lengths of time to be away on my own and it literally never happens
bloody tiring
Me? I'll be tucked up on the sofa watching Rawhide.
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I diagnose you as using manga as an effigy 4 your ex that cheated on you with a weeb chad
For me? It's degenerate VNs like Euphoria and Maggot Baits as well as coomer mangas like Freeing and Nozoki Ana.
D*llycel shall be perusing the iliad this weekend
you and I have wildly different definitions of successful

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I still have the pikachu n64. Think its worth a bit on ebay but idc
>not drinking on thursday
>not drinking on friday
He meant next week. Probably.
ahaahahah it was a troll that rearranged the cider delivery for next wedneday it so fucking lush he only got 10 ciders left and he gonna be rationing them out until next week oh it so fucking lush trolls win big time here and it is four times lush
Fucking hell, Glastonbury is grim this year.
This Sugababes set is grim as fuck, like three old crack whores.
Always has been, lad. Glastonbury is a meme.
It was good when I could wank off to Olivia Rodrigo running about in a short skirt.
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he looks so sad in the thumbnail
I like to think that SSM was the inspiration for Smough in Dark Souls.
The black one from Sugababes nearly has her big tits out. The redhead ain't bad looking but Mutya looks like an ugly whore.
I have PTSD from that fucking fight back when the game was new.
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Which one is RiffRatz?
only ever fancied the blonde one anyway. in retrospect they were all a bit rough looking
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might give DS3 another run. its been 6 months since i last played it
get in there Anon
take this
ive just done dark souls like 5 times now and each time i wanna play i know it sorts of over after that fight and i just cant be fucked to give the game another go
blue lad
yep but i never murdered anyone
You sad pathetic little man
I found them the hardest boss in the game. Never had too many issues with any of the others. The spider lass was annoying but then I realised you just stand in between her legs. Once I had a full Pavel set I was indestructible. Never did the DLC because I didn't know you had to trigger it in a dumb way. Three Kings were surprisingly easy. The place with all the lizardmen was annoying at first too but more trying to make stupid jumps. What a game.
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awrite riffraffz
accessing the dlc is bs. not sure how people even found it out back in the day
I am the ghost of Shippy
>full Pavel set
russian havel, 2x as much health
You're right about the DLC, genuinely don't know how people used to find secrets etc. in Dark Souls. It's worth it for the Artorias fight alone though I reckon, love that fella

Aye it's stupid.
Is it Havel? I forgot the name but it was sweet. Didn't use a shield at all on Elden Ring however. Yeah by the time I found out how to do the DLC I already beat the final boss. I just stupidly assumed it would unlock after that.
On them Polish weers. It's a lush and I mean LUSH x

On that wifi at a Polish bar.
new boring cunt just dropped
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>giving money to the people who flooded the country in the early 2000s and took all of the farm jobs teenagers were supposed to take during the summer holidays
get fucked traitor
Wouldn't be surprised if it came out that Gavin Plumb posted on here
Just downloaded it now. Been playing rise of the ronin and inbetween getting my non Ng+ character through to beat mohg. Mohg is deed so it's getting started soon
Tuth's ruppence
Bit mad. He was probably only having a laugh and a LARP and some retard yank did him in.
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i thought that was andy ditch when i first seen that image. jeez. must be his long lost twin. both are freaks
get in there anon.
gimme a shout if you need a hand with a boss or two. ill be on for a few hours yet
Fat jock lad in a frock
Imagine a handjob from Ranni. Two hands on ya cock and two hands up ya arse. Phwoar. MY QUEEN.
>Garbage bag holder inna kitchen fell ovah all on its own, probably due to the sun exposure

ckin ell
ACberg still working after all

I shall devise a new method of routing the exhaust air outside
Just got into bed and a spider was in me bed. Sneaky bastid is dead now.
Riddle me this. If all these MTF trannies are really women them why do they exploit their cocks for porn if it's one of the things making them miserable?
Cos they aren't really women, it's a fetish. Autogynephilia is what Ray Blanchard called it.
I heard the recommended level was 150 which seems insane?im just rolling in at 99. Happy to struggle desu. Barely played since last year so genuinely very excited
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the tranny movement has been taken over by homosexual faggot degenerates that's sole identity is sex. just like everything these days.
scadutree fragments do a lot more than levels really. I had no real problem entering the dlc at 110 and doing the first few bosses with a few scadu levels. i finished the dlc at level 190 just because i didnt want to throw away the amount of runes i was getting
Cos they are gay
Sandford lane LIVE 2

has anyone got that webm of mark dancing?
On the kronenbourgs, lads. Big handsome cans.
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fucking grim
whole country needs scorched
Just beat blackgaol knight. Took a few tries but got the parry timing down and it was alright.
kek even prisoners get more pussy than neets

this link works

theres another part lad
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what part? i posted the whole video
fuck this country
i dont want to live here anymore
just need one more crypto cycle then i fuck off
full of vile degenerate cunts this country is
kek you think this is the first time EVER in the world staff are having sex in prisons?
Lay off the retard lad.
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>kek you think this is the first time EVER in the world staff are having sex in prisons?
No, but this is the first time it's been blatantly recorded in recent times you mongoloid.
>murder happens
>people report on it
fuck off spacker mong go pick your battles elsewhere if you want a quick dopamine hit from an internet argument
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>full of vile degenerate cunts this country is
>said the degen tranny
lad have been outside your house in the last month?
>this is the first time it's been blatantly recorded in recent times you mongoloid

It definitely isn't. Are you dumb?
oh god dont say that
Alias of shippy.
trannys arent inherently degenerate. and no twitter onlyfans whores posting their tiny cocks online talking about being your "trans gf" isnt a fair representation
stop watching blacked porn on a daily basis then. this is not normal behaviour being recorded
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This one on Sandford Lane?
It really is fucking bonkers letting women work as officers in men's prisons.
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>trannys arent inherently degenerate.
can't wait to sweep her off her feet when she's in her 30's and ready to settle down
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It not right what he did.

Ruthmong gon be FUMING. She's talking about passports and coutnersigning.
The dumb bitch is going to lose a comfy secure job over some sex, bet she'll really enjoy that.
Plebs gonna pleb, always have, always will.
Kek @ the recorder flexing his tiny imagined victory over the people over the radio, while they get to go home & experience the nice weather while he's stuck indoors watching his friend fuck (which is VERY gay, can't believe he self-reported like that)
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Too cold now for ice. I drink it al dente
what the fuck was he expecting, the council to give him a taxpayer-funded sex doll in prison to "satitate his urges" or something???
good point
brownoids and mudsharks are incapable of thinking about 10 minutes in the future
hope she gets chucked in prison herself as a prisoner
fucking dirty skank
He needs full sex doll. It not right.
She get mums friend to countersign. Ruthmong, get one of your mums friends to do it.
No point in him getting a passport anyway because he doesn't have any shoes. He can't even leave his house, let alone go abroad.
He can be the barefoot traveler. Make it his thing and start a yt channel about it.
mad that britpol kneels to my views
worrying that they are so meek
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*enter public toilet*
*draw willy on the wall with a pen* (penis drawing)
On de wissington me, arnt i
Drinking Guinness, vaping and wanking. Same as every night for the past year. I'm a loser
Whats Guinness taste like, lad?
I'm a wussy widerz drinker
adultwork is fucking shit most of them stop working at 5-6pm wtf
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Its better than giving it to benson & hedges
Smooth, creamy, and bitter
I'm not a fanatic, I just prefer it to lager these days
I'll drink anything in a push tbqh
All the best ones are in London and far too expensive anyway. Haven't bothered with a prossie in years now because of that. Saves me money at least.
I might try it next time I'm at a boozer.
Always seen it as an hard cunt's drink.
>hard cunt's drink
It's not. It's only 4% so it goes down really smooth, there's actually been a recent uptick in stout drinking because a lot of chicks drink the stuff. I drink a lot of imperial stouts whenever I can which are around 10% ABV. To me Guiness tastes like slightly chocolatey water.
Beer snobbery is gay
Drink what you like, nobody cares
'cept Strongbow, don't drink that.
Snob snobbery is gay
Let people be snobs, who cares
Been drinking Guinness my whole life simply because most every pub has it and it goes down easy. Gotten a bit pricey since covid, however. 15 cans are like 18 quid now.
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1 of the times i was suspended from school was after i vandalised the fudge out of the boys toilets, funny thing is i didnt go 2 school anyway so the only reason i knew i was suspended was the bald manlet ""assistant" head teacher leaving several messages on landline like a creepy nonce trying 2 bait me mum into calling him as well, i delete these, for a long time there i was gaslit into almost thinking, these events were something to be ashamed of, but now i'm quite proud, I was just too young to understand my aim was misdirected, no victory in causing some extra work for min wage cleaners, but the sentiment was noble and pure, I hated this normalslime indoctrination camp, I wanted all the teachers to know i hated them. If id brainstormed more. I would've photoshopped fake divorce documents, fake text messages, send 2 teacher spouses, divorces, lose custody, phish my biggest enemy teacher's password nd spam CP from his email address to the whole school. I was just impulsive and did what felt right at the time. I hope karma is torturing them all every day, I had the moral high ground then and still do.
Dont take any nonce-sense off school teachers. They need Khmer rouge treatment. Freaks.
>Story I'm not gonna read
Did ye aye
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Just farded bros
Crosslad is a hhl character
Got bad mushy poo from too much chocolate, lads. Should I eat more?
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I like cider again. Shouldve got more. Sickly though. I wait until i have freedom for my cigs.
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>I'll drink anything in a push tbqh
Careful, lad. You don't want to end up a walcoholic.
Watching Glastonbury
Don't get it
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another night on the frenson and hedges for this lad
That given up on finding an ashtray feel
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Just 1 g&t to ease into my early night
get in lass
on the heinenken me
you thought about getting on estrogen yet?
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I got 4 of them some night last week instead of my stellas, cant remember how they tasted byt i drank them all so not bad probably. Cheers lass
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When the cats are away the mice come out to pIay >:)
Anybody use firefox on youtube. It's almost unwatchable do to the buffering shite
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What's your opinion on this guy
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Losing to Slovakia on Sunday will be very funny.
get in. glad you liked em
remember to get some water down ya next time
no cause Google fucks with youtube on Firefox. but i got them on ad blockdown.
will fuck off from using YT altogether once the embedded ads thing gets added tho
fuck that
>embedded ads thing gets added tho
YT are experimenting with putting ads in their videos like Twitch so ad block doesnt work
it not right
Welp...looks like I've got the Big C
It was fun shitposting with you lads.
That anon was right...............lion king snes gets really hard......i mena its a kids game from 30 years ago.......but run out of continues having to go from the start again......its not like you can do a perfect run every time in a platformer.......save scum would be cheating.....i will crack it though. I got further in this game when i was 8 than i can right now
Its probably just a headache lid
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Hope youre not just giving up on the spot if you serious
Wissed af me. In that Polish bar

Just don't want to go to work x
get a bag in de lad, maybe they have crystal meth in that, that stuff gets produced in poland a lot afaik
You kill the cobbler lad? You got your shoes back?
cant work when the sprogs are back home
You keep saying this. Are the Department of Wagie Payments threatening to make you work?
Bed time
Mainly out of boredom
That's when the dayuse hotels stop
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ckin ell, proper good din-din this
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Love wee crows
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Exhausted myself with all of my irritable outbursts today
One of those days
The shame of it
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So when i was 16 i had s*x, with ***** who was 17, i was apprehensive nd put this off for as long as i could then it just happened, i used these condoms DUREX TINGLE which was very thin on the peepee. I think theyre discontinued. It was near Christmas. Soon after i had a compulsion to read the bible and i started sperging out on a christian forum about is it over for my sovl? I did s*x and im not married. I was pretty much terrified. Housewives telling me its ok if its just a mistake all will be forgiven which sounded like cope 2 me. The rules are pretty black and white. Likewise marrying a divorced woman(@stepdads). Well we just step around the rules as we see fit. I miss my virginity. From this day i was tainted and ruined but it was a sunken cost fallacy where my pp feel good so I just did it more and more anyway. When ***** was on her period still did it. Leaking all over the bed. I was fully in league with Satan anyway at this point. Theres a short period where i just stopped caring i notice this happens. When I felt the most like dying, but also it was late 00s, R. Dawkins and hitchens was on youtube & TV all day, it rubbed off on me and i wanted 2 do chemistry degree too, at some point i briefly was a materialist............................i thought ""when the body dies, the brain dies, consciousness comes from the brain, so life ends forever, and then theres nothing" I felt safe and like i could do whatever i wanted now, I felt very confident in life and like who's going 2 stop me now? Well im just an insignificant speck on a floating rock so it actually doesnt matter if i do this or that or treat ppl nice or bad so its all gravy. This is what i mean about this being a cope. No, judgement is waiting for (You) actually. I loved *****'s feet, her sister too, crazy arches, 1 of the first times in her house witnessed her soles nearly had a heart attack, puberty and high libido. I took my enjoyment in it all, me and the baphomet too. Maybe I am the baphomet?
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She stole my chakras. This materialism lasted about 2 year. Then when I was 21 i saw a vision. I met a witch on ******** street. Next thing, thunder in the sky. Only a month or so later i met the devil & Mary in the same night. Pure hatred and pure love gave me turbulence. Now mind you the whole time im just thinking whats a young nigga do to deserve all this hm? I started drinking. My only exp of drinking was when things were on the rocks with ***** @ the very end. We went 2 her little friends birthday party or whatever it was. I never try alcohol before much. I try vodka and lemonade from her friends mum I said give me another one of those. Another one. Cheers. One more thx. Next thing i was in the kitchen with her friends mum i was saying ***** DONT LOVE ME ANYMORE IT SO SAD! U NEED TO TALK SENSE INTO HER! WE ARE TWIN FLAMES! Then someone call a taxi i throwed up outside, i got home nd raided my mums booze cupboard nd tanned all the gin nd threw up more in my bed, pretty much that was the end of things, ***** said she wanted 2 get a hotel room together that night nd try to work things out emotion wise (s*x) but i had other ideas didnt i? Which is to say the demon drink. Yes, well i dont regret anything because it was all foretold.
Mental that we're headed for 36 hour threads now
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Shout out action francaise & bastion social https://youtube.com/watch?v=u7GZdqmmY38
Open 2 be le pens toyboy any time. She make me nipples freeze
State of that bald cunt harvie. Ginger sex beast. I trusted U about the foxes. I never trust a bald again.
Back at the hotel now. Wissed af.

I go sleeps now x
You can be my toyboy
Gavin Plumb wanted to shag Holly Willoughby's bum
how many of you would look just like this when the polcie turned up
whos gavin plumb?
Hotel? You on another holiday?
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bloke in the news who wanted to do a murder to are holly
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*given unprecedented powers as a serf 2 vote in democratic elections*
*abstains, spoils or chooses banter vote*
What of it? God can judge me, tories will burn in hell, Henry viii is burning, U sold us for 30 silver. When the cats are away the mice come out 2 play. Yes we are plague rats with syphilis nd we hate "them". Deal with it.
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This auld slag know what she's doing
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Love means never having to say you're sorry, lads. Good film. Ali McGraw was gorgeous in her day. Great theme music as well. Bit of a tearjerker but beautifully shot.
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1 day i f*g ***** at least 3 times within same afternoon. I dont even m*sturbate that many times a week now. I f*gged her in living room, next 2 this TV i turned to the right and saw our reflection, leglocked, i see her feet around my back in this sinful image and go harder, Its no wonder she did all those preggo tests. I was fully indoctrinated 2 the "legion" of the horned goat. Black Philip & Samael. Bt in hindsight, I believed ***** was Sophia too, but she was another ar*hon. Its a v common trick to present as 1 when another is another. So I thought **** was the real deal but it was the same deal as b4. Ok, even after that exp w the witch. Age, 21-24. I was so suicidal that i disregarded. Thats how it works i notice. All the times i really attempted 2 die, which is 3 times, its not like i stopped believing theres something after this life, bt my attitude was like this; "even if there is, who cares? anything at all is better than this--" "I dont care. As long as this ends i dont care." I put any doubts behind. IMO, you need this perception 2 die on purpose. Whenever someone says theyre planning death. My first thought. So what do U think comes after? Will it be better? "Nothing comes after/I havent thought about it/I dont care". Theyre short sighted, but theyre also correct, you NEED to think that way to suicide. When you honestly want to suicide, is the only way you can think. No energy for anything else. For me, my plans in 2019 were thwarted. I had sodium nitrite in the cupboard I had enough death drive 2 be a materialist but then such and such happened i came back to earth. I know its what they would want. Im trapped here.
We always have a schizo or two in the thread. Something about /britfeel/ is irresistible to them.
>28 hour thread
>Still not at 400 posts
Really just can't be arsed with life. It's just a constant struggle to fill time. Too much of a mong for a successful career or relationship. Too self aware to live in blissful ignorance. More often than not, the only joy I get is shovelling junk food down my gullet like a fat seagull. Then I think "one day my parents will die." Then what? My only friends dead, great. I guess I'll just jump off of a fucking car park then. Hopefully land on some cunt and cause a scene.
Worrying about what happens when they die takes away from the time you still have with them. It's a bad mindset, you should try and stamp it out
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Bt the thing is, ***** has 2 sprog at this point. Theres 2 boys out there where i fucked their mums feet. And hows that work out on the abacus of karma/? Well it make my pp react but its pretty fucked that i still think about it. I think 1 day we will end up crossing paths anyway since we're twin flames. No such thing as coincidence in this life. I miss my virginity.God bless ***** and even ****, i was betrayed, it was hard, but i learned. Sent 2 me, sent to make me think it was 1 way when it was the other way, deliberate deceit, and sabotage bc the weight of my soul threatened this fallen world, they took off a lot of HP, bt evidently I live, and god bless ***** and her sexy toes, and when we got a ferry 2 Millport nd i was in heat staring @ her red nail polish. God bless this thread. F*k this entire material world. If the demiurge forces me 2 shit then i shit in his mouth. None of my life made sense. I was born 2 be incel but i met ***** or rather it was imposed on me, 2 my enjoyment. Because it's my twin flame. 1ce i was through the looking glass it made sense. I should have been christos but i was anti-christos. I should have died but i lived. And what of it? Yep, you know the rest. Cherers.
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>Hopefully land on some cunt and cause a scene.
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If youre not my cat dont rely on much sympathy for me. Ive had it up 2 here with homo sapiens. Guess who never betrayed me. My wee cats. So even when i thought maybe a d*llycel truce could be on the cards? Could we co-exist? Bt then i remember what you said about my cat. Not happening. Truce cancelled. I would put holes in you little lad over that. U best hope you never meet me you autist freak.
Mad that *****'s husband made 2 sprog out of that WAP, but id already been in there a million times. So who really wins?
I felt that way about my dog until he farted under the covers. Fucker nearly mustard gassed me to death.
Sorry lad, I usually make most of the posts here but I've been busy lately
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Maybe next weekend i get on the acid. I get closer to God. Who else even in my corner? I've been abandoned.
Its better out than in de lat
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1 day i find my maria. It wasnt *****, ****, i thought it was, i tricked, just traces of her. 1 day i find my maria, perfect feet, i creampie, i die like a bee sting.
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Him, he got 2 sprogs out of her and you got none
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https://youtu.be/m4D20t0Lbqs is there a soul alive in this United Kingdom feeling my energy? Yes, I hypnotised them, nd they forget again tomoro.
I want to disagree but youre actually correct
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We all pan bread soon anyway so fuck it
Shouldve stuck that sprog in ***** but its alright. If shes reading this, which she is, i betabuxx when the time comes.
We are all steak.
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Makima is pure **** energy. It made me sad. It is what it is.. Am i mouse or man?
Remind me a lot of yer wan from psycho pass. Drowsy girl.
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They told me to grow up but i looked in my corner nd i saw no one. I fight for survival.
Some day we go into the autistic osananajimi bt thats a whole other story. Yep she was 5 years older than me. This is all in the past. Its time 2 get on with living. Albeit, my soul is trapped in purgatory.
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I was suicidal, but the fact is, im immortal. So what do my enemies make of that? LMAO. Try ur worst faggot. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaahaha
Absolutely gagging 4 a cig de lats. Not tongiht, but soon.
Brushy brushy azunyan
And where is DayZ lad? Abandoned me too. Its ok.
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So in a tldr sense i was giving this choice of simple death, or i gather arcane knowledge 2 end the cycle of reincarnation, is there any difference? Fuck knows but im stuck here now --------------- Actually I want to die but before that i have *****'s toes in my face and i drool over them like an animal.Oh no i fell back in2 samsara but i am a devil! Hahahahahhaha
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ordered some dumbbells today lads
want to be strong and run fast and enjoy being outside and not be ashamed of how i look
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Its all ending........................i sleep............................ future historians must know.................im hypocrite, i contradict myself, my opinion is whatever i feel in the moment nothing more or less. Its lush.
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>footmong thinks we don't know its him spamming feet day and night like a mad pathetic moron
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I NEED cig. Its not a desire. Its a human right. GIVE me!
I don't think footmong has the dedication to larp as a schizophrenic scostman for this long, I reckon he's dead to be honest
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Thats it. Give his FUCKING car.
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U must continue. I tried take this old thread 2 the end. But i sleep. I fall asleep where im sitting. After all I looked and who was in my corner/? Not a soul. I remember the betrayal.
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In this life? In a life or death situation i only answer for mum, my wee cat, *****, ****. Good to know where everyone stands.
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Cheers, thats a good nite fromm me, 2 my main niggers, cheers, good night thread
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a costco membership won't get me a gf
In Alsace atm
Whats it like de lad?
Pissing it down and i need to head out in 20 corrrrrrrr
Not even 8am and I'm a bit pissed. Maybe I should go to bed instead of having a few more shots
had a shit already which is unusal for me. completely thrown my day out of whack already
Best thing youl do today is go sleep it off laddie
very picturesque
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Riffratz has his back to a corner after being exposed by SeasideMARK. It not fucking right. Riff Ratz determined to bring out the big guns and reveal the truth about the Mansfield Inferno and what he really doing in Dorset. It not right. The gloves coming off now. Riffratz in whole heap of shit now as SeasideMark has been defeating the trolls... just look at what happened to seasideEXPOSED... he a pathetic shade of his former self.

We all pray that SeasideMARK wasn't forced to deploy the big guns in this feud but Riffratz didn't know when to stop. Even now the SeasideARMY marching.
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seen any alsace apus?
>Even now the SeasideARMY marching.
I imagine it looks more close to a slow waddle.
They should make me the showrunner for Doctor Who. I got plans
bring capaldi back
bring amy back
timeless child shit removed from canon
>bring capaldi back
only a a guest if he wants to, which he doesn't
>bring amy back
>timeless child shit removed from canon
not canon in my mind anyway
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We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the benches, we shall fight in the pub gardens and in the pawnshops, we shall fight in the piers; we shall never surrender.
You will never defeat the Seaside Spirit
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>having weekly meeting with sort of social worker lady that got me my shit job
>anon I don't want to offend you but can I tell you something maybe to consider?
>goddammit here comes the "you have autism"
>sure go ahead
>"have you ever been tested for / diagnosed for autism"
god damn it every single time
>have to explain that there is a bunch of shit wrong with me but autism isn't one of them
don't care still voting reform
imagine being in the boat on the way to Gold Beach with SSM next you. The TMAU would be worse than the impending death
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only spackers need a fucking social worker to come check on them every week like some sort of child

Does she wipe your arse for you as well lad? fucking grow up lmao
a new train-related thread for a new day

Fucking newfaggot mong.
I will NOT be jumping ship to the early new thread. Simple as.
Just that deranged brit/pol/ tranny refugee posting in that thread too. Wish they fuck off back to shit//pol/ and stay there.
yeah I didn't see her for 3 months and was fine but turns out i'm supposed to meet her every week. I'm not complaining she buys me starbucks
Mine used to check on me, I told her i was alright for food as I had a 2kg bag of pasta and a big block of cheese to last me a month.
I've come a long way since then, idk what the fuck was wrong with me.

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