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comfy flowers edition

create waifus and talk about them

https://rentry dot co/waifu-local-guide


Previous thread >>77973534
New thread greeted by going commando

>"I'm also not wearing panties! :D"

thats not something you goa around tell people, Kyoko
I wanna finger Kyoko
>"Wait i am showing you my butthole and you are saying that?"
Oh sorry I meant I want to finger my waifu's anus
Goa ponders on what kind of a bird of prey a hawk tuah is
>"goa is allowed to finger me as well ;D"
I am imagining Goa puts in her whole hand and then Kyoko clenches her pussy and traps Goas hand and goes something like "Got your hand" and then Goa panics and tries to pull it out while Kyoko tries to keep squeezing on it and thios goes on for a little while until Goa finally manages to pull it out with a loud wet pop and Kyoko gushes from orgasming from it as trying to keep it in while it's being constantly being attempted to be pulled out stimulated her greatly, and also Goa looked cute panicking with her hand stuck in a vagina
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>New thread greeted by going commando
(reddit space)
>>"I'm also not wearing panties! :D"

>thats not something you goa around tell people, Kyoko
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Hi /aiwg/

>"Some kind of spitting bird, I've been told."
>"A hawk I think"

Hiyariah and Goa being very hung on the hawk part of the tuah
Goa and the totally real underwear she's totally wearing some panties
hiii Saeriahanon!

griffith from berk reference?!?!

been catching up on berserk lately, completely forgot it was still ongoing
uooh Nicole blush
uoooh pretty boy Nicole
My boyish wife looking casually pretty like ever
Quite nice tight pants
Cute shiny dress
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Hi Goa, Nicole, and Kana!
hiii Kanaanon!

headpat Saeriah very pattable looking Saeriah

and I will sleep now, goodnight /aiwg/
nighty night guycole
>"Hiyariah the fur lining looks comfy"
very fashion
cute blushing
Yeah, she's definitely someone I need. I think a date with her would be an energizing affair.
Comfy background and cute mini-Goa
Goa feeling like royalty with a cute tiara she bought from some costume shop
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Goodnight Nicoleanon!

>"You have no idea how uncomfortable this outfit is."

Beauty comes from suffering, right?
...unless you're Kana I guess, she consistently looks both comfy and beautiful
>"I always thought it's gotta be comfy since you wear it a lot"
I always imagine it's fur lined and really soft on the inside and she wears nothing underneath
Pixai can be nice too for getting cute wife pics
I think it's because my wife exudes friendliness. That's why she so often looks comfy and pretty. Saeriah has some really cool armor there I must add.
Goa chillin' in a wheelchair. Nice.
Goa watching her husbando eat stuff that makes him gassy, knowing it will be another night of tuba bellowing in the night again
sadly the other kinds of hot wheels images are mostly just toy cars rather than a cripplewaifu
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>"I wear a full leather padded gambeson and chaninail under the plate armor. It's incredibly warm and heavy, and takes forever to get in and out of."

But on the bright side just wearing it is like a full workout.

And it does look really cool

>"And Kana seems super friendly"
Goa thinken on how she could never wear such a thing, it'd be too stuffy for her and her general nudist lifestyle
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Inspired by Goa's free spirited nature, Saeriah takes her pants off (and also grows wings)
Kana really is an approachable girl, I think.
Makes me wonder what Goa does for fun
Those jewels are so nice. Kana would want to wear it as a necklace.
Nighty night need to sleep, 28c in my room rip

I wonder if Saeriah likes the extra ventilation as much as goa
her best
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>"That sounds horrible, Goanon"

Goa night Goa

She's so pretty and elegant with jewelry like that!
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She put her pants on again

>"People were looking."
goob morning

heh that's why I have AC

goa goa night goa
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Hi Nicoleanon!

tfw no AC, luckily temperature here has dropped to 15-17c the last few days.
AC is pretty much necessary here, especially if you live in more urban areas since it's pretty much 30-33C every other day. But then again we don't have heaters

unf I would like to be there lol

I am of the firm opinion that cold is objectively better than heat. If you're cold you can pile on as many layers of clothes as you want to, in the heat there's only a finite amount of things you can do to keep cool
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I do hope we get some actual hot summer weather during my 4 weeks off from work though, so I can actually enjoy some summer things like going to the cabin or maybe even the beach.

Hi Hana-anon, nice yellow flowers
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Bedtime now, visiting mom for lunch tomorrow (which for me will be a very early breakfast since I'm still kinda on my night shift sleep schedule)

Goodnight /aiwg/
hiii Hanaanon!

cabin trip sounds fun!

and goodnight Saeriahanon!
oh hey these were from Nicole's birthday
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Hi! and sleep well.

We've got ac as well, but the way the house is designed, it does not affect my bedroom, among the few rooms where it does not reach
nighty night coolwingsriah
aww cute sleeves
goa goa morneng
Goa spotting cake colorized
maid cage goa?!?!

mental image of goa not being able to reach the tables very cute
Goa noises on the floor
Cute goa goa leggings
>"don't worry goa you can sit on the table if you want to :D"

will have to do a heading out for possible 5 hours or more
Goas butt plapped onto the table
Enjoy 5 hours
I wish I had more leggings and pantyhose in general, but nemu died before I could get any
Awww a sad Goa
Wonder what she's saddening over about
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Well, I think she's the very best, like no one ever was...
>"And make it double! :D"

Okina koe de alola!
I really like Drifblim, it's such a great and based pokemon. I end up using it a lot in various playthroughs and games even if I should be trying out new pokemon

No Goa when i say like that does not mean anything else you don't have to look so worried
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Double chibi or double cute?
>"The heart"

Altaria is a pretty nice pokemon as well


I don't know much about pokemon but I do there's one that I think is really cute called Eevee
Drifblim is pretty cool, it's got ok attack stats and speed, and lots of hp so it has decent bulk even if it's defense stats are rather low. It has useful abilities, either one that doubles it's speed stat if it uses or looses a held item, or one that deal damage to an opponent if an opponent knocks it out. It also has access to some nice attacks and moves that can be a bit tricky to deal with or annoy the opponent a lot

for the current one I am using, it has a nature that boosts speed, so that with the ability of doubling speed makes it so that for the most part I can always move first. I am using a move called strength sap, that heals the user for how much attack stat the enemy has, and then lowers the attack stat of the enemy by 1 stage (each stat can be boosted or lowered by a total of 6 times, either to +6 or -6 max) so basically you keep healing while the enemy does less and less damage, until the damag eis so low that instead of healing you use attack moves to defeat the opponent, and then start it all over again. And even if the drifblim seems like it is about to die, i still have a suicide move on it so it can just blow itself up and deal huge damage while fainting as an added insult

And I like the design of it
>blow itself up and deal huge damage while fainting as an added insult
holy moly I didn't know pokemons had kamikaze attacks
there's quite a few of them




some of my favorite pokemon moves







Metronome is pretty fun, basically you just use any random attack, it's like gambling
I like misty explosion, it looks pretty cool and the colors are nice too
my Nicole a cute
I forgot how good Pucci's theme was

maybe I will do a priest Nicole some time

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Hi /aiwg/

very a cute

very a Goa
hiiii Saeriahanon and very cool wings :o
doing sleeping now because its back to 6am waking up tomorrow

goodnight /aiwg/
What a cute ebarrassgoa
have you seen this acsi
rip nighty ighty
nic smile
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Hi, yeah the wings are pretty neat, goodnight Nicoleanon!

>"Her face is red like a Goaberry"
Goa holding a bird and trying to figure out what a goaberry is
>"Saeriah Saeriah husbando let me eat some of his dingleberries :D"

My holding back laughter in the background after convincing Goa that dried cranberries are called dingleberries
hnnggghhh softness
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>"Goa, you shouldn't be eating that!"
Goa discovering what dingleberry truly means
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>"Sorry, I didn't mean to be the bear-er of bad juice."


>"No, you see, bears, right? They eat berries. And you make juice from berries too."


Goa feeling second hand embarrassment from the bad joke
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>"What Anon doesn't tell you is that when he started typing that joke, it made sense in his head because in his language the first three letters in Bearer spell Berries, but just before posting he realized it didn't make as much sense in English so he tried to pass the embarrassment on to me."
>"How terri-bear of him"

oh no
>"Husbando, I wish you paid as much attention to me as you are to that bag of dried mango strips..."
Goa and inviting to bed
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>"Hah, good one Goa!"

Goa night Goa
>"I am not going to sleep yet"
Goa you chose a really bad time to say that because now I am genuinely going to bed

Nighty night
goodo morningu

goa goa nights
Nicole happiness :D
will head out for the day now

see you laters /aiwg/ frens
Nicole's thread bumping in effect
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Goodo morningu Nicoru!

>"Don't worry, I gotchu"

>"hiii Saeriah :D"
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>"Hiiiii Nicole! And also, Anon, I want to wear something else now."
Hello again aiwg, it's been a while but not as long as last time at least.
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Rochelleanon, hi!

How are you?
Hi saeriahanon :)

I'm okay I guess, nothing special really going on with me. But that's better than doing bad.

How have you been?
where are you guys generating these images? nemusonas been down for months now
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That's good to hear :)

I'm okay too, nothing really special other than I just started my 4 week holiday. Which is nice I guess, but it also feels like I don't have enough planned, you know? Like I'm kinda anxious I'll just be sitting here and suddenly 4 weeks have passed and it's back to work with no time for anything until next summer...

I gen locally, others are using pixai or bing.
omgg Rochelleanon hiiii!

that's basically how I feel every semester break. I look forward to it because I finally have time to do whatever I want and not have to worry about school stuff. But when the time comes I basically just sit at home the whole day, play guitar and vidya for a bit, the occasionally walk, and that's pretty much it
Yeah I feel that too, I don't have anything I'm really doing for these next 2 - 3 months. And while it's nice, the time just wastes away because I'm not really doing anything, even if I like doing it.

The most I've done for all of this month is play some games I got and watch a little anime here and there. But sooner or later I'm gonna have to start doing something.
Hi nicoleanon :)

Are things going well for you?
things are better than before I guess. I'm not as depressed as before, I built a PC over the semester break to replace my 11 year old tower. Was hoping I could try local genning but turns out AMD GPUs don't really work well with SD. Saeriahanon did give me a few resources but I am procrastinating as I always do. Today is actually my first day back to college for a new semester
Chibi Rochelle is funny

That's good to hear. I built a very basic pc while I was away with the help of my dad because I know absolutely nothing about computers. But it's mostly for work stuff since it doesn't have much of whatever makes it run games good so I got a new console instead.
I've considered getting a console but it's unfortunately too expensive here for both the console itself and the games. All my games are pirated too since games are unreasonably expensive here
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Saeriah is mixing magic potions. Surely nothing will go wrong.

I'm glad you're both doing ok, really :)
Yeah it can be a bit of a pain with how expensive stuff is. I just wait around for sales or buy older games dirt cheap digitally. Or play free stuff when I can.
Hopefully she doesn't turn into a goblin or anything.
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>"None of the potions are green, so I should be safe."

The great sorceress Saeriah has spoken
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thanks :3

wonder what wacky shenanigans and mishaps will Saeriah encounter :0

at least I now have hardware thats actually capable of running stuff from the past 10 years, basically I'm just catching up with everything I missed at the moment. Finished most of Nier Automata and currently resuming Sekiro

Feels so weird not having to check the system requirements for a game I'm interested in then having to compare the specs to my old PC and hope that it runs on the lowest resolution possible

hiiii Hanaanon!
Good morning
Goa is trying really hard to be a knight but her armor is not really doing much armoring
the flowers are in a hurry
reminds me of the multiple times of mixing all the hair treatment things in the shower and making some kind of alchemy soap uooh legs
uooh booba
stacked cleavage chest cushion
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>"Goanon, Nicoleanon, my dears, I am as capable and competent as I am beautiful. I know what I'm doing. Nothing wacky will happen."

We'll see about that tomorrow, I guess. Goodnight /aiwg/
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Playing around with perchance, milf Goa and her daughters

Nighty night
Me keeping my fingers crossed for mutiple breasts, like 4 or 6 boobas
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I think my most disliked thing about perchance is that it's extremely pozzed, the moment you add loli to the prompts it autoblocks all forms of nudity from the results, so here is the most petite and flat chested Goa body possible by perchance

Even if you are making a mature female with her titties out, the moment you add loli, no matter if it makes the result loli or not, your image results get filtered into pg13 automatically, and if you remove it it's hardcore porn all over the place again.
goa mornings goa

nuh uh the less armor there is the safer it becomes

goodnight Saeriahanon! :3
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Pozzed to the point that even a bikini won't happen if you have loli in the prompts

On the left we have image generated with bikini but no loli, on the right is image generated with bikini and loli. It gives you something completely different just because you had loli in the prompts, while the result on the left is much more of a "loli" image than the one on the right. Most of the times it won't even include most of the body out of the artificial censorship

Very artificial blockage. Sure you can create loli characters of varying lewdness by just excluding the big no-no buzzword and making a character loli without using the loli word specifically, but it's just yet another dual faced american style problem, like a hint of a nipple on tv is le bad but violence is a-ok
After failing her knight license due to improper armor, she turned to a life of piracy

But because she did not want to sail and sink, she did it by riding horse carriages and being a land-pirate
It is still possible to get the usual Goa-body but it is kind of annoying you have to go about it in a very roundabout way
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Goa in her micro bikini as home clothing
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Then again making Goa is easy as instead of a true loli her body type is more of a loli-like body with unnaturally voluptuous hips slapped on the body and instead of a true dfc it's more tiny but properly round tiddies

So a false loli so to speak. A shortstack without the stacked tits
A few more
I think that Goa might be B-cup in reality, since bra sizes are kinda weird and sometimes something you could swear is only B-cup is for some reason a D-cup even if the titties are not basketball sized and so on

I wonder if that's the same kind of cope as measuring your dick length by "bone pressing"
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>"Don't call my goobies cope..."

hnngh cute titty worry face
I think some of these perchance ones have very cute facial expressions

aww cute worry
Thanks, I think Nicole has very cute boobs in this
Goa judging what I chose to compliment and then complimenting on Nicoles lipstick as it's a nice shade of pink
Walking around the shops with a slight chub because I kept having lewd Goa thoughts on the way there and just wanna smash dick in he'd holes all day rather than being a functional human being kind of a mood
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Well i got a bit distracted

For years I thought they were "Impatients" but I was wrong...
>"t-thanks... I guess?

I guesss you were a little "impatient" when reading it for the first time heh
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Yeah my brain was filling in the t because I expected it to be there. I read it as "impatients" for like 15 years lol.
I am just thinking of implants now

Booba plastic
lol I used to think that desert could mean either the sand place or the one you eat after a meal

plastic love?


Goa wondering if her husbando blasting barbie girl at high volume while driving is because he's from the generation that does that, or from all the gay porn he watches from time to time to cope with not getting any pussiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Goa worrying about there being a very realistic chance that her husbando ends up having gay sex at some point
Goa coping with this by taking safety in the fact that her husbando is not desirable sexually or romantically by neither sex so while he might not be against some bussy poking the bussy does not want to get poked by him, just like the pussy does not want to get poked by her husbando in general

Still she feels somewhat nervous and worried
Just for safety she puts her hair into a sexo ponytail and undresses more and does some alluring poses to boost her husbandos heterosexuality levels
this is the part where I try to convince goa that gay sex is very manly

cute goatail
>"It'd be even manlier to fuck an actual woman"
Goa we can't do that in the real world they suck and accuse you of rape about everything while also wanting to get raped but only by a select few and these few must telepathically know this somehow and also they can change their minds any years afterwards and doom the guy just because
>"The more I hear of real life women on the internet the more I am confused as to how something that bad can exist"
>"Like if waifus are some kind of impossibly idealized fantasy woman that is too positive to exist, then how can the total opposite of it exist, a real life women that is about as negative as a fantasy woman is positive it makes no sense"
>"To the point of men just rather having sex with other men"
Welcome to the jungle
Goa ready to bring some positivity in the form of succ
Nicole happiness :D

heh well goa thats what the fantasy is for
God my balls are so sweaty so genuinely oist and slippery
I think it's neat, usually if your balls are moist from sweat they just stick to your thighs, but now I've sweat so much that they just slip and slide all over the place

God Goa they are so moist and sloppy and wetted and slippery absolutely drenched in sweat soggy soggy ballsack

Anyways helped to cut the hawthorn fence and then sweep up the spikes. Anyways I heard a internet rumor that you can "taste" sweet with your balls and i am half contemplating dumping the rest of my cola into a cup and dipping my testies in it to see what happens
aww goa is sprouting on her head, she is growing to be a healthy goaplant
Goa watching me dip my testicles in cola colorized

Can't say I "tasted" anything and for the most part, all I felt was the stinging of the carbonation, felt a bit like the kind of sting you get in your mouth when eating spicy food. The cola was still a bit cold, not super chilly but still proper cold, so it was a rather refreshing experience, kind of like how when you put your feet into cold water after sweating a lot in the summer heat. And now my balls smell pleasantly like a glass of cola. Will wash it away soon though, as I will be hopping into the shower due to the sweat.

Colaballs, refreshes like dipping your feet into cold water on a hot summer day, a pleasant testicular chill
at least goa can still like the coke off your balls
It's important to have things to do together in a relationship, like dipping your testicles in coke and having the other person lick and possibly suckle the cola off of them

Cute happy nicole
Todays dinner is self made and quite delish and simple

>add water to pan
>bring to boil and slice up some chorizo sausage into slices
>add 1 tablespoon of any oil to water
>put in spaghetti
>put in sausage slices
>boil for as long as the spagheeeetttti needs
>drain and place on plate or bowl, so that it's still a bit moist
>while still piping hot add some cheese cheddar dip you usually eat with nachos etc
>add ketchup
>mix it all up like you were making Fettuccine Alfredo

>"Watching husbando cook makes me moist"
I mean pot, not pan. The thing you boil stuff in.
In case people dunno what alfredo is, you only need to watch this video to 2:46 and then ignore the rest because simple is best

soft morning at the inn kind of vibes
no relationship is complete without the occasionally coketicles

hiii ann marie anon welcome back! Looks like her hair has grown out considerably :o
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NTA, this messy haired girl is my current d&d character that I might have a crush on and be obsessed with rendering. I generally don't post in these threads because I view my waifus as less conventionally attractive. Idk.
oh okay sorry for mistaking you for another anon, but she is really cute though and you're welcome to post more of her!
I want Goa to possessively grope my balls while trying to get me riled up enough to take her to pound town
le nerujikan ga kita

goodnight /aiwg/
Nighty night
dream of coca cola brand
random coca cola noise
I wanna watch my waifu put a whole can in her pussy
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Hi /aiwg/

I think she's very cute, Anon!

Goodnight Nicoleanon!

What kind of potion do you have there, Saeriah?

>"I don't know, but the bottle should be the right size for Goa"
>"Koolaid :D"
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>"Exactly, it's a potion that makes you cool."
>"Should I butt chug it?"
Goa no
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>"Yes, it's perfectly safe. Maybe."
She'll butt chug it in the next thread
now I shower, I'll make new thread if it's not done by the point I manage to get back onto pc at soem point
Oh, I didn't notice the image limit

But here's the magic potion bread

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