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Too many sosij rolls for this lad.
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Corr made it early to a thread for once.

I predict Slovakia to win because I'm always wrong.
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Fucked up trippington did I not?

Let's fucking have it regardless.
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Sink I need to get up ASAP I reckon.
I approach the end of an era. Big changes coming.
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>end of an era
what's happening mister chika?
Moni is a dirty pakistani pedo bastard
House moving to new area in ze pipeline, hopefully work changes, and I am cutting it right downnnn so get in there
sounds good, hope it all goes well
Thanks me laddy
Last summer of the old me, new year new me etc etc
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Morning all. Vote Reform.
Fucking hell I want to impregnate that whore and I dont care about the consequences. Why am I so simple.
Morning all. Vote grifter #3.
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Really nice chips. Very nice indeed. King Edwards would be my bet. Filling and tasty. The salt is top quality, also enjoying the vinegar used. They compliment the chips well. Also wow! This water is very refreshing. I wonder what the source is? I assume a British spring of some kind to keep costs down. It has quenched my thirst. I would order this water again.
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Im "helping" a friend move currently, the cope and lies people tell them selves is stupid at times

>Oh this house will be kept clean
>the dogs wont be on the sofas or shitting all over the garden
>The kids will somehow just stop being lazy pieces of shit who just throw their rubbish anywhere they like

People trying to take the piss "sure anon you work all week haha" implying im somehow lazy because after 50+ hours of outdoor manual labour i cant be arsed doing all the heavy lifting, (all for free of course) the fucking pricks, ive started to get more and more nasty when they say this, just to remind them they are infact wastes of fucking space
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Dont Care, Still Not Voting.
Not a proponent of the old democracyberg me. Sticking to my principles.
6'3 and 5'8
coomer brain becoming too prominent at the moment. Need to purge my mind I reckon
If you couldn't be arsed doing heavy lifting you shouldn't be helping him move you fucking autist. He doesn't need help carrying the light stuff.
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Sometimes I think like this
>oh I am not actually into [the thing], it is actually just the influence of porn on the mindnibba
But then I see or engage irl and then nothing is so clear anymore
Monkbergs have got the right of it
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If you don't purge your mind they will. No thoughts, no feelings, no control, just coom.
maybe you should have put "friend"
Last time I helped someone move was hell. In the end I wasn't even thanked, then came to learn that all the people who helped drive last minute items in their own vehicles (I don't drive) were given free pizza as a thanks for helping and I didn't get shit because I was dead tired after helping all day and just wanted to go home to sleep. Never again. NEVER.
The free pizza was for you aswell retard
Fucking titlod dropping 10/10s didnt help desu. Just had a nasty spaff over that first thot.
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It can be a fucking nightmare lad, im not helping any cunt move again after this tbqh
Any other wagie friends have been VERY quiet lately, i seem to be the only mong showing up
Fuck the free pizza anon, you clearly have never dealt with this kind of shit
a lot of failed normies ITT lol
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Yeah so? Just consult ze normal distribution curves. Statistically likely indeed.
I'm NEET lad, I'm voting labour as they are my best chance at more bennies.
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Poley filmed a Polish woman taking a shit for wank material.
This is a very cursed image. Feel like my PC is infected after opening this.
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that fw no girlfriend
someone in ruthmongs league at last
britfeel is a healthy mix of neets, failed normies, porn/fetish lads,apu fanciers/collectors, lolcow obsessives and top shaggers
this guy has a good job and owns his own house while ruthmong, who has never committed any sexual crimes still lives at home bored lonely and depressed. Just goes to show being a neurotypical is all that matters
"just be a good person and life will reward you" mad how they can just tell these lies. They poison kid's brains with these ideas because adults would never fall for this nonsense
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hello rasheed
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We all Apu Fanciers in life.
hello wagie slave
Why do they have that wee little apu working at a apu sex club. Bunch of nonces.
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He get copyright strike on his channel
>quick update
>27 minute video
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Why does he keep a ton of egg boxes on top of his kitchen cupboard?

>around 4:30 mark
shits in to them so he can save on water from flushing the toilet
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Spiteful mean trolls trying to get him banned. His fans donate him money then Youtube take his donations because they then copyright strike him.
This is disgusting behaviour. Imagine being so mad, bored, lonely and seething you attack a man who just enjoys a dance down the lanes.
He want money sent to his Paypal now, don't send him superchat. Youtube steal his money. He end partnership with Youtube. He betrayed.
40 quid in superchat, gone. He dont get many gifts, when he finally get some Youtube take the money. All those gifts he got on Friday, Youtube keep it. Fucking disgraceful.
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Give him his superchat money! YouTube steal 20 quid donated by the SSA
It not right
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>30th June

This is bollocks de lids
Dropping a score in Seaside's paypal. Cheer his morning up.
so they just take the money? don't even give it back to the donators? the robbing bastards
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>tfw no 20 quid
>I do all the donkey work and YouTube reap the rewards
YouTube rip him off.
All he does is ramble into a camera. He should be getting ZERO.
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Hmm making money from his Youtube channel and taking donations as "gifts" on his Paypal. Seems like a breach of their terms of service
He needs to take the next week off from his voluntary gig. He stressed out.
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>YouTube charges creators a fee of 30% of your Super Chat revenue earned.
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He's crying over 20 fucking quid?
This has all happened already , the DWP got on his back for not declaring all these "gifts" as they are technically classed as income, they will NOT be happy about this again
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Seaside has provided entertainment, counsel, guidance, reinforcement and reassurance to tens of thousands. He brought attention to hidden disability and how TMAU ruined his life. He's taught the world the Seaside Way and shown wagies that there is a way, there is a way beyond the slaving.
I embraced the Seaside Way and moved to Southend, I got on that PIP. Seaside teach me I had hidden disability too. Now I live the Seaside Dream.
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He getting chests pains thinking about that money he lost.
Seetheside army is not happy their top is getting raped by Youtube.
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>Selling the same 4 gadgets at a loss
>drinking/dancing/crying in industrial estates alone
>crying and drinking
>going out in public and recording your self crying and drinking
>crying over 20 quid
>showing your shitty underwear to the world
>pissing your self and showing it to the world

What a fucking dream lad
Youtube withheld something like 20k in superchats from Mr metokur a few years ago thanks to a copyright strike. Dunno if he ever got money.
YT are bastards
He need that top rate PIP.
>was best mates with Alex Higgins in the 90s
>knew all the big names in the rave scene
>married an Egyptian, briefly converted to Islam
>lived a few years in Sharm el Sheikh
>creampied over three dozen women
>likely has seaside sprogs all over the UK
>now retired and living his best life in one of the nicest areas in the country
mad to think mark has lived a richer life than probably 90% of posters here ever will
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>forced to work for your bennies

Living the fucking dream big time lad
he does it to keep busy
>took a week off from "voluntary" work because amazon sent tampons instead of go pro
>DWP told him if he fucks around again they will stop his money
>Took the car because he claimed he couldn't work yet went to work in a charity shop like a mong

Yeah, to keep busy lad
he don't want no car, he sixty to seventy pound a month better off
>two zoomer summer staff in work
>phones glued to their hand 24/7
>dont pay any attention or listen to a word you say
>end up doing most of work because its never getting done with these cunts
>the brief 5 minutes of the day they dont have it (its on charge) it just pings constantly
>text about work stuff needing done in group chat
>never ever get an answer
>some how they never ever see it
>"Yeah my phone was on silent"

Id LOVE to just uppercut the phones out of their zoomer prick hands i swear

Then when they fuck something up its straight to "WELL i wasn't told about it ???"
"I didnt know!"
"i didnt see the message!"
More Bloodborne. On father Gascoigne now, almost beat the cunt till he transformed. Not loving this threaded cane. Might make new character, back to unga bunga. Unga bunga always serve me well.
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He could have had a nice day out in Swanage with that 20 quid.
Well why are they allowed their phones when they are working? Most jobs they'd get sacked. Grow a pair, lad. Send them back to Botswana.
Mark's chest hair is like Christ on the cross. What does it mean, de lids? Is Mark the second com(cum)ing?
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we use them to let each other know about things around the place, its outdoor stuff so we arent all in the once place, We can use our phones (listening to music etc) but not to sit flat out on facebook all day

All the zoomers head was "yes you can use your phone" and that was them, its fine though, they will end up seriously hurting them selves or someone else eventually
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the apus are already on the wiss singing three lions and the match doesn't even start for another five hours
Fair enough, lad. They should have a bit of respect. I think it's a mental illness around FOMO where they just can't be away from their phones and social media. VERY grim.
I'm glad I grew up in the times of limited Internet, it's much fuller, more down to earth
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WTF have they done?
Interview with the Vampire series has Louis as a darkie. Armand is Indian and loli Claudia is a darkie and not even a loli. FFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
They did the same with The Witcher
Modern media is basically not worth watching anymore
Fortunately old stuff exists
>Claudia is a darkie

>and not even a loli.
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Unironically disgusting
Washing machine on, again.
Washing all my hoodies, been on the back of my gaming chair and probably a bit ripe from my musk over the past few months.

Going to do dinner in a bit, dunno wether to do burgers/sosij and chips and mixed veg with gravy or do something small and have a pizza when the footy is on later...
this is progress apparently
They start to act like crack heads when their batteries run low (as they always do as they cant leave them long enough to charge)

Forget everything they are doing and just think of ways they can fuck off back to the shed to charge it
They will get caught out eventually, im done trying to help the cunts out
At least the film still has Kirsten Dunst. The LOTR series is full of BAMEs.
Used 2 think brad pitt wouldve suited lestat more and vice versa
Nobody seemed to really agree. Maybe I was wrong. Kirsten dunst was perfect casting.
oh no the horror of having to wank over ethnic children instead of white ones.. terrible, terrible.
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It's dog wank, lads. Is it for progress reasons or a catch all so darkies will watch it too?

Fuckers need cancelling for what they have done!

Getting the upscale AI 4k movie now and I'm going to watch the fuck out of it in protest haha.
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Why are you wanking over ethnic children?
>upscaled AI 4K
Disgusting. Just watch a fucking DVD rip or a Blu-ray rip you mentalist. AI upscaling to 4K is fucking awful. Were you in charge of the Terminator 2 4Ks?
kanna best girl anyone who disagrees can eat a frog yo
Lad 4 refers to the age of the children he 'only thinks about'
Ain't nought wrong with a young Kirsten Dunst but Small Soldiers Kirsten is more acceptable.
For me? It's Bring It On. She was 17 when that was filmed. Pure deliciousness.
Who the fuck is SZA and why is she headlining the Sunday night at Glasto? Seems like some diversity hire.
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Equilibrium 4k upscale is brilliant, mate. I still have the Blu-ray rip of Interview with the Vampire if the upscale is poo.
>Kirsten Dunst but Small Soldiers Kirsten is more acceptable.
She'd hit the wall by then desu
As above
Hundreds of millions of views on her songs. You would know her if you were a normie.
I don't think she's popular enough in the UK to warrant a headline slot to be honest. I know she's massive in America on account of her being black.
>quite literally point blank admitting you're a normie
no idea lad, probably something popular with the upper middle class trust fund wankers who attend this shit show
>loli Claudia

What the fuck? You are fucking disgusting nonce.
One look into the crowd tells me all I need to know about the middle class ponces who attend. Lots of hipster lads with beards and stupid hats too.
She is literally a loli, lad. A little girl who was made into a vampire. She's an anime character.
Just saw some retard in the crowd of Glasto with his baby held up. Don't worry, she had headphones on.
How would you know? You asked all your friends about it? You had discussions with your colleagues at work? No you haven't, you're talking out your ass you fucking schlemiel. You don't know what you're talking about.
Fuck off paki nonce.
Why so defensive? Judging by comments online on other forums filled with Glastonbury normies she isn't worthy of the headliner slot. Very vitriolic reaction from yourself.
If I was in charge of England I would make it a serious crime to tempt a paedophile on the internet by pretending you're a little kid when you're not. It's lying and a form of entrapment. Not right.
What I want to know is why coldplay are still relevant. Who the fuck still cares about them?
>Ohh ermm uhh I've been checking the Glastonbury forums
Sure kid
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People like coldplay and voted for the nazis, you cant trust people
Porn twitter update, lads: got a message from twitter saying that my account is being limited because they think I'm 'manipulating the platform' or spamming. LMAO, I literally just post sexy pics and retweet sexy pics. State of that company lol.
are you personally invested in this sza person anon? you seem very defensive over it all
State of you. Elon Musk is based and has removed a ton of restrictions, if you get caught in one, you are being a twat.
Absolute pleb-filter
why are you a paedophile?

I have literally done nothing that they're accusing me of.
Used to be Peep Show wasn't a normie show. Normies can't relate to it anyway.
stop trying so hard anon, you look like a right twat
I don't believe you lad.
is this a fake lollers?

he seems unusually vile todsy

usually he at least pretends hes notdl disgusting
I still remember the uproar when Jay Z headlined Glastonbury. Nearly sent us back 100 years the amount of people ready for a lynching.
I mean okay, but I'm really not lying lol. Maybe it's because I got over 1k followers in a few days? But that's just because I posted some popular OC. It genuinely is organic. Ah well c'est la vie.
>giant pig in the sewers
Jay Z headlines and Jam Master Jay doesn't? clown world.
still seething over peep show lol
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Sweet trips, lad
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>that 3 quid I gave are Mark is now in the pockets of YouTube
>donating through jewtube

brick iq
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She entices men with her loli magic so she can drink their blood and kill them. She is a loli, lad. What don't you understand?>>78001722
Aren't you dead 'ard, keyboard warrior.
You are a fucking noncecase.
It's kinda funny reading the gospels in order of their chronological date of publication - Mark, Matthew, Luke then John.

You can see in 'real time' how more and more divine and supernatural elements are added on to the stories and parables. The endings in particular are interesting. The 50-60 years over which they were written clearly shows development of early christian theology and how christ goes from 'just a man' to 'the son of god and redeemer of all mankind'. But also the cope of going from jesus appearing to his disciples and then going up to heaven, all the way to jesus literally saying "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." from Mark to John.

Kek. Really how do christians cope through this kind of stuff? It's such obvious nonsense.
Best way to donate to Mark is to send him old devices to trade into CEX
Is the email on seasidemark4088 still he active email address? Does he check it regularly?
I've tried reading the Bible a few times over the past few years because I am so desperate for a sense of meaning (that I know deep down I will never find) and every time I am struck by what a load of bollocks it clearly is and how Christians cope by telling themselves everything in there that is inconvenient is an 'allegory'.
Yeah lol it really is like reading fanfiction or trawling through the wiki for some fictional universe.
Wahey! Beat Father Gascoigne second time. Not too bad.
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Used to be NO DOGS NO FROGS NO WOGS in the pub around where I used to live in Feel Street but since SPACCA pushed for Apustajan Personhood in the 90's they've slowly invaded every human space in Feelshire Proper. They cannot handle their alcohol at all and worst of all they can absorb liquid through skin so you'll see highly inebriated frens douse one another in Carling and Widerz.. They're too stupid to realise that humans have impermeable skin and will often throw pints over people and the pub owners can't do a thing. Worst of all, if you lay hands on one of them every frog in community will have you marked and they'll mass report you to SPACCA. Lost a mate in one of those frenitentiaries.
Will be staying at home to watch the footie.
you definitely won't want to be there if england lose that's for sure
It wasn't so much about the money. It was about sending a little bit of cheer to are Mark when he was having a good time down Sandford Lane.
When HHL gets back from Woland, he'll be forced to work
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>It's such obvious nonsense.
You read it all though
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Back to r/atheist you go.
Hopefully he gets a job behind the til of a paki shop. Hepler la loves serving foreigners.
If you can go on holiday then you can work. Simple as.
>she is 200 years and 364 days old you sick fuck!
It still has literary value and I'm glad I read it because it's the single most important collection of documents in the wetsern canon, but yes, it is total nonsense in terms of asking "is this true and did it really happen?".
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>it is total nonsense in terms of asking "is this true and did it really happen?".
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>>78002168You dropped this, de lid
Slovakia - Switzerland - Austria - Germany E N G L A N D
heard it here first
it coming home all de way all de way
england will struggle a 1-0 win over slovakia and be very lucky if they only lose 2-0 to switzerland
Wtf is this shit speak American
emotional reactions to atheistic sentiment by atheists
they just like the churches and the "idea" of le trad things
nothing but a bunch of stupid larpers
yeah but
simple as
>it is total nonsense in terms of asking "is this true and did it really happen?"
How do you know? You weren't there
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>lt still has literary value and l'm glad I read it because it's the single most important collection of documents in the wetsern canon, but yes, it is total nonsense in terms of asking "is this true and did it really happen?".
Wow, really rattled the christcucknest with that one, didn't I?
Ah you're right, lad. How could I possibly know if something like Matthew 27:50-53 is true or not without being there?
yee haw cowboys guns texas baseball apple pie freedom eagles
Exactly, you couldn't. You can just have faith it didn't happen
You are either Muslim or really fucking dumb. It's not the early 2000's were it's cool to dismiss the Bible lad. People know it's the word of God.
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>I'm glad I read it
> it's the single most important collection of documents
>it is total nonsense
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>Actually you have to have faith that the laws of nature weren't simply upended two thousand years ago according to the insane ramblings of bronze age goat herders (but also nobody else at the time thought it was important enough to write down lol)
Yes? Are you so dumb you can't understand this?
Fiction can be good to read and important and still be fiction. Mong.
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Christians flooded the UK with wogs
fake christians, fake trans
the internet is a funny place
>I know the laws of nature
The hubris of man
Christians really are some of the most openly and zealously progressive people. You always hear about one or two ZOMG SO BASED geriatric christians who think that the government shouldn't allow gay marriage or something, but the vast majority of christians really are on-board with the whole progressive agenda and take broadly socialistic stances in politics more generally.

I forget who said "Jesus was the first Bolshevik", but they really weren't far off.
I just read 4 different news articles for 4 different audiences by 4 different authors about the same event nd they wrote about it slightly different very sus
>They think I'm a pretentious cunt
>They must be pretending to be Christian
Nobody has even disagreed with you
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>but yes, it is total nonsense in terms of asking "is this true and did it really happen?".
>I just read 4 different news articles for 4 different audiences by 4 different authors
But it's all also totally the infallible inspired word of god, don't worry lads.
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Prove any historical event happened
That time of day when you feel optimistic about England. Sure that will be dropped in the first ten minutes when Pickford has more forward passes than any other player i the team combined
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They need to get their numbers up so they'll push for flooding the country with low iq Africans and any arab that will just say their Christian to stay in the country like that acid chucker earlier in the year. Christians are no different from big companies importing wogs to suppress wages and make pennies on every transaction made here.
Let's not forget Israels number 1 supporters across the pond. Not sure why the Christians and Jews there want to bring about Armageddon but oh well.
Sick of it.
Christians will turn our cities into Mogadishu in the name of christ and then feel vindicated when hated for it because they have a mindset that 'to be christian is to be persecuted, since I am being persecuted therefore I must be a good christian'. Bunch of wankers.
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I predict an England goal after 10 minutes, followed by the bus being parked and Slovakia scoring two goals in the second half.
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How we doing fribbles?
Boring wagie slave. Piss off.
Avoid thinking about it all you want, the day you have to is still coming
we have to be the only team who can make everyone more nervous after scoring a goal
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Ppl love to write about their gay life like its an opera kek just get a job or be unemployed where's this sense of drama come from
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Its not against the law 2 be disabled. Get over it.
>Ppl love to write about their gay life like its an opera
Rich coming from you lad, this one hit home because you're one of the ones that reckons he's gonna rope when the time comes?
it'll be split between the record companies that own the copyrighted songs he was playing
kek gave me a good giggle diss
>Y-youre a NEET
The ultimate sprogless wagie cope
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Posting on /britfeel/ from Alderney
My sprogs have already surpassed you
just gave birth to two brown sprogs
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Is Ally Law from Southampton famous in the UK?
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No i already tried, dont have the balls obviously bt when you're not healthy enough for working what else should you do? I meant that most ppl just not working probably could if it was that or death. Me i would just die either way.
Fyi England just pulled out of the euros as a mark of respect for Jay slater
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are emma is supporting the three lions
are you?
You'll only ever give birth to maggots because you'll have nobody who cares enough to check in on you, they'll only find your body when someone smells it and you are once more a burden on the people around you
https://amp.theguardian.com/football/article/2024/jun/29/england-euro-2024-gareth-southgate-euros-exit-slater genuinely mental
No and if he was nobody would recognise him because he's such a bog standard ginger lad
he wuz a gud boi, he didn do nuttin!
I would like to support Emma's tuppence
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who are the pricks that are doing these prank calls? is it Shagger and Riffratz etc? ffs I've got the next 2 hrs to myself and I wanted some comfy Mark content to see me by.
Mental how there has been all this media and police attention over some generic northern chav going missing, gotta love the distraction stories the media give the plebs
distraction from what?
ruined my fucking afternoon that
leave Mark alone
nice trips
and yeah. isnt he some drug dealer too?
this https://www.statista.com/statistics/188612/united-states-direct-investments-in-the-united-kingdom-since-2000/
and this
something about an election
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He excited for footie.
We're going to war lad. Sunak called the snap election because he doesn't want to be a war time PM.
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Hope my next gf dream goes further
>We're going to war lad.
Gert Viczster's tuppence
>because he doesn't want to be a war time PM.
He wants to be in America before schools start back again
Recruitment ads are targeting white men again
who wouldnt want to die in ukraine by drone
agreed, this massive rescue effort for some dweeb is to show the public that "Britain cares about it's young, white men!" to get them to join the armed forces.

When in fact the opposite is true, they are putting one white man on a pedestal so they can kill hundreds of thousands of young white men later on.
We could very well be going to Iran instead of Ukraine, Israel is preparing to invade lebanon
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The wapu shall now be ingesting a waffeinated beverage
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Shagged an Apuette against my better judgment during spawning season this year and today this fat freak turned up at my door. Keeps saying I'm his dad. I denied it but he showed me a photo of the pond he grew up in and it was the same one I fucked that Apuette in a few months ago. I told him to fuck off back to that pond but he said he can't go back there as the other Apulets bully him for being a halfspawn as he's not truly green, has no webbed hands or feet and has finger and toenails. Wish they'd eaten him when he was still a tadpu.
He's been sat outside now for hours. My life is ruined if my wife gets back from her mums and he's still outside.
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>done his bollocks in
i hope hes taking the piss again just to trip up riffrats
He lose 200 pound bet on horse.
He skint tomorrow on a monday now.
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Got my stellas
Probly won't even drink them
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If he lose 200 bet
and England lose to slovenia
we get a major Seaside meltdown
he bless the England team dee lads. oh it lush and i mean lush
I want England to lose bht i want ssm to win as well somehow
Gas trolls and done his bollocks in. Not a great Sunday
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Could really do with England scoring early and then also not parking the bus
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What a tune he just dropped too
You just know neither will happen. We'll mess about 60 odd minutes then Kane will get a penalty and we'll barely survive the 30 minutes after, not setting foot in their half again.
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Hope we win but its unlikely desu desu
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All rise for our national anthem, lads.
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Corr another ad shoehorned in get in
not the first lad to be seduced by an apuette. just drown the apulatto and suck up the 50p fine
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We all seasidebelly in life.
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Have my 1st beer
Might as well
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It wizza night
God Trippier is shite
Bloodborne update. Really enjoying it so far. Re-rolled as a skill based character, got me Threaded Cane to +3 with a gem dropped from a giant sewer pig. Beat Cleric Beast and Father Gascoigne on second tries so feeling good, no doubt subsequent bosses will be 10x harder. I don't trust that lady at the beginning in the clinic so I sent an old woman to the chapel instead. He seems like a mentalist too. Anyway... I've arrived at Old Yarnham and some cunt is no scoping me with a gatling gun from 500 metres away. Bastid.
Biased ref gives an englel yellow for PR reasons
Whoever is making these, especially with the detailed and hilarious backstories, please keep it up. They make sifting through all the usual drivel, degeneracy, and drama well worth it. Only visit nowadays for SSM updates, Welper weltdowns, AIpu creations - and all the lore associated with each.
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>some cunt is no scoping me with a gatling gun from 500 metres away.
This guy is like unreasonably difficult up close to me. Its not hard like a boss but just annoying. I am probs shit though. Good luck
I circled round down a ledge but thought it was a dead end so I think I have to rush and find a little gap or something before the cunt mows me down. The barrier of entry is easier than Dark Souls 3, the first boss of that game puts a lot of people off for some reason.
I found a little ribbon thing and put it on some ghosts in a tree. Not sure why.
If only we'd had Kalvin Philips in midfield right Gazza?
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All this stress awful for his heart.
He have palpitations today when he find out all the money he get from superchats taken from him.
This not right if England lose his heart can't take it. He got massive bet on England win.
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How will we recover from this
>soccer chat
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SSM going mental kek
Really hope someone records this
Only soccer chat I'll put up with is pictures of sexy female players and their arses.
If ye ken then ye ken
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>blaming the pitch already
Too right Iad
I'd even settle for the fat arses of some petite female olympic gymnasts. PHWOAR.
He is very hard at that early point in the game though he can near enough one shot. I usually come back from him later if I don't cheese him off the roof
I remember I watched a National League match on BT Sports once and couldn't stop laughing at how wonky the pitch was.
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Murdering defenders is our gimmick sir
Am I going in the right direction? Can't think of anywhere else to go, other avenues lead to dead ends unless I grind echoes for the key to that big gate.
Yeah you can buy the key for the gate though there is a way around it in cathedral ward without paying.
Old yharnam technically optional area
Give us some examples lad, could do with a cheeky half time wank ngl
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>tfw he gets back from the pub soon
Why isnt she there with him? Daft bint. Probably shagging Tyrone while he's out.
the slappingdown of the wapu shall begin shortly thoughbeit.
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Fucking hell lads, it's all kicking off down at the Britfeel Arms.
I hope it reports you to SPACCA and you get frog knocked right to the frenitentiary.
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>cheese him off the roof
Couldnt remember if that's been patched or not
I don't even remember what I usually do
Probs some combo of spam gun for lucky parry/spam r1
Think 1 time he somehow suicided off the roof which was nice
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Hope he not meeting Helen later
poor ssm
He's had enough. People calling gas board to troll him, losing 200 quid for not backing his favorite jockey Ryan Moore, and now the ngubus are flailing.

This is one day that being above ground is not a great day
Gaz doing it on purpose now isnt he. He just hates us plebs so wants us to suffer.
Why do you think he intentionally brought on 3 black blokes last time. He hates English people
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We're so back lids
We're so back cancelled
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Rules are rules de lid
Tiplining is a scourge to schoolyard football
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Lid will be too fucking battered after the final whistle to operate any phone.
Good position that
Your ISP has been logged and your location is being triangulated as I type. Resistance is futile: prepare to be frencarcerated.
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More like trip lining de lad 3 same number
I'm going to vote Reform
Slovakian bvlls sending these keks home
Gareth Southgate is a nonce
Oh they didn't kick the ball right? Boggles.
Anyone else here watch porn like you'd watch a film? Without cooming?
Fucking hell that should av went in
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Stick it up your arse lmao
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After they missed that last shot I just heard the wet thud of the first of the Apus jumping from Feel Towers.
Dread to think what it's like at the pub now. I hope you lads got well clear of it before it all heads south.
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England don't deserve to win
Stop posting these cute smug anime girls I'm doing nofap.
This is fucking beautiful
Sorry but
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How about a cute smug anime Mark instead?
Inb4 bullshit extra time slurp goal
Wee bit embarrassing to be beat by Slovakia. They live in huts and play footy with sheep bladders.
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Israel are second to Scotland when it comes to being salty eternal victims.
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Nofap? U a poof?
Why can't AI do text in images?
No I'm just saving up an extra creamy load because I'm going to fap upside down and cum in my own mouth.
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England second to India when it comes to being brown
Yous started it 14th of June. Pure karma.
wageying again tonight lads, thinking of phoning in sick the 2nd half of this week
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Really really funny when germany won innit?
But can't even beat

English cunts deserve it for what they did to Ireland.
new bull comes on
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In seriousness he needs 2 go
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Easy this
and as if by magic his mental illness has cleared up when the footy is on
It's trained on images, it hasn't been taught what text is.
He has the face of a Deano nonce who goes out with lasses 20 years younger than him.
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Corr we could actually win this
Luckiest team ever
Football being the only sport where they don't stop the clock is pathetic and shit
Can't believe the English bastards scored. Pricks.
I'm more of a rugby man
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I sucked it off my fingers when I was a teenager but it wasn't eben for enjoyment I think I just produced that much back then it was like pragmatic
More of a Nuneaton man myself
Me? I unironically enjoy cricket.
It feels good when it hits your face, nice and warm. If I could suck myself off I would.
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GOAL! It's coming home lids
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>Inb4 bullshit extra time slurp goal
Hope Mark goes live again
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I swear I can smell the Scottish lads burning their skirts
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England playing bad on purpose to make the game entertaining
Love England
I used to watch a lot of MLS matches when Sky Sports had the rights when I was bored at night. Apparently now Apple has the rights until 2032. Fucking Sky now has the rights to WTA too. All over the show. I like watching the odd woman's tennis game.
English sp janny going mental
Pure kino provided by slovakia
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>England playing bad on purpose to make the game entertaining
>Love England

They think it's all over. It is now.
>God save the King
Fuck off rice
Typical English prick
yeah easy win there. never doubted the lads. Good on 'em for pretending for 90 minutes to make Slovakia look good.
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That gif just isn't even remotely what happened though is it lmao
gg though
fuck off lollers

you are not liked

vile paedophilic cretin

i hope you drown in your own semen

you freak
I like him. Lots of other lads here like him too.
Iqbal and his mates love lollers.
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Plates of haggis being thrown at walls up and down Scotland tonight.
Do Maccy D's close the restaurant earlier on Sundays? Normally it's 10PM on a weekday.
don't care, don't think about those people.
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Dinner tonight was
>pan fried teriyaki salmon
>white rice with splash of onions sauce and dash of white pepper
>peas steamed and with a little butter stirred into the rice

And yes, that's a Denby plate it's being served on.
good for you, big guy
looks nice, but we have to know is this a neet din-dins or a wagie din-dins?
I'm a wagie. Does that change how nice/not nice the dinner is?
Why are you pretending to be me? I'm NEET.
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Just saw 1 of these on stv
Is that normal? I dont watch normal telly much
Not into this vibe at all. I dont want no war. I dont hate any1. Y I go to war. By the way. Killing ppl is murder? U forget that part? It's not call of duty. Fug u. I refuse.
you sound like the kind of brit who once handed a gun would systematically mow down every single officer and anyone above you in rank then would make your way home
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Murder is against the law. I dont murder just bc you tell me I have to. Stick it up your arse. Glowie faggot on TV. That advert needs banned. Imagine the message that sends 2 kids. "Murder is OK if its a job". Fudge off. Do it yourself if you're that bothered. Otherwise leave me out of it. Pathetic psycho faggots. Thx.
was easier without Alfred for FUCK SAKE
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>dont worry about your soul, you can kill ppl bc the paki on the telly says it's allowed
Get in that usually takes me a while ngl
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The samurai niggas is a boss thats not as hard as it looks but also quite annoying. Cant remember if they come after bsb
That forest area i got lost in a lot.
CAINHURST CASTLE is pure bloodborne kino to me up with painted world as far as optional from areas but latter is my fav on behalf of my wife priscilla living there
Really enjoying it so far. Hoping I don't hit a wall at some point. Not sure what these chalice ritual things are. I'm playing offline cause you need PS+ for online.
I must say I'm a big fan of Warka. Cheap, strong and easy to drink.
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ckin ell

Need to work thru this backlog right and proper
Chalice dungeon i think you can do offline. just couldnt summon inside them. For farming gems. Then get this down you once you finish the game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ktMg4eQ1G8
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Was ps+ not free at some point. I am kinda bad for just accepting subscriptions out of inertia bt i seem to remember it worked out the box before. Sony must pay
Corrr was just looking at that wallpaper in Architectural Digest de lad!
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If you have a friend with a ps+ subscription, you can sign in on his account and set your playstation as the accounts primary playstation. Then on your own account you have access to his ps plus subscription and all his games. My playstations on for freeeeee
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Looking back at when we first met
I cannot escape
And I cannot forget
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Just farded n sharded meself

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This is concerning, I thought I was slightly above average :(
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It's a nice 1
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I had 1 friend like that before but i think we're not really friends anymore since he got a proper job and married while i stayed neet at home so i think hes above dealing with me now. Good2 know nevertheless
the apuberg has taken a rest to watch the orbital set at wastonbury and is now back on the backlogingshire
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Noted because it reminds me of what I have hung on me own closet doors
Stumbled into Vicar Amelia and nearly beat first try. REEEEEEEE. I'll do a bit more exploring, need to farm blood vials I've only seven left bloody hell.
Bellingham definitely has his pick of any bird in the country after today.
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Reform are charlatans
Tories are charlatans

Labour are somewhat okay but I still don't want to vote for them
Same for Lib Dems

Greens have some good policies (tax rich more) but some bad policies (get rid of Britain's nukes - we shouldn't do that while Russia still has theirs)

Conclusion: I shan't be voting
He's shagging quality Spanish senoritas in Madrid, he doesn't need bongland slags
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Reform are lining a paki businessman called Zia Yusuf up as Farage's replacement
Vote Green
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July is when ppl start getting really weird
Avoid politics, disregard argumentative normies
Thats my summer approach, bt this 1 will be even more annoying than normal in my forecast
Its funny cus they claim to love summer but it turns them into freaks
Me birthday this coming week. Grim.
If there was a party that would close the borders nd also publicly slather fox hunters bollocks in raw meat nd set packs of bully XLs onto them i would bother voting, the greens lied 2 me that theyd at least make a start on the latter, but its just another homosex faggot orgy cult
The Seaside Army has lost big time.
Mad that british heart foundation does testing on beagles(2 be specific "They had their chests cut open and the main artery of their heart tied to induce a heart attack") but im supposed to care about a rainbow june month for some homosex faggot sodomites. Get aids and stfu.
corr diss asian punk band at glasto october beaver is breddy fun
otoboke beaver beg toue pardon
Never forget what America's covid Golden Boy Fauci did to the beautiful Beagle breed... And all for what?
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If you ate yourself into heart surgery like a stupid cunt your life is no longer of equal value 2 a cute dog. Sophies choice its not. At the very least U should have the dignity to realise you did it to yourself and bow out. Likewise faggots sticking their pp up diseased shitey arse holes. Youre not "gay", theres no such thing. Youre a perverted freak w overactive libido. If theres a "gay gene" then we need to find it and breed it out. If theres no "gay gene" then it's a choice (it is). Hope you know most normies only "accept" your "sexuality" bc they dont actually think about what your lifestyle involves in any real detail.
spastic schizo
I didnt even mind them until they started adopting children. Thats trauma by default. Theres no such thing as 2 dads. Sick cunts. Hope the next AIDS is super AIDS that kills you just for even being a faggot in the first place.
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You are 32 and have the mind of a bored 17yo
Deal with that however you want me laddy
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Wagies get to bed. You have to slave to keep up your "social standing" but NEETs like me do not give a fuck. I value my freedom and mental health. Up nice and early for the wagie dance tomorrow.

not nice of you to make fun of us, we'd neet if we could
>Wagies get to bed
garn phone in sock tomorrow
wagies have sex
Might stick a film on. Controversial, I know.
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Fully comfymaxxing this summer if the lord allows it
The Hole (2001)
Kiera Knightley gets her tiny tits out
She was 15 when that was being filmed you nonce prick
You can. No one is stopping you. You just love buying things.
And? Not my problem. Must be legal because it's in the film's final cut.
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so jealous
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Imagine unironically fighting in a war. Im a soldier now, i pew pew @ baddy soldiers so we win xD how retro is that
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All bc of nazi incels vs 5 guys burgers and fries 10 years ago political spergs affected IRL world enough that we have ww3 now. I was just in high school loleing at memes and now we're here.
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>Displaying Posters: If you would like a "Vote Green" poster for your window, please reply to this email and we can deliver one to you.
You think Putin is into gamer gate?
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New goal: Work thru the backlog before the allnighter's up

Quite doable this, is it not

Why yes it is, yes it is indeed
Mark's a professional youtuber. Transferable skills. Could get a comfy wfh marketing job easy.
>5 guys burgers and fries
Any relation to 5 great guys plus one?
>5 guys burgers and fries
In-N-Out is much better
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Literally 4 posts in like 2/3 days have been dubs/trips that you've replied to and I barely even post. Let's try this one
Quite the considerable wuttington this was just now
Not a get
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Theyre all angel numbers : )
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A new 1 for IMAGE limit
corr who is she
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Freddingtonshireham sitting on page six

Yessir it does
Can't even wear the posture brace in this goddamn heat

Fuck summer so much seriously
Had a wank over a young lady's tuppence and now I'm off to bed. See you all later.
Haven't even begun clearing the backlog me, have i now

Why yes i haven't

Rather than doing so, i have spaffed two times
heard lollers is good mates with gary glittter

A nuarse weekburgh hath dawned
Might pump out some personality drama later today
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Time to shift are arses de lids we on that image limit


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