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Corr it Monday and it lush edition
Hope we get an SSM update this morning he was in a bad state last night.

>lost on the horses
>steaming as a wocket
>no helen
>no ps5
>england losing before he ended stream

Bit worried de lids. Turns out not EVERY day above ground is a great day
most days above ground are shite desu
That would never catch on as a quote
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Wagies getting up soon dreading the Monday morning wagie dance. Some of them will be 30yo men stuck in deadend wagie work and they don't even get a shag ever. Wasted their best years slaving, never got to have sex and with no career progression. Just stuck in that routine now because it's "the right thing to do" for a functioning society. Even though they don't gain much from it.

They live in their childhood boxroom and mum still makes them din dins. They don't even do anything remotely interesting outside of work. Playing their PS5 and looking forward to a new game maybe is the only excitement in their sad wagie lives. They can't think for themselves. They need to be in this routine and told what to do. Imagine slaving and getting no pussy.
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The only women in their wagie jobs are women like this. Low iq foreigner team leaders bossing them around and they're all being paid the bare legal minimum wage (unliveable without parents or partner). How can a white British man be grateful for that? Imagine slaving away all your life in a grim warehouse/factory and English is barely heard for the most part.

...and they (the miserable wagies) call people like me crazy for choosing not to play this work game. Hahaha. Pay for my PIP and pay for them sprogs of single mums who never work too whilst you're at it...PUSSYLESS WAGIE.
did ruthmongs mum let him have some coffee last night or something?
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He just needs to tell all of us how sad we are because he is so happy about his own life
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Love it when wagies fall for the auditing bait and commit a crime on camera. Enjoy your caution or community resolution wagie. That will show up on an enhanced DBS check. Even if they have no further action/not guilty, these things can still be noted on the checks.
Ruthmong, what car manufacturer/make do you like or are fond of? I have a surprise for you.
I really don't have one. I don't like Mercedes-Benz. Feels like a lot of boomer men drive them thinking they loaded.
I phoned in sick this morning

I'm not!
planning on doing that for the back half of this week desu
2013 video. Bet many of them wagies are still working there. Imagine doing this to "motivate" you for minimum wage.

So anything but Mercedes is fine yeah?
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You've just got to work NEETs even if you hate the job, even if it pays you an unlivable wage (enjoy never moving out) and it leads you nowhere. Tough! The people saying this are rich cunts like her who get paid more in one week for less work than you do in a whole year.

You won't be able to do that in the future wagie.
Put this fat bitch in a factory for a year. Let's see her work and contribute to the country. Let's see her attitude change.
Not him but cars that have automatic non-gull wing doors are fucking ridiculous, they take ages to fucking open, designed for lazy women to saunter in and out of. Me, I want the door open in <0.5 seconds, in and shut 0.5s later, not standing there like a lemon while the door crawls open.
Fuck that.
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Don't understand why young women ruin their looks with tattoos. At 23 your brain isn't even fully developed and many regret getting their tattoos a few years later.
quite a good post this one actually
Reminds me of toilet seats that take ages to close after you've shit. I have to forcefully push the lid down now where as before you could freely move them without any resistance. I need the lid down to stop the poo particles escaping during the powerful flush.
Lollers has a lot of influential friends
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How many times do you reckon this lad has gotten laid? Maybe he doesn't care.
A good point lad. My mums got one of those and it's very annoying, she loves it though. Women dont like touching things that might be dirty more than men.
They don't even work properly. I put the whole thing up for number 1 and it slowly drops back down. She buys so much chinese tat from Amazon since getting Prime.
Who took the picture? When I bought myself a supermarket cake for my 21st, 25th, and 30th, there wasn't someone else physically present to share it with me.
Yeah, i know what your on about, it's like the seat and that mechanism are designed not to work together, the tank is too far forward for the slow drop mechanism to be fully off. It's a nightmare, I just have to piss carefully when i pop in to see her.
Whilest on the subject, do you think toilet seats have got smaller more recently?
I vaugely remember South Park making jokes about how children have fallen in and got flushed in the past.
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Working minimum wage will not get you a girlfriend... especially if you aren't really attractive. Women want the best and they know many men are desperate. They don't need to even consider someone like you. Just use online dating with a female profile + fat/ugly woman and you'll see what I mean.
Probably his mum. Sad.
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There's no real reason for a man in my position to work. I'd rather be a pussyless neet than a pussyless wagie supporting the NHS (pays towards normie couples childbirths, GUM clinics, female "mental health").
The wagie men still living with their mum leaving their boxrooms in their wagie uniform ready for another long week at work. Minimum wage is not for me.
You get those super obsessive lads (autistic or similar), their thing becomes their career and they do well out of it. However they are also effectively celibate.

I don't buy the incel 'good looks' arguments here: THEY aren't interested. They're like phantom eunuchs.
Why do they need to put a man doing a legal activity in handcuffs? He's doing nothing wrong but they still do this. This is why I hate front line policing. It's full of thicko men who think they have a good job.

I had the rest of the week booked off anyway. This will look very suspicious but I dont care
The one I have the inner seat falls gently but the outer lid closes, pushing it down, in a flash.

Genius bit of kit, that. I'm a single man who lives alone and rarely pools. I bet if I had a gf she'd complain haha no love that seat stays up by default xo xo
It must be a blessing to be heavily autistic and not care about getting laid or convincing yourself the right one will come someday. By the age of 20 I knew I were going to be an incel and that's basically made me quit life.
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I too feel bitter when other people do well. Why can't the world run on logic? Systemising brains > empathising brains.
One of those days unfortunately. Lots to do, not a lot of time to do it.
Play The Crystal Maze music whenever you're doing a task. You get to turn it off once you're finished with everything.
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Ruthmong, you'll get all the ASMR bints driving this beast around. I'll even make an ASMR themed paint for it later tonight and drive it in online races.
I find that the Countdown clock music really helps urge me on.

My BDSM partner trained me to hands-free coom at the Countdown theme.
Many, many sex-obsessed incels ITT this morning. Made a few tweaks to the filters to sort them out in future thoughbeit.
it's just ruthmong again
This is just what adults talk about.

Notice we also talk about food and shelter a lot. Welcome to our planet, anon.
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I have that game and even beat the eliminator a few times back when it was populated. I have all the cars. Hope you've bought it because it will be delisted this year.
fuck off you desperate shoeless cunt
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She thinks men over 30 are ancient (said on her livestream). Sad to think how we lads are pretty much invisible past 30.
My shoes are in the wash.
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>aston martin
here's your 200,000 pound car bro
For me it's the WWTBAM club mix single.

If 3/10 massive forehead bints like this have high standards we are doomed. No wonder so many young gen z men are going without sex and will be swaying to the right with their votes.
I used to watch car YouTubers and pretty much all of them said that modern Aston Martins have absolutely horrendous build quality. Explains everything if they're diversity hiring.
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love when my seven figure hand built made to order no refunds car comes with a nice big cuck stamp
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It's predicted Gen Z men are most likely to be unemployed long term. What future do young men have in a country that still thinks women have a lot of progress to make? Many women don't realise how easy they have it with their education and career opportunities.

We can't let privileged, upper class women like Ruby take anymore away from men. She's constantly bringing up feminism and acts like women have it worse than men these days. What she doesn't tell you is how insanely rich her parents are. It's for that reason she's in Oxford. There are far more intelligent men not in a top university like her. It's not right. She will contribute nothing.
Does it come with curry smell when you open the door? Glad I don't care about materialism. Imagine working hard for something like this. Sad. No one even cares really what car you have. In fact it makes them think that's all you live for.
is there a list of inspectors whose cars ended up with a defect, injuring/killing the passengers?
my shoes don't exist anymore since becoming a shut-in
It's like how your hygiene stops existing too, but nobody's around to smell you so it doesn't matter. All things in life are social constructs. If the car didn't take off maybe they'd build paths out of that spongy playground material and we all go to the shops in our bare feet like hobbits.
Going to reinstall the GNU/Linux distro today. Messed up the installation last night. I think I will stick with ext4 instead of btrfs and do without snapshots.
replace all the GNU userspace with superior, more true-to-UNIX and non-GPL alternatives.

won't be glad when rms dies, but i'll be glad he's gone.
I bet women don't even know how to set up Linux and only use Mac OSX (closed source).
Yeah lad, I bought it on steam because I heard about the delisting a few days ago. Not usually into racing games but liking it. Got the ultimate edition. Comes with everything apart from the hot wheels car pack and treasure map DLC, both which I modded in anyway so got the full shebang of DLC. We should play together lad if you're up for it. I'm not very good as I don't play racing games but I think it has co-op races too?
The treasure icons get revealed on the dlc maps. On the main map things just add to the map if you're close to them or use the drone anyway (so you can come back later and work out how to get the treasure board).

It does have things like the trial (6 humans against highest difficulty ai) and playlists but these will soon be retired sucking the life out of the game considerably.

I would play but my Xbone requires a paid membership to play online. I'm too poor for a gaming pc.
Reckon they'll announce Forza Horizon 6 next year. 5 has such a boring map and they reused the Hot Wheels DLC instead of coming up with something fresh.
Your OS has a GUI? Didn't realise we were in primary school
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She's got as much interest and skill in games as SSM. A real gamer can tell when someone pretends to enjoy something cool. She hasn't even got trophies for the highest difficulty in the Last of Us. If that's your favourite game ever, you'd know playing on the highest difficulty means exploiting the stealth. It's a whole new game basically. She went round wasting resources in her Last of Us video.
Laura is the best looking of all then asmr bints. The others simply cannot compete with her beauty and charisma. That's why they have lower subscribers. They're mid. She'd have no comments, no subscribers if she were a man.
I do like a good desktop environment. XFCE is good and customisable. LXDE is ugly but can be improved and works great if you only have 1 GB of RAM. I'd go with Gnome or KDE Plasma if I had a system that wasn't 20 years old. I'm also limited to Debian and OpenSuse due to the other distros dropping 32 bit support.
I need to be lobotomized.
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You lads will never have a beautiful girl like her. You were born with the inferior genetics that makes women attracted to you. It's got nothing to do with your personality and views. You only have to look at the news and see how even violent men in prison get sex and love.
*not attracted to you

Yeah you're all invisible to girls. Your future will be depressing young incel lads.
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Even she could get on tinder and find a boyfriend easily. These dating apps no longer publish the 90% male userbase.
There is no point respecting women anymore. They don't respect us and meet our sexual needs. They deny some men sex and love. These men have to go all their lives without sex and you expect them men to respect women?
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Women prefer men with a hairy chest according to SSM
Does Timeshift not work for your distro?
And if women think progress is improving, they are so wrong. Misogyny will be rising as the young men of today realise they're not getting any of the cake. It's only fair for them to turn against women.
He lets it grow out unkempt to cover his meltdown scars lol
I don't know. It was something else I fucked up. Might have used the wrong keyboard layout during install and then it got changed so can't login to the system. I'm going to go with the usual ext4. ext2 on boot partition to optimise space (no journaling).
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Over the last 15 years my life has been horrible whilst everyone else has been enjoying theirs and growing through experiences. It's not just being single, it's everything. I feel cheated. It all feels ruined and reaching the point of no return. I'll never get my young years and experiences.
ok. I should update ubuntu to 24.04 but im going away on Wed for hols and dont want to fanny around if it goes wrong, I have all sorts of stuff on here that will probably break on the upgrade. am going to wait for the first .1 release if i can.
Good luck lad.
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I see she has got her father's hairy genes.
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Switch to Debian or OpenSuse. Ubuntu is forcing this Ubuntu Pro bullshit now. Never going back to Ubuntu with its bloat.
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Over 15 years of dating and dumping/getting dumped by women.

If there's one thing I've learned: they're not worth obsessing over.
Debian is stable before even the first point release. Ubuntu uses packages still from Debian testing I believe. No wonder it's buggy.
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They are if you've never had a slice of the cake. You need to try something to realise it's not worth it.
I'm tired of getting sick all the time because the weather can't decide whether to be hot or cold.
What practical reaaon is there to use Linux? Windows comes installed on your system anyway. Makes no sense to me.
You only get sick if you hang round normies or look at the screen all day. It's your own fault.
I'll see what 24.04 is like, as long as my shit works I don't care too much about bloat. My reasoning for this is that I've had a very very low spec system for 10 years and got a bit of extra life switching to Linux. Now I have a middling+ system i'm enjoying everything just working at a reasonable pace, however as I get more used to the new PC I'm pushing its capabilities in Ubuntu as I learn more slowly over time, so I change is not out of the question if I can get more performance out of another distro.
But, something I'll do after I use 24.04 for a while, so probably this Christmas.
I do need more ram though, I thought 32gb was enough, but it's not.
I only have 1 GB of memory on mine and it just about opens Firefox with two tabs.
I had I think xcfe?? on a really old 2011 laptop for a while about a year ago, it worked for youtube, discord and very basic stuff.
Just go to SEA lad. You may not be young but you can enjoy life.
if Windows comes preinstalled i write them an email demanding that under EU pro-choice regulation i did not consent to use their choice of operating system and i am entitled to a refund.

then with my refund i buy a dodgy Windows activation key and reinstall Windows. gets rid of all that preinstalled shovelware shite too.
No, it's the weather constantly changing 10 degrees from one day to the next. Plays havoc with my stomach.
Thought you said you live better than wagies?
how is the weather affecting your stomach?
Are you a women or a poof? I've never gotten sick from weather changing 10 degrees.
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Nice new suitcase for his cruise
i'm not lazing around i am waiting for 1pm when the Precip is 0mm or perhaps 2pm when it's 0.1mm V Light (my punishment if i do laze).

right now we're at 0.29mm Showers and i don't consider that 'going outside' weather.
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>group A gets told not to gatekeep by group B
>group A says okay and let's in anyone
>group B hijacks the hobby and gatekeeps group A
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No small underseat bag for SSM. He'll be checking this suitcase in. Well the wagies are paying aren't they?
Hang on, where's he off to? I'm out of the loop on SSM recent lore.
had to pay off a gas debt and it was like 300 quid. A debt for not using gas.
Never, ever, EVER let normies/women into your hobbies. E V E R.


Hammer in hand from a construction site
Only see his teeth by the moonlight
Its gonna be a different night for him
His joggings about to come to an end
But this is just a normal Monday night in the U.S.A


Im talkin bout Niggers, Niggers, Niggers
The empty headed big lippers
The out late at night, steal anything in sight
Welfare sucking, public speaker phone a Nigger stole my bike


Kids in school tryin get an education
But sorry kids your new classmates are Haitian
No more family outings to the mall
Thanks to Nigger gangs no ones there at all
Government said Niggers need to get a job so they made D.E.I
And now Boeing planes are falling from the sky


Im talkin bout Niggers, Niggers, Niggers
The empty headed big lippers
The out late at night, steal anything in sight
Welfare sucking, public speaker phone a Nigger stole my bike


Planes are falling from the sky
Planes are falling from the sky
Niggers are getting high
America is not alright
A Nigger stole my bike


Im talkin bout Niggers, Niggers, Niggers
The empty headed big lippers
The out late at night, steal anything in sight
Welfare sucking, public speaker phone a Nigger stole my bike


A Nigger stole my bike.
there was a Lindybeige video where he mentions this when he and some pals were planning a wargame. i've had a fair few guy-drags-gf-along times that ruined D&D/similar. but it's usually her being too quiet, clearly doesn't get it or want to be there.
he mentioned in his case the gf was trying too hard to fit in, be one of the lads, play along with their in-jokes they'd built.

now looking back, i can see that one so many times too. are men and women just incompatible? what are lesbians like?
ChatGPT with filters removed would be this
They should rename this Scam Interceptors show to Pensioners Being Retarded. They edit this shit like a Bourne movie too. I understand if your learning disabled you could get scammed but if your sound of mine and just thick then I've no sympathy.
someone who was leg-disabled has avoided a train at some point. therefore i have no sympathy for able-bodied accident victims.
And you're there to watch it all
What appington/siteberg are you using for that level of accuracy de lid? Some cracking stats there it must be said.
Only a bit of fun. The scams are so obvious however. I suppose looking at my own granny in her 70s she'd probably fall for it too. I should have more sympathy anons.
Now to Homes Under the Hammer. This lad gives me massive serial killer vibes.
it's all a bit corporate and i'd love to trust the Met Office, but these lads use Radar Technology to get the weather spot-on. never looked back.
secretly i was posting something mildly argumentative to provoke a reaction out of you (any reaction - your fairly neutral one is more than satisfying).

so maybe you're not as clever as not being tricked into things as you think you are. in fact, maybe now you'll 'choose' NOT to respond to me again, eh?
They need to do one in Japan. Want to do some touge drifting sessions.
I know nofap is a meme, but im gonna give it a go for this week to see if i can fix my coomer brain
Cheers lad. Met Office use radar as well though, I tend to use their app for the 6 hour forecast. I like the look of this though.
i used to the BBC but 'their' weather is provided by MeteoGroup. just funnelling our public money into a European private company. imagine if all their news was bought from Reuters or summat.

will always support the public sector me, but if communism wins the Met Office will have Netweather against the wall. until that day comes i'll just be using this one website. warning though: it takes the fun and mystery out of the weather when the forecast is accurate. you'll see what i mean.
my eyes keep watering. it's not a reaction to anything, like an allergy or spicy food. i think i'm actually crying. but i'm not crying AT anything and i don't even feel sad. there's just that sense of 'welling up'.

by the time i get a GP appointment it'll be over. can anyone explain what this might be?
Your tear duct is being squeezed by a blocked nose de lid. Bit of nasal spray, maybe some antihistamine tablets and you'll be right as rain.
Men and women cannot be friends with each other the same way that men can be friends and women can be friends separately. I don't say this in some kind of incel-tier rage against women; I really do not hold anything against them generally beyond a few wider complaints, but the reality is that men and women simply cannot be friends. This is because of two reasons - firstly, we're just too different and secondly, there will ALWAYS be an undercurrent of mate-selection that will skew any interactions, even if this is VERY slight it will never not be there.
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Really struggling to do this document. Think I'll have a break
Job interview in 3 weeks time for a job i interviewed for almost a year ago and apparently almost got it. Surely this time it's mine
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Had some very nice arrivals today. Got a decent collection of Frank Capra films now. Few on DVD, few on Blu-ray. It don't matter, it all a lush. Dr. Zhivago one of me favs but only saw it on telly. Comes with some good special features.
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf. Hate that movie.
Only nonces use Linux.

What's the job for?
Heather Watson looking more and more like a fridge. Disgusting outie belly button too. She needs to have a word with herself.
>What's the job for?
senior position in what i already do
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Stop the madness. Vote Reform.
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Tokyo, but he keeping it private.
Being a nonce? Senior nonce?
not voting against my own interest, pal
*puts on a hilariously bad racist Mexican accent*
Do you enjoy the old Technicolor musicals like My Fair Lady, Brigadoon, Seven Brides For Seven Brothers, Oklahoma? Love those me.
Powerless, impotent, underachieving mongoloid wagues trying to gain some semblance of power and relevance in their life by arguing with auditors.
Love them, lad. Have Oklahoma on DVD and My Fair Lady on Blu-ray. Old musicals are very comfy and enjoyable. Never seen Seven Brides despite it being so popular. I like South Pacific and The King and I as well. Anything with Judy Garland is based as well.
you can't nonce seniors you fucking idiot.
Found the wagie slave.
Might wanna read it back again
if it's raining on Thursday, i'm not voting. simple as.
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SSM is part Welsh. Wonder if he has family there.
I wondered why he often refers to Helen as his little lamb.
SSM has a pretty good life when you think about it

Tokyo or Llandudno
Quite a difference.
this is Jigglypuff's name in French

(used to set Super Smash Bros Melee to French mode)
Agreed, and The Sound of Music as well. Love Judy Garland too in The Pirate, Meet Me in St. Louis, State Fair. Here she is in Everybody Sing: https://youtu.be/Y9glvXLW1tw?si=vMjhZ9Qv9WVA6faQ
Farage gives off nonce vibes desu
left: 6'3
right: 5'8
I thought about it for approximately 3 seconds.
His life is shit
Tell me in detail how your life is better.
Had sex last night so get in there dee lads
How long did it take for him to cum my leeed?
bit weird that Plymouth shooter documentary. the dad said he'd have taken the lad to shag a prostitute. is that a normal thing to offer your son?
What does #justiceformarie and #justicefortristan actually mean beyond spamming a hashtag in every comment to look like a good guy
GW is such a fucking joke now lol. They just get worse and worse. They're one of the few companies out there that actively hates the fact that it has a fanbase/userbase and so wants to fuck them over.
I guess we can't judge a family like that by normal standards. He obviously had a retard for a son, who committed an extraordinary act, so his response is understandly also strange.
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>l showed people at work his haircut video yesterday, most thought he had downs, then they commented how big his head was and another is he let out on day release from a special home, they thought he was mid 60's LOL!!! when I said late 40's that said BS
Marie was SSM's ex gf. She had learning disabilities and some seethers say SSM took advantage of her

Tristan was the little lad SSM accidentally killed by drunkenly starting a house fire at his old house
Is there proof of any of this? Sounds wild.
SSM is an innocent man
Simple as
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Basic bitch cope
mark's IQ is probably closer to marie than it is to helen
RiffRatz is a wagie, a sprogged wagie at that. Grim.
Mark only pretends to be stupid. 'seasideMARK' is a character.
I mean about what does "justice" in each case mean for the trolls considering they spam those hashtags but it's unclear whether Marie or Tristan's family feel the trolls are doing them a great service by rearranging DHL deliveries
He did take advantage of her. Poor lass.
Proper had me kekking that. Imagine this guy going around at work showing everyone marks hair cut video and telling them about marie
do you think he raped her
I doubt riffratz works, he's uploading 24/7
yeah the whole family was a bit unusual, prison and that. but he was recounting it in the past, like he wanted to look after his disabled son as a loving father. not knowing he was the dad to a future serial killer, better act accordingly for the resulting interviews.
I got me air cut
I got me air cut
I got me air cut...I got me air cut
Barry reckons hes married with kids too.
she used him for free mcdonalds and cheat the whole time. It not right

Who is Toastie?
He uploads 30+ clips across 5-6 different streamers every single week. He must be spending all his free time watching these streams
Mt step-dad arranged 7 female philipino prostitutes for my 21st and i got propositioned to cuck a bloke in front of his wife who was gagging for it as long as they could film it, I was fit back then, now, not at all.
But, i had a missus at the time who was back in blighty so i didnt shag anyone else.
Turns out my missus was shagging at 50+ year old very rich bloke (country estate, land and so on)
Reckon SSM has a learning disability too
RiffRatz has been wiping out Seaside Army regiments since Friday. The Seaside Army in full retreat on all fronts. They trying to lash back out but are quickly repulsed.
Who the fuck is Barry?
Wish my dad took me to a prozzie for my 18th
One of SSM's old drinking mates. Him, Toastie and Tim Eldridge used to go out drinking together
RiffRatz. He was doxxed by seaside seagull
Based musical bro. Yeah I have a triple pack DVD with Sound of Music, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and The King and I. Chitty is pan and scan so have to get the Blu-ray at some point. A Star is Born is probably my favourite Garland film. Singing in the Rain is a belter as well to be fair. I love anything to do with the transition from silent film to talkies. That newer film Babylon is a similar premise.
my name is mr nigger
Riffratz gets a bit emotional doesn't he. Reckon there's more to this than he's letting on.
No sane normal wagie would be watching SSM let alone screencapping him constantly. It's as simple as that.
Hi mate what you up to today?
Oh dear
It's very normal married man with kids behaviour to write scripts for your cartoon rat avatar vs. your online enemies
Wagies are weird though, they willingly slave.
He's the same as nonce hunters. They get some sort of power trip doing this shit. Nonce hunters especially don't give a fuck about noncing it's all to get them Facebook clicks. Same with RiffRatz and him exploiting dossers. Mark will eventually break like are Timmy and he'll be spaffing all over the kitche .
SSM already broke when he killed Tristan and Benji.
no doubt he watches all the footage, but I always assumed he had a bot to get the videos for him.
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Black mark for me that I forgot to mention Chitty, an all time favourite whose songs I regularly belt out whilst housecleaning. I've read all the James Bonds as well, love Ian Fleming.
FYI Victor Fleming was my great-grandmother's second cousin now wasn't he?
>when he killed Tristan and Benji.
Proof of this lad?
Video where he visits Tristans grave.
That's cool. Mad that Fleming directed Wizard of Oz and Gone With the Wind the same year.
I've thought about reading the James Bond books a few times but the current available digital versions are all censored and "revised." Fuck that shite.
That proves he visited a grave how about the part where he killed someone
when nonce soldiers catch a nonce the police have to go through computers and it's traumatic. high turnover rate in cyber-crimes because they have to view everything.

they should have to be the ones who go through that imho.
What's the deal with Benji then? Did mark have to eat him during The Great Wuppa Drought of 2021?
Yeah, by law they are only allowed to do certain hours going through the content before someone else takes over. Not a job I'd want to do, seems a bit noncey.
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leader of far right RN in france
he will be prime minister next week
"Whistle While You Work" from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
"A Spoonful of Sugar" from Mary Poppins
"Happy Working Song" from Enchanted
Disney has always had the best housework earkinos in their musicals.
Based. Looks like sanity is finally returning round the world.
I found uncensored pdfs years ago on a way past phone. Have looked for anthology (like I own for complete Lovecraft, Poe, and Conan Doyle's Holmes) but all I can find are overpriced separate books printed in the 70s.
>Not a job I'd want to do
Doubt that mate
yet again looking at 'how bad things are' here then looking over at France to see how much they have us beat.
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He wants to ban gay marriage. He's very traditional
He looks and stands like a queer.
that's a simple litmus test then, like proving someone was a witch. if he comes out unscatched he's nonce.

nonce-hunters are the most anti-nonce out the lot of us, going so far as to role-play as kids on the internet, learning what a 'civil arrest' is, then filming it all with you and mates (for your own protection).

take it a step further lads get in the monitoring room. think of all the possible leads they'll get from these films. you'll be heroes.
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Phwoarr just trying to read me daily mail and you get Farage's mug all over the page. Can barely make out the actual article.

Shall be voting for are Nige now.
Unironically would get the muslim vote if he didn't also want to deport them all.
why is he wearing a coat in summer?
That dude is gay 100%
Just French de lad. They're all a bit effeminate over there.
If youre new to me channel
One day I stink of fish other day I stink of shit de lads
Julia Hartley-Brewer is such a gigantic twat
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It's not about how you start, it's about how you finish
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A personal favourite is 'Youve got a Fren in me' from Woy Story.
>reading the daily mail
>not having an ad blocker
>voting for the country's biggest charlatan (sunak is a close second)
Guessing you're reading the guardian on your linux and voting greens?
Word from my m8 who works at a sorting office for a city of 450k is that they've had so many more postal votes coming in over the last few weeks that it's slowed the sort right down at times, and he's knackered lugging the extra trolleys around.
I don't think Pro is forced, it's optional, and I think it's cool because it seems to give security patches for all Universe packages, for free on up to 5 machines
I mostly read BBC News

Don't think I'll vote to be honest, I don't like any of them, and if I do vote it will probably be for a local independent candidate who isn't going to win anyway
You are a gay nonce
youre a nonce? vote reform!
Use reading mode on your browser lad.
Benji was Marks dad's dog. Mark uploaded a video of Benji running round his flat when his dad visited. That's the real Benji lore.
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Any lads try finasteride?
just shave your head chika. no one cares if you're bald
I didn't say anything about gayness, I think you just have gayness on your mind
How do I do that de lid? Never heard of reading mode.
>some men experience sexual dysfunction, depression, and breast enlargement
>In some men, sexual dysfunction may persist after stopping the medication
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I am "only" norwood 5 desu
It's not ideal but it not over yet
Phwoarr need to get the missus on this. She already can't be arsed to put out but at least she'll have bigger tits.
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It's in the url bar on Firefox
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it is over lad. shave it and move on with your life
I'm IIIA out of those. Luckily i'm already married or it would be curtains.
I'm II on that. I've always been at II, even when I was a kid.
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SPACCA party is getting me and my Apus vote. They going to be increasing tax on frogless wagies an extra 4% to raise the billions they need to help open up more Helper Shelters and Frenitentiaries across Feelshire. They're pledging to not only crack down hard on unfrenliness but they also want to stop the seething at its source by employing hundreds of new Frog-Knockers.
It time they got their fair share of equity.
Gonna enjoy Reform killing Tories and still only getting like 2 seats

Massive Labour victory. If only they could share it with Lib Dems and we might get some way into the single marker.
Oh yes freedom of movement for all the algerians, moroccans and sub-saharoids that are about to flee france. Great idea de lod.
I think most people could not live my life without being on a high dosage of antidepressants.
Right I use chrome, probably doesn't have it.
they're letting apus vote now? world's gone mad
True thank god brexit stops them getting here now
they deliver HHL's webabs though
So farage was the driving force behind brexit and nowadays pretty much everybody agrees we are worse off after brexit so why are people voting for farage?
Yea, I love how because Europeans can't move here anymore, we've decided to instead import double the numbers from people outside of the EU

Stellar work Brexiters. Really good job
Is he still larping about being in poland?
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Do we know who SSM will be voting for?
Decided I'm spoiling my ballot. Was tempted to vote Reform to at least register my anti-immigration views but Farage has cucked us with more civnat bollocks so nah.
He said he was in a Polish pub, not in Poland. Your reading comprehension is shit.
Would you vote for Farage if he was bald?
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He's going with Labour because Reform don't have a candidate in his area.
Later on he mentioned being in Poland and at a hotel

So nah, your reading comprehension is shit
Are Labour 'NEET friendly' ? I haven't read their manifesto
And the EU are currently trying to financially cripple Hungary for refusing to take 'refugees'. White countries are getting wogged no matter what, it doesn't matter which economic blocs we are or aren't members of.
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NHS receptionists are such a snappy lot. Here I am being all nice and polite and paying for my own blood tests but the Eastern Euro bint at reception keeps gatekeeping me from accessing help for some reason. At least that was over the phone, heaven forbid any poor soul who goes to their GP in person and has to talk about their personal health issues while in a long queue.
Fuck the NHS, total piss takers.
This is what Brexiteers wanted all along, "Poles out, Pakistanis in"
>the Eastern Euro bint at reception
Is she fit?
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I broke my leg in a motorbike accident a few years ago (RIP CG125)
Rang the doctors for a sick line and the receptionist thought i was taking the piss
>No anon we cant just give you a sick line, you need to come down here
Remind her my leg is broken and i cannot walk
>How are we supposed to know this anon? We cant email you sick lines
Can you check my medical records?
>No anon that takes too much time blah blah blah
Got pissed off at this point and got a bit snappy
"I cant get down to the doctors, my leg is in a full cast and i cannot walk, what do you want me to do??"
*furious tapping at keyboard*
>Oh ok anon you have a 2 week sick line, we will email it to you
Its not going to be healed in 2 weeks
>Ah well you see we cant just give you longer sick line because reasons blah blah blah

Massive pack of wankers, the next time i rang i got a different recoptinist and she gave me a 4 month line with 0 issues
This doesn't sound good for Mark.
>Labour will reform employment support so it drives growth and opportunity. Our system will be underpinned by rights and responsibilities - people who can work, should work - and there will be consequences for those who do not fulfil their obligations.
>Labour will work with local areas to create plans to support more disabled people and those with health conditions into work.
Respect Party tried to win over ALL the Muslims and it almost worked.
Farage is trying to win over some who happen to be racist but he's not a 100% racist himself.
Siddarth is an Indian immigrant but a hard-working man in the hospitality trade, multiple restaurants. Always paid his taxes, Farage likes him, he's one of the good ones.
Even Nick Griffin told that one guy in the Question Time audience, "Then you can stay," after he revealed his 9-5 status.

The racism stuff is just a smokescreen. They don't care about race. They always have 'exceptions' or actual ___ friends. Enoch Powell was happy for Commonwealth migrants to become our (excellent) doctors.

You know what it all is? A war against NEETs.
How is your day of dollies and online drama going girls?
H-He called me a girl~!
you read all the posts so you know, big guy
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>Labour will work with local areas to create plans to support more disabled people and those with health conditions into work.
No one in Europe is getting "wogged" more than we are. Not even France
So basically you're fuming she didn't give you months on the doss no questions asked
>Labour will reform employment support so it drives growth and opportunity. Our system will be underpinned by rights and responsibilities - people who can work, should work - and there will be consequences for those who do not fulfil their obligations.
That's literally how it's been for decades. You can translate this to "healthy people should work, otherwise you go on sick". It's the same thing
>Labour will work with local areas to create plans to support more disabled people and those with health conditions into work.
Once again. They've been doing this for decades. It's meaningless
working from the bottom-down, this.

whatever you think of all the whole mental health/limited capacity/whatever system, why decide this prematurely when they've constantly fucked it?

great a benefits system that is fit for purpose for able-bodieds and able-brains. just give disabled people enough to live comfortably. some already work, there are already schemes, we know what you're saying you heartless bastards.
We need a NEET breakaway state we can't live under wageslave NPC tyranny and we would be more productive without having to deal with these normalfag proles anyway
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my shin bone was broken lad, you clearly have never broken a leg before but it really fucks up your ability to work
Stuck indoors bored, lonely and depressed. Can't go out because my legs are injured. Comfymaxxing is on hold de lads.
Can't blame Brexit for that desu. Only the tories who executed it.
Brexiteers should have known that stopping EU immigration would have nothing to do with non-EU immigration

Alas, thoughts requiring IQs higher than 80 are beyond them
>can't type at a desk without my shin bone
Big laughs at this comments
Cut down EU immigration and the government needs to keep the numbers up for their little landlord and business buddies; where did the public think the new immigrants would be coming from?
But hey, blue passports and other stuff.
These older Mark videos are not nice. Not nice at all de lads. Give us the beaches and the benches, the garden and the lane.
he's fuming because he didn't have a leg to stand on
If he can't get to the doctor, how is he going to get to the work?
Again, can't blame Brexit for tories willingly inviting anyone and their family in. It not right what happen. With or without brexit we have full control over non-EU migration and simply chose to do nothing about it, hence the popularity of Reform.
>hence the popularity of Reform.
Which is quite funny because for 3 days now my timeline has been full of non-Whites campaigning for reform, and there's even a Muslim guy who they're grooming to become the new leader
You have a problem with darkies lad? Wouldn't happen to be voting Reform would you?
Boggles my mind that people upload all this kind of personal shit to YouTube
Of course not. I believe in British values such as tolerance, equality and diversity.
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that were a lush shower de lads
now my adventure continues
dunno it was over the phone
baffles me that the government things GPs handing these sick notes out like candy when it fact theyre quite hard to get
>2 weeks
ffs it used to a month standard. that receptionist was being a cunt. glad things worked out tho
Sounds like Reform is the party for you then.
Yea I agree. Very grim and uncomfy vibe. The ones in the pub with the fruit machines too. Feels like a bad acid trip. He suits being jolly old man.
>Have (what I think to be) nice debate about something with someone on outer chan
>Two/Three fairly well thought out posts back and forth
>Get called a faggot on the fourth

Every time. That's discussion over for me.
All these pro-work parties, I feel like I should join as their token NEET. I'll be one of the good ones speaking OUT about unfettered hand-outs to scroungers, since it creates problems like /britfeel/.
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>missed Klarna payment
I hope you're okay anon some people think that just because "it's the internet" their words don't have the power to hurt ;_;

Order yourself something nice in. Go ooonn!
Is that Dark Souls 3? The one Souls game I didn't play much.
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black face online
how? i thought it was all taken automatically? or are you a bit skint at the moment de lad?
it is yeah. doing another playthrough after that the flashbang that was elden ring
Same lad. I played loads of DaS and DaS2 but not much of 3. Pleb taste? Maybe
howling at this edit
same played the fuck out of das1+2, 3 just never clicked
Always just kept getting lost and annoyed
I will try again some day
Yea I couldn't care less what people call me, it just disqualifies them as a genuine party to converse with, which is a shame.
I'm the lad who's been playing Bloodborne. Got up to Vicar Amelia using Threaded Cane but just rerolled into Strength build. Just don't feel right. Never liked dexterity builds. Just beat Cleric Beast again. We live and learn, eh? I'll have to do DS3 after this or maybe Sekiro...
Did you play Elden Ring de lid? I got lost loads in that but was fun exploring.
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maybe im the one with swhit taste. ds2 never clicked for me, only ds1 and 3 did. i think it was something to do with the engine for me maybe. iirc 2 is on a slightly different engine than 1 and 3
>bloodborne anon
det in lad. you having fun ye? i think youd like ds3, i hear it feels a bit like BB, but idk never got to play BB since i dont own a console. funnily enough my friend and i were just talking about BB emulator but it seems like its a buggy mess and i couldnt get demons souls to run on my pc
oh well. ps3s are only like 50 quid on ebay i think. might go for it and get demons souls
depending on how old your pc is, you can play demons souls on ps3 emulator just fine
Dark Souls 2 was created by the B-side team. A lot of /v/ memers like to say it's a good game but not a good DaS game whatever that means
so you do need older hardware for it? i couldnt get it to run on my older system and i upgraded a few months back so i think ill just have to buy a ps3
it didnt feel like a dark souls game to me and i dont know what that means myself lol
Buy a PlayStation5 so you can play Demon's Souls remake!
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I think 2 had a different dev team. I was disappointed with it at first but there was good parts. Mostly it was PvP being so active that was fun. Bleed and poison being viable was fun. I don't care about PvP normally it's more like the main game not being that amazing led my focus elsewhere. So I didn't like it as much as I hoped but I also played it for hundreds of hours so, mixed feelings. I never played the new edition they made though another one to try some day.
DS2 is a very different game and I kind of respect it. Some fucking annoying sections, however. Especially the really dark part where you can't see shit.
Can't believe they never brought BB to PC. I'll have to check out the Demon's Souls remake as well. I remember years ago playing the original on release and just noping the fuck out of it, had no idea what I was doing. Ended up trading it to my mate for some other game.
>whatever that means
The map being so disconnected killed the vibe for one. It was like all these totally random locations pasted next to each other that didn't really make sense together. Idk it was still a decent game but a step down. My fav still 1+Bloodborne.
36 bockles of cider plenty of drinking in the garden wow wow wow and i really mean WOW
That just reminded me when I was playing Bloodborne last night, just before the Blood Beast... that fucking werewolf that busts through the door when you're walking past scared the absolute shit out of me and my dog started barking because I screamed.
Nah you need newer hardware for it, but my pc is shite so doesn't run well. https://www.reddit.com/r/demonssouls/comments/8ejkbx/guide_for_setting_up_demon_souls_on_a_ps3_emulator
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Soulsgames became terrible when all the bosses just became combo machines that read your inputs constantly. Elden Ring is by far the worst for this.

Sekiro is obviously the best because you're proactive, rather than reactive
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anon, please... :(
i have heard anons say pvp was a lot better in ds2 than 3 yeah. that seems to be a consistent theme even when ignoring the "ds 2 is the best ds" meme
going to try pvp in ds3 since i hear its still active to some degree
the remake looks off, sadly :( blue point? messed with the music and models so the tone of the game is different than the original. there are some videos on youtube talking about the differences between the games
i tried everything on my old machine last year, all i got was a black screen when i launched the game. not sure i wanna risk it on this computer since ive got a crypto wallet held on it
thanks though
git good scrubby wee lid
Never understood the appeal of PvP in the Souls games. Always just comes down to every cunt using the same meta build.
>get good at games you think are shit with badly designed Mike Tyson Punch Out boss gameplay
I'm good thanks

Also, that's rich considering how many plebs think Sekiro is harder than DS.
>unsafe pattern - get a couple of hits in
>unsafe pattern - get a couple of hits in
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i cant see myself picking up elden ring again. its such a slog to get through. the world just seems empty and void of any atmosphere. the legacy dungeons are good, but too easy. it doesnt feel like im in danger when doing those. the bosses are silly to fight and it feels like the game doesnt respect my time. the only boss ill remember from elden ring is probably putrescent knight from the dlc. that was a fun fight
commander gaius is probably the worst fight. next to bed of chaos for me
if i invade in ER i only rp and act as just an extra yet different obstacle for the player. only to be hit by moonlight greatsword and blasphemous blade.
oh well
>get a couple of hits in
if you're talking about ER youll be lucky to get 1 in
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every day he flying above ground a great day

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desu in 1 it was ok in the forest, didnt like it elsewhere, did co-op more as a phantom to farm souls for basically the same effort really at the end of the day?
>sign outside sen's fortress or O+S bonfire
>summoned every 5 mins
>solo everything to show off
>spam "well what is it"
Those were the days
I feel like Elden Ring had to add summons and spirit companions to distract half the bosses because they have like 10 hit bullshit combos.
In 1 I just ran into the forest then ran back to the stairs and let all them ninja fucks fall off of the cliff. Easy souls, innit? Not against the law, is it? I am a knight of the sun, after all...
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Plus since you could be on like NG+8 and still get summoned to NG, at least i think thats how it worked. It's been so long. Then you could stack pyromancy or faith + just run through those places. And thered still be invasions anyway to farm humanity. It was co-op for me all the way.
Nothing worse than being invaded when you're just about to beat a section that has been doing your head in. Shit mechanic and unnecessarily punishing.
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oh totally. and i completely disagree with the "you didnt beat the game lot" fighting the same boss for 5 minutes while you do chip damage every 10 seconds just isnt fun, and i say that as someone who beat groomed radahn without any summons. the game, especially the dlc just does not respect the players time but this is what we've ended up with thanks to streamer culture
i was arguing with someone on /v/ last night because he was complaining about the dlc being too hard and he refused to level up his scadu level because he "wanted to play the game legit"
these people
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Bait to ledge + spam wrath of gods aka WOG
It puts me off trying ER again desu
I enjoyed it but just stopped at some point. Feels like the fun factor is not really present as much as showing off that its brvtal
If the game gives me an item I'm going to use it, it's retarded not too. Using something the game gives you and encourages you to use is not cheating.
I'll admit by the time I was at the end of Elden Ring I just skipped past optional bosses because I just wanted it to be over. It's so fucking long.
Said he wasn't drinking until Thursday earlier. Think that's probably cancelled now
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i dont think you're missing out t b h. ER just isnt fun
i think From have boxed themselves in by catering to "prepare to le die" crowd and i dont think things will change, not with how successful ER and its DLC have been. 18 years of a Labour government and 18 years of spastic souls bosses
get in
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very good lads saved that one to my seaside folder.


36 bokkle of cider is that alright with you de lids? His skin more yellow than the walls now.
ffs got to clean kitchen now. Rude how things aren't just clean at all times
Still better than giving it to the bookies
I love elden ring but the bosses are probably my least favourite part. As previously mentioned dodging massive combos to do little chip damage isn't very fun. I feel like they could do with adding more mechanics to melee combat.
I'm still playing the dlc and find it very rough. Gunna go back to ds2 afterwards. Never actually finished it
I would disagree with Elden Ring being not fun... I enjoyed my time with it a lot but they definitely leaned in to super hyper combo bullshit bosses a lot. Having the first main boss of the game being that difficult without summoning is retarded. I know you're supposed to go to the Weeping Peninsula and explore but still. The Elden Beast is just really underwhelming too.
Anyone tried Lies of P or Code Vein? I heard they are similar to Dark Souls.
>ALLERGEN ADVICE: All our ciders contain sulphites
It not right. It not right at all.
The bookies helped pay for all that Sheppy's cider.
Dying in 2 hits is very tedious too.
Die, load screen, run to boss, fog wall etc. can we just have a retry option already?
Yeah I played them both. Code vein feels very ds1 but anime.
Lies of p is by far the better game overall imo, but the bosses can be hit or miss. At times it can be brutal. Would recommend both
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>didnt you hear anon? you only beat the game if you smash your face for 12 hours against a boss using fists only. like miyazaki intended. just ignore the massive summoning system that exists, thats not a core part of the game!
i hate that crowd. theyve killed souls games
i want to say the colour of his skin is maybe just the camera but dear lord that chin does not look good
poor lad
bvsed another anon gets it. i hope you get some joy out of the dlc though. it was pricey for a dlc
my main gripe with ER are levels being too easy compared to the bosses whereas in older souls games the levels were a boss in of themselves. ER just doesnt have any replayability for me because of that
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Fucks sake me captcha solvers not working. Can't believe some of you solve these on the regular.
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Say it aint so. He's 21 months no bookies. Why would he lie.
Five o'clock. Quittin' time!
Have done precisely fuck all the entire day, mostly spent it gooning. One day this might catch up to me and I'll get in trouble, but not today wooo!
Yes lad regularly filling out 100 odd captchas a day gives me something to do doesn't it
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It not right how big his fucking head is getting
he need doctor to deflate it
must be exhausting hauling that giga pumpkin head around all day.
he need mobility scooter
>liverpool fortcal cuc
I don't understand people who use those free streaming channels like Pluto TV. Who just wants to tune in and watch episode 57 of a show out of order. Like the bad old days of normal TV before Sky+.
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only gone and invalidated my entire save arent ah, ah have arent ah
cken ell
i really am worried for him tho. he does not look healthy at all :(
My mate who never played a Souls game stupidly killed half the NPCs in Elden Ring. Locked himself out of getting one of the best smithing items.
Taking that car away put him on downward spiral. It NOT right
Well, it is. If it bothers you that much when people point out, then don't use it, or carry on coping. No one cares
He need car. It not right. He smell of piss and shit. His piss could fuel eco car. Cowards.
Lol the girl in the 4chan advertisement has a video online where she's getting raped. It's very likely, God is controlling that girl. He's used her in the ad as a joke. The way he accomplished this task is significant. We don't actually have a clue. It's like, it just happens that way.
Well, it isn't. Simple as. Use all the tools the game gives you otherwise you're just being a tryhard. I suppose weapons are cheating, too. Just use your fists mate.
It was hilarious. Genuinely the only good thing the DWP has ever done.
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>He's used her in the ad as a joke.
Not a very good joke if nobody gets it
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elden ring just doesnt have this feel
im sorry
its not cheating. summons are a huge part of the game.
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He's hoping to pass his medical soon so he can get his driving license back. He plans to rent a car in the future. He reckons he has no chance of ever getting another free mobility car.
So I guess it's obvious, but that woman is axtually a dude. We can notice the earrings, and also the timeliness of the post. So the triangle is actually meant to be the number 6. That's why we're always so pleased at the situation. Our expectations of the extra terrestrial have been exceeded.
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Oh aye I get it now. Good joke.
had 25 quid left until i get paid, thought i could probably buy 9 days' worth of food (done it a few times, fast day here and there, no household stuff i need in).

instead i just caved and got a fucking takeaway, didn't i.
This is the single most retarded post I've ever read in general. How could you be so fucking stupid?
How do you dodge the grab attack from the golden hippopotamus?
You need to get the golden marble from the little girl. Use it in the fight and it stun locks him for five seconds.
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only managed to secure a bashed tin of value garden peas from the foodbank today whilst frogs are walking out with donated Waitrose shopping hauls

spacca keeps palming off helpers from the shelters to food charities and they give all the good stuff to their frens

im going hungry tonight de lids.
i've been here/worse before. foodbanks have gotten strict about vouchers but i can probably pick one up tomorrow based on this.

i WAS thinking ahead so i was skipping eating 1-2 days at a time to save money. rationed the tinned stuff i had, then only had oats, finished those yesterday..

but then i just fucking caved + couldn't face going outside. so i ordered some greasy slathery shite my body isn't used to. 2 small pizzas, large chips, mozzarella sticks, Diet Coke. so really that's two portions: leftovers so i will eat tomorrow too.

and that brings me one day closer to the 10th. so say i go to the cheapest shop on Wednesday and start eating on Friday (4th): i have 3.75 left in my account, what can i get to last me six days?

this sort of thing was so easy pre-austerity, think how many tinned things you could get that are now over a quid.
Reparations from years of intimidation. SPACCA was voted in democratically after Friendit.
Bag of rice and 1kg of frozen vegetables. Godspeed.
Eat rice every day from a kilo bag.
I have an idea for a game. It's a Soulslike with your cock as a weapon and all the bosses you have to fuck in the arse. Thoughts?
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Some family will be driving around Eastbourne in the car not knowing anything about it's history.
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rice, beef and kimchi for me my leeeeeeeeeeeed. then am havin some red velvet cake. my even treat myself to some woffee in a bit too
hypthyroidism coming on strong
get in
strafe to the left and then roll sideways at the last minute. his hitbox is kind of fucky so it might take some getting used to
i have no idea what >>78014614 is on about
its gonna be rice and kidney beans for you my laaaaaad
are foodbanks all cunty now thanks to bames taking the piss or something?
Just seen a Lambo on the roads there. It had to slow down to a near top just to get over a small speedbump since the car is so low down. Took 30 seconds to get over the thing when the mid 2000s Ford Focus bezzed right over.
Makes you think that dunnit?
They can probably smell its history
what does it make you think about?
Mark on his second trip to Tokyo while the wagies scrape pennies for p&o it so lush
post monero address and ill send you 50 pounds
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normally i get/then have rice in but sadly i don't. i have some spices but no other actual foods (fridge is empty until the leftovers go in there, freezer just has ice).
in better times i'd always have frozen veg too since it's so fucking useful. but nope, nothing. was a good chance to defrost the fridge the other day at least.

like pic related i used to think of dog food that should be 50p. now it's a luxury item, two meals to go with rice, 1.85.

lucky what's also 1.85 is a 1kg of brown rice in Morrisons. Asda has 1kg of oats for 90p. mixed veg for 99p.

so i think i'll go for rice + veg = 2.84, that leaves 91p. i have a curry paste somewhere: could get 2x chickpeas (45p each) but i'd really prefer green lentils (49p each).

anywhere i can make a 7p saving? happy to wander into other shops, few B&M places round here and find mad stuff like tins of lentils for 30p.
>DollyMARK going on his pretend holiday to Japan. Wagies fuming.
how the 200k car is less practical day to day than the 1000 quid shitbox
Go to the Paki shops for cheapest rice and beans de lid.
cant imagine what its like to be poor tbb. me? i was born into a wealthy family
>its gonna be rice and kidney beans for you my laaaaaad
i'll admit during my last post i didn't include kidney beans. could get two tins. don't even mind them as an ingredient but as my protein when i make skint food, naaah. lentils are so much nicer and chickpeas are fine.

>are foodbanks all cunty now thanks to bames taking the piss or something?
just high demand, dodgy area crime-wise and it's a local church where all the volunteers are clearly sick of people. i've offered loose food to families who need it more and gotten told off: there is a Swap System if i'm unhappy. 'no, i just don't need this. here, take it back, give it to someone. as if i'd just taken it.' no that's not how it works!!! ...so i just give the coffee (that i don't want to trick) to the folks swapping stuff outside.
plus they've limited it with the voucher system, so i'll have to pop into Citizens Advice or my GP surgery first.

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a can of value lentils
and some lead contaminated paki rice

Pic related
>have to see a GP for a food voucher
Ended up just taking the hot each time at the start. Could survive it as long as I was at full health.
Feels like they made bosses very aggro form the get go. Making it harder to use the summoning bell.
i think when i get paid i'll stock up on some bulk stuff. those massive bags of rice in Asian supermarkets. dried lentils (even if they're a faff). maybe even a bag of chicken strips. not bothered if they're padded out potato starch, they're handy.
got scrapped due to the stench
That looks great
I get ravenously horny even seeing a moderately attractive woman clothed now. That's what being a virgin in your 30s does to you.

>Get a food voucher
>Organisations such as housing associations, GPs and advice charities can refer you for a food voucher. If you're not sure where to go, contact your local food bank or check their website.

>Exchange your voucher for a food parcel
>Visit your local food bank to exchange your voucher for an emergency food parcel containing a minimum of three days' food, plus non-food essentials such as toiletries.

first time i used a foodbank was almost 10 years ago and there was none of this.
local poverty charity asked me a bunch of questions because they have to ensure REAL people are getting the tickets. then they decided they didn't have enough left. maybe showing them my bank statement on my phone was a bad idea. proves i have a smartphone, damn.

then my GP surgery were based "oh yeah we have a stack of them in that drawer i think", i can just walk in any time.
Even homeless have smartphones, not really a good sign of poverty. Stupid cunts.
Mad how people claiming asylum go through loads of safe countries before they even get here. Boggles. I'm a bit of a leftie but even I think it's bloody ridiculous. Especially the muslims. Plenty of other muslim countries they could go.
Nice dub dolitacel
i'm just guessing there, i mean i could have also had gold bullion back in my mansion. there was an 'ummm....how do we put this...' moment, 'for example, there was a family here earlier and they needed it...'

the vouchers ARE limited so they're means testing, but not by having invasive records of my finances and meticulous questioning that means yes, i need 3 days' worth of it. i am just less important, less deserving, than some others.

some other church just gives them out first-come-first served on a morning (always a massive queue). luckily my GP surgery actually has friendly staff i can have a laugh with. Tina had hidden them in the second drawer but now i just ask for one, give my name, i'm leaving with it 30 seconds later.
>always a massive queue

Well it's free food isn't it?

If they can stand in a foodbank voucher line, they can stand on a factory production line
Corr copped quite the satisfactory amount of sleepburgh due to the melatoninshire there earlier, did i not
If they can sleep in a bed they can program a rocket ship. Simple as.
Melatonin doesn't help you sleep mate, doesn't even have a sedative effect. Get on the Promethazine and you feel zonked for two days.
That's a confirmed NEET meal you mong.
>It's known as a drowsy (sedating) antihistamine, so it's more likely to make you feel sleepy than other antihistamines.

>Promethazine is used for:
> short-term sleep problems (insomnia) [ including when a cough, cold or itching is keeping you awake at night
> allergies, including hay fever and hives (urticaria)
> feeling and being sick (vomiting) due to motion sickness or vertigo
> cold symptoms, such as coughing and a runny nose

I have had hives or some other all-body itchiness, and it HAS been keeping me awake. I need this specific drowsy (sedating) antihistamine.

Can I just walk into a chemists and ask for Promethazine? Should I say I've had it before and it worked a treat? And also that was ages ago. Months even. Give me the Promethazine.

Otherwise I'm sticking to zopiclone and zolpidem. They do absolutely nothing for my sleep. I just feel spacey for a while, and I actually stay awake because it's fun.
I don't know lad, the GP give me them for sleep. Not sure if the chemist does them. I take two and they knock me out for 12 hours and leave me drowsy for two days. Only issue is they cause dementia.
Takeaway for the third day in a row. Fuck it, cba to cook and got nothing worthwhile in the house anyways
Sounds a bit grim that lad.
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Just tell them you get hives? Is there anything worse btw? I went completely red nd i wanted to rip my skin off. I used to think whats the harm in feeling a bit itchy? But when it spreads everywhere its complete hell. No more codeine for me without antihistamines on hand after that. That was a&e worthy.
Bro just get better genetics. Life will be better when we are all perfect like in Gattaca.
Yeah it's grim I've never had it this universally before. Localised rashes or a bit itchy in the crevasses because it's hot and sweaty? Whatever.

But I'm itchy all over, it feels like a reaction/hayfever(?) thing. A bit blotchy but I can't tell what's because of the scratching and what's sprung up.

I need the drowsy antihistamines I reckon.
I get itchy in between me cock and my thighs... in the crevices...
I don't get itchy there but my skin there is really weird and dark and all scratchy feeling. Not sure why.
From walking around in the heat probably chafing.
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My genes spared me from chicken pox as a bairn but did U know its actually quite serious if an adult catches it. So basically don't go outside.
Vgh, din-din (which also acts as brekkie) soon innit

Keep munching away at that takeaway, king
how can i get myself into an arranged marriage? do i have to convert to islam or is there an easier way?
Guess I need a wheel chair then.
>Chickenpox (varicella) is an extremely common infection that affects around 90% of children in the UK by the age of 15.
Excluded from society that early
I really did feel like an outcast for not getting it too when everybody was
They used to have chicken pox parties where they'd have you gargle cum of someone else who had it so you wouldn't get shingles.
thine new threadingtons
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm U got nonced friendo
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>be me
>listenin' to Bowie, Station to Station
> "Does my face show some kind of womf?"
Quite enjoying this apple vape desu
I swear I typed this and autocorrect wasn't having it. 'crevasses', that's a word. I KNEW it was 'crevices', and a crevasse is either some kind of tie or rock formation.

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