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Ask any female if she cares that you were mutilated at birth. I guarantee she will not care, in fact she will mutilate her own sons because she thinks it looks better. The empathetic gender strikes again.
Only works in America though, i am mutilated and i live in Europe which is a sign of game over
I care though. I asked my bf if he is circumcised and I was glad he isn't. Never gonna mutilate my future kids for Jewish bullshit
My gf cried when I described it to her
Women don't care about you at all mate. If a car splattered you tomorrow across the road none of them would give a fuck.

Anyway a little whitepill/blackpill for cutfats. I'm uncut and sex/blowjobs don't really feel like anything, shit is mostly hormonal if you missed out in your teens it's over anyway doesn't matter if you're cut
Yet you do nothing to outlaw the practice
wholesome if true
does she make up for it? Tell more anon,
I kinda do though
She's not from this country
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Wait a minute.... I'm european!
What do you do to outlaw the practice?
Make a law that says its illegal??? This is very simple. It's already illegal to mutilate females why not males.
I am asking what you personally do since you asked that other anon what they personally do dumbass. What are you doing to help get it outlawed?
Deflection. Females always give lip service to mgm but never do anything about it since it doesn't affect them. Females don't actually care.

You are either lying or LARPing, I have never met ANY woman who has said that they prefer uncircumcised dicks. I've dated American girls, I've dated non-American girls including Hispanic and ethnically and culturally European girls. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Said that they are somewhere between "don't care" and "please get circumcised".

Ironically the girl who cared the least about my circumcision status was a Jewish girl I met in high school.

I have never met or talked to ANY girl of any race or nationality who has said that they explicitly prefer uncut over cut. Uncut is always seen as a compromise to the superior cut dick based on all of my experience with women (and in the case of Hispanic girls, it seems as if they target white guys partially due to this as I had a Hispanic GF with a raging circumcision fetish).

Where are all of the girls this website and other websites claim that like uncut dick?
This is the truth of the matter. Females want to look like they care, but in actuality they are the ones pushing hardest for this. They would rather mutilate you than see an intact penis.
so you dont do anything? got it
Agreed. They care when the dick isnt going into them, if it is going into them, they will be extra picky.
It doesn't matter what I do. This thread is about females and how they do not care. By attacking me you are deflecting the issue away from female apathy. This gives females a sense of superiority by claiming they don't have to do anything about it, yet I distinctly remember roe v wade. Strange how they demanded male support in that case and got it. Females are all talk and no action unless it directly involves them. The empathetic gender everybody.
It's not like you can do anything "to get it outlawed". The premise that we live in a country where we have rights and can influence our government is flawed. The mention of the subject matter has attracted the attention of circumcision fetishists though, so there is no point in continuing.
stop reposting mutt >>78003357
i wanted to add some shit and post it by itself. its really telling when no one can answer your very simple question.
>It's not like you can do anything "to get it outlawed"
Nation wide protests for weeks? The presidential debate had a question about about, why is there no such question for mutilating millions of people? There are dozens of states which explicitly support abortion and allow females to escape to their state to have their abortion. Why are there no sanctuary states for mutilation? Even if there were I was a baby, I have no control over it. Bodily autonomy my ass. But you are wrong, there is a point in continuing. It is morally wrong to mutilate people, and by taking an apathetic stance towards it you are a bad person. "What can we do"? Something more than literally nothing.
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Women are evil creatures, this is known
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It's funny that female circumcision is already illegal here but cunts still wanted a separate law specifically about female circumcision. For males it's totally fine though.

> Checks the pile of hidden research which proves that unlike male circumcision female circumcision actually provides a clinically observable positive impact on sexual health.
I'm circumcised but my younger brother is not. I wonder why sometimes when the subject comes up. My dad's circumcised too so that explains me. What the fuck happened during my circumcision that my parents were like "yeahhhh not doing that again?"

Mine's not botched or anything, looks fine. I don't think my brother had any phimosis issues. That'd be the only reason I'd want my son to be circumcised, and for it to be a little cleaner. If my father was circumcised, as am I, but my brother isnt... who told my brother he needs to wash in there?
I was a vegan for the majority of my life as well before I took the apathetic stance. Yeah? I'm a bad person. Being a good person won't earn me my foreskin back. It also isn't going to stop our ZOG government from mutilating infants.
I would not touch a cut moid. It shows that his family are christcucks or kikes. His parents are psychopaths willing to mutilate their own kid and I don't wanna be a part of it. Cut penises look dry and alien. It's disgusting. I feel bad for anyone who has to get their cock mutilated this way. I hope you kill your parents for letting this happen to you. but I hope you know it means your family are jew worshippers
>Being a good person won't earn me my foreskin back
This is true but I'll be damned if I stand by while babies are mutilated to make facial cream.
Whether or not you stand by in protest or stand by apathetically, the result is the same. That is my point. It's exhausting and unrewarding.
you're a moid.
obligatory ywnbarw
ok, i get the joke

but now i'm genuinely wondering.... is there..? if so i've never heard of any research like that for FGM, only for male circ
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As someone who went down the rabbit hole, yes. Not only does female circumcision (if done properly, and not by some 3rd world witch-doctor with a rusty razor blade) have observable health benefits, but it actually causes significantly less damage than of male circumcision. I saw a video of an adult woman getting circumcised (under the radar of course because it is still technically illegal in western countries) and it was done with no anesthetic outside of some mild topical numbing cream. She claimed that the most painful part of the procedure was the cutter put the clamps on her labia, and even that just felt like a bad papercut. The clitoris and inner labia COMBINED have less sensual nerve endings than a foreskin and frenulum

You will almost never find any legitimate resources on the subject because they are buried under mountains of opinion pieces and other articles on the horrors of "FGM" (despite the fact that something like 60%+ of circumcised women choose to become circumcised, and most get circumcised in their teens/early 20s by girls around their same age) however the few studies that do exist show that even when it is preformed in a tribal fashion it still results in a positive health effect.

Supposedly female circumcision is supposedly able to reduce the chance of getting a UTI by up to 66% and if a UTI is contracted they are supposed to be significantly more mild than if you were uncircumcised. It also essentially eliminates the ability to contract several kinds of STD's as supposedly many STD's incubate in the labia and clitoral hood instead of the actual vaginal canal due to the harsh conditions.

The reason why female circumcision isnt practiced anymore (despite being independently developed by at least one culture on every continent and even supposedly being practiced by proto-germanic tribes) is because of jews and the fact that its effectively impossible to properly circumcise a woman until her genitalia is done growing,
damn the africans have been mass producing innies and im just now finding out about this? western culture is flawed.
ok, can you direct me to these "legitimate" resources?
not our job to educate you, roastie. if you had a smarter brain (aka a male one) you would understand.
Can I get some sources, I'd love to be able to shove it into every "I just think it looks better" cunt's face without them having an easy angle against it.
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oh anon, you're such a charmer

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